The Vegan Spring 1950

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T H E VEGAN SOCIETY Founded November,


A D V O C A T E S that man's food should be derived from fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains, and E N C O U R A G E S the use of alternatives to all products of animal origin.


subscription, 5s. per annum, which includes V e g a n " quarterly. Life Membership, £5.



" A n A d d r e s s on V e g a n i s m " B y Donald W a t s o n " V e g a n Viewpoint " B y Fay K. H e n d e r s o n " V e g e t a r i a n Recipes without Dairy P r o d u c e " B y Margaret B. Rawls CNew Edition) " A i d s t o a V e g a n D i e t for Children " By Kathleen V . M a y o " S h o u l d Vegetarians eat Dairy-, Produce? " By Donald Watson " M a n and Nature " B y Leslie J. Cross • • " Is M i l k a Curse? " B y James A . G o o d f e l l o w , M . B . C . M . " M a n ' s Natural Food " By D r . Sydney M. W h i t a k e r " T h e V e g a n "* C o m p l e t e Sets for 1 9 4 7 , 1948 or 1 9 4 9 FROM

" The

6d. post free. 6d. 6d. 1/3d. 2d. 3d. . 7d. 2/6




D . Cross,



Garforth, N r .


SECRETARIES , H a t c h End. M i d d x .

Rex, "

M I D L A N D S . — M r s . K. V . M a y o , " . Streetly, S u t t o n Coldfield. B R I S T O L . — M r s . E. H u g h e s , „ K n o w l e , Bristol 4. M A N C H E S T E R . — M i s s A n n E. O w e n s , , Northenden. S C O T T I S H S E C T I O N . — M r . R. J. H a n d l e y , Baillieston, nr. Glasgow; Miss D . M . Sutherland, Crescent, Liberton, Edinburgh. ( P l e a s e communicate with your nearest Group Secretary).

THE Quarterly Editor:

Vol. VI.


Journal of The Vegan

G. A L L A N H E N D E R S O N ,


SPRING, 1950.


No. 1.

EDITORIAL Books 11RULY there is no end to the writing of books and one keeps • -•- being amazed at the continuous up-springing of people with the energy and enterprise for such ventures. Both these qualities are necessary because any author worthy of the name will try to ensure that the finished article is well produced since, even with the guidance of his experienced publisher, there is no reliable method of gauging the probable demand. Almost anywhere one goes, books are to be found, of all sizes and colours, and covering every conceivable subject, ranging from philosophy and poetry to biographies and " bloods." T o some of us it is a continual surprise that people buy so many books, and that they are prepared to pay half-a-guinea for a very ordinary novel which they can- read in a few hours—and-thcn presumably -pass it .on to family or friends. The practice of many is to buy only those books that are valuable for reference or which consist of poetry or short stories, to be picked up for enjoyment at odd times. r

A walk around a public library or a bookshop is always fascinating, and in the latter category we can include H.M. Stationery Office, where, at very reasonable prices, books and leaflets are obtainable covering a wide variety of subjects, few of which can be described as dull. This issue of our journal reviews a number of selected books by various contributors, and it is hoped that these will be helpful directives for our readers. The emphasis is on the vegan trend or, at any rate, the advocacy of a vegan diet. W e are thus prompted to. enquire when a truly comprehensive treatise will be published —a most vital and modern subject. That there is a demand for such a book is undoubted, and we trust that from the growing ranks of vegans one will emerge with the qualities necessary for the task. In these days of near-crisis there is a certain urgency, for many of us are satisfied that the adoption of veganism would provide the solution to many of the world's present problems.






1. Cottage Economy—The Answer to the Atomic Age—by Edmond Szekely, published by Geoffrey L. Rudd Ltd., 7 Fernside Road, Bournemouth (1949). 2/6. 1. The Recovery of Culture—by Henry Bailey Stevens. With a foreword by Gerald Heard. Published by Harper and Brothers, New York (1949). " Cottage Economy " is a small' booklet of thirty-eight pages offering, to quote from the wrapper, " not just another Utopian solution to the world economic problem, but a completely satisfying answer to the difficulties which loom ahead, because it is based on facts as they are at present and can be put into operation N O W . " Chapter One considers the approaches to the economic problem, the present chaos and the various remedies proposed by political and religious groups. These are all rejected, and the next chapter considers the requirements of a Natural Economic System, followed by a comparison of Industrial and Craft Economics. Chapter Four — A New Approach to the Problem—postulates the " cottage economy " or smallholdings. " The Unit will include some fruit trees and, if desired, a couple of goats and a dozen hens can be kept for milk, cream, butter and eggs. Meat and meat products, besides being a very uneconomic source of protein, are harmful to health and vitality " (page 21). W e welcome the words " if desired," but would suggest that milk, cream, butter and eggs are also an uneconomic source of protein ; maybe also harmful to health and vitality—and the goats and hens would be a weighty millstone around the neck of the smallholder, who, instead of having his 210 days to spare each year for leisure and culture, would find himself tied to his domestic animals for the full 365 days. The Vegan Cottage Economist would have a decided advantage in all ways ; most specially in that, without the tie of any domestic animals (domestication being a form of exploitation), he would be entirely free during long periods of the year for his leisure and culture ; free from having to tear himself away from his leisure to milk the goat, or from having to find a deputy to do the job for him. Chapter Five—Some Advantages of the Cottage Economy— lists a number of great advantages to be gained by both man and the soil, from the revolutionary proposal" of distributing mankind over the fertile areas of the earth—a fruitful, prolific, happy, peaceful earth. The last chapter—Decentralisation and Atomic W a r — makes the point that decentralisation from the present vulnerable


conglomerations in cities and towns is the best defence against atomic war. This chapter teems somewhat unnecessary (except that the booklet sets out to be an answer to the Atomic Age) for any large area of the earth with the people living in the culture of the Cottage Economy, in peace and profusion, would have no atomic nor any other problem. W e are thankful to Dr. Szekely for this profound and vital booklet. " The Recovery of Culture " is a larger book of 250 pages, and the " Culture " is that of our fruiting trees, especially the appje, as being the true foundation of the culture of man and of the fertility of a living soil on this our earth. Gerald Heard in a short •foreword writes: . . yielding a true culture when observed, the cause of chaos when neglected. This book is most valuable for Decentralists, the advocates of Non-violence and, indeed, all practical sociologists, for it gives them the historical background for their case." An extremely long and varied bibliography is given, from which the . material of the book is gathered, together with a wealth of references for further study: from Fraser's " Golden Bough "—-indicating a bough of a tree ; the association of the Buddha with a tree; the story of Christ; the significance of Lao-Tze (Li) (plum tree), and many others; and also the linking of our stone circles and standing-stones with the tree culture of long ago. Man washappy and peaceful until the domestication and slaughter of animals brought bloodshed and strife to the earth. W e are being told to-day (although not in this book) that fertility of the earth can only be maintained by the use of domesticated animals ; but the dustbowls and deserts have followed man in his practice of domestication and blood. It is significant that warfare, the spilling of blood between man and man, and between man and the animal, has developed comparatively recently along with the domestication and exploitation of animals. And at this point it is pertinent to remind our vegetarian friends, who still enjoy their milk, butter, cheese and eggs, that these foods can only be obtained, on a large scale by the domestication of animals and the consequent spilling of blood. " The garden of this world is overrun by one and a half billion meat animals—cattle, sheep and swine—which eat up the grains and the grasses, and injure and trample out the trees, requiring five times as much land as man would need if he kept to his primate diet. The husbandmen who see to the feeding, breeding and care of the livestock are caught in a profound slavery from early morning till late evening 365 days a year. Their attempts to restore animal manure to the J and fall far short of giving back to the earth the fertility that is taken o u t ; and agriculture- thus operates at a constant loss, so far as the total economy is concerned. The abuse of the land results in greater pressure for it. Restrictions multiply, as do nationalistic and racial feuds.



" The principal cause of this situation is that people have acquired the habit of making flesh the central portion of their menus " (page 166).

It is not difficult to find many reasons for our especial thanks for the gift of trees—from the coal which warms our winters, the utility of timber, to the beauty of blossom and the fruit of the living tree. It is impractical to indicate here the vast field covered by this remarkable book, but we may, here and now, give our thanks to the trees and to this gifted author, who has presented such an excellent symposium of tree-lore ; truly a Labour of Love for the Trees. (Vegans can assist one another greatly by an interchange of methods, ideas, experiments and results. These should be submitted direct to Mr. Alec Martin at " , Bishop's Stortford, Herts.).

LIVING ON A RAW FOOD DIET* T the recent annual conference of the Swedish Vegetarian Association, Mr. Alfred Nilson from Skalderviken attracted attention by a speech in which he described his radical dietary-— rather similar to that of the British vegans, who do not eat anything originating from the animal world. W e have asked Mr. Nilson to present his dietary views in " Vegetarianen," which he does in his own characteristic way: Dear Editor and Brother, I shall try in a few lines to answer your question in regard to my vegetarian way of living, with its dominant feature, raw food, which to my thinking is the ideal vegetarianism. Since 1908 I have not tasted the poison called coffee. At the Annual Conference in 1941, Dr. Ragnar Berg stated, in reply to a question, " Coffee contains, relatively, the most powerful poison, after which comes nicotine and then alcohol. All three should be given up, as they contain harmful, habit-producing poisons. I was a vegetarian periodically from 1905, when I lived on boiled vegetables and mushrooms. This was not satisfactory, however, and I went back to ordinary fare. But 1912 was the last year in which I ate meat or fish, for I then gave up eating dead animals entirely. Particularly in the summer I eat a great deal of fresh, raw, small carrots and raw sugar peas—-this, chiefly, is my noon-day meal, eaten out in the open air. A more delightful diet cannot be imagined;—food consisting exclusively of fresh vegetables. Milk I have always used in very small quantities, but a change came in my way of life three or four years ago when I decided to * R e p r i n t e d from " V e g e t a r i a n e n " N o . Lawrence Landen.

1 of


Translated by Mr.


abstain from everything that comes from animals, including milk, butter, cheese and eggs. Many people ask me, wonderingly, " W h a t do you live on, then, my dear friend ? -Why, all those things are necessities of life! " But that is not the case. The soya bean replaces all these foodstuffs, and butter is replaced by Crown Oil (a Swedish product) which is entirely of vegetable origin. Among the vegetarian oil producers are peanuts, soya beans, and also the oleiferous plants cultivated in our country. Soak soya beans in water for twenty-four hours, and they taste fine .with boiled potatoes and other vegetables. In making pancakes and bread I substitute water and soya meal for milk ; instead of an egg I take a tablespoonful of soya meal. No one can taste the difference between egg and soya pancakes! Cow's milk belongs to the calves ; if I want to drink the milk, I must kill the calves and then let others eat them. Dr. Nolfi agreed with my views in this respect, and gave the advice, " Eat more nuts, they are just as good as milk." *




I recommend this solution of the dietary problem. One becomes independent of the animals, which is as it should be,- since man has been called " the crowning work of creation." The drink that I like most is apple juice: it is pleasant and beneficial. All ripe berries should be eaten raw, as they contain fruit sugar. Boiling destroys this sugar, but in my experiments I have found that preserving can be done without boiling. For example: you mix red and black currants and put them through a grinder. Put the pulped berries into'bottles, which should be corked and tied with a double apothecary's knot. The bottles should then be placed in a bottling outfit and heated up to about 160 degrees for twenty minutes, and then taken up and put away with the cork downwards. In this position the bottles can be kept for years, retaining the taste of the fresh berries. All parts of the berries should be included. This method can also be applied to many kinds of berries and fruit without pressing the juice out of them. For the rest, my menu is as follows: potatoes ; roots and green vegetables—always raw ; berries in the summer ; raw fruit and nuts, all seasons ; a rather small amount of bread, preferably made from rye, and always from the entire grain. Potatoes and cabbage are the only.things I cook. SO


A rather polite man of Hawarden (Harden) When taking a walk in his garden. If he trod on a slug, A worm or a bug, Would say, " My dear friend, I beg pardon! "



ON A FALSE CONCEPTION OF GOD E S T E R D A Y had been a day of very exacting activity, and I longed for solitude amid beautiful and soothing surroundings. But. such is the inexorable demand of The One Light striving to make itself articulate in all forms, that I had not been long to-day in Surrey when, as on a previous occasion, I was plunged into a deeper-hell than hitherto. T o explain in detail without blaming anyone concerned, I do not name the town in Surrey—its atmosphere to me remains, soothing despite this horror, and many vegetarians live there. In- a Health Food Store there I met a lady, like myself a member of T h e Vegan Society, and a more rigid vegan than I, since she wears no wool, nor leather shoes. She feels intensely on the vital theme of kindness to animals. So do I. • On seeing her so unexpectedly, I knew there was purpose in. this meeting, which was soon confirmed by her telling me that animals were in the market awaiting slaughter: would I go to see them ? At. once -1 agreed, for I had never before visited a market and seen animals on the eve of slaughter. I can but suppose that there are destined moments in all human lives, and that one such had come for me. I should, mention, as many do not know, that to be a vegan means all possible avoidance of animal exploitation—we draw no rations of milk, nor its products, butter and cheese, nor do we use eggs or honey. - On a purely vegetable and fruit diet, as I have been now for nearly two years, my health is much improved and. I am in a more powerful position to protest against the exploitation -of animals. I add that vegans, like vegetarians, do not eat fish. Even so, there is an ample range of diet. I have been a .vegetarian since the spring of 1925. Never in my life have I cared for meat nor felt that I should eat it. Instinctively I must have known, that to do so-was ethically wrong, but an insistent parent and a headmistress in a boarding school urged on me both meat and milk puddings, which I disliked intensely. Parents, in compelling children against their desires, do immense harm and, indeed, many appalling crimes are due to devotion to false gods and wrong beliefs. To-day again I had this powerfully impressed upon me. W e two vegans then went to the cattle and pig market. I do not wish to describe what I saw there: it was too terrible. But in loyalty to truth and justice I must put this on record. W e saw pens to left and right. In those on the left were some twenty young calves, none more than a month old ; but some seemed so very young that they were unable to stand ; one little thing, damp all over, appeared to be dying, and had to be lifted into the van for transport to the slaughter-house.


Any sensitive person can imagine how I felt on seeing these innocent creatures on the verge of death. One comfort was that they neither knew what was ahead of them nor could reason about the matter. One of them was licking the head of a neighbour who seemed desolate and unabie to lift its head. When I stroked it, I knew at once how much a touch of kindness meant; it responded in a most friendly way. How I sorrowed later when I saw this poor creature driven' into a van where many other calves had not room to lie down. In the front of that van were two very large squealing pigs, voicing their protest at the treatment they had just received. Though I did not actually see the ears of these two pigs being pierced, I assumed that the pain was the reason for their squealing. Later I saw the ears of two other pigs being clipped with a remorseless instrument which caused them to utter a scream ; they then quietly lay down to recover from the pain. They did not, however, lie thus long, for a van came to transport them to the slaughter^ house, and they had to be lashed on to their feet and compelled by brute force into it. The pigs ran up and down screaming, due, I don't doubt, to the cruel methods used to compel obedience. Some men standing by were laughing, thinking it entertaining. I protested to one of them, saying: " This is unnecessary cruelty." To my surprise, when I had spoken to him for some minutes, he agreed with me and said : " These pigs have their feelings, just as we have," adding, " my wife has been a vegetarian for ten years, and my daughter cannot bear to come to see this." I replied that I was only there to get first-hand evidence of what happened. Finally, all the pigs, with blood oozing, from- their ears, were tightly crushed into a van much too small for them. Never in my life have I listened to more agonising screams than when the van moved slowly away. Strangely enough, though I had been through so much bombing in London, I was never on the spot when a building was hit. Human beings doubtless scream in a more restrained way than pigs, but why should poor pigs, despised by most people, be thus treated ? " They have their feelings just as we have," as the man who had often seen this sight assured me. Yes, they do feel, and they suffer humiliation. There was no inspector of the R.S.P.C.A. present in the market that day, but even had he been there, what difference would it have made ? It is legal to cut through the pigs' ears, and it seems inevitable that they have to be forced into a van much too small for them. And who cares about the screaming of pigs on their way to a slaughter-house, or who does anything about it ? Before leaving the market, I spoke to a poor cow with others in a crowded pen. " These are old cows," said a man standing by, " o n their way to the slaughter house—and I am on my way to my dinner." There was sadness in his voice. " I am glad I am a strict vegetarian," I said to him. The cow I stroked, looking entirely



humiliated, responded to me. Most people gaze at these poor animals as if they were specimens in a zoo: they feel their plight acutely. I must close here, deeply wounded in spirit. All men and women —be as kind as you can to animals and respect their feelings! I present to you a new Gospel, that of the One Spirit in all forms, and appeal to you to be benevolent and just. March 6th, 1 9 5 0 . FLORA LIVINGSTONE.




H E age in which we live has produced many humane societies and organisations, which have come into being for a specific purpose, and as such make a very valuable contribution towards the lessening of the sufferings of the creature kingdom. High amongst these comes the Vegan Ideal, with its striving toward absolute vegetarianism, and there is within the movement an understandable desire to define Veganism and to formulate the Constitution' and Aims of The Vegan Society. Many people object to labels, yet for the purposes of definition these are unavoidable. The problem seems to be how to define (and thereby in a sense limit) a movement that is, by its very nature, a living, vital and progressive force, which is ever increasing in its usefulness and power. W h e n we rise above the purely mental concept, we see in the Vegan Cause a strong spiritual force coming into being through the God-given vision and power of sincere and enlightened souls, who acknowledge that purity, truth and love are Divine Qualities which will in their eventual outworking abolish the exploitation of the creatures. Thus the quality of life will be raised to great heights of vision and experience. Many people with vastly different viewpoints are attracted to the Vegan way of life, and find a common centre in the conception of no animal exploitation, but what a contribution towards greater unity within the Society could be made if the purely personal issues were transcended! The call is for us to let the magnitude of these aims be expressed in greatness of heart and tolerance. The Vegan movement is unique. Let it be outstanding in its impersonality, and renowned for its charity. Together let us steadily press forward with this high idealism to blaze a trail for the countless hosts of souls, human and animal, now in bondage, till at long last they find true liberation through the outworking of Vegan Ideas and Principles. In veganism there is indeed great spiritual power.




Bean and Tomato Savoury 4 ozs. butter beans, 2 large onions, £ oz. • nut fat, \ teacup vegetable stock, \ pint tomato puree, 2 tablespoons milled nuts, 1 dessertspoon peanut butter or nut cream, Vesop. Wash the beans, cover with cold water and leave to soak for about 12 hours. Put them in a pan, bring to the boil and simmer until, tender, adding more water if necessary. Melt the fat in a pan, peel and chop up the onions and fry for a few minutes in the hot fat. Add the stock, put the lid on and cook for about 15 minutes. Blend in the peanut butter, add Vesop to taste, and then the tomato puree; allow the mixture to come to the boil and stir in the nuts. Spread the beans in a greased dish, cover with the tomato mixture and put in a hot oven for about 10 minutes. Cottage Pie 1 large carrot, 1 medium sized onion, 1 cup of vegetable stock well flavoured with Vesop or Yeastrel, Savormix, mashed potatoes, a little margarine or nut fat. Scrub the carrot and grate into a basin, add the onion finely chopped, the vegetable stock and' sufficient Savormix to make a soft dough; Put this mixture into a well-greased dish, cover with a layer of potatoes which have been well-mashed with the fat and seasoned with Vesop. Bake in a hot oven for 30 minutes or until nicely browned on top. Cauliflower Pie 1 cooked cauliflower', 4 ozs. wholemeal breadcrumbs, 1 large onion, grated rind of a lemon, a heaped tablespoon of finely chopped parsley or teaspoon of mixed herbs, \ \ ozs. nut fat. Chop up the cauliflower a little and put into a greased dish. Melt the fat in a pan, add the onion coarsely grated, and fry for a few minutes. Stir in the breadcrumbs, the parsley and peel. Spread over the cauliflower, press down well, and bake for about 30 minutes in a hot oven. Walnut and Onion Savoury 3 onions, £ lb. tomatoes, 3 ozs. milled walnuts, 1 oz. breadcrumbs, 1 teacup water, Yeastrel or Vesop, and a little nut fat.



Peel and roughly chop the onions, boil for about 10 minutes. Put half the onions in a well-greased dish, cover with half the tomatoes thinly sliced and half the walnuts. Repeat these layers, then pour over the onion stock seasoned with Yeastrel or Vesop. Cover with the breadcrumbs, grate the nut fat over the top and bake in a hot oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Prune Jelly \ lb. prunes, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons Agar, water or citrus stock (made by soaking orange and lemon peels in water). ' Wash the prunes well, cover with boiling water and soak for about 36 hours or until the prunes are soft and easily stoned and mashed. Add water (or citrus stock) to make 1 pint of liquid. Put this into a pan, add the Agar and bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Then add' the sugar and the prune pulp. Beat all well together and pour into a dish. It should be set in about an hour. Bread and Butter Pudding 4 thin slices of wholemeal bread spread with nut butter • or magarine, 2 ozs. sultanas, currants or raisins, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon apricot jam, J pint nut milk, 1 teaspoon Agar. Lay half the bread in a greased dish, cover with the dried fruit and then the rest of the bread. Put the nut milk in a pan with the Agar, bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Add the sugar and stir in the jam, pour over the bread and bake for 30 to 40 minutes in a slow oven. Iced Currant Fingers 6 ozs. milled hazel nuts, 2 ozs. currants, about 1 dessertspoon syrup, pastry case (sandwich tin size). Wash the currants in hot water, leaving them for a few minutes in the water to soften. Drain well and mix with the nuts and syrup to make a pliable mixture which holds together. Press this evenly over the pastry, cover with the coconut icing, decorate with cherries, angelica or nuts and cut into fingers. Icing 3 ozs. coconut cream, 1 oz. Suenut, a large teaspoon syrup. Melt the Suenut in a basin, stir in the grated coconut, mix well, then add the syrup. Spread the mixture over the currants, and smooth with a knife dipped in hot water. (All enquiries and suggestions on food preparation should be addressed to Mrs. Rawls, at Sale, Cheshire).




the past we have noted that a vegan diet is beneficial for the IN physical well-being of children, but without love and' harmony in the home, a perfect diet will not give a child the happiness which is necessary for his full development. The physical and mental welfare of a child are interdependent, and parents are continually faced with the difficulty of choosing a wise course between the extremes of freedom and authority in their dealings with children. At mealtimes, especially, a feeling of confidence and calm is necessary and a sympathetic atmosphere should be maintained : otherwise a highly-strung child partaking even of a perfectly balanced meal cannot digest his food properly, as the gastric juices do not function correctly when there is tension or nervous anxiety. To help parents with this problem, Florence Surfleet, one of our members, has written an excellent book, " The Child in Home and School," published by the " Health for All " Publishing Co., at a price of 7/6. The author is a sympathetic observer of children and has much direct experience of their ways, their needs and difficulties. It is a helpful book for parents wishing to establish friendship and companionship with their children, and thus make their home a place of happiness and understanding. Miss Surfleet's opening remarks are: " Many of the difficulties that arise between children and grown-ups are caused by the child's vitality, and the fact that he has not yet found the way to direct that vitality into channels acceptable to -adults. He therefore interferes with grown-up purposes by his noise, his boundless energy, his sense of mischief and fun, his instability, and his eager curiosity." She explains that when a parent deals unreasonably with this natural, eager activity, misunderstandings and difficulties arise and a perverse attitude to all authority may result. When a child feels resentful, all fun and harmony vanishes from the home. A vegan child needs absolute confidence in his home and parents. He has difficulties unknown to thousands of other children, for he goes to school with set ideals, and has to associate with school-fellows who do not respect those ideals. He must therefore have a home where love and harmony prevail, and this new book will indicate the way to many parents. I can thoroughly recommend this book to all who are interested in children. Much of the reading is in the form of illustrative stories of similar happenings to those occurring in our own homes, but the quiet and thoughtful methods of dealing with these difficulties are very illuminating. Besides dealing with child behaviour and family relationships, there is a chapter on the physical care of the child, in which the author writes: " Nuts should be used whenever possible instead of



meat or fish or eggs or cheese. Meat and fish, which, of course, are part of the dead bodies of what were once living creatures, are more difficult to digest and absorb and more poisonous to the human body than eggs and cheese. Many vegetarians are now living on vegetable products, and vegans take no eggs, cheese, milk or honey. Of course, all animal products are in danger of containing unhealthy materials or of becoming disease carriers, if the animal or bird from which they came was unhealthy. Milk is particularly prone to infection, and moreover, it readily becomes contaminated after being taken from the cow's body. It is intended by Nature as a perfect food for calves, not babies or children, for whom it contains too much body-building and too little brain-building material." In the last chapter the author says: " The value of open air and sunshine cannot be over-estimated. It is not only for his healthy physical development, but for his mental and spiritual growth that these are so necessary. Something intangible, but none the less precious on that account, comes to the child through contact with the great out-of-doors, and every opportunity for time in the open air should be utilized. . . . There is no doubt that children brought up on the lines of co-operation and trust, can feel the oneness of all life, the brotherhood of man, the wonders of all growing things, and can gradually come to respect that something of God, the divine spark, within themselves and within all ,the people they meet." *




Typical Correspondence from the Baby Bureau Post-bag Question.—I am a vegetarian and have been advised to feed my baby on nut cream now that he is eight months old. I am anxious to put him on such a diet rather than cow's milk, but I would like to receive instructions as to what quantity and mixture is necessary for infant feeding. Also what sweetening should be added. Also I should be glad to learn whether it is possible to obtain a regular supply, as having once started baby on " Pitman" Nut Cream, I should like to be able to depend on it. Answer.—I am delighted to hear about your baby and that you are intending to bring him up on a non-dairy, vegetarian diet. A nut milk can easily be made by putting 1 teaspoonful of nut cream, 1 teaspoonful of apple juice (grated raw apple strained through muslin), 1 teaspoonful of brown sugar and 1 cup of almost boiling water into a glass jar and well shaken together. This can be given baby to drink at his tea-meal, and the nut cream can be increased by half teaspoonfuls every fortnight until he is taking four teaspoonfuls. During the day it is best to give him diluted fruit juices or vegetable water to drink. Half a teaspoonful of diluted nut cream can be added to his muesli for breakfast. Full particulars of muesli and diets for weaning can be found in the booklet enclosed, "Aids to a Vegan Diet for Children." I hope you have every success with


your baby ; if you have any difficulty and will write to me again, I shall be very pleased to help you. The Pitman Health Food Co., Vitaland, Four Oaks, can guarantee to send you a couple of jars or a 5-lb. tin of their nut cream on any day they receive your order, so you need never be short of this vegan product. Also you will find that their Vitanut Flakes with grated apple or any raw fruit will make a perfectly balanced meal for baby and it is very easy to prepare. (Kindly address all Baby Bureau correspondence direct to "Braeside," ThornhiU Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield.—K.V.M.). ANNUAL



It has been decided to hold a Special Members' Conference this year at Friends' House on Saturday, November 11th, to be followed by the Annual General Meeting, and concluding with a Social evening until 9 p.m. W e hope that members will kindly note this date and make an earnest endeavour to be present as this is intended to be an opportunity of meeting other members and discussing together matters of importance to the Society. All members are invited to submit resolutions or topics for discussion, and the Committee will arrange for competent speakers to open each subject. THE VEGETARIAN SOCIETY Following is an extract from a letter dated 4th March :

MAY MEETINGS Here is some great news. T h e Vegetarian Society's M a y meetings are to be held in Bristol this year o n M a y 6th, 7th and 8th. T h i s is an h o n o u r to t h e Bristol Society and w e are assured that it will be a great weekend. Keep the dates free and let us all make it a g o o d time of social activity and f e l l o w ship. Full details will be sent at a later date. W h a t w e urgently need is accommodation for a number of delegates, and it would be much appreciated if you would kindly let me k n o w , as soon as possible, the extent to which y o u can help us in this matter, as arrangements have to be made well in advance. W e shall w e l c o m e your early reply. W i t h cordial greeting, Yours sincerely, WILLIAM ASHLEY, H o n . Sec., Bristol Vegetarian Society. Mr'. A s h l e y is a member of T h e V e g a n Society Committee, and a short article by him appears in this issue. It will be greatly appreciated if all readers w h o live in the vicinity will make an endeavour to attend some of the meetings, and M r . A s h l e y will be pleased to send them a programme of the weekend. Q u i t e apart from that, the subject of veganism is b o u n d to arise in some form or other, and any support for its ideals and v i e w p o i n t should be voiced if the occasion permits.







H P H E R E have been a number of occasions where sewage has been recommended by writers in The Vegan for use, not only in large scale agriculture, but also in gardens and allotments. I would like to take issue with these proponents of sewage. T h e sewage of cities is composed of human fecal matter, urine, toilet tissue, newspapers, animal fats and tissues, poisonous chemicals and a host of parasites. \ V h o among us would be prepared to gather, drain, and dress, compost heaps containing foulsmelling sewage? The odours would be enough to drive any man or woman of aesthetic taste far from its vicinity. I submit that Nature does not necessarily require sewage as material for compost. Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, in the " Organic Gardening Magazine," observes: " In many of the small one- to three-acre lots and gardens, with the lush and fast growth of trees in these southern California and Florida climates and with sufficient irrigation, such large masses of organic matter can be grown that they more than suffice for the fertilizer needs of the land. In a two-acre garden of mixed fruit trees and vegetables, a twoyears' supply was collected in one year. In fact, it was necessary to advise the owner to step-down his production a bit. In this particular situation, it will come true that compost will be a natural cash crop." It may be argued that colder northern climates cannot produce enough organic material during its seasonal growth. I beg to differ, however. I have lived in northern climates and found that phenomenal growth occurs there from May to October, often due to rain and snow. If all vegetable and plant remains were to be collected, millions of tons would be made available for compost, providing a never-ending supply of plant food that would produce abundant harvests. W h a t need, therefore, to bother with sewage? Such practice is an affront to one's sensibilities. I have made compost with animal wastes in the past and can testify to the disgusting odours generated. You have smelt a freshly-cut turf or lawn ; the odour is delightful because decaying vegetation gives off sweet scents in its wild state. Shredded plant materials make wonderful compost and are a joy to work. I am quite convinced there is no need whatever for us to accept sewage for use in our garden and orchard. (Mr. Abramowitz is acting as our Representative in U.S.A. His address is c/o General Delivery, Oceano, Catif.).








HILE it is generally accepted in this journal that whole fresh fruit is preferable to cooked, many will wish to bottle when it is plentiful and cheap so as to give variety in winter. The following temperature-and-time method is preferable to heating the fruit to boiling point, as it is less cooked and therefore retains a better, fresher flavour and colour. Moreover, when " Cert Vacuum Caps " or " Snap Closures " are used, the slow, even heating rarely fails to give successful sealing of carefully closed jars. Before heating, each fruit-filled and closed jar should stand inverted on the table for five minutes and then be inspected for leakage. If this additional precaution is taken, failure to seal is almost eliminated, even when using the same rings and tops several times. Tomatoes, which are bottled without added fluid and with a tiny sprinkle of salt, cannot thus be tested, but they seal well if • jars from the previous year's fruit are used. Each successfully . sealed jar should be marked on its base with a carborundum crystal, obtainable from a chemist at about 6d., and thus a stock : of reliable jars soon accumulates for future use. Fruit-preserving thermometers, available at large household stores, cost from 8/to "12/-, mounted in metal or wood, but a chemical thermometer (12 in. long, unmounted, and reading to 240° F.) costs about 6/•at a chemist's and is easier to clean and smaller to store. The latter is also useful for taking the temperature of the water in wholemeal bread-making (98° F.) and in the making of jam, which sets when it boils at 220° F. Firm ripe fruit only should be used, cut or halved when necessary to facilitate close packing. The jars are then filled to the shoulder with syrup made from 8 oz. Barbados sugar to one pint of hot water. More or less sugar may be used according to taste, but the closer the fruit is packed, the stronger should be the syrup to give adequate sweetness. The closed jars, after testing by inversion, are then totally submerged in water at room temperature (65° F.) in a wash-boiler or large covered pan and slowly heated to the maximum temperature in the time stated in Table I. Inside the pan, the jarg should stand on a perforated base or piece of cloth to avoid cracking. . . Table II gives the temperature at quarter-hourly intervals and should be used for checking its slow, even rise.



Table I Fruit

Temperature and time

Apples, apricots, ripe plums, damsons, blackberries, logans, rasps, mulberries, rhubarb, strawberries, gooseberries.

Raise from 65° F. to 165° F. in \ \ hours. Keep at 165° F. for 10 minutes.

Cherries (sweet or pears and quinces.

Raise from 65° F. to 190° in ljr hours. Keep 190° F. for 10 minutes. Raise from 65° F. to 190° in 1 hour. Keep at 190° for 30 minutes.



F. at F. F.

Table II Time in hours Fruit





Apples, etc.






148° 165°F.

Cherries and pears.






169° 190°F






' Tomatoes.




PRICES R E D U C E D ! Following the references which were made under " Pot Pourri" in the Winter issue, we are pleased to make these announcements: Soylac.—This has been renamed " S.M.P." and the price is now 1/4 per lb. Thus the cost of a 28-lb. tin is £1/17/4. This very useful soya product keeps well, provided the lid is tightly replaced after taking out a few pounds for day to day use. Turmix.—This marvellous Electric Kitchen Machine is now replaced by the Magimix, which is similar in appearance, but mechanically has several new improvements. The price is only FIFTEEN GUINEAS, including Purchase Tax. Spare Goblets and the Special Cream W h i p Goblets are now priced at £ 2 / 1 / 8 each, while there will shortly be available a new Cake Mixing Attachment for £7/10/-, which can be used on either the Turmix or Magimix machines. Enquiries or orders for either of these items should be addressed t o : G. A. Henderson, Rydal Lodge, Ambleside.


The Graal: The Legend Scientific of Graalism. (Tract Sixteen). By Alfred Hy. Haffenden. 2/6. In this his latest booklet, Mr. Haffenden has a potent spiritual message for Mankind, which he relates to the forces at work in the world of to-day. He discusses the special teachings of Buddha, Christ, Mahomet and St. Francis, and the significance of Graalism. God's great gifts are four-fold: Experience, Conscience, Reason and Science. The four Primal Graalist Sacraments are: Breathing, Spine, Thought and Food. Mr. Haffenden has been a vegan for over thirty years, and he has this to say about food : " Food is the great social, external and public Sacrament. . . . According to God's Reign the food of Humankind derives solely from the Plant Kingdom. Veganism will tell you how to live according to that Divine Law. Eventually all Humankind will be glad to learn veganism. For only veganism can solve the world's food and health problems. . . If, therefore, thou turn from all paths of exploitation and slaughter, and take only the food of the Lord God from the Plant Kingdom, thou shalt be blessed and the Power of Love shall encircle thee, and thou shalt leam and know the Will of the Lord God." Mr. Haffenden's sincerity and enthusiasm are evident throughout " The Graal," which should be studied by all those seeking for the Higher Truths. E.B.S. HEALTH



W e are very pleased to be able to report a resumption of this service, which previously was so much appreciated by a number of our readers. Mrs. Amy Little, S.R.N., S.C.M., who also holds the Brompton Hospital T.B. Certificate, and has considerable nature cure experience, has offered to deal with any queries that readers maycare to submit. Kindly write direct to Mrs. Little at " Hillside," Chulmleigh, N. Devon, giving full details of your ailment, diet, etc., and state whether you are a member of our Society. JOKE! O n e of our members got into the Royal Scot at Euston and, as the train moved out, settled d o w n to some reading. T h e last number of T h e V e g a n happened to be on the seat and caught the eye of a Scotsman to w h o m t h e word was new. T o satisfy his curiosity, h e politely enquired what it meant. O u r member f o u n d difficulty in making him understand, so eventually s a i d : *' W e l l , it's like this. Suppose a vegetarian and a vegan got into a train together at Euston, the vegetarian would only travel as far as Crewe, w h e r e a s the vegan would g o on t o Preston. D o you f o l l o w ? " " A y e , aye," replied the Scot slowly, " but gosh me, I'd like tae see y e w h e n ye reached G l a s g a e ! "



From California. I w i s h t o bring up a subject' that might be of interest t o vegans. The d o m e s t i c a t i o n of animals took place probably because man w a n t e d to lighten h i s h e a v y labour b y using animals, a n d also because h e w a n t e d a constant s u p p l y of flesh f o o d s and other by-products w i t h o u t h a v i n g t o g o o u t hunting* for t h e m . It s e e m s to m e that the necessity for man to • use animals for l a b o u r h a s passed since machinery can d o the job m u c h more efficiently and p o w e r f u l l y . T h u s t h e use of horses, mules, o x e n , dogs, camels, llamas, etc., c a n b e e l i m i n a t e d without m u c h loss. Further, the use of animal flesh, fowl, fish a n d dairy products are hardly necessary to-day. W i t h bumper crops of e v e r y c o n c e i v a b l e fruit and vegetable, with grains and nuts packed in American silos, barns a n d granaries, it s e e m s that t h e h e y d a y of t h e meat-eating era h a s p a s s e d . T h e q u e s t i o n further arises, " W h a t shall be d o n e with the cows, sheep, c h i c k e n s , deer, f o x , etc.?" If the world actually turns t o veganism in larger a n d larger n u m b e r s , then a decreasing number of meat eaters will b e left w h o will u s e animal flesh o n l y for their needs. N o farmer will undertake to raise livestock if n o market exists for his products, and so, without any h a r m f u l u s e of animals, t h e domesticated breeds will become extinct because t h e r e will be n o o n e who will care t o raise t h e m . A l l that will be left will b e t h e wild animals. By setting aside large national forest sanctuaries for s u c h animals, t h e y will be able to exist w i t h o u t finding it necessary to destroy m a n ' s crops, or t o prey u p o n man for f o o d . U n w a n t e d dogs and cats and o t h e r p e t s may be sent to animal rescue farms w h e r e further increase can be p r e v e n t e d w i t h o u t torture or pain. • N a t u r a l l y s u c h horrors as zoos, circuses, rodeos, animal s h o w s and vivis e c t i o n laboratories should be eliminated. In this w a y , a v e g a n world may b e established w h e r e both man and animal m a y e n j o y life abundant w i t h o u t fear o r e x p l o i t a t i o n . RUBIN



An Appeal from a Cow.

D e a r V e g a n F r i e n d s , — Y o u r s y m p a t h y is very precious, but it is not the victim s o m u c h as those w h o cause t h e victimisation w h o need most sympathy. A t t e m p t s t o alleviate the sufferings of m y kind m a y result in increased suffering elsewhere. B y l i v i n g y o u r own lives quietly and effectively just w h e r e y o u are, prep a r i n g y o u r s e l v e s and your children so that some are ready and able t o live rightly in t h e better conditions that are possible, y o u d o an excellent work. P r e s e n t - d a y c o n d i t i o n s indicate that the treatment meted out t o animals in t h i s g e n e r a t i o n is likely t o b e meted out t o h u m a n i t y in the next. Changed c o n d i t i o n s can o n l y come about w h e n t h o s e w h o s e ignorance causes our s u f f e r i n g are c h a n g e d , or have suffered the inevitable result of their o w n persistent i g n o r a n c e . M y sufferings are bad, b u t n o w o r s e than t h o s e of the rabbit w h o in the l e g i t i m a t e course of daily life may at any time walk i n t o a snare. When y o u c a n t a k e a walk in beautiful s u r r o u n d i n g s and see n o sign of fear at y o u r a p p r o a c h in either bird or beast, y o u can b e g i n t o talk about Christian England." Yours

gratefully, C O W AND, FAMILY . ( p e r E. C., Minsterley).

THE VEGAN ' The Mischief's Been Done.



.. -

D i f f i c u l t as it is t o be a v e g a n a m o n g meat-eaters, n o n e t h e less I m a n a g e t o u s e at least 8 0 t o 9 0 per c e n t of m y i n t a k e in f o r m - o f f r u i t : ( r a w o r dried),, n u t s ( u n r o a s t e d ) a n d v e g e t a b l e s (raw). O f course, in w i n t e r t h i s ideal is t h e m o r e difficult of f u l f i l m e n t . B e c a m e a v e g a n - d u e . t o m y great* interest inm e t h o d s of p r o l o n g i n g life -which seems .best attacked t h r o u g h - nutritional manipulation. Suffered w i t h dental caries t o a distressing - e x t e n t , b u t h a v e a w a k e n e d o n l y recently as t o h o w it c o u l d all h a v e b e e n p r e v e n t e d . Would like" t o broadcast this i n f o r m a t i o n far a n d w i d e . C . E.-ADELHELM, U . S . A .

Encouragement Sought. I ' v e b e e n a dietist for m a n y years, but a b o u t t w o y e a r s ago, o w i n g t o rheumatism, b e g a n t o gradually be more strict, a n d each m o n t h or so since h a v e b e e n a little stricter: n o w m y diet is e x t r e m e l y simple, yet n o t v e g a n . D u r i n g t h e past f o u r m o n t h s , as t h e panel d o c t o r t h o u g h t , it m i g h t d o m e g o o d , h a v e been g i v e n electrical t r e a t m e n t at t h e hospital. O n t e l l i n g t h e village d o c t o r that m y rheumatism seems no better, h e told me I w o u l d n ' t be cured ; yet I feel remarkably .fit and well for an old ' u n ! Is it t o o m u c h t o e x p e c t that s o m e day I'll be able t o tell m e a t - e a t i n g f r i e n d s - t h a t simple living has cured rheumatism? ALBERT HOWARD, A l f r i s t p n , S u s s e x .

Two Salads • a Day. ' . '


I enclose- m y subscription t o T h e V e g a n S o c i e t y . I h a v e lived m a i n l y o n raw f o o d s since 1 9 3 6 , t h o u g h it is o n l y recently that I s t o p p e d taking c h e e s e and butter. A f t e r starting the raw v e g e t a b l e a n d fruit diet, m y t e e t h g a v e m e n o t r o u b l e for ten years. I h o w h a v e t w o salad m e a l s a day w i t h fresh fruit and n u t s at m i d d a y , germinated w h e a t , dried fruits a n d Yeastrel in t h e e v e n i n g . I h a v e n ' t had a day in bed for 2 5 .years. Besides the w i n t e r salad v e g e t a b l e s m e n t i o n e d in V o l . V , N o . 4 of " T h e V e g a n , " I eat c o m p o s t g r o w n e n d i v e s ( u n d e r cloches), parsley, chervil' a n d c h i c k w e e d . . . • ' , —: - --OrR-r, S t o c k t o n .

A Chance to Settle Abroad M r . and Mrs. T . W-. C h e k e , Porthcawl, Giam., have arranged t o sail for T r i n i d a d o n A u g u s t 2 5 t h , a n d a n o t h e r f o o d - r e f o r m e r , interested in v e g a n i s m , h o p e s t o join t h e m later. T h e y s h o u l d like t o f o r m a c o l o n y a n d w o u l d w e l c o m e -hearing from a n y others t o w h o m t h e idea a p p e a l s and w h o are able to settle there : especially t h o s e w i t h s o m e capital a n d h a v i n g agricultural or relevant abilities. W o u l d a n y o n e interested please write direct t o M r . C h e k e ?

" Vital Facts About Foods," by Otto Carque W e h a v e b e e n able to obtain several c o p i e s of this b o o k from t h e States! a n d will b e pleased t o pass t h e m o n to o u r readers at the cost of 1 2 / 6 d . per copy. R e m i t t a n c e s s h o u l d be "sent t o t h e E d i t o r at R y d a l L o d g e , A m b l e s i d e . ; T h i s - r e a l l y is a remarkable b o o k a n d is aptly described as " A G u i d e t o H e a l t h and L o n g e v i t y " : it c o n t a i n s 2 0 0 R e c i p e s a n d M e n u s a n d 2 5 0 Com-; plete. A n a l y s e s o f Foods. It is invaluable for r e f e r e n c e .and s h o u l d .be kept, handily on every vegan's bookshelf. ' W e are arranging f o r o n e of our contributors t o prepare a r e v i e w of the. b o o k a n d this will appear in our S u m m e r n u m b e r .





lines. 4 / - : extra lines, 1 / 6 ea.; 20% allowed on four consecutive

L E A R N T O S P E A K A N D W R I T E . — L e s s o n s b y visit or (5/-). Classes ( 1 / 6 ) . — D o r o t h y M a t t h e w s , B . A . , London,-N.W.3. PRImrose 5686. £25

DO acre total Box



W N a n d £7 per y e a r will secure sleeping a c c o m m o d a t i o n and o n e of l a n d f o r seven years. A p p l i c a n t s must be vegan, non-smokers, abstainers and with sincere desire for w e l f a r e of M o t h e r E a r t h : — 61, T h e Vegan.

" O R G A N I C H U S B A N D R Y — A S y m p o s i u m , " compiled by John S. Blackburn. 2 / 9 d . post free f r o m T h e Secretary, S h i p h a m , Somerset. B A C H E L O R , h a v i n g country riverside b u n g a l o w , offers holidays to v e g a n s for s o m e h e l p . — D . B u r t o n , , Stratford-on-Avon.

ESTABLISHMENTS CATERING FOR VEGANS. LAKE DISTRICT. R o t h a y B a n k , Grasmere. Attractive guest house i n v i g o r a t i n g , refreshing h o l i d a y s . — W r i t e Isabel James. T e l . 134.


P E N A R T H . — " Vegetarian H o m e , " R e c t o r y R o a d . Rest, c h a n g e , relaxation. I d e a l situation. Pleasant holiday resort, overlooking sea. Attractive, g e n e r o u s catering. S u n L o u n g e . H . 6? C. S e n d f o r n e w Brochure. S U R R E Y H I L L S . — V e g e t a r i a n C o u n t r y C l u b 7 0 0 feet up, grand views and w a l k s . Central heating, garage. N O EXTRAS. T e r m s as in Illustrated B r o c h u r e . — U p w o o d H o u s e , Caterham. Tel. 3633. ST.

C A T H E R I N E ' S S C H O O L , A l m o n d s b u r y , N r . Bristol. — Progressive c o - e d u c a t i o n a l boarding school f o r children of all ages, specialising in music, d a n c i n g , crafts, etc., in addition t o usual academic subjects. 4 0 0 ft. u p , overlooking C h a n n e l and W e l s h Hills. O w n produce.


D E V O N . — S i x vegetarian or v e g a n guests received in private country h o u s e o v e r l o o k i n g Bideford Bay. • C o m p o s t - g r o w n fruit and v e g e t a b l e s . — Everett, Four Winds, Westward H o ! Tel. Northam 405.

K E S W I C K . — H i g h f i e l d V e g e t a r i a n G u e s t H o u s e , T h e H e a d s , offers beautiful v i e w s : varied food a n d friendly a t m o s p h e r e . — W r i t e A n n e H o r n e r . Tel. 508.

wish to announce their removal to Devon, where they are running a Vegan Food Reform Centre. Delightful position, lovely views, grand centre for " doing" Devon. Composted garden produce. Home baking with compost-grown 100 per cent wholewheat. Brochure from: " Hillside," CHULMLEIGH, N. DEVON. Tel.: 348.



NATURE CURE HOME! HEALTH HYDRO Inveresk House, Inveresk, Midlothian

( 6 miles from E d i n b u r g h ) T r e a t m e n t s i n c l u d e : - Fasting, Dietetics, C o l o n i c Irrigation, Spinal M a n i p u l a t i o n , Massage, B e r g o n i e T h e r a p y , Radiant L i g h t and H e a t , Baths, etc. D i e t i n g is o n n o n - f l e s h f o o d reform lines, sympathetic towards V e g a n principles. A

fully qualified physician is in




near AMBLESIDE, WESTMORLAND In t h e heart of t h e English Lakes.

A Guest Centre where the Vegan principle is demonstrated, all food being free of animal produce. High standard of comfort, service and catering. Delightful and convenient situation. Lovely garden. Open Always. Tel.: Ambleside 208. My TalJ{s With the Dead, by Hannan Swaffer ; God's Magic, by Lord Dowding (who led our gallant airmen in the Battle of Britain); Nobody-Has Ever-Died ;- Life in the Beyond ; Do We Survive Death 1 Spirit Return of W. Stead ; What is this Spiritualism ? Harry Edwards the Healer; Banned by the Church. Nine Psychic booklets, 12/- or 1/6 each. Also The Gift of Healing, 8 / - ; The Science of Healing, 8/- ; Some New Evidence of Human Survival, 5/- ; Exploring the Psychic World, 5 / - . — F . PARTINGTON, (Dept. A), 3 2 9 Wigan Rd., Leigh, Lanes. (Books sent to Dominions and Colonies. Air takes about a week).



can be earned at home in spare time dealing in stamps. No experience necessary ; a splendid opportunity for either sex. I also contact you with other students in Colonies and Dominions for correspondence on matters of mutual interest. Applications from Colonies and Dominions—Airmail only takes about 6 days. Write: Philatelist (Dept. V), BCM/Grancille, London, W.C.I



AN ANNOUNCEMENT It gives us real pleasure to be able to place before you the first of a novel and exclusive range of Health Foods which are unique in containing British-grown SUNFLOWER KERNELS and WHOLEMEALS. Rissole Mixtures h'ave been prepared to appeal to those who are discriminating in their diet. Three distinctive blends are specially designed to meet the individual taste of the connoisseur.




All are packed in 12-oz. Cartons at a price of 2/-. stores should have them now.



T h e ingredients we use are the finest obtainable and all our processes are carried out under ideal conditions in a spacious and hygienic modern factory. Our Company is founded on principles which have as their aim the presentation of foods of superlative quality exemplifying the highest standards in production and service : a variety of foodstuffs and confections are now being perfected and will gradually become available to meet the needs of those .who appreciate whole foods. Sunflower is one of Nature's richest sources of Protein, Fat, Mineral Salts and Vitamins. •







I T CREAM The Alternative to Dairy Milk •

Prepared solely f r o m N u t Kernels, Perfectly-Emulsified




It is delicious with dried o r fresh fruit and also w i t h breakfast cereals

* . Sole makers:








T h i s pleasant-tasting remedial p r o d u c t combines t h e tonic and healing properties of CARRAGEEN MOSS, CELERY SEED a n d YEAST. N o added salt. C A R R A G E E N is g e n t l y laxative, b u t w i t h o u t purgative effects. I n c o n t a c t w i t h digestive f l u i d s i t swells and induces natural i n t e s t i n a l action, w h i c h is n o t likely to be f o l l o w e d by any consequential a s t r i n g e n t reaction or binding, e f f e c t . It enriches the blood. CELERY is well k n o w n as one o f the best natural antidotes to acid b o d i l y conditions, i n c l u d i n g r h e u m a t i s m . Y E A S T promotes good digestion and natural bowel action.

C E L M O S is t a k e n w i t h


One or t w o teaspoonsful to be s p r i n k l e d o n savoury dishes, or c o o k e d vegetables; or one teaspoonful in soup. A d d e d a t t h e table or just before serving. O r may be used in salad and savoury sandwiches. Celmos should n o t be cooked.


Since the excessive use o f mineral table salt is a f r e q u e n t f a c t o r i n many disorders, tlie s u b s t i t u t i o n o f this excellent t h r e e f o l d remedial c o n d i m e n t w h i c h does n o t c o n t a i n added salt, is a simple, pleasant and e f f e c t i v e m e t h o d o f i m p r o v i n g physical c o n d i t i o n . t* Price per pot, 1 / 6 and 2 / 3 . Postage 6 d . Suitable f o r children.


Of Qreat Interest to Vegetarians A NEW


BRITISH Processed






in Britain from raw materials gathered the shores of the British Isles.









Domestic Supplies froiji: Rydal Lodge, Ambleside,

8-oz. tin, l l / > ;



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Every dose of Neoran

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9}d. 7}d. 6id.





and many Grocers.




Froment is a wonderful nerve restorer andr general fitness buildei. A d d to it such f o o d * as porridge, stewed fruits, foups, milk. etc. Possesses a most attractive nutty flavour. From H e a l t h Food Stores in cartons, J / - ( 1 8 ozs.) and 1 / 7 $ ( 8 oz.)



Made o n l y f r o m t h e Nving w h e a t germ by JOHN




by H .












Lane. London,

S E.2J


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