The Vegan Spring 1948

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will scare away the intellectually minded reformer for ever. And there are other stagnant backwaters lying off the main stream of progress into which the vegan boat may easily get diverted by unscientific navigation. In the vegetarian world can be found curious dietetic theories, many of which are the .results of the dictates of self-appointed experts in dietetics who have little respect for the facts. Veganism should beware of being captured by one of these cults, for that would mean the end of veganism as a vital, progressive force. Conflict with science, then, through the adoption of superstition or unscientific theories, must be avoided if veganism is to become the growing point of the vegetarian movement. There will be those, too, who will wish to supply veganism with an occult philosophical background. W e all develop some sort of philosophy of life and, in any organised body of people adopting a diet based on moral or aesthetical precepts, there is always a tendency to cultivate a philosophy agreeing with and justifying their practice. While individuals may need such help, it would be unwise for the vegan movement to develop this aspect of its activity. This is not the right century for mass conversion by the appeal of philosophy or religious dogma. Keep veganism a practice based on ethics, aesthetics, humaneness, health, economics and science. W e shall agree on this: and we shall disagree on anything else. Finally, there are those who attempt to invent new scientific theories for themselves and for the movement; a very- laudable attitude, but rarely successful except by the most gifted. Some vegans are using the concept of "animal vibrations" to explain things. Now the Scientist is very clear as to what he means by a "vibration." He can detect it with physical apparatus, measure its frequency, velocity and amplitude. But " animal vibrations" are quite unknown to him: there may be such things, but they have not yet been discovered. So vegans might do well to avoid the term. Also, don't let us be too sure yet that milk is the cause of cancer. W e are doing right in collecting evidence for this view, but not in maintaining the fact. The vegan's best' friend is the chemist. Round the corner of economic recovery, our friend is waiting to flood the market with synthetic plastics to replace leather, fur, skins, bristles, catgut, bone and ivory. Here is the way, and it would be a poor compliment to the Scientist if the vegan were to accept his goods gladly and at the. same time adopt unscientific beliefs, naive dogmas or a superstitious outlook. Veganism has everything to gain by a wholehearted scientific attitude, and everything to lose by an unscientific approach. Do we want veganism to become another cult or sect of vegetarianism, or do we want it to be the main driving force of the whole progressive movement? A t the moment the control of veganism and the editorship of " The Vegan " are in safe hands. It will be necessary to see that they remain in safe hands if veganism is to be a significant factor influencing our national life.

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