The Vegan Autumn 1976

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ISSN 0307-4811




Vol. 23

No. 3




. . . and replenish the e a r t h "



K. Jannaway

Annual R e p o r t

R. Mclntyre Smith

Nature C u r e Clinic

E. Scott

Guidance for Slimmers

D. Neville

" J u s t for a M o m e n t " — p o e m Also Recipes - Reports -


AND Some Vegan P r o d u c t s by Eva Batt




VEGANISM is a way of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives and honey. It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals.

The objects of The Vegan Society are to f u r t h e r knowledge of, and interest in, sound nutrition and in the vegan method of agriculture and food production as a means of increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind.

President: Dr. Frey Ellis. Deputy President: Mr. J. Sanderson. Vice-Presidents: Mrs. E. Batt, Mrs. S. Coles, Mr. J. Dinshah, Dr. C. Nimmo, Miss W. Simmons, Miss M. Simmons, Mrs. E. Shrigley. Council: Mrs. E. Batt, Mr. K. Bryan, Mrs. S. Coles, Dr. F. Ellis, Mrs. K. Jannaway, Mr. J. Sanderson, Mrs. G. Smith, Mr. W. Wright. T r e a s u r e r : Mrs. G. Smith, but all subscriptions, donations, etc., should be sent to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. K. Jannaway, address as above.

Librarian: Mr. W. Wright, Hatton House, Church Lane, Cheshunt, Herts.

Subscriptions: £1.25 yearly. Additional members at same address not requiring an extra Journal, pensioners and juniors, 63p.

THE VEGAN Quarterly Journal £1 per annum. FREE TO MEMBERS. Single copies 25p, post free. From the Secretary, address as above. Editors: Mr. J. Sanderson and Mrs. K. Jannaway. Dr. F. Ellis. Advertising Manager: Mrs. D. Hanson,

Scientific Adviser: Colchester

The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed by contributors t o this magazine, or endorse advertisements. Published: March 21st. June 21st. September Copy d a t e s : 1st of preceding months.


21st, December


~ replenish the earth. Jack Sanderson Man has consistently multiplied, but some of his fruitfulness has been constructive,and a great deal destructive, whilst he has tended more to exhaust the earth rather than replenish it. According to the scriptures in which a large number of mankind is nurtured, Genesis depicts the orderly unfoldment of the creative process carried on up to a certain point, after which on earth Man is introduced and eventually given an ever growing measure of free will to carry on much of the power of creation; he makes myriads of errors , but gradually learns by trial and error and experience until the time comes and is now dawning when he seeks to interpret the Divine will and gradually becomes co-creator with God. If Man is made in the image and likeness of God, then the dominion that has been given him over the creatures, and the plant and mineral kingdoms, must be a dominion of love. Yet the wild creatures mostly live in fear of man, whilst in the words of Hannah Hurnard "we now breed billions (of creatures) simply in order to kill them, to eat their corpses and to clothe ourselves in their skins or furs, and to make an almost endless assortment of goods from their fat and bones. We trap them, hunt them, fish them and practise the most terrible experiments upon them in order to try to find healing medicine for our own corpse-nourished bodies. All these things have come to a terrible head in this particular generation when much of mankinds business and wealth and comfort is based on this terrible exploitation of the other living creatures by 20th Century Factory Farming methods". More and more people are beginning to feel uneasy about these things. Deep down they feel instinctively a soul-guilt and many see an intimate connection between what they eat and the diseases they suffer - a connection that much objective research is tending to verify. In her valuable little book "The Garden of The Lord", Hannah states her belief that "at deep subconscious levels we all know that what we do to others we must experience ourselves in some ways at some time, and that by treating them cruelly, we are exposing ourselves to future dangers of cruel circumstances such as accidents, wounds from war, and catastrophes and physical sufferings of all kinds, caused by the action of those whom we call enemies. We can only cease from causing enmity by ceasing to act as an enemy towards other living creatures, however small and insignificant, or however dangerous or malignant. There is only one way to destroy enemies and that is God's way - to turn them into friends. Only by knowing and realising that as long as we continue to share in killing and eating corpses of other living creatures, we are judging ourselves to experience in our own bodies disease and suffering of all kinds, can we awaken to the ideal way of life given in Genesis 1: 28,29." The best way to alter the things which appear to be cruel, wrong, selfish 1

and sorrowful, is to begin expressing ourselves in opposite good and positive ways, and we can be helped by the noble, inspiring and good actions and behaviour of others. As regards our diet; we can take new steps in wise stages, supplying good replacements for the foods being laid aside. Vegan literature will help us with suitable advice and lists. 1 With no exception and delay, come off all corpse food. You will now be a vegetarian. 2 Again using the lists, gradually dispense with all dairy produce. 3 Now, living on vegan food, experiment with less cooked food and more fresh food, less root crops and more sun-ripened foods, the general tendency being to move towards fruit and nuts. Each of these changes should be accompanied by the appropriate change in thought and conciousness. The pace of change should be gradual, according to one's desire, ability and circumstances. If no unkind, unloving, negative and condemnatory words pass our lips, if we no longer share in the killing and eating and using of the corpses of other creatures, and if we live purposeful, positive lives which serve some part of creation, then we shall be able to use fruit fully as food and extract the maximum nourishment from it, i. e. fruit will be feeding as well as cleansing us. If one lives alone this change is a personal matter only, and ^fter the decision has been made and the necessary changes thoroughly considered, it is mostly a matter of getting organised Where one is part of a family or group of some kind, then the matter is largely one of resolve. One may be regarded as strange, foolish, obstinate, and unwise and attempts will usually be made to persuade one back to the old ways. Having done one's'homework", one can with kindness refute the arguments and in return give food for thought. Where there is a loving relationship mutual adjustments can usually be made, but if not, it may be wiser to prepare one's own food still eating with others, or to eat alone or even, in a few cases, to live alone. Whether alone or not one should try out new recipes as something wonderful may be being missed. With the change inevitably one's thoughts will turn to wider issues - additives to food, whole food, air and water pollution, poison sprays, world malnutrition, starvation, the use of the earth's resources and man's disgraceful treatment of the animal kingdom. All of us can give general thought to these and similar problems, but most of usbecause of other commitments, can only give serious effort to one or two. If our real intention is to help to replenish the earth perhaps our greatest long term service will be to work for a tree culture and especially to increase the number of fruit and nut trees - the trees which GIVE to man the best of all foods.






The 1976 Annual Report of the Council of the Vegan Society. The ten months since the 1975 Annual General Meeting in Bournemouth last November has been a period of great progress in the declared work of the Vegan Society as a Registered Charity: "To further knowledge of an interest in sound nutrition and in the vegan method of agriculture and food production as a means of increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind". As the years go by, it becomes even more obvious that the vegan way is the only sound way to sustain life on this planet! The way of the animal exploiters is being shown to be disease producing in the human body, completely contrary to the justice and compassion on which all true morality rests and dangerously destructive of the whole environment. Predatory man is fighting a strong rear-guard action but, as his way becomes increasingly callous and wasteful, his doom becomes increasingly certain. Jesus of Nazareth foretold "The meek shall inherit the earth". On every member of the Vegan Society rests the responsibility to work unceasingly and in harmony with all who are awakening and moving in the right direction to the end that there will be something other than a scorched earth to inherit. The Vegan Council, fully aware of the sound judgement of Eva Batt, elected her again as Chairman. It has met regularly, usually on the premises of the Nature Cure Clinic but once it enjoyed the hospitality of the Vegan Activities Group at the cafe run by them to Islington. For the last five occasions, it has met in the very pleasing new premises of the Clinic at 15 Oldbury Place, London Wl. The Council would like to take this opportunity to express appreciation of the Clinic, not only for the facilities it affords them so generously but also for the excellent work it is doing in helping so many people and in furthering humane methods of healing. (See article on later page). Nearly 600 people have enrolled as members of the Vegan Society during the last ten months. Although more than half came in largely as a result of the "Open Door" programme shown on BBC2 on January 31st and February 7th, there is evidence of increasing interest and support throughout the world, especially in America where Peter Singer's recently published book "Animal Liberation"seems to be having considerable effect, in Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Africa. We have lost members; some have died - three of these give continuing and much appreciated help through bequests; a few have resigned and some, from whom we may well hear again, have just let their subscriptions lapse. The main reason why we lose members and fail to gain even more than we do, is very clear: it is the fear of being different, of being isolated from the herd, from family and friends! John Wynne Tyson, in his book "Food for the Future",*, sums up the position well. " the logic of the vegan case is absolute. No one - whether nutritionist, physician, sociologist or layman- can refute the argument in any important respect. Veganism is part of the most truly civilised concept of life of which the human mind is capable. More than ordinary lacto-vegetarianism, veganism "speaks to the condition" of our modern world. That only a minute number of • Paper back edition from the Vegan Society for £1.08 inclusive of postage.

Western people put its principles into practice is evidence of nothing but our reluctance to break with habit and to put conscience before the undoubted social inconveniences of a pattern of life which is foreign to the bulk of the society in which we live. " The situation can only be improved by increased activity to get ever more members until it becomes worthwhile to cater and produce for them. More will make more until the happy day dawns when it is the animal exploiters who feel lonely! Many are already beginning to feel uncomfortable. Increased membership and increased interest has meant increased work and we have been fortunate in that efficient and largely voluntary help has been forthcoming. Eileen Scott takes on more and more of the secretarial duties, Yvonne Webber has coped efficiently with very much more accounting, her father works tirelessly at the duplicating machine and Frances Quinn, practically a born vegan before the word was invented, having reached retiring age from the Civil Service at just the right moment for the Society, deals with the rest of the office work. Without them the Vegan Society might well be struggling with the financial difficulties that threaten to overwhelm so many small Charities. Our President, Dr. Frey Ellis, and his colleagues have published articles and reports relating to veganism in scientific Journals, most importantly on Vegan Pregnancies, on Breast Milk of Vegans, on the Incidence of Disease in Vegans and on Long chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Jack Sanderson has taken the vegan presence into countless conferences and has recently become the Secretary of the Research Section of the Vegetarian Society. Eva Batt has added a vegan Boutique and postal shoe and Beauty Without Cruelty toiletry service to her other activities. Serena Coles never refuses an opportunity to witness for veganism and has worked at many exhibitions as well as making every effort in the face of numerous difficulties, to launch a scheme to help elderly vegans. Grace Smith b e a r s much responsibility and spends many hours working a s our

Treasurer. Bill Wright, the naturopath on our Council, Is most generous with his professional knowledge. A group of young vegans has been using other ways to bring vegan ideas to people. Besides hiving stalls at various events, it has been running successfully for the last nine months, a vegan cafe in Islington.- There, it has provided good food at low prices and a warm welcome to an increasing number of people. An associated group has produced regular editions of a Newsletter which has been a useful vehicle for the exchange of ideas and personal views. The "Vegan" has been produced punctually - save for the "Open Door" issue each quarter and seems, judging from letters received, to be very much appreciated. It is reaching an ever widening readership. Recent issues have run to 2 250 as compared with 1,200 when the present edition was launched just over thiee years ago. Especially gratifying are the number that are now being displayed in libraries. This number could be far larger if members would make the necessary introduction in their area.


Our other publications are doing well. The new enlarged edition of "What's Cooking?" has. already sold 1,224. With the rest of the old edition, this makes a total of 1,377 since the last AGM ten months ago. "First Hand: First Rate"'s second edition has just had a reprint, 6,000 copies having been sold during the last two and a half years. Other booklets are selling steadily and the demand for leaflets is unceasing. New leaflets available since the last AGM are "Advice for Diabetics wishing to adopt the Vegan Diet", "Advice for Slimmers", "Cow Milk as a Food for Humans", "Feeding Dogs and Cats", Blueprint for a Humane World", a summary of the paper by Serena Coles at last year's International Vegetarian Union Congress>and "Man, Trees and Water" on the importance of trees in the water cycle. ( (2 p each plus postage- reduction for meetings) Valuable publicity has corne as a result of the Royal College of Physician^ report on the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease which gives the consumption of animal fats as a contributory cause of this condition now reaching epidemic , levels. Lacto-vegetarians, who commonly eat more butter, cheese and cream than omnivores, must have been especially affected. Publicity has also been given to the probable connection between cancer and animal products and between 'cot deaths' and cow milk. Frequent letters asking for recipes now mention that the writers have been put on a vegan diet by their orthodox doctors for a variety of disorders. The Council has manned stalls at seven events organised by other groups during the year. These offer excellent means for reaching a wide variety of people already groping in our direction. Such opportunities should increase as Animal Welfare Year gets under way. It is hoped that members everywhere will offer to co-operate with local committees. Various successful meetings have already been reported in the "Vegan". 100 attended the Garden Party at Leatherhead although it had not been advertised as a public event. There, as well as much valued opportunities to meet and make friends, an attempt was made to demonstrate the value of minimum-dig vegetable compost methods of food production. In spite of drought and 'labour shortage', enough heal thy crops were shown to prove that we do not need to use animals as "walking compost bins" or to damage the living soil with expensive artificial fertilisers. Recently, Mr. Pay, a new "Open Door" member, organised a most successful meeting in Leytonstone to launch an East London 6 District Group. 50 people "turned in" on a hot summer evening to see the Vegan Society's film "An Open Door to a Better Future for All Life". Six of the participants formed a panel to answer questions from the audience and much interest was aroused and literature sold. Undoubtedly, the greatest opportunity so far for spreading vegan ideas was that offered by the "Open Door" programme. The Council used it as a means of presenting the basic facts and arguments about veganism as directly as possible; it was concerned to avoid identification with any other group, social, religious or health and thus to make the maximum impact on a wide public that it could not 5

normally hope to reach. The response proved that their method was effective for well over 10,000 requests for information have been received - and, nine months later, they are still coming in! The "Open Door" programme and the response to it was reported fully in a special edition of the "Vegan" published in April, 1976. Copies are still available and provide a good introduction to veganism. An encouraging assessment of the value of the programme came in the form of a speedy request from Concord Films Ltd., Nacton, Ipswich, Suffolk, for permission to handle the film. As a result, thousands of schools, colleges and groups of all kinds will have the opportunity to hire the film. It is hoped that members will do their utmost to get it shown in their district, in schools, colleges and public meetings. The Council can provide supporting speakers, panels, demonstrations,but local members must supply the contacts and make the arrangements. Five years ago, Eva Batt, speaking to the World Congress of the Vegetarian Society, said: - "I am convinced that if everyone who would prefer to live harmlessly, neither eatingror exploiting any creature knew that it was possible to do just that, we could have a great increase of vegans and eventually slaughterhouses would disappear. Therefore, I believe it is the duty of every vegan to let everyone know that it can be done, is being done,and that anyone who really wants to, can do it". The response to the "Open Door" programme has proved the truth of her words. It revealed that there was a very large number of people ready to be interested. As a result, our leaflets have gone into many thousand homes; if only we can manage a powerful follow-up, the effect could be momentous. With general veganism would come not just the disappearance of slaughterhouses, but the regeneration of the whole earth and the end of hunger and war. Freed from the present contradiction at the base of their living, men would develop into a new race capable of reaching heights of experience as yet unimaginable. We are rightly encouraged by the rapid growth in our membership and in our assets but we are well aware of the enormous odds against us. Other movements with equally small beginnings and struggling against heavy odds have succeeded in bringing about major change. The little seed of veganism is showing great vitality; noone can tell how big and how quickly it will grow in the stimulating soil of the challenging times in which we live. Our task is to feed it with hope and faith and hard work to the limit of our powers for it has an immensely important contribution to make to the survival ar.d furtherance of life. K. Jannaway

The Council insists on adding - "The unflagging zeal and enthusiasm of our Honorary Secretary on whom falls the bulk of the work and responsibility, is an example to all and helps to keep the Council 'on its toes'". 6

THE NATURE CURE CLINIC The Clinic is grateful to the Vegan Society for inviting this short account of Itself. Shortly before 1928 some humanitarians urged Miss Nina Ho sail to shoulder the burden of starting a clinic for people who could not afford the normal high fees of private practitioners. It was to be based on the triple foundation of anti-vivisection and natural healing and vegetarianism. The outcome was the opening of a clinic for out-patients In October 1928 and of a hospital for inpatients at Putney in March 1938. When the war began the Government took possession of the hospital buildings and never since they were returned to it has the Clinic had enough money to re-establish such a hospital. The out-patients premises were bombed in 1940. (Despite this and other upheavals the Clinic has lost only about thirty working days in its whole life.) Dr.Bertrand Allinson then accommodated the Clinic in his house in Dorset Square, and eventually it purchased 13 Oldbury Place and moved there in 1945. Although conditions there were very cramped, in the twenty-nine years that the Clinic was there patients with many different complaints were successfully treated. Therapies include dieting, homoeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy, eye treatment, chiropody, massage, reflexology, acupuncture, gynaecological and obstetric advice, herbal treatment, relaxation, dancing and exercise. The most important feature of the treatment is the teaching of both the need to encourage the self-healing powers of the body and also the interdependence of mental and physical health. Every patient, whatever treatment is being given by osteopaths and other practitioners, has always been under the care of a registered medical practitioner. As far as is known, there is no other establishment in Britain where this is so. A restaurant for patients and public was maintained there as part of the educational work, and public meetings were held in various London halls. Until 21st March 1958 the Clinic was an unincorporated body of individuals, its properly being vested in individual trustees. B then became a corporation, so that trustees and members of the Executive Committee should not personally bear too great a burden of financial responsibility and so that a wider range of investments should be available. To maintain the standards and the principles of the Clinic the Management Committee requires each Committee member, staff member and practitioner


on election or appointment, and thereafter annually, to sign a declaration that he or she will uphold the Clinic's humanitarian principles of "Natural Therapeutics", of eschewing "all such methods as involve the exploitation of either animals or human beings", of using a vegetarian diet both for patients and for staff, and of not using "vaccination, inoculation, or injection with any preparation of animal origin" in connection with the treatment of patients. A few of the doctors are Vegan and advise patients on Vegan lines. The Clinic co-operates with other organisations such as the National AntiVivisection Society, the Soil Association, the National Council for Animals' Welfare and the Henry Doubleday Research Association, and is a member of the Quarterly Conference of Animal Welfare Societies. It has friendly relations with Nature Cure practitioners outside Britain. Over the years since the end of 1945 the Clinic has given 217,000 consultations and treatments. Its latest success, after twenty-six years of endeavour to overcome financial and planning control difficulties, is to move into less confined freehold premises specially built for it at 15 Oldbury Place, London, W1M 3AL (01-935-2787). The formal opening was performed by Fenner Brockway at the Polytechnic of Central London on 2nd June 1976, with inspiring speeches from him and Miss Hosali and Mr. Colin Smith of the National Anti- Vivisection Society and Dr. Chandra Sharma of the Clinic, and a very happy occasion it was, with lacto-vegetarian and vegan refreshments in the spacious but well filled halls of the Polytechnic. Here the Clinic is striving to enrol more doctors and to extend the range of its curative and educational activities. In 1977 will begin the building of an extension to be dedicated to Dr. Allinson. Financially the times are difficult and the days when doctors, osteopaths, masseuses, almoners, secretaries and others could serve the Clinic without receiving even reimbursement of their expenses are gone, but fees are, as ever, modified according to the patient's means. The Nature Cure movement deeply appreciates the achievements and sacrifices of the pioneers of the Clinic, whose devotion to the relief of human and animal suffering still influences present activities, and the Clinic hopes that practitioners in various fields and helpers with different skills will always do what they can to support it in future. The Clinic warmly invites applications for consultations from all who think that they might benefit from advice and treatment. Roy Mc Intyre Smith July 1976 SOMETIMES

(Honorary Treasurer) THEY





Tunnels in line with badger routes are being built under motorways so that badgers can cross in safety. 8

GUIDANCE FOR SLIMMERS ON A VEGAN DIET. Overweight, In the form of excess body fat or muscle bulk, has various causes - heredity, retention of fluid, disturbed metabolism, over-eating - which them;selves may have initial causes such as psychological upsets, stress, unbalanced diet, physical inactivity. Eating is a strong psychological response which alleviates and comforts in times of stress and tension. Cutting down on food generally can lead to nervous troubles unless careful thought is given to diet. A good reducing diet is one in which the number of calories (energy value of food) are restricted but all essential nutrients are taken in adequate amounts and in proper ratio one to another. For lasting success, motivation and will power are necessary with sustained continuous effort which is well worth while. It is important to eat a variety of whole, raw, fresh fruit and vegetables, grains, nuts and pulses and to cut out refined flour products, sugar (except fruit sugar), gravies and sauces and to keep added fats to the minimum. Sugar should be obtained from whole fruits and vegetables which have other valuable nutrients and fibre, aiding its digestion. Bananas, dates, figs, raisins etc. all contain high concentrations of natural sugars but even these should be restricted if one is seriously wishing to lose much weight. Apples contain less and can be most satisfying where there is a craving for sweet food: native to this country and climate, they are a more suitable food than those fruits growing naturally in hotter climates. For those who wish to use sweetening in cooking, dried fruits or dates, or the herb Sweet Cecily can be used in place of refined sugar. Many packaged and tinned foods contain 'hidden' sugars: - bread, breakfast cereals, soups, biscuits, tinned fruit juices and vegetables - so read the label before buying. Saccharin is a coal tar product and not recommended for health reasons. The body is designed to digest fat, protein and carbohydrate in its slow, rhythmical time. By-passing this system and overloading the blood and tissue cells with energy producing sugar, will lead to reduplicating of molecules as there is insufficient oxygen for the breakdown of so much sugar in the blood stream all at one time. Moreover, vital organs are overworked and the delicate balance of minerals upset. Disease attacks the weakest part. Thus excess sugar is a health hazard generally. T. L. Cleave, M. R. C. P., in his book "The Saccharine Disease" and Professor Yudkin in "Pure White and Deadly" have written widely on this subject. Fat. Grains, nuts, pulses, avocados, olives - contain fats as well as varying amounts of protein and carbohydrate. A little oil, nut spreads or vegan margarine can be used sparingly in addition. The recent report from the Royal College of Physicians on the prevention of heart disease underlines the necessity of using unsaturated fats such as those


found in sunflower, safflower, corn and soya oils. These can be used in cooking instead of margarine (see "First Hand: First Rate" recipe booklet), and in nut spreads. Protein. By combining certain nuts, grains and pulses, the total protein content of a meal can be much increased. One food enhances another e. g. wholemeal bread with sesame and soya spread, peanuts and sunflower seeds, maizemeal and beans. Take about 4 oz. combined for one serving. Carbohydrates. Some slimmers will wish to count calories and work out their own restricted diet to a total of 1,000 or 1,500 caloriesdaily, keeping carbohydrates low. Bread can be exchanged for crispbread which will be lower in calories but also in fibre and other essential nutrients. Fibrous bulk is necessary for bowel elimination and, on a vegan diet, this is quicker than with omnivores so speeding up the evacuation of poisonous substances. Avoid eating potatoes with bread, nut or pulse dishes but eat them with other vegetables such as cauliflower, greens, asparagus: they are high in carbohydrate. Bake or boll in their skins. Cakes, sweet biscuits, soft drinks should be avoided. (See end of article for some useful calorific constituents of foods). Use whole wheat or rye flour for bread and brown rice for savoury dishes. Cooked foods lose much of their nutrients: grains when sprouted are highly nutritious (see "First Hand: First Rate" booklet for method). Vegetables are low in calories and a valuable source of balanced protein, minerals and vitamins. Most vegetables can be eaten raw in salads. They are not usually restricted in a slimmer's diet. When cooked, do so lightly without salt or sodium bicarbonate. Drink any liquid left. Onions, carrots, swedes, turnips, celery etc. can be diced and sauted for a few minutes in oil. Kelp is a good food for the obese as it helps to maintain a healthy blood stream with its rich iodine and mineral content. Fruits and herbs. Some fruits contain higher concentrations of natural sugars and starches than others. The following are interchangeable: - one small apple orange, banana, pear or medium peach, 12 strawberries, 9 grapes, 17,0 gms. of raspberries, slice of pineapple thick)- representing about lOgms. of carbohydrate. Lemon juice can be taken as desired. Herb tissanes or weak China teas are preferable to the stronger Indian teas healthwise. (Try to drink between meals.) Plamil. a tinned plant milk sold in many Health Food Stores, is basically soya. When diluted with an equal volume of water, it is made up approximately as follows: - Protein 3.25%. fat 3.25% and carbohydrate 1.97%. It compares favourably with cow milk for slimmers as it is considerably lower in carbohydrates, is rich in unsaturated fats and contains Vitamin B12. On a vegan diet, B12 is a necessary additive for many people and, besides Plamil, is obtained 10

in Barmene, a yeast extract, comfrey (in minute amounts) or by taking pills obtained from a chemist (ask for a vegan brand). Salt. Some people are unable to utilise the sodium in the food they eat and, as it attracts fluid to itself, weight is increased by the build up of fluid in the tissues. Bananas, blackberries, dates, figs, asparagus, avocados, peas, lentils, turnip tops, barley, soya flour are all low in sodium. Other advice: - Try to avoid stress. Masticate well. Take plenty of exercise in the fresh air. Join a group for Bulk Buying or meditation or some other activity where you can meet other vegans or slimmers, giving each other support in your efforts. Keep your vision on the New Age where the tempo of life is more in harmony with the heart beat of the universe and all are working together to care for our Planet and all creation. Eileen Scott. Some useful calorific constituents from McCance & Widdowson "The Composition of Foods" 1973, Medical Research Council. Prot. Fat g. per oz. Soya (full fat flour) Split dried peas Peanuts Almonds Walnuts Cobnuts Chestnuts Flour, wheat English 100% " 80%

11 5

' 2.3 8.0 5.8 3.6 2.6 0.7 2.5 2.3

CH Cals. per oz.




Tr. 13.9 15.2 14.6


33 171 170 156 113



2.4 1.2 1.4 1.9 10.4

Prot. Fat CH Cals per oz. g- per ioz. Oatmeal (raw) 3.4 2.5 20.6 115 Rye 100% 2.3 0.6 21.5 95 Vinson's Mushrooms (raw) ^Fcf速

0.6 0.4

2.3 0.6 13.4 0.5 Tr.

65 2

0.5 Tr. 18.0


0.5 Tr. 18.4


0.3 Tr. 18.3



VEGAN NEWSLETTER Many people have written to us very enthusiastically about the Newsletter and we feel able to say that it has certainly been successful in its aim of increasing contact and communication. As a group, we have also established many positive contacts through our food and literature stalls at festivals and other events and, in particular, through our Vegan Cafe (87 Highgate Rd., London NW5 : 01 267 6223) which was opened in January and has proved to be a very successful venture. We are hoping, incidentally, to produce a Vegan Cafe Recipe Book very shortly. For the future, we are endeavouring to improve the Newsletter and to reach more people with it. At the moment, we are duplicating over 200 copies per issue, which is more than twice the number for most earlier issues. We'll be happy to post the latest Newsletter to anyone sending us a large SAE (or stamp); please do write if your're interested as we'd like to hear from as many people as possible. Malcolm Home. 11

MEETINGS October 17th Sunday. 3 pm. "We invite all those interested to a social gathering at our home London N4 (nearest tube Finsbury Park). Sue, Keith, Malcolm, Sue, Maryke, Kevin, Catweazle and John." November 5th & 6th, Friday and Saturday. Animal Fair, Vincent Sq., London. The vegans will have their usual stall year and the Council are hoping that members will do their best to help by sending or bringing gifts (not old clothes or shoes, please) and by offering to help serve. Miss Winifred Fisher, who lives near the hall has agreed to receive any might like to leave at her flat The resident housekeeper in flat 21 will look after any parcels if Miss Fisher is out. November 14th Sunday at 2. 30 pm at the home of Serena Coles, PurU y. Tel. 01 660 7518. Easy reach Purley & Riddlesdown Stations. Robin Canter (oboe) and Elizabeth Routier (piano) will play works by Bach, Mozart, Schumann & Donizetti. Folowing their Wigmore Hall debut earlier this year, they have given many concerts in England and Europe. The Vegan Council much appreciates their willingness to give this concert in aid of the Fund for Elderly Vegans. Tickets 50p from the Leatherhead Office - write soon and avoid disappointment. After the concert, there will be a buffet tea and social time. PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE FROM THAT GIVEN IN LAST JOURNAL. Wilfred Crone and Bournemouth. Wilfred writes that the Bournemouth Group is flourishing with meetings in the Church Parlour of the Richmond Hill church, Bourne Ave., on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm, leaflet distributing and an auction sale that raised over ÂŁ34 Arthur Pay and East London & District Group. Arthur only heard of the Society in January by watching the Open Door programme and he has already had an inaugural meeting and is planning other activities. He writes "About 50 people of all ages attended the Film Show and inaugural meeting of the East London Branch of the Vegan Society on Thursday, 29th July at Leytonstone Library. Organiser and Secretary of the meeting thought this a jolly good show in view of the weather and competition from the Olympics on TV. The BBC Open Door film was screened and members of the Vegan Society who took part in the film were present to answer questions. Discussion was lively and centred mainly on the health and economics of the Vegan Way of Life. E20's worth of vegan cookery books were sold. A further opportunity to see the film will be given later in the year when samples of the varied vegan foods will be available. " He will be glad to hear from anyone interested. Ring Leytonstone (539) 80814 Mrs Small at Burgess Hill Another "Open Door" member booked the Civic Centre at Burgess Hill, asked as many Animal Welfare Societies as she could contact to have stalls and enticed a goodly number of Saturday shoppers in to view their case, to see a Beauty Without Cruelty Fashion Show, to watch a vegan cookery demonstration, to enjoy a vegan lunch and to be moved by a variety of Animal Welfare films. 12





As well as continuing her investigations in the South of England, Serena Coles is going to Scotland in October to discuss the possibility of accommodation for elderly people in a house near Perth. She would like to hear before the end of September from anyone who might like to be a guest in a small Home in that area and from anyone who could help with a committee there. Although nothing has been achieved yet as regards a Home anywhere, various suggestions are being examined into, more are welcomed and contributions are very much needed. LIBRARY The Vegan Society library is now at Leatherhead. The books are being _ sorted. Those most likely to further veganism will be made available for loan in return for a deposit and postage. The rest will be sold, members being given the first opportunity to buy. Please send for the lists that should be ready by the end of October. SUBSCRIPTIONS On the whole these have come in well but there are still some outstanding. Subscriptions are kept to a minimum so that noone need be prevented from joining or maintaining membership because of the expense. 63p a year is only just over lp a week for Juniors and Pensioners; ÂŁ1. 25 is not much over 2p weekly. We heard of an elderly member who puts 2p a week away for the Society. Many people pay more than the minimum subscription but if there are any who cannot manage even that please let us know. Committed lives is what veganism needs more than all else. GARDEN PARTY-CHAIR After the Garden Party at Leatherhead someone took Serena Coles'chair by mistake. Serena would like to exchange 1 Please ring Purley 660 7518 ANIMAL WELFARE YEAR * * * * * * * * * * 4c * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *+* ** * * * * i|t * Animal Welfare Year seems to have got off to a good start with good coverage in the press. Though as vegans we would wish to see a much stronger line taken as regards the exploitation of farm animals, we hope that members will co-operate fully with local committees. A concentrated and united effort could do much to Increase public awareness of animal suffering and the need for much improved legislation for animal protection. Working with others is a good way of spreading our ideas - and of learning much-* We must demonstrate that vegans are healthy "ordinary" people. The fear of being thought "cranky" and extremist is one of the chief obstacles in the adoption of the vegan way. Write to the Sec. Animal Welfare Year, 10 Queens ferry Street , Edinburgh and ask to be put in touch with local committees. 13

RESEARCH FINDINGS. The Royal College of Physicians report on Heart attacks, Sunday Times articles on cancer, the withdrawal of National Dried Milk for babies, doctors prescribing non-animal diets for a variety of complaints, all help to shake people's faith in traditional diet. Now further encouragement to adopt a humane diet comes from the publication of reports of recent research into health of vegans. A survey of pregnancy in vegans and controls carried out by F. R. Ellis and Janet Thomas, Department of Haemotology, and P. L. C. Diggory of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at Kingston Hospital, Surrey, showed that vegan women undergo pregnancy whilst continuing their vegan diet without any adverse effect on themselves or their offspring, the chief difference between the vegans and the controls being the increased inoidence of breast feeding which is a positive advantage to the child. An investigation into man's ability to produce long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids from short chain polyunsaturated fatty acids led to the conclusion that there is no evidence that a source of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids is necessary in the human diet. A survey of the incidence of disease in vegans compared with omnivores carried . out by F. R. Ellis, E. D. West and T. A. B. Sanders, Department of Pathology, Kingston Hospital, showed that: 1. The health status of 72 vegans and 72 age and sex matched omnivore controls was assessed by a general health questionnaire, the Cornell Medical Index. 2. There appeared to be no difference in health status between the males of both groups. 3. The female vegans appeared to have better health status than female controls. 4. There was a significant difference in the symptoms indicative of disease in the cardiovascular s y s t e m .

5. It is concluded that a diet constructed entirely from plant foods is completely adequate provided it is supplemented with vitamin B12. A paper by Sanders and Naismith comparing the breast milk of vegans with that of omnivores will be published soon.

CHEDDAR PROJECT We have had good news from people who have visited the veganic training and demonstration centre being developed by Mrs O'Brien and her son Kenneth. To quote the Veganic Newsletter "The quality of the crops which have matured so far has been quite satisifactory, indeed, some exceptionally fine lettuce, for instance, has exceeded expectations in view of the heat that has blazoned down on the field from time to time ! Peas, french beans and early radishes were comparable with any," We hope to have a fuller report of this important venture next issue.


CHRISTMAS What better gift than help on the road to humane living 7 "WHAT'S


C O O K I N G ? " by Eva Batt. New enlarged edition - ÂŁ 2.20 Over 270 recipes and valuable information. Written with such vitality, clarity and humour that it is a delight to read and own. HAND




by Kathleen Jannaway -


Guide to truly economical living. 5 dozen ideas and recipes written especially for those seeking to live on food they grow themselves. "IN


V E I N " by Eva Batt. Light-hearted verses with poignant m e s s a g e .

Suitable for young & old.

59p "S A L A D I N G S " by Mabel Cluer. On choosing and using the fresh foods around you. Attractively illustrated by the author. 61 p NOTELETS

to carry the Christmas message of goodwill to all life. Buy some for the children to colour. Special Christmas offer (lp each plus postage. envelopes.

To NEW READERS - Send 6 | stamp for f r e e leaflets and complete literature list. The Secretary, Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. A L L P R I C E S (except notelets) A R E I N C L U S I V E of P O S T A G E . 15



4 oz coarsely ground cashew nuts 3 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped 6 oz wholemeal bread, broken into small pieces 1 clove of garlic, crushed 1 level teaspoonful of curry powder 1 large teaspoonful of Barmene | pint hot water and salt to taste Pour hot water into a mixing bowl and stir in the Barmene. Add bread and garlic. Mix curry powder with cashew nuts and add to the mixture. Combine ingredients thoroughly. Add salt to taste. Carefully mix in the tomatoes. Spoon the mixture into a 8" - 9" pie dish greased lightly and lined with 5-6 oz of wholemeal pastry. Decorate with split cashews and perhaps strips of sweet red pepper. Bake at 425o for 30 - 40 minutes. May be served hot or cold; especially good chilled with salad. Approximate cost 40p - to serve 8. Hazel nuts could be used instead of cashew. PUMPKIN


4 oz apple 8 oz pumpkin 3 oz raisins 3 oz sultanas Jpint water \ teaspoonful of spice Few strips of orange peel Peel and core the apple and the pumpkin and cut into inch cubes. Simmer in the water over low heat for 15 mins. Stir in the cleaned dry fruit and well scrubbed orange peel and allow to soak and cool for about an hour. Tip into a pie dish. Cover with wholemeal pastry and cook for 20-25 minutes at 400 If you have no pumpkin try it with marrow. Serve with nut cream or Plamil custard.




2 tbs custard powder About ÂŁ pint undiluted Plamil | pint water Sugar to taste Mix custard powder and 2 tbs Plamil to a smooth cream, warming the mixture slightly by standing in outer basin of hot water. Pour on \ pint of boiling water stirring briskly to make smooth thick custard. Stir in Plamil until desired thickness and creaminess is attained. SANDWICH


Grated nuts or s e s a m e s e e d s

Vegetable oil Barmene Herbs Stir the nuts or sesame seeds into oil until desired thickness achieved. Flavour with herbs, dried or fresh. If fresh herbs are used do not keep more than a day. Margarine unnecessary. APPLE


Choose sound apples. Peel and core and cut into pieces about ÂŁ inch thick. Lay on trays of wire mesh - cake cooling trays ideals place piece of lemon on tray to prevent excessive browning. Put to dry in oven or over radiator for about 12 hours at 100 Store in screw top jars. Eat as they are instead of sweets or soak for 10 minutes and use SB fresh apples. Skins and cores can be simmered and strained to make refreshing drink. Similarly, grapes can be dried to make "raisins". YOUR



Send us your favourite recipe please and we will print a selection on these pages in due course.


Just For A Moment There was the Spring-time All lovely and pure With the birds flowing over With song. There were the Almond trees Burning and blazing The pink petals falling Down on the bus-queue, Falling like tears On the blind. And I saw a great lorry Pull up by the kerb, Just for a moment Pull up in the sunshine, Jolting its burden of Fear-sweating calves On their last journey Away from the Spring.

Just for a moment I saw them And blessed them. There, in the sun Of the Spring afternoon. Faces and eyes looking out At the sunshine, Looking through slats At the bright afternoon. And one eye, It caught me, One wide eye It sought me, Just for a moment Out there in the sun. Derek Neville.


NEWS Henry Bailey Stevens We were sorry to learn of the deathon March 16th of Henry Bailey Stevens in New Hampshire at the age of 85. A Director of Studies of the University of New Hampshire Extension Service, he was associated for 30 years with the administration of food science programmes. He was an eminent exponent of the vegan way. His last letter was to his publisher to launch his book "Pyramid of Life", sequel to "Recovery of Culture" and to "ara-Desa" (reviewed in the last Journal). All three books give fresh insight into the case for veganism. Many will miss his'gentle presence at conferences but his writings remain to give firm basis to our vegan convictions. Derek Neville Many also will miss Derek Neville. While not actually a member of the Vegan Society, he was always willing to help with his writings. He gave us copies of his "Meaning of Love" to distribute (still available) and his poem on the Lord's Prayer for our Journal. We print a particularly poignant in memory of him in this issue. It is printed in the form of a tiny booklet. We also have left copies of his "Honky and other animal stories. Besides inspiration from his writings, many will remember the re-creation they experienced when staying at Iteringham Mill, the guest gouse in Norfolk which he and his wife Mary ran for many years. Mary Neville died a few months ago. ************* NEW ARRIVAL ************** We are glad to welcome Kahlil Dylan born to Marie Claude and our member Tim Whitmore now living in Gloucester. Sheila and Eric Franck. We are happy to record the marriage of Sheila Andrews of London to Eric Franck of S. Africa,both active for the vegan cause. We are sorry to lose Sheila and her two children but know that she and Eric will be doing wonderful work in S. Africa. Sally Shrigley. Sally, who was a Secretary of the Vegan Society in the early days and later President, is now living on her own in a flat near Tonbridge. She is still active and would very much welcome "a popper in" who could talk with her about vegan interests. If anyone could visit her, please ring Pembury 2849 or contact Serena Coles 01 660 7518. In July, Richard St. Barbe Baker returned from America where he had been fighting to save the remaining redwoods from the axe,to present a petition to the Saudi Arabian ambassador in London for the transfer of money from arms expenditure to forest planting. On October 8th, he celebrates his 87th birthday in Kenya at the annual reunion of the Men of the Trees. He writes "If you are as interested and feel as I do about Africa, do let us have a vegan party. Only ÂŁ248 return fare with bed and breakfast at the Mayfair Hotel, Nairobi. Peltours, Wl". Anybody who could go would find it ah unforgettable experience. John Amsden - would like help with a group in the Isle of Wight. Please ring Chale Green 098379.

Kr PROBLEMS I'M THE ONLY VEGAN HERE - ! Many people write for advice as to how to manage when they are the only vegan in their family or when they "live in" school or other places where the catering is done on a large scale. The latter situation can present insuperable difficulties so remember one is only required to go as far as one honestly can - whenever you can, choose vegan, if you have no choice, don't fuss. Keep your principles "bright" by reading and attending vegan meetings whenever you can so that when outward circumstances change, you are ready to take advantage of them. In circumstances where you have some opportunity to influence the catering and cooking, it is most important to resist the impulse 'to convert' directly. "A prophet is respected everywhere except in his home town and by his own family" (Matthew 13 v. 57). One can often influence indirectly by showing that veganism is a joyful, healthy way of life that leads to thoughfulness for other people. Adapt as far as important principles allow to the way of living of the people about you. When you have to make a stand, do it simply and to your own inconvenience not to theirs. The most important adjustment to make is in your own mind as to what is essential. Milk of any kind is not. Morning cereal can be taken dry or mixed up with any fruit that you can buy yourself - soaked raisins or prunes are an excellent source of iron. Tea, as well as coffee, can be taken black. This is very hard for some at first but, with perseverence, becomes as strong a habit as that taken with milk. Then, on social occasions, all you have to say is "Can I have mine black, please!" Protein. This does not have to be in the form of protein dishes specially cooked for each main meal. At home, it should be possible to prepare a nut dish, (raw or cooked), soya cheese and soya gravy at some convenient time and keep in the fridge to be served with your share of whatever vegetables "the others are having". When this is not possible, a helping of nuts will suffice or a tin of beans. Fats. Since the Royal College of Physicians' report on the prevention of heart disease, most doctors will agree that vegetable oil is the best fat to use for cooking, so you may well persuade the cook to use this for vegetables and soups, perhaps for pastry, too. If not, you will have to go without! Similarly, you may get vegetable margarine provided instead of butter; otherwise, you can take a box of your own to the table. "Outline" and "Tomor" are the only completely vegan but "Flora" has very little milk product in it. Balance. adequate fruit and diet, the

You may find that "eating with the others" leaves you with a very indiet. The best way to balance it is to keep a supply of raw and dried nuts in your room. This could, quite healthily, form the bulk of your communal meals becoming just social occasions. 22

At all times and circumstances it is most important not to worry about your food. Even thinking too. much about it can lead to indigestion or to your becoming a dreadful bore!. Balance sensibly between the two principles "If in doubt, go without" and "I am only required to go as far as I honestly can" and you will give your best service to the movement. WHERE CAN I GET THE SPECIAL FOODS? - I can't get to a Health Food Shop. This Is still one of the most frequent complaints, so we repeat the advice given in the Spring "Vegan". While many Health Food shop products are enjoyed by many vegans and considered very convenient for busy people, they are not essential. Raw fruits and salads, nuts and wholemeal bread will give all the nutrients normally healthy people require. The former can be bought anywhere - if you cannot get them from your own or a friend's garden. Nuts can be bought in bulk and store easily. Wholemeal bread can be bought most places or you can make your own from flour bought in bulk. B12 is the only recommended item for which you have to depend on special sources (one day we'll solve the problem!) Tablets can be bought through the post so you don't have to have Barmene - the B12 is from the same source, (Healthilife, Nesfield House, Nesfield St., Bradford). So you do not need 'special' foods from 'special' shops to walk the vegan way.

PLANTMILK LTD Arthur Ling reports from his factory at Folkestone that sales of Plamil are going up steadily in spite of the increased prices, made necessary by rises in the cost of raw materials. If only the Government would help a little! The dairy milk industry is . subsidised in a variety of ways but Plantmilk Ltd. gets no help. Now it has to pay import duties on soya protein (18%), on sunflower oil (11%) and on soya lecithin (8. 8%). This in spite of a Government declaration that it would not tax food stuffs. Protest should be made to the Department of Trade, Kingsgate House, 68/74 Victoria St., London SW1E. A plea to the Ministry of Agriculture for encouragement to be given to farmers to.grow soya and sunflower crops would also be good,and to Mrs. Shirley Williams, House of Commons, that. those who sign a declaration that they do not use animal milk should get help in paying for alternatives. Mention that more and more people are being put on a cholesterol-free diet and that therefore Plamil would be a very welcome alternative to cow milk for them but the price is a difficulty. Some people do not like the flavour at first but most learn to like it. Try it in custard - see recipe page. Children brought up on it love it - and thrive on it. Plantmilk Ltd. produces nothing but vegan foods and uses no artificial colouring or flavouring. Arthur Ling is always willing to send full information and welcomes any help that vegans can give. Address Plamil House, Bowles Well Gardens, Folkestone, Kent.

FED UP WITH FLATULENCE? Some people claim that 'beans give them wind' (see Problem page, Spring '76 issue). Flatulence is seldom caused by the body 'adjusting' to a higher intake of vegetable protein but it is very often caused by wrong food combining. As dried beans, peas, lentils (usually known as legumes) are classified as a protein-starch combination in themselves, they are best eaten only with green vegetables. Do not eat them with rice or potatoes, as this is only adding more starch to your meal. The enzymes in the digestive system then concentrate on digesting the starch of the meal and the body may not get the full protein value of the legumes. Different enzymes are used in the digestion of starch and protein. The digestion of starches begins with the action of the saliva in the mouth. Saliva, usually alkaline, contains a rather acid enzyme ptyalin which breaks down the starch into a complex sugar called maltose. In order for proper digestion to take place in the stomach and intestine, the chemical change of the starch to maltose must be initiated in the mouth. It is, therefore, essential that iall legumes are well masticated however soft they may seem after cooking. Inadequate chewing of legumes can result in flatulence. If the saliva's ptyalin does not chemically change the starch in the mouth, the ensyme pepsin which helps to digest protein in the stomach, cannot work to full effect and indigestion or flatulence may occur. If you are eating legumes as a source of protein, it is also a waste of the protein not to combine your food correctly, and chew it well. Flatulence could be caused by the body being unable to fully assimilate the protein of the legumes. Dried legumes (which is their natural state of maturity) contain a high amount of phosphate ash and magnesium. In their earlier stage of growth, when we eat them as fresh peas, for example, the lime content is higher and the phosphoric acid content is lower which makes for easier digestion. Dried legumes always need to be soaked, preferably overnight, or for at least 12-15 hours. Soaking in very soft or distilled water, rather than mineral rich water, greatly facilitates the breaking down process and, therefore, helps digestion. Opinions differ as to whether legumes should be cooked in soak water. Of course a large amount of nutritional value is lost if the soak water is discarded. If, during a changeover to vegetable protein diet, you feel you must replace up to half the water with fresh before cooking, pour your soak water on your vegetable garden! Basil, dill, marjoram, rosemary, sage and tarragon are natural digestive aids and are, therfore, especially suitable to cook with legumes. Drinking with your meals weakens the digestive powers in the saliva and entire digestive tract; therefore drink either at least 15 - 20 minutes before your meal or about 2 hours afterwards but do not drink with your meal. Legumes are a valuable source of vegetable protein; they need not cause flat-ulence if properly prepared and correctly combined. Cold cooked legumes are a nutritious addition to a salad or make a good sandwich spread when blenderized or mashed. Dee North. 22

Now-you need never run out of Vegetables


A new range of fine quality dehydrated vegetables that are easy to store, easy to carry, and have an exceptionally long life, and so save wastage.

MIXED VEGETABLES GARDEN PEAS • SLICED ONIONS SLICED GREEN BEANS • APPLE FLAKE Each vegetable is dried by a special process to preserve its flavour and quality, and is easily re-constituted by the simple addition of water. No need for a refrigerator or

deep-freeze. Simply store in a cupboard and use as required in or out of season. Ideal for campers and caravanners. In sealed packs - from Health Food Stores.



Distributed by


for Metabasic Products Ltd., Davis Road, Chessington, Surrey

Our member in America is seeking support for his Universal Front of Survival. He writes: - Following is the UFOS Charter. If you fully agree with it, please sign and date below with your printed name and address. Mail to me at my address shown below - and send no money. Article 1. WE, signers of the UNIVERSAL CHARTER of SURVIVAL, pledge our word to oppose by non-violent methods, genocide by nuclear, biological, chemical or other means. In accordance with Article 1, We, the signers of this Charter Article 2. Express our overwhelming desire to see our natural environment respected by Governments responsible for our destiny. We, therefore, publicly reject all wars, torture, brutal force, racism, chauvinism, sectarianism, vivisection, all forms of pollution, shameful end senseless exploitation of the earth's riches - now increasing day by day, without concern for future generations. Article 3. Fully aware that our chance for Survival depends on how well we prepare for it now, we voice a strong desire to see an immediate end to production of destructive devices, weapons and poisons; to the culture of microbes; to the building of nuclear plants; to the production and spreading of radioactive nuclides and wastes; to contamination of humans, animals and plants through Food Irradiation. Article 4. We reject and oppose any product, activity or industry which damages the genetic stock of man, animal or plants, especially by sources emitting ionizing rays; by pesticides; by the injection of hormones or products of similar power. Article 5. We protest the inequality between men, women and peoples and demand an immediate end to the exploitation of peoples and individuals particularly by international financial groups. Article 6. Fully convinced that happiness derives from good health, self-control, the right to know the truth, freedom, useful and pleasant work without harmful e f f e c t s , sufficient r e s t , good food and pure water, and respect f o r the natural

environment, we believe it is an elementary right to demand these conditions for happiness. We, therefore, demand the protection of running water, rivers, and streams of underground sheets of water and springs, of oceans and lakes, of soil, air and cosmos. Article 7. We fraternally Invite all men and women of good will, of whatever race, . nation or language, to sign this Charter and join together to prevent by non-violent means the destruction of our environment, the degeneration of our species and the disappearance of all life on our earth. Signed :

Name : Address

"The 1970s may be the years when the nations realised that they had as much to fear from the poisoning and deterioration of the environment as from the H-bomb." U Thant.


Myth ? I found that the leading article in your Summer number was, as usual, full of sound sense. However, It perpetuates a statement which seems to arise from a confusion of thought although it appears to be accepted by most vegans. It is pointed out, quite correctly, that man's body is permeated with. Divine Life Force but then goes on to imply that this Force comes to man through the vegetable kingdom; the suggestion is that we get this Life Force, which is spiritual (Divine) second-hand through the material things we eat. How the vegetable kingdom gets it is not indicated but assuredly God does not favour it more than he favours man. The Source of Life, being infinite, provides both our spiritual and our material selves at all times with all the Life Force they are capable of containing and that is dependent on our spiritual and material states respectively. All that any food can do is so to improve our material state that it becomes capable of containing and transmitting greater Life Force. Since food can do this about equally well raw or cooked, the suggestion that it is desirable to eat raw vegetables is a myth without foundation; in nearly all cases, cooking: makes them more easily digestible though over-cooking and throwing away the water should be avoided. G. B. Cub- hunting "I am quite sure that the time will come when peoplie will read of the Wanton Cruelties, which we now inflict in sport with the same wonder and abhorrence with which we now read of the Blood Orgies of savage tribes and the Cruel Scenes of the Roman Amphitheatre". Viscount Morley O. M. Cub Hunting, for instance, is one of the most disgraceful forms of blood sport around. For most of us who don't know, Cub Hunting is when young fox hounds are being trained to hunt and kill foxes and the young fox cubs fall victim to this perversion. Fox cubs on leaving their earths are just beginning to find their way about and learning to use their acute senses. They are easy prey for the hunt. Most hunts know the coverts where cubs will be lying before they set off. They will "draw" the wood. In the meantime, the vixen will usually dart here and there trying to draw the hounds away from the cubs. Please remember it is almost essential that hounds, on their first hunt, must get a kill and the hunt will use every dirty trick in the book to ensure this e. g. blocking of earth to keep the fox above ground, digging out foxes which have gone to ground. When the fox is eventually dug out after possibly an hour of being terrified, hearing the spades getting nearer and nearer. It is then supposed to be shot but a lot of times it is just flung to the hounds live. Hunting must be stopped and especially Cub Hunting. Please give us your support by joining the: - Hunt Saboteurs Association. P. O. Box 19, Tonbridge, Kent


Gary Treadwell, (N. London & Middx. HSA Group). 25

vcecuv " The Garden of the Lord" by Hannah Hurnard. Free from C. W. Davis, Stanway, Colchester, Essex. "Almost thou persuadest me " to be a fruitarian! This is by far the best introduction to fruitarianism that I have come across. All who can read this booklet with an open mind will draw inspiration from its pages. Whether 'religious' or 'anti-religious' they will be helped to base their lives more completely on the ideals expressed in the first half of the booklet and will thereby find greater health of body, mind and spirit. Christian vegans will find welcome conformation of their insight. For some, however, the following of ideals that Hannah Hurnard expresses with such radiant faith, will lead, not to fruitarianism but to the pioneering of a way of life dependent on those plant products which can be grown in their own areas. Outside the tropics, cereals and salads are necessary if undue dependence on imports from abroad - often from areas where people are hungry - are to be avoided. Moreover for others complete fruitarianism may not be the right diet to keep them in health; such a develppment must be undertaken with care. Nevertheless the demonstration by Hannah Hurnard and other fruitarians that abundant health can be maintained by the use of fruit only could be of vital importance to the teem -ing millions of the tropics. Many of their problems would be solved by the planting of the many food trees native to their areas - fuel, materials for building and many other purposes, controlling of the water cycle, prevention of drought and flood, checking of soil erosion.

"Animal Liberation" by Peter Singer. Jonathan Cape, London ÂŁ4. 95. This is a startling book destined to jerk most readers out of their habitual mode of thinking by the stark assertion that animal have an absolute right to have their feelings respected just because they are beings capable of feeling. For humans to refuse this right to members of other species, is to be guilty of 'speciesism' which is ethically just as unacceptable as racism or sexism. Just as humans have irrefutable claim to human rights just because they are humans whatever their race or sex, so animals have the right to be spared unnecessary suffering just because they are capable of suffering. He argues his case with the clarity and logic of a trained philosopher (Peter Singer is now Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at La Trobe University, Melbourne). He quotes Jeremy Bentham in support of his main argument "It may one day come to be recognised that the number of legs, the villosity of the skin o r the termination of the os sacrum are reasons equally insufficient


for abandoning a sensitive being to the same fate. What else is it that should trace the insuperable line ? Is it the faculty of reason or perhaps the faculty of discourse? The question is not - Can they reason? or Can they talk? but Can they suffer?" - and Lord Brain, Quaker and one of the most eminent neurologists of our time in in support of animal capacity for suffering "I, personally, can see no reason for conceding mind to my fellow men and denying it to animals I at least cannot doubt that the interests and activities of animals are correlated with awareness and feeling in the same way as my own " Yet Peter Singer states all too accurately "Most human beings are speciesists. The following chapters show that ordinary human beings - not a few exceptionally cruel or heartless humans, but the overhwelming majority of humans - take an active part in, acquiesce in, and allow their taxes to pay for practices that require the sacrifice of the most important interests of other species in order to promote the most trivial interests of our own species". Further chapters deal powerfully with "defences, rationalisations and objections to animal liberation" and give practical advice on "becoming a vegetarian or how to reduce animal suffering and human starvation at the same time". He says: "becoming a vegetarian is the most practical and effective step one can take towards ending both the killing of non-human animals and the infliction of suffering on them Here we have the opportunity to do something instead of merely talking and wishing the politicians would do something". He is an Associate Member of the Vegan Society and convinced of the Tightness of "TheFurther Step" but is concerned in the first place with persuading the maximum number of people to take the first step of vegetarianism. "Vegans are living demonstrations of the practicality and nutritional soundness of a diet that is totally free from the exploitation of other animals". Peter Singer does not under estimate the difficulties that confront the Animal Liberation movement. "Against ancient prejudices, powerful vested interests and ingrained habit, does (it) have any chance at all?" He sees some hope in the challenges that the threat of world-wide famine and of environmental degradation are putting to our conventional attitudes to food production and puts the responsibility squarely on each individual who reads his book and las the opportunity to evaluate his arguments. There is no doubt that the publishing of this book is taking the case for "Animal Liberation" into many areas where it has not had a hearing before. That it should be published at all is a good augury for success. „ T K. J. "The Pristine Loaf" by Hildegarde Pickles, Roundhay, Leeds. 2Op and SAE We were pleased to receive this booklet which gives rec ip-es for making 'sough-dough' and sough-dough bread and a l s j an interesting account of the history of bread-making and of the therapeutic benefits of sough-dough.bread. K.J. -27

SOME VEGAN PRODUCTS Eva Batt For reasons of clarity the names of all VEGAN products in the following notes are in capitals. There are some foods which, from the description in advertisements, appear to be vegan although in fact they are not. These include the so-called 'non-dairy' Coffee Whiteners such as Coffee Mate, Compliment and Tesco Coffee White. Another example is Waistline Salad Dressing which, although it appears to be, is not vegan. Alternatively, PLAMIL DRESSING for Salads, like all foods from the Plantmilk Co., is made for vegans from PLAMIL, sunflower seed oil, cider vinegar and herbs. Again, most margarines come into the non-vegan category. The only vegan margarines we know of are the Kosher TOMOR and GOLDEN ROSE. OUTLINE SPREAD is also vegan though technically not margarine. The lecithin content in this is of vegetable origin. Mapleton's NUTTER, SOYANUTTA, SUENUT (and NUT CREAMS when available) are vegan and have not been hydrogenat'ed. All other margarines and cooking fats - not oils - contain either animal fats, fish oils or milk. This (milk content) also applies to the M&S Superspread margarine about which some of you have been asking recently. 'Edible fat' on a tin or packet is a useful term and covers all or any kind of fat, according to availability. Most UNlikely to be entirely vegetable in origin, probably a mixture. It is advisable, when writing to a manufacturer, to mention emulsifiers, . flavourings, stabilisers and such, otherwise they will probably overlook the source of such ingredients when answering your letter, please send all replies to us for confirmation; one can, alas, get conflicting information. It is sometimes overlooked that there are vegan foods and there are whole foods and they are not necessarily the same thing. The greater number of 'Health Foods' contain milk and many, which are otherwise vegan, contain white sugar and/or flour. It is always advisable to use only fresh, unprocessed foods, but there may be times when this is not possible. All of us have to cater at times for others who do not share our preferences for whole, natural foods. Some biscuits, although guaranteed to contain no animal fat, milk powder or whatever, would not merit a food reform label. However, it can be useful to know which are vegan and we include such items in these pages - knowing their production to have caused no animal suffering - whether or not they are entirely acceptable nutritionally. Members will make their own selections. There follows a short list of products that we can recognise as vegan but not necessarily whole foods or health foods. A more complete list is given in the Vegetarian Health Food Handbook (75p + postage from the Vegetarian Society, 53 Marloes Rd. London W8 6LD We have given addresses of manufacturers for main items. Those marked with * have added vitamin B12. 28

VEGA N "MILKS"P LA MIL*- (and DELICE to be used instead of cream). Plantmilk Ltd., Bowles Well Gdns., Kent. GRANOGEN* Granose Health Foods Ltd., Stanborough Pk., Watford, Herts. VELACTIN GREEN ARCHER Itona Products Ltd., Leyland Mill Lane, Wigan, Lanes. FAT SPREADSTOMOR Van den Berghs Ltd., Kildare House, Dorset Rise, London. OUTLINE low fat spread s/a GOLDEN ROSE MARGARINE 5 Schwartz Ltd., 60 Brick Lane, London El. NUTTER, SOYANUTTA, SUENUT, NUT CREAMS Mapletons Foods Ltd., Moss St., Garston, Liverpool. GRANOSE PEANUT. BUTTER (see Granogen). SAVOURIESPLA MIL SA-VREE (see Plamil) GRANOSE SAUSALATAS (see Granogen) SOYA BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE (see Granogen). MARIGOLD VEGETARIAN MEAT* Marigold Foods Ltd., 29 Bell St., Ldn. NW1. PROTOVEG* (all flavours) Direct Foods Ltd., Bedford Rd., Petersfield. SEASAVOUR, SOYSAGE, SIZZLEBERGS, SOSMK, VEG. BURGER s/a OSEM LENTIL STEW Osem (London)Ltd., 1 Elizabeth Ave., New North Rd. MISO & RICE CREAM Harmony Foods, 191 Freston Rd., London W10. SAVOURY . S.PREADSBARMENE* Mapletons Foods Ltd., Moss St., Liverpool L19 2NA TARTEX VEG. PATE - all kinds but not their other lines - Vessen Ltd., New Mansion House,. Wellington Rd., S., Stockport, Cheshire SKI 3UA. NATEX SAVOURY SPREAD Modern Health Products Ltd., Davis Rd., Chessington, Surrey. BISCUITSFOX'S COCONUT CRUNCH " "



! Fox's Biscuits Ltd., PO Box 10, Batley, Yorks. J GINGER SNAPS ) FINGER GINGERS ) OSEM LEMON SANDWICH CREAM (see Osem Lentil Stew). Sainsbury's WHEAT & RYE CRISPBREAD MITCHELHILL OATCAKES WITH BRAN 90 Peffermill Rd., Edinburgh. N. B. Country Fair, Digestive Sweetmeal and Healthy Life are, regretably, not vegan. SOUPS— OSEM MUSHROOM SOUP MIX and VEGETABLE SOUP MIX BERGENE SOUP BLOCKS. It is regretted that the other Bergene soups have bean discontinued. LUCUL SOUPMlXESi SMOOTH VEGETABLE, SPRING VEGETABLE, SMOOTH MUSHROOM, SMOOTH TOMATO and PREPARED LEEK BATCHELORS GARDEN VEGETABLE AND THICK FARMHOUSE VEGE_ TABLE packet soups only(. (tQ p u b l i s h e d a 8 a l e a flet) contains B12 -g)

THE ENFIELD BOUTIQUE 123 Baker St., Enfield EN1 3HA. 01 363 2982. YOUR OWN STORE FOR VEGAN PRODUCTS where you will find ECONOMICALLY PRICED, NON-LEATHER, COMFORTABLE, WATERPROOF, BRITISH MADE FOOTWEAR. Books & Leaflets. Nylon Artist's Brushes. Cleaning materials including the Ail-Purpose PLUS CHAMMY, Sponges, Tea Towels, Dusters, Washing-up Liquid and Household Soap. TOILET SOAPS, SHAMPOOS &. Cosmetics of all kinds from ALO, BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUELTY, CHARLES PERRY, JABLEY, VEGECOS, WELEDA, YIN TANG etc. VEGAN HEALTH FOODS. Pay us a visit, try the creams, lipsticks and perfumes without obligation. Try on shoes. Select Vegetarian Journals and free literature. Browsers welcome at the vegan boutique. Six minutes walk from Enfield Town Station. W8 buses pass the door. We are over ENFIELD TYRE Co. where a very wide range of vegan accessories are available, including Motor Oil and simulated sheepskin and non-leather Seat Covers, plus 100 other useful items.

The Store is open on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays. (Closed on Tue. & Wed.) You may order by post (brochures and price list enclosed). A recent customer wrote: - "How I appreciate your mail order service, living as I do so far from towns. Thank you for all your trouble in finding just the things I needed".

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. (Please send to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Rd., Leatherhead, Surrey by November 1st for next issue. Rate 4p a word). GARDEN THE VEGANIC WAY. Grow your vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts without digging or using animal manures, chemicals or poisonous sprays. Ensure fine flavoured, goodlooking and wholesome.produce. Concise Guide 40p (including postage). Also a Bi-Monthly Newsletter Service. Subscribers queries answered. £1 yearly. C/o 73 Crispin Rd., Bradville 1, Milton Keynes, MK13 7BT, Bucks. NATURE CURE CLINIC Ltd., 15 Oldbury Place, London Wl. 1st Cookery Demonstration in the lecture theatre of the new premises, entitled 'THE SPICE OF LIFE' to be given by Mrs. Patricia Hoyle, Member of the Food & Cookery section of The Vegetarian Society (UK) Ltd. and Silver Medallist in the Vegetarian Class at Salon Culinaire, 1976, on Thursday, 7th October, 1976 at 6.00 pm. Admission free by ticket only. Tickets obtainable from the Clinic (01 935 6213). WAGNER Bayreuth Festival 1977. Does anyone know of a vegetarian/vegan hotel in vicinity of Bayreuth? Details welcomed by Miss W. A. Fisher, , Great Smith St., London SW1P 3BP. WOMAN interested in NATURAL HEALING and SELF-SUFFICIENCY required to co-operate in project of potential importance. Self-contained maisonette, available at small hillside farm, Welsh Border. Box no. 101. PIONEERS wanted to help develop 5 acres Hampshire jungleland, hopefully to form a nucleus of vegan concepts in practice. Possible caravan accommodation - very basic. Alas, little cash! Box no. 102. VEGFAM feeds the hungry via plant-based foodstuffs, leaf-protein, seeds, irrigation etc. Trustees: The Sanctury, Lydford, Okehampton, Dvn. Visitors welcome. Lyd. 203

YOUR HEALTH IN YOUR HANDS. A series of 6 lectures on caring for your body has been arranged by the Vegetarian Society commencing on 2nd Nov. and weekly thereafter. Speakers include Drs.Alan Long, Alan Stoddard and Douglas Latto. Full details SAE please, from the Vegetarian Soc., 53 Marloes Rd., London W8 or refer to Nov. copy of "The Vegetarian". GUILDFORD FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. One year from December. Good garden rear, port for medium car front. Suit family of four. Robin Canter Guildford 39213. RELIABLE AND CONSCIENTIOUS PERSON trained at the Veganic Training Centre, Cheddar, seeks position as gardener with vegetarian/vegan family. Box No. 102 "EAT WELL AND LOSE WEIGHT" is a book about nutrition. It contains a wealth of information and practical advice that reaches from the soil to the table and beyond- it is written for any reader and tries to do for meat eaters what Mark Antony did to Caesar - i. e. change their minds. Not vegan but could help that way. Send £3.80 to 60 High Street, Hastings, East Sussex. VEGAN CAFE, 87 Highgate Road, London, N. W. 5 needs dedicated people to work full or part-time. Rewarding work but low wages. Phone 01 267 6223. 31

ACCOMMODATION CLIFTONVILLE, MARGATE, Kent. Holiday flatlets to let very near sea. Send SAE for details to ., or 'phone (0873) 20535 Linda Emptage. DEVON, Dfracombe - "Fairwynds" Vegetarian Guest House offers healthful holidays with natural, whole foods, compost grown produce and home baking. Vegans are welcome. Elizabeth Burton, (V. C. A. member) Tel. 62085. DUBROVNIK. Animal lover offers hospitality in return for help in house and garden. Paying guests welcome also. Lowne V., Bukovca 1, Dubrovnik. FOLKESTONE Holiday flatlet for two. Self-catering. Comfortably furnished. Mrs.R.Allen, St.Francis, ., Tel.0303 56327. PERTHSHIRE. Brook Linn, Callander. Vegetarian and vegan meals carefully prepared and attractively served. Comfortable Guest House - near Trossachs and West Highlands. Mrs. M. Choffin. Tel. Callander 30103 (STD 0877) BRIGHTON Sussex. Have a weekend by the sea in a Vegan home. Short bus journey to seafront. Friday evening to Sunday evening. Mrs. W. Winton, ., Brighton, Sussex BN1 6LT. * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Tel: Hayle 3147.

Vegetarian / Vegan Holiday Centre overlooking Hayle Estuary C. H. and H&C in all rooms. SPIRITUAL HEALING by arrangement

Brochure, etc. from Vegan Proprietors - John and Miss Hazel Blackaller.

HEAVY HORSE PRESERVATION SOCIETY. Since the onset of farm mechanisation, 99. 9% of our farm horses have been slaughtered and, their employment being considered uneconomic, the slaughter still continues. The Heavy Horse Preservation Society begs for donations for a rescue fund to buy and care for a. few of the survivors. Gifts of jewellery, old coins, used stamps or anything ii/ else for sale in the Society's shop are also most welcome. So far, the Society has bought eighteen horses. This is the final hour of need for animals that have served us all so faithfully and so well. Help is now urgently needed and deeply appreciated. R. G. Hooper, Treasurer, Heavy Horse Preservatio Society, Old Rectory, Whitchurch, Salop. 32





Obtainable f r o m H e a l t h Stores or Beauty w i t h o u t Cruelty Boutiques in: LEEDS . L O N D O N . E D I N B U R G H . D U N D E E & S T A N F O R D (Lincolnshire) BWC, 1 CALVERLY PARK, TUNBRIDGE WELLS,





Available in packs which, when reconstituted with water, make l i i b of nutritious vegan food. It has excellent texture and biteability and comes in three varieties giving taste and particle size variation. It gives 50 per cent protein at 6 per cent moisture and a fat content of only 1 per cent. As well as being a staple for vegan diets, it is also invaluable in ' change over ' diets and in influencing your meat-eating friends. This because Itona T V P is a food of great versatility and can easily, conveniently and inexpensively be used as a substitute for meat in many traditional meat dishes. ITONA TVP FROM ALL HEALTH FOOD SHOPS



Willirtm-PlflkHm^-^tartUISPtet'LimJm VVI 35 Castle Strra^CjuildJoni'Smty 13 5trwt" D«rtnurutJii"DfVCTV 35 Hqk Stittt' Trtna " D n m



Vegan range:

PLANTMILK (dairy milk replacement) DEUCE (cream replacement) SA-VREE (for savouries, soup base, sandwich spread) CULINARY HERB PACK and ever popular CHOCOLATE PLEASE place a regular order with your HEALTH STORE •o ensure these vegan products being in stock. For literature (SAE please) write:

PLANTMILK LTD. Plamil House, Bowles Well Cardens, Folkestone

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