2 minute read

Jubilación Juan Carlos

From your experience in our school, what´s your point of view about the Bilingual Program?




The program is at wide, a great opportunity for both teaching assistants and students alike to learn from each other about culture and language. However it must be noted that the overall experience largely depend on school and regional placement, as it can vary widely . I have to say I was so lucky with Vega del and I have nothing but great things to say about my time there. Not only were students motivated to learn and achieve, but the teachers were equally invested and ensuring students´ success. Improvement and a positive attitude were impressive. It was truly rewarded see students levels improve in a very short amount of time. Not only that but the atmosphere and interaction at the school make it feel as a community. I always felt welcomed, appreciated and like I was making some form of contribution, even if they were small. I have no doubt that the bilingual program at Vega del Prado is setting students up for success not only to learn English but to put themselves out of their comfort zones, achieve and work hard


In my opinion the bilingual program at IES Vega del Prado was outstanding! I could see that having the opportunity to learn and practise English in different subjects profoundly increased the English proficiency of the students and I truly believe that it made the experience of learning more enjoyable. Comparing it to the language learning program in the US. I didn’t start learning Spanish until I was fourteen and only did it for three years. I wish the US would push language learning in all schools at a much younger age and incorporate it into physical education classes, computer classes, history or whatever. It is so, so important to begin learning a new language at a young age (like before ten years old) because it makes the process easier and it is easier for the brain to adapt at that age. The bilingual program at IES Vega del Prado was really quite good. I was actually able to talk to the students there and most of the students had enthusiasm to learn. I think that, for many of my classmates in my high school taking another language was simply viewed as a requirement we had to fulfill and not as a necessity to connect with people other than our own. I’m sure Spain has had this problem in the past as well, but I see the Spanish school system is taking the necessary steps to change this. I find that some schools, like Vega del Prado, are better at it than others. It will take a full generation or maybe even two, but if Spain continues on this educational path then it will be on the same level as other countries with English proficiency. Also, I sincerely believe that it would help a lot if there were more English television programs and movies in English