This year the theme is 'Home is Where the Heart Is." Students and faculty strive to help everyone fee' at home and included. A big change we had this year was our new address and name. Instead of being named Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill school we are now just Villa Duchesne! This is to display our inclusivity as one school instead of two separate ones. We want everyone to feel that they have a safe place here at Villa whether they attend the lower or upper school. Here at Villa home is truly where the heart is.
^ckifvn f^fuj/iot^
How perfect that this year's Entre Nous has embraced Home is Where the Heart Is as its theme. Certainly, Heart is at the center of Sacred Heart education. Pairing that with home so beautifully captures who we are as a school community - how we embrace each ether and promate a feeling of belonging, not just fitting in. In our Villa Duchesne heme, our students support each ether as members of the Villa family and welcome in with spirit and caring those who join along the way. They promote the fact that each member of our community has a place at the Villa family table. As is the case with families of any sort, there are moments of emotional ups and dawns, laughter and frowns, but at the end of the day, the spirit of being at home prevails. As St, Madeleine Sophie Barat grew in courage and confidence, she embraced Christ's Heart, also did receiving and develaping her vision of education from her experience of being loved and loving. The Heart of Villa today is filled with love, as demonstrated by touchpoints both small and large on any given day. Thank yau to all for keeping St. Sophie's vision alive!
Home is Where the Heart is has been one of my favorite school year themes in recent memory! This year we really focused on embracing a school culture where we care for one another like family, through our ups and downs, sharing our successes and our heartaches. We spent a lot of time reimagining our advisory/maison system this year, with more time for meaningful exchanges between our faculty advisors and maisons, or "home groups," Every student can find their home within Villa just by looking around at the friendly faces in their maison. Additionally, the theme really resonated with the new and exciting construction happening around campus! The amazing new Schaefer Family Life Center has given us another place for us to gather ^ with one another and share ideas and laughter. We can grab a snack at the new W J-Cafe and buy swag from the newly refurbished LaBoutique to show our school pride. Nothing could have been more appropriate than watching the all-school performance of 'The Wizard of Oz' in our new Pavich Theater. The 40 munchkins tram the lower school delighted us all and made us realize what it means to be one school, one big family. Best of all - the line "There's No Place Like Home" made each of us smile as we realized that Villa is indeed a second home for all of us - and there's no place like it!
Director of Development
Assistant Head of School for Strategic Advancement Director of Enrollment Management
contain their laughter around each other. The seniors know 9 they will carry these memories with them into their new lives.
CONGE: Last day of School Mechanical Bull I
PHILY WEEK: Stella and Mr. Livingston Look-a-Like
VILLA VS. ST. JOE GAME: Out of this World Space
CONGE: Squirrel World
FIELD DAY: Juniors win...sorry not sorry seniors
PHILY WEEK: Maggie Brought Mort (her hamster) Theme *
Snowed Out Freshman Sophomore Dance
Covid Breakout
Zoom Party
Avery and Olivia's VIogs
Hot Chocolate fiasco
Lamas with Hats
George's last year with breaks (cookies and soft
VILLA VS. ST. JOE GAME: Shipwrecked
PROM: Disco
Hales Go Blonde
Stole the Cookie Basket
Mr. Fressola's amazing cartwheel
Started St. Joe Pep Rally: punishment dance
Throwing Mr. Sorgent's Cutout Out The Window
Ryan's State Win
SaintSations Sansantional Dances pretzels)
Fire Throwing Priest
Hannah's Pool Battle
CONGE: Spy Kids (laser tag)
CONGE: Christmas, Elt Movie
PHILY WEEK: Avery's golf simulator, won dodge ball
FIELD DAY: Thrasher against teachers!
Broke the tug-of-war rope!
:i7 VILLA VS. ST. JOE GAME: Back To The 2000s
Finally Back In School
Mask Break Walks
Teacher Cutouts in Hallways
FIELD DAY: Back to back winners!!!
VILLA VS. ST. JOE GAME: Rumble in the Jungle,
Saints are victorious
PROM: Roaring '20s
Bonfire & Balcony
Father Daughter last-second relocation as a result
Coach Wehrle Ice Cream Party from an electrical tire
Carys's Cupping Therapy
St. Joe Pep Rally Dance
Mesho's Cow Bell.
Manny's legendary photos (We love Manny)
Senior Takedown!
Maggie's Dad's house
Maypole Practices
Father Daughter Bowling
C ass of 2023
To leave her sister at home and still come late to maison
To not respond to you within 5 business days
Ta have a story to go with any conversation
To announce that nobody submitted to
To sleep In the oommons like a zombie To be injureol
To speak so fast you oan't understanol her
To tell you there's a tornaolo wateh
To be danoing with no music
To be in the hospital To say "What?" with an attitude
To not pay attention but get good grades
Class of 2023
To be a famous singer To let her Intrusive thoughts win To be a oompletely different person on vaoation
To only paint half of her nails
To be talking to the parents during a party
To break her ankle on the sohool stairs
To make an inappropriate joke
To run in ihe Boston marathon
To have the best comebaoks
To be Picasso
To have a disposable oamera
To talk the loudest and say it wasn't her
To never be in her seat during class To pass out during sports
To have the longest hair
To have her mom pack her lunch cars
To never be in maison
took ballet in first grade with (^ettwho lives off the same road as 0^e^\N\]o had the same basketball coach as whose brother was on the De Smet football team with the brother of who has a nut allergy like who went to Old Warson Summer Camp and met whose distant cousin is best friends with v whose dad went to SMU just like the mom of who is a twin just ike who went to League dances with who went to Reed Elementary just like who used to walk to school with who went to homecoming with the cousin of whose sister was in the same Villa graduating class as the sister of whose uncle was the elementary school art teacher of ^0^ who lives adjacent to whose grandpa once occupied the same office as the mom of who went to the same horse camp as whose younger sister is a freshman ust like whose mom graduated from Villa with the mom of who is cousins with who drives a Kia just like who grew up going to Our Lady of Lourdes with who lives in Jniversity City just like who went to Kanakuk camp with P^ieHuJty\N\\o swam in the same lane on the swim team whose grandma is in the same garden club as the mom of who went to Camp Taum Sauk just like who was on the Villa golf team with Pfon who went to St. Margaret of Scotland just like who user to play volleyball with 0^^ vvho went to the Elton John concert just like
Mia Barrett: not listening to Morgan Wallen
Ava Brouster: going to an after party
Hannah Brown: not having FOMO
Liza Brown: not being a germaphobe
Maggie Bub: actually being twins with Abby
Carys Canepa: happily wearing jeans
Olivia Cordes: being called by the right name
Greta Donnelly: signing in for her study
Gigi Edwards: not playing field hockey
Kate Hale: not being with Lily
Lily Hale: not being with Kate
Ava Harmon: being pale
Ryan Harper: not watching YouTube videos during class
Sam Holke: not playing solitaire
Elle Jones: not Impulsively shopping
Cecelia Kraeger: eating from the cafeteria
Elizabeth Kraeger: not being called by one of her many nicknames
^ Pinmxichesi whose twifi went to prom with PomeMf who is in show choir with Pchd who is a great writer just like who loves energy drinks just like ^(^e^who has an adorable cat just like ^3<^«^who is a beast at physics just like/f^^t.'J^^^ who has been at Villa since Kindergarten with oils
Grace Krekeler: being awake in religion
Georgia Leary: not smelling like essential
Emma Lovett: not using Google maps
Olivia Mattingly: having an empty closet
Class of 2023
Kagan Mills: not being competitive
Caroline Potter: cracking her knuckles
Sophya Qureshi: haying something other than Chick-fil-Afor lunch
Anna Ramey: being a good driver
Lilly Rammacher: getting her hair done by 0 professional
Katherine Roderick: being in perfect uniform
Hope Schenk: not roasting you
Abby Schneller: actually being twins with Maggie
Madelyn Schoedel: not overthinking everything
Stella Scudieri: missing Church on Sunday
Rachel Singer: not taking every AP class available
Maiya Smith: not being brutally honest
Maddie Thompson: living close to school
Avery Wd/forandf: not training for marathon
Maeve Welby: being in a photo
Seraphia Weingart: losing an argument
Nikki Wendel: not having a crystal on her
Anna Winter: coming to English class
Rory Wood: not being at work
- Tim McGraw n
Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home agai
Do what you find interesting.
- Anton Zeilinger
Mia Ann Barrett
Ava Josephine Brouster
Elizabeth Ann Brown
There is no way around hard work. Embrace it.
- Roger Federer
Hannah Catherine Brown
The most important thing is to enjoy your life. To be happy. It's all that matters.
- Audrey Hepburn
Margaret Mae Bub CarysAva Canepa
// It's always impossible until it's done - Nelson Mandela If I'd like to soy it's been o pleasure. - Drake u ft
Olivia Claire Cordes
Greta Grace Donnelly
There are n people for everybody, and luckily, found mine. - Pete Davidson n And we're off, like a herd of turtlesi - Margaret Jones Donnelly (Mom)
Georgie Elizabeth Edwards
n For know the plan have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
- Jeremiah 29:1
Kathleen Denting Hale
n No day is so bod it can't be fixed with a nap!
- Carrie Snow
- Pitbull n If
After all, one can't complain. have my friends.
n n Live life, don't let life live you!
- Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh
Ava Pearl Harmon
Lillian Inglish Hale
Ryan Alexandra Harper
n Live os though life was created for you.
Samantha Leigh Holke
- Moya Angelou n n //
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
- Dr. Seuss
Elle Zofia Jones
n Don't worry about a
Cecelia Liesl Kraeger
- Bob Marley All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.
- Sainf Francis of Assisi
rElizabeth Clara Kraeger
If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.
- Saint Therese of Lisieux
Grace Anne Krekeler
Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you.
- Taylor Swift "New Years Day"
Wilkinson Leary Emma Rose Lovett
u Good things oren t supposed to just fall into your lop. God is very generous, but He expects you to do your port first.
- Audrey Hepburn
May the rest of our lives be the best of our lives.
- Mamma Mia
Olivia Grace Mattingly Kagan Ann Mills
// Beginnings are usually scary, and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living.
- Bob Marley
Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable
- Coco Chanel
Caroline Marie Potter
The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.
- Judy Garland
Sophya O’Donnell Qureshi
encourage you to go out into the world and be the person that you want to be.
- Harry Styles
Anna August Ramey Lilly Amelia Rammacher
Changing can be scary, but it' s a part of growing up. It's how we find out who we ore and who we're gonna be."
Yes, it's o man's world, but that's all right because they're making a total mess of
Hannah Montana -Cher
Katherine Kelly Roderick
If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
- Lewis Crizzard
Hope Margot Schenk
Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.
- Paul Rudd, Anchorman
Abigail Jean Schneller
// //
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
- Rascal F/atfs
Mndclyn Anne Schoedel
Believe you can and you
- Theodore Roosevelt re //
n halfway there.
Stella Kimener Scudieri
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Costa, Project X
Rachel Elizabeth Singer
Never memorize something that you can look up.
- Albert Einstein
Gwynn Smith
Avery Jane Walhrandt
Be where your boots are.
- Thomas Rhett
Seraphia Maria Weingart
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
(said to Avery on 10.14.22] n // n n
- AAoya Angelou
Maeve Maura Welby
There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it.
Nicole Blair Wendel
-Amanda Gorman You just got to keep livin' man. L-l-V-l-N.
- Matthew McConaughey, Dazed and Confused
Anna Grace Winter
// Have courage and be kind... where there is kindness, there is goodness, and when there is goodness, there is magic.
- Cinderella
Rory Kathleen Wood
// // //
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
- John Howard Payne
Ms. Pamela Harris-Marcus
am. am. am a work in progress. u n
Rory Wood
Grace Krekeler
Anna Ramey
Q»0e^ 4
Olivia Mattingly
&UKsm (/nuenigSf: Hope Schenk
Garys Canepa
Abby Schneller
Avery Walbrandt
Maiya Smith
Maggie Bub
Mia Barrett
Emma Lovett
Kagan Mills
U’^'^ 4
Liza Bro\A/n
(/nivagitf 4 Ava Harmon
Georgia Edwards
Maddie Thompson
(Jrtuengitif ^^axthmn
Greta Donnelly
'p.fiuiae, (/nuef^: Nikki Wendel
Sam Holke
(/nUe^itf 4 Anna Winter
Caroline Potter 6'/"'^ 4 M^mApr
Hannah Brown
Elle Jones
Madelyn Schoedel
{/nVte!^ 4 /4gg»^-
Olivia Cordes
Katherine Roderick
Lilly Rammacher
Stella Scudieri
Seraphia Weingort
Ava Brouster
Sophya Qureshi
Kate Hale
Lily Hale
Cecelia Kraeger
Elizabeth Kraeger
(/nue^iiif 4 Quioi^
Rachel Singer
Ryan Harper
Georgia Leary
Maeve Welby
accalaureate Mass celebrated academic accomplishments and athletic achievements at the end ot senior year, but it was also a sending forth ot the senior class into their alumnae identities.
Various awards were given out from each academic department. The athletic department too had many awards to give pertaining to unique talents both on and off the field. Salutatorians Greta Donnelly '23 and Madelyn Schoedel '23 were recognized, along with Valedictorian Rachel Singer '23. Sacred Heart goal awards were given to the students who most exemplified those values.
As amazing as those awards all were, it was the shift from student to alum that really hit home. The graduates were each given a medal of Mater, joining more than 4,500 Villa alums and over 55,000 Sacred Heart alums worldwide. It is a symbol of their lifelong commitment to uphold the Sacred Heart values. Director of Alumnae/i Relations, Rachel Gehm fold the class, "You are and will always be a child of the Sacred Heart and a vital part of our community.
Q'V' After receiving an athletic award during the ceremony, Gigi Edwards '23 thanks Villa's head ot school. Dr. Dawn Nichols. New alumnae Rory Wood '23, Olivia Mattingly '23 and Maggie Bub '23 smile with their medals. 7^“- Senior Rory Wood '23 is given her alumnae medal by tellow alumnae, Molly Kroeger. Senior Rachel Singer '23 shows off all ot the hard work she has put in throughout the years as she wins multiple medals during the prize day ceremony.
ha rewe
t was a glorious May afternoon for the class of 2023 to 'celebrate their achievement of high school graduation. With the castle framing the graduates at center stage, all the seniors were ready to close out their high school careers. They descended the stairs for one last time in their beautiful white gowns and sang the schaol song. In an unusual twist, this year's celebration included two Salutatorians, Greta Dannelly '23 and Madelyn Schoedel '23, both delivering speeches. Rachel Singer '23 also spoke as Valedictorian. They talked of their time in these walls, the memories made and the lessens learned. Science teacher Mrs. Kirstin Blase gave the faculty address, reminding the graduates to use their Villa foundations out in the world. While their Villa educational chapter may have come to a close, they will forever remain a part of the Villa family. joining the Sacred Heart alumnae around the world.
^If ith the recent addition of the Schafer Student Life Center, f ▼ the Class of 2022 were forced to relocate their Maypole celebrations to the front bowl because of the ongoing and long construction process. This sudden change put o holt on the typical customs of this donee performance because traditionally It has always taken place in the back bowl. Although last year's Maypole was just as delightful. It wasn't the same having it in the front bowl. Not only did readjustments have to be made, but the dance routine had to be slightly altered as well. Despite these setbacks. Maypole flowed just as perfectly as It had in years past
The Class of 2023 were overjoyed to hear that Maypole would take place In the back bowl once again. Things were on track as the process began in early February to rule what the height order would be and to decide if any preparations must be made before it all began. Soon the seniors of Villa Duchesne were spending their Monday evenings from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the gym —perfecting this dance routine. As the date grew near, the dance instructor called the girls in for even more frequent rehearsals.
Months before the dance took place, each girl was assigned a color ribbon to wear as a sash on her waist which depended on her height Maypole, a beautiful tradition for the graduating class at Villa Duchesne, has taken place every year since the founding of our school. This time celebrates the hard work after time in the castle and is a great way to wrap up the seniors' last four years together. Rachel Singer '23 describes her experience: "Despite the muddy conditions and the exhausting nature of maypole practice, we genuinely looked like we were having fun. Our class has some of the most radiant smiles and personalities, and together we have this innate ability to turn anything into a cherished memory." Singer's recount of the day exhibits the magical bond of the Class of 2023.
'23, Hannah Brown '23, Georgia Leary '23, and GIgi Edwards '23, perform the routine they have been diligently Moments before practicing for the past few months. beginning the wrapping of the pole, the senior class stand in unison. Laying the ribbon beneath them, the seniors prepare for the final part of the dance. The beautiful Maypole itself stands positioned in the center of the back bowl, Sashaying side to side, Grace Krekeler '23, Liza Brown '23, Greta Donnelly '23, and Caroline Porter '23 simultaneously move in the same direction. Carefully propping the garland above her head. Rachel Singer '23 moves to the rhythm of the music, Eiegantally moving through the dance, Avery Wolbrondt '23 carries the garland in her hands while maintaining a smile on her face, f'iim. Raising the greenery high over their heads, Olivia Cordes '23 and Kagan Mills '23 maintain picture-perfect posture as they parade around the circle.
0'K' Sporting three of the four vibrant ribbon colors, Greta Donnelly '23, Olivia Cordes '23, and Mia Barrett '23, smile warmly tagether before they participate In their last tradition as seniors. Moving through the opening steps of the donee, Elle Janes
M&M cookies to Villa students. Caroline started her small business, Caroline's Cookies, at the beginning of her freshman year and has grown it ever since. She had always loved making cookies and a friend's suggestion of turning her hobby into a business inspired her to take it seriously. The vast majority of her orders come from all over the Villa community; from students, teachers. i parents, you name it. Villa has given sa much support and opportunity to Caroline's Cookies since the beginning. Some opportunities include making cookies I for events like open house, Phily week, annual giving. sports games, etc.
The sophomore class of 2025 gathers together in their common room before leaving for spring break. The sophomore class consists of 48 young women who have united through the walls of Villa Duchesne and built a strong bond with each other that will last a lifetime.
Jessica Schultz
Makayla West Katherine Williams iicin 7schnche
Lauryn Gross
0’^ Kearney Moore'26, Claire Collins '26, and Anna Bub '26 pose for the camera with their biggest smiles. After an exciting day at the art museum, the freshmen pose in front of a statue trying to contain their laughter. -/Ika. Freshman on the stage! Charlotte Brown '26 and Lilly Rehm '26 sing their favorite karaoke Christmas song to the school, A group of freshman pause their dancing to smile for the picture, Mia Mendoza '26, Audrey Qureshi '26, and Nataiie Aiiman '26 express their excitement
Courtney Potter
Laila Rahaman
Rehm Samantha Rickman
Fiona Rossiter
Maeve Rossiter
Celia Shah
Kennedy Silkebaken
Carmen Suarez
Katherine Todorovich
Josephine Wunderlich Meagan Zimmerman
The Class of 2027 lovingly dedicates this edition of Entre Nous to
Their wonder fuels my wonder.
Mrs. Colleen Ramirez
serve at a food
Qne- Seventh grade takes the time to bank.Adriana DiPasco 78, Hannah Libich 28, Chioe Nichoias 78, and Sayra Rivera 78 smile while serving food to people at the shelter Paige Hoff 78, Moily McLaughlin 78, and Aiexandra Nichol 78 working really hard at the food bankto satisfy the need, Sarah Catherine Finney 78, Paige Hoff 78, Chadatte Kittner 78 Molly McLaughlin 78, Alexandra Nichol 28, Caroline Poindexter 78, and Jane Wessel 28 have big smiles while completing their service.
Rose Parrott
Josephine Pitman
Caroline Poindexter
Sayra Rivera
Mary Kay Schmitt
Faculty Most Likely To...
Most likely to moke a graphic organizer far everything... Ms. Harris-Marcus
Most likely to give you her shoes... Mrs. Sarra
Most likely to clap when the lunch is announced at announcements... Mr. Livingston
Most likely to always be searching for someone in the school... Mrs. Bertucci
Most likely to coll you a weirdo... Mr. Powell
Most likely "get away with murder"... Mrs. Blanton *she's a Forensics teacher*
Most likely to give you a hug... Mrs. MacArthur
Most likely to be drinking tea... Mr. Key
Most likely to be wearing shorts in below zero degree weather... Mr. Deines
Most likely to do a cartwheel... Mr. Fressola
Janis Valdes Tori Weldon ^ Josh Wells Theresa Wiss
Students take on Math
^^Students at Villa spend four years in the math department, learning everything from Statistics to Trigonometry, "Math has always been one of my favorite subjects, and this year has been no exception," said Cecelia Kraeger. "From solving equations in Algebra to discovering the beauty of Calculus, have truly loved every moment spent in math class...It was also the amazing teacher we had, Mr. Fressola, who made learning math fun and engaging," The math department currently has five excellent teachers that are always willing to help.
Villa also created a math lab this year, which
aids students in need of extra help outside of class. The math lab is open all hours of the school day, so
students can always find help throughout the day.
Most people who have attended math lab have
said that it has helped them tremendously, Mrs.
Campbell has found that the math lab has greatly helped her reach out to students who would not normally be in her class: "The lab helps me work one-on-one with students who need extra time and extra help." This was an excellent addition for the math department and will help students for years
to come.
Mrs. Campbell also hosted her annual geometry Christmas party, which is always a blast All the Qmy Elizabeth Kraeger '23 is working hard on her Statistics homewcrk. "Stat is my favorite class and am so glad that can learn about statistics with Mrs. Sanford," she said. The girls in the class took the time to make ornaments freshman Geometry class decorates the annual geome-tree with Mrs. Campbell!! using their geometry skills, and once they finally completed them, they decorated the Christmas tree. It was a Christmas math party to remember!
7^ Charlotte Kirtner '28 visits the newly created math lab for extra assistance. New math teacher, Mrs, Hearst said, "The math lab has pravided
time for students to have individualized help with a math teacher. Students are able to get help on homework questions, reviewing concepts, or relearning
material for retakes." ^ Piper Heskett '28, Margot Leary '28, Caroline Polfer
'28, and Ceiia Shah '28 decide to take a quick break from decorating the
GeomeTREE and chowing down some cookies.
l^illathis year had two very exciting semester ciasses in the science W department: astronomy and engineering, in astronomy, students expiored the different stars and pianets in our soiar system. The astronomy ciass even heid a star viewing at night on a weekend to reaiiy have the astronomy experience. Dr. Erickson has taught muitipie science ciasses, but her favorite is the engineering ciass. This a semester class where students built all different kinds of projects. Dr. Erickson sat down and answered a few quesfions abouf fhis class. In fhe beginning, a previous chemisfry teacher had brought up the idea of engineering, and Dr. Erickson fell in love wifh thaf fhoughf She created a curriculum, and then taught the class the following year. Dr. Erickson shared she was mosf excifed for the water filter project
Students are given dirty water and must use different materials to create a filter to make the water drinkable. This also connects with real life sifuafions on how we can help different water crises.
In this class, students are not required to have any specific skills, alfhough arf history is helpful, as fhe sfudenfs will sketch a lot
Students used many new materials like the 3D printer, laser engraving, and the Ardunio, which is a mini computer that can program different projects.
Lastly, Dr. Erickson described the difficulties of this class, saying it is a lot of frial and error. Something may seem it will work on paper but then does network in reality.
Students will take any opportunity to use the 3D printer, which Nikki Wendel '23 is utilizing in engineering class and watching her creation come to lite. i^k,The
O’K- Avery Walbrandt '23 and Caroline Potter '23 hold up a reflective paper to different elements, such os carbon and neon, to see the different light spectrum in astronomy class. Modlsyn O'Donlel '24 is really listening to her teacher and soaking in all the new information while taking diligent notes, Looking at through the reflective paper. Anno Ledermon '24 is excited to see the element neon come to life through the the reflective film, /wi, in the brand new class of engineering, Avo Brouster ' trying to make a contraption to protect the pill from dissolving in water. engineering students are using their problem solving skills. Toniyoh Whalen' 24 and Isabel Behr '24 are finding different ways to solve the questions to their lab
The students were tasked with drawing what they see in front of them. An astronomy student Avery Walbrandt '23 used her artistic abilities to accurately / describe the elements in front of her. f 4
^Tm he best thing to tuel a creative nnind is to have many aptians f tor growth. In Villa's English department. Yearbook, Villa Ink, and * Tower Talk are offered as publicafion electives. Through these classes, students can explore their creativity and passion for writing stories, organizing spreads, and making memories come to life.
"I wanted to be able to remember to the best of my ability what happened during my time here. wanted to be a part of the community that helps remember the legacy," said Rory Wood, one of the Honors Senior Editors of the yearbook.
A few more comments from this years editors and staff, about what it means to them: "It's exciting to be a part of a memorabilia that captures the entire year."- Carys Canepa "Its fun to create and organize the good times."- Emma Lovett "I want to be a part of something big to leave my mark." - Bella Redd
Editor-in-Chief of literary arts magazine Villa Ink, Greta Donnelly said, "To me. Villa Ink Is a celebration of the lesser-known talents of our student body. We all celebrate one another in the classroom, on the field, and on the stage, so we should celebrate one another's literary and artistic expression too." Reflecting as a senior, "When graduate, hope that all Villa students will continue to uplift and support one another through their artistic endeavors for Villa students past, present, and future."
The newspaper class, also known as Tower Talk, is a journalism-based class where the students report on Villa issues as well as hot topics within the media. It is great and Alice Irvin recalled her favorite part of the class. She said, "The best part of Tower Talk is the staff. appreciate how can create media with such an amazing group of girls who value the process of crafting a news magazine as much as do."
0'^ Students Nodio Pogon '24 and Isabella KIsiel '24 join in on the class discussion about the striking event that occurred in The Great Gatsby'. "^u-The freshman English class attentively focuses on the classic story of 'Romeo and Juliet'. This was one of the many interesting novels that will stick with them. '/hee. Mrs. Koehler and student Caroline Humes '25 happily agree to the spread idea, locking in the final key elements to her spread tor the 2023 yearbook. A typical class in Yearbook, organizing and sharing thoughts for the spreads, captions, story, and headlines. /v&The Yearbook students strategically deciding on the color themes for the spreads, Rory Wood '23 decided that it was important to discuss all aptions as a team rather fhah independently. ^«>The Yearbook class on a field trip to UMSL for the yearly Herff Jones all schools learning day. Before the day started, the students outlined and colored the Villa sign to share in front of all the schools with a dance.
ver the last few years. Villa Duchesne has made many changes. The new extension, new teachers, and new class ideas brought lots of excitement to Villa. One unconventional lesson in the classroom occurred during World Civilization class when freshmen students started off the year using play dough to learn
• SomeS how to write hieroglyphics. Freshman Anna Bub said pushfni that she loved this because she is a hands-on learner
• Gorbr- and found this super fun. "I love how the teachers are learning and adapting their lessons, because it makes it so much more interesting," said Bub.
Senior Caroline Potter felt the same way. Potter was in Psychology, taught by Ms. Fitzgerald. In Psychology, the class learned about the brain, and one fun activity they did waste create a brain. Using paper, they folded and labeled the brain. This activity was a fun way to interact with the brain, and it helped them have the information stored in the sensory cortex in the brain. "It helps so much when the teachers know what the students need in order to learn better and more efficiently," Potter said.
Maddie Kreikemeier '24 works on her final project, Lauren Hagan '27
0’K' Eighth graders McKinley Birenbaum '27 and Hamida Dickerson '27 are working hard to complete their notes for the upcoming test they and Addison Gibbs '27 study the material together and help each other with the have in Ms. Corse's Ancient History class.
While her classmates present their projects, Katherine Roderick topics discussed, standing proudly by her World Civilization II project, Victoria '23 listens intently. 7^ Mr. Livingston teaches World Civilization to Sansone '25, poses by her American Girl freshmen who are learning about the Cold War. /wi Lauren Pelikan Doll. Sophomores were asked to model a '27 reviews the notes she took in class so she understands the lesson person off a historical time period of their being taught. choosing.
Villa welcomes new globa language teachers classroom
Q'K' Madame Butler is reviewing the vocabuiary with her 7th grade period 7 class. 'f>i^ Learning the material with her class, Veronica Gregory '24 is listening and preparing for the test, Senora Szcz§sny's, also new to Villa this year, class has a surprise guest from a native Spanish
speaking country. The Spanish IV students asked questions only in Spanish to discover which country she was from. For example, 'What does the weather look like in your country now?" \ "What time is it there?' With the help of a map, the students discovered that she was in Argentina, In this opportunity, students talked about traditions and in particular a traditional drink
[Mate similar to a green tea very popular especially in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Brazil as well as in Syria and parts of Lebanon), Caroline Solsvig '24 having lots of fun in Spanish club wearing sombreros and talking to her classmates in Spanish
Crepe Making in French Ciub
I# ilia Duchesne welcomed Madame Butler *as the newest French teacher this year. Villa was so happy to have Madame Butler. She joined the community and has taught students so many wondertui things about herselt! Did you know that hertavorite French foods include creme traiche? Or that she lived in France for six years. Fun tact! Madame Butler only traveled to French-speaking cities when she lived in France.
Madame Butler never thought she would be a teacher. She is actually a musician and played all throughout college and her years in France. Madame Butler's interest in language was also intiuenced by music.
Madame Butler was very interested in teaching middle school, and she started taking French. She absolutely loved it and majored in it. "I love getting excited about it! love getting kids excited about it," said Butler. Madame Butler loved her previous job but as soon as she came to check out Villa, she instantly tell in love.
is always one of everyone's favorite things to do in French club!
cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs, room temperature cup milk, warmed 3 tbsp melted butter Vi cup water
2 tbsp cooking oil, for skillet
Madame Durbin teaches her French class with smiles and laughter reviewing the material.
Madame Butler's period 7 French class is answering questions in the review over the vocabulary.
At the end of French week, the tradition of making crepes in French club always brings smiles to students. Flere we have Gabriella Fehl '24 and Hope Kieemon '24 making their delicious crepe from scratch. These crepes the students have mode turned out delicieuse. After cooking the crepes, the students get to top it with oil sorts of yummy foods. For example, jam, sfrawberries, blueberries, lemon and so much more. If
Gillian McDaniel '25 cooking her crepe in French club.
French & Spanish Experiences in the classroom
Ashley Blake 24 reviewing the vocabulary in her period 7 French doss
•^rom being a principal to teaching a class, Mrs. r Steenberge can do it all! I'm sure you have never heard of a principal who also teaches, but Mrs, Steenberge says, "Every principal is really a teacher at heart, and teel lucky to be at a school doing what love- being in the classroom," Juggling two important things at once can be quite the chailenge, and Mrs. Steenberge said, "It's hard to manage to be both the principal and a teacher at the same time, but make time to teach because it is the highlight of my day. The students are the reason for the school, and being with them energizes me and reminds me about what's important: keeping you at the center of all our decisions!" What makes a great community is the students and staff in the school. With our wonderful staff, fhe academics achieve our goals of becoming the best we can be.
Mrs. Steenberge's Grief, Suffering, and Healing class had fun playing games of twister and board games. "It was fun to get creative with classmates and to express our thoughts of the five stages of grief fhrough our handmade board games," said Senior Hannah Brown.
The class also made a slide show about their personal Stations of fhe Cross and how they related their sufferings to Jesus' sufferings. Every day, they started the class off with rose, thorn, and bud. This to reflect on their good things- the rose, something not so good- the thorn, and a bud, representing something for which they are grateful. This was a good start to the class, because they all expressed personal highs and lows of the past week.
was a way
0*!- Senior Cecelia Kraeger '23 and Hannah Brown '23 are discussing focts about their mental health talk. Mrs. Steenberge and Mrs. Sarra play the students handmade Griefster game. 7?^ Olivia Mattingly '23 is pouring lighter fluid to start the fire for a fun project.
By: Grace Benac, Grace Hanson, Ella Robson, Alex Todorovlch
By: Maddy Mall, Ella Anthon, Anna Puschel, Kathryn Schwaneke
Cecelia Kraeger, '23 notes,'My favorite ^ thing about oil paints is that the oil base allows the colors to blend seamlessly" i^k-As Senior Elizabeth Kraeger, '23 starts the glazing routine, she notes, 'My favorite part about the ceramic process is adding the finishing touches and cleaning up any messy lines or uneven surfaces'
Senior Seraphia Weingart, '23 throws clay while listening to music. She has stated. 'For me, music puts me in a state of mind fo
Students answer be creative. It helps my imagination to create and work for hours on end." questions about
•^^The Pink Bear painting is nearly their inspiration finished as sophomore Heidi Fesler, '25 adds the colorful lollipop.
What Inspires you to do art?
Madeline Grace Kraeger, '25: "I really like Mrs. Sarra's theme for her class.
"Draw What You See" and think it's really inspirational. Also, have always loved art since was a little girl."
Katie Crump, '25: "I think ifs really therapeutic, and it helps me unwind.
Alexandra Tyrrell, '24: "I think music and like general environment, the environment in here is so high energy, it's so fun to just like go'
Catherine Mueller, '24: "Well my dream Job is an interior designer and so like Just getting closer to my goal.
Heidi Fesler, 25: My mom has really inspired me, and she was an art teacher and is an amazing artist My sister, Kate Fesler, who is an alumnae at Villa, also inspires me because she was an amazing artist as well."
Whot inspires you to teach art?
Christine Sana, Upper School Rne Arts Department Choir; "Students that want to learn and grow are inspiring to teach. Ifs also really Inspiring when students master a skill they didnt know how to perform or do when they firsttakeaclass."
Qit- Junior, Olivia Decker, '24 sfarfs off by sketching the piece she will point on o fresh white panel of wood.
Poinf is put down os Junior Olivia Decker, '24 continues the process of her oil painting.
“Tha, After the finol touches were mode. Junior Olivia Decker, '24 states, "This piece is definitely my favorite from this year thus for. The background is simplistic but fun, and enjoyed the challenges of symmetry of the cherries. Overoll, loved getting to express myself through my artwork and its vibrant colors."
Upper School Fine Arts Department Cha
Christine Sarra helps Sophomore Makayla West '25 a different perspective then she did not see before. ir. see
Freshman June Mormon, '26
iatie Kopff, the new show choir teacher, has many connections to Villa Duchesne. She was a part-time sub last year for Emily Kuhn, and Mrs. Kopff has faughf Mrs. Kuhn privafe lessons in fhe pasf! When Mrs. Kuhn left, Mrs. Kopff otok over fhe program.
and she absolufely loves ifl She has been a privafe music feacher, teaching how to play the piano and singing, and she currently teaches the freshmen and middle school. She was fhe music director for The
Wizard of Oz' and also for the play, 'Seussical The Musical.' Mrs. Kopff has played in fhe Muny in fhe summer for 20 years. Fun facf- Her husband played music af Villa Duchesne in high school and fheir second dafewasa Villa cancerf.
Middle school show choir has always been a club. However, if is now a reguiar class fhaf sfudenfs can fake during fhe Arfs Rofafion. The middle school class mef wifh Mrs. Kopff, and mef every eighfh period during first semester. The students learned so much for the Christmas concert, Mrs. Kopff picked all fhe music and arranged if all. Wifhouf her, fhis concerf would be so hard, buf she made if so much easier for fhe sfudenfs. She picked out the new choir robes.
Welcome, Mrs. Kopff!
0'^ These middle school choir students sing their Christmas hymns at the Winter Christmas concert.
The entire middle school choir singing their outroduction at the Christmas concert. TTn^- The high school choir went and sang at the Catholic Charities event./v^ Olivia Cordes '23, Greta Donnelly '23, Olivio ^ Mattingly '23, Abby Schneller '23, and Rachel Singer '23 all preform together on stage, High school choir performing for the students and parents of Villa Duchesne ^Violet Davis-Dodd '25 performing her solo in the show choir concert. igW Greta Donnelly '23 performing at the choir concert.
Welcomes a New Addition
Villa broke ground in May 2021 to start the building otthe Schater Family Student Lite Center and construction started in September. This center has the Pavich Thetare, the Danis Atrium, Riney Gallery, La Boutique, and the Johnson Family Cate. The center is an area where students can go to study, work on homework. shop, and grab a snack. Villa built this wing in hope ot creating a common space tor everyone in order to foster a sense ot community. The auditorium is a brand new space where Villa can host over 200 people with 280 seats in the brand new room. The auditorium also now holds a loading dock for props and sets. brand new temale and male changing rooms and bathrooms. The Johnsons Cate is a grab-and-go cateteria where students and foculty can grab a quick snack like a bagel and some cotfee, tea. or juice. La Boutique is now run by parents, so students can buy merch at almost all haurs of the school day. The Danis Atrium is the students new favorite place to be, whether it's for lunch or a quick study break. Everyone enjoys the new light and airy room to amm take a break and be able to relax.
0'K'Three sophomores ore seen dancing the
c a
reshmen and sophomores got ready for their annual donee on September 23, also known os the toll boll. This autumn donee allows students to dress their best and hove the night to dress up to the nines.
With fashion at the top of our minds for this donee, we night away, Lilly Rehm'26, Katie Williams asked the girls about their outfit proeess for the night. '25 and Anna Bub '26 are seen pasing together
The most interesting question was that out of the 56 after Just leaving the dance floor. 'fke& A group girls, 31.4% answered that it took over a week to find of giris showing off their best moves then stop to take a goofy photo with Allison Schneithorst '25, their whole outfit, including dress, shoes, and Jewelry. Katie Crump '25, Grace Kraeger '25, and Eleanor
Although usually the mast common shoe for a dance Petersen '25, Laughing on the seifie station.
Reogan Pulllum '26, Hope Lowery '26, and wculd be a pair of heels, multiple girls decided to wear Charlotte Brown '26, are caught in action of their the classic Tory Burch sandals ta create a classy and picture. elegant look to their outfits. Some of the most popular stores to find the perfect dress this year are Revolve and Splash, which always have trendy and new upcoming dresses for sale.
At the dance, the most popular style was a strapless solid-colored dress, in contrast to the popular shoulder dress from lasf year as seen in the chart. 2022 can be defined as a blast to the past, with the trends from the '90s coming back, like blowouts and platform shoes. This was shown at the fall ball, with the brightly colored dresses coming back into style, creating an array of colors af fhe dance. Overall, the girls had a fantastic time dancing the night away in the castle in their perfect outfits!
(j^fniindinn. the greater Villa community gathers
nearly the very beginning of our school's t together to celebrate Christmas Basket Mass, which Is an annual event held at the end of every first semester of the school year. i This celebratory mass is the perfect way to come together and celebrate the holiday season by giving back to families In need through generous food donations. All families at Villa, although not required, are strongly encouraged to assemble a thoughtful, laundry baskef-sfyle Christmas dinner with extra gifts and goodies. Students and parents take great pride in this tradition, putting forward their best effort to make Christmas enjoyable for everyone.
The return of Villa alumni back to campus to celebrate Mass is part of this annual tradition and a way for the entire community to be together as one. Seeing the warm, friendly faces of the women who attended school before us, is a reminder of our interconnectedness as a community. Each year, alums participate in a special ceremony at Mass in which they bring up one food item that contributes to the formation of a beautiful Christmas basket, symbolic of what this Mass means to us.
As a student at Villa, tradition is a very big part of what it means to be at a Sacred Heart
school. We celebrate this joyous occasion of
Christmas Basket Mass as one of our many
traditions and look forward to it every year.
0'ie-The senior class stands bundled together with
Christmas hats on before unloading baskets in the chilly winter weather. Working together, Liza Brown '23
and Stella Scudieri '23 lift a heavy laundry basket filled
with holiday goodies over to the collection of others, Posing with their favorite science teacher, and beloved Maison leader, Hope Schenk '23, Caroline Potter '23, and Sophyo Qureshi '23 gather on the bleachers before celebrating Mass, Smiling Sophomores Caroline Humes '25 and Morgan Krako '25 strut happily into the building preparing to celebrate the occasion, Gathered around the lower-school choir members. Caroline Sosivig '24 stands tall, ready to proclaim her voice at Mass. Three beaming students, Abby Schneller '23, Sam Holke '23 and Madelyn Schoedel '23 pose merrily next to their favorite alums.
Christmas Basket Mass
omecoming is always the most anticipated dance at Villa because other schools' dances happen in the fall and Villa's occurs in the winter. Christmas in the Castle is one of the best dances hosted by Villa. In years past, each grade had different time slots, separating the high school. Seniors and juniors would go for the first time slot, and sophomores and freshmen would go later that night. This year, StuCo and Villa changed it up-the Christmas in the Castle dance was all grades at the sometime! Every grade can say that they had a blast being with everyone from their school. Freshman Charlotte Brown '26 was excited about the Christmas in the Castle Dance because "it is the first dance she will share with her sister, Elizabeth Brown '23."
Sophomore Victoria Sansone '25 was excited about the Christmas at the Castle Dance because "it is a fun time to get dressed up and hdng out with my friends. I'm also really excited to spend a night dancing and hanging out with my friends in other grades. This dance has us come together as a community, which is the best part!" Junior Ella Anthon '24 was excited about the Christmas at the Castle Dance because "I get to be around all my classmates outside of school having fun together!" Senior Elizabeth Kraeger '23 was excited about the Christmas at the Castle Dance because "it is the pertect way to get in the Christmas spirit and love dancing and singing with my friends!' This Just shows how excited everyone wos for the annual Christmas at the Castle Dance. It was even more exciting because Conge was that day, too- what a fun and great day to be a Saint!
all smiles at thelrlastChristmas at the castle Dance. 7!^ Hope Kleeman-24andG^
get dawn on the dance flaor to the Wobble. Heidi Fesier '25 and Ol.via Decker 24 smrte
* -25, Colleen McKiiiip'24, and Eiio Robson 24 McDaniel '24
^ '26, and Lilly Rehm '26 pose for a picture before Bridget Hoff '26, Hope Lowery '26, Fiona Rossiter leaving the dance!
Christmas in the Castle
uring Catholic Schools Week, Villa Duchesne has a fun-filled week of all kinds of fundraising opportunities and dress up. This year, it was even more special, raising money for local organization. Welcome Neighbor STL, supporting Afghan refugee families in need. Throughout the week, the Villa girls raised money to buy a car for one specific family they worked closely with. From raffles, to dress up admissions, and even an Afghan dinner with the family all the students had a fun-filled week. At the beginning of the week. Villa students started off with a wonderful Mass with Archbishop Rozanski. This was so special because it was rescheduled from last year due to bad weather. Tuesday was concert/band t-shirt day. Students got to eat delicious Afghan treats with Freshta and her family. Wednesday's theme was "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" while also celebrating Gigi Edwards and Georgia Leary, signing to play collegiate field hockey, and Ryan Flarper, signing to play collegiate golf. Thursday, Villa Duchesne had a great night learning about Freshta's story and eating new and delicious foods! The Villa girls listened as Freshta shared the story of her family's journey from Afghanistan to St. Louis in the Pavich Theatre. There was a buffet dinner in the Danis Atrium with Freshta and her family and the Villa community. The event was even sold out! Lastly, on Friday it was Adam Sandler day with Caroline Solsvigs' cookies!
The Villa community ended Phily Week by giving Freshta a new car with the money raised. It was so special to watch Freshta get her new car. Freshta can now use the car to drive her daughters to the park, medical appointments, school events, and all the other places her family needs to go. In Afghanistan, women do not drive, so Freshta had to learn to drive and recently got her learner's permit Freshta speaks multiple languages, and she will use the car to get to her new job working as a translator for the St Louis Archdiocese's legal services ministry. All of the Villa community was clapping with joy and so happy for her and her family! The goal was accomplished for the week, and it made a huge impact on Villa,
Q'^ student body sold more than 300 pieces ot clothing, very impressive! The whole school screams with joy while Freshta receives her new car! The Archbishop celebrates an all-school Mass to kick off the Phily week festivities. This was a very memorable time for our community! Heidi Fesier '25 and Lauryn Gross '25 collect money for fheir raffle baskef on concert tee day, Freshta's Afghanistan food being served out to all our Villa Duchesne families on Thursday night. Cece Shah '26 makes her maison's door with Mr. Powell's face on it! <’««« Audrey Qureshi '26, Courtney Potter '26, Bridget Hoff '26, and Moeve Rossiter '26 all dressed down in their "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" theme! -^^The senior class on Adam Sandler day ready to play dodge ball against the Villa Duchesne staff in front of the entire upper school of morning rS assembly. //^ Senior student council introducing what we are ^ raising money for for Phily Week with the organization reps. These ,, women showed a whole powerpoint and how important this week ^ would be Freshta and her family. I
tm student Lite
n field day, students had fun competing against other rades in different sports and activities, while showing spirit for their grade. Leading up to the big day, the students at each grade were given the task to create a design for their class t-shirt. Each grade has their own color, and they had to create a design that represents themselves as a grade. This is a great way for students 7 ^ to show their creativity.
Another Villa tradition is superstars. Eight students from each grade were selected to be the class leaders. and will participate in special events during the week leading up to field day. When the superstars win an event, they earn paints for their grade. Each grade also earns paints during the stations throughout the day on field day. The grade with the most points at the end of IP the day on field day, wins.
Throughout the day, grades rotated through different ► stations. The stations were hockey on the tennis courts, i soccer on the turf, kickball on Father's field, and volleyball in the frant bowl. In the midst of all the stations, there was a superstar relay race on the track.
The last event of the day was tug at war. First, the
superstars competed for the last time and then 20
people from each grade had a chance tc compete for
points to add onto maroon and navy. This year, the
maroan team beat the navy teami For the competition
between grades, the seniors won for their second time
in a rowl
The sophomore superstars compete in the tug
of war competition against the freshmen superstars. With a hard fight, the sophomores won the points for
their grade, Whiie competing in the superstar
track event, the grades hand off the baton to the next person up to run. "^^-The senior Stuco members
pose for a quick picture on their iast Viiia field day
standing in front of the castle, Katherine Evert
'27 and Sophia Rebstack '27 pose for a picture on such a nice day. Excited for a day of fun. London Weiler '24, Alexandra Todaravich '24, Claire Myers '24, Olivia Decker '24, and Lucie Littlepage '24 arrive at school, Fighting for the ball in floor hockey, June Harmon '26, Courtney Potter '26, Gabriella Fehl '24, and Olivia Gehm '24 end up with the ball and score.
6s^^^hristmas is the most beautitui time of the year filled with joy and cheer. No one thought that Villa Duchesne's Christmas season could get better, but then came Conge! Students thought it was a typicai school day before break but suddenly during assembly, STUCO preformed a dance on stage and held signs that announced it was Conge! There was a slight pause and silence as everyane was so confused, but when the news finally sunk in, they Jumped for joy in excitement! The students were all so surprised for a Christmas Conge since all of the past year's Conges have been during the second semester. All the high school students went to a movie theater and watched the movie 'Elf and everyone was treated to popcorn and drinks. After the movie, the students came back to school for some of Buddy the elf s famous spaghetti and a Secret Santa gift exchange in each grade. Once those gifts were unwrapped, there was a maison gingerbread house making contests. Finally to end the amazing day, STUCO led a fun few raunds of karaoke that put students in the ultimate Christmas spirit!
Margot Leary '26, Hope Lowery '26, Lilly Rehm '26, and Charlotte Brown '26 come up to the stage in front of the whole school to perform during Conge karaoke, fwe. The seniors donee to Frozen's 'Let it Go' os they take o break from
decorofinq gingerbread houses. Amy Smith '28, Sarah Catherine Finney
Student Lite
m and build community id allies.
Greta Donnelly '23
Students who represent Villa at high
Learn how to make simple things by school events for prospective students crocheting. and families.
Kate Hale '23
Lily Hale '23
For students who want to learn more Villa
Semphia Weingort '23
How artistic design impacts students in about ASL and how it's used in the deaf their daily lives. community.
Gianna Brown '26
Marin Cline '25
Kaitlyn Gomez '25
stronomv fi'
To look at the stars and learn more about the solar system.
Ava Brouster '23
Caroline Potter '23
Dedicated to establishing relationships other in online gaming competitions to test and creating bonds within an inclusive their knowledge of the digital world
Students compete and collaborate with each
Leaders: environment for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Leaders: Liza Brown '23
Mia Brown '24
Nadia Pagan '24
To get outdoors and fish
■ost in the Woo I
Students filled with wonder and curiosity get the chance to venture outside their comfort zones
Stella! with their peers to explore the great outdoors
Madisyn O'Daniel '24
Alex Tyrrell '24
To be immersed in the French language
Students are given the opportunity to shadow
through unique cultural experiences. medical professionals, become CPR certified
Leaders: and develop their love for medicine.
Caroline Potter '23
Rachel Singer '23
Maddie Thompson '23
amor Girs
Serving the elderly community by visiting tbe ^
Laura Goldschmidt '25
Lauryn Gross '25
Ava Olive '25
m m
A beneficial competition in which students local retirement homes and giving makeovers ^ simulate a real trial.
Leader: to senior citizens.
Lucy Zschoche '25
Liza Brown '23 Gabby George '25
Hope Schenk'23 I
Villo's Campus Ministry Team who works to create live out Goal 3 of the welcoming environment for oil, sharing the message of
opporTuniTies ona to the Sacred Heart.
Kate Hole '23
Caty Jane Hayes'24
)l service learning
Sacred Heart.
Carys Canepa '23
Anno Winter '23 '24
Abby Schneller '23
iHM % aiR 'h'
Going on monthly hikes in order to stay active.
outside and practice pickleball build community and share their passion of .■‘.--H.V skills with friends. t T nature.
Leaders: Caroline Potter '23
Olivia Gehm '24
Alice Irvin '24
Pro-Li ThespianS im
To promote the life and dignity of humans.
For all those interested in developing their love Leaders: of theater and the performing arts.
Grace Kraeger '25 Leader
Elizabeth Kraeger '23
Anna Ramey '23
Grace Gori '25
Students are given the chance to travel around
student sanctioned competitions. the St. Louis area to experience tourist type Leaders; attractions.
Margaret Farm '25 ^ Leaders:
Vanessa Trevino '25
Carys Canepa '23 -is
Olivia Mattingly '23
Competing in science related events against '1.
Ava Brouster '23
To connect with and help those who have served other schools. L; f or are currently serving in the military. Leaders: r- V Leaders:
Rachel Singer '23
Avery Walbrandt'23 i
Integration of Hispanic culture in school life.
Sam Holke '23
Madelyn Schoedel'23
Literary arts magazine that celebrates student Leaders: art, poetry, and photography.
Mill Garcia '24
Grace Hanson '24
Greta Donnelly '23 HB MlMVMlUIij
Organizers of student life activities and
^ Empowering, educating and advocating for representatives of their class. women's rights and feminist ideals.
Liza Brown '23
Cecelia Kraeger '23
Elizabeth Kraeger '23
Semphia Weingart '23
Welcome to the Villa Fomilyl
Fellow Villa Duchesne Senior Georgie Edwards works at the on-oampus nursery!
This is Mrs. Rager's beautiful bay and her favorite part abaut being a new mom is "watching him discover little things each day." She also continued to explain that "the world is so new to him, and his excitement over the little things in life puts everything into a lens of gratitude for
This is Profesora Ramirez's smiiey baby girl. Luciana was born July 15,2022. When asked about the most challenging maments ot being a new mom, Ramirez said, "As tar as the most challenging part ot motherhood, honestly can say that Luci is such a sweet and easy baby to be a mom to! However, if had to choose something, would say that waking up in the night and waking up early in the marning is tough for me; love to sleep, and especially love my weekend mornings to sleep late!"
This is Ms. McCabe's adarable little girl. Accarding ta McCabe, "The constant
are what make being a mom so fun! Everyday is something new, and she gets bigger by the minute! never thaught I'd be so mesmerized by every single thing she does!" me."
0"*- stunning, senior Stuco duo, Cecelia Kraeger '23 and Liza Brawn '23 pose with their
someone soy The Great Gotsby'?! You heard that right!
This year's theme of the 2023 Junior-Senior Prom was U bouquet of flowers."^ Classmates and close none other than the glamorous decade at thel920s. This I friends, Rachel Singer '23, Olivia Cordes '23, creative theme was perfectly suitable far the occasion, as Nikki Wendel '23, and Greta Donnelly '23 beam ( with smiles in their long dresses. 7^ Idenical all upperclassmen students at Villa have at one point or twins Lily Hale '23 and Kate Hale
raise the another read the popular novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The
amazing sophomore Stuco representatives blew it aut of
the park with their astonishing and well thought-out
decorations. Gold streamers and glittery backdrops lined
the walls of the beautiful new student life center.
The Danis Atrium was in all its glory the night of prom Walbrandt '23, soak in their last few memories together while hearing the end of their final year. as the students danced the night away, drapping it like F. Scott! Not only was the music a hit, but there were also snacks. A generous supply of Chick-fil-A was offered to the students who got hungry and were taking a break from the dance ficor. Props to Mrs. Kaplan and her wonderful helpers for making the night incredibly memcrable. What a special final prom for the lovely seniors to enjoy. This prom will certainly be one to top! was so excited when heard we were having prom in the new space. The DJ, theme, and having everyane together made my senior prom so special, and will remember it forever!" said Lily Flale.
<^ik^Crushing it on the dance floor, Lauren Hussey '24 jams outto her favorite song, 'Wobble'. 'a*wi Making a royal entrance into her Senior Prom, Ryan Harper '23 steps onto the dahce floor with her date close by. -^^^VrBubbly juniors cuddle on the couch together before their first prom. Posing for a head shot, Hope Kleeman '24 and Gillian McDaniel '24 smile brightly ih froht of the glittery backdrop. Good friends, Bella Redd '24 and Marin Rohifing '24 prepare for their first prom by grinning widely for the camera Gathering closely for a photo before enjoying a night of fun, Molly Gagan '24, Kathryn Schwaneke '24, Lauren Hussey '24, and Mill Garcia '24 enjoy each others company under the mood lighting, Friends on and off the field. soccer players, Georgia Leary '23 and Grace Benac '24 pose glamorously in their colorful dresses.
roof at the fun 360 photo booth. Throwing
peace signs in the air, Veronica Gregory '24, Grace Hanson '24, Cat Mueller '24, and
Solsvig '24 enjoy their time together at
Senior classmates, Hannah Brown prom '23, Ava Harmon '23, Liza Brown '23, Georgia
Leary '23, Anna Ramey '23, and
rt was a beautiful evening in February, and the annual Father-Daughter Dance was a hit Usually we attend at The Coronado but had to make a sudden switch to The Palladium due to an electrical fire. This didn't stop the girls from having a very eventful night
As the night continued, the dance floor became increasingly packed, as more and more fathers joined in the fun. Some fathers, perhaps a little out of practice, tentatively taok to the floor, while others were natural dancers, twirling their daughters around with ease. We also got to hear from a special student singer, Olivia Mattingly, who wowed us with her beautiful voice.
As the evening drew to a close, the fathers and daughters reluctantly made their way home, tired but happy after a night of dancing and bonding.
Everyone dancing on the dance floor having a good time. Kagan Mills'23 and her father dancing and enjoying the night together Hope Kleeman '24, London Weller '24, and Olivia Decker '24 pose ail together, smiling big.
Qm' A group of freshmen smile together while enjoying the dance, The tired freshmen take a break and eat dinner together ‘ffM- Sophomores Caroline Humes '25, Lauryn Gross '25, Katie Crump '25, and Grace Kraeger '25, pose for the camera while taking a break from the dance floor. A few of the seniors pose together, while wearing their beautiful long dresses, Talented singer, Olivia Mattingly '23, shares the spotlight with her fellow senior classmates.
eReal has the students at Villa Duchesne captivated. BeReal is an app that captures a photo once a day trom the perspective of the front and back cameras on your phone at the same time. Everyone who has the app gets a notification at a random time once a day, and they have two minutes to take the picture when the notification comes. After you take your BeReal shot, it gets posted on the app, but you can't see anyone else's BeReal until you post yours. Students have captured the halls of Villa from their perspective. Not only do students take the picture of themselves and their friends, but some also get their teachers to take their photo, making it more fun for the whole Villa community!
BeReal captures Villa from the perspective of a students day-to-day life. The app captures the inside of Villa that often isn't seen by other people. The student life of Villa can be shared with the outside community through the app.
Qm- 8th grader Josie Wunderlich '27 smiles while she takes a BeReal of herself and her five other classmotes that are posing on the other side in front of the west door, Sophomore Izzy Miller '25 and Junior Catherine Mueller '24 take their BeReal with Mr. Fischer in the tech office, Senior Anna Ramey '23 poses with the Villa tennis coach. Coach Wehrle. A Villa fan favorite, Manny, is seen smiling on the other side of the camera. Junior Grace Hanson '24 is faking a BeReal with Mrs. Kaplan and her fellow junior classmates on the other side of the camera, Seniors Mia Barrett'23 and Rory Wood '23 take a BeReal of their senior classmates after class. Their classmates. Anna Winter '23, Georgie Edwards '23, Anna Ramey '23, and Olivia Mattingly '23, are posing for the back camera, ready and smiling for the picture. Mrs. Treeger takes her sophomore English classes BeReal Victoria Sansone '25, Caroline Humes '25, and Morgan Krako '25 are seen holding up peace signs and ready for their picture while the rest of her class crowds around them smiling for the BeReal.
This year's musical was one of the classics, with a big surprise from our lower school. The star of the show, Abby Schneller has gone above and beyond as Dorothy, with the cutest dog ever for Toto. The casting was just perfect, with Olivia Mattingly as our very own Glenda and Naomi Molina as the Wicked Witch. The Lower School had a guest appearance as the Munchkins, and they were the perfect match for the role.
Below are some comments from the cast and crew:
How d/ct it feel to be such an amazing and magical character?
"The dress was beautiful and felt like a princess. I've never done any musical or play before, and it was exciting to be such an iconic character with an amazing costume." - Olivia Mattingly '23
What drives your desire to want to help create a musical?
"Giving students the opportunity to build performing skills, grow in confidence, make new friends, and have the excitement at performing before an audience is a tremendous joy. To watch students create real, believable characters out of just words on a page, breathe new life into old songs we've heard dozens of times, and see them experience the fun and exhilaration of performing is just my very favorite thing."-Janis Valdes
IHeading in a completely different direction. Villa's preforming arts department took their seasonal theatrical production to whole other level, choosing a performance less than familiar to most. Rather than praducing a musical like they had the previous fall, director Michelle Hand choose to put on a version of the less-widely known but underrated and captivating "On the Verge". This cleverly written plot, released in the '80s, follows the adventures of three Victorian female explorers who venture into uninhabited land, which they refer tc as Terra Incognita. The three women all come from very different origins and have varying levels of exploration backgrounds, which are tested when they encounter the mysteries of nature. What makes this play unique from the others is the strong presence of female characters and feminist ideals. The student actors did an unbelievable jab portraying their characters. Villa is incredibly proud of the effort and
time commitment the girls put into the playl
utilizing technological advancements from the 1950s, the three travelers shrill with excitement as they are marveled by the impressive features of such inventions, Holding her close in comfort, Bea Bussen '24 caresses her co-star in a touching scene that struck the hearts of the audience, 'fhee' Scanning a map in close detail, the explorers ponder how they will return home from their adventure. Striking a pose with her glamorous new camera, inquisitive Alexandra Cafuffle, played by Bussen '24, beams with Joy. Accomplished and dedicated actor, Greta Donnelly '23 makes a
0'K- Dorothy and her classic crew gleefully parade down the yellow brick road. "^Journeying to the Emerald City, adventurous Dorothy, portrayed by Abby Schneller '23, gathers delicious apples lasting impression on stage as she gives it her all in one of the final scenes of her from the friendly trees. Sporting her snazzy suit and top hat. career, embodying lead explorer, Mary Baltimore. ^‘k'Married couple, Grover and Lauren Hussey '24 shows off her abilities to play the charming Fanny Cranberry, played by Joshua Molina (CBC) and our very own Mia Brown '24, sit Wizard of Oz. Hanging from his post in the field. Scarecrow, in contemplation as they consider the next steps in their relationship. played by Natalie Fox '26, proclaims his desire for a brain, y^eDressed to the nines in an elegant white ball gown, Olivia Mattingly '23 elegantly embodies Glenda the Good Witch on stage.
Qm Lauren Pelikan '27, Skyler Hoefener '27 and Mary Claire Schwaneke '27 put on their best pertormance and look out to the audience with their professorial faces on.'^ Lauren Hagan '27, Lucy Grimmer '27, Addison Gibbs ♦ '27 and Caroline Herman '27 give a mid-dance
'Tm he Middle School put on two amazing show fproductions this year. Eighth grade performed smile while looking to left stage with the anticipation for the main character to come out 'fka- During rehearsal, Paige Gardner '27 recites her line perfectly into the microphone.
A jaw-dropping solo is performed by Lila Lowery '27. McKinley Birenbaum '27 and
Sessuical Jr on October 20 and 21. This show is the Skyler Hoefener '27 sing a perfect duet together,
Broadway musical version of 'Horton Hears a Who'. leaving the audience in awe.
The director, Janis Valdes, said the main reason they chose this musical was for its message of inclusion. with the popular phrase, "a person is a person, no matter how small". All 48 students were involved in the show: 44 on stage and four backstage. This production took determination and hard work with the students and directors rehearsing for 10 weeks for the show.
The seventh grade performed 'They Eat Sunshine not Zebras' on March 13 and April 3. This performance is about blades of grass in a field who are scared of dandelions fhaf are growing up around fhem. The show fhen goes to reveal that the grass is learning to accept the dandelion for ifs differences and learns fhe fraif of accepfance. This show had 11 sfudenfs performing who were dedicafed fo the
1performing arfs program and wanfed to take part in the play. Last minute, on one of the performance dafes, fhe sfudenf wifh fhe main role fell ill and a lasf minufe sub came and stepped in.
^■k^During the turning point of the show, the crowd gasps as Skyler Hoefener '27 puts on Dr. Seuss' hat Two girls put on an extremely entertaining show by using all of their emotions in their performance.
Lila Lowery '27 stuns the crowd with her amazing performance skills and the way she captures the audiences attention. A group of girls are laughing on stage together after their final bow. extremely proud of the show they put on together, The ensemble puts on an amazing dance performance that they had perfected to very last count Paige Gardner '27 exclaims to the audience her final line. entrancing everyone with her musical talent
Goal One
Bella Redd ‘24
Mia Crandall ‘25
Josie Wunderlich ‘26
Cammie McGehee ‘27
Annie Bauer ‘28
Goa Two
Alice Irvin ‘24
Charlotte Murr ‘25
CeCe Shah ‘26
Trudy Redmond ‘27
Chloe Nicholas ‘28
Goal Three
Soleil Nazar ‘24
Grace Kraeger ‘25
Harper Hall ‘26
McKinley Birenbaum ‘27
Lucy Hicks ‘28
Goal Four
Mili Garcia ‘24
Katie Crump ‘25
Margot Leary ‘26
Sophia Rebstock ‘27
Amy Smith ‘28
Goal Five
Grace Hanson ‘24
Heidi Fesler ‘25
Ansley Bricker ‘26
Jane Hill ‘27
Charlotte Kittner ‘28
Coach Kate Graft, one of if not the best coach in the state of Missouri, hit a milestone she will always remember! Over the 10 years she has been coaching, she has achieved 300 wins and counting. She holds
high expectations and everyone on the team knows their role in order for Villa to succeed as a whole. She brings the best out of every single person on and off the field to build the close family culture we have today. Many know Graft as the Villa field hockey AND coach and PE teacher, but she is so much more than that she is our biggest supporter. She turns everyone's weaknesses into their greatest strengths. She is a consistent, prepared, and humble coach who stresses the importance of teamwork, accountability. and the fundamentals day in and day out. Graft understands what it takes to lead a successful field hockey team and she works to build that every single year with both skill and personality. Villa is so beyond proud!
After making a plan to put the ball in the court agaihst Cor Jesu Academy, the Varsity I Volleyball Team breaks out from timeout. Hitter and Defensive Specialist, Ellen Schweppe '25, tipping the ball to the left in order to avoid the big block in front of her. Junior Varsity players, Kate Palliser '26 subs in for Jessica Schultz '25 after the Villa Saints scored o point against Clayton High School. Back row player, Kate Palliser '26 added that before she gets on the court she always tells herself and her team to "focus on one point at a time." Junior, Molly Gagan '24, gets ready to serve the ball into the court. Molly, used her tricky but short serve to get the ball over and in, to gain Villa the point, The second place district plaque that the Villa Varsity Volleyball Team. i^ioJuniors Molly Gagan '24 and Caeley Wilsan '24 and Freshman, Nora McLaughlin '26, loudly call out their hitters in preparation to receive serve from the other team.
erview with Varsity Volleyball Team 3ptains Grace Krekeler, Olivia )rdes, and Molly Gagan
M: "When we played Clayton, and they made barking noises every time they goto kill."
G: "Once Caeley was going to the bathroom and when she was coming back into the gym, she slammed her whole body into the net pole, and she just dropped down to the tioor and everyone was laughing."
0: "When Mia and Caeley somehow bonked heads in practice and everyone was laughing, and you guys were okay."
G: "I don't think we should be overly contident, so would say pertorming well at districts, to the best ot our abilities and see how tar we can get."
0: "I would really like us to beat Whitfield, who is in our district. That would be a nice rewarding goal since know we can do
M: No answer (agreed with others)
M: "A lot of the players look up more to us captains. We are on the court and know what we are doing, so when we lose, its better to hear from your teammates telling you what you did wrong and how you can improve instead of the coaches yelling at you. As captains we try to encourage our other teammates and let them know it was Just one game and we can do better that next game. We can't control what just happened, but we can central our future games to come."
G: "I think just being supportive, because nobody likes to be yelled at, especially by your own teammates, so kind of supporting each other and being there for each other, because we are a team and work together."
0: "Just saying everyone makes mistakes in the game, and tell the team that it's not one person's fault, we are all in it together."
M: "It takes a lot of mental toughness, especially because you are in between the coaches and the players, so you hear one side from the players and the other side from the coaches and sometimes you have to keep it to yourself."
G: "The coaches expect you to be those leaders on the court but then sometimes it is hard to keep your own mental toughness trying to help everybody else too."
0: "We had a little bit of a rocky start this year, but we are getting it together."
A^ I tter a long and competitive season, the Varsity Volleyball Team won two districts gomes against Sumner High school and Duchesne High School. Unfortunately, the team fell short in the final district game against Whitfield High School losing by two points all three sets. Overall, their determined hustle placed the team in second in districts. Although the captains' end goals were not fully achieved, they have noted how proud they are of how far the team has come.
iza Brown 23' and partner Katie Todorovich 26' fought through tough quarterfinal matches against Ladue,
showing their skills, as well as staying positive and having
great sportsmanship. The duo played ta stay, and faced
their district final opponents. They took the first set easily.
but struggled early In the second, Down 1-4, the girls fought back to tie It at 5-5, went on to lose and split sets. which forced a tie-breaker, a 10 point, win by 2. They eventually won, with an intense tie-breaker 16-14 and advancedi When asked how she felt about winning the r district tournament, Liza replied, "It was really excitingl We r3 were seeded second in the tournament, so it was such a good feeling to win. It also meant that we qualified for the state tournament, so even more excitementt r The tennis morale was high at games and tournaments. Varsity and JV teammates showed up and helped cheer for the team all season. The spirit was there all tennis season, and many Villa students showed up to games and helped cheer on their teams. During senior night, the team members made speeches for their seniors and gave them gifts. "Having such a close team really made my final season a lot more special. It was like we were one big family," said Kagan Mills '23.
QfK. Sophya Qureshi '23, Avery Walbrandt '23, and Liza Brown '23
sit and watch as the JV team play a match at home, 'fn- Lily Hale '23
sets up to hit a volley. fiM Violet Davis-Dodd '25 hits a stroke against Cor Jesu. JV seniors pictured with their two coaches and
students who came to watch their match.
Three - Pea M.
W r lotto prove this season. As key players from the defensive and
last year's victory over MICDS, winning 2-0, the Saints had a offensive sides graduated, the remaining girls had to come together as one. The Saints had a target on their back all season. Everyone wanted to see Villa fail; no one wanted them to win. Instead of the girls taking that negativity and being mad, they
used it to fuel themselves throughout the season, beating teams
left and right until they faced the John Burroughs Bombers.
The Saints played a tough game but fell short to John Burroughs, a 2-1 loss. The girls grew from this and told themselves they wouldn't lose again. After the hard loss against Burroughs, they continued to win against tough teams like Visitation Academy and St. Joseph's Academy.
Going into the state tournament, the Saints had no probiem defeating a strong Pembroke team, winning 8-0. That win gave them momentum to beat a tough Ladue team, 5-0. Fallowing with two easier games, the Saints were later matched up with an intimidating St. Joe's team. The Saints played so well, they didn't want to stop. The game went into a double overtime sudden death. At 4 minutes into double overtime, Georgia Leary took the ball with amazing speed, to break through the defenders and passed itta Georgie Edwards, who made a reverse shot, winning the game 2-1.
Moving on, the Saints wanted to prove to Burroughs that they were # 1. They did just that with a score of 4-0 by Hannah Brown, Katie Crump, Georgia Leary, and Elle Jones. The Saints became the 2022 State Champs for the third year in a row! They did what everybady said they couldnt do.
The whole team smiles while holding the trophy celebrating Villa's fourteenth state championship. Elle Jones '23 explains. It is so special that all the seniors got to celebrate our third championship in a row and got to end ^ m 4 c our Villa field hookey careers with a bang." During a high intensity Sf Joe game, Anna Puschel '24 keeps her cool in the goal, controlling her defense. "pfM, Running onto o ball, Colleen McKillip '24 is speeding up as the ball comes to her. Trying to get around the Visitation defender, Georgia Leary '23 makes a simple move to try and get to the baseline to beat her defender. The beautiful 2022 state trophy otter being presented to the field hockey champions. Cecelia Kraeger '23 inserts a perfect ball and sends it to the top of the circle. The whole team celebrates a goal during the Gateway Classic Tournament. Georgie Edwards '23 stops the ball for a setup shot for Katie Crump '25 which resulted in a corner penalty goall
embers of the golf team said this season was a seasan to remember. While still
having time for school, the girls played their hearts aut mast nights of the week in golf matches. The team had cverall loses, but kept their heads up and persevered while still having fun with their teammatesi While the season had many ups, there were also some downs. This year the team had two separate injuries which caused them to lose key players. The Saints worked hard to make up for all the paints last from the injured players.
This season, the golf team members had many memorable moments with each other. Senior Ryan Harper said, "I enjoyed the last match cf the season the most and getting to play that last match with Reagan Pullium by my side."
Senior Seraphic Weingartsaid, "The last match was my most memorable moment of fhe season because beat my personal best!" She added, "it was a great mcment tc spend my last high schcol gelt match with my teammates supporting and cheering for me."
Ansley Bricker and Reagan Pullium were the only two freshman an the team this year. Pullium enjoyed
playing with Ryan Harper on her last match. "I loved making memories with my teammates on car rides tc out of fown tournaments and just at practices," Bricker said
hen one hears the words "Villa Cross Country," they automatically think ot ;enlor, Rachel Singer; stellar athlete, dedicated student, and a friendly face to all. The contributions she has made to the team are simply hard to describe. She has been an Instrumental part of not only the Cross Country team but the entire school community. inspiring her classmates and teammates in all aspects of school life. Rachel exemplifies what it means to be a true Villa girl at the heart. She is a role model to the underclassmen and demonstrates her kind demeanor and committed attitude through all of her efforts.
To say Villa Duchesne's Cross Country has team struggled to find numbers these past few years would be an understatement Season after season, the team has wrestled to put together a squad with committed runners and a passionate coach with a love for the sport. All of that changed in the fall of 2022, when Coach Amanda Stoll was hired as Villa's new Cross Country coach. As things were looking up, the future was bright for this program, and Rachel was in for a great senior season.
Rachel Singer has been running since her freshman year, and she hasn't had a full team to compete with in awhile. There was a big change this year when three girls
with little to no cross country running experience joined the team and now helped make up a team of five girls plus two swing runners. With this amount of people. Villa was finally able to compete for team scores. This was thrilling news for Rachel, as it was her last high school season of cross country. Things were finally looking up for this team.
The small size of the team brought the girls together and created a strong bond. which is hard to compare to any other team dynamic. The girls defied all expectations despite their small numbers. They continued to hold their own at local and state meets.
One of the team's strongest runners, Bennett Janosky even qualified for state, with her teammates not far behind, cheering her on every step of the way as she tackled the course at the annual Gans Creek Classic.
Although lacking the scores Rachel had
dreamt of finishing her final cross country season
with, she made it a memorable one to say the least. the competition, captain Rachel's career is far from over, as she plans to
Singer'23 ieads the way in the race. continue her passion for running through college
Cohgradulating each other and beyond. We ore immensely proud of Rachel and after a tough run, Bea Bussen all she has accomplished these past four yearsi '24 and Oiivia Gehm '24 <» high-tive in exhaustion after a meet. With a long
0'K' As a team, the runners representing Viila Cross Country battle
strideand determinationon their way though a crowd of girls in the first hurdle of the race. her face, Bennett Janosky '25 focuses on the finish line
Celebrating their first place success in the Priory Invitational, the ahead as she powers tontastic runners pose with smiles after a tough run. 7^^ On her through in the last few meters second lap of fhe course, Bea Bussen '24 flies by in content, nearing of the important district race. the runner ahead as she makes her way towards the finish, In the first meet ot her cross country career, Bella Redd '24, tackles the course with confidence, leaving fhe ofher runners in the dust.
Posing confidently. Rachel Singer '23 smiies
with her medoi otter placing
nth inthetirstmeetotthe season,
Always a player the villa golf team could rely on, Ryan is composed j butfierce on the green. Getting a hole in one her junior year which gave her more passion for golf than ever! Truman state is a great school with amazing academics and division for golfl Ryan explained for us why she was drawn to Truman and what she is most excited about for becoming a college athlete, "I was drawn to Truman because of their highly rated academics and their welcoming community. The atmosphere is one felt accepted and welcomed at. loved the environment, the campus, and all the professors talked to! am most excited to meet my new teammates and play at a prominent level."
A vital part of the field hockey /' / team, a four year Varsity starter has helped lead the team to three consecutive state championships titles. Gigi has been playing field hockey for over 12 years. During her junior year season she committed to play Division at the University of Louisville. Gigi has this to say about why she was drawn to Louisville and what she is most excited about for becoming a college athlete, "I was drawn to the University of Louisville because of their beautiful campus. amazing academics, coaches, and the field hockey program in general. As soon as stepped onto the campus knew right away wanted to be a cardinal. am most excited to play at a higher level of competition against girls from all over the world.
She committed to play late junior year and will be a great addition to the deacon team! "I was drawn to Wake Forest for the beautiful campus and location in North Carolina, as well as the supportive coaching staff and joy filled field hockey team. I'm most excited for the team camaraderie that will be surrounded by from day one and expanding my horizons to new people and places." This is what Georgia is most exited for as she transitions into a college athlete.
na uive js
^^chool records were beaten, new personal times were set. Saints win againi It is no lie that the Villa ~ Duchesne swim and dive team's season was tull ot success. The Saints class one swim team listed # in the state tor the 200 medley relay. The swimmers I competed in 14 swim meets this season, with 15 P swimmers and divers and brand new coach. Bill Tramel. i The swim and dive team took on the 2023 swim and dive state finals, held at the Saint Peters Rec-Plex. The swimmers had a great turnout trom students, taculty, and parents. Villa placed 4th overall at state, the highest in Villa swim history, and placed new records on the
Grace Kraeger, Charlotte Brown, Madelyn Schoedel, and Katherine Roderick broke the record tor the 400 freestyle relay at the 2023 state finals. Their record time of 3:36.91 set the new record in this event for the state of Missouri. These young women also broke the record for the record for the 200 medley relay and set the new record for the state of Missouri of 1:48.62.
The Villa swim and dive team placed the highest in Villa state swim history and won fourth place at the 2023 Missouri state swim and dive meet.
0’^ Junior Olivia Decker '24 glides through the water doing the backstroke, Freshman Bridget Hoff '26 does the breaststroke in the water whiie she comes up for air. Madelyn Schoedel '23, Grace Kraeger '25, Charlotte Brown '26, and Katherine Roderick '23 stand on the first place podium, waving at the student section that attended their state swim meet, /wv Senior Madelyn Schoedel '23 rests in the pool by the diving block. Senior Katherine Roderick '23 holds the first place trophy she won for swimming in the medley relay.
0'K'The basketball managers Avery Walbrandt '23 and Maggie Bub '23 smiling at haiftime after taking the first half stats at the senior night basketbali
game, 'fo- Olivia Gehm '24 handing a fiowerto Maiya Smith '23 on senior night while Tim Deines gives a speech about how greatly Maiya has
impacted the basketball program.
Keely Eigelberger '25, Karie Adamitis '24, and Olivia Gehm '24 all getting
she 2022-2023 basketball season was an exciting, flourishing time. Both junior varsity and varsity teams have shown tremendous growth throughout the season. "Basketball season gives me another family and creates the best memories. feel like our team has improved so much to better Villa basketball's reputation," said Ellen Schweppe. These girls have had a ball this seasoni There have been many team bonding events this year that include bowling and watching the girls SLU basketball team play Fordham. The girls even got to meet and learn from some of the players. This season has really lived up to 'Home is Where the Heart Is.' "My teammates are more than teammates; they are like sisters," said Keely Eigelberger. The court has turned into another home for these players.
So much has been accomplished for the basketball Saints. The best accomplishment this year was Villa's win over Hancock. It was truly a win to remember. The Saints came out hard and finished the game up by 45 points. Maiya Smith states, "Our team's chemistry really showed through this game and our hard work really paid off. It was one to remember!"Thisgame was Villa's largest lead and win of the century. In recent history, no Villa team has won by over 40, and the Saints changed that. Kearney Moore, a new addition to the Villa basketball team, said, "I love the environment and new opportunities get while playing Villa basketball and love how get to meet others from different grades."
What a wonderful season the 2023 Villa basketball
Keely Eigelberger
down the
shoot a layup after stealing the ball from the opponent ^e*oi The varsity basketball team smiling before their second to last home game at Villa. Varsity huddling up and encouraging each other before their big game against Rosati Kain. Heidi Fesler '25 dribbles around the opponent trying to get a wide open shot in the pink out game against Cor Jesu. Olivia Gehm '24 running out onto the court after high fiving her teammates before the basketball game against Bayless High School.
Seniors Maiya Smith '23 and Ryan Harper '23 hyped up and ready for their last game night. on senior
ready to go in the varsity game against Rosati Kain. Keely Eigelberger '25 getting ready to shoot her second free throw after getting fouled in the Rosati Kain jv basketball game. /Ze, Olivia Gehm '24 mid jump trying to reach Coach Saxton's hands while they were calling out the starters before the game.
'25 rushing
teams hod! champion
The SaintSations made their debut as a brand new dance team in
2022 and have skyrocketed trom there. The dance team has a overwheiming tan base with the whoie school. Everyone cheers them at game haif times, during pep raiiies, and more. The dance team on has gotten a substantiai amount support from parents, teachers, and students showing up to their every game and giving a standing ovation every time!
The team attended a showcase this year at Ursuiine Academy with multiple other schools to display all of their new dance routines.
Aithough the SaintSations are not a competitive team coach, Stacey Buske, is iooking to move towards that in the future. Buske says she has big plans for expanding the team towards brand new opportunities for 3. the giris to compete against other schools.
$The Saints had an amazing season especiaily performing at the pink
out basketbail game which raises awareness for breast cancer research. During the game the team showed their support by wearing pink bows and uniforms. Another big moment for the team was their senior night when the seniors were honored before the game to m
appreciate their last dance performance. They then went on to perform at halftime of the basketbail game putting their ali into their last dance.
The team had a celebratory dinner afterwards at Circie Seven,
reminiscing over their best memories from the season. The SaintSations r) j are on the rise and are pianning on being the next big thing!
Qrx, The SaintSations pose for the camera in a group picture after their performance in their maroon 3 uniforms. The dance team put on their game time rf face and perform at the halftime of the pink-out IQ basketball game. ytM^The Saints pose with excitement at the showcase at Ursuiine Academy, The team is full of excitement jitters before their big showcase performance at Ursuiine. /^Seniors of the dance team Maddie Thompson '23, Emma Lovett '23, Greta Donnelly '23, Kogan Mills '23, Caroline Potter '23, Kate Hale '23, and Lily Hale '23 pose together for a group photo.
Two freshman, Taylor Brown '26 and Kennedy Silkeboken '26, stand together for a photo full of glee after their performance, igl^mThe dance team celebrate their senior night with a dinner at Circle Seven. tJ^Sisters Kate Hale'23 and Lily Hole '23 stand together and pose for a picture during senior night. The SaintSations strike a final pose at the pink-out game while the crowd goes wild for their preformance, The team are in mid-high kick during a pom routine at Villa.
This season, the varsity iacrosse captains, Karie Adamitis, Eiizabeth Kraeger, Kagan Miiis, and Rory Wood, were asked to do an interview nnid-season.
What are your goals this season for the team?
KA: "I want us to work on improving our consistent attacking and energy in games."
EK: "This season want us to continue to grow strong not oniy as individuais, but aiso as a team. The cioser we become as teammates, the more success we have on the fieid."
KM: "i want the team to work on communication and piaying together as a team, whiie aiso having fun."
RW: "This season, want to have a ciose team that works weil together, also wants to make it as far as we can while staying with our initial goals."
How do you anticipoto the season to go?
KA: "I anticipate this season going great. We have a strong and resilient team that work well together."
EK: "I anticipate this season going very well and our team has very promising potential to be great."
KM: "I think this season will be good because we have hard-working and skilled freshmen."
RW: "I anticipate our team making it far as long as we keep our heads up.'
What are you looking forward to most this season?
KA: "I am looking forward to certain games that were close matches last year and having the chance to rematch."
EK: "This season, am looking forward to being a captain and acting as a rale model for the team."
KM: "I am looking forward to friendships being built and helping the team become stronger."
RW: "I am looking forward to getting to know the rest of my teammates better."
1 0"^ In game mode, Keely Eigelberger '25 prepares for the opening draw with her opponent, as the referee puts the ball in between the two sticks. Using her stick 1 skills, Karie Adamitis '24 runs to the goal and scores a point for Villa, Kagatt Mills '23 runs with the ball [3 up the field after a teammate passes it to her on the ^ transition. After causing a turnover in the defensive W zone, Ansley Bricker '26 runs the ball awoy from her defenders. in a close game, Katie Crump '25 prepares to take an eight meter shot to put a point up for the Saints. Catelyn Hayes '24 steals the thunder from the opponent as she makes an outstanding save. Warming up for the game, Margaret Schoen '24 and Colleen McKillip '24 practice as if it was game time.
In all her glory. Mill Garcia '24 proudly proclaims her voice, singing the National Anthem tor all to hear.
■^Taking control of the field, Bella Redd'24 points in the direction of
Duchesne's varsity soccer team kicked off the pinnacle of their busy y game-scheduled season with the first annual Villa vs. Ursuline spirit game.
This inaugural match was the start of hopefully a lasting tradition. Familiar where she wants to send the ball. to most, the Villa vs. St. Joe field hockey game is a popular and highly
"^^Accelerating around the fierce competition, Heidi Fesier '25 controls anticipated event hosted in the fall to bring representation and fans to the the ball at her foot while looking to sport. In order to bring attention to Villa soccer, this new spirit game was make the next pass. Beloved
Introduced in the spring. Mr. Chris Livingston, proctor of the Veteran's and school mascot Sophie the Squirrel, portrayed by the enthusiastic Skyler
First Responders Club, made it his mission to shine light on the soccer Hoefener '27, strikes the ball against program. the Ursuline Bear, in a friendly competition of soccer skills, The
Flis efforts were met generously by the support of the players and starting lineup for the match prepare coaches who greatly appreciated his help. All were looking forward to this to
exciting event. To increase visibility, Livingston, with the assistance of his
club leaders, designed customized Villa soccer warm-up shirts. These
fashionable and light-weight long sleeved tees fit perfectly with the theme of this year's match: Camo! The money raised from the profits of the shirts
was donated to the Fisher Flouse, Not only were the fans and players rocking their new gear, more surprises were in store for this fun-filled game. Beloved student. Mill Garcia, offered the gift of her voice as her meaningful contribution to this game. She opened the match by singing the National Anthem. She was overwhelmed by the support of the lower school's Acorn Club, who came out to watch and cheer her on.
The last final surprise of the day came when Sophie the Squirrel challenged the Ursuline Bear to a friendly soccer competition at halftime. This exciting halftime show entertained the crowd while the competing teams met to discuss their second half. Although Urusline Academy came away with the win, we are still incredibly proud of the girls and all their
^e^ui Left-back Allison Frame hard work and school spirit they demonstrated. '25 positions herself in just the right way to clear the ball far from the defensive line, Squinting with determination, Georgia Leary '23 heads the ball into the ground for her teammate to collect the ball for the next play. Reaching far over her head, Cioire Garton '24 throws the ball back into play, attempting to switch the field, 'fn With powerful, long strides, Olivia Decker '24 races past her opponent in order to save the ball from going out of bounds.
mhe Villa Duchesne Track Team started the seasan atf with a wIn.The Villa Invitatianal is a small meet with five all-girls high schoals that Villa hosted, and for the first time in a long time, we won iti The schools that competed were: Villa Duchesne, Visitation Academy, Ursuline Academy, Notre Dame High School, and Rosati-Kain Academy. Villa participated in all the field events offered and absolutely killed it Taking sixth place in shot put fourth place in long jump, second place in discus, and first place in high Jump. The relay teams also did very well placing 1st in the 4x100, third in 4x200 and first in the 4x800. The individual events were also stellar with Olivia Gehm placing first and Rachel Singer second in the 3200 meters; Rachel Singer placing first in the 800 meters; Lilly Rammacher placing second in the 300 hurdles; Caeley Wilson placing second in the 100 meters. Madisyn O'Daniel placing fourth, and Vanessa Trevino placing eleventh. Most of the Villa girls received PR (personal record) candy at the next practice. The Villa Saints conquered all the nerves to mental blocks and set the very positive tone for the season.
Coach Tim Deines and Coach Amanda Stoll greeting the ofticials and families at the meet. Sprinter, Madisyn O'Daniel '24 straight out of the blocks, getting a start. 7^^ Rachel Singer '23 finishes her last lap in the 4x800 with grace.
Wilson '24 sprints the last stretch of 4x100 with a battle to the end. Lauren Hussey '24, Jaden Tallon '24, and Bea Bussen '24 pose for a picture in the sun right before cheering for their teammates Bennett Janosky '25 finishes the race with determination.
Caeley Wilson '24 powerfully jumps in the long jump pit Bea Bussen '24 throws the disc with force. Jaden Tallon '24 achieves a PR in shot put ball. Vanessa Trevino '25 leaps over the high jump bar, Rachel Singer '23 and Olivia Gehm '24 use all their will power to run the 3200 meters side by side.
f all sports are the best way to start out the new year at Villa Duchesne. For the middle school seventh and eighth graders, playing a fall sport prepares them for their tuture high school seasons. Middle school field hockey, tennis, and volleyball players' tall sports seasons show their teamwork and commitment to the sport by playing in games and sharing their skills with the student body.
In middle school field hockey's 2022 season. Villa won eight out of 14 games this season, scoring one tied game against Westminster Christian Academy. Middle school tennis played in sic matches this season against teams all across St. LouisI The Villa middle school volleyball team played nine games, winning five out of nine of themi Volleyball played five of those matches at home in Villa's very own Kenefick Gym. The middle school fall sports teams were led to very successful seasons by their hardworking coaches.
yrwrom crushing it on the basketball court, to dominating f on Condie field, this year's Winter and Spring middle school sports teams did not disappoint. While the seventh and eighth grade teams were limited to basketball in the winter, their options varied more in the Spring, ranging from lacrosse and golf, to track and field. These opportunities allowed the middle school student athletes to stay active while balancing their academic studies.
Playing a sport in middle school is always highly encouraged because it teaches responsibility, commitment and time management. Not only do the girls learn these valuable skills for life, they also make lasting friendships that translate off the field and into the hallways. Our school is proud to say that over 80% of ali its middie schoolers participate in a sport. These staggering numbers unite the grades in more ways than just in the classroom.
0'B'Aiming high in the air f forthe basket Alexandra \ Nicholas '27, makes a confident attempt for a point "^Taking the ball down the court and past the defense, Grace Young '27 sprints past her opponent keeping her eye on the basket ahead. 7^**
Aiming high over the detensive block. Young throwsthe ball acrossthe court to her teammate.
Teammates Grace Young '27, Allie Nicholas '27 and Camitiie McGehee '27 work together using solid defense to prevent the shooter from making a basket r”"' V *
Scooping up the boll away from her opponent's reach, Lauren Pelikan '27 makes an aggressive stab at the ball in order to gain possession, Jumping for joy in celebration, McKinley Birenbaum '27 cheers for her teammates beautiful goal from the sidelines. Despite not being able to play t because ot an injury, Birenbaum came to the game anyway in support ot her team, Raising her stick high in the air, Paige Gardner '27 defends her opponents tight grip of the ball. Moments later, Gardner proved to be successful, gaining control of the ball
and passing it to her teammate, Showing her teammates the proper E technique of how to hold the stick. Mary Claire Schwaneke '27 perfects the motion she will use next time she goes on the field.
Villa's Basketball team in Support ot Breast Cancer
The Villa Duchense basketball team had their annual pink out
Villa vs. St. Joe has always been the biggest, most tun competition in
game. The pink out game brings in donations to support breast cancer awareness. This year. Villa raised thousands of dollars. The and it is a very exciting competition. girls played Cor Jesu who are a very good team. Villa fought hard but
Villa Duchesne's tield hcckey program. Every year, both schools dress up in the theme of their choice. It is a great way to show school spirit.
This year's theme was 'Rumble in the Jungle'. Going to this game is a ended up losing to Cor Jesu. Although they lost, it didn't stop them lot of fun for students of all ages and a great way to make memories from feeling the joy of raising this much money for breast cancer. with friends. A newly started tradition is a pep rally the week of the
thanked them for coming to support Senior Avery Walbrandt and her Mom have continued to carry on the tradition of the pink game. Villa
After the game, the team greeted their fellow classmates and game, where the juniors put on a performance to get the student body excited for the big game. This year's game was on October st, 2022.
Villa Duchesne has won the Villa vs. St Joe game many times. thanks everyone who donated to the cause and for all of the students
Although the team lost in 2019, Villa impressively won in 2020,2021, who attended. and 2022.
After the game this year, the student body went running down to the field to hug and cheer on the Field Hockey team. This event is so special to the Villa community and alums. It cantinues to be a tradition after many years and the Villa Duchesne student body loves
Q'V' Some of Villa's middle schoolers supporting the Villa field hockey team in their Villa gear! Sophie the Squirrel, Hope Kleemon '24, Claire Gorton '24, and Gobriello Fehl '24 all dressed up and dancing at the pep rally prior to the field hockey game, "pkee, Gigl Edwards '23, Katherine Roderick '23, Madelyn Schoedel '23, and Avery Walbrandt '23 getting ready to watch the pep rally before the field hockey game, /vlri-Some fabulous
seniors going to the Kona Ice truck after a great win against St.
0'!*' Players huddle together to discuss game play. Ryan
Joe! Harper '23 dribbles hard down the court, 'puui- Caroline Humes '25 blocks the shot of the Cor Jesu player, The Villa Saints smile after playing a hard game, Reagan Pulllum '26, Maiyo Smith '23, and Heidi Fesler '25 listen intently to their coach.
Front: Margo Schoen'24, Sam Holke '23, Karie Adamitis '24, Lucie Littlepage '24, Colleen McKillip '24, Anna Puschel '24
Back: Izzy Miller'25, Elle Jones '23, Georgia Leary '23, Elizabeth Kraeger '23, Gigi Edwards '23, Cecelia Kraeger '23, Hannah Brown '23, Ella Anthon '24
Lutheran North All Girls: IWE Rachel Singer placed 4th in the Mile and 2nd in the 800m. Alice Irvin, Bea Bussen, Lilly Rammacher and Emme Weis placed 5th in the 4x200. Alice Irvin, Vanessa Trevino, Madisyn O'Daniel and Caeley Wilson placed 6th in the 4x100.
Back: Lucy Grimmer'27, Maeve O'Neil '27, Alexandra Nichol '28, Gertie Habel '27, Vivian Rea '27, Claire Council '27, Grace Young '27
Front: Ella Clayton '27, Charlotte Kittner '28, Josie Weis '27, Lauren Pelikan '27, Grade Brennan '27, Lauren Hagan '27
Molly McLaughlin
Alexandra Nichol '28, McKinley Birenbaum '27, Mary Schwaneke '27, Katherine Brown'27, Trudy Redmond '27, Katherine Evert'27
o sorsniDs <4 2023
Our sweet, uinny, lovable Grade. Youve grown in to such a beautHul, confident, young woman. You will always be our baby girl. Now spread your wings and go conquer life. We are so proud of you and love you so muchl Mom, Dad, Drew, & Ellie
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and Live the IHe you imagined - Thoreau
Spread Your Wings and Fly!
We are so proud of everything you have accomplished at Villa and excited to see what is ahead for our sweet girl. You make us proud. Love YOU! Mom, Dad, and Jack
hope you never lose your sense of wonder. May you never take one single breath for granted. Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance. Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance... and if you get the chance to sit it out or dance ...I hope you dance" Love, Mom +Family
to see what amazing things you will do with your life! It has been an absolute joy to watch you and learn so many g row up things ail the way through Villa! You never cease to wow us! We will miss you more than words j can say! We hope you chase all of your dreams and always !■ T follow your heart!
Much Much Love, Mom, Dad Audrey and William
We are all so very proud of the beautiful, bright, witty and incredible wonnan you have become. You should be so proud of all your hard work and amazing llpll accomplishments. We can't wait to see what the future holds for you, and we wish you all the joy and success in the world! it
We love you so very much, Lineyl!
Love, Mom, Dad, Courtney & Andrew
Caroline Potter
We are so proud of what you have accomplished in four short years! We know your light will shine brighter in the next tour years! We love you and will miss you immensely!
you are BRAVER than you believe STRONGER than you seem SMARTER
than you think and
LOVED more than you know Love, Dad & Mom
Matthew, Adam Andrew, & Sam
Congratulations Olivia!! We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Maddie
Welcome to the Family Alumnae Clublll
Barbara Weber Budde '56 Julie Budde Fallon'84
Aimee Budde Cordes '85 Madeline Cordes ‘19
Anne Weber Carleton '54 Virginia Carleton Wefelmeyer '75 Mary Beth Fox '83
Jacqueline Fox' 15 Lauren Fox' 18
Carol Weber Szweda '59 Anne Szweda Harkwell '85
Katie Harkwell'21 Mary Szweda 19
Gigi Edwards r
Wasn't it yesterday that you were a baby in my arms? looked at your precious face and wondered where life would take you. Today
look at the young woman you ve become... beautiful, strong, kind. thoughtful, caring, and optimistic... and realize that the dreams ^ held in my heart for you are alive in your beautiful spirit. am so
You ve been a proud of you and love Villa Girl you with all my heart! since first grade. We have Love, Dad been honored, and often amused, to watch you forge your way through life. You are fiercely independent, deeply loyal, hard working and bring light into every room you enter. We couldn't be more proud of you. Here's to the next step in your grand journey of life!
We Love You!
Mom, Dad, Ryan and Keely
Congratulations Nannie!
We are so proud ofyou andyour accomplishments! We love you so much! Looking forward to celebrating all that is in your future! God bless you now and forever! Love, Mom, Da,d Erin and AJ.