2023 Lower School Coeur de Jesus

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For all of yoar time, love, oommitment, and energy you have put into Villa Duohesne and every ohild that has entered your classroom. Vour impact on the students you have so effortlessly loved w/ill be remembered long after they leave Villa. Iliankyou from the bottom of our hearts. Villa Duchesne will miss you dearly!

Heidi's loving


Happy retirement to the most

devotion and amazing and inspiring Mother and dedication she teacher we have ever known. The has for each child three of us were lucky to have had to learn and grow you just a few steps away during our years at Oak Hill and Villa. Not many individually in her kids are blessed enough to get to see Classroom, their mom doing what she does best, touches the lives ^ and futures of If every single day. Vour patience and love for teaching your students about T: her students. God is beautiful and has not gone unnoticed, you have not only been a mother figure to us three, but to hundreds of kids that have attended

Congratulations to the most Villa. Vou deserve these next dedicated teacher. Mom, wonderful years of retirement and all and Wife! Watching you the new Journeys that come with it over the last 12 years make Vou will always hold a special place in such an impact on Villas heart. We love you Mom! hundreds of families with -Lilly, Hannah, and Tote your love and grace that you have given your kids has truly been inspiring. know you're going to miss "your kids", but am so happy for you as you enter a new chapter of your life. $0 glad get to share it with

you! Love you!


Social Awareness

Dam Nichols - Head of School
Pete Schroeder - Principal
Ellen Wonderlich - Campus Minister Msrii,
vJamie Bergfeld - Front Desk Alison (Coulter - Reading Speacialist
'"Getting to feeol the ohiokens ooitside!" -WilliGrr)
Cindy Aliperti Alexander Aylott Arden Bayer William Fernandez Maude Iverson
Vivienne Lierz Nell Maher Michael Pilla Savannah Richardson Ryan Roth
Ella Wootten

fUy favorite pan is the reacting center." 'Aadrey

Kelly Bohling
Joey AlipertI Tripp Baker Isabella Bonan Lucca Davis Maren Diehr
Grayson Reynolds
Madison From Aria Kolodzinski Carmelo Perez
Tlaying with the Barbie Dream House." -Martison
Marie Ella Stoll Audrey Thurm
Amy Roman
Blakely Ibarra
Abby Hoffmann Sunnie Davis
Hayes Simon Brooks Rifter Connor Reicherf Blaire Michael Peter Jessee
Malayah Williams Jack Wells Ethan nan

Doing fun s

Amy Roman
Eddie Leach
Chase Richardson Dani Rose Schulze Jakob Smith
Amelie Monev Jude Morrissey
Bobby Weiner Piper Wise
Ha e LeGrand
Joie Schuetz
Vivienne Kozlowski Liam Erickson
Joiie Lenzenhuber Liiiy Linihan Maicoim Midkiff
Wyatt Robson Jenna Philiips
Catherine Chariotte Wiiiiams Schneithorst

1 St Grade Ms- S’;

Jayden efurung
Mollie Roth
Eleanor Lombardo Daphne Miranda Christopher Ryder Kendrick Richardson
Drew Temple Audrey Weinstein

1 St Grade

1 love first grade because love my friends." -Izzy Si

We have a ready great teacher who teaches as things in a sidy way." 'Emide and Grace

learning with her!''" -Aliyana T

Kate Travis
Garrett Clark Aliyana Hannah Bagy Grace Bagy
Emilie Aylott
Izzy Hoffmann Kerryann Frain Lewis Fernandez
Lucy Weinstein Annabelle Simon Claire Reichert

just know will not mss Motkl" -Evie

Ellen Kendall
Gavin Holohan
Josephine Finney Evelyn Fussner Isabelle Hoff
Simone Marcus Efhan Morgan
Blakely Iverson Gus Kaplan Mason Linihan
Skye Morrissey Jonny Schroeder
Cailin Fletcher
Terry Dickherber Kate Engelsmann
Isabella Bagy Catherine Block
Cece Aliperti
Boston Mabie James Maguire
George Jessee Harper Johnson
Delaney Miranda Coco Temple
Zachary Marks Stella Michetti
Chris Pa azzo o
.> Margaux Krummenacher
Olivia Engelhardt Ellie Kaufmann Gracie Kornmann Miller Davis
Zoe Petterchak Beatrice Palop Russo
Brigid Midkiff Alessandro Palop Russo
Grant Mayer
Shaun Richardson Katherine Williams
Nancy Kelley
Rae Harper Ophelia Flatt Darci de Greek Cate Buckalew Grayson BirenPaum
Ashlynn Thompson Luca Robson Valentina Nappo
Reid Holteman
Riley Harper
Teddy Weiner Billy Trenary
Gigi Dams
Lucas Marks Audrey Kendrick Cameron Kornmann Phoebe Headrick Zone Erickson
Catherine Toohey Aiayna Sansone Kourtni Onzo Perez Ryan Morgan Rhodes-Jeffries
”SSI! 1
'eGially metric units." '|<iaiclen

5th Grade

/l//rs. 'LloicL

literature tests u/e had tbis year were

Ine ERBs are so long and tiring." -Harper tough." -Andrew

Will Holtzman Roxann Clark Polly Hager Reena Clark Layne Birenbaum
Harper Wise Kaiden Simms Eamon Weis
Andrew Potter Parker Kittner
"Wine, mafh is a lot harder, p(Uf its hard to turn things in on time." -C^herine

5th Grade

Stella Vujevic
Maggie Mooney Christopher Catherine Max Kaplan Schneithorst McLaughlin
Luciana Weiner

l/jL(^'j- Lc\s 6'fL f a

"6th Grade has taught '< "To a{m\i5 be confident and me to step outside my never give up!" 'Barbra
Laura Poindexter
Adrianna Hernandez Lilly Headrick Reese Davis Lucy Clayton Barbara Caito
Nicky Pompa Danny O Keete Leah Lemay Daniello LaBonte Hayden Kornmann
Molly Trenary Liesel Schenk Army Scheiter William Qureshi
Stella Reznikov Gigi Pompa Juliana Mlchetti Ava McDonald Amelia Mabie
Chloe Toohey Jacqueline
Sophia Soliaryk Thompson

Grandparents Day

Mother Son Conge
XDeer Creek!

2nd & 3rd Grade Girls

3rd & 4th Grade Boys

Boys Soccer

3rd & 4th Grade Girls

1 Front Row: Teddy Weiner, Reid Holtzman, Wiiiiam Ciayton; Back Row; Cameron Kornmann, Grant Mayer, Grayson Birenbaum, Christopher Block, Zone Erickson I
Front Row: Aliyana Contorts, Izzy Hoffmann, Jolie Lenzenhuber, Lilly Linihan, Front Row: Garrett Clark, Lewis Fernandez, Peter Barfield, William Iverson Boron Maddie Stoll, Evie Henning; Second Row: Catherine Schneithorst, Jackie Pilla, Bonan; Back Row: Connor Cox, Bryan King, Max Key, Christopher Richardson Mollie Roth, Grace Bogy, Hannah Bagy, Lucy Weinstein, Caley Likens; Back Row: Ryder Kendrick, Liam Erickson Audrey Weinstein, Annabelle Simon, Ellison Cokel, Bella Kornmann, Claire Reichert, Drew Temple, Emerson Bayer
Front Row: Rae Harper, Riley Harper, Audrey Kendrick, Margaux Krummenacher, Yuna Chang; Second Row: Katherine Williams, Cate Buckalew, Zoe Petterchak, Gigi Danis, Aiayna Sansone, Beatrice Paiop Russo; Back Row: Hadley Alexander, Grade Kornmann, Kourtni Rhodes-Jeffries
Front Row; Will Holtzman, Christopher Schneithorst, Andrew Potter; Second Row: Danny O'Keefe, George Danis, Army Scheiter; Back Row: Jenson Busch, Nicky Pompa, Hayden Kornmann
Front Row: Ophelia Flatt, Isabella Bagy, Simone Marcus, Delaney Miranda, Ruby De Front Row: Reid Holtzman, Boston Mabie, Gavin Holohan Miller Davis Teddy Greek, Alice Weis, Isabelle Hoff, Ashlynn Thompson; Back Row: Coco Temple, Cece Weiner, Ethan Morgan; Back Row: Grant Mayer, Billy Trenary James Maguire, Ahperti, Josephine Finney, Grade Kornmann, Katherine Williams, Ellie Kaufmann, Zachary Marks, Grayson Birenbaum GeoraeJessee DarciDe Greek
Front Row: Amelia Mabie, Lucy Clayton, Luciana Weiner; Second Row: Emersyn Gardner, Parker Kittner, Catherine Mclaughlin, Leah Lemay; Back Row: Harper Wise, Lindsey Wohifahrt, Barbara Caito, Stella Vujevic
Front Row: Luciana Weiner, Yuna Chang, Gigi Danis, Audrey Kendrick, Clary Front Row: Will Holtzman, Christopher Schneithorst, Ryan Morgan Onzo Perez, Hufford, Aiayna Sansone; Second Row: Catherine Mclaughlin, Jacqueline Army Scheiter; Second Row; Dany Iliev, Andrew Potter Zone Erickson Kaiden Thompson, Julia Finney, Hadley Alexander, Lucy Clayton, Cate Ludwig, Emeiia Simms, Danny O'Keefe, Lucas Marks; Back Row: Cameron Kornmann' Eamon Fernandez; Back Row: Natalie Carter, Kourtni Rhodes-Jeffries, Harper Wise, Parker Weis, Nicky Pompa, Hayden Kornmann William Qureshi Kittner, Barbara Caito, Bella Baker, Leah Lemay, Maggie Mooney

Congratulations Wyatt!

You are such an amazing Kindergartner, We loved watching you grow and learn this school year.

You are such a smart, fun and sweet boy! Keep up the great work!

You are amazing and we are so proud of how much you have grown this year! We can not waif to see what your future holds. Love,

Love, Mom, Dad, Liam, & Luca
Lucca Davis
Mommy & Daddy

Evelyn Fussner

What a special year, you have grown so much. Congrats on First Communion, completing second grade, black diamond skiing, and all your many accomplishments this year! Love Mom and Dad

Skylar Hueston

Our beautiful daughter!

We are so proud of everything you have accompiished this yea.r You have teamed so much, made new friends, and grown in so many ways. We know that sometimes schoot can be challenging, buf you have shown incredible perseverance and resilience throughout if alt

As you move on to first grade, remember how far you’ve come and how much potential you have. We have no doubt that you will continue to amaze us all with your intelligence, creativity, and kind heart Congraiulafions on this incredible achievement our dear daughte.r We love you ot the moon and back!

With all our love.

Mommy & Daddy

Congratulations on a job well done! We are so proud of you Luca and all your hard work. You have achieved so much and we couldn't be more proud of you. Keep up the great work.

Love Mom, Dad, Liam and Wyatt

Luca John Robson

We are so proud of all you have done this year! You started your new school, became a big sister, and got to be a flower girl. We love you so much and can't wait to keep watching you thrive!

Love, Mama, Dada, & August

Ella James Wootten

Teeny, We are so proud of you and oil you hove accomplished this year! Love, Mom and Dad

AAlexander, Hadley 3,4,5,8,36,37, 48,49,53,55,62,63 Aliperti,Cece7,30,31,51,52,62 Aliperti, Cindy 2,3,4,12,13,48,51, Aliperti,Joey3,4,14,48,52 Aylott, Alexander 2,4,10,12,13,47, Aylott, Emilie 7,26,27,56,58,59

BBayer, Emerson 3,6,7,8,11,24,25, 48,50,51,53,54,57,60,62 Bergfeld,Jaime9,11 Birenbaum, Grayson 4,32,34,35, 46,47,51,59,62,63 Birenbaum, Layne 38,39,49,50,55, 58,59 Block, Catherine 4,7,11,30,31,51,

Ceronna, Avo Grace 22,23,51,60

Ceronno, Maddie Rose 1,20,21,46, 51,56,59,60 Chang, Yuna 3,4,5,7,8,11,36,37, 53,55,59,60,62,63 Clark, Garrett 3,7,26,27,49,52,53, 58,59,62,66

Clark, Reena 8,36,38,39,40,48, 54,58,59,67 Clork, Roxann 3,38,39,50,58,59, Clayton, Heidi 7,16,17,47

Clayton, Hugo 3,22,23,46,60 Clayton, Lucy 3,8,42,43,51,52,56, 59,61,62,63

Cokel, Ellison 6,7,11,24,25,48,53, 54,62

DErickson, Zone 4,6,7,36,37,46,52, 62,63

Escobar, Daniela 3,44,45,48,55, 56,57,58,61,63,72

64 52 74 Block, Christopher 4,5,6,36,37,53, 63,74 Bohling, Kelly 10,15 Bonan, Baron 1,3,20,51,60,62 Bonan, Isabella 1,3,4,10,11,12,14, 48,50,58 Botero, Liliana 11,47 Boyle, Patrick 10,46,56 Buckalew, Cote 4,8,32,34,35,46, 47,50,53,54,55,56,57,63 67


Bagy, Grace 1,26,27,62

Bogy, Hannah 7,26,27,51,58,59,

Bagy, Isabella 30,31,46,62

Baker, Bella 7,40,41,50,54,62


Baker, Tripp 3,4,14,15,47,48,51, Barfield, Peter 3,10,22,23,46,49, 59,60,62

Bayer, Arden 2,4,12,13,57

CCaito, Barbara 3,4,42,43,50,51, 52,59,61,62,63 Carswell, Lisa 11,46,55,56

Carter, Natalie 4,8,36,37,48,53, 54,62

Cokel, Emilia 6,7,16,17,54 Conforte, Aliyana 7,26,27,49,58, 59,62

Conroy, Melissa 10,47 Coulter, Alison 9,10 Cox, Connor 5,6,7,11,24,25,49, 53,59,62

Danis,Gigi3,4,11,36,37,38,50, 53,55,59,60,62,63 Davis, Lucca 3,4,14,15,47,48,50, Davis, Miller 1,32,33,47,57,59,62 Davis, Reese 3,7,8,42,43,46,50, 52,53,56,59,61,63 Davis, Sunnie 7,14,16,17,18 de Greek, Darci 4,32,34,35,46,47, 48,53,54,56,57,62 de Greek, Ruby 4,28,29,48,51,62 Dickherber,TerrY4,30,31 Diehr, Maren 3,4,14,15,48 Doering, Susan 10,40,41 Drone, Iris 5,8,11,24,25,46,50,53 Dunne, Karen 11,45,48 Durbin, Kelly 2,10,11,15

EEngelhardt, Olivia 1,8,32,33,36,47, 50

Engelsmonn, Kate 30,31,46,48,51 Erickson, Liam 3,22,23,46,60,62 Tributes

FFandrich, Taylor 7,18,19,20

Fernandez,Emelia 3,40,41,54,56,


Fernandez, Lewis 7,26,27,47,62

Fernandez, William 2,12,13,47,54

Finney, Josephine 4,28,29,48,49, 50,62

Ftepatrick, Mary 44,45,57,61

Flatt, Ophelia 3,4,6,32,34,35,46, 47,48,53,55,56,57,62

Fletcher, Cdilin 11,30,31

Frain, Holly 31

Frain, Kerryann 27,58,59

Frain, Madison 4,14,15,58

Fussner, Evelyn 28,29,47,48,51,66

OGSchneithorsf, Christopher 38,40,41, King, Bryoh 6,7,26,27,49,53,54, 52,59,62,63 58,59,62 Schroeder, Jonhy 28,29,51,52,57, King,Lydio 1,7,18,19 59,60 Kittner, Parker 3,38,39,46,50,51, Schroeder, Pete 9,11,52 53,54,59,62,63 Gardner, Emersyn 44,45,52,55,56, O'Keefe, Danny 3,8,42,50,51,52, Schueppert, Laurie 9,10 KoiodzinsklAria 14,15,47,48 57,61,63,70 61,62,63,70 Schuetz,Joie21,23 Kornmann, Belia 3,20,21,46,51, Gurung, Jayden 6,7,11,24,26,52, Schulze, Dani Rose 7,18,19,61 52,59,60,62,67 53 Siefert, Natalie 11,46 Kornmann, Cameron 3,4,5,36,37, P Simmons, Jessica 10,25 53,59,60,62,63,67

HSimms, Kaiden 4,38,39,59,62 Kornmann, Grade 1,8,32,33,34, Simon, Annabelle 6,7,26,27,51,58, 36,47,50,56,57,59,62,63,67 59,62 Kornmann, Hayden 3,4,42,43,50, Paldzzolo, Chris 11,32,33 Simon, Hayes 7,16 52,5761,62,63,73 Kozlowski, Vivienne 3,22,23,46,54, Palop Russo, Alessandro 1,8,32, Smith, Jakob 7 18,19 Hager, Polly 3,6,38,39,46,50,51, 33,47,55,56,59 Soliaryk,Sophia3,44,45,48,52, 60 53,58 Krummenacher, Margaux 32,33,59, Palop Russo, Beatrice 1,5,32,33, 47,55,56,57,63 56,57,61,69 Harper, Rae 4,5,32,34,35,46,47, Stoll, Ella3,4,14,15,48,50 63 53,56,57,63 Perez, Carmelo 3,4,14,15 Stoll, Maddie 1,3,10,20,51,56,59, Harper, Riley 4,5,32,34,35,36,46, Perez, Onzo 4,36,37,46,47,62 60,62 47,53,56,63

LSullivan, Kayla 1,10,20,47,51,60 Petterchak, Zoe 1,32,33,47,54,55, Headrick, Lilly 3,42,50,56,57,61 Sullivan, Kyle 1,20,21,47,49,51,60 56,57,63 Headrick, Phoebe 4,6,8,36,37,48, Phillips, Jenna 3,8,22,23,46,54, 59 60,72 Henning, Evie 1,3,10,20,21,51,60, Pilla, Jackie 1,3,10,20,22,48,51, 62 LaBonte, Daniella 3,42,43,51,61 52,60,62,64

THernandez, Adrianno 8,42,43,44, Lawier,Jillian45,61,63 Pilld, Michael 2,4,12,13,46,48,52, 47,48,50,56,57,59,61,64 Leach, Eddie 7,18,19 64 Hoff, Izzobelle 4,28,29,30,48,51, LeGrand,HallelO,22,23 Poindexter, Laura 10,43,52 52,62 Lemay, Leah 3,42,50,51,56,57,61, Pompa, Gigi 44,45,55,56,61,63 Hoffmann, Abby 2,7,11,16,17,20 62,63 Temple, Coco 11,30,31,46,49,51, Pompo, Nicky 3,42,43,50,52,56, Hoffmann, Izzy 7,26,27,58,59,62 Lenzenhuber, Jolie 3,22,23,46,52, 62 57,61,62,63 Holohan,Gavin28,29,51,57,62 60,62 Temple, Drew 3,7,11,24,25,50,53, Potter, Andrew 4,38,39,49,52,59, Holtzman, Reid 4,32,34,35,47,57, Libich, Sarah 11,39 60,62 62,63,65 62,63 Lierz, Vivienne 4,12,13,58 Thompson, Ashlynn 4,32,34,35, Holtzman, Will 4,38,39,47,48,59, Likens, Caley 7,26,27,54,57,58, 46,47,53,56,57,62 62,63 59,62 Thompson, Jacqueline 3,5,32,44, Hueston, Skylar 1,3,10,20,21,54, Linihan, Lilly 3,22,46,60,62 45,59,61,62,63 5759,60,66 Linihan, Mason 28,29,51

QHufford, Clary 3,38,40,41,50,62 Lombardo, Eleanor 6,10,11,24,25, Thurm, Josh 10,46,55 48,53,56 Tian, Ethan 7 16,17 Ludwig, Cate 42,44,57,61,62 Tkacz,Anna 13

Thurm, Audrey 3,4,12,14,15,48,71

Toohey, Catherine 4,5,36,37,53 Qureshi, William 3,42,43,50,52,

Toohey, Chloe 8,44,45,52,56,57, 57,61,62,68 59,61,63


Ibarra, Blakely 7,8,16,17,47,50,53

RMTravis, Kate 10,26,27

Trenary, Billy 4,32,34,35,47,57,62

Trenary, Molly 3,42,43,50,52,56, Ibarra, Tiffany 10,21,53,56 59,61,63 Iliev, Danya 40,41,49,51,59,62 Mabie, Amelia 5,44,45,52,56,59, Turner, Tanysha 10,19,57 Iliev, Hina 3,7,18,19,47,54 61,63 Irfan, Maya 7,18,19 Reichert, Claire 7,26,27,58,59,62 Mabie, Boston 5,30,31,51,57 62 Iverson, Blakely 4,28,29,48,51 Reichert, Connor 1,2,7,16,17,49 Maguire, James 7,30,31,46,62 Iverson, Maude 4,12,13,47,48,58 Reynolds, Grayson 3,4,14,15,47, Maher, Nell 2,4,12 iverson, William 1,3,10,20,21,22, 48,49,56

Marcus, Simone 4,28,29,51,62 47,51,56,60,62 Reznikov, Stella 3,44,45,48,56,57, Marks, Lucas 4,6,36,37,47,62 61 Marks, Zachary 28,30,31,46,51,62 Rhodes-Jeffries, Kourtni 3,4,6,8,36, Mayer, Grant 32,33,47,57,62,63 37,49,50,53,56,62,63

JVVuJevic,Stella40,41,50,63 McDonald, Ava 3,44,45,48,56,58, Richardson, Chase 5,7,18,19,24, 61,71 51,57 McLaughlin, Catherine 40,41,48, Richardson, Christopher 5,11,24, 50,54,62,63 25,53,62 Michael,Blaire5,7,16,17,48 Jasper, Kristen 9 Richardson, Savannah 2,4,12,13,

Michetti, Juliana 44,45,61 Jessee, George 30,31,46,59,62 58 Michetti, Stella 4,30,31,46,48,57 Jessee, Peter 7 16,17 Richardson, Shaun 1,8,32,33,42, Midkift, Brigid 1,8,32,33,47 56,57 Johnson, Harper 11,30,31,46,51, 5759 Midkift, Malcolm 3,22,23,46,60 54 Ritter,Brooks7,16,17 Miranda, Daphne 6,7,11,24,25,53, Johnson, Michelle 9 Robson, Luca 4,32,34,35,42,56, Weiner, Bobby 3,7,18 60 57,59,66 Weiner, Luciano 36,40,41,46,50, Miranda, Delaney 7,30,31,62 Robson, Wyatt 3,8,22,23,59,60, 51,54,58,62,63 Money Amelie 6,7,18,19,54 64

KWeiner, Teddy 4,32,34,47,56,57, Mooney, Maggie 40,41,48,50,51, Roman, Amy 10,16,17,19 59,62,63 56,58,61,62 Roth, Cora 10,16,17,57 Weinstein, Audrey 3,5,6,7,8,11,24, Moore,Sarah 10,11,47,52 Roth, Mollie 3,6,7,11,24,25,48,51, 25,49,51,53,58,60,62 Morgan, Ethan 28,29,47,51,62 53,54,56,60,62 Weinstein, Lucy 6,7,26,27,49,51, Kaplan, Eloise 3,5,6,20,21,51,56, Morgan, Ryan 4,7 36,37 46,47,52, Roth, Ryan 2,4,12,13 53,56,58,59,62 60 62 Weis, Alice 4,28,29,48,51,59,62 Kaplan, Gus 6,7,28,29,51,57 Morrissey, Jude 7,8,18,19 Weis, Eomon 38,39,49,51,59,62 Kaplan, Max40,41,52 Morrissey, Skye 28,29,51 s Wells,Jack7,lll6,17 Koufmonn, Ellie 1,1T 32,33,47,56, Williams, Charlotte 3,6,8,22,23, 57,62,69 46,49,54,56,60,69 Kelley, Nancy 34,35,57 Williams, Katherine 1,6,32,33,47, N Kendall, Ellen 29 54,55,56,5762,63,71 Sansone, Alayno 4,7,8,36,37,48, Kendrick, Audrey 4,5,6,7, H, 36,37, Williams, Malayan 1,5,716,17 60,62,63 50,53,60,62,63 Wise, Harper 7,38,39,46,50,55, Schaeperkoetter, Marie 3,4,6,14, Kendrick, Ryder 3,6,24,25,48,49, 59,62,63 15,48 51,53,54,60,62 Wise,Piper7,18,19,47,51 Nagel, Abby 10,37,60 Key,Gigi3,4,11,14,48,50 Scheiter, Army 3,42,43,50,52,61, Wooften,Ella2,4,12,13,46,67 Noppo, Valentina 4,32,34,35,36, 62,63 Key, Max 3,8,20,46,49,51,52,60, Wunderlich,Ellen4,9,10,11 46,4753,55,56,57,75 Schenk, Liesel 3,42,43,46,50,55, 62 Nichols, Dawn 9 56,61,63

Schneithorst, Catherine 3,22,23,46, 60,62

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