Ink Magazine; Vol. 1.3

Page 6

gimmie dati FO FR Given that the economy is currently in th e tank, Ink thought it might be helpful to compile some free services that VCU offers.

DVD'S~ND CD'S At Media and Reserve Services on the third floor of James Branch Cabell Library, students can check out OVO's and CO's FO FREE! Yes, the OVO collection is focused more on classics than new releases, and I doubt you'll find TI.'s "Paper Trail" album, but hey, it's FO FREE! Make sure you return everything on time-late fees for OVO's are $1 a day. To search the catalog from home:

For primary care, VCU Student Health Services offers many treatments absolutely free. From flu shots to those weird bumps on your leg, Student Health Services will treat you FO FREE! There are also many services that are minimally priced, such as generic Claritin, 12-packs of brand name condoms and STO testing. Note: This is not the place to go for emergency services, and appointments are mandatory. (804) 8288828

G[l YOUR COMPUlm WORKm ON In the basement of Cabell Library lies Technology Services, which is where you can take your sick computer to be looked at. If your problem is software related, they will direct you to their office at the first floor of the Gladding Residence Center. They fix software problems FO FREE! If your problem is hardware related, a diagnostic test is $4S, and the prices grow from there. (804) 828-1177


COUNS[lING S[RVlm If you ever need some advice and guidance outside of your circle of friends, University Counseling Services may be able to help. They are located on the second floor of the University Student Commons, and they will see you FO FREE' (804) 828-6200

The Stuart C. Siegel Center Gym offers fitness assessments FO FREE! These assessments include your body composition, blood pressure, height and weight. Students rec ieve one free assessment per semester, and at the end students recieve a comprehensive computer printout so they can become aware of how out of shape they are. As always, the gym itself is absolutely free too. (804) 827-1100

StXUAl ASSAUlI, NUiRliION, SUBSiANCt ABUSt AND SMOKIN GCtSSAIiON For all of these issues and more, The Wellness Resource Center has you covered. Th e Well has speCially trained staff for problems like these and has quit kits for smokers that they offer FO FREE' You can also ra zz them for writing "The Stall Street Journal." (804) 828-WELL

mms Cl~mS Through VCU Recreational Sports and the Siegel Center Gym, there are a number of athletic clubs, sports and fitness classes offered through the school FO FREE' A full printable list is available at the Siegel Center Gym. (804) 827-1100

BUDRYK, from p,4

testified that Beckwith had privatly told them he had kil led Evers. He was found guilty and died in prison, proving that even the Mississippi justice system couldn't ignore a guy who was essentially a white supremacist version of that "Oid I ever tell you I was hit by lightning seven times?" guy. "I ever tell you guys how I killed Medgar Evers?" "Oh, Jesus Christ, this again." "Hey, Byron, why don't you tell us the one about how you fucking shut and dealt the cards? I don't think I've ever heard that one."


1. JRRY ~NGIUlO Crime: Being the head of the Boston Mafia The early seventies were kind of a crappy time to be a mobster. The Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, had just been passed, which essentially says that if you're part of an ongoing criminal enterprise, you can be held accountable without being convicted of a specific crime.

This was particularly grating

to Angiulo, who was already facing stiff competition from Irish mob boss James "Wh itey" Bulger. After the district attorney obtained a warrant to bug Angiulo, it soon became apparent that Angiulo was very, very lucky to have lasted this long. Here's an honest-to-God partial transcript of his (courtadmissible) conversation with his consigliere, Larry Zanni no:

JA: Our argument is we're ILLEGITIMATE businesses. LZ: We're shylocks. JA: We're shylocks. LZ: Yeah.

JA: We're fuckin' bookmakers. LZ: Bookmakers. JA: We're selling marijuana. LZ: We're not infiltrating. JA: We're, we're, we're illega l here, illegal there. Arsonists. We're every fuckin' thing . LZ: Pimps, prostitutes. Needless to say, he got a swift, federal kick in the ass, but was released in 2007. We like to think that was for his own protection, as he probably had a habit of exclaiming "I hope nobody stabs me! " whenever he was in the




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