Ink Magazine; Vol. 1.3

Page 1

VCU Student Media Center}) 817 W Broad St. Richmond, VA



Salutations' W hile we all sit around waiting for Washington D.C's very large and stimulating package to unload upon us, there is still a feeling of panic among the populace.

Th e news media keeps re iterating that the sky is falling in, that there is no hope and that we shall be forced to listen to nothing but Limp Bizkit for th e rest of our days. Well, dear reader, have no fear! Ink is here' In k is that light at the end of the tunnel, the lamp lifted for the huddled masses and the free prize in your cereal box. I will say this though: I just got off th e phone with my future self, and I say everything is going to be OK. And I trust me a lot. I also said something about staying away from two-timing fe males named Kelly, but I think I had been drinking.


~Ol PIClURm Godsgrace Tettyfio

Cyg nus Inter Anates, Jake Cunningham r

Slhff WRmRS


Amanda Pittman

Abby Larson

Becky Berry

Autumn Haynes

Eric Hill hi

Matt Schmidt



Catherine MacDonald

Alexander Rosero Brittany Williams Dena Spruill Katie Mangano Lelani Littlefield Toni Angelo Whitney Stevens

Stacey Hamman


Table of Contents Cool Shit


12' 08 ink



4 The Zack Budryk Files - A rehashing of recent history's most comically bad criminals. 5 A license Too III - Our Inker recounts his past forgery indiscretions. 8 Sex Survey - Ink conducted its own sex survey to add to the dialogue of our knowledge of sexuality. 10 A Survival Guide for Homeless Students - A homeless student teaches the tricks to survive at VCU. 13 Cheap Eats - Become the Rachel Ray of Ramen with these economical fixings. 14 Radio's Queen Bee - A profile of iPower's DJ Honey B. 20 Inked Artist - A display of Ink's favorite artists.

Knowledge Drop 6 Gimmie Oat, Fo Free! - Ink fills you in on VCU's free stuff. 11 Meet the New Guy - Introducing Michael Rao, VCU's next president. 16 Second Life - With the rise of the Internet, some people have chosen to let it rule their lives. 18 Apartment Ratings - Get the low down before you search for your next apartment.

Flair 7 A Gentleman's Guide to Style - How a proper young man should wear his 21 Langston Hughes Fashion - One of the most influential members of the Harlem Renaissance inspires his own photo shoot.


The five most comically lACK 8lJDRYK 5. JOSH PHilliPS Crime: Killing his 8-year-old neighbor If I ever have children and they ask why they have t o go to school, my response will be to simply show them coverage of this incident and say, "Because minors are idiots." Phillips was only 14 when his neighbor, Maddie Clifton, disappeared without a trace. A week later, Philips' mother noticed a strange odor coming from his room.

bad criminals of all time 3. NhTHhN lfOPOlO hNO RICHhRO lOm Crime: The brutal murder of a 14year-old boy. Yeah, almost everyone has heard of these two Jazz Age douchebags, who joined forces to kill a young boy to prove they could commit the perfect murder. But what's really hilarious is that they left the kind of evidence that usually leads Scooby-Doo to Old Man McCluskey beneath the amusement park. One of Leopold's letters to Loeb reads "A superman ... is, on account of certain superior qualities inherent in him, exempted from the ordinary laws which govern men. He is not liable for anything he may do."

"Oh no," say the guys in the audience. "I know how THIS one ends." Further investigation revea led that this criminal mastermind had made the super-long-term decision to stash the stabbed, bludgeoned body inside his waterbed.

We like to think Loeb's response was "Then we probably shouldn't leave anything at the scene, like, for instance, a pair of glasses that there are only three of in the entire fucking city."

"Oh, um, never mind," say those same guys. "That waterbed thing kind of hit close to home, but other than aw, forget it."

And Leopold then wrote back, "Do we have to write everything we say to each other?" Fuck these guys, seriously.

4. SUShN SMITH Crime: Murdering her two sons by driving them into a lake Smith made headlines in 1994 after she claimed she had been carjacked by A. Black Man (not his rea l name), who had driven off w ith her two young sons in the car. Naturally, this got the American public on her side, since a kidnapped chi ld is every parent's worst nightmare and a frightening, possibly baby-eating black guy is every tabloid journalist's wet dream. Nine days later, Smith announced that we, the people, had been Pu nk'd, and she had in fact murdered her sons to move in w ith her lover free of commitment. She is currently serving a life sentence on two counts of murder and one count of inspiring the plot of "Freedomland ." At least two guards have been disciplined for having sex with her, possibly because they know that even if she ends up pregnant that probably won't be a problem for very long, provided they can smuggle a Jetta and a pond into her cell.


~ ~l

Crime: The murder of Mississippi civil rights leader Medgar Evers


A life long Klansman, Beckwith shot Evers in front of his family on June 12, 1963. He was arrested on suspicion of mu rder, but was released after two mistrials, mostly because of a jury that was so clearly biased t hat they ended up accident ally find ing Evers gu ilty of rape before being rem inded who was on tria l. In 1994, a full three decades later, assistant District Attorney Bobby De Laughter reopened t he Evers murder case, but it still looked like a dead end unti l he and his prosecu t ion team met Delma r Dennis, a Klan member-t urned-FB I informant. Dennis testified t hat Beckwith had actually OPENED A SPE ECH by bragging about commi tt ing the crime he had been exonerated for. But no, wait, it gets better: his third trial included no new material evidence, but no less than three people

BUDRYK, see p. 6

ALICENSE TOOILL I was a teenage I D forger BOBfBID C[JBIIS As a young lad, I perpetrated some acts of which I am not proud. Some could've gotten me seriously injured or possibly even interred in a morgue. While I did pay legally for some of my decisions, perhaps none were more seri ous than my decision to be an accessory to t he falsification of identification. It wasn't until recent ly, when I interviewed an officer from the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Con t rol board, that I rea lized how much t rou ble I could have found myself in. I thought back to the summer of 2000, when we were bored, little, soon-to-be 11th graders with hours of free time and access to decent software and wheels. We enjoyed drinking (Cla ss 1 misdemeanor) but not the hassle of acquiring it. In fact, finding a stinky, green sack of herb (Class 1 misdemeanor) was about five time s easier than get ting a 21 -year-old or a person with a fake ID (Class 2 misdemeanor) to ta ke the time out of their day to head to the store for you (Class 1 misdemeanor).

damn it, we could buy lighters (civil penalty), pornography (Class 5 felony ' ), tobacco (civil penalty) and beer and wine (Class 3 misdemeanor and Class 1 misdemeanor)-and liquor if we wanted to drive to Maryland.

Service does investigate some false identification issues," Goodman said. " Immigration Customs Enforcement also investigates some false immigration issues that involve immigration documents."

Each of these misdemeanors carries a

While the federal level gets clouded with organizations investigating identity theft and falsification, Goodman said Virginia 's State Legislature is also taking measures to make sure terrorists and illegal aliens no longer have the ability to pose as Virginians.

hefty fine, ranging from $250 for a Class 4 misdemeanor to $2,500 for a Class 1, in addition to a possible jail sentence of 12 months. Doesn't seem quite as convenient

anymore, does it? Aside from the ethical issues of facilitating the inebriation and possible injury of minors who knew very little about both driving and drinking, the legal ramifications could 've easi ly prevented us from getting into institutions of higher learning. Additionally, in light of the fact that seven of t he 9/11 hijackers used authentic Virginia driver'S licenses to infiltrate airports along the eastern seaboard, penalties on the federal level have stiffened since then. Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Senior Special Agent William Goodman said regulations have tightened on both federal and state levels, resulting in higher fines and more severe penalties.

Arm ed with a small laminating machine, a digital camera and templates of licenses from "In addition to the state, the U.S. Secret nearly all SO states (Class 1), we quickl y started making money (Class 1) off our adventurous cla ssmates. Twenty-five dollars would get you a mug shot and a completely new identity. I would hold up a blue T-shirt behind the Class 1 Felony Death/Life customer, creating a veritable Class 2 Felony 20 yrs to life DM V backdrop on my friend's suburban-Alexandria back porch Class 3 Felony 5to20yrs whi le my accomplice would snap Class 4 Felony 2 to 10 yrs the p icture.


Sure, the finished product was horri ble, probably even for high school students at the time. We had no access to a paper cutter, which resulted in crooked and off-center documents, but

12' 08 iM

Class 5 Felony Class 6 Felony Class 1 Misdemeanor Class 2 Misdemeanor Class 3 Misdemeanor Class 4 Misdemeanor

1 to 10 yrs

1 to 5 yrs


" I can also tell you that Virginia is in the process of going to a new driver'S license, which individuals should not be able to counterfeit," Goodman said. Currently, the "ReaIID" cards are to be implemented by 2011 as part of a nationwide measure by the Department of Homeland Security to prevent identity theft. "Part of that is a Federal Homeland Security measure that requires that state identification must meet certain criteria that is established by the federal government," Goodman said. "The false-I.D. problem is more than just underage drinking." • - Distributing pornography to a minor is a Class 5 felony.




$100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

Max 12 mos Max 12 mos Max 12 mos Max 6 mos




$2,500 $2,500 $1,000 $200

gimmie dati FO FR Given that the economy is currently in th e tank, Ink thought it might be helpful to compile some free services that VCU offers.

DVD'S~ND CD'S At Media and Reserve Services on the third floor of James Branch Cabell Library, students can check out OVO's and CO's FO FREE! Yes, the OVO collection is focused more on classics than new releases, and I doubt you'll find TI.'s "Paper Trail" album, but hey, it's FO FREE! Make sure you return everything on time-late fees for OVO's are $1 a day. To search the catalog from home:

For primary care, VCU Student Health Services offers many treatments absolutely free. From flu shots to those weird bumps on your leg, Student Health Services will treat you FO FREE! There are also many services that are minimally priced, such as generic Claritin, 12-packs of brand name condoms and STO testing. Note: This is not the place to go for emergency services, and appointments are mandatory. (804) 8288828

G[l YOUR COMPUlm WORKm ON In the basement of Cabell Library lies Technology Services, which is where you can take your sick computer to be looked at. If your problem is software related, they will direct you to their office at the first floor of the Gladding Residence Center. They fix software problems FO FREE! If your problem is hardware related, a diagnostic test is $4S, and the prices grow from there. (804) 828-1177


COUNS[lING S[RVlm If you ever need some advice and guidance outside of your circle of friends, University Counseling Services may be able to help. They are located on the second floor of the University Student Commons, and they will see you FO FREE' (804) 828-6200

The Stuart C. Siegel Center Gym offers fitness assessments FO FREE! These assessments include your body composition, blood pressure, height and weight. Students rec ieve one free assessment per semester, and at the end students recieve a comprehensive computer printout so they can become aware of how out of shape they are. As always, the gym itself is absolutely free too. (804) 827-1100

StXUAl ASSAUlI, NUiRliION, SUBSiANCt ABUSt AND SMOKIN GCtSSAIiON For all of these issues and more, The Wellness Resource Center has you covered. Th e Well has speCially trained staff for problems like these and has quit kits for smokers that they offer FO FREE' You can also ra zz them for writing "The Stall Street Journal." (804) 828-WELL

mms Cl~mS Through VCU Recreational Sports and the Siegel Center Gym, there are a number of athletic clubs, sports and fitness classes offered through the school FO FREE' A full printable list is available at the Siegel Center Gym. (804) 827-1100

BUDRYK, from p,4

testified that Beckwith had privatly told them he had kil led Evers. He was found guilty and died in prison, proving that even the Mississippi justice system couldn't ignore a guy who was essentially a white supremacist version of that "Oid I ever tell you I was hit by lightning seven times?" guy. "I ever tell you guys how I killed Medgar Evers?" "Oh, Jesus Christ, this again." "Hey, Byron, why don't you tell us the one about how you fucking shut and dealt the cards? I don't think I've ever heard that one."


1. JRRY ~NGIUlO Crime: Being the head of the Boston Mafia The early seventies were kind of a crappy time to be a mobster. The Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, had just been passed, which essentially says that if you're part of an ongoing criminal enterprise, you can be held accountable without being convicted of a specific crime.

This was particularly grating

to Angiulo, who was already facing stiff competition from Irish mob boss James "Wh itey" Bulger. After the district attorney obtained a warrant to bug Angiulo, it soon became apparent that Angiulo was very, very lucky to have lasted this long. Here's an honest-to-God partial transcript of his (courtadmissible) conversation with his consigliere, Larry Zanni no:

JA: Our argument is we're ILLEGITIMATE businesses. LZ: We're shylocks. JA: We're shylocks. LZ: Yeah.

JA: We're fuckin' bookmakers. LZ: Bookmakers. JA: We're selling marijuana. LZ: We're not infiltrating. JA: We're, we're, we're illega l here, illegal there. Arsonists. We're every fuckin' thing . LZ: Pimps, prostitutes. Needless to say, he got a swift, federal kick in the ass, but was released in 2007. We like to think that was for his own protection, as he probably had a habit of exclaiming "I hope nobody stabs me! " whenever he was in the




2-08 iM


Don't come out wearing dirty shoes or shoes that look like they have taken a beating. Shoes are just as important as clothes.

Fellas, we have to talk. I walk around campus or the mall and I do not like what I see when it comes to how you look. Remember, you on ly have one chance to make a first impression. Do you want th e ladies to think you go everywhere looking busted? I don't think so. I am not a fas hion guru or anything, but I do have some tip s that can help you look better.

Make sure your clothes fit. There seems to be an epidemic taking over. More guys seem to be wearing tighter and t ighter clothes. I don't know who began this trend, but it has taken hold and it has to stop. It is not cool to wear skin-tight clothes. A wh ile ago, it seemed that a lot of guys wanted to wear tight shirts to show girls their "guns" and some guys stil l do it. Now a lot of guys are wearing skinny jeans. Then they have the audacity to sag their jeans below their butts. If you have to sag your jeans below your butt to walk, they are too tight. Come on, put down your you nger brother's clothes and wear the right size.

Make sure your clothes are not wrinkled. There is no excuse for coming out of your place with wrinkled clothes on. I see too many guys who look like they just picked up wha tever was piled up beside their bed. Sometimes it looks as if guys come out wearing clothes they slept in . Nothi ng says lazy like wrinkled clothes. I have heard different ways to combat this problem. Some people say hang your clothes up after they finis h wash ing and drying. Others say to throw them back in the dryer before you wear them to eliminate wrinkles. Good strategies, but nothing beat s the good old· fashioned iron. I know that it's a little bit of work, but you can't beat the results.

Make sure your clothes match. We have all seen somebody at the mall or at the store looking like a rainbow and wondered what they were thinking when they put that outfit together. Nothing stands out like mismatched clothes. If you aren't sure whether your clothes match, ask someone. The ou t fi t needs to match head-to-toe. This applies to patterns too. Don't come out wearing stripes with polka dots. It doesn't look good.

Make sure your clothes are in good shape. It seems th at guys don't know when to let clothes go. Let me explain, if your clothes have holes in them, it's probably a good sign to get rid of them. Seriously, do you think females are impressed by clothes with holes in them? Neither do I. Again, it sends th e wrong message. This goes for shoes, too.

Don't neglect your accessories. If you're like me, you like to wear stuff like hats and watches with your outfits. Treat your hats, watches and other accessories like you would your clothes. If the accessory doesn't match the outfit, then don't wear it. You don't have to wear accessories, but if you do, wear them right.

In the U.S., I in 4 sexually active teens become infected with an STD every year )


BIsexua IS

Have you ever been 118 say "no" exposed to an S10? 23 say "yes"


Homosexuals Post-sexual " 'participated in this survey

7 say "I don't know" [After sex I feel] the need for sleep, and sometimes wishing that the other person would go home and sleep in their own bed!


108 people get sex tips from their friends.


81 % of students polled are sexually active. 15.5% are not. 3.5% did not want to answer. 20 and over 14 and below



How old were you when you first had sex? *numbers relate to age

16 Research by Sara D'Eugenio

"I have a more A lesbian friends. Irs sex as an act betv Thusly I conside"

iM 12·08 .

Do you ask consent before engaging in sexual activity? " Yes, I also use it to check for so briety. If you don't understand then we stop." "No. [I] assume that if something is not ok, I will be

35% of students always use protection.

told, and of course, I will stop ... And I extend that to my guys as well. Unless I soy no or stop, they have my consent."

84% have had sex with

7% never use protection.

, someone they don't love. 8507 have had sex with 12% (At one point) did not know /0 the nome of the person they were someone they do love. having sex with . I was in a pact with some friends, yes, a virginity pact. After a years of holding it together the pact fell apart and I was the last Woman standing. I convinced myself that there was no reason to hold out any longer so I blessed my boyfriend with my "gift."


nexible definition of sex because of my bisexuality and my many stea d of believing that sex has to involve a phallic object I define een two consenting individuals for the purpose of sexual climax. " ora l, anal and vaginal sex to all be equally valid acts of 'sex.' " 12· 0 8 iM


Sit down and address how this even happened. Make a list even. What factors led to your homelessness? Was it in your control? Was that last keg party you threw, you know, the one that got busted by three squad cars, a paddy wagon and a Channel 12 news team the straw that broke the camel's back? Or was you r landlord simply unable to pay the mortgage? Make note of any personal issues or habits t hat led to your situation; is there anything you might have to do differently the second time around?

Keep focus. Homelessness

Abby larson illustration


it u' irJ


So it's finally happened. You woke up this morning and found an eviction sli p on your front door. You've had the sneaking suspicion that the ugly little piece of paper was slowly making its way to your place, but the idea was never quite so real until you reached up and plucked it to read. Now, there can be any number of reasons to explain the presence of that blunt weapon of a legal document in your fist, but it still boils down to having a set amount of days to pack up your stuff and move out. So what to do? For many people the easy way out of this is to move back home. However, some people don't


have that option. Some people lost their rooms to that study that their dad had been quietly wanting for years even after he swore up and down that he wouldn't appropriate it after you moved out. Or some people simply don't want to move back home. They don't want to give up their education whether it means being a little hungry or not having a place to stay. Well, for those people here a few general steps to getting you back on your own feet in your own place and sti ll staying in school why you do it.

Find a place to stay. Who do you know in the area who would possibly let you stay with them? If you find a place, make sure to emphasize your short-

term intentions and at any cost, don't wear ou t your welcome. Cut grass, cook, do dishes, any thingshow some humility. Remember, now that you're homeless you're at the mercy of other people's generosity. Make it worth their while. If you can't find someone to stay with, consider your other options. If you have a car, make sure to park in a well-lit area with a decent amount of foot traffic when you sleep in it. No car? Find a safe place to store your things and get creative. Shelters might seem intimidating but they're always a legitimate option. Not ready to stay in a shelter? Find a campus building that stays open late, or, even better, open 24 hours. Find a comfy spot, curl up and get that little extra out of your tuition.

is a reason to become more responsible, not less. As tempting as it may be to kick back, crack open a cold one and say, "Screw it," keep in mind that apathy will only worsen your situation. Things are not going to magically get better by ·themselves. Keep yourself enrolled as a full-time student. Try not to drop any classes unless you have to open your schedule for work. In fact, keep as much of a schedule as possible to stay busy. Staying motivated will help you get back into a place of your own faster. Also, it's extremely important to not let your personal hygiene slip. Finding a place like a fri ends house, the school gym or a YMCA where you can utili ze a shower is extremely important. No one's going to want you sleeping on their couch or working at their business if you reek of B.O. and filth.


HOMELESS, see 12

ink 12·08

eet the new guy CAIHfRlNF MACDONAlD This July, VCU students and faculty will have a new university president: Central Michigan University President Michael Rao. Just two years older than VCU itself, Rao will take the helm with a variety of achievements under his belt. He was granted the Chief Executive Leadership Award from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, District V in 2007. Academic Analytics and the State University of New York at Stony Brook ranked CMU as one of the top 20 most productive research universities in the nation among universities in its class during Rao's tenure. Ra o has also received praise for his efforts toward sustainabi lity, environmental responsibility and steps he took to o pen CMU's medical school. However, according to CMU journalism professor John K. Hartman, the medical school is an unneeded strain on an already limited budget. "It costs tens of millions of dollars to start a medical school, and the state of Michigan doesn't have that money," Hart man said. Altho ugh CMU's Web site states the increase in faculty positions reflects "the president's commitment to co ntinue building a core of talented teaching professors and researchers despite challenging budgets," Hartman said there have been more positions allocated to part-time and adjunct faculty mem bers. "An increasing number of classes are being taught by temporaries and part-timers," Hartman said. "Peop le pay the same amount to take a class taught by an experienced professor as (they) do for a class taught by a part-timer. That's not a sign of academic excellence." CM U's Web site states Rao helped raise academic performance at all levels at the university, thoug h Dennis Lennox, a CMU senior, says this is not a reality. "The sta ndards haven't (increased)," Lennox said. "Many of the more successful and presti gious academic departments on campus just don't have the funding and resources they need to compete." Rao's improvements upon study abroad programs have been notable, Hartman said. "There has been a big promotion to encourage students to study abroad," Hartman said. "It's something that I think he believes in, something he has encourages and it's definitely benefits to students." Hartman said Rao is a likeable person. "He's a good listener," Hartman said. "He's a very hard working individual and very ambi t ious."

Getting to know Rao Education: Bachelor's degree from the University of South Florida Ph.D from th e University of Florida Family: Monica Rao is the University Outreach Liaison at CMU. She is a professional wa tercolorist and graphic designer. Sons Miguel and Aiden are 9-years-old and 10 months o ld, respectively.

Information provided by

Sara D'Eugenio photo

HOMELESS, from 10 •





Find a second job. If you don't have a job or if you just aren't making enough money at your current work then you're going to need to get out there and find a new source of income.

Have a broad scope as to the area you're job hunting in, you're not the only person going to school who's looking for a job right next to campus. Scour the classifieds and Craigslist daily and try to not to be picky about what you apply for. Even if the first job you get is horrible, it's still a source of income until you can find a better job. It's going to be tough, but it'll be worth it in the end so g ri n and bear it ... or openly hate it. It's your call-just stick with it.


Start saving money. Consider what you spend money on dai ly. What can you cut down on? Make a budget for yourself and stick to it. Little things like starting a change jar can go a long way; pennies build up faster than you think. Take a look at your worldly possessions. Anything you can part with can put you a couple bucks closer to getting off the street. Yeah, that framed Reservoir Dogs poster is super

awesome and you don't think that you could ever part with it, but lets be frank, you don't have a wall to hang it from anymore and you'll probably be able to make some decent cash off it. Same goes for that Xbox 360 or

that blender that's just perfect for making margaritas. Materialism is passe anyways.



to induce situations similar to why you are homeless in the first place, there shouldn't have to be a "return to step one" at the end of this list.

Start looking for a new place to live. The classifieds and Craigslist are again a great place to look for listings. Do your homework, identify areas with reasonable housing costs and try to avoid property rental companies as independent owners wi ll generally provide a better leasing experience. Roommates are always a great idea to help keep rent down per person, but be mindful of who you move in with. Try to avoid living with people who are likely

So now you've found that new place to call home (hopefully) and you're stepping inside with a signed lease and a key in hand . Breath deep. Savor the moment. You've been homeless and lived to tell about it. You've come away from the experience humbled, a little wiser and with character to boot. No? Oh well, at least you have a place to sleep, running water and bathroom again.





Spinach Quiche

• CAROliNE FVERTZ : Become your own • Chef 'Boy-I'm-Poor' using these recipes and by finding

1 sheet of puff pastry (room temperature) 1/4 cup Parmesa n cheese 1/2 cup Swiss cheese 3 ounces cream cheese (room t emperature)






1/2 cup Half & half


1 10 -oz. package frozen spinach (thawed ~ and drained) ~ 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper

: your own



.... .. . .

• This is a celebrated dish in my household, and when I finally decided to make it on my own someone exclaimed "You're making Carbonara!" I had no idea what this was, I just call the dish "Cheesy, Eggy, Bacony Pasta." Spaghetti (as much as you want!) 1 egg 3-4 slices of bacon

The Breakfast Sandwich

Parmesan cheese

A g reat new breakfast for when you're tired of milk and cereal. This sandwich ~ can get messy so have plenty _ of napkins-or preferably a ;;x:8(/ \ _ :' ra mcoa t. ~ ;;" -


2 frozen waffles peanut butter 1/2 chopped banana ho ney (or maple syrup)

~ . 0'


. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .,





Egg Drop Soup with Ramen

Do not expect to get the silky looking egg texture that y ou find in Chinese restaurants and buffets ... apparently that skill is only achieved by years of master training I . tf . "'~ done by an Egg Ninja. Nevertheless, i t.ld tastes good. ~..~~ 1 package of Chicken Ramen 1egg 1 package of frozen peas (can substitute with sliced carrots, edamame or beans)


~~~ ~


ia~ ~ 0°


Coo k Ramen as d irected. Add frozen peas when finished cooking. Beat egg in separate dish and pour over Ramen through a fo rk. Quick ly stir and enjoy!

12' 08 iM

Salt and pepper to taste

• b

• •

Coo k waffles as directed. Slather peanut butter onto waffles, th en add chopped banana. Place other waffle o ntop, thus creating a sandwich. ~

. . ..

Autumn Havnesmist"ti.ns

• Pasta Carbonara

Preheat oven to 425' F. Roll out puff pastry to 11-inch square. Transfer to 9-inch diameter glass oven d ish. Beat cream cheese until soft. Mix in eggs and Half & Half. Add in remaining ingredients. Pour into puff pastry. Bake until crust is go lden brown and filling is set. about 25 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before servin g.


affordable • alternatives.

Cook and drain pasta as directed. Stir in beat egg. Cook bacon, chop and add to spaghetti. Add Parmesan, salt and pepper. (This is enough for one serving. Increase number of eggs for every person you're feeding and just add as much bacon and Parmesan as you see fit!)

· . .. . .. . ...


. . . ..

· Turkey Meatballs This makes A LOT of meatballs, so feel free to cut the • recipe in half if you'd like. But I like to add them to my pasta and make meatball subs with them for lunch! • • • • •

• • • •

1 lb. of ground turkey (thawed) 3/4 cup of breadcrumbs 1 egg 1 tbsp of pesta 1 garlic clove (finely diced) 4 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper Preheat oven to 400' F. Grease baking pan. Add all ingredients in a large bowl with ground turkey. Mix together w ith hands into meatballs, make them as large or small as you'd like! Bake for 10-20 minutes, depending on size of meatballs.


Sara D'(ugeniopIlolos



dim room lit only by sunlight, Brittney Mallory sits alone working at her desk on Sunday morning. Tired from the previous night's celebration - Mallory just turned 21 - she chooses to keep the lights off. As rapper T.1.'s "Whatever You Like" plays softly in the background, Mallory taps away at her computer. Suddenly she speaks, and a burst of energy fills the quiet room.

" Honey B buzzzzzzin' all over your radio.


Here's Ludacris and Chris Brown. They know what them girls like," Mallory says. Mallory, better known to the Richmond community as Honey B, is one of the youngest on-air personalities at iPower 92.1. Always interested in the entertainment industry, Mallory wasn't always sure of how to enter the business. "You always listen to the radio, but you don't ever think that could be you actually talking. I would have never thought that at such a young age I wou ld be the one talking on the radio." According to her mother Cindy Mallory, even as a child Brittney loved to be the center of

attention. "She wanted to be in everything. Something came along; Brittney wanted to be in it." Brittney Mallory entered the enterta inment industry by acting in school plays and doing an Arby's commercial. During her freshman year at Norfolk State University, Mal lory was told she didn't have what it takes to work at t he school radio station. Determined not to give up, Ma llory began working for the school TV station taping artists live at the radio station. Under the pretense of catering, Mallory attended an iPower 92.1 event and used the opportunity to break into the industry.

ink 12·08

Pursuing an opportun ity to intern at iPower 92.1, Mallory took the next st ep and transferred to VCU. Mallory began interning Monday nights. She spent the summer of 2006 learning how t o tape and cut commercia ls, learning radio terminology and how to be natural on the radio. Motivated to learn more and advance in her job, Mallory took as many shifts as she could . "I was just all over the place ... anywhere I cou ld get in at the stati o n I would be there." It wasn't long before everyone noticed her drive and passion. "She's focused ... she's a hard worker," on-air personality Arthur "A Plus" Will is says. "She sacrifices a lot of her tim e to grind." This work eth ic got her promoted from intern to on-air personality at 18. The long hou rs her job requ ires began to take a toll on her school work. Mallory decided to take time off from school. This decision did not slow Ma llory down. She works a second job, directed her first fashion show on Halloween, is part of improv comedy group No Name Needed 7 and landed a sponsorship deal with Haagen-Dazs for their Save the Honey Bee foundation. Darryl Greene, director of NNN 7, notes how much of herself she puts into everything she does. "After her long days at work, she sti ll comes through to (NNN 7) practice, slaps a smile on her face and sti ll tries to give it her all knowing she's exhausted. A lot of people don't have that drive." "The only way to get what I want is I have to go after it," Mallory says of her lifestyle. Despite the natu re of her career, Mallory said she's still a regular person. She stil l gets excited meeting her favorite artists. Mallory reca ll s a trip to New York where she met her favorite rapper, Fabolous, at his album li st en ing party. "We were out to dinner and one of my homeboys got a text saying Fab was having a listen ing party. Five minutes later they text me saying it was cancelled and I started crying." Mallory's friends asked her to go along with them to the Nike iD store, the venue of the part y, because they had never been. Upset and depressed at her failed opportunity to meet Fabolous, Mallory initially didn't want to go. Mallory eventually decided to join them anyway. A Hummer plastered with the rapper's name and face sat in front of the store. As she walked in, his music poured from the speakers. Then she spotted a young man in a Rich Yung hoodie. It was him, Fabolous. "You could see it in her face," W il lis said. "She was like a kind in a ca ndy shop." Regardless of the celebri ties she meets, what's most important to Mallory is the music. "Music means everything to me. It's a way of life. Music can enhance your mood, it can set your mood, it can (determine) your mood. It's just a lifestyle, it's definitely my lifest Yle."

Life, Secon ife

r Distinctions

Amenities included ater/ Sewage with rent: ~" nternet Key to subject ratings: ,

Th is is some major suckage .. , 5 = This is fan -freaking -tastic! Have you ever been screwed over by a landlord? With Ink's student g enerated responses you can get a better idea of how some tenants feel about th eir housing before Ackell (VCU) ~ .', • • Review by Senior Daniel Brisker Resides in a 4 bed/2 bath for $7,412 for two semesters Landlord and maintenance team: 3 Price for what you get: 3 Quality of apartment: 2 Quality of appliances: 3 Space: 3

"Ackell is a great location to meet [people] who [are] on sports teams if that is your interests." Broad & Belvidere (VCU) • ~ ." • • Reviewed by Senior Terrence Smith Resides in a 4 bed/2 bath for $6,842 for two semesters Landlord and ma intenance team: 4 Price for what you get: 3 Quality of apartment: 4 Quality of appliances: 3 Space: 4

''The walls are way too thin, I can hear what's going on all through the building." Cary & Belvidere (VCU) • ~ ." • Reviewed by Senior Ryan Hull Resides in a 2 bed/1 bath for $8,392 for two

Landlord and maintenance team: 2 Price for what you get: 2 Qua lity of apartment: 4 Quality of appliances: 5 Space: 3 "I've had a leaking shower for six months." Ramz Hall (VCU) • ~ ." • Reviewed by Junior Nate Gordon ' .' Resides in a 2 bed/1 bath for $7,650 for two semesters . Landlord and maintenance team: 4.5 / Price for what you get: 2 ,Qual ity of apartment: 3 Quality of appliances: 3 Space: 4



"You pay a lot for the convenience of living close to campus."

Ambassador Building (Waybright Investments and Metro Properties) l' ," Reviewed by Junior Joey Gaittens Res ides in a 3 bed/ 1 bath for $1,050 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 1 Price for what you get: 4 Quality of apartment: 2 Quality of appliances: 3 Space: 3

"You could call them multiple t imes about the leak in the ceilings or the toilet not flush ing correctly and they wou ld never come."

Carriage House Apartments (Carriage House Apartments LLC) . ~ ." • • Reviewed by Junior Jasmine DeCarish Resides in a 4 bed/2 bath for $2,340 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 2 Price for what you get: 3 Qua lity of apartment: 4 Quality of appliances: 4 Space: 5 "The landlady does things on her own time. Do not rely on her to get anything done, and you have to keep pressing her for anything you need." Chesterfield Apartments (Green Street Property Management) • ~ ." • Reviewed by Junior Abby Larson Resides in a 2 bed/1 bath for $816 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 5 Price for what you get: 4 Quality of apartment: 3 Quality of appliances: 5 Space: 5


"The elevator is a piece of crap and needs to be rep laced. I live on the seventh floor, so t he elevator is essential."

Coliseum Lofts (Main Street Reality)

~ ." .

Reviewed by Junior Carol Ann Dreistadt Resided in a 3 bed/3 bath for $1,524 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 3 Price for what you get: 3 Quality of apartment: 3 Quality of appliances: 3 Space: 2 "The overall feel of the place is kind of like

living in a storage I or a:"Ii;;;;:"~M-::~=';:--;~7.~~!,;:=i~::ti~~~7R:;:;;::-"iF never successfully able to make it home." Eagle Mill Lofts (Genesis Properties) . •• Reviewed by Senior Katherine Wright Resided in a 2 bed/1 bath for $1,200 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 5 Price for what you get: 4 Quality of apartment: 4 Quality of appliances: 5 Space: 5

"Our property manager was really quick to reply to any problems via e-mail, and was very profess ional and helpful. [The cleaning crew] even stopped cleaning to help me get a pearl earring out of the bathroom sink trap!" Gresham Court (Main Street Properties) ~ . Reviewed by Junior Amanda Abdul-Husin Resides in a 3 bed/1.5 bath for $1 ,500 per month Land lord and maintenance team: 3 Price fo r w hat you get: 3 Quality of apartment: 4.5 Quality of appliances: 3 Space: 4

"The sign says free heat and hot water but it doesn't work half the time." Ironhouse Apartments (Genesis Properties)

.~" "' .

Reviewed by Junior Erika Wipperman Resides in a 3 bed/2 bath for $1,605 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 4 Price fo r w hat you get: 5 Quality of apartment: 5 Quality of appliances: 5 Space: 5 "Decent sized rooms, huge living area with high cei lings, and we have a laundry room in our place. I think that's a plus." The.Lombard (Waybright Investments) . ~ ~ • Reviewed by Senior Maddie Brady Resides in a 3 bed/1 bath for $1,200 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 2 Price for what you get: 2 Quality of apartment: 2 Qual ity of appliances: 3 Space: 4

:'They insisted a light bulb was out when really It was fa ulty wiring, and when they took the light fixtu re down a dead mouse fell out."


"[ The apartment] looked pretty much new." River City Renaissance (River City Real


Reviewed by Junior Jil lian Rajevich Resides in a 1.5 bed/1 bath for $690 per Landlord and maintenance team: 1 Price for what you get: 2 Quality of apartment: 4 Quality of appliances: 2 Space: 2 "They will definitely screw you out of as much money as they can. They will lie about when they received your rent payment, and charge you a $65 late fee." Stuart Court (Green Street Property Management) ~ ," Reviewed by Sophomore Caitlin Alewine Resided in a 2 bed/1.5 bath for $1,000 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 3.5 Price for what you get: 4 Quality of apartment: 3 Quality of appliances: 4 Space: 4

"Stuart Court's location to campus is great, its only about a ten minute walk to classes. It's close, but at the same time we're far enough away that its a nice break from the alwaysbusy campus."

. ..

T&E Apartments (Clanchan Properties)

"~ "

Reviewed by Sophomore Duy Nguyen Resides in a 3 bed/2 bath for $1,810 per month Landlord and maintenance team: 4 Price for what you get: 5 Quality of apartment: n/a Quality of appliances: 4 Space: 5 "There's not much more I can ask for really. Building used to be a factory so it's spacious."

INKED ARTIST: Al[XANDRA BARAO l VG"UscuiPt/mi mc:{jor "In my recent sculptural work, I have been exploring the role of the handmade object \YithintR!) cgntext()f a society in which all goods ar~ masSipri)duced. [have been using materials that have traditionally been categorized within the field of crafts: materials that are widely used for functional or decorative purposes such as yam, e.mbroidery tIlrea~llDd beadS. J aj m to make U$~O£ tIles~,materials jJ1a (101,1#ft traditional, non-functional fashion, and in doing so, broaden the context in which we may think about them. "For my 'Maod1tla' UlstaJlation I created a design similar to the traditionalfibetan Buddhist mandala, but instead of using sand, I used thousands of colorful plastic 'pony' beads, the archetypal material Of childhood crafts. Similar to the monks who create tIlese temporary designs Nom sand, r chose, rather than adhering the beads to a surface, to arrange them on the floor as my own meditation on the nature of impermanence. The piece exi sted physically for only a short time, and was ritualistically swept up in the Same manner as the $and mandalas;'

Above: Mandala; Cover: detail of Mandala

Langston Hughes' Modern Renaissance Fashion Editor: Godsgrace Tetteyfio Fashion Assistants: Whitney Stevens, Toni Angelo, Brittany Wi ll iams. Dena Spruill and Katie Mangano Models: Alexis Irmen. Gabrielle Hartman, Nils Weinstein, Dekota Waller. Raven Starks, Camden Moran and Zenzile Lark Hair: Toni An gelo and Godsgrace Tetteyfio Make-up: W hitney Stevens, Kerry McDonnell and Dena Spruill

Zenzile (above): POiret dress with cleat and rouch detailinq from EuroTrash. Circle of Life Champ necklace and Sterlinq Silveri Vermeil fix


inq f om SOIJth

n In


Top right Nils: Kill City Conspirators T-shirt and vest, Wesc jeans, Neves belt, Gaorin

fedora and Nike Dunks all from Need Supply Co. Alexis: Collective Clothing dress (worn as top) from South Moon Under.

Hopscotch Minkpirk skirt from Need Supply Co. headband with bead detailing from Anthropologie.

Bottom right

Gabby: San Sebastian Quicksilver nautical tank with rope straps, The Hanger blazer and Citzens of Humanity pants from Need Supply Co. Circle of life Champ necklace and sterling silver/vermeil fixed band ring from South Moon Under.

Dekota: Project eVintage graphic peace sign shirt from South Moon Under. Shades of Greige gingham button-down shirt from Need Supply Co.


Gabby: Collective Concepts pants jumpsuit from South Moon Under. Two-strap headband with bead and coil detailing from Anthropologie.

Below, clockwise from top left Dekota: Tailgate Clothing Co. Gingham buttondown shirt from South Moon Under. Wes graphic sweatshirt, and Sneaky Steve perferorated leather sneakers from Need Supply Co. Alexis: Ark & Co. blouse with pleated detailing and wide flower cuff from South Moon Under. McGinn gingham skirt from Anthropologie.

Raven : Collective Concepts shorts jumpsuit

from Need Supply Co. Flower headband from Anthropologie. 12" GF side drill initial necklace from South Moon Under. Nils: Wesc sweater, Neves belt, Insight jeans and Nike Dunks sneakers all from Need Supply Co. Modern Amusement vest from South Moon Under.

Gabby: Collective Concepts pants jumpsuit from South Moon Under. Two-strap headband with bead and coil detailing from Anthropologie.

Right, from top

Cam: B.Son modal T-shirt,

vest. Wesc jeans, Neves belt. fedora and Nike Dunks all from Supply Co.

The night is beautiful, So the faces of my people.

The stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people.

Beautiful, also, is the sun. Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people.

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