The Stall Seat Journal: 2015-2016 school year

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VCU Wellness Resource Center

815 S. Cathedral Place Richmond VA 23284

rate and useful The Stall Seat Journal’s goal is to provide accu pus resources. health information about VCU students and cam tion has We thank all students whose past survey participa VCU Spit for made this type of reading possible! Findings from students are Science data and The Well’s data both show that ents drink healthier than you think! For example, most stud think! The lower amounts of alcohol and less often than you and most have vast majorities of students don’t smoke tobacco it the Media had 0-1 sex partners in the past 3 months. (Vis with specific Vault at The Well’s homepage for past editions statistics)


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Research about Rams p Survey u w o ll o F e c n Spit for Scie

Two research o pportunities in February… Check your VCU email for optional and confidential su rvey links.

The Well’s Survey-

using the National College Health Assessment.

Who is eligible? WHY is Spit for Science important?

Students who have participated in previous years. This is a follow-up survey. Follow-up surveys grow our knowledge about what benefits college students. The data help us to: Improve Health Outcomes: Spit for Science is helping science better understand the college years! The follow-up surveys ask about activities and environments, which allows researchers to look for patterns of risky or protective factors for many different health outcomes. Tell a Story: Instead of a one-time snapshot of college life, this study is telling a story! This is a longitudinal project, meaning we are able to follow participants over time. Longitudinal studies are incredibly useful to look for changes over time and/or at patterns and sequences of events. Be RAM Proud: There is NO other project like this in the world. VCU students have exceeded all expectations with high participation rates! Yeah Rams. Provide New Threads: Our t-shirts are quite stylish and designed by students!

Who is eligible? 5,000 students will be randomly selected from all enrolled for Spring 2016. Starting Feb ___ Why is the Well’s survey important? Every even year it provides The Well with “snapshot” of our campus well being and health needs. It helps us direct resources and efforts. It also allow us to see how VCU compares to other campuses nationally. What’s in it for participants? Chance to win cool stuff 4 $100 amazon gift certificates, or 100 caring rams will win #VeryCaringU t-shirts!

WHAT happens to all of the Spit for Science data? It doesn’t just end up as bathroom reading… it’s grown into COBE- The College Behavioral and Emotional Health Institute! Researchers are using the data to investigate new findings and interventions to benefit college students! Check out and see how VCU is uniting researchers, educators and the community to promote health and wellness. Spit for Science: The VCU Student Survey (HM13352) has been approved by the VCU Institutional Review Board. For more information, contact or 804 628-4645.


The Well’s distribution of the National College Health Assessment (IRB# 2144) has been approved by the VCU Institutional Review Board. For more information, contact or 804 828-6919.

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