Grant Writing for Artists

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GRANTWRITING FOR ARTISTS Fund Your Creative Projects By Gigi Rosenberg


Question 

What type of artist are you? □

Visual artist Painter Sculptor Designer

Performing Artist □ Who else is here ? Scientists? □

Question ď‚Ą ď‚Ą

How many of you have applied for grants? How many of you have already won grants?

Ground Rules   

Ask questions as we go along Shut off all distractions Take notes on your own project □ What

is it? □ Give it a title □ What’s unique? □ Why is this your next project? □ How are you going to make it?

Reality Check 

Grants from my writer’s desk Oregon

Literary Fellowship (500/12) Hedgebrook Residency (1700/40) Creative Capital (2500/46) 

Why this doesn’t matter

Why Write a Grant?

Why Write a Grant?   

Meet peers/build community Clarify your vision Put your big idea on paper

Why Write a Grant?   

Meet peers/build community Benefit from the application deadline Plan your next project

Why Write a Grant?   

Meet peers/build community Gain practice in writing applications Gain practice in asking for help

Use it to find new language for     

Crowdfunding campaign Press release Website copy Book proposal Elevator Speech

Make it work for you â–Ą


Is grant writing the best use of your time right

Question What would you like to get out of this webinar? □

What are your burning questions?

Where do grants come from? 

Private money □ Foundations □ Individuals


(These donations are not technically

Where do grants come from? 

Private money □

Foundations, individuals

Public money □

Federal, state, local government

What grants can you apply for?   

90 percent for nonprofits 10 percent for individuals How can you get access to the 90 percent?

Fiscal Sponsorship   

A nonprofit sponsors you They get a small percentage The nonprofit gets the funds and passes them onto you What are some advantages of having a fiscal sponsor? Pros/Cons

Why do they give grants?

Why do do they give grants?   

They have a vision to manifest in the world They need you to complete their mission They’re looking for you

Types of Grants    

Fellowships & Awards Professional Development Grants Project Grants Residencies

Parts of an Application        

Artist Statement Bio/CV Project Description Budget Timeline Work Sample Marketing Plans What else?

Research    

Starts with you – in your studio What do you want now in your career? What type of support will take you there? Use this deadline

Research 

The Foundation Center □

New York Foundation for the Arts: The Source □

Your state arts commission

Research    

The Foundation Center New York Foundation for the Arts: The Source Your state arts commission Bios of successful artists and entrepreneurs Performance programs + Acknowledgements □ Artist websites □ Catalogs, brochures and so on □

Research    

Play matchmaker Study mission of funder Read guidelines and criteria Find the deadline

Research   

Are you the right match for them? Is this grant the right match for you? Is writing a grant the best use of your time right now in your career?

Build Your Team      

Brainstorming Partner Co-researcher Editor Proofreader Work Sample Advisor Budget Advisor


Artist Statement

Artist Statement Make your statement relevant to this grant â–Ą

How can you customize it for this opportunity? â–Ą

Artist Statement 

Make your statement relevant to this grant □

   

How can you customize it for this opportunity?

What can you write that is unique to you? Describe your process What are you intending? Write so someone outside your field can understand your concerns and intentions

Work Sample    

Your best work Good documentation The right match A sample that supports your proposal

Project Description    

What is it? Who is your audience? What is the goal? What is the need for the project?

Project Description 

What, who, why, when, how, where? □ Who

is involved? □ When is it taking place? □ How are you making it? □ Where is it being exhibited?

Your Raw Material

Your Raw Material    

Past/current artist statements Interviews with audience members Past reviews of your work Has anything else been written about your work?

Your Raw Material   

Get interviewed Record your answers You will say things you would never think to write


Budget 

Explain all expenses in the narrative □

Show you’re a good steward of the funding

If something is mentioned in the narrative, make sure it shows up in the budget Example of the videographer

Budget  

Brainstorm all possible sources of income Include your own fundraising or contribution, fi necessary Don’t forget in-kind donations □


How else can you show that you have a community of financial support behind this project?

Budget 

List every conceivable expense If you’re sending postcards, how many? □ What is postage nowadays? □

 

Triple check your math Remember: You want to prove you will be a good steward of this funding What would you want if you were donating?

Strategic Question  

Why you? How has your whole life/career led up to h tsi project?

Strategic Question   

Why now? Why can’t this wait five years? What is the urgency?

Pro Tip: Your Winning Attitude â–Ą


This project will happen with or without the

Pro Tip: Call the funder      

When? What to say? Your introduction Finding the right question What’s the real reason for this ca? l Will they review your rough draft?

Before You Submit:        

Confirmed you’re a good match Used a team of help Met the criteria Answered the questions Ensure the budget speaks to the narrative Clarity, Simplicity (see editing tips) Proofread the writing and the numbers All pieces fit together

Follow Up Feedback

Phone etiquette

Follow Up 

Feedback □ Phone


Thank You □ Snail


mail whether you win or

Resources -

More Resources  Radio &

on-camera interviews Interviews

to read Recommended books for the artist’s journey

Pro Editing Tips     

Write in the active voice Be stingy with adverbs Use sensory details whenever possible Write to your ideal audience member Remember your attitude: This project will happen! □

How can your verbs reflect this?

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