Video Production Project Case Study: Visual Communication And Marketing

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We are more than Video Content Producers

Sensors & Software

Project Details Objective: Sensors & Software is a Mississauga based company that delivers subsurface imaging solutions to customers worldwide. With a unique technology and an array of products, Sensors & Software was seeking a professional video production partner to help them produce effective visual content to support their marketing and sales goals. In the past, Sensors & Software tried producing videos internally without seeing much success, but knew that there was potential with the right strategy, messaging and execution. Visual Communications & Marketing (VCM) was asked to provide a solution. The goal was to start out with producing 3 videos so they could see the return on investment. They also wanted to showcase the 3 pieces of content at the upcoming World of Concrete Tradeshow. The three videos to be produced were:   

Explaining Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Technology, and how it’s used Explain How GPR assists with Roads & Bridges A product video showcasing Conquest 100

Solution: After getting all the details and the client budget expectations we presented a solution that made it feasible for the project to move forward. To kick off the process, we spent time strategizing with the Sensors & Software’s Marketing team in order to define their brand identity, tone of voice and how they wanted to communicate the key messages in the videos to their target audiences. Dealing with such a technical subject required a collaborative workflow. Guiding them through the creative, scripting and storyboarding process was essential to getting the projects rolling and was a great exercise for the Marketing team to hone the Sensors & Software brand and pitch. The videos had to be detailed, informative and visually engaging. Once the scripts and storyboards were finalized we started strategizing the production days and developed a bespoke graphic package to support the content. We also casted a professional voiceover talent to be the voice of Sensors & Software and narrate all of the videos. Motion titles were created to support the visuals, the narration by our voiceover talent, and reinforce important benefits and concepts being conveyed in the videos. All the videos were completed within a span of 5 weeks, which met their deadline for the World of Concrete tradeshow.

Results: 

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Delivered 3 videos in time for the World of Concrete trade show where they received a lot of positive attention increasing the amount of serious inquiries about their technology and products After launching the Conquest 100 product video on their website and YouTube channel, Sensors & Software made more sales of this product in the first month than they had seen the entire year prior The brand, image and tone developed for these videos are now part of their website and print material Each video has a dedicated page on the Sensors & Software website and have been on their website since March 2015 Some of the videos were versioned in French and Spanish for the World market Sensors & Software clearly saw the value in video production with business growth, more conversions, and increased sales so they hired VCM to produce 5 more product videos and a corporate video profiling their company

Project Info Client: Sensors & Software Location: Mississauga, Ontario Type: Promotional / Educational Web: Source:-

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