Benefits Of Corporate Video Production In Toronto - VCM Interactive

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Benefits Of Corporate Video Production In Toronto

Video Can Explain Everything

Introduction 

In this digital era, the way companies communicate is changing.

A video is the most dominant form of engagement with target audiences and is now the most leading force in driving internet traffic.

Are you aware that four times as many consumers prefer to learn about products by watching a video as against reading about it?

There’s no doubt that corporate video production in Toronto is one of the most effective marketing tools available to businesses today, and with good reason.

Despite the many positive statistics about videos and how effective they can be in creating ROI for a business, many business owners in Toronto remain skeptical over whether they should hire a corporate videographer and make videos a major part of their marketing weapons.

Benefits Of Corporate Video Production In Toronto 1) Increasing more traffic: Videos currently account for about two thirds of internet traffic. Why should this concern you as a business owner? It means that if you’ve not invested in corporate videography, you’re losing out on a ton of potential clients. It also means that your competitors who are using this tool are reaping the benefits and getting a larger share of the Toronto market. 2) Fresh sharing: Do you want to get the word about your products or services out there? Let your followers do it for you. Viewers are 7 times more likely to share a video link on a social media platform such as Facebook than any other type of content. Think about the number of ads that have been shared with you or that you have shared with others on social media platforms. These ads evoke emotional responses from people and they share them with the hope that they will do the same to others. Imagine what this could do for your company!

Benefits Of Corporate Video Production In Toronto 3) Boosting SEO ranking: The battle for better ranking in search engine results pages is never-ending. You can get one up on the competition by investing in corporate video production in Toronto. This is all thanks to the introduction of ‘Universal Search’ by search engine giant Google in 2007 as well as preference for the use of mobile devices to access the internet. Videos are now included in search results pages and in prime positions. You can ensure that your customers find you and that you get ahead of the competition.

4) Creates brand recognition: Consumers today have so many options for any single product or service. What helps consumers make a decision? Consumers make decisions based on their emotions and not only the quality or savings they can make on the particular product or service. If you want to make any real progress in the competitive Toronto market, you’ll need to make a strong and memorable impression. You’ll need to appeal to the emotions of the consumer. This is possible with the right corporate videographer.

Benefits Of Corporate Video Production In Toronto 5) Enhance your conversion rates: Many consumers visit websites to find out more information about products or services they are interested in. Many haven’t made a purchasing decision by this time. The information they get will help them either say yes or no. Including a clip on your landing page will help to improve your conversion rates by 80%. That means more sales from your online traffic. 6) Serve for mobile: More people use mobile devices to access the internet today than PCs. If your marketing strategy doesn’t include a strategy for mobile, you’re missing out on a great section of the market. People who use mobile devices prefer video content. Ensure that your company provides content that your clients can feast on.

Contact Us  If you have a business, not-for-profit, or any other venture, it’s time to talk to Visual Communications & Marketing (VCM) about providing you the best commercial video production services in Toronto.  To know more about us visit Visual Communication & Marketing 

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