5 Things to Include in Your Promotional Video

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5 Things to Include in Your Promotional Video

Promotional videos are without a doubt one of the most effective ways to market and sell your brand. A promotional or promo video is a short video that promotes a company’s product or service. The best promotional videos weave a story to educate, inspire, or delight prospective (or existing) customers. Its short yet educates people and influences them to take a step forward. Here are 5 Things to Include in Your Promotional Video:

1. Graphics Whether it's a per cent-off coupon code or a time and date for an event or promotional period finishing, you'll want to include a visual call to action. Use graphic titles to direct the viewer's attention to the information you want them to remember.

2. Movement Keep things interesting by keeping things moving. If you desire, you can employ different camera angles as well as cartoons or any other visuals to do this. However, don't weary your audience with a single image of a man pleading to click on a link or buy your products.

3. Tagline For your product or service, come up with a distinctive tagline. Something that explains not only what your product does, but also how users will benefit from it. It doesn't have to rhyme or be funny, but it does have to represent the brand, product, and added value all in one.

4. Intro and Outro Intros and outros are vital aspects of promotional videos. The title of the video should be the focus of your intro, but you can also include your logo and website URL to raise brand awareness.

5. An interesting and unique call to action It's all about adding value once more. It's even better if you can employ a metaphor. However, your potential customer must believe that by signing up with you, they would have a nice experience. For more information visit https://www.vcminteractive.com/ or call us on 647.401.1443.

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