What's Your FLAVA? Personality & Communication System, 4th Edition

Page 16

The second of the Immutable Cs is Competition. The immutable law associated with it is that Competition is Constant and unavoidable. As we pursue performance improvement, understanding the nature of continuous change is key. We must understand that competition is just as constant as change is continuous. Change places demands upon us and our behavior while competition places demands upon our resources. The inescapable presence of competition necessitates the need for performance improvement. Most people think of a competitive environment as one only where sports teams and athletes perform. Others think of a competitive environment as a situation where companies wage million-dollar ad campaigns to vie for customers and market share. However, competition is all around us. It is truly constant and ubiquitous. It turns out that all people compete without consciously realizing it. We all compete for the small seemingly insignificant things and for the big, essential and obvious things of life.


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