IYABO OBASANJO WRITES FATHER, SAYS:‘Dear Daddy, you don't own Nigeria’

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...towards a better life for the people VOL. 25: NO. 62038


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‘Dear Daddy, you don't own Nigeria’



•Calls him liar, manipulator, hypocrite ‘For you to accuse someone else of what you so obviously practised yourself tells of your narcissistic, megalomaniac personality’


AGOS — IN what is turning out to be a season of open letters, daughter of former President Olusegun

Continues on page 5

Oshodi-Apapa Road:

Lagos gives tanker drivers 3-day P.10 ultimatum COLUMNISTS:



Mr & Mrs

zFormer President Olusegun Obasanjo and daughter, Iyabo

ASUU calls off six-month-old strike C M Y K


2— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

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4— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

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NIGERIA'S FIRST—From left: A pilot of Nigeria's first indigenous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), giving a brief on the aircraft to Gov. Mukhtar Yero of Kaduna State; Supervising Minister of Defence, Mr Labaran Maku; President Goodluck Jonathan and Service Chiefs, at the unveiling of the UAV, 'Gulma', in Kaduna, yesterday. Photo: NAN.

You don't own Nigeria — Iyabo Obasanjo Continues from page 1 Obasanjo, Iyabo, has ruled out further communication with her father till death, describing him as a liar, manipulator, two -faced hypocrite determined to foist on President Goodluck Jonathan what no one would contemplate with him as president. Senator Iyabo

Obasanjo in a letter to her father accused him of having an egoistic craving for power and living a life where only men of low esteem and intellect thrive. In the 11-page letter dated December 16, 2013 exclusively obtained by Vanguard , Iyabo accused her father of orchestrating a third term for himself as president,


Instead of losing we can learn from our failures and faults.



IVE with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is— Mary A. Radmacher Mr. Albert Einstein was right: If you feel you need to go one way, even when everyone else is going the other way, do so, do so to make positive changes in your life and for this world. I guarantee you that you will never regret that decision. Believe in yourself, other people will also believe you in time. If you have clear goals and you believe you can reach them, then your mind has the highest possible amount of receptivity to elements that can help you reach your goals. Thus you’ll detect them quickly, even the subtle ones, and you’ll be able to employ them. When you approach a goal with disbelief, you feel anxiety and your thinking gets clogged by it, which makes finding good solutions to reach that goal less probable. On the other hand, self-belief makes you relax and think clearly. It stimulates reasoning, memory and, above all, creativity. This makes it more likely that you’ll find good solutions to reach your goals. In particular, you’ll be able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions that work really well.

cruelty to family members, abandonment of children and grandchildren, and also, a legendary reputation of maltreatment of women. Iyabo who forswore further political engagements in Nigeria denied any political motive for her missive, and described Nigeria as a country where her father and his ilk have helped to create a situation where smart, capable people bend down to imbeciles to survive. She particularly noted her experience as chairman of the Senate Committee on Health when she led the committee on a retreat appropriated for in the budget only for her to be prosecuted for it. Iyabo, first child of the former president, started the letter titled, Open Letter to my Father with a 4th century Chinese proverb by Mencius which states: “The great man is he who does not lose his child’s heart.” Her letter: "It brings me no joy to have to write this but since you started this trend of open letters I thought I would follow suit since you don’t listen to anyone anyway. The only way to reach you may be to make the public aware of some things. As a child well brought up by my longsuffering mother in Yoruba tradition, I have been reluctant to tell the truth about you but as it seems you still continue to delude yourself about

the kind of person you are and I think for posterity’s sake it is time to set the records straight. "I will return to the issue of my long-suffering mother later in this letter. "Like most Nigerians, I believe there are very enormous issues currently plaguing the country but I was surely

Everyone around for even a few minutes knows that the only thing you respond to is praise and worship of you. People have learnt how to manipulate you by giving you what you crave. The only ones that can’t and will not stroke your ego are family members who you universally treat like shit (sic) apart from the few who have learned to manipulate you like others. "Before I continue, Nigerians are people who see conspiracy and selfservice in everything because I think they believe everyone is like them. This letter is not in support of President Jonathan or APC or any other group or person, but an outpouring from

It is therefore outrageous that you accuse the current President of a similar two-facedness that you yourself used against the people of the country surprised that you will be the one to publish such a treatise. I remember clearly as if it was yesterday the day I came over to Abuja from Abeokuta when I was Commissioner of Health in Ogun State, specifically to ask you not to continue to pursue the third term issue. "I had tried to bring it up when your sycophantic aides were present and they brushed my comments aside and as usual you listened to their selfserving counsel. For you to accuse someone else of what you so obviously practiced yourself tells of your narcissistic megalomaniac personality.

my soul to God. I don’t blame you for the many atrocities you have been able to get away with, Nigerians were your enablers every step of the way. People ultimately get leaders that reflect them. "Getting back to the story, I made sure your aides were not around and brought up the issue, trying to deliver the presentation of the issue as I had practiced it in my head. I started with the fact that we copied the US constitution which has term limits of two terms for a President. As is your usual manner, you didn’t allow me to finish my thought process and listen to my

point of view. Once I broached the subject you sat up and said that the US had no term limits in the past but that it had been introduced in the 1940s after the death of President Roosevelt, which is true. I wanted to say to you: when you copy something you also copy the modifications based on the learning from the original; only a fool starts from scratch and does not base his decisions on the learning of others. In science, we use the modifications found by others long ago to the most recent, as the basis of new findings; not going back to discover and learn what others have learnt. Human knowledge and development and civilization will not have progressed if each new generation and society did not build on the knowledge of others before them. The American constitution itself is based on several theories and philosophies of governance available in the 18th century. Democracy itself is a governance method started by the ancient Greeks. America’s founding fathers used it with modifications based on what hadn’t worked well for the ancient Greeks and on new theories since then. "As usual in our conversations, I kept quiet because I know you well. You weren’t going to change your mind based on my intervention as you had already made up your mind on the persuasion of the minions working for you who were ripping the country blind. When I spoke to you, your outward attitude to the people of the country was that you were not interested in the third term and that it was others pushing it. Your statement to me that day proved to me that you

Continues on page 52

6—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Divorce seeking wife accuses husband of infecting her with STDs


AGOS — A housewife, Azeezat Ayinde, yesterday, urged an Igando Customary Court, Lagos to dissolve her six-year-old marriage to her husband, Mohammed, because he infected her with sexually transmitted diseases, STDs. Azeezat, 32, who is a teacher, alleged that Mohammed was a womaniser and constantly had extramarital affairs that led to her constant visits to the hospital to treat infections. She said: “I have been in and out of hospital treating STDs like gonorrhea, staphylococcus and other infectious diseases due to my husband’s unfaithfulness. “My husband used to invite a lady in my absence, I have caught them inside our room on different occasions. “He always tells me she is his friend’s wife and that she is always lonely. That is why he always invites her to our house to keep her company.” She accused her husband of abandonment, adding: “He goes out and comes back after four or seven days. Azeezat said she had been the one paying the children's school fees and feeding. The mother of two begged the court to dissolve the sixyear-old marriage, stressing that she was tired of spending money on STDs. She said: “I am no longer interested in the union, am fed up of spending the money I am suppose to use on food and clothes on treating infections.” Mohammed, 40, admitted that ladies always come to their house, claiming they were his wife’s friends. The respondent, who is an engineer, said that “her friends always visit me whenever my wife was not around. I don’t have anything to do with them.” He said he always stayed back at work because of distance, adding he always returns home at weekends. “I always take care of my children when we were still living together until when my wife pack out of my house 18-month ago. Mohammed consented to the dissolution of their marriage, saying he was no longer interested in the union.

Midnight fire razes P-Harcourt Mile One market, two-storey building BY EGUFE YAFUGBORHI


ORT HARCOURT — HUNDREDS of shops stuffed to the brim with food, clothings and other items, as Christmas shopping peaked, were razed in a wild fire which reduced the Mile I market in Port Harcourt to rubles, yesterday. The fire also burnt adjacent house, 57, Ikwerre Road, a two-storey building housing shop owners and other residents who lost virtually all their personal belongings to the fire. The inferno reportedly started out at about 2 am, but none of the devastated shop owners and the market authorities, some of who also claimed to have lost millions of cash locked in their shops, were able to establish a clue as to what ignited it and the exact point where it started. However, Rivers State Commissioner for Special Duties, Dickson Umunakwe, whose ministry supervises the state fire service, blamed the uninhibited impact of the fire on poor consciousness among traders and residents in the vicinity. He said: “Three things are involved in this disaster: Carelessness on the part of the traders and residents of this area, ignorance and sabotage. These factors contributed.” Umunakwe further said efforts to co-opt the fire units of major oil companies in Port Harcourt which could have added value to the state fire service’s efforts to arrest the fire did not materialise as companies who were reached on phone declined assistance on the ground that they needed a go ahead from their managements.

Govt suspects sabotage

The state Commissioner for Information, Ibim Semenitari, in separate reaction, harped on sabotage, alleging a link between the inferno and current political uncertainties in the state. He said: “At 2 a.m, we heard dynamite and all kinds of sounds emanating from the Abonima Wharf area and also from the Marine Base. This sound continued. We are suspicious of sabotage in the light of current happenings in the state.”

Blame galore

In continued blame passing over the disaster, factional Chairman of the Mile I Market Association, Chief Young Obene Clark Georgewill, accused Chairman of a council in

the state as masterminding the burning of the market. He said: “Recently, I borrowed some money from a micro finance bank, but I was not feeling well so I gave it to my wife to stock my shop. Now everything is gone, burnt by these people.” Kenneth Eze, the Market Master instated by Akarolo, the Port Harcourt council boss who displaced Georgewill, however, blamed the fire disaster on negligence by the council and the Rivers State Government on maintenance of the market.

Victims count losses

Mrs. Olatoyin, one of several tenants at the storey building also gutted by the fire said the impact would have been far minimal if the Rivers State Fire Service was proactive. She said “The fire started from the other side and as early as past 2am, I and my husband rushed to the fire service close by. They came with trucks but none had water. They were just there idling about with their vehicles as the fire spread, burning the entire shops and took over our

Scene of the inferno house. “What I am putting on is the only clothes I have. By the time we returned from the fire service, our entire apartment was razed, including documents. The state fire service is just there for nothing. They are not working. I am nonetheless grateful that nobody was burnt to death. "And I went back to our burnt apartment and discovered that my gold jewelleries were not damaged.” Madam Joy Opara who lost her shop of deep freezers with

fresh stock of frozen food to the fire said, in between sobs, said “I cannot quantify the lost. I don’t even know where to start. Most of us borrowed money to trade"in this market. What I get daily I use in supporting my family and younger ones who are in school. Where do I go from here now?” As victims count their losses, Chairman (Major) of Port Harcourt City Council, Aharolo, has promised to build a more befitting market at the burnt shops while also declaring to set up inquiry into the disaster.

Headmaster nabbed for raping 9-yr-old BY SUZAN EDEH


AUCHI — THE Bauchi State Police command has commenced investigation into the case of a 42-year-old man, Mr James Dantayi, who is an assistant headmaster of Jibril Aminu Primary School, Bauchi for allegedly raping a nine-year-old pupil of the school.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Deputy Superintendent of Police, DSP, Haruna Mohammed, who confirmed the incident, yesterday, in Bauchi, said when the police received the complaint of a rape incident in the school, it investigated the matter by visiting the school and the suspect arrested. A reliable security source in

Bauchi told newsmen that the victim was a primary three pupil. According to the source, “the victim who is a pupil of Jibril Aminu Primary school was raped by their assistant headmaster after school hours. “When the girl got home, her parents became suspicious of their daughter ’s disposition

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013— 7

Police parade wife of murdered NPDC staff, lover Pastor, others BY SIMON EBEGBULEM


ENIN CITY — THE Edo State Police Command, yesterday, paraded 19 suspected criminals, including a Pastor and wife of one Mr Isonguyo Victor, a Deputy Manager at the Nigeria Petroleum Development (NPDC) Company, who was allegedly murdered penultimate Friday by his wife and her Pastor lover. Among the 19 suspects paraded were kidnappers, child defilers and robbers. Commissioner of Police,CP Foluso Adebanjo who narrated how Mrs Enebong Victor Isonguyo planned the murder of her husband with her Pastor lover, Prince Udoka Nkanchukwu, said they both confessed to be lovers and plotted the death of the NPDC staff and father of three.

According to him, “what happened was that the Pastor asked the deceased to meet him somewhere along Sapele road. “When the deceased got there, the Pastor stabbed him twice and then burnt the car. The woman gave the husband’s new car to the Pastor and we found the car with the Pastor. “After killing the man in his vehicle, he set the car ablaze. The Pastor changed the number plate of the new car and put a fake one after he murdered the man.” Mrs Isonguyo who denied having extra marital affairs with the Pastor, said: “When I did not see my husband I ran to the Pastor because we have known for a very long time. I took my husband’s new car to him to sow as a seed in the church so that my husband will be found. I told him

Army sued N3bn for illegal arrest, detention BY AUSTIN OGWUDA


Mrs Enebong Victor Isonguyo to take it to the church but I didn't know that he went and changed the number plates. “I had to ask him to pray harder

Pastor Udoka Nkanchukwu because I loved my husband and I don’t want anything to happen to him. I did not kill my husband because I loved him.”

Indian hemp helps us to rob —Suspects BY IFEANYI OKOLIE & ONOZURE DANIA


AGOS— THREE members of a notorious robbery gang that specialised in car snatching have been arrested by operatives of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, Ikeja. Vanguard gathered that the bandits who were identified as Jamiu Agoola, Toyib Oyeyinka and Lanre Otunola were apprehended after they robbed two cars in Surulere area. The command spokesman, Ngozi Braide, who paraded the suspects, said SARS operatives, led by SP Abba Kyari, received information that two robbed cars, Honda Acura MDX SUV, 2013 model, with number plate AKD 09 AA, grey colour and Toyota Highlander SUV, silver volour with number plate AGL 327 CD were parked by robbers along Market Street, Oyingbo area. She said: “They were looking for buyers when SARS operatives sighted the vehicles and laid ambush for 11 hours before arresting the three suspects, Jamiu Agboola, 20; Tolbu Oyeyinka, 24 and Lanre Otunola ,18, who came to pick the vehi-

pupil in Bauchi and decided to investigate it. “After interrogation, they discovered that she was raped by the assistant headmaster.” He said the police visited the school the following day and arrested the suspect while the victim was taken to the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital Bauchi for medical examination.


The suspects

yielded these two vehicles that resulted in our being arrested. The third suspect, Otunola, said: “I am from Ilorin, Kwara State. My work is wood cutting after bringing logs from forest. I became an armed robber when my mother became sick and I had no money to treat her. I have participated in robbery more than three times. “It was this last operation that put me in trouble. A buyer called me to look for somebody to get him good cars to buy. He said one buyer called Ibadan needed two Camry cars, one Baale also needed a car. “I then contacted Jamiu, our gang leader, and we went to look for cars. I should blame the local government, state and Federal governments for making me take to robbery because they did not create jobs nor created good environment that could generate self employment.”

SABA —TWENTYTWO residents said to have been arrested by soldiers within the outskirts of Agbor in Delta State and subsequently detained at the 4th Military Brigade headquarters, Benin City, while the search for the suspected kidnappers of the mother of the Finance Minister, Prof. Kamene Okonjo was on, have filed a N3 billion suit against the Nigerian Army. Also joined in the suit filed before an Asaba High Court is the Attorney-General of the Federation, Mr Mohammed Adoke . The plaintiffs, Frank Izekor, a native of Ozanogogo and local government councilorship aspirant and 21 others (suing for themselves and on behalf of the 63 victims of unlawful arrest and detention by the Nigerian Army in the communities of Ozanogogo, Alisor and Omumu) for unlawful arrest and torture in detention. They sought among other reliefs a declaration that N3 billion only, being general damages against the respondents for unlawful arrest, unlawful detention, torture, inconvenience, psychological trauma, loss of self esteem, loss of property and for a violation of the applicants’ fundamental rights to personal liberty and the dignity of the human persons, guaranteed by sections 35 and 34 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,1999 as amended.

cles by 5 a.m. “The suspects confessed to have robbed people of the cars in Coker Street, Aguda, Surulere area the previous day and two locally made pistols and four live cartridges were recovered.”

and car snatching three times. The first one we got 37 phones after house-to-house operation. The second operation failed and we managed to escape alive when SARS operatives came after us. The third operation

Indian hemp helped us to rob.

Mob beats lecturer to death in Benue

When Vanguard spoke with the suspects, Jamiu said he was a bus conductor but joined the robbery gang when he lost his father. He said: “I am from Ibadan, Oyo State. I am a bus conductor. When poverty wanted to play with my life, I joined the robbery gang but I vowed not to shoot my victims rather to intimidate them with gun and get what I want from them. “My parents equally live in Pako House in Oyingbo. We used guns to operate. The victim wanted to come out from his house but we rushed him with gun. “I am a certified bus conductor because I am member of National Union of Road Transport Workers. Indian hemp helped me to rob. “I have participated in robbery



ALABAR— A lecturer with the Federal College of Education, F CE, Obudu, Mr Livinus Agbor, has been hacked to death by a mob in Vandeikya, Benue State. Mr Agbor, a lecturer in the Department of Educational Planning, was said to be down with severe cerebral malaria which made him restless and uncoordinated and after three days of treatment at a private hospital at Obudu without any improvement, he was rushed by his younger brother to neighbouring Vandeikya General Hospital in Benue State for further medical attention where he was placed

on admission. According to one of his colleagues, one Dr Achigbe, “while in the hospital, his younger brother went to buy food, leaving him on his hospital bed. “When the younger brother left for the town, the patient got out of his bed and strayed out of the hospital premises to the Vandeikya motor park, telling the drivers that he wanted to go to Makurdi. “He actually boarded a taxi but the first taxi delayed. He stepped out of the car and walked down the Vandeikya-Oturkpo road and boarded another taxi but when he could not tell the driver where he was going, he was asked to alight from the taxi.

“While he was wandering around Vandeikya town, he came across a student who was returning from school and asked the boy to get some water for him but the boy said he had no water. He then followed the boy home and when he got to the boy’s house, the mother raised alarm that someone was about to kidnap her son and a mob came out and began to attack him.” Achigbe said the man was severely beaten by the mob until he became unconscious before his hands were eventually fastened with a cord and was dumped inside the trunk of a car and taken to the Police station. The police, surprised at the level of violence meted out to him, rushed him to the hospital where he died.

8—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013



INNA— PARENTS, students and government officials, yesterday, expressed relief as the six-month old nationwide strike, by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, over nonimplementation of 2009 agreement between the union and the Federal Government, was called off. Addressing journalists in Minna, yesterday, after long hours of brainstorming, ASUU President, Dr. Nasir Fagge, said the union decided to call off the strike after diligent and careful appraisal of various report, especially the resolutions signed last Wednesday by ASUU and the Federal Government. ASUU, however, said it would continuously and diligently monitor the implementation of the joint resolutions in all branches, facilitate the inauguration of the implementation monitoring committee on the report of the Needs Assessment of Nigerian Universities, ensure faithful compliance with the report and ensure that ASUU members do not suffer any loss of deserved benefits arising from the strike, specifically the unresolved issue of the Earned Allowances. ASUU also highlighted the remaining areas in the 2009 agreement, which require policy and legislative steps for the challenges facing the system to be effectively addressed and expressed hope that the provisions of the extant agreements for revitalisation of the university system will immediately focus on theseneeds. Accordingly, Fagge declared that with effect from yesterday, the six months old strike has been suspended and thereby directed all branches to resume work forthwith. A major casualty was recorded when the former National President of the union, Professor Festus Iyayi, died in an auto crash on his way to Kano to attend the National Executive Committee meeting of ASUU. On December 3, which was the dead line given by the Federal Government to the lecturers to either resume classes or be sacked, the government extended the deadline to December 9, saying the action was in honour of late Iyayi, who was to be buried on same date.

ASUU’s expectations

ASUU listed some of its expectations from government. They include government's faithful implementation of the resolutions reached and signed, even as it vowed to work assiduously for the revitalisation of Nigerian universities where students and parents will begin to see the fruits of the struggle. ASUU expects that the revitalisation funds for the next five years will be provided as agreed in the resolutions, while

ASUU calls off 6-month-old strike

OPEN: Lagos State University, LASU, re-opens as Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, called off its six-monthold strike, yesterday. the implementation monitoring committee will ensure that funds released will be used to meet genuine revitalisation needs of public universities with strict and disciplined supervision of the implementation processes by the universities themselves. ASUU also expects the monitoring committee to conclude, within a short time, the verification of the level of implementation of the Earned Academic Allowances and that government should also, as agreed, provide fund for the payment of outstanding balance. It also expects government to act quickly to engage the services of the universities in special consulting services as contained in the resolution.

implements the resolutions with ASUU, with students and parents playing their essential roles, further crises would be avoided to the benefit of our education and our country.”

Union's concession

Students, yesterday, received with mixed feelings the news of the suspension of the strike. UNIBEN SUG Chairman, Mr. Osasere Osifo, said: “It is good that the strike has been called off. But I am not necessarily jumping for joy about it, because we have already lost so much. “Who will compensate us for the six months that we have lost? As for the results of the strike, only time will tell whether the sector will be better. ” An undergraduate of English and Literary Studies, Lagos State University, Anwuliker Stancey

Fagge said: “Although ASUU would have preferred to undertake the renegotiation of the 2009 agreement in the second quarter, our union was persuaded to shift the date to third quarter and it is our hope that government will honour these resolutions as signed and that nobody shall be victimised in any way for his/her role in the process leading to these resolutions and agreements.” The union condemned vicechancellors that made efforts to undermine and in some cases attempted to break ASUU’s strike and also commended the committee of five vicechancellors for their persistence, hard work and determination towards the final signing of the December 11 resolution. He said: “On our own part, we shall accept fair and honest criticisms made in the interest of the university system and the people of Nigeria. “We have no illusion that the resolution signed with government will resolve all the important problems in the system. “What we believe is that if the Federal Government faithfully

Presidency's reaction

The Presidency, in its immediate reaction through the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Communication, Dr. Doyin Okupe, said: “It is a great relief to parents and students that ASUU has called off the strike because the students have suffered so much. “The government on its part will honour its word by implementing the agreement.”

Students, too

Nduba, told Vanguard: “It is almost impossible to measure what one has lost during this strike. “Time, lives and futures have been lost. The strike just slowed down my progress up the ladder of achievement. “I do not even know how to pick the pieces of my academic career.” OAU SUG Chairman, Mr. Ayo Toe, holds a contrary opinion. He said: ”I believe that it was a bold step by ASUU to go all the way until the government shifted ground. In situations like this, every stakeholder has to pay a price. Students have paid theirs and so has ASUU. “We just have to hope that the MoU will be thoroughly implemented so that ASUU does not have any justification to go on strike again.”


National Treasurer, ASUU, Dr. Demola Aremu, said: “We believe that the strike was worth it. If we had not gone on strike, there would have been no move whatsoever to implement the 2009 agreement. “It is obvious that until we went on strike, the government was not at all interested in bringing an end to the strike. It was when they saw our genuine

commitment to the strike that they made a move. “If the Federal Government learns to display more responsibility, funding of universities should not be an issue we should have to go on strike for.” A lecturer of the Department of Mass Communications, University of Lagos, Professor Ralph Akinfeleye, advised students to be ready for marathon lectures as the lecturers would have to rush to cover up for the lost five months. He said: “We thank Mr. President for his marathon meeting with us. The strike should have been suspended before now, but for the satanic vices of some government officials.” He said the loss cannot be quantified, adding “rather, I’ll urge Mr. President’s aides to learn how to deal with lecturers because we are intellectual people and can’t be threatened with termination of appointment.” Dr. Chris Onwunari, also a lecturer at the University of Lagos, said: “It was a well deserved struggle. It demonstrated to the authorities to learn to keep their commitments instead of behaving like outlaws.”

INEC seeks 10-yr ban for electoral offenders BY JOHNBOSCO AGBAKWURU & JOSEPH ERUNKE


BUJA— THE INDEPENDENT National Electoral Commission, INEC, yesterday, asked the Senate Committee on the Review of the 1999 Constitution to enact a clause that would disqualify electoral offenders from contesting any election or holding any party position for a

period of 10 years. The electoral offences to attract similar punishments, according to the commission, include campaign finance breaches and breach of political party finance provisions. INEC Chairman, Professor Attahiru Jega, who presented the commission’s position during the committee’s one-day retreat on Electoral Act 2010, equally wants the President and other persons to be barred from

interfering in INEC’s operational functions. Jega also canvassed for Diaspora voting, regretting that presently, only Nigerian citizens residing in the country at the time of registration of voters can vote at any election. He said Nigerian citizens “who are of age, but resident abroad, should be allowed to participate in the governance of their country by being allowed to register and vote at elections.”

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013—9

Jonathan unveils Nigerian-made drone BY KINGSLEY OMONOBI


BUJA— PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan, yesterday, unveiled the first indigenous unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, named GULMA, built by the Nigerian Air Force in Kaduna. He declared that the giant technological breakthrough of various sectors, particularly the Armed Forces, are pointers to the country’s potential for greater deeds. In his speech at the unveiling ceremony, President Jonathan said: “We must not forget the lesson of this encouraging moment in our nation’s history; that as Nigerians we are capable of great deeds. “In the same manner, we must not forget that ahead of us still lie challenges that we must surmount. We must, therefore, stay focused on our common national purpose. “Today marks another landmark moment in our nation’s history, as we gather here to witness the unveiling of our country’s first indigenous unmanned aerial vehicle, which

Senate rubbishes impeachment call

zCosts $3m less than quote from foreign vendors has been designed and constructed by the Nigeria Air Force. “Besides its diverse military application, unmanned aerial vehicle provides mankind with a range of benefits in disaster management, power line surveys, law enforcement, telecommunications, weather monitoring, and aerial imaging/mapping. “It is also rapidly becoming an important tool in news coverage, environmental monitoring, and oil and gas exploration. “Considering the potential impact of its benefit and versatility, I cannot but say how proud I am of the men and women of our Armed Forces. “Apart from their commitment to the protection of our sovereignty, they are helping to keep our nation ahead in military science and technology and to keep their civilian counterparts on their toes.”

Minister’s comments

The Minister of Information, who also supervises the Defence Ministry, Labaran Maku, noted that the true professionalism of the military since 1999 had given rise to the indigenous militaryled technological breakthroughs. Maku said: “The development of surveillance aircraft by the Nigerian Air Force at this crucial moment in our history is a bold statement of our resolve to provide security for the Nigerian populace. “The GULMA UAV potentially affords the Armed Forces a window of immense opportunities in its task of acquiring timely intelligence and combating criminality, especially in light of the nation’s prevailing security challenges.”

GULMA’s history

In his speech, Air Marshal Alex Badeh explained that the surveillance aircraft was named GULMA, a word in Hausa that means gossip, because of its

function as an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform. According to him, the idea began in 2005 with the acquisition of three Aerostar UAVs for the defunct Presidential Committee on Maritime Safety and Security, PICOMSS, which was frustrated “by numerous vendor-related problems that eventually led to the grounding of all the three systems in 2009. “Following the dissolution of PICOMSS in 2012, the Federal Government handed over the UAVs to the NAF.” He said NAF Optimising Local Engineering, NAF OLE, which handled the project, did it at the cost of $3 million, half of the $6 million quoted by foreign vendors and also trained 15 UAV pilots at less than half a million dollars compared to the $2 million quoted by foreign vendors to train only three pilots.



BUJA— THE Senate, yesterday, described as rubbish the call by the opposition party, All Progressives Congress, APC, that the National Assembly should commence impeachment proceedings against President Goodluck Jonathan for alleged gross misconduct. Chairman, Senate Committee on Information, Media and Public Affairs, Enyinnaya Abaribe, told newsmen in Abuja, “the Senate’s direction to this call is that it is utter rubbish deserving no other comment.” Senate, also in the closed-door session, was said to have discussed issues bothering on security, especially the extension of the emergency rule in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states and decided to invite security chiefs to brief the Senate on the security situation in the states involved. It will be recalled that Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Prof. Attahiru Jega, at the stakeholders hearing in Abuja, Monday, said if the security situation in the North-East, especially the states that are under emergency rule, does not change, there would be no elections in the affected states in 2015. It was further gathered that the two chambers, after heated arguments, decided to fix the oil benchmark for the 2014 Medium Term Expenditure Framework at $77.5 per barrel.

VISIT—From left: First Secretary, Egyptian Embassy, Mr Mohammed Kamal; Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Ashraf Salama and Vice President Namadi Sambo, during their courtesy call on the Vice President in Abuja, yesterday. Photo: NAN.

Uncertainty as doctors begin 5-day warning strike BY SOLA OGUNDIPE & CHIOMA OBINNA


OCTORS under the auspices of the Nigerian Medical Association, NMA, yesterday, withdraw their services from public hospitals across the federation. The phased warning strike, which is to protest failure of Federal Government to implement a mutual agreement to meet demands for improved welfare and other emoluments, will be called off in the

first instance after five days. It is expected to continue after the yuletide season in the second phase, barring any progressive development on the crisis. In a telephone interview, the NMA President, Dr. Osahon Enabulele, said the association was making good its threat, following the expiration of a 21-day ultimatum issued weeks ago. Enabulele, who told Vanguard that the planned action for withdrawal of services

was going on as planned, urged Nigerians to disregard information to the contrary. He said: “We had a meeting called by the Minister of Labour and this meeting lasted from 3.30p.m. on Monday till 5a.m. on Tuesday. “The meeting had in attendance, ministers of Labour and Health; Chairman, House Committee on Health, and a delegation of the NMA. “Others included the Permanent Secretary, Labour and Health, representatives of

Salaries & Wages, the Head of Service and Budgets Office. “The meeting raised a memorandum of understanding, MoU, where the government side signed a promissory note that they will attend to the demands by January 6, 2014. “It was also agreed that if government could meet the minimum demand of the issues at stake in terms of income, wages and discrepancies in our salaries and lastly funding of

healthcare, we would reconsider. “If they can reach at least one of the demands, we will reconsider our stand. But they only came up with the MoU, which was not part of our agreement with doctors.” Enabulele pointed out that NMA cannot on basis of the MoU decide whether or not to continue with the strike. “Only members can take decision because they have once been and deceived by an MoU,” he added.

10—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013



ETROLEUM AND Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria, PENGASSAN, has issued a strike notice to the Federal Government over protracted industrial dispute with some multinational oil companies in the country, threatening to shut down the sector from Monday, December 23, should the government fail to call the affected companies to order. Specifically, the umbrella body for senior workers in the oil industry has been at logger-heads with the management of Transocean Support Services Nigeria Limited, TSSNL, over the sack of Mike Oshobugie, the in house Branch Chairman of PENGASSAN for alleged union activities.

2015: We must resist violent politicians — AYCF, CLO, others BY IKENNA ASOMBA


RKED BY some recent statements from various political camps, capable of threatening the peace and unity of the country ahead of the 2015 general elections, different ethnic, civil, liberty and rights group, yesterday, jointly advocated the need for leaders of various ethnic organisations to always stand on the path of peace and unity, thereby resisting politicians who believe in acquiring power through violence. This appeal was made at a two-day summit on 'Peace Building Mechanisms' for leaders of ethnic nationalities and strategic groups in Lagos and Ibadan, by groups such as the the Arewa Youth Consultative Forum, AYCF, Ijaw National Congress, INC, Ijaw Youth Council IYC, United Middle Belt Youth Congress, UMBYC, O’Odua Muslim Christian Youth Dialogue Group, OMCY DG, Ogoni Nationality, Igbo Youth Congress, IYC, Civil Liberties Organisation, CLO, among others. Organised by the Journalists for Democratic Rights, JODER, at the Centre for Management Development, CMD, Magodo, Lagos, the theme of the summit was 'Ethnic Relations in Nigeria: Lagos Ibadan as Pilot Initiative."

N130m land scam: Court okays Ojikutu, son's arrest empowers the Nigerian Police force to prevent crime, preserve law and order and enforce all laws and regulations in the country. Ojikutu and her son had through their lawyer, Chief Bolaji Ayorinde (SAN) sought for an order of perpetual injunction restraining the Inspector General of Police from carrying out any act capable of restricting her movement and interrogation on the basis of alleged fraud. Sued along with the IG are the Commissioner of Police, Special Fraud Unit, SFU, Nigeria Police and one Cajetan Okekearu (3rd defendant). The duo were said to have allegedly defrauded a land

buyer of N130m, having collected money from the victim for a land at plot 24 Block 4, Lekki Residential Scheme, Phase 1, but problem started after issue of true ownership of the sold land came up. Ojikutu, in suit No. M/58/2013, was asking the court to declare that the 1st and 2nd defendants were not empowered under any known law to interfere with any civil matter arising out of a breach of contract, adding that the 1st and 2nd defendants were not empowered under any known law to interfere with any civil matter arising out of a breach of contract. The claimants prayed the court to declare that the said land

entered into by her (Ojikutu) and the 3rd defendant, was jointly owned by her and her husband, LAGOS — JUSTICE being property of her late Morenike Obadina of a Lagos husband, Mr. Samson Adebisi High Court in Igbosere, Ojikutu. yesterday, gave the police goHowever, in her ruling, Justice ahead to declare the former Obadina held the claimants were Deputy Governor of Lagos State, not entitled to any of the Alhaja Sinatu Aderoju Ojikutu declarative reliefs sought by and her son Samson Adebisi them, saying that documents Ojikutu wanted over alleged and exhibits before the court N130 million fraud, saying it is revealed that the land in dispute their constitutional duty to do so. was solely owned by late Samson Ruling on the originating Adebisi Ojikutu (her husband) summon filed by the duo, the and not jointly owned by them judge held that restraining the as claimed by Mrs. Ojikutu.. police from carrying out their Justice Obadina held that the lawful duty would only result to claimants were aware that there anarchy and self-help, adding was no land to be sold as her late that Section 4 of Police Act husband had already sold the land in dispute through an estate agent sometimes between 1994\1995 and that the 1st claimant (Mrs. Ojikutu) signed as a witness in the transaction. "The averments in the counter affidavit filed by the Inspector General of Police (1st defendant) contained allegations of obtaining money by false pretence. The culpability or otherwise of the various allegations levelled against the claimant and the authenticity or otherwise contained in the petition sent to the police cannot be pronounced upon by this court. "All I can say at this point is that from the affidavit and exhibits before the court, there is a reasonable suspicion of commission of a crime and the THANKSGIVING: From left, Chief Folarin Coker,Baba Eto of Lagos; Bashorun J. K . Randle, court cannot stop the police from Very Rev. Monsignor Christopher Boyo, and Bishop George Amu, during the Thanksgiving carrying out its constitutional duty as no one is immune from Service in memory of late Chief J. K. Randle, at the Christ Cathedral Church of Christ, in criminal investigation and Lagos. Photo: Biodun Ogunleye prosecution," the court held. BY BARTHOLOMEW MADUKWE

Police demolish more structures in Lagos BY MONSURU OLOWOOPEJO


S THE demolition of structures in Muwo Phase 11, Badagry, Olohunda Local Council Development Area, LCDA, entered day two, yesterday, officers of Nigerian Police, Lagos command demolished more structures to reclaim the entire land. It will be recalled that the

police commenced the demolition of structures in Mowo Phase 11, accusing the owners of the structures of trespassing on its 65 hectares of land on Monday. The demolition exercise which commenced at about 11:00a.m. on Tuesday, was intensified, as the police officers with their bulldozers ensured that the structures were pulled down completely.

The occupants were, however, allowed by the police to remove their property before the buildings were demolished. Officers, who spoke under condition of anonymity, said that the Nigerian Police through the Lagos State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development had issued eviction notice to the occupants on December 21, 2011. After this date, Vanguard

Oshodi-Apapa gridlock: Govt gives tanker drivers 72 hours to vacate BY OLASUNKANMI AKONI & MONSUR OLOWOOPEJO


AGOS — LAGOS State Government, yesterday, gave the tanker drivers who have constituted traffic nuisance on the Oshodi-Apapa expressway 72 hours to vacate the area. The government announced that within 72 hours, precisely, Friday, December 20, 2013, it would deploy its traffic machinery to the area, particularly, between Mile 2 and Apapa, to ensure sanity and streamline the activities of tanker

drivers and articulated vehicles. The decision was made when officials of the state government and the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, NUPENG; Petroleum Tanker Drivers, PTD, and the Association of Maritime Truck Owners, AMATO, met late yesterday evening at the Ministry of Transportation, Alausa Secretariat, Ikeja, on the need to tackle the gridlock that had continued to be a nightmare to motorists and residents in the area. Speaking at the end of an emergency meeting, Commissioner for Transportation,

Mr. Kayode Opeifa told newsmen that the government was worried by the situation around Oshodi Apapa Expressway, hence, it is determined to address the situation, lamenting that in recent time, the traffic situation had been horrible as a result of the on-going construction of the main carriageway by Julius Berger. According to him, the construction had led to traffic diversion to the service lane which was initially earmarked for tanker drivers and articulated vehicles to stay to load fuel and gain access to the port, noting that this had made the traffic in the axis unpalatable.

gathered that officers of the Nigerian Police, who were sent to the community to appeal to the residents to leave the land few weeks ago, were beaten by some of the occupants. It was also learnt that this angered the Inspector General of the Nigerians Police, Muhammed Abubakar, who then sent more officers to the community to evict residents.

Deeper Life programme holds Dec 20 22


HE DEEPER Life Bible Church has announced its December 2013 retreat entitled ‘Crossing Over to a New Inheritance and Prevailing over the Storms of Life.' The retreat, which will run concurrently with the church’s special miracle and revival programme which began in January this year, will hold from Friday, December 20 to Sunday, December 22, 2013, at the Deeper Life Conference Centre, Km 42, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013—11

APC alleges threat to peace in Osun BY LEKE ADESERI, South West Regional Editor


HE RULING All Progressives Party, APC, in Osun State, yesterday, raised an alarm over alleged plans by unnamed people to disrupt the peace of the state. According to a statement issued yesterday from the directorate of publicity of the APC in Osogbo and signed by its director, Mr. Kunle Oyatomi, a lawyer, which indicated that there is a rumoured plan by a notorious politician to provoke violence through the unlawful act of destroying APC bill board advertisements across the state. The APC chieftain emphasised that Osun is peaceful and all politicians within the state are better advised to be civilised in their approach to politics, and remember that, "Only cowards resort to violence when they have lost the argument." According to him: "Osun is a state of the virtuous where only virtuous sons and daughters of the state can be elected into office; not frustrated people whose only

understanding of political engagement is criminal acts of violence. "Osun state has moved forward as one of the most politically civilised places in this country," Oyatomi said, adding that, "it will not accommodate or tolerate

uncivilised acts like the one being planned by the axis of evil." The party called on the police in the state to keep a close watch on criminal activities of the violence prone politicians. "All politicians and political parties in the state have a duty to

conduct themselves responsibly no matter the provocation, so that the good image which the Aregbesola government has already established and is attracting investors from all over the world, will not be destroyed."


BUJA — MINISTER of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. ngozi Okonjo-Iweala yesterday said that the alleged missing N500 billion Subsidy Reinvestment and Empower-


LAUNCH: Prince Segun Adesegun, Deputy Governor, Ogun State; Senator Ibikunle Amosun, Ogun State governor; Mr. Adewale Oshinowo, Director-General, Lands Bureau, and Mrs. Olatokunbo Olopade, Chief Judge of Ogun State, at the launch of Ogun State Homeowners’ Charter by Governor Amosun, in Abeokuta.

ment Programme, SURE-P was not missing but was shared to the states and Local government Areas. The Abudul Ningi Committee had described the programme as a failure and that N500 billion proceeds from the subsidy could not be accounted for accusing the finance ministry and that of the petroleum of being responsible for the missing

fund as well as the alleged mismanagement of the programme. The minister who gave the explanation when she appeared before that Senate Adhoc Committee on SURE-P headed by the Deputy Senate Leader, Abdul Ningi also said that the $49.8 billion which the Central bank of Nigeria, CBN, Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusu claimed was not in the

BOKO HARAM: Army vows to fight on till insurgency ends BY KINGSLEY OMONOBI & CHRIS OCHAYI


BUJA — THE Chief of Army Staff, COAS, Lt Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika yesterday vowed that the Nigerian Army was ready to fight to the last man to win the ongoing war against insurgency in its quest to ensure the unity and the protection of the territorial integrity of Nigeria. The army boss also said the army would do whatever it takes, even if it means ‘fighting to the last man’, in order to ensure the unity and the protection of territorial integrity of the country, in its quest to win the war against insurgency. Ihejirika who stated this at the Scorpion Officers Mess, Asokoro Abuja during the decoration of the newly promoted officers in the rank of Brigadier-Generals, assured that the army would end the insurgency and keep the country one. He said, “Nigerian Army will fight to the last man to ensure the unity and the protection of territorial integrity of the nation”, he vowed. He commended President Goodluck Jonathan for his support to the Nigerian Army


Missing N500bn SURE-P funds shared to states, LGAs, says Okonjo-Iweala BY JOHNBOSCO AGBAKWURU & JOSEPH ERUNKE

2015: Govs, APC flay INEC on canceling of election in North-East

and the quality leadership he has exhibited. According to him, “It is on record that since the administration of former President Ibrahim Babangida, the Nigerian Army has not added any new barracks till now. “It is also on record that equipment abandoned in the 80’s are just being resuscitated by this administration”. The COAS stressed that the newly promoted officers are aware of the responsibilities placed on their shoulders, and

urged them to sustain the qualities of service that earned them the promotion. He noted that, the attitude include loyalty to the country which should be 100 per cent, and advised them to be highly creative and innovative which he said must be seen by commanders they are working with. Ihejirika noted that the promotion exercise carried out does not mean there are no good officers left but that the vacancies are limited.

federation account was intact. Dr. Okonjo-Iweala also stated that the total subsidy funds between February 2012 and September 2013, was N816bn and that N300bn out of the amount had been remitted to the SURE - P account at the federal level while N500bn was shared to the states and local government councils within the period. But there was a sharp disagreement between the minister and the Senate SURE –P Committee over the formular used to arrive at the N15bn monthly remittances to the fund even as the committee queried the minister for remitting a flat rate every month to the SURE - P account when proceeds from petroleum sales are not stable from one month to another. The Committee faulted the minister ’s disbursement of N500bn to states and local governments and attributed the development to the reason why the programme failed to meet the yearnings and aspirations of the masses.

Ogunlewe, VC clash over administrative style' BY DAUD OLATUNJI


BEOKUTA — A crisis of confidence is brewing between the Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAAB, Professor Olusola Oyewole and the members of the governing council of the institution, led by a former Works Minister, Senator Adeseye Ogunlewe. The crisis, Vanguard learnt, yesterday, was not unconnected with the management style of the Vice Chancellor, which the members and indeed the

Chairman of Council felt was "inconsistent with modern liberal practice of inclusive administration." Sources close to the Chairman of council obliged that Ogunlewe, at an interactive session with journalists at his Ogudu residence accused the VC of witch-hunting staff of the institution, who have had cause to serve past Vice Chancellors by making staff deployment and redeployment "inconsistent with the skills and experience of such staff to the detriment of the institution. "Much as our mandate does not allow us to interfere in the day to

day affairs of the university, it is our responsibility to speak out when things are going awry in a way that the over all image of the institution could be negatively affected. "A good number of decisions that do not tally with the modern way of administering a university have crept their ways into the university, resulting in losing most of the best hands of the institution to malicious postings and losing the university's external friends in some painful cases," Ogunlewe said.

HE Borno and Adamawa State governments yesterday joined the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC in condemning plans by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC to put off general elections in the Northeast on account of insecurity. Governors Murtala Nyako and Kashim Shetimma rebuffed the moves yesterday as the APC alleged that it was a plan by the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP to force its way back to power in 2015. The APC at the end of a national Executive Committee, NEC meeting yesterday also flayed the federal administration of manipulating the powers of the state to intimidate political opponents. Five former PDP governors were yesterday formally welcomed into the NEC of the country ’s major opposition party. Governors Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers and Rabiu Kwankwanso of Kano were, however, the only two of the G5 governors physically present as the other three were represented.

Funeral adam Julianah M Aderohunmu (Nee Aderibigbe) is dead, aged

80. According to family announcement, she will be buried Friday, December 20, at Idasen Quarters behind Achiever’s University temporary site, Owo, Ondo State, after a church service at Methodist Church, Fajuyi/Oke ogun, Owo. Wake-keep holds Thursday, December 19. She is survived by children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Late Madam Aderohunmu

12—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Court stops anti-Amaechi Speaker BY EMMANUEL AZIKEN


R. Evans Bipi, who emerged as factional Speaker of Rivers State House of Assembly, following the crisis that engulfed the legislative House last July, has been ordered to stop parading himself as Speaker. The order, given by an Ahoada High Court, Rivers State, was upon an interim injunction of the court, following a motion filed by Mr. Otelemaba Amachree, Speaker of the Group of 27 legislators and his deputy, Mr. Leyii Kwanee, requesting for the maintenance of the undisputed position existing in the House, prior to the crisis that engulfed the House on July 9, 2013. The order granted by Justice C.N. Wali last Monday, also stopped Bipi from further parading himself as Speaker of Rivers State House of Assembly, calling himself or acknowledging himself as Speaker of the House, allowing himself to be so addressed or writing to anyone in the capacity of Speaker of Rivers State House of Assembly. The order also prohibited Bipi from convening a meeting of the House either in plenary or in a committee of the whole and from obstructing the applicants in their recognized roles as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly.

Police comb Rivers Assembly ahead of sitting BY JIMITOTA ONOYUME


ORT HARCOURT—RIVERS State Police Command, yesterday, combed the state House of Assembly complex for materials that could pose a threat to lives and properties. Dogs and several security gadgets were used to sniff around the complex, even as men of the counter-terrorism squad of the Police and a private Israeli security firm, were on ground to supervise the security inspection of the complex. At about 8.35 am, the Police released a security balloon in the air for aerial survey. It was brought down after about ten minutes. Thirty-eight patrol vehicles and three Armoured Personnel Careers, APC, were on Moscow Road that leads to the state House of Assembly complex. About 60 policemen were also on the road to guard against any ugly political development. Unlike in the past when lawmakers showed up on the road, yesterday, they all stayed away. The Police, in a statement issued and signed by an Assistant Commissioner of Police, ACP John Amadi, said it was yet to receive a copy of the certified true copy of the judgement, adding that it would invite all members of the state House of Assembly to sign an undertaking that they would be well behaved when allowed into the hallowed chambers of the House. He said: “You are, by this letter, also requested to invite all members of the Rivers State

House of Assembly to kindly report to the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Criminal Investigation Department, CID, where each member of the House will sign an undertaking that they will conduct themselves in an orderly manner, when they resume sitting.” Meantime, Evans Bipi, told Vanguard on phone that he and the anti-Amechi law-

makers will comply with the directive of the Police that all members should sign an undertaking to be of good conduct when allowed into the House. On the recent judgement of a High Court in Ahoada saying he should stop parading himself as Speaker of the House, Bipi said it was a kangaroo judgment, adding that he had not even been served. He said: “I have not been

served. It is a kangaroo judgement. I have not even seen this one. My legal wing will respond appropriately.” Deputy Speaker of the House, Leyii Kwanee, said the Police violated rights of members with the insistence that they should sign an undertaking, add that the House was not conducive for sitting. According to the Deputy Speaker, there was need to fix the facilities in the chambers.

PRESS WEEK: Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State (left) exchanging pleasantries with Mr. Paul Edeh (right) while the Commissioner for Information, Delta State, Mr. Chike Ogeah (middle) looks on, during the 2013 Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Delta State Council Press Week, in Asaba, yesterday. Photo: Henry Unini.

Explosion rocks Rivers Deputy Gov’s office BY JIMITOTA ONOYUME


ORT HARCOURT— THERE was an explosion yesterday at the Deputy Governor ’s wing of Rivers State Government House, Port Harcourt. Although details of the explosion were scanty as at the time of going to the press, sources told Vanguard that ‘’the incident caused cracks on some of the glass frames on the windows of the Deputy Governor’s office, Mr Tele Ikuru.’’ Efforts to get the acting C h i e f P r e s s Secretary to Ikuru, Mr Godwill Jumbo, to comment on the developm e n t were fut i l e . It was said that Ikuru did not want

the matter to be reported in the media, adding that this was why the government did not deem it fit to comment on the development. Another source at Ikuru’s office, however, described the development as ‘’a serious issue,’’ noting that security had been beefed up around the gate leading to the Deputy Governor ’s office. This incident came on the same day the Mile One Market was razed down by a strange fire. Governor Rotimi Amaechi, who visited the scene of the inferno yesterday evening, assured that the government would cushion the effect of the incident on victims, as, according to him, his administration would build a befitting market for traders in the area. “We won’t allow this happen again. This certainly cannot happen again. We have to build a proper market. This is very sad. We thank God that nobody lost his life; that is one thing we should praise God for but a lot of people have lost their

investments; their businesses. They do not know how they will manage for this Christmas and all that. “The best government can do now is to see how we can as-

sist. We will do that immediately before the Christmas comes and ensure that people do not suffer much; then we will start building,” he said.

Dickson proposes N299.2bn budget for 2014 BY SAMUEL OYADONGHA ENAGOA—GOVERNOR Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State, yesterday, presented to the state House of Assembly a budget estimate of N299.2bn for 2014 fiscal year. The appropriation bill comprises N162.5bn recurrent expenditure and N136.7bn capital expenditure, against N304.05bn passed into law by the state House of Assembly in 2013. Presenting the appropriation bill to the state House of Assembly in Yenagoa, Dickson said the bill would be financed from a total revenue projection of N282.6bn and


capital receipts of N16.5bn. Tagged Budget of Further Consolidation, the governor, who restated his commitment to diversification from oil and gas sector, said the budget revenue profile consisted of Statutory Allocation of N262.7bn, Value Added Tax; N7.8bn, Internal Generated Revenue; N12.2bn and Capital Receipts of N 2 6 . 7 b n . On the estimated expenditures of N299.2bn, the breakdown, according to the governor is as follows: Personnel cost; N39.003bn, Overhead cost; N51.5bn, Consolidated Revenue Charges; N58.8bn, Human Capital Development; N13.3bn and Capital expenditure; N146.7bn.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 —13


14—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Court halts operation of firm in Ebonyi

FG suspends UNN governing council chairman/pro-chancellor

BY PETER OKUTU BAKALIKI—THE Federal High Court sitting in Abakaliki yesterday stopped the operation of Royal Salt Limited in Ishiagu Enyigba in Abakaliki Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The suit, FHC/AI/CS/43/ 2013 involved David Igbuju Felix Nwoshim, Francis Nwibo, Okemini Ebonyi, Friday Itumo, Ikechukwu Nweze and Mbam Ode as plaintiffs and Royal Salt Limited as defendant. In her ruling, the presiding Judge, Justice M.A. Onyetenu, ordered Royal Salt limited not to enter into the mining operation or process mined mineral, pending the hearing and determination of the substantive suit. The judge, however, adjourned the matter to February 17, 2014, for further hearing.

zTension heightens over Federal Government’s action


Umeh, Ezeonwuka urge media to assist Obiano BY OKONKWOEZE


NITSHA— CHAIRMAN of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA, Chief Victor Umeh and the Ogirishi Igbo, Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, have appealed to the mass media to assist the governor-elect of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano, in moving the state forward. Making the appeal at the weekend when he led the governor-elect to pay homage at the grave side of the late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu at Nnewi last weekend, Umeh declared that “Ojukwu remains the leader of APGA, even in death.” He described the media as the hope of the common man, pointing out that the media as the watch dog of the society would be able to portray and highlight government activities when Obiano was swornin.Ezeonwuka, who is also the Igbo spiritual leader, described the success of APGA in the just-concluded Anambra governorship poll as a morale booster for the party., C M Y K




BUJA—THE Federal Government yesterday suspended the Chairman/ProChancellor of the Governing Council of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Dr. Emeka Enejere, with immediate effect. The Supervising Minister of Education, Barr. Ezenwo Nyesom Wike, made the announcement in Abuja. Wike didn’t state why Dr. Enejere was suspended but he said the suspension took immediate effect even as the suspension has heightened tension in the university.

Enejere, VC in running battle

Enejere had engaged the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Professor Bartho Okolo, in a running battle since his appointment but it could not be ascertained if his sudden suspension was connected with the face-off. The embattled ProChancellor has never hidden his displeasure with Okolo’s alleged flamboyant lifestyle and was said to have threatened to initiate a probe of his administration. A source disclosed that Okolo regarded Enejere as a torn in his flesh as the former had always insisted that due process be followed in all the activities of the institution. However, news of Enejere’s suspension received by members of the university’s community, including staff and students, yesterday, caused tension at both the Nsukka and Enugu campuses of the university.

Students express dismay

Many students expressed dismay over the suspension of Enejere whom they have continued to regard as a messiah that came for a rescue mission.

The students, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said they were not happy with the development, maintaining that it was very clear to them that Enejere came to rescue UNN and resuscitate the wounded lion. “It is a pity that our prochancellor has been suspended. We are yet to know what he did. Since his appointment, he has never hidden his hatred for corruption and flamboyant lifestyle. He came for a mission in UNN,” a concerned student said. When contacted, the Public Relation Consultant to the VC, Mr. Chido Nwakanma, said he had no comment on the development. He, however, disclosed that the suspension was a decision of a higher authority.


WERRI—RELIEF has eventually come the way of Imo residents, following the reopening of commercial banks, unceremoniously closed last week by the state government for allegedly failing to pay tax into its coffers. Our reporter, who went round Owerri municipality yesterday afternoon, noticed that scores of cash strapped citizens besieged their banks to make hasty withdrawals. Some customers cursed and made unprintable remarks

Meantime, tension has heightened at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) following yesterday ”s suspension of the institution’s Pro-Chancellor, Dr. Emeka Enejere.

Lecturers for oversea traning Meanwhile, Federal Government has sponsored 24 senior lecturers from Nigerian universities to study strategies of how the studies of ageing, gerontology could be incorporated in Nigeria universities curriculum. In a meeting organised by National Universities Commission, NUC, the Executive Secretary, Prof. Julius

Okojie, said the lecturers would gain more information and exposure that would allow smooth integration of gerontology studies into Nigerian university curriculum. Okojie said: “The pioneer team will set a pace in gerontology studies which would be community based. Curriculum has been developed in the field of ageing for Postgraduate level, Masters and Ph.D. “These team on their return are expected to develop the department of gerontology to the level that the Nigerian society and every sector of the nation can plan for older citizens of the society.” Okojie said N86 million had been expended on the studies of the ageing from the planning stage to PGD, Master and Phd curriculum development stage.

END OF YEAR PARTY: Dr. and Mrs. Sylvan Ebigwei, during Aka-Ikenga’s end of year party in Lagos. Photo: Diran Oshe.

Banks reopen in Imo BY CHIDINKWOPARA

Tension heightens over suspension

against the state government for “carefully sentencing us to untold hardship for nearly one week.” Another customer, who simply identified himself as Ikechukwu, fumed that the economy of the state suffered serious setback while the face-off lasted. “It is sad that this government decided to shoot itself on its foot. It is sad that the administration failed to fully appreciate that the economy of the state suffered serious set-back while the faceoff with the commercial banks lasted,” Ikechukwu said in anger.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013—15

Senate, Reps okay 14-yr jail term for same-sex marriage BY JOHNBOSCO AGBAKWURU & JOSEPH ERUNKE BUJA—THE Conference Committee of the National Assembly on Same-sex marriage prohibition yesterday ratified the recommendation of 14 years jail term for offenders and also called on President Goodluck Jonathan to immediately sign the passed Bill into law. The leaderships of the Senate and the House of Representatives had set up the Conference Committee to harmonise the passed Bill on the banning of same sex marriage in Nigeria on areas that there were discrepancies. After the unanimous passage of the report of the harmonised Conference Committee, the Senate President, David Mark, said with the harmonisation of the bill by the two chambers, the bill would now sail through, even as he urged President Jonathan to


quickly append his signature on the Bill. He said: “This Bill will go through now and it will be signed as quickly as possible. We have been under series of attack from different quarters. I think we believe in this Bill. “The earlier we sign it into law, the better. We (Nigeria) have many shortcomings; we don’t want to add this one (same sex marriage) to it.” Contributing to the harmonised report, Senator Babayu Gamawa, PDP, Bauchi, said Nigeria was a religious country, adding that the two major religions rejected same sex marriage. His position was also supported by Senator Ahmed Lawan. It will be recalled that the Same Sex Bill, 2011 was passed by the Senate on Tuesday, November 29, 2011, and the House of Representatives on Tuesday, July 2, 2013, but there were some differences in the two

versions of the Bill, as passed by the two chambers. This led to the setting up of the Conference Committee on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, to reconcile the areas of differences, which appeared essentially in five clauses of the Bill. The Bill provides that a marriage contract or civil union entered into between persons of same sex by virtue of a certificate issued by a foreign country shall be void in Nigeria. It also stated that marriage or civil union entered into between persons of same sex shall not be solemnised in any place of worship, either Church or Mosque or any other place whatsoever called in Nigeria. Again, only marriage contracted between a man and a woman either under Islamic Law, Customary Law or the Marriage Act is recognised as valid in Nigeria.

Reps probe pipeline surveillance contracts BY LEVINUS



BUJA—THE House of Representatives yesterday mandated its Committees on Petroleum Resources (Downstream and Upstream) to investigate an alleged fraudulent award of pipeline surveillance contracts in the country. This followed a motion raised by Deputy Majority Leader, Leo Ogor ( PDP, Delta State), on the need to investigate OML, a pipeline surveillance contractor. Ogor, while giving the synopsis of the motion, stated that “Nigerian Petroleum Development Company, NPDC, a federal government agency, which ensured the protection of oil pipeline, awarded contract of OML 26/30 to Tezino Nig. Ltd for the surveillance and protection of oil pipelines in OML 26/30 situated in Isoko ethnic nationalities that run into millions of Naira. He regretted that the said oil pipeline surveillance contract, awarded in the case of OML 26/30, had become a conduit pipe through which millions of Naira of tax payers’ money was being siphoned for work not done.. The lawmaker expressed concerns “that the

beneficiary company may have acted in connivance with officials of the NPDC to perpetrate this heinous act against the state.” He also expressed worry “that leaders of the host communities of the OML 26/30 pipelines are disenchanted with officials of NPDC over the shady contract that has left them with no option than to involve local vigilantes to keep surveillance over the pipelines.” Ogor had hardly finished when Friday Itulah (Edo State) in a motion sought amendment to the earlier motion asking that the investigation be extended, to all other pipelines surveillance contracts in the country. He reasoned that “we are not getting value for our money.” The committees were given one month to turn in its report on the investigation. Similarly, the House in a unanimous vote, asked the Director-General of Bureau for Public Enterprise, BPE, and National Council on Privatisation, NCP, to appear before its Committees on Privatisation and Legislative Compliance to

explain why the Enterprise went ahead to sell the moribund Nigerian Telecommunications Ltd, NITEL, and Mobile Telecommunications Ltd, MTEL, despite earlier resolutions to put the exercise on hold. This was consequent upon a motion moved on the issue under matters of Urgent Public Importance by Ibrahim Gusau (Zamfara) who is also the Chairman of the House Committee on ICT. In his prayers earlier, Gusau stressed that it was unfortunate that “despite the House resolution on the matter, NCP, and BPE still went ahead to liquidate NITEL. The House should invite DG of BPE and NCP to appear and explain why they refused to comply with the House resolution.” Supporting the motion, Bimbo Daramola (Ekiti) who spoke in anger against the noncompliance of the DG said “for once let us test the capacity of this House. How can we make a resolution and it is violated? I believe that why the 360 persons here were elected for 4 years is to change the country.” The House however did not give a date for their appearance. C M Y K

16 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

We’re ready to build vehicle manufacturing coy in Nigeria —JAPANESE AMBASSADOR zUrges FG to check activities of car smugglers



BUJA—THE Japanese Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Ryuichi Shoji, has said that his country’s auto-mobile industries led by Nissan and others like Toyota and Honda, were ready to set up vehicle manufacturing industry in the country. Shoji therefore appealed to the Federal Government to curb the challenges posed by vehicle smugglers into the country. The Ambassador spoke at a meeting with the Vice President, Namadi Sambo, who described the Nigerian business environment as very attractive for investors. According to a statement by the senior special adviser to the Vice President, Umar Sani, Sambo said the business environment was ‘’loaded with several incentives,’’ adding that such incentives included ‘’tax holidays, duty exemptions; favourable tariff regimes to discourage smuggling and encouragement of local manufacturers.’’ He spoke when he paid a courtesy call on the Vice President at State House, Abuja yesterday, adding that several Japanese investors had indicated strong interest in investing in Nigeria. Shoji asked the government

to ensure the observance of international best practices by its agencies for ease in doing business in the country by improving on its visa and immigration services, security and public safety issues, infrastructure; favourable trade climate and taxation as well as international wire transfer. However, Sambo said that the country issued visa timely just as it gave waivers for agricultural goods as enshrined in the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ’ s Transformation Agenda and expressed delight with the interest of the Japanese business community in the country. According to him, ‘’Nigeria is full of opportunities for any willing investor,’’ just as the ‘’requirements for doing business in Nigeria by Japanese companies would be looked into closely to ensure that international best practices are applied in record time.’’ The Vice President noted that the government had through deliberate policies instituted necessary measures to discourage smuggling of manufactured goods into the country, adding that efforts were being intensified ‘’towards strengthening the ECOWAS tariff to give local manufacturers the enabling environment to thrive.’’

PRESENTATION: Governor Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa State (middle), presenting equipment to a graduating trainee of the Vocational Training Centre in Wamba Local Government Area of the state, yesterday.

Glo rewards 1st batch of text4millions Season 4 winners


AGOS—A 49-yearold pastor, Maduako Marcellus, yesterday, received a cheque for N5 million from Globacom, thereby becoming the first winner of weekly Season 4 of Glo text4millions promotion. Pastor Maduako was given the money at the prize-presentation ceremony held for the first batch of winners in the promotion at Mike Adenuga Towers, Victoria Island, Lagos, headquarters of the national telecommunications operator. Thirty other subscribers, including a University of Benin lecturer, Professor Muyiwa Awodiya, who won N50,000 each in the daily draws, were also presented with their cheques at the ceremony. The winners include a Reverend Father, Emmanuel Okafor; a Pastor Arekemase Afolabi; a C M Y K

student, Uche Ejinyafu; a businessman, Ifeanyi Ahuzuru; a driver, Simon Ndubueze; a pharmacist, Kayode Bada, and a teacher, Reuben Bolarinwa. The N5 million prize winner, who is the General Overseer of Soul Revival Church of God Mission, Benin City, said the prize money would transform his life and that of his family. His words: “The news of winning the money is the best I have ever received

in a long time and it is unbelievable. I never imagined I would win such a huge amount in the promotion. I wish to say a big thank you to Globacom for the wonderful thing they have done for me today. “The money is coming in handy and there can never have been a better Christmas celebration than this. I will invest the money wisely and build a house. I urge everyone to keep texting and they will surely win.”

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 —17 “The most distressing thing that can happen to a prophet is to be proved wrong. The second most distressing thing is to be proved right.” - Aldous Huxley


RESIDENT Obasanjo’s poison letter to President Jonathan laid everything bare, except the full intent behind its title, “Before it is too late.” On the face of it, the title suggests that Obasanjo’s blistering survey of all the ills of Jonathan’s personality and administration holds out the hope that the President can fix himself and his administration in a manner that will save the nation from a looming disaster. It is the type of warning longsuffering parents give to chronically wayward offsprings, and is intended to frighten them enough to ensure a full and speedy turn-around. You can just picture Obasanjo in all his imperial majesty waving a finger at Jonathan, and walking away from it all. I have done my own, he says. Now the rest is up to you. The nation, which will receive this disclaimer, is my witness. No one should hold me responsible for dumping you on Nigerians anymore. The Goodluck Jonathan whom Obasanjo plucked and claimed to have engineered to become President has veered so far away from the path that he is literally leading the nation to disaster. The enigmatic warning in the title sits very uncomfortably on the text of a letter that basically suggests that it is indeed too late for Jonathan, if not for the nation. The

Is it too late? have even a whiff of corruption scandal around them, and bring in a brand new set of people. Not very likely. A Jonathan presidency without some very powerful Ministers and aides is virtually inconceivable. These are the very people who give his administration its muscle and defining characteristic, and he has stood by them through thin and thin. To fire them now is to admit that they have soiled fingers all the way to their armpits, and he has been part of their misdeeds. He will stand alone and isolated, a president who sacrificed his most loyal people and friends over a letter from Obasanjo. Or, he could fire a few Ministers and revisit the volumes of reports from Lemu,

Obasanjo did not expect his letter to trigger a massive soul search in the Jonathan camp. It was a declaration of war of sorts. Jonathan’s response is likely to make matters worse all round


catalogue of failures to deal with corruption and insecurity; the litany of shortfalls in personal integrity and leadership qualities; and the specific, alarming allegations that he is borrowing a leaf from Sani Abacha in raising a killer squad demand a legitimate question: can a man who has so spectacularly failed genuinely reverse himself and save his administration and the nation? If Obasanjo had read his opus carefully, (or, as some people speculate, the letter he and a few of those past leaders he mentions in his letter wrote together,) and he wants to be taken more seriously, he would have noticed that a more appropriate heading would be one which suggests that President Jonathan should resign now. Something like, “It is time to go, Mr. President.” But since Obasanjo hints at the possibility of a prodigal, let us ask ourselves how President Jonathan can reverse and save his presidency and the nation. He can fire most of his Ministers and close aides who

letters to leaders. But Obasanjo has now made 2015 an even bigger issue than it has been. Now, if President Jonathan takes the current levels of discontent over corruption, insecurity, the management of his party, his personal qualities as a leader and an alleged sniper unit to the 2015 elections and insists on running, Obasanjo’s “too late” will play out. What will the “too late” scenario involve? It could involve constitutional, or even extra-constitutional measures to stop the country from completely going over the cliff. Even assuming you can have these interventions, what good will they do other than replacing a problem with a problem? Then, again, a worst case scenario which Obasanjo implies we could face unless Jonathan radically improves every facet of his character and administration is a failure of the Nigerian state from the combined weights of insecurity, corruption, greed, incompetence and insensitivity of its leadership. Failure here will mean even more extensive violence taking specific regional, ethnic or religious lines and collapse of all the basic institutions of governance, and *Obasanjo *President Jonathan security and position to protect them after 2015. He will maintenance of law and order. This have to deal with resistance from a legion doomsday scenario has been contemplated of clannish jolly-riders who have milked in many circles, and many have dismissed his presidency, and many will make life it as a fairytale. Many think Nigeria will more difficult for him and a nation they not fail as a nation, but will not endure will blame for stampeding him out of 2015. further stresses around ambitions of people There is also the worry that his party is like Jonathan and Obasanjo either. The irretrievably damaged, not by the powers idea of a strong, united and prosperous of party functionaries, but by his own Nigeria may take a long time to be realised, weaknesses. Renouncing 2015 may stop given the damage which people like some of the bleeding, and may even get Obasanjo and his successors have caused one or two people back on board. But the it. That dream will be easier to realise when party will be avoided like the plague in you do not have leaders like Jonathan many parts of the nation for sacrificing learning from people like Obasanjo that Jonathan on the altar of geo-ethnic the nation is only as safe and secure as considerations. So the party is damned if their personal ambitions. If President Jonathan fails to heed the he runs, and doomed if he doesn’t. long list of issues on Obasanjo’s advise basanjo’s assault on the Jonathan list, it will be safe to assume that the nation presidency was comprehensive and has crossed the line Obasanjo has drawn total. He leaves the President very little for it. Then we can panic. Obasanjo did room for manouver. He cannot ignore it. not say Jonathan cannot salvage the nation; He cannot do anything dramatic to get out but he did not say he can, either. In fact, the sentence of incompetence and lacking when you end a letter with suggestions moral and ethical basis for governance, that you expect attacks that go beyond the without doing more damage to himself. bounds of decency, you imply that far from He could resign, or limp on until 2015. improving the quality of governance, That will be when, according to Obasanjo Jonathan will fight back in an unThe Brave, Jonathan could make or break presidential manner. Obasanjo did not the nation. He says it will be disastrous if expect his letter to trigger a massive soul President Jonathan chooses to run. Others search in the Jonathan camp. It was a say it is not just Obasanjo who says so; but declaration of war of sorts. Jonathan’s other leaders as well, but these prefer to response is likely to make matters worse hide behind Obasanjo's patent for writing all round.


Belgore, Ribadu, Fika, Turaki and a few others to help him focus more on fighting corruption, insecurity and reforms of the public service. This is not the type of demanding endeavour a president with his back against the wall and an eye towards 2015 will do. Besides, even implementing half of the recommendations of those committees will amount to a revolution that will sweep away all the systems and processes that have propped up his Presidency. And President Jonathan is not a revolutionary, particularly the type that will turn the gun at himself. How about renouncing any ambitions for another term and working hard to salvage his sinking ship? He has that choice, but it will be a very difficult one to make. If he says he will not run in 2015, his administration will be crippled beyond its current state. Loyalists will abandon him because he will have little to offer hence, and, more significantly, he will not be in a





T is common, passing through some of the nation’s State capitals, especially those governed by opposition political parties such as the All Progressives Congress (APC), to see signboards with the inscription: “This road belongs to the Federal Government, please, accept our apologies.” The road in question is usually bad, pot-holed and in dire need of repairs. So, the message from the State Government is loud and clear, simply that the responsibility for maintaining the road is that of the agents of the Federal Government and not theirs. FGN is, therefore, to blame. In situations where some of the States Governments undertake repairs, the blame-game shifts to unrestrained media publicity of outstanding debts owed by the Federal Government. Not surprisingly, Comrade Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State has become the most notorious leader in the practice of frivolous accusations of Federal Government agencies as owing the State unremitted taxes and levies or bickering over who takes credits for the construction of roads in Benin City. The Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has also made similar allegations against the Federal Government, the last one being that his State was owed N6 billion, allegedly incurred in the repair of federal roads. So also has Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State cried out, in his case, that the Federal Government was owing his State as much as N51 billion as at April, 2013. In fairness to the Governors, if the Federal Government is owing them, it should be honourable enough to settle its debts, and promptly too. However, the State Governors must realise that any project they execute in their domain is done for the wellbeing of their own people, whether or not it is labelled C M Y K

Lekki P or Por ortt: Decoupling politics and go govvernance federal or state road. After all, don’t the people of Edo State travel on federal roads? Besides, governance is collaborative and what matters is the collective interest of the people rather than who does what. Service to the people must not be politicised. It is interesting that while the State Governors (all of them APC) are eager to paint the Federal Government as a chronic debtor, none is honest enough to admit that there are Federal Government projects that have transformed the lives of their people. Isn’t it ironical that almost at the same time that Governor Fashola was crying over the debt of N51 billion, the same Federal Government was putting final touches to a N221.9 billion ($1.4 billion) project of Deep Sea Port in Lagos? According to available information, the Lekki Deep Sea Port, which will be implemented through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement, is expected to take four years to complete. By the arrangement, the Federal Government will contribute 20 percent equity, Lagos State 18.5 percent while the private investors are to contribute 61 percent. When completed, the new port, the first of its kind in the West African sub-region, will have the capacity to handle four million tons of cargo. More importantly, the Lekki Port is expected to create jobs for not less than 162,000 Nigerians. It is, therefore, a project of immense benefit, not only to Lagos State but also to the economy of Nigeria. The Lekki Port Project is a typical example of President Jonathan’s Transformation Agenda, the spread of which goes to all the States of the Federation, without discrimination. Thus, at the 2nd North-East Economic Summit, held in Gombe early

in December, 2013, the President unfolded a special intervention programme, targeted at accelerating the pace of socioeconomic development in the North-East Geo-political Zone, which includes Borno and Yobe States governed by the opposition APC. The President pledged the support and cooperation of the Federal Government and urged the people to work hard in harnessing their abundant human and material resources for the sustainable development of the zone. Even the Edo State Government that has never let go an opportunity to castigate the Jonathan administration, the presence of the Federal Government is almost everywhere. As the Minister of Information, Labaran Maku rightly observed during his National Good Governance Tour of Edo State: “The State is one of the luckiest in the federation, having benefited immensely from two major road construction projects. The first one is the Lagos Road which takes off from the centre of Benin City through Ore-Sagamu to Lagos and the second one is the Benin-Auchi-Okene-Abuja Road.” That major projects such as the Lekki Deep Sea Port, massive road construction (Lagos-Benin/Abuja-Benin) and economic revitalisation of North-East States are being executed mainly in opposition APC States, shows clearly that President Jonathan has decoupled governance and politics. This is commendable, considering that the opposition elements in the various States governed by the APC are determined to make a political capital out of every perceived shortcoming of the Federal Government. •Mr. Ehigiator, a public affairs commentator, wrote from Lagos.

18 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 ULULATIONS over the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, calling off its five-month-old strike have overtaken the damage the long-drawn dispute has done to education. How do we ensure that in the new year, another ASUU strike does not occur? What appears to be important is the fact that the lecturers are returning to the classrooms. Government is relieved that it has stopped the embarrassing headlines of universities that have lost five months of academic activities while haggling over a 2009 agreement. How important is education to the authorities? How would the lost learning time be recovered? What is the quality of certificates the students would obtain after the long absence from school? ASUU’s refusal to call off the strike until government produced proof of depositing the money to meet its demands in the Central Bank is another chapter in government’s relations with ASUU. Other labour unions would adopt the same measures in resolving own issues. Government has failed to gain the trust of labour unions. When the Academic Staff Union Polytechnics, ASUP, went on strike,

Next ASUU Strike government did not speak to the union for three months. The issue remains partially resolved. Governments sign agreements with no intention of keeping them. The disputed 2009 agreement is due for re-negotiation, yet it has not been implemented. Our governments should change their policies of planning for immediate needs. ASUU is not the only labour union in education. Its strike that took so long to resolve is not the major challenge education faces. At the foundational levels, challenges with number and quality of teachers, teaching aids, classroom space, learning environment, and curriculum persist. The thinking that once the universities are open, education is on the proper ken is deceptive. Higher education is

at most vacuous when foundations at the primary and secondary school levels are ignored. Governments urgently need to address these issues as well as the bureaucracies in education. They are wasteful; savings from emerging them could release funds for core education. What are governments’ plans beyond depositing N200 billion to end the ASUU strike? How would they tackle sustainable funding to stem another wave of strikes next year? Would governments ever consider education important enough that it should run without disruptions? Thousands of conferences held annually on the future of education are mere talk sessions that hardly improve education. When will the changes be made? Do governments require strikes to realise the importance of education? What are governments’ plans for education? Unions, which always consider the welfare of their members as a first charge, cannot determine the future of education. Governments should provide sustainable means for funding education, not to avoid strikes, but to underline the importance of education.


O “

BASANJO Bombs Jonathan” was the run-away caption in most of the national dailies on Thursday December 12, 2013. It was all about the 18-page December 2 letter written by the former president, General Olusegun Obasanjo to President Goodluck Jonathan. In the letter, Obasanjo made several allegations against President Jonathan verging on misrule and other moral questions. As it is now, it is not only journalists and opposition politicians who are celebrating the letter, which the Presidency has rightfully described as “malicious”. Strangely, the former vice president, Atiku Abubakar, is also doing a veiled victory dance over the letter. You can even picture him grinning and chuckling away in selfsatisfaction. Atiku has been widely reported to have called on all other elders that Obasanjo had copied the letter to respond. According to him, all the elders have a moral duty to speak up on what he regarded as “weighty allegations” against Jonathan in the letter. First and foremost, the former vice president, in inviting General Ibrahim Babangida, General Abdulsalam Abubakar – two former military leaders – and Dr. Alex Ekwueme, former vice president, to speak up on the controversial letter is not interested in any peace making as statesmen do. Instead, Atiku Abubakar is at his mischievous best of stoking the fire to escalate an already bad situation. As a former vice president and a serial presidential candidate, Atiku ought to be experienced enough to know that a quarrel between a sitting president and a former

OBJ's Letter: Let Atiku speak for himself president (especially in the mould of Obasanjo) is potentially threatening to the polity. To invite two former military leaders to join in the quarrel cannot be an act borne out of wisdom and patriotism. Already, the fissures, bad blood and incendiary remarks coming out from the different camps of the two protagonists in the famous quarrel is heating up the polity and any wise counsel will be such to calm frayed nerves and put out the conflagrations. But unfortunately, Atiku’s desperation for power, particularly his ambition to be president, seems to have got the better of him thus robbing him of all his nationalistic values. What he seeks now at every turn is an opportunity to push through his ambition. Whereas many other well-meaning Nigerians are seeing in the quarrel an opportunity to improve governance in the land and bring prosperity to our people, the former vice president and his team have their eyes permanently fixed on what an opportunity there might be in the brewing controversy to sell to Nigerians the Atiku brand, which they have consistently rejected at the polls. This perhaps explains why the former vice president quickly issued a statement in support of Obasanjo, calling his allegations against Jonathan “ weighty” when other leaders and elder statesmen and women are still analysing the situation. Not satisfied with his own jumpy and rash conclusions on the Obasanjo letter, Atiku is also inviting other leaders who obviously

know better than he does to join in his reckless indiscretion. Well, that is what unbridled ambition can do to any man or woman! It is very unfortunate and sad indeed that our former vice president who received and even continues to receive more accusations bordering on corruption by a man who probably knows him better than anyone else is now giving credence to Obasanjo’s allegations because another person is now at the receiving end. It is a shame that Atiku who has constantly called Obasanjo a liar is now willing to change his position and regard his former boss now as a truth bearer simply because Jonathan is the victim here. If Atiku has conveniently forgotten in his selective amnesia, Nigerians are still consciously aware that Obasanjo has made several allegations of corruption against his deputy in and out of office. In fact, Obasanjo has fallen short of calling Atiku a thief! For the better part of his remaining career, Atiku’s greatest obstacle in realising his political ambition of becoming Nigeria’s president perhaps is shedding the thick beautiful garland of corruption that Obasanjo has put on his neck. And rightly so, the focus of the former vice president’s campaigns has been laundering this public perception that Obasanjo has rightly or wrongly created for him. He has gone to the courts; he has made denials; he has called Obasanjo a liar; what has Atiku not done to counter Obasanjo’s claims? The question now is:

if Atiku believes Obasanjo’s allegations against him were fabricated, why is he now seeing the allegations against President Jonathan as weighty? If there is one person whomNigerians have expected to rise in defence of Goodluck Jonathan in these wild accusations against him from his former benefactor, it is Atiku Abubakar. This is so because what Atiku now calls “weighty” allegations, which he now seems to corroborate for his own selfish interest is nothing compared to what Obasanjo has said about the former vice president. But what Atiku does not realise or has conveniently forgotten is that Obasanjo has said the same things against the people Atiku is now inviting to speak up, and they know it. He maligned Babangida and Abacha when they were in power; he criticised Abdulsalami Abubakar and all former military leaders; he ridiculed Umaru Musa Yar ’Adua when he was in office; and he would do so to Gbenga, his son, if he is elected. There is nothing really new in the Obasanjo letter, which is being celebrated in the media. If anything, it is vintage Obasanjo. But it is sad that the Atikus of this world, now drunk, with presidential ambition have forgotten so quickly. Atiku should please leave Babangida, Abubakar and Ekwueme alone. These leaders, unlike him, put the nation first. Let Atiku speak for himself! *Mr. Owolabi, a post-graduate student, wrote from Abeokuta, Ogun State.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013— —19

, Obasanjo’s letter and Jonathan’s many sins


T was a kind of love letter, a labour of love the writer titled ‘Before it is too late’ but which has been variously renamed by commentators. I’m talking here of former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s letter to his political protégé, President Goodluck Jonathan. It was, or meant to be, a private letter which eventually found its way into the public space. This has got presidential spokesman, Reuben Abati, running at the mouth like a repentant witch. He has accused Obasanjo of bad faith, called him names but in the end promised his principal’s personal response to the letter. Which is all he should have said, if it was at all necessary to respond in any way other than address the issues raised by the former president. But the exposure of this letter no doubt forced the hand of Abati to a hasty response. Such private letters to Jonathan from Obasanjo had received no response from Jonathan. This much Obasanjo said in his letter. This is a disgusting violation of the common rules of etiquette which speaks to the kind of degeneration that has entered activities at the presidency and

which, probably, led to the exposure of this latest letter. Neither Abati (hoping he got the approval of his boss before making his response in a presidency where everybody appears to be their own boss) nor Jonathan, for that matter, has a right to complain at the exposure of Obasanjo’s letter, if they’ve become adept at ignoring mails addressed to them. That the presidency has no proof that it responded or planned to respond to Obasanjo’s mail more than a week after they received it, only rushing to complain after it was published by the press, is evidence of their irresponsibility and failure to appreciate the enormity of the problems confronting this country, problems partially created or aggravated by them but which they evidently have no answers to. The Jonathan presidency has not only been deaf to the complaints of ordinary Nigerians but also to the yearnings of the midwives of its birth. Obasanjo could at least say, his epistolary effort would seem to suggest, that ‘I told/warned you’ if or when the ‘come comes to become’, whatever that might be. And what are critics of Obasanjo’s

It is painful to think of the harm that these evil men bring on society but the problem inherent in refusing to defend them also weighs heavily on society


letter saying? There’s no Nigerian best placed to warn Jonathan now than Obasanjo who campaigned for him, carried and walked him through his first steps to the presidency. Right or wrong, Obasanjo has more to account for the emergence of the Jonathan’s, like the Yar’Adua’s presidency before it, than any Nigerian living or dead. Aside his tendency to be everywhere at every time, even acting like a power house outside Aso Villa, which are traits Jonathan should be able to handle without becoming totally heedless of his words, especially where they border on national wellbeingaside his domineering tendency, Obasanjo should have a special claim to Jonathan’s ears. Jonathan need not agree with him but he should at the very least hear him and respond to him appropriately. But to ignore him as he ignores the words of Nigerians generally shows what hostage he has become to power and to those around him.


basanjo is definitely guilty of many of the sins his letter criticises about Jonathan. Like Jonathan he was many times guilty

of putting his presidential powers to private or selective use as he did with the EFCC or the manner he ignored court orders when he withheld funds allocation to Lagos State in his fight with Bola Tinubu. While those the EFCC hounded under Obasanjo might have received selective attention, it’s not the same thing as saying that they were innocent or had no case to answer. The point I make here is that Obasanjo’s opinionated ways made him deaf in many instances even when he was vastly more purpose-driven and clear-sighted than anything Jonathan has ever attained since he became vice president and eventually president. Such power-induced deafness is, perhaps, a peculiar but not inevitable affliction of occupants of Aso Villa as are the other government houses we have around the country. But must Jonathan repeat or continue with the same mistakes of the past or, as has become evident, compound them? Can’t he avail himself of the wise words coming his way and wake up from the hangover caused by too much indulgence in power intoxicants and corruption? Obasanjo is a former president and must have access to privileged information. His can’t entirely be the profusions of a politician hungry for attention. His comments on Jonathan’s stockpiling of arms even when he said they are yet whispers ‘in the dark’, training of snipers in the same place and by the same hired killers that worked for Abachaindeed Jonathan’s drift into dictatorship amid glaring failure of leadership in the area of security are not matters to be waived aside. The diversion of huge sums from sale of crude oil and the general absence of governance in many areas of official conduct may be issues Nigerians have commented

about and provided proofs for in some instances. But that does not make them less important coming from Obasanjo nor should this seem mere parrot formulas because he makes the same observations. As he mentioned in his letter, Jonathan has been a poor and, one must admit, rude communicator who does not respond to mails. It’s clear that Nigerians have a way of claiming for themselves one of their own who finds himself in power. They read the success of such person in ethnic terms. We have seen this with previous leaders from different parts of Nigeria. Obasanjo enjoyed such attention from the Yoruba. But it must be said that Obasanjo did not bask in such ethnic endorsement. Many times, even perversely, he went against the interest of his Yoruba kith and kin. Of the AD governors who supported his second term bid for example, none except Bola Tinubu returned to office, no thanks to Obasanjo’s sleight of hand. He decimated the rank of the opposition in the South-west in favour of the PDP even when he had their support prior to his election. While the morality of Obasanjo’s conduct was open to huge questions in this regard, not so his support for his party. Jonathan turned a blind eye to the deserved victory of the opposition in Ondo, Edo and Lagos for personal gains- just so that he could advance his presidential ambition. While APGA could have won the governorship election in Anambra unaided, the flawed electoral process which Jonathan acquiesced in at the expense of other parties including his is yet another justifiable ground for Obasanjo’s criticism. All told, Jonathan and his supporters would do well to hear and listen ‘before it is too late’.

Becoming a man and a poet at the Nelson Mandela secretariat HEN I was elected secretarygeneral of the students union at the University of Benin in 1987, I headed a secretarial named after Mandela. I do not know when the decision was taken to make Mandela the tutelary patron of our union whose struggles were mundane by comparison to the racewide, all-of-humanity-embracing, cause that kept him underground for several years and eventually in prison for twenty-seven more. The honour, which was our union’s, served to remind us, student activists almost all born after the apartheid hate machine had jailed Mandela, of the highest aspiration of our youth: to be conscious citizens, to know what is right and to have always the courage of our convictions. But it wasn’t much of a secretariat: a few woodpanelled cubicles partitioned off the first floor gallery of the main cafeteria building. All of its grandeur lay in the name alone. Happily, several battles after, peaking with the nationwide antiSAP protests of 1989, the UNIBEN students union got a house of its own. But perhaps it was precisely in the modest nature of our secretariat that we came close to being worthy of taking Mandela’s name. Its physical state testified to the state of siege under which student unionism nationwide had been placed by the combined military dictatorships of Generals Muhammadu Buhari and Ibrahim Babangida. For good measure, the main battle across


campuses was for the reinstatement of unionism made voluntary and dependent on the say-so of vicechancellors. That method of pacifying the campuses which had become hotbeds of resistance to military tyranny came from General Abisoye, head of a panel constituted to find the root causes of the 1986 crisis at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria—the same that led to the famous lamentation by Ango Abdullahi, ABU vice-chancellor, that “only four [students] died.” With active unions on campuses, we could more effectively defy the ban purportedly placed on the National Association of Nigerian Students by Buhari in 1984. Mandela’s, after all, was a life lived fighting one banning order after another, including the ultimate ban: from the equal humanity of black and white and any hue it pleased the apartheid policemen of colour to classify and rank humans by. But if Mandela was the unquestionable African patriarch of my initiation into political manhood — taking his place on the high dais alongside such usual suspects as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Frantz Fanon, Walter Rodney, Amilcar Cabral, Patrice Lumumba, Agostino Neto, etc. — he was, also, an inspiration to me as an aspiring poet. The moment I began taking myself seriously as a would-be poet coincided with my entry into the university. While



I could only think of the morning after the epochal event as 16 December 2013 AM (After Mandela), what Africa might be with just five leaders half the man that Mandela was!


waiting for my admission letter from the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, I wrote a poem for a national antiapartheid poetry contest organised by the National Action Committee Against Apartheid (NACAP); one of the ways by which Nigeria sought to be deserving of her self-designation as a frontline state. The poem earned me a consolation prize and my first visit to Lagos for the prize ceremony in the old National Assembly chambers at Tafawa Balewa Square. Having failed to be part of an excursion to Lagos while still at Federal Government College, Warri, I would get my chance three years after with a poem whose theme was a struggle

symbolised by Mandela. And from then on, Mandela as Muse would become fused with Mandela the Political Mentor blooding us with courage in the brutish political terrain of Nigeria’s military tyrannies. The title poems of my first two collections, Homeland and Other Poems (which also includes a cycle of poems on South Africa) and Madiba, bear witness to Mandela as muse to me. And not to me alone, either! Whole museums and libraries would be filled to the rafters with works inspired by, and directly about, Mandela. In any case, I had merely followed two literary fathers, JP ClarkBekederemo and Wole Soyinka, in seeking to banish despair with hope by looking to a land far more savagely wounded, gashed and bleeding, and yet to be envied due to the sheer ineptitude, corruption and outright stupidity that makes Nigeria the Giant of Anarchy. One only had to look at the glowing list of men and women of unbreakable will, titanic courage, and incorruptible vision that South Africa, apartheid be damned, could boast of to understand the nearinstinctive wandering of Nigerian artists, be they poets, musicians or painters, from the B(l)ight of Benin to the Cape of Good Hope.

20—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY,

DECEMBER 18 , 2013

The suspects with the rescued baby

Child trafficking: How NSCDC rescued 2-year-old baby in Ebonyi


he Ebonyi State Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC recorded a major breakthrough in its operations last week, when a two-year old girl, Gift Adaobi who was allegedly sold by her grandmother (names withheld) was rescued alive. The rescue followed the arrest of four persons suspected to be involved in human trafficking at Nkor junction near Nwenzenyi in the Izzi Local Government Area of the state. The arrest has since fueled fears that such crimes may be happening surreptitiously in other Council areas without the knowledge of security agencies in the State. Vanguard Metro, VM, learnt that the baby who was allegedly sold at the cost of N350, 000 by her grandmother in Cross River State to a buyer who was identified as Mrs. Ngboro Chikezie, an Area Officer with the State Ministry Health, was rescued after a month’s surveillance on the suspects by officials of NSCDC. Apart from the education officer, other suspects according to the Corps include a native doctor, a school teacher in Abakaliki and a young man who lives in the neighbourhood where the arrest was effected. The Commandant of NSCDC in Ebonyi State, Mrs. Ego

Echendu revealed that the prompt arrest of the suspects last by the Arms Squad and Anti-Human Traffic Unit of the Command was what foiled the plot by the suspects to transfer their victim to Abuja. The Commandant who stated that several other suspects connected with the sale of the baby were still at large, explained that as soon as the Command completes its investigations, the case would be transferred to the agency responsible for such matters. “Yesterday, we were able to arrest some suspects we have been trailing and monitoring for about one month now who are involved in child trafficking. We have some of them now in our custody while some are still at large. Based on the information we got, we arrested them in Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State to be precise at Nkor junction near Nwenzenyi. From the information we have gathered so far, one of them is a dealer. This is not the first baby she has sold. The other suspect is a buyer and we don’t know how many times she must have done that,” she said. Continuing, the Commandant said: “We had to strike yesterday following the information that reached us. The buyer was about to move to Abuja to another set of people for a higher amount of money. The information we got was that the baby was bought at the cost of N253,

Mrs. Echendu...NSCDC commandant

Ndidi- M others of the victim



When I came back home and asked my mother about my daughter, she couldn’t tell me anything reasonable

500. We are tiding up our file. This is not one of our core mandates and for that reason,


we shall transfer the case to the agency saddled with such responsibility. They have

confessed to the crime and have given us some names”. “The dealer is Blessing Nwilo, a teacher with Sharon Secondary School, Abakaliki, but hails from Enugu. The buyer is Ngboro Chikezie from Ohaukwu Local Government Area and she claims that she is an Area Officer with the Ministry of Education in Ebonyi State,”Mrs Echendu alleged. Narrating her ordeal, the mother of the victim, Miss Ndidi Nkwegu alleged that it was her mother who is based in Cross River State that masterminded the sale of her daughter, Gift Adaobi, to a human trafficker when she travelled to Ebonyi State in search of a job. “When I came back home and asked my mother about my daughter, she couldn’t tell me anything reasonable. I discovered that she had bought so many things which she didn’t have before. Actually, my mother was unhappy when she discovered that I was pregnant of this baby. I left the baby with her (my mother) last month,” the lady who hails from Igbeagu in the Izzi Local Government Area, said. “My mother resides in Cross River state and that was where I left my baby with my mother. The baby is two years and one month old. I decided to leave my baby with my mother because she (my baby) can do almost everything on her own. I had to call the police for her; she is now in detention at the Police station in Cross River State. After interrogation, we discovered that she was the one that sold my baby to a woman who is a dealer in children,” Ndidi alleged. The alleged dealer who hails from Enugu State and the buyer who confessed to the crime, however gave contradictory accounts on where, how and why the baby was sold. VM gathered that the NSCDC has intensified efforts to arrest other fleeing suspects.

LAWMA signs MoU with private firm on waste recycling


he Lagos Waste Management Authority, L AWMA, has signed a memorandum of understanding, MoU, with Alkem Nigeria Limited, a private company involved in PET bottles recycling. Speaking at the signing of the pact in Lagos, the Managing Director of LAWMA, Mr.Ola Oresanya, said that the MoU signing signified the formalisation of partnership

By OLASUNKANMI AKONI between the authority and Alkem. Oresanya noted that the partnership would have a positive impact on the LAWMA’s ongoing campaign to sanitise the state of used PET bottles. According to him, the partnership would boost the culture of waste sorting and recycling, which the authority had been spearheading in recent

times. The partnership entails the establishment, operation and maintenance of a PET bottle collection and baling Centre at Olusosun recycling village (the project site) by Alkem Nigeria Limited. Managing Director of Alkem, Mr. Ravi Chanrai lauded the management of LAWMA for the opportunity to formalise their relationship to ensure effective waste collection in the state.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 21


CAC registers 1.27m firms this year BY FAVOUR NNABUGWU


HE Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) has registered 1.271 million businesses this year alone, says the Registrar General, Alhaji Bello Mahmud. Speaking at the third annual seminar for Trade and Investment Correspondent and Business Editors in Abuja recently, Mahmud said the commission took full advantage of Information and Communication Technology which has made registration of companies easier and more efficient. He said, “Until 2004, registration services were manually carried out in the CAC with the attendant problems of duplication of company names and numbers, mistakes in typing out company names, pilferage of records etc. “To address these challenges, the CAC introduced the use of electronic workflow for all new registration services from name reservation to certificate generation. To support the electronic registration system, VSAT links were deployed in almost all the state offices to meet the Wide Area Network requirements of the CAC. That brought about considerable improvement in the turnaround time for incorporation services 5 days. The incidence of mistakes and duplication of names and numbers were eliminated. “From January – September, 2013, the Commission recorded the following activities, first quarter 393,341; second quarter 435,455 while the third

quarter had 442,551 thus giving a total of 1, 271,347. We now operate at the same standard with some of the best Companies Registry in the world. Some of these improvements are in line with global best practices as the commission commenced 24 hours startto-finish registration on 25th June, 2012 at the Head office. “This has been extended to Alausa, Yaba, Kaduna, Kano and Enugu offices and will soon be extended to Port Harcourt, Akure, Benin City, Bauchi and Owerri offices”. He said that name reserva-

tions are also now processed within 24 hours and output sent to customers via e-mail in a deliberate attempt to make things easier for customers and reduce unnecessary human traffic to the office. “In the CAC’s continued determination to meet the expectation of its customers and standardize its processes and procedures in line with global best practice, Companies Regulation 2012 was approved by the Minister of Trade and Investment, Olusegun Aganga in pursuant to Sections 16, 585 and 609 of the Companies and

Allied Matters Act. “In order to meet up with the requirement of the 24 hours start-to-finish registration, the Commission introduced shift system for relevant operation departments. The first group resumes at 8.00am and close by 2.00pm while the second group resumes at 1.00pm and close at 6.00pm. He added that the restriction that only Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Chartered Secretaries could register Companies with CAC has been remove d.

From left: Chairman, Arik Airline, Sir Joseph Arumemi-Ikhide presenting a gift to Sir Steve Omojafor, Chairman, Zenith Bank Plc during the 7th anniversary dinner of Arik Airline in Lagos. Photo: Lamidi Bamidele.

Indonesia mo o boost trade with Nigeria movves tto

NEPAD not impacting on Nigeria economy — AfriHeritage BY FRANKLIN ALLI


HE New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) is yet to impact positively on Nigeria’s economy, especially industrial and infrastructure development. This is after 12 years of its existence. Dr. Ifediora Amobi, the Executive Director of the African Heritage Institution (AfriHeritage), disclosed this during a workshop on ‘strengthening the Effectiveness of NEPAD in Nigeria: The Way Forward,’ organised by the institution in Abuja. He noted: “Sincee its establishment 12 years ago, Nigeria is one of the five founding member countries of NEPAD and one of its highest financial contributors without commensurate benefits to its economy. Dr. Okezie Nwankwo, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Strategic Research and Studies, National Defence College, Nigeria, who spoke on “NEPAD and the Challenges of Economic Development,” said NEPAD Nigeria lacks specific policies and strategies to monitor and achieve its objectives. According to him NEPAD Nigeria is yet to impact positively in the area of infrastructure development especially in the critical sectors of education and health. Dr. Abel Ezeoha, a development economist at the Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, noted that before the advent of NEPAD, economic reforms and initiatives were more of national issues.

•Targets N80.4bn trade volume in 2013 By YINKA KOLAWOLE


HE Republic of Indonesia is com mitted to initiatives that will facilitate increased trade between it and Nigeria, with a target of about N80.4 billion trade volume in 2013. Director of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC), Lagos, Mr. Pontas Tobing, stated this at a Business Roundtable meeting between a visiting Indonesia trade delegation and some Nigerian business men in Lagos. He noted that total non-oil and gas trade between Nigeria and Indonesia stood at $448.6 million in 2012 (about N71.8 billion), with the aim of increasing the figure by 12 percent by the end of 2013 which is about $502.4 million (about N80.4 billion). Tobing said in order to further boost trade between the countries, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitated the establishment of Indonesian African Trade

Association (IATA), an initiative of some Indonesian businessmen and African entrepreneurs whose products and services are already available in the Africa market. “We are a development driven country and we are also a business friendly country. These are our priorities and we will make every effort to ensure that we have an environment that is supportive of business. There are well over 12 Indonesian companies that have invested in Nigeria and they are all doing very well such as Indomie, Nutric C, Sokin, Mayora, Kukubima and Extra Joss, amongst others,” he stated. In her presentation at the meeting, IATA President, Ms Leny Nasser, said that the association established a business relationship between the Indonesian companies and African entrepreneurs based on mutual interests and goals. “The aim of IATA is to create a business climate that is safe, easy and

profitable. Moreover IATA’s main goal is to help improve the country foreign exchange through exports products and joint ventures business. Seeing so many potential markets in Africa and the high demand for Consumers goods and Business establishment while producers in Africa are still small, IATA feels the need to establish this association as a bridge to bring International trade facilitation between the company and the buyer. “In this partnership, the Indonesian companies and African entrepreneurs are fully supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This thinking is based on the interests and opportunities of exports and imports in multiple businesses. IATA and several Indonesian companies agreed with the basis of this association which has the strength, motivation, networking, and the desire to connect the Indonesian industry to Africa and the African industries to Indonesia markets.








154.72 252.6113 213.266 174.667 1.5016 0.306 237.1906 25.4813 41.2499 28.5746 238.7639

155.22 253.4277 213.9552 175.2314 1.5064 0.316 237.9571 25.5641 41.3832 28.6669 239.5354

2-0.79 +0.34 SELLING 155.72 254.244 214.6444 175.7959 1.5113 0.326 238.7236 25.6469 41.5165 28.7593 240.307

CBN Exchange rate as at 17/12/2013

22 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

BRIEFS Linkage appoints new deputy managing director


INDUCTION: From left: Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria, CIIN, Council member, Mr. G.U.S Wiggle; CIIN President, Mr. F. K. Lawal and Chairman, CIIN Board of Fellows, Chief R. A. Williams at the 2013 induction and award of Fellowship of CIIN, in Lagos.

Old Mutual to meet peculiarities of Nigerians through products offering


T has always been stressed that insurance penetration in Nigeria is very low because insurers have refused to create products that suit the peculiarities of Nigerians. Although, the country boasts of a huge population of over 150 million, insurance penetration is just over one per cent, and this, according to experts, is not ideal. It is in light of this scenario that Old Mutual Investment Group has said that its entrant into the Nigerian insurance market is to create a difference. During its Emerging Markets Showcase in Cape Town, South Africa, Old Mutual told journalists that its strategy is to study peculiarities in emerging markets and fashion out products that will meet specific needs of each people. Accordingly, the company said that it plans to capture and invest in emerging markets in Africa to be able to earn the position of the first or second company in any country where it operates. Hence, the company has penciled down Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya among other African countries as some of the countries that would benefit from the emerging market investments. It will be recalled that Old Mutual’s acquisition of a majority stake in Oceanic Life, a unit of Ecobank Transnational Inc., was approved in March this year. The company said its interest is in the retail segment of the market, and this is due to the huge market in the country. Head of Alternative InvestC M Y K

ments of Old Mutual Group, Mr. Paul Boynton, said that the company will pride on its expertise and customer understanding to pump into Nigerian market enticing products that will compel Nigerians to patronise insurance and grow the industry premium. Boynton also said that Old Mutual plans to invest about $100 million in agricultural and infrastructural development projects in Nigeria. It will be recalled that Old Mutual said it had concluded plans to invest about $600 million in Africa with special interest in the Nigerian insurance industry. Group Chief Executive Officer of Old Mutual West Africa, Offong Ambah, disclosing this during a media briefing in Lagos, said Nigeria is a critical part of that expansion strategy.


e said that the com pany was committed to replicate in Nigeria the successes the group was known for worldwide. “The Nigerian economy is developing at a fast pace and offers significant growth opportunities. Old Mutual is seizing the opportunity to be part of this development and we are excited by its prospects. “Old Mutual is in Nigeria as part of the group’s overall strategy to build a franchise in the West African region. “The prospects for growth in Africa are strong due to the growing political stability and improved governance, a

growing population with strong consumer demand, more workers entering the formal economy for the first time and an emerging middle class keen to protect their wealth and assets. There is also a strong domestic GDP growth in a number of countries and an underpenetrated financial services sector.” He said the company had experimented insurance business practice for close to one year and had planned strategy to settle down, study the market and the people, and come out with innovative insurance products that would meet the needs of the people. According to Ambah, the roll-out of Old Mutual Nigeria forms part of the strategic priorities of the Old Mutual group in its expansion drive in West Africa. Ambah said the company intended to roll out a full range of products in the near future. “We are in the final stages of acquiring a short-term insurance company (Oceanic General Insurance Business), which will enable us to provide a broad range of short term and life insurance products to the Nigerian market,” he said. He noted that the objective is to work with existing insurance companies and the regulator, to broaden and deepen the insurance market in Nigeria. “This we plan to do through the introduction of innovative products, financial education and reaching out to the underserved and un-served segment of the market. A critical part of this, is tackling the scepticism of many Nigerians regarding insurance which we are addressing through the prompt settlement of claims and excellent service delivery amongst others,” said Ambah.

inkage Assurance Plc has notified the Nige rian Stock Exchange, NSE, of the appointment of Dr. Pius Apere as the new Deputy Managing Director of the company. He replaced Mrs. Aniola Durosinmi who recently resigned from the company. Pius Apere (Phd) holds NCE certificate in Mathematics/Economics from College of Education, Abraka, Nigeria (1977 – 1980) before obtaining his B.Sc. in Actuarial Science from the University of Lagos (1981 – 1984). From 1992-1994, he obtained his Masters (M.Sc.) from CASS Business School, City University, London – UK and qualified as a PhD holder in Actuarial Science (Modelling Life Insurance New Business Risk) from the same University (1996 – 2005). Dr. Pius started his working career as an Actuarial Staff with Ajibola Ogunshola & Co. (Actuarial Consultant), Nigeria (1986 – February 1989) before Joining Unity Life & Fire Insurance Co. Lagos as a Life Manager of the Company (1989 – February 1991). From March 1991 – February 1992, he became a consulting Partner with Chika Oyeka & Co. (Actuarial Consultant). Between March 1992 to September 1992, he joined Cornerstone Insurance Company, Nigeria as Head of Life Insurance Department. He moved to the United Kingdom and worked with Wandsworth Management Services Ltd, London as an Operational Officer spending six years in the Company – 1994 – 2000). From July 2005 -December 2006, he joined Zurich Assurance Ltd, Swindon, London as an Actuarial Analyst while from January – August 2007, he worked with Sungard, Chertsey, Surrey, UK as a Prophet Library Developer. Dr Apere, in 2010 joined the famous Lloyds Banking Group (HBOS), Bristol, UK as an Actuarial Analyst, Finance WP Reporting (Permanent) and in 2011 worked with Ernst & Young, London, UK.

STI gets recognition for ERM compliance


overeign Trust Insurance Plc has been recog nised for its full compliance with operational regulations through its effective Enterprise Risk Management, ERM frame work. In recognition of the exemplary ERM framework that the organisation has put in place, Conrad Clark Nigeria Limited, an Enterprise Risk & Management Consultancy Firm recently honored Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc and its Chief Risk Officer at the recently concluded 2013 Nigerian Risk Awards. The company alongside its Chief Risk Officer, Mr. Sanni Oladimeji emerged the first runner-up in the organisational awards and individual awards categories respectively. The major criterion for the Organisational award as given by the judges included, how risk management has contributed to the development of innovative approaches and the successful achievement of business objectives within the organisation while the individual award is in recognition of the individual who has the aspiration, inspiration, and enthusiasm to promote and support enterprise risk management within their organisation with demonstrable results. According to the CEO of Conrad Clark Nigeria Limited, Mr. Joachim Adebayo Adenusi, the Nigerian Risk Awards was borne out of the passion to inspire our nation to minimize risk exposures in businesses, communities, transportation, health and well-being, governance, leadership, education, and infrastructures and begin to maximize the opportunities open to us as a nation. He conclusively stated that Conrad Clark set out to provide and support African nations, organizations and communities with the best risk and strategic change management solutions that will protect and preserve human lives, properties, assets, capital, environment and human capital resources necessary to compete globally.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 23

Health insurance’ll deepen through innovation — Ukiri Stories by ROSEMARY ONUOHA


rs. Adesimbo Ukiri, Managing Director/CEO of Avon Healthcare Limited, one of Nigeria’s Health Management Organisations (HMOs), has identified innovation as a key factor that will aid the deepening of health insurance penetration in Nigeria. Speaking at a forum in Lagos, Ukiri said that if HMOs could focus on innovation, particularly in the area of product development, the Nigerian market would find health insurance much more attractive. She said, “Innovation should play a leading and pivotal role in the evolution of health insurance and the drive to achieve universal health coverage in Nigeria. With a population of about 170 million people, the ability to innovate and come up with different products to meet the needs and affordability requirements of the wide and diverse market segments that exist in the country is crucial. At the moment, a comparison of the Health plans offered by most HMOs will reveal a similar set of four plans. They may be called different names but the four plans are essentially the same at their core.” She said that there needs to be a concerted effort industry wide, from all HMOs, to move

away from this trend if we are to progress beyond the current four per cent health insurance market penetration statistics that is often quoted for the country. Ukiri also called for innovation in the area of channel development which in her view is a requirement for offering health insurance products to previously unserved market segments. This, she said, would open up new opportunities for the entire industry. She observed the fact that the informal private sector had

largely been ignored by health insurance companies till date and the focus of most HMOs had been on a maturing and over served corporate market segment. “Again, we find that there is room for innovation in the use of marketing channels and the way HMO products are being offered to the market. There are a limited number of people who can be reached when industry players rely heavily on their sales staff. This has meant there is a large proportion of the informal private sector segment

who would like to avail themselves of health insurance services but have been unable to do so” she added. Ukiri reiterated that Avon HMO will continue to play a key role in innovating to make healthcare accessible and available to all Nigerians. “At Avon HMO, we are talking to our peers about the need to collaborate in order to innovate. The Nigerian market is one of great scale, the industry must work together to create the structures needed to achieve rapid market penetration. This will lead to extended reach, expanded market size, more efficiently priced cost of care, wider benefit coverage on plans and ultimately, lower premiums per head,” she stated.

From left: CIIN President, Mr. F.K Lawal, CIIN Director General, Mr. Kola Ahmed and Chairman, CIIN Education Committee, Mr. Eddie Efekoha at the 2013 Associateship Induction and Fellowship Award Ceremony of the CIIN, in Lagos.

WAII governing council refutes allegations against Ikupolati M

alicious allegation of sexual intimidation of teachers, students, financial impropriety leveled against the out going Director General, of West African Insurance Institute (WAII) based in Banjul, The Gambia, Professor Mike Ikupolati is said to have been orchestrated by some elements in the Banjul based regional institute who want him out by all means. According to a statement, there is no iota of truth in the allegations. The revelation came on the heels of the just concluded governing council’s meeting held during the West African Insurance Association’s meeting held in Lagos recently. According to the statement, at the governing council level, investigations conducted proved that there has been no evidence to show that Ikupolati had at any point in time harassed his female staffers and student of sex as nobody had come out to tes-

tify against him. He was also found not to have misappropriated the institute’s fund throughout his twelve year tenure in office, according to financial records available. The malicious allegations were said to have been borne out of boardroom intrigues, petty jealousy and malign orchestrated by few unscrupulous elements targeting at an innocent official in the chambers of 35 years old West Africa Insurance Institute (WAII). This unfortunate incident may lead to the demise of the Banjul based institute, the development that has forced the dogged head of mission, Professor Mike Ikupolati who has put in so much for the survival of the regional insurance institution to step aside recently. His exit, according to report is also having a negative effect on the institute as the academic activities back in Gambia have scuttled.

Although, the astute administrator of high repute was compelled to stay back after the expiration of his third term pending when the governing council is able to recruit his successor but the Prof is said to be no longer comfortable and had to excuse himself out of the job. Unfounded accusations and counter accusation of wrong doing within the institute’s setting in recent times with the Director General of the institute being the principal target is said to have been the order of the day in Banjul campus of the institute after his resignation on the 28th October 2013. On a good authority, investigation revealed that the institute that suppose to resume a new academic session since September 2013 had to postpone resumption to the first quarter of 2014 to enable the council put a proper structure in place. Our investigation revealed

that at the governing council level, investigations conducted to uncover the truth behind various allegations bothering on the person of Professor Mike Ikupolati proved that there has been no evidence to show that Ikupolati had at any point in time involve in any attempt to put the image of the institute in bad light as being accused of. Rather, it was noted, that the Nigerian born expatriate was putting his personal funds into the running of the institute besides using his international network to better the lots of the 35 year old institute as against the indictment of financial recklessness against the dogged head of mission who always ensured that no stone was left unturned in ensuring that the institute moved from monolithic institution to degree and post graduate degree awarding institution within the 12 years of his reign as WAII boss.


Custodian & Allied joins UNEP FI


USTODIAN & Al lied Insurance Plc has become the first Nigerian direct underwriter to join the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and is a signatory to its Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative launched at the RIO+20 UN Summit on sustainable development in June 2012. Speaking on this development, Managing Director, Custodian & Allied, Mr. Wole Oshin said “Custodian is committed to the sustainable development of its environment through proper governance and risk engaging methods. We have consistently been environmentally conscious and are determined to contribute our quota to the principles in a responsible manner. “The world is facing increasing environmental, social and governance challenges which present diverse, interconnected and complex risks as well as opportunities which must be prudently managed. We recognise that our operations and activities impact our environment, economy and society and realise the importance of ensuring they are carried out positively and in a forward looking manner” Oshin added “In order to internalise our commitment to identify, assess, manage and monitor the risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social and governance issues, we are continuously putting in place strategies, systems and processes to ensure transparency, traceability, compliance and accountability in a constantly evolving operating environment. “We will continue to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable insurance and integrating environmental, social and governance factors in our operations” Custodian & Allied is quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), and is approved by the regulatory bodies in Nigeria to offer insurance services.

24 — Vanguard,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

FirstBank awaits CBN’s approval of nine months result

... Assures shareholders of dividend payment By PETER EGWUATU & NKIRUKA NNOROM


IRST Bank Nigeria (FBN) Holdings Plc has explained that it is awaiting the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) approval of its nine months results for 2013 financial year, even as it assured shareholders of dividend payment under its new holding structure. The Chief Executive Officer, FBN Holding, Mallam Bello Maccido, who disclosed this said “We are presently in the process of concluding the audit of the nine months account for the entire group comprising of the holding company and its various subsidiaries. We cannot release the nine months result ended September 30th, 2013 until the CBN approves it. We have actually concluded the actual audit and have submitted the result to the CBN, so as soon as we get formal approval from CBN, then we shall be releasing the result to the Nigerian Stock Exchange,

NSE, press and by extension to the general public.” Continuing, he said “The reason why the result was delayed is because of the changing structure of the group. The holding company and the subsidiaries have a common year end that ends by December 2013. So as a holding company, our primary source of revenue is the dividend that comes from the individual subsidiaries, which we receive and in turn declare to our shareholders. The reason for the nine months audit is to ensure that all the subsidiaries get their account audited, get the necessary approvals and pass our dividend to us before December 3Ist. Dividends to shareholders will be distributed after the approval and publication of the full year 2013 results of FBN Holdings. Therefore, as soon as our own dividend is declared, we would in turn declare our own dividend to our shareholders on time. However, we assure our shareholders of continuous dividend payment despite the change in our new structure.”

As 2013 draws to a close T

HIS column on 4 December 2013 discussed public safety and security with respect to posted speed limits on our roads and highways. As one travels out of Lagos starting from Ojota on the Lagos to Ibadan Expressway, there is a stretch of road in Lagos between Magodo and Ojodu Berger in which stretch there have been a number of spectacular motor vehicle accidents in the past two years. The latest multiple motor vehicle accidents on this stretch took place on Saturday, 7 December 2013. There is a valley situated between a Mobil Oil station at Magodo and a Capital Oil station at Omole with a road bridge at the bottom of the valley. The motor vehicle accidents that occur in this valley usually start with a loaded articulated goods vehicle or fuel tanker running into vehicles ahead of it. Reports of the multiple accidents of 7 December 2013 indicate that there were substantial time intervals between three sets of major collisions. What can we do to change this valley of death to a valley of hope? The Lagos State Government, LASG, has introduced a ramp structure for the control of motor vehicle travelling speeds on our roads. The structure is at a recognisable height above the road surface and a motor vehicle approaching the ramp must be brought to a virtual stop by the driver. The vehicle climbs the ramp, travels across the ramp and climbs down the other side of the ramp. The Federal Ministry of Works, FMW, should post a speed limit of 60km per hour on the stretch of the Lagos to Ibadan Expressway from the Ojota interchange to Ojodu Berger and should install ramps as described just above at intervals to enforce this speed limit. If there are persons who have doubts about the efficacy of enforced speed limits, I would implore such persons to visit one piece of Nigeria which thrives on safety at the workplace, between the workplace and home and at home. This piece of Nigeria is the Nigerian Liquified

, From left: Product Manager, Heritage Bank, Mr. Chinedu Nwagwu; Head, Banking Sales Unit, Globacom Limited, Mr. Victor Iduwe; Corporate Sale Executive, Multichoice Nigeria, Miss. Chinwe Diobi; and Chief Marketing Officer, at Heritage Bank’s product launch in Lagos

Corporate Governance: ICSAN to promote professionalism By WILLIAM JIMOH


HE newly elected President of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria, ICSAN, (Lagos State Chapter), Mr. Francis Meshionye, has declared his readiness to promote corporate governance in the country by entrenching professionalism among its members. According to Meshioye, who was elected at the 2013 Annual General Meeting, AGM, of the institute in Lagos, “There is going to be a lot of innovations towards ensuring professionalism among members.” Speaking on his plans for the institute, he said, “First, we want to be sure that all the students are trained so that they can know what corporate governance is all about and those who are already qualified are reminded by continuous training so that they can be updated on C M Y K

the issues of corporate governance and to be sure that they follow all the principles and ethics of the profession, so that we may have a more vibrant and effective corporate governance in Nigeria. “We will ensure that we carry the national body along in whatever programme we want to do, because, we believe that since we share similar aims and objectives, we should be able to share ideas. And since that is the case, we cannot foresee any problem and all we are going to do is to tell them our visions and ask for their guidance. “The next thing will be recognition. Everybody wants the body to be more recognised. And what I think we need to do is to work on our principles and ensure that our members know all they need to know and do. I believe that if a man is right, his words will be right, and once we attain this, new and existing members will be attracted to the programmes of the chapter.”

If there are persons who have doubts about the efficacy of enforced speed limits, I would implore such persons to visit one piece of Nigeria which thrives on safety at the workplace, between the workplace and home and at home


Natural Gas, NLNG, company complex on Bonny Island, Rivers State where there is an enforced posted speed limit lower than the 60km per hour mentioned here. The other significant factors in the reduction of motor vehicle accidents are the articulated motor vehicles and the drivers who control the vehicles. The major oil marketing companies that have majority foreign shareholders no longer own petrol tankers. However, these companies have a social responsibility in ensuring that fuel tankers delivering petroleum products to their retail outlets operate in a safe manner. The oil marketing companies, the flour millers, the cement manufacturing companies, the breweries, the bottling companies, the Nigerian Ports Authority, the companies operating the Lagos ports from which containers and other goods traffic originate and the labour unions to which drivers belong should all join together for a sustained road safety campaign. Vehicles associated with the organisations just listed above should be covered with posters on safety issues. In particular, drivers should be advised to ask themselves if the brakes on their vehicles are in perfect condition before they set out on a journey. They should be advised on what steps to take if the brakes show telltale signs that their vehicles cannot be brought to a stop within a safe operating distance. There are also issues related to the life styles of the drivers that should be addressed in the safety campaign. I note that this is the last Wednesday in 2013 when we are at work. Next Wednesday, it would be Christmas day and the following one would be the first day of 2014. This column would not be presented on these Wednesdays. Please permit me to extend to all persons who read as well as to all persons who are associated with this column my best wishes for 2014.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013—25

DIARY Select ICT events zTelecom CEM World Congress 2014 April 2014, Venue TBC, London zhong Kong ICT Expo 13 – 16 April 2014 Hong Kong. z Cards & payment Asia holds in Singapore 23-24 April 2014. zTransport Networks for Mobile Operators 2014 13 – 14 May 2014 London. zCritical Communications World 27-29 May 2014 BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand


New inventions shaping life and living

The House that walks


new prototype house walked around the campus of the Wysing Arts Centre in Cambridgeshire, England. The eco-friendly house is powered by solar cells and minature windmills, and comes with a kitchen, a composting toilet, a system for collecting rain water, one bed, a wood stove for CO2 neutral heating, a rear opening that forms a stairway entrance, and six legs.


Dr. Ernest Ndukwe



O a great extent, the is sue of right of way, RoW, has appeared to be the biggest threat to smooth operations for telecom operators in the country. Although there are other bottlenecks such as multiple taxations, multiple regulation and vandalism that also challenge the smooth deployment of telecom facilities across the country, operators lament the most about the RoW. Right of Way is the official permit that an operator needs to secure from the government to deploy its infrastructure, most especially the laying of fibre optic cables used for transmitting capacity from one location to another. Ordinarily, the operators were not bothered about the payment of RoW, but it became an issue when payments had to be made at the federal, state and even

17m Nigerian SMEs to leverage on CWG data center for empowerment

local council levels with different degrees of price hike. Over time the federal government through the Ministry of Communications Technology and the Nigerian Communications Commission, has devised means to tackle the issue but has not recorded appreciable success. Several meetings have been held with states and local governments and committees have been set, to alleviate the challenge bedeviling payment of right of way issues but the impact has been too minimal to bring respite. However, the issue has become critical, considering that it holds the future for broadband access and penetration which the government has expressed interest in as a factor and facilitator to Nigeria’s next phase in telecom growth. On several occasions, the operators have recounted that the country has recorded huge success in the provision of

Gov. Fashola

voice service to Nigerians with the current active telephone subscriptions standing at over 121 million, because the environment was enabling their businesses, but that the same success story may never be the case in the area of data or internet service if they are not allowed RoW at reasonable prices to deploy their infrastructures faster. Official government data puts telephone penetration at over 80 percent mark, while broadband or high-speed internet penetration is still abysmally low at around 6 per cent. Meanwhile, there is over 10 terabytes of bandwidth capacity available in the country, which are underutilized. They are mainly the international submarine/ fibre optic cables such as Glo 1, Main One and the West Africa Cable System, landed a couple of years ago but still heavily lying in the sea shores.

Besides operators cry and government interventions, several industry stakeholders, including the Chairman, Presidential Committee on National Broadband Development, Dr. Ernest Ndukwe, have criticized the making of RoW a business venture by some states and governments, warning that appreciable broadband penetration in the country could be jeopardised, should federal government agencies, state governments, and local government administrators insist on high charges on right of ways. However, three weeks ago, a major breakthrough appeared to have been made for the first time when Lagos state government agreed to reduce cost of ROW permit and other allied services by about 85 percent. The breakthrough was the outcome of a high powered deliberation between the Ministry of Communications Technology, Lagos state government and telecom operators in Nigeria. After the meeting, the state said it has considered the tremendous impact easy roll out of operators services would make on the entire nation to come up with the reduction ratio. Announcing the reduction, Commissioner of Science and Technology for Lagos, Mr. Biyi Mabadeje, disclosed that the State reduced taxes and levies in Lagos by over 40 per cent and Right of

Continues on Page 28

MTN creates iPad Air 7 millionaires in officially debuts app developer in Nigeria competition

26— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Etisalat gives back to customers through GEM programme By EMEKA AGINAM hile addressing the question of what has your service provider done for you lately and rewarding loyal customers for their patronage in the last five years, mobile service provider, Etisalat Nigeria has come out with a customer centric programme codenamed Going the Extra Mile, (GEM) With this initiative, the company will be going the extra mile in areas like personal health of subscribers, by offering deserving customers a free medical checkup in a choice hospital in Germany, free incoming calls while roaming, free calls and SMSs on subscribers’ birthdays as well as free Smartphones and Dongles. Accordingly, customers, to the mobile service provider that meet specified threshold spend on the network are expected to benefit from the programme. In addition to this, high value customers who use between N30000 to N50000 will enjoy free MiFi with 500MB data monthly for 12 months, free VIP (box) ticket to watch Barcelona live match at the Nou camp, in Barcelona, special invites to Etisalat exclusive events, free calls and texts on their birthday and high value identity card which they can use to gain express service at any Etisalat Experience Centre nationwide, among others. Also, customers who use airtime worth N50,000 and above will get free top range devices that befits their status, $1000 shopping voucher, free VIP (box) tickets to watch FC Barcelona live match at the Nou camp, special invites to Etisalat exclusive events, free calls and SMS on their birthdays, and an Etisalat High Value Identity card. Customers with a minimum balance of N5000 while roaming will receive calls for free in select destinations around the world and networks (UK – Vodafone, USA – T-Mobile, UAE – Etisalat, South Africa – Vodacom, Saudi Arabia – Mobily and Netherland – KPN. According to Matthew Willsher, acting Chief Executive Officer at Etisalat Nigeria, “If customers are consistently spending with us, we try and give them extra val-


ue to extend their relationship.” Already customers are getting excited with the GEM offering because it was coming from a trusted network that honors its word and a network that holds customers in high esteem. Customers on the Etisalat network welcome the GEM program. “I was just graduating from school when Etisalat came and I took advantage of their innovative products and services. I have not had any reason to leave because Etisalat suits my lifestyle. The youth-centric posturing of the brands personally works for me. This new programme, GEM further tells me that my network of choice is also growing with me as I will not be a youth forever.”, Uzo David, one of the Etisalat customers said. Similarly, Uzodimma Ogbodo, a marketing director with a leading new media marketing company in Lagos Island is very pleased to learn that Etislat would be going the extra mile for its customers. His joy was, “that Etisalat’s GEM will come true in the telecommunications market. Existing customers are going to get value for spend and the market will also feel the impact,” he said. Ogbodo maintained that the public has no choice but to trust Etisalat because of the brand’s history. According to the marketing expert, “the heavy patronage and loyalty the brand is getting from Nigerians is traceable to its value propositions. Growing from zero to over 16 million subscribers in five years is no mean feat and with the GEM initiative, this network is ready to sweep the telecommunications market off its feet.” While customers attributed the speedy growth of subscribers on the Etislat network to the value customers get from being on the network, Ogbodo explained that, “Nigerians are grateful that the monopoly which once existed in the telecommunications industry was broken by the licensing of other operators. “Etisalat came into the market offering Nigerians more choice and improved services. With the way things are going, Etisalat seems to be the network with whom Nigerians are well pleased,”

iPad Air officially debuts in Nigeria

iPad Air


pple’s most recent tablet, iPad Air has finally debuted in Nigeria through the company’s official representatives, Core Group Africa. Featuring a stunning 9.7-inch Retina display in a new thinner and

lighter design, the iPad Air is precision-engineered to weigh just less than 500 grams which makes it 20 percent thinner and 28 percent lighter than the fourth generation iPad. Core Africa says that the product has already

started selling in designated authorized Apple shops in Lagos and around Nigeria. Announcing the debut of the product, Core Group Africa’s Director, Rutger-Jan van Spaandonk, said: “ We are delighted to announce the official availability of iPad Air in Nigeria. iPad Air is unbelievably thin and light and we encourage customers to visit their nearest Apple Authorised Reseller to purchase or experience this life-changing product,” He said that Group Africa has appointed Apple Authorised Resellers to

sell iPad Air to ensure the product is available through official channel partners. This means that customers will have peace of mind that if repair issues arise during the warranty term, their product will be repaired or replaced by an Apple Authorised Repair Centre and that they will have access to the required level of support that is mandatory for Apple Authorised Resellers. He added that the products would be available at modest costs depending on the models.

17m Nigerian SMEs to leverage on CWG data centre for empowerment By EMEKA AGINAM


HE Chief Executive Officer of Computer Ware House Group, (CWG) Mr. Austin Okere at the weekend disclosed that about 17 million Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the country would benefit from the connectivity of the center for a token. While assuring that the CWG Data Center just inaugurated at the weekend would alleviate sufferings of ICT entrepreneurs in Nigeria, he said it will also offer entrepreneurs the prerequisite connectivity for advancement. According to him, the ultra-mordern center will help the SMEs to have presence in the cloud to sell their wares. “Apart from offering services to our customers like banks, we are targeting about 17 million Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who we are going to offer connectivity for a token. “It will be based on subscription just like DSTV. They will pay on monthly basis and have the opportunity to run their businesses. “The essence is that through the process, about 1.6 million of them would have migrated from the low level they are now, repackaged themselves, and can obtain loans from banks.

“At the end, 200 of them or more can enlist on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) which will be a massive development for the economy. “We want to see ‘dots’ and small CWGs emerging from different strata of the economy,” Okere said. Hosting data locally will reduce cost, create employment For the former Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, Dr. Ernest Ndukwe, hosting data center will not only reduce cost of hosting in Europe and other developed economies but will also create

employment for the jobless youths who roam the street. When hosted locally, a lot of things can be controlled including security, he said, even as he commded CWG for the giant stride. “The building of the data centre was timely. CWG is one of Nigeria’s IT firms that had maintained integrity and leadership prowess, which had translated to several achievements lately, especially with its listing on NSE.. The age of CWG (21 years now), suggests it has been there before the revolution started, and for

them to remain relevant means they have to be proactive. “They have demonstrated the capabilities of the leadership through their various achievements in recent times, especially with the commissioning of this ultra-modern facility,” Ndukwe said. He said that the data center would benefit not just the current customers, but the SMEs, who have a special package to better their worth. While urging d CWG to look beyond Nigeria and Africa, especially now that connectivity binds countries together

NITMA 2013: From left: Engr. S. A. Longe of Data Alliance Co. Ltd; Prof. David Adewumi, President NCS and Hon Ibrahim Sheu Gusau, Chairman, House Committee on ICT at the just concluded Nationa Information Technology Merit Award 2013.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2013—27

Samsung trains enterprise partners on display solutions


2014 World Cup: Why MultiChoice is taking 60 Nigerians to Brazil By EMMA ELEBEKE


N preparation for

the 2014 World Cup holding in Samba land, Brazil, MultiChoice, owners of Nigeria’s leading pay TV, DSTV recently rolled out a promo tagged ‘‘The Samba Promo’’, as a way of paying back to its loyal subscribers in the country. In the promo, about 60 DSTV subscribers nationwide are expected to qualify for a free to and fro trip to Brazil. Arrangement has been concluded by MultiChoice to make these winners have a fun and wholesome experience of latest DSTV channel studios, while the fiesta lasts. In this interview with Mr. Olalekan Ismail, Regional Manager, North, MultiChoice Nigeria; he speaks on the decision to take the 60 lucky winners to Brazil, the significance of trip, the 20th anniversary of MultiChoice in Nigeria, ways it had impacted into the lives of Nigerians, challenges and the innovations to expect in 2014. Excerpts: Tell us about Samba Promo? The Samba Promo is all about giving back to the society for them to have the same experience that millions of people around the world will be having in Brazil. We deemed it fit that 60 out of our numerous sub-

scribers would have opportunity of going on a trip to Brazil to watch the World Cup live. That is why we have called this press conference to make presentations to the four winners of the promo, who happen to be the first set to be selected out the 60 required. We were the ones that revived basket ball in Nigeria that has made the country to compete with the rest of the world today. Football seems to be the global language everybody speaks. We do not want to be left behind in the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, since we have been promoting it as part of the major frontiers of sports

promoters and that will be the major event in 2014. We need to bring some of our loyal customers to experience it live and not to just see at the corners of their rooms to be watching it, ours is for them to go out their to be watching it live. Why the choice of World Cup, when there are whole lots of other sporting activities? We considered giving our customers the World Cup experience necessary because in the whole world today, football is the only language that unites people together and we need to give people experience, something different from what they have been

used to. Ordinarily, if you ask people who are not sports officials or football officials, they might tell you something different. MultiChoice Nigeria is 20, tell us your major impact on Nigerian people? In the past 20 years, when MultiChoice came into this country, we developed the media content in several ways by promoting the local content in Nigeria. In sports as well, we tried as much as possible to spend a huge amount of money in promoting Nigerian sports as well, ranging from football, basket ball and so on. Of recent, we invested in the local football competition in Lagos.

ommitted to re tooling its workforce with new technical knowledge , Samsung Electronics West Africa (SEWA) has trained its technical partners in Large Format Display (LFD) and Hospitality Displays (HD) solutions. The capacity building training held in was conducted by technical personnel drawn from Samsung Electronics Corporation, Korea and the European Display Organization. The training is aimed to capacitate its enterprise partners to sell, install and maintain LFD and HD solutions. This will be a first of such initiative in the fast growing Nigerian professional display market. According to the Head, IT Solutions, SEWA, Folasade Oyelayo, “The hands-on training is designed for technical personnel of our partners. It is the

first of such training and we plan to have many more with our partners in the nearest future. From next year, we shall be having both sales and technical training for our enterprise partners. It covers an introduction to Samsung wide range of media content on Samsung large-format screens which is supported by a global network of distributors and partners. It is simple to install and use, allowing effortless display control from a web-based portal. All fully optimised for Samsung Display, consumers will enjoy the flexibility of full screen or Multi-Frame layouts, with added administrator functionality for greater control of local screens. Also speaking at the event, the Product Manager, Large Format Display, SEWA, Anu-Rotimi Agboola described the training as successful.

Diamond gets PCI DSS certificate N a bid to im prove overall customer experience and to foster an improved security framework for card-based transactions, leading customer-centric Bank, Diamond Bank PLC has received the PCI DSS certification for its debit and credit cards. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a global security standard that helps to prevent card and data fraud by evaluating payment account data security and assessing an organization’s net-

work architecture, software design, security policies, procedures and protective practices. Diamond Bank received the certificate following the successful audit of the Bank by the PCI Security Standards Council earlier this year. Mrs. Ayona Trimnell, Head, Corporate Communications at Diamond Bank, expressed the Bank’s delight on the certification by the PCI Security Standards Council. She said that the Bank was pleased to receive the certificate after a very rigorous audit exercise.

now classified as the very-public software failures that led to massive business failures (and billions of dollars down the tubes): Denver Airport, London's TAURUS stock exchange, and the CONFIRM airline reservation project (not to think about the www dot coms bubble burst. All these are foreign software of International status. Some of them have also failed in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Software is indeed a dynamic knowledge project process. And on Agile projects, the work being done at any point in time is a function of what has

been captured, learned and documented through the project process, up until the point in time of conceptualization. This does include the starting points of the expected plan, early contracted deliverables, and probable design approach. But it also includes the reaction to changes in the expected plan, marketplace or customer-driven modifications to the requirements, the evolution of different design alternatives, and the ever-unfolding and continuous acquisition of knowledge that comes from building a system. To be continued


COMMISSIONING: From left: Engr. Lanre Ajayi, President, Association of Licensed Telecommunications of Nigeria (ALTON); Dr. Ernest Ndukwe, former NCC EVC, and Chief Executive Officer, Computer Warehouse Group at the commissioning of state-of-art technology data centre of CWG, in Lagos. Photo: EMEKA AGINAM.

National software for the record By CHRIS UWAJE ARE we ready for Broadband? Yes and No? What about the Brain-Band? Absolutely Not! What will the Internet look like 20 years from now? Agile Software for the records is delivered to correct some recent impressions in Nigeria about Software Engineering Development Processes, layers and its corporate business architecture as an ordinary CODE. If you have read about (Gerald Weinberg or Alistair Cockburn), then this Philip Armour: you may conclude that “everything has been said, but not yet understood by the majority." This write-up is focused

on my evaluation of the "Five orders of ignorance of Software" – by Philip Armour. It is indeed about Software Agility and Agile methods, which is required to throw more light into the misconception that talking about Software Nigeria is just about Codes. It is NOT. Software Engineering Development is an innovative knowledge-chain and has become the centre of gravity of 21st Century development economy, nation-building and national survivability. It is not only the cement that glues the present global social, political, economic and production structures/processes together, but indeed, the digital blood that keeps

humanity alive today and confidently reassures the digital natives of the future. The central message is that Software is indeed NOT A PRODUCT! By extension, it also means that indeed, if software is not a product, then, it absolutely becomes a knowledge acquiring activity. That also means that it is ultimately an "ignorance reduction" activity which progressively reduces our ignorance of software system architecture of: ‘what the system is’, ‘what it needs to do’, ‘how it needs to do it’, and ‘how we need to apply, operate and use it as well as manage it’. For those who don't already know of Phil's work,

the following information is nenessary: One of the main premises of his book is that software is not a "product" in the usual production-oriented sense of the word, but that software is really a medium for capturing executable knowledge. He then uses this to submit that software is therefore not a productproducing activity but rather a knowledge creating and knowledge acquiring activity. Another set of ignorance on Software Nigeria – perceived as given the Dog a bad name to hang him/her - is that only Software Nigeria fails! Another absurdity? Indeed, we know of some foreign software

28— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Broadband boost as Lagos lowers RoW permit

MTN creates 7 millionaires in app developer competition BY PRINCE OSUAGWU


TN Nigeria, last weekend, created seven millionaires at the end of the second phase of its App developer campaign which first flagged off in July. Following the completion of the Challenge, MTN, Friday, presented prizes to the winners in all the categories at its headquarters in Lagos. After considering originality of concept, relevance of concept to the market, apps with the best user experience as well as its commercial viability, the contest judges voted an app by one Okechukwu Ofili which was tagged Okada Book-

sas Best Overall App. This means that Mr. Ofili left the venue with a Hyundai IX35 SUV and a cheque of N1 million. These were in addition to a Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile phone and six months’ promotion on the MTN NextApps store. Ofili’s Okada Books provides a fast, simple and fun way to read books without ever leaving the couch. It provides access to past JAMB and WAEC questions and thus turns the phone into a powerful educational resource tool. However, there were six other winners that emerged from other categories who also re-

ceived N1 million and a Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile phone as well as six months’ promotion on the MTN NextApps store. They included Henri Good Nnochiri whose App, OnPoint, emerged the Best Education App at the competition. The app is mainly a GPA calculator and timetable. There was also the Best Entertainment & Lifestyle App, Afro Talez, developed by Elizabeth Kperrun. This app, presents traditional African Folktales in a fun, entertaining and interactive way for kids. The Best Gaming App, was Danfo ReloadedII by Bayo Puddicombe. It is a

Head, Payments & Services, FBN, Mrs. Eloho Ogude & Head, Media & External Relations, FBN, Mr. Babatunde Lasaki at the media parley for the bank's newly upgraded internet platform, First online.

representation of the thrills of driving on the average Nigerian road. The Best Health & Wellness App, was Certified Drugscreated by Ilyas Muyiwa. The app provides an up to date database of pharmaceuticals and allied products approved for use in Nigeria. The Best Productivity App, was Track My Cashby Sunday Akinsete. This is a personal cash manager that helps to track how your money is being expended. There was also the Special Category which is the Best Student App (Undergraduate) won by Kayode Sowole, who developed the Wazobia Biblethat allows people to read the bible in Pidgin and other translations. Speaking at the closing ceremony of the initiative, the Chief Marketing Officer of MTN Nigeria, Larry Annetts, said that the MTN App Developer Challenge was a demonstration of MTN’s commitment to delivering a bold new digital world to esteemed customers as well as promote the growth and use of locally relevant content, to develop the Nigerian app ecosystem. The panel of Judges for the challenge included serial entrepreneur, Chika Nwobi; Customer Relations Executive, MTN Nigeria, Akinwunmi Braithwaite; Business Development Director at Intel, Stanley Muoneke and Business Manager, Nokia Live and Country Lead, Mobile Monday Nigeria, Emmanuel Oluwatosin.

FirstBank upgrades first online banking By IYABO AINA


ne of Nigeria’s oldest retail banking group, First Bank Nigeria Plc last week showed some innovation in business by upgrading its First online platform for maximum customer satisfaction. The First Online platform, gives customers the benefits of digital banking in line with the 21st century expectations, as it provides enhanced security, webchat, financial planner, user friendly interface, scheduled and international transfers and multiple fund transfers. Speaking on why the bank decided to upgrade the service, Group Head,

E-Business First Bank Nigeria, Mr Chuma Ezirim who represented Folake AniMumuney, Head, Marketing & Corporate Communications, said that ‘’ FirstBank placed premium value on the utilization and deployment of technology for its services, considering that the impact of the internet industry was influencing the behaviour of customers. For him, “digital banking has become the way forward and this is why we have structured the product to suit the expectations of our teeming customers in the country. In the

product suite included Instant money transfer, Scheduled transfer , live chart and many other features with many innovations that will reposition the bank for effective service delivery ‘’. Also speaking at the event which doubled as the second edition of the First bank media product fair , Head of Media and External relations Mr Babatunde Lasaki said that his bank was committed to serving its customers better, with the dynamic products even as more innovations from the bank, that would revolutionise the banking sector, were still in the offing.

Continues from page 25 Way Fees to 85 percent, from N3000 to N500 per linear metre of fibre optic cable lay. However, this was on the condition that operators agree to use approved and qualified contractors, who would ensure the integrity of the road after the fibre had been installed in the event that there was no fibre duct on the road. There was also a ‘dig once’ policy, whereby the first operator to dig the road for fibre installation would install a duct with spare capacity for other operators to use when they wanted to install fibre instead of digging up the road again. Already industry players have commended Lagos state, describing the new development as a win- win situation between the government, operators and the teeming Nigerian telecom consumers. Minister of communications Technology, Mrs Omobola Johnson said that Lagos has shown positive leadership with what it has done and expressed optimism that other states would join the new trend to make telecoms and broadband infrastructure deployment easy affordable and available to all. Also Former President, Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria, ATCON and Chairman, Teledom Group, Dr. Emmanuel Ekuwem, described the RoW permit reduction as a positive one for the industry, urging other states to emulate Lagos State in this direction. For him, the extent to which a country embraces broadband development will determine its place in the current and future global competitiveness. President, Nigerian Internet Group, Mr. Bayo Banjo also noted that the reduction can only make significant meaning if all hands would be on deck to make the economic imperatives of ubiquitous broadband access count on every Nigerian citizen and ensure that with it every state gets a revenue boost through positive growth occasioned by high-speed internet access on businesses. Moreso, many of the operators have confessed to have latched on the magnanimity of Lagos State, to embark on massive deployment of services in the state. But the extent to which this will reduce the number of dropped calls, poor internet service and offer value for money has remained the question of every telecom consumer. However, the popular view seems to favour a speedy government mobilization and sensitisation on use of available telecoms services to grow the small and medium businesses, scattered across the country, to truly drive the win -win benefit of this development home.

‘There’s need for exceptional value in IT solutions’ By PRINCE OSUAGWU


Nigerian IT company, Techvibes International Limited has urged Nigerian businesses that depend on IT competencies to shore up investments, to ensure that IT solutions at their disposals are of exceptional value, else their businesses may not attain world class standards. The company’s CEO, Mr. Michael Oglegbaargued that as contemporary institutions and organizations are constantly challenged to adapt to the innovations of technology in their operations, the need for cuttingedge IT solutions becomes as critical as the IT companies that provide the solutions. He said that his Techvibes International Limited is delivers exceptional value and convenience with proven competences in software development, especially in Biometric Technology, Human Resources and Payroll, Finance and Taxation, Electronic Payment and Revenue Collection. The company, according to him, employs up-to-date cutting-edge technology and deploys tailor-made solutions to facilitate safe and reliable electronic tax collection, data processing and identity management for institutions in both public and private sectors. Listing the company’s core competencies, Oglegba said that such areas as Biometric technology and identity management solutions, Software development, Payment and collection software deployment, Internally generated revenue solutions,E-government solutions among others are handled with deft expertise by Techvibes. He noted that at this stage where the world has been reduced to a mere global village, companies do not need to make mistakes or compromise of IT values that would set their businesses on the global map.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 29


30 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 31

32— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 33

Eagles will reach World Cup q/final, says Egwuekwe

I’m the luckiest man in Champions League – Drogba



uper Eagles defender Azubuike Egwuekwe has tipped Nigeria to reach the quarterfinals of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. The African champions are drawn in the first round of next year ’s World Cup with Argentina, BosniaHerzegovina and Iran. Nigeria’s best performance at the global finals was achieved at the 1994 and 1998 tournaments, where they reached the knockout Round of 16. However, Warri Wolves skipper, who is presently in the camp of the home-based Super Eagles preparing for the 2014 CHAN in South Africa, told MTNFootball.com Nigeria have the quality to reach the last eight of Brazil 2014. “I know we will make the quarterfinals and from there anything can happen,” Egwuekwe said. “I have confidence in our team and I know that we have quality players who can stand up to any side at the World Cup.”

Olaitan targets Manchester United upset


embarked on a massive reorganisation following the departure of coach Salisu Yusuf to El Kanemi Warriors. Last month, Ange de Notse

won a first-ever Togolese league title after they recorded 59 points from 30 matches, two points more than closest rivals Douanes.

granted yesterday with the Turkish champions visiting London for the second leg on Tuesday, March 18. Drogba, now 35, wrote on his official Instagram account: “What a draw. I’m the luckiest man in this competition. In both games I’ll be playing at home! See you in a few months.” Drogba moved to China last year before joining Galatasaray in the January transfer window. Former Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini took over the manager’s job in September, and led the Istanbul club into the knockout stages by beating Juventus last week.

10 transfers in 2013 gulp •1.2 billion


ichael Olitan has backed his Greek club Olympiacos to upset Manchester United in the UEFA Champions League. Olympiacos face a difficult Round of 16 clash against the English Premier League giants in February and Nigeria U20 star Olaitan has admitted that it will be a tough but not an impossible task for his Greek club to shock ‘The Red Devils’. “Manchester United are a great club with a great history. They will be the favourites and we will be the underdogs. It is not an easy draw for us,” Olaitan told MTNFootball.com “When I was still in Nigeria, I followed them. They were the team I grew up to admire. “But in football anything is possible and if we could play as a team, we could get a good result against them especially at our home. “We have great respect for them but we will give our best because we want to win this match.” United have won all four Champions League clashes against Olympiacos, who are eight points clear at the top of the Greek league. “I’m not aware of this record. But even then, records are meant to be broken,” said Olaitan. The exciting midfielder’s two appearances in this Champions League campaign were against Anderlecht of Belgium at home and away. “I made my Champions League debut against Anderlecht in Belgium and I must say that I was a bit nervous. But in the home leg, I started and was a lot more settled and played a lot better as we went on to get the result we needed to reach the knockout stage of the competition,” he told MTNFootball.com Olaitan, Mikel Obi and Chinedu Obasi are the Nigeria flag bearers still left in the Champions League.

Enyimba aim ffor or winning ssttar artt in Champions League nyimba will hope to get off to a winning start in next year ’s Champions League when they clash with Togo’s Ange de Notse in the prelims. The two-time African champions are back in international football after a two-year absence. And goalkeeper Femi Thomas has told MTNFootball.com they hope to get off to a flying start on February 9, when they host Ange de Notse. “We are preparing hard for the game, we will do all to beat Ange de Notse,” Thomas said. “I played against the club in a friendly match in 2006 when I was with the U20 national team, though it has been long, we won 3-1 then. There are no small teams again, so we won’t let Nigerians down.” Enyimba, who finished as runners-up in the Nigeria league last season, have

idier Drogba claimed his return to Chelsea made him “the luckiest man” in the Champions League. The Blues legend’s final act as a Chelsea player was to score the winning penalty in the 2012 final. And last week Jose Mourinho said he wanted to face Galatasary in the last 16 to give the striker the chance to say goodbye to the Stamford Bridge faithful. That wish was


he biggest 10 transfers of 2013 cost the clubs involved a staggering •1.2 billion, according to new research conducted by Goal. The Goal Transfer List was compiled to highlight the maximum potential payout for clubs relating to each major transfer over the last 12 months and the results show that spending on elite players

has never been higher. In a year in which the world record transfer fee was broken by Gareth Bale’s move to Real Madrid, the total amount committed to salaries, taxes and additional costs saw six deals break the •100m barrier. Bale’s deal proved to be the most expensive of all, with Madrid set to pay out a total of •198.8m if the

EXPOSED: Bayern’s secret plan to beat Arsenal!


he defending European champions are seven points clear at top of the Bundesliga and on course to lift the Champions League again. Yesterday ’s Champions League draw had a sense of deja vu about it with Bayern being pitted against the Gunners for the second year running in the last 16. Thomas Muller, Dante, Javi Martinez and Rafinha all took time out of their rigorous schedule to show off their skills by going head-to-head with the Bayern basketball stars.

And they didn’t disappoint either. Muller used his aerial ability to great effect, by fnding the net in the Alley-Oop challenge. Martinez also proved Bayern’s secret weapon when he finished off a slick move with a slam dunk. Bayern are now the fourth team to test their mettle in Bwin’s ‘Skills Series’.

Welshman sees out his sixyear contract in the Spanish capital. The figures were derived from an amalgamation of all foreseeable costs over the course of each player ’s contract. Net salary figures were adjusted according to the current tax laws of the applicable country to reach a final gross payable amount. Signing-on fees and agents’ fees were then included following consultation with sources and experts in each market, as were additional charges such as administration costs. In all cases, where figures are not publicly available, reasonable estimates have been made. For those transfers which were subject to conditional bonuses, whether payable to the selling club or to the player, those fees were also added in order to reach the maximum potential cost of each player to their new clubs. The total costs show a continued growth in the spending habits of clubs at the higher end of the game, with the increased levels of cash coming into football being used to keep the transfer market moving forward at a rapid rate.

Who replaces AAVB VB at Tottenham? W

•Jurgen Klinsmann

• Rudi Garcia

• Luis Enrique

ith the Portuguese coach having been terminated at White Hart Lane we look at the 10 top contenders to step into the Spurs hot seat Tottenham’s worst home defeat in 16 years on Sunday at the hands of Liverpool has seen Andre Villas-Boas dismissed as manager of the north London club. Despite a win ratio better than any other Spurs boss in the Premier League era, the Portuguese has paid for his side sitting seventh in the league after 16 matches this term, following a summer spend of over £100million on new talent

As such thoughts have immediately turned to the men who are most likely to replace Villas-Boas, as Spurs chairman Daniel Levy looks for his side to claim a top-four place. Immediately in as 6-4 favourite for the role is former England boss Fabio Capello, currently manager of Russia and a man who has plenty of previous experience working alongside technical director Franco Baldini. Aside from the Italian, there are a number of others also in the frame, and here’s a look at the top 10 contenders to take the White Hart Lane hotseat:

• Glenn Hoddle

•Frank de Boer

•Tim Sherwood

•Guus Hiddink

32— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 33

Eagles will reach World Cup q/final, says Egwuekwe

I’m the luckiest man in Champions League – Drogba



uper Eagles defender Azubuike Egwuekwe has tipped Nigeria to reach the quarterfinals of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. The African champions are drawn in the first round of next year ’s World Cup with Argentina, BosniaHerzegovina and Iran. Nigeria’s best performance at the global finals was achieved at the 1994 and 1998 tournaments, where they reached the knockout Round of 16. However, Warri Wolves skipper, who is presently in the camp of the home-based Super Eagles preparing for the 2014 CHAN in South Africa, told MTNFootball.com Nigeria have the quality to reach the last eight of Brazil 2014. “I know we will make the quarterfinals and from there anything can happen,” Egwuekwe said. “I have confidence in our team and I know that we have quality players who can stand up to any side at the World Cup.”

Olaitan targets Manchester United upset


embarked on a massive reorganisation following the departure of coach Salisu Yusuf to El Kanemi Warriors. Last month, Ange de Notse

won a first-ever Togolese league title after they recorded 59 points from 30 matches, two points more than closest rivals Douanes.

granted yesterday with the Turkish champions visiting London for the second leg on Tuesday, March 18. Drogba, now 35, wrote on his official Instagram account: “What a draw. I’m the luckiest man in this competition. In both games I’ll be playing at home! See you in a few months.” Drogba moved to China last year before joining Galatasaray in the January transfer window. Former Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini took over the manager’s job in September, and led the Istanbul club into the knockout stages by beating Juventus last week.

10 transfers in 2013 gulp •1.2 billion


ichael Olitan has backed his Greek club Olympiacos to upset Manchester United in the UEFA Champions League. Olympiacos face a difficult Round of 16 clash against the English Premier League giants in February and Nigeria U20 star Olaitan has admitted that it will be a tough but not an impossible task for his Greek club to shock ‘The Red Devils’. “Manchester United are a great club with a great history. They will be the favourites and we will be the underdogs. It is not an easy draw for us,” Olaitan told MTNFootball.com “When I was still in Nigeria, I followed them. They were the team I grew up to admire. “But in football anything is possible and if we could play as a team, we could get a good result against them especially at our home. “We have great respect for them but we will give our best because we want to win this match.” United have won all four Champions League clashes against Olympiacos, who are eight points clear at the top of the Greek league. “I’m not aware of this record. But even then, records are meant to be broken,” said Olaitan. The exciting midfielder’s two appearances in this Champions League campaign were against Anderlecht of Belgium at home and away. “I made my Champions League debut against Anderlecht in Belgium and I must say that I was a bit nervous. But in the home leg, I started and was a lot more settled and played a lot better as we went on to get the result we needed to reach the knockout stage of the competition,” he told MTNFootball.com Olaitan, Mikel Obi and Chinedu Obasi are the Nigeria flag bearers still left in the Champions League.

Enyimba aim ffor or winning ssttar artt in Champions League nyimba will hope to get off to a winning start in next year ’s Champions League when they clash with Togo’s Ange de Notse in the prelims. The two-time African champions are back in international football after a two-year absence. And goalkeeper Femi Thomas has told MTNFootball.com they hope to get off to a flying start on February 9, when they host Ange de Notse. “We are preparing hard for the game, we will do all to beat Ange de Notse,” Thomas said. “I played against the club in a friendly match in 2006 when I was with the U20 national team, though it has been long, we won 3-1 then. There are no small teams again, so we won’t let Nigerians down.” Enyimba, who finished as runners-up in the Nigeria league last season, have

idier Drogba claimed his return to Chelsea made him “the luckiest man” in the Champions League. The Blues legend’s final act as a Chelsea player was to score the winning penalty in the 2012 final. And last week Jose Mourinho said he wanted to face Galatasary in the last 16 to give the striker the chance to say goodbye to the Stamford Bridge faithful. That wish was


he biggest 10 transfers of 2013 cost the clubs involved a staggering •1.2 billion, according to new research conducted by Goal. The Goal Transfer List was compiled to highlight the maximum potential payout for clubs relating to each major transfer over the last 12 months and the results show that spending on elite players

has never been higher. In a year in which the world record transfer fee was broken by Gareth Bale’s move to Real Madrid, the total amount committed to salaries, taxes and additional costs saw six deals break the •100m barrier. Bale’s deal proved to be the most expensive of all, with Madrid set to pay out a total of •198.8m if the

EXPOSED: Bayern’s secret plan to beat Arsenal!


he defending European champions are seven points clear at top of the Bundesliga and on course to lift the Champions League again. Yesterday ’s Champions League draw had a sense of deja vu about it with Bayern being pitted against the Gunners for the second year running in the last 16. Thomas Muller, Dante, Javi Martinez and Rafinha all took time out of their rigorous schedule to show off their skills by going head-to-head with the Bayern basketball stars.

And they didn’t disappoint either. Muller used his aerial ability to great effect, by fnding the net in the Alley-Oop challenge. Martinez also proved Bayern’s secret weapon when he finished off a slick move with a slam dunk. Bayern are now the fourth team to test their mettle in Bwin’s ‘Skills Series’.

Welshman sees out his sixyear contract in the Spanish capital. The figures were derived from an amalgamation of all foreseeable costs over the course of each player ’s contract. Net salary figures were adjusted according to the current tax laws of the applicable country to reach a final gross payable amount. Signing-on fees and agents’ fees were then included following consultation with sources and experts in each market, as were additional charges such as administration costs. In all cases, where figures are not publicly available, reasonable estimates have been made. For those transfers which were subject to conditional bonuses, whether payable to the selling club or to the player, those fees were also added in order to reach the maximum potential cost of each player to their new clubs. The total costs show a continued growth in the spending habits of clubs at the higher end of the game, with the increased levels of cash coming into football being used to keep the transfer market moving forward at a rapid rate.

Who replaces AAVB VB at Tottenham? W

•Jurgen Klinsmann

• Rudi Garcia

• Luis Enrique

ith the Portuguese coach having been terminated at White Hart Lane we look at the 10 top contenders to step into the Spurs hot seat Tottenham’s worst home defeat in 16 years on Sunday at the hands of Liverpool has seen Andre Villas-Boas dismissed as manager of the north London club. Despite a win ratio better than any other Spurs boss in the Premier League era, the Portuguese has paid for his side sitting seventh in the league after 16 matches this term, following a summer spend of over £100million on new talent

As such thoughts have immediately turned to the men who are most likely to replace Villas-Boas, as Spurs chairman Daniel Levy looks for his side to claim a top-four place. Immediately in as 6-4 favourite for the role is former England boss Fabio Capello, currently manager of Russia and a man who has plenty of previous experience working alongside technical director Franco Baldini. Aside from the Italian, there are a number of others also in the frame, and here’s a look at the top 10 contenders to take the White Hart Lane hotseat:

• Glenn Hoddle

•Frank de Boer

•Tim Sherwood

•Guus Hiddink

34 — Vanguard,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013


Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 — 35

36 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013



•Jonathan: I will respond personally

A presidency under siege A CASCADE of political events in the last ten days gives the impression of a coordinated attack on the Nigeria presidency from disjointed groups. Could Iyabo Obasanjo's intervention yesterday destroy the most formidable foe of the president? BY EMMANUEL AZIKEN, POLITICAL EDITOR


T took the supernatural insight of Mr. Yinka Odumakin, the spokesperson of the Yoruba sociocultural group, Afenifere for many to comprehend what was alleged to be a coordinated attack on President Goodluck Jonathan. “Last week Monday, Tambuwal made his own comment, by Tuesday, they released Lamido’s letter, by Wednesday, they released Obasanjo’s letter and by Sunday, APC is calling for Jonathan’s resignation,” Odumakin told Vanguard last Sunday in his reaction to what he sensed was a coordinated assault on the presidency. The attacks apparently have not ended. By Monday, the Peoples Democratic Movement, PDM a newly registered political party asked the National Assembly to investigate the allegations raised against the president by former President Olusegun Obasanjo. Odumakin, a long time

canvasser of a sovereign national conference saw the attack as a premeditated attack by those against the restructuring of the country to abort the national conference which President Jonathan recently promised to convene. “I think they are jumping the gun and they are showing that there is a sinister agenda that is being coordinated by forces that want to abort the national conference by calling for a regime change,” Odumakin said. Speaker Aminu Tambuwal of the House of Representatives kick-started what Odumakin observed as the sinister agenda at an anti-corruption awareness campaign organized by the

Nigerian Bar Association, NBA in Abuja last Monday. Given widely held perceptions that some major elements in the NBA national leadership were helped to office by the Jonathan administration, it was indeed surprising that the lawyers’ leadership gave Tambuwal the platform to ventilate. Tambuwal who was elected speaker of the House of Representatives against the desire of the PDP leadership had since his advent in 2011, maintained a political idiosyncrasy at odds with that espoused by the presidency. This was particularly obvious in the tone of the speaker at the NBA gathering where he said that the

president’s body language was promoting corruption as he literally gave instances of recent developments in the polity. “What has happened to all the exposed corruption cases? The pension scam, recent and obvious fraud in the Aviation sector, that of the Security and Exchange Commission, SEC, where trillions of Naira from private investors were suspected to have been mismanaged. When we commenced investigations into the matter, what became of paramount importance to the EFCC was allegation that one of our members collected money as estacode to travel but failed to do so." “I have not heard or read anywhere that she was invited by the EFCC or that any member of SEC was even invited. We at the National Assembly, for the sake of probity and accountability, agreed that budgetary allocations

NOTEPAD •Dec 9 Speaker Tambuwal says the President’s body language is encouraging corruption. •Dec 10 Central Bank governor, Mallam Lamido Sanusi alleges NNPC’s underpayment of N49.8 billion to the Federation Account. •Dec 11 Former President Obasanjo’s letter is made public. •Dec 15 APC calls for impeachment of President Jonathan. •Dec 16 PDM asks National Assembly to act on Obasanjo’s letter. •Dec 17, Iyabo Obasanjo bombs her father in an open letter.

to the Commission should be suspended, only for us to hear that the Executive found a leeway of funding the agency. We are currently investigating that. “Coming to what happened in the Aviation industry recently, do we need an angel to report to EFCC that something happened there? No, we don’t! We all belong to this country so people should stop taking us for granted,” he added. The echo from the Speaker’s vituperation was yet to die when a letter from the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN Mallam Sanusi Lamido to the president informing him of the leakage of N49.8 billion from oil receipts between 2011 and 2013. The amount missing, he said, was 76% of the total oil receipts into the Federation Account. “Our analysis of the value of crude oil export proceeds based on the documentation received from pre-shipment inspectors shows that between January 2012 and July 2013, NNPC lifted 594,024,107 barrels of crude valued at $65,332,350,514.57.” “Out of this amount, NNPC repatriated only $15,528,410,098.77 representing 24% of the value. This means the NNPC is yet to account for, and repatriate to the Federation Account, an amount in excess of $49.804 billion of the value of oil lifted in the same period.” Nigerians did not have much time to distill the contents of the Sanusi letter as at that time many Nigerians were already immersed in discussions about the letter from Obasanjo to the president. At that point the letter had not been leaked but was already the subject of discourse among the political class and some journalists who were desperately searching for the letter. The letter dated December 2, 2013 was eventually let out last Wednesday. Obasanjo said he made it an open letter because Dr. Jonathan did not dignify him with a reply to at least four earlier letters written by him to his one time godson. The 18-page letter was an articulation of the several perceived gaffes of the president against the interest of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and the integrity of the nation. The former president observed that Dr. Jonathan had through divide and rule splintered the ruling party and in some cases like in Lagos, Anambra, Ondo and Edo States worked against the interest of the PDP for his personal political advantage. The former president also kicked against what he said was President Jonathan’s determination to rubbish an agreement reached not to seek re-

Continues on page 35


Osun: Giant strides continue BY KUNLE OYATOMI


AST week, the media reported the British Deputy High Commissioner as saying that the State of Osun is a viable destination for any investor who is looking for a safe place to put his money in Nigeria because, according to him, “the State is peaceful”. The High Commissioner did not stop at that; he said, “within three years of his administration, what the government of Ogbeni Aregbesola has done in terms of infrastructural development and how the governor has been attracting businesses and industries is IMPRESSIVE, PRAISEWORTHY AND BOASTFUL for FUTURE of the State”, (emphasis mine). For a country now accustomed to negative stories from mischievous quarters, painting the State of Osun in the most unfavourable light, this statement from Mr. Peter Carter, Britain’s Deputy High Commissioner in Nigeria should put the lie to the misinformation and disinformation fed to and promoted by a section of the media. The truth could not be more clearly stated. What’s going on

Continues from page 34 election in office. The letter which dripped with anger and bile also lamented Dr. Jonathan’s perceived tolerance of corruption and his enthronement of corrupt persons in the corridors of power in government and the PDP. President Obasanjo did not mince words in saying that some of those men and women should not be kept around government. Concluding the missive, Obasanjo said: “My last piece of advice, Mr. President, is that you should learn the lesson of history and please do not take Nigeria and Nigerians for granted. Move away from culture of denials, cover-ups and proxies and deal honesty, sincerely, transparently with Nigerians to regain their trust and confidence. Nigerians are no fools, they can see, they can hear, the can talk among themselves, they can think, they can compare and they can act in the interest of their country and in their own self-interest.” “They keenly watch all actions and deeds that are associated with you if they cannot believe your words. I know you have the power to save PDP and the country. I beg you to have the courage and the will with patriotism to use the power for the good of the country. Please uphold some form of national core

in the State of Osun in virtually all departments is really and truly “giant strides” in development. However, a vocal minority enamoured of and sated by the miserableness of conditions that Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola met, are getting serious and sizeable media attention as they hysterically demand a return to the status quo created by their People Democratic Party (PDP) friends. These people live in the past and they have practically lost their legitimacy as “promoters of the good” for at each stage of the Aregbesola revolution every step taken by the governor was viciously condemned, his person maligned and the State placed in the dumps by the opposition party and their surrogate. In fact, many respectable citizens who were misled to buy into the false stories coming out of Osun got a sense that a radical Islamists had emerged in Osogbo who must be checkmated. That was some two years ago. We had worked as hard as we could to change the pathetic image which the PDP and their friends tried disingenuously to create of the State of Osun. As you read this, that strainous effort is not over, because there are

people in high and low places who have a preference for lies and continue to buy into the falasies that PDP and their surrogate tell about Osun. They keep the negative stories alive and they swear by their goddess of lies that Aregbesola is destroying Osun. Some people, awfully limited in their perceptive ability, call that politics; blind, deaf and unenlightened politics perhaps. When you sit back in the fraudulently acquired opulence of your wealth to tell senseless lies about your own state, or you junket media houses with utterly false stories about how the state is being run, all for the purpose of tarnishing the image of the government in power, in the long run you qualify to be described as a terrorist. You are in the business of mentally terrorizing your community. That is not politics; it is crime!! But the good thing is that these lies and those who take pleasure in propagating them have not succeeded even in fooling ordinary people in the state who see, hear, feel and delight in the incredible level of progress that the All Progressives Congress (APC) government led by Ogbeni Rauf Aragbesola,

•Aregbesola continues to make in Osun. People who know what is happening, whose source of information is not the political illiterates assembled in the opposition party, will tell you that the state is making giant strides. And no less a personality than the British Deputy High Commissioner has said just that. Let the enemies of progress bow their heads in shame. They have eyes to see what is going on in their country but they deny what they see. However, their denial has changed nothing and will stop nothing.

A presidency under siege values. I will appeal to all Nigerians particularly all members of PDP to respect and dignify the Office of the President. We must all know that individuals will come and go but the Office will remain.” The president’s response was a statement issued by Dr. Rueben Abati in which it was revealed that Dr. Jonathan had directed his aides not to make any response to Obasanjo as he said that the president had promised to make a personal response to his one time benefactor. “While many patriotic, objective and well-meaning Nigerians have already condemned the leaked letter as self-serving, hypocritical, malicious, indecent, and very disrespectful of the highest office in the land, President Jonathan has directed that none of his aides or any government official should join issues with Chief Obasanjo over it,” Abati wrote in a statement. “The President himself will, at the appropriate time, offer a full personal response to the most reckless, baseless, unjustifiable and indecorous charges levied against him and his administration by the former Head of State.” With many Nigerians engaged

•Obasanjo: Hear me, President Jonathan! over the contents and correctness of the Obasanjo missive, the main opposition party, All Progressives Congress, APC last Sunday, intervened with a plea to the National Assembly to commence impeachment proceedings against the president. In a statement issued by the party’s Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the president should be removed from office for misconduct arising from serial breaches of the constitutional provision that the security and welfare of the citizenry should be the concern of government. The party also latched onto the

allegation raised by Obasanjo that the presidency had worked out a watch list of 1,000 p o l i t i c a l opponents to be monitored by the presidency. ‘’Since the raison d’etre of any government is the security and welfare of the citizenry, and the p r e s e n t administration

has failed to live up to the justification of its existence, there can be no other definition of gross misconduct than that,” Mohammed said in his statement. ‘’Therefore, the time has come for the head of that government, on whose desk the buck stops, to be removed through the provisions stipulated in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is the patriotic thing to do,’’ the party deposed. Unlike Obasanjo’s letter, the president did not pass over the opportunity of a response and immediately responded with a warning to the APC and its

Giant strides in Osun continue. The world is acknowledging it. The people are delighting in it. The streets of our cities tell the story. Business is bubbling. The pace of commercial activities in the last three years has more than doubled. There is no single family in Osun today that is not positively affected by the giant strides which the Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola led government is taking. The scare-mongering of the opposition, the lies of their surrogate, and the evil machination of their supporters from distant lands cannot and will not be allowed to stop these giant strides. Finally, a word of warning and advice: Those who seek to undo these giant strides which the people of Osun cherish should be prepared to face the wrath of the people. In Yorubaland, they should understand what that means. They should think again in their own best interest.

*Mr Oyatomi is the Director of Publicity, Research and Strategy, All Progressives Congress (APC), State of Osun.

sympathizers not to toy with treason. Having been warned by the president not to directly engage Obasanjo, Dr. Abati apparently seized the opportunity of replying to the APC to hit at Obasanjo. He said: “The APC’s false copycat allegation that 1, 000 snipers are being trained by the Jonathan Administration clearly shows that they are now in cahoots with some other elements who are bent on discrediting this administration and inciting the public against it.” Following the APC, the PDM, the newly registered political party which broke out from the group with the same name, on Monday followed up with a call to the National Assembly to commence an investigation into the issues raised by Obasanjo in his letter. Dr. Jonathan, meanwhile, has continued with the same pace and pattern of governance apparently waiting for an appropriate time to get back at his traducers. Yesterday, apparently living to his name, good luck smiled on President Jonathan when Senator Iyabo Obasanjo intervened to discredit the most formidable messenger against him.. Iyabo's 11 page expose on her father could not have been anything but good luck for the president.





My sons need to accept my toy-boy! Dear Bunmi, AM a divorced mother of two boys and in my late 40's. I live in a block of flats with another tenant who lives alone with his seven-year-old daughter. He never married her mother and now we have fallen hopelessly in love. I am 15 years older than him, but he says he loves me and does not care about the age difference. At first, he thought I was much younger but once he got over the shock, he assured me that age does not matter and now we are happy together. I feel as though I’ve found my soul-mate, but my sons hate him. They showed nothing but contempt towards him. My boys are in their early 20's and say they find it disgusting that I should be sleeping with a man almost their age. But I don’t care. They don’t live with me. I need you to advise me on what


His impotence might put me off marrying him Dear Bunmi, HAVE been with my current boyfriend for a couple of years and lovemaking was fairly regular until eight months ago when he failed to have an erection. The problem still persists today. He had gone to see various doctors and used herbal remedies and both can’t find a medical or spiritual reasons for his impotence. We’ve always made plans for marriage, but I don’t want to go the rest of my life without lovemaking. Is there anything else we could do? Constance, by e-mail.


Dear Constance, Your man’s problem could originate above the waist since he’s been given clean bill of health by his doctors. A man’s ego can affect his genitals and it sounds as if something has damaged

your man’s. I wonder if you have inadvertently turned your concerns into an accusation, making him feel inadequate and pressured him to perform? Nothing kills an erection guicker than a bit of anxiety. The mor e anxious he feels about getting it up, the less likely he’ll be able to do it. So, the first thing you would do is to back off for a while. You have every right to want love-making, but you may want to put intercourse aside for the time being. For now, encourage your man to please you in other ways, with his mouth or his hand, for example. This will help him gain confidence in his erotic abilities, which may help him get his 'mojo' back. If clearing the air of pressure and performance/ anxiety does not help, you’ll need to get analytical. Think back and ask yourself what

might have happened eight months ago to put him under unusual, libido-killing stress. Could it be a big change in his work? A death in the family? A discussion with you about your plans for marriage? A car accident that might have scarred him without causing any physical injury? Talk to your man about life eight months ago - without referring directly to the onset of his erectile troubles and try to help him make the connection for himself. Once he does, get him to call a doctor or a friend he trusts for the name of a specialist in erectile problems. You are erotic partners and you share this problem. Hopefully, you will find a solution together, so you can marry this man and enjoy the love-making you both deserve.

Scared of being a bad step-mum Dear Bunmi, AM currently married to a wonderful man whom I have three c h i l d r e n f o r. H e w a s married before but his wife left him at a low ebb in his life. The four children of his first marriage live with us and now that my children are growing. I don’t want things to look as if I am partial to my own children. I know it is not always easy living with your stepchildren, but I want to try. Any tips? Martin a, by e-mail.


Dear Martina, I agree with you that raising step-children with yours can be a bit daunting, but with love and patience, you can make it. Here are some pointers to help you: Discuss key issues. Talk about how the two families feel about important matters like chores and money and aim to accept differences while creating new routines. Spend time t o g e t h e r. Wi t h o u t y o u r husband being there, get to know your stepchildren, especially before disciplining them. Don’t rush things. It can take

years for step-family relationships to settle, be patient and treat all children equally. Make it clear that, while your husband may initially be the main disciplinarian, you speak for both of you in his absence. Lastly, don’t criticise your s t e p - c h i l d r e n ’ s m o t h e r. Allowing and even

encouraging your stepchildren to talk to you about their mother helps develop a sense of continuity and reduces conflicts of loyalty. You must also recognise the fact that trying to love your step-children as your own may be over-ambitious. To like and respect one another is a more realistic expectation.

He uses his visits for love-making! Dear Bunmi, AM a single mother of a six-year-old son. His father and I split up when he suddenly got married to someone else two years ago. He is still married and has other girlfriends. He visits from time to time to give me money for the boy’s up-keep and enjoys love-making during these visits. Of course, I still have feelings for him, but I feel used whenever we engage in love-making. I want it to stop but I can’t stop him, though I feel used whenever we have intercourse. I want it to stop but I can’t stop him from visiting his son. Lelia, bye-mail.


Dear Leila, Your man is exploiting you and he knows it. It is a fact that a lot of men ease their way into their ex-partners’ bed and you need to face the fact that love-making is the only thing you can get out of this relationship. Though sleeping with the father of your child might allow you to feel needed by him again, you must face the fact that he is married, has other relationships and he is not going to leave his wife for you. Refuse to let him blackmail you into love-making to be a responsible father. You have to free yourself from this unhealthy relationship by putting your feet down. You need to move on with your life.

to do, but I assure you I won’t give this man up without a fight! Christy, by e-mail. Dear Christy, It is obvious from your letter that you’re aware this romance cannot last. What you have now is what is termed a May/ December relationship; relationship borne out of need and temporary circumstance. What happens when your man finds a girl he wants to have children with? That you live so close to each other is also not healthy. Enjoy your fling by all means, but don’t build it into the romance of your life which it’s not. Your sons’ resentment is understandable, but they should stand clear of your relationships. Whilst you are at it, keep your options open for a more reassuring relationship.

What you have now is what is termed a May/December relationship; relationship borne out of need and temporary circumstance. What happens when your man finds a girl he wants to have children with? Your sons’ resentment is understandable, but they should stand clear of your relationships.

He performs only when he watches porn Dear Bimmi, E’VE BEEN married for over four years now and have two sons. Our erotic life was good until recently when my husband, who is in his mid-30's, started experiencing erectile failure. He has since resorted to watching blue films whenever we wants to make love. I find this very disgusting. At first, I thought it was to help him get his libido back. Now, I feel he is 'making love' to the characters in the sick movies, not me. Ruth, by e-mail.


Dear Ruth, Could your husband be worried about anything that could cause his not being able to be aroused by you? You have to talk to him about how unhappy he is making you feel and why he’s suddenly behaving the way he does. It’s often something that has nothing to do with the relationship that turns men off love-making. If he has lost confidence in himself, you need to help him find it. Wa t c h i n g b l u e f i l m s together once in a while is healthy if it is what you both want.

Share your problems and release your burden. Write now to Dear Bunmi, Vanguard Newspapers, P.M.B 1007, Apapa, Lagos. or bunmsof@yahoo.co.uk

Vanguard anguard,, YOUR LUCK TODAY GEMINI; If you allow minor domestic challenge to go out of hands you would be the loser to the detriment of your cause. Make sure temper don’t over-shoot acceptable limit, especially around 8.48pm till mid-night. CANCER; As the day progresses you will encounter challenges you will need to handle with maturity. But here is a day when element of good luck will see you through. LEO; Although there will be challenges they will serve as the needed tonic to make head-way; certainly success indicated for you. Be cautious from 8.48pm till mid-night VIRGO; You are likely to over do things to the resentment of people within your base of operation. It is important you respect your superiors. Be family minded. LIBRA; If you don’t accord the law and it’s agents needed respects you may walk your way into avoidable trouble. Deception is around; be warned.




F you wouldn’t mind, could you please answer this question for me; who is riding whom in today? Are you riding your crisis? Or your crisis is riding you? To think

Riding on your crisis of solution to your problem rather than cave in is to ride your crisis. Right from time, crisis has been part of the world. Was it not in this world


that Adam and Even disobeyed God? So, crisis did not start with your own case. Others overcome their crisis, you will also overcome yours. Go

in “Never say goodbye”

back to history; you will discover that every achievement is an answer to a problem or crisis. Crisis is an opportunity for you to stand out and shine. So, ride on your crisis now. By Lanre Kehinde

SCORPIO; You may find yourself between some difficult people who want you to do their different biddings. Let reason be your guard so that you are not used painfully. SAGITTARIUS; If care is not taken you may be deceived just to pick cashew nuts from burning fire for others the way you can get your fingers burnt. Watch carefully from 8.48pm. CAPRICORN; Those of you working late this evening will need to be on your guard, especially between 8.48pm till mid-night as minor but costly mistake is possible. All of you should think of the law and say no to whatever cant be placed above board. AQUARIUS; Friends may unconsciously disappoint you today; that is to say it is better you don’t expect too much from promises made to you especially from 8.48pm.



“Pretty Lunatic’

By Andy Akman

PISCES; Those of you who have been rigid of recent may be paid back in your own coins. Try your best to pacify your spouse and/or other important partners of yours. ARIES; This is the wrong time to fan embers of discord, especially within your working arena. Getting things done properly will earn you success. Be loving. TAURUS; Deception is in the air today. Unless you are very cautious those who thought they are more clever would take undue advantage of you to the detriment of your finances. Do away with gambling with matters-of-the-heart.

ASTROLOGICAL COUNSELLING Send yyour our dat th ttoo the As tr ological datee and place of bir birth Astr trological Counselling, PP.M.B .M.B 1100 00 7, Apapa, Lagos 007,

Can colour help?



Dear Joshua I have it nice in some areas of my life while other side can not be said to be Ok Why? Somebody tells me that combination of good colours can assist; is it true? Anyway what are my colours, love life, socials, luck and the future? Falilatu. Lokoja. Dear Falitatu, Yes good colours can enhance good prospects and mitigate some hard aspect if applied at the right time rightly. Here is where a few challenges are indicated. Although you are the disciplined type, because of closeness between Venus (love) and difficult Saturn (tough challenges/delay) you just can not totally escape frustration here. But as Saturn will not put one on trial without adequate reward you will eventually be rewarded and be happy. Yet have it at the back of your mind that you must not expect too much here. Luckily for you as Lucky Jupiter will soon be at a positive angle to your natal planets very soon, things will soon improve very rapidly. Yours is an active and happy social life. But then if POLITICS comes your way do not say no. It is important you don’t give in to negative spiritual side of life. Your POWERFUL MIND, both YOUR PERSONAL and OTHER PEOPLES’ INFLUENCES are many times sources of your SUCCESS. Then eleventh hour help assistance and or help always come your way some times when hopes are almost lost. You are meant to achieve GREATNESS. YELLOW/GOLDEN and black are your favourable colours. Your 42th year on earth will bring you unexpected break-through which you can build on. And I am saying congratulations.



By Lawrence Akapa

44 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Delta communities send SOS to FG over oil spill BY GODWIN OGHRE


APELE— THE people of Baterentie, Batren and Deleketa, along Alero Creek axis of Benin River, Warri North Local Government Area of Delta State have sent a Save Our Soul, SOS, message to the Federal Government to save them from dying from the hazard of crude oil pollution from the pipeline of Nigerian Petroleum Development Company Ltd, NPDC, in Oil Mining Lease, OML, 40. They said the situation was worsened by the contractor that NPDC engaged to stop the spillage. The three communities, which spoke through their representatives, Mr. Augustine Kpogho, Mr. Kingsley Omoghomi and Mr. Christopher Onuawaje, said the pipelines, which run through them, got ruptured on October 12.


They said the spillage flowed into the creeks, which were their


only source of drinking water, adding that about two persons had died from drinking the polluted water, with over five others hospitalised in Sapele and Benin. They also said the spillage had adversely affected aquatic life and killed some domestic animals that drank from the water. The communities called on President Goodluck Jonathan, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, and Delta State government to prevail on NPDC and its contractor to curtail the spillage and redirect the oil pipelines.

Laid 40 years ago

The pipelines in the area, they alleged, had served for about 40 years, having been laid in 1974, out-serving the maximum life span of 25 years in accordance with oil exploration regulation. They also said that since the spillage occurred over two months ago, the company had neither done the mandatory Joint Investigation Visit, JIV, nor carried out any form of inquiry

to ascertain the extent and impact of the spillage on the lives of the people of the area. While calling on the company

OVERNOR Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State has been commended over the launch of Conditional Cash Transfer, CCT, programme at Umutu in Ukwuani Local Government Area. The Okpala-Uku of Umutu, His Royal Highness Chief Oji Oshogbo, said through a community spokesman, Mr. Anthony Nwachukwu, that the choice of Umutu for the flag-off ceremony of CCT portrayed the governor as judicious and fair in bringing the dividends of democracy to the masses. He also expressed gratitude to the Commissioner in Charge of the Directorate of Millennium Development


HIEF Christiana Okpaleke (nee Akerele), 94, is dead. Lying-in-state, service of songs and Christian wake keep is at her residence at Alakia, Ibadan, tomorrow. Friday is burial service at Livingspring Chapel International, Dominion Cathedral, Ojo Expressway, Ibadan. Interment follows immediately. Reception is at the Officers Mess, Ikolaba GRA on Saturday.



SABA— GOVERNOR Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State has vowed not to discontinue the periodic training programme for journalists serving in the state at the Thompson Reuters Foundation in London. He stated this at the opening of Delta State chapter of Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Delta Press Week in Asaba, yesterday. Uduaghan said the negative publications authored by some journalists in the state, who felt left out of the programme, would not make his government stop the programme. He said: “We will continue the

Goals, MDGs, in the state, Queen Mother Ikenchuku for her role in the programme. The CCT, a partnership arrangement between the Federal and Delta State governments, is aimed at providing grants for the indigent on the condition that they keep their children/wards of basic school age in school, participate in all free health care programmes and undertake agricultural skills training to become self-reliant at the end of the one year programme. The scheme is being implemented in 25 states of the federation and targets 2,250 households in Delta State.

programme to shame the bad belle people.” Noting that journalists should know that everyone would take his turn, the governor said: “The state government sponsored the

programme as part of its belief in human capital development. “We know that your employers may not be in a position to organise training programme for you.”

Union, bank mgt head for clash over sack, others BY KELECHI AZUBUIKE


SSOCIATION of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institution, ASSBIFI, has threatened to disrupt the services of Enterprise Bank Ltd should the management fail to respect the agreements reached with the union before December 23. Issues covered by the agreement include a recall of unduly terminated staff, pay up of accumulated check-off dues since July and commencement of modern day style of administration to ensure that letters were duly acknowledged with due apologies for past misdemeanour of management. ASSBIFI President, Mr. Sunday Salako said, yesterday, that the bank's customers should make withdrawals for the yuletide period between December 17 and 20. He said: “While we were still preaching peace and the need for a conducive environment within the bank, including dragging them to the office of the Minister of Labour and

Productivity, the management, late last month unlawfully terminated the appointment of over 150 members of our union. “They did not see the need to discuss this issue with us. When we wrote them, they did not respond to our letter.”

C&S Church


AITH Mission C & S Church Worldwide will, from today till Sunday, hold its annual programme with the theme Divine Mercy of God 2013, at the church’s camp ground on LagosIbadan Expressway, KM 53, Ode Remo, Ogun State. According to Prophetess Marian Adeleye, Founder/ President of the Church, the programme is aimed at prevailing over the storms of life to bring about salvation, healing and a better 2014.

By Bartholomew Madukwe



continued, more lives could be lost and further grievous economic damage done to them.

I won't stop Reuters training programme for journalists— Uduaghan

MDG: Delta launches CCT


to come to their aid by way of compensation and relief materials, the communities noted that if the oil spillage


On APC's call for Jonathan's impeachment


PC should convince Nigerians, based on the performance, on the edge it has over other parties come next general elections, and stop planning to take over power by inciting the public or creating confusion in the polity.— Ms. Regina Osakwe, Accountant.



HEY need a reputable leader like Nelson Mandela to wish for the impeachment of President Goodluck Jonathan. Only then can Nigerians see them as serious. One wonders why APC always try to trivialise every situation.— Mr. Ebralamini Michael, Worker.


OME of the so-called messiahs promised to make Nigeria ungovernable. They just want to make President look stupid. And I don’t think those vying for that position will even do better than President Goodluck Jonathan.— Mr. Ossai Chidi, Businessman.


HAT ancient Baba will not even respect his old age and sit quietly in his farm until he joins his ancestors. All he does is to criticise President Jonathan as if there was any spectacular thing he did during his tenures as President.— Mr. Nelson Azubuike, Clergy.


HIS is something that Nigerians have not seen over the years. I believe this is one of the reasons the country is experiencing so much failure in all sectors of the economy, organs, tiers, agencies and institutions of governance.— Mr. Chief Rocker Olisa, Broadcaster.


HESE old cargoes know that the proposed of national conference will change Nigeria for good. They don’t want it to happen and so call for the impeachment of the President. All evil politicians must be wiped off as a sacrifice for a better Nigeria.— Ms. Sandy Faith, Student.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013—45

Delta Central by-election: PDP's victory ended opposition politics in Urhoboland —Omo-Agege

Jonathan, OBJ face-off: UK-based NGO sues for peace BY LAJA THOMAS


UNITED Kingdombased NGO, Niger Delta Advocacy Group, has sued for peace over the controversial letter addressed to President Goodluck Jonathan by former President Olusegun Obasanjo. In a statement, the group’s Director, Mr Ejiro Nomuoja, said: “President Jonathan should take time to study the letter in the interest of peace and unity of the country. We are happy that the two great leaders and statesmen already met over the matter in Kenya. ”We are of the opinion that this is not the time to trade words with former President Obasanjo rather for President Jonathan to welcome people’s opinion and apply wisdom in taking some advantageous action for the sake of unity and peace of our country.” The group also condoled with Ijaw National Congress over the death of its erstwhile leader, Tari Sekibo.

Parents urge FG to solve infrastructure problems in Unity Schools BY SIMON EBEGBULEM


ENIN—NATIONAL Parents Association of Federal Unity Schools, NAPAFUSS, has decried infrastructural decay in Unity Schools in the country and called on the Federal Government to find urgent solution to the problem. In a communiqué signed by the National President of the association, Dr Paul Aigbogun, after the annual general meeting of the association, the group noted that unity schools had a major role to play in the training and education of the Nigerian child. It, therefore, stressed the need for the Federal Government to solve the infrastructure problem in the schools. The communiqué also expressed dismay that the issue of the absorption/employment of PTA paid teachers in the Federal Government Colleges was still lingering and called on the agencies concerned to conclude action on the process to forestall further agitations on the matter.



PROTEST: Physically challenged persons protesting alleged inequitable distribution of transport fares by Akwa Ibom Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Welfare, in Uyo, yesterday.

2015: N-Delta leaders warn OBJ, insist on Jonathan’s 2nd term BY EGUFE YAFUGBORHI


ORT HARCOURT—NIGER Delta Leaders Assembly, NDLA, has warned that it would no longer take kindly to some regions of the country, individuals or groups, taking advantage of President Goodluck Jonathan’s right to a second term to deride the President or hold his office in contempt. The region’s leaders, at a session in Port Harcourt, River State, gave the warning to highligtht their displeasure over continued verbal assault on President Jonathan, particularly as demonstrated in the recent celebrated letter from former President Olusegun Obasanjo. In an address by its President, Dr. Carson Agidah and Acting Secretary-General, Samuel Abasiekong-Abasiekong, the NLDA said: “We shall not go to war with anybody, neither shall we antagonise any government, political parties, their members or leaderships, but we advise all

disgruntled persons to allow the President, our son, govern the country without interference and seek re-election as other presidents did. “We remind Obasanjo that phenomena like insecurity and corruption were born in Nigeria by past administrations, started crawling in past administrations and started walking and running in Obasanjo’s administration. “The former president should have arrested, prosecuted and executed them, but he didn’t do so. So, if in Jonathan’s time insecurity and corruption have developed wings and are flying, should Jonathan be blamed?” They thanked Obasanjo for the role he played in the emergence of a Niger Deltan as President, but stressed that recognising that patriotic act for his motherland was not enough for the former

president to turn Jonathan into a slave. “On the alleged killer squad owned by Jonathan, every Nigerian knows those things do not look like Jonathan at all. “If Obasanjo knows where someone is training a killer squad to kill some Nigerians, he should be invited by security agencies to show where the training is taking place and who owns them,” the group said. On 2015, the group said it was no more whether Jonathan would contest or not, adding that President Jonathan will contest the elections and would be sponsored by its members. “The entire Niger Delta is sending him and we shall buy his form to stand the election. There is an indisputable fact that his administration has been better than former administrations,” it said.

We're proud of Oshiomhole’s stewardship —EDO SPEAKER developmental stride of the BY SIMON EBEGBULEM


ENIN—SPEAKER of Edo State House of Assembly, Mr. Uyi Igbe, yesterday, declared that the House was proud of the infrastructure development Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s administration has put in place in the three senatorial districts of the state. This comes as the Majority Leader of the House, Mr. Philip Shuaibu, recounted how the media saved his life at Kuje prison in Abuja, during the military era, and urged the National Assembly to make laws to take care of the welfare of journalists and pro-

tection of the media in the country. Speaker Igbe, who spoke at the House of Assembly quarters, when the Majority Leader, Shuaibu, had a breakfast session with journalists, said the House had in the past five years, given support to the executive due to its belief that Oshiomhole was capable of managing the resources of the state prudently. “We were elected to ensure development for our people and I am glad to say that we have been doing that so far and we are satisfied with the

governor," he said. Also speaking, Shuaibu, who maintained that without the media, there would be no democracy in Nigeria, recalled that “when some of us were arrested by the military when I was a students' union leader, it was a journalist that found out that we were kept in Kuje prisons and wrote the story. That was why some of us are still alive today. “So that is why I want to appeal to the National Assembly to make a law that will not only enhance the welfare of journalists but also protect them in their jobs."

GHELLI—NATIONAL Chairman of Urhobo Political Congress, UPC, Ovie Omo-Agege, has said the victory of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the October 12 Delta Central senatorial by-election, has put an end to politics of opposition in Urhobo nation. Omo-Agege, who spoke at Orhomuru-Orogun, Ughelli North Local Government Area, Delta State, during a victory rally in celebration of the party’s success in the by-election organized by the local government chapter of the PDP, said the Urhobo were now united against opposition politics. He said: “Ughelli North Local Government Area, as you know, has been a stronghold of the opposition that very few people gave us a chance but we understood that there is so much at stake for us and the Urhobo nation. We refused to give up, and because we refused to give up, we said enough is enough of opposition politics. “Because we said enough is enough, we spread the message and mobilised our people. And because of the outcome of our collective toil, Urhobo can now stand up again and speak out strongly to project and protect its interest. “This victory is not for only our party, it is a victory for all Urhobo, here at home and abroad and people of other ethnic nationalities who reside in Urhoboland to whom this victory rightly belongs because at last we are free from the grip of opposition that condemned us to political wilderness. “You all knew that if Urhobo must be great again, we need to be back to PDP, that is what we have done. We have the senatorial seat back but it is not yet mission accomplished. Our task does not just end with one election. We have secured a great victory and won this battle but we have not won the war."

46Vanguard , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Madam Ikokwu dies @ 100 BY CLIFFORDNDUJIHE


WKA—ONE of the few surviving National Council of Nigerian Citizens, NCNC, officials, Chief Margaret Nwanyidimma Ikokwu, is dead. Madam Ikokwu, who celebrated her 100th birthday, last September, died three months and two days after her centenary birthday. The mother of Second Republic Anambra State chairman of Nigerian Peoples Party, NPP, Chief Guy Ikokwu, died at 6.30 a.m Sunday. Speaking on how she died, Ikokwu said though she was old, there was no indication that she would pass on yesterday. “She still felt strong. She read newspapers without glasses. I spoke to her on Saturday for over 30 minutes; there was no sign until she died on Sunday morning at 6.30,” he said. Born on September 13, 1913, exactly 107 days before the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914, Atuenyi of Oba, as she was fondly called, was married to the late Chief G. C. Ikokwu, a one-time mayor of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. She received the member of the Order of the Niger, MON, national award in 2004.

Mouka opens new outlet in Abuja


BUJA—AS part of its efforts to satisfy customers’ needs and bring quality mattresses closer to the people, Mouka Limited has opened an outlet in Next Cash and Carry Mall, Abuja. National Business Manager, Mouka Limited, Mr. Kayode Okuwa, said the need to make quality and medically safe mattresses easily accessible to the masses also paved way for the opening of the new outlet. According to him, the opening of the outlet further reinforces Mouka as a caring brand. He said: ‘’We realised that our customers prefer shopping at places where they can get all their needs met at once. The location of a Mouka outlet at Next Cash and Carry Mall, Abuja is borne out of the need to create a one-stop shop for our customers.”

Igbo youths task Jonathan on 2011 promises zFailed federal roads in S-East U


MUAHIA—IGBO youths, under the auspices of Ohanaeze Youth Council, OYC, an umbrella body of 22 Igbo youth organisations, have called President Goodluck Jonathan to fulfill the promise he allegedly made to empower them during his 2011 Presidential campaigns. The group, an amalgam of 22 Igbo youth organisations, urged the President to accord them same level of empowerment given their counterparts in the Niger Delta. Speaking through the organising secretary, Mazi Okechukwu Isiguzoro, the OYC also appealed to President to fix the roads in the South East zone. “If he refuses to fulfill his promises, we will give him his scorecard by the first quarter of next year. “He should empower us. He should ensure that our roads in the South-East are in order,” it said. The group also carried out a comprehensive assessment of the five governors of the South East states and came to the conclusion that Abia State governor, Chief Theodore Orji, emerged the overnor of the year for 2013 in the zone. According to the group, Orji

emerged governor of the year on account of his giant strides in maintenance of peace and security; and promoting unity among the states of the SouthEast. OYC also ranked Enugu State governor, Mr. Sullivan Chime, second best governor in the South-East, “for massive infrastructural development in

his state.” Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State came third for “sustaining the ideals of Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu and Igbo political identity in All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA.” Imo State governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, was ranked fourth in the assessment “for the

giant strides of his administration in road projects in Owerri, Orlu and other parts of Imo State.” Ebonyi State governor, Chief Martins Elechi, was ranked last but was commended “for building unity bridges to link up all communities in the state and urged him not to relent in his efforts.”

SEMINAR: From left: Mr. Adewale Adeoye, Coordinator, Journalists for Democratic Rights, JODER, Dr. Godwin S.M. Okeke, guest speaker/Senior Lecturer, Departent of Political Science, University of Lagos, and Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin, President, Campaign for Democracy, CD, during the two-day seminar on Leaders of Ethnic Nationalities, organised by JODER and The Ford Foundation in Lagos. Photo: Kehinde Gbadamosi.

Gov Orji has disappointed his critics, says former aide


MUAHIA—THE tenure of Abia State governor, Chief Theodore Orji, has been described as a surprise and a disappointment to his political opponents who had regarded the state as good for nothing for which reason they employed the services of hack writers to derogate the image of the state. This was stated in Umuahia, yesterday, by Mr. Ben Onyechere, a former special adviser to the governor on Public Communication, during a chat

with newsmen. According to him, in the period under review, no weapon was spared against the administration but the man at the helm of affairs took it in one swoop and with a giant stride. His words: “Governor Orji has overwhelmed the expectations of detractors who have now scampered for cover with sealed lips. The administration which was fraught with booby traps and great challenges can now be reckoned as one of the

Foundation to offer free medicare for Aba residents


BA—THE Oganiru Ndigbo Foundation, other wise known as Igboville, has concluded plans to offer free medical services to residents of Aba, Abia State, during this Christmas season. To this end, 15 medical personnel from different areas of specialisation are expected to participate in the free medical service. Speaking in an interview with newsmen in Enugu Monday, Chairman of Enyimba Retreat Committee of the group, John Okiyi Kalu, said patients with surgical cases or requiring long term care would be referred to Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Aba, with generous

support from the medical mission team, led by United Kingdom-based Dr Chin Akano. Kalu, however, said that medical personnel from other parts of Nigeria and the Igbo in Diaspora would take part in the programme which would includ free medical consultancy as well as free drugs, optical frames, dental health support services, free diagnosis and blood pressure checks among others. Kalu also said that the medical mission was part of activities lined up by the number one online Igbo group, made up of thousands of professionals from across the globe.

fastest developing states in the country with measurable indices which are proven beyond doubts. “With close to three years in the second run of his administration, the governor had been able prove book makers wrong particularly with

the take off of an airport project, recall of disengaged staff of other states, relocation of the Umuahia Central Market and other infrastructure development.” Mr.Onyecheresaid Abiacouldnowbe seen as conducive for investors which inadvertently will generate the much needed employment opportunities.

Emulate Mandela, Fawehinmi, cleric urges citizens BY OLASUNKANMIAKONI


AGOS—THE chaplain of Chapel of Christ the Light, Alausa Ikeja, Reverend Femi Taiwo, has urged citizens in general, and parents in particular, irrespective of their religious belief, class or sex, to leave enduring legacy to their children after they depart this world. He described the late Nelson Mandela and late Chief Gani Fawehinmi as good examples to emulate. According to him, both personalities fought for the liberation and emancipation of the masses not for financial gains. “There is the need to bequeath good virtues for the next generation and generations yet unborn,” Rev. Taiwo said.

Reverend Taiwo, who spoke at the thanksgiving service of the Ministry of Rural Development, cautioned parents to be careful they way they led their lives, saying vengeance awaited their children by those they had wronged. In his sermon at the service with the topic “Good and Enviable Testimony,” Rev. Taiwo said: “A good record is like your shadow that goes with you everywhere you go, that it is impossible to run away from your shadow and you cannot outrun it because it is your monitor.” He enjoined everyone to desire good image and not dent their family names, adding that all human activities were being documented in heaven, with reward and consequences for every actions.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013—47

PRESENTATION: From left, Omotayo George, Manager, VAS,Data&Content Development; Bosun Tijani, CEO, Co-creation Hub Nigeria; Azuka Ofili, representing Chuka Ofili of Okada Books and grand prize winner, and Larry CONFERENCE: From left, Chief Operating Officer, Shoreline Natural Resources, Annetts, Chief Marketing Officer, MTN, at the presentation of Hyundai IX 35 Dr. Ladi Bada; Chief Operating Officer, First Hydrocarbon Nigeria, Femi Bajomo; to the grand prize winner, at the closing ceremony of the MTN App Developer Co-CEOs - Atlantic Energy, Scott Aitken and Kola Aluko; and Chief Tunde Aluko, Challenge, in Lagos. Photo: Bunmi Azeez

a delegate, at the Africa Oil Week Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.

SEMINAR: From left, DSC Theresa Ngbea, Nigerian Securities and Civil Defence Corps, Ajeromi Ifelodun LGA; Lt. MA Sani, 56 Signals Command, Mile 2, Lagos; Commander Emmanuel Edeh, Unit Commander, Apapa unit, Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, and Officer H.A. Yakubu, Admin Officer, Apapa Unit, during the sensitisation seminar for commercial drivers and the public by the Apapa Unit of FRSC, at the ECOWAS Motorpark, Mile 2, Lagos. Photo: Lamidi Bamidele

VISIT: From left, Managing Director, IDL, Chief Engr. Patrick Anegbe; Onilogbo of Ilogbo, Oba Samuel Olufemi Ojugbele, and Head of Sales, IDL, Mr. Hope Gbagi, during one of IDL’s Management visits to the Obas in Ogun State.

ENDOWMENT: Senator 'Gbenga Ashafa (right), presenting a tricycle to one of the beneficiaries of Gbenga Ashafa Trust Endowment, GATE, programme, Mr. Adegboyega Oluwatunmise, at the Senator's constituency office, Ikosi- Ketu, weekend.

DONATION: From left, the Corporate Affairs Adviser, Nigerian Breweries Plc, Kufre Ekanem; Lagos State Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps, FRSC, Chidi Nkwonta, and other officials of the FRSC, during the donation of a brand new Hillux van by Nigerian Breweries to the command, at the office of the FRSC, Ojodu-Isheri Road, Lagos.

RAFFLE: From left, Mr. Lanre Adisa, MD, Noah's Ark; Mr. Tope Asiwaju, PR, and Events Manager; Mr. Manpreet Singh, Head of Marketing, both of Dufil Prima Food Plc, addressing the guests, during the raffle draw of the Indomitables Magnet Promo, in Lagos. Photo: Joe Akintola, Photo Editor

From left, Executive Director, Junior Achievement Nigeria, Mrs. Kunbi Wuraola; winner/first position, Children's Category, JAN Run-A-Thon, Master Biodun Adelaja, and Director, Programmes and Operations, Junior Achievement Nigeria, Mrs. Efe Adefulu, during the 2013 JAN Run-A-Thon, in Lagos.

LAUNCH: From left, Chairman/CEO, EbonyLife TV, Mo Abudu; Olubankole Wellington a.k.a Banky W, and Tiwatope Savage, during the launch of The Banky & Tiwa Show, which premiered Tuesday on EbonyLife TV DSTV Channel 165, in Lagos.

PARTY: The Divisional Head, Human Resources and Change Management of First City Monument Bank, FCMB, Limited, Felicia Obozuwa (middle), with children of Heritage Homes Orphanage, officials of the Bank and of the orphanage home, at the Christmas party organised by FCMB Women for the children, at Ikeja, Lagos, weekend. Photo: Akeem Salau

48—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

150,000n nPDP members defect to APC in Bauchi

Coomassie calls for constitution amendment




AUCHI—ABOUT 150,000 members of the Kawu Baraje-led faction of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, otherwise known as the new PDP, yesterday, defected to the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC. The former PDP members in Bauchi State were received by an APC chieftain in the state and former Minister of Police Affairs, Dr Ibrahim Lame. Speaking to newsmen shortly after the ceremony, the leader of the group, Alhaji Abubakar Doma explained that the development was aimed at ensuring justice and fairness in the country. Doma, debunked the claim by their former state chairman, Muhammed Isah that the former new PDP members had reconciled with the present national chairman Alhaji Bamanga Tukur. According to him: "The Bauchi state chapter of the new PDP has since joined the progressive national leadership of APC and has since been received by the party under the leadership of Ibrahim Lame."

Sokoto Govt distributes 2.5m treated mosquito nets to LGs


OKOTO—THE Sokoto State Government, yesterday, commenced the distribution of 2.5 million treated mosquito nets to households across the 23 local government areas of the state. Dr Halliru Alhassan, the State Director, Medical Services and Public Health, disclosed this in Sokoto during a news conference. Alhassan said the nets obtained under the National Malaria Elimination Programme, would be distributed at 854,000 designated centres in the state between Dec. 17 and Dec. 21. C M Y K

BUDGET—Kwara State Governor, Dr. Abdulfatah Ahmed (left) in handshake with the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Razak Atunwa after the presentation of the proposed 2014 Budget. With them is Deputy Speaker of the House, Prof. Mohammed Gana Yisa (middle) in Ilorin, yesterday.

Don't divert attention from OBJ's letter to Jonathan —ACF BY EMEKA MAMAH


AGOS—THE Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, has called on Nigerians not to divert attention to the issues raised by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, in his 18-page letter to President Goodluck Jonathan so as not to lose focus on the matter. National Publicity Secretary of ACF, Mr Anthony Sani, who made this known in an interview with Vanguard yesterday said that diverting attention from the issues raised by Obasanjo, could generate more heat than light in the

polity, hence the need for decorum and patriotism over the issues. Sani was reacting to the call for the impeachment of Jonathan by the opposition All Progressive Congress, APC, based on the issues raised by Obasanjo. His words: "I have already reacted to the media that even though one of the issues in the letter borders on security, most of the issues raised were common place knowledge. "More so, that the issues are still at the level of allegations. In any case, there are due pro-

cedure for impeachment of a president that are well known to the legislature whose job includes the task of impeachment. "But, I would not be tired of calling on the presidency, the media and public spirited platforms and the opposition to concentrate their debates on the issues raised with serious sense of decorum and patriotism, lest it generates more heat than light in the polity which may be unhelpful. Let them stick to what they know for public good."

ATSINA—ALHAJI I b r a h i m Coomassie, former Inspector-General of Police, IGP, yesterday, called for amendment of the country’s constitution to make the protection of social and economic rights of citizens justifiable. He made the remarks in Katsina in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN. Coomassie said the purpose of government was not only to protect the security and welfare of the people but also sustain their economic and social rights. He added that “if government fails to provide those rights, citizens should be allowed to sue and claim for damages.” The former police chief said “I believed such action will compel those vested with leadership to do the right things, be more patriotic and respond to the needs of the people. He said most of the lapses in governance since Nigeria’s independence were because the same constitution which listed those rights as fundamental, also made it difficult to enforce them. “Now you cannot go to court and ask the government to train your children, give them jobs and fair remuneration or good health,” he noted.

Kwara Gov presents N124.5bn budget for 2014 BY DEMOLA AKINYEMI


LORIN—GOVERNOR Abdulfahah Ahmed of Kwara State yesterday presented the 2014 budget proposal of N124,525,957,113, before the state House of Assembly for consideration. Presenting the estimates tagged “Budget of Expansion for Inclusive Prosperity ” Ahmed said that the budget was higher than that of 2013 by N27. 595 billion or 28.46 per cent. The Governor also said that the 2013 budget proposal was designed to reduce unemployment, bridge infrastructural gap and drive the completion of the on-going projects, just

as ‘’the 2014 budget is a blueprint for sustaining on-going development and birthing major new projects to put more money in people’s pocket, get more youths into work, remodel additional hospitals, build more schools and roads thus opening new vistas of economic prosperity.” Ahmed also explained that N48, 542, 484,272, or about 39 per cent of the budget was recurrent expenditure while about N58,700,358,608, about 47 per cent was for capital expenditure. According to Ahmed, 14 per cent or N17,278,150,233 of the proposed would be spent on public debt servicing, even as the government would create 3,500 new jobs and midwife

2000 new youth entrepreneurs through training and access to N200 million in affordable revolving credit in the first quarter of the year. Reviewing the performance of the 2013 budget, Governor Ahmed said N8,304,406,432 was spent on rehabilitation and construction of roads, with special attention on the 81 on-going and newly awarded road projects of about 449 kilometres. He added that 40 rural roads covering 377 kilometres were covered in the 2013 fiscal year, while interventions were ongoing on Chikanda/ Kosubosu and Patigi/Kpada federal roads. Ahmed further noted that

13 water projects across the state were rehabilitated in line with his administration’s policy of creating access to potable water within 500 metres while N150,562,286 was spent on bulk procurement of materials and drilling of boreholes. On healthcare, Governor Ahmed said N2,452,170,452 was spent on the rehabilitation and upgrading of five general hospitals in Ilorin, Offa, Omu Aran, Kaiama and Share respectively. In his response, the Speaker of the House, Abdulrazaq Atunwa, promised that the House would pass the budget expeditiously with a view to ensuring that government’s aims and objectives were fully realised.

V anguard anguard,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

— 49

BRIEFS Obama meets Tech executives over snooping


S-Sudan's failed coup claims 26 lives F

RESH clashes have broken out in the South Sudanese capital Juba, and at least 26 people have been killed, a day after President Salva Kiir said security forces had put down an attempted coup by supporters of his former deputy. The US embassy said on its Twitter feed that gunshots could be heard in the district of Tomping and urged people to stay indoors. Makur Matur Kariom, a doctor and Health Ministry official, said at least 26 people had died among the casualties brought to Juba Teaching Hospital, where he has been treating many wounded. Poor communications in Juba, where the mobile phone system has not operated since Monday evening, meant it was difficult to obtain a broad picture of the number of dead during the clashes, which have involved heavy arms and artillery. Kiir said on Monday

• Salva Kiir the fighting between army factions was a bid to seize power by the former vice

president, Riek Machar, whom he sacked in July. The two men, from different ethnic groups, which have clashed in the past, have long been political rivals. Analysts said divisions between them run deep and rivalries in army ranks have long simmmered. Al Jazeera’s Rawya Rageh, reporting from neighbouring Nairobi, spoke to South Sudan’s Information Minister Michael Makuei Lueth

who confirmed at least 10 very senior former government officials have been arrested, including six cabinet ministers. The government named the men on its website. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of Riek Machar. The government claims he is on his way to Unity State, whereas Machar’s spokesperson said he is in fine condition and “very much still in Juba”, Rageh said.

British police rules out murder in Diana’s death


IXTEEN years after the death of the Princess of Wales, the London Metropolitian Police has declared that “there is “no credible evidence” to support a claim that the British military was involved in the deaths of Princess Diana, her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed and their driver. The allegation first surfaced in August, roughly 16 years after the woman who would now be a royal grandmother died in a Paris car crash. Officers were tasked with looking into

•Princess Diana whether there was any truth to it. “Every reasonable line of

enquiry was objectively pursued in order to fully evaluate any potential evidence,” police said in a statement released overnight Monday. “The final conclusion is that whilst there is a possibility the alleged comments in relation to the SAS’s involvement in the deaths may have been made, there is no credible evidence to support a theory that such claims had any basis in fact.” SAS is short for Britain’s elite Special Air Service.

Russia offers Ukraine $15 billion lifeline


USSIA threw Ukraine an economic lifeline yesterday, agreeing to buy $15 billion of Ukrainian bonds and to reduce the price its cashstrapped neighbour pays for vital Russian gas supplies by about one-third. The deal, reached at talks in Moscow between Russian and Ukrainian leaders, is intended to help Ukraine stave off economic crisis though Moscow will hope it keeps Kiev in its political and economic orbit. The agreement could also fuel protests in Kiev against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, who faces accusations of “selling” Ukraine to the highest bidder after spurning a trade deal with the European Union and turning to Moscow for help. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said Russia would tap a National Welfare Fund - a rainy day fund - and use the $15 billion to buy Ukrainian eurobonds. Announcing the deal after talks with Yanukovich, President Vladimir Putin said Russia would help Ukraine through its problems as big debt repayments loom but that there had been no discussion of Kiev joining a Russia-led customs union. “The Russian govern-

ment has made the decision to convert part of its reserves from the National Welfare Fund into Ukrainian securities. The volume is $15 billion,” Putin said in the Kremlin, with Yanukovich beside him. “I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is not tied to any conditions ... I want to calm you down - we have not discussed the issue of Ukraine’s accession to the customs union at all today.”

HealthCare.Gov and how government can better deliver IT to maximize innovation, efficiency and customer service.” What about the NSA spying? After all, the blue-ribbon commission charged with reviewing the National Security Agency’s mass warrantless collection of Americans’ telephone metadata and other controversial practices delivered its report to Obama on Friday. “The meeting will also address national security and the economic impacts of unauthorized intelligence disclosures,” the White House said. The group also will discuss efforts to boost economic growth.

N/Korea vows to unleash human bullets, bombs on opponents


N the second an niversary of the death of former North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, the nation held a memorial in his honour, lauding his life and achievements. During the ceremony, his son, Kim Jong Un sat front and centre below the image of his father, which was festooned in gold-colored flowers. He assumed power after his father’s death in 2011. The memorial marking the death of the elder Kim brought out what looked like thousands of party members and military personnel, who dressed in black or in green uniforms, into Pyongyang Gymnasium. They clapped in synchrony, raising their hands above their shoul-

ders. The anniversary came a week after an uncharacteristically public announcement of the execution of Kim’s uncle, Jang Song Thaek that raised speculation about turmoil within the North Korean leadership. Anniversary ceremonies pertaining to the North Korea’s founder, Kim Il Sung and his son, Kim Jong Il are common. “Kim Jong Un is using those dates for ceremonies as opportunities to have people in the leadership extend pledges of allegiance and loyalty to the regime, to the party and Kim Jong Un as a leader,” said Pinkston. “There was a lot more eyes on it because of the recent purging and execution of Jang Song Thaek.”

EU warns Israel over settlements •Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and his Russian counterpart, Mr. Vladimir Putin shake hands after signing the deal.

Merkel begins third term as German Chancellor


NGELA Merkel has been sworn in for a rare third term as German chancellor, capping months of political uncertainty as she bartered with her rivals to help govern Europe’s top economy. Tuesday’s vote in the Bundestag was a formality as the ruling parties hold an overwhelming majority of the seats. A total of 462 lawmakers backed Merkel for chancellor, with 150 voting against and 9 abstaining. Eighty-six days after Merkel swept to victory in elections but failed to grab an outright majority, the lower house of parliament voted on handing her another four-year term. With a whopping 504 of

PPLE, Twitter, Net flix, Google, Facebook, Yahoo … a phalanx of top executives from leading tech companies met yesterday with President Barack Obama to discuss the impact that his controversial spying programs have had on online commerce. Obama hosted the group in the Roosevelt Room of the White House one day after a federal judge decreed that NSA bulk collection of telephone data likely violates the Constitution. The White House is billing the get-together as a chance “to discuss progress made in addressing performance and capacity issues with

•Merkel the 631 seats, Merkel’s conservatives and their new centre-left partners, the Social Democrats (SPD), hold a comfortable majority under their hard-fought ‘grand coalition’ deal. Merkel must be confirmed by President Joachim Gauck at the presidential palace before returning to the Bundestag to be sworn in

as Germany’s only third post-war chancellor to win a third mandate. The ceremony and later swearing-in of ministers followed by the first cabinet meeting will enable Merkel to finally get back down to business in earnest after the longest government-building period since World War II. Merkel is then due to address parliament on Wednesday and travel to Paris for talks with President Francois Hollande the same day, ahead of an EU summit at the end of the week. A parliament debate after Wednesday’s address will be the first opportunity for a face-off across the floor since the SPD moved off the opposition benches.


HE European Union said yesterday it has warned Israel against any new West Bank settlements construction following an upcoming Palestinian prisoner release, saying it will be held responsible for any resulting failure of the ongoing peace talks. The warning is another sign of displeasure in Europe over Israel’s settlement building and its effect on the negotiations, which have yielded no tangible results months after they started.

In the past months, Israel has announced new construction to appease public anger over Palestinian prisoner releases carried out as part of a deal that brought Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table. The EU said that if the peace talks collapse following another such announcement when a third set of prisoners is released late this month, Israel would be to blame. The Palestinians nearly walked on the talks over the last announcement of settlement construction.

Gay magazine honours Pope Francis


HE oldest gay rights magazine in the United States named Pope Francis its “Person of the Year” as the pontiff marked his 77th birthday yesterday by inviting homeless people to join him for breakfast in the Vatican. The Advocate magazine said it gave Francis the honour because, although he is still against homosex-

ual marriage, his pontificate so far had shown “a stark change in (anti-gay) rhetoric from his two predecessors”. It hailed as a landmark his famous response last July to a reporter who asked about gay people in the Church: “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” C M Y K

50— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

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52—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

NATIONAL IDENTIFICATION: Director General of National Identification Management Commission (NIMC), Chris Onyemenam (R) presenting temporary National Identification card to Speaker, House of Representatives, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal (M), while Umoh Akpan (L) looks on shortly after registration of the Speaker at National Identification Registration Centre, National Assembly, Abuja, yesterday. Photo: Gbemiga Olamikan.

You don't own Nigeria — Iyabo Obasanjo Continues from page 5 were the brain behind the third term debacle. It is therefore outrageous that you accuse the current President of a similar two-facedness that you yourself used against the people of the country. "I was on a plane trip between Abuja and Lagos around the time of the third term issue and I sat next to one of your sycophants on the plane. He told me: “Only Obasanjo can rule Nigeria”. I replied: “God has not created a country where only one person can rule. If only one person can rule Nigeria then the whole Nigeria project is not a viable one, as it will be a nonsustainable project” "I don’t know how you came about Yar’Adua as the candidate for your party as it was not my priority or job. Unlike you, I focus on the issues I have been given responsibility over and not on the jobs of others. It was the day of the PDP Presidential Campaign in Abeokuta during the state-by-state tour of 2007 that Yar’Adua got sick and had to be flown abroad. The MKO Abiola Stadium was already filled with people by 9am when I drove by (and) we had told people based on the campaign schedule that the rally would start at noon. At 11 am I headed for the stadium on foot; it was a short walk as there were so many cars already parked in and out. As I walked on with two other people, we saw crowds of people leaving the stadium. I recognized some

of them as politicians and I asked them why people were leaving. They said the Presidential candidate had died. I was alarmed and shocked. I walked back home and received a call from a friend in Lagos who said the same and added that he had died in the plane carrying him abroad for treatment and that the plane was on its way to Katsina to bury him. I called you, and told you the information and that the stadium was already half-empty. You told me to go to the stadium and tell the people on the podium to announce that the Presidential candidate had taken ill that morning but the rest of the team, including you and the Vice-Presidential candidate would arrive shortly. I did as I was told, but even the people on the podium at first didn’t make the announcement because they thought it was true that Yar ’Adua had died. I had to take the microphone and make the announcement myself. It did little good. People kept trooping out of the stadium. Your team didn’t arrive until 4pm and by this time we had just a sprinkling of people left. That evening after the disaster of a rally, you said you had insisted that the Presidential candidate fly to Germany for a checkup although you said he only had a cold. I asked why would anyone fly to Germany to treat a cold? And you said “I would rather die than have the man die at this time.” I thought of this profound statement as things later unfolded against me. Then I thought it a stupid statement but as usual I kept quiet, little did I know how your machinations for a person would be used against me. When Yar ’Adua eventu-

ally died, you stayed alive, I would have expected you to jump into his grave. I left Nigeria in 1989 right after youth service to study in the US and I visited in 1994 for a week and didn’t visit again until your inauguration in 1999. In between, you had been arrested by Abacha and jailed. We, your children, had no one who stood with us. Stella famously went around collecting money on your behalf but we had no one. We survived. I was the

and say as you please. The consequence of your bravado is history. We, your family, have borne the brunt of your direct cruelty and also suffered the consequences of your stupidity but got none of the benefits of your successes. Of course, anyone around you knows how little respect you have for your children. You think our existence on earth is about you. By the way, how many are we? 19, 20, 21? Do you even know? In the last five years, how many of these

You are one of those petty people who think the progress and success of another takes from you. You try to overshadow everyone around you, before you and after you. You are the prototypical “Mr. Know it all”. only one of the children working then as a postdoctoral fellow when I got the call from a friend informing me of your arrest. A week before your arrest, you had called me from Denmark and I had told you that you should be careful that the government was very offended by some of your statements and actions and may be planning to arrest or kill you as was occurring to many at the time. The source of my information was my mother who, agitated, had called me, saying I should warn you as this was the rumour in the country. As usual you brushed aside my comments, shouting on the phone that they cannot try anything and you will do

children have you spoken to? How many grandchildren do you have and when did you last see each of them? As President you would listen to advice of people that never finished high school who would say anything to keep having access to you so as to make money over your children who loved you and genuinely wished you well. "At your first inauguration in 1999, I and my brothers and sisters told you we were coming from the US. As is usual with you, you made no arrangements for our trip, instead our mom organized to meet each of us and provided accommodation. At the actual

swearing-in at Eagle Square, the others decided to watch it on TV. Instead I went to the square and I was pushed and tossed by the crowd. I managed to get in front of the crowd where I waved and shouted at you as you and General Abdulsalam Abubakar walked past to go back to the VIP seating area. I saw you mouth ‘my daughter ’ to General Abdullahi who was the one who pulled me out of the crowd and gave me a seat. As I looked around I saw Stella and Stella’s family prominently seated but none of your children. I am sure General Abdullahi would remember this incident and I am eternally grateful to him. Getting back to my mother, I still remember your beating her up continually when we were kids. What kids can forget that kind of violence against their mother? Your maltreatment of women is legendary. Many of your women have come out to denounce you in public but since your madness is also part of the madness of the society, it is the women that are usually ignored and mistreated. Of course, you are the great pretender, making people believe you have a good family life and a good relationship with your children but once in a while your pretence gets cracked. When Gbenga gave a ride to help someone he didn’t know but saw was in need and the person betrayed his trust by tapping his candid response on the issues going on between you and your then vice-president, Atiku Abubakar, you had your aides go on air and denounce the boy before you even spoke to him to find out what happened. What kind of father does that? Your atrocities to some of my other siblings I will let them tell in their own due time or never if they choose. Some of the details of our life are public but the people choose to ignore it and pretended we enjoyed some largesse when you were President. This punishing the innocent is part of Nigeria’s continuing sins against God. While you were military head of state and lived in Dodan Barracks, we stayed either with our mum in the two-bedroom apartment provided for her by General Murtala Mohammed or with your relatives, Bose, Yemisi and your sisters’ kids in the Boys Quarters of Dodan Barracks. At Queens College, I remember being too ashamed to tell my wealthy classmates from Queen’s College, Lagos we lived in the two room Boys Quarters or in the two room flat on Lawrence Street. No, we did not have privileged upbringing but our mother emphasized education and that has been our salva-

tion. Of my mother ’s 6 children 4 have PhDs. Of the two without PhD, one has a Master ’s and the other is an engineer. They are no slouches. Education provided a way to make our way in the world. You are one of those petty people who think the progress and success of another takes from you. You try to overshadow everyone around you, before you and after you. You are the prototypical “Mr. Know it all”. You’ve never said “I don’t know” on any topic, ever. Of course this means you surround yourself with idiots who will agree with you on anything and need you for financial gain and you need them for your insatiable ego. This your attitude is a reflection of the country. It is not certain which came first, your attitude seeping into the country’s psyche or the country accepting your irresponsible behavior for so long. Like you and your minions, it’s a symbiotic relationship. Nigeria has descended into a hellish reality where smart, capable people to “survive” and have their daily bread prostrate to imbeciles. Everybody trying to pull everybody else down with greed and selfishness — the only traits that gets you anywhere. Money must be had and money and power is king. Even the supposed down-trodden agree with this. Nigeria accused me of fraud with the Ministry of Health. As you yourself know, both in Abeokuta and Abuja I lived in your houses as a Senator. In Lagos, I stayed in my mum’s bungalow which she succeeded in getting from you when you abandoned her with six children to live in Abeokuta with Stella. I borrowed against my four-year Senate salary to build the only house I have anywhere in the world in Lagos. I rent out the house for income. I don’t have much in terms of money but I am extremely happy. I tried to contribute my part to the development of my country but the country decided it didn’t need me. Like many educated Nigerians my age, there are countries that actually value people doing their best to contribute to society and as many of them have scattered all over the world so have many of your children. I can speak for myself and many of them; what they are running away from is that they can’t even contribute effectively at the same time as they have to deal with constant threats to their lives by miscreants the society failed to educate; deal with lack of electricity and air pollution resulting from each household generating its own electricity, and the lack of

quality healthcare or

Continues on page 53

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First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan (right) being registered for the new national identity card at the Aso Press Gallery, Presidential Villa, Abuja, yesterday. Photo: Abayomi Adeshida.

You don't own Nigeria — Iyabo Obasanjo Continues from Page 52

education and a total lack of sense of responsibility of almost every person you meet. Your contribution to this scenario cannot be overestimated. You and your cronies mentioned in your letter have left the country worse than you met it at your births in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Nigeria is not the creation of any of you, and although you feel you own it and are “Mr Nigeria” deciding whether the country stays together or not, and who rules it; you don’t. Nigeria is solely the creation of the British. My dear gone Grandmother whose burial you told people not to attend, was not born a Nigerian but a proud Ijebu-Yoruba woman. Togetherness is a choice and it must serve a purpose. As for Nigerians thinking I have their money, when it was obvious I was part of the Yar’Adua (government’s) antiObasanjo phenomenon that was going on at the time. The Ministry of Health and international NGOs paid for a retreat for the Senate Committee on Health. The House Committee on Health was treated exactly the same way. The monies were given to members as estacode and the rest used for accommodation, flights and feeding. While the Senate was on the retreat in Ghana, the EFCC asked the House Committee to return the monies they received for their retreat and asked us in the Senate to return ours on our return which I refused, as it

was already used for the purpose it was earmarked for in the budget that year which was to work on the National Health Bill. The House Committee had not gone on their retreat. I did nothing wrong and my colleagues and I on the retreat did our work conscientiously. I asked the EFCC not to drag my colleagues into it and I am proud I suffered alone. As is usual in a society where people who are not progressive but take pleasure in the pain of others, most Nigerians were happy, not looking at the facts of the matter, just the suffering of an

and wrong in society and every society gets the fruit of the seeds it sows. How do you think God will provide good leaders to such a people? God helps those who help themselves. I have realized that as an Obasanjo I am not entitled to work in Nigeria in any capacity. I am not entitled to work in health which is my training, or in any field or anywhere in the country or participate in any business. I have learnt this lesson well and there are societies that actually think capable,

I won’t be your legacy, let your legacy be Nigeria in the fractured state you created because, it was always your way or the highway Obasanjo. As the people that stole their millions are hailed by them the innocent is punished. When the court case was thrown out because it lacked merit even against the Minister, no newspaper carried the news. The wrongful malicious prosecution of an Obasanjo was not something they wanted to report; just her downfall. But it really wasn’t about me, it was about right

well-educated people are important to their society’s progress. Apparently, unless I am eating from the dustbin, Nigerians and possibly you will not be satisfied. I thank God it has not come to that based on God-given brains and brawn. When I left Nigeria in 1989 for graduate studies in America, you promised to pay my school fees and no liv-

ing expenses. This you did and I am grateful for because, working in the kitchen and then the library at University of California, Davis and later, working on the IT desk and later as a Teaching Assistant at Cornell gave me valuable work ethics for life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. As a black woman in the early 21st century, I have achieved much and done more than most. My wish is that black girls all over the world will have the capacity to create their lives, make mistakes, learn from it and move ahead. Moving back to Nigeria, thinking I wanted to serve was obviously a grave mistake but one brought about by the tragic incident of April 20, 2003. This was the day five people were shot dead in my car. The mother of the children was an acquaintance I had met only one day before the incident. We had attended the same high school and university but she was there ten years earlier than I. She had also studied public health in the UK as I had in the US. It was these coincidences that made us connect on our first meeting and then she decided to visit on the Saturday of the election of 2003 when the incident occurred. I am scarred for life by that incident and I know the mother was too as we both looked back to see two men on each side of my car shooting. I understand her trauma and her behaviour since then can be judged from that. Nigeria is a nasty place

that pushes people to lose their compass. I participated in the campaigns leading to the elections that day, more because this was my first experience of electoral process in Nigeria. Growing up there were no elections and I was too young in the 1979 and 1983 elections. It was interesting to see democracy at work. When Gbenga Daniel who I campaigned for offered me a job, I probably would have declined it, if not for the memory of the dead. I felt I had to engage in making the country progress and to avoid such incidences in the future. I don’t need to tell you or anyone what kind of governor and person Gbenga Daniel is. As usual when I found out, you would not listen to my opinion but found out for yourself. I also campaigned for Amosun for the Senate in 2003. I have had some wonderful Nigerians do good to me, I will never forget the then Minister of Women Affairs, who saw me talking in the crowd at a campaign event and was alarmed and said “bad things can happen to you out there, I will give you one of the orderlies assigned to my office to follow you”. This was the police man that died in my car that day. I never really thought bad things would happen to me, I moved around freely in society until that shooting scarred me and I accepted a police detail. I was constantly scared for my life after that. You called me after your vengeful letter as usual, looking out for yourself and thinking you will bribe me by saying the APC will use me for the Senate. Do you really know me and what I want out of life? Anyone that knows me knows I am done with anything political or otherwise in Nigeria. I have so much to do and think to make this world a better place than to waste it on fighting with idiots over a political post that does no good to society. That letter you wrote to the President, would you have tolerated such a letter as a sitting President? Don’t do to others what you will not allow to be done to you. The only thing I was using that was yours was the house in Abuja where I left my things when I left the country. I eventually rented it out so that the place would not fall apart but as usual you want to take that as well. You can’t have it without explaining to Nigerians how you came about the house? As I

said earlier, this is not about politics but my frustration with you as a father and a human being. I am not involved with what is currently going on in Nigeria, I don’t talk to any Nigerian other than friends on social basis. I am not involved with any political groups or affiliation. You mentioned Governor Osoba when you spoke to me, yes I was walking down the street of C a m b r i d g e , Massachussets a few months ago, when I looked up and saw him reading a map trying to cross the street. I greeted him warmly and offered to give him a ride to where he was going. This I did not because I wanted anything from him politically but because that is how I was raised by my mother to treat an adult who I really had no illwill towards. Some said he was part of the people that manipulated the elections for me to lose in 2011. I don’t have any ill-will to him for that because I think they did me a favour and someone has to win and lose. I had told you I wasn’t going to run in 2011 but you manipulated me to run; that was my mistake. Losing was a blessing. As usual you wanted me to run for your self-serving purpose to perpetuate your name in the political realm and as the liar that you are, you later denied that it was you who wanted me to run in 2011. In 2003 I ran because I wanted to and I thought getting to the central government I will be able to contribute more to improving lives and working on legislation that impacts the country. I found that nothing gets done; every public official in Nigeria is working for himself and no one really is serving the public or the country. The whole system, including the public themselves want oppressors, not people working for their collective progress. When no one is planning the future of a country, such a country can have no future. I won’t be your legacy, let your legacy be Nigeria in the fractured state you created because, it was always your way or the highway. This is the end of my communication with you for life. I pray Nigeria survives your continual intervention in its affairs. Sincerely, Iyabo Obasanjo, DVM, PhD Massachusetts, USA.

54— Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013


Vandalism and a nation’s quest for improved power supply


22% shortfall


gainst this backdrop, the Minister called on the National Assembly to pass the relevant laws needed to curb the menace. Nebo is not alone in this call. The Chairman of Power Logistics, an ingenious power company, Dr. Samuel Danhutu told VF that if urgent steps are not taken, the new investors in the sector would have a rough beginning. Describing some of the challenges currently experienced

*Nebo, others call for stiffer penalties

as teething problems, he insisted that so long as the gas used to power the power stations is supplied through pipelines, the issue of vandalism would continue to be a recurring challenge. Danhutu did not dismiss the possibility of reducing the menace to the barest minimum through concerted efforts by concerned stakeholders. ’’The low power generation currently being experienced nationwide, is terrible. That this is coming at a time when much is expected from the sector is worrisome. But the Discos and Gencos should be spared the blame,’’ he said.

Stiffer penalties


ho then is to take the blame? Responding to that poser, Danhutu said, ‘’Those economic saboteurs who bust the pipelines are to be held liable for the current situation. It is regrettable that these guys are trying to bring us back.’’ Explaining further, he said, ‘’Our power stations need gas to operate. Even if you generate so much, if you don’t have a reliable means of transmitting to power stations, it will appear as if you have done nothing. With this recurring disruption of gas supply through the lines, gas can not be supplied to power stations, resulting in the plummeting of electricity supply.’’ When asked what could be

done to arrest the situation, he said,’’ the nation is not new to what is happening. The only thing is that the trend is escalating, particularly at a time when we are hoovering around 4200 megawatts of electricity. The solution is for proper policing of the pipelines by the security agencies saddled with that responsibility. There is also an urgent need to make the illegal business less fashionable by ensuring that suspects are brought to book. But it is sad that we are in a country where


EFORE the November 2013 handover of the defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria, PHCN to 10 successor companies, who emerged after a bidding process, the issue of vandals had been a threat to the quest for steady power supply. But the situation seems to have assumed an alarming dimension resulting in the current drop in power supply nationwide. This development has has undoubtedly affected all the short, medium and long term plans to address the acute power shortage in the country. Alhough the gains of the recent privatisation are not expected within a short term, given the enormity of the rot inherited by the new owners, investigations by Vanguard Features, VF shows that neither the Federal Government, the new owners nor the consumers is comfortable with the recent drop in supply being experienced across the country. Grieving over this development, the Minister of Power, Prof Chinedu Nnebo alleged that about 22 per cent of power outages experienced recently was as a result of vandalism of the pipelines supplying gas to the power plants. The minister who noted that the trend is frustrating the gains of privatisation said, ‘’The act of sabotage of our gas pipeline which is sometimes done by unscrupulous persons using dynamites on the lines, for instance, the western trunk from Warri through Escravos was found to have been damaged at many points for more that it was initially imagined.” ‘’Another one at the Eastern axis at Boko Loma was punctured at many points and it would take the next one month to fix. These vandals have injured the nation’s economy and they should not be spared,” he further lamented. The problem associated with vandalism, he said, necessitated the convocation of a stakeholders’ forum by the Office of the National Security Adviser. The forum brought together all security agencies to tackle the menace.

ing now, is on the increase. That is why the government should wake up and ensure that the Civil Defence and other agencies, whose responsibility it is to guide the installations, are well empowered,’’ he posited Sounding passionate, he said, ‘’I want a situation where you journalists will be reporting about people jailed for vandalism and not harvest of arrests without prosecution. That will deter intending offenders, even if it involves capital punishment, I dont

I want a situation where you journalists will be reporting about people jailed for vandalism and not harvest of arrests without prosecution

oil thieves and cable thieves go unpunished or sometimes are are given soft penalties.’’ A retired Deputy Director with the defunct National Electric Power Authority, NEPA, Mr. Onyechere Uzoukwu, an engineer, charged the government to impose stiffer penalties on pipeline vandals. ’’Yes we know that pipeline vandalism and theft of power sector cables are not uncommon but what we are witness-



Alarm by TCN


eanwhile, the Trans mission Company of Nigeria, TCN, one of the 18 companies that emerged from the unbundled PHCN has raised an alarm, alleging that the entire power delivery system is being threatened by acts of vandalism. According to TCN, these vandals like canker worms attack and destroy its lines and

towers carting away equipments worth billions of naira to satisfy the selfish greed of a few people. Recently, the vandalism of two major gas pipelines which supply gas to eight power generation stations across the country drastically cut power supply by 1,598 megawatts (MW). The affected pipelines take gas from the Okoloma gas plant and Escravos and supply to Egbin/AES thermal stations, Olorunsogo, Omotoso, Geregu NIPP as well as Afam IV and VI thermal power stations and Independent power station in Rivers State.

Major vandalism of gas pipeline


ollowing this major pipe lines vandalism which threw almost the whole country into darkness for days, the Chairman, South West branch of Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria, IPMAN, Mr. Olumide Ogunmade has called for a 34hour security surveillance along pipeline routes in System B2 in the South West. He said: “They have ruined our economy and our business. They are destroying the nation’s legacies. We want to say that enough is enough. We are now coming out forcefully on the vandals,”he said.

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 18, 2013

Bleak Xmas as soaring prices threaten availability of rice E

VER imagined cel ebrating a New yam festival in a traditional African Society without eating yam! That is very unlikely, as such a festival without tubers of yams would be abnormal. This scenario is likely to play out in many homes this festive season, following the all time rise in the price of rice-a staple food that is consumed in every household on Christmas day. The situation, has triggered off panic among different strata of the society, given that rice is usually affordable to both the rich and the poor. But with the recent development, many homes may likely celebrate the Yuletide without rice on their tables. Although this sounds unthinkable, the existing scenario is pointing towards that direction. A market survey by Vanguard Features VF, revealed that the prices of rice have soared beyond the reach of many Nigerians. A visit to Jumla Rice Merchants located at the popular Daleko Market in Lagos, VF was told that a 50 kg bag of Thailand rice is now N10.000. The Master Chef brand sells for 10.000,

previous 40 percent. Though the move was hinged on the need to strengthen the agriculture sector in preparation for a shift from an oil-based economy to an agrarian one, analysts believe that it has done more harm than good to the country’s economy. Rice demand remains much higher than local production in Nigeria. According to the USDA, Nigeria’s rice import requirements in 2013-14 stood at around three million tons, up from around 2.9 million tons in the previous year. The local production is estimated to be around 2.7 million tons in 2013-14.

the same with the Turkey and Stop brands while one identified as Indian sells for N8.400. These brands which were known to be among cheapest in the market sold for between N7000 and N8000 before now. The price list obtained by VF from one of the leading rice importers in the country, Stallion Group, revealed that the price of its brands have also been jerked up. The same increase applies to the Dana brands. Although increase in the cost of essential commodities is not uncommon during festive periods,VF checks blamed the price surge on high tariff on imported rice and proposed ban on importation. “A situation where the tariffs on imported rice is high, the price will definitely go up. Yes the yuletide is also responsible but that is marginal,” Chief Jonhson 0binabo an importer, told VF. He maintained that, “ with so high tariffs, we the local merchants are scared of importing because we know the purchasing power of our con-

Traders blame festive season



— 55

Rice demand remains much higher than local production in Nigeria. According to the USDA, Nigeria’s rice import requirements in 2013-14 stood at around three million tons

sumers. Unfortunately the situation has created a booming trade for smugglers, who connive with security agent to bring the commodity into the country through the borders”


Obinabo’s anger over high tariff is not unfounded. The Federal Government had in January this year increased tariff on imported rice to about 110 percent from the

Meanwhile traders at Ikotun Egbe market, who probably knew little or nothing about import tariffs, said the price hike is not unconnected to the festive period. To them, it is a usual occurrence. VF gathered that the prices of two popular brands, Agric and Aroso have risen up to N9,200 and N10,200 respectively. One of the traders who identified himself as Emeka explained that “people demand for rice more at this period (Christmas) either as gifts to other people or for parties just as the demand for ram and chicken also rises at the Muslim festival and Easter.”

56 — Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Edited by: Emma Nnadozie emmadozie@hotmail.com 08023145281, 08111813021

How octogenarian wife of traditional died in the custody of her kidnappers Stories by Onozure Dania


ine notorious kidnappers and a native doctor suspected to be masterminds of the kidnap and subsequent killing of 84-year-old wife of Igwe of Abbah-Igogoro in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area, who were recently arrested by the Police in Enugu, have given graphic accounts of how they carried out the heinous crime. The octogenarian whose son, Chief Goddy, Ogbo, served as Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters in the state, was kidnapped last September and taken to an unknown destination. The incident took place four days after some armed men invaded the palace and inflicted machete cuts on her husband before shooting at three other persons in his palace at 8pm. The traditional ruler was said to be having a meeting with some people in his Igogoro palace when the gunmen struck. Igwe Ogbo was reportedly given three machete cuts on his head Following this development, the State Police boss, Adamu Abubakar Mohammed gave his men matching orders to go after the perpetrators and bring them to book. His stern directives paid off as the Antikidnapping unit of the command swung into action and succeeded in rounding up nine notorious criminals suspected to have carried out the operation. The arrested suspects include; Paschal

•The kidnap suspects Achisa has disclosed how he and his gang carried out the kidnap of the late Madam Adisa Ogbo and how she was eventually buried by him and the gang in his compound where they kept her awaiting the payment of the sum of N10 million as ransom. He disclosed that the old woman took ill while in their custody and died a week after her kidnap and they decided to bury her in a shallow grave inside his compound which he has turned as dumping grounds for kidnap victims. He further revealed that he also collected the sum of N300,000.00 from the family of the victim after the death of the woman unknown to their relations that the woman had died.

Normally when we want to go on operation, we used to snatch vehicles and move with it to where we want to operate. Now, look at how I ended up, crime is not good as one must be caught one day


Onah alias Achisa, Uche Ugwu, Chinwendu Adonu, Chikodi Idoko, Martin Okpe, a native Doctor, Mamman Okechukwu, Ofobuike Okpe, Christain Onah and Friday Eze. They were arrested after a severe gun duel with the operatives after they were tracked to their hideouts. Some of them were also injured during the gun battle that ensued. Meanwhile, the leader of the gang, Paschal Onah alias

•The leader of the gang – Pasc


He also disclosed that his gang used to work hand in hand with the native doctor who normally prepares charm for them and that they used to give the native doctor ram and the sum of #30,000 or #50,000 respectively depending on the proceeds of their ransom. He, however, regretted his action and advised people to stay out of crime and criminality as, according to him, ones sin is bound to find him out one day. One of the suspects by name

•The woman, Madam Ogbo

•The remains of the old woman – where it was exhumed the gang leader’s compound

•buried in shallow grave •kidnappers collect N.3m after her death •pay native doctor with ram and money Uche Ugwu regretted his action and disclosed that he has not made much since he joined them and described kidnapping as a ‘dirty game’. He narrated how he abandoned his clothing business at Abuja and heeded to Paschal’s call of joining a kidnap gang and advised youths to try as much as possible to shun crime and criminality stating that he has only carried out two kidnap operations with their leader,

Paschal armed with cut -to size double- barrel gun, one revolver pistol and a locallymade pistol. The suspect said also that they used to keep their victims at Paschal’s house. “Normally when we want to go on operation, we used to snatch vehicles and move with it to where we want to operate. Now, look at how I ended up, crime is not good as one must be caught one day.”

Another suspect, Chinwendu Adonu lamented that it was greed that lured him into joining a kidnap gang as he used to sell cloth in Benue State before he joined them. Describing kidnapping also as a dirty game, he further disclosed that he wanted to quit but the leader of the gang threatened to kill him if he quits although, according to him, he did not report it to the police. He advised people to shun crime

Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

Edited by: Emma Nnadozie emmadozie@hotmail.com 08023145281, 08111813021


Concerned Nigerians raise dust over anti-Nigerian policies by Italian Oil and Gas Company •Point accusing fingers at expatriate Manager By IKENNA ANYANWU


al with the skull of the old woman

d inside

— 57

and criminality. Meanwhile, the manhunt for fleeing members of the notorious gang said to be terrorizing the University town of Nsukka and its environs for long, has been intensified by the police. The state commissioner of police who applauded the efforts of his operatives and good people of the state for their assistance which led to the arrest of the hoodlums assured that the command will continue to work hard to ensure the safety and security of people in the state. He urged members of the public to make judicious use of the numbers given to them by the command for information.

ome concerned Nigerians have alleged that a Lagos-based Italian Oil and Gas company, Saipem, engages in what they called ‘anti-Nigerian Policies ‘ to the detriment of its work force against the governing laws of Nigeria and called on President Goodluck Jonathan to urgently intervene in the matter. Acting under the aegis of Niger Delta Local Content Compliance Group, NDLCCG, the concerned Nigerians alleged that the operations of the company is seriously undermining ‘the concerted and committed efforts ‘ of President Jonathan towards ensuring that the Nigerian Local Content Policy is functional and implemented to the letter. They alleged that one of the expatriates heading the Procurement Department of the company, Mr. Zagaglia Simone, has blacklisted 17 duly registered companies that use to do business with Saipem without rational reasons and that he had cleverly set out plans to remove highly placed Nigerian staff in his department and replace them with people that support his anti-Nigerian stance. Other allegations made against the Procurement Manger of the company includes; discarding the conventional bidding process with which vendors bid for jobs and instituting a complex eprocurement arrangement to give undue advantage to

•Zagalia Simone

•Goodluck Jonathan foreign companies, sourcing and procuring over 95% of main project materials directly from abroad thereby negating the ideal local content policy and frustrating Nigerian Companies doing business with them etc.


ccording to the group,”Indigenous companies are limited to only the supply of sharp sand which they must painfully bid through the e-procurement process. As locals, it agitates our minds how a local sand supplier with no computer or e-procurement experience can succeed in applying for sharp sand supply through the eprocurement process? This wicked act is just another

absurd way of denying the locals the supply of sand “The Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, NCDMB, in an attempt to intervene on the matter had instructed the manager to downplay the e-procurement process in order to afford members of the host communities the opportunity to benefit from the company’s presence on their land, however, that has continued to fall on deaf ears. Also, as part of local content agenda put forward by NCDMB, expatriates working in the Nigerian oil and gas industry are required to undertake biometric registration as part of conditions they must fulfill before their organizations can

…..And Delta Police clamps down on kidnappers The Delta State Police command has clamped down on hoodlums suspected to be the brains behind incidences of kidnapping and torture recorded in the past few months in the state. The state police boss, Mr. Ikechukwu Aduba, who spearheaded the arrest, told Crime Alert that the hoodlums were arrested sequel to a report by elders and stakeholders of Ugborodo community in Warri South West Local Council Area of Delta on the activities of the hoodlums. According to him, “some miscreants in the community who are hell-bent on working contrary to the Federal Government’s policy against economic sabotage, pipeline verbalization, oil bunkering and

other related offenses, were rounded up by community leaders. Drawing from the existing synergy between the police command, personnel of the armed forces and the State Security Services, SSS, and considering the difficult terrain upon which the community is located, the command, in collaboration with the personnel of the Nigerian Navy, successfully effected the arrest of four of the suspected hoodlums.” The suspects, according to Aduba, are Benson Omadeli, Michael Lodge, Churchill Omadeli and Uwamah Joseph. Other suspects were said to have escaped arrest by the joint security team. Aduba said investigation into the matter was on, adding that “enough

evidence were collated indicting the suspects for the offenses of conspiracy, attempted murder, kidnapping and promoting inter-tribal war. They have been charged and arraigned accordingly in court, while being currently remanded in prison.

•CP, Ikechukwu Aduba

secure expatriate quota approvals from the board. Similarly, the stipulations must be verified. However, the reverse is the case with Saipem. “As at today, the stipulations on allocation of the number of new expatriates or extension of stay of those already in the country to work in a particular project is only on the paper used in writing the Content Act and not carried out judiciously. The foreign operators have abused their allowed expatriate quota with impunity simply because they have found ways of circumventing the system that was supposed to monitor compliance,”they stated. Threatening that youths of the area and other aggrieved parties are poised for confrontation, the concerned Nigerians stated that “we are singing war songs and we are determined to take our destiny into our own hands if President Jonathan fails to act on time.”They also called on both the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, ICPC and the Economic and Financial Crime Commission, EFCC and other graft agencies to investigate the company. Concerted efforts made by Crime Alert to speak with officials of the Italian company failed woefully as calls placed on their phones rang ceaselessly without reply. A text message detailing the allegations and pleading for comments was also not replied to as at the time of going to press.

58—Vanguard, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013

I didn't break away from RCCG -----Pastor Ogude PASTOR Ifeanyi Ogude is the Senior Pastor of Heaven Bound Christian International Ministry, Asaba, Delta State. In this interview with our FESTUS AHON, he spoke on the proposed National Conference and how his ministry was formed. Excerpts: What is your take on the proposed National Conference? National Conference is not something that started today. But the truth is that if they will allow Nigerians to air their views on how the country could be moved forward, Nigeria will be better for it. Today we are still battling with security challenges in the northern part of the country. What is your take as a Christian? The unfortunate thing is that they are not even unleashing mayhem on only Christians, even their fellow Muslims are suffering. Recently, the US labelled them as a terrorist group. I will plead with President Goodluck Jonathan to try as much as possible to put an end to this Boko Haram menace. Government should step up effort by properly funding the police, equipping the military and there should be sincerity on the part of the security forces. All Nigerians need now is sincerity on the part of politicians. Politicians should re-

frain from the use of militant groups to achieve their political aim; because after using such groups it becomes extremely difficult to dismantle such groups. So they should be careful not to raise any monster that will torment them. Let us look at CAN under the leadership of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor. How will you assess his leadership? Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor brought grace, light and sanity into the system. He has done very well for the period he has stayed as the leader of Christians in the country. For 41 years, Papa Ayo has proven that he is a man of integrity, a goal getter and someone who can be trusted. He has been a father figure to Christians in Nigeria; he has shown that he has a large heart to accommodate; he has proven that he is a genuine Christian. It is not easy to sustain a course for 41 years and I want to say here and now that Papa Ayo is a man I want to associate with because he is a father.


Government should step up effort by properly funding the police, equipping the military and there should be sincerity on the part of the security forces


X2D launches Christian enter tainment channel


OR parents concerned about the content of television programmes their kids are exposed to, it is time to have a fresh breath as Xclusive2Divinity (X2D) commences a 24-hour broadcast channel, reports ESTHER ONYEGBULA. According to the chief responsibility officer, X2D, Deji Irawo, “the 24-hour channel is expected to create high quality gospel TV entertainment from an African perspective through music videos, concert clips, red carpet, interviews, behind the scenes of video productions as well as reality shows. "We aim to showcase godly entertainment and creativity to meet the needs of the Christian community, in addition to giving gospel artistes a platform to showcase themselves and their talents,” he noted. Decrying the negative impact of indecent programmes on

young adults, Olufunmi Olajyegbe, a gospel artiste, said “it is quite difficult to control what we see and what we hear. We see the younger generation struggling to cope with the age of technology as they keep acquiring information audiovisually. In the last five years, X2D has repositioned itself to be Africa’s first gospel and lifestyle channel featuring wholesome entertainment to the family. The channel offers quality Christian family friendly, value oriented programmes to viewers across Nigeria. Its programmes cover: lifestyle, health, education, politics and entertainment. The 24 hour TV channel launched recently via Infinity TV and MyTV free-to-air satellite is a platform expected to reach an estimated 40 million people across Africa.

You were a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. What informed your decision to move out? Laughs! I didn’t break away from the Redeemed Church. Once a Redeemer always a Redeemer. The General Overseer is my father, the Redeemed Christian Church of God is the church I love but when God says the time is up there is nothing you can do. In 2007 when I brought in Apostle Suleman for a programme in Asaba in the RCCG, I was the Chief Protocol Officer then and the head of the media and area pastor, told me when I took him to the hotel; 'I want to tell you something that you wouldn’t like now.' He said 'you are not a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God'. I was very angry. I told my wife that Apostle Suleman wants me to be a member of his church but he quickly said something, that 'you are not a member of my church either, you are not a member of any church, God has called you to be a leader, a senior pastor, a founder.' I looked at him and he said 'if you don’t leave, God will disgrace you when the time comes.'Then in December 2010, Hon. Basil Ganagana and I organised a crusade to win souls. I was the arrow head, he was the financier.


EMBERS of the Assemblies of God Church, (Restoration Centre), Ajegunle, Lagos held their church annual thanksgiving/harvest service last Sunday with pomp and pageantry. Theme was; “Shining for the new thing,” reports OLAYINKA LATONA. They heartily praised God singing and dancing to several melodious renditions in appreciation of what God had done in the passing year. Addressing the congregation,

*Pastor Ifeanyi Ogude So when I brought in Okudili Eze, Abraham and one other. Pastor Okudili Eze saw me and told me, ‘Pastor Ifeanyi, I’m sorry to tell you, you are not a member of RCCG. The Lord said I should tell you that by December 31, 2010, your stay in RCCG expires,’ adding ‘if you don’t move, you are going to see things that will irritate you.’ I came back and suddenly I started having issues with my Provincial pastor, Pastor Okechukwu with whom I was very close. I was not indebted to RCCG, I served with my life; RCCG is the church I love. There was nothing I did but issues kept cropping up and I felt the time was up. My assistant senior pastor, Pastor Collins and my wife sat me

down and asked me to resign. I had no dime; I didn’t know the direction to go. So I visited some of my fathers in the Lord, one in Ibadan and another in Warri and sought their counsel and unanimously they told me 'your time is up, there is nothing you can do.' Then the Lord Himself told me; 'Son, the game is up, move.' I came into my house and decided I will just be an evangelist who will win souls and bring them to the Redeemed Christian Church of God. I submitted my letter of resignation but was still worshipping in a smaller parish of RCCG on Sundays until something came up; the pastors became afraid because they didn’t want to incur the wrath of their leader.

Assemblies holds annual thanksgiving the church Sectional Leader, Rev. Dickson Onyedirim said: “Nigerians should be grateful because God has been granting us deliverance despite different happenings in the country. God is in charge and controls the affairs of Nigeria. This country will remain as one and God will continue to protect and deliver us”. Quoting several

scriptures to buttress his arguments, Rev Onyedirim advised Nigerians not to apportion blames on the leadership for things that are not done well, saying that it is expected of every citizen to pray for the leaders and the nation. The cleric also called on parents to instill in their wards a sense of discipline worthy of emulation.

MFM hosts 3-day crusade


OUNTAIN o f Fire a n d Miracles Ministries (MFM) Lagos Region 32, Ogba, Lagos said it has concluded plans to host a 3-day open air crusade tagged ‘Overcoming the Storm’ as part of efforts to deliver souls from bondage, reports WILLIAM JIMOH. Pastor Remi Oseni, regional overseer of the church who disclosed this at a press briefing, said the campaign

which will begin tomorrow will end Saturday is aimed at helping those who are experiencing storms of life and to liberate captives of the enemy “This is an area where crime has become unabated because most people have not been able to achieve the genuine purpose of God for their lives. And that is why God has laid it upon our heart to move out and preach the gospel to as many as are in form of captivity or the other.

Oseni added: “We are fully aware of the fact that the activities of the kingdom of darkness in this environment are at the pick. A lot of lives that are supposed to be shakers of the economy, be high flyers and enjoy the dividends of marriage are faced with challenges that are beyond their strength and for these reasons God has set up the platform to step into their situations.”

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Iran coach to watch Eagles in CHAN I

RAN national team coach Carlos Queiroz has arrived South Africa to make arrangements for his team’s preparation camp in that country, Queiroz who was speaking with reporters after a press conference in Tehran Sunday added that he was yet to receive a new offer from the Iranian Football Federation for renewing his contract till the end of the Asian Cup. The Iranian head coach who will return to Iran on January 6, said that he was going to watch the African

•Carlos Queiroz

Faria, Metsu battle for 2013 Glo CAF Legend Award administrators who have


HEN the Confederation of African Football (CAF) stages the Glo CAF Awards on January 9, 2014 in Lagos, Nigeria, one of the key awards that will be keenly contested for by veterans of the game in the continent, apart from the African Player of the Year Award, is the Legend Award. According to CAF, the duo of ex- Coach of Terranga Lions of Senegal, Bruno Metsu and exMorocoan International, Mehdi Faria have been shortlisted for the 2013 Glo CAF Legend Award. The Legend Award recognizes and rewards outstanding ex-footballers, coaches and

contributed positively to the development of African football in the past. Bruno Metsu was born in Coudekergue village in Northern France on 28 January, 1954. Metsu sealed his pride of place in African football history when he led Senegal to the 2002 FIFA World Cup in South Korea and Japan. that he was suffering from cancer, Mehdi Faria was in charge when the Atlas Lions of Morocco became the first African team to reach the second round in a FIFA World Cup during the 1986 finals in Mexico. After topping their group, the Atlas Lions bowed out to West Germany 1-0 in the round of 16.

Man City Continues from B/P revealed the news his son would be looking to seal a deal with Manchester City. He said: “We prayed and, after talks with family members, we came up with Manchester City, believing he has a future there.” But technocrats like Victor Ikpeba repeatedly fumed against Iheanacho moving to Man City as offers came from Porto in Portugal. Ikpeba said that the young player was being misled, arguing that he had a better chance of playing first team football in Portugal and developing in the Portuguese league than moving to England where it may take him a long time to find his feet. Iheanacho’s family and

agents did not heed Ikpeba’s advice. But with the latest development Ikpeba appears vindicated. Man City plan to enroll Iheanacho into their academy in Ghana where he will wait until he earns enough caps to qualify for a work permit. Nigeria coach Keshi revealed Iheanacho had been released from training to start negotiations with City. “I told the young man to go and do the nation proud at whichever club he finally chooses to settle down with,” said Keshi. Arsenal and Manchester United were also thought to be interested in sealing a deal for Iheanacho’s signature, but look to have been beaten by City.

•Mehdi Faria

Nations Football Cup games, and particularly the Nigeria’s games, to enable him to analyze them. Iran will play against Argentina, Nigeria and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brazil’s 2014 World Cup campaign in Group F. In a country where football is the number one sport and crowds at international matches regularly top 90,000, a relatively kind World Cup draw also has fans optimistic that Iran’s national squad can claim their first win at the international event since 1998. In that year, Iran beat the United States 2-1 in a group game. Iran, 45th in FIFA’s world rankings and Asia’s toprated side, have been drawn against two-times winners Argentina, reigning African champions Nigeria and tournament debutantes Bosnia. Argentina, who can call on four-time Ballon d’Or winner Lionel Messi, will be favorites to top the group, but Iran should also pose a stern test for Nigeria, 36th in the world rankings, and Bosnia, 21st.

Gattuso at centre of match-fixing probe


ENNARO Gattuso, the former AC Milan and Italy midfielder, has been placed under investigation for match-fixing and four more people were arrested in an early-morning police sweep in Italy. A Cremona prosecutor, Roberto Di Martino, said that Gattuso and Cristian Brocchi, the retired Milan and Lazio player, were allegedly part of a ring that fixed Serie A and other Italian matches at the end of the 2010-11 season. The four other people arrested were Salvatore Spadaro, Francesco Bazzani, Casimo Rinci and and Fabriso Quadri each of whom allegedly helped connect fixers to players, Di Martino said.

Keshi Continues from B/P Head Coach Stephen Keshi, who spoke through his assistant, Dan ‘The Bull’ Amokachi, said there was little or no time to prepare the squad hence the need to quickly identify tournament materials. The four players who are expected to join the squad in Abuja immediately are the Bendel Insurance duo of Obannu Erhune, who stars in the central defence position for the Benin side and his teammate, Ikeleji Bello, who is a defensive midfielder.

Others are Warri Wolves Ewenike Achibi also a midfielder and Mfon Udoh who recently crossed from Akwa United to Enyimba of Aba. “We have been tracking these players for some time now and we want to give them a chance to prove themselves at a critical point like this. We hope they won’t disappoint”, Amokachi said. More players will be dropped after today’s test match against Niger Tornadoes of Minna.

Akide inducted into USL Hall of Fame


ORMER Nigeria international Mercy Akide-Udoh was last weekend formally inducted into the USL Hall of Fame in Florida, USA. Akide-Udoh, who began and ended her American football career with the Hampton Roads Piranhas, was the only player, male or female, inducted into the 2013 Hall of Fame class. She won league MVP honours in 2003 as she led the Piranhas to the National Championship, scoring the winning goal in overtime of the title game. USL President Tim Holt was full of praise for the former Super Falcons star “Mercy Akide has been one of the most important and impactful players in the history of the W-League,”

said Holt. “Beyond consistently performing at an all-league level throughout her career in the league, she has served as a source of inspiration for countless young female soccer players throughout the world. “She has accomplished all of this while remaining humble and continues to serve as one of the sport’s great ambassadors. “Her induction into the USL Hall of Fame is a welldeserved honor for a great player and person.” Akide-Udoh said she was overwhelmed by the honour. “I don’t know what to say. I have won many awards before but this will have a special place in my heart,” she said in her acceptance speech.

Troussier Continues from B/P man, in charge of South Africa in their first World Cup finals in 1998, is in talks with Tunisia to take over their national side from Ruud Krol. The 58-year-old Troussier was last in charge of a national team in late 2005 but stayed with Morocco for just one game, and six weeks overall, and left when the federation refused to employ a retinue of retainers that Troussier sought as support staff. Since Troussier has worked as consultant in Japan and coach of the Chinese club Shenzhen

Ruby, who he left last month. The ‘white witchdoctor’ has had seven national team jobs, starting with Cote d’Ivoire, then Nigeria, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Japan, Qatar and Morocco. He was also Kaizer Chiefs’ coach in 1993 and coached top French club Olympique Marseille for a brief spell. Tunisia are seeking a full time coach to begin preparations for the 2015 African Nations Cup qualifiers, which start in September. The finals are due for Morocco, where Troussier keeps a home.

Iran Continues from B/P Nigeria, Argentina and Bosnia. “We’ve received several offers for friendly matches but playing friendly against Guinea is my top priority since they have European-based players. The match will be held on March 5. To play Congo is also in our program,” Querioz was quoted as saying by persianfootball.com. “As part of the preparation for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, we are also going to face European teams as well. “We should be ready

for the World Cup and play with enthusiasm and tenacity,” the Portuguese added. “Please don’t compare us with Spain or Germany. Anybody that compares us with such teams should be nominated for Comedian of the 21st Century award. It took 80 years to win the titles for Spain,” former Real Madrid coach added. “It’s a good opportunity for Iran football to play three good teams at the World Cup with three different styles. It’s an impossible mission for us to book a berth in the next stage."

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Iran confirm March 5 for Guinea friendly •Line up friendlies against Congo, European teams


S part of their build up for the Brazil 2014 World Cup, Super Eagles group opponents, Iran will play Guinea in a friendly game on March 5, coach Carlos Queiroz


IFA U-17 World Cup winner, Kelechi Iheanacho who left the Super Eagles camp on Monday to seal a deal in England with Premier League contenders Manchester City may have not have his wish to appear in the colours of the Citizens materialise soon. Iheanacho took the U17 World Cup at the United Arab Emirates by storm, after being named the Most Valuable Player at the tournament. He scored six goals and had seven assists in seven appearances. His father, James Continues on page 60


ORMER Bafana Bafana coach Philippe Troussier is to return to the helm of a national team after a decade away from topflight management. The taciturn FrenchContinues on page 60


CHAN: Keshi drops two, picks four new players T

HE national team technical crew has begun the gradual process of elimination by substitution when on Tuesday afternoon, two players were asked to go for low productivity while four new ones were called up to strengthen the squad



ahead of the CHAN tourney in South Africa next month. The two players dropped are midfielder Mohammed Ajia of Bayelsa United and Elkanemi’s defender, Reuben Ogbonnaya. Continues on page 60

Akide inducted into USL Hall of Fame — P.60

Sudoku TODAY'S

Continues on page 60

Troussier set for Tunisia

Man City to send Iheanacho to Ghana F

has announced. The Asia powerhouse have been drawn in Group F alongside African champions



ACROSS 1 Notice (4) 4 Delved (3) 6 Belt (4) 9 Edge (3) 10 Pepper (8) 11 Hero (4) 14 Strike (3) 16 Cut (5) 19 Rebuked (8) 21 Singer (5) 23 Signifying (8) 24 Vestibule (5) 27 Tag (3) 31 Yield (4) 33 Exclusion (8) 34 Prosecute (3) 35 Sense (4) 36 Cain (3) 37 Swathy (4)


DOWN 2 Scheme (4) 3 Trial (4) 4 Deluded (8) 5 Sport (4) 6 Slip (5) 7 Help (3) 8 Uttered (5) 12 Cluster (5) 13 Trail (5) 14 Heated (3) 15 Principle (5) 17 Sound (5) 18 Scope (5) 20 Gift (8) 22 Steal (3) 25 Fat (5) 26 Fishing-basket (5) 28 Army (4) 29 Employed (4) 30 Entrance (4) 32 Owing (3)

YESTERDAY'S SOLUTIONS ACROSS: 1, Banter 5, Repeat 8, Hindered 9, Room 10, Tub 12, Gloom 15, Gas 17, Air 18, Ill 19, Eat 20, Again 21, Ale 22, Has 23, End 24, Tie 26, Plead 29, Elf 33, Wail 34, Rallying 35, Recede 36, Theory.

How to Play Sudoku

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