The expert's guide - updated

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"The expert's guide to freak out elevator travel mates" A Facebook-based, crowdfunded collection of interesting questions to survive welcome evenings and avoid small-talks.

What would be your scandal if you would be a superstar? Why do you think you would ever deserve a Nobel Peace Prize? What would you do for it? What would be your ideal superpower? What is the weirdest compliment that you ever got? What question, if answered well, would open a new door for you / would support you on your way? What is the most embarrassing thing you did - and it turned out to be a brilliant moment? What brings sparkles to your eyes? What could support you to be at peace with you? What is your worst returning nightmare? Why? If you have a chance to have a dinner with 3 famous people, who you would invite? What do you think, what’s happened only with you in the world? What was the biggest challenge in your life? If you are having an argument with your partner whose side would your cat take and why? What and who is the home for you? What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

Remembering one moment when your younger self-felt "not (good) enough" - what would be your message for them? What are the main things that you do on your smartphone? What are the 5 things that are at the core of your comfort zone? What do you want to be when you grow up? Describe the color yellow to somebody who is blind. (Glassdoor) You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant? (FlexJobs) A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here? (Glassdoor) How do you prefer to die? If you had the option, would you choose not to? What is your favorite story at the moment? Who has called you what in your life and why? Who are your tribe / family / clan / people? What spaces do the keys on your keychain open for you? Where have these shoes taken you? What does love feel, taste, smell like for you? What if you were to die tomorrow? What are you learning during this small talks? What was the smartest thing you did? What was the most stupid thing you ever did (bought)? How do you relate to small talk? What frightens me the most is...

Which is more important to you: events happening right now with you or the remaining memories of them? What are your HONEST thoughts about religion, and about the diversity of religions? If you were a candy, what would it be? Do you believe in the concept of work-life balance? Why? Why not? No hero is perfect - who are your heroes? What is their most important quality for you? What do you take granted in your life? Do you usually overrule your preconception? What would life be without the question mark? What is for you the difference between small talk and any other kind of talk? What do you talk about when you don't do small talk? How do you want to feel at the end of this evening? What do you need for that? If there would not be small talk in the world, what things might get done? What is the purpose of small talk for you? What do meaningful conversations include for you? If you were a color, what would it be and why? What do you most love to teach to other people? What is true about yourself today that would make your 10-yearold yourself happy? What do you want people to say in your obituary?

What kind of small changes are you currently adding to your life? What keeps you awake at night? What is your wildest dream? What is the meaning of life? Who has inspired you the most in your life? Which famous person would you like to meet? What has been the most important invention in the history of mankind? Your biggest dream? Your greatest regret? What are you afraid of? What is your favorite sin, mistake? If you would ever become a drone, what would you record first? So now we're here together right? Are you sure? How can you prove me this isn't a dream? If you could read in minds, who's mind you would love to? How would you describe love to 3 years old kids? Which is the most inspiring building you ever seen? What makes a space a meaningful place for you?

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