The Val Echo Issue 1508

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ISSUE 1508 | JAN 17, 2020










THE FOLIE DOUCE ART PROJECT COVER ART: SORCHA KENNEDY Last year, we launched the Folie Douce Art Project, with the aim of adorning the front cover of the Echo with local artists’ creations. It worked! We ended up with 21 stunning magazines and got to meet some thoroughly fascinating individuals over a spot of lunch at La Folie Douce. The famous mountain restaurant, bar and cabaret extravaganza generously support this project and we’re thrilled to announce their continuing sponsorship this winter. We’re now on the hunt for more creative talent. If you would like to see your work on the front of Val d’Isère’s finest English language publication, and featured on the screens at La Folie Douce, get in touch with us now. Whatever your medium, we can almost certainly accommodate it.

To find out more about how to be involved, email: Also you can check out last year’s covers and buy prints of your favourite at folie-douce-art-project We can’t wait to see what the Echo will look like this year.




CONT ENTS The Val Echo CCK Intergalactic Ltd


What’s on this week: - Town events - Bar nights - Sporting competitions

26 FROM OLD WASTE TO OUTER-WEAR Repreve are making waves in the sustainability sector by turning plastic bottles into wearable yarn. We find out how

30 HENRY’S AVALANCHE TALK An in depth look at the snow conditions and up-coming weather for off pisters

Please recycle the magazine once you have read it. Or, better still, hand it on to someone else. Contributors: Sam Box, Ben Pryor, Caitlin Kennedy

35 MULLET MADNESS With the highly anticipated upcoming Mullet competition, we delve into everything Mullet

06 RESORT GUIDE The down-low on everything from the best restaurants to the numbers to call in an emergency


10 SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTIST We chat to Alex Revell the designer of this week’s cover art. The Echo’s cover is generously sponsored by La Folie Douce

Ahead of the European Cup Slopestyle Skiing events in Tignes at the end of the month, we caught up with Park-shaper, Chris

Coiffure & Massage Sur rendez-vous à partir de 14h



Hairdresser & Massage By appointment From 2PM

20 OUTSIDE THE BUBBLE A satirical spin on the week’s events from our man on the outside, Ben Pryor

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Remise Carte Vie  Val d’Is






SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTIST Artist: Sorcha Kennedy

satisfaction to be gained in creating and fulfilling easy-to-complete tasks. Like little pockets of space that one by one, I need to fill in with solid colour or hatchings. I find this kind of sketching incredibly satisfying. It’s weird, the kind of visual art that gets me as a viewer is nothing like this; I prefer much more unfathomable and expressive work. I guess I like when artists show me a way of experiencing existence that’s an enigma to me, whereas I feel like my kind of drawing is pretty straightforward.

What is your connection to the moon? I’m a woman!! It’s mad! The fact that the moon dictates the natural rhythms of my body still blows my mind. The same thing that makes the oceans swell, that makes waves, gives us our monthly cycles. How nuts is that?! I will always howl at the full Tell us about your cover. moon. Also I was OBSESSED with the moon It’s partly inspired by the night tour I did landings when I was a kid. I read so many with the Echo Team on NYE. What I really books on it and know so much specific liked about that night was it allowed me to information about the fuel capacity, what spend time with the mountains and the stars they ate, all the things that went wrong etc. without any of the guff. I’m living in London I was so convinced that I would either go to at the moment and I feel a huge disconnect the moon or to Everest, like it was a choice from nature, a feeling surprisingly unresolved I really had to make. Then I saw an IMAX by coming to a place like Val, because a lot documentary about how busy Everest was of the time you’re surrounded by the built-up and that cinched it for me. I was going to the environment and Disney-fied touristy stuff. moon. Not in a religious sense but I felt closer to something bigger than me, climbing the mountain at night. And although I feel small in the city too, I was small in a way that was safe. I felt like a tiny, tiny component in the universe and I guess that’s what I wanted to capture; that feeling of sanctuary and awe. Is the style a good representation of your art generally? It’s something that I err towards as a bit of a comfort blanket. You know those adult colouring books? I think they satisfy a similar urge. I’m in a complicated transition period of my life and none of my day to day tasks feel that tangible so there is some

What’s the first thing you would do if you landed on the moon? Probably apologise for howling so much and introduce myself properly. Then I’d look back at tiny Earth and pretend to squish it between my fingers. Do you generally work in monochrome? Honestly, I’m not great with colours when it comes to making visual work. I don’t make good choices. If you look at how I dress it’s the same. I read once that, to avoid decision fatigue, Obama wears the same outfit everyday when he’s working. I’m don’t have the responsibilities of Obama but I definitely appreciate simplicity when it comes to colour


choices. Creativity thrives in limitations. Set up the rules of the playground and play. If you try to use every colour, tool, medium at once, you’d give up immediately. I also really get the appeal of black and white film and photography. Once you strip away colour, all you’re looking at is simply light or lack of light. It’s a shift in perspective. Looking at water in black and white is really stunning. By focusing not on colours but on light, the textures and movements of the elements becomes more poignant. If you were going to design a ski, what would it feature? You spend a lot of time looking at skis when you’re sat on a chairlift. I’m always so disappointed they aren’t more visually striking or even engaging. The generic “sports” artwork, like arrows and neon we get it! SPORTS! Women’s ski designs suck to a notorious degree. I’d put some narrative on there. Give me a visual story. Give me marmottes. Give me drama. Give me romance. Give me conflict. Give me something to believe in. Do you have any recent or upcoming projects in the pipeline you can tell us about? My field of work is not actually visual art but weirdly, it’s all I seem to be doing at the moment. I’m designing the album artwork for an incredible jazz musician. Her music is like nothing I’ve ever heard before and she is a very cool cucumber so it’s been a really tasty challenge. I directed a photo shoot in a swimming pool, covered her and her band in paint and made all these mad costumes out of plumbing materials and pleather for them to wear. I then used and manipulated the images into a digital collage. She’s just been picked up by a big label though and they could very easily kick me off the project so I’m trying to come up with a bajillion back up designs. Thanks Sorcha!







SHAPING UP NICELY Ahead of the European Cup Slopestyle competition in the Tignes Park at the end of the month, we caught up with Park Shaper extraordinaire, Chris Bratt.

Do you come from a freestyle background? Yeah, I’ve been snowboarding since I was a kid. Back in the day, I started out on the dry slope at Yeovil and there’s only so much you can do with two runs so I turned to freestyle. That’s where snowboarding inevitably leads anyway. Yeah it seems like there’s been a big contingent of great freestyle skiers and boarders that have come from the UK’s dry slopes. We are the best. When you learn on plastic, you’re bound to be good on snow. So true. How did you end up in Tignes? I got a job on the Glacier in the summer four years ago and then landed the winter shaper job through that. Before, I was in Andorra working in a Park there, and I’ve done seasons in Austria as well, so I’ve been around a fair bit. This is my 18th season but Tignes is my favourite resort.

Are there any days when you look out the window and think: this is going to be tough? Only if it’s been a heavy night the evening before! To be honest, if the weather is looking pretty hectic, there’s not a lot we can do; just wait for the machine to clear the snow and then get back to shaping. But two winters ago when we just had months of storms, that was horrible. You need sun for this job to be enjoyable. Does driving a pistebasher or skidoo ever get boring? A skidoo? Nope, they’ve got 1000cc horse power and driving one never gets old. I don’t actually drive the pistebashers - I’ve got my license so technically I can and I would like to do more. Hopefully I’m going to start soon on some easy stuff, because it is very difficult to manoeuvre and shape kickers with the machine. Some of the runins are so steep that we need a winch for the basher to stop it toppling.

What’s the best trick you’ve seen on home-turf? Probably double-corks. It’s silly these days though - the pros are just so good. Do you have a pet peeve when people ride through the park? Sidejumpers. When there’s a rail and they just miss it and jump off the side. They’re infuriating. And also people who ride through a closed line. Often we’ll still be shaping it and someone will just come through and ruin it. But it’s going to happen

so there’s no point getting too angry about it. What’s one thing that people might not realise about your job? That we don’t just sit in the cabin smoking weed all day! We do actually work. We’re the first port-of call if someone gets injured. Last year someone broke their back and we had to sort out the helicopter. The snowpark is really a 24 hour operation and between the team of shapers and drivers, we work around the clock. What gives you the most joy in your job? Watching that, (as a boarder soars past us upside down in the air)! When the jumps work well and everyone’s happy. I get loads of satisfaction from the easy parks as well. Seeing people enjoying the work we’ve put in is great no matter what the level. How did Tignes end up being the venue for the Coup d’Europe? We won that last year. The FIS came and inspected the park and decided it would work well on the circuit. It’s a good sized line. How do you go about making a Slopestyle course? The summer before last, the entire park was completely altered. Some earthworks were carried out, which is when the ground is shaped to encourage the snow to fall a certain way. We make a plan for the line as a team and then send the FIS the plan. And then the XL jumps that opened this week (where the Slopestyle course will be) have taken a month of pushing snow around. There’s really not that much snow up here which makes it much harder- we’re


hitting rocks at the bottom now. We’ve also got the canons, which are used during the building phase but we try not to run them once the line is open because it changes the run in.

The kicker we’re standing in front of has a 17m gap between take off and landing and we do the fine tuning by hand. It’s mostly with a chainsaw and cutting tools to make the lines really clean and then the digger removes the excess snow. The plan is, after the comp, we might make it a bit easier at the top and put some more rails in. What’s new this year with the Park? The biggest change is we’re now sponsored by DC and that has allowed us to make the Park even better. This winter we have 6 new rails for the big park and 3 new dancefloor boxes for the easy park. Those are the super wide boxes which probably cost more than I make in a season! Also, we have 2 new machines which are DC sponsored alongside a team of 5 shapers and 3 machine drivers. There’s plenty to get involved with- keep your eyes peeled on social media as we’ll have details of competition we run, plus the Womens’ Park day in March. Find us underneath the Grattalu chairlift or the Palet draglift. @bratside5 | @tignes_shapers_crew | @dcparktignes The European FIS Slopestyle Cup is the 28th - 30th January, when some of Europe’s top freestyle skiers will descend on Tignes to try and qualify for the World Cup circuit. For the uninitiated, Slopestyle is an Olympic freestyle discipline (as of 2014), that involves skiing/boarding through a series of rails and kickers. In competitions, athletes are judged by a panel and given points for amplitude, originality and quality of tricks. Definitely one not to miss!





By Ben Pryor

The US and China have signed a firstphase trade deal, de-escalating the trade war which has been negatively affecting both economies for the past year. China agreed to try to purchase additional US agricultural and energy products, but with fewer firm commitments than the Paris Climate Accord. The Donald is claiming a victory for a problem people seem to have forgotten he created, despite most of the tariffs still being in place; together with the Democratic candidates continuing to squabble over the runner-up spot in the election, this provides more distraction

from his impeachment trial which has now moved on to the Senate after Nancy Pelosi signed the articles with about 20 monogrammed pens then handed out as souvenirs. Even if the balance of evidence suggests Ukraine was shown a picture of the Iranian general or Stormy Daniels and threatened with similar treatment unless they investigated Sleepy Joe, the Senate will vote on party lines and those pens will be as worthless as a Xi Jinping promise. The Queen has shown BoJo the clown and Theresa gonesinceMay a clean pair of overly-elaborate leopard print heels when it comes to negotiations after a member goes rogue, agreeing a transition period and new trading relationship in one meeting with their royal wokeness the Duke and Duchess (via Skype) of Sussex. Hopefully heading off their desire to monetise the Sussex Royal trademark,

which sounds like a brand of cider, they have been granted a six-month period to split time between the UK and Canada, with final terms and conditions expected in the coming days. The Kardashians days are numbered once they move to LA and the E! Cable network signs them to a three series deal, ‘Sucking up with the Sussexes’, and we get to see exactly what a B in Art and a D in Geography gets you in the land of the free. Human urine was blamed for escalator failures on a Mexico City’s subway, corroding the drive wheels and mechanisms; are they going while stood there or did someone direct them to the bottom of the escalator when they asked where the loo was? A teenager’s eyelash was ripped out after a double-ended dildo hit her in the face while she was dancing at Bongo’s Bingo; that’s quite a recoil. An


ITV reporter was tricked into wearing body armour to hold a koala, gamekeepers having told her it was a ‘drop bear’, a close relative with longer claws and poisonous fangs; to paraphrase the Donald, ‘she’s the reason there are instructions on shampoo bottles’. A Mexican man suffered a threeday erection after taking a sexual stimulant used to breed bulls; on the bright side, at least he wouldn’t have been able to wee on any escalators.

And finally, Youtuber Alizee Yeezy has written an x-rated novella about Piers Morgan having sex with a Greggs vegan sausage roll; he has been outspoken about preferring them with meat in. Until next week, I’m off to call the numbers at Bongo’s Bingo, ‘Meal for two with a terrible view…’




SATURDAY 18 SALOON Beer-pong specials VICTOR’S Seasonaire Saturday. 5€ beer, 4€ wine, 6€ cocktails 21-23 10% discount on food PETIT DANOIS DJ James French 22h THE FALL LINE Super Seasonaire Saturday

EVENTS LISTINGS SUNDAY 19 PETIT DANOIS Live Music with Ali and Tchai 5pm. DJ Jack Igglesden 22h SALOON Live Music Big mountain 17.30 BANANAS Drum and Bass with DJ BigKez HIBOU Sunday Funday! Happy Hour all day & Live Music w/ legendary Mikey Gray

TIGNES SALOON Beer pong specials

THE FALL LINE Super Seasonaire Sunday with Live DJ CINEMA A Hidden Life in English 8.30pm

WEDNESDAY 22 BONNE SANTÉ Power Flow Yoga with Rose 10.30am at Le Hibou BANANAS Après-après party with DJ from 8.30-11.30pm LA FOLIE DOUCE WTF! Party SALOON 3€ JOSS or 10 for 45€ PETIT DANOIS Live Music The Mardy Johnny Depps 17h. DJ James French 22h HIBOU Wings Wednesday BONNE SANTÉ Hilltop Candlelit Yin. Refuge de Solaise 5.30pm CINEMA Underwater in English 8.30pm FALL LINE Jono’s Bday Bash T-SALOON Seasonaire party with DJ Raze

TIGNES SALOON Beer pong specials

THURSDAY 23 LEISURE CENTRE Badminton tournament, doubles or singles- 5€. 3pm SALOON 15€ Long island iced tea Jugs PETIT DANOIS Live Music: The Blazin’ Strings 5pm. DJ Jack Iggelsden 10pm IN TOWN Festilight- Street Party on the Main Road with walkabout performers, live music and free vin chaud VICTORS Hip Hop Night with Live DJ BANANAS Live DJ on the decks BONNE SANTÉ Hilltop Candlelit Flow. Refuge de Solaise 11am SO BAR Karaoke Night T-SALOON Queens of the Snow Stage!


MONDAY 20 BONNE SANTÉ Mountain Flow Yoga with Rose 10.30am at Le Hibou SALOON Messy Monday 15€ Headfucker LA FOLIE DOUCE Back to the 90s PETIT DANOIS Live Music Mullit & the Machine 5pm. DJ Jack Igglesden 22h AVALANCHE SAFETY TALK Free talk at 5.30pm in English on the Snowfront CLASSICAVAL Classial Music festival Monday to Thursday with concerts in the church. More info @ Tourist Office THE MARMOT ARMS BASS STATION with DJ Komissar and friends TIGNES SALOON Messy Monday – the wall 15€

FRIDAY 24 PETIT DANOIS Live music with Karen & Andreas 5pm. DJ Jack Igglesden 22h SALOON 3€ J-Bombs CINEMA Bombshell in English 8.30pm

TUESDAY 22 AVALINE TRAX Night ski touring race up to La Folie Douce. 5€ entry, 6pm start SALOON Tuesday 10 shooters 15€ BACKSTAGE VISIT Discover how the Pisteurs carry out avalanche blasting. Free, limited places. More info at Tourist Office. FALL LINE Live DJ on the decks

PETIT DANOIS Live Music The Revolverlites 5pm. DJ Jack Igglesden 22h LA FOLIE DOUCE Bonsoir Evening Dinner up the mountain VICTOR’S Retro Night! All your favourite tunes from the 70s, 80s and 90s TIGNES SALOON Liz’s ABC Birthday Bash

ALL WEEK BANANAS Happy Hour 6.30-7.30pm and 10.30-11.30pm HIBOU Happy Hour 4-7pm. Kitchen open from 12pm for lunch SALOON (VAL) Happy Hour 8-10pm: all jugs 15€ . 2-4-1 at Après (4-6pm). Open 16h-2h LA FOLIE DOUCE Seasonaire Meal Deal 12€ @ Petite Cuisine VICTOR’S Cocktail Hour 10-11pm. Cocktails 6€ Restaurant booking 0479060652


THE FALL LINE Happy hour everyday 3-5pm4.50€ pints. Beer Pong every day 12€ a jug. BLUE NOTE Happy Hour everyday 3-6pm, Hot Sloe Gin & Tonic plus great complimentary nibbles during Après. T-SALOON Happy Hour 20-22h: jugs 15€ + free pool. 2-4-1 @ après (4-6pm). All sport shown SO BAR Open 4pm everyday with free Aprés pizza & a fab new cocktail menu


you shred those bottles harder than Woodsy shreds on a pow day. This process is carried out at the REPREVE Bottle Processing Center in North Carolina, which can handle around 2.2 billion bottles a year. The resulting flakes are then melted down into tiny pellets which are melted again, then filtered and spun into threads. Like spaghetti. The next stage of the materials’ life depends

REPREVE FABRICS How to turn a plastic bottle into a ski jacket. Living in the mountains, it is in some ways easier to forget about the climate crisis. We exist at a disconnect from the rest of the world and are surrounded by what at first glance seems like pristine nature. But of course, it is not. The mountains within which our village is nestled have been scraped and scragged, with trees torn down and rivers re-routed. As people whose existence here is requisite on continued snowfall, it’s important that we take stock and consider how we can do better, collectively and individually to alleviate the strain on the planet. That’s why we’re partnering up with Planks to shine a light every fortnight on a company or person who are really going all out on the quest to be more sustainable. We thought we’d kick things off by taking a look at REPREVE, the incredible fabric made from post consumer plastic bottles. The recycled yarn then takes on a second life as a garment made by a myriad of different companies, including, of course, Planks. Unifi (the company that makes REPREVE and other recycled yarns), has prevented over 18 and a half billion plastic bottles from entering landfill since their operation began back in 2007. So how do you turn a plastic bottle into a coat? And how is it possible to end up with an array of different materials requiring totally different properties? Well, first off,

what it will be needed for. Swimwear, for instance, requires a mixture of classic REPREVE yarns, with recycled nylon to allow it to stretch. Technical outerwear, such as Planks Shell Jackets, are mixed with other fibres to give them excellent waterproofing capabilities. And in a move that has allowed them to close the manufacturing loop, the REPREVE Textile Takeback helps reduce and repurpose scraps, providing the industry with a new way to cut out waste and move toward a zero waste goal for qualifying fabrics. The program recycles REPREVE based fabrics into REPREVE Takeback fibers. With the help of some key environmentally responsible brands, the REPREVE Textile Takeback program recently surpassed three million pounds in takeback fabric.






the best snow. Ski crampons or ‘couteaux’ have also become extremely useful to give us more grip on the icier snow when skinning up on icy traverses.

Some of the best quality off-piste snow over the last few days has been in wellBrought to you by travelled off-piste areas exposed to a bit of Henry’s Avalanche wind. Here, wind-blown snow has settled Talk on top of, often smoothing out, previous www. tracks. This ‘soufflée dure” snow is smooth, henrysavalanchetalk. grippy and ‘chalky’ in texture, and great com fun to ski. Snow on steep sun-exposed, particularly south-facing, slopes is usually A little snow Friday afternoon into Saturday, followed by another dry week! hard and crusted first thing in the morning. As the day goes on it softens up (then But there is frissette sitting on top of refreezing again overnight, so tricky to ski the current snowpack in shady places. the next morning). If we get 10cm or more new snow, then be very wary of steep, shady northeast, There’s still a real danger of going for a north and northwest slopes. The frissette dangerous long slide on these steep icy (gobelet, facets) will be underneath and the slopes, which could be fatal if there are slope could slide away from underneath, cliffs, rocks or other obstacles below you. taking you into terrain traps. If there is Keep your skiing and speed under control. more 20cm or fallen or windblown snow then it could avalanche and bury you. Recent history of the snowpack We could really do with some fresh snow, Most of the Alps look like getting a little bit and hopefully Friday/Saturday’s predicted of fresh snow between Friday and Saturday. snowfall should help. Some areas will get a lot more than others. For example, the west of Savoie What is the current avalanche risk in the (the foothills near Chambery) may receive Northern French Alps/Savoie? over 30 cm fresh snow above 1700m, The avalanche risk is currently between a whereas more eastern parts like the Haute low 1/5 to a moderate 2/5. See definitions Tarentaise (Val d’Isere) may only get up to of the different avalanche ratings here. 10cm. Even 5 m of fresh snow can make In terms of avalanche risk, there’s currently a massive improvement to the off-piste an extremely minimal risk to off-piste skiers quality and give us a new canvas to play and boarders, mainly from rare release with though. So bring it on! of glide cracks. See our previous blog for more information on these. Don’t be too Whilst there will be some risky areas due fearful of them as you won’t trigger them, to the Frisette. Many slopes will be very but don’t hang around underneath them safe, so there will be many opportunities either. If anywhere receives a substantial to enjoy the new snow. Places that were amount of fresh snow (20 cm or more) that heavily tracked out before the snowfall will risk will increase in the short-term. not have the weak layer. Nor will slopes that were exposed to sunshine and where What does this mean for off-piste skiers the Frisette did not develop. and snowboarders? There is currently minimal avalanche We’ll continue using our touring skis and skins, doing a fair amount of walking to find danger. That isn’t to say ‘none’ – even a

small avalanche on a steep slope above a cliff could have disastrous consequences. The main risk to the off-piste skier at the moment is one of losing control, falling, and sustaining a sliding accident on steep, hard icy snow. Where is most at risk at the moment? This quote is from the professionals WhatsApp group around the Haute Tarentaise. This looks forward to the impact of fresh snow falling on the Frisette. …. As you have noticed, the flat face “crystals” are very present in cold areas (North, West face and on the flat). What we call “frizz” is pleasant to ski is in fact gobelet .” Our snow scientists tell us that the next snowfall expected Friday (15 to 30 cm) will rest on these surfaces without cohesion. The discussion focused on higher risks unskied areas versus the hyper-tracked areas off the off-piste. The biggest risk will be in the zones that have not been skied. The risk will be lower in the zones that were “tracked out”. The highest risk to skiers and snowboarders is, as always, on steep slopes exposed to terrain traps. This is particularly the case now, with a lot of hardened or crusted snow on steep slopes above cliffs and rocks. Stay in control when traversing or skiing down, to avoid going for a long, potentially very dangerous slide. Use ski crampons when walking up on icy traverses. There’s been very little glide crack (brown frown) avalanche activity over the last few days. But still keep an eye on these cracks and don’t hang around under them for long, or tour up underneath them. How does the forecast look for the coming week? High pressure is still in charge, so the snowfall this weekend will be weak. There are signs that the blocking high over Europe in January will decline towards to

end of the month and snow may appear after 25th Jan, but it will be patchy until the high pressure completely collapses.


Weather Forecast: SATURDAY 18 Jan: Overcast with rare flakes first thing. Then the clouds will partially dissipate, first above 2000m with a sea of ​​ clouds below then clear on all the massifs at midday with just a few residual clouds below 1500m. Isotherm 0°C: 1000m in the morning, rising to 1400m in the afternoon. Wind @ 3000m: NNW 30-40 km/h. SUNDAY 19 Jan: Cloud at altitude becoming thick during the day. The 0°C isotherm remains low around 1000/1200m. MONDAY 20 Jan: Variable weather in Haute-Tarentaise with clouds overflowing from Italy bringing rare flakes. Isotherm 0°C still low around 900m. TUESDAY 21 Jan: Beautiful day, largely sunny, still a little bit of Foehn-Lombarde wind. Isotherm 0°C rising to around 2100m. WEDNESDAY 22 Jan: Sunny and mild. 0°C isotherm rising to around 2400m. THURSDAY 23 Jan: Beautiful and mild. The 0°C isotherm at around 2700m. Tip of the week If we get 10cm or more new snow, then be very wary of steep, shady northeast, north and Northwest slopes. The frissette (gobelet, facets) will be underneath and the slope could slide away from underneath you. If there is more 20cm or fallen or windblown snow that it could avalanche and bury you. Make the best of the stable snowpack and dry weather to get out for a bit of ski touring. Even if there’s no powder snow out there, there’s always a good adventure to be had, and using touring skis and skins gives us a lot more flexibility with areas of the mountain we can reach.





MULLET MADNESS Business in the front, party in the back you know we be talking ‘bout Mullets this week. One of the most defining haircuts from the 80’s and 90’s is making a surprising comeback. If you have been living in tragic ignorance, the Mullet is where you rock a short front and sides, but let it hang at the rear. The hairstyle has been around as long as high fashion, but the name was popularised by the Beastie Boys banger, Mullethead, which features sound advice such as: “Cut the sides, but don’t touch the back”. Consider a mullet. Suitable for both men and women, the Mullet has found its way onto the heads of many iconic figures in history. Billy Ray Cyrus, David Bowie and even Rihanna have all been seen donning the accomplished look. Want to be more like them? Grow a mullet.

A more heroic Mullet can be found upon the one and only, Man Of Steel. In 1992, DC comics decide to kill off Superman. However, when he made his inevitable comeback in 1993, Superman returned sporting a superMullet. Seriously though, how rare is it that you can rock a hairstyle so dazzling that Lois Lane does not realise you have exactly the same face as the bloke flying about town? Get yourself a super-Mullet. With thick lips and a small triangular mouth, Mullets are occasionally known to jump out of the water. They are found in temperate and tropical waters but you will also find some species in freshwater. With unusually muscular stomachs for this type of fish, when th… hold on, that’s that wrong kind of Mullet. Catch a Mullet.

Not just criminally good looking, the Mullet is a punishable offence in some countries. In 2010, Iran banned the Mullet during a crackdown on “decadent Western haircuts”. Sadly, the punishment for sporting this clearly “decadent” hairstyle can often involve a forceful removal of the Mullet. Even in 2020, Iran’s atrocious women’s rights laws requires women to wear a Hijab at all times when in public and you can get in trouble for showing the smallest bit of hair. But ladies, if you are hiding your hair anyway, hide a Mullet. Mention should also be given to the Skullet. This is where rather than short top and sides, you opt for no top or sides. To be honest though, it doesn’t sound like something


anyone would ever opt for and more like something that happens when you refuse to accept that you are balding. Don’t grow a Skullet. We are sure you already have it in the calendar but Mulletfest is coming round again towards the end of February. This competition is held in deepest darkest Australia and claims to “encourage the celebration of a unique hair style, and the

fun-loving atmosphere that goes with it”. Some of the categories you can enter include: ‘everyday’, ‘extreme’, ‘international’ and ‘grubby’’. The overall winner receives the title of: “Best Mullet Of Them All” which, last year, went to Shane ‘Shag’ Hanrahan who has been tending to his mullet since 1986. What a Mullet. Le Petit Salon d’Antoine is holding a Mullet challenge this month. All you need to do is: Step 1: Go to Antoine and get yourself a Mullet Step 2: Get yourself a PA for all the extra attention you will be garnering Step 3: At the end of the month, vote for the best Mullet (yours) Step 4: Potentially win a free haircut Step 5: Obviously, don’t accept the haircut and march straight on to Mulletfest

In the Galerie de Thovex at the corner of the Tourist Office Square





SEASONAIRE OF THE WEEK Will Milnthorpe Who inspires you? Donald Trump. How many chickens do you think you could fight before meeting your peril? If they are all coming at me at once, I reckon I could take twelve. If they are coming at me one at a time, I reckon I could take around 43 before getting too tired. What do you do on the bar that annoys Johnny? I am really, really neat. Everything in the bar has to be in the perfect order, if it isn’t, I

know it was Johnny. Describe your biggest wipeout this season? I went over one of the mediums in the park yesterday and took off on a slight edge. I lent forwards for a nose grab but landed on the flat on my chest. What’s your favourite variation of a shit on the grass? A ‘snow’ on the grass although, that is not what we call it. Tell me your favourite thing about Johnny? His hair…lol. Who is your celebrity crush? Zac Efron, always had a thing for him. How do you feel about onesies? Depends, I am a big fan of Ski onesies; I don’t think they should be reduced to occasional days out. If I see someone wearing a regular onesie on the mountain, I am not a fan; save it for bedtime. What is going on with your moustache? I always shave my moustache off last, when having a trim. I was about to get rid of it and decided to just send it. It is being shaved off on the 6th of Feb as I am popping home - it is a Val moustache and will not leave its home. What’s your favourite film quote? Star Wars when Leia says to Han Solo “I love you” and he says “I know”. If you were to loose your sense of smell tomorrow, what’s the final thing you would want to smell? Lynx Africa.

Describe Bananas in three words. Cheap, cheerful, iconic. Who has custody of Winston (the terrifying baby pictured left)? I was clearing a cupboard out and discovered him staring back at me from the corner - I absolutely shat myself. Johnny named him Winston and tatted up his face so I reckon he has 55% custody and I have 45%. Are you faking your back problems so you don’t have to carry kegs? Only partly. Can I have your secret toffee vodka recipe? You will have to come and try to work it out over multiple shots. “Seasonaire of the Week” is sponsored by Le Petit Salon d’Antoine who offers our featured seasonaire a free haircut!


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Restaurant COFFEE JUICE BRUNCH BEER Open 08:30 - 18:00 Everyday Next to TUFS Chairlift Tignes, Val Claret The Corner Tignes, Les Neiges D'Or, Tignes, France

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Annabel has been sorely missed by The Echo this year. However, whilst back for a visit she did describe an over confident skier as “thinking he is Leo Tail Feather and all that”. Leo, if you ever get bored of Taillefer, please consider Tail-Feather.


After sporting a dubious bowl cut for a few days, Jack decided that everything had to go after a night out. However, the shaver only made it this far before running out of battery. As disappointed as we are that another shaver was eventually located, we are more disappointed that Jack did not take this opportunity to get a Mullet.


A classic crossover joke got Eireann slightly confused this week. Looking somewhat puzzled, she earnestly asked a friend if it was the pope or a bear that shits in the woods. This just in, bears are now catholic.



Jerry’s of the week is shared jointly between the old married couple, Kene and Matt who were forced to stay out rather later than they would have liked on Tuesday night after Matt managed to lose both of their keys. Matt himself was iffy on the details- in fact his reply when asked why he had both keys left us completely none the wiser: “because I work a gazillion hours and Kene is really, really, really old”. We see a lovers quarrel brewing.


French inhabitants of this building were left wondering whether the gentleman in the fire vent below had been trying out for the position of Santa several weeks too late or whether he had taken the question “As-tu du feu?” a little too literally. In any case, the Englishman was very grate-ful for the glowing reception he received when he was prodded awake and asked to try and rem-ember where he was.


SPORT Shown at Le Petit Danois: FOOTBALL Saturday 18th January 13:30 Watford v Spurs 16:00 Man City v Crystal Palace 18:30 Newcastle v Chelsea Sunday 19th January 15:00 Burnley v Leicester 17:30 Liverpool v Man Utd Tuesday 21st January 20:30 Sheffield Utd v Man City 21:15 Chelsea v Arsenal Wednesday 22nd January 20:30 Leicester v West Ham 21:15 Man Utd v Burnely

Thursday 23rd January 21:00 Wolves v Liverpool All Football and Rugby shown at The Fall Line. Sport also shown at Blue Note and Le Hibou.





WOoF OF THE WEEK Name: Charlie Breed: Thought to be a Border Collie/ Retriever Age: 10 Dietary Requirements: Only gets fed biscuits, loves red pepper & cucumber Relationship status: Looking for a polite male, preferably without balls Favourite Activity: Chasing the parapenters Habitat: Le Petit Danois Fun Fact: Can be seen most mornings barking at the Olympic lift

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