Valley Key club - August Newsletter

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NEWSLETTER July 2020 | Issue 2 | D28E | Region 5

TABLE OF CONTEXTS .. Message from the editor…… 3 Message from the President….pg 4 Message from the executive and 6 July calendar…… 8 VKCloset Cleanout… 10 Kiwanis Meeting…… 12 Summer Conference…… 14 Closing 15 Contacts… 16 Page 2

I NEditor T R O D UCTION Message From the

Alexis R.M Cunanan Creayla

Hello Everyone! I'm Alexis, better known as AC, and I'm Valley key club’s tech editor. I hope you're all doing well during these times. Honestly, besides anything Key club related, everything has been a struggle, just staying indoors, re-watching shows, and trying to find something new to do. Unless you're working, which i hope you stay safe and protect yourself and get your money but back to business-

Once everything gets back to “normal”, I’ll start getting more excited and motivated. There would no longer be any more restrictions. Such as community services and meeting other members. Even if RTC happens, I'll be able to meet someone from another school! Let's cross our fingers and hope things settle down later on! To finish it all up, Let's hope the next few weeks or months get better for all of us! Take care of yourselves, watch over your families, check up on your friends, watch anime, and lastly- continue on watching Tik Tok since it didn't get banned :)! until next time, Byeee

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Message From the President

Malynee Sackdavone

Within the month of June and beginning July, we as a club and board made a lot of progress. We have planned out many service projects, changed how we counted service hours, created new fundraising ideas that we want to implement, and is in the process of making a plan on how we as a club will adjust our schedule with the school’s new schedule. It has been stressful rejusting but I know for certain that Valley Key Club can pull through! We have been doing a lot of service at home and have been working with a couple of service organizations such as Nphy and Nevada Homeless Alliance. Our members have been actively participating with the service events we have brought out. Though only a few have participated, we still want as many as possible to help out! We have decided as a board that the service projects that we planned beforehand will still count as hours if our members decide to do them once it becomes safe again. Page 4

Not only that, we have bonded a lot as a board. As a President, this makes me really happy to know everyone is getting along and getting closer with one another! A productive board is a board that properly communicates with one another. Though we are in a pandemic, as leaders, we need to show our members and the community that helping/serving others doesn’t stop!

Message Message from from the theexecutive executive& &Extended Extended board board


As the Vice President of Relations for Valley Key Club and a rising high school senior at the same time, I have been juggling many responsibilities over the summer. Due to quarantine, many planned summer events were cancelled for me, but that did not keep me from staying busy over the summer. Outside of key club activities, I have been participating in a research program, interning with a food bank, doing some summer homework, and preparing for college applications. I have been very active with Key Club as well. Our board continues to hold weekly administrative meetings, and we plan on holding virtual general meetings as well. We continue to plan for new service events and fundraisers. As a VPR, a position dealing mostly with communication within and outside the club, I have been attending meetings hosted by Kiwanis. By doing so, I was able to check up on what they were up to. Although our plans for Valley Key Club were much affected due to quarantine, we are still working towards promoting our club and service through virtual opportunities. We cannot wait to see the end-product of our planning. Page 6

-Wonkyung Lee (Relation of service)

Heyy!! So honestly I’ve seen so many peers try new things throughout their quarantine so, I guess this is me telling you how I’m not anything like them ahaha. Compared to most people, I’ve quite enjoyed quarantine. You know, with the exception of the whole deadly-virus-that-most-people-don’t-even-bother-protecting-themselves-a gainst. To keep myself sane I’ve simple considered it an amazing, extended summer vacation. And IN my extended summer vacation I’ve revisited what seems like all my childhood obsessions/phases. From the monster high movies(don’t judge!), to classic thrillers that are at LEAST 20 years old, tim burton films, or everyone’s favorite ;obsessively playing Minecraft with my friends (once again,don’t judge...). Recently, I’ve almost run out of new things to watch/willingly try out. I remember I gave baking a shot :needless to say, it was the perfect example of why I DON’T cook. All in all, I’d say I’m doing alright for myself. There were moments where various problems arrived at once and it was the most overwhelming thing I’d been through—next to school of course, but as they were dealt with, things seemed to get somewhat better. Presently today, I’m doing alright. I’m almost..sad.. that there’s only a month left of REAL summer vacation, but I really do hope we get a decent plan for school. As much as a miss my friends and actually enjoy learning, I wouldn’t want myself or anyone, missing these things from a hospital bed-or worse, from the grave. As sad as quarantine and everything in our world has been, Im very glad I’ve been able to finally pay attention to the the severity of it all. It’s definitely time for a change and I hope that change starts with us.

-Elisa Joya Velis (Secretary)



VKCloset Cleanout: June 8-22 Summer Conference:July 1-3 Kiwanis Meeting: July 1 Hygiene Kits: July 6-20


Honestly, this service Project made a big difference in my life. My closet was in major need of a clean out but I lacked motivation to do it. During the process of cleaning out my messy closet, I gave up a bunch but I would go, “I’M THE PRESIDENT!! I NEED TO BE MOTIVATIONAL, INSPIRING, I need to be a role model to myself and to others.” So after 6 hours, I cleaned out my closet and found a bunch of clothes I could donate to the Nevada Homeless Alliance. Trying to make time to deliver the clothes was tough though. Since they are only open on Monday and Friday (the busiest days ever!!!), it was hard. We managed to deliver it on Friday but it was a really delayed delivery. I feel really good about myself. My mom doesn’t yell at me about my closet anymore so it’s a nice change.

-Malynee Sackdavone



J U L Y 1, 2 0 2 0

KIWANIS MEETING ‘’Being able to meet the Kiwanis was an honor. It meant a lot to me because I was inspired to continuously be active in service throughout my lifetime. The nice gentlemen at Kiwanis were open-minded, kind-hearted, and a great example to our youth that love for service lasts forever. With great service, come great responsibilities. The gentlemen were able to keep contact with their lifelong friends, which was a heartwarming sight. Friendships truly do transcend lifetimes.’’

-Nethelie Ruby Cajeras

Before actually meeting them, I already had an image of them. To me, I thought they were these very serious old people who are really strict. When I went to their Kiwanis meeting, I was not expecting a very cute group of old but youthful people. They still had their youthful energy and told many jokes plus stories. Unfortunately, the majority of my board and I had to leave to attend the Summer Conference meeting at 12:30 so we had to leave early. That left a great impression on us within those 30 minutes. We hope that we left a great impression on them too within that short amount of time.

-Malynee Sackdavone Page 12

When our advisor (Mr. Ocampo) asked us if we wanted to join in a meeting with the Kiwanis. Everyone agreed. I was thrilled but nervous. Before the meeting started, I wrote a script describing my position in Key club, yet I have such poor memory when it comes to memorizing something. Once I entered the call, it was comforting. Even one of the member’s showed a baby yoda painting. I really enjoyed the call, until I had to introduce myself. I stuttered several times but I got through it. In the end, I was happy to experience their presence and how they are. All they did was talk about anything new happening. They were very welcoming, I would love to talk to them more.

-Alexis R.M Creayla

Summer đ&#x;”†



As someone who is VERY new to a leadership position I was

Summer Conference

‘From July 1-3, I attended the Key Club International Summer Conference. This experience was very enriching to say the least. Although our meeting was virtual, I was glad to take the opportunity to meet key clubbers from all around the world. My workshops were also very memorable. One my workshops mentioned the importance of stress management. Personally, this was very needed especially because many of us deal with the stress of being in the midst of a global pandemic.

They also mentioned the idea of creating a vision board to showcase one’s big goals for the future. I was inspired to do so myself after participating in the event. There were also many workshops involving addressing and encouraging actions for many of the global issues that exist, some examples being food insecurity and human trafficking. It is enriching and inspiring to see representatives informing and advocating movements to put ends to these adversities.’ -Wonkyung Lee The key club international 2020 summer conference was possibly one of the best experiences I’ve had in a key club by far. Out of my 4 workshops , 2 went hand -in-hand in a part of a Culture of Care series.

definitely able to learn how to not only better myself, but also be a better facilitator for those I’ll interact with in our near future. The first class was dedicated to effective peer communication where the speaker spoke to us about the importance of developing healthy peer relationships and how to effectively communicate. The other was called “training the trainer” where various small tips and “deeper-thought out” advice was given towards becoming better facilitators, especially to those in leadership positions. I think to most, these were probably on the “boring” side of the conferences but in all sincerity, I seriously enjoyed it and feel like I learned from them. Plus I absolutely adored the speaker and how he provided such a safe space for the attendees. The other two classes I took were a College 101 and a basic secretary training conference. The one that’s stood out from any other conference was college 101. In this we got realistic advice from two classes of 2019 graduates where they interacted with the same sense of humor as their attendees and provided a chat space where the attendees could interact with each other; relate on similar struggles, share jokes, create a discord with 200+ people where everyone somehow became friends. It was an amazing, safe space that didn’t feel overly professional and allowed us to roam around with the child we all still have left in us. All in all, there’s too many great moments that arises from the conference, too many to mention. However, it was a fun, educational, and comforting learning experience that I hope to experience again (except hopefully in person)! -Elisa Joya Velis

CLOSING THOUGHTS It’s that time, where we will be closing up this newsletter for this month. we hope you enjoy our monthly newsletter, it was such a new experience to use a new software for this. I am now excited to make more and be more creative with our newsletter. Please stay safe during these times, it’s a bit tough out there in the big world, but we’ll make it through it together!

Thank youu!

Bee~ nice to one another ! :D



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