Valley Vision Magazine & Annual Giving Report | Fall 2024

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Over the past sixty-five years, God has richly blessed VCSby impacting the lives of thousands of students and families. Explore some of the key milestones along our journey.


Last year, over 250 VCJH and VCHS students embraced new faith in Jesus. Discover the new ministries, clubs, Bible studies, and other initiatives launching across all three campuses.


Our faithful donors consistently support our college-prep initiatives, expand tuition assistance, and enable impressive facility upgrades.



Kimberly (Akavuti ’96) Ellefsen

Art Director Maegan Collett

Principal Photographers

Julia Bobe

Melissa Chacon

Da Chan Min

Graphic Designers

Lena Choi

Maegan Collett

Contributing Writers

Brian Clemons (’87)

Steve Dang (’02)

Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty

Dr. Ryan Eshoff (’08)

Christi Stockhaus

Copy Editors

Karen Beach

Raven Cocker

Jacqueline Dibble (’96)

Robin (Ely ’89) Mendolia

Laura Sizelove

Jennifer Stewart


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a letter from the president

Our theme verse for this school year is taken from Philippians 1:20, inspiring our banner message around campus: “Take courage now and always, that Christ will be honored in us.”

This verse also inspires this year’s Way of the Warrior focus, which emphasizes the characteristic of COURAGE!

The apostle Paul wrote to the church of Philippi and stated: “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be honored (or exalted) in my body, whether by life or by death.” We long to be with Jesus, but until He returns or takes us home, we have significant work to accomplish on earth.

Our work isn’t an easy task. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded we must “…Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). These words of Jesus are often called the “Great Commission.”

Valley Christian Schools’ (VCS) mission statement includes a commitment to achieving the Great Commission by pursuing the Quest for Excellence through our students as they “… become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.”

The Quest for Excellence can be intimidating, but we can be confident and courageous in passionate pursuit because Jesus promised He will always be with us as we obey and follow Him. He will do God’s work through us. We just need to be available and willing.

Be sure to watch the short videos as examples of how God is working through us. They tell the story of how God is powerfully reaching into China through VCS and why the Tan family chose VCS while still living in China.

Missional Work in China Through Valley Christian Schools

Dr. Daugherty’s keynote highlighted the impactful testimony of the Tan Family. He shared how a Valley Christian Bible class ministered to a student and his mother, who is now sharing the gospel with her family in China.

Scan the QR code to view the Tan family’s powerful video testimony in English or Mandarin.

Presidential Transition Timeline

On Monday, August 7, 2023, Dr. Daugherty arranged for our VCS Board and Executive Team, led by Board Chaplain Dr. Ed Silvoso, to prayerfully commission Mr. Brian Clemons as his presidential successor to lead Valley Christian Schools.

4 3 1 2 0


Mr. Brian Clemons partners with Dr. Clifford Daugherty half-time while serving half-time as junior high principal, and Mr. Eric Maxwell serves half-time as a junior high administrator.


Mr. Clemons serves full-time with Dr. Daugherty as senior vice president, and Mr. Maxwell serves full-time as junior high principal.


Dr. Daugherty promotes Mr. Clemons to executive vice president delegating most presidential duties.


Mr. Clemons will serve as president with Dr. Daugherty’s support as CEO.

July 20, 2026

Dr. Daugherty’s retirement date. Mr. Clemons will be appointed as CEO of VCS beginning on July 21, 2026.


a letter from the executive

Reflecting on my time as a student, I often think about how different my life might have been had my parents not invested in my education at Valley Christian Schools.

Would I have committed my life to Christ as early as kindergarten? Would I have developed such a deep understanding of God’s Word and service? Would I have gained the strength and values to build a business and transition into education? As I prepare to become president of the very school that helped shape my life, I marvel at the journey on which God has led me and the doors He has opened.

For sixty-five years, Valley Christian Schools has empowered thousands of students to lead and serve, leaving a lasting impact on their communities. While the world changes, one truth stands firm: God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). We remain committed to seeking His guidance, trusting His perfect plans for the school’s future, and ensuring every student receives an excellent, biblically grounded education.

I look to the future with great excitement, eager to unite our community around a strategic vision centered on the gospel of Christ. Together, we will create transformative opportunities for students to learn, grow, and embark on their personal Quest for Excellence, stepping into the future God has prepared for them. Raising the next generation truly takes a village, and I am deeply grateful to all who play a vital role in our students’ successes.

As Dr. Daugherty prepares to pass the baton of leadership, I stand ready to continue the race, striving for excellence in all that we do. With God leading the way, as He has faithfully done for the past sixty-five years, I step forward confidently, trusting that He will continue to provide and guide Valley Christian Schools into a bright and promising future.

vice president

…being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

~ Philippians 1:6

For over sixty-five years, God has richly blessed Valley Christian Schools.

Since its early beginnings in 1956 and opening its doors in 1960, VCS has been dedicated to nurturing hearts and minds through faith-based education. As we’ve grown—adding new campuses, enhancing programs, and expanding facilities—VCS has touched the lives of thousands of students and families. With an unwavering commitment to academic excellence grounded in Christian values, VCS has celebrated remarkable achievements in academics, athletics, and the arts, preparing students not only for higher education but for a life of purpose. Here are a few cherished moments from our journey across the decades.

The idea for Valley Christian Schools emerges during a Bible study.


First high school class graduates.

Saratoga campus purchased.



Elementary school opens.

Junior high and high school students transfer to the Skyway Campus.


VCHS teams join WCAL, winning WCAL and CCS Division I football championships.

VCHS named California State Athletic School of the Year Division IV by Cal-Hi Sports.


Elementary school relocates to Leigh Campus.


Move to the Camden Campus.

Vocal Ensemble performs at the Inauguration of President Reagan.

VCHS football team started.


Junior University begins to support local public schools.


Launch of the Conservatory.


AMSE program begins.


Purchase of the 52-acre Skyway property.


VCHS joined public school athletic league.


Conservatory building dedication ceremony.

International Space Station (ISS) Research Lab students send their first experiments to the International Space Station.


Marching Band performs in the Tournament of Roses Parade.

Women’s volleyball wins the school’s first state championship.


Relocation to Branham Campus.


Start of the President’s Business Challenge.

2010 s


Varsity and JV Women’s golf teams win 130 consecutive WCAL matches.


AMSE partners with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute to deploy an educational platform at the bottom of Monterey Bay.

Varsity baseball ranked number one in the nation by MaxPrep computer rankings.



Skyway Campus groundbreaking.

K-12 Business, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (BEI) program introduced.

Team Ocean Quest wins the NOAA Bonus Prize in the $7M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE.

2020 s


VCHS Math Team wins National Championships in 2018-2020 & 2022.

First performance of the Conservatory Symphonic Chorale at the California Theatre.


Human Performance Center opens.

ISS program awarded two United States patents.

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Immeasurably More

Since following Jesus, three convictions have profoundly shaped my life: the good news of Jesus is for everyone, it changes everything, and is worth giving everything.

Over the past year, we’ve seen God move powerfully through our community. More than 250 students came to faith in Christ in our junior high and high school.

We saw students courageously leading their peers in spontaneous worship in the quad. Alumni returned with their classmates to take part in our all-community worship nights. I will never forget the group of students, parents, and teachers who gathered at lunch to cheer on the eight students being baptize in our pool. We believe God is just getting started.

New ministries, clubs, and Bible studies are launching across all three campuses. In some cases, we’ve already had to find bigger rooms to accommodate the growing number of students eager to grow in their faith. The stories are already pouring in this year.

A Bible teacher shared the story of a student who said before attending Valley Christian this year, “I never gave much thought to religion, but now, hearing that God loves me and knows me, I am deeply interested.”

A family emailed to recount their story of walking away from religion, but after their daughter came home excited about her faith, they felt encouraged to return to church and re-engage with their faith.

One of our alums was open to the idea of faith but not yet ready to follow Jesus. However, in college, she connected with a campus ministry, became a follower of Jesus, and was baptized this past year. It was a powerful reminder of how God continues to work in our students’ lives long after graduation. God is doing immeasurably more.

Our Spiritual Formation initiatives for this year are:

• Parents Reaching Parents

We are building a team of parents who will connect with other parents to cultivate a unified and supportive community, which will serve as the foundation for a strong school.

• Committed to Community We believe life is better together and are focused on building intentional,intergenerational relationships — creating a community passionate about our vision and mission.

• Communicate a Unified Mission and Message God is at work across our campuses, and we are committed to sharing these stories and strengthening our connection to the entire VCS community.

Join us in continuing to pray for God to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to Christ’s power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

Grace and Peace,

Steve Dang (’02) Chief Ministry Officer, Senior Vice President, & Director of Alumni Ministries


Valley Christian Schools’ vision statement,
“A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence,” is big and bold.

The Quest Institute (QI) was founded in 2006 during a VCS Board meeting, inspired by the verse, “To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48).

The Board recognized that VCS’ intellectual property is not its own but belongs to God.

“The talents and intellectual assets that God has entrusted to VCS are His, and we are simply stewards of these gifts. Therefore, we are called to manage them to maximize their impact for the cause of Christ,” says Dr. Cliff Daugherty, President of Valley Christian Schools and CEO of Quest Institute.

Driven by the conviction that excellence knows no boundaries, the Quest Institute extends the VCS programs to Christian schools and nonprofits worldwide. Innovative educational resources should be available to any student of any means in any region of the globe. Currently, the most robust QI program offerings are from Applied Math, Science, & Engineering Institute (AMSE).


“Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are a part of everyday life now,” says Danny Kim, VP/K-12 Director of AMSE and Research & Development at VCS. “Our goal is to give every student a hands-on experience with STEM and make it a part of their daily learning.”

The heart of the Quest Institute, and VCS at large, lies in fostering excellence beyond personal achievement. It’s about building stronger communities and inspiring global change. Ultimately, the hope of the Institute is that the development, distribution, and demonstration of its resources create a ripple effect that spreads excellence worldwide by democratizing access to high-quality education. Meaning that we can be a gateway to make programs like AMSE accessible by removing financial barriers to students around the globe.

“AMSE’s collaboration with the Quest Institute allows us to innovate, test new ideas with our students, and refine them before sharing them with schools worldwide,” Kim says. “Our students play an active role in this process,

even appearing on patent applications for new programs they help develop.”

In considering the possibilities of twentyfirst century curricula, the Quest Institute aims to be part of a movement that redefines both traditional and digital learning. Students across the growing network of schools around the globe, with access to Quest resources, will not merely be prepared for the future—they’ll be equipped to shape it.

Through the Quest Institute, VCS transforms its vision into reality, creating an educational culture where excellence is a pursuit that is lived, expected, and celebrated.

“We’re building a worldwide network of learners and educators committed to pursuing excellence,” Kim adds. “Our programs don’t just prepare students for careers—they foster a lifelong love of learning and a heart for service.”

VCS believes QI represents an opportunity to tangibly deliver on its vision—a world of curious, faith-driven students empowered to make a meaningful impact.

Junipero Serra High School Gardena, CA

Junipero Serra High School in Gardena, CA, was commended by the California State Assembly for its contributions to engineering education in urban high schools, a recognition earned through its partnership with QI.

The WellSpring Private School, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

The WellSpring Private School in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, partnered with QI to launch a pioneering space exploration venture in the UAE. This governmentapproved initiative provides students with hands-on learning experiences in space science, coding, and circuitry.


No matter how you slice it, PIE was hit hard by the pandemic.

Before COVID-19 brought everything to a halt in March of 2020, Valley Christian High School’s (VCHS) Performing Indoor Ensemble (PIE) was a national powerhouse, winning three consecutive Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championships from 2017-2019. However, the 2020 finals, scheduled for the spring of that year, were an early casualty of pandemic cancellations. For a year and a half, the ensemble was silent.

When Shane Ryan (’16) was hired as K-12 Band Director in the summer of 2022, part of his mission was clear: get the band back together.

“Coming out of COVID was so difficult,” says Ryan. “Numbers were way down. It had been two years without a band program!”

Recruiting musicians to join PIE, essentially an indoor version of marching band, has been critical to rebuilding the program post-COVID. Aansh Khanal, now a senior, “had nothing else to do on Saturdays” and was intrigued by the chance to compete nationally. Committing, though, still took some convincing.

“I probably would have left if it hadn’t been for the most important element of PIE: community,” Khanal says. “PIE is like being part of a family.”

The kinship experienced by those in the program is intentional–their director is a byproduct of a familyfirst culture. Ryan’s father, Todd, is a legend in the marching community and a member of the Drum Corps International (DCI) Hall of Fame. Todd and his wife Kristi have helped with VCHS marching programs for decades. Beyond his parents, Shane Ryan has grandparents, aunts, and uncles who have marched; his wife, Julianna, also helps run PIE.

Ryan has a music education degree from the University of the Pacific, but he credits his parents for shaping him into the music educator he has become. Perhaps it should come as no surprise, then, that much like Khanal, Ryan notices a special closeness among the current PIE participants.

~ Aansh Khanal (’25), VCHS Student

“This year’s growth happened because we clicked so well together,” the director says. “We were very community-based, we were there for each other through some extremely difficult times–it was special. And when you have a group like that, you can absolutely see a difference in performance quality.”

Ryan returned to VCHS as an employee on the heels of PIE’s first year back competing after the pandemic (they finished sixth at Worlds in the spring of 2022). In 2023, they finished second at the same competition, and in April of 2024, they returned to the top with their first World Championship since 2019.

By no means was it an easy journey. Khanal calls their famed twelve-hour rehearsals “grueling,” but they relied on their sense of community to carry the day.

“Right before any competition, our whole band would gather together in a large circle and yell a part of the song as loud as humanly possible,” Khanal explains. “The trick was that we would spill out all the energy within ourselves, and we would translate that energy into our performances.”

The “cha” exercise, as it was dubbed, certainly worked. What’s next for this award-winning team? Overcoming the challenges of avoiding complacency and demanding that the music, dancing, and overall performance be “next-level,” as Ryan calls it. Moving closer to perfection is easier when you’re in it together. Says Khanal, “Because of how long we spend with each other, it’s almost as if we’re performing FOR each other.”


BEI Celebrates 10 Years of Transformative Experiential Education

In April 2024, nearly 150 people gathered in VCHS’ small gym to hear three student teams present their innovative start-up ideas to a panel of investors.

In the crowd were parents, fellow students, faculty, staff, venture capitalists, and passersby. All present were focused on the stage for the event-concluding Q&A, featuring two alumni now in college at UCLA and Claremont McKenna.

The President’s Business Challenge (PBC) is a semester-long project where students develop a product idea, write a business plan, and prepare a professional pitch for investors. After competing against their peers in multiple rounds of judged pitching, these top teams from the Entrepreneurship Honors class earned the chance to pitch to three Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

This past April marked the tenth anniversary of the PBC, the genesis of what is today an expansive K-12 Business, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (BEI) program. Since 2014, when BEI founder and director Hannah Kim coached the first cohort of fifty students in developing startup pitches, the program has expanded exponentially to serve hundreds of students each academic year–some of whom return to mentor, advise, and share their experiences.


entrepreneurial mindset,” says Hannah Kim. “The tremendous personal and professional growth they experience, developing essential twenty-first-century skills, inspires us to continue pouring into the students.”

Drawing upon the rich resources of Silicon Valley, including a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, leading industry experts, and experienced faculty, BEI now offers fourteen different elective courses, ranging from Creative Design Thinking for elementary students to the junior high Launch-A-Business class and Entrepreneurship Honors for high school students. Eleven distinct programs providing real-world, hands-on learning experiences for students of all ages are available during the school day and after school. In addition to their classroom options, high school students who want more hands-on experience can also participate in Quest Incubator, the competitive Speech & Debate program, or the DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) program, the largest chapter of its kind in the Bay Area.



During the 2023-24 academic year alone, 720 students enrolled in BEI elective courses, while 907 students participated in extracurricular BEI programs. Overall, over sixty percent of K-12 students at VCS engage in a BEI course or program each year.

“I’ve been privileged to witness so many Valley Christian students experience the startup process and cultivate their

Across all grades and all programs, BEI empowers students to assess the needs around them and equips them to develop creative, highimpact solutions that can transform industries and societies.

“BEI taught me how to collaborate with people who are different from me and gain confidence in my public speaking,” reports alumnus Audrey Guo (’23). By the time BEI students graduate, most have presented before business and community leaders and developed detailed business plans.

“My experience through programs like DECA, PBC, and Quest Incubator ultimately led me to my dream major at USC,” adds Guo, who is in the elite university’s highly competitive World Bachelor of Business program.

Alumnus Cale McClellan (’18) was among VCHS’ first Quest Incubator participants. While still in high school, he developed his first patented technology and launched his own business.

“The entire BEI team laid the foundation and imparted invaluable insights that fueled my growth as an entrepreneur,”

says McClellan, who founded and now serves as the Director of Technology at In-Houz Consulting, a provider of innovative tech solutions to rapidly scaling companies. “The knowledge I took with me has been instrumental in developing In-Houz Consulting into a successful technology firm.”

BEI continues to expand student opportunities for learning, growth, and impact. This past year, the high school introduced Social Innovation, a project-based course emphasizing social impact. Students in the inaugural class partnered with the San Jose Police Department to improve traffic and pedestrian safety. Their final proposals, completed through an intensive design process, were presented to city council members and police department command staff. These proposals have already resulted in new programs and funding to implement their recommendations.

This year’s offerings for Social Innovation will triple the number of students, alongside a new EntrepreneurshipPracticum Honors course and ongoing popular courses like Business

BEI taught me how to collaborate with people who are different from me and gain confidence in my public speaking. “
~ Audrey Guo (’23), VCHS Student

Fundamentals, Personal Finance, AP Computer Science, and Principles of Engineering Honors.

Even with all that BEI has accomplished in the last decade, Kim sees the potential for much more.

“I hope we can provide more courses and programs for elementary and junior high students soon. I also want to see our high schoolers partnering with national and international organizations to solve big, real-world problems,” she says. “There’s so much more we can do, and I have no doubt our students can rise to the challenge.”


For Ron Whitmill, driving his daughters home from Valley Christian volleyball games can feel like an identity crisis. On one hand, he’s Dad to senior Vanessa and freshman Dani— there to encourage, support, and sometimes mediate. On the other, he’s coach.

Vanessa is a middle hitter, and Dani is a setter. The sisters, three years apart, are on the same team for the first time ever, and there’s always coaching to be done, especially for a Warrior team replacing a handful of starters from a group that won the Division I State Championship in 2023.

“It’s a little surreal, to be honest with you,” Ron Whitmill says about getting to coach both of his daughters simultaneously. “I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.”

When Ron took the VCHS job in 2015, his first team featured the likes of Tori Dilfer (’17), Ronika Stone (’16), and Ashlyn Fleming (’16). They took home a state title. Ron’s daughters were still in elementary school: Vanessa was in third grade, and Dani was in kindergarten. They loved hanging out with the team and tagging along for the ride.

“I was so inspired by all of those girls,” Vanessa says. Dani remembers being at her dad’s side in the team room, on bus rides, and getting pushed around the gym in ball carts.

“We were like little mascots,” she laughs.

Ron has overseen plenty of success in the years since, though it wasn’t until last fall that the team hung another state banner in the gym where he has essentially raised his family. Volleyball is just in their blood. In fact, Ron met his wife, Heidi, at a volleyball tournament. Additionally, his mom attends every game, and with both of her granddaughters playing this year, she is looking forward to this season more than any other.

Given the age difference between the sisters, Vanessa and Dani have never had the chance to play on the same team—school or club. But Dani was good enough to make the varsity team this year as a freshman, and now Warrior volleyball games are true family affairs. Just don’t think those car rides home are all cheers and high fives.

“It can definitely be weird sometimes,” says Dani of playing alongside Vanessa. “We can butt heads a bit. But we know each other so well that it’s extremely helpful to have some built-in chemistry. We know what we need from each other.”

Even before the coach’s daughters became his players, family became the ultimate cornerstone of the program. Alumni come back to coach; the affection that all the girls around the program, past, present, and future, exhibit towards one another is evident. It’s authentic. It might just be the secret sauce that propelled an undersized team to the state championship last year. It’s definitely been the driving force behind the past decade of program success.

“Our community is what makes this place unique,” Ron says. “Our teams love each other. We’ve gotten so much buy-in because they don’t want to lose, don’t want to let each other down.”

“Our culture here is family,” Vanessa adds. “We are very intentional about getting to know each other on a personal level. It makes us tighter, makes us more comfortable.”


State championships or not, Ron has found that VCHS volleyball is life-giving to his family in so many ways. He has taught his players to redefine success and find other things to aim for in sports and life beyond just on-court wins. He calls the job a unique opportunity to do something relevant.

“I can say with confidence that so many kids here over the years wouldn’t be playing if they’d gone to any other school,” Ron says. “We’ve been blessed to make some pretty big impacts. That wasn’t anything I ever thought I’d find.”

Each year, the volleyball family sends a handful of graduating girls off to play at the next level— to Sonoma State, Wellesley, and Macalester,

to Colorado College, Wheaton, and San Jose State. This year’s graduation will be a little different for Ron, as he will watch Vanessa graduate this spring.

But he doesn’t want to think about that yet—too many practices and games to focus on, too many car trips home to enjoy—the best rides of Ron Whitmill’s life.

“I want my daughters to develop lasting memories this season,” he says. “That special bond of sisters, friends, and teammates.”

I just hope they realize how special this is.

~ Ron Whitmill, Father & Women’s Head Volleyball Coach


Training the Next Generation of Digital Guardians

Aanya Chauhan has been coding since the first grade— long enough to know that she wanted to pursue a career in computer science, but perhaps too early to pinpoint a specific application.

Then she got plugged into CyberQuest, one of VCHS’ newest AMSE programs (“plugged in” might be too outdated a phrase for CyberQuest, as much of its work is cloud-based).

“When I started learning about cybersecurity, it really opened my eyes,” says Chauhan, now a junior. “It made my coding feel more important than moving a character around on a screen or hacking games so I couldn’t lose.”

Indeed, creating the CyberQuest program before the 2023-24 school year was primarily motivated by a desire to pair growing student interest in coding with the seriousness of real-world cyber trends in such areas as artificial intelligence, digital deep-fakes, and financial or identity theft.

“We tried to tread lightly at first,” says CyberQuest program manager Moses Sanchez. “We didn’t want to be overly rigorous our first year, but we did want to align our student projects with broad concepts and technical theory.”

The program was so popular in its inaugural year that AMSE has re-calibrated its schedule for 2024-25 to accommodate student interest. Rather than follow a more traditional semesterlong pattern, CyberQuest will divide its year into trimesters and thus be able to accept an additional group of thirty students.

“We do feel like we hit the target on the interest level, and we’re continuing to try to make CyberQuest as desirable and visible as possible,” Sanchez says.


Students train on using industry-standard tools, covering a range of cybersecurity use cases, including wireless and web application hacking, cloud/endpoint hardening, and network security fundamentals through hands-on labs and learning exercises. Each trimester will culminate in a student hackathon, an event that assesses students’ knowledge and teamwork abilities, solving curated technical challenges in a fast-paced tournament-style event.

As CyberQuest continues to grow, AMSE leaders hope to align the program’s curricula with the progressive branches of cybersecurity professions. For example, level one of the program introduces students to what it would look like to be in a “Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst” industry role. The premise of level two, implemented

~ Aanya Chauhan (’26), VCHS Student

this year, focuses on work akin to a “Security Architect and Engineer” industry position.

“We have pretty big ambitions,” Sanchez mentioned. “We essentially want level two students to be able to design, build, and validate a secure, connected, smart city. As far as the high school experience goes, this is phenomenal.”

Sanchez added that while some students may come in with little to no experience in coding or computer science, CyberQuest’s overarching mission is to equip every participating student to be a discerning digital citizen.

This year, Chauhan is one of the program’s first two fellows. She is taking on more of a leadership role in designing projects and mentoring new students as she moves into the next phase of the coding journey she began a decade ago.

“I’m really looking forward to expanding my knowledge of cybersecurity, being able to do and learn more about new concepts, applications, and languages,” Chauhan says. “I’ve decided that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life: helping people protect themselves in our online world.”


Alumni Association

As we travel across the country and connect with our Alumni Ambassadors and fellow alumni, we are inspired by the incredible paths our graduates have taken after high school. Our Alumni Ambassador program continues to grow, reaching alumni worldwide—now even extending into Europe!

We’d love for you to follow along with us on Instagram @vchsalumni and stay updated on all the exciting happenings.

Alumni Re-Connect & Update

Please update your contact information by taking a moment to fill out our Re-Connection Form at

Become an Alumni Ambassador

Interested in becoming our next Alumni Ambassador? Apply today at

Alumni Ministries Team

Pastor Steve Dang (’02) Chief Ministry Officer, Senior Vice President, & Director of Alumni Ministries

Vanessa (Makinster ’03) Galante Assistant Director of Alumni Ministries

Mark Lodewyk Vice President of Ministry Relations





We want this to be more than a tagline but a felt reality. Every year, we travel to build authentic and lifelong connections with our graduates around the world. The word is getting out, and we invite you to join us as we continue our mission to develop a robust network of connections worldwide. Here are three ways to join this mission:

1. Update your information with us at

2. Follow us on Instagram for the latest news @vchsalumni.

3. Invite a classmate and attend one of our many local or national events.

Thank you for being an integral part of our Alumni Association! Over the past few years, we’ve had the privilege of connecting with alumni across different cities, welcoming Alumni Ambassadors into our community, hosting the Alumni Corner during Homecoming, and meeting many of you who have returned to campus for visits. Hearing you share how proud you are to be a graduate of VCHS and how you’ve deepened your connections with fellow alumni is what keeps our association thriving.

As we continue to grow, we’re excited to expand our alumni network even further. Our current focus is on creating new opportunities for engagement, with plans for phase two of our development. This phase will explore expanding networking opportunities, particularly in fields of interest, and facilitating internship and job connections among alumni.

Message from Alumna, Jocelyn Horsager ’12

“The Valley Christian High School Alumni Association has created a sense of belonging and connection amongst my peers. Through my involvement, I have had the opportunity to reconnect with peers and teachers and access valuable resources. Going back on campus made me proud to be affiliated with a school renowned for its innovation and commitment to community engagement and excellence.”

We’d love to hear from you! Please take a moment to update us on where you are in life, and let us continue to support you on your journey.

Visit to share your updates.

Thank you for staying connected, and remember: Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior!



Show off your school spirit in style by snagging some fun alumni gear at our exclusive Alumni store. Your purchase not only enhances your personal collection but also helps fund future initiatives for your alma mater.



















If you want us to visit your college or home town, email us at See you soon!

1984 REUNION - MARCH 1, 2025

Class of 1984 is having their 40th reunion! Join us on March 1, 4-8pm at Valley Christian Schools (Skyway campus) for an evening to reconnect with old friends and tour the campus. RSVP at


Class of 2024


COLLEGE University of Oxford

MAJOR Philosophy, Politics, and Economics


My friends helping me jumpstart my car when its battery died after Desi Dhamaal



Aerospace Engineering


Warrior Warz, because I won ducky jousting and the seniors won the overall competition

COLLEGE University of Texas at Austin

MAJOR Business


Being part of the water polo program, DECA trips, and having Mr. Reichow as a counselor

COLLEGE Grand Canyon University


Education with a focus in Special Education


Being able to be a part of VCS since kindergarten and enjoying HS activities like dances, Warrior Warz, and rallies


MAJOR Physics


Goofing around with my friends every day


Schreyer at Penn State




Line dancing and playing Feliz Navidad with my friends during clean up after closing night of Emotions

COLLEGE Northwestern University

MAJOR Neuroscience and Social Policy


Going on trips with the robotics team and creating the tradition of getting tacos wherever we went



BS Molecular and Cellular Biology


Lifting up Mr. Sankus for pictures after our last percussion ensemble concert

COLLEGE Biola University

MAJOR Cinema and Media Arts


Participating on many teams, like sports, yearbook, and Ambassadors with good friends while honoring God


New York University at Abu Dhabi




Playing on the new Spirio|r Steinway grand piano for the Conservatory Thanksgiving Event


MAJOR Pre-Political Science


Junior and Senior Year Guy Cheer, when the Class of 2024 SWEPT the competition

COLLEGE University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

MAJOR Applied Exercise Science

FAVORITE VCHS MEMORY Missions Trips - having the opportunity to spread God’s love to others

Azusa Pacific University

Baylor University

Biola University

California Institute of Technology

Carnegie Mellon University

Columbia University

Cornell University

Duke University

Georgetown University

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Northwestern University

University of Pennsylvania

University of Southern California

Pepperdine University

Santa Clara University

Stanford University

Vanderbilt University

Yale University


WarriorTides placed fourth in the MATE ROV World Championship, earned third place in the engineering presentation category, and set a new record score in the product demonstration.

We hosted our very first Latino cultural celebration,

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are so proud of everything you have accomplished, and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for your futures.

and performances!


The men’s volleyball team won their first-ever CIF NorCal Division I Championship, capping off their best season in program history and earning a number one ranking in NorCal.

The women’s volleyball team was named the 2023 CIF Division I

State Champions.

Carnaval! It was a huge success, sharing our Latino culture with delicious food, games, music,
junior high softball team won the 2023 Santa Clara East Side Athletic League Championship, marking back-to-back titles with a perfect 25-0 record over the past two years.

Walley’s Student Store opened its second location! Just a month after their one-year anniversary, the student-run store from BEI’s DECA program has expanded to a second location in the quad. The student store earned GOLD certification from DECA Inc. in both Retail Services and Food Services, making it one of only four California high school chapters to achieve this distinction.

The elementary school cheerleaders put on a fantastic performance during half-time of the men’s basketball game, bringing the cuteness and the talent.

The junior high school launched the Houses program, sorting students into four houses representing the Way of the Warrior virtues, where they participate in games, spirit rallies, and Warrior Time with their house teachers.



Our elementary school students put on a wonderful performance at Festival of the Arts, an evening where we celebrated the Conservatory of the Arts music programs.


Dear VCS Friends and Supporters,

As we reflect on the past year, we are deeply grateful for the generosity and heart of this incredible Warrior Club community. Eachofyou— parents, alums, faculty, staff, grandparents, family, and friends plays a crucial role in making Valley Christian Schools a place where students grow in faith, knowledge, and character. Your support ensures that our mission continues to transform lives, and for that, we celebrate.

While tuition covers the day-to-day operations, your gifts of time, service, and finances fuel our vision for excellence. From classroom enhancements, spiritual growth initiatives, security upgrades, and tuition assistance, every dollar raised and every person who serves enhances the VCS experience and impacts every student, teacher, and program.

Our school, now sixty-five years old, has seen remarkable growth, particularly over the last two decades. VCS transformed from a small school to a large organization with the opening of our Skyway Campus in 2000, and our student enrollment, facilities, and programs have grown significantly in recent years. The support of a generous, inspired community committed to our mission of education grounded in faith made this possible. Though our school may appear well-resourced, we are still in the early stages of building a lasting foundation for long-term stability.

We have a tremendous opportunity to secure a thriving future for Valley Christian Schools.

The Warrior Club unites our current families, alumni, friends, and businesses to support our mission and students. When we all join together and bring our gifts of time, talent, or finances, we can ensure that generations of students and families will be transformed by excellent education and faith.

We have already seen what is possible when we come together. Through the Warrior Club and the support of families like yours, we will continue to build a strong foundation for our students today and for generations to come. Thank you for your unwavering support and for being part of this exciting journey.

With gratitude and hope,

Revenue and Expenses

Financial Overview: Stewardship and Strategic Planning for the Future

As VCS celebrates its sixty-fifth year, we reflect on our incredible growth and progress—particularly in the past two decades. In 2000, our Skyway Campus opened its doors. Since then, our school has undergone tremendous transformation. We built our Conservatory of the Arts and Athletic Stadiums, launched our AMSE and BEI programs, and welcomed more students than ever before. All of this happened with the support of an incredible community. While we are proud of these achievements, we also recognize the need to secure the future of our school through strong financial stewardship and continued support.

Our primary source of revenue comes from tuition and fees, which allow us to meet operational needs for an exceptional education. However, tuition alone cannot fund the vision we hold for our students. Donations make a significant difference and allow us to offer tuition assistance to more families, support teachers, and provide key innovations that grow programs.

As you can see from the financial diagrams, a sizable portion of our expenses is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing our beautiful campuses, covering operational costs, and ensuring we have salaries and benefits that attract and retain excellent educators. Additionally, we must cover the annual debt service from the initial loan that built our campus.

The Need for Support

Planning for a Sustainable Future

While we have grown immensely, our school—unlike many of our peer institutions—does not yet have the benefit of decades of established philanthropic culture. VCS was a small school until our Skyway Campus opened, and most of our alumni are under forty. We are in the early stages of building a legacy of support that will sustain our mission for future generations.

To ensure that VCS remains a place of faith, excellence, and opportunity, we must grow both our annual fund and our long-term strategic giving efforts. Donations to the Warrior Fund are crucial in meeting immediate needs, from tuition assistance to student programs. To secure a lasting legacy, we must also focus on planned giving, ensuring that the school remains vibrant and strong well into the future.

Partnering for the Future

We are committed to careful financial planning and fiscal responsibility. The generosity of our supporters play a vital role in shaping the future of VCS. As we look ahead we invite you to partner with us in growing and sustaining our mission. Together, we can ensure that the excellence we experience today is a gift passed on to generations to come.


The Power of Annual Giving at Valley Christian Schools

We strive to provide an exceptional education beyond the basics, aiming to inspire every student’s academic success, faith, and character development. While tuition covers the school’s essential operations, your gifts through the Warrior Fund fuel our vision for the future.

The Warrior Fund augments every area of the school, allowing us to offer our students the best possible experiences and opportunities. When you donate to the Warrior Fund, you can support designated funds, like tuition assistance, the annual teachers’ love gift, or give to our general fund, which supports our school’s greatest needs each year.

Funding the Greatest Needs

Undesignated gifts to the Warrior Fund allow the school to address its most pressing needs each year, wherever they may be. Whether upgrading technology in the classroom, expanding extracurricular programs, improving campus facilities, or providing new resources for our outstanding teachers, the Warrior Fund ensures that we can continuously improve and innovate.

With your support, we can accomplish the following:

Invest in cutting-edge technology and resources that keep our students ahead in today’s world.

Enrich extracurricular programs that foster well-rounded students and support student wellbeing.

Enhance the safety and security of our campus, ensuring a nurturing environment for learning.

Support the professional development of our teachers by providing them with the tools they need to inspire and educate.


Giving in Action

From facility improvements that elevate the learning environment to resources that equip our teachers for success, every gift makes a difference. View “The Warrior Fund” video to learn about how your gifts have impacted the lives of students and faculty this year.


3,864 gifts from members of our community.


386 students received tuition assistance totaling $5.5 million.


130 students sent on global Impact mission trips to five countries.

$2,402,800 in donations.

Gym Scoreboards, Freshly Painted Gym, & Updated Warrior Wall Vinyl Enhanced Chapel & Event Experience

Warrior Club

2023-2024 EVENTS RECAP

Valley Christian Schools’ fundraising events are vital to generating resources for our Quest for Excellence.

Thanks to the support of our donors, sponsors, and volunteers, we continue to enhance our academic, arts, and athletic programs. These events unite students, parents, alumni, and business leaders in shared goals and achievements. We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of our community, which consistently makes a lasting impression on our campus and our students’ lives.

10th Annual Quest Ball: Shine Bright

The 10th Annual Quest Ball Dinner and Auction, held at Kirigin Cellars, welcomed over 400 guests who gathered to “Shine Bright” to support tuition assistance across all three campuses. The evening opened with a beautiful violin performance by Mathias Chaidez (’99), and continued with lively bidding, great food, and warm fellowship. Several alumni shared heartfelt reflections on the faculty and administration who shaped their lives, making it a night to remember.

Our Quest Ball Chairs, Meredith Haase and Nikki Staubli, alongside a dedicated team of volunteers, created an unforgettable ambiance and secured an incredible array of auction items. We extend our deepest thanks to all who participated and made a direct and meaningful contribution to the future of VCS students.

29th Annual Golf Classic

The 29th Annual Golf Classic was once again a highlight of the year, held at the prestigious Silver Creek Valley Country Club. The event has sold out for three years in a row. Featuring party holes, pro gear, and prizes, the Golf Classic is filled with laughter, community, and fun.

A special thank you to our Golf Classic Chairs, Kathleen Kelley, Meredith Haase, Jeff Layne, and Mike Lean, for their tireless efforts in making this event one of the most memorable days of the year. Their dedication ensures that the funds raised continue to support the mission of the school.

Thank you to all who participated in the Quest Ball and Golf Classic as sponsors, volunteers, and donors. Your contributions directly impact the future of Valley Christian Schools.



Joseph Karakas ’98


reconnecting with the staff and coaches and starting a family,

I’ve come

to truly appreciate the impact my school had on shaping my personal and professional life.

Walking the campus again, I was reminded of the opportunities and experiences that helped me grow into the person I am today. My closest friends, even to this day, are my classmates. The teachers and coaches that I had instilled the values and work ethic that drive me today. Looking back, I can see that VCS was more than just the school I attended, it was the foundation of the type of person and professional that I strive to be.

Now, as I look ahead to the future and think about the world my son will inherit, I feel a sense of responsibility to ensure that future students can benefit in the same way. Giving back allows me to support scholarships, enhance academic programs, and strengthen resources, ensuring the school continues to thrive and offer life-changing opportunities to others. It’s a way of paying forward the legacy of education that we all carry with us.

I encourage my fellow alumni to reflect on the ways our time at this institution shaped our lives and to consider the power we have to contribute to its continued success. By giving back, we can collectively ensure that the same sense of community, academic excellence, and growth remains available for the next generation.

Whether it’s through financial contributions, mentorship, or volunteering, every effort counts. Together, we can sustain the community’s future that helped define us and allow others to embark on the same journey. Let’s leave a lasting legacy for our alma mater and empower the students who will follow in our footsteps. GO WARRIORS!”

Alumni Making a Difference

Our alumni are vital to our school. Whether they’re giving back through their time, talents, or financial support, our graduates continue to make an incredible impact on the students who walk the halls today. From volunteering time to sharing their professional expertise, our alums’ involvement continues to inspire both students and staff.

If you’re an alum and would like to get involved, there are countless ways to give back, whether through the Warrior Club, mentoring programs, or attending events.

Upcoming Events:


Alumni at Quest Ball 2024
Elliot Wuu (’17) at An Evening of Note, Think Music Scholarship


Our volunteer community was in full force last year, serving on campus, encouraging our educators, and planning events and fundraisers. Our campus would not be what it is without all who graciously invest in our students, faculty, and staff. A huge thank you to every single person who gave their time and talents last year!


Our Warrior Club Leadership team is developing several new initiatives to connect our community this school year. If you want to support VCS’ mission and get more involved, we’d love to hear from you. From welcoming new families to building connection opportunities in your neighborhood, volunteering for events, or cheering on our athletes, there are many ways for you to use your time and talent to strengthen our school through the Warrior Club.

To volunteer for K-12 Community Events with our Warrior Club, such as the Quest Ball or Golf Tournament, contact or Stephanie Rosas at

To connect with our Community Development & Advancement team and learn more about volunteering, complete our volunteer form at

Club Events (Quest Ball/Golf Classic)

Community Spotlight: Warrior Grandparents

Grandparents hold a special place in our school, offering wisdom, love, and support that deeply impact the lives of their grandchildren and the broader school. Their unique presence fosters a sense of heritage and continuity, passing on values and a legacy of faith that help shape the character of our students. This year, we are especially grateful for the many grandparents who chose to give to the Warrior Fund, recognizing the vital role they play in enhancing every aspect of our school, from academic and spiritual development to extracurricular programs and campus improvements. Their generosity not only enriches the experience of their grandchildren but also supports the growth and flourishing of the entire school community. We thank them for their commitment and for being integral to our school’s mission and future.



Give and get involved! The Warrior Club honors our alumni, parents, family members, alumni parents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who demonstrate their commitment to VCS by contributing a gift of any amount annually. All gifts given to VCS during our fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) are eligible for membership recognition in the Warrior Club. In addition, our Leadership Circle level donors will receive invitations to special events throughout the year.

For additional information, please contact our Community Development & Advancement team at or visit

Warrior Club Member Levels

Warrior Club Leadership Circle*

The Warrior Club Leadership Circle celebrates and unites community members who make substantial contributions. Members are acknowledged in our Annual Giving Report and receive invitations to exclusive events throughout the year, depending on their membership level. This circle fosters deeper connections with school leaders and other supporters.

Warrior Club Leadership Circle is denoted by the asterisk in the member chart above. for more



Lifetime Giving


Membership in the David and Edie Wallace Founders’ Council is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions exceeding $200,000.

Anonymous (3)

Nils and Jean Akerman

Sally Anderson

Brian and Brandy Brager

Michael and Elizabeth Byrd

Kevin and Gayla Compton

Cliff and Kris Daugherty

Bruce Dunlevie

Friends of Valley Christian Schools

Joseph Gagliardi

Rick and Trisha Gouveia

Promod and Dorcas Haque

Gary and Kathie Heidenreich

Henry and Kimberley Kaestner

Mike and Jennifer LaBarbera

William and Kay Long

New Technology Specialists

Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo Porter

Reyes Family Foundation

Richard and Michelle Rock

Edward and Beverly Stirm

The Davidson Family Foundation

The Heidenreich Fund

Myron and Cathy Ullman

Robert and Carol Wallace

Rick and Pam Watson

David and Kirsten Williams


Membership in the Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty, Quest for Excellence Society is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions total $50,000-$199,999.

Anonymous (9)

Acrisure West Region

Agape Christian Schools

Ahrendts-Couch Family Foundation

Michael and Karen Ainslie

John Albanese

David Berman

Wendy Berman

Mark and Debbie Bieber

Tim and Juliana Billups

Chip and Kersti Bronk, Jr.

Bruce Hellesoe

William and Franell Burford

John and Nia Castelly

Randy and Jeanne Chamberlain

Jack and Celia Chue

Chad and Natalie Cochran

Compton Family Trust

Kris and Genevieve Coughran

Charlie Davidson

Brian and Lorilee Dexheimer

John Diatte, Jr.

Trent and Cassandra Dilfer

John and Linda Dunning

Gayn and Tricia Erickson

Michael and Patty Favet

Claude and Trish Fletcher

Greg and Lise Fox

Matthew and Lisa Garrett

Richard and Daria Geraffo

Philip and Cindy Gregory

Winston and Teresa Hendrickson

Horne Charitable Remainder Trust

Ken and Julie Houp

J & J Sports Productions Incorporated

John and Shebbie Jacques

Rodney and Sena Jones

Thomas and Nanette Kinkade

Dave and Julie Klenske

John and Stephanie Knauss

Douglas and Jeanne Korns

Chao Chu Kuo

Gary Loo and Crystal Peng

MarFam Computer Solutions

Robert and Debbie Marinconz

Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation

Justin and Deanna McAnear

Gary and Karina McCann

Stephen and Michelle McMinn

Jerry Merza

Rita Minnis

Bill Myers and Lisa Bodensteiner

Brian and Sandy Nelson

New Century Ranch, LLC

New Horizons Foundation

Russell and Janette Nolan

Mimi Patterson

Steven and Cynthia Perry

Pete Morgan Foundation

Eric and Suzanne Phelps

Gary and Janet Radonich

Melvin and Sara Reynolds

Nick and Nikki Roland

Bruce and Michelle Roth

Vera Shantz

Kenneth and Maureen Shilling

Christopher and Jennifer Smith

South Bay Construction

Sunil and Caroline Stephen

Ronald and Bonnie Swenson

Mike and Jeanne Tate

TD4HIM Foundation, Inc.

John and Kara Teresi

The Hage Foundation

Richard and Kimberly Trevino

Mary Turner

Rob and Susie Valiton

Werner and Sheri Vavken

Wells Fargo Foundation

William G. Irwin Charity Foundation

William and Mary Trust

Curt and Gracie Willson

Sam and Stacey Winter

Zerella Family Foundation

Annual Giving


This group is defined by cumulative annual gifts of $2,500 or more during the fiscal year.


Legacy Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $25,000 or more during the fiscal year.

Anonymous (1)

Dusty and Lauren Furtado

Henry and Kimberley Kaestner

Gary Loo and Crystal Peng

Enke Chen and Pauline Luan

Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo Porter

Ron and Joanne Radonich

Richard and Michelle Rock

The Hage Foundation


Diamond Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $10,000-$24,999 during the fiscal year.

Anonymous (1)

Mark and Debbie Bieber

Maurice and Melissa Carrubba

Kevin and Leslie Cathey

Chad and Natalie Cochran

Kevin and Gayla Compton

Cliff and Kris Daugherty

Dan and Sarah Dryden

Lance and Daphne Etcheverry

Kevin Han and Jocelyn Chang

Promod and Dorcas Haque

Edwin and Ramona Hormozian

Yi Chang Hsieh and Shin Chen

Alfred and Renee Jones

Dave and Julie Klenske

Chao Chu Kuo

Justin and Deanna McAnear

Gary and Karina McCann

Eric and Suzanne Phelps

Vance and Kim Roush

Sunil and Caroline Stephen

Hugh and Megan Thompson

LaSalle and Nikole Vaughn

Hy Vu and Annie Cheng

John Wuu

Eric Yeoh and Ying Ying Lee


Platinum Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $5,000-$9,999 during the fiscal year.

Anonymous (5)

Julius and Amy Agbonbhase

Nils and Jean Akerman

Robert and Kari Briski

Thomas and Sabrina Bruckner

G.J. Chun and So Young Hong

Mike and Liz Ditty

Jerry Fan

Thomas and Mindi Faucette

Stephen and Claire Frieder

Richard Gass and Konstantina Papagiannaki

John Gmuender

Tim and Kristin Gordon

Rick and Trisha Gouveia

Andy and Lynsie Gridley

Jonathan and Tessa Hayes

Adrienne Heath-Wheeler

Malyadri Jaladanki and Sirisha Bhusarapu

Richard Koch and Eva Tsai

David Kyser

Tyler Mariucci

Hemanga Nath and Moushumi Goswami

Jay and Amita Patel

Alfredo Patron and Flavia Toledo

Joshua and Brandi Peters

Genia Phillips

Miles and Lauren Proctor

Robert and Elizabeth Salvagno

Kenneth and Maureen Shilling

Jolon and Nicole Staubli

Wayne and Patricia Summers

Suman Tandon

Tyrone and Candice Taylor

Charles Wang and Nancy Zhong

Rick and Pam Watson

Sam and Stacey Winter

Vincent Yang and Lu Wang


Gold Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $2,500-$4,999 during the fiscal year.

Anonymous (4)

Timothy and Wannetta Anderson

Steve and Kristal Barnes

Dan and Franell Burford

Dan and Michele Chapman

Been-Der Chen and Ruey-Ven Wang

Lianchuan Chen and Liwei Hou

Yahui Chu and Siwei Wang

Billy and Carin Conway

John and Wendy Cooley

Dustin and Diane Cu

James and Melissa Denena

Bruce and Rika Diephouse

Xinmin Ding and Tongtong Wang

Hong Fan and Lixia Zhu

Justin and Annie Fletcher

Yu Gu and Zhaohui Fan

Adam and Nancy Hampson

Minghui Han and Carol Fan

Thomas Han and Yu Mi Kim

Mike and Rikki Hanna

Guangsong Huang and Xia Liu

Hieu Huynh and Nhu Dong

Enzo and Tiffany Iacomini

Pete and Yen Jolly

Shuo Chun Kao and Christy Shaw

Manoj and Darshana Khiani

Tony and Natalina Kinnis

John and Stephanie Knauss

H Koal

Charles and Claire Kuo

Dezhan Li and Tracy Jiang

Ke Li and Yi Zhang

James Lin and Stephanie Yeh

Song Lin and Haijun Xia

Mark and Natalie Lodewyk

Eljas and Eileen Long

Ben Luo and Lora Xiong

Jerry Merza

Randy and Aimee Miller

Emmanuel and Laura Nana

Eric and Angela O’Brien

Raj and Shilta Patel

Clint and Kim Ramsey

Kit and Wanda Reichow

Albert and Michele Ross

Juan and Janina Sanchez

Matthew and Amy Sapp

Jianfei Shao and Jin Wang

Paul She and Linda Kuo

Christopher and Jennifer Smith

Christi Stockhaus

Richard Su and Nicole Lim

Yanshi Tao and Song Qin

Samuel and Sharon Tseng

Allen Wan and Zuqin Liu

Frank Wang and Cindy Cao

Yanfeng and Lei Wang

Zhigang Xie and Jianyang Xu

Dominic Yip and Annie Lam

Alan Yu and Judy Lo

Hongbo Yu and Nancy Liu

Jianlin Zeng and Huiwen Li

Jin Zhang and Zhaohua Qin

Yan Zhang and Xiaolin Mou

Rick Zhang and Yi Li

Yi Zou and Xiaoyan Liu

Key: Deceased (italicized)

Annual Giving


Silver Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $1,000-$2,499 during the fiscal year.

Anonymous (4)

Valdemar and Cheryl Arild

Craig and Susan Bagley

John and Anna Basanese

Kirk and JoKay Bednar

A.J. and Cara Borromei

David and Molly Boudreault

Jim and Danielle Brassfield

Chip and Kersti Bronk

Dennis and Teresa Butchart

Carlos and Angy Carvalho

Carlos and Vanessa Carvalho

Lu Chen and Chun Lu

Yuankai Chen and Cong Zhou

Steven and Nicole Chitty

Max Chou and Lucy Sun

Jordan and Beth Cookman

Jorge and Maureen Delgado

Dunlin Deng and Wanping Zhang

Shunli Deng and Lina Qu

Jing Qiang Ding and Qiao Zhang

Twum Djin and Denise Twum

Zhefeng Du and Yuanpeng Huang

Ryan and Michelle Elliott

Dwain and Jean Fairweather

Scott Fan and Liming Li

Calvin Fang and Xueyan Li

Adam and Courtney Fischer

Jianhua Li and Qilin Fu

Donny and Jolene Fugate

Adam and Kristin Gill

Rick and Heidi Granado

Philip and Cindy Gregory

Mitch Gu and Lifang Yang

Ming Guo and Whitney Huang

Yanchuan Guo and Hong Yu

Brad Gyger and Nabila Haq

Farshad and Mehri Haghighi

Andy Wang and Ellen Hong

Ken and Julie Houp

Jingming Huang and Mu Bai

Shenbo Huang and Li Guo

Wenjin Huang and Lufeng Zhuang

Zhuochuan Huang and Lianfang Xiao

Daryll and Debi Hughes

Guangyun Jiang and Chanjuan Li

Mingwei Jiang and Xiaocen Zhu

Richard Jiang and Tammy Sun

Yi Jin and Dan Wan

Billy and Veronica Jowers

Byungsun Jun and Yoon Chi

Woo Shik Jung and Summer Shin

Bruce and Rose Kakimoto

Phillip and Sheila Kamp

Sanjeev Katariya and Kevi Belho

Chris Kim and Katie Jung

Danny and Hannah Kim

Youngmin Kim and Youngsoo Bae

Samuel Kommu and Mini Aradhyula

Chayong Lee and Haejin Kim

Dongrim Lee and Youngsun Yun

Yong-Won and Hwajin Lee

John and Geraldine Leggio

Hengyi Li and Teresa Liu

Chris Li and Wendy Wang

Jun Li

Tao Li and Na Xing

Steve Li and Qianmin Yi

Mike and Laura Lien

Bruce and Sophia Lin

James Lin and Stephanie Yeh

Tim and Elizabeth Lindemulder

Mingda Liu and Zhen Zhen

Yuchang and Lixin Liu

Remy Liu and Nancy Tian

Cameron Lockard

Michael Lum and Yan Huang

Ryan and Aicha Mehlmauer

Alex and Cathy Mendez

Jeff Miller and Danielle Jenkins

Robert and Jean Mitchell

Kevin and Jacqueline Monroe

Sayandev and Chandreyee Mukherjee

Gary and Robynn Myers

Jason and Barbara Neu

Simon Ninan

Emmanuel and Lydia Paquiz

Trent and Jenny Parker

Xianzhao Peng and Lei Jiang

Hong and Elaine Pun

Cody and Lori Kate Pyle

Victor and Jennie Quon

Luis and Nicole Santizo

Vera Shantz

Sean and Judith Sink

John and Renee Smaha

Federico Solorzano and Cindy Wong

David and Kim Staskus

Jason and Raelene Stork

Tony Sun and Zhao Hui Nie

Edmund Tang and Jinjing Wang

Haoyu Tang and Yu Ming Zhao

Yin Fung Tang and Oi Har Lam

John and Kara Teresi

Vishwajit Tigadi and Deepa Rampura

Kuisong Tong and Yujing Ren

Danny Tow and Valerie Vaccaro

Joseph and Tina Tseng

Gao Tu and Lu Dai

Todd and Amanda Tuls

Brian Ugie and Christina Briggs

Gaoyuan Wang and Jian Zhang

Shangying Wang

Tao Wang and Luohan Pu

Xinshuo Wang and Mona Na

Desheng and Winnie Wang

David and Jennifer White

Jeff and Julie Wilson

Zuoguo Wu and Taoyu Zhang

Kevin Xiao and Erin Zhu

Hui Xie and Li Shi

Yao Xu and Kewen Sun

Vincent Yang and Xi Zhang

Zhengning Yang and Yu Liu

Zhuxin Yang and Xiaoqin Xu

Yong Yao and Grace Yin

Choon-Hoe Yeoh and Leeann Lian

Alex Yi and Wen He

Dongliang Yin and Sophie Wang

Soungkuk Yoo and Hyeonjeong Lee

Baozhen Yu and Jenny Feng

Heeyeol Yu

Wei Yuan and Liwei Liu

Zhen Zeng and Wen Yang

Jidong Zhang and Ling Ye

Wei Zhang and Jianmei Cai

Wei Zhang and Ning Zhuang

David Zheng and Stellar Yang

Qian Zhong and Rachel Huang

Chuangyu Zhou and Zhen Wu

Hailong Zhou and Nancy Jiang

Kun Zhou and Fengqin Yang

Shanzhong Zhu and Zhenyu Qiu

Adrian Zhuang and Haijing Fang

Annual Giving


Bronze Membership is defined by cumulative annual gifts up to $999 during the fiscal year.

Anonymous (29)

Donaldson Abadilla

Donnie Abadilla

Tunisia Abdul-Ghanee

T. Abrahamsohn

Richard and Gail Abreau

Alice Afshar

Raman and Amanda Afshar

Preeti Agarwal

Ali Alawi

Christopher and Tatum Alcantara

Jonathan Alcantara

Akmaral Alimzhan

Ashlyn Allen

Nick and Ashley Alongi

Elisa Alvarado

Amanda Amaral

Ty and Justina Amundson

Stephanie Amundson

Tammy Anders

Annette Andersen

Krista Andersen

Mike and Kristin Annab

Honesto Antonel

John and Vanessa Antonel

Kevin Antonel

Eladio Aoalin

Alexandra Aragon

Venus Arce

Daniel and Lydia Arechiga

Darrell and Eileen Arellano

Kevin Armstrong

Elisha Arnone

Amanuel Assefa and Nebiat Baarez

Lacy Atkinson

Wendy Babb

Gay Bacheller

Lisa Bagley

Austin Bai

Mehdi Bakhtiary and Samira


Diego Balaan

Louisse Balaan

Ryan Barnhart

Natalie Baron

Mark and Sarah Barragan

Jason and Joanna Barrett

John and Heidi Barrett

Sharon Barrientos

Randy and Hea Jin Bartholomew

Jenn Barulich

Christopher and Courtney Basanty

Elena Basanty

Robert and Susana Basanty

Andrew and Duhong Bateman

Artist Battle

Otis Battle

Ruth Beckner

Matt and Julie Belluomini

Yedit Bereket

Kai Berger and Kongfeng Zhu

Don Bergman

Scot Bergman

Eduardo Betancourt

Vinay Bettadapura

David Bettencourt

Mary-Jo Bettencourt

William Bettencourt

Preete Bhanot

Jithin Bhasker and Meera

Gopalakrishna Karnavar

Kiki Blum

Brent and Erica Boekestein

Jeffrey and Erica Bonham

Gino and Jana Borello

Feyi Boroffice

Funto Boroffice

Joy Boroffice

Oluwaseyi Boroffice

Temitayo and Adriana Boroffice

Ronald Borromeo

Michael and Amal Boshra

Tim and Roxanne Bowers

Jeff Boyles

Kathy Bradley

Shelly Brammer

Branch Family

Dave and Becky Breiland

Stephen Bretsen

John Bright

Nicole Broadwell

Cameron Brown

Jimmie and Tara Brown

Kendra Brown

Charlie and Alice Bruce

Sarah Bulloch

Vanessa Bullocks

Atoya Burleson

Ana Burt

Carsten Buschmann

Saundra Butler

Stephen and Niki Butler

Mark Byers

Charles Caldera

Carolyn Caldera-De Fanti

Krista Call

Michael Callender

Karen Camese

Doug and Windy Campen

Manuel Canales

Aaron and Carrie Cannistraci

Brenda Caravia

Hernan Cardenas and Monica Duarte

Jesus Cardenas

Alexander Carignan and Michaela Carrozzi

Kylie Carroll

Noah Castellano

Phillip Castellano

Raymond and Lisa Castelli

Eugenio Castillo

Miguel and Joleen Castro

Bradford and Kathleen Cathey

Jon and Jen Cathey

Nishant Chadha and Amrita Puri

Alex and Christine Chae

Naveen Chahal

Pravi and Becky Chahal

Pritam Chahal

Lisa Gomez

Darlene Gonzales

Bruce Good

Sue Goudreau

Bobbie Grafeld

Vanessa Green

Leigh Grestoni

Ivor and Krystal Griffiths

Qun Gu and Ting Tong

Alex Guan and Xu Hua Li

Carl and Leslee Guardino

Stephen and Theresa Guarini

Patti Guercio

Ryan and Lacy Guerrero

Troy and Melissa Gunter

Zhangqi Guo and Ronghua Xu

Kelsey Gurley

Brian and Kathleen Gustad

Elijah Gustad

Brian and Danielle Gustafson

Ephraim H.

Tin H.

Christa Haase

Derek Haase

Wassim Haddad and Viktorija Petrauskaite

Sean and Janelle Haggett

Edwin and Pauline Haghnazari

Larry Hale and Yanmin Tao

Stevie Hale

Shig and Christine Hamamatsu

Kenji and Christine Hamilton

Preston and Juliette Hamilton

Jennifer Han

Suzanne Hancock

Andre and Marina Hanke

Richard and Jane Hankins

Eric and Betsy Hansen

Lydia Hara

Ruth Hartman

Guy Hatfield

Doug and Heather Hayden

Tiffany Haynes

Dennis Hays

William and Maria Hayward

Dana and Sharon Hazlett

Bing He and Dongmei Sun

Tim and Annie Heath

Vincent Heilig

Michael and Andrea Hering

Elizabeth Hernandez

Hugo and Shawna Hernandez

Susana Hernandez

Sylvia Hernandez

Chad Heskett

Wayne and Lorrie Heskett

William and Kimberly Hetrick

Cindy Hidalgo

Benjamin Hill

Allan Hipolito

Jakob Hipolito

Jerika and Jessa Hipolito

Mary Ann Hipolito

Mikaela Hipolito

Robert and Irene Hipolito

Florence Ho

Joseph Ho

Samuel Ho and Elena Kwong

Wei-Wei Ho

Robert Hoelting

Hulk Hogan

Kristina Holgersen

Terry Holgersen

Lisa Holliday

Ted and Laurie Holmes

Tamara Holthouser

Sung Ho Hong and Hyeshin Moon

Ron and Rosie Hopkins

Clinton and Carly Horton

Harrison and Charlotte Hoshii

Henry and Heather Hoshii

Enzo and Mila Houghton

Thomas Hsiao and He Wang

Declan Hsu

Chaohong Hu and Camellia Lu

Hengxiang Hu and Yan Zhu

Qing Hu and Sherry Zhang

Jie Huang and Wei Zhou

Judy Huber

Stephen Huber and Ester Nespoli

Stephen and Leanne Hughes-Bland

Amelia Hui

Calvin Hui and Tanya Yee

Tim Hui

Alex and Sarah Hult

Jan Hundrieser

Chin Hur

Adam Huth

Tri Huynh

Trung Huynh

Jeff Idos

Jef Inman

Zamirbek Ismailov

Howell and Chris Ivy

George Jacoub

Pravin Jadhav and Priya Vartak

Bobby and Fadia Jaffari

Shivapriya Jamboti

John James

Kevin James

Mark and Michele Janes

Jerry Jang

Vishal and Christina Jangla

Anthony Jenkins-Rose and Brittany Pickett-Rose

Rebecca Jennings

Chloe Jerjiss

Jinhua Jiang and Li Xia

Sheng Jiang and Peng Yan

Feng Jiao and Meilian Li

Jeff Jimenez

Johnson Family

Holly Johnson

Patty Johnson

Cherie Jones

Mistydawn Jones

Rajesh and Cecilia Juluri

Eiko and Wiwiek Junus

Lon Justice

Davin and Heather Jutila

Jen Kain

Tirath and Poonam Kamdar

Rohit Kandhari and Ashwini Balaraman

Gene and Diana Kang

Arup Kanjilal and Rini Kundu

Lynn Kao

Elizabeth Karlsson

Johan Kartiwa and Noviyanti Praseyto

Anuradha Karuppiah

Scott Katric and Kathy Katric

Paul Keas and Xiaodong Zhang

Brian Keegan and Ellen Keegan

Matthew Keel

Nick Keller

John and Kathleen Kelley

Karen Kellner

Rachel Keung

Carter Kim

Ina Kim

Jae Yul Kim and Hannah Park

Jekyung Kim and Jieun Kwon

Jinwoo Kim

Kenneth Kim and Kyung Eun Aum

Liam Kim

Minji Kim

Narae and Nam Hoon Kim

Paul Kim

Woochan Kim and Sally Koh

Woochan Kim and Sam Lee

Kerry and Erika Kirchenbauer

Janet Knapp

Janghwan Ko and Haejin Kim

Sangwon Ko and Sunmi Jung

Kris Kocurek

Youngjoo Koh

Grant Kondo

Joe and Helen Koo

Kevin and Amber Kraver

Robert and Celia Krippene

Dan Kurtz

Edric Kwong

Gorden Kwong

Myron and Mimi Kwong

Sneha L.

Elizabeth Lacey

Satish Lakshmanan and Nandini Srinivasan

Grammy Landsteiner

Jared Landsteiner

Josh Landsteiner

Mimi Lantz

Rick and Catherine LaPore

Joey Laragione

Mellina LaRocca

Jason Lash

Jaxson Lash

Andrew and Bridget Lau

Amber Lawson

Cindy Lawson

Kola and Monilola Layokun

Anthony Le and Adelina Palaroan

Bi Le

Dat Le

Julian Le

Trang Le

Casey LeBlanc

Ada Lee

Andrew Lee and Ye Seul Jeon

Brandon and Heather Lee

Donald and Claudia Lee

Jeannie Lee

Jeesoo Lee and Gloria Lim

Jiwoong and Hyeyoon Lee

Jonathan Lee

Michael Lee

Noah Lee

Sang Hyeb Lee and Yoonwon Jung

Taehun Lee

Winnie Lee

Cristina Leon

Susan Leonard

Jinhua Li and Hui Cheng

Shoulong Li and Lei Wang

Zhaoyu Li and Xian Kang

Steven Liao and Tammy Lai

Dave and Jen Licata

Sangheun Lim Yunjoo Lim

Edwin and Maria Isabel Limpot

Don and Sandy Limprecht

Raymond and Anita Lin

Chih-Lun Lin and Chia-Hua Sung

Sen Lin and Yan Shu

Tien-Chih Lin and Hsin-Fang Chang

Hui Liu and Li Zhong

Lei Liu and Anita Li

Xiaobo Liu and Yanchun Yang

Ryan Liu and Lichun Dong

Zhongri Liu and Nan Zhang

Alice Lloyd

Ramona Lock

Efren Locquiao

Pamela Locquiao-Fabro

Zhenyang Long and Luying Peng

Bryan and Liza Loofbourrow

John Loofbourrow

Nathan Loofbourrow

Tod and Margaret Loofbourrow

Wayne and Lisa Loofbourrow

Ron and Dixie Lopes

Colette Lopez

Ryan Lopez

Wenping Lou and Jing Xu

Nicole Love

Jessica Lu

Jimmy Lu and Jennifer Lu-Wong

Mandy Lu

Yunfeng Lu and Jing Tang

Erin Lucier

John Lukez and Tami Lee

David and Katelyn Guarneros Luna

Matthew and Roxanne Lundgaard

Junwu Luo and Rebecca Tong

Gary Lusung

Danny and Lilian Luu

Glen and Annemarie Lynch

Don and Grace Ma

Ursula MacDougall

Makenzie Mack

Kelvin and Marian Mak

Tosanwunmi and Odiri Maku

Ross and Lisa Malinowski

Phil and Valerie Malvini

Calvin and Marie Arlene Mangubat

Somnath Mani and Shweta Jain

Kavya Manjunath

Gabby Mann

PaShon Mann

Brenda Mannina

Lindsey Mansfield

Stephanie Mansfield

Cesar and Gabi Manuel

Timothy Manuel

Marcel and Judy Marc

and Erika Marcuccillo

Jeremy and Jessica Mariscal

Sabrina Marquez

Courteney Marshall

Ngan Martin

Cristie Martinez

Daniel and Lora Martinez

Rosa Martinez

Dayna Martorell Christos and Diana Matheou

Geralyn Mathews

Joann Matouk

Brett and Tami Mattos

Stephanie Matyskiewicz Eric and Beth Maxwell

Craig and Elizabeth McCarley

Tammy McCune Erin McDearman

Matthew and MaryCarmel McEwen

Steve and Gloria McGriff

Jacqueline McIntosh Cirilo McLaine

Michelle McLaughlin


Richard and Joy Nyberg

James and Linda O’Connell

Sally O’Neal

Edgar Ochoa

Kristine Ochoa

Tammy Oh

Andrey and Elvira Okhlopkov

Donna Okuley

Heather Oliver

Greg Olson

Reggie Ortiz

Markus and Minna Osa

Daniel and Krystal Osuna

Waylen Ovia

Ada Padilla

Chung Yao Pai

Jarard Paige

Drea Palacios

Theo and Dina Panagopoulos

Brittnie Panetta

Apollo Papaioannou

Todd and Farah Papaioannou

Dennis Paraz

Marc and Christianne Paraz

Marivic Paraz

Jae Park and Sangmi Eom

Kyle Park and Eon Choi

Kathy Parker

Russ Parker

Monika Parzych Germanelo

Jeremy and Edugisle Pasternak

Amita Patel

Anshi Patel

Manji Patel

Raj and Shilta Patel

Reena Patel

Renuka Patel

Subhash Patel

Bianca Patterson

Gregg and Josie Pawlowski

Florence Pena

Jennifer Peneyra

Ben Peng and Sarah Ye

Alix Perez

Luis Perez

Rio Perry

Sandy Petree

Bob and Paula Pfaff

Colin and Maggi Pfaff

Loretta Pfaff

Sameer and Rajkumari Phadke

Annie Pham

Olivia Pham

Quan Pham and Alice Vu

Thuan and Nicole Pham

Chi Phan

Wendy Phan

Carol Phillips

Darryl Phillips

David and Ruby Phillips

Shelby Phillips

Todd Phillips

Laurent Pierrugues and Kenia Martinez

Bernadette Pina

Cindi Pina

Malia Pina

Ghia Pineda

Yang Ping and Bin He

James and Laura Plassmeyer

Derek Poon

Petula Poon

Chad Pozas

Marian Price

Maureen Price

Tiki Primes

Jodie Proctor

Sammy Pursell

Feng Qiao and Ling He

Jinniu Qin and Na Jiang

Quandt Family

Caroline Quan-Sanchez

Pete and Bev Quinby

Annabelle Rabina

Kelli Rahn

Priya Rajendran

Eunise Ramirez

Victoria Ramirez

Pia Ramos

William and Mary Rank

Susan Rao

Taryn Rasmussen

Vicki Rasmussen

Ani Ratevooa

Mimi Ratner

Joseph and Donna Rayan

Brian Rea

June Reagan

Leo Renteria

Calvin Ressler

Dennis Reyes

Greg and Vanessa Reyes

Josh and Aime Reyes

Mark and Nishelle Reyes

Victoria Reyes

Eli and Jennifer Reynolds

Sara Reynolds

Paula Rho

Emma Richards

Ken and Karla Richardson

Scott and Maureen Richardson

Douglas and Deborah Rigg

Ken Riley

Loren Rios

Normelena Rios

Max and Alexa Riso

Will Roan

Deron and Janette Robertson

Floyd Robinson

Angelica Robles

Magdalena Robles

Darcy Robson

Craig and Denise Roderick

Andrea Rodriguez

Liza Rodriguez

Bill and Karin Roeschlein

Dan Rogers

Eva Roman

Veronica Romero

Marcee Romo

Jeff and Sanna Root

John and Sharon Root

Mike and Pamela Root

Shannon Rose

Boni and Virna Roush

Jered and Kelly Rowe

Randy and Dana Rowe

Licha Ruano

Marie Rubio

Sherry Rudolph

Cristin Runfola

Kristen Ryan

Camille Sacco

Jason and Nami Saito

Erlinda Salangsang

Auddriana Salazar

Israel Salazar

Doug Sales

Julie Salinas

Vinoth Kumar Saminathan and Priya


Sathish Samson and Cynthia Devadoss

Bernadette Sanchez

Christian Sanchez

Maria Sandoval

Jason and Salena Santos

Phyllis Santucci

Andrea Savella

Emma Savella

Gregory Savella

David and Sheila Sawkins

William and Dawn Sawkins

Eric and Christina Scharrenberg

Stephen and Alexis Schneider

Tim Schraeder

Randy and Michelle Scilingo

Ryan Scripps

Whitney Scripps

Jonathan Sebastian

Brad and Michelle Senner

Steve Sergesketter

Venancio and Milagros Sevilla

John Shaffer

Joy Shaffer

Myron and Diana Shak

Kyle and Mandy Shanahan

Raj Sharma and Maegan Collett

Mike and Lynn Shaw

Ryan and Denise Shaw

Weifeng Shen and Miaomiao Li

Ten Shep

Wei Shi and Chunxin Chu

Gerrard Shih

Jaemin Shim and Jina Lee

Ted Shim

Marc and Lori Shiraki

Dianna Short

Emily Shropshire

Sher Sicley

Don and Nancy Sieling

Todd and Sofia Sienicki

David Sierra

Gina Sierra

Christine Sigala

Jen Silva

Ryan and Tiffany Silva

Sally Silva

Janan Simaan

Denis Simon

Colorado and Sonia Simpson

Arjun Singh and Jennifer Nowak

Bhavana Singh

Sean Sit and Runer Lu

Jon and Laura Sizelove

Aaron and Laura Skelton

Vivian Skelton

David and Rosana Smart

Al Smith

Jamie Smith

Jessica Smith

Abhinav Solan and Ramneet Bhatia

Remie Solano

Ramesh Kumar Somasundaram and Deepashridevi Ravindran

Shiping Song and Mei Qin

Sheri Soriano

Linda Spencer

Jamal Splane

Cindy St.Clair

Noel and Shelley Stalnaker

Tracey Stanga Jarvis

Jen Stegmann

Shane and Renee Stenesen

Karl and Jennifer Stewart

Kendra Stewart

Shelby Stewart

Steven and Monica Stiles

David and Connie Stockmeier

Bob Stone

Axel Streichardt and Ping Li

Ben and Amanda Studer

Grant Studer

Jim Stump

Fernando Suarez

Dave and Judy Sugishita

Greg and Sara Sugishita

Timothy and Mary Suh

Larry Summers, Jr.

Lizhu Sun

Yan Sun

Yuxin Sun

Eri Suzuki

Terry and Susan Szewczyk

Rod Tabares

Nelson Tang and Ling Zheng

YingFei Tang and Hui Yee Lim

Julie Tannock

Ruben Taporco

Brian Tapp

Darryl and Tiffany Tapp

Simone Tapp

Charles Tapp II

Moni Tautu

The Depunos

Samer Theodossy and Luma Akkawi

Victor Ervin and Annie Theus

Susan Thigpen


Reginald Thompson and Erica Cosgrove

Jacqueline To



Sharanya Unnikrishnan

Andy Vacante

Jeremy and Michelle Van Der Veen

Thi Van-Dinh

Kamal Varadarajan and Rati Laxminarayan

Emanuel Varda and Christina Giatzikis

Arthur Vardanyan

Yolanda Vargas

Perry and Linda Vartanian Steffan and Nina Vartanian

Erik Verduzco

Alex and Regina Viering

Mike and Suzy Vierra

Mary Wagle

Barry and Lisa Wagner

Kari Wagner

Scott and Michelle Wagner

Syntyche Walker

Sarah Walton

Clifford Wang and Felicia Wong

Guangming and Ya Wang

Jing Wang and Hua Jiang

Lei Wang and Daisy Jiang

Charles Wang and Nancy Zhong

Xin Wang

Yuankai Wang and Grace Zhao

Yunyu Wang and Ping Wu

Zhaowen Wang and Tianqin Shi

Zheng Wang and Yan Liu

John and Emily Wardell

Jilbert and Sharon Washten

Kelly Way

Lin Wei and Han Ling

Songxiang Wei and Huiling Shao

Andrew and Courtney Weis

Jeremy Wesby

Stephanie Wesby

Nile West

James Wheeler

Alice Whitener

Ronald and Heidi Whitmill

Connor Wiesenfeld

Alex Will

Gareth and Mya Williams

Bobby and Linda Williams

Joan Williamson

Dan and Amanda Wilson

Josh and Jazmin Wilson

James Winebrenner

John Winter and Sue Wiley

Robert and Carolyne Winter

Robert Withers

Matthias and Zornitza Wloka

Hinlan Wong

Lela Wong

Lily Wong

Herman and Joyce Woo

Nick and My Woo

Tim and Cherise Woo

David Wooten

Cameron Wright

Alvin Wu

Gary and Jennifer Wu

Howard Wu and Rachel Wang

Michael and Diana Wu

Minhao Wu and Lanlan Gu

Samuel and Esther Wu

Wenhao Wu and Vivian Tsai

Chusong Xiao and Jinghua Shi

John Xiao and Mandy Yan

Kang Xiao and Linglin Huang

Zhibin Xiao and Shuting Xia

George Xie and Jenny Rong

B. Xu

Zhong Xu and Rong Huang

Feng Xue and Xin Yao

Serene Yang

Yong Yao and Lin Xia

Jameson Yee

Michael Yee

Steven Yee

Valis Yehshih

Hwan Seung Yeo and Jee Eun Lee

Diana Yi

Cynthia Young

Keoki and Katie Young

Nadine Young

Tony and Natalie Young

Vanessa Younger

Jixin Yu and Jennifer Liu

Xiangqian Yu and Lin Tao

Mingjie Yuan and Chen Chen

Sammy Yue and Mary Pan

Emmanuelle Zalac

Vi Zehr

Ming Zeng and Laura Chen

Allie Zhang

Bochen Zhang

Alex Zhang and Bing Lu

Li Zhang and Lin Chai

Wei Zhang and Ting Dai

Juan Zhao

Shengzhe Zhao and Lei Cheng

Asolia Zharmenova

Zhiqiang Zhou and Josephine Huang

Jian Zhu and Yingjuan Zhang

Yu Zhu and Sujuan Jiang

Karen Zumwalt

Annual Giving


As we celebrate the incredible support from our community, we’d like to recognize the companies that have gone above and beyond by offering matching gifts for their employees’ contributions. Their commitment to education and partnership with our supporters have amplified the impact of each donation. We are immensely thankful for their dedication to our students.

Adobe Matching Gifts Program

Advanced Micro Devices

Analog Devices Foundation

Apple Matching Gifts Program

Applied Materials Corporation


Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Broadcom Gift Matching Program


Cadence Design Systems, Inc.


Dell Corporate Office

eBay Electronic Arts


Google Matching Gifts Program

Hanover Insurance Group

Hewlett Packard Enterprises

Intel Charitable Match Trust


KLA Tencor Foundation

LinkedIn Corporation

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Morgan Stanley Gift Fund


NVIDIA Corporation


Philanthropy International




Samsung Electronics North America


Service Now

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Synopsys, Inc.

Texas Instruments Foundation

Thrivent Financial

Vanguard Charitable

Visa, Inc.

VMware Foundation

Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program



Zoom Video Communications

*We encourage you to check with your employer to see if they participate in a matching gift program. It’s an easy way to amplify your impact and double the difference you make in our students’ lives.


We are deeply grateful for the generous support of companies and organizations that share our commitment to education.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to every organization that has supported our students.

Abreau & Associates Inc

Acrisure West Region

Almaden Accounting Advisors

BackSwing Golf Events, Inc

Best Communication Networks

Biola University

Butchart Health Center

Cal Club Baseball

Cathedral of Faith

Chick-fil-A Silver Creek Valley


Chinese Music Teachers Association of Northern California

Cold Stone Creamery

Con Azucar Cafe

Concentrum Wealth Management

Divine Realty

Events Made Better

Happy Penny Fund

Hoover Krepelka, LLP

Illuminate Plastic Surgery

Jesus Redeems Ministries

Law Office of Castro & Vindiola

Left Coast Fitness

Los Gatos Roofing

Master Precision Machining, Inc.

Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc.

Noah Concrete Corporation


Overflow Foundation

Perez Tax Solutions

Pure Storage

Quinby Family Foundation

R&J Landscaping

Seagull Concepts, LLC.

Sentry Insurance Co

Service Vending Systems


Summers & Sons Electric

Swenson & Associates

TAO Aspiration Foundation


The Hage Foundation

The Imperial Group

The Law Office of Michael A. Hurwitz

Xcel Electric Group

Yvonne Truong DMD, Inc


We sincerely thank all who have contributed to VCS through in-kind donations. Whether through your generous contributions to our Quest Ball

Auction or your support for the tangible needs of our school, your donations are greatly valued and appreciated.

Anonymous (2)

Allen Wan and Zuqin Liu

Andrey and Elvira Okhlopkov

Bikram Yoga San Jose

Brian and Sepideh Gilbert

Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo Porter

Brows by Rachel Michelle

Butchart Health Center

Carlos and Vanessa Carvalho

Charles Wang and Nancy Zhong

Chicago Cubs & The Kelly Crew

Chick-fil-A Silver Creek Valley

Chris and Michelle Pederson

Christopher and Nicole Bosso

CineLux Theaters

Clifford Wang and Felicia Wong

Clos LaChance Winery

Cody and Lori Kate Pyle

Connor and Erin Brereton

Craig and Denise Roderick

Curtis Wong and Rachel Wang

Dan and Sarah Dryden

Danny Duong and Chuzhen Zhao

Danny Tow and Valerie Vaccaro

Dave and Becky Breiland

David and Jennifer White

David and Tia Newell

Dragonfly Floristic

Eataly Silicon Valley

Elena Jaworowski

Enoteca La Storia

Evan Gan and Ning Yu

Federal Realty Investment Trust

Gabriel Zhang and Juan Cai

Gali Vineyards

GarCo Grills and More

Gary and Robynn Myers

Genia Phillips

Geoffrey’s Diamonds & Goldsmith Gina Arreola

Giovanna’s Fine Jewelry

Gordon Wang

Great Wolf Lodge California Manteca

Harvest Furniture

Hayes Mansion San Jose

Hewlett Packard Enterprises

Hongtao Zhu and Huaying Xu

Hoppy Yu and Huihui Kang

Hotel Valencia Santana Row

Hui Xie and Li Shi

Hyatt Place Downtown San Jose

Illuminate Plastic Surgery

Jack Yue and Lan Wang

James and Laura Kwon

James Lin and Stephanie Yeh

Javier and Stephanie Villegas

Jenny Sanchez Mueller

Jim Stump

Jinhua Li and Hui Cheng

Joe Escobar Diamonds

John and Kathleen Kelley

Johnson Garden Center

Jolon and Nicole Staubli

John Lukez and Tami Lee

Jonathan and Tessa Hayes

Kerry and Erika Kirchenbauer

Kevin and Denise Quan

Kevin and Jacqueline Monroe

Kiss and MakeUp

LB Steakhouse Santana Row

Leo Shao

Lexington House

Living on the Edge

Locanda Sorrento

Los Gatos Elite

Maurice and Melissa Carrubba

Max Chou and Lucy Sun

Mexico Lindo

Michael and Patty Favet

Michael Ng and Eva Lau

Mike and Laura Lien

Mike’s Bikes

Ming Guo and Whitney Huang

Minh and Christine Nguyen

Myron and Mimi Kwong

Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa

Orchard City Kitchen


Parlour 308 Salon


Peju Province Winery

Perry Manole and Gia Vitarelli

Petroglyph Los Gatos

Philip and Helena Sansone

Phillip and Sheila Kamp

Pravi and Becky Chahal

Preete Bhanot

Quan Pham and Alice Vu

Raj and Shilta Patel

Raul and Wendi Lopez


Richard and Jane Hankins

Robert Patience and Jennifer Dominguez

Ron and Dixie Lopes

Ross and Lupe Babish

Roxy’s Sweet Treats

Ruilin Wang and Sookie Park

San Francisco Forty Niners Foundation

Scott Yu and Stephanie Chen

Silicon Valley Capital Club

Skin by Kat

Stephen and Claire Frieder

Steve and Carrie Rank

Sunil and Caroline Stephen

Tenbit Daniel and Abebaye Assefa

The Club at Los Gatos

The Creek Eatery

The Inn at Saratoga

The Spa Los Gatos

The Wooden Horse Toys

Todd and Catherine Tosti

Tony and Natalina Kinnis

Trail Dust BBQ

Valley Christian Schools

Vinay and Sarika Kothiyal

Vinay Nagaraj and Rama Harihara

Visit San Jose

We Olive & Wine Bar

West Elm Hamilton Plaza

Whole Foods Market

Xinjie Shi and Hong Ma

Yi Zhang and Xin Liu

Zhigang Xie and Jianyang Xu

Annual Giving


In partnership with committed VCHS families and missionaries across the world, IMPACT’s purpose is to create a Christ-centered program that provides students the opportunity to be servant learners. Students discover their gifts, experience authentic community, and live a life of love following the Way of Jesus.

Service experiences focus on compassionate mission outreach and cultural awareness. In preparation for the trip, teams participate in team-building activities, as well as missionary and discipleship training. In every case, local or abroad, our desire is that Valley Christian students will model Christ’s Way of love as they engage the needs of others and build relationships.

Last school year, 130 students visited five countries — Nepal, Chile, Philippines, Mexico, and El Salvador.

Thank you to all who donated to support our Impact Trips.

Eric and Gwen Allegakoen

Jacob and Ana Lilia Alvarez

Andrew and Julie Arroyo

Dave Aspling

Deborah Aspling

Jacob Aspling

Steven Aspling

Sampath Bavipati

Edana Beck

Austin Billings

David and Jane Bruckner

Thomas and Sabrina Bruckner

Monica Busch

Taryn Cain

Linda Catalano

Kyle Coffin

Mariruth Coffin

Melanie Coffin

Mallory Connell

Christine Cool

Sofia Cullers

Cliff and Kris Daugherty

Zane and Rebecca Daugherty

David and Anne DeLong

James Dempsey

Dunlin Deng and Wanping Zhang

Sherri Dershimer

Jeremy Ding

Yonghua Ding and Qun Dai

Matthew Fricke and Becky Elliott

Melissa Findley

William Findley

Michael Fingleton

Stephen and Claire Frieder

Serena Fung

Naveen Gattu

Dana Gieselmann

Adam and Kristin Gill

McKenna Giordano

Tim and Kristin Gordon

Sergey Grabot

Jambunathan Guruswami and Shalini Ayre

Dale Gustafson

Edwin and Pauline Haghnazari

Steve and Lisa Hanna

Doug and Heather Hayden

James and Courtney Hernandez

Mark and Sharon Hill

Dan Hori

Ralph Houp

Danny and Vanessa Huang

Judy Huber

Youjin Hwang and Adrian Wu

Fahong Jin and Jing Sun

Philip and Mary Joseph

Michael and Sara Juran

Aparna Khan

Deok Kim and Mari Suzuki

DooSoon Kim and Sujin Hong

Ravi Konda

Manoj Krishnan and Vidhya Gurumoorthi

Matt LaFleur

Jeff and Stefanie Layne

Christine Li

Gary Loo and Crystal Peng

David and Katelyn Luna

Tim and Lea Lundy

Darrell and Heidi Mackie

Ananya Manoj

Ray Martino

John and Sandi Matarangas

Richard McDonald

Michael and Anita McLean

Bill and Molly Meyer

Jeff Miller and Danielle Jenkins

Deepak and Prachi Mohapatra

Mike and Amanda Moshier

Penelope Munroe

Jeremy and Christine Nauck

Nick and Jasmine Nguyen

Ardalan Onsori

Mina Onsori

Sogol Onsori

Lee and Paula Ould

Chad Owens

Matthew and Deann Page

Partha Palanisamy

Brian and Hae Won Park

Steve and Suzy Parmenter

Robert Patience and Jennifer Dominquez

Ashley Perez Gutierrez

Guadalupe Perez Nieto

Mayra Perez

Bruce and Betsy Phillips

Carlos Pino and Angeles Campos

Nancy Price

Fernando and Fermina Quinones

Vijay Ramachandran and Arthi Aiyappan

Carlos Ramos and Katrina Gonzago

Manuel Rayas

Brian Reed

Frank and Nancy Rivas

Meg Robbins

Ronald Robinson

Albert and Michele Ross

Mary Russo

Rudy Salazar and Claudia Castro-Salazar

Fidel Santiago

Ethan Sapp

Matthew and Amy Sapp

Tami Senner

Pablo and Ashley Serrano

Chloe Sharpe

David and Paula Sharpe

Aleh and Zhanna Shybaila

Sean and Judith Sink

Everett and Sharon Sizelove

Jon and Laura Sizelove

Sean and Deb Steele

Andre Stephens

John and Tish Stratton

Arun Subbarao and Rashmi Rao

Vijayshankar Subramanian

Joshua and Heather Sullivan

Yuan Tan and Lynn Zeng

Walter Tang and Ka Fong Siek

Thomas and Stephanie Theaker

Magesh Thiagarajan and Kani Parasuraman

Omprakaash and Srileka Thoppai

Eric and Laurie Thorbjornsen

Todd and Catherine Tosti

Paul and Beverley Turnquest

Ricardo Valero

Scott and Rachel Vander Veen

Raghushankar and Amita Vatte

Gregory and Kathleen Vaughan

Perumal Venkatesh

Venture Christian Church

Audy and Jan Viernes

Mahadevan Virudhagiri and Anuradha


Bojian Wang and Fang Su

Kenneth and Yolanda Williams

David Winter

Nicholas Wong and Fily Yu-Wong

Annette Wright

Zhenghong Yang and Qijian Zheng

Joy Yankey

Paul and Julie Yeomans

Jacy and Autumn York

Rafael and Pallie Zambrano

David and Jill Zapp


The Shechem Oak Society empowers our community to make an extraordinary impact on future generations. The society comprises all who generously bequeath legacy gifts to Valley Christian Schools.

God assured Abraham of keeping His promise to grant the land to Abraham’s descendants. Shechem holds a significant place in this narrative—it’s where Jacob excavated a well and erected an altar, where Joseph’s family laid his remains to rest, where Joshua delivered his parting words in service to the Lord, and where Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well (Genesis 12:6, 33:18, Joshua 24:26, John 4:12). Shechem stands as a powerful symbol of God’s faithfulness across generations. We fervently pray that VCS, like Shechem, will serve as a reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness in Silicon Valley and worldwide.

At a time when many American educational institutions are straying from biblical values, you can ensure that Valley Christian Schools continues its Quest for Excellence™ for future generations. Join us in providing high-quality Christ-centered education to our children and grandchildren by including VCS in your will.

VCS partners with Thompson & Associates to offer confidential and complimentary estate planning consultations to our board members, administrators, faculty, staff, and community. Join my wife, Kris, myself, and others in discovering the most tax-efficient means of transferring your estate to benefit your family and your passions.

As a trusted member of our VCS community, please accept our gift to you and arrange your estate planning consultation with Darren Penny of Thompson & Associates. You may email or call my office at 408-513-2503. If you have already included VCS in your planned giving, kindly inform us so we may include you in our Shechem Oak Society.

Looking forward,


APRIL 5, 2025

Join us for our annual Quest Ball Dinner and Auction. Enjoy a night to honor and celebrate the Warrior legacy, raise essential funds, and make a difference for students through tuition assistance.

MAY 12, 2025

We look forward to welcoming the VCS community for a round of golf and a day of fellowship to support the Warrior Fund at the annual Golf Classic.

Thank you for partnering with us in creating Warriors: Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while positively


Christi Stockhaus Director of Community Development & Advancement


Stephanie Rosas Assistant Director of Annual Giving 408.362.7629

Mark DeLuca Community Engagement & Stewardship Coordinator 408.362.7651

Chris Ivy Office & Special Projects Coordinator 408.362.7643

Jaclyn Wong Database and Gifts Manager 408.362.7644

Kelly McPherson Event Coordinator 408.362.2481

Regina Viering Advancement Assistant

This document is intended to acknowledge all who gave in the 2023-24 school year.

If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or improperly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and bring it to the attention of Christi Stockhaus, Director of Community Development & Advancement,


Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment o ering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.


A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™.


Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service, and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence

valleychristian vcs_warriors

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