The Amateur Footballer, Week 13, 1997

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Fostering Fami~ Foot6aCCsince 1892



prominntly disDebbie Ward ° G~ oday's 'Editorial' is written by played the g Co-ordinator} remindin ~ (gUiT Sponsorship `SmokeFree pxlL STEVENS the great incentive competition that is banner at allCHIEF EXECUTIVE o home games u l cubs Of season 1997 VAFA ;tng'un during th OFFICER onu Here is an update 5iag : all of our the ° prominently discompetition to date . played the Codes of Behaviour document in the club and $500 to Eanyule ii ! ll changing rooms Banyule Amateur Footba To reward the • ensured that the `SmokeFree' logo is on all Club's enthusiasm and commitment to being a player' uniforms healthy club, we have awarded a$500 interim b ° distributed QUIT resources from the clu . Well done nBanYu the introuc prize to them QUIT has randomly monitore d

in VAFA clubs, in tio of smokefree policies incentiv e line with the 9mokeFree Clubs Awards . clubs are steadily working to introMany policy in their clubrooms and are frnddu a creative ways for promoting the smokefree c~ge . However, during a recent visit to the message we were particularly impressed gr,nyuile AFC, , ; ith the club's c they made in introducing a poland the ground John I'ow e{heAn~du~taon of a smokefree ganyule said, " the club board in policy was discussed ation by QUIT at the response to the present . A motion was 1997 VAFA Sponsors Night passed with unanimous decision to ban smoking in the club rooms"since this time, Banyule have :

® collected over (300) signatures on the 'SmokeFree' pledge and ° supported some of the other healthy environment issues by promoting the sale of light beer in the bar as opposed to full strength beer . If your club is looking for new ideas on how to gain more points or you need assistance with introducing your smokefree policy call Debbie Ward at QUIT (9663 7777) or Phil Stevens at . the VAFA (9531 8333) Remember that the competitio n 1 1997 so y u still have close until September runplenty of time to earn points and be t e money . rung for a share of the $3000 priz Congratulation r once ~Q ~b~ Club ~keepau p the hanyul s Amateu the good work .

° declared social and changing rooms as totally smokefre e

° have clearly displayed signage promoting the smokefree areas from smok• are actively discouraging Peopl e

ing in the outdoor viewing areas

:,,,~~-, ,, 1,

~cm L

July 1 2


1 .2 th ,1 9 7 price : $



A TI by Jason Frenke l

s Awe approach the remaining few rounds of the home-and-away series we are quite rapidly bearing upon what is effectively known as the 'business end of the season', and by all accounts, a sleeping giant has finally awoke after weeks of stirring and is preparing to slay the mighty in an all-out attempt to wrest away this year's L .A. Adamson Trophy ! De La Salle are in town, in form, and quite possibly on their way to a finals berth after another excellent performance at the weekend - this time to knock off ladder-leader and highly fancied Collegian s. After an ignominious start to the season, where they were written off by many (including myselil Peter Hannan has brought his charges back from the dead to give themselves a real chance of being there come September . The D's are just half a game behind Old Haileybury and bearing down fast .

The other sleeping giant to finally awaken, and not a week too soon, either, are the St Bernards boys, fresh from consecutive victories and desperate to maintain their place in A-section . The B's relegation looked all but signed and sealed a couple of weeks ago but wins over Parade an d Uni have seen Gary Foulds' charges draw level with the Blues and Trinity on 12 points and one suspects that two of this trio will wind up in B-section next year. That is not gospel - is anything in football? - but Old Paradians would want to make sure they sharpen up in the following weeks . With just 16 points to their credit - a game clear of the bottom three - there is every reason to suggest their own relegation battle may yet loom . REVIEW St Bernards opened up against Uni Blues looking

like a side with everything to play for kicking out to a handy five goal lead before the Blues pegged them back in the second term. Grant Williams has been busy trying to bring back a winning feeling to University but good games from Versteegen, Henderson and the consistent Paul Fairban k was not enough to see them over the line at St Bernards College . Bernards edged away in the third quarter with a BOG performance from Kennedy an d 7 goals from Mitche ll and Vassa llo . Damian Juegan , Chris Calthorpe an d Vin Comito were all among the best for the home side . Keen to atone for a season the_v'd rather forget, Trinity opened brightly at home to Old Xaverian s intent on knocking off the reigning premiers . Nip and tuck in the first half as neither side could break the game open and Xavs led slenderly at the long break . They finished the stronger side in the second half with 10 goals to 3 after the break to gallop away for a comfortable win . Dan Richardson booted 7 for the victors with Bowen an d Wood continuing their excellent form 2



for Xavs . Jamie Stickland, as always stood up for the Ts as did Board, Cumming and Hatfield but, as has been the case with Trinity th year. too few winners on the day . Neither Old Paradi ans nor Old Melburn ians played enough consistently good football to trouble t l top sides this year, but the two turned on a high sta dard match at Parade with the spoils going to the vi: tors, after grinding away to a lead which Parade spe. the afternoon chasing . Farrell played well for the hon side as did Pannam, whose three goals were the mo by a Parade player, but it just wasn't good enough counter the likes of Cameron Eab ry, Bardsley ar MacDougall . Three goals apiece from Webb, Campbg and Micah Berry for the Redlegs. Plenty of local support for the home side De I Salle at Waverley in their clash with the Lions as tl club's great names came out to rally behind the D' They didn't let them down, either, with Matt Chn booting two early majors to get the ball rolling for I La. The Lions fought back with King exerting influen across half-forward and Deane-Johns, Wallac Bennett and co . playing well. It was De La's day hoi ever, and Mannix booted three critical third-term goa to finish with five as the D's booted eight goals to foi after the long break . Top games from Bonnici, Evar and Drew Jackson, while backmen Flowerday an Rennie held on in the last term to record a great wi u Old Haileybury under the hammer with De I breathing down their necks and the Bloods struggk to post a winning score before going down at home Scotch . Efstathiou showed a lone hand up forward finish with four goals with the likes of Armstron ; Seccu ll , Dann and Byrns playing well but too mar Old Scotch guns for them to contain with five goa from Heath and another top game from big man Toi Wilson . Goldberg too has been a top performer all ye< and will need to continue that form as the Cardina prepare to fight for the coveted top two positions . SELECTIONS Old Scotch too strong at home to Parade . OS t 38 points .

Collegian s to overpower the visiting Old Hailel bury . 1,ions by 3 2 Melbu rni ans and Bern ards in a thriller, with th• Redlegs home after the siren by 3 points . University to edge out Trinity in a critical clasi Blues by 10 points. De La to throw everything at Old Xave rians an knock the premiers off by 17 points . FOOTBALLER



;;t, BeOver the past couple of weeks St. r -nards have had a number of players reach personal milestones in their careers . Current Captain Luke Gollant played his 150th for the club . The current state Vice-Captain Luke always leads by example and his service to the club has been nothing short of excellent. Also Stephen Perrett achieved his 150th through sheer hard work and consistency. Playing in defence more recently Steve has performed well and he has added much experience to the Bernards backline . congratulations are also extended to Sam Taylor, Gino Tots, Andrew Vinecombe, Marcus Creak and Mark Farmer on reaching their 100 game milestones . Thanks for the service and well all look forward to the next 100 from you all . Old Melburnians - Would like to congratulate Steve 'Battler' Bardsley an d Stuart 'Stag' Rose on reaching their 150 game milestones recently . Both have been fine performers for the OM's with Steve winning numerous honours at both Senior and U19 level, and Stuart a fine leader in the Reserves and hard worker for the club more recently . Congratulations to You both and all the very best for the next 50 .

SENIORS - 05.07.97 OLD TRINITY 4.1 7 .3 8.5 10.6 .66 OLD XAVERIANS 4.4 8.9 18 .12 18 .15.123 Old Trinity Passador 3, Stickland 3 . Anderson 2 . Datn.mple 2 . Beat StkkLand, Board, Cumming, Robinson . Hatfield, Sutcliffe. Old Xaver7an Richardson 7. Ockteshaw 3, Landrigan 3 . Keyhoc 2, Jones . Wood . Gladman. Best Banta. Wood . Brennan, Ford. Blood. Jones. DE LA SALLE 5 .2 6.4 11.5 13 .8.86 COLLEGIANS 2 .1 7.3 9 .7 11 .10.76 Be La Salle B. MannLC 5, Chun 2 . Clancy 2. Flowerday, Swift, E~ans . Johnstone. Best Flowerday, BonnMl . B. Mannix. ENans. D. Jackson. Rennie. Collegians King 4. Warne Smith. Mollard. Boctor. Wallace, Cleary, Lake . Schaber . Best Wallace . King. Deane Johns, Mollard . Cleary, Bennett. OLD HAB,EIBURY 3.3 7 .5 9.10 10.13 .73 OLD SCOTCH 3 .3 9 .5 13 .8 15.10.100 Old HaBeybury Efstathkru 4, Home 2 . Walden 2. Le Page 2 . Bat Warden. Burnes. Seccull . Armstrong, Dann . Old Scotch Heath 5 . Husking 2. Nettleton 2 . Holt 2 . Steel . W9lson, Price. Aujard. Best Wilson. Goldberg, Patterson. Price, Steel . Heath. OLD PARADIA NS 3 .5 6.10 9.14 10.17.77 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 .1 8.3 11.6 14.10.94 Old Paradiaas Panama 3, Bad 2 . Holland 2. Cosgr9ff 2. Harris. Best Farrell, Pannarn. Burns . Aiello, Philp . Cosgriff. Old Me tn+. .++tBns Berry 3 . Campbell 3, Webb 3 . Stuckey 2. Bardslev . C . Eabry, McMullin. Best C. Eabry. Beardsley, MacDougall . Pruden. Ross . Birkill. ST BERNARDS 8 .1 7 .2 12.4 14 .6 .90 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .4 8 .9 6.13 11 .13 .79 St . Bernards Va_csaIlo 4, Mitchell 3, L. Gallant, J. Gallant . tud[ca. Mount . Sheehan . Calthorpe. Best Kennedy, Juegan. McKeon . Calthorpe, V..Kendy Comito, Perrett. University Blues Hetrald 4 . Wilcox 3 . McKinnon . Maptestone. Meade, Versteegen. Best t,ersteegen, Henderson, Fairbank, Meade . Kordick. McKinnon .

RESERVES - 05 .07 .9 7 OLD XAVI:RIANS v. DE LA SALLE Field : W. Hinton C. Segota Loundary: R . Kemp Goal : Shannon Ryan Charlie May COLLEGIANS V. OLD HAILEYBURY Field : A. Damen H. Little Boundary : J . Stevenson C. Kealy Goal : Ross Richards Geoff Grigg OLD SCOTCH v. OLD PARADIANS AT ELSTERNWICK PARK - SUNDAY Field: M . Jackson C. 0'Donohue Boundary: B . Corcoran T. Dodds Goal : Bernie Hoare Kevin Segota OLD SCOTCH V . OLD PARADIANS RESERVES Goal : Russell 0wens, Phil Burg OLD h IELBURNIANS v . ST. BERNARDS Field: J . Kvins D . Dalgleish Boundary : M . Meier B . Mutton Goal : '.tichael Lentini Peer Bekkers UNIVERSITY BLUES v. OLD TRINITY Field: M. Gibson G . ThWaites Boundary : S . Hennig D. 51-'-s Goal: Anthony Simpson Dominic Napol i a d 0 0 SENIORS NAME CLUB LAST WK TOTAL RICHARDSON OLD XAVERIANS 7 52 A. LENNEN UNIVERSITY BLUES 43 BOURKE OLD XAVERIANS 41 WARNE-SMITH COLLEGIANS 1 3 9


3 2

47 25 20

OLD TRINITY 2 .4 3 .4 3.5 6.9.45 OLD %AVERIANS 1.4 4 .8 6.14 7.17.59 Old Trinity Wyke 3, Richards 2 . Biadeni. Best Balasry . Smith, Richards . Wyke. Glass. Cameron . Old Xaveriaas Goal kickers and best players not rec,ch*ed. DE LA SALLE 2.1 4.4 7.7 8 .9.57 COLLEGIANS 3 .3 5.9 7.13 14 .13.97 De La Salle Lajinl2. Fiume 2, Fisher. Cross. Ford. T. RScHenry^. Best Vanderplight . Moore. Fisher, Wyles . Duckett . Grace. Collegians O'Donnell 5 . Milat 3, Woollev 2 . Cooper. Walsh . Fraser, Best Jones, Milat. Greets, O'Donnell. Fraser, Humphry. OLD HAB,EYBURY 4.1 5.2 6.5 7.8 .50 OLD SCOTCH 4.4 7.10 9 .12 10.14 .74 Old Ilaileybury Floyd 2 . Hardeman 2. Walden, Lavender, Aughterson . Best Hit . Augttterson. S. Walden, Lay. Jimmieson, Rowiands. Old Scotch McDonnell 3, KaWvski, T . Reid . Pritchard, Hooper, Walsh . Phillips . Hanneman. Best T. Reid . Walsh. Kerr. Thontas . Kaluvski. Hantteroan. OLD PARADIANS 3 .3 4 .6 7.7 8 .8.58 OLD MELBURNIANS 2.4 3 .8 7.7 10 .11 .71 Old Paradtans Goal kickers and best players not recei}ed . Old MelBrurnians Walton 3, Brown 2. Jukes . Waddell . Higgs . L . Boyd . O. Boyd. Best L. Boyd, Hart. Rabbitt . Higgs . Brown . Keeble . ST BERNARDS 2.5 3.5 5 .5 9.6.60 UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.5 3.6 8 .9 8.13 .61 St. Bernsrds M. Farmer 2. Brebner 2. Rogers, Datfe}s P. Capes . Doran . O'Brien. Best Brebner. Paradowski M . Fanner. Doran . A . Capes . P. Capes. University Blues Nugent 2 . Byrne 2 . McIntosh. Strack. O'Donne ll. Edwards. Best Edaards. O'Donnell . Gust . hicAioon. Kevs. Btxne.





3 7

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B SECTION by Terry Quirk



ection leaders Old Brighton continued to demolish sides in the four and turned the tables o n Ormond who had defeated the trend setters in Round 3 . Mazenod in the meantime travelled to Oak Park and scored a most convincing victory against a Therry Penola side that appears to have dropped the bit and has now joined the clubs struggling to oust teams that have been in the top four for most of the season. The Nodders are now in the hot seat with an enormous task facing it in the coming weeks . With three of the final six games to be played against the three top sides and in need of percentage boosting victories, the challenge is there . On its best form the Nodders must be given some chance to do the miraculous deed and join in finals action . Ivanhoe is raising a rather belated effort to earn a finals berth but to date has not been able to defeat sides above it . so the task would appear to be insurmountable . In the coming weeks the Magpies will not be a pushover for any challenger and should be the 'sleeping tiger' that strikes when the opposition drops its guard . MHSOB is going along nicely and with a clear lead on the side outside the four should withstand the challengers on one hand and also figure prominently with the best sides in this Section over the next six weeks . REVIEW Old Ivanhoe's poor start against MHSOB proved its undoing with the High boys charging out of the gates and holding on to a lead of around five goals for most of the match. Forwards in Dan Woodley and Nathan Johns were always a focus up forward whilst Adam Tilling and Cam Bruce both youngsters with a big future gave MHSOB plenty of drive. For Old Ivanhoe the 'Corcoran Bros', J. Weddle, Veal, Haros an d Johnston in defence were better performers. Mazenod an d Therry Penola fought out a very keen contest at Oak Park for three quarters before Mazenod's Le Grand, Fisher an d Sherlock took control around the middle and allowed the visitors to win comfortably thanks to some very inaccurate kicking . Big Mick O'Hara in the ruck was also a great player . Therry was best served by Thrush (5 goals), Kuret, Crotty and Carter in defence and O'Connor battled hard all dav. Old B righton took on Ormond at the South Road oval and showed once again why they are top dogs in this Section . Brighton's strength in the air was a telling factor whilst Ormond's inaccuracy and fumbling of the ball did not help its cause . Old Brighton had numerous good players in a very even performance . Rod Block, Paul Joy and Paul McDonald were best for the Monds whilst Under 19 players in David Beckett and Scott Naughton were most serviceable .

Banyule an d St Kevins were engaged in a rather dour struggle for the first half before SKOBS vi a 4

'Tangles' Garv ey an d on ballers 'Wozza' Keighran and the Dollman boys too k over. Mayne, Williams, Egan and Woodlock had hot go for the Bears before the last quarter avale of goals sealed the issue .

The Saints an d Ivanhoe were locked in a encounter all day before the `Pies' got to the line . The Saints kept finding bkicsnatghfs thing and would not he down as it desperately tri upset the Hoes who continued to fight hard in a ; that meant so much . For Ivanhoe Angelini, ( Karim Moussa and Saunders were best, whilst fc Saints, the tenacious Scott Diamond, "Co Green, Gilmore an d Neeson were best in a side struggled to catch up after falling behind early . PREVIEW

Old Ivanhoe takes on Therry Penola at head( ters in a crucial match for both clubs . Therry's for Elsternwick has been inconsistent but its best should enable it to win the day by 21 points . Mazenod faces the acid test against the mig Old Brighton . A loss here to the Nodders would r life very difficult . I can't see the OB's failing at this dle to predict a victory by 27 points. Ormond should be a tough encounter for Ban7 The Monds will be keen to score a big victory with centage becoming an important issue . Ormond bpointsmyredc . St Kevins plays host to Ivanhoe . SKOBS' h form has been okay and with several of the sidel players returning should have too much class and vail by 44 points . RESERVES : Therry Penola, Old Brighton . Ormi St Kevins, MHSOB . CORRESPONDENTS : By 5 .30 Monday 9889 91 Over the next few weeks I would like each club to three nominations for the 1997 'B Section' Dn Team to be announced before the final game . A s: note on players' ability etc . should accompany nomination


A and B Clubs must only phone Q/Q score ; aoalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p .m .) There is no need to phone through final scores only as is a requirement of other sections .


St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield - Best wishes to John 'Jocka' Howard who plays his 300th game today . A(3) time premiership player and committee member for (10) years, John epitomises all that is good in Amateur Football. A fearless competitor and loyal clubman well done your fine achievement. Old Ivanhoe - All at Old Ivanhoe would like to congratulate Marty "The Showstopper" Stewart on reaching (100) games last week against MHSOB . An integral part of the club both on and off the field, we congratulate you on your fine achievement and look forward to the next (100) .

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LAST WK TOTAL 5 60 4 53 7 49 39

IV 3AN OE 4.4 8,7 11.13 He ST. KILDA STH CAULFIELD 1 .2 13 .16 .91 4.5 10.8 23 .20 .68 Ivanhoe Williams 4, Hull-Brown 2, 3frnrssa 2, Jo}zr . BLvkw,ood, Lee, g,,o .t„'. S2uderi. McFarlane. ; St . Kilds Sih CauiBe4d P. Grteen 6. Astagenko 3 . M. Rt.s ? varmaktc, Gitn,ore, A. Meriak. Beet S. Diamond, P. Green. Gilmere, }~sp~ pl, RyanqstaPonk o

RESERVES - 05.07.9 7


3 3


M .H.S.O.B . 1 .2 8 .4 13 .8 14 .13,97 OLD IVANHOE 0 .1 0.2 0,3 0.4-4 I,iHSOB Senn 4 . L'erma 2 . Theobold. Scrims . McLardte. !e ton . ' . Drake, Spiteri .Which. Best Politics. Semi, 4erma-Axrord, S . Konsta n Old Ivanhoe - Best Hall . Caddy, Glisenti . Jones. Harris, Tull. T1ffiRRY PENOLA OB 1 .4 2.6 5 .7 B,$ MAZENOD OC 1 .0 6.1 6.6 g .58 Theury Penola Rossigno 3. S. Goodwin, Jones, D . Goodwin, Clarke, Sacen . ~ D . Goodwin, Prendergast . Hollow. Moran. Sacco. Pinner. . .Mazeaal Brookes 3. Riley 2 . Cauchi. GrimL=on . Rogers, SteinCon. B e st Pc :, . Grimson, Smith. Snart. rSteino,Rgs

34 32 31


4LU IVANHOE v. THERRY PENOLA AT ELSTERNWICK PARK - SATURDAY Field : B . Allen J. Toohey Goal: Malcolm '.'can Reno Barichievich MAZENOD v. OLD BRIGHTON Field: C . Stewart A . Firley G . Miller Goal: Russell Owens Peter Allsop ORMOND v, BANYULE Field : B . Tamblvn P. Simpson S. Waterman Goal : John Robinson Phil Burg ST. KEVINS v . IVANHOE Field : T. Ovadia B. Schmidt B. Brown M . Chapple Goal : Gary Clancy Kevin Segota ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULF. v. MHSOB Field: A. Chapman R . Eastwood (R) Goal: John Kelly Bernie Dix

RV ~~ ;I



T1IERRY PENOLA OB 4 14 8 .1 1 hL1ZENOD oc 4.1 1313 ..: 14.16.IOp TOexry Peaole OB Thrush S . O'Connor 2. G~,~ 2 S~~~. ~ : , Goodwin, Castatdt . Best Tluush, KureL Crottv . O' Mazenod M. Murray 5, tvelch 4. Morgan 4, LeGr . ~` ter. Oru_ ~ 3. ~ O'Hara . Welch . SIGiand Fish-,. Nisbett, Barker.arel Couttt^_ 2. Han! ..: OLD BRIG1P10N 3.4 7,5 ORMOND 2 .6 4 .8 7 11 .7 .1 3 Old BrlChton Bradley 3, Reid 3, Kent 2 . Patterson Fitzgerald . Kr}zwmiak . Best Nikas. Fitzgerald, Dennis, .Rrkt Farrell McLachlan,. MN~t~ l~ Ormond Block 2, Bailey 2. SyTnes, Turner, NaupJtton . Be~ geke Collins. Fraser, Turner. tt. Ja: BANYULE 21 4,5 8 ST KEVrNS 4,2 9,3 14 .4 10.11 .71 Banyule Turnbull 5, lVitcheU 2,14oodlock . T. Egan, Yin. Best T .10 .1148 . E 23ne OBrien. Turnbull. 1V[tcheIl. Ban, Ph Ma . St Kevins Garvey 9. M. Dellman 3, B . Dyman 2. Gribble 2, Mm',azt 2 p7i,,y Zguano. Keigiuan . Burden. Best Keighran . Gan~ep. McGtrinness, gr~v. .r,lary O~;e.



ORS -05.07.97 .7 15 .12 OLD IUNHOE 6.7 10 7.7 810 . 1rgi5OB woaIlev 7. Gerner 2. PertY,.-1 2 111 4.I Igt .0 2, Johns 2- rltin~ 2, Gloi~cr. B 1 1-~ - 1 27 8 4t~cdley. TdIm~ Jahns, Brucu . Fairchs}d, ou,y g. Old h~iw3t . eStewar n Ag,stu. C . . Corcoran Pappas, Best A. Cor,qn Veat, Kent C. A' Corcoran eCorcoran ..5, W tdclle, 3. MeLea



OLD BRIGHTON 4.2 7.5 7.6 9.9-63 ORMOND 2 .2 2,4 5.5 5.6 .36 Old Brighton Grant 6, McNamara 2, Mandelaris . Fisher. Besf. Brown . Bennett, Gamble. Grant. Murray, Moreton . Ormond Leaner 2. Steivart. Keleher, Mackep. Best Mabbett. King. Mackey, Collins, Stewart. Kelleher. BAhYULE 0.0 2 .2 3 .4 3 .4 .22 ST KEVINS 0 .8 2.10 5.12 10 .12.72 Banyu)e Cullen. Holt- Wason. Best Jesse. Riches, ibn .Ndson. Fogaartv, Hold. Heard . St Kevins McCann 3 . Mulcahy 3 . Moore. Varasdi. Hasson. Charless. Best varesdt. Mulcahy. HasetL Thonas. McCatm, Moore. IVANHOE 3.3 5.7 8 .10 11.12 .78 ST. KB,DA STH CAULFIELD 2.2 2.2 3 .4 6.4 .40 Ivanhoe H. Moussa 3 . Fairweather 3. Andreski 2. Kri~ettker 2 . Fahour. Best Andneski, Finlavson, Too~ood M13cDonald . H . Moussa- T. Thompson . St. KBda Sth Caulfield 1{ascali . Canard. Dvnon. Emmett. A. Diamond. Best Howard. Wtelgosz. Brown, Canard. Paterson . iTmon.

"I"HE SUNDAY AGE Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes about Saturday A section matches played and previews the Sunday A section match of the day.

`i l .5

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C SECTION by Russell Goul d

esults again went according to plan last week with just a little hitch . Marcellin managed to fight off a late charge from St Bedes/Mentone in a game that could always have gone either way . No problems were solved around the middle of the ladder with three team still having a realistic chance of playing in the finals . Down the bottom the fight is right on. St Leos have fallen a game behind in the quest to get out of the cellar but that second bottom position could still go either way. Let's watch and see shall we. REVIEW Marcellin moved into second spot on the ladder after a had fought 16 point win over St Bedes/Mentone at Bulleen . With both teams fighting for a position in the top two, the first quarter was a tight one in front of a fiery crowd, the Eagles going into the break with a small lead. The second quarter was crucial in the context of the game . Marcellin were running all over the place and used this run to pile on 7 goals to the Tigers 2 and went into the long break with a 40 point lead . But the Tigers were not done yet as the Eagles tired they kicked their way back into the game in the last term to get to within 2 points . But the Eagles managed to scramble the ball forward and kicked two goals to seal the victory . In a terrific game of football Marcellins' Cronin and Sampimon were everywhere all day and were the Eagle's most creative players . For the Tigers who tried valiantly and must be commended on their comeback . Marinic bobbed up everywhere pouncing on loose balls whilst Tully was a brick wall across half back. A great game between two of the teams likely to play a big part in this years finals .

Monash Blues travelled to Keysborough to take on Old Mentonians trying to make it two wins in a row . Unfortunately they ran into a Panthers side not willing to capitulate to a lower side again . and as such were on the end of a 26 point loss . The Panthers were on top for the first half, their backline especially good, and at the long break they were up by 47 points. But Monash, keen to put in another good showing played better football in the third term, and was even better in the last quarter and they managed to outscore the Panthers 10 goals to five in the second half. But it just wasn't enough to bridge the initial gap and they fell short of the mark. Big grabs and attractive footy made the game a good one for the fans . Best for the victors were Mull in, Stroud and Campbell , glad to get a win and stay in the top four. For the visitors who were pleased their efforts to get close . best players included Jeremy Smith an d Sammy McGee. Out at Thomastown, North Old Boys continued on their merry way this week beating the Bears by a comfortable 38 points . The Bears managed to get on top early and led at the first change. But from then on the boys from Brunswick took over. They kicked 16

goals to 8 after quarter time to shake off the Bears who tried hard all day but were just no match for a very talented NOB's side . Best for tl Bears were the Grech boys, Alberti and Holmes . F, the winners it was just a good all round team perfo mance (no correspondence from them, sorry) and IN now move a game clear in top spot and pretty likely stay there. The Bears though will still have to fight . rhadifteywnog htpfur In find conditions at Ted Adjani Ov Bull een/Templestowe encountered a good game football from St Leos for three quarters before powe tag away to a 62 point victory. The first quarter vr< very even, St Leos carrying on their good form from tt week before, the Bullants up by just 4 points at tl break . Their running game kicked in in the secor term and they stretched their lead to 20 points a . The Bullants then kicked 4 goals in as many time m i utes, but to their credit, St Leos hung in there ar kicked 6 goals to five to be within four goals at the la change . But the Bullants turned it on in the last kic ing 9 goals to three to take over the game and secu victory. In a good game for the Bullants forware James (9 goals) an d McLaren (7 goals) were best ar Matthews was another good contributor . For the I'm Blues, Faulisi, O'Meara and Dinocolantonio we. some of the best contributors . The Bullants won't f away and look set to pounce . Hampton Rovers hosted AJAX and were able turn around the week before's defeat and ran out point victors to leave AJAX winless for the seaso Reports suggest it was a great team effort from tl Rovers with particular mentions to Martyn, McKeli i and 'Statue' Crawford who booted 11 goals for the vi tors. PREVIEW AJAX host Old Mentonians and I am sure that ti Panthers will win this one by somewhere in the ran ; of 40 points or more . Monash Blues take on Bull een/Templestowe the University and I predict a good showing from tl Blues, but the Bullants will win by 6 goals . St Leos face Marcellin who will be fired up to ke4 thei: spot on the ladder and should win . The Eagles a first half blitz to win by 45+ points . In what looks to be a good clash, ; Bedes/Mentone will bounce back and be Thomastown by 6 goals in front of a big crowd Mentone Oval. In the final clash of the round, North Old Boys ~ home to Brunswick where they will be too classy f Hampton Rovers and win by 50 points. THF AMATFIIR Fhf1TRAI I FR 1G

~ 1~~~~°'~~ ~tr~~_~n . : i~_t• n~'- .



Marcell in - Special congratulations to Davi d

SENIORS - 05 .07.97

'Bomber' Howe who plays his 200th game for Marcellin. Bomber has been an outstanding leader for the club both on and off the field and they wish him the best. Marcellin also congratulate 'Rugged' Ron Colussi who notches up his 100th game for the club today. Monash Blues - David Newman today reaches his 150th game for the Ashers . Dave has had a fine career to date and there have been many highlighths from this athletic forward/ruckman/backman . Well done ']7avo' we look forward to the next 50 . St . Leos Emmaus WP - Andrew Burgess plays his 100th game for the Two Blues today . 'Baby John' a talented onballer has given tremendous service to the club over his career. Well done Andrew on your achievement .

HAMPTON ROVERS 5.4 10 .5 16.8 22 .12.144 AJAX 2.1 4.3 5.5 8:.7.55 Hampton Rovers Crawford 11, Natoli 2, Wilmott 2 . S. Anderson 2, Marshall, Martyn, Parkinson, D. Anderson. McKellar. Best Martyn. McKellar, Crawfard. Marshall, Fletcher. D. Anderson. AJAX Rosen 3, Onas 2, Lust, Samuel, Halphen . Best Bram. Wcislitzer, Onas, Rosen. J. Segal . Lust. OLD MENTONIANS 5.2 10.5 14 .8 17.10 .112 MONASH BLUES 1 .2 2.6 7 .8 12.14 .86 Old Mentou7an,g Acreman 4 . Paterson 4, Austin 2. B. Murphy 2, 0 . Stroud 2, Dacis. Dayrr. Mullin. Best Mullin. Stroud, Campbell, D. Murphy. B . Murphy. Lean. Monash Blues Gregory 4 . Barker 2 . Mcltar 2, Teasdale 2 . Webster, M . Newman. Best McGee. Rogers, Hipu2ll. M, Neuman. JL Smith, Caidaell. BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 25.12.162 ST. LEOS EMMAUS WP 15.10.100 BuBeen Temp7estowe James 9. McLaren 7, Robertson 2, T. Matthews 2 . WiWams, Shine, C. Parris, Agrotis, D. Matthews. Best D. Matthews. James, Tulloch, Prior, McLaren. T. Mattheas. St Leos Vaughan 5. Faulisi 3, Banks 2, Major 2, Buckle. Graves, Meehan . Best Fau11s1. OTieara Dinicrolantino, Burgess. Major, Vaughan . MARCELLIN 5 .2 12 .8 15.7 17.12.114 ST. B'S MENT TIG 4 .1 8 .2 12.6 15 .8.98 Marcellin Treganowan 4 . Duningo 3, Caf6y 2. Cronin. Sampimon . Chambers . Cooper, Waters. Dineen, KaraEasalis, Payne . Best Cronin, Sampimon, Day, Chambers. O'Flynn, Dinilngo . 8t Be Ment. 'fig D1Pkns E, MacGeorge 4, Zayac 2 . Pecker. Kinsella McCraw, Power. Best Marinle.15are Goodchfld, MacGeorge . Lannan. Diggins, Beasley. THOMASTOWN 4.4 5.6 6 .8 12.9.81 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .5 7.6 14 .9 18 .11 .119 Thomesiown Gorski 3 . Plant 3. Holmes 2, Valat 2 . Diana. Ristetski. Best Fellous. M . Grab . N. Grech, Alberti, Holmes, Colosimo. North Old Boys Barker 6. Curran 3. Connolly 2, Bayer 2 . Bovle . Lyrons. McKav. OFarrell. Spurting, Best Mutquinney. Sleep, Manassa. Micunda Cunan, Contt.

VA.~f~1 ~ f • 1r i--I 1°~+' ~'~ '-~ !


RESERVES - 05.07 .97 HAMPTON ROVERS 8.2 9.7 10.9 17.15.117 AJAX 0.0 0.1 1.1 2.1.13 Hampton Rovexs Hayden 5. Ross 4. Hulick 2. Marhtts 2. Perry, Green. Mason, Boyle . Best Bo41e, Tuck, Marinls . Mason. Hayden, Thomas , AJAX Rothschlld, Diamond . Best Grundman, Nathan . Woolf. Krongold, Rubenstein . 2iecinsM . OLD MENfON1ANS 3,7 5.10 7.11 10.13.73 MONASH BLUES 1 .3 2.8 4.13 7,14.56 Old Mentonlane Ferguson 3. Llnrord 2. Riley 2. Ftnnmis, Johnsen. Tuentymart . Best Ferguson . Laaes . S . Kitto, Sly, Tv.entymatL Finnls . Monesh Blues Kelkck 3, Spencer 2, D. Neaznan, Lawrence . Best Dempsey . Feenaghty. Hodson. Bauer, J . Millie. Andritsos. BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 7.12.54 ST. LEOS EMMAUS WP - - - 6 .12.48 Bu lleen Templestowe Greig 2, Bone, Daskalou. Papadopoulas, Stellhtg. Stott. Best Bone, Stelling Stott. Driver, Greig, Faulkner. St Leos Gay. Kenny, Ludlow, Millen, Van Den Akker . Vaughan . Beat. Auliso. Van Den Akker, Simondsen, Smith. Manton . McCann . MARCELLIN 0 .1 1.2 1 .3 1.4 .10 ST. B'S MENT TIG 3.3 4.3 5 .5 7.9 .51 Mereetlin DeCruchy . Best D . Harberts. Wallis, Stokes, P. Harberts, M . Cooper, Sheehan. St Bs Meat Tig. MLSfud 2, Schreier 2. Carderq;. Manson, Dan Goodchild . Best Earle. Lomango. Johnston, Mi4tud. Schreier, Dw}er. THOMASTOWN 5 .2 12.2 13.2 15.6 .96 NORTH OLD BOYS 2.4 9.4 11.7 13.11 .87 Thomastown John Bubis 6 . PandolCo 5, Scarpa 3 . Jim Bubis . Best Rocca, Kennedy, Pelsirtis, DiN9agg'io . Eeen, John BubLs . North Old Boys Lock 4. Cook 3, Cheshire 2 . Robinsn. Fahey. Suzeney, Zecco . Best Sweeney, Cook . Lock, Zoom. Burns, Trunbole .






LAST WK 4 4 5 4




TOTAL 64 54 53 52

25 24 24

9,01 ju ,PA I

AJAX v. OLD MENTONIANS Field : G . Curran M . Jenkins (R) C. Hayes Goal : Robert Dunstan Skip Shipley MONASH BLUES v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field: A . Kiel A . Stephen A. Degan Goal : Ken Coughlan Steve Mooney ST. LEOS EMMAUS v. MARCELLIN Field : C. Brajtberg R . Sneddon Goal : David Murray John Finn ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v. THOMASTOWN Field : C. Nash P. tfithington Goal : John Pickett John Slater NORTH OLD BOYS v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field : N . McCorquodale G . Gioras Goal : Malcolm Frame Robert Seymour

MELEES - BEWARE A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct " f~I



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Contact V .A .F.A .'s own M obile Lending Manager Marc Bullard - 0411 427 638 Expect More From Us! Advance Bank Australia Limited lending criteria apply. ACN 002 953 335 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

D SECTION by Peter Kell y David Coo k REVIEW

0 Id Geelong continue to show that they are the stand out club in D Section with another convincing win . Whitefriars continue to slide . Old Essendon and Caulfield turn their season around and give supporters hope of a finals berth . Beaumaris quietly go abut the business of winning and Old Camberwell definitely to be relegated . An injury depleted St Johns ran with Old Geelong for the first quarter and into the second until Old Geelong's strength and ability took control and they drew away. The St Johns players need to learn to take frustration out on the ball and concentrate on their discipline as head high tackles and rough play have no place in Amateur Football . The players need to take a leaf from Old Geelong who ignored their antics easily running out eventual winners by 14 goals . Not much joy for St Johns without key position players but their best were Dowsett, B . Hilton an d Koppens. Old Geelong had great contributors all over with Howells an d O'Brien finished with 9 goals between them and Wilkinson and Wellsby great in defence . In the game at Aquinas, Salesian had control all day but were not able to completely close Aquinas out of the game . With only five points in it at half time the score board did not reflect Salesians control due to their failure to score in many thrusts forward . Aquinas were able to stay in touch and got within three points in the last before Salesian steadied to record a 10 point win . Bethune rucked tirelessly all day for Aquinas and was given great support by Colliver and Quinn who finished with 4 goals . Salesian were again given plenty of drive through Hazel and Bobetic with McKnight playing a great four quarters . Parkside started at top pace with three goals in the first ten minutes and jumped Old Essendon in the initial stages but as OEGS settled they slowly took control kicking the next five goals . Old Essendon then played very positive team football and put their recent losses behind them as they outran and outmarked the Devils. Parkside had too many players intent on waiting for the play to be created whilst Old Essendon teamed well to runout easy nine goal victors . A great screamer in the goal square by Podger capped off a very memorable victory with great contributions from Hexter, McPherson and Papas whilst Evans finished with five. Parkside had three great players in Harvey, Reginato and McNamara but they were let down badly by team mates expecting them to do it all . Caulfield reproduced their early season form and opened well against Whitefriars which produced a great first quarter of football . The Friars holding a slender lead at quarter time knew they had a game on 8

their hands and that Caulfield were all fired up . T! second quarter saw neither side get a break as f ~ pressure around the ground intensified . In a tellii third quarter Caulfield broke free and kicked sevi goals to two to open up a match winning lead . In t ;. last Caulfield withstood a strong challenge from t ;. Friars to record a great win and get their season ba on track. Whitefriars best were Vandenboon, Mik Law and Bateman . Best player on the day w undoubtably Horton from Caulfield as he took great marks at Centre Half Back to control the gar and set up many forward thrusts . Caulfield were al well served by Liddell and Royals whilst T.D. ft ished with 4 goals . In the final match for the round Beaumaris ai Old Camberwell played open football with the Shar letting themselves down with inaccurate kicking . C Camberwell goalless in the first half were first to sco in the third as they came back with a much more pc itive outlook. The Sharks centre line controlled pl and gave the forward opportunities which were wa : ed due to inaccuracy. Best for Beaumaris we Martin, Groves, Haynes and McManus wi Salisbury kicking 4. PREVIEW This week Old Geelong entertain Aquinas in wh should be another walk in the 'Como' park. Aquin will put up a good show but will be unable to mat+ the overall team play of the in form OGS .

Caulfield will again meet St Johns which un two weeks ago would have been a victory to St Johr Caulfield have turned their season around and Johns still haven't learnt to be first to the ball ai play disciplined football will struggle to get within goals . Salesian entertain Old Essendon in the match the round as a victory to Salesian will put them equal footing with fourth placed OEGS . In a hor ground advantage Salesian by 10 points . Parkside will want to arrest their recent slun and keep their finals hopes alive whilst Beaumat have a chance to gain a break and hope for a secoi semi final rather than first semi final berth . T'. Sharks will be too strong and win by 5 goals conti uing a steady improvement . Whitefri ars travel to Old Camberwell where t. relative positions on the ladder suggest a one sid game. Whitefriars are not playing well and C Camberwell might just get a sniff if they can pull it together at home . The Friars though will hang on win by 4 . M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1ÂŁ

at is :h

i? ~-, tnaris's Andy Eason plays his 200th game v,-,2cic . Recruited from Sandringham in 1986 he given fantastic service to the club and leads by ;ample . A role model to the junior players and capiaul for the past three years sees everybody at the club and associated with the VAFA congratulate you on this milestone . Aquinas's Dom Langdon played his 100th game recently after a couple of years in the wilderness and today will see Tony Grierson who has returned after a job in the country playing his 100th game much to the delight of his wife Liz and daughter Madeline who are keen to resume life in the city. Jason Hughes plays his 50th after injuries have seen him miss many games in the past . He is finally stringing together a number of games having not missed this year.

SOCIALLY All clubs are reminded to encourage players from the visiting clubs to remain and have a drink and socialise for a short time after the game . Presidents are reminded to make a point of visiting their respective opponents to thanks them for the game and encourage what is an essential part of Amateur football and that is the spirit that lives off the field after the battle is over. Clubs need to set the example and mF''~ an effort in every case to encourage the 'After Match' .


til S.

Id 5




2 6 2

26 22 20

SENIORS - 05.07 .97 WHI'iBFR1ARS 4.5 7.5 9.7 11 .13.79 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4.0 7.2 14 .5 14.8.92 Whiterriera Robinson 3, Jongebioed 3 . C. Harris 2, Mark Bateman, B. Vandenboorn, A . Carbone . Best B . Vandenboorn . Mika. Law, A . Carbone, Mark Bateman. Jenkins . CaulBeld Grammar Doherty 4. Stumbles 3 . iVill 3 . Ca.tart-Walsh 2. Liddell. Dicrosta Best Liddell. Horton . T. Royals. Cutler. Will. Kahoffer. ST. JOHNS OC 1 .6 2.8 3 .9 4.10.34 OLD GEELONG 4.2 8.3 15.8 18.11 .119 St. Johns S . Hilton . Matheson . Koppens. Reynolds. Best Do.-sett. B . Hilton. Cocklemavne. Koppens. Munroe, Doherty. Old Geelong Howells 5, O'Brien 4, Millen 2 . Srnithers 2 . Need. Harper. Stevens, L . W11son. Edmonds. Best Wilkinson. O'Brien . Welsby. Edmonds. Wilson, Struthers . AQUINAS OB 2 .0 8 .1 12.5 15.11.101 SALESIAN OC 3 .5 7.12 12.16 15.21.111 Aquinas Whitehead 3 . Quinn 3, TarruH 3 . Flynn 2. Hughes . Collivmr, Whiston . Jefirep. Best Tarullll. Collricr . Giterson . Lamborn . Bethane, Quinn. Salesian Grace 3 . Hazell2. Cana, . 2 . Bobetie 2 . Cincotta. Kavanagr . Stevens, G . Gaspafl . Byrne, Wiseman. Best Canavan. Kaeanagh, Grace. Stevens. McKnight . Wtseutan . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5.1 8 .3 13.9 17.13.115 PARKSIDE 3.2 5.6 7.10 8 .13.61 Old Essendon Grammar Evans 5, Fkemhig 2 . Podger 3. McPherson 2 . Fletcher 2. Barr. Cipolloni. Best H=er. McPherson, Papal . Podger. Ridley. Evans. Parkshte Le~tato 4. Harvey 2. MacNamara Tessari . Best MacNamara. Regutato. Hanzv. Hockev. In.~ra Vita BEAUMARIS AFC 2.8 4.14 6.21 12 .26.98 OLD CAMBERWELL 0.1 0.2 2 .2 3.2.20 Beaumar}a Salisburv 4. Martin 2 . Rcidv 2. Easton. Haynes. O'Riley . Quin. Best Groves. Hatnes. Martin. McManus, Salisbury, Sherman. Old CamberweB James, Board. D. Walker. Best Spudtt. Whitehead, Frigo, Leitch . James, McKenzie .

RESERVES - 05.07 .97 WHI1-EFRIAR.S 2 .1 2.1 3.4 5.6 .36 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .0 3.2 6.4 7.6 .48 Whitefriars Fulton 2 . Davis, Strike . Jackson. Best Davis, Elliott. Habjan . Strike. Nolan . Gillian . Caulfield Grammar Harrison 2, Whttmee. Scholten . Hansen. Thompson . Beauchamp. Best Beauchamp, Whitmee . Williams . Farmer. Salem . Keawm. ST. JOHNS OC 1 .1 3.2 5.3 5.3 .33 OLD GEELONG 6 .2 6.4 7.8 10.9.69 St Johns Blake, Lamb. Ladson. Ducacobino . MicaleL Bed Corcoran, Pye. Sacco, German . Rachelle, WaIlcer. Old Gealong A. Robson 2 . Beattie, Dudgale. Kemp. Fairer, McKellar. C. Walker. D . Wilson. Wilkinson . Best Dudgale . Ritossa Oliphant, Wilkinson . Ronchi, McKellar. AQUINAS OB 4.2 4 .5 7.6 9.9.63 SALESIAN OC 4.2 8 .4 14.10 15.11 .101 Aquinas O'Lo u 3 . Harper 2. ~King. . Moore, Crouch. Beat Langford . Saks3an Braarn~~Neiit 2e Hamiiton . Sinclair. P. Forbes . Fitzgeratd. Mansiiled, Tayior. Forbes. Best Forbes. Brown. Fitagerald. Butler. Taylor. Haaillton. OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1 .4 3 .8 5.14 6 .19.55 PARKSID E 2.1 5 .1 8 .3 10 .4.64 Old Esseadon Leask 2 . DiBlasi 2. P. Leigh 2 . Best Dawson. Leask. Mantled. McLean. Cramer. Gasa. Backside Darrigo 2, Dunbabin 2 . Lord 2 . Warren 2 . Drummond. Velenzisi. Bes1. Ddnnan, D. Linares . Color. Lord, Mlfsud. Hansen. BEAUMARIS AFC 4 .1 6.2 11 .2 12.7.79 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .3 2.4 3.4 3.6 .24 Beiiumads Mills , . Dalgleish 3, Vaughan. Fairbanks, Smith . Ott . Duly. Best Fairbanks. Johnston. McMahon . Smith . Mills . Dcw?ne. Old Csmberwea t in 2. Earl. Best Hayes . Hopkins. Suann, Craig. Evans, Ta}1a.

of )n le


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CAULFIELD GR. v . ST. JOHNS O .C . Field : V. Vescovi L . Gallagher OLD GEELONG v . AgUINAS O .B . Field : A . Ladd D. Kramer SALESIAN O .C. v . OLD ESSENDON GR . Field : A . Flack C . Wallis PARKSIDE v. BEAUMARIS Field : C . Stevens D . Anderson OLD CAMBERWELL v. WHITEFRIARS Field : G . Armstrong S . Alger


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I d il to 97

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E f, T SECT -.

o surprises last week, and today the six section J leaders do battle against each other . The 4 games today are the most evenly matched for the season, and will have a huge bearing, not only on this year's flag, but the distribution of teams in 1998 . Best of luck to everybody, and hopefully the nasty turn in the weather forecast does not have too severe effect on the standard and outcome of the matches . LAST WEEK

Kew defeated Eley Park by something less than most of us expected, so it wasn't a bad effort from the Sharks, who were also short on numbers on the day. The Sharks had terrific efforts from Bruce, Wunym and Dix, while Verdre an d De llorso are to be praised for playing 8 terms of football . Kew were well served by King and Misciti up fonvard, Chow and Gencare lli in the backs. with Brian Cullen earning the nick name of 'Phil Narkle' . courtesy of his new protective head gear. Hawthorn Citizens were run over by Yarra Valley OB's but still had 22 scoring shots themselves so they weren't totally overcome with grief . Phil Avery at CHB/CHF, David McCowan in the FP, and Paul Orchard in the BP, were the Cits best . For Yarra, the centre was controlled by Heffernan, Scales and Ho, plus Peterson, McLeod an d Macvean were very effective forwards . Bulleen Cobras had their chances against Richmond Central in a very high standard game . The day commenced in the fogg,v Bulleen gloom with a top Ressies game, which, in spite of Wayne Olney's great effort in curbing Central's gun forward . Danny Hickey, the visitors won, The Seniors game started off on the dour side but opened up after the i st term into a great game of footy. Basically, Central's got a 3 goal break in the 1 st, and except for a 10 minute period in the 4th, when the Cobras were on a roll, scoring 3 quick goals, they were never headed . Greg Tate, Glen Porteous, and Andy Waters were standouts for Central, and Gerard Malcolm deserves a mention for his defence work when under pressure in the last quarter. Leo Hickey (great to see the old name cropping up so often!) played a sensational game for the Cobras. with Shane Dillon, Wagg, Schneider, Gaylor, an d Humphrey, not far behind . Chirnside Park were too strong for Eltham OC with a massive percentage booster at the Kimberley . The Turtles toiled on all afternoon although outclassed, and actually scored more in the 2nd half than they did in the lst . The Parker had the Paola's, Fabian and David, in fine form in the middle, with Lindsay Lowen starring in defence . Old Carey had the bye . TODAY'S GAMES Eley Park host Hawthorn Citizens, and this should be a good game . The Sharks are regaining


players each week from injury, and the Cits have been building on their stock of handy footballers as the season progresses . The homE ground advantage would normally pull in the smar money, but a worry about the Sharks numbers ha ; discounted that advantage a bit. Even so, they put ul a damned good show last week against the migh~ Kew, and should have enough in hand to be ahead b, a couple of goals at the siren . Yarra Valley play one of the section's enigmas Bulleen Cobras. The Cobras lack a bit of height, bu their crumbling skills and fierce endeavour mak+ them tough opponents . Yarra, is a beautifully bal anced side though, and the quickest over the groum in the competition, and, at home, will have the edge b ; a few goals . Richmond Central meet Chirnside Park, an( what a crucial match this is for both teams . Th Parkers must win to further secure their final's berth Centrals have to carry the day to stay in the race to the same target . These sides are evenly matched although Central's would have a slight height advan tage, which will be offset by the Parker's edge in th pace department . With so much at stake it will be ; red hot encounter, and, it seems to me, the Parker have a bit more belief in themselves at this stage which will get them over the line a few points up . Old Carey host Kew in the match of the da} which is equally critical for both sides. Kew would lik to erase the memory of their unexpected 3rd roun loss to the C's, and the C's have to consolidate thei current ranking as a genuine flag contender. Neithe side has done much wrong since that last contest, an it would be a surprise if the game is won by a larg margin . On paper, Kew has a much more effective for ward set up, but the C's backs have done everythin asked of them as well . Kew would defmitely have mor assets in the experience department, but will find th C's pace a bit of a bother . The C's to win by a coup] of goals after a top game . Eltham has the weekend off. Reserves winners : Eley Park . Yarra Valle} Richmond Central . Kew. Correspondents : the Monday contacts are 954 9144, Fax 9547 7764. MILESTONES Old Carey utility, the dashing, Brett Gormaa plays his 50th in the black, gold and blue today . We done Brett. and man_v more ! SOCIAL The Sharks have two nights coming up: it Karaoke Night on July 19th and the Poe Competition on Sunday July 27th .


LAST TOT/d, 48 3 45 37 7 34


37 29 22 22




RICAfiROND CENTRAL has the by e

V. CITIZEi'dS Field : G . \v ' ildron Yh.i-tRA ZL~-,LEY v. BULLEEid COB 7 'AS Fi Ad: C; . Brereton F. Karabelas J . Binding R. Binding 3 C_i:4OPdll CENTRAL v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : ,,i . Argall OLD CAREY v. KEW Field : C . Keeton R . ;iariyn D . Blackburne EL'<=r COLLEGIANS has tiie bye. 6i~' ..~, - 速 W 速

vJJ" -0-11


KEW 3 .6 10.10 14.15 17.22.124 ELEY PARK AFC 2.0 5 .2 6.3 7.3 .45 Kew King 5. Ma.scitti 5. Porte 3. Pulvuen0 2. Bruno. Hope . Beat King. MascittL Chow. Gencarelli . Cullen . Peters , Eleq Parkllude 2 . Bruce 2, Heath, HIS. L . McLean. Best Bruce. Pool. Hook. HiIl. Verde. Di .x. HAK72T3ORN CITIZENS 4 .0 7 .3 10.6 12.10 .82 YARRA VALLEY OB 7 .3 19 .5 28.11 25.11.225 Hawthorn Citizens McCowan 3. Glower 3. Awry 2, Lauletta 2, Power. Rossitto. Best Aeery. McCowan, Orchard, Power. GtoYrr. Parker. Yarra Valley McLeod 5. Peake 5, MacVean 4. Peterson 4. M. White 3 . Kcenen 3, Scales 3. Kyle 3, Batshaw 2, Downs, Drew, Laing. Best McLeod. Peake. Downs . Draw. Koenen. MacVean . BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .4 8 .8 9.9 15.14.104 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 .6 9 .8 14.9 19.11.125 BuBeea Colons Goal lockers and best players not receiced . Richmond Central Tate 4, Porteous 3. Waters 3, O'Sullivan 2 . Rove 2 . Andonqxiulos 2, Pickett, Shannon . BanBetd.. Best Tate. Porteous. R'aters . O'Sullivan, Siwka . S . Shannon. CHIRNSIDE PARK 4 .5 14.10 20.14 26.19.175 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 0 .2 1 .3 4.3 6 .6.42 Chirnside Park S. Oates 8, M. Pemberton 7. Walker 4. V. Picciob 2 . McIntosh 2 . Carusi 2, Sore. Best Brown, Lowrn. D. Paota. F. Paola. McIntosh. S. Oates . Elthem CoHegism Simon 3. Bishop. J. Rush. B . Parsons. Best Simon . Hedtev, Bishop . Morrow. Leys . Hall. OLD CAREY: BYE RESERVES - 05 .07 .97 KEW 2 .2 11 .4 14.6 20.10.130 ELEY PARK AFC 1 .3 1 .4 3.5 3 .5.2 3 Kew Kfriakou 7. BrassIl 3. Hannazn 3 . Barnes 2. Robinson 2. W. LhiLston . Best Bortone, Robinson. Deakin. Kiriakon . Hannam . M Eley Park Dell Orso 2. Manic . Best Perry. G`erde. Dell'Orso. DLe. Richards, LaMarca HAWTHORN CITIZENS 0 .1 2 .2 3.4 4 .6.30 YARRA VALLEY OB 7 .4 14 .8 15.15 20.20.140 Hawthorn Citizens Bogte. Cheppa Lord. Brain. Best Tracey . Irvine . Hewish . Gardiner. Kennedv. Brain. Yarns Valley T. O`Sullhan 3. P. Ford 3. Loveless 2, M. Ross 2. Lawton 2. Reynolds 2 . Johnson. Menuralth. Chrisfield. Harnett . R}an . Crean . Beg Lm~eless. Crean. Joiner. Potter, Davies, Lawton. BULLEEN COBRAS 4 .5 4 .6 5.8 7.11.53 RICHMOND CENTI2AI. 3 .3 7 .7 9.12 9.15.69 Bulleen CoLzas Thompson 3. Caiaiao 2. Scanners. Christtd[s. Best Zorzt. Potters . Olney. Thompson. Bastasin . S. Stratton. Richmond Central Jackson 3. Wilson 2. Hkkev 2, Maeak. Fawcett. Best Jones. Manning. WiLsiot. Flores. Macak. O'Su[llvan. CHIRNS IDE PARK 6 .4 12 .12 17.18 21 .21.147 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 0 .1 1 .2 1 .2 1 .2.8 Cltirnside Park Skein 6. T. Schilling 3 . O'Connor 3. P. Egan 2 . Reed . Pillakidis . Davison. lHyngard. Hussey. Kimpton. K. Gates. Best Sekin. Snllth. T. Schilling, Gray. P. Schilling, W}ngard. Elitism Glare. Best Schafer. D. Barnett, P . Barnett . Sharpe, Glare . Harris. OLD CAREY: BYE





e d

(50 ~a'.-6~~s rjp-r min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceo

Permits (I'hurs) 速 Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Scores (Sat. night)


he Warri ors appear to have simplified the finals equation with a stirring win over th e rudderless Reds while a rampant North Brunswick have their eyes firmly on the double chance with the easiest run home of all . Round 12 Review No rth Brunswick added to the woes of their Western neighbours with a thumping win at Allard Park that revenged their early season defeat at the hands of the Magpies. The result underlines the shift in fortunes of the two clubs and points to the northerners as the X-factor leading into the finals series . Bill "PM" McMahon and Vin Lirosi were the stand outs for the home side while Abe Kyriasis continued with his excellent recent form. Further good news for the Green and Gold is the form of the ressies who walloped their injury riddled opponents with John Papanikolou booting 9 from full forward an d Peter DiMarco, Merrick Bradford and Brett Evans applying some healthy pressure to their senior team mates . Uni Blacks made the short trip across Royal Park to face UHSOB after wielding the axe in the wake of last week's narrow defeat . Garry Conno lly's Jack O'Toole impression did the trick as his charges jumped away to a 23 point quarter time lead . Ben Sullivan was proving a handful at half forward and the promoted Jones was providing first use of the ball out of the middle . Uni High worked through the middle quarters to get back into the game with Craig Skinns the key yet again in reducing the margin at the final change to 18 points while "Tubby" Drendel and regular ressies full back Peter Sciola kept the much vaunted Blacks forward line honest . The last 5 goals of the game gave the Blacks a comfortable win with the best Sullivan (5 goals), Roberts, and Abbott, Jones & Nihill (all in their first game). The twos were close for a half with Karl Lewicki and Paddy "Elbows" Burns offering the home side some hope of an upset before the star studded visitors stepped on the gas lead by stand-in captain Gadd, Neville, Baud & Ricutti, who reportedly kicked the goal of the year in last quarter with a brilliant overhead snap shot. Special mention for High president Greg "Cheetah" Catterall for his studious research at the club's Trivia Night which his table won in controversial circumstances . Williamstown continues to offer hope to its finals rivals just keeping it nose ahead of Swinburne to retain an unbeaten record . Harry, Grieve and Herbertson were among the best for the CY's while goal kicking ace 'Rabbit' Warren

booted 11 in the dew kickers after earning the ire of the selection committee. The team changes almost backfired with Swinburr always in with a chance of an upset win after kic] ing the first goal . The Razorbacks had their oiN problems in front of goal with Camello Dell'oli out and a couple of players having to back up f( a second game with numbers still down . Best f Swint were Dino Depaoli in the ruck . wingma Andrew Hamilton, the Milano Brothers a Jason Horridge back from injury . Handily au ; mented by the selectors, Williamstown romp( home in the twos with Tuck and Duncan McLec leading the way. Uni Reds had the chance to set up their pua for the fourth finals birth and blew it against a Old Westbourne outfit that showed enormoi commitment and courage to overturn a 34 poii deficit at the last break to fly home with 8 .8 in it last quarter. It was the Warriors first ever win ovi the Reds and, while its hard to single out bett players in such a great team effort, Gibl Franklin, Robson and Horsburgh were at it centre of a memorable revival . The Reds had a easy win in the ressies with the game almost ovi before it started with Warriors struggling to field team and a number of senior players putting u their hands to run in both games . For the Rec 'Plugger Mark II' made an excellent debut in handy percentage booster. Round 13 Preview

West Brunswick host Uni High at the notor ous Fleming Park with the chance to all bi cement fourth spot motivation enough for the vi ; itors to get home by 7 goals .

Despite a scare the first time around, Ui Blacks should be able to account for Swinburr by 45 points . La Trobe have a good crack at a Uni Reds sic with the wind knocked out of it sails by last weel defeat . The Trobers by 20 points . The form side of the competition Nort Brunswick take the trip Hoppers Crossing an should be able to account for Old Westbourne t 38 ooints . Williamstown has the bye . Correspondents please fax 9243 4920 t 1 .30pm, call 9381 2292 until 8 .00pm or ema micj@netspace .net .au


Ficst+bourne's own `Baby Huey' Benny Dangc~ fieid marks his 50th game this weekend

and has impressed everyone down at Warrior land v: ith his dramatic improvement this year. Also dcv: 1i south . Dean Evans made it to 50 a couple of ticeci:s back. cial Notes : The Uni Reds Trivia Night is o n ~! urday night at The Lord Newry Hotel . FA -q M _ -_-

'I l~


JULY 19 - ROUND 1 4


RESERVES - 05 .07.97

I, ~ S' ;;ST BRUNSWICK v . UHSOB AT FLEMING PARK (30A8) Field : K. Walker K. Brewer UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. SWINBURNE UPtI Field: M. Forde A . Price LA TROBE UNI. v . UNIVERSITY REDS Field : R. Smith G . Stayner OLD WESTBOURNE v. NORTH BRUNSWICK Field: P. Keogh D . D'Altera WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS has a bye fl'p{a l

Reserves/C18 failed to provid e scores by 2.30 p .m.

Seniors/U19 failed to provide final scores by 5 p .m .

St Bernards (Res .) Whitefriars (Res. ) Old Xaverians (C18)

St Bernards (S) Thomastown (S) Kew (S) Chirnside Park (S) MHSOB (U19 Blue )

Fines increase as clubs continue to re-offend . Fines will be imposed according to the team's section - $5 (first offence) ; $25 (second offence); $50 (third offence), A "one-off fine of $250 for a fourth offence is imposed . Fines then revert to a $50 per offence until the eighth offence (another $250 "one-off" fine) .

ti e e s h d y

y il

SENIORS - 05 .07.9 7 NORTH BRUNSWICK 6.1 10 .4 14.6 19.9.123 WEST BRUNSWICK 0.3 3 .4 4.8 6.11 .47 North Brunswick P.ernham 8, Matkowr 6. Miller 2 . Demorton. MeMahon. B. Whitman . Best McMahon . Wernham, Lirosi . Malkoun, KtTiasiz . Freeman . West Brunswick Cannane 2. M. Malone 2 . Curtin, Gross. Best M . Malone, G. Malone . Carotene, Brown. Forbes . Petschei. U.KS.O.B. 1 .4 6.4 8.6 9 .10.64 URTVERSrrY BLACKS 5.3 8.7 12 .8 17 .11 .113 UHSOB Wallace 3 . Skinns 2, Mana Deriirt . Ryan, Freijah. Best McLean, McLennan, Skkms. Dwltn, Cracknell . Smith. Freijali. Uni Blacks B . Sullivan 5. Lynch 3. Whitehead 3, Trevaskis 2. Nihill 2, Gullan. McArthur. Beat Roberts. B. Sullhan, Ham . Abbott, Jones. NM. SWINBURRE UNIVERSITY A 1 .1 4.2 5 .6 7.9 .51 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 .2 4.3 6 .8 9.9 .63 SwtnLurne Unl J Dellollo 2, Morgan. PiotrosWid M. Milano, D. Milano. Hamilton . Best Fiumani. Horritigbe, Hamilton. DePaoh. M. Milano . D. Milano . Williamstown Kwoswki 4. Rickards 2 . Featherston, Harry . Cook. Best Harry. Griete . Herbertson . Featherston. Davan, Rickards . UNIVERSITY REDS 5 .4 10.8 13.12 15.12 .102 OLD WESTBOURNE A.F.C . 4.2 6 .7 7.12 15.21.1112 Unt Reds Kane 3. P. James 3 . B. Hart 2 . Heenan 2, Davie. Nl9tarf. Jackson. T. Hart . J. Shaw. Best P. James, Kane, Graziano . P. Jackson . B . Hall. Loh. Old Westbourne Franklin 4, A . Horsburgh 3. Whiting 2 . Leitch 2, King 2 . S. Christo . Vincent. Best Gibb . Franklin. Robson, A . Horsburgh. Vincent . Leitch . LA TROBE UNIVERSIrY: BYE


NORTH BRUNSWICK 5.7 10 .12 15.14 21 .14.140 WEST BRUNSWICK 0 .0 1.0 1 .1 2.3.15 North Brunswick Papanil;ol~u 9. Dimarcv 3. Valeri 2. Hogg 2 . Kalpakas, B . Lowntzes . Sawtders. E~ans . M . Loumtzes . Beat Pagarllkataou . Emus. Maria, Kaipakis. Dimazco. Attard. West Brunswick Baker. Moore. Best Baker, Cocrolar)s, Horne, McNamara . Vitale. U .H .S.O.B . 0.1 0.4 0 .5 1.7.13 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3.3 3.6 7.10 11.14 .80 UHSOB Leuicld. Best Hoban. Molinaro. Burns, Madn~ ano . Killey, Lewicki. Uni Blacks Howell 2 . Phair 2, Dootey 2. Gteeson 2, k~itchen. Ricwtti. L. Broum. Best Gadd Neville. Baud, Carah . Ricutti L . Brown . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY A 0.0 1 .0 3.0 4.0 .24 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 .10 13.10 21 .11 31 .16 .202 Swinburne UniJohnston 2. Thomspon 2 . Best Flynn . Leeson. Sartitses, Fitz~tbbon. Pr}tt, Lee. WBBaatstown Warren It, J . Tuck 5. N. Bond 5. McKenzie 3, Robinson 2, D. MacLeod 2 . McGoaan. Hollard . Best J. Tuck. D. MacLeod . Warren . Holland . Burgess. MeKeruie . UNIVERSITY REDS 10.3 15 .5 22.11 26.15.171 OLD WES9BOURNE A.F.C. 1.0 1.0 1 .0 1 .2.8 Uni Reds Tomai 5, COok 4. Foster 3 . Prior 3. T. Jackson 3, Walsh 2 . Merin 2, Dazlder. B. Ryan 2, Campbell. Best Tomai. Prior, T. Jackson . tlialsh . E,ans. Merhi . Old Westbourne Mesman. Best Galvin. Martinsen . Leitch. Galizi. Pavey . Harsbwgh. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY . BYE



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t e Pirates prove they can win in the big city to put Mthe House under a bit of pressure, the Bankers reign supreme in the battle of the heavyweights, Sainters home in close one . Hunters convincingly return to the winning list, Krushers continue their forward march . REVIEW The Rats allowed their opposition too many turnovers in the first 3 terms which allowed the Krushers to build up plenty of momentum which they capitalised on to the fullest with a 9 goal last stanza and a very convincing victory to continue their march towards perhaps some September action . Best for the Oaks were Danny Hall . playing an outstanding game in the middle, John Moutis who kicked a bagful, Ben DellAquila was solid and Brad Gant deserves a special mention for his goal kicking prowess. For the Rats Green, Bullow and Paul Shoppee were all triers . The local derby between Elsternwick and Glenhuntly is played for the Richard Patey trophy, with the Hunters on this occasion very happy to collect it . The first half was even until the penultimate minutes of the 2nd quarter when the Hunters banged home 5 unanswered twin calicos . The game was a fairly free flowing affair with both sides running the ball well in patches, and of course as usual when these friendly neighbours clash no backward steps were taken by either . Glenhuntly had the better of most of the midfield battles and were much stronger up forward . Better Hunters were Barney Miller, O'Donnell and Worsnop while the Wicks appear to have lost both mine and KB's fax number. Sainters got off to a good start and seem to be well in control with a handy lead well into the 2nd term, however as has been their norm and obviously a concern to their coach they took their foot off the accelerator, put on a handbrake and allowed the Gryphs right back into the game with a solitary point the difference at the long interval . The second half was a tight struggle with both sides desperate for a win, with the Saints skill and experience being just a touch better under pressure and they held on to win by a goal to keep in touch . Best for the victors were Chapman, Willi s an d evergreen Terry Ymer. Gryphs maestro Tim Lee must have run out of fax paper this week . After a couple of dismal weeks on the road in Melbourne which resulted in losses we all wondered whether the Pirates could ever win away from home . But they proved us wrong with an important confidence boosting victory over the House . The Pirates played consistent football all day in what was a hard fought game, with the House in the unfortunate position of playing catch up all day which told in the end as they became tired and perhaps a tad lazy to allow the visitors to sail away to a comfortably 26 point vic-

tory. Best players for the victors included Angus, I Bonner and the consistent Dentry whilst for the va quished Gi ll, Senior and Auld were all good. The visiting Vultures took the game right up to t Bankers in the early stages and had opened up a goal advantage towards the end of the first half, but t top side proud of their unbeaten record steadif kicked the next 4 and had a handy lead at rest tin After a break the Tigers took complete control of t game not allowing St Pats to kick another goal a while a bit inaccurate in the last term came awa . Bankers hadyamorlbsting62pvcory ma good players in an even team performance with spec mentions to Chris Doyle, Roy and Melican returni to the side after a long absence . Mick O'Sullivan w one of the better Vultures who were so disappoint with their loss they failed to socialise after the game PREVIEW Some big games today with the battle for that vi 4th spot really hotting up . The Bankers will maintain their perfect recc with another comfortable victory over what is sure be a competitive Elsternwick at the Postage Stan and will go away to enjoy a night of pure Trivia . St Pats at home will bounce back into the winn( circle with a big victory over the ANZ Rats, who as their norm will continue to try all day, but weight numbers will tell in the end .

Krushers will keep the pressure on and do the selves no harm as they beat the Gryphons w nonetheless will let the Oaks know that they have be in a game . And now to the big ones. Power House travel to Glen Iris in a must win both sides . House were disappointing last week wt the Sainters probably should have won by mo Neither side can afford to drop this game as the con quences are disastrous in a toss of the coin I'm goi for the visitors purely because with Craven and Fla one feels they have more firepower up forward. Glenhuntly make the long trek down South to E .iza in a game which is crucial to the remainder their season . Steve Allender will have the boys ree stotced up and they are certainly in with a chance, I the fact they have yet to beat a side above them in and the fact that it is at Pirateland where the home s . is virtually unbeatable sways me to stick with I Pirates in what should be a terrific spectacle . SOCIAL The Bankers are holding their Trivia Night tonii should be fun all welcome at Flinders Park at 7 .30p

S a inters 1-300 With a chan ce to win $1000 is also on . Don't miss it . ~P~?SES 1. i ck to normal next week please fax your report s 1_o n Bremner on 9 850 6964 by 5.30pm on the ",Icaiday evening.



')RS - (11 .07 .97 MONASH GRYPHONS 3.4 8.7 11 .10 14.13.97 Sr. MARYS 6.4 8.8 11 .10 15. 1 3 .103 Monash Gryphons Kilhttister 3, Blandtcxd 2 . Drew 2. Roche 2 . Coxhea<l . He.rrack. Bennett. Barrie. Ryan. Best ells, Absell . Tolongas . Daeev. King, Kilimister. St Marys Clark 3 .1'mer 3. Willis 2, Jones 2. Chapman. DeYoung. Pettill, Harrison . Bcl;. POWER HOUSE 1 .1 7.4 9 .8 9.8.62 PENINSULA O.B . 2.7 7.7 8 .14 12.18.88 Powerhouse Craven 3, Sneddon 2 . McCullough 2 . Harrison . Ryan. Best Gill. Senior. Auld, Wright. Hall. Harris . Peninsula OB Campbell 4. Marshall 3 . A Banner 2, Francis 2. Sharpin . Best Angus . Bonner. Dentry. Atchiruon . Trewhitt. Marshall. GLENHUNTLY 5.2 13.5 19.9 24.10.154 ELSTERNWICK 4 .2 6.6 9.9 11 .13 .79 Gkahuntly O'Donnell 4. Bain 4. Johnson 4 . SHort 3 . Lewis 3. P . Thomas 2, Pappin. O'Hare, &911er. Seabrook. Best Miller. C. 011Onnell . Worsnop . Short. Rossiter, Johnson . Ekteznwlck Hacildn 4, Murphy 3, Mussared. Jenkin, Clement, Whelan. Bea Curtain . Mussared . Murphy. Neill. C. Mahony. Vlhelan . SOUTHBANK CBA AFC 3 .4 8.6 13.12 14.17.101 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 1 .3 5.5 5.5 5.9 .39 Southbank CBA Party 4 . Hodgson 2. Eastham 2 . A. Pitts 2, Corboy. A . Rolls. Best Hodgson, Doric, Walford . A. Roils. Wallrncyer. Mellcan. St Pats Mentone White 2. C. Sullivan. Murphy. Young. Best C. Sullivan. P. Sullivan. Peraao, Gunter. Dawies, Barr. ANZ ALBERT PARK 3 .1 5.2 8.6 9.7.61 OAKLEIGH AFC 7 .3 12.8 16.17 25.22.172 ANZ Albert Park Lovett 3. Malone 3, Nimlosi 2. Carlisle. Best Green . Rutherford . Shoppee. Bullo•s. Nknlos4 Smith. ~ Oakleigh Walsh 6 . Lewis 5 . Moutis 4. Gant 4 . Wall 2, Perdikomatis 2, Taylor. Woodard. Beat Lewis. Dell"Aquila, Hall, Mautts. Taylor. Woodard .

RESERVES - 05 .07 .9 7 ST. - `ARYS v. POWER HOUSE Field: B . McLeod J . Ashurst PENINSULA v. GLENHUNTLY Field : S . McCarthy ( R) ELSTERNWICK V . SOUTHBANK CBA Fi 1d : G . Wolter ST. PATS MENTONE v . ANZ ALBERT PA??K Field : P. Griffiths OAKLEIGH v. MONASH GRIi'riO1dS Field: P. Callil R. Treverto n


MONASH GRYPHONS v . POWER HOUS E .° ..- .~-<..:..~~

ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW 1997 (Part 2 of 3) This Sat: Old Ivanhoe v. Therry Penola This Sun: Old Scotch v . Old Paradians Next Sat: NO MATCH Next Sun : St Bernards v. Old Scotch Sat. 26/7 Chirnside Park v. Old Carey (E) -2 .00 pm Sun. 27/7 Old Xaverians v. Old Carey (U19/1 ) - 11 .30 am VAFA (A-B) v. VCFL - 2 .00 p m Dates to be avoided for part (3) of draw to be lodged by Monday July 14 .

MONASH GRYPHONS 1.2 2 .3 3.5 6.7.43 ST. MARYS 2.0 4 .6 4.10 8.12.60 Monash Gryphons Fraser 3, Bujaga 2, Toghill. Best Fraser, Williamson, Toghill . Healv. Coleman . Adams. St Marys Phillips 2. Richardson 2 . Evans . Francis. Hancock, Joseph . Best Frail . Francis . Redward . Phillip~ Roberts . Evans. POWER HOUSE 1.3 1 .8 1 .10 2 .11 .23 PENINSULA O .B. 3.3 4 .4 5.4 5.4.34 Powerhouse Cage. Statndl. Best Deans, Fenesse. Newman . Brainl. Staindl . Norman. Peninsula McMahon. Brancati.ano, Gulluzzo. Krohn. Bleasbv. Best McMahon. Scoun . Bleasbv. 0-Nell . Atchinson, Brancatis.uto. GLENHUNTLY 5.3 11 .4 14 .8 18.10.118 ELSTERNWICK 0.0 3 .1 5.1 6 .1 .37 Gknhnntiy Commerford 4 . Jankoatie 3. Williams 2. Breslin 2. Cassar 2. Stewart 2, O'Donnell. Kouts. Derrick. Best P. Janes. Commerford. Jankovic, Stewart.

Williams . nD. Jones .

Ekstemw2ek %rne. Hunt . Daniels, Missagl43. Daniels, Nootun. Best Hunt. Missagtia . Lillkakis. Currie. Noonan, Williams , SOUTHBANK CBA AFC 3.1 5 .3 8 .6 9 .9.63 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2.2 2 .3 2 .5 4 .6.30 Southbank Conk 2 . O'Sullrian 2. 14ardrop . Rachor. May-,L Plaza . Jebb. Best Radcliffe. Jebb. O'Sullhan. McCarthy. Rachor. Plaza, St Patricks Meutone Morris. Stern. O'Brten . Bugeja Best Seedsman . l .evett Ladds, O'Meara Andrew, Grogan. ANZ ALBERT PARK 0.1 0.4 2 .7 4 .7.31 OAKLEIGH AFC 4.3 5.4 7 .7 7 .13.55 ANZ Albert Park Corthoys. Kilmartin, Lovett. Stuto. Best Wolfe. Hey" . Hagar, Dpr^ Daou . Hazbenson. O,' :7 e~ Diekte 4. Bromiey. Moore . Niko. Best Perpina. Chapman. Theorilopoulos. R'oai. Niko . Donadel .

~a, ~ r ~ ~'~a ® m~ v

Every second Saturday morning Phil Stevens talks to Larry Stephens an d Adrian Hook

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Under 19 (1) DE LA SALLE

Coach : Clay Weser

psst Coach : Greg McHenry 1. C.Artus 2.. L Saeffa (C) 3. M . McHetuy 5. S.Ttarnzv~ VCCI) R. B~ C. sovm 8 B. Cle-Y M . Aron 10.P.Arar it . EVVIWM 12. S . Cbhesy ~a K 14. M. P. iarcrxi 15. G.Jerewrcy,' 16. M. C'DormeS 17. M. K"nF ,18 J Fkm 19. S. Lo 2p, S Ca~n rr 21 . M. Har22. T.Ndan . Houden 23. J 24. D. Lambe 25. M. Coughlan 26. A. Rw+ti"Nay 26. A Needt~+n 27. B.M,ercrxi 28. S. H) livd 29. K. 31 . M. 33, J. He 34 . A.Dumxsai 34 . T. Messer 35 . J. Doak 36 . H. Pipkorn 37. R. B&-}id so . D. Foriar 39 . D. KM 40, C.Buicfc 41. B. Hxketl 42. J. Waters 44. X. CL'ux.y 45. AM~ 47- B. Lee 49. A. Pedic'eu 51 . S. Hart 53. L Sea9er

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach: Leigh Bowes 22. N. Butfin 45. T . Woodruff 46. W. Earle 47. L O'Neil 49. J . Raju 51 . A. Hasforlh 52. R. Hayward 53. G.Pamham 54. A . Liptrot 55. S . Dimer 56. L Marget 58. D. Watson 59. C. McPherson 60. . Crewdson D T. 61 . Ewart 62 . A. Lewis 64. R . Martin 65 . R . Kent 67. R . Handy 68 . N .Biggin 69. J. Stewart 70 . J. Thomas 71 . G . Rhodes 72 . A. Betts 73 . B. 75 . S. rson 76 . S. Grabert 77 . M. Day

OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schiller 1 . C. Angus (C) 2 . F. YaghmoDr 3 . P. Cerche 4. J . Powell 5. T. Baker 6. S . Weill 7. C. Anson 8. J . Zto 9. J . Woods 10 . S . VW 11 . P. Varyiarrus 12 .. J. Mai 14 . M. Raffaele 15 . B. Hood 16 . A CosteHo (VC) 17 . K. Lewis 18. C . Richards 19. T. Wood 20. M. Lawrence 21 . D . Stone 22. C . Bettie (VC) 23. T. Stuart 24. N . MacLean 25. B. Davies 26. S. Wood 27. C. Davey 28. J. Harcourt 31 . S.Laulette 34. J. Fanner 35. S. McConnell 39. J . Nash 42. J . Anutp 43. F . Hakins 44. A Tranter 47. A Bond

6. P. Egan (VC) 7. L Vamey

8. S . Paokucd (C) 9. S . Garbc9€ni 10. L Perkins 11 . A Meadows 12. A. Quinn (VC) 13. B . Mason 14. D. Kelly 15. N . Meehan It M. Davis 17. R. Wilson 18. B. Meehan 19. D . Cincio 21 . D . Rigg 22. T. Bailey 23. P. Nelson 25 . J. Dunne 26. S. Dwyer 3% D . Schofield 32 . P. Fo6raotis 31 . R . HavlKins 37 . D. Gran t 42 . L Stephenson 57. P. McCulkiqt 62. M. Van Suylen 63. W.OcchuHo 75. A McDowell 76. N. Parry

19. G . Hope 20. S. D'aron 21 . J. Andronis 22. J. Tomlinson 23. A. Gooch 24. M . Bennett

25. R. Sewek (DVC) 26. J . McKenna 27. M . Amor 28. C. Sbee 29. D. Varley 30. N.Cautts 32. J . Wright 33. N . Couzens 34. J . Younes 35 . E .Sedgley 39. J . Rigg

Coach: Brendan Millar Asst Coach : Brett Millott t . A. Celery

2 . J . Price 3 . P. Mount (DVC) 4 . C. Bake r 5. O. Brown 6. C. Goldsworthy 7. M. P 8. P. Sraro p 9. L Cressvre3 10 . M. Davoren 11 . J. Bergin 12. B. De" 13. N . Mdnerrry 14. N . Moore 15. A Finney it B. Quirk (G) 17. B. Day (DVC) 18. M. Funston 19. A Rattle

20. J. O'Brien (VC) 21 . B. Allis . Virtcent R J C. Haddad 24. R.Sheehy 25. S. McConnell 26. R. Zeman 27. S. Andrew 28. B. Murphy 29. J. Dailey

30. N. Edwards 31 . M .O'DonneR 32. J . Ryan 33. B. Powell 34. J . Hunt 35 . R. Ryan


MAZENOD 2. J. Beaton 4. J. Nisbett

11 . D . Purcell 12. R . Campbell 13 . R . Tandy 15. D . Fabinyi it D. Morris 17. J. Miter (DVC) 18. R. Forste r

Coach : Pat Hawkins 1. MFroa t 2. T. Fknirq 3. B. Healy 4. B.Hiszrt(C) 5. T. Wax , . 5. T.FOUie r 6. M. FC.mArsb 38. M. Md;aNry 7. N.Banast 39. J .Po~s 8. AKmw.~lf 4Q LAvmmrth 9. T.Farrow . Baerid 41 42 . RDRon 10. D .A 11 . B . M~ 43 . J .Rr~ 12. M.We67 44 . R.Lyt" bn 13. N.TIrust 45 . S.CarttKks 14. L Nsb:St 46. R Souris 15. L Dwne-,Vax& 49 . S. McGrtlry it D.SBre/ 50. C.St~na 17. T. Cwu~y 49. B. RA, 18. D. M~ 50. M.4Ydsat 19. R .kves 51. RFwd 20. D. Trace 52. A Cwuan 21 . B.Sfapl:Bn 53. S.Chrke 22. J. Dewis 54. T. Bur.den 23. C.Clwsen 55. J.Mtlder 24 . C.Carmckis 56. B.Chr'xte 25. T. Gleason 57. P.&iami 26. J. Hatxsry 58. A Cobum 27. C.McGullian 59. PACi:amberkn 28. P. ChHe7 60. M. welsh 29 . N.Irecand 61 . S .TnunbB 30 . C. Hom 62. D. Siren 31. X RuJd 63* M . McKenzie 32 . L FhNuhck 64. N. Had 32. T. Barry 65. S. Tu:ker 33. J. Kaye (VC) 66. P.L Panifier 34. T. Hager 67. P. t'klalxmy 35. ht Quinn 68. D. Rouec 36. J. McLean 69. A Levier 37. J, Drake (VC) 70, G. Warty


Coach: Kevin King 1. B. Johnson

Coach: MarkZuker Asst. Coach : Paul Neuchew 1 . C. Coke 2. J . Berry (DVC) 3. F. Pun~ 4. S . Murray (C) 5. A Jakowerdw 6. A C 7. A. Baxts(V) 8. C . Langford 9. D . Gardner 10. M. Benko

OLD PARADIANS Coach : KenJohanesen Asst. Coach: Tim Liv y 1 . A Tabr,m (C) 2. M. Lynch 3. M.Bmed~.o 4. P, Want 5. ASmith 6D. Stevens 7.. S.Pmscxb 8. M. Data 9, G. Bald 10. D. Green 11 . B. Ra9i 12. I. Santos 13. L Harris 14. S.Cevoki 15. M. Ventura 16. P. Hanis 17. G. Porteous 18, L Galvin 19 . B . Harttzj 20. M.Dempster 21 . A Ra,vard 22 . htJaice 23 . M . Rees 24 . A Bannnpsa 39. D . Canstantn 25. AVeatxo 40. M.CosgntF 26 . 0 Warren 41. M. Hildebrand 27. B. Woodinam 42. M. Joyc e 28. P. Daniel 43. J. Lucas 29. Ht Cosgnff 44. 8. Lyrcg 30. A Stewart 45. L 0'Cwrnar 31. D.Vararro 46. G.0'Meara 32. C. Wrqht 47. M. FiDerqps 33. AS= 48. C. Price 34. T. Rwciman 49. D. Payrr„; 35. J .ROSbrcWc 50. N.RMd(ord 36. A Baker 51. S. Rxlurcm~n 37. B. Borficoat 52. L Wakefeld 38. C. Butter 53. J . Smith



Coach: Dominic Legudi 1 . A Strarieri 2. T. Wilkinson 3 . R. Leguck 4. R.Bonntta S. J . Pearson 6. D. Thomas 7. T. Harvey 8. J . Delaney 9. R . Nutter 10 . B. Overman it . S. Erickson 12 . B. Hogan 13 . S. McKean 14 . A Thomas 16 . A. Brandt 17. T. Pianta 19. L Kavanagh 21. B. Loughlin 25. D. Feaster 26. A Gleason 27. James Mount 28. P.lannazzo 30. Joseph Mount 31 . B. Swan 32. J. Evans 33. S. Snn9h 37. J . Lloyd 42. V.ludica 43. C. Davis 47. A Osborne 82. J .Zoc M

Coach: Steve Carroll

HANG fITEN Q.P.O Bar & Bistro



F7NER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarravitle Ph:96878722

1 . M. Belford 2. R. Benjamin 3. D. Bolton 4. C. Brooks 5. H. Christie 6. B. Callery 7. J . Camm 8. M . Cobh:etSdc 9. M . Coleman 10. J . Coubooupas . N. Cowlin g 1 1 W. Crocker 12. 13. A. Davidson 14. J . Eastaugh (C) 15. B .Fricker(DVC) 16. S. Fuller 17. M. Godfrey 18. T. Hayes 19. J. Hocking 20. W. Jadcson 21 . T. Johnson 22. D . Keily 23. M. Komck 24. J. Lyle 25 . J. Mahoney 26. A. McKenzie-McHarg 27. X. McKinno n 28 . B. O'Gorman 29 . J. Presti 30 . T. Roydhouse 31 . J. Starting 32 . L Stevens 33. E. Stewart 34 . J. Stunock (VC) 35. A. Tern N 36. R. Versleegen 37. J . Wilcox 38. A. Winter 39. D. Wood

622 Mt. Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799





Un- ~.~'(~ L --19 (2) S UVr1~RIS Coach: Peter McBrearty 1 . N . McLean 2 . B. Thomas 3. M. . Pitts 4. T. Window 5 . B . Griffiths 6. L Gibson 7. B . Stevens 8. N. Burton 9. J . Walker 10. G. MotOney 11 . .G.Johnson 12. J . Bayford 13 . D. Emmerson 14 . A. Quin 15 . F . McDonald 16 . S. Mitchell 17 . T. Eaton 18 . A. Palmer 19 . R. Thornton 20 . T. Cotter 21 . A. Catlin 22 . S. McKay 23. B. Ferguson 24 . C. Celan 25 . K. Dimachki 26. S. Herter 27. J. Vance 28. J. McKenzie 29. C. Martin 30. R. CorFwld 31 . N . Kennedy 41 . A. Van Dan Brink 47. T.MCA ;,i ~ e 51 . D .Shr'.Jrake 53. T. Rand

Coach: Greg Lassnck

MARCE :LLIN Coach : Shaun Mangan 1 . M. Randazzo (C) 2 . M. Roberts 3. G. Gull 4. L Bethel (DVC) 5. G. Hawkin s 6. C. Keogh 7. W. De VerceiN 8. T.Louder

9. D. Matson 10. M . Moussi 11 . P . Pappalardo 12. M . Karavasids 13. C. Duinardo 14. D. Ciro 15. B. Symes 16. S . O'Connor 17. J . Pacocdoco 18. J. Sheehan(VC) 19 . L. PetBnell a 20 . N. Mathews 21. M. Van Unit 22 . D. Keamey 23 . P. Diacogiorgfs 24 . J. Smart 25 . J. Delahunt 26 . M. Maguire 27 . D . Hogan 28 . R . English 29. B. Dinneen 35 . C . Abzangelis 50. B. Kearney

1 . C . Home 2 . S. Davey

3 . S. Saunders 4 . M. Thiel e 5 . P. Dimond 6. D. Reid 7. B . Shearer 8. R. Parker 9. E . Dunphy 10. D. Hance 11 . R. Gouklen 12. D. Warden 13. G. FinlaysOn 15. C.Jayasekem 16. B. LangordJones 19. C. Efsfhatiou 21 . B. Waters 22 . D. Mason 24 . C.Pountttey 25 . N. Biggs 26 . J. Bell 27 . B. Carson 29 . C. Joyce 30. A. Rode 60. M.Sana a

The Beehive & Hot el 速 Hawthor n

Coach : Paul O'Shannassy 1 . M. Arkin 2. L Brown 3. M. Byme 4. P. Caviccttiob 5. A. CEmeras 6. B. Dryne 7. O. Rensss 8. 8. Henrkrscn 9. D .Leahy 10. A. Mahmr 11 . J .Marr 12. <vkAu~ey 13 J. . R .MzNamara 14 . A. McNichol 15 . S. Moody 16 . B. Murphy 17 . A. Nolan 18 . W 19 . C.. Pease Pascoe 20. H. Peck 21 . C. Schilling 22 . T. Sessions 23. M . StaurKOn 24. S . Vegte r 25. 5 . Vatwqrress 26. S. Wnde 27. N. WcM'on 28. G . Baud 29. B. Costello 30. 5.D'ancrd 31 . P. Greenbank 32. E Hannon 33. J. Hod~34. J. Hur t 35. J.Ohrstead 36. L . Ragute 37. J. Martin 38. J. Skpvurth 39. D . Walsh 40. T. Reid 41 . A. Winter 42. A.N--`bn 43. L. h ' 44. D .E - _ 45. M.I ele 46 . A. A.--y 47. R . N 48 . B .T.-, 49 . R. M~kie 50 . E .O'Heaml.ar9e

WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrymple Assistant: Mal Goocky, 1 . A. Crouch 2 . M. Northey 3 . B. Phan 5 . D . Eames 6 . B .Winch 7. M. Winterbum (C) 8. R. Fedele (VC) 9. S . Gillen 10. A .Johnson 11 . M . Cassarino 12. D. Reid 13. T. Hilton 14. J . Treyvaud 15. B. Doherty 16. T. Mulcahy 17. R. Murray 18 . C. O'Connor 19 . M. Duffy 20 . S. Flaming 21 . M. Setches 22 . S. Davis 23 . J. Bond 24 . M. Nolan 25 . N. Crosher 26. D. SuOiaan 27 . T. Hoare 28. 0 . Cassarino 29. M. Walsh 30. A. Beattie 31 . D . Edwards 32. C .leahy 33. M. Rees . 34. M. Anderson 35. B . KeaBna 36. A . Sea i





Coach: Tim Kittworth Asst. Coach: Gareth 8 ri glia 1 . T. Van DerVenne

Coach :

Coach: John Stanton

CYMS Coach : Tony Ryan Asst Coach: Mark Milival

2. N. Florentine 3. J. Clark

4. G . Brown (VC) 5. L Taylor 6. C . Mail 7. L Byrne 9. M. Britten 10. A. Langdon it . M.Granofka 12 . P. Johnson 14. T. De Young 15 . C . Harris 16. A. Baxte r 17. R . Ha:king (C) 18. A . Conn 19. R .Luff 20. J . Waters 21 . J . Condon 22. P . Waycatt 23. T. Ho>d-n 24. M . Godfrey 25. B . P 26. T. Champion 29. T. Hartshone 30. L Moon

32. J.Tarp2y

33. B. Samuel (VC) 40. C. Drake 41 . S . Sayers 44. C. Gibson 64. B. Page 69 . A Dak'ai

Andrew Tsinclos

1 . J. Webb 3. E. William 5. B. Smith 6. A. Hanson 8. J . Hardman 9. A.Geblcf 10 . T. Denman it . C. We'liams 12 . A . Paterson 13 . S . Hancock 14 . J . Heffernan 16. A. Baker 17. R. Scott

18. A Campbel 20. B. Day 21 . S . Barry 22. J . Miles 23. M. Cook 24. S. Pickles 27. S. Miles 29. S. Beckett 30. J. Zcirtner 31 . M. Wilkinson 32. C. Davis 36. A Kettle 41 . N . Saffar 44. W.Onrin 47. L Juniper

Coach : Terry Kendal l 1 . G.Junkeer 2. L Hanemann 3 . A Parker 4 . A. Sheer 5 . T. Stewart 6. T. McKenzie 7 . T. Gross 8. T. Frankenturg 9. N.O'Bhen 11 . L Havhdns 12. LHume 15. C. Lunn 16. T . Chapman 18. J. Hughes 19. H. Jenkins 20. C. Tindah 21 . M.Toose 23 . O . Crane 24 . M. Socdo 25 . J.Love

29 . D. Robson 31 . S. Prendergast 34 . N . Beattie 36 . L Andews 37 . N . Thompson (C) 44 . S. Connor 47 . A. Lines 59 . A WaffCarr. 67. A. Crow 70. N . Sladen 71 . C . Ward 80. M.O'Brien 89. R . Si4e+vraal

1 . C. Taylor (C) 2. D. Strou'r.s 3. B. Kinnear 4. M. George 5. M. Pop e

6 . B. Wilson

7 . S. Anderson 8 . C. Williams 9 . B. Davison 10. S. French 11 . S. Yin (C) 12. M. Manovella 13. S. Hartrick 14. M. Van Lint 15. G. Long (VC) 16. S. Brandt 17. B. Parkes 18. H . Veele 19. S . Wafters 20. P . Stannans 21 . R. Gray 22. A . Camffleri 23. M . Bortilin 24. P . James (VC) 25. A . Hopgood 26. J . Anderson 27. S . Allard 28 . D. Nasrallah 29 . M . Welton 30 . D. Mutton 31 . G . Bell L HuiFBmwn B. White

T. Thomson C. Burke H. Mousse

1 . B. Wouda 2 . B. Cocks 3 . K. Houli 4 . R . Steele 5 . N . Hun t 6. S. WuchaLsch 7. M. El Houli (VC) 8. M. Heerritt (VC) 9. T. Thompson 10. T. Murray 11 . D . McLeod (C) 12. W. James 13. A . Maddey (VC) 14 . H . Herb

15. N . Little

16. R. Wheeler 17, G. Rickard 18 . L Oldeham 19 . S . Hudson 20 . M . Manning 21 . J. Matar 22 . W. Yessine 23 . A. Tokovic 24 . B. Twist 25 . F . Harddara 26. L. Grocho:vski 27. C. Matthews 28. L Gray 29. C. Beazk-.y 30. N. Deal 31 . A. Theige 32. M. El Houli 33. D. Malael 34. J. McCutdteon 36. A. Petzierides 37. G . Singleton 38. J. Wag e

39. G. Canyon


Banyule Newsagency Tattslotto & Post Office

Simonds Group of Companies


Under 19 (2) Blue AJAX _ ~h- H nteBruce Jasep hn n I . J . Rockma x 2- J . Sharpe (C) 3 B . Davis 4. G. Dukes 5. J . Rath . Loew 7. D Wn3rtcyro s 8. J . Rosenbaum 9. S . Azenman 10- H. Sncw i J .Sdrer D. Katz . R.Sodvn J . Weinstock A. Rcgesr P. R~hbart 7 . A. Morris A. Ga`✓an G.Weisman (DVC) S ..S Czamy 2j, D. Stub 22. A.Wiser 23. A. Bensimcn 24. A. Lewin . 2', . M . Blashlu 26- A. Sloane 27. A. Lust 29, J, Joseph ,3- T. Hams 31 . J. Harris ,v. J. Rogem 33. A. &mbaum 34. J. Sharp 35. D.3tign¢ 36 . M . Segal 39, D. Katr 40, A. Halphen 41 . V. Raleigh 42 . E. Yea 43 . J. Abor

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Edi Meinjak 1 . R . Dunba6 2. J . Crouch 3. T. Prantzos 4. J . Midwinter 5. W. Armour 6. A. Crowther 7. M. lies 8. A. Quon 9. S. James (VC) 10. A. Landrigan 11 . A. Voss 12. B. Martyn 13. T. Smith 14. N . Rahn 15. M. Dunbatl 16. D . Voss 17. P. Nelson 18. C . Lucas 19. G . Shenfidd 20. S. Parkinson 21 . David Anderson (VC) 22. L Tregea r 23. W. Benton 24. J . Abramindes 25. B. Hebard 26. Scott Wills 27. A. KoHiner 28. S. Grimme r

MO NASH BLUES Coach : Nick Karavias 1 . C. Gregory 2. M . Benetto 3. D. Dean 4. A . Bragg 5. X Martin 6. F. Eley 7. S . Lloyd 8. S . Jones 9. H . Byme 10. N. Turner 11 . J . Sullivan 12. M . Stewart 13. A . Herrman 14- R. Burston 15. M .TmMer 16. B . Smiley 17. J . Miller 18. B . Amot 19. N. Freeman 20. M . Power

ORMOND Coach: Bran Keating 1, S . Thompson 2 . G. Hammond 3 . D. Robbins 4 . D. Rowan 5 . T. Ashfor d 6- M. Broadhurst 7 . H. Brown

8- M. Wonnaccift 9. N. CourMey 10. J . Cullen 11 . C. Baey 12. P .Townsend 13 R Marshall 14. D. Pasara 15. R. Cunn:ngttam 16. D. Fstdod c

17. S . Naughton I& S . Herman 20. C. Ryan

21 . N. Kazenwadel 22. J . McNeu r 23. J . Roscoe 24. M . Thomas 25. J . Hawkins (VC) 26. C. McCatvdl 27. J . Bolton 28. S . McGee 29. . S . Cooke 30. T. Cameron 31 . L Holloway 32. C. Bodsworth 35. M . Hunter 43. C. Riordan (C) 44. L Nolan

22. J . Braithwaite 23. D. Beckett 24. M. O'Halloran 25. J . Dal e 26. D. Mabbett 27. P . Gleason 28. A.Sfasiak 30, H. Black 33. S . Stephens 39. J . Byron

45. L Livingstone




M .H .S .O .B .



Coach : Ian Radlow

Coach : Tony MacNamara

Asst Coach: Greg Buntine 1 . A- Donn'" 2. J. Mysiaiddis 4. J. Masterton 5, M. Caugtlan 6. R. FLU 7. M. Laghnan & M. Holloway 10. A. Keogh 11 . D-KM 12 . J. Hovxlen 13. J. Bym e

I . T. Parker 2. P . Fink 3. A . Tiling (VC) 4. C. Bruce 5. J . Davis 6. J . Moore 7. Ashley O'Brien 8. T. Lowe r 9. A . Mazur 11 . S . Redder 12. M . Sliding 13 . N . Remfry 14. D. Forbes 15. J. Gregson 16. T.Leaver 17. R. Bruce 18 . S . Norman 19. J. Wilson (VC) 20 . B . Sims-Lucas 21 . R. Clowes 22 . P . Brown 24 . A. Askew 25 . L. Taylor 26 . S . Steel 27 . A. Cassell (C) 28 . S . Bennett 29 . M . Sharpies 30 . A. Burke 31 . S . Harrison 32 . R.Joseph 33 . M . Askew 35 . E . Cotter 39 . B. Miezis 40 . T . Morgan 41 . Anthony O'Brien 45 . H.Taylor 47 . D. Watso n

8. A. Lux 15. J. Downie 16 . A. Reuss 18. G Bid 26. C . Watkins 31 . A. Mims 36 . J. Pau l 43 . S. Bingley (C) 50 . N . Edgar 51 . G . McGregor 52 . M. Clar k 53 . C . Chamberlain 54 . M. Lugsr6n 55 . G. Dalzie! 56 . R . Brown 57 . W. Winspear 58 . A. McCann 59 . H . Gretton-Watson 60 . W. Gordon 61 . S. Lamb 63 . J. Landry 64 . D . Mdnnes 75 . B .O'CaNaghan 76 . N . Gatenby 79 . O. Wals h 80. L Wilson (VC)

Coach: Peter Callin an 1 . M. Frost 2. T.-Tig 3. B. 4. B. rt S. Tv, r S . T.Fa . . r 6. M. Ftay.ra'A 38. M. McCar8r7 7. N. Barrett 39. J. Patios 8. AK?~m~l(C) 40. LAmmrth 9. T.Farra;~ 41. R Mar 10. D. 801and 42. A. laoovarny' ..o 11 . B. Merlin 43. J. Hel e 12. M. Viebb 44. R Ly[t;?ton 13. N.TI%tA 45 . S.CamxW> 14. 1-Nisbett 46 . M. Bourke 15. LDearreJdm 49 . S.MCCartlry 16. D. Storey 50. C.Steahens 17. T.CwudN 49 . Blh;a 18. D.Mackaj 50. M.Vkson 19. Rjones 51. FL Ford (VC) 20. D.Triata 52 . ADmcan 21 . B. SrPMn 53' S. Clarke 22. J. Dense 54 . T, Bomar. 23 C. G'wsen 55 . J. MukF4r 24. C. Carrodus 56 . B Cnrr,t: 25. T .Gkmn 57 . P.Pdam : 26. 58 . A Coburn 27. C. Mc6ugan 59 . PA . Ctemberkn 28. P. Coffey 60 . M . Welsh 29. N.Irebr)d 61 . S.TnrmbW30. C. Hoare 62, D . Siaan 31 . X Rudd 63 . M-WK-rop 32. L Hardvck 64 . It Hart 32. T .Barry 65 . S.TuCter 33. J. Kaye 66 . M . Piruix}er 34. T . Hogan 67 . P. Ds:arnty 35. M. Qum 68 . D . Psnrr.x 36. J. McLean 69 . A tar:sr 37. J. Drake 70 . C. V&q

16. M. Rusdtens 17. D. Lambe 18. J. Campbell 19. J. Lyons 20. K. McGuiness 21 . A. Moon 22 . A. Needham 23. A' Jackson 24, S. Tucker 25 . T. BunGne 26. T. Nolan 27. K. O'Reilly 2& E. Wsdiams 30. A.Hayes

31 . D . Hagerty (VC) 32 . J. Silver 33 . f. Watson 35 . G . Hdstov 36 . B. Reade 37 . C. Buick 38 . L Woods


45 . H. Clancy (C)



24. G . Afford (VC) 25. L Whil e 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

S. Walsh S. Kingwel C. WiOams B. Johnstone T. Fava

31 . J. Cunxnins 32, A. Smith 33. S. Waters

Coach: Rob Smith

14 . M. Johnstone 15 . J. Griggs

ST . BEDE'S MENTONE TIGER S Coach: Bri an Bourke 1 . A. Ryan 2. P. Carroll 3. C. Tesoriero 4. A. McShane 5. A. Cousins 6. D. Semfin 7. B. McShane 8. S. Kidd 9. L McHugh (DVC) 10. S. Daviclson 11 . D. Ferguson 12. A. Connolly 13. A. Gangi 14. J . Drury 15. C. Martin 16. L McGregor 17. J . Crowe 18. C. Ambrosin i 19. D. FaNdrgtam (C) 20. H. Dwyer 21 . J. Cunningham 22. N. Wdkin s 23. D. Napie r



Under 19 (2) Red AQUINAS O.C. Coach : John Bourke 1 . H . Nicol 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23. 24. 32. 41 . 42. 44. 54. 55 .

M. Jamieson P. Heveren M. Bolona S . Jones T. Moran M. Greer J . Juenchhott C . Lyng S. Downs D . Marshall P. Gtemie R . Chapman M. Hunter B. Wilson J. Hunt M. Hope B. Moran S. Hills M. Reilly J. Blealmey, J. Pole R. Moran M. Thomas D. Kealy A. Cuflrera

I NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Andy Ryan 1 . M. Taleb

2. T. Waters 3. B . Koutsovasiis 4 . O. Khader (C) 5 . L. Curren 6. D. Skene 7. T. Mikunda 8. A . Hewi tt 9. A. Naiss 10. B. Cariss 11 . E Murray 12. D. Aboud 13. C. Miller 14. J . Saba 15. N. Tonkin 16. P. Borysievr,cz 17. S . Reynoklsm 18. S . Mcliroy 19. M .P;yne 20. R. Amato 21 . M . Nugent 22, G. Taylor 23. H. Maktwul 28. M . Drum 29. B. Mouustafa 30. D. Tints 33 . A. McKenzie 37. I . Tateb 40 . R. Mulquinney

OLD IVANHOE GRAM MARIANS Coach : Stuart McLean Asst Coach : Shane Harrop 1 . D. Bernet 2. N.G azeas a B. Wallis 4. B. Davis 5. A. Oates 6. P. Dowd 7. J. Hanop & B. Spoor 9. T. Pai n 10. R. G ., 11 . D. Archer 12. M. KeGy 13. D. Spiden (C) 14. G .O'Shanressy 15. L Courage 16. R. Hense 17. B. Limberg 18. L Waddell 19. A Harper 20. J. Vincent 21 . C. Barker 22. J. Smart 23. A. Sutherland 24. S. Jenkins 26. G. Madsaac 27. N. Coyne 28. A. Johrlston 38. G. George 48. R. Davies

ST. LEO'S EM MS Coach : Peter O'Connor t . G.Nev~y 2. N . Hooder 3. G. Bonnid 4. J . Morel 5. E . McGlanghlan 6. S . Bavage

7. R. O'Keefe 8. T.. McCann Daly 9. A 10. D. Cashen tt . D . Carr 12. M. Bainbridge 13. S.Wi9s 14. P. Batty 15. C . M~ler 16. J. Daniels 18. J. Manton 32. D . McNally 35. L Thomas

YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS Coach: Jatm May Wayne Reddaway 1 . T . Wapshott 2. 3. 5. 7.

T. Hale S . Uoyd A. Dew S . Thompson

8. L Morris 9. S . Mlson 10 . B. Searie

1 1 . B. Reynolds 12 . D. Lang 14 . T. Lloyd 16. A . Bel l 17. T. MdMrtath 18. LWhde(VC) 19. E . Kruse 20. T. Tystung 22. B . Tettoid 23. C. Amok! 24. A . Cusano 25. S . Matters 26. D. Rowe 28. A . Lawton 30. B. Wapshott 35. A. Laing (C)

REGENCY PHARMACY 130 Regent Stree t West Preston Z1TE'CNCO1t9PUTER PERIPHERALS 57 St . Hellier Street Heidelberg



Coach : Allan Cousin s

Coach : Steve Maus 1 . S .Jones (VC) 2. B. Hag

1 . A . Thomas 2. D.lacobucci 3. A . DiPietro 4. D. Skikem 5. M . Holliday 6. A . Mays 7. R . Chimsirk 8. A. Conte 9. T.Wyngaafd 10. P. AAatt 11 . R . Long 12. P. Green 13. E. Westmore 14. M. Marka,rsskl 15. D . Pemberton 16. R. Picdap 17. B. Whitehouse 18. S. Cowan 19. C. Piccioli 20. J. Pereira 22 . S. Cousins 23. B. Roac h 24 . P. Del Guidice 25 . D. Viol 27 . F. Varga 28 . A. Crew 29 . J. Canisi 30 . m . Adams 31 . D. Uncles 39 . D. Butler

3. H. Monroe

4. J. Anowsm;ttt (C) 5 . B. Hutchinson 6. D. Kneen 7. S. Natoli 8. T. Morpeth 9. A. Andrews 0. M. Shaughnessy 11 . K. Noden 12. C' Wilson 13. J. Cade 14. D. Hayes 15. R. Bazter 16. M . Chisholm 17. J . Newman 18. Y . Adel 19. C. Barr 20. M . Lapra 21 . L Kennedy 22 . C. Stanley 23 . S . Sarrervill? 24 . E. Dava6zis 25 . T. Tobin 26 . D. Robinson 27 . M. Greig 28 . C . Butler 29 . S. Connor 30. S. Kinron'rdes 31 . R . Ramsden 32. M.Passador 35. M. Pavtsey 42. A. McKenzp 43. D. Waldron 48. D. Lou4ddis 52. R. Burrows 60. S. Medlin 61 . D.Bunwvs 64. S. Cooper



OLD PARADIANS Coach : Ken Johanesen Asst Coach : Tim Livy 1 . ATat.vfco(C) 2 . M. Lvndi 3. M.Baurfio 4 . R. Word' S . A. Srrth 6. D. Stevens 7. S. Pnrsdrn a. M. Gale 9 . G . Boyd 10. D. Green il . B.Ravti 12. 1. Sard~ 13. L Harris 14. S. Ciauola 15. M . Verrdura 16. P. Harris 17. G. Porteous 18. L.GzHm in . B.Hartk_y 20. M . Dempster 21 . A Howard 22 . M.Joyc e 23 . M . Re. 24 . A Berxacssa 25 . A . Vecchio 2s . a. warren 27. B . Woodharn 28 . P.CarrrwN 29. M. Coegr£f 30 . A Stewart 31 . D. Varano 32. C. WkP 33. A.Saao 34. T. Riaicen3n 35. J . RasMook 36. A. Bake 37. B. 38. C . 39. D . Constantin 40. M. 41 . M.

THERRY C.C.O.S. Coach: Paul Mellon I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 15. 17. 20. 21 . .

D. Van Eglen R.7ampogna G. Vandenberg D. D'Aprano S . Sacco S . Goodwin G. Kuret A. Grant S. Stell a A, McMahon A. Rowan J . Srr M B. Ftlzpatrick (VC J . Van Englen (VC) )26

28. D . Dunne 32. T. Jones

33. M.Jacobsen 34. A McDonald 48. C . O'Brien


42. M. Joyce 43. J. Luras 44. B. Lyr~cg 45. L .6Cnrmor 46. G .O'M47 M. PP'aexjes 4a. C 49. D. Reynes 50 N. Red€or,1 Si .

S. Richardson

52. L Wakefield 53. J. Smith

FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St. . Yarravitte Ph: 9687 8722 a THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

Club X COLLEGIANS Coaclr Ian Lockwood

(7es . Coad1 : Neville James 2. R. Lee 3. J. Gay 4, J. B. N. Michael 7. N. Mothers B. K. Curtis 9. C. Comle y 70. S. ti . P.AsK 13. J. tAonison 14.. D.Wain 16. S . Mackay 17 s D . M.Brx9es - Mak'ay 23, 1 . Lockwood (CC) 25, G. Brig&a 2& S. Fraser 31 . J . Strathaxn 32. R . NannartoW 33. J. SnedAe n 31. A. Taykx 35 . IT. 36 . A. M"a , 37, M.Oqe 51. P.Ba~Aa Sg . N.Ir g!'i'.s 55, R. Cross 56. D, Howe 58. P. Young 69. R. Lancaster 60. S . Kerrs 61 . D. Kert s 66, R. Arde+son 66. G.Oaktcl' ~. B .O.Coruwr 69, C. HuJson 70_ R . Comon 77, A . Th~ 75. J . Walsh 77, M.

Section 1 MAZENO D Coach : Peter Hall Res. Coach : Peter ABsop 2 . A. Noone 3. T. Chilcdt 6. W. Francis 7. P. Deegsn 8. T. CFa3cWt 9. P. Hall 11. J.Didr6io 12. A W&s 13. S. Carry~beti 15. P.AEsop 17. T. Tsiav~ 19. T. Waiker 23. S. Cou!son 27. D. Kro m 31 . N. Srert 32. D. Moore 33. J. Boyle 34. B . D&dn 36. R.Toyansa 37. G. TnW 38. D. Steadort 39. R .Botxbon(VC) 40. M. Birch 41 . B. Wekh 42 . J. Gr'rrkson 43. W. Pa lter 44. D . BoOe 45 . G .Rogm 47 . P. Rdey (C) 48 . P. Vne 49 . L . Hafvy 52 . G . Pe-ock 54 . P.Jbs ar o 60. M. LeCotAew 63 . P. Welc h 65. 0. Biviarw 68. K. Duffy 69. B. Ha~per 72. D. Lin d 73. G. Janetski 74. E . Afgiara s

WMELERS HILL I-I O T E L DE LA SALLE Coach : Brendan Hoy 1, D. snn , : 2... G.Cun2n S_ Laski .laosan 3. G. 4. 5. RAW B, N.Fanow 7, C. Tay~r S. C.Fore 10, D.TeSskr ? l I, M.RsVEB4 12. T. 13. D.~Ryk 14. S.BNt 15. D. ' 16, D. tam6e 17, B. Byni e 18. IM 40. E.Betlane 19, A Platt 41 . B. Ef t 20. A&ctawr 42. A Fattrtcubids 21 . G. Barzh 43. A CNSSen 22, A V`- B 44. M. R. P.." - 45. 6. Bu'dc & n 46. G.MCHenry AP 47.D. -- C ° 48. S. Rurki it 49. S. Gun r. 150. B. F,01 D.K 51 . D.IGrg 0654 . D.larkns 55 . T. Moors 56. J.Murylrj 57 . M.Stzntwpe 58 . AWtit ; 59 . M . WDixnscei 60. M .Tlmme 61. C. („ear 72. T. Strides y so. C.,btmstrow 84 M.0'O+uca9

OLD MELBURNIANS OLD XAVERIANS coach : Coach : 1 . A.Caniner(C) 4 . D. Mos s 5 . E. ArFcinson 6 . C. Branchtbwer 7. J. Gardiner 9. H.Ingleton 10 . S. Osborne it . A. Anderson 12 . R. Egleton

13 . G. Stooke '.. 11 . P .Cannors 14. S . Ban1sley 13. A . Ries 15. N.Osboume 16. G.Jensz 17. J . McClellan 18. R. Simpson 19. P . Waite 20. T. Osborne 21 . N . Naim 23. D. Stanton 24. J . Scott 25. A. Wilson 26. K. Ruthe rford 28. D . Milne 30. S. Laycock 31 . R . Schnelle 33 . A. Clements 35 . M Atkinson 41 A. Carroll 46 . A. Hume 63 . P. Hands 80 . M. Camell

1 . G. Bennett 2 . M. Mclennan 3 . H . Jarvis 5 . R . Murray 6 . S. Moody 7 . M. Hall 8 . A. Hancock 9 . A. Grant 10. R. Moreton 11 . J. Rattray 111 . J. McLachlan 12 . D. Cochran 13 . A.Noble 14 . J. Bennett 16 . M .Hendrie 16 . J. Morrison 18 . C.Lade 19. D. Smith 22. J. Lockett 24. L. Hamilton 24. P. Neylan 26. J. U glow 28. S . Kay 31 . F. Magee 31 . M. Scarlett 32. R. Wraith 33. 0. Moreton 34. R. Smith 34. M. Nikakis 35. A . Rutter 37. M. Donohue 39. P. Greene 40. C . James 42 . A. Willey 43 . T. Betts 44 . S. CaMer 46 . M. Barber 48 . C. Haling 49. A. Neale 51 . N. McCann 52. M. Walker 53. P. Baintrridge 55. A. Heron 56. R. Brown 64. B. McMurtte 78. R. Saunders S . Desmond L. Duncan A . Gal e D. Gleason J . Lade 20. A . McNamara M. Selby 36. S . Young


17. P .O'Bemle 18 . P. O'Sullivan 24 . R . King 27 . D . Kxrg (C) 28 . C . Court 31. A. Homes 32. M. Tyrep 33, M. Sadler 34. S. Hogan 35. M. Meettan 37. T. Lan Ch gnn 39. M. 44. D. McLean 53. P. Hal 62. M . CoRotry 63. P. Conquest 64. S . Kennedy 71 . A. Ha p

91 . S . Bailey

ST. KEVINS O .B. Coaoh: Paul Bannon 1 . D . Nantra 2. A NaNra 3. P. Nanh a 4. N. Goldsworthy 5. R. WtR 6. J . Quirk 7. N. Marfm 8. T. Bare 9. D.,kames 10. L Davidson 11 . T FuxJt 12. D.VA,41m 13. P.Hoap=r 14. B. Noonan 15. D.Boyd 16. P . B~rxqn 17. S .Charles 18. P. Rvrn 19. MF~tl 20. S. Herbert 21 . A Davies 22 . L Wood 23 . JRl" m 24 . J . r 25, B. SYCbole 26. AAlm 27. T. Collins 28. A Busefla 29. D. McDonald 30. & Dillon 31. J.Croltlsovrtlry 32. D. ivory 33. D. Ka4ns 34. J. Fox 35. J.Widtbrt2tl 36. 0. R4anfeft l 37. P. Rgs 41 . S. Murptrj 38. J. Slett=.ry 42. P. McCarthy 39. B . Darcy 43. T. Page 40. N.Sweerseay 44. RBa.cman


PH: (03) 9822 0011


1 . L Orsini 2. J Kennedy 3. M. Jones 4. R. Curtain (VC) 5. M.O'CaV w B. J . Mattlresvs 7. T.O'SuHivan 8. M . Feb! 9. M . CoEOpy

COLLEGIANS Coach: G . Seebeck Ass. Coach: M. Clunks -Ross I . B. Simpson

2. O . Young 4. H. Middteton 5. S . Hawkins 6. M . Godwin (C) 7. M . Ckinies-Ross 8. D. Bingley 9. S . Spark 13. N . Murdoch 16. S . Hordes 20. N . Tribe 21 . J. Deakin 22. D . Hooper 23. S. Pryde 24. C . Zavecz 27. C . Winneke 28 . L . Higham 29 . A. Teesdale 30 . P. Williamson 31 . D. Bini 32 . S. Sheahan 37. A. Chambers 39. A. Cowper 41 . A. Pulle r 43. N. Taylor 45. T. Stubbs 48. B . Cain 51 . G. Stewart 52. R . Gregory 53. B . Simpson 54. T. Phillips 56. A. Richardson 58. E. Johnston 60. M. Weber 62. J. Cook 63. T. Gray 67. M. Ryan 70 R. Hume 99. C. Nash

ST . BERNARDS O .C . Coach : Brian Moo n t . R.Day 2. M. Quinn 3. P . Moon 4. A Denahy 5. P. Hayes 6. J. Comito 7. M. Creak 9. G. Wood 12. G. Tota 13. A. Matk w 14. A 1lnecornbe 15 . A. Kennedy 18. M. Cunningham 19. G . Fanugia 20. J. Martin 22 . P. Famugia 23 . W. Schwarzenberg 24. J. Watkinson 27. A Myers 28. A Barnes 35. M . O'Connell 38. D. McAllister 44. B . Moan 45. M . Castles 48.. A Moake 87. S. Denahy

622 ML Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

Club X

: Section 2





Coach : Gary Cutter



Coach : D . Law

Coach: M. O'Dea

Coach: Ronnie Lamb Team Manager. M . Rhoden 1, M. Dods 2. D . Tracy 3. M. Veal 4. R .Ang'sy 5. B. Samue! 6. J . Plehn 7. D . Nelson 8. A . Fab9, J . Fairweather 10 . B . Coffer

1 . R. Costello 5. B. Liddell 6. M. Keenan 7 . P. Kely 8 . T. Hewat 10. J. Patterson it . S. Moinar 16. B. Mieleki 21 . G . Smith 23. A. Ftetding 26. W. Dreier 27. B. Stevens 36. C . Rizzo (C) 38. B. Selleck 39. A . Fenn 40. C . Keay 48. R . Keenan 49. D. Lyons 56. T. Byrnes 60. M. Goodwin

1 . B. Carter 2. A. Mountney 3. R . Buzeski 4, B . Robertson 5. T. Culler (C) 6. P. Cutler 7. D. Robin s 8. C. Krincevski 9. A . Crocker 10. G. Thompson 11 . R.Osmond 12 . J. Ge rstkamp 13 . D. Carter (VC) 14 . M . Goddard 15 . S . Prior 16 . S . Murdoch 17 . A.Jahnson 18 . S . Borg 19 . M . Johnston 20 . G . Theoha ris 21 . P. Clarke

Team Manager: F. Guppy 1 . P. Comdon

2 . C.Johnson 3 . M. ODea (CC) 4 . A. Tucker 5 . S.Ibak 7, D. Brand 8. A. Lawrence 9. P. McCormick 10. K. Corbatty 11 . R . Guplr/ 13. M.O'Han!on 14. A. Hancock 15. P. Corridon 16. D . Lean/ 17. C . Thompson 18. C . Curtain 21 . J . Leonard 22. D. McGuire 23. T. Maughan 24, N . Prendergast 25. T. Hemadi 32. A . D'Anna 33. M . Bond 39 . B . Smith 40 . M . Quinn 41 A. Chisholm 44 . A. Guerra 49 . M . GaraoBolo 55 . T. Reynolds 56 . D. McLaughlin 77 . A. SlavAlski

Duhig Ford

it . A . Hibbard

1? ~~,TOSSavainen 13 . C Raynor

14 . D.O'Brien 15 . H. Beh 16 . M . Richards 17 . K . Calvert 18 . S . Dods 19 . G.VanderZalm 20. M . Ridd;e (VC) 21 . G. Sinclai r 22 . J. Kenny 23. J. Deval 24. S . Norden 25 . A. McBeth 27. J. Card 28. D. Levetan 29 . M . Lloyd 30. M . Krebs 31 . P. Mclnemy 32. P.Spencer 33. A. Stritthot 34. T. Cogiey 35. D. Johnston 36, C, Howe (C) 37. L . Holden 38, J. Pound 39. P. Glass 40. B. HudvreA 42. M. Rhoden 44. R . Lamb 50. J. Cowley 51 . M. Bond


1 . D . Beliman 2. C . Bishop 3. R . Boyte

4. G.Campbdl 5. R . Casey 6. J . Carter 7. B . Boyle 8. R. Cram 9. P . Crame r 10. P . Dudderidge 11 . C. Fazzalari 12 . D. Garvey 13 . B . Gasa 14 . K. Dana 15 . G. Gills 16 . T. Gillis 17 . D. Greasley 18 . C. Hammon 19 . Darren Hexter 20 . David Hexter 21 . M . Howden 22 . D. Law

23 . P. Leigh 24 . P. McMaster 25 . A. Ramzi 26 . D. Reid 27 . 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35.

A. Rhodes R. Streets A. Smit h D. Stembtidge K. Streicher M. Swift A. Tyre l P. Van Bentham C . VassaNo

36, G . Walsh 37. B. White 38. T. William s

22 . W. Duson (C) 23 . P. Cbccio 24 . 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32.

M. Atessandlino A. Clacker W. Nasred dne D. Mousakis C. Berton R. Robertson M. Martin R. Vescic A. Hujak

33. I. Kearns

34. P. McDonald 37, D . Bennett 38. J. Overall 39. M. Haden 44. J. Faber (DVC) 46. S. NowSraski 49. P. Dodkin s

50. P. Brewe r


MARCELLI N 1 . A. Merton 2 . P. O'Callaghan 3 . A. Trotter 4 . J.Tsoukas 5 . J. Rusilotta 6. D . Boothey 7. R . Barresi 8. R . PerBch 9. J. Kent 10. M. Kent 11 . G. Bastord 12. R . Holland 13. M. Cronin (C) 14. D .Theisz 15. A . Keogh 16. C. McCann 17. M. Nimmo 18. M . Cuny 19. R, Bott 20. M . Getson 21 . W. Getson 22. P . Harberts 23. J . Sloane 24. S . Dimat6na 25. J . Daffy

The Beehive s Hotel • Hawthor n 22

MT. LILYDALE O .C. Coach : Steven Lawson 1 . I. Daolan

2 . M. Vas 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 .

B. McKay M. Walsh B. White M. Rankin M. Napoleone M. Gobetti (VC) A. DeiBiondo M. Diceqo C. Gibson C. Gilbee B. Cotyin C. Walsh F. Livingston T. Allen

17 . A. Burrell

18 . K. Maniscalchi 19. J. Burgess (C) 20. J. Flannagan 21 . S . Madden 22. L. Procto r 23. S . Woollen 24, C. Cellanan 25. M. Brebner 26. T. Flanagan 27. C. Varga 28. D. Cic:dtielb 29. P . Furbng 30. D. Flanagan 31 . N . Pearce 32. P . Carolan 33. C . Andrson 34 . W. Joakws 35 . D . Callanan

SYNDAUfALLY HO Coach : Daniel ODonohue I . T. Marks


2. A. Bums 3. M . Jo y 5. D. Hannett 6. J . Catsis 8. R. Bennet 9. I . Bingham 10. P. Henning 11. J. Rutter 12 . S. Gould 13 . J. Kerns 14 . S.O'Boyke 15 . N. Murray 16 . N. Brewster 17 . M. Webb 20 . C. Hai l 22 . P. Kotstakos 23 . D. Raa b 26 . D.O'Donohue 31 . B. Hanneman 35 . C . Cachia 40. N . Toce 42. A. Findlay 43. C . Kara6s 46. J. Green 47. G. Wagner 50. P. Verga4fs 54. A . Sneddon 62. R . O'Dell

-- C7 M .V. NAPOLEONE & CO . Prt Orctsrdists 8 Cool Starts WANOIN, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, 3139



I E East p ~GU~S6iAS ELEY PAR K BUILLEEN oe R%ach: Mark Horsfiold .., Rs-`-'~-r 3.

br~ . S Ga i L7.P '.' B . A IMj12 14. J. Chapman 15. M.James 17. G. Brawn 21. M . Harslisd 22. P. B3s}asin ,n 24. P . Zara 1 25. W.D~w C. 28. RStr.e ~ ; 29. Astenmers S.Tf,-m:.n 30 . 32 C.Ci3nen~ JI' a Jfl : :m 35. T.S=tt: kl 39. T.Karm9dco . 40. W. Be l k 41. N. Po6fe5 42. G. U..?k'^ 43. RCdaan 45.C. " 53. S. Stratmn 63. P.CotariJ J.I _. -= G Brc 44 . B. ttarzn 46. A HIMphrej

Coach: Graham tAuF+enger Res. Coach : Rob Wickham 1 . D.Mxndel 2 M. Brady 2. AManis 3 . Rtaxlarq 3. AFeaA~nbj 4 . M.~I'0rso 4. M.Geo 5 . W. L2Narca 5. C. Kayz~) 6 . A Bromiu;v 6. D. Bruce 7. N.Ta6 B. R. Feats 7. D. Bowen 8. D. Carroll 9. T. ICarv1-ynas 9. P.Yelbrd 10 . C.MdJZn 11 . L McLean 12 . A. Dunstan 13 . AKelsat 14 . G. Elder 15 . R young 16 . P .Storey 17 . AHit 18 . S .Rayrcner 19 . D. Trotter 20. M. Hook (C) 21 . F.M3rstc 22 . P. Carnone, 23 . G.SmBh 24. S. Watts 25. G. Heath 38. K Podger 26. D. Fbv.Sej g) 39. J. Vercla 40. N. Karadanos 27. D. Kaje 28. W. Hokn 41 . R. Wickham 29. F. Lettuu 42 V. Fuku5ltima 30. G. Bromiet 45. S . Bade/ 31 . G. tam~Nq 43. L K:tG 32 D. Grant 44. L Dtt 33. N. Px 45.5 . Co47rrs 34. S. Bromley 46. M. Payru 35. P. Blow 47.AVhedrym 36. S. Lee 4&P.Ckar 37. D. Palre 49. M. Hooper

"The Road Builders "

CHIFINSIDE PARK Coach : Stephen Jones Res . Coach : Peter Anthony 1 . P.4 Pem+xrbn 2. A -'are 3. G .Sken 4, M. Cenci (C) 5. B. Prdle r 6. J. Brawn 7. V.Pcmk (VC) B. S. Cases 9. W. Pembertai 10. PA Koopmarr> 11 . G .V}nQaN(RC ) 12 D.Pacda(DVC) 13. R. Waco (RVQ 1,L S. McIntos h 15. M .Warren (SVC) 1& M6Va°,ce r 17. D. Dastopm 16. B .MassarcrtD 19. 5 .0'Cauwr 20. K Oates 21. T. D'Ang>.b 22. P.MBxirry 23. M. Simmorr, 24. C. De vcr y 25 . F.Paoz 39. D Ha rvey 26. G. Ke4avrdy 40. iVl Morris 27. N. Reed 41 . T.Scott 28. J.Mosca 42. N. Sdttkn 29 . U Harrington 43. P . R StttiP.~g 30. L Mathe r 44. Burke 31 . M. Open 45. W. Hussey 32 . G. Laidaw, 46. P. Egan .33 . A Ctr, n 2k 47. T. BeIIa 34 . S. Wheeler 48. R. Got/ 35 . R.Sibbiig 49. C.PeL>is 36. D. Kap 50. 5. Bymes 37. LL.o'r;cn 51. R 38. G. h'tmPYm (BC) 52. A

Coach: Glenn StalNrorthy Res. Coach : Darren Murray t . D. Murray 2 . R. Lovich 4 . S . Wee 5 . W.G!a.etxook PVC) 6 . P . Avery 7 . G. Sta9v~tlry 8. M . Dwsta n 9 . W. Power (VC) 10. P .Otcl>3artt(C) 11 . A. Sin 12. S . Cobain 13. J. Povey 15. B. Glwer 16. N. CusaaSsas 18. S.TuneWel! 18. D. Larretta 19. J. Law 20. S. Parker 21 . A. D unhp 22. J. Schutz 23. D. Tracy 25. R. Brart 25. S. Davis 27 . R. Lord 28 . M Planua«r 29 . P. Barker 30 . A. Hanley 31 . C . LargSey 32 . J.Baase 33 . S. Du' 34 . S. Macdonald (RVC) 34 . M. Stephenson 34 . P. Hevicsh 35 . D . Murphy 37 . G.A4vsha&(CR) 38. D . t.uidre a 38. I .Ceppa 39 . D . Lattiff 40. C.Frayne 41 . M .Wtyton?ss 42. SIrvine 44. P . RossAto 45. A . Donaldson 46. D. McCavrain 47. T.O'H2nlon 47. T. FAZpatridc 49. R. Ad3ns 49. M . Nowak 51 . R. Donovan 52. 1 . Rosthom 54. E. Si!1

56. P. Ryan

KEW ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Coach: Rob Bayley Coach : Peter Slaci k Res. Coach: Peter Hansen 1. J. Smytt a 2. KTUdc^_r 3. ATucker 4. B . He5pz S. C. Hoasbury 6. G. Clark e 7. P . Kennedy 8. J. Woomvard 9 . R. White 10. S.Md2ren 39. F.Coonerty 11 . J.Meezri 12. G. Disrno2 40. O. Bart att 13. S. Jolley 41 . SOatal 14. 5.Jus6ce 42. C.Ha I 15. C.1YivL 43 . N.HaznslBr 16. B. Arnold 44 . G. Stackpool 17. G. Leys 45 . M. Ryan 18. M. Betting 46. R. Davies 19. D. Daj'z 47. A HNKaId 20. S. Le+~is 48 . R. Harris 21 . B.Parsors 49. LSterpe 22. SA7haumpdos 50. J .Tajlor 23. G.0'DOnre9 51 . W.Slarpe 24. M. Dwyer 52. A Smedley 25. D. P. M d r e a d p 53 . J 26. J . Glare 54. A Kelso 27. B. Toney 55 . P. Marrow 28. Blamer 56. M.Edvards 29. C. Bishop 57 . T. EmblN 30. D.Hog3n 58. M. Ormsby 31. Z Jova+nasski 59. B. Evans 32. T. Scott 60 . P. Bam?tt 33. T. Hedzi 61 . C. MuCCru'd 34. S . Ma#eld 62. C. Lacey 35 . T. B,,-- 63 . PL Ja,nrevsl 36 . S .I on 64 . C . Watson 37 . R. H,.4 65 . S.Sdufer 38 . F cn^^=• 66 . S .Fepatrrck

Coach: G~nn Taylor Res. Coach: Simm~ Jackson 1 . C. tEJI 2. C.Kac~_`j(C) 3 . M. Cohen

4 . C. Ester

5 . S.Jad¢ontEL) 6 .,dr.4IVC) 7 . A Carter 36 . L Sm.9 8. A OM 37. P. Bryn-r 9. M.Ackison 38 . I .COhen 10. KShrives 39 . P. Barrett 11 . ACope 40. &Hu~vej '2 C .Ar~rson 41 . AG3ici 11 S . Jones, 42 . M. Parker 14. M. Curry 43 . S.Clcerry 15. P . Ham 44 . G . Hendriks 16. M_Jones 45 . M. Easparn 17. S. Curry 46. M.Cann 18. C. Mattixws 47. S. Hxa45>Qs 19. P. Drala 48. S. Addison 20. W.MLidge 49. RPl&xkn 21. M. Hoskng 50. G . Centel 22. J. Hands 51 . H. Montour 23. T. Price 53. M . Kennedy 24, M. Yarnell 54. B . Oman 25 . C. Goadal 55. T ArrbC 26. J. MIXAra 56. D. Parker 27. k1tboYxtV.1 57. D. Pakner 28 . P. Nance 58. FL Badmil 29 . T. Modton 59. C. Mason 30 . S. Feehan 60. J. Bayard 31 . N. Evers,l 61 . T. Sejrrwur 32 . C. Withirs;;1art 62. G. Currents 33 . S. Rod 63. C.Socao 34 . D.Feeis 64. AJackson 35 . R. Evans 70, T Addict


YARRA VALLEY O .B. Coach: David Kyle Res. Coach: Ash Wain 1 . P . THtcrd 2. F. Mwvmn 3. R.Ttonpson 4. M . FUrvJ 5. A Drew 6. D. Hawes 7. J. Downs S. T . h1lacar, 9. C. Ross 10. D. KyM 11. C. F 12. M . V 13. D. Cole 14. T. Loveless 15. T.0'.4uu."m2n 16 . B.5md lie 18 . D. Ross 19 . N. Park 41 . B . Dovars 20, S. harne, 42. T. Crean 21. A L'rres-=j Cob 43. H. Park 23 . D.6Jshx+t 44 . J. Ho 24 . M. Was 45. L Rees 25 . T. Ha6t1rn 4& N . Dx3r,eS 26. G. McLeod 47. B.Mcitivrarm 27 . A Rovve 48 . P, Dear s 28. J .k,4,.vean 49. SSeobwmz 29. P. Paterson 50 . P. Ford 30. D. Poter 52. A Hannah 31 . J . Dove 53. & Corcoran 32. C.HeHem:n 55. S.Tajlor 33. D.Irehrd 56. LHarrcaJ'mn 34. T.Chri5f~H 57. G.Ufiri'u 35. B. peaks 63. T. Strong 36. R . Permhun 65 . A Bie:broak 37. M. Ross 71. M. Laing '8. 1 D'5uvienn 72 . Rlav.tor 39. T. Peidmaj 74 . A Burt 40. M. Wrut 78- J . Scat=-s


Res . Coach: Tom Vans Res. Coach : Danny Hicke y 1 . B. Lafr-.ndu 1. A Wilso 47. 0 .Bassoon . G . Porte (VC) 2 . A Banfe.A n2 3 R 3. T.0'SuSiw 49. N . y 4 . D. Clarxler 5. S. Shannon 50. C. Barr 5 . J. Barnes 38 . D. Mrrchet 6. G. Bunalo,v 51 . H . Mcfti n 6 . C. Hope 39 . A Kovelpessar 6. S. Pk#ett 52 . C.AMrirqa lis 7 . D. Hope 40. P. Pedret6 7. F. Bova 53 . S. (igttvrood 8 . J.Puv,renfi 41 . R. Livingston 8. G.Macon-n 54. P.tYnites.rk 9. A.GenccamO 42 . C.lRrigston 9. P. Jackson 55. M. Davy 10. B .Cua:nS(C) 43 . J . Counts 10 . A. Murphy 56. LDay it . J . Barker 11 . A BarrH 44 . A DareaS 56. A GohY}args 12. S .Mdulatwn 45 . G.Apas"' 11 . D. Hickey 56 D. Wison 13. C. iGrakou 46. G. tnti 12 . F . Marax 57. S . Nnarpt 13 . C. Pearson 58. N. Pars 14. G. CrimmErs 47. M. Baskin 15. M. Bria 48. M Oarnaras 14. C. Strion 59. M. Catbrun 16. O.V,bod(VC) 49. J . Lucas 15 . P. Church 60. D.CoDngs 17. J. Bill 50. J.Porter 16. M.Jenner 51 . ADourrSs 18. N.Kuq(VC) 51 . S. Hodgson 17. AFavx,ett 62 T.Greham 63. T.Guanne 19. N, Peters 52. I.Fhtd>ir 1& M.Z* 20. S. Harrison 53. G . Andrews 19. J . MuutnO 64. A Kem p 65. D. tumPhrejs 21 . D. Flannam 54. M . Roemsan 21 . A Halt 22. J.Paron 55. D.IGng 22. AFlores 66 . I.,tae1-Pr5her 23. ABel 56. J.Ctvrm 25. ADUnn 67. RMclnmsh . N . Lyr . oparaiis 25. S. 24. B. Dxnasi 57 Fluddock 68 D. Mudge 25. D, Wright 58 . D.Crachkil 26. J.Nuldist 69 . M. Tapley 28. M.CMnrron 59. J.Bortore 27. C .Adarns 70 . T.Tajbr 126 P.Ppj 60. V.Wong 28. AWaBrs 70 . D.Murfitt 61 . H. Perim 30. S . Fenian 71 . K Whit, 27. R Uan 28. LDnwai FoC) 62. R.Papakos 30. G. Tate 72 . G.Szn 29 . M.^-'-- 63. LBajk.y 32. D.V= 73 . J .Slwefen 33 J. Cohen 74 . P. Cavmod 30 . C G .- r 64. S. Bafhy 31. AV ;(RUC) 65. C.Bounos 34. D. Holt 75. LWestco<'t 32 . J .6-sd 66. S.Boenrus 37. G.POrtlaous 76. LEgan 33 . S. Du ^oM 67. D. Mason 40. B. Katetrs 77. A Hogan 34 . M . Ma__ it 68. J. Forms 42. P. Hoaj 78. M. Tonto 1 43. AS-+i¢ 79. S.Tresstse 35 . RBnno(HRVCt 69. S.Letoa 36. ASkem 70. KHar~ 45. M. Black 60. J.Vathrs 37. W. Lontardis 99. S.Bnsnc 46. D.Farey 81 . S.0'Si",:van

Duhig Ford Shell Mooroolbark 9726 7083

ELTHAM TIMBER & HARDWARE P/ L 1175-1181 Main Rd, EBham Phone: 9439 5533 (all hours)



A Section

COLLEGIANS coach: Leigh Carlson Res. Coach: Neville James 1 . B . Keg 2. N . Rorenttrre 3. B. WaoAw4. S.laussen 4. N .BocWr 5. D. Gree,res 5. D. Peters 6. A Srreih 7. C . Higso n 7. D . Wame-Srrtith 8. C . Pa9ock 9. V. Cf-y 10. J. 10. S.

11 * B, McKenzie 12. D . Stubs

13. G. Pa lmer 14. R .Schober 15. Y. = 15. N . i6. A Wallw:e 17. J. TarpEy 18. J: Bennett (VC) 19. C. Davidson 20. G . Dear e,lotms 21 . A. Johnston 22. D. Kerr 23. A. Greedy 24. R. Hartnett 25. G . Bri a 26. N. M&M gli 27. S. Hirrtphry 28. S. Blackman 29. A. Keru~eaH~ 30. M. Ga=;~rarih 31 . J. Nevins 32. D. Thonxwn (C) 33. J. Sneddon 34. D. EnRtisle 35. R. Maley 36. S. Hartkng 37. M.Opie 38. M. Lak e 38. S.VanDerVeme 38. J. Car r 40. B. Seaton 41 . S. La6ic 42. l. Vasdefds 43. A. Greern+ny 44. A. Parkin (VC) 45 . N.Anderson 46. S.Woole~ 47. D. Mdat 48. J. t .ennn 49 . T.VanDerVercte 50. B. Jefferso n 51 . P. Baxtar 52, N. Gill 53 . M .I= s 54 . L 55 . E.Jones 56 . D. Howe 57 . J. Moore 58 . A .Tortpsai 59. M . Richards 60 . B .Kens 61. D. Ken s 62. M .O'DaxteW 63. Z UseRwv 64. M .GrbMe 70. T.SmAh 77. T. PracEOr

DE LA SALLE Coach: Peter Hannan Res. Coach: Greg FeutriU 1 . M . Chu n 2. P . Fiume 3. D. Crowe 4. L Hall 5. L Swift 6. M . Fisher 7. C. Browne 8. C. Wrigh t

9. C. Cam" 10. T. Sinew 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23.

A . Evans (DVC) D.Toohey A . Waters A . Duncan J . Hodder A . Flowerday A . Eliot J . Horn D. O'Brien S . Albon D.Jackson P . O'Callaghan D. Grace

24. D. Cross 25. G. Hynes 26. P . Wyles 27. L Van Der Pigt 28. M . Lafferty 29. D. Rosman 30. B . Mannix 31 . K Mannix

32. C. O'Callaghan 33. P. Renni e 34. A. Moore 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Z. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 5T 58. 59. 70. 78.

A. Mackintosh A. Abbott M . Rose! A. Johnstone P . Brasher M . Butler J . Murphy J . Clarke M . Sharpe R. Mackinson C. Clear y M . Hagan M . Farrell D. Smith D. Lambe P. Mannix B. Buick B. Byrne R. Chapple J . Duckett S . Laska G. Curran P. O'Brien T. Ford P. Aron D. Midro D. Jennings

THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. Glenferri;lDandenong Rds. Malvern 9509 4023 GRYPH/NN BAR & BISTR O

9903 2093 24

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach: Simon Meehan Res. Coach: Andrew Baxter I . A. Baxter 2. D. Connell 3. W. Byms 4. C. McKenzie 5. F. Main

6. W. Smith 7. Adam Hilton 8. M . Orton 9. S. Rowlands 10. C. Warden It . LHud<er 11 . (2) F. Ca{ximoMa 12. D. SecuB 13 . B. Carty 14. A- Forsyth 15 . N. Morey 16 . A. Dowsing 17. Ash Hilton 18 . M . Constable 19. M . Armstrong 20. C. Kraus

21 . A. Walden 22. P. Thiessen 23 . M . Secu9 23 . (2) J . Mackay 24. R.Lavender 25 . G. Rowlands 26 . G. Philips

27 . J. Dann 28 . S. Walden 29 . R. Stewart 30 . R. Aughterson 31 . B. Mai n 32 . P. O'Donnell 33 . A. Floyd 34 . B. Mitchell 35 . D.Lappage 36 . B.Lay 37 . D. Ladd 38 . S. Pedder 39 . R. Weber 40 . S. Duxbury 41 . B. MeGn 42 . D. Scaite 43 . R. Pledter 44 . A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 . N. Hill 46 . C. Jimmiesan 47 . J. Kurta 48 . D. Bum 49 . M. Harrison 50. A. Bonvndc 52 . R. Harrison 53. M. Dusting 55 . C. Ladds 57 . B. Ladds 65 . C. Dowling


Coach: Michael Ford Res. Coach: Mark libardi 1 . A. Walton 2 S. Theodore 3. A. Ross

4. B . 5 . L Bur n 6. P. Hanbury 7. C. Thompson 8. M. Lovett 9. T. Smith 10. T. Roberts 11 . M .Jukes 12. A. Hewit t

13. S . Rose (RVC) 14. J . Bunn 15. R Britain 16. C. Eabry 17. B . Bidd 18. O. Keeble 19. M .H'~ 20. B . Tettoid 21 . L Boyd 22. A. Waddell 23. M . Berry 24. M . Bennett 25. M. Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. O. Boyd 28. S . Rabbit

29. J. WaHace-Snatlt 30. I . MOM" 31 . J. Hart 32. R. Webb 33. G. D'aon (RC) 34. R. Morell

35. D. Brown 36. A. McKeon 37. S. Eabr y 38. M . Crawshay 39. N. Strauss 40. J. Carroll 41 . G. Wilhelm 42. P. Theodore 43. T. Cloke

44. A. McDougal 45. S. Crow 46. D. HoSrre 47. J. Guest 48. C. Jenkins 49. T. Stuckey (C) 50. P. MaMis

51 . C. Banks 52. B. Campbell 53. P. Gason 54. S. Brown

55. D. Borsezeky A. WRts J. Elam J. Foti

S. Bankley K. Rutherford

Coach : Date McCann Res. Coach : Wayne Tultoch I . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P. O' Lax~kn 3. J. Da~ (VC) 4. S. Philp 5. A Mu;etta 6. B. Pannam 7. P. Cosgri(f 8. D. Ciavola 9. A Boyd 10. P. Brabertder 11 . A. Bums 12. S. Wallis 13. T. Wallis 14. B. Brabender 15. B. Dintinsante 16. M. Godfrey 17. B. Hart 18. A Nitsai 19. T. Canavan 20. P. Har ris 21 . A. Farrell 22. H . Bets 23. P. Walsh 24. D. Dkjney 25. A Heffernan 26. M.B. Gea ry 27. KJenfans 28, J. Holland 29. E TomasieUo 30. T. Mulligan 31 . M. Vear 32. I. Hussain 33 . M. Har rison 34. A. Vac3rca 35 . J. Mills 36 . S. Swindon (VC) 37 . J. Hensley 38 . A. BnAo 39 . P. Reid 40 . D. Baird 41 . J. Tobin 42 . D. Tregambe 43 . P. Healy

44 . P. Joyce 45 . J. Swindon 46 . D. Stuckey 47 . N . Be] 48 . M. Ray 49. D. Cosma 50. B . Swindon 51 . G. Hickey 52 . M .S. Flynn 53. D. Horsngton 54 . J. Mould 55 . M. Van Kyuk 56 . M . Ryan 57. J . Muir 74 . L Thomas

The Marine


FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarravitte Ph:9687872 2


OLDSCOTCH ~~,; sunon Br,>gwod h 1, ,Stokes (V a G.Hoskin9 C) :.:4, T . ncx'

R, Price & L

gC .R ed 9. R. Aiad 10. J- Ken rigg 11 . S.G 12 . S . Hun~ (RC) . H 13. N . Noaran oW 14. 0 aBrien 15. Mp~. Speed is, e 17. S . W ws 16 . A. ~

2a . T.W~ s 21 . S.. Gv r,2. C Reath 23, D.W'aA 24, M. AiVss 25. T. Ptitchard

OLD TRINCTY Coach: Becna[d Dunn Res. Coach:larf Wallace 1 . S.KennedY(VC) 2 . G. Hudston NC) 3. A.Alfibon 4. T. Nomlan P. Vazxtathoek 6. R. Heath 7. A. Anderson 6. S. DaSrynNlte 9. A And~ 10. A. Utb~dC 11 . R .BoxteN 12 . M. CUM-9 13. M . Donato 14 . J . S6ajdand 15. D. BalaszY 16 . M. Seukrg 17. G. H2.tfieid 18. M . Spencer

19. A. Sheehan 20. P . Board 21, LK_ 22 . D .

23. G Popplevelt 24. T. Board

26, B, Philips B. Co6ns

28. S. Teesdale ~, A TeasdaSe ~. J .L.airt1 (VC) ~ . A Kat uW

33. J . Hannemann 34, G. Eagle 35, S. Steele (C,) 36. M. Davison 37. J. SoWthe 38. B . Gdrb enJ 39. A. Goiber9 40. AWarner 41 . A. CaslrioLm 42. AGibbs 43, J. Patetson 44. P. Busse 45, T .Stutbs 46. G. Jones 47. T. Reid 48 . P. Davis 49. 0 . Thomas 50. C. firm 51 . S. tNxJ++ Olln 52. ft Gregory 53, P. GaxSZkar 54. T. PhsSmW 55. J . Bodc

56 . A Rdlaidson 58. E.Jdmston 60. M . Weber 61 . A. BMW 62. J .Caok 63. T . Gray 67 . M. Ryan 70. R. Hume 77. A Lloyd


25 . A. Gidc* gs 26. P. Beet 27. M. Grzgo 28. D. Varg 29. A.Seay 30 . LTaylor 31 . S .Blaadern 32. D. Glass NO 33. D . Heightt« 34. J . Pappas 35, M.ParrsEy 36 . J .SLdcOe 37. P.Drn*9 39 . R . Pti~ 39, A. V~se 40. T. Hams 41 . C.O d

42. M.Tnomton 43 . T. Peggie 44. M . Hdppel 45. N. King 46. M.Beanish

47. F. Carneran (RC) 48 . C . SmM 49. P .Johnson 50. L Jervis 51 . D . Lift 52. M- W 53. S.Tottem 54. A. Gnsbrodk 55. j. Breen 56. A. Richanis 57. C. Fellows 58. R.Fanant 59 . T. Cade 60. s. Med&n 61 . D.Bunaws 62. S . Wyke 63, p. Moore 64 . S. Cooper R. M cDonald M. Padler J . Beet P . Robinson 80. T. Snitlh


OL„D XAVERtAN S coach .. Nick Bourke Res . Coach : Michael PIW 1 . M. Blood (C) 2. M. Baacke y 3. L Hanneber 4. D. Landri9an (VC) 5 . J. M~a~ 6. T. Keyoe 7. S. Lethfean 8, M. Holmes 9. J . Hawkins 0 . t . Gladman 1 . AdamJones

12. J . Bowen i3. C .ESks 14, D. Stone}' 15 . A. McLean 16. L Ford

17. D. Rkihards°n (VC) 1S. S. Hunter 19. D, Stean 20 . M . Harriman 21 . T.Ockteshaw 22, A . Bourke 23 . B. Perry

24. B. Coughlan p5. P . Lechte 26 . A. HO 27. L Fay Ctaike 28. R..Wo°d 29. S 30. 0. Dann 31 . S.. Motiard 32. A Bnrshfield 33. A. Sassi 34, A. BeE 35. S .Hede 36 . P. Barrett 37. D . Webb 38 . T, Spurting 39. S.Sm+th 40. R. Ryan 41. A. Di6a1 42 . J. Lowe

43. T. Woodsuft h 44 . J. De Braug 45. T. CaJghian 46 . And(ewJaies 47 . T. Frvvea r 48. M . LOW.m. 49 . R. Viser"h Tucker 50.. AS.Murphy 51 52 . P. Conquest E. M. Diamond 54 . M. Brennan 55. 0 . Stones 56. M . Stones 57 . D . Watsh

58. L Tuddenham 59. M . Meehan 61 . S. Natilti

UNIVERSITY BLUES ST. SERNARDS Ty c Coach: craht Wtttrams : Barry Neivmtdt Res. Coach 1 . 0 . SCcnnwn

2. J. Stantsta 3. G . Wr3iams h 4 . D .Guen9enc 5. P.DDC) 6. B. Blood ( 7 . D. Hairier a N. Byrne 9 . S . Meade 10. D. Maptestae, it . C . Bettrane 12. R. Fu#'y (C) 13. G . Evans

14 . D.G~t 15 P. Stephens (RC) 161. C. Stewart 17. J, Katus 18. S . Kasanws 19 . 8. He+ra,"d z McCartY 30 T . Mdnryre (RVC) 22 . A. Nugent 23. T . WkOx 23. B, Fu'ptry 24. P . Fa~cb~ 25. A Henderson 26 . N . Cavalier 27. J .Jam+e$on 27. B. Fricker 28. D. Bolton 29. A M iNer 30 . AW6

31 . R. Vandenberg 32. J.Gamaut s Hutdiui9 33, J..MciGrma+ yl. J 35. A. Wilcoxn 36. L. MonsO 37. A. Lennon, 38 . M. Cobbled* 39. S . Hetr6e3son 40. B. MW 41 . M. Kee1 y 42, 0. Keys 43 . J.Mdntosh 44. R. Featherston 45. J. McGrath 46. D . Gunn 47. S . BroddeY 48 . H . Carter .D 49. Strack 50. H. Nalo n 51 . M.Kordidik 52. S .Lon9ieY 53. R . Ver-4eegeh 54 . T.ROydwuse 55. D. Rues" 56 . N . Dwyer 59. L .Fehnn9 60. D Edwards 61, A .Hokn 67. D. NCA)00n (RC) 72 . J. NomM (RVC) 82. N .Coud

RCoach: A~uraw Natha 1 . A. Cacsti'to 1 . T. Paredov~sld 2 . T. Dobson 3. A. Bcebner 4. V, Comito

5 . T . Harvey 5. 5. O'Keefe 6 . S . RYan 6. C. Wood 7. S. Parrett 8. T. Wrfkinson 9. ACapes 10. J. Kennedy

i 1 . G. Mattlewes 12. P. Capes 12 . B . Hogan 13. S. MdCech 14, S. Doran 15. L Oaemlan 15 . D . Akletes 16 . A. Fanner 17. LVassaSo 18 . N . Mtd-Il 19. L Goilent (C)

20. T.Sheeh?n 21 . B. 22. C.

23 . B. Han 24 . G. De Maauel 25. J. Kavana9t~ 26 . J. GoWt 27 . A Nathan 28. P. Grnour 29, J .O mman (VC) 29. D.6'Connor 30 . A. Thomas 31 . M..Fertne{ 32. S Chatfield 33. J .lasaano 34. S. Dalteq 35 . M. Judcskas 36, C . Bond 37. J. Mount

38 . D . M-Afster 39. S . Donelh/ 40. G .TOtO 41 . D . .hle9an 42. M. Maishaii 43 . C . Dails 43. J . Ramey 44. S. Taylor 45 . M . Drn+i'mJ 46. P. Rogerson

47. A Osborne 48. G. Collins 49. A Fewster 50 . J . McPhaH 51 . B. Ga4augher 52. C. Gray 53, S. V"a Cusack 56. G.. Sofornon 82. D

B Section v

0 C.I.Ce BANYULE Coach : Harry Harrison Res. Coach : Tim Bel l t . B. Kmce r 2 . D. Wdd,ek (VC) 3 . L Holt

4 . J. Anderson 5 . B. EBrnore 6 . S. Kayrooz 7 . S. Richmond 8 . R. Williams 9 . R. Cullen 10. J. Fortune 11 . B. Owen 12. J. Egan 13. M. O'Brien (VC) 14. A. Logan 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

S. Gray D. Mayne T. Benton J. Turnbull B. Woodock S. Playfai r

21 . R. Dintinosante 23. S. Gray 24. G . Wifliams 25. M. Wheetan 26. B. McDermott 27 A. Rossi-Mel 28. D. Fabd s 29. M. Peters 30. B. GiNies 31 . C. Bassett 32. T. Wason 33. D. Glass 34. C. Stevens 35. B. Anderson 36. D. Tyle r 37. M. Jesse 38. G . Riches 39. C. Bead 40. P. Witchell 41 . A. Foote 42. T. Egan 43. L Fertile 44. S. Allard 45. M. Gilbe rt 46. P. Agostinelli 47. R. Smi th 48. D. Stephens 52. D. Noonan

55 . O. WilNiams (C)

IVANHOE Coach : Doni vatkanis Res. Coach : Rob Pearce I D. William s 1 . P. Memr y

2 . L Hu8-Brown 2 . J . Of Santo 3 . C. Tucker 4 . D. Vafkanis 4 . R . Toogood 5 . P. Manuel 6 . D . Frawley 7 . P. Hawley 8 . S. Saunders 8 . R . Hird

M.H .S.O .B. Coach: Warren Fal l Res . Coach: Colin Drake 1 . J . Bmne rt 2 . A. Howard 2 . J . GoUn 3 . D .Woodl:y 3 . R .Verma 4 . D . Rerning 5 . C.Yourg 6 . S.Grh m2r 6 . B.lixlord 7. J . Pertzd (VC) 7. N . Bennet I t 8 . J . Domn 9 . O.Carnrr(C) 10. M .Bzadej 11 . M, Irish 11 . M .Webster 12 . S.6k.Ctd.y 12 . M.F eferlvmrz 13. C.T} eWzakl 13. A Preec e

5. D. 6. N. Marino 7. S . Morgan 8. D. Carte 9. P . Half 10. M .O'Hara(C) 11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12. B . Md3usker 13. T. BridVand (RVC) 14. G. Youn g 15, D. Barker (VC) 16. T. Howard (RC) t7. T.Tsiavis 18. D.ODorroghue 19. D. Ciarnzo 20. C. Murray 21 . S .Polan 22. D. Sherlock 23. S . Coulson 24. J . Caudtl

9 . N .Thadcwray 10. P. Le e 11 . H . Moussa 12. L Smit h 13. S. Narkievicz 14. P. Flynn 15. T. Flynn 16. M. Scuden 17. K. Mousse 18. T. Scoble 19. G. Bulfen 20. D . Sailor 21 . L Blackwood 22. A . AngeSni 23. A .JeWson 24. T. O'Neill

25. A26. Paul

27. D. Krom 28. N. Little 29. R. Sharp

25. J . Frisina 26. P . Rovis 26. 27. 28. 29.

MAZENOD Coach: R. Prosser Res. Coach: C. Boyle 1 . P. Robinson 2. J .Ba4ienc,ier(1) 2 M . Peters (2) 3. T.ChiKOtt(1) 3. M . Brookes (R) 4. A H

S . Fairweather N . Andree+ski A . McKellar A . Scott

30. S . Fisher (VC) 31 . N.Snart 32. D. Moore 33. D. Pearce 34. B. Devยงn 35. J . Fisher 36, R. Toyama 37. G. Trqg 38. D. Ste:ntort 39. R. Bourbon 40. J . LeGrand

30. J . Makin 31 . D . McFarlane 32. J. Lynch 33. B . Kendall 34. B . Joyce 35 . P . Whitehead 36. R . Gille s 37. C . GiankouHdis 37. G. Fmlayson 38. T. Thomson 39. M. Ebbage 40. J. Griggs 41 . C . McDonald 42 . P. Murphy 43. S. McGowan 44 . E. Newbold 45 . J. Rayyrood 46. G. O'Brien 47. E. Marino 48. B. White 49. A. Rosenfeld 50. O .Jacka 52 . C . Payne 54 . D . Richards 55 . L Pearce 61 . G. Hickey 68 . J. Owen

41 . B . Welch (RVC) 42. N.Jacobs 44. D. Bolle

45. G. R

47. Peter 48. P. Vine 49. L HaPry 50. A . Rogers 51 . M . Murray 52. A . Lewrson 53. P . Egan 54. P .Jacobs 55. M . Quirk 56. M . Welch 57. D. Nisbe4t 60. M . LeCauteur 63. W.OcdwRo 64. S . Bourbon 66. J . Grimison 86. M . Couttie

76. G. Kennedy 77. R . Armstrong 78. C . Brown

14. A Tft 14. C. Kelly 15 . P. Barge 15 . M.Marifreld 16. M.A06n 16. A. Clark

17. AWebater 18. B.Anse& 18. I . Garispie 19. J.Germ r 20. D . Fairchild (W) 21 . N.Jdms 21 . G .P.'c tarde 22 . A Laxtay 22. M.I&M 23. S. Ritchie 24. B. Ketly 24 . G .4"f@mn 41 . S .Stanlky 25 . C. Gbve r(4C) 42. P.fp:timcai 26. S.Harrison 43. J.Sptteii 26. M. Thompson 44. B .Archdail 27. P.Fkrd 45. D. Sam 27. L E 46. AH oila td 28. D. Skinner 47. J.Karam 28. ALarrre nce 48. S .Morcan 29. P.Abergo 49. C . Bruce 29. C. Drake 49. N.Ardidal 30. R. I*,Ytan 50. D. Baker 31 . W. Walfwd 51 . A Barge 32 ACassc4 52. B . McGrath 32 . M.Kanstan ry 53. R.Mdntyre 33. ASai6y 54. P, Knowles 34 . S. flannel 55. AFleelis 34 . N . Fahey 56. J. Winch 35 . PL Scrinis 57. A, Grimmer 35 . S. Kau ta ,ty 58. J. Nwdat 36. A PaIrriCS 59. B . Etdr.88 37. N .Bracley 60. P.F(an.zla ny 37. C. Chan 61. M. Pretty 38. C. M3kr 62. S . Darxde rt 39. A Watson 63. T. KM 40. W. Ha/es 64. B . CocF men

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach : De}eTapping Res. Coach: Steve Barnes Runner Gary Sanders 1 . A . Krzywrddak (OVC) 2. J. Mud 4. M. Talbot 5. N . Peny (C) 6. S. Antonis 7. L. Fddes (VC) 8. S. Lennox 9. M. Fisher 10. R . Hartrnan 11 . A. Fitzgerald 13. M. Gamble 14. M. Dennis 15. D . Tyrnms 16. J. Bradley 17. A. Rickerby 18. M. Jackson 18. P. Roach

19. A. Mandylaris 20. D . KoHmorgan 21 . R . Oakley 21 . 22. 23. 24. 24. 25. 27. 28. 29.

C .Jackson K. Farrell A. Pryor R . Carter S. Douglas S. Nikas C . Gilmore P. WoH M. Gordon

30. K.Teschendorf 31 . S. Murray (RC) 32, B. Williams 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 55. 57. 61 . 65. 71 . 79. 80. 84.

M. Toll M. Reid (DVC) S. Marc,B. Pollock (DVC) A. Hai n A. Lomas A. Fischer B. Patterson J. Howell J. Holden P. McNamara B. Ham+flon D . Wilso n T. Desmyth N . Winter S. Wi1iams C . Toms A. McLaren A. White R . Kent B. Alderson H . Bickett A. Palfrey P. McMaho n




15 A N DREW 'S EXaUSNE Mr.JS11d6O PI L 26



Ct )C)i~l) LE`,V"v ERS



A E OLD IVANHOE Coach: Kevin McLean

Asst. Coach: Dave McCormack Res. Coach : Darren Caddy 1 . A. Corcoran I n. M . Power 2. P. Sigey 2R. J . VaaSotis 3. D. Wany 3rt. A. Jenkins 4. A. Parker (VC) 4a. 0 . Toll (VCR) 5. T. Young

Sn. P. Cargin 6. S. Kent 7. T. Young 8. T. Stevens 8n. B. Yarwood

9. M. Karayannis 10. M. Veal (C) it . S. Tully 11 P. P. Martin 12 . M.Johnston 13 . A. Pappos 13n. C. Chan 14 . S. Kingston 15 . G. Douglas 15n. S. Wany 16 . M. Woods 17 . J . Lu k 18a. P. Bisogni 19 . A. Barber 19a. P. Quick 20. M. Huber 20a. W. Millard 21 . J . Mansfield 21n. C. Webb 22. P. Donaldson 22a. P. Golding 23 . M . Stewart 24 . G. Hams

25 . C. Moore 25a. J . Maywdc 26 . D. Spden 26a. D. Craker 27 . J. Weddle 27n. P . Ritchie 28 . D. Jones

29. R. Weddle (VC) 30. B . Willis 30a. E . Brophy 31a. D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 32a. N. Harris 33. T. Cormack 34. D. Han

35. L McLean (VC) 36. S . Pidoto 37. R. Weisz 37n. D. Stott 38. Gerry George 39. Gary George 40. W. McCaskill 41R. LTaylor 42. S. Vaughan 43. A. Atkinson 44. T . Agushi 44. C. Grinham 45. J. Hempsted 45a. M. Unke 48. K.Glisenti 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B. Shadbott 57. D. Kadaoui 59. B. Elsvrorth 60. S. Myer s



Coach : G. Healy Res. Coach : T. Hilte

Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach : Owen Hourigan 1 . B. Burden 2. J. Dynan

1 . A Jobling 2. C. Syrnes 3. A Orr

4. AGrace 5. R, Turner 6. T. Gallagher 7. B. Connell (C) 8. M. GPrrrore (VC) 9. A Forrest 10 . P. Mamow 11 . D .EdgeA 12 . N .Sebo 13 . P. Kingston 14 . S. James 15 . C . Fraser

16 . T. Stewart (RC) 17 . P.Joy 18 . S. Rya n

19 . D . Cleary (RC) 20 . S. Metz 21 . J. Bnxm 22 . R . Block 23 . P. McDonald 24 . J. Collins 25 . D . Beckett 26 . D . Connell 27 . T. Brennan 28 . B. Collins 29 . D . Whelan 30. N . Wets 31 . B. Egan

32 . M. McDonald 33. M. Shepherd 34. R. Remman 35 . G. Belay 36. S . Mackey 37. S . Turner 38. P . Milner 39. J .Buran 40. G. Lehr =r 41 . G. Hag 42. C. Keleher 44. M . Mattbett 45. L Livingstone 46. P . Todd 47. R. Keeling 48. G. Smith 49. M . Horsfield 50. J . McLean 51 . G. King 53. M . Turner 54. B. Davies 55. D. Amfield 56. S. Eccles 57. H. Brown 58. M . Collins 59. G . Sneddan 61 . B. Keat h

62. Aamn Murphy 64. S. Head 65. L Craven 66. A Turner 67. D. Turner 68. D. Mabbett 70. R. Nictwis 75. A. Murphy

3. M. B (C) 4. W. FC ran 5. R . Callanan (RC) 6. S. Fox 7. B . Kennedy & B . Coltman 9. G. Smith 10. D. Moore ti . D. Ryan 12 . M . Dotman (VC) 13. R. Bowles (DVC) 14 . J . Bare

15 . M . owe 16. B . Garvey 17. M . Te2ini 18. N. Hart 19. D. Sheehy 20. A. Versed 21 . S . Powell 22. J . Macey 23. A Pivetta 24. P. Meagher 25. M . O'Shea 26. P. McCann (RVC) 27. R. Gross 28. M . Fan}uharson (DVC) 29. A. Moun t 30. M . Garguano 31 . A. McGuiness 32. B. Noonan 33. S. Denton 34. J. Whilbeead 35. A. Thomas 36. D. Kennedy 37. S. Kennedy 38. D. Smith 39. S. Gribt>Ee 40. A. Hart 41 . J. Hassell 42. S. Charles 43. R . Sin*jss 44. D. Moylan 45, D . Weight 46. D . DeRooden 47. M. Chaprnan (DVC) 48 . R . Doherty

49 . RETIRED 50. S. Kurutg 51 . R . Bateman 52 . J. Finch 53 . J. Goldsworthy 54 . S. Gam e 55 . B. Marusic 56 . G. Mulcahy 57 . C . Bossong 58 . N . Martin 59 . J . Lynch 60 . P. Cldiesy 61 . N . Goldsworthy 62 . J . Quirk 63 . P. Ryan 64 . J . Price 65, S. Dillon 66 . D . Ivory 67 . S. Herbert 68 . T. Bare 69 . T. Smith 70 . D . Boyd

Res. Coach : Tarry Gildnist t . B. Ryan

2. N. Astapenko (VC) 3, J . Howard 5:P. Clements 6. M . Ryan 8. G . Baker 9. G . Heay 10 . T. Presnell 11. J. Gardner 12 . B. King 13 . S. Neeson 14. S. Wood 15 . M. Kuek 16 . P. Rogers 17 . G . Knobel 18 . R. Williams 19 . D. BiKton 21 . M. Mihayevic 22 . P. O'Sullivan 23 . A. Delta Lana 24 . M. Wetgosz 25 . P. Dynon

26 . N. Buck 27 . R . Gilmore (VC) 28 . G . Hofert 29 . D . Durdevie 30. T. PresnMl 31 . M. Cunningham 32 . M. D'Zdva 33. N . Cole 34. A . Harvey 35 . D . Mahoney 36L C . Kalks 37. A. Zodit 38. R . ElEott 39. A. Diamond 40. J. Thursfiefd 41 . A . Merrick 44. S. Diamond 45. W. Derham 47. M . Murphy 48. B . Mascali 49. M . Benton 50. M . D'Agos6no 51 . J . Frawley 52. S . Koutaptis 53. C. Thursfield 54. T. Galloway 55L L Magaw 57. M . Merrick 58. S . Patterson 60. C. Blsto n 61 . M .Tkocz(C) 64. M . MacDonald 65. K. Toohey

Res. Coach : Chris Bye t . M.Petrevski

2 . B. Hollow 3 . P. Gorman 4 . M. Elliott 5 . J. Seymour 6. J. Vama 7. P. Jones 8. L. Hollow

9. M. Growcodc 10. R . Egglestone 11 . B . Warner 12. R . Moran 13. M. Bosanko 14. J . Reddictc (VC) 15. G.Pinner(RC) 16. M. Goodwin 17. G. O'Connor 18. B . Carter 18. 19. 20. 21 .

L. Kuret D. Rosasato A. Moloney J . Thrush

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32.

S . Kuret M . Postma G. Carbis B. Stevens D. Barron S . Goodwin M .Tadinac S . Hollow J. Sacc o

22. S . Griggs (RVC) 23. C. Bye

33. N. LaFontaine 34 . M . Donohue 35. S. O'Halloran 36 . C. Rizzo 37 . 38 . 39 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 43 . 44 . 47 . 48 .

D. Castaldi (C) B. Sekec k A. Fenn S. Boyle G . Keaues G . Thompson G . Rosignob D. O'Neil l D. Goodwin D. Wrigglesvrorth

66. G. Brown 67. S . Emmett 69. M . Slade 73. W. Perkins


West Presto n

57 St . Hellier Street Heidelberg

Coach: Terry Walsh







suvomm 97

C Section

AJ Ne coaat Phil aara> s


Asst Coach: hTidt®N Zetrtsfd Res. Coach : Brian Zetirisid

Coach: Andrew Smythe Res. Caach : David Haopar

I . J. WrObel 3. B. Davis

4. M . Dudakw 5. J . Rath 6. D. Kalb 7. G. Samuel 8. A . KrongOld 9. A . Rosen 11 . A Gordon 12. D. Ones 13. A. Levy 14. Y. Rapoport 15. A Burman 16. R . Woolf 17. A. Cukierrnan 18. K Siegel 19. M. Halp1en (C) 20. W. Kror~gotd 21 . S. Glasman 22. D . Mohr 23. A. Bensimon 24. S. Rubensteine 25. A Levine

26. B. Duzenma (DVC) 27. A Lust n 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 34. 35.

J. Bram (VC) A. Hearst N .Israelsohn M. Bernell A. MordeCh D. Gun n S. Roth

36. J. Segal (DVC) 37. R. Loewy 38. J. Lewis 39. D. Boon 40. A Redlich 41 . P. NaptaF 42 . J. Kboger 43. R. Weisz 44. N. Diamond 45 . E . Steen 46. J . Davis 47. A Abraham 48. L Goldberg 49. M .Jeknek 50. B . Grod ;ki 51 . S . Boon 52. A Taek'nski 53. A. Sheffield 54. D. Collins 55. B. Zielinski (CC-R) 56. S. Davis 58. M. Fried 60. J. Wajnberg 69. J. Verno n

1 . J. Prior

2. G . Alexander 3. S. Youn g 4. W. Thompson 5. C. Parris 6. R. Minney 7. P. Robertson 8. N. Bone 9. B. Leterve 10. P. George 11 . S . Farley 12. A. Pants 13. D. TuRoch 14. D. Cooper 15. P. FauOCner 16. S . Smith 17. C. Barry 18. G. Shallard 19. P . Ngro 20. M. Jones 21 . D. Hooper 22. G. Mct.aren 23. D. Mathews 24. P. Nagel 25. T. Merrell 26. P. Graham 27. N . Waddell 28. C. Mutaner 29. P. Bane 130 . Ah mnetis 3 .. A SM ig

32, R . Williams

33. G. Pemberto . S. Lambropobu n34 s

D . Daskalo . P. Hare u36

37. S. Boyd 38 . S. James 39 . P. DaBogid 40 . T. Mathews 41. A Rozantis 42 . P. Edwards

43 . C. Papdopoulas 44. J. ROzanfis 45. C. Taylor 46. D. Dovxl 47. C. Morihceifis 48, R. Lambert 49. A Dyson 50. D. Glover 51 . A. King 52. D. Williams 53. T . Franklin 54. K Ste➢ing 55. B. Brennan 56. M . Toumy 57. P. Giannis 58. D. Vozza 59. C. Ellis 60. A Panou 61 . D. Anderson 62. G. Chivers

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Don Scadett

Res . Coach: Ian Cave 1. C . LeGrand 2. P. Amoare 3. A. Mason 4. S. Anderson (VC) 5. R. Bamas


. Natoli

MARCELLIN Coach: Anthony Paatsch Res. Coach: Tony Day 1 . C.S~ry 2. A Ritler 3. D. Waters (C) 4. M G11 S M.Wrm 6 D. S3ntp~rwn 7. M. Rowe (VC) B. R FtSing 9 D.Aartan 9. J. DaYy 10. A BerdanGarb 11 . D.TaMr

7.: D. A M:Corrviile 8. D. Marshall 9. S. Morgan 10. C. Ferguson 11 . A. Browne 12. D.R. Anderson 13. C. Thomas 14. F. Casetla (RC) 12. B . Cronin 15. S. Blink 12. P .OCat?91un 16. J. For 13. D. Baarretto 17. S. 14. D. Howe (RVC) 18. B. Halt 15. Atkhmsh 19. A. HuA lc 16. J.PkN s 20. P. Buckley 17. G .Cox 21 . C. McGregor 17. hA G:ESon 22. M . McKellar (C) 18. ACa16y(VC) 23. J. Day 18. P. Na~rts 24. A .(hion 19. D.Ceaper(W) 25. R. McDonnell 19 . D.MChi 26 Sam W& 20. S.OFgsn 27. T. Prantzos 21 . C. Mason 28. Scott Wills 22 . D. Affirson 29. M . Fletcher (VC) 23 . 30. C. Scat}ett (VC) 24.A r 31 . D. Hobson 24 . M. Bechetti 32. DA. Anderson 25. 6L Stoxes 33. E . d6cer 26 . G. W&h 34. W. Ampur 27. S.Tlcesz 35 . B . Annstrong 2T S, Beattie 36. B . Marlyn 37. M. Beaumont 28 . J . Cordes 38 . S .Se ilby 2B J . Golds 39 . K. love 30. ATragancvmn 40. I . Boyle 31. Clot 41 . R . Bukner 32. RCokrai(RVC) 42 . T. Co m ehs 33. M. Coope r 43 . A. Frederik5en 34. P.Ndnryre 44 . S. Green 35, A Trotter 45 . P. Hayden 36. F. Fte y 46 R . Hether44 37. A Sheehan 47. B. H. " '. 38. D. Fkrbam 48 . R . Hunt (RVC) ',. 39. J.TSOU}as 49. A.Hurier(RVC) 40. J. Dzma 50. S.Jnmes 41 . J.Selsuy 51 . B. Jalxn stwie 42. J.PAb0ot0 52. M. Lake 43. D. Dadadox 53. T. Lvndi 44. C. Payne 54. N. McMDan 45. hi Van Lint 55. C. Marini. 46. J. Sheehan 61 . C.AVarQaks 56. A. McGregor 47 . L OTf~ 62. C. QamtdO 57. B. McGregor 48. M. Fi»r~o 63. J. Careen 58. L Muir 49. C. htcCann 64. L PetfirWlla 59. A' O'Brien 60. A. Poretti 50. J. Soarw 65. T. La>rt?r 61 . J.Rodder 50. D.BeoGu.y 66. D.Cir o 62. D. Roger.on 51 . LSt9ivdn 67. M.Bazhxd 63. A. Ross 52. P,Barrzsi 68, G.Cul 64. M. Salter 53. C . Matlcevrs 69. M Mans 65. R. T H 54. N.Nmstrvrq 70. B .BNnes 66. A. Va~iker 55. W.Dc~ercz5 71 . S.OTunrnr 67. D. Varker 56 G.0.8 72. C. K~ M 68. S. Waprer 57. B. Da/ 73 . B. Ktv .n 69. D. Weiniger 58. L BetlW 74 . M Kara. w~" 70. S. W@lison 59. M . KarnasaNs 75. D . Kenry 71 . M . Young 60. A Melon 76 . J . D=CSln M 72. E. Zulcer 73. 8. Bud

MONASH BLUES Coach : Dave Rogers Res . Coach: Steve King L Fuu9ay 2 J. Bazter 3 . C . Miller 4 . P. Malden 5 . D. Rogers 6 . M. Newman (VC) 7 . W. Mcivor 8 . M. Lawrence 9 . L Baring 10. S. Webster 11 . M. Spence r 12 . J. Caldwell 15 . M . Tinkter 16 . C. Dobbin 17 . V. Cotombies 18. G. H ovel 19. D. Roche 20. J . Cavanagh 21 . S . McClure 22. A Dobson 23. P . White 24. B . Hodson 25. M . Ke9odc 26. P . Hurley 27. D. Newman 28. S . McGee 29. A Headbeny 30. P. Brophy 31 . J.L Smith (C) 32 M. Try 33. J .M. Smith 34. B. Drnvsley 35. D . Murctde 36. M. Tehan 37. J. Andritsos 38. P. Tudhey 39. M. Smith 40. W. Crawford 41 . A Kiers

42. A Hickey 43. R. Feenaghty 44. D. Teesdale 45. A McPhe rson 46. D. Jones 47. S. Mentha 49. M. Kell 50. D. SCh weddes 51 . S.MJke 52 . J. Mile 53. L McCann 54 . R. Harris 55 . D. Tnunble 57 . P.0'Nedl 58 . A. Klopsteins 59 . H. Middleton 61 . P. Mdts

63 . S . Forsyth 64. A Lam

67. B . Dempsey 70. N. DeYOung 71 . L McGregor 82. D. Horstall

John George Tyres Cru. Bel & CtrBey Due., Preston

9484 6780



iNTERNA71oNAL PTY. LTD . Suite 2, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock 3193





NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : John Tierney 1 . C. McKay 2. D. Water s 3. S. Mannassa (DVC) 4. S. Steep 5. B. Devine 6. M. Gravina 7, P. BOoth 8. B. CCtiison 9. L Curly 10. J. Forbes it . P. O'Farrell (C) 12. S. Lock 13. B. Curutii 14. S. Cheshire 15. P. Keamey 16. J. Christian 17. M. Maguire 18. J. Munay 19. B. SrtMh 20. M. Robinson 21 . J. Curren 22. M. Connally 23, P. O'Dwyer 24. J. Barker 25. P. Christian 26. J. Roberts 27. S. Walsh 28. D .O'Famell 29. D . Boye

30, M. Leigh 31 . L Boyle (VC) 32. J. Lowrie 33. M.Orianuk 34. B. Conti 35. D. Hooper 36. D. TOnkin 37. S . Mkunda 38. A . Sweeney 39 . J . Zumho 40 . R. Mutquiney 41 . G. Bum s 42 . S . Reinmann 43 . P . McMahon 44 . M . Lyons 45 . B. Pawsey 46 . M . Caulfield 47 . R. Little 48 . M . Anderson 49 . J . TrimboH 50 . C. Bailey 51 . 0. Newman 52 . T. Jamieson 53 . N. Tinley 54 . T. Cleveland 55 . S . Zocxo 57 . B. Allman 59 . J . Bugela 63 . R. Gale

69 . J . Joyce




Coach: Peter Murphy Res. Coach : Jeff Norman 1 . A. Acreman

2 . C . Lean 3. B. Murphy 4. G . Stroud (VC) 5 . C . Wallace 6 . D . Paterson 7 . G. Ferguson

8 . N . MaCquire (C) 9 . G. Pride 10. J. Graham 11 . D . SoGey 12. S. Martin 13. R . Large 14. M. Fannis 15 . C . Davis 16. P. Hughes 17. L Richardson 18. T. Boumon 19. D . KMo

20. S . Mullen 21 . M. Elliott 22. P. Harrington 23. N . Moodie 24. S . Kdto 25. J . Waxkuss 26. G. Dart 27. G. Kahis 28. M. Bond 29. A . Carter 30. M. Brooks 31 . P . Raslds 32. J . Sly

33. G. Plew 34. S . Worrell 35. Daman Murphy (VC) 36. P . Russo 37. H. Webster-Griffiths 38. D. Millis 39. T. Riley 40. T. Leonard 41 . N. Unfold 42. C.Rushwadh 43. M .Lawes 44. B. Clothier 45. C. Leaver 46 . J. Norman 47. J. Konirarun 48 . D.Johnsen 49. B.Lee 50 . G . Richards 51 . R. Butler 52 . A. Merriner 53 . M. Stroud 54. J. Sheddon 55 . W. Ballantine 56 . M. Leone 57 . P. Watson 58 . D. Coventry 59 . C. Farber 60 . D. Nock

61 . C. Dwyer 62 . Daniel Murphy 63 . T. Hancock 64 . M. Austi n

65 . Damien Murphy 66 . M. Henry 71 . T. Kers4ey 72 . D. Campbeff

ST. BEDE'S ST. LEO'S EMMAUS THOMASTOWN : Mark Fl ack Coach: Tony Fellows MENTONE TIGERS Coach Res. Coach: George Petsinis Res . Coach : David Miller

_Coach: Paul Beddoe Res. Coach: Brad Berry 1 . M . Kinsella 2. S . ZaMa

3. J. Sebiie (DVC) 4. V. L'HuMer 5. M . Murray 6. A Ryan 7. D. Dxygins 8. B. Beasley 9. G. Marinic 10. C. Ross 11 . M . Hecker 12. C. Stewart 13. David Gooddhid 14. P. Leman 15. DazmyGoodohikl 16. S. Napier 17. A. MacGeo¢Je (C) 18. J. Tully (VC )

19. B. Tomlinson 20. T . Lamb 21 . W. Furlong 22. S. McCarthy 23. T. Peck 24. T. Beasley 25. D. Smith 26 . S. Hecker 27. M. Manson 28 . D. Feten 29 . D. Ord 30 . M. Dods 31 . M. M:fsud 32 . J. Dickinson (RVC) 33 . A Walsh

34 . D. Kinsale 35 . R . Bflos 36 . G . McLachlan .'., 37 . M. Connolly

..' 38 . A Hayes (DVC) ...' 39. R . L'Hui#ier

..' 40. C . Johnston (RVC) 41 . P, Ord 42 . A Thompson 43. K. Goodchtd 44. J . Reapero 45 . R . Goul d 46. O. La1or 47. C. Bracdii 48. R . Shreier 49. S. Flannery 50. N . Tully 51 . S. Boozer 52. A Kearney 53. M. Beasley 54. M. McCraw 55. P. Dwyer 56. D. Marshall 57. M . Lomagno (RC) 58. M . Zakic 59. P. Newport 60. A. Wn@elaw 61 . B . Dunstan 62. C. Thompson 63. A Ord

64. M . Corderay 65. W. Earle 66. M . Ryan






t . D . Dinicdank>rdo (C) 2. J. O'Meara 3. E. Mitchell 4. T. Van Den Akker 5. C. Kenny 6. A Hughan 7. V. Ryan 8. T. Oakley 9. A. Bethune 10. A. Daly 11 . C. Dahtryn 12. G. Robinson 13. J .MAer 14. D. Corrigan 15 . AO'ReBy J& B . Carey 17. R. Parker 18. T. Batty 19. A. Cttinlan 21 . G. Skrarondson 22. A. Burgess 23. S . NankeNs 24. D. Kenny

25. A. MdCenzzi? (VC) 26. S . Edwards 27. P. Bowden 28. 8. Mdnenry 29. S. Darcy

30. R. Armstrong 31 . M . Contessotto 32. A Nedru 33. A Banks 34. B. Henricus 35. J. Briggs 36. K Morris 37. S. Manton 38, J. Smith 39. B.L Vauillhan 40. J. Gay 41 . A Mapr 42. P.O'Ha,MOran 43. B. Drury 44. F. Dinicolantonio 45. S. Rondti (VC) 46. C. Smith 47. R . McCann 48. A PiMmm 49 . B. Milner 51 . T. Ludlow 52 . J.Ncl 53 . M. Laior 54 . J. Graves 55 . P. Clarke 56 . P.9ouch 58 . 8. Mitchell 59 . A. Arusro 60 . S. Buckle 61 . J. Rees 62 . J. Cronin G, . M. Lindsey 64 . S. Walsh 65 . J. Donovan 66 . G. Rafferty 67 . A Prosser 68 . H . Meehan 69 . S. Pitcher

1 . S. Papakonou 2. B. Byron a A Smith 4. G. Petsids 5. James Bubis 6. B. Pellegrino 7. S. Plant 8. A Felows 9. V. Capeci 10. D. Caped 11 . L Aberti 12. F. Farchione 13. G . Scapa 15. L Did Papa 17. D. Gorski 19. P. Riste+sld 20. L Alat)alds 21 . E. Lentirn 22. L Satiese 23 . R. Dimaggio 24 . B. Smith 25 . R. Kennedy 26 . C. McNed 28 . L Moriato 29 . K Harting 30 . C. Fellows 32 . P. Colosimo 33 . E. Rio

34 . J. Cadonl 35 . A Colosimo 36 . J. Theodwai 37 . D. Danoasf6 38 . G . Scott 39 . S. Weeks 40. P. Scent 41 . D . Brooks 42 . O.Esen 44 . A. Ward '.. 46. N . L%anella ..' , 47. D . Pfwmgit ..' 48. D . Tripcdro ..' 49. J . Pougcs ..,' 50. C. Diana 51 . E. Vatintno 52. L Smith 53. P. Bat6sfa 54. J . Room 55. P. Valeri 56. S . Mineo 57. C. LAunxa 58. A Gents 59. Z Fleming 60. A Fleming 61 . B . Colosano 62. T. Stabs 63. M .Grech 64. R. Ward 65. S . Holmes 66. D. Pounce 67. N. Grech 69. R. PandtAto


Dy Section AQUINAS O .C. Coach : Andrew Crosb Res. Coach: Seart Olohtin yug 1 . G . Burch 2. G .C58on1 3. S EdrziNs 6. S. K^.~rcry 7. G .G~ 8. A Don, .xAre 9. P. Ph4kps 10. D .BW:ntl 11 . C. Banbury 12 . PATonO 13 . C.JaN2/ 14 . A Larkin 15. J- w 16. S.Cbse 11. M. Demvi 18. J . Hughes 19. G .WhiL=Ma i 20. P. Paas 41 . M. BoBnn 21 . C.Gabon 42, J . McEvoy 21 S.Fym 43 . M.Slatary 23. J.LivingsNne 44 . P. Cur. 24. P.Harper 45. Frederiksor, 25. C.Box 46. D . Langton 26. A Frukan 47. P. Kw.titelaitis 27. S . Jam 48. M . Moore 28. G.i'l5tan 49. C.lamboom 29. S .0'Loughgn 51 . A Hyland 30. C .Co.`ver 54. B, Upton 31 . L king 55 . A O.Atera 32. MV~uhotm 56 . S.Dotrry 33. J. Wison 58. A. Benarve 34. Pd.TanA 60. B . McDonald 35. S. Livingstone 61 . J. Langford 36. D. Ptx'Jarr 65. R Patce 37. D.JOyce 66 . M.WSon 38. C.Ti~ag 67 . P. C

uy p u

CAULFIELD GRAM MAR OLD CAMBERWELL OLD GEELON G Coach : Rod Allison Coach: Geoff Reilley R est. Coach: Matthew Scholten Res. Coach : Egan Smith 1 . S . Ballard 45L B 1 . B-Matham 28. T. Chain 2. T. James 42. R. K 2 . J. Dickson 29 . A Wood 3a T.Lblrerry 30. D. Lowe C.Ba/d 31 . P.MA~j 4 . AKa~,ouris 32 . M.DGro5i(V~ 5 . N. Horton 33 . B.Ftxem(~+.D.1,ry 6 . A Kahorer 34. N . t.ubansky 7 . J.CWv4shatia 35 . Atawrence 8 . SCossat-5"talfi 36 . R Harris 9 . C . Harris 37. M. Schofteri 10. M . Cuser 38. J. Resmrick it. M.Cassic],j 39. J . ~ (RVC) 12. M. Hanison 40. M13. D. Gurr 41 M . Liddell 14. S . Nlose 42. B . Pat 15a A Wllson 43. R Royal, 15- FL Castles 44. M. Tapp 16. T. Royals 45. W. Ba:,~es 17. GSVdarns 46, AGras 1r N. Cox 47. L Sakem 18' C. BMW 48. D. Fraumarm 19. dVrNacat PR) 49 . P.BuAa 20? H. Vekka 50. G. McDonald 20' M. Mae 51 . N. GAw 21 . N. Brohs:r, 52. M.Hayre s 22. T.Tar.~ey 54. W.lub2nsAy 23. D. Ash 55 . h4 Davies 24. K Dadu 56. A Dowd 25' T. We's 57. P. Anderson 25'1 T.4'lailes 59 . A Beauchamp 26. SWr.ams 60. J.Tm!]e r 27. B.Ttaompson 63 . J .Babarczy

39. R. Levy 69. J.Hadaig 40. A. Cross as. & Barclay

~ L.:-~V PRIIYI'ED LABELS '7'A . Sh - k, '

BEAUItflARI S Coach: BrettMarchant Res . Coach: Scott Mathers 1. S. Reidy 2. P.McMarcus 25. J.Mahmoutl 3. M. Pats 25. J. Sheldnake 3. I. Wc`iants 26. 4Y. Mike 4. M. Devine 27- D.Johison 4. M. Day 28. J. PACKenzie 5. D. Wr 28. B. Lucy (RC) 6. J . Tay~r 29. C. Mar4n 7. S.FarbarYs 29. P. O'Brian 7. MMoNdrioas 30. A Easton 8. M.0'Brwn 31. P. Ott 8. J . Yrtutia 32. C. Daqeish 9. 8. Fi hospn (Rtil 33. N. Va n 9 . AMcFarl3nE 33. T. Hol t 10. J . Waitam 34 . S Mothers 10. REVhwo-d 35 . B.Carm l 17 . 5.81acka 36 . SfmrdanW 12. P.MtlJat~ 37 . ASmi4 s 13. Me ugun 38 . S.Tmscon 14. n 39 . P. Dully 14. N .Kmg 40 . P.Tesoraro 15. M . Hoyr>o 41 . A B"ar"ae 15. L Stevens 42 . 0 . Mafp:V ce 16. M . Hanr,tc+n 43 . S. Wdson 16. 0.0'Brien 44 . S. McGregor 17. T.F. blchobs 45 . AThamas 17. E. Bid 46, S. Osborn 18. A Read 47 . PA Nichol 19. P, Thomas 4B D . McKerune 20. M . Qum 49 . D. OP* PC) 20. N. Rim 49. D . N:r>bn 21 . PL) 50. N .8az 21 . A Kendal 53 . R . McGrath 22. J. Haft 55 . C.0Meara 22. C . Hewle"t 56 . T. Hogan 21 T. Fisher 57 . J . Fox 21 A Hat (RVC) 58. J . Beaumont 24. 0. Groves 59. A Rardwry

4 G. S . Roe 47. P. Lt,,-i 7. MScnit 48. J.Swan & N. Board 49. A Kent 9. D. Talbot 50. J. 1140(enze 10. E Smith 54. P. Richirwrn 11 . A Kyriacar 56. J. Douglas 12. J.tWSOn(C) 57. LThomas 13. PiSlms 58. C. Hume 14. R t~zd 60. N. 15. RSpurritt BE M.Stmrt 16. D. WaBar 63. D. Re. 17. ACocks 65. T.eislrop 1 8. D. Ha7rs 66. P. 20. N.ih~r~son 67. 21, T. Harrknan 69. A Ha#aks 22. Rtyatat 70. W.Ead 23. T. Simpson 71. A Russo 24. D.Imberger 72. P . Young 25. ATaibr 73. M. Seeley 26. P9.Rxtxnum 74. G.Yoixg 27. B.07faa 75. D. Chris 28, B. Leitch 76. 4V. Homes 29. C. Sisachan 77. T. Johnson 30. C. Toven 78. A, Manuel 31. J . Hovsrd 79. C. MAh K. C. MdVlorn 80. A Mitchell 33 . ABnxnen 81. D.Sxn 34 . P. McCrea 82. T.Webb 37 . M. Fr~o 83. D. Wtlsh 39 . C.E .ans 84. C.Ba{ford 40. J . M Nz~Fvu Harvey 81 85 G.A1GOn 41 . T.. .bMstir

Coach: A. Frazer

Res . Coach: I . Stevens 1 . J. Panagrotolpou'as 2. J.Chapman(DVC) 3 . P.t.utGrsdmift(C) 4 . S. Flemmg 5. S .Emerson & C . Rk .' 37. J. Wa5ke r 7 . T.Cipp&re 38. M .McKerrek 8. S . O'Brien 39. A Memrgton 9. J.Coodger 40 . T.DiBgsi 10. LS4.>.°ns 41 . LPot'er 11 . B . Papal 42 . A Jealous 12. J.tWame 43_ AGatt 13. P . Ct>34dey 44 . R. Cbi>;sy, 14. S . Evans 44. P. Barry 15. S . &slwp 46. Nouanek .D 16. S . McPherson 47 . J. Testm 17. P.Hex'u>r(VC) 48, P A .Murton 18. T . R~ 49. Hutchison 19. G. Stsen 50_ D. Beftan 20. J. Law 51 . S.GreasM/ 21 . S. Dole 52 . A Darrson 22. M . t.t9rasz 53. T. 23. J, Hughes 54 . S.Mabury 24. C. Robertson 55 R Moss 25_ A Leask 56 . A 0T4fazt 26. D. Fetcher 57. R.Wnght 27. D. Barr 58. A Wwn d e 28. B. Turner 59 N A. Osman 29. J. Saunders 60. Pane, 30. J. McLean 61. D. Podjer 31 . A Corby 62. P. Baroch 32. J. Mansfield 63. APorter 33. S. Cramer 64. d Rossi 34. J. Leask 65. ASaterqu 35. D. VrlatBe'd 66. B. Lamam 36. P.Trist 67 . R.C2➢g

Coach : Mark Neeld Res. Coach : Simon Bones . Neekt (C) 1. 33. B.SmIth I. D.Warsr M 2 M.Edmunds 33. M .NAkincon 2 C.(TNer 34. RCaxbn 3. D. yls"I K) 37. M . Virgoro 3. H. Anderson 40. S. Bones 4. T.Dvdalz 40. E.Bostauc 5. A Hoxe~i 41, G . Pa val n 6 B. Mtn 42. D.Canpbed 7. A Darcy 42. Plenum 8. T.Seyrnour 46. W.Davidson 10 . T. widen 47. M .Oplum 11. RLte/ 47 . R, Stevens 12 . N. Power 4B, E, samplers 13 . P. Herinar, 50. M . Robson 13 . J . cook 51 . J.Waon(VC) 14 . J . Pesach 55. B .FUrpt y 14 . D.BSaclbum 59. G.VtaNer 15 . ATcekrtv(VC) 57 . R.Kr~it 17 . M. Vd~s-W~ 58. C. Stindicame 18. N . M,tKeaar 61 . R.OSptant 19. A. Sa42r 62. H. McInnes 21 . G . Harper 63. D. O'Brie n 22. J. Taylor 164. C. SL Clar 23. M. Davis 65. M. PAiCarvidry 24. MTaylor 66 . P.Wa,rer 26. N . Kemp 67. M. Annals 27. Vi, Paul 68. ARtassa 28. A Faner 69. M. Ott 29. AWten 72. C.VaO 30. B .OHa4oran 75. S. Hamrgtn 31 J.Povr.r 76. C.Stsr~rcome H G. WctCnson 62 L Wi s .

Coach : Des Meayher Res. Coach : Cons Burke 1. D. Fedeli, 2 M. Memo (C) 3. h1.Carbor a 5. M. Robxrson a C. Houston (VC) 7. P. Coghbm fl A Davis 9 C.Magam 10. B. H04 37. P. O'Brian (RC 11. P.CamB 38. C.CarrN 12. D.Gri 39. J .Natismith 13. T.Hug tes 40. ki s 14. T.Carri 41. C.0'Cormor 15. Atac?.y 42. D.Naismith 16. &Vrzduuoam 43. N.E&rot(RVC) 17. AC~m(Jq 44. M.Ba~man 18. D .Qutiiy 45. M. Leste r 19. M~ 46. G. Johnson 20. S. McAuliffe 47. S. Habh3n 21. P. Hatels, 48. M. Raid 22 . J.Boraryman 49. C. Fulton 23. P.Cr+rthdk 50. B.K~j 24 . R.M o 51. LEanes 25 . M. Vernal 53. D . Decopm, 26 . C. Ry~ 54. S. Gas. 27. D.Vark~ri;Vr.~r~ 55. D. Down 28. C. A Eames 56. B. Case s 29. Pa+ixiic 57. D.Johnson 30. P. O'Brien 58 . DA'Atelan 31 . N. Jenkins 59- D . Gentbn 32 . M .Borrack 60 . A GHrn 33 . C . Ham; 61. D.Casar 34 . D.Glo Gd evA 62. S .Fou'?r 35 . C . Law M . S. V*sx 36. D.Ndzn 65 . AHarris



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ST. JOHN S Coach: Stephen Mooney Res. Coach: Dean Higgins 1 . G. Matheson 2 . M .t2tlson 3. M . t&lasen 4. B .labrotti 5. S . Carr~~ 6. S . Corcoran 7. R Back 8. D. Jard<olic 9. A Raz9wl e 10. M. Coormadias 11 . D. Halls 12. J. Shechan 13. S. Hztn 14. J.Archpr 15. G.Patasan 16. W Garton 17. S. Cockr,~rz 18. C. Emery 19. J. Canal 20. LArjamson 40. B.Abou-Jaler 21. S. Koppers 41 . B, Rrdp :t (C) 22. S. Reynolds 42. M. DOMM (RC 23 . S. H4ton 42. T. Ducartv .Adamson 41 G. Lamb w24,NI 25 . C. WdPrams 44. S. Pepper 26 . G. Waters 45. N. Saurtlerson 27 . R.VJZnctt 46. AHerbert 28 . P. 1-Wall 47, J. Cotton 30 . R. Walker 48. S. Marts 31, TCannvali 49. W. Ross 32 . G. Stra?r 50. D. Pre 33 . Z Monica 52. S. Chr y 34 . M. Hancock 54. J.Gxuu.rd»m 35 . J . Sacco 55. ADarcy 36 . J .Dahertf S7. RCarter 37 . E . Ma?ard 58. R Hiras 38 . M.Patlrc:e 59. E.Lo0om1ar 39 . R. Domed 62. T. Blake


Coach: P . Turley Res . Coach: M. Byrne 1 . M. Bourke 7 Pat Forces 3. S. Sutherland 4 . AN.r.aU/ 5 . MCaravan(C) 6m P, Cincotta 7 . G .Gaspan & M- Hazak (VC) 9. D.SmtE 39 . B. Gu nn 10. D. Oher 40. J . Ham:ttm 11, Twule 41 . S. Bonsai 12. A. Gaspan 42 . B. Ctanners 13. I. Botr?ac VC) 43 . A Roberts 14 t 44 . C. Hunt P.Na' 15. T.Wa9bridge 45 . M. spencer 16. A CFSeppxe 46. M. Team 7 1 . Mat Forbes 47 . R.Ptvpon 18. S . Sinclair 48. P.Katarnph 19. S . Rnavvn 49. B. Page 20 A Seeger 50. J . Reflimas 51 . P. Bouchard 21, R Nepali 22. A Edmonds 52- TA%m 23. C. Roche (VC) 53. J. Grove 24. A Grace 54. S. Butier 25. B.tGrdxer 55. D .S<mer 26. B.Bomnan 56. S.FingeraA 27. M .Marr>fo-:d 57. D .GheMlaan 28. 1A Gym 58. D . Talk, 29 kick Forces 59. J.Ta/brr 30. D.lawcn 60 M. Bates 3?. A Davey 61 . A Kale 32. A Stevens 62. D . SunaAand 33. M . Cooke 63. M. Peigoli 34. M . Wiseman 64. Paul Forbes 35. P.Scadaragia 65. S.Bapsh 36. W. Herman 66. S. Knigl& 37, J. Brennan 67. M. Sutherland 38 . R, Russ 68. P- Nomikos

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Coach: Laurie Tarafa Res. Coach: Mark Rowe 1 . P. tatusen 2. A DeIH-VerOfru 3. F. SarrsaHtti 4. D.War2n ''.. 5. S . Mrfsut l 6. A Sae R

7. D. Draw

37 . J. Parker,

9. &Umbian (FC) 39. F.Coombes 10. AY~o 40. Llnserra(VC) 41 . E Linares 10. M. cocoa 11, V. Romano 42, P. Dean 12. D. McColl 43, J. Richard 13. ACopfey 44. P.Soligo 14. S, Pais 45 . P.Matkans 15. D. Mrxr➢e 46. T. Ryan 16. M. Campbee 47. T. Petmpotlos 17. D. Linams 4& C .Tyson 18. APegmato 49. S .Co?ier 50. M.Kteqht 19. S. Gunn 20 . C. Pecktkxn 51 . D Gum 21. M.Te-san(C) 52 . M. Hump 22. 8. Harvey 53. M. Yarnk+: 23 . M. SnerlDcul, 54. M. Corrigan 24 . R ManiSi 55. R. Lord

25 . S. Baler 26 . C. Mass=.t 27 . L Parkan

56. S. Dalael 57, M. McPherson 59. T. Fallen

2& S. Fisher 61 . P.1-livares 29 . Lhtarrrnaat1l;) 62. C. Wu4arns 30 . B.Hocce7 63. S. Hogan 31 . I . Gray 64. T.itone;(ftVC) 31 . C. Austin 65. G. Hikers 32 . J. M~Cz .4 66. D. Tiflaj 33 C. Hamilton 69. RAnkinoparkis, 34 . Pt Romano 87. M. Hopkins 35 . G. Panel 88. N. Cutiop 36 . W. taj 89. L Mziduig

CHOICE .CREDIT . ... ..... . . . . . . . . . UNION . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 1 11 30 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

~~, Centra l LATROBEU Sffl ' Coach: Mario Bakogianis R, Coach: Damien Rider t . FA 8a 2. D. Nabf:r. 3. S.Frerkru5¢on 4 . G.N+wnh/ 5 . 5.1. r8>~'~ 6. B. F . man 7. B FL M :r &R 10. D . 57torn 12. C.ld.. qdd 14. S. R- as 15. M. L s 45 . S. Turner 18. S.Oi .eFe 4646 . . M. K~tr 19. RC2rJ 2D. 11 ~us 4 . D. H 748. WMCVama2 . 0. . umc 9. :27 22 . 50.5. I . . 151 . R P .. <K. 25. e. no ;f 52. J . C. 26. P. G ,,o-vr 53. J. F.bOdoon 27. Li n, 57 . N .RO~rgrtn 28. M. ~trrr.~ . S Benwdo 58. S. Pritti 30 31. S. L(mtlean 59. 8. H-)mOrd 32 . M. Ralber 60. K looney 33 . P- M 61 . S. Blond 34 . T.k1binnsh 62 G.Tendeth' 35. C. Roberts 63. C. Back 35. B.LaxVDrjs 64. F.CruloN 37. A ChAb 65 . A. Groat 38. S. Antltar/ 66. A BaRie 31 A BaskE 6T S. Phi 40. J.Muna/8 68- G .Fos's~r 41 . D.L}suh 69 . T.Tertrarz 42. KCunan 70 . J .Duma- t 43. S.Turrar 71 . P.Dumarecgue44. P-Pkon 72 . S. Stinking


Coach: D. Nash Coaoh: DavidTwomey Res. Coedt: Edde Sa~ Res. Coach: G. Mazes 1 . FL Relish t . 8, Board 2 . S . WdtinO 3. B.Frdric€rt 4. A O'Keefe 5. A Leitch 6. J.HOrstwr5dl 7. (L J~ 8. AHorsUUro r(C) 9. A Chtisto 10. R. Harris 11. 0. R00?~rick 12 . M.G~ 13 . P.Fbrth 14 . J .Saknon 15 . ABoard 39. 8.Smkh 16. S.Christo 40. C . Cox 17, B .y 41. C . Ford 18. P. . FGngI ~ 42. P. Mnatas, 19. M. Craig 43. R.Cuftert 20. ESasriiwr¢ 45. E.G~B 21 . M. Kuldych 46. G. Flower 22. W. F~ninq 47. P. CulMte rt 23. S. LritGt 48. M. Gttlclins 24. L Farfidd 4 S. Hewitt 25. S. Leonard So . P. ()Yzafe 26. P. Masman 51. A Robbins 27. D.Tv"ney 52. S. Sultan 28. C. Pan.y 53 . G. 8a1 29. D. Horst u rgh 54 . B. ~rr~rfidd 30. C. Gah4n 55 . B. Lucas 31. D. Evans 58. W. Taylor 32. G.Jermisai 59. ALpsmm be 33 . G. Robson W M .Bek32-r 34 . P. Vincent G . lianis 35 . S. N cholson P. That 36. A. Hadat P . MarYar,en 37. S. 38. S.Irtl yin W.T~ ~r

2. ATalarico 3. ABor e 4. C. Mclerxr7r 5. D. Koch

7. C.Skms(C) 410. C.PEitte~ 8. T. Ha ~''A.`~c 42. D. WaBac e 9. P, Smith 43. R ONO 10. P. Bums 44. J." it . S.hDIS 45 . C. Cook 12. J . ~d/ 46 . R K~y 72~" C. Midd 47 . G. Crane 13. P.Miem(tL7 48. KLeMck 14. Bm 49. D.De Luca 15. M . Da>hrkon 50. O. ZL9icki 16. P. GumJmrpe 51 . J . Roqets 17. P .Sdda 52. D .Ferpxon 18. E.Hotaig3n 53. J. Carter 19. G.Maae 54. J. Pfeiffer 20. G. Madrzga m 55. J. Koury 21 . RNari B3 56. RGlies 23. P. E i 57. T. Parry W 24. B. Carruthers 58, D. 25. A Pa&ner 59. D. Smith .Dazneno 26 . &Fogiaro 60. J 27. KStralehzn 61. P.Hatran 28 . M. Roth+.e8 62. A Good= 29 . K Jones 63. P. Gasket 30. B.Atraicrr sur 64. P. Last 31 . P. Dokrce 65 . D. l&Cartney 32. 0 . Bunn 66 . M.Yotag 33. P. (benclel 67 . F . Molinaro 34. D. Doixglas 68. M.Canp teS 35. J. Nash 69- J .CoBard 37. G.Cattera 70. D. Veal 38. A 8ofce 73. S. Dafm 77. J. Kpper 39. M . R ea


Coach: Justin Doyle Res. Coach : Grant Hammond 1 . M. Frisby 2 . N. Bowman 3. Q Thatcher 4. D. Fmrc/ 5. D.Kene 6. P. Shadclock 7. J.DaJra B. M. Fanvil 9. D. FrJs 10 . P. Holmes 11. B. Pickett 12 . M.Grazizaro 39. A. George 13 . M. .ame's 40 . M. items 14 . &TenB 41 . I . McOumia 15 . P. Koppel 42. B.Orwier 1& N .Mmut 43 . T.J acism 17. Puddles 44 . B. Hart 18. R Heenan 45,. S. Drury 19. G .Wrigi6 46. B. Campbell 20. G .Nard,14 47. J . Koppel 21 . J. Shaw 48. P. S'atiorou 22. R.0Erkn 49. N .Amon 23. B . king 50. C. DaaM:r 24. C.Tehar 51 . T. Hanmgan 25. B. Foster 52 T. Dior55 26. SEzsternmt 53. Zed 27. S. Rowland 54. P . Hetvsat 28. N. Hag 55. D.Mtins 29. P.James 56. T. Hurt 30. D.Lurarde 57. R Pmrozm 31. A Jackson 58. M.Caffactar 32. A WaSh 59. B. Greet 33 . S.Ttotcher 64 . C.NoYJtar n 34 . M.Ma.dti 65 . P.Senmwrs 35 . A Mackinnon 68. P. Jadaon 36. R. Ryan 69. 8. DotiEr 37. D. ~. G.BOx 38. S. Show 86. C. Macklaw.

The Lord Newry Hote l


Coach: Alan Elliott Res. Coach: Paul McNamara 1 . N . Below 2 . D. Davrnn 3. ANany 4. J.Trc c 5. D .h4acked 6. D.Grieve 7. M .Cammn 8. B . Ham

9. G. Case

10. S . M,cEadirn 11. L Grddxx'.SFa 12. W. Gnifi8ls 13. S. Will 14. ADadd 15. J. Smart 16. B. Ctkk 37 . A Bond 17. A. Featherston 38 . T. Beckmth 18. ALanOtem 39 . T.Carte r 19 . P. Damn 40 . G. Bw 520 . M. Holland 41. ACFedc ,''.. 21 . G. Jackson 42. AFindt 22 . W. Pa/rw 43. M.OTPjnn 23 . G. Hwbc45on 44. N. Bond 24 . C~ S%Vetm 45. M.Ouic c 25 . G . Buritess 46 . AMaterial 26. D . Lee 47 . A. ishre 27. C. Be* 48 . A P"wcryrSVi 28. C. D+mstan 49 . C. Muuat 29. M.Arderwn 5o. P.W2i0Mrnan 30. ACook 51 . D.Bub-9c 31 . C.McKmae 52 . B.SatmrkB 32. W. Keerm 53. L Rk ;ard 33. D. od- 54. R Kudcov5ld 34. G.Warran 55. SC&VanGW 35. A. Black 5& S Brya n 36. A Ttiege 57. P. MdVarna m

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Coach : C. Fo x Res . Coach : P. Marin 1 . ATudcett 2 . D.Adans 3 . S . FD(kison 4. ht S4dz.~to 5. W.Md:1atm 8. S . Fkak/ 7. J.Bnfk 8. P.Ctmrrngham 9. J.Mibr(VC) 10. J.KalpaWs 11. J. Butxlolot (VC) 12. J. Po'rmicas 13. P.Marin 14 . J.HCSY . 980,m X M. Warren 15*. B 16 L DeYtafdn 40. C. J.n,^J 17 . A Kyroas 41 . F. Vatrri 18. M. Mz'koun 42. J .Paponkaku 19. V.Lirusi 43. M.Ca7arun e 20' G . Lattoul 44. J. Mond 21 . B.WtdMan 46. T.Cmsare 22. RTi~, (OVC) 47. DtvYgnsqi 23. D. EOs (DVC) 48. 1. Gnarl 24. G . La!ou& 50. M. Leuntzes 25. J. Kenred[~~ 51 . S. Keay 26. S . HogO (~:) 52. M . Paas3le 27. P . Grey 53. A Velkosld 2& S Werrdiam 54. S . Laimtzes 29. R. Saunci:rs 55. & Allard 30. M .SmiBr 57. J.Somers6'e

Coach: Garry Hickey

Res . Coach: Mark Johnston 1. M. F1Jlam 2. J . Steady 4 . C. DO)* 5 . J.Oe9'azo 6 . M George 7 . A Ham6ton 8. J. Horrdtp 9. C .SmiP/h 10. R.Turrnr~ 11 . G, Gary 12. M. Dyke 13. R. Leeson 14. R. Goods 15. A Revel 17. S. Lee 18. A RumaJu 19. B.OWMara 20 . AH3ipnarn 21 . T. D,RnerM n 22 . S. R;r 23 . M. EewS 24 . S. FAZgibban 25 . P. D~;y 43. C. Frersnan 26. M . Kn~ght 44. N. Morgan 27. D. Mwptrf 45. R Pothr 29. D. Depmk 46. E . SatBts}> 47. A Kee/ 30. P .Turk 31 . S .Co-lic s 9. M.Detono 32. ASarnsfs 49. J.MerrKt 33. D. Mrarq 50 . B. Canfield 31 . J.Froamm 58 . J. Thompson 34. B.Stapk4an 51 . P. James 35. T.Grimstmw 52 . J .Piotrmrrsld 32. A Boublobh 59. B. Evans 37. B.Pedkien 53 . M.P:cCalman 33. G.Pat(RVC) 60 . B.Launtrs 34. P. Hzrde7 61 . G.Iaccbndo 38. N. H*rge6 54 . W. Pollock 35. P. Dov:sott 62. J. Epstnar 39. G.Craucn 55 . ZStajcevsk 36 . G' Wailes 63. M.Whibilan 40. M. Stroud T . Rennatt 37 . D.C~"Jtnrkn(C} 64. C.Vamorri 41. 0. Wren D.FoJo r 38 . M. Sralfud (Fi4C7 65. R Sassire 42 . J .GI!~gan C .Hahelatt

Coach: Garry Connolly

Coach: Phil Leatha

Res. Coach: Pat Malcolm 1 . G. Darra .^tt 2. J.Raffford 3. R. Hag 41 . S. Phrot:rtrsad 4. M. Vau~.n 42 . AGadd 5. R.MWVmr 43. J .ANord 6. S. SmiUt 4 P. Forbes 45 J. Butterfaek! 8. B. Ne.rxorson 46. E. Plait 9. C. Pekin 47. S . GuBan 10 . P. Donovan 4& A 11 . B. Smith 49. C . Fr~ttJin 12 . M. Roberts 50 O'Keefe 13 . T. .essen 51 .: E A' .MrB~e 14 . S.FNkr 52. T Barber 15. A KoobOs 53. Paarnkri N 16. P.Caaaydf o 54. D. Bryant 17. H.P 55 M Won 18. 8 .& 56 J.P.P ~ 19. J. Ward 57. S. D 20. S . Larrz 58 M. B 21 . T. Hohnes 59 . 1 Kw 22. T. Lamb BE RD, -mar 23. S. Boston 61 . S.Jc 24. 14 Fogerty 62 . J J .S: 25. B. L}mch 63. Pb3ir . 26. D.&ks 64. C.1kgM . M 27 . Holes 65. J.T2vfl51ds 28 . ABmA 6& N. HourB 29 . AGlass 67. D.At,bott 30. D. Sor,artrf 68. J. O'Brien 31 . M. Caren 69. S. LitYa 32 . M. James 70 D . Pe;cut 33 . T. KtdNn 71 . H . Kam 34 . J . Boom 72. M .8vas 35. P. Game 73. A GLesen 36. S.Maeluvr 74. A Store .Gadd 37. J 77. H. Came= 38. B. Ww,h 83. C . Bmvm 39. P.Harfm 87. LBrovm 40. G . Su.°;ivrn 99. N. Boston

Res . Coach: Nick Magnafa s 1. A Handcn 41 . G. H°PpM 2. J .Gray 42. P.Pd s 3. R6sM1t',y 43. J. Tabb 4. G.Daties 44. S.Gaccb 5. ACannana 45. T.Main 6. J.Gmss 46. G Forbes 7. F.Vde3e 47. 8. Fbmgan 8 . 48. RLealry 9 . J. Khw y 49. M. Nolen 10. S. 50. Rt Ekrtt 11 . S. re . J .Tocee 12. L&wm 51. L.Stetrsrt 13. J.Soha 52 ~e 14. P. P,adt r.~rr 54 . S 15. P .AkFia!g16on 55 . A1.OrRz 16.S .Snrytha 56.P.~on 17. D.HOrr~ 57. C.Pix e 18. J.Cu+lln 58. D.Wcons 19. D.Krosahd 59 . L.Rdr20. D. Disxu 60. B.8ynrce 21. S. M~durura 61 . G . Sa7dat 22 . N. Minns 62. RLas K' 23 . J. Os6aw 63. AGeyard 24 . D.COdnan 64. ACtuk 25 . G. Mabre 65. D. Webb 26. G . NewGt 66 A Mn . 0.8mske 67. ABzktr 28. AGxnp6t8 68 Akres 29. D .MSA4'ster 69. MCH6cn 30. 14.10045 70. S. Ryan 31 . Ahbucheacca 71. P.Codc 32 S . D'Prx&ea 72 M ShM r 33. T.Tl-qx.on 73 . M.Wz:-h 34. C . o 74 . T. HM m 35. H.MCdatt'*"~ 75 . C.K. f9s 36. APhlvlhh 76 . EKa :os 37. S .Caarbes 77 . J .Kuds 38. M.Rak~:ts 78. P. 1,10 :.... . RROrk ces 79 . M.N~vre 39 9 40. B. Baker 80. P.Mag


C A HOTEL Swanston Street, Carlton


I-I ® T E I.


E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Coach : J. McDonald Res. Coach : Dave FGimartin 1. S . Dulaa 2 N. PasVas .'.. 3. P.SmAh(S) 3. D.l~tad~ (R . GR.~rs (S))S 6 J. Linehan 7.G.Forn 8. RLs~ 9. E.Ns~ 10. ht s 11 . A Miidw.k 12. J. Davis 13. S. McCarty 14. T. Prior 15. P. GuirastS) 15. S.WoSe(R) 16.MA~ 17. D . McLE3an (0VC) 1& P.8orle 19. A Farank 36, PdPearsa1 20. R Koeg!er 37 . A ,arikh 38. G. Wylie 21 . P.Shoppr~(S) 39 . A.K.p 21 . LG~eson(R) 22. A4 Cox 40. M. Sutherland! 23, A Bennett 41 . R Baker 24. S.WrfNn 42 C . Carlisle 25. J. MoDeriald (C) 43 . R Carlisla 26. E. Loved 44 . F . McDonald 27. C.t^°"ID4C) 45. P .H~r( 28. C.V'. NC) 46 V.SGA7 29. G.1- S) 47. M. Carter 29. S1 .. .(R) 4& P .He/as 30. J.Raiyar 50 . KD~u 37 . D.Gr n 51 . G.Larkn 32 I.t Fd.d 52 T. Harbason 33. N. Dam 53. J. Bourne 34. N. Rutlariob 54. D. Myer s . J nonasan 35. D. S~rs 5 57. 5 .8 S C~

GLENHUNTLY Coach: Ste" Allender Res . Coach: Peter Derrick ODonnes z C. Whalen 3. T. H 1

Coach : Wayne Marshall Res. Coach: Rod William s

Res, Coach: Chris Moore 1 . RGec 2 ABf=nEzd 3. D.=

Coach: Anthony Petitti Res. Coach: E Evans 1 . M . Leamiontlt 2. T.BUn(D~K) 3. R L' 'rr~ston 4. ABS4 S. S. S" 6 W.MUFJt ife r 7. A PetrtD 8. PM. & T =

10. G. ReCatubtuo 11 . J. G6 12. J.Roberlson 13. J. Hams 14.LAuld 15. J. Scotland 16. k Thomas 17. C. McLeod 1& C.Da~ 19. J.Evxu 20. AntlrettJacf son 21 . Adrian Jacison 22 . S. Craven 40. G. knold 24 . RWdkmns 41 . SChytat 42. N. Dean 25 . S. Evans

10. T. Jones 11 . L Philips 12. AGum 39. G.SOL / 13. J. Chapman 40, C. Dmordo 14. P. Watcon 41. C. O'Brien 15. 0. Andrews 42. T. Wnrr4& 16. S. Holes 43 A Flom 17. M. Walter 44. M. Redward 1& J . Clarke 45. N. Pichardsm 19. P. RoiSis 46. J. M$qrry 20. D. Stewart 47. SM.cDonrm.J 21, T.Ymer(C) 48. P.B;rran 22. D. Woo Uwdc 49. C.0'Br4on 23 . S. Fission 50. N. D~~ 24 . SNcKay 51 . &Fra4 25 . M. tecavm 52. T. Cuey 26. J .=it 53. D. S~y 27. &( VC)54. S. Ton 28. J. moos 56. F. SGttleberg 29. J.Frdrr}ds 57. RLanront 30. M.Ste ete 58. T.A'¢opardi 31 . APo.`'rce 59. S.StB*tDn 32 . W. Gerstrnan 60. A.Woods 33, P. Stevens 63. B. White 34 . B~, 64. M .Sca nmeli 35 . R. Potxns 65. P. Fiartlgan 36 . E . Eats 66. A Rob= 37. J. =, 67. L Woods 38 . F. 68. G. Tt ecronis

9. A Morris

41 . G. _ 49. 1 71reaSt{.aF7s 44. B. Woodard 45. G.Gepman 46. PNdlKpai3 4B. CS. Ferguson 50. M~ ~~P~ 53. V. Gr inter 54. AAtlhemas 55. B. Gar d 56, J.Ahss 57. T.Maes 58. D. Banldrm 61. TB. Btomky . 61 . OA'~ 62. 63. K C a~Mamws 64. S.Tat&rsm 65. B . 66 A


Coach: Peter OlMeri Res. Coach: Craig Richardson 1 . A SreNna n 2. J.HNI 3. N. PavbDU 4. RDevirn 5. u Bahl 6. D. Burch 7. C .Ridisnison 8. S. Gross

26. J . Senior 43. J. EntAfistle, 27 . C. Newland 44. G. Dan

28 . dTttdxr 45. M.Gnxduq 29 . G.tkwrtnan 46. SMCCarcm 30. P.Harrsan 47. D. Norman 31 . M . Mean 32. B..Edson Ormsby 48, 49. D M. GsterdeB 33 . P. Ryan 50. A Stand 34 . P. Sn,rdon 54. J. Browfield 35 . C. Williams 5& M. ~ 36 . A. Rd~sat 66. D. Wright 37. K Tdhnl 70. R Ha/wwrl 3& P. Mill 87' 1 39. T.Frekr~n 88. G.Scottzn d

SrifnTai.v CHArJSTON E


Res . Coach: David Ratner 1 . LMurldry(C) 1 . L Web (G ) 2 AHaint m 2 M. " 3, M Andrew 3, A Giddy 4. C . L}rons 4. G. Fhr2dc (VC) 5. M.V.1etan 5. D.Kmg & G.Jaz6irs & G. Ryan 7. T. Pat 7. RLa.el 8. S .Currie 8. J . B'z- ' rtlfotd 9. S .C~ 9. P. Lau.roDck 10. P. WAarnson 39. G. GvJmer 10 . R. B&av00n 11. Lh955~a 71 . D.DeBauch 40. M . 11A P. Mat~ry 12 . D. Wma.~nr1 41 . D.Chat~son 12. N .WNnwre 13 . NLTToghm 4Z T. Draw 13. P. S4nkovidr 14 . M. Lek; 43. P. Coleman 14, S, Sopped 15 . R McComtcc 44. B . Ksryon 16 . ATOlorrgas 45 15. F. . J. Gems 16. M.Somu3n 17. J. F~tlr.nng~n 47. P. Burke 17. J.VhN 18 . A 0'Br~n 48 L Merin 18. J.N qI 19. G.O~y 49. S .Arena 19. M.Bulartl 20. G.Brmrof(RUC) 5 0. S .Dre.v 21. G.Corm~c 51 . J.Lemy 20. M. Hvt1 22. B. Coxhead 52 0. Hak 21 . M Lacis 22. M.Missared 38. T.Sv,irate rtat 23. Cr~OFrzeinan 53. G.Wzr~j 24. D.Krtden 54. P.GmSinsld 23. S. Curtain 39. S. Park 25. M.Kylimister 55 . P.Coleman 24. R .Wsuans 40. M. Ray 26. T. GAChrist 25. R .Mdr%yre 41 . KBa1doG % J. Foster 42. B.Matarry 27. RG4thrin 57 . LFraser 26. C.Mat~ry 43. W. Duce 28. T. Party 58. SGwmsolzra 27. M.D~s 44. D. Les 29. J. Purer 28. P.Carboon 59. D.V,'Av 45. RGrnKW.margee 30. RDave/ 60 aGouips 29. S. R"alwry 46. s 31 . G. Roche 30. J .Wright 61. G. G3dorrSti 47. J. Matl>rwn 32. C 31 . G. Devonshire .Mcklme 62 MC3~h 48. T. Byrne 33. R Wrcte 65. P. 32. P. Harris 49. S. Roberts 34. MGm/tlon(FC) 66. S~ 33. J .Ouennan 50. R& cloingivm 35. P . Jamieson 63. 0Sxl:an2eaq 34. AConlin 36. J. Barrio 70. J .S f 35. KCampbe& 51 . D. Steel e t 3 6. & 8ratm:gon 54 . S- Wrim (Fr) 37. J. Beattie 72 0.k1amx 38. P . Cal r 93. R Ode 37. D.Trease 55 . J. tTSMkis


lc~ & 32

Coach: Jason Eardtey

4. D.Cassar 5. C. Nches 5. G.D?Jm 7. P. Doredel 6. M. Sa3btook & B.Ayr~(FC) 7.M. Icauts 9. J. h4ottis & J.,kras 10. U WW 9.A Alm 40.L Mckft 11. J. 10. A Young 41 . 8. G6rrwre 12. AZav ' 11 . T. R4isiter(C) 42 . M. Satlwn:r 13 . J. Mapper 12. D.Nutdisson 43 . M. Jones 14. D. BnxnL 13. M Kr~wsld 44 . B.0'Dorrel 15. G. Won 14. J. G6more 45 . A Sudan 16. J.N4to 15. P. Bm.Fn 46 . A Bmn 18 . A. Walsh 16. C.Jair9tan 47. J .WaJtnn 19. P.Taylor ( IT S. August 48 . C. Lane 20. T.AdanJc 18. C. Horsoj 49 . J .0'Nair 21.A PerAvent 19. G.C2rsMnaen 50 . G. Lewis 22 S. Osborne 20. T.Sitvey 51. D.Hunpxes 23. P.Os1ee 21 . I. Twner (VC) 52 C. Mitchel 24. S. KNS DVC) 22. G. Richards 53. D. Mdx&n 25. C. MarsiaR 23. P.Thxres(GJGj 54. D. Mam a 26. Aft 24. A Worsrrop 55. P. Derrick 27. R Had 25. C . Watts 56. B. Lam/ 28. A 26. T. Short 57 . M. Ryan 29. D. 27. S . Smith 58. J. Crooks 30. M. 31. C. Moore 28. C . Murray 59. B, Dikes 32. R Notes 29. C . Craig 60. M. johrom 30. B .Wkson 61. RCarsoarlsen 33. ASdaAp 34. S. Kitrie r 31 . LTtqm2t 62. AtHOrsey 35. R Nuske 32. 0. Doederfan 63. C. Tlnm 36. B. Hatns 33. D.,bn°s 64. K Calendar 37. P.Torpty 34. D. Md~r 65. P. Harrison 38. 0. Chapman 36. R. Hail 66. A. Mror3J 39. N.9IZxaxlrai 37. ABnrsBn 69. G.FHtdier 40. C.Taylor 38. W. Williams 71. P. Jones 39. T. HaskV 74. B. Homwitz

ANZ Bank The Palmerston Hotel Ivan's Pies McKinnon Rd. Newsagenr y



tl INS

IGIsa Po\

I II I,, Cnr. Punt & Toorak Rds.

PENINSULA O .B . SOUTHBANK Coach: Brett Mctlwraith Res. Coach: Neil Franks 1 . S. Person s 2 S. MovIallorl 3. S Mdarmen 4. E. Boaa en (VC) 5. A Briggs

6. M. Warner

7. N.Frxncs(RC) & P.Ngus(C) 9 P.Kmhn 10. T.TrevAva (VC) 11 . ALardry (VC) 12. A 13. V. BracaMisano 15. 8. Ceok 16. S. Ct3ringbotU 17. L Barcttj stra 18. S. Gbttr 40 . S. Mat l 19. C. Bowmen 41. S Farrow 20. F. Shupct 42 . S. .adson 21 . S. BazLw 43 . A Bonner 22. AANtison 45. D.Svmcn 23. P+LGadkao 46. A0'Wtl 24. G. Bond 47. T. Bretton 25. R Pritchard 48. J. B~sb/ 26. G. Nelson 49. J. VRceNn 27. J . WHs#an 50. T. Cox 28. B. Taylor 51. D. Sms 29. D. Morgan 52. R Bedford 30. A Crean 53. R SMr4n 31 . A.Gross 54. M. Dentty 32 . A Parsons 55. A Powell 33 . R Carrier 58. R34 . P. Cooper 60. E : as 35 . G. Park 62. 8.0. 1 36 . N. Bowmen 65. C. Park 37. T.St..~eart 66. T.SmrrA 38 . 1 . Kent 67. A HmCe 39 . N. Kant 69. S. Famir

Coach : Derek Hine Res . Coach: Neil Wallmeyer 1 . S Mdzzn 2. F. Womorsie 3. M. Burne d 4. N. Wane/er 5. 1 Boom 6 ACatvsj 7. HL Osbonw & ASmnmarfirq 9. J. McNamara 10 . 8, P6dgsm 41 . B, Massie 11 . A. Pitts 42. L Plate 12. M. McCarthy 43. P. t1-nag : 13 . C. Perry (\ C) 44. M. Wartand 14. M. Eastham 45. P . Pasterirw 15 . C. D oyle 46. R. PQtps 16 . L Van Loon 47. P. Sutton 18. B. Castles 48 K Pitts 19. M. Sheeran 49 S, Morrow 20. R.Tomson 51 . A Masson 21. 6. Paleocknes 52. J.Pa/na 22. N. Robert 53, 1 May a 23. A. Falls 54 . J. Matheson 24. G. RA (RC) 55 . B. thedleban 25. J. Harccetarry 56. M. Bremner 26. RUnford 57. S. Ofitsr 27. G.Vhrdrop 58. KSpermiv 28. 8.01 Lkw 59. K Word 29. C. B~ton 60. T. Hinz 31 . D. Pasterirq 61 . T. Matlnzson 32. F. Maya 62 . M. Bremner 33. P. Radror 63 . M. Hm 34. C. Sparrow 64 . L Roberts 35. D. livare 65 . FL Lucas 36. fl Jones (RJC) 66 . B.CHary 37. B ..lebb 67. C. Pod 38. M . Vfieerr 68 . L ttetal 39. M . Stedhersai 69. P. Puts 40. 8 . Scanlon 50. M. Frank

ST. PATRICKS MENTONE Coach: Brett Sebir e

Res. Coach : Peter Lewis 1 . D.Fenedt(DVC) 2. NI .Cosgrme 3. D. H ullties 4. s 4" AWia'w 6. RGnxh(RVC) 7. KGwikr(~ C. D. Pttret 9. P. Emmett 10. B.Se4€re 11 . P. Ftmxos 2- M Davies 13. P.oMeam 14. T. Miser 15. WckS+Divan 16. J. MCCaNr y 17. C.Shc4an 42. C.Broenr 19. G ildn 43 . M. B3rr 20. C. Graves 44. RETIRED 21 . B. Bate/ (AAQ 45. C. Barr 22. C. Mm 46 . M. Grogan 23. Will ffim 48. M.t4alsh 24. A Tasra 49. T.Evans 26. D . 50. A Weis 27. PA Wise 51. G. MdABan 28. MO&en(FC) 52. C. Musgrove 29. S.FaeAo r 53. 0. Warm ¢hq 30. N. Freese 55. MYermoudes 31 . OJor m 56. L Morris 33 . D. Ard eiw 57. V. O'Connor 34 . S. B>adare 5 8, J. Nooren 35 . LTv.ycross 60. M.C:rntaEb 36 . C. Stephens 62. D. Respie 37 . J. Stem 64. P. Finder 38 . S. Peraao 72 . M. Man 39 . M. Bum 73. M.O7Jaara 40 . D. Bra/ 75. S.Pontn 41 . R. Young 76 . M. Headway



and Peter Simpson !

Tnto the last six rounds we go, 2/3 of the season has passed us by and we now enter the business en d where teams fight for a finals berth or fight themselves out of relegation . So to do we umpires focus on the weeks ahead and hope that the letter R after our appointments mean rotation not relegation . RULE OF THE WEEK BLOOD RULE - Once the umpire has given the blood rule signal, the player can leave the field at nearest point to receive treatment . - The replacement player must enter via the interchange area. - The game will restart when the replacement player takes up a playing position. - The injured player can re-enter the game via the interchange area . - The runner must communicate immediately to the interchange steward on the players who are on / off. A copy of this rule is found on the back of the interchange card for future reference . The umpires have been instructed that the blood must be flowing for the rule to be enforced . PROMOTIONS Last week we saw both Ben Tamblyn an d Ben Allan go up a grade into B Grade. Gerry Armstrong was also promoted last week, but could not participate due to illness, lets hope he is still given the chance in his new grade "D" grade on his return to good health. Once an umpire moves out of home they have given up the luxuries of life, mothers cooking and cleaning . Yet Tim Ovadia who doesn't live at home, gets his mother to wash his umpires gear every week and then has to nerve to be irate when there were no sweatbands returned . Tim, do you own washing then you'll know you have all your gear . Maybe the VAFA could look at boxer shorts being the next line of clothing to be VAFA approved as the guys are now wearing these more often, or in the case of Damien Lane who forgot the jocks and had to resort to the boxers . This causes a problem as the boxers are longer than his umpire shorts, not to fear Damien came up with a solution of taping them up, but we believe the tape didn't always hold still, made for an interesting day. Can someone explain why that after 12 rounds teams don't know which wav to kick at the start of a game, David Anderson had to restart the St Johns v Old Geelong game when the first goal was registered and both camps claimed the score .

Poor Dirk Kramer had to travel out to Old Essendon a couple of weeks back, missed th e turn off and got lost for 20 minutes, just made it to the ground to the relief of Andrea . Then last week at Beaumaris watched by Ronnie, after the game Dirk asked how he went and the reply was "Sorry mate, couldn't see you in the shadows" . Over the next few weeks Tuesday night training for those who attend (little dig) will not be at Elsternwick Park, check with trainer Jimmy on Thursday night to confirm the venues. SOCIAL NOTES The Trivia Night was a great night again and we must thank those who helped out, Peter and Pat Harris for organising the questions and games, Michael Lentini for good bar service but stupid answers (Tamworth), Pat again for the catering with some help from Chris Bushfield and the social members in organising the room and cleaning up of the rooms. The night was won by a table organised by Brendan Corcoran which had his brother-in-law and friends on it a good win . The losers of the night had a dozen people on their table which made for too many answers, some advice for these trivia buffs "Go with your first instinct" . Another table who were winners but didn't bring home the trophy were the guys on table 1, came home with $30 (drink money), Freddo's, bottle of Moet (donated by Chris Wallace) and a few bottles of wine . Upcoming is the Bowling Night this time it will be held south of the Yarra at Moorabbin Bowl 2nd August 7 .30pm . Cost $20 adults, $10 kids (teams of four) . Then pizza or pasta at La Finestra . Money to be paid to Leah Gall agher by 24th July. SIMMO & SPIDER

SOUTHERN FM 88.3 Phil Stevens or Brett Connell chat to John Kelly during his program "As the Mood Takes Me "

FM 88 . 3 3 .30 p .m. Thursday

CLUB WARE H OUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

U19 TI by Brett Connell

psets continue as 2/3 of the season has now passed us by . Review - Round 12 Section 1 Old Brighton bounced out at Bulleen and caught Old Carey unawares to lead at both 1/4 and 1/2 time. However the OC's hit back hard in the second 1/2 and with J Woods, Arnup, Safak and T. Wood driving forces the Tonners were left to ponder what could have been . After an even first 1/2 at Central Reserve the Nodders looked to be dropping away until the last 1/4 when they booted (7) goals while holding De La Salle goalless . Key players for the Nodders were the Meehans, Stephenson and Fotiniotis . For the D's 0' Donnell, Rogers an d M. Mercuri were prominent in what has been a bleak month. Old Xaverians almost kicked themselves out of their match at 1/2 time when they trailed St . Bernards by (1) goal . A steadving (3) goal to (0) third 1/4 saw the Xavs hit the lead and with Jones, Webb an d Boland proving handfuls for their Bernards opponents the Xavs were able to steady and come away with the four points . A great team effort from the Bernards, however they were just outclassed in the finish . Old Paradians consolidated their position in the four with a huge win and plenty of percentage against a disappointing Old Melburnians . Leading comfortably at every change the OP's were served brilliantly by Ventura, Port eous an d Vecchio (4), with Bains, Campbe ll and Tandy battling hard for the OM's. St. Kevins did as suggested and ran the Blues hard in the first 1/2 but found the class difference too big a hurdle in the second as Uni . put the foot down, scoring (10) goals to (0) goals . For the SKOBS none were better than Baker, Moore, Quirk and Altis . Section 2 Old Camberwell once again continued on their improvement of recent weeks with a brilliant lead at 1/2 time over Old Scotch. However they must have gone home in the second 1/2 as the Scotchies slammed on (8) goals to (4) to win a tight contest . A real game of 1/2's with Seeley, Williams and Miles prominent for the Wellers early, and Crow, Frankenberg and Davis prime movers in the Scotchies revival . Collegians lost their second game in a row to a very committed Whitefri ars unit at the new Harry Trot. In a tight contest all day Baxter, Florentine an d Brown were fine Lions, however it was the likes of Davis, Winch and Winterburn who stood out for the victors . Uni . Blacks passed their third consecutive crucial match and came through with flying colors yet again . After an even first 1/4 the

Blacks steadied and with Staunton, Nolan, Costello and Hannan (4) getting plenty of the football the Bloods battled hard but could not h the lead . Eventually going down by (9) points an leaving themselves a tough mission ahead to attain finals position. For the Bloods Rose, Hunter an Somaia were persistent battlers . Beaumaris turned 1/2 time deficit into a (28) point win after Bulle . Mitchell and Thomas gained the ascendancy for th Sharks in the second 1/2. Marcellin had plenty < opportunities and despite beginning well failed t capitalise on their good team play . Williamstow CYMS held off a fast finishing Warringal team to ge their fifth win for the season . Leading all day the CY were almost overran when the Redbacks booted (i : last 1/4 goals to (4) to only go down by (9) points . Fo the CY's Twist, Wheeler and Mackley were fine play ers from start to finish . Section ( 2) Blue Ormond assured itself of a finals berth with a fin (4) 1/4 display against an improving AJAX team With Robbins up forward booting ( 7) an d Brown an( Ashford doing as they pleased the Jackas wen always up against it . Fine players for the Jackas wen Czarny, Waisman and Boch. Old Geelong defeate( Monash Blues at Como Park and added another (4 points to their tally . Poor kicking saw the Ashers (4 goals down at 1/2 time and when the OGs got a snif of victory, Paul, Reuss an d D. McCann (4) were no about to let this one slip . For the Ashers Bolton Smiley and Riordan battled manfully all day . Olt Xavs revenged their first round loss to Hamptor Rovers with an impressive victory at Xavier College Leading at every change, and with the whole tean contributing the Xavs have given themselves ever} chance of playing off in this year's fmals. MHSOE continued on their winning way at the expense of De La Salle (2), with Wilson, Davis an d Gregson fine players all day and the likes of King, Loughnan an Moore for the D's doing their utmost . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers had the bye. Section (2) Red Yarra Valley firmly established themselves as the yardstick for this section when they knocked over their closest rival Old Trinity last weekend . A steadier display in front of goal by the Valley proved crucial in a close match with T. Wapshot, Laing and Telford on fire . Aquinas brought Therry Penola back to the field and have opened up the run home to the finals after they easily accounted for the visitors . A brilliant

first 1/2 of (9) goals to (2) was the catalyst with Chapman, Culterra an d Nichol unstoppable all day for the Bloods . With better Therry Penola players Springhall, McMahon and Bokoulos. St. Leos Emmaus continued their up and down season by defeating the improving Old Ivanhoe at Chelsworth park . A strong first 1/ 2 setting up the win as Daniels, Hodder and Carr proved to be prime movers for the Two Blues. For the OIG's Gilderdale, Davis and Willis battled hard but to no avail . In the final match of the section the game between North Old Boys and Chirnside Park proved to be game of (2) 1/2's . NOBS holding sway at 1/2 time, but adding only (5) second 1/2 goals to the Parkers (8) to hang on to the win by (11) points . Taleb, Moustafa and Reece were better players for the NOBS, as to, were Knight, All att and Holliday for the Parkers. Old Paradians (2) had the bye . Previews - Round 13 Section 1 Old Brighton host Ivlazenod and will be keen to tone for their first round loss to the local rivals . Both teams will still hold hopes of reaching the Section 1 finals with the loser most probably kissing their chances good bye . At home the Tonners have proven a handful for most and should get the points today . De La Salle well short of its full strength team face the Old Xaverians at home, but despite the advantage the Xavs will be keen to maintain top spot and revenge the loss of last time they met. St . Bernards host Old Paradians at Beryl Street and last time it was the OP's handsomely . Nothing tends to suggest otherwise as the OP's have too much riding on this game to drop it today . Old Melburnians and St. Kevins clash at Oval No.1 and with both teams less than impressive for the majority of the season one will have something to celebrate tonight . For mine the SKOBS need to play (4) 1/4's to win in this company and restrict the OM's prime movers . In a toss up I believe the SKOBS will get the prized (4) points today . In the final match Uni . Blues host Old Carey and will be attempting to turn the tables on the OC's who defeated them in the first round . With second spot (maybe) up for grabs for the winner the Blues will win today . Selections : Old Bri ghton, Old Xaverians, Old Paradians, St. Kevins & Uni. Blues Section 2 The improving Old Camberwell face Coll egians on the rebound after (2) consecutive losses, and despite all of the improvement in the world nothing will stop the wounded Lions from getting the four points today. Whitefriars host Old Haileybury in what is a crucial match for the Bloods and their finals chances . Lose here today and their season looks bleak, however a win and they are back in the hunt . Last time it was the Friars by (100), not this time the Bloods to revenge this loss by ( 2) kicks . Uni. Blacks host Marcellin at McAlister Oval and will win well

and firmly entrench themselves in the four, while Beaumaris will do likewise against a Williamstown team who will prove a handful until 1/2 time at least . The win keeping the Sharks in touch with the four . In the final match the improving Redbacks take on Old Scotch who were sluggish to say the least in the first 1/2 last week . Although the Scotchies are firmly in the four one slip up could see their season in jeopardy and for this reason they will win today . Selections : Collegians, Old Haileybury, Uni . Blacks, Beaumaris & Old Scotch Section ( 2) Blu e AJAX and Old Geelong clash at the Gary Smorgon Pavilion Albert Park and with both teams having made steady improvement since last time they met this match will be a fine contest. Last time it was the Jackas by (10) goals, this time the result will be the same but the result a whole lot closer . Monash Blues host Old Xaveri ans eyeing off a spot in the four. The Ashers have weakened by Uni . holidays and have been well down in recent weeks, whereas the Xavs are finding their feet . Last time it was the Xavs by (2) points, same result expected today. MHSOB face Hampton Rovers determined not to lose grip on fourth spot. Last time the High proved far too strong, and nothing suggests otherwise here today . In the last game of the section De La Salle (2) will be no match for a rampant and refreshed St . Bedes Mentone Tigers returning from a weeks rest . Ormond has the bye . Selections : AJAX, Old Xaverians, MHSOB and St . Bedes Mentone Tiger s Section (2) Red Yarra Va lley face a tough assignment when they host an inconsistent Aquinas at home . The Bloods have been up and down all year and should they have a bright day will push the Valley, but not today. Therry Penola host Old Ivanhoe at Oak Park and will be keen to get the four points to get back into the four. The OIG's suffered a minor setback last week in their gradual improvement and I tip them to reverse the result of the last time these two teams met . St. Leos Emmaus WP will defeat North Old Boys at Bennettstvood and continue their topsy turvy season . Last time they won by (10) points and although the NOBS are in the four the Two Blues will be keen to win back to back matches, with the chance of being involved in September action riding on today's result . In the final match Old Paradians (2) will struggle to hold a fired up Old Trinity on the rebound. The OP's could slip from the four should they lose today, however the OT's incentive of returning to second spot will prevail. Chirnside Park have the bye . '-elections : Yarra Valley, Old Ivanhoe, St . Leos Emmaus WP and Old Tri nity U19 Umpires and Last Round's Results on Pages 42 and 43

Winning Edge Presentations


ound 12 provided some major upsets both in match results and in ladder re-arrangements . With only three rounds remaining any ground lost by a leading club is going to be very hard to regain! The final four in Section 2 does seem settled where as in Section i the final four sides as well as their finishing order probably will not be known until after the completion of round 15. Surely the draw was planned for such a denouement!!! With the unexpected results my success rate in Round 12 dropped to 62 .5% . REVIEW SECTION 1

Old Brighton Bloods did indeed meet pressure from Mazenod at Central Reserve . This time it was Mazenod whose accurate kicking helped win well . Old Brighton Bloods, who went down by fifty three points after a lack lustre performance, have dropped to third place for the first time in many weeks . On the other hand their percentage boosting victory has lifted Mazenod to second place. Collegians again failed to grasp their opportunity to consolidate their top four position when they lost by four points to De La Sa ll e after a very low scoring match . Old Xaverians regained top position even though they received a forfeit from St Bernards . The player resources of the proud St Bernards club reached breaking point which I am sure disappointed stalwarts . These same people are, I am equally sure, elated by the recent successes of their club in A Section . As predicted Old Scotch recorded an easy victory over St Kevin's, who succumbed by seventy one points . Old Scotch remain in fifth position . half a game away from fourth place. Old Melburnians had the bye. SECTION 2 Marcellin won their first match since April 26 when they defeated the inconsistent Old Essendon Grammari ans by thirty two points . Mt Lilydale continued their improvement when they inflicted Kew's first defeat of the season by eighteen points after a low scoring game . The Mt Lilydale team is certainly playing good football at the business end of the season approaches. Monash Whites won in a canter by ninety nine

points over the erratic and disappointing Thornbury Cougars, whose hot and cold form must be a worry to Coach Gary Cutler. Syndal Ta lly Ho enjoyed their long trip to Oak Park as they defeated the home side Therry Penola by the very wide margin eighty nine points . PREVIEW

SECTION 1 Collegians, who cling grimly to fourth place, face Old Brighton Bloods, who will be anxious to atone for last week's loss . The game will be played on Brighton Beach Oval where visiting teams always face difficulty in winning . In Round 4 Old Brighton Bloods won well over Collegians by thirty five points, due largely to their forwards and on ballers creating many opportunities . The Collegians forwards have been the poorest scorers of the five top clubs (on the field) and as forwards win matches, I am confident that Old Brighton Bloods will win today . Now that Old Xaverians have regained top spot I can't see them relinquishing it especially at the hands of De La Sa lle, whose 1997 performances have not been comparable with those of the `Crocodiles' . I expect Old Xaverians by more than the fifty points which was their May 3 margin over De La Salle . Old Melburnians and St Kevins without any finals' aspirations can play for love of the club and for personal pride . Although neither side has much form to recommend it, I do favour Old Melburnians. who have the better 1997 performance rate . In another match of vital importance second placed Mazenod play Old Scotch at Camberwell. Mazenod, who will be defending their right to the August double chance, won on May 3 by twenty six points when they virtually doubled the Old Scotch score . At home and with the knowledge a return to the four will be their spoils of victory Old Scotch will be striving hard for the four points . Leading goal kicker Pryde will have the incentive to do well and thus prove his prowess as he was held goalless by the Mazenod defenders in Round four . After a close encounter I favour Old Scotch to record a narrow victory . St Bernards have the bye .

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SECTION 2 Through anomalies of two draws for this section Kew and Old Essendon Grammarians meet for the first time in 1997 today. Although Kew lost for the ~rsf time last week . I firmly believe that on Victoria ,,ark they will prove too strong for the unpredictable old Essendon Grammarians . In Round 2 Marcellin defeated Thornbury Cougars by twenty nine points . This proved to be a phyrric victory because the 'Eagles' did not win again until last week! To select the winner of this game is really a difficult task because Thornbury's form is erratic and Marcellin have lurched from one loss to another through their eight week horror stretch . At home I am inclined to favour Marcellin, who, at least, play the more consistent football . Having so selected, I am well aware that Thornbury could well win by a ,%-ide margin ! Monash Whites make their long march to Oak park to meet Therry Penola, who suffered a humiliating defeat by one hundred and eight points at Monash in Round 4 . That day nine Monash players shared their goal kicking spree with key forward Tossavainen scoring six of the sixteen goals . Although Therry Penola will offer more resistance at home, I expect Monash Whites to win well again . In a potential final preview Syndal Tally Ho journey to challenge Mt Lilydale whom they defeated by 6 points in round 3 . That day Syndal Tally Ho forward Cachia almost outscored Mt Lilydale off his own boot . Mt Lilydale hit top form last week against Kew and today again on Morrison Reserve I select them to win larrowly over Syndal Tally Ho after a closely contest, d match.



Thornbury Cougars - Congratulations to club stalwart Paul Cutler on playing his 300th game with the Cougars . He has been a loyal subject playing all 300 games with the one club (221 Juniors and 79 Senior) . Also congratulations to teammate Alex Huljak on playing his 50th game with the club .

4~}t11~'~ ~`1~;{~ CLUB XVIII (1) - 07 .05.9 7

MAZENOD OC 3 .0 7.1 9.1 14.3 .87 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 0 .1 2.4 3.5 4.8 .30 Mazenod Deegan 5 . Kendell 4liltsop 2, Harper 2, Dresser . Best Harper. Deegan. Joseph, Camphr.ll . Dresser. Lind. Old Brighton Cochran 2, Potter, Shtppen . Best Hendrie . Stewart. McLennan. Wtttey, Saunders. Potter. COLLEGIANS 2 .2 2.4 2.5 3.7 .25 DE LA SALLE 1 .2 1 .2 2.4 4.5 .29 Collegians Taulor. Hickson. CaMey. Beat Hickson . Baxter. Lancaster. Inglss. Adam Thompson . De La Salk Baker 2, Rudd, [ska Best Rudd, Chapple. Johnstone. Baker. Thorn. Lanka OLD %AVERiANS RECEIVED FORFEIT 10.6.88 ST BERNARDS FORFEITED 3.6.24 Old Xaver}ans Goal kickers and best players not rmehzd .

St Bernards Goal kickers and best players not reetwed. OLD SCOTCH 2.2 8.3 11.4 13.9.87 ST. KEVINS 0.1 0.2 1.3 2.4.18 Old Scotch Tribe 5. Pryde 5, Godwin, Bingtey. Stubbs. Best Young, Tribe, Pr}de, Thomas . Godwin. Cowper. St Revlon Lewin . Finch . Best Collins. Dillon . DaFidson . R. Quirk. Boyd, James OLD MELBURNIANS:BYE

CLUB XVIII (2) - 05.07.97 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1.1 3 .1 4.3 5.3.33 MARCELLIN 5.3 6 .6 8.9 9.11.65 Old Esamdon Casey 2. Shlels 2. Swift. Smith. Beat Tindley, Swift, Mat~~bury . Shiels. N . Tyrrell. R. Tyrrell. Mareellin Goal kickers and best players not receried. MT. LILYDALE OC 2.2 8 .8 8.7 8.8.56 KEW 1 .2 1 .4 2.8 5.8.38 Mt . LBydale Pearce 2 . Burnett. Gibson, Varga MaMschalcht. Flanagan . Walsh. Best Team effort Kew Goal kickers and best players not recewed . THORNBURY COUGARS - - 2 .3.15 MONASH WHITES 16.18.144 Thornbury Cougars Cilecken. Krince.wsM. Best Kearns. Bennett. Johnston . Gerstkamp. Duson . Cutler. Monnsh Whites Tos..~aratnen 6, Angtey 5. Kenny 2. Piehn. Glass, Collier. Bet Cowley . Collier. Tossatainen, Angey. Kenny. Glass. THERRY PENOLA OB 2 .6.18 SYNDAL TALLY HO 15.17.107 Therry Pmola Eastmure 2. Best Eastmure. Lyons. O'Connell . Costelto, Keena Sandman. Syndal Tally Ho Goal kickers and best players not receri^ed .

26 22 19

I JULY 19 - ROUND 14 CLUB 18 (1 )


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"Team Photos Promote Team Spirit" T.HCiCOS AND FUNDtiALSfNCt Aaok ~ov.r in mb¢ rumbim,+t,

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FIVE YEARS AGO" 1992 0 Id Haileyburians continued their good form when they beat 3rd team ( in A) No rth Old Boys 17 .21 (123) to 19 .8 (122). Tough and tight all day, Old Haileybury now had their eyes on the four, after looking at relegation a month ago . Luke Boyle kicked 7 goals for North Old Boys from the half forward flank (long time supporters were comparing him to that legendary half forward of yesteryear, Les Murray) while Matthew Armstrong was a dashing wingman for the Bloods, and well supported by Gary Phillips, Glen Borg and Glen Tanner . Power House were celebrating its 45th year in the VAFA with a past players lunch . Umpires' Corner reported that veteran umpire Ted Keating had an interesting experience at the Melbourne University Oval . During an U19 game a dog ran out to the oval hitting and tripping a player. What to do? Tripping, holding the man or dropping the ball? Ted warned the dog that a second offence would see him sent from the field . Another dog day afternoon ! And again I quote from Umpires' Corner things got so bad in South America. advertising for European umpires included the message - "good pay. good lodgings and a decent burial" . And even poetry from an anonymous 'B' section coach . There once was an umpire whose vision Was cause for abuse and derisio n He remarked in surprise Why pick on my eyes? It's my heart that dictates my decisions . Do we all do this? North Old Boys were holding a football clinic for young players at Brunswick Football ground . 200 games to Williamstown's every reliable half back flanker Geoff "Joffa" Hyland . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 7 Old Scotch held onto their chance for the four when they defeated 3rd team Old Paradians by 6 points . Parade's pace worried the Cardinals early in the match . The Scotch key position players, Sherwen (Lb), Burford (c .h .b), Hodge (c) and McCall (c .h .f) dominated and helped them to a strong last quarter to win by a goal, 10 .11 to 9 .11 . Old Xaverians won their eleventh match in a row when they defeated an accurate Caulfield Gramm . who kicked 14 .4 to Old Xavs 15 .20 . Best were Beattie . J . Curtain, Summers (0 . Xavs) and Berzins, Harris, N. Matthews (Caulf. Gr.) . Tipster

Ro ; ; Booth thought the Xavs were a great chance for the flag .


It was 150 games for Collegians Tony Baum whose career highlights were Club B&F, 1984, A Section premiership 1986, and his marriage to Carolyn this year . Marcellin paid tribute to the fine performances of Anthony Caffrey, Chris Carr, Mick Day and Chris Slattery who had all played in the club's supreme Under 19 side which won every competition entered . Michael Rosner capped his illustrious career with AJAX when his 232nd game broke the club record. A member of the group of players who played in every section from E to A. Michael's winning goal in the 1978 second semi put AJAX into B was matched only by being a member of the club's 1979 B Section premiership team . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 2 V ictoria defeated South Australia 25 .16 to 14 .10 and then in the final game fought back from 21 points at the last change to beat WA by 5 points, 15 .14 to 14 .15 . Best were Marks, R. Brown, J . Jones, Honybun (4 goals), Jennings, Atkinson . Rohan Brown was named B&F player for the Carnival, and the following were selected in the AllAustralian side : Doug Atkinson (0 . Xavs), Rohan Brown (0 . Melb), Gary Carroll (NOB's), Bernie Cooper (Marc . OC), Geoff Dillon (NOB's), David Honybun (Uni . Blacks) . Mike Jennings (Uni .Blues), John Jones (Marc . OC), Shane Murphy (De La Salle), Anthony O'Brien (St . Bernards) and Rick Pisarski (0 . Melb) . 200 games to AJAX's stylish star, Phil Rozen . Old Brighton played a great second half to keep their B Section chance alive when they beat Old Paradians 17 .11 to 15 .13 . Best were James, McMahon, Kemp (0 . Bri) and Wood, Busch , Hughes (0 . Parads) . 100 games to MHSOB's dedicated rover C Flegeltaub who won the Clubs B&F in his first vo years of senior football . 20 YEARS AGO - 1977

President of the active VAFA Umpires' Association was Darryl Hi ll , supported by Graeme Halbish as secretarv an d David Hindle as treasurer. 200 games to Ralph Bourke, "Clubman of the Year" . for Ivanhoe in 1976 . De La Sa lle (A) and Marcellin were level at half time, only to see De La kick 13 .6 to Marcellin's 2 .4 in the second half. McDonnell, Halasa, Sykes (De

run - North, after losing the first four, had won seven straight . Rex O'Brien, player, reserves captain and coach and committeeman, played his 150th game for Caulfield Gramm . The team to play in the Carnival at Launceston was G. Ward, D . Williams Caulfield Gr., P. Parkes Coburg, C . Roach, W. Roach Collegians, G. Carter, F . LaRose Ivanhoe, J. Fisher Kew, R. Harley, I. Wood MHSOB, E . Murphy, S . Williams Old Paradians, D . Hughes, G. McLean O . Scotch, M . Mulcahy O. Xavs, G . Crouch, P. Patterson Uni Blacks, J. Nance De La Salle, L . Smith Geelong, R . Payne O . Melb, B . Finlayson Ormond, W . Sykes Uni Blues, L . Prosser UHSOB, J. Crennan St Bernard's . Eight of this team later played league football - can you name them? Ward St Kilda, Fisher Hawthorn, Murphy Richmond, McLean St Kilda, Crouch Essendon . Patterson Geelong, Payne Melbourne and Sykes Fitzroy .

L.i) and J . Gartner, Frazer, F. Aloisio (Marc.) were J,' :zt.

tTni Blacks 5th (A), kept their final four chances ,,live when they withstood a desperate last quarter ;, ; O--mond 4th to win by 3 points . Stars were perrett, Burne, Llewellyn (U . Blacks) and Murphy, R.uss, Corben (Ormond) . 250 games and 15 seasons to North Old Boys' President, Les M urray, twice B&F, leading goalkicker 9 times, and VAFA representative in 1966, '68 and '69 . 150 games to Tim Kurth St Bede's, Murray Smith Alphington, Barry Hamilton O . Brighton, Andy Curt ain Elsternwick and 200 games to Roger Morgan O .Carey. Fawkner (C) continued on their winning way v; ith a 50 point win over Hampton Rovers in which Foley, J . Teesdale and Ward starred . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 2 St Bernard's, trailing Coburg and O . Paradians by 4 points for fourth place, built up their percentat the expense of De La Sall e with a victory by 15 goals . G. Wade, Aughton, Phelan and Pearson (7 goals) starred for the winners while Firinan and Whitelaw battled for De La. Brunswick (D), unbeaten after 9 games, suffered their 3rd successive defeat when Parkside 16th) surprised with a 20-point win after being in control all day . Best were Johnston, S ut and Rodda Parkside) and Abernathy, Gi ll ett, Hirst (i3runswick) . Father and son goal combination, Vic and Roger McKenzie, were in charge at the Ormond game . Milestones: 300 games to Power House veteran Peter Hutchinson, Victoria Rep & CDEF coach, club B&F seven times and well known 'imbiber', raconteur and singer . 200 to Coburg captain Graham Warfe, three times Victorian team, and captain 1970 an d Ronald C. Faul De La Salle noted for his great tenacity and judgement . 30 YEARS AGO - 1967 Parkside 5 .12 undefeated leaders of D section were beaten by Fairfield 7 .10 . Old Melburnians 9 .9 opened their winning account when they scraped home by 3 points from FTCOB 8 .12 . UHSOB 9 .19 with Kinnear, A. Hume and Peterson the best, stopped North Old Boys' winning

Martin Ste, : art, Old Ivanhoe. Striking, 2 matches . Vinnie Brancatisano, Peninsula (Reserves) . Misconduct, 2 matches. Michael Aron, De La Salle (U19 Blue) . Elbowing, 4 matches. Simon Rodder, MHSOB (U19 Blue) . Striking, 2 matches . Xavier Rudd, Old Xaverians (U19 Blue). Headbutting, 4 matches . Tim Hale, Yarra Valley (U19 Red). Abusive Ian guage, 2 matches. *Marcus Walker, Chirnside Park. Attempt . to strike, I match . *Daniel McCall, Parkside. Striking, 2 matches . *Bruce Attard,lVort.h Brunswick (Reserves). Striking, 2 matches . *Michael Shaughnessy, Old Trinity (U19 Red) . Disputing umpire decision, 1 match, *Accepted prescribed penalty

Results of Investigation Hearings - July 8th, 1997 NI L



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The challenge when initially establishing an U19 side is finding the players. A basic list of (30) players is a good start to the program . The next, and most important step, is to build this group of players into a team . The bulk of your team could be a group of players from one school, a core group who have played together before and already have some team understandings . There will also be a number of players from outside this core. How do you help these players be a part of the larger group ? During pre-season, all players must attend every training session . Regular contact with each other helps to build the group into a unit. In the first month of training, the coach must include activities which promote the players dependence on each other and which are enjoyable . He must be conscious of player groupings and, encourage the core of players to team up with those ~rho are new to the group. It's vital at this stage that each new player experience success and is appreciated by the other team members . As a coach, I try to make sure that each player has that opportunity for success . The social aspect of training is also very important . We found it useful to have a training night set aside for the U19's only and this has helped develop a feeling of ,'oneness' . Both players and coaches need time after each session to socialise . As this was our first year of the U19's for a while, with new players, coaches and support staff, we had to get to know each other - their interests and what they do during the day . This gives each person involved with the team a feeling of self-worth and impor-

tance amongst their peers . Meal nights after training have proven a successful strategy in developing friendships. Developing team unity is vital if you wish to have any success on the field . If your players can feel something for their team mates, they will do that little extra to help them in a game . Stewart McLean U19 Coach Old Ivanhoe Grammarians AFC

SENIOR COACH-OF-THE MONTH Name: Clay Waser Grade: A Club : De La Sall e Playing History: 196 games Oakleigh Amateurs `Krushers" : 45 games Melton South ; 55 games De La Salle. Coaching History : De La Salle Warriors'94 &'95 De La Salle Under 19s'96 &'97 Oakleigh Youth Club F.C. Under 17s '86 Coaching Philosophy- Thoroughness . Nothing is too small to be taken note of, examined and used or Improved (including players) . Future Ambition: To coach senior football in the Amateurs, Stay involved after that in the Administration of De La Salle.

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OLD BRIGHTON v . MAZENOD Field : R . Love G . Skandamura Goal : Robert Parry Leo Wilson DE LA SALLE v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : G . Pritchard (R) C. Ryan ST. BERNARDS v . OLD PARADIANS Field : M . Wittmann S . Lugowski OLD MELBURNIANS v . ST. KEVINS Field: P . Tuppen A. Rechtman UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD CAREY Field : D . Pullen A . Scherini

UNDER-19 (2 ) OLD CAMBERWELL v . COLLEGIANS Field : A . Harris M . O'Brien WHITEFRIARS v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field : B . McKee UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. MARCELLIN AT McALISTER OVAL Field : G . Kelly D . Fatekas BEAUMARIS v. WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field : G . Morgan C . Stevens (J) T. Bowman M . Clarke WARRINGAL v. OLD SCOTCH Field : P. Bailey J . Papas

AJAX v. OLD GEELONG Field : D . Perkins M . Flanagan MONASH BLUES v . OLD XAVE g (2) Field : B . Walsh I . Burgess MHSOB v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field : D . Ischia R . Devine DE LA SALLE ( 2) v . ST. BEDES MENT. TIG . AT DAR. LING PARK Field : P. Maebus J. Bell ORMOND has the bye UNDER-19 (2) RE D YARRA VALLEY v. AQUINAS AT YARRA VALLEY ANGLICAN SCHOOL Field : M . Bushfield (R) THERRY PENOLA v . OLD IVANHOE Field : T. Carrick A. Carrick ST. LEOS EMMAUS v . NORTH OLD BOYS AT BURWOOD RESERVE Field: D . Lane ® OLD PARADIANS (2) v .OLD TRINITY AT GARVEY OVAL Field : J . Moore W . Simmons CHIRNSIDE PARK has the bye

AFTER 7A7~ ~ E'1,70- DE-TAM S CLUE soU5A C,IQIP,2 TEAMS 95,'.31 3333 D-11 2 .30 pm S TURD MEESE~ `U~'E S HOME ,T EA S 953 1 8333 S-V 2 .30 Prva SATURDAY Cg EJPF`JS HOM E,7°EAWS 5 pm SA7URDA°,7 oir 9528 2 A a, nd . . see . ~190ME 1; by Q sco rres, g caa BEsicEs e >rs, best ~1r-n,vevs 9531 ~ ~;~~ BV 5 . 15 pm SA'C U R DAV


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UNDE;: 19 SECTION 1 - 05 .07 .9 7

UNDER 19 (2) BLUE - 05.07.97

6.9 13.13 15 .17.117 C~D CAREy 1 .4 5 .1 8.2 9 .4 11 .8.74 OLn C:1G1ffON p iJ C: -ey Hood 5 . S. 'Abed 2 . Satak 2. Battle 2 . J . Wbods . V1taH, Arnup. Yaghmott, Stone . .,. . Best J. F4'oods. Amup. Safak . T. WBai. Farmer, Lautetta , ;dPd3hton Goal ktckers and best players not mcerred . 1 . DD OC 3 .1 7.5 7.6 14.8.92 9.13,67 3AL1S 3 .3 8.8 9 .9 ~, nod Haatyjdns 5, NeLson 4 . Foflnlotis 2.Rig. Stephenson, McCulloch . Best Meehan , . Stephenson . FotWIX1s . NeLwn . hkDmaell. .. -e~ `+' ,, !! Logan 2 . Harber 2. B . Mercurt 2 . Ibak. Hegarty, M. Mercurt. Best O'Donnell , n . Hyfand . Karpatlcus. Me Henry. 0'D YAVERIANB 1 .5 3 .10 6.19 8.21 .69 cT FCit^iARDS 3 .2 5.4 5 .7 7.8,50 C~1 X,eriana Barrett 2 . Mercun 2. Nisbet 2. Dlllan . Jones. Best Jones, Webb, Boland . , -i. hereurt. Healy . i! - -r.:rde Legudt 4. Mount. Lloyd. Haney. Beit Team effort. 10.5 18.12 23 .15.153 CLu :~1.RADtANS 5 .1 22 3.4 5 .4 7.8.50 CIE ~!7,LBIIRR7ANS p•,d paradhens M. Lynch 5 . Vecchlo 4, Porteous 4. Ctarroda 3. Gale 3, Rees. Stank.q. ,n,,um . Richardson. Bent Ventura. Porteous.lecchlo . Prustino . Gale, Rees . 2 Meburnime; Murray 2. Tandy 2 . Ctoke. Miller. Campbell . Best Rates, Campbell . fip . Langtord. Stbree . F. Purmll . 4 .2 8.3 6 .5 6.5.41 4 .1 10.7 14.10 20 .13.133 In 2, Day. Hunt. Price, Quirk . Best Baker. Moore, Attts, Scarfo. Quirk .

ORh'. 'D 6.2 9.8 13.10 22.19.151 Ales 1 .5 1.7 3.7 3.7.25 Ormond Robbins 7, Pasara 5 . Byron 3. Broadhurst 3, Brexn. Herman. Stephens . Thompson . Best Braan, Ashford, Robbins. WOnnisout, Dale. Broadhurst . AJAX Bach, Gahm. Beat Crarny, tvalsman . Each . GohM1n . W@tnstock, W1ser. OLD GEELOltiG 4.1 6.7 10.10 14.13.97 MOYASHBLUES 1 .7 3 .12 5.14 8.17.65 Old Geelonh McCann 4 . Mtmms 3, Gerstman 2 . Gatenhy, Staunton . Paul . McCann . Asery. Bent Paul, Reuss, McCann, Gatenby. Gerstman . Broom Mmuah Bhus Haui:tns 4. Stewart. Dean . Byrne. Smiley. Beat Bolton. Smiley. Rbrdan . Meheur, Burstan, Cooke . OLD %AVERIANB (2) 6.2 11.5 13.8 15.11.101 HAMPTON ROVERS 3.2 6.5 8.7 9.10.64 Old Itaverlans Foxier 4 . Coburn 3, Gteesot 2. Baixten 2, Kennedy 2 . Ly20eton, Rudd. Best Great team effmt. Hanrpton Rocva Crouch 2 . MkhrMter 2 . Nelsat 2 . Annour. Tregear. Wills . Best Anderson, Armour. A. Vos.s. Rehn, Auon. h9dw1nter. 2.5 9.8 12.6 15.11.101 MHSOB DE 1.A SALLE (2) 3.1 3.5 7.7 10.9.69 h'BL4OB Bennett 3 . Taylor 3, Hazen 3, Moore 2 . Gregswt 2 . Sharpies, Osborne. Best Wilson. Da41s . Gregson . Tavim'. Sharpies, Mcwe . De In Salle (2) Loughnan 3 . Fmtr 2, Slhtt 2. Moore, Donntsat. W4od.s . Best . Best D. King. Lougnan, Moore. Foter, Am, Lambe. ST BEDES MEhZ'ORE TIGERS : BYE

UNDER 19 (2) RED -- 05 .07 .9 7

Goal kukers and best players not reccoed .

UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 05 .07 .97 OLD SCOTCH 1 .1 4,8 8.11 12.18.88 5 .4 8.8 8 .7 12.7.79 OLD CAMBERWELL Old Scotch Crime 6 . Hav.'.nns 5. Frankenberg . Beg Crmx•, Frankenberg, Dao7s. Parker. . Sfnxrxroai :.,. Tindnle Old Csmberwdl Sa9zr 4. Webb 3 . Paterson. Beekett, W1Wams. Davis . Deny. Beet Seeley . Williams. Miles. Deny, Webb. Kettle. COLLEGIANS 0 .4 3.7 5 .9 5.12 .42 WHI1Eb12IARS Gaegimis Byrne, Florentine, Hanison 1 .1 3.3 5 .6 5.15 .45 . ForssJ~th . Van Der Venne . Bat Baxter. Florentine. Brown, ByTne, htollard. Tayia. Whitefriare SuINan 3, Davts . McCully. Beg Davis. Wnch . Wlnterlxrn, Murray, Bond . ?n. OL*1RAII.EYBIIRY 2 .2 5,4 7.6 11,12 .78 1'i"VERSflTBLhtx+S 2 .2 7.5 9 .9 13.9.87 ON HaBeybtay Gorey 2. Saunders 2. Durand, C~w, Joyce, Parker, Rock, Somaia. Best ?U1e . Hunter, Sarnia . Reid. Ma TheB~ t'nl Blacks Hannan 4, Peck 4, Maclde 2 . Byrne . Staunton . Murphy. Best Staunton, Nolan, KeIlo, Mackie, white. Marr. !,S?RCELLiN 4 .2 7.4 8 .4 11 .4,70 &`'.AtnMRIB AFC 3 .2 8.5 10 .6 15,8.98 Tf.^rcelitn Barney 3 . McCaltum 2. Roberts 2, Ciro, Cull. PappaLudo. Randeao . Best Cull . :_i .darzo. McCallum. Larson . DetercellL Ciro. Gnunrarls Celan 3, AkKenrie 2. Mitchell 2. Buller 2, Thomas 2. Cotter. Quinn. Vance . Cot :teld. Beat Bu9er, Mitchell, Thomas. Celan. Farmer. Wright , WBddAMSTOWN GYMS 4 .3 8,4 11 .7 15 .9.99 W4.RPiGALAFC 1 .0 4,8 5 .9 13.12 .90 r iL'i~atsttawrt GYMS Tu1st 6. Murray 3 . htarkky 3 . Harb. Hurst. Hadl . Beat Tail . .tiekr.Markley, hL~u~ll~~.Co:cThompson . zrd ~, trout kkkers and bes-taters na recetoed .





44 43 35


49 44 36 36


41 33 31


35 28 27


OLD TRINITY 1 .8 4.10 5,13 6 7.17.59 YARRA VALLEY 4,1 5.4 .4 10.7.87 Old Trinity Ramsden . Buttkr. Neuman 3. Jones. Kassab y . Beg Butler, Morlieth, Neuman. Russell. Jones. ChL:hrim , Yarra Valley Tyshmg 2, Wapshot 2. Thompson 2, W1nes 2 . Searle. Casano. Heed lkapshoiC Laing . Telfad . Thompscit. Lloyd. hkBralth . AQUINAS OC 3.6 9.7 12.13 18.17.113 '17iL'RRY PENOLA OB 2.3 2.8 8.8 9.8.82 Aquhus Cultrera 6, Hunt 3 . Hereran 4, Moran . Jones, R. Moran. Beat Chapman . Cuttrem . Hunter. Nichol. Daxnes, Theory Penal. Pater 4, Stella 2. McMahon 2. Grant . Best SpMghal4 MchL3hon . Bokwtos. Waltden. J. Van Engeten, McDonald. OLDIVAtiHOE 2,4 4.8 7,11 9.15.69 ST. IFA'S EMMAUS WP 5.2 7,8 11 .11 18.14.118 Old ivanhae DmeI 2 . Oates 2 . Armstratg, Barker. Bernet, Jenkins, Thomas . Best G9derdale, Davis, W9Ws, Dwd. Armstrong, Oates , St Le~ Chalmvs 4 . Daniels 4. McLaughlin 3, W9Ns 2, hicClusky, Manton, Thomas. Morel . Best Daniats. Hodd^_r, Carr. W9Ws, Morel . Thoau. NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .2 10.7 13.13 15.14.104 CHIRABIDE PARK 3.0 6.4 8.6 14.9.93 North Old Boys Tay',w 4. Jones 2. Khad°_r 2, Matstafa, W3ters, McKenzie. Best Taeb, htoustara Rocco, Murray', Thompson . R. MagWre . Chtrnside Pak Knight 5 . AIL-itt 2, Conte 2. Holliday 2. Chtmskk. Goddard . Roach. Beat Knight, Allah . Holliday, Adams, Varga. Conte. OLD PARADiAIiS: BYE




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BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSH l p $1500 TO THE WINNING CLU B Points after Round 12 matches . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . A senior win receives (8 points) ; reserves (2 points) ; U19 (5 points) ; club XVIII (2 points) . If a club's 4 teams all win 6 bonu s points are given ; if 3 teams all win 4 ; if 2 teams win club receive 2 bonus points . Bonus points from previous rounds are also shown .


RES, U-19



4/4 3/3 2/2 BON. 204 ENTONE TIGERS 10 12 12 0 164 40 ST BEDES M OLD XAVERIANS 9 9 14 9 178 6 18 202 COLLEGIANS 9 11 10 8 160 30 190 OLD SCOTCH 9 12 8 9 154 6 18 178 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 8 9 0 149 28 17 7 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 II 8 0 142 4 20 16 6 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 10 9 0 145 4 16 16 5 KEW 10 11 0 11 124 32 15 6 WILLIAMSTOWN CYh9S 12 10 4 0 136 4 16 156 1 53 t4'HITEFRIARS 0 C 9 10 9 0 137 16 DE LA SALLE 7 7 12 5 140 12 152 OLD BRIGHTON 10 8 5 9 139 12 15 1 ORPdOND 8 8 9 0 125 20 145 OLD CAREY 10 7 8 0 134 8 142 SOUTHBANK 12 12 0 0 120 2 20 142 MHSOB 8 7 10 0 128 4 8 140 BEAUh4ARIS 9 7 7 0 121 4 8 133 OLD GEELONG 11 8 3 0 119 2 4 1 25 MAZENOD 6 6 6 9 108 6 6 120 OLD PARADIANS 4 5 15 0 117 0 11 7 As a result of the following clubs' teams all winning in Round 12 (min . of 3 required) the following players win a pair of Blades boots - Old Xaverians (S . Wood), Old Scotch (T . Wilson), Mazenod (M . O'Hara) , MHSOB (A Corcoran), Beaumaris (Q. Groves), Yarra Valley (G . McLeod), Uni . Blacks (B . Sullivan) , Williamstown CYMS (A. Harry) . These players were named best player for their senior team . Each player to phone Peter Warner (988 9 9222) to arrange collection of prize . If you have any queries with the above table please put in writing addressed to Sue Anderson, PO Bo x 359 Elsternwick. 3185 or fax 9531 6601 .

L_ _)6 L



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Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms before matches and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers . Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play. To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play . Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers. Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire - Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. Water Carr iers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only. No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top, Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . If not VAFA top a plain white top only . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only. * Umpire teamsheet comments will be transferred to weekly FINES LIST .

T mSHEE1'S Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .











A RESERVE SECTION OLD SCOTCH 12 12 0 0 1208 612 197 .39 48 COLLEGIANS 12 11 0 1 1112 722 154 .02 44 OLD XAVERIANS 12 9 0 3 1189 644 184 .63 36 DE LA SALLE 12 7 0 5 1099 867 126 .76 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 6 0 6 966 783 123 .37 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 6 0 6 913 861 106 .04 24 OLD PARADIANS 12 5 0 7 788 923 85 .37 20 OLD TRINITY 12 2 0 10 565 1273 44 .38 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 1 0 11 587 1089 53 .90 4 STBERNARDS 12 1 0 N 649 1302 49 .85 4 B RESERVE ST KEVINS 12 10 0 2 1268 621 204 .19 OLD BRIGHTON 12 8 0 4 1116 645 173 .02 THERRY PENOLA 08 12 8 0 4 858 892 96 .19 ORMOND 12 7 1 4 1003 754 133 .02 MHSOB 12 7 0 5 914 788 115 .99 MAZENOD 0 C 12 5 1 6 872 731 119 .29 IVANHOE 12 5 0 7 917 866 105 .89 OLD IVANHOE 12 4 0 8 647 965 67 .05 BANYULE 12 4 0 8 501 1169 42 .86 ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD72 0 0 12 301 1322 22 .77

40 32 32 30 28 22 20 16 16 0

C RESERVE ST BEDE MENTONE TIGERS12 11 1 0 1197 478 250 .42 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 8 0 4 1176 604 194 .70 MONASH BLUES 12 8 0 4 747 701 106 .56 THOMASTOWN 12 7 1 4 881 754 116 .84 MARCELLIN 12 7 0 5 764 602 126 .91 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 12 7 0 5 725 808 89 .73 N~"APTON ROVERS 12 4 0 8 692 888 77 .93 OLD MENTONIANS 12 3 0 9 713 951 74 .97 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 12 3 0 9 586 1003 58 .42 AJAX 12 1 0 11 430 1122 38 .32

46 32 32 30 28 28 16 12 12 4

D RESERVE SECTION WHITEFRIARS 12 10 0 2 1045 576 181 .42 40 ?ARKSIDE 12 9 0 3 1052 675 155 .85 36 OLD GEELONG 12 8 0 4 848 590 143 .73 32 BEAUMARIS A F C 12 7 0 5 806 753 107 .04 28 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR12 6 1 5 931 616 151 .14 26 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 12 6 0 6 691 688 100.44 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 4 1 7 597 879 67 .92 18 SALESIAN 0 C 12 4 0 8 700 948 73 .84 16 ST JOHNS O C 12 3 0 9 587 911 64 .43 12 AQUINAS 0 B 12 2 0 10 503 1208 41 .64 8 E EAST RESERVE KEW 12 11 0 1 1211 566 213 .96 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS12 10 0 2 1191 546 218 .13 OLD CAREY 12 8 0 4 758 453 167 .33 BULLEEN COBRAS 12 8 0 4 1032 711 145 .15 RICHMOND CENTRAL 12 8 0 4 975 773 126 .13 CHIRNSIDE PARK 12 6 0 6 639 720 88.75 ELEYPARKAFC 12 4 0 8 619 941 65.78 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 12 3 0 9 496 1431 34 .66 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 12 2 0 10 364 1274 28.57

44 40 32 32 32 24 16 12 8

E CENTRAL RESERVE UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 11 0 1 1242 169 734,91 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 12 10 0 2 1159 450 257 .56 UNIVERSITY REDS 12 9 0 3 820 436 188 .07 WESTBRUNSWICK 12 7 0 5 723 728 99.31 U H S O B 12 7 0 5 707 796 88.82 NORTH BRUNSWICK 12 6 0 6 708 685 103 .36 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 12 5 0 7 292 938 31 .13 SWiNBURNE UNI . A F C 12 4 0 8 362 920 39 .35 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 12 1 0 11 255 1264 20 .17

44 40 36 28 28 24 20 16 4

E SOUTH RESERVE SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 12 12 0 0 1468 327 448 .93 48 PENINSULA 0 8 12 8 0 4 960 620 154.84 32 ST MARYS 12 8 0 4 922 799 115.39 32 OAKLEIGH A F C 12 8 0 4 845 778 108.61 32 GLENHUNTLY 12 6 0 6 751 796 94 .35 24 ELSTERNWICK 12 5 0 7 705 849 83 .04 20 POWER HOUSE 12 4 1 7 680 759 89 .59 18 "ONASH GRYPHONS 12 4 0 8 630 902 69 .84 16 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 12 3 1 8 543 872 62 .27 14 ~YZALBERTPARK 12 1 0 11 486 1368 34 .06 4











CLUB XVIII (1) OLD XAVERIANS 12 9 0 3 602 201 299 .50 MAZENOD 0 C 12 9 0 3 824 541 152.31 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 12 9 0 3 745 560 133 .04 COLLEGIANS 12 8 0 4 618 488 126.64 OLD SCOTCH 12 8 1 3 760 441 172 .34 DE LA SALLE 12 6 1 5 473 564 83 .87 363 769 47 .20 STBERNARDS 12 3 0 9 9 394 922 42 .73 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 3 0 ST KEVINS 12 2 0 10 222 797 27 .85

36 36 36 36 34 26 12 12 8

CLUB XVIII (2) KEW 12 11 0 1 797 405 196 .79 44 SYNDAL TALLY HO 12 10 1 1 801 357 224.37 42 MONASH WHITES 12 8 0 4 816 490 166 .53 32 MT LILYDALE O C 12 8 0 4 849 555 152 .97 32 MARCELLIN 12 5 0 7 413 593 69 .65 20 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR12 4 1 7 473 747 6132 18 THORNBURY COUGARS 12 3 0 9 677 774 87 .47 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 12 1 0 11 271 1051 25 .78 4 OLD GEELONG 4 0 0 4 132 346 38 .15 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 12 9 0 3 1183 880 134 .43 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 8 0 4 1328 766 173 .37 OLD PARADIANS 12 8 0 4 1393 975 142 .87 OLD CAREY 12 8 0 4 1154 944 122 .25 DE LA SALLE 12 7 0 5 1089 1072 101 .59 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 6 0 6 975 1167 83 .55 OLD BRIGHTON 12 5 0 7 1008 1180 85 .42 MAZENOD O C 12 5 0 7 883 1156 76 .38 STBERNARDS 12 3 0 9 787 1222 64 .40 ST KEVINS 12 1 0 11 735 1358 54 .12

36 32 32 32 28 24 20 20 12 4

UNDER-19 (2) 12 10 0 2 1255 660 190 .15 40 COLLEGIANS WHITEFRIARS 12 9 0 3 1162 747 155 .56 36 OLD SCOTCH 12 8 0 4 1156 868 133 .18 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 8 0 4 946 880 107 .50 32 BEAUMARIS A F C 12 7 0 5 986 962 102 .49 28 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 5 0 7 1040 994 104 .63 20 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 12 5 0 7 964 1295 74 .44 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 4 0 8 1122 969 115 .79 16 MARCELLIN 12 3 0 9 772 1095 70 .50 12 WARRINGAL A F C 12 0 0 12 550 1848 29 .76 0 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS1212 0 0 1631 379 430 .34 MHSOB 12 10 0 2 1244 684 181 .87 ORMOND 12 10 0 2 1307 846 164 .49 HAMPTON ROVERS 12 6 0 6 938 1042 90 .02 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 12 5 0 7 720 1029 69 .97 A J A X 12 5 0 7 647 1050 61 .62 DE LA SALLE (2) 12 5 0 7 607 1018 59.63 MONASH BLUES 12 4 0 8 629 1115 56 .41 OLD GEELONG 12 3 0 9 625 1357 46 .06

48 40 40 24 20 20 20 16 12

UNDER-19 (2) RE D YARRA VALLEY 12 10 0 2 1119 730 153 .29 40 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 9 0 3 795 770 103 .25 36 OLD TRINITY 12 8 0 4 1111 749 148 .33 32 OLD PARADIANS (2) 12 7 0 5 887 964 92.01 28 THERRY PENOLA OB 12 6 0 6 1043 1038 100.48 24 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 12 6 0 6 930 969 95 .98 24 AQUINAS O C 12 6 0 6 918 1107 82 .93 24 OLD IVANHOE 12 5 0 7 882 1210 72 .89 20 CHIRNSIDE PARK 12 3 0 9 691 1272 54 .32 1 2





W D L FOR AGAINST % POINTS A SECTIO N 9 0 3 1214 896 135.49 36 9 0 3 1281 997 128 .49 36 9 0 3 1206 969 124 .46 36 7 1 4 1066 1115 95 .61 30 7 0 5 1069 1050 101 .81 28 5 1 6 1067 983 108 .55 22 4 0 8 1045 1219 85 .73 16 3 0 9 908 1086 83 .61 - 12 3 0 9 984 1217 80 .85 12 3 0 9 995 1303 76 .36 1 2


B SECTIO N 10 0 2 1526 9 0 3 1382 8 0 4 1288 8 0 4 1228 6 0 6 1314 6 0 6 1292 6 0 6 1210 5 0 7 1166 2 0 10 1142 0 0 12 98 5

928 164 .44 40 1112 124 .28 36 1021 126 .15 3 2 994 123 .54 32 1166 112 .69 24 1235 104 .62 24 1341 90 .23 24 1298 89.83 20 1669 68 .42 8 1769 55 .68 0


11 10 10 7 6 5 4 4 3 0

C SECTION 0 1 1475 0 2 1374 0 2 1551 0 5 1227 0 6 1316 0 7 1085 0 8 1052 0 8 842 0 9 1093 0 12 672

719 205.15 44 750 183.20 40 933 166.24 40 1110 110 .54 28 1213 108.49 24 1218 89 .08 20 1194 88.11 16 1433 58.76 16 1474 74 .15 12 1643 40.90 0


11 9 9 6 5 5 5 5 4 1


E EAST SECTION 10 0 2 1579 10 0 2 1663 10 0 1 1072 8 1 2 1081 7 0 5 1273 5 1 6 1195 3 0 9 602 3 0 9 605 2 0 10 67 4

785 201 .15 886 187.70 625 171 .52 623 173.52 1021 124 .68 963 124 .09 1480 40.68 1734 34 .89 1627 41 .43


E CENTRAL SECTION 12 0 0 1196 10 0 2 1304 8 0 4 888 6 0 6 966 6 0 6 871 6 0 6 666 4 0 8 801 4 0 8 814 4 0 8 650

723 165.42 48 635 205.35 40 942 94.27 32 1002 96.41 24 914 95.30 24 968 68.80 24 982 81 .57 16 1096 74 .27 16 894 72 .71 1 6


12 9 8 8 6 6 6 3 1 1

D SECTIO N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1428 3 1233 3 1268 6 1173 7 1057 7 1036 7 927 7 915 8 1105 11 842

899 158.84 44 917 134 .46 36 1014 125 .05 36 1096 107 .03 24 1168 90 .50 20 1155 89 .70 20 1091 84 .97 20 1135 80 .62 20 1290 85 .66 16 1219 69 .07 4 40 40 40 34 28 22 12 12 8

E SOUTH SECTIO N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1781 3 1208 4 1327 4 1565 6 1155 6 1186 6 1114 9 1021 11 964 11 838

617 288 .65 48 974 124 .02 36 915 145 .03 32 1086 144 .11 32 1200 96 .25 24 1245 95 .26 24 1275 87 .37 24 1611 63 .38 12 1411 68 .32 4 1825 45 .92 4


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