The Bride's Cook Book

Page 40






Wipe with wet cloth, remove skin and surplus fat. If desired, rib chops may have meat trimmed down from bone two inches, forming "French" chop; or meat may be cut from all the bone, rolled and skewered with toothpicks. Chops may be oven broiled or pan broiled. Follow directions as for broiling steak. Stand them up on the fat edge to brown the fat, without overcooking the meat. Time for cooking will depend on thickness of chop, and whether it is to be served rare or well done. In general, five minutes for rare chops one inch thick, eight minutes for medium, and twelve to fifteen for well done. Drain on absorbant paper. Serve hot.


Wipe pork, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on rack in dripping pan or roaster, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Place in moderate oven and roast three or foul' hours, basting every fifteen minutes with fat in pan. For roast pork, the usual rule is twenty-five minutes to the pound. Make gravy, using same proportions as white sauce.


Place thin slices of bacon (from which the rind has been removed) closely togehter on a fine wire broiler; place broiler over dripping pan, or in oven broiler, and bake in a hot oven until bacon is crisp and brown, turning once. Drain on absorbant paper. Save fat for frying purposes. Bacon may be put in hot frying pan and fried till crisp and brown, turning once. It is usually well to drain off art of the fat during the frying. BROILED HAM

Soak thin slices of ham, from which rind has been trimmed, one hour in lukewarm water. Drain, wipe and broil about five minutes. CREAMED DRIED BEEF

Use one-half cup of finely divided dried beef to one pint of medium white sauce*. It is best to soak the beef in lukewarm water or bring it to the boil in water, draining and then adding to the white sauce to remove some of the salt. . * See page 95 for directions.

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