Informatics Program Brochure

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WHAT IS INFORMATICS? Informatics is the study, design and development of information technology for the good of people, organizations and society. As an Informatics student, you'll drive innovation as you explore ways to make data and technology work better for people. Your passion for analyzing and solving problems is reflected in the creativity you bring to the design and creation of information systems, user interfaces, mobile

INFORMATICS STUDENTS: • Share a passion for information and technology • Value working with people • Communicate effectively • Enjoy leading and managing projects • Seek great careers in the technology industry or hope to one day start their own businesses • Aim to change society and improve the world through information and technology

technologies and social media.


You'll find the Informatics major is less about narrowing

At “the U Dub,” one of the nation’s leading universities,

options than expanding possibilities in your career and in your life. Informatics draws upon areas such as computer

the best and brightest are working together to find solutions to the biggest challenges facing society. We’re building a global community where ambition, courage

science, information science, sociology, psychology, design

and compassion are harnessed to create the future we

and information management. As a result, graduates are

all want. The UW is located in Seattle, a thriving hub

well-rounded information and technology professionals with the ability to apply their knowledge to positively impact organizations, their communities and society. The major draws upon foundational ideas about what information is, how information shapes experiences and decisions, and how to design information technology to provide equitable access to information. It provides strong career preparation in fields such as software engineering, data science, user experience design, product management,

of innovation. Seattle has spawned breakthroughs in aerospace and software, in medicine, music, retail and more and given birth to industry and tech giants such as Boeing, Amazon, Microsoft and Starbucks. In an age when information and technology are changing rapidly, it’s generating ideas and products that transform industries.

WHY THE iSCHOOL? Information schools, or iSchools, study the relationship between information, technology and people. The UW Information School grounds its award-winning research

cybersecurity and health technologies, as well as a

and scholarship in the best ideas from library and

foundation for graduate studies in a broad a range of fields

information science, computer science, public policy,

spanning computing, information and society.

management, law, philosophy and engineering. With just over 1,000 students across all its programs, the iSchool offers a sense of community within the UW. It’s


a vibrant, inclusive, diverse, and learner-centered group

From left, 2019-20 Informatics student group leadership members

of creative people seeking to make a positive impact on

Godgiven Caelin Grogan, Alejandro Huante and Allison Geary.



EARNING THE DEGREE The Informatics curriculum helps you develop a broad awareness of topics essential to your future as an information and technology professional. At the iSchool, you will not only hone and expand your technical knowledge, but you will also learn to address the challenges that arise when people create, manipulate and share information. To earn the Bachelor of Science in Informatics, you will be required to complete a set of core courses and electives. There are six core areas of the curriculum: data, development, design, discovery, ethics and organizations. Together, these six areas prepare Informatics students to study, design and develop information technology for the good of people, organizations and society. For electives, you may choose from a variety of courses to satisfy your degree requirements and pursue your interests and goals. Some students complete specific coursework to fulfill one or two transcriptable concentrations:

BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS Informatics is a great way to prepare for information technology careers in biology, medicine, and health. People in these industries advance the science of DNA sequencing; individual, community, and population health; and personal technologies for health wellness. We teach relevant courses in this field, and count many others on campus for elective credit.

DATA SCIENCE Data Science is an emerging interdisciplinary field that works to extract knowledge or insight from data. It combines fields such as information science, computer science, statistics, design and social science. The Data Science degree option provides strong preparation for entry-level data science positions or for the UW's interdisciplinary Master of Science in Data Science program, which offers more advanced training in data science methods

From left, 2019 Informatics graduates Muhammad Hariz, Davis Huynh,

and practices.

Estelle Jiang and Liyuang Fu.




HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION The iSchool’s work in human-computer interaction (HCI) strives to make information and computing useful, usable and accessible to all. The Informatics HCI option allows you to blend your technical skills and expertise with a broader perspective on how design and development work impacts users. Courses explore the design, construction and evaluation of interactive technologies for use by individuals, groups and organizations, and the social implications of these systems. This work encompasses user interfaces, accessibility concerns, new design techniques, and methods for interactive systems and collaboration. Coursework also examines the values implicit in the design and development of technology.

INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE Information Architecture (IA) is a crucial component in the development of successful websites, software, intranets and online communities. Architects structure the underlying information and its presentation in a logical and intuitive way so that people can put


information to use. As an Informatics major with an IA degree option,

The iSchool gave me the strong

you will master the skills needed to organize and label information

technical and interpersonal skills

for improved navigation and search. You will build frameworks to effectively collect, store and deliver information. You will also learn

that propelled me to succeed in my

to design the databases and XML storehouses that drive complex

career, but most importantly, the self-

and interactive websites, including the navigation, content layout,

confidence to become a powerful force

personalization and transactional features of the site.

in tech. As someone who’s passionate

INFORMATION ASSURANCE AND CYBERSECURITY Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (IAC) is the practice of

about humanities and arts, I never imagined I'd end up a STEM major. But the iSchool’s interdisciplinary and human-focused approach to

creating and managing safe and secure systems. It is crucial for

technology allowed me to pave my

organizations — public and private, large and small. In the IAC option,

own path based on my interests by

you will be equipped with the knowledge to create, deploy, use and manage systems that preserve individual and organizational privacy and security. This tri-campus concentration leverages the strengths

exploring design, coding, research, and management. My double major of

of the Information School, the Computing and Software Systems

Communications and Informatics (Data

program at UW Bothell and the Institute of Technology at UW Tacoma.

Science) and minor in Entrepreneurship

Its curriculum is guided by a committee of industry advisors. After

prepared me perfectly for my career

a Seattle-campus course in the technical, policy and management foundations of IAC, you may take electives at any campus to learn such specialties as information assurance policy, secure coding or networking and systems administration.

in tech consulting, where one minute I’m coding up an app and the next I’m presenting to clients.


WHY STUDENTS CHOOSE THE iSCHOOL The iSchool prepares information leaders. We give students a transformative educational experience that empowers them to lead future discovery. Here, they uncover the power of information, and develop the confidence and skills necessary to harness it in the pursuit of solving some of the world’s most critical problems.


“Information science

university in a diverse, vibrant city; you’ll also work closely with a

is not the poor man’s

talented and focused group of peers as part of a supportive community.

computer science, it’s the

program welcomes students from all backgrounds. See Page 14 to learn

future. Where computer science is about inventing technology, information science is about wielding

The Informatics major enrolls at least 210 students each year, and the more about diversity at the iSchool.

EXCELLENT FACULTY Students at the iSchool develop personal relationships with faculty, who are dedicated to providing the highest levels of teaching, research and service. Our faculty are nationally and internationally renowned leaders of their fields of research and practice, bringing the latest

those technologies to solve

evidence and best practices to their classrooms. Faculty regularly mentor

important problems, and

and academic careers and giving others valuable experience before they

then feeding that back to improve the development of future technology.” — iSchool Dean Anind Dey, quoted in GeekWire


As an Informatics major, you’ll have the advantages of being at a leading


undergraduates on research, helping many to pursue doctoral studies enter the workforce.

CAREER OPTIONS Informatics’ combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills prepares you for a career, not just a job. The skills required to connect people, information and technology are vital to all organizations and you will be able to apply those skills wherever your interests lie. You’ll also be in high demand when you begin your career; the median starting salary for Informatics graduates in 2019 was $85,000.

Winfo officers Autumn Derr and Hayley Younghusband organized the student group’s annual Hackathon in 2020.

STUDENT GROUPS professional network are important aspects of your


experience at the UW.


Becoming a part of a community and building your

As an iSchool student, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in social and professional activities through several active student groups including: • IUGA, the Informatics Undergraduate Association, serves the needs

Majoring in Informatics with a specialization in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity has opened doors that I never would

and interests of undergraduate students. It was founded and is

have imagined. Throughout my undergraduate

operated by Informatics students, for Informatics students.

experience at the iSchool, I felt engaged in the

• Winfo, Women in Informatics, supports ways to empower

programs and stimulated to learn. I knew the

women to thrive as producers of technology. Its members share

faculty and staff cared about my success and

ideas, network and organize events, including a popular annual

they continuously prompted my curiosity. As a


senior, I was able to land an internship directly

• ISACA, Information Systems, Audit and Control Association, is the iSchool’s student chapter of the professional organization focusing on information assurance and security. • iEquity provides a safe space for students of all identities to engage in dialogue and action to erase inequality. It organizes events, open to all students, that focus on putting people on an equal footing at

leveraging the skills I gained in the classroom, and prior to graduation, I received multiple job offers for positions that utilized those same skills. Now as an alum, I work for a Fortune 500 company, doing what I love, and am free to follow my passions in life.

the iSchool and in the information field.


MY VISUAL PIANO ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a disabling condition that can impair someone’s creative abilities. For their Capstone project, Informatics students (from left) Cole French, Parker Ciambrone, Wesley Wei and Emily Ye created a real-time, live instrument that provides people with this affliction a way to express their creativity exclusively using their eyes. Using eye-tracking technology, the students made a working prototype of a program that translates eye movements into piano music.

CAPSTONE Capstone, the final degree project for Informatics majors, is the culmination of your iSchool experience. You’ll synthesize the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired to tackle a real-world information problem or to work with a faculty member on advancing knowledge in information science. Working in teams, students identify and investigate the problem, develop a solution, and present their findings in both oral and written forms. Capstone project collaborators include organizations from the public, private and nonprofit sectors, and each project represents a concrete example of what it means to design and build novel applications of technology that meet the needs of people. With projects that encompass building social networking applications, improving services for homeless youth and supporting more efficient mass transit, the Capstone experience reflects the ways students at the iSchool make information work.



RECENT CAPSTONE PROJECTS BUT YOU SEEM FINE Students focused on the social effects of having an invisible illness — chronic conditions that do not present any outwardly identifiable symptoms. To help inspire empathy and

RESEARCH As part of the UW’s rich research culture, the Information School offers undergraduate students an exceptional opportunity to participate. iSchool faculty, research staff and doctoral students contribute to

understanding of people with such conditions, the team created

interdisciplinary research on topics such as:

an interactive graphic novel in which the player assumes the role

• Identifying, analyzing, visualizing and

of a young girl as she falls ill and follows her relationships through their ups and downs after she receives the diagnosis.

SHARESPACE Survivors of domestic violence often lack access to housing, forcing them to choose between homelessness and an abusive situation. Many emergency shelters and transitional homes are at capacity or difficult for those in crisis to access. Working in close consultation with social workers and advocates, students created a tool that helps survivors navigate the system of emergency shelters and transitional housing to find appropriate temporary places to live.

securing data for critical business decisions • Understanding, supporting and enhancing the interactions of youth with digital information and technology • Promoting digital inclusion and empowering people through training and access to information • Making information easier to search, browse and understand iSchool researchers have many active projects in need of student assistants.

RARET When road conditions are poor in the Puget Sound area, they create even greater challenges for people with limited mobility who rely on public infrastructure for needed medical services. Working with Hopelink, students created a web platform for RARET, the Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation. They built a centralized information platform that helps emergency managers make instant decisions about which health and transportation options are available when lives are at stake.


Whether you are interested in graduate studies, a career in research, or experience before you enter the workforce, working in research as an Informatics student can greatly enhance your academic experience.

INTERNSHIPS Students are strongly encouraged to complete internships, service learning and independent studies to enhance their skills, develop a professional network and inform

Businesses are faced with high turnover rates and scheduling

their career plans. Internships may take

conflicts, while workers without full-time employment deal

various forms, such as a full-time summer

with limited opportunities to maximize their earning potential.

internship or a part-time one throughout

Students created an app that addresses this inefficiency in the

a quarter or school year. Service learning

hourly workplace ecosystem. The platform facilitates a dynamic

allows students to use the skills they’ve

shift-based structure for businesses and hourly workers. It gives

gained in the Informatics program in service

workers the chance to transfer their skills across stores, brands,

of community organizations, particularly in

and industries to enhance their opportunities to work shifts at any

volunteer or unpaid roles. Most students in

business on the platform in order to maximize their earnings and

the program complete at least one internship

have ultimate control over their schedules.

or service learning experience.


CAREERS As an Informatics student, you will develop the skills and expertise that enable you to secure jobs and thrive in the information field after graduation. As a result, iSchool Informatics graduates are typically in high demand among employers. The degree opens a wide range of career opportunities, including jobs at technology companies, jobs at nonprofits developing technology for services and development, and even careers in academic and industry


research on information technology.


Typical professional roles for Informatics graduates include:

The iSchool allowed me to begin a life-long journey of learning by giving a wide breadth of experience and a

career as a software developer. Our core requirements provide significant exposure to foundations in programming, databases,

foundation of user-centered design

web development and design, and we offer extensive software

and contextual inquiry on which to

engineering electives. Many of our graduates go on to excellent

build my career. The wide scope of technical and human-focused skills and techniques that I was exposed to at the iSchool continue to serve me today

entry-level software engineering positions at companies such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon. • Data scientists: The rapidly evolving profession of data science is bringing many of the ideas from scientific data analysis and largescale data mining to businesses, to help them answer strategic

as I explore new and exciting fields.

questions with data. The Informatics, Data Science degree can

Currently, I design software for Blue

prepare you for entry-level data science careers or a graduate

Origin, Jeff Bezos’ space venture. My work aids in the manufacturing, flight, and maintenance of reusable rockets and space flight vehicles, as well as UX

program in data science. • User experience designers: UX designers envision user interfaces and customer experiences and often do foundational applied research to discover new product opportunities. Building off the academic field of human-computer interaction

for astronaut experiences. We are also

and design, Informatics students learn to critique, prototype,

beginning to experiment with how VR

and envision designs and learn a wide range of research methods

and AR can become tools to support our work in the future. With a mission of millions of people living and working in space, there is an unending supply of challenges and opportunities to learn.


• Software developers: Informatics is excellent preparation for a


that can be used to discover problems that information technology can solve. • Product managers: Product managers integrate perspectives on design, technology, marketing and sales to decide how best to meet a market need. Most product managers first get several years of experience or an advanced degree. However, Informatics can be a

CAREER ADVISING The iSchool's Career Services advisors provide targeted programming to assist you in identifying and achieving your career goals. Through personal advising, workshops and events, you can seek guidance to enhance your job search strategies, sharpen your interviewing skills, and make connections with iSchool partners or alumni. Students also have access to the University of Washington Career and Internship Center, which provides an array of services, workshops and employer events.

great way of getting a holistic technical education that makes you competitive for these advanced degrees. • Cybersecurity professionals: Informatics can prepare you to create, deploy, use and manage systems that preserve individual and organizational privacy and security. Many core Informatics courses in software development cover security foundations, while many of our courses on ethics cover privacy foundations. • Careers in biology, medicine and health: Informatics

• Information architects: Information architects think about what content should exist, how it should be organized, how people can search and browse it, where content comes from, and how content can be used strategically. They structure the underlying information and its presentation in a logical and intuitive way so that people can put information to use. • Researchers: Informatics also provides excellent preparation for pursuing doctoral studies in computer science, information science and related social sciences. We offer

graduates in these industries advance health science work

many electives in advanced areas of our faculty’s expertise,

such as DNA sequencing; genomics; individual, community

spanning human-computer interaction, data science,

and population health; and personal technologies for health

and matters of diversity and social justice in information



ADELE MILLER, ’19, SECURITY ENGINEER, SECURITY INNOVATION I did the Data Science and Information Assurance & Cybersecurity degree options as an Informatics student. Now I’m a “white hat” hacker — my field of expertise is penetration testing, which is a critical step in the secure software development lifecycle, ensuring that applications are not released with vulnerabilities. In order to do this, I need to understand how all parts of an application fit together so I can break it at the seams. The iSchool encouraged me to think broadly about who is affected by new technology and who has an impact on its creation. This background makes me an effective communicator when I need to help a company understand where their software went wrong.


FACULTY SPOTLIGHT AMY J. KO, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR & PROGRAM CHAIR My background and work spans computing education, human-computer interaction and software engineering. I teach our Informatics students to diagnose, dissect and solve problems. I do this in classes, helping students analyze real-world problems and envision solutions. I do this in research with my Code & Cognition Lab, engaging students in grand challenges around how people learn, teach and use programming to improve the world. I advise students, helping them plan job searches, internships and graduate school. And I engage students in leadership, giving them the power to make challenging administrative decisions about how the school grows, how we support each other, and how we teach and learn from each other.

ALEXIS HINIKER, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR I study the downsides of technology, like compulsive phone use, dark patterns, invasive data collection, and online conflict, and I teach courses on design and human-computer interaction. In my class, “Designing for Evil,” students learn about design patterns that exploit users for the benefit of the product and how to make principled arguments about what to design and when. My goal is to equip students to create products that make life better for the people they affect and to guard against designing unintended evil. I also supervise research Capstones and lead directed research groups for undergraduates to help students bring these ideas to life outside the classroom.

NAM-HO PARK, ASSISTANT TEACHING PROFESSOR I help my students develop a foundational understanding of the iterative design process. I guide student teams through hard information challenges in my “Design Methods” and Capstone classes, where we emphasize user research to understand users’ needs, team collaboration to ideate solutions, and communication skills to help students articulate and pitch their ideas. I practiced architecture during my early professional life, so I have a deep interest in how the physical spaces we inhabit and our digital experiences intersect. I am passionate about applying UX in impactful ways, having worked as a user experience consultant for startups and small nonprofits (Cascade Bicycle Club, Grameen Foundation) and large institutions (Gates Foundation, State of Washington).

WANDA PRATT, PROFESSOR I love doing work that improves people’s lives. My research and teaching focus on both deeply understanding the health challenges that everyday people face and designing new technologies to address those challenges. I have worked with people coping with a variety of chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. I work with students to apply design and technology solutions as one of the faculty leads for the Biomedical and Health Informatics degree option. Through class projects or as part of my iMed research group, students are challenged to develop human-centered technologies that improve people’s health and well-being while considering the myriad of ethical implications.



ANNIE SEARLE, ASSOCIATE TEACHING PROFESSOR Utilizing my broad background in banking, technology and the arts, I teach Informatics courses on risk and on emerging cybersecurity topics such as AI, the Internet of Things, blockchain and privacy rights. As principal of Annie Searle & Associates LLC, I’ve published five volumes of research notes — including undergraduate essays — in our Reflections on Risk series. Here at the iSchool, I bring guest speakers from industry to speak on topics of interest, I serve as the academic advisor to the university’s student ISACA chapter, and my network is helpful to students looking for positions in risk analysis, cybersecurity and leadership. In 2019, I received the iSchool’s TEACH (Teaching Excellence and Creative Honors) award.

JEVIN WEST, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Data science is my area of expertise. I am co-director of the DataLab, which is the iSchool’s nexus for research on data science and analytics, and director of the Center for an Informed Public (CIP), where I research the epidemiology of misinformation and disinformation. I teach “Calling B.S.: Data Reasoning in a Digital World.” In this class, we introduce the modern information literacy tool set and learn to detect and defuse false and misleading claims, news and information. Through the CIP, we are expanding research and learning opportunities for Informatics students with interests in leveraging data science and public outreach to combat the epidemic of misinformation that is undermining public trust.

NANCY TRAN, ’18 PRODUCT DESIGNER, CARINA I design user-friendly interfaces and experiences surrounding each product within an information system, so people can achieve their intended goals. Many of the things I learned while at the iSchool, where I focused on Human-Computer Interaction, are still very applicable in my work. The iSchool shaped me into a better designer by pushing me to always have empathy for the user, consider how design choices affect others, collaborate with all types of team members, and challenge the ethics behind design patterns and decisions. Most importantly, the iSchool taught me to confront my implicit biases, even in my own designs, which I think helps me continue to grow.


FRESHMAN DIRECT ADMISSION You can become part of our community right from the beginning of your time at the UW. Incoming freshmen are welcome to apply to the Informatics major. Simply make Informatics your first-choice major on the UW application to ensure automatic consideration for direct admission. The admissions process is competitive, and a limited number of students are admitted each year. Applicants who are denied as incoming freshmen are encouraged to apply to the major again in subsequent years.

INFORMATICS MINOR You may wish to augment another major with an Informatics minor. This option will

At the iSchool, we celebrate inclusion and connectedness as essential components of academic excellence. Students’ educational, intellectual and social engagements are far richer and more meaningful when connecting with people with different points of view and life experiences. We define diversity broadly, to include not only race but also class, sexual orientation, religion and many other dimensions of the diversity among us. The iSchool Office of Diversity can provide resources and support if you are: • American Indian/Native Alaskan/Indigenous • Black/African American • Asian/Pacific Islander American

teach you how to apply data, information

• Latino/Hispanic

and technology to solve problems within


your primary area of study. The 25-credit minor is open to all UW students. The Informatics minor includes required components in data, design, policy and ethics, and software development, as

• A person with a disability • A first-generation college student in your family, or are from a low socioeconomic background • A veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces

well as the opportunity to take additional

• Any other underrepresented minority in higher education

courses at the 300-level or above in

• Or if you are interested in diversity and inclusion

Informatics, or within your own discipline related to technology.



As a student, there are many ways to get involved with diversity in the iSchool and throughout the UW. We invite you to participate in our

To find out more, visit

many diversity events, activities and programs, and to join a student


group or serve on the iSchool Diversity Committee.


HOW TO APPLY Go to for details and updated information.

student or UW Tacoma student, you must: • Submit a UW transfer application by the specified deadline, typically mid-February for autumn quarter or September 1 for

PROGRAM ADMISSIONS Starting with spring 2020, the Informatics program has two admissions cycles per year: Cycle 1: Apply in spring to begin the program autumn quarter. For current UW students, the spring application deadline is in early April.

winter quarter. • Submit a separate application to the Informatics program — for the same quarter for which you apply for admission to the UW — that includes your online application, schools and transcripts, prerequisite courses, and an essay. The Informatics application deadline is the same as for current

Cycle 2: Apply in autumn to begin the program winter quarter. For

students: early April to begin autumn quarter; late September

current UW students, the autumn application deadline is in late

or early October to begin winter quarter.

September or early October.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS In addition to completing prerequisite course requirements, applicants will submit an essay that addresses why they want to be in the program. Students may apply to the program a maximum of two times (not including applications for Freshman Direct Admission).

PREREQUISITE COURSEWORK • INFO 200: Intellectual Foundations of Informatics

• Complete the prerequisite courses (the same prerequisites listed for current UW students above, with the exception of INFO 200) by the end of the quarter prior to submitting your application. Most community colleges will have equivalent coursework. Students should refer to the UW Equivalency Guide at equivalency-guide/ to ensure the courses they plan to take will transfer to the UW and fulfill the prerequisite requirements for Informatics. Since most other schools do not have equivalent classes for INFO

• Computer programming (multiple courses accepted)

200, we do not require it of applicants transferring into the UW. If

• Statistics (multiple courses accepted)

admitted to the Informatics program, you will be required to take

• Social Science or Individuals & Society course (multiple courses accepted) Prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of winter quarter to apply to the program in spring, or by the end of summer quarter to

INFO 200 during your first quarter in the program. Note: If you are enrolled at the UW Seattle campus during the application process, you are not considered a transfer student, even if you transferred in a previous quarter.

apply in autumn. Please check our website for current requirements and to find out which courses are accepted to meet them.


A minimum grade of 2.0 is required in each course.

Students applying to the University of Washington as freshmen

Departmentally approved transfer equivalents or AP/IB credits may be used to fulfill prerequisite requirements.


can list Informatics as their top-choice major on their application for a chance to be admitted directly to the program without having to go through the standard admissions process. Admission is competitive, and freshmen who are accepted to the UW but not

Students transferring to the UW are encouraged to apply to the

accepted directly into the Informatics major are encouraged to

Informatics program. To apply as a transfer student, UW Bothell

apply to the program again in the future.



July 2021

Informatics 206.543.1794 University of Washington Information School Mary Gates Hall Box 352840 Seattle, WA 98195-2840 206.685.9937


The University of Washington reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran in accordance with University policy and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. The University of Washington is committed to providing access and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at least ten days in advance at: 206.543.6450/ V, 206.543.6452/TT Y, 206.685.7264 (fax), or e-mail at All Information School logos are a trademark of the University of Washington.

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