UUA FY2018 Annual Report

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TABLE OF CONTENTS A letter from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray


Time to...

Equip Congregations for Health and Vitality

Train and Support Leaders

Advance UU Values and Justice

Organizational and Institutional Change

Grow New Congregations and Communities

4 10 14 18 22



Financial Performance




Congregations Individuals Legacy Society In memorium


Beacon Press and Skinner House


Our Unitarian Universalist Principles



Two themes came to define my first year as your UUA President – This is No Time for a Casual Faith and This is No Time to go it Alone. This is a defining time in our nation and for our planet. The challenges, opportunities and crises that mark this time impact our own lives and our congregations and communities. Unfortunately, in times of crises and change — when rhetoric of fear and defensiveness dominate — it is all too common for people and institutions to break down, or to turn inward and protective. But it is precisely in times of change and urgency when we need more courage, more love, more commitment in order to nurture the hope that is found in seeing the possibilities that live within humanity and community. No time for a casual faith reminds us that our congregations and communities matter and that Unitarian Universalism has a vital and much needed role to play. At the UUA, this has meant getting clear about our mission: • To equip congregations for greater health and vitality. • To train and equip leaders, lay and professional, for the ministry needed today. • To advance our UU values in the larger world. And we are doing all of these through the overarching lens of institutional change grounded in a commitment to grow a more equitable, just and inclusive Unitarian Universalism.

None of this could happen without your collective support, as congregations and individuals. The UUA is the embodiment of the covenant we make to each other as Unitarian Universalists to build something stronger than any of us could be alone. When the UUA shows up for congregations following hurricanes and wildfires, when we help congregations find and call new ministers, when we provide support for leaders looking to revitalize their congregations, when we show up in solidarity to Side with Love for voting rights and human rights – it is because of you and your support of the UUA. You make all this possible. And personally, wherever I go as your President, whether it is to a congregation to celebrate a building dedication or the US Senate for women’s rights – I carry you with me – because I wouldn’t be able to be there without you and without this faith and tradition. Thank you for your generosity and for your ways you show up for this faith and for one another. Yours in gratitude,

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

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Hurricane Harvey slammed into the Texas gulf coast in late August 2017, wreaking devastating damage to Houston and surrounding communities.



By Rev. Dawn Cooley

Even ahead of the storm’s landfall, the UUA and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) created a joint Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund. Half of all funds raised went to at-risk populations served by UUSC partners and the other half aided UU congregations and members of those congregations most affected by the storm. Groups like Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) and the Living Hope Wheelchair Association were able to greatly increase their level of support to some of the most vulnerable communities. But the devastation wasn’t over. In midSeptember, Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean, locations that had also been hard hit by Hurricane Irma just a few weeks earlier. Within the span of two weeks, two Category 4 hurricanes had struck the continental United States for the first time in recorded history. With the recognition that the frequency and severity of natural disasters will only increase due to climate change—as well as the knowledge that the poorest and most marginalized communities are disproportionately harmed by climate-driven disasters, the UUA decided to create a general Disaster Relief Fund to provide an ongoing pool of funds to aid congregations and communities. This new response strategy gives us a coordinated way to respond in times of need anywhere in the country. Our Puerto Rico congregation, which meets in a library, received funds to repair it so that it could quickly become a community resource to those in need. One of our US Virgin Island congregations received funds to help get the school it meets in operational so all the

children on the island could return to school and some semblance of normality. Members of the UU Fellowship of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands formed working teams with community partners to go door-to-door to conduct “wellness checks” on residents to help them address their immediate needs— which was especially important as the island was under a strict curfew in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Congregations in Houston used the funds for building repairs, and to provide a safety net for many of their congregants. Star Island Family Conference and Retreat Center in New Hampshire received a grant to repair their facility after a series of Nor’easters caused extensive damage.

When multiple fires last summer raged across several western states, the UUA Disaster Relief Fund was able to provide $50,000 in immediate assistance to congregations to support their members and other community members impacted by the fires. In addition, organizations like Black Lives of UU and UU Justice Florida received grants to assist people who may or may not have direct ties to our faith but are a part of our community.

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EQUIP CONGREGATIO FOR HEALTH AND VIT The impact of these Disaster Relief grants—some small, some large—has been dramatic:

interim minister. As a grown man who has depended on no one since the age of fifteen, I don’t cry much. However, this day I did. Thank you so much for helping my family during this crisis and helping me personally learn that sometimes growing is asking for help.”

“Learning to breathe and asking for help has always been hard for me...Recently with hurricane Irma, my family and I evacuated Florida for the safety and well being of our baby. He turned one-year-old on our way through the Florida panhandle and celebrated his birthday singing happy birthday in the back seat of our pickup truck crammed full of water, clothes, and other last-minute evacuation stuff.

UU Church of Fort Myers, Florida

“We were turned down for a FEMA grant and provided a list of other agencies to apply for help, but none of them were relevant to our needs. Then I saw an email from our

Disaster Fund Congregations We thank the 25 most generous congregations for their contributions to the Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund and/or the UUA Disaster Relief Fund this past fiscal year.


“We have deep partnerships with the Latino and nonprofit community groups that serve Santa Paula, CA, which has a large migrant and undocumented population. A number of families lost everything in the fire, especially in Wheeler Canyon. UUA disaster relief funds allowed us to support multiple community partners. Latino Town Hall used our grant to them to respond to housing needs. Similarly CAUSE and Interface, both with offices in Santa Paula,

UU Church of Davis Davis, California

First Parish Brewster UU Brewster, Massachusetts

UUs of San Mateo San Mateo, California

UU Society of Wellesley Hills Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts

Jefferson Unitarian Church Golden, Colorado

First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia

White Bear UU Church Mahtomedi, Minnesota

Unity Temple UU Congregation Oak Park, Illinois

First Universalist Church of Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minnesota

ONS TALITY have been working with vulnerable populations. CAUSE provided masks to farmworkers still working the nearby crops and orchards during the fire.” Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula, California

“The roof on our church fellowship hall is old, and during hurricane Irma, we lost a lot of shingles. Our fellowship hall is used three nights a week by the local NA chapter, and they boast of one of the highest recovery rates in northeast Georgia. Church members take part in all community events. This is a huge help to our small congregation.” Canon UU Church, Georgia

“Our Disaster Relief Fund is part of a covenant between the UUA and congregations, between congregations who give generously and those in need, and with our community partners. In the year since Hurricane Harvey, UU congregations and individual UUs have contributed nearly $1 million to disaster relief! “Through aiding our congregations, their members and their community partners, we’re able to embody our faith and values.” Learn more at UUA.org/giving/areas-support/funds/disaster-response Rev. Dawn Cooley is a member of the Congregational Life Staff for the Southern Region and leads the UUA disaster relief grant review team. Other review team members include Halcyon Westall, Rev. David Pyle, Rev. Jan Christian and Rev. Lisa Presley

Unity Church Unitarian Saint Paul, Minnesota

All Souls Unitarian Church Tulsa, Oklahoma

Williamsburg UUs Williamsburg, Virginia

Eno River UU Fellowship Durham, North Carolina

First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Edmonds UU Congregation Edmonds, Washington

UU Fellowship Hendersonville Hendersonville, North Carolina

Unitarian Church in Charleston Charleston, South Carolina

Northlake UU Church Kirkland, Washington

UU Fellowship of Raleigh Raleigh, North Carolina

Bay Area UU Church Houston, Texas

Olympia UU Congregation Olympia, Washington

Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Morristown, New Jersey

San Marcos UU Fellowship San Marcos, Texas

University Unitarian Church Seattle, Washington

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EQUIP CONGREGATIONS FOR HEALTH AND VITALITY UUA Resources Equipping congregations is central to our mission. The UUA seeks to provide every congregation with the tools they need to be the vital, spiritually grounded and life-changing communities they are called to be.

FINANCES AND FUNDRAISING uua.org/finance If your congregation has paid staff, you’ll want to check out Congregations as Employers for information on staffing practices, policies, and development. Download a free copy of the Benefits Tune-up Workbook.

COMMUNICATIONS uua.org/communications

Explore The Wi$dom Path, a Tapestry of Faith curriculum that examines our attitudes and behaviors toward money in our everyday, spiritual, and congregational lives arranged around three themes: Money and Self; Money and Society; and Money, Spirit, and Life.

Get tips and advice on creating and maintaining your congregation’s website, including a downloadable WordPress Theme for Congregations. Like a template, the theme does much of the technical and design work for you, so you can focus on the content.

The UUA facilitates the continued growth, in the broadest sense of the term, of member congregations through several affordable loan options such as the Building Loan Program, Loan Guarantee Program, and the Small Projects Loan Program.


The Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund (UUCF) is available for the investment of endowment funds, trust funds, and other assets of congregations that have a long-term investment perspective.

The UUA offers a variety of tools needed for a thriving faith development program in your congregation, including resources for starting or maintaining Adult Faith Development Programs and training and support for Religious Education Volunteers. Tapestry of Faith and Our Whole Lives are the UUA’s foundational curricula series from preschool to older adults.


Launched in 2014, FAITHIFY (faithify.org) is a crowdfunding site where passionate people inspire, unite and fund Unitarian Universalist ministries.

UU COMMON READ uua.org/books/read


The UU Common Read invites participants to read and discuss the same book in a given period of time. A Common Read can build community by giving diverse people a shared experience, shared language, and a basis for deep, meaningful conversations. Downloadable discussion guides include plans for both a single session and three more in-depth sessions.

Whether you’re looking to feed your own spirit or for a reading to open a meeting, browse WorshipWeb, a free and extensive online collection of readings, prayers and meditations for all occasions.

The 2018-19 Common Read is Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom (Skinner House Books, 2018).

Or sign-up for Braver/Wiser, offering a weekly message of courage and compassion for life as it is. Every Wednesday we email an original written reflection by a contemporary religious leader, and brief prayer, grounded in Unitarian Universalism. How do we cross cultural borders, grapple with grief and loss, navigate growth and change, strive for justice and action, or questioning conscience and belief? Unafraid to tackle the thorniest issues, Skinner House (uua.org/books/ skinner) brings you insightful writing for every age and stage drawn from the Unitarian Universalist tradition. From best-selling titles to national print and broadcast reviews, to college curricula and citywide reading programs, Beacon Press (beacon.org) books are known for their values-based, forward-thinking perspectives.

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By Annie Scott

Prayer for Living in Tension by Joseph M Cherry

If we have any hope of transforming the world and changing ourselves, we must be bold enough to step into our discomfort, brave enough to be clumsy there, loving enough to forgive ourselves and others. May we, as people of faith, be granted the strength to be so bold, so brave, and so loving.

The last year has been shaped—and grounded—by the efforts of three nonordained religious educators, Kenny Wiley, Christina Rivera and Aisha Hauser, who, in spring 2017, courageously led our Unitarian Universalist Association in challenging and learning about the culture of white supremacy in which we live and breathe. Over two weekends in April and May of last year, two-thirds of all UU congregations participated in a White Supremacy TeachIn developed by these three and offered in collaboration with Black Lives of UU. One of the Teach-In materials that was shared was a piece by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun, Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups. This document became a guiding resource a few months later, in November 2017, when the LREDA board shut down regular programming at the annual Liberal Religious Educators Association’ Fall Conference after the keynote facilitators spoke insensitively, paternalistically, and deeply patronizingly

toward people of color and others with marginalized identities. Many religious educators of color rose up and voiced anger toward the speakers, who were using racist and classist metaphors, as well as refusing to abide by LREDA guidelines to be inclusive in our shared space. In that moment we did, as Joseph Cherry’s prayer advises, step into our discomfort— though it felt more like stumbling or crashing head first into it. The LREDA board was faced with a demand for change and we stepped into the unknown, uncomfortable, and allowed our colleagues of color to lead us into a revised and extraordinary program for the remainder of the conference. What emerged was a lived collective experience of what dismantling white supremacy and centering the experiences of people of color and others with marginalized identities looks and feels like. I came away having learned a great deal about how white supremacy lives in me as well as an introduction to how it lives in the formal and informal systems of LREDA.

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TRAIN & SUPPORT LEADERS There had been renewed requests and suggestions from many of our members that they wanted to move forward and try, once again, to obtain delegate status for religious educators at General Assembly.

Finally, on the last day of GA, current and past LREDA board members gathered on the General Assembly stage to accept the President’s Annual Award for Volunteer Service from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.

We consulted with respected colleagues and made the decision to move forward with getting a proposal on the ballot at the 2018 General Assembly in Kansas City. Many religious educators spent their winter holiday season working on this process.

In her remarks, president Frederick-Gray noted, “Throughout its history and in this moment, LREDA and its members have been bold and fearless in challenging our faith to be more inclusive and to deal with the issues of the time with honesty and courage through an unwavering commitment to developmental learning and growth.

We arrived in Kansas City very uncertain about how the vote would go. Then, after a meeting between the LREDA and UU Ministers Association boards, the UUMA voted to endorse our proposed amendment. We began to have some hope. Would this actually be the year, after nearly seventy years of LREDA dreaming of delegate status for its members, that we would get the right to have our voices heard at the GA microphones and our votes counted? In the end, the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of our proposal. Change had come, not as a stumbling into a wall, but as a dream come true!

“LREDA and its leaders have long charged our Association to live and lead at the margins of our faith…from the initial conversations and leadership that created the About Your Sexuality and later the Our Whole Lives curricula, to commissioning their own antiracism audit, to becoming the first Welcoming Organization, LREDA has exemplified how courageous conversations create spaces where all are truly welcome.” The award recognized more than seventy years of religious educators leadership contributing to our association, our faith and the future of our faith. Learn more at LREDA.org Annie Scott is the current president of the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA), and has been an active member of the association since 1992.


UUA Resources Power shared is power multiplied. The UUA nurtures the leadership of people of all ages in our congregations with resources, events, and day-to-day support. Explore resources for both new and seasoned leaders. INTERGENERATIONAL SPRING SEMINAR uua.org/uu-uno Held in New York City each year, the UU United Nations Office sponsored Spring Seminar is an opportunity for youth and adults to engage in workshops, peer and expert-led panel discussions, community building activities, and worship services on how to become global activists and advocates.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT uua.org/leadership Our brand new LeaderLab is a one-stop shop for new board members, committee chairs, welcoming teams and more. LeaderLab serves as a hub for online leadership training, in-person workshop resources, and paradigmshifting videos.

MINISTERIAL TRANSITIONS uua.org/careers/ministers/ transitions The health and vitality of our congregations depends in part on a good fit between a congregation and their minister. The UUA helps to connect ministers searching for a position with congregations who want to find a minister through information and resources for congregants, ministers, ministerial search representatives, compensation consultants, and regional staff throughout the search process for all types of ministers (assistant, contract, developmental, interim, or settled).

RELIGIOUS PROFESSIONALS OF COLOR uua.org/multiculturalism/retreat The UUA sponsors Finding Our Way Home, an annual retreat for religious professionals of color that offers community building, spiritual reflection and collegial support for participants.

YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS uua.org/ages UU religious education seeks to develop respectful, responsible, life-loving kids who know they are valued for all of who they are and are ready to show others the same deep acceptance. The UUA offers comprehensive, adaptable, and searchable children’s curricula online, for congregations to use at no charge, including: • Tapestry of Faith nurtures children in ethics, spirit, faith, and Unitarian Universalist identity through stories, activities, and social justice projects. Taking It Home and Find Out More sections extend learning for children along with their parents, families, and religious educators. Families can go online from home to explore the ideas and activities the children experience in their religious education program. • Our Whole Lives (OWL) offers age-appropriate, selfaffirming learning about bodies, reproduction, safety, health, gender, and sexual orientation for grades K-1 and grades 4-6. • Coming of Age helps middle school youth explore what it means to be Unitarian Universalist. Over the course of a year, youth gather for fun workshops, retreats, and justice projects. With mentors and guides, participants explore what they believe, what they find meaningful, and how to build a spiritual “toolkit” to help them as they face the joys, sorrows, wonders, and challenges of being human. 2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 11




By Audra Friend

When Unitarian Universalists are surrounded by fear and hate, our response has been to love bigger. Expand sanctuary. Remind ourselves of the beautiful theology that anchors our prophetic ministry. In the spring of 2017 the UUA and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) launched Love Resists to provide financing, technical assistance, and organizing support to bolster grassroots resistance led by vulnerable populations. Love Resists’ guiding principle is to keep our hearts, ears, and eyes open to the needs of, and the guidance of, those most at risk. Grounded in the UUA’s commitment toward dismantling white supremacy, Love Resists looks to support groups led by people of color and those directly impacted by criminalization. The result is a rich, compelling campaign that is responsive to current political situations while holding a long-view vision of radical, prophetic change.

Through the recommendation of our partners and our commitment to beloved community, Love Resists is focused on two aspects of criminalization: the need for expanded sanctuary and ending money bail. Unitarian Universalist congregations have a long history of supporting sanctuary and expanded sanctuary is a much needed, community-wide response to the criminalization of immigrants today. While there are many aspects of expanded sanctuary, Love Resists, with guidance from our partners, has focused on physical sanctuary and accompaniment.

Physical sanctuary has been a tactic supported by our congregations since the 1980s, and currently, more than 85 UU congregations are publicly committed to offering physical sanctuary. A number of them are currently hosting an undocumented immigrant in danger of immediate deportation. Many are providing secondary support to families in sanctuary. There are also a handful of congregations offering sanctuary without making their intent public to ensure the safety of the families in sanctuary. During Hurricane Harvey, UUs in Texas—aware of the misinformation circulating about access to shelters for undocumented families—offered safe shelter and resources during and following the storm. In addition to physical sanctuary, Love Resists focuses on seeding and supporting accompaniment programs. This intentional focus is based on the desire to help UUs take on new, courageous forms of creating sanctuary in radical ways. Accompaniment programs offer partners, witnesses, and companions for individuals who must go to court or Immigration and Customs Enforcement hearings—events where undocumented immigrants are often seized, detained, and deported.

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ADVANCE UU VALUES AND JUST Every UUA region has engaged with Love Resists in committing vocally, radically, and deeply in resisting the criminalization of people. UUs around the country have joined sponsorship networks to support asylum seekers, and mini-grants have be offered to accompaniment networks in every UUA region. Along with our work supporting immigrant justice, our campaign to combat criminalization has also supported local efforts focused on stopping the over-policing of communities. Partnering with the Church of the Larger Fellowship, our program worked with esteemed civil rights attorneys Al and Adam Gerhardstein, coaching eight congregations in how to do a power analysis of their local police departments, document where and to whom arrests are happening, get accountability meetings with their local police, and develop grassroots relationships. The newest area of focus for Love Resists is partnering with Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU) to put an end to the inhumane system of money bail, which disproportionately affects poor, immigrant, and people of color. On any given night, more than 450,000 people in the United States who have not been convicted of any crime are locked up simply because they don’t have enough money for bail. Universalism means


no one is disposable and interdependence means that none of us are truly free as long as people are in jail. Ahead of General Assembly 2018, Love Resists hosted a webinar on the growing movement to end money bond and pre-trial detention. Love Resists and BLUU offered multiple opportunities at General Assembly for attendees to gain a better understanding of #EndMoneyBail movement. Subsequently, BLUU and Love Resists piloted the use of an #EndMoneyBail toolkit with five congregations for later nationwide release. With the campaign’s foundation firmly in prophetic, transformative justice ministry, UUA staff working with Love Resists has created original spiritual resources for congregations and individuals to use. Learn more at UUA.org/loveresists Audra Friend is Communications Coordinator and the Love Resists project lead for the UUA. The UUA’s Love Resists team includes Marchaé Grair, Janice Marie Johnson, Susan Leslie, Elizabeth Nguyen, and Rachel Walden.

TICE UUA Resources Justice is at the core of our faith. Our congregations are called to make a positive difference in our wider communities. We work to serve, to raise awareness, and to support and partner with people who face injustice. Learn the ‘do’s and don’ts’ for justice-seeking congregations, how to deepen engagement and connection, and how small group ministry can be organized for social change.

SIDE WITH LOVE sidewithlove.org Whether it’s in a public square, at a statehouse, or outside an immigrant detention center, UUs have been showing up to Side with Love since 2009 to confront issues of exclusion, oppression, and violence based on identity.


GREEN SANCTUARY uua.org/environment/sanctuary The Green Sanctuary program provides structure, leadership and support, in broad collaboration, for the UU faith community to engage in an ambitious Environmental Justice and Climate Justice movement that seeks to live fully our seventh principle and achieve our vision of a viable and just world for all.

The UU College of Social Justice offers immersion experiences of service, faith and learning for youth, young adults, adults and religious professionals. A joint project of the UUA and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), the college brings our faith to life in powerfully transformative environments.

UU UNITED NATIONS OFFICE uua.org/uu-uno The UU United Nations Office promotes the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all, as reflected in the United Nations Charter. Through targeted education, advocacy, and outreach, the UU-UNO engages Unitarian Universalists in support of international cooperation and the work of the United Nations.

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By Taquiena Boston

In November 2017 I assumed a new role in the UUA as Special Advisor to the President on Institutional Inclusion, Equity, and Change. This signaled that the UUA’s work to dismantle white supremacy in our workplace was a top priority for the Association’s leaadership. President Susan Frederick-Gray and Executive Vice President Carey McDonald understood explicitly that the UUA’s racial equity work included analyzing and transforming the workplace culture, and that it was essential that the UUA equip its staff to be able to support the larger community engaged in building Beloved Community, where people or color and other marginalized identities could thrive. It has been encouraging to see UUA staff of diverse religious and ethnic identities embrace building a racial equity culture in numerous ways. UUA staff have coordinated teach-ins, organized learning communities, participated in identity groups and retreats, and engaged in cross-staff collaborations in an effort to transform the Association.

Staff of color have taken the lead through affinity group meetings, organizing a retreat, identifying needs, and issuing recommendations on how to make the UUA more welcoming to employees of color. Still, as a number of UUA staff of color raised in continuing conversations across the Association, much of the work on dismantling white supremacy continues to center whiteness and educating white people about the culture of white supremacy so deeply rooted in American society. In February 2018, we secured the pro bono services of organizational development consultants, Cook Ross—known for their deep expertise in the role of unconscious bias in the workplace—to lead several members of UUA leadership in a strategy session to identify goals for the UUA’s transformation work: We aspire to be a UUA… • That reflects the aspirations of Unitarian Universalism as a beloved anti-racist/antioppressive/multicultural faith community. • In which the gifts of people of color and others of marginalized identities are valued, where they can be successful and advance in professional and volunteer religious leadership.

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ORGANIZATIONAL A INSTITUTIONAL CH Through this work, the UUA will ultimately be able to support the health of UU congregations and communities, particularly in supporting successful leadership of, and ministry to, people of color and other marginalized identities. The UUA will achieve these goals through transparent communication about our change processes and learning; consulting, coaching, and other resources adapted for UU institutions engaged in transforming their cultures; and modeling new ways of being that are grounded in learning, experimentation, and practice.

where organizational change had been successful, and what had made that success possible.

I and my colleagues are grateful for the guidance our Cook Ross consultants provided in setting clear vision and goals while enabling multiple paths to reach them, such as the use of a traveling metaphor where all journeyers are expected to a specific place at a specific date and time. However, these travelers may choose how they arrive, whether it’s hiking, by bike, auto, train, or plane.

• Staff were engaged in decision-making to create an environment based on work culture and responsibilities

Cook Ross also asked the UUA to examine other moments in our organization’s past

In thinking about the Association’s move from its historic Beacon Hill location to 24 Farnsworth Street, participants identified several key factors: • The goal, guiding values, and expectations were clear • There was an internal team authorized to make the move happen • UUA engaged expert guidance

• There was regular communication even if the communication was “there’s nothing to report” In June 2018 the UUA formed an Organizational Change Design Team (OCDT) from nominations of UUA employees. Since renamed Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion (JEDI) , the team will design a process that will focus on three areas: 1. Organizational culture: Practices and policies that will enable the UUA to advance a racial equity culture, including how to overcome barriers to change.


AND HANGE 2. Staff development: Setting workplace goals and expectations for a racial equity culture and identifying the knowledge, skills, resources, and other support UUA staff need to effect the necessary changes for a racial equity culture. 3. Communication: Transparency and engagement and reporting to not only keep UUA staff informed about the progress and learning of the UUA but also share with the larger UU community what the UUA is trying and learning in our organizational change process. I find this a most energizing and purposeful time to be working in Unitarian Universalism. Learn more at UUA.org/justice/dismantle-white-supremacy Taquiena Boston is Director of Multicultural Growth and Witness and Special Advisor to the President for Institutional Inclusion, Equity, and Change. Based in Washington, DC, she is a member of All Souls Unitarian Church.

UUA Resources The UUA offers an array of resources and services to help congregations large and small be better employers. DISMANTLING WHITE SUPREMACY: uua.org/justice/dismantlewhite-supremacy White supremacy is the idea that white people are better and more deserving of wealth, power, and privilege than people of color. White supremacy pervades our culture, institutions, and relationships. It is a self-perpetuating system that continues to fuel colonialism, exploitation, oppressions, inequities, and brutalities that people of color experience. White supremacy affects everyone, and each of us has agency to undo it. There is work to do in congregations and there is personal work to do.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS uua.org/finance/compensation Unitarian Universalist organizations practice the values of our faith within their own walls by compensating their staff appropriately and providing access to high-quality benefits. The UUA coordinates health, dental and life insurance, as well as retirement plans for ministers and staff. Additional resources include a Benefits Tune-Up workbook and Welcoming and Onboarding checklist. 2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 19




By Cheri Taylor

“May we all be seen and heard and loved.” – Rev. Connie Simon This quote from the Rev. Connie Simon, Minister at First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati, exemplifies the premise of The Promise and the Practice of Our Faith campaign for Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU). The Promise and Practice campaign is more than fulfilling the UUA Board of Trustees’ $5.3 million commitment to BLUU; it represents an association-wide effort to educate UUs and congregations about BLUU as well as to uplift and amplify the work of Black UUs. Through this campaign, we are supporting the growth, spirituality, and vitality of Unitarian Universalism for everyone. For when we worship and are in community with each other, we all can “be seen and heard and loved.” This campaign has brought about new ways for us to collaborate and partner with each other—our congregational leaders, donors, and our religious leaders and professionals of color—in fulfilling our financial commitment. The UUA has committed $1 million from its unrestricted endowment. UU congregations and affiliated UU entities were challenged to contribute the equivalent of $10 per member with the goal of raising another million dollars toward the $5.3 million goal. Long-time UUs and generous supporters of the UU causes, Brad and Julie Bradford, pledged $1 million to match congregations’ gifts. We have witnessed the bold generosity of many congregations and communities, including the UU Women’s Federation, the Northern New England District, and the UU Funding Panel—all of which provided significant financial support.

With my own personal experience as a Black woman working in this faith and being part of this faith, this campaign deeply resonated with me. Having previously worked in a large congregation, I had to unpack my own pain from experiences of macro and micro aggressions and fears of bringing my whole identity and self into my UU faith community. As a Black woman in a predominately white faith, I have learned that UU spaces are often like so many other predominately white spaces in America, and I have become accustomed to navigating between two different worlds and shrink my being so that I am not fully seen or heard. BLUU has helped shed light on this issue and has shaped their work around the isolation that many Black UUs feel in our faith with hopes of providing sources of healing, comfort and connection. My own participation in the online worship, pastoral care, and BLUU Revival has personally saved my faith and the faiths of many others. My work on Promise and Practice has renewed my faith that we can grow and equip our UU communities and congregations with the knowledge and tools to be spaces that provide healing, comfort and connection for anyone who seeks it. To date we have raised over $4.2 million—and we are practicing new ways in uplifting the voices of those who have been historically silenced and shut out. The work is far from complete, but we know the possibility of growing in ways that all UUs will be seen and heard and loved. Learn more at UUA.org/bluu-campaign Cheri Taylor is a major gift officer at the UUA; she is based outside Madison, WI. 2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 21

GROW NEW CONG AND COMMUNITIE UUA Resources Congregational growth is about many things, not just numbers—congregations can grow in health, maturity, and outward-focused values. UUA Congregational Life staff offer workshops, education and other support tailored to small, midsize and large congregations. ACCESSIBILITY uua.org/accessibility/aim Through Accessibility and Inclusion Ministries (AIM) program, congregations can receive guidance and support in welcoming people of all abilities and disabilities, in partnership with EqUUal Access.

MEMBERSHIP, GROWTH AND OUTREACH uua.org/growth Growth in numbers brings many blessings— and also significant challenges. Congregations of different sizes need different approaches. UUA Congregational Life staff is available to offer workshops, education, and leadership to help grow your congregation.


uua.org/growth/breakthrough Breakthrough Congregations seeks to celebrate and share innovative ways congregations are adapting to the challenges that they face in this changing religious landscape. A successful Breakthrough Congregation has demonstrated an innovation or adaptation that is entirely new to the congregation and could be useful to other congregations.

GRANTS AND LOANS uua.org/finance/grants The UUA offers several options for congregations to access grants and/or loans to assist with building or buying a new spiritual home, repairing or renovating existing facilities (such as making buildings more accessible), or expanding current facilities where substantial construction is required. The UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund awards grants to UU congregations and affiliated organizations to assist with repairing property damage, as well as assisting their members and community partners in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

GREGATIONS ES UU FUNDING PROGRAM uufunding.org The Unitarian Universalist Funding Program (UUFP) is a denominational grant-making program of the UUA, made possible by the generous support of the Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock. Grants are available to UU institutions that support the work of social justice; strengthen UU institutions and community life; address issues of social and economic justice; and make Unitarian Universalism more visible in the world.

UU World’s “Seeker” issue is designed specifically as an introduction to Unitarian Universalism. The 32-page publication is an anthology of articles and photographs, organized in four sections: Who We Are, What We Believe, How We Gather, and What We Do. Available in packs of 10 or 25 from inSpirit UU Book and Gift Shop (uuabookstore.org), the Seeker issue is suitable for use in path to membership classes as well as generous outreach to people interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism.

WELCOMING CONGREGATIONS uua.org/lgbtq Religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming of LGBTQ people. Being a Welcoming Congregation means striving for radical inclusion and creating spaces that honor every part of our identities. The work of welcoming is never done; congregations are invited to engage in the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal.

UU WORLD MAGAZINE uuworld.org Quarterly print and digital versions of UU World magazine are published in March, June, September, and November; uuworld.org publishes news and original online-only content every week. Members of Unitarian Universalist congregations in the U.S. receive a free print subscription as a benefit of membership, thanks to congregations’ generous support of the Annual Program Fund.

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 23

LEADER- F P SHIP M LEADERSHIP COUNCIL The Leadership Council is comprised of the Association’s senior staff and advises the UUA president on key issues and operations of the Association. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray President Carey McDonald Executive Vice President Helene Atwan Director of Beacon Press Taquiena Boston Special Advisor to the President for Institutional Inclusion, Equity, and Change Tim Brennan Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer John Hurley Director of Communications Janice Marie Johnson Co-Director of Ministries and Faith Development


Rev. Sarah Lammert Co-Director of Ministries and Faith Development Rob Molla Director of Human Resources Rev. Lauren Smith Director of Stewardship and Development Mark Steinwinter Director of Information Technology Services

Gregory Boyd Kathleen Burek Chelsea Hendrix Youth Observer Sarah Dan Jones Tanner Linden Youth Observer Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

Jessica York Director of Congregational Life

Rev. Patrick McLaughlin


The UUA extends thanks and appreciation to Tim Atkins, Dick Jacke (deceased), Christina Rivera, and Bailey Saddlemire (youth observer) for their service on the Board of Trustees.

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray President Mr. Barb Greve Co-Moderator

Latifa Woodhouse

Elandria Williams Co-Moderator Denise Rimes Vice Moderator Lucia Santini Field Financial Advisor

Trustee and Leadership Council rosters are as of February 1, 2019.

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Tim Brennan, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

Fiscal year 2018 operating income decreased slightly from fiscal year 2017. In addition, Beacon Press had an outstanding year, generating more than $8 million in sales, a record. Regular operating income from core activities was flat. Core operations did slightly better than breakeven and overall the Association’s operating results were also breakeven. For fiscal year 2018, income exceeded expenses by an immaterial $152,000 on total revenues of $38.9 million. Congregational giving through the Annual Program Fund is off to a strong start in fiscal year 2019, outpacing last year in revenue to date. The UUA’s invested assets, primarily the UU Common Endowment Fund (UUCEF), performed well, generating overall returns of $10.2 million after distributions for operating expenses. The UUCEF reported a return of 9.9% (8.7% net of all fees and expenses) that placed the fund in the upper 5% when compared to like-sized endowments. Performance was down from the prior fiscal year due to market conditions, but outstanding when compared to other

endowments. Five, seven and ten-year returns were also strong and in excess of benchmarks. The UUA Investment Committee remains committed to active management, global markets, and diversification, which have delivered benefits this year. And these results were achieved along with a strong commitment to Socially Responsible Investing. During fiscal year 2018, the Investment Committee and the Committee on Socially Responsible Investing have committed to greater collaboration, usually meeting together, with the result of better aligning the endowment’s investment decisions with our UU values. The audited financial statements of the UUA, highlights from which follow, have been reviewed by the board-appointed Audit Committee. The Association’s auditors, Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., issued a clean opinion. That is, they certified that the statements, which were prepared by the UUA staff, fairly present the financial condition of the Association in all material respects.

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 25


+ Revenue

n n n n n n

Charitable Gifts Net Sales from Publishing Activities Rent and Other Income Endowment Income Sales and Administrative Services Holdeen Trusts

42% 20% 18% 11% 6% 3%

42% Charitable Gifts

n n n n n n n n


Annual Program Fund (Net to UUA) 58% Unrestricted Gifts 13% Grants 10% Restricted Gifts (Campaign) 9% Grants 4% International Programs 3% Living Tradition Fund 2% Endowment Gifts 1%

– Expenditures

Programs 75% General and Administrative 18% n Stewardship and Development 5% n Rental Expense 2% n n

Budget by Core Mission Area Allocation

n n n n n

Equip congregations for health and vitality 34% Train and support leaders for vital ministry 25% Promote UU values and advance justice 24% Extend and strengthen UU institiutions 12% Grow new congregations and communities 5%

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 27

Socially Responsible Investing The UUA brings our values to bear in every decision related to the investment of our assets. For example: • The UUA incorporates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into stock and manager selection. Currently fully 80% of the investment strategies in the fund incorporate ESG. Our portfolio favors companies with strong ESG performance and avoids those that do not meet our criteria. When choosing managers of mutual funds, we look for those with strong ESG practices. • The UUA is an active owner, using our shareholder rights to press companies for better performance on ESG issues. We vote all of our proxies, file shareholder resolutions, and engage in dialogue with corporations around issues of concern, such as climate change, executive compensation, political lobbying, GLBTQ and gender discrimination, fair chance employment, and the Dakota Access Pipeline.

UUCEF currently has $194 million under management (as of 9/30/18), which includes the endowment assets of the UUA and 373 congregations and related organizations. Congregations and trusts administered by the UUA hold 53% of the Fund’s total assets, with the UUA holding the remaining 47%. Key characteristics: • Long-term investment strategy • Investment portfolio diversified across asset classes, geography, and managers • Managed by professional investment managers, each specializing in a particular strategy or asset class • Reflects UU values while achieving financial goals • Open to congregations, regions, and other UU organizations Governance:

• The UUA devotes significant assets to impact investing, which offers a “double bottom line” through private equity investments that offer both competitive market returns and measurable positive social and environmental impact.

The UU Common Endowment Fund (UUCEF) is a separate legal entity from the UUA, with separate audit and financial statements. UUCEF is designated as a 501(c)3 charity by the Internal Revenue Service. UUA serves as manager of UUCEF, with the UUA Board of Trustees serving as the ultimate fiduciary.

UU Common Endowment Fund

Performance and Fees:

The UU Common Endowment Fund, LLC, (UUCEF) is a professionally managed, diversified investment fund available to UU congregations, regions, and other related organizations. These organizations pool their assets with the UUA’s to take advantage of economies of scale as well as professional management and oversight.

Annualized % return as of September 30, 2018:

The Fund is overseen by the UUA’s Investment Committee, made up of individuals with professional institutional management experience. The committee is advised by New England Pension Consultants, a leading institutional investment advisory firm focused on endowments, foundations, and pension funds.

* Benchmarks of each asset class (US equities, international equities, bonds, etc.) weighted according to the relative asset value of each.

The Fund invests with a long-term horizon and makes decisions through the lens of UU values as guided by our principles and the resolutions of General Assembly.


1 Yr

3 Yrs

5 Yrs

7 Yrs

Gross return





Return net of fees





Blended benchmark*





Expenses are approximately 1.2% of average net assets (expenses include investment manager fees, consulting, custody, audit, other expenses, and 0.20% to the UUA for administrative services. For more information visit uucef.org, or contact the fund at treasurerasst@uua.org or (617) 948-4306.


FY 2018

FY 2017

Support and revenue








Change in net assets from non-operating activities



Minority interest in investment earnings of UUCEF





Net assets, begining of year



Net assets, end of year



Change in net assets from operations

Change in net assets



FY 2018

FY 2017





Funds held in trust by others and in support of split interest agreements



Property and equipment, net



Other assets



Total assets



Cash, receivables and other assets Investments

Liabilities and net assets Accounts payable, accrued expenses, agency liability



Bank Debt



Other liabilities



Total liabilities





Minority interest in UUCEF Net assets Unrestricted

57,951 57,430

Temporarily Restricted



Permanently restricted



Total net assets



Total liabilities and net assets



The financial statements of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) as of June 30, 2018, were examined by the independent certified public accounting firm Mayer Hoffman McCann PC, Boston, MA. The above are financial highlights. The complete audited financial statements and report are available at UUA.org.

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 29


Congregational Honor Roll Thank you to all of our UU congregations for your generous contributions to the Annual Program Fund (APF) and the Generously Investing for Tomorrow (GIFT) program in the Southern Region, which embodies the covenant between us and fulfills our promise of mutual support.


Leadership Congregations We thank the 50 most generous congregations that contributed the full requested amount (Honor Congregation) to APF or GIFT in fiscal year 2018. UU Congregation of Phoenix Paradise Valley, AZ

First Parish UU of Arlington MA Arlington, MA

UU Society of Sacramento Sacramento, CA

First Parish in Bedford Bedford, MA

First UU Church of San Diego San Diego, CA

Church of the Larger Fellowship Boston, MA

Mt. Diablo UU Church Walnut Creek, CA

Follen Church Lexington, MA

First Unitarian Society of Denver Denver, CO

First Religious Soc in Newburyport Newburyport, MA

First Universalist Church of Denver Denver, CO

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton Newton, MA

Foothills Unitarian Church Fort Collins, CO Jefferson Unitarian Church Golden, CO Unitarian Society of New Haven Hamden, CT UU Society: East Manchester, CT First Unitarian Soc of Wilmington Wilmington, DE First Unitarian Church of Orlando Orlando, FL First UC of Des Moines Des Moines, IA Unitarian Church of Evanston Evanston, IL UU Church of Bloomington Bloomington, IN Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA

The North Parish of North Andover North Andover, MA UU Church of Annapolis Annapolis, MD Cedar Lane UU Church Bethesda, MD River Road UU Congregation Bethesda, MD UU Church of Charlotte Charlotte, NC UU Fellowship of Winston Salem Winston-Salem, NC UUC of Portsmouth South Church Portsmouth, NH UU Congregation of Monmouth County Lincroft, NJ The UU Congregation at Montclair Montclair, NJ

UU Congregation of Princeton Princeton, NJ The Unitarian Church in Summit Summit, NJ UUC at Washington Crossing Titusville, NJ UU Church of Buffalo Buffalo, NY UU Cong at Shelter Rock Manhasset, NY UU Soc of Schenectady Schenectady, NY West Shore UU Church Cleveland, OH All Souls Unitarian Church Tulsa, OK Main Line Unitarian Church Devon, PA Unitarian Society of Germantown Philadelphia, PA First UC of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA UU Fellowship of Centre County State College, PA First UC of Providence Providence, RI First Unitarian Church of Memphis Memphis, TN First UC of Dallas Dallas, TX Mt Vernon Unitarian Church Alexandria, VA First UU Church of Richmond Richmond, VA Fox Valley UU Fellowship Appleton, WI

Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Morristown, NJ

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 31

Honor Congregations We thank these congregations that have contributed the full requested APF or GIFT amount in fiscal year 2018. n Indicates congregations that have contributed the full requested amount for 25 or

more consecutive years. n Indicates congregations that have contributed the full requested amount for 10 - 24

consecutive years. Auburn UU Fellowship Auburn, Alabama n First Universalist Church of Camp Hill Camp Hill, Alabama UU Congregation of the Shoals Florence, Alabama n UU Fellowship of Mobile Mobile, Alabama n UU Congregation of Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa, Alabama n Anchorage UU Fellowship Anchorage, Alaska n UU Fellowship of Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska n Juneau UU Fellowship Juneau, Alaska n Sitka UU Fellowship Sitka, Alaska Valley UU Congregation Chandler, Arizona n Sedona UU Fellowship Cottonwood, Arizona n Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation Flagstaff, Arizona West Valley UU Church Glendale, Arizona UU Congregation of Phoenix Paradise Valley, Arizona n Granite Peak UU Congregation Prescott, Arizona n Prescott UU Fellowship


Emerson UU Church Canoga Park, California n UU Church of the Monterey Peninsula Carmel, California n UU Fellowship in Chico Chico, California n Orange Coast UU Church Costa Mesa, California n

Prescott, Arizona n

UU Church of Davis Davis, California n

Sky Island UU Church Sierra Vista, Arizona n

Chalice UU Congregation Escondido, California n

UU Church Surprise, Arizona

Mission Peak UU Congregation Fremont, California n

Mountain Vista UU Congregation Tucson, Arizona n

The UU Church of Fresno Fresno, California n

Eureka UU Fellowship Eureka Springs, Arkansas n

The UU Congregation in Fullerton Fullerton, California n

UU Church of Hot Springs Hot Springs, Arkansas

Live Oak UU Congregation Goleta, California n

UU Village Church Hot Springs Village, Arkansas n

UU Community of the Mountains Grass Valley, California

UU Fellowship of Jonesboro Jonesboro, Arkansas

Starr King UU Church Hayward, California n

UU Church of Little Rock Little Rock, Arkansas n

UU Community of Lake County Kelseyville, California n

UU Fellowship of Mountain Home Mountain Home, Arkansas

UU Church of the Verdugo Hills La Crescenta, California n

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Benton County Rogers, Arkansas

UU Fellowship of Laguna Beach Laguna Beach, California n

UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County Aptos, California Sierra Foothills UUs Auburn, California n Humboldt UU Fellowship Bayside, California Berkeley Fellowship of UUs Berkeley, California n UU Community of Cambria Cambria, California

Tapestry, a UU Congregation Lake Forest, California UU Church of Long Beach Long Beach, California n First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California n Monte Vista UU Congregation Montclair, California n Napa Valley UUs Napa, California n

Conejo Valley UU Fellowship Newbury Park, California n Sepulveda UU Society North Hills, California First Unitarian Church of Oakland Oakland, California UU Church of Palo Alto Palo Alto, California n First Universalist Parish of Pasadena, dba Throop Memorial Pasadena, California

Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, California n Summit UU Fellowship Santee, California n UU Fellowship of Sunnyvale Sunnyvale, California n UU Church of Ventura Ventura, California n UU Fellowship of Visalia Visalia, California

UUs of Petaluma Petaluma, California

Palomar UU Fellowship Vista, California

UU Fellowship of Porterville Porterville, California n

Mt. Diablo UU Church Walnut Creek, California n

Pacific Unitarian Church, a UU Congregation Rancho Palos Verdes, California

UU Church of Boulder Boulder, Colorado n

South Bay Unitarian Fellowship Redondo Beach, California n UU Fellowship of Redwood City Redwood City, California n UU Society of Sacramento Sacramento, California First UU Church of San Diego San Diego, California n First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco San Francisco, California First Unitarian Church of San Jose San Jose, California n UU Fellowship San Luis Obispo County San Luis Obispo, California UUs of San Mateo San Mateo, California n UUs of Santa Clarita Valley Santa Clarita, California n UU Church of Santa Paula Santa Paula, California n

Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist Carbondale, Colorado n

Pagosa Springs, Colorado UU Society in Brooklyn, Connecticut Brooklyn, Connecticut Unitarian Society of New Haven Hamden, Connecticut Unitarian Society of Hartford Hartford, CT Unitarian Fellowship of Northwest Connecticut Lakeville, Connecticut Shoreline UU Society Madison, Connecticut UU Society: East Manchester, Connecticut n UU Church in Meriden Meriden, Connecticut UU Society New Britain, Connecticut

First Unitarian Society of Denver Denver, Colorado First Universalist Church of Denver Denver, Colorado n High Country UU Fellowship Dillon, Colorado n UU Fellowship of Durango Durango, Colorado n Foothills Unitarian Church Fort Collins, Colorado Jefferson Unitarian Church Golden, Colorado UU Congregation of the Grand Valley Grand Junction, Colorado n UU Church of Greeley Greeley, Colorado n The Boulder Valley UU Fellowship Lafayette, Colorado n Namaqua UU Congregation Loveland, Colorado n Pagosah UU Fellowship

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 33

First Universalist Society in New Haven New Haven, Connecticut n

Community UU Church Port Orange, Florida n

UU Fellowship of Statesboro Statesboro, Georgia n

UU Church of Norwich CT Norwich, Connecticut

Friendship Fellowship at Pineda Rockledge, Florida

Unitarian Fellowship of Valdosta Valdosta, Georgia n

Unitarian Fellowship of Storrs Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut n

UU Fellowship of St Augustine St Augustine, Florida n

First Unitarian Church of Honolulu Honolulu, Hawaii n

UU Church Greater Bridgeport Stratford, Connecticut

UU United Fellowship St Petersburg, Florida n

Boise UU Fellowship Boise, Idaho n

UUs of Southern Delaware Lewes, Delaware n

Tri-County Unitarian Universalists (FL) Summerfield, Florida n

North Idaho UUs Coeur D Alene, Idaho

UU Society of Mill Creek (Delaware) Newark, Delaware n

UU Fellowship of Sun City Center Sun City Center, Florida n

UU Church in Idaho Falls Idaho Falls, Idaho

First Unitarian Church of Wilmington Wilmington, Delaware

UU Church of Tallahassee Tallahassee, Florida

UU Church of the Palouse Moscow, Idaho n

Washington Ethical Society Washington, District of Columbia

UU Church of Tampa Tampa, Florida n

Pocatello UU Fellowship Pocatello, Idaho n

UU Church in the Pines Brooksville, Florida n

UU Church of Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs, Florida

Magic Valley UU Fellowship Twin Falls, Idaho n

First UU Church of West Volusia Deland, Florida n

UU Fellowship of the Emerald Coast Valparaiso, Florida n

First Unitarian Church Alton, Illinois

UU Congregation of Lake County Eustis, Florida

UU Congregation of Venice Venice, Florida n

The Federated Church Avon, Illinois

Nature Coast UUs Holder, Florida

UU Church of Brevard West Melbourne, Florida

UU Church of Bloomington Normal Bloomington, Illinois n

All Souls Miami Miami, Florida

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta Augusta, Georgia n

UU Fellowship of Eastern Illinois Charleston, Illinois

UU Congregation of Greater Naples Naples, Florida n Mosaic UU Congregation Orange City, Florida n Buckman Bridge UU Church Orange Park, Florida First Unitarian Church of Orlando Orlando, Florida University UU Society Orlando, Florida n UU Congregation Ormond Beach Ormond Beach, Florida UU Fellowship of Bay County Panama City, Florida n


Canon UU Church Canon, Georgia n Georgia Mountains UU Church Dahlonega, Georgia n Mountain Light UU Church Ellijay, Georgia n Emerson UU Congregation Marietta, Georgia n UU Metro Atlanta North Congregation Roswell, Georgia Northwest UU Congregation Sandy Springs, Georgia n

All Souls Free Religious Fellowship Chicago, Illinois Peoples Church of Chicago Chicago, Illinois n Third Unitarian Church of Chicago Chicago, Illinois n UU Fellowship of Decatur Decatur, Illinois n UU Fellowship of DeKalb DeKalb, Illinois Unitarian Church of Evanston Evanston, Illinois Prairie Circle UU Congregation Grayslake, Illinois

Countryside Church UU Palatine, Illinois

Cedar Valley Unitarian Universalists Cedar Falls, Iowa n

Clifton Universalist Unitarian Church Louisville, Kentucky

Abraham Lincoln UU Congregation Springfield, Illinois n

UU Society of Iowa City Coralville, Iowa

Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church Louisville, Kentucky n

UU Church of Urbana Champaign Urbana, Illinois n

Northeast Iowa UU Fellowship Decorah, Iowa n

Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, Louisiana n

UU Church of Bloomington, Indiana Bloomington, Indiana n

First Unitarian Church of Des Moines Iowa Des Moines, Iowa n

UU Fellowship of Lafayette Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana n

UU Congregation of Columbus, Indiana Columbus, Indiana n UU Community Church of Hendricks County Danville, Indiana n

UU Fellowship of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa n UU Fellowship of North Central Iowa Mason City, Iowa n

UU Fellowship of Elkhart Elkhart, Indiana

First Unitarian Church Sioux City, Iowa n

UU Church of Evansville Evansville, Indiana n

UU Fellowship of Manhattan Manhattan, Kansas n

UU Congregation of Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, Indiana

The UU Fellowship of Salina Salina, Kansas n

First Unitarian Church of Hobart Hobart, Indiana n

First UU Church of Wichita Kansas Wichita, Kansas n

Oaklandon UU Church Indianapolis, Indiana n

UU Church of Bowling Green Bowling Green, Kentucky

First UU Church of New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana UU Church of Brunswick Brunswick, Maine UU Congregation of Castine Castine, Maine n Midcoast UU Fellowship Damariscotta, Maine UU Meeting House of Pittsfield Maine Pittsfield, Maine n First Universalist Church in Rockland Rockland, Maine First Universalist Church of Yarmouth Yarmouth, Maine n

UU Fellowship of Kokomo Kokomo, Indiana n UU Church of Muncie Muncie, Indiana n First Unitarian Church of South Bend South Bend, Indiana n First Unitarian Universalist Congregation Terre Haute, Indiana UU Church of Tippecanoe County West Lafayette, Indiana n Heartland UU Church Zionsville, Indiana Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames, Iowa Ames, Iowa n

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 35

Paint Branch UU Church Adelphi, Maryland

Amherst, Massachusetts

UU Church of Annapolis Annapolis, Maryland n

First Parish UU of Arlington, Massachusetts Arlington, Massachusetts n

The First Unitarian Church of Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland n

First Parish in Bedford Bedford, Massachusetts n

UU Congregation of the Chesapeake Barstow, Maryland

First Parish Church of Berlin Berlin, Massachusetts

Cedar Lane UU Church Bethesda, Maryland n

The First Parish of Bolton Bolton, Massachusetts

River Road UU Congregation Bethesda, Maryland

Church of the Larger Fellowship Boston, Massachusetts n

Goodloe Memorial UU Congregation Bowie, Maryland n

First Parish Church Unitarian-Universalist Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Davies Memorial UU Church Camp Springs, Maryland n UUs of the Chester River Chestertown, Maryland n UU Fellowship of Harford County Churchville, Maryland n UU Fellowship of Greater Cumberland Cumberland, Maryland n UU Fellowship at Easton Easton, Maryland n Channing Memorial Church, UU Ellicott City, Maryland n Cedarhurst UUs Finksburg, Maryland n UU Congregation of Frederick Frederick, Maryland Sugarloaf Congregation of UU Germantown, Maryland UU Church of Hagerstown Hagerstown, Maryland n UU Fellowship of Southern Maryland Leonardtown, Maryland n UU Fellowship at Salisbury Salisbury, Maryland n UU Society of Amherst


First Parish in Brookline Brookline, Massachusetts n First Parish in Cambridge Cambridge, Massachusetts n First Parish UU Canton Canton, Massachusetts First Congregational Society Unitarian Chelmsford, Massachusetts n First Parish in Cohasset Cohasset, Massachusetts The First Church of Deerfield Deerfield, Massachusetts n The Dover Church Dover, Massachusetts n UU Fellowship of Falmouth East Falmouth, Massachusetts n The Federated Church of Orleans East Orleans, Massachusetts n Nauset Fellowship Eastham, Massachusetts UU Society of Grafton & Upton Grafton, Massachusetts n First Parish Church of Groton Groton, Massachusetts n

First Congregational Unitarian Church of Harvard Harvard, Massachusetts n Second Parish in Hingham Hingham, Massachusetts n Hopedale Unitarian Parish Hopedale, Massachusetts n UU Meeting of South Berkshire Housatonic, Massachusetts First Parish Unit Church of Hubbardston Hubbardston, Massachusetts n Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson Hudson, Massachusetts First Church in Jamaica Plain Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts First Parish in Kingston Kingston, Massachusetts n Leicester Unitarian Church Leicester, Massachusetts First Congregational Society Leominster, Massachusetts Follen Church Lexington, Massachusetts n First Parish in Malden Universalist Malden, Massachusetts Melrose UU Church Melrose, Massachusetts n First UU Society of Middleboro Middleboro, Massachusetts n First Parish in Milton UU Milton, Massachusetts Second Congregational Meeting House Society UU Nantucket, Massachusetts First Parish in Needham UU Needham, Massachusetts n First Religious Society, UU in Newburyport Newburyport, Massachusetts n

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton Newton, Massachusetts n The North Parish of North Andover North Andover, Massachusetts n Unity Church of North Easton North Easton, Massachusetts Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence Northampton, Massachusetts

The First Parish in Wayland Wayland, Massachusetts

Nora Church UU Hanska, Minnesota n

UU Society of Wellesley Hills Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts

UU Fellowship of Mankato Mankato, Minnesota

Winchester Unitarian Society Winchester, Massachusetts n

UU Fellowship of Northfield Northfield, Minnesota n

Community Unitarian Universalists in Brighton Brighton, Michigan

First UU Church of Rochester, MN Rochester, Minnesota

First Parish Church UU Northborough, Massachusetts

Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington Farmington Hills, Michigan

First Parish of Norwell Norwell, Massachusetts

UU Congregation of Flint Flint, Michigan

First Universalist Church of Orange Orange, Massachusetts

Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church Grosse Pointe, Michigan n

St Paul’s Church of Palmer, MA Palmer, Massachusetts n

UU Church of Greater Lansing Lansing, Michigan n

First Parish in Plymouth Plymouth, Massachusetts

UU Fellowship of Midland Midland, Michigan n

UU Meeting House of Provincetown Provincetown, Massachusetts

UU Fellowship of Central Michigan Mt Pleasant, Michigan n

United First Parish Church Quincy, Massachusetts n

Harbor UU Congregation Muskegon, Michigan n

UU Congregation at First Church in Roxbury Roxbury, Massachusetts

New Hope, A UU Congregation New Hudson, Michigan n

Unitarian Church of Sharon Sharon, Massachusetts n UU Area Church at First Parish in Sherborn Sherborn, Massachusetts n The First Church in Sterling Sterling, Massachusetts Federated Church Sturbridge, Massachusetts UU Church of Greater Lynn Swampscott, Massachusetts n UU Society of Martha’s Vineyard Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts n

UU Congregation of Petoskey Petoskey, Michigan

St Cloud UU Fellowship Saint Cloud, Minnesota n Unitarian Church of Underwood Underwood, Minnesota n Mesabi UU Church Virginia, Minnesota UU Fellowship of Winona Winona, Minnesota n Gulf Coast UU Fellowship Gulfport, Mississippi UU Church of Jackson Jackson, Mississippi n Our Home Universalist Unitarian Church Laurel, Mississippi n UU Congregation of Oxford Oxford, Mississippi n UU Congregation of Tupelo Tupelo, Mississippi n UU Church Columbia, Missouri n

Berrien UU Fellowship Saint Joseph, Michigan n Northwest UU Church Southfield, Michigan n Beacon UU Congregation Troy, Michigan Headwaters UU Fellowship Bemidji, Minnesota n Dakota UU Church Burnsville, Minnesota Michael Servetus Unitarian Society Fridley, Minnesota n

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 37

UU Fellowship of Jefferson City Jefferson City, Missouri n

South Church Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Beacon UU Congregation in Summit Summit, New Jersey n

UU Fellowship of Rolla Rolla, Missouri n

UU Fellowship of the Eastern Slopes Tamworth, New Hampshire

UU Church at Washington Crossing Titusville, New Jersey n

First UU Church of Springfield Springfield, Missouri

Walpole Unitarian Church Walpole, New Hampshire

Lakeland UU Fellowship Wayne, New Jersey

Billings UU Fellowship Billings, Montana n

First UU Fellowship of Hunterdon County Baptistown, New Jersey n

UU Fellowship of Otero County Alamogordo, New Mexico n

UU Fellowship of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana n Glacier UU Fellowship Kalispell, Montana n UU Fellowship of Missoula Missoula, Montana n Kearney UU Fellowship Lexington, Nebraska n Unitarian Church of Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska n First Unitarian Church Omaha, Nebraska Second Unitarian Church of Omaha Omaha, Nebraska n UU Congregation of Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada n UU Fellowship of Northern Nevada Reno, Nevada n Durham UU Fellowship Durham, New Hampshire n The Federated Church of Marlborough Marlborough, New Hampshire

UU Church in Cherry Hill Cherry Hill, New Jersey The Unitarian Society, a UU Congregation East Brunswick, New Jersey n UU Ocean County Congregation Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey n UU Congregation of Monmouth County Lincroft, New Jersey n The UU Congregation at Montclair Montclair, New Jersey n Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Morristown, New Jersey UU Fellowship of Sussex County Newton, New Jersey n First UU Church of Essex County Orange, New Jersey Central Unitarian Church Paramus, New Jersey n First Unitarian Society of Plainfield Plainfield, New Jersey

San Juan Unitarian Fellowship Farmington, New Mexico UU Church of Las Cruces Las Cruces, New Mexico First UU Society of Albany Albany, New York n UU Society of South Suffolk Bay Shore, New York UU Fellowship of Big Flats Big Flats, New York UU Congregation of Binghamton Binghamton, New York n UU Congregation of The South Fork Bridgehampton, New York n Brockport UU Fellowship Brockport, New York All Souls Bethlehem Church Brooklyn, New York n UU Church of Buffalo Buffalo, New York UU Church of Canandaigua Canandaigua, New York n

UU Church of Nashua New Hampshire Nashua, New Hampshire n

UU Congregation of the South Jersey Shore Pomona, New Jersey n

UU Church of Canton Canton, New York

Newfields Community Church Newfields, New Hampshire

UU Congregation of Princeton Princeton, New Jersey n

UU Fellowship of Chautauqua Chautauqua, New York n

Nottingham Community Church UU Nottingham, New Hampshire

The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood NJ Ridgewood, New Jersey n

UU Church of East Aurora East Aurora, New York n

Peterborough UU Church Peterborough, New Hampshire

UU Congregation of Somerset Hills Somerville, New Jersey n

UU Congregation of Northern Chautauqua Fredonia, New York n

Starr King UU Fellowship Plymouth, New Hampshire n


South Nassau UU Congregation Freeport, New York

Unitarian Church of Staten Island Staten Island, New York n

UU Fellowship of Athens Ohio Athens, Ohio n

UU Congregation of Central Nassau Garden City, New York

UU Fellowship at Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York n

UU Congregation of the Ohio Valley Bellaire, Ohio n

North Fork UU Fellowship Greenport, New York

UU Congregation at Rock Tavern Washingtonville, New York n

First Unitarian Church Cincinnati, Ohio n

UU Church of Hamburg Hamburg, New York n

All Souls UU Church Watertown, New York n

St. John’s UU Church Cincinnati, Ohio n

UU Fellowship of Huntington Huntington, New York n

Community UU Congregation at White Plains White Plains, New York

West Shore UU Church Cleveland, Ohio n

UU Congregation of Jamestown NY Jamestown, New York n UU Congregation of the Catskills Kingston, New York n St Paul Universalist Church Little Falls, New York UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Manhasset, New York n

UU Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley Black Mountain, North Carolina UUs of Transylvania County Brevard, North Carolina n UU Church of Charlotte Charlotte, North Carolina n

Miami Valley UU Fellowship Dayton, Ohio n Delaware UU Fellowship Delaware, Ohio UU Church of Blanchard Valley Findlay, Ohio UU Church of Kent Kent, Ohio

UU Fellowship of Northern Westchester Mount Kisco, New York n

UU Fellowship of Franklin North Carolina Franklin, North Carolina

North UU Congregation Lewis Center, Ohio

Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York New York, New York n

UU Church of Catawba Valley Hickory, North Carolina

UU Fellowship of Lima Ohio Lima, Ohio

UU Congregation of Hillsborough Hillsborough, North Carolina n

First UU Society of Marietta Marietta, Ohio n

UU Fellowship of New Bern NC New Bern, North Carolina

Southwest UU Church North Royalton, Ohio n

UU PEACE Fellowship Raleigh, North Carolina n

Hopedale UU Community Oxford, Ohio n

The Community Church of New York UU New York, New York n UU Fellowship of Plattsburgh NY Plattsburgh, New York n UU Congregation of Rockland County Pomona, New York UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie, New York The First Universalist Church of Rochester Rochester, New York UU Society of Schenectady Schenectady, New York The First Universalist Church of Southold Southold, New York

UU Fellowship of Rocky Mount Rocky Mount, North Carolina n Thermal Belt UU Fellowship Tryon, North Carolina UU Fellowship of Winston-Salem Winston-Salem, North Carolina n Bismarck Mandan UU Fellowship and Church Bismarck, North Dakota n Grand Forks UU Fellowship Grand Forks, North Dakota

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 39

UU Fellowship of the Firelands Sandusky, Ohio n

West Hills UU Fellowship Portland, Oregon

of Susquehanna Valley Northumberland, Pennsylvania

UU Fellowship of Wayne County Ohio Wooster, Ohio n

Wy’east UU Congregation Portland, Oregon n

Unitarian Church of the Restoration Philadelphia, Pennsylvania n

UU Fellowship of Yellow Springs Yellow Springs, Ohio n

Umpqua UU Congregation Roseburg, Oregon n

Unitarian Society of Germantown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

UU Church of Bartlesville Bartlesville, Oklahoma

UU Congregation of Salem Salem, Oregon n

Allegheny UU Church Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania n

UU Church of Lawton Lawton, Oklahoma

South Park UU Fellowship West Linn, Oregon n

First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania n

All Souls Unitarian Church Tulsa, Oklahoma

UU Church of Athens and Sheshequin Athens, Pennsylvania n

UU Church of the North Hills Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rogue Valley UU Fellowship Ashland, Oregon n

Upper Delaware UU Fellowship Beach Lake, Pennsylvania n

UU Fellowship of Pottstown Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Pacific UU Fellowship Astoria, Oregon n

UUs of the Cumberland Valley Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania n

First UU Church Berks County Reading, Pennsylvania n

UU Fellowship of Central Oregon Bend, Oregon n

Thomas Paine UU Fellowship Collegeville, Pennsylvania

Ginger Hill UU Congregation Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania n

South Coast UU Fellowship Coos Bay, Oregon n

Main Line Unitarian Church Devon, Pennsylvania n

UU Congregation of Smithton Smithton, Pennsylvania n

UU Fellowship of Corvallis Corvallis, Oregon n

Main Line Unitarian Church Devon, Pennsylvania n

UU Fellowship of Centre County State College, Pennsylvania n

Florence UU Fellowship Florence, Oregon

UU Congregation of Erie Erie, Pennsylvania

UU Fellowship of the Poconos Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania n

UUs of Grants Pass Grants Pass, Oregon

UUs of Gettysburg Gettysburg, Pennsylvania n

Unitarian Congregation of West Chester West Chester, Pennsylvania n

UU Community Church of Washington County Hillsboro, Oregon n

First UU Church of Girard Girard, Pennsylvania

UU Congregation of Wyoming Valley Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

First Universalist Church Kingsley, Pennsylvania

The UU Congregation of York York, Pennsylvania

UU Fellowship of Lower Bucks Langhorne, Pennsylvania

UU Congregation of South County Peace Dale, Rhode Island n

UU Fellowship Ligonier Valley Ligonier, Pennsylvania n

First Unitarian Church of Providence Providence, Rhode Island

UU Church of Delaware County Media, Pennsylvania n

Religious Society of Bell Street Chapel Providence, Rhode Island n

East Suburban UU Church Murrysville, Pennsylvania

Aiken UU Church Aiken, South Carolina n

UU Congregation

UU Fellowship of Beaufort Beaufort, South Carolina n

Mid Columbia UU Fellowship Hood River, Oregon n UU Fellowship of Klamath County Klamath Falls, Oregon UU Fellowship of McMinnville McMinnville, Oregon UU Congregation at Willamette Falls Oregon City, Oregon n Eastrose Fellowship UU Portland, Oregon n


UU Congregation of the Lowcountry Bluffton, South Carolina

UU Fellowship of Bell County Belton, Texas

UU Fellowship of Tyler Tyler, Texas

The Greenville UU Fellowship Greenville, South Carolina

Horizon UU Church Carrollton, Texas n

UU Church of Victoria Victoria, Texas n

All Souls Waccamaw Myrtle Beach, South Carolina n

Live Oak UU Church Cedar Park, Texas n

South Valley UU Society Cottonwood Heights, Utah

UU Church of Spartanburg Spartanburg, South Carolina n

UU Church of the Brazos Valley College Station, Texas n

Cache Valley UUs Logan, Utah n

Black Hills UU Fellowship Rapid City, South Dakota

The First Unitarian Church of Dallas Dallas, Texas

First Unitarian Church Salt Lake City, Utah

All Souls Church UU Sioux Falls, South Dakota n

Red River UU Church Denison, Texas n

First Church in Barre Universalist 1796 Barre, Vermont

Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee n

Denton UU Fellowship Denton, Texas

UU Fellowship of Bennington Bennington, Vermont

Westside UU Church Fort Worth, Texas

First Universalist Society of Hartland Hartland Four Corners, Vermont

UU Fellowship of Galveston County Galveston, Texas

Mount Mansfield UU Fellowship Jericho, Vermont n

Bay Area UU Church Houston, Texas n

Champlain Valley UU Society Middlebury, Vermont n

UU Fellowship of Clarksville Clarksville, Tennessee Holston Valley UU Church Johnson City, Tennessee Foothills UU Fellowship Maryville, Tennessee First Unitarian Church of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee n UU Fellowship of Murfreesboro Murfreesboro, Tennessee n UU Church of Tullahoma TN Tullahoma, Tennessee n UU Fellowship Abilene, Texas UUs of the Big Bend Alpine, Texas Amarillo UU Fellowship Amarillo, Texas n Arlington UU Church Arlington, Texas n Wildflower Church: A UU Congregation Austin, Texas Spindletop Unitarian Church Incorporated Beaumont, Texas

Thoreau Woods UU Church Huntsville, Texas n Pathways Church Hurst, Texas UU Church of the Hill Country Kerrville, Texas UU Fellowship of Kerrville Kerrville, Texas n UU Fellowship of Longview Longview, Texas First UU Church Lubbock, Texas Timberland UU Fellowship Lufkin, Texas n Unitarian Universalists of New Braunfels New Braunfels, Texas n The UU Church of Odessa Odessa, Texas San Marcos UU Fellowship San Marcos, Texas n

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 41

The Unitarian Church of Montpelier Montpelier, Vermont

of Sterling Sterling, Virginia

UU Church of Spokane Spokane, Washington

UU Congregation of the Upper Valley Norwich, Vermont

UUs of the Blue Ridge Washington, Virginia

UU Church of Vancouver Vancouver, Washington n

Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland Rutland, Vermont n

UU Fellowship of Waynesboro Waynesboro, Virginia n

Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship Vashon, Washington

The Universalist Society of Strafford South Strafford, Vermont n

UU Fellowship of the Rappahannock White Stone, Virginia n

Woodinville UU Church Woodinville, Washington n

Universalist Unitarian Congregation of St. Johnsbury St Johnsbury, Vermont

Williamsburg UUs Williamsburg, Virginia n

UU Church of Yakima Yakima, Washington

Cedars UU Church Bainbridge Island, Washington

UU Fellowship of Morgantown Morgantown, West Virginia n

Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship Bellingham, Washington n

Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Appleton, Wisconsin

All Souls Church West Brattleboro, Vermont Universalist Society of West Burke West Burke, Vermont n UU Fellowship of St Croix Kingshill, Virgin Islands The UU Fellowship of St. John St John, Virgin Islands Mt Vernon Unitarian Church Alexandria, Virginia Accotink UU Church Burke, Virginia n Harrisonburg UUs Harrisonburg, Virginia n UU Church of Loudoun Leesburg, Virginia n Bull Run UUs Manassas, Virginia n UU Church of the Highlands Meadowview, Virginia UU Fellowship of the Peninsula Newport News, Virginia n UU Church in Reston Reston, Virginia n First UU Church of Richmond VA Richmond, Virginia n UU Church of Shenandoah Valley Stephens City, Virginia Unitarian Universalist Congregation


Free Church Unitarian Blaine, Washington n Kitsap UU Fellowship Bremerton, Washington Olympic UU Fellowship Carlsborg, Washington Saltwater UU Church Des Moines, Washington Cascade UU Fellowship East Wenatchee, Washington Edmonds UU Congregation Edmonds, Washington n Kittitas Valley UU Congregation Ellensburg, Washington n UU Congregation of Whidbey Island Freeland, Washington n Skagit UU Fellowship Mount Vernon, Washington Olympia UU Congregation Olympia, Washington n Community UU Church Pasco, Washington n Quimper UU Fellowship Port Townsend, Washington n Shoreline UU Church Shoreline, Washington

Chequamegon UU Fellowship Ashland, Wisconsin n UU Congregation Eau Claire, Wisconsin n Open Circle UU Fellowship Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin n Lake Country UU Church Hartland, Wisconsin n UU Fellowship of La Crosse La Crosse, Wisconsin n Prairie UU Society Madison, Wisconsin UU Fellowship Marshfield, Wisconsin n Unitarian Fellowship of Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin n Blue Hills UU Fellowship Rice Lake, Wisconsin Prairie Lakes UU Fellowship Ripon, Wisconsin n Saint Croix UU Fellowship Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin UU Fellowship of Door County Sister Bay, Wisconsin n

United UU Congregation Waukesha, Wisconsin n Northwoods UU Fellowship Woodruff, Wisconsin n Unitarian Universalist Community of Casper WY Casper, Wyoming n UU Church of Cheyenne Cheyenne, Wyoming

Merit Congregations We thank these congregations that have increased their APF or GIFT contributions by 20% or more over the prior fiscal year. n Indicates congregations that have contributed the full requested amount for 25 or

more consecutive years. n Indicates congregations that have contributed the full requested amount for 10 - 24

consecutive years.

UU Fellowship of Laramie Laramie, Wyoming n

UU Church of Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama

All Faiths Unitarian Congregation Fort Myers, Florida

UU Fellowship of Sheridan Sheridan, Wyoming n

UU Fellowship of Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska n

Nature Coast UUs Holder, Florida

UU Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende San Miguel De Allende, Mexico

UU Church of Tucson Tucson, Arizona

The UU Congregation of Lakeland Lakeland, Florida

UU Church of Hot Springs Hot Springs, Arkansas

All Souls Miami Miami, Florida

UU Fellowship of Jonesboro Jonesboro, Arkansas

Buckman Bridge UU Church Orange Park, Florida

UU Church in Anaheim Anaheim, California

University UU Society Orlando, Florida n

Humboldt UU Fellowship Bayside, California

UU Congregation Ormond Beach Ormond Beach, Florida

First Universalist Parish of Pasadena, dba Throop Memorial Pasadena, California

UU Fellowship of St. Augustine St Augustine, Florida n

Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California UU Fellowship of Tuolumne County Sonora, California UU Church of Boulder Boulder, Colorado n Pagosah UU Fellowship Pagosa Springs, Colorado All Souls UU Congregation of New London New London, Connecticut All Souls Church Unitarian Washington, District of Columbia

UU Church of Saint Petersburg St Petersburg, Florida UU Church of Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs, Florida Georgia Mountains UU Church Dahlonega, Georgia n First Unitarian Church of Honolulu Honolulu, Hawaii n First Unitarian Church Alton, Illinois Prairie Circle UU Congregation Grayslake, Illinois Tree of Life UU Congregation McHenry, Illinois

Universalist National Memorial Church Washington, District of Columbia

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 43

Dupage UU Church Naperville, Illinois

UUs of Fallston Fallston, Maryland

All Souls Unitarian Church Indianapolis, Indiana

Towson UU Church Lutherville, Maryland

Heartland UU Church Zionsville, Indiana

First Parish Church of Ashby UU Ashby, Massachusetts

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames, Iowa Ames, Iowa n

First Parish Church of Berlin Berlin, Massachusetts

Cedar Valley Unitarian Universalists Cedar Falls, Iowa n

First Parish Church in Beverly UU Beverly, Massachusetts

The Peoples Church UU Cedar Rapids, Iowa

First Parish Church Unitarian-Universalist Bridgewater, Massachusetts

UU Fellowship of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa n

UU Meeting House Chatham, Massachusetts

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence Lawrence, Kansas

The Federated Church of Orleans East Orleans, Massachusetts n

Shawnee Mission UU Church Lenexa, Kansas UU Fellowship of Lafayette Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana n All Souls UU Church of Shreveport, Louisiana Shreveport, Louisiana First Universalist Church of Auburn, Maine, UU Auburn, Maine First Congregational Society (Unitarian) of Eastport Eastport, Maine First Parish UU Church Kennebunk, Maine The First Parish in Portland Maine UU Portland, Maine

Nauset Fellowship Eastham, Massachusetts Gloucester UU Church Gloucester, Massachusetts Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson Hudson, Massachusetts

First UU Church Detroit, Michigan West Shore Unitarian Universalist Congregation Ludington, Michigan Beacon UU Congregation Troy, Michigan Unity Church Unitarian Saint Paul, Minnesota Eliot Unitarian Chapel Kirkwood, Missouri First UU Church of Springfield Springfield, Missouri UU Society of Laconia Laconia, New Hampshire Newfields Community Church Newfields, New Hampshire Unitarian Church of Los Alamos Los Alamos, New Mexico UU Church of Cortland Cortland, New York

UU Church of Marblehead Marblehead, Massachusetts

UU Congregation of the Hudson Valley Croton-on-hudson, New York

Unitarian Congregation of Mendon & Uxbridge Mendon, Massachusetts

UU Congregation of Glens Falls Glens Falls, New York

First Universalist Church of Orange Orange, Massachusetts First Parish in Plymouth Plymouth, Massachusetts UU Church of Reading Reading, Massachusetts

Paint Branch UU Church Adelphi, Maryland

UU Congregation at First Church in Roxbury Roxbury, Massachusetts


First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan

First Church Unitarian Littleton Littleton, Massachusetts

Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville, Maine Waterville, Maine

UU Congregation of Columbia Columbia, Maryland

UU Congregational Society of Westborough Westborough, Massachusetts

First Church of Templeton Templeton, Massachusetts

Fourth UU Congregation of Westchester County, NY Mohegan Lake, New York The First Universalist Church of Rochester Rochester, New York First UU Society of Syracuse Syracuse, New York UU Church of Utica Utica, New York UU Church of Catawba Valley Hickory, North Carolina

UU Congregation of the Outer Banks Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

First Unitarian Church of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee n

First Universalist Parish Derby Line, Vermont

UU PEACE Fellowship Raleigh, North Carolina n

The First Unitarian Church of Dallas Dallas, Texas

Bismarck Mandan UU Fellowship and Church Bismarck, North Dakota n

Red River UU Church Denison, Texas n

Universalist Unitarian Congregation of St. Johnsbury St Johnsbury, Vermont

UU Church of Akron Fairlawn, Ohio

Denton UU Fellowship Denton, Texas

All Souls Church West Brattleboro, Vermont UU Community Church Glen Allen, Virginia

East Shore UU Church Kirtland, Ohio

Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston Houston, Texas

Harmony UU Church Maineville, Ohio

UU Church of the Hill Country Kerrville, Texas

Olympic UU Fellowship Carlsborg, Washington

Olmsted UU Congregation North Olmsted, Ohio

UU Fellowship of Kerrville Kerrville, Texas n

San Juan Island UU Fellowship Friday Harbor, Washington

Hopedale UU Community Oxford, Ohio n

UU Church of Victoria Victoria, Texas n

Tahoma UU Congregation Tacoma, Washington

First Unitarian Church Toledo, Ohio

First Unitarian Church Salt Lake City, Utah

James Reeb UU Congregation Madison, Wisconsin

East Shore Unitarian Church Bellevue, Washington

UU Church of Lawton Lawton, Oklahoma Pacific UU Fellowship Astoria, Oregon n UU Congregation of Erie Erie, Pennsylvania Unitarian Church of Harrisburg Harrisburg, Pennsylvania UU Congregation of Smithton Smithton, Pennsylvania n BuxMont UU Fellowship Warrington, Pennsylvania The Greenville UU Fellowship Greenville, South Carolina Clayton Memorial UU Church Little Mtn, South Carolina Black Hills UU Fellowship Rapid City, South Dakota UU Fellowship of Clarksville Clarksville, Tennessee

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 45

Blue Ribbon Congregations


We thank the following congregations for their contributions to the UU United Nations Office (UU-UNO) this past fiscal year.

Unitarian Universalist Association Giving Societies

Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama

Unitarian Church of Staten Island Staten Island, New York

Monte Vista Unitarian Universalist Congregation Montclair, California

Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern Washingtonville, New York

First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego San Diego, California

All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Watertown, New York

Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo San Mateo, California Unitarian Society of New Haven Hamden, Connecticut The Unitarian Church in Westport Westport, Connecticut North Shore Unitarian Universalist Society Lacombe, Louisiana Community Church Unitarian Universalist New Orleans, Louisiana The First Parish in Bedford, Unitarian Universalist Bedford, Massachusetts Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury Salisbury, Maryland

The UUA is deeply grateful to each person who contributed to the Association during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. Giving levels represent gifts and pledge payments received in the fiscal year. s indicates deceased l indicates Faithful Sustainer (monthly giver)

$50,000+ Presidential Partners

$10,000-24,999 Visionary Partners


Sandra Blum

Julie and Brad Bradburd

Lois and Ken Carpenter l

Mary Byron

Robert and Suzannah Ciernia

The Estate of W. McMaster “Mac� Clarke

Martha Easter-Wells

Barbara and Charles DuMond

First Unitarian Church of Portland Portland, Oregon

Breege Farrell

Neil Gunderson

Revs. Susan and Brian Frederick-Gray

Kingston Unitarian Fellowship Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Joseph and Colette Parsons

Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Washington County Hillsboro, Oregon

Unitarian Universalist Church of North Hatley (UU Estrie) North Hatley, Quebec, Canada

Blue Ribbon Congregations support the UU-UNO by designating one or more UN Envoys, holding an annual UN Sunday service, and securing individual gifts for the UU-UNO from the lesser of 5% of the congregation or 15 members.

Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Morristown, New Jersey Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Huntington Huntington, New York


The Estate of James Hamilton Alexia and Henry Moore

Eleanor B. Emmons

Kirk Freeman and Elizabeth Quilligan

The Estate of Raymond E. and Alice Perry

Alice Gridley

The Estate of John and Millicent Rutherford

Lawrence and M. Suzanne Hess

Lucia Santini Field and Bruce A. Field l

Harriet Kern

Alice S. Schulman

George B. Harrop III Todd J. and Lorella Thomas Hess Holly F. Kerr Rev. David and Judith Keyes Debbie Lane

$25,000-49,999 Leadership Partners Anonymous The Estate of Albert J. and Rea Elias

Latzer-Keydel Foundation Linda Laskowski Julie D. and Brock H. Leach Kim Lund Mary and Donald Miles l

Houck Family Foundation

Milner Family Foundation

David and Laura Johnston

Arnt Monge

Graham Kreicker

David and Mary Overton

John and Aline Schwob

The Peierls Foundation

Jan and Lowell Steinbrenner

Les and Sue Polgar Tom and Sue Schade John F. and Susan B. Smith

The Estate of Marie and Robert C. Sturken

Elizabeth T. Sympson Charitable Fund

The Estate of Matilde Taguchi

Herb Tyson s

Caroline Blanton Thayer Charitable Trust

Karen and Ramón Urbano l

Helen C. True Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA) Eric Alan Isaacson and Susan K. Weaver l

Alice Carlson

Ruth Anne and Robert Fraley

Rev. Dr. Victor s and Catherine Carpenter

Drs. David and Janice Frank

Robert S. Cary and Janet Nussmann

Katherine Ross Froyd

Barbara J. (Weathers) French Kathleen and Christopher Gaffney

Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Chulak

$1,000-4,999 Chalice Stewards Kathleen Adams

Rev. Ned Wight

Judith T. and Robert P. Adelman

Ralph Wyman

The Howard and Katherine Aibel Foundation

Lynda Gaines, Stephen Gaines, and Susan Gaines Duncan

Mary Cleveland and Thomas Haines

John Gates

G. Douglas and Janet Cole

Rev. John Eric Gibbons and Sue Baldauf

Mary and David Colton Barnett C. s and Laura R. Cook

Rev. Dr. Kendyl L. R. and Mark Gibbons

Rev. John and Joni Crestwell l

David Alcorn s

Barbara Davidson Croswell

Roger and Suzanne Ames

Barbara D. Crowell

Dr. Marc H. Gorelick and Lynn E. Broaddus

Elizabeth Angle

Jessica Curren l

Patricia and Gary Gray

Sarah J. Armstrong

Jacomina de Regt l

Rosanne Greco and Higley Harmon

Gail S. Arnold and Dr. James E. Arnold

Mallory Digges

Julia Gregory

Allies for Racial Equity

Timothy Atkins l

Rev. Dr. Bonnie M. Dlott and Dr. Rick Dlott

Dr. Jean L. Grem

The Estate of Ann S. Adams Mary A. Anderson

Dr. Daniel L. Babcock

James Dobbins and Sharon Forbes

Charles Grymes and Catherine Ring

George W. Bauer

Jean S. Bamforth

Daphne and Daniel Dodson l

Aaron and Sarah Hamburger

Rev. Janet C. Bush and Booker T. Bush

The Estate of Margaret “Mickey” Barnes

Mary Helen Doherty and Lindi Ramsden

Edith and Jeb Eddy

Thomas Bean and Elaine Becker

Lynn B. Donaldson

The Estate of Rev. Rudolph C. and Gertrude Gelsey

Lauren Lee Beaudry and Jack Snider

Richard Donaldson

Jon and Kimberly Hassinger

Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes

Marian and Peter Downs

Carolyn and David Holstein

Lucas and Judith Blanco

Nils and Lynn Ekfelt

Trish Houck and Rev. Dr. Lyssa Jenkens

John J. and Sharon M. Blevins

Rev. Robert and Rev. Janne Eller-Isaacs

$5,000-9,999 Covenant Stewards Anonymous

Sally Donner and Kenneth Briers

Kathy and John Kaufmann

The Hon. Donald T. and Nancy A. Bliss l

David and Mary Lareau l

Linda and James Bodycomb

Richard and Martha England

Dr. David D. Marsh and Dr. Maryalice Jordan-Marsh

Taquiena V. Boston l

Dr. Fadel F. Erian

Daniel Boyce

Jane Fagerland

Charles McLeod and Doris Sutliff

Capt. Barbara L. Brehm and Rev. Kären M. Rasmussen

Christina Fan

Rev. Mary Katherine Morn and John Rakestraw

Tim Brennan l

Theodore and Jane Fetter l

Daniel and Julia Brody

Rev. Roberta O. and Barry Finkelstein l

Ellen and Ed McClaran

Northern Trust Anonymous Donor Janet Randolph and Herbert Lowrey The Estate of Julius W. “Jay” Schneider Rev. Dr. James P. and Loretta H. Sherblom Rev. Dr. Betty and Thomas Stapleford

The Bradford and Yvonne Brown Charitable Gift Fund

Karen Eng l

Louise G. Ferrell

Scott and Barbara Fitzmaurice

Wayne and Cynthia Bullaughey

Marilyn J. and Harold Fogelquist

Kathleen and Edward Burek l

Pete and Karin Fontneau l

John and Irene Bush

Dr. M. S. (Jesse) Ford and Mer Wiren

Wesley Callender and Patricia Davis Rev. Lara K. Campbell and Jay Pacitti l

Gail L. Forsyth-Vail and P. Stephen Vail l

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 47

Stuart Hansen and Erica Eddy

Jane and Robert Ladner

Joan Pederson and Bette Sikes

Mary C. Speare

Lonna and Richard Harkrader

Rev. Sarah K. Lammert l

Lois Pettinger and Dianne Erickson

Mark Steinwinter

Christopher Hartley l

Anne Lang and Harrison J. Frahn

Eugene Pizzo

Sarah Stevens-Miles

Dean and Mary Kay Hasseman

Regina Largent and Rev. Jeanne M. Pupke l

Paul Popenoe

Harv Hegarty

Patricia Potrzebowski

David Stewart and Barbara Dondiego-Stewart

Rev. Dr. Julia C. Hemeyer

Dr. H. Jeffrey and Carolyn Leonard

Barbara Prairie

Gary Sukeforth

Kathleen Henry and Kim Marrkand

Neil and Patricia Lichtman

Joetta Prost and Kathy Shell

Joseph E. Sullivan

Rev. John E. Hickey and Robin Tartaglia l

Jennifer Lieber

Marcelyn and Charles Putnam l

Jan and John Limb

Thomas and Sandra Reece

The Elizabeth T. Sympson Charitable Fund

Kevin and Suzanne Hickey

Rodney Lowe and Sally Russell

Alice and Andy Reese

Matthew D. Alspaugh and Elizabeth Hill

Virginia Pavelka Luke Michael and Kay MacLaury

The Estate of Marcia Damon Reinke

Bunny Hodas

Clarence and Judy Manning

Buck and Phyllis Richerson

Joy Thomas

Coralie and John Hoffman

Carol and Jack Martin

Denise Rimes l

Mary Ann Thompson

Collete Hoglund

Carol and John Mathis

Robert Ringlee

Ann Throop

William and Deborah Holden

Karen Robison and Karl Bucholz

Aubrey C. Tobey l

Diantha Horton

Richard McCluney and Christina Conklin Dr. Elisabeth J. and Robert McGregor

The Henry A. Root Fund at the Boston Foundation

Dale and Vickie Trott

Rev. David H. Hunter and Rev. Kirsten R. Mueller

Elizabeth and Stanley Salett

Thomas and Martha Villa-Lovoz

John R. Hunting

Sara J. McKenzie

Nadine and Louis Sapirman

Charles Voll l

John Hurley l

Robert McLain

Lyle Schauer

Kenneth and Mary Ellen Walsh

Rev. Kenneth Gordon Hurto and Jeannie Kelly

Rev. Patrick and Barbara McLaughlin

Adrian and Carol Schmidhauser

Elaine W. Warner

Sharon and James Intagliata

Glen Schmiesing and Nancy Plummer

Frank and Barbara Weber

Diann Irwin and John McLain

Daniel Meyer and Eileen Kelly-Meyer l

Dick s and Linda Jacke l

Barbara and Bruce Mickey

Richard and Vicki Schwartz

Joan B. Wells l

Laura Jackson

Jacqueline Russell and Jane Miller l

Diane Schweitzer and Steve Schramm

Martha West l

Judith Jesiolowski and David Thompson

Frank and Charlene Millheim

Michael and Kelly Scott Rev. Jason and Jennifer Seymour

Joyce and David Johnson

Susan Mitchel l

Ann Johnson-Lundberg and Jeff Lundberg

John and Linda Mitchell

Jay Kay and Linda Banez-Kay

James Moskin

Barry and Karen Keenan

Brian Mullen

Stephen Shick and JoAnn Mulready-Shick

Allen and Gerda Keiswetter

Kate H. Murashige and Chris Zones

Rebecca and John Shockley

Claudia A. Keith and Marilyn B. Walker

Revs. Robert and Makanah Morriss

Henry and Peggy Sharpe Mary Sherman

Aimee Tattersall James and Avenell Taulbee Angela and John Tedesco

Lee Veal

Rev. Vail Weller l

Terry and Bruce Wiggins The Estate of Robert C. Williamson Dennis and Margaret Wilson Margo and Curtis Wright l

Phyllis Sherman

$500-999 Fellowship Friends

Michael Shonsey and Kathryn Jenkins


Konny Murray

William Kenney and Suzanne Reitz

The Estate of James Myers

Irwin and Kathie Shur

David Addis and Rebecca Lieser

The Estate of Winston and June Kirby

Dr. Stanley J. Nazian, Jr. and Rev. Susanne S. Nazian

Thomas and Susan Silverio

Mary Nell Allen

Bruce and Sandy Kirkman

Helaine Q. Nelson

Darwin and Myra Smith

George Krumme

Linnea and Ted Nelson l

Mary Beth and Stanton Smith

Dr. MaryHolly Allison and Dr. Benjamin L. Crosby

Thomas B. and Johannah Newman

Nancy D. Smith l

AmazonSmile Foundation

Nancy and John La Pann

Felicia Orth and Evan Rose

Sherry and Thornton Smith

Margaret and Scott Armstrong

Bette LaCombe

Rev. Dr. Justin S. Osterman

Cheryl Snell

Jonathan and Deanne Ater

Lawrence R. Ladd and Rev. Dr. Laurel E. Hallman l

Roger and Maria Sobkowiak

Phillip and Ruth Backup


Lucy Adams

Anne Baele and John Kouns

Nicholas Dobratz

Dorothy Barton

Dr. Paula G. Carmichael and Rev. Richelle C. Russell

Jeffrey B. Donahue

Rev. Megan L. Foley and Neil Donovan l

Karla Bassler

Velaine Carnall

John and Molly Beard

Marjorie Carsen and David Durgin

Rev. Susan M.S. Donham and Dr. Christopher Donham

Rev. Jeffery L. Ford and Lynette Marshall

Harry Bedell

Revs. Melissa and Evin Carvill-Ziemer l

Kristel Donner and Robert Leighty

Rev. Alicia R. Forde

Lynn and Bruce Douglas

Karen and John Franks

Beth Casebolt l

Linda Dove

Rev. Alexa Fraser and Ken Lobst

Phoebe Cassidy

David Dow

Alberta and Mike Gardner

Carolyn Chambers

Norine Duncan l

Jennifer Gebhard l

Rev. Eric M. Cherry and Linda Rose l

Mary H. Dunn

Marsha and William Gette

John Dunsheath and Ann Hailey

Dr. Richard S. and Joyce T. Gilbert

Janet C. Dwire and Francine F. York

Marcia and Philip Giudice

Margaret and David Christenson Rev. Jan Christian l

Elisabeth Dykens

Dean and Wilma Chu

Michele and Alan Ebler

Rev. Annie K. and Lucas Gonzalez Milliken l

Elaine Church

William H. Edwards

Allie and Matt Gooding

Elizabeth Citrin

Dr. Wendy E. Erisman

Luana Goodwin l

Earl and Marlene Clairmont

Frank Evans and Janet Boles

Karen and Daniel Gottovi

Judith Clark

Peggy Evans-Couch and Robert Couch

Les and Joni Grady l

Rev. Frank Clarkson and Tracey Clarkson

Marylou Faris

Louisa and Bill Graver

Martha Ferger l

Stanley Griffith and Ann Schauffler

Derick H. Bowen

Peggy Confer and James Thompson

The Estate of Ronald M. and Sylvia Ferry

Donald S. Groll

Connie Boyer

Kathy and Tom Cook

David R. Finch

John and Johanna Boynton

Davalene Cooper

The Estate of Virginia O.K. Fine

Kathleen Guarneri and Sherman Lam

Rev. Karen Brammer

William and Janet Cooper

Dr. Edward Breakell and Donna Burleson

Richard Corkey l

Andrew Fineman and Erica Bertoli l

John Gubbings and Catherine Knapper l

Dr. Ivan Louis Cotman

Sarah and David Fischell

Bonnie Gudat s

Joe Broderick l

Kay Crider and Patrick Phillips

JoAnn and Paul Flanagan

Avery and Kristin Guest l

Rev. George G. Brooks s l

Thomas Crowell

Jill Fleming and Stephen Burrows

Melba C. Gulick

Doris T. Browder l

Doris Crowley

Arthur and Elinor Florack

Howard Hansen l

Barb Brown and Linda McAffrey l

Joan Prichard Cudhea l

Beverly Fogle l

John A. Hansman

Kristen and Jeffrey Brown

Roy and Leora Cummings

Marlene Brown l

Kerri D’Amico

Dr. Linda Brundage and Ralph Kron

Paul and Aiko Damrow

Alan L. Benford Debby Bergh Sue Bielawski George Bishop and Chow Wah Chan Cathleen Blackburn Timothy Blodgett Drs. John P. and Jo T. Bloom l Lynda Bluestein and Paul Bluestein Jeanne and Brian Boehlecke Jane Bond and James Wagner Nancy Bonner Susan Boone Gary and Sharon Borg Steve Bottorff and Patricia Moyer l Shirley and Louis Bouchard Marijean and Francois Boueri l

Jeffrey and Jane Brune Christie Brunson Richard F. Brush Matt and Ashley Bryant Cheney Joan and Charles Burleigh Dr. J. Randolph Burnham and Linda G. Hudson Peter Calkins l

Rev. Rachel and Eric Christensen

Malcolm M. Clark

Frederick and Constance Glore

Rev. James E. and Betty Grant l

Meck Groot l

Jan W. and Lynn A. Dash Mary Carol Day and Paul Newland Anne Dean June and Stanley Dean l Richard H. Dean Sarah DeBlois and Arthur Sills Gertrude T. and Robert E. Deyle Rev. Donna DiSciullo

Stacy W. and Stephen P. Carlson

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 49

Rev. Catharine W. Harris and Dr. Richard E. Harris

Pat Kahn l

Lesley Mahaffey

David Munro and Eileen Hoffman l

Romeo Kassarjian

Robert Maitino

Charles Harris

Noel Nation

Martha Kazlo l

Caroline Malde

Kevan Hartshorn

Paul and Joanne Nay

John and Andrea Kelso

Rudy Malz

Michael Hassett and Ilene Karpf

Riley and Valarie Neel

Ali Keyhani, PhD

Bennet and Anne Manvel

Dr. Sally A. Hattig l

Mark Kimball Nichols

Sallie Killian

Connie and Terry Marbach

Holley and Richard Haymaker

Virginia and John Kimball

Curtis Marble

Nancy Nichols and Michael O’Connor

Mary Heafy and John Smith

Bruce Kitchell

Michael and Rachel Mark

Robert E. Nixon l

George and Peg Heeschen

James and Ruth Klein

Gary and Karen Martin

The Estate of James O’Dell

Scott A. Kleiner and Heather S. Kleiner l

Tom and Eva Marx

Beth Ogilvie and Susan Straghalis

The Estate of Eleanor Marzocco

August and Olga Olsen

Tyler Mason

Linda and Gordon Olson

John and Deborah Hilke l

Dr. Jay C. Klemme and Anne S. Wilson

Joan Mathews l

Kay Omanson

Kenneth Hill and Regina Whitaker

Ellis G. Knox

Wade and Eileen Maurer

Rev. Margret A. O’Neall

Marilyn Hill

Linda Korinek and Karen L. Fuchs l

David May

Cynthia Thorman Ortiz

Dr. John W. and Peggy Holl

Meg Koziar l

Donald and Mimi Mayer l

Anne Osborne l

Rev. Seanan R. Holland LT, USN

Sylvia Kremp Sandra E. Kroll l

Rob Mayer and Marion Corbin Mayer

Dr. Paul Osenar and Amy Osenar

Donald M. and Barbara S. Hoskins Robert Howard

Kay Kummerow

Thomas and Lynn McCanne

Rev. Kathleen Owens and Janet G. Gallo

Hillis Howie and Margaret Shaklee

John Laferriere

James and Stephania McClennen

Susan and John Owicki

Sharon Hoyenga

Susan and Warren Lammert

Winifred L. McDonagh

Michael and Janelle Pabian

Rev. Richard L. Hoyt-McDaniels and James Hoyt-McDaniels l

Mary Louise and James Landfried

Judy McDonald and Judy Walden

Kathy and Paul Packard

Dion J. LaShay l

Pamela and Ed McDonald

Ward Pallotta

Ruth and Bob Hucks

Margaret Lay-Dopyera

Shelly and Shane McGee

Valerie Pearsall and Rich Roy

Christopher Hudson and Janet Bradford

Marianne Leahy and Bruce Logan

William Pelto and Linda Larson

Randal Leason

Margaret McTigue and David Miller

Dorothy and Charles Hudson

Lee Legault

Dorothy and Alexander Meek

James Hudson

Alicia Perla and Benjamin DeBerry

David Leonard

Linda and John Melski

James and Betty Hulse

Elizabeth Perris

Susan and Bruce Leslie-Pritchard l

Phillip Melville

Judith A. Hunt

Dr. Anne Peters l

Brent and Jack Lewis l

John and Katherine Metzger

Ruth and Alvin Huss

Heriberto and Fran Petschek

Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA)

Denise Miles and Kenneth Cox l

Rev. David A. Pettee

Rev. Diane M. W. Miller

Christine Yoshinaga-Itano and Wayne Itano l

Paula and James Lieb

Robert Miller l

Patricia Phillips and Michael Thoryn

Dr. Herman Lilja and Ann Lilja

Holly Ito l

Scott Miller and Barbara Conahan

Rev. Dr. Oliver E. Pickett

Garrick Linn

Rev. Alyson Jacks

Terry Mitchell

Eric and Pamela Pierson

Joe and Vicky Linsalata

Albert and Cynthia Johnson

Rev. Sonya Montana

Paul H. and Nancy J. Pinson l

Debra Locklear l

Andrea Johnson

Richard Pokorny

Sue Ann and Glenn Lorig

Pat Moore-Pickett and Steve Burns

Cynthia and John Johnson

Cynthia and Michael Loui

Elizabeth and Mark Moran

Gary P. Johnson and Luana Marie Jøsvold

Don and Lois Porter

Robert and Kathryn Lovell l

James and Mary Morgan

Bobbie and Bill Potsic l

Ann and Jeffrey Lu

Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern and Joy Morgenstern

Rev. Dr. Lisa Presley and Amy S. Courter l

Ann Mowery and Allan Powers

Robin Pugh

Brian and Rebecca Muellers

Elizabeth and Thomas Purcell

Eugene and Dorothy Mulligan

Guy Quinlan and Mary-Ella Holst

Amoret and Scott Heise Mary and Peter Hepokoski Linda Herreid

Eva and Clyde Ingle

Dr. Janice Marie Johnson l Robert Johnson and Linda Klein Rev. Karen G. Johnston Margaret and Jerry Jung

Kathleen Lucich Clark and Brigid Lund Joan B. Lund


Clifford L. Pelton

JoEllen W. Polzien

Richard and Carol Rader l

Rev. Grace H. and David Simons

Frederick and Marilyn Rambow

Dr. Duncan Sings-Alone and Priscilla Cogan

Robert Stewart and Barbara Barnett-Stewart

Jane VanSant l Susan and Frederick Vierow

Penny Slingerland l

Rev. Sarah C. Stewart and Andrew Morrow l

Carol and Roger Reimers

Kenneth A. Small

Carol M. Stiles

John and Sandra Reschovsky

Member of the UU Fellowship of Boca Raton

Mark Stiles and Barbara Weis

Dr. Hope M. Rice and John S. Lovell

Rev. Carlton Elliott Smith l

Tom Stites and Alexandra Mezey l

Darien N. Smith l

Dr. Virginia F. Stout l

Mary Richards

Elizabeth and Geoffrey Smith

Warren Riley and Margery Abel

Jane and H. Irvin Smith

Dr. Diana Strassmann and Jeff Smisek

Martha and Thomas Rimmer

Kendra Smith

Mark Swanson and Ilona Hruska l

Christina Rivera and Christopher Young

Mona Smith

Aggie and Charles Sweeney

Patricia Smith

Rev. David W. Tarbell

Al and Birgit Robbert

Monica Smolka

Lincoln E. Roberts

Richard L. and June D. Smythe

Rev. Diane D. Teichert and Dr. Donald K. Milton

Dr. Sharon R. Roberts l

Robert and Mary Snyder

Roger and Millie Rochester

Dana Sohr

Beau Rochte Patsy and Gordon Roe l

Rev. Bruce A. Southworth and Kay Xanthakos

Dr. Hassan A. Ronaghy

Janet Spencer

Valerie and John Roper l Robert and Janet Rosenthal

Daidee Springer and Steven Hollingsworth

Judy Ross

Janeira St. Clare

David Rush and Tamis Nordling

Julie Stafford

Rev. Margaret K. Saphier and Dr. Jon Saphier

James and Caroline Staton l

James Sargent l

Julie Stein

Julia L. Sayles l

Barbara Stenstrom l

Rev. Suzanne R. Redfern-Campbell and Dr. Charles P. Campbell

The Hon. Thurman H. Rhodes l

James Schewe and Carol Roan

Patricia and Kurt Steele

Dr. Gerry K. Veeder Philippe and Katherine Villers Kenneth and Jerusha Vogel Moritz Wagner

Susan and Charles Stillman

Jim and Betsy Walkup Jean Wallace and Neil Goldstein Rev. Gregory Ward and Donna Orlando Mariana Warner William Wartmann s Dr. Carroll A. Webber, Jr. Trudy Wendt Dr. Carolyn A. West

Elizabeth Ann Terry l

Susan West

Barbara Jones Thomas

Mary and William Westland

Marilyn Thompson

Dorothy and Gerald Wheeler

Dr. Christine and Gregory Trigeiro l

Elandria Williams

Rev. Samuel Trumbore and Philomena Moriarty l

Elizabeth l and James Williams

Bernard and Rita Turner

Jennifer and Hugh Williamson

Rev. Lindasusan V. Ulrich and Emily Drennen l

Teresa Wilmot and Frank Dajka

Hayden and Jonathan Williamson

Susan Ungvary

Gretchen L. Woods and Judith Finholm l

Alfred Usack and Edward Kobee

Karen Woolhouse

E. Jay Van Cura, M.D. Joan Van de Workeen l

The Estate of Darby Moss Worth

David and Linda Van Ocker

Vena Wren s

Mary Schley l Charles and Laurie Schott Nancy Schraufnagel Mona Shannon Thomas Shannon Bob Sharpe l Celestine Armenta and Chip Sharpe Eric and Carolyn Shettle Kenneth Shilling and Rev. Karen Scrivo Rich and Martha Sider Anne Silver Susan and Robert Silverstein Sandra Simon

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 51

Barbara and Wilson Wyant

Miriam and Clark Baker

Gay Boylston

Rev. Barbara Child

Lynn Young

Thomas Ball

Andre Brackett

Dan Chiplock and Jean Garner l

Esther Zinnerman and Martha Creager

Lee and Jane Bannor Fred Barker

Rev. Lora Brandis and Francisco Pena

Dr. Pritindra and Sharon Chowdhuri

Tracy Zorpette and Scott Lassman

Hope Barker and Daniel Huelster l

Patricia and Gerard Brandon

Richard S. Christian

Janet and Rob Barnes

Thomas Brannin and Mariano Vera

Jill Christianson and Pamela Henry

Lucy Bates and Ed Fella

Jay Brenneman

Jane H. Chronis

Jackie Batterson

Jennifer Bright and Eric Espenhorst

Allison Claire

June Baumler and Ralph Dobiejko

Rev. Jeffrey E. Brown and Dr. Kate Hays

Caryl Clarke l

Dr. Beverley V. Baxter

Gil Brown and Jane Park


Barbara Kres Beach and Rev. George K. Beach

Virginia L. Brown l

George and Beverley Adams

David Beach and Carmen Rigau

Rev. Julia J. Aegerter

Wolstan Brown and Judith Rymer

Joyce S. Beck

Jeanne and Phillip Agee

Virginia Broz l

Janet M. Belden and Bryan Bristol

Aneesah Ali and Jim Proctor

Beatrice Brunkhorst

Marion Bell

Scott and Jill Alintoff

Thomas and Wallace Brunner

George Belsey l

Dr. Albert J. Allen and Kathryn Maeglin l

Sally Bryan-Prell l

Nathan and Sandra Bender l

Robert and Karen Buesing

Tom and Carol Benjamin

Max and Mary Patricia Buffington l

Amy and Gary Bennett

Mary Bullard

Susan and Craig Bennett l

Linda and Sam Bunge

Paula and Robert Alt

Sally Benson and Steve Nichols

Fred and Barbara Bunger

James Altman

Zaven P. Berberian

Edward Buonopane

James Amaral l

Deborah Berger

Robert and Mary Burdick l

Beau and Bonnie Anderson

Michael Berger and Rosalie Clavez

Diane and Pete Busker

Dr. Elizabeth T. Anderson

Dr. Alan C. Best

Patricia and Robert Butler

Joanne Anderson

Anna Bethea

Ralph Butler

Lois and Dan Anderson

Charlyn Bethell and Guy Urban

Timothy Byrne and Tom Lee

John and Carol Andrews

Martha Beyerlein

Jim and Dot Caldiero

Melinda and Walter Andrews

Dr. Jozef Bicerano and Cynthia Bicerano

Kati Campopiano l

Dr. Martha Zuehlke l Steve Zweig and Susan Even

Shirley Battige

$250-499 Spirit Friends

Mary Alm Kari Alperovitz-Bichell and Jamie Harms

Carol Antoniewicz and Ed Sorensen

Elizabeth Bicknell and Roland Cyr

Rick and Ann Appleton

Lizabeth Bitner and Gregg Brown

The Estate of Edward and Harriet Armbruster

Joy Blanchette

Rev. Dr. Wayne B. Arnason and Rev. Kathleen C. Rolenz l

Jeffrey and Linda Blum

Abby Arnold l

Stephanie Ann Blythe

Helene Atwan Stephen and Laura Axthelm

Bonnie and Donald Blish Thomas and Heli Blum Richard and Claire Bock

Jane Bacon

Dr. Richard and Rev. Johanna Boeke

Robert D. Bacon

Mary and Steven Bolton

Beverly and William Baker

Jim and Betty Bowie l


Stephanie Carey Maron l Gerda Carmichael* Richard Carpenito Terry and Sandra Carpenter l Duane T. and Arleta I. Carr Fanny and George Carroll Kevin and Mardee Carson l Robin Carter and John Kennedy Sherri Casterline Valerie Chapman s and Colin Kerr Kathy and John Charles David and Heather Chen

Robert Clark and Nancy Landgren Sara Clavez and Judith Hill Rev. Jessica A. Clay l Barbara Clutter and Betty Hesters Dr. Daniel L. Cohen and Suzanne Cleary Susan Cohn and Eric Huffer Fred Cole and Barbara Richards Rev. Gail Collins-Ranadive James L. Colwell l Ellen K. Cone Dr. Ruth A. Conn l Sally Connolly l Susan Cony Roger and Kathy Cook Rev. Dawn S. and John Cooley l Nancy Cooper Judith and David Corbit l Elinor Cotts Vivian Counts Courageous Faith Consulting Emily Cox and Tim McMahon Jeanne Crane Jean Crichton Rick Croley and Ann Fiorelli Cora Cronemeyer l Carol Fern and John Culhane Lessie Culmer-Nier and Keith Nier Anne and Rex Culp l Sarah and Andy Culver l Karen Curnow Gretchen Curtis Rev. Patrice K. Curtis and Nancy Jasa Lawrence Custer

Rev. Dennis J. Daniel and Rev. Dr. Sydney K. Wilde l

John Faucett and Valerie Adams

Lara and Breck Gastinger

Ann and William Hackworth

Michal Feder s

Jean and Gregory Gaul

Margaret T. and Michael V. Haddad

Katherine Daniels l

M.M. Feldman and Rick Morris l

Gus Gendler

Caroline Hadley and Kenneth Apfel

Mark Dauner

Joan L. Field A. Barden Finch l

Alphonse Gerhardstein and Miriam Gingold

Agatha Hagepanos

John and Jacki Davidoff Dorothy Gae Davis

Stephen and Janet Fischman

Elmer German l

Ibrahim Hajj and Rosangela Silva

Dr. Paul J. Davis

Ellen and W. Burns Fisher

Gareth and Julie Gill

Claire Hale l

Mimi Davisson and Steve Engh

Coleen Fitzgibbon

Evelynn Gioiella

Sharon Hale and Dawn Student l

Barbara de Leeuw

Dr. Joel S. Godbey and Kelly Morrow

Ernest Hall and Carol Neff

Patrick Deak and Lurline de Vos

Barbara Fitzpatrick and Tomm Pickles

Gary Deavel

Dr. Carol L. Flake l

Alan and Charlotte Gold

Diane DeFranzo l

Beryl Fleming

Karen Gold

Linda W. DeLap

Gisela Fleming

Mel and Arthur Goldsipe

Thomas Denio and Laura McKee

Heather Flory l

Susan and Richard Goldsmith

Robert Denniston and Lavona Grow

Elizabeth and Bill Fogarty

Constance and Robert Goodbread

Dr. William M. Hardham and Lorena C. Meunier

Gail Folaron and Marion Wagner l

Gwen Goodman

Bob and Kristi Hardin

Rose and Thomas Detmer

Patrick and Judi Foley

Deborah Scott Goodwin l

William and Penelope Dickason

Dr. Nancy and Grant Foreman

Lorelei Goodyear l

Rev. Marni P. Harmony and Nancy Bauer

Connie Diercks and Harold Pontiff

Anne and David Forsyth

Wesley and Katherine Gordon

Henry D. Foster and Caroline Foster

Richard H. Graham l

Rev. Dr. Kristen L. and James Harper

Patricia Greeley l

Wilma Harrington

Rev. Nancy J. and Robert Doughty l

Fourstar Connections

C. George Green

Bruce Harris and Marilyn Reynolds

Victor and Lynn Franco

Dr. Sue Greenfeld

Judy and Dave Harris

Dr. Robert W. Downie and Patricia Bourke

Indra and Mark Frank

Greenfield Group

Cindy Hastings Sakaan

Robert Freer

Joann Hausser and Peter Whitson

David and Linda Friedman l

Anne S. Greenwood and John S. Tucker l

Christine Frost

Gregg Grisa

William S. Hayes

Janet and John Fryman

Margaret Grometstein

Janice Hazlehurst

Paula Fulks

Claudia and David Gross

Carl Heath l

Susan Galdi-Flynn and Thomas Flynn

Jane and Ronald Gross

Cynthia Heinrich and Nicholas Payne

James Galik and Jean Slusser l

Rev. William R. Gupton and Jennifer Sanders

Rev. Sharon K. Dittmar Virginia and George Dixon

Frank Doyle Cynthia Dries Oliver Driver Cathryn and Richard DuBow l Richard and Jean Duda Dr. E. Franklin Dukes and Linda Dukes David and Jane Dunatchik Lois and Daryl Durran l Elizabeth Earle Eastern Conference Women of the ELCA Paul and Adrienne Egan Rev. Leroy O. Egenberger and Patricia Egenberger

Dr. Carl M. Gallegos

Janet and John Hanauer l

Rev. Kathryn E. Hawbaker l

Nancy Grover and James Munroe l

Joan P. Helde Ann Helms

Rev. Dr. William J. and Pauline Gardiner Beverly and Bernie Gardner Rev. Lynn Gardner and Rev. Wendy Bartel

Austin and Eileen Farrar

Ronald and Barbara Hammond l

Jan Garbosky

Mark S. Elkin l

Marjorie Erway l

Charles and Ann Halsted

Peter and Mary Beth Gamba

Laura and Grant Gardner

Peter and Kristen Ersland

Dr. Karen S. Hall l

Barbara and Gerald Gallivan

Judy and Jack Eisenhauer Kana Enomoto

Christina Hair

Katy Garmany Bari Garner-Holman l Jan Gartner

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 53

Edith Jackson and Thomas Richardson

Glenn and Marcia Klepac

Dorothy and Donald Lewis

Ellen Klyce

Kate Liebhold

Haziel B. Jackson

Carolyn and John Kneisly

Nancy K. Light

Myrtle Hepler l

John and Sherien Jaeger

Fiona Knox

Karin Shu Lin and G. Cade Murray

Charles and Carolyn Herbert l

Mary Louise and John Jaffray

Steve Knox and Lee Reid l

Margaret Ann Link

Bonita and Steven Herold

Kenneth Jenkins

Jane Kobres

Allison Hess l

Beverly Johanson

Nancy Kochuk and Carl Luty

Rev. Douglas E. McCusker and J. Marie Lipscombe

Richard Hess

Elizabeth A. Johnson

Richard and Barbara Kohlhaas l

Roberta and James Littlefield l

Jack and Sue Hickok l

Nancy Johnson

Dr. Edward H. Kolner

Peter and Emily Livant

Kathleen Hickok and James Forrest Laws

Ruth Johnson l

Jane Kopriva

Steve Livengood

Sara and Walter Johnson

Ruth Korte l

Karen and Bernard LoBracco l

Harry A. Hicks l

Dr. Theodore H. Johnson and The Hon. Nancy L. Johnson

Carol Kraemer and John Chenoweth

Jane Lohnes

Jerry Higley and Lori Ball l Dr. Elbert R. Hill and Marion Hill

Timothy and Jo Wiese Johnson

Richard and Deborah Kreitner

Shirley Lucas l

Christine and Roy Hirshland

Joan and Colin Jones

Kenneth and Elizabeth Kretsch

Eric and Susan Hoaglund

Sarah Dan Jones l

Martha and Frank Kuhlman

Lucy Stone House (UU Community Cooperatives)

Michael and Georganne Hoctor

Julie and Jerry Jose

Arthur and Annelies Kull

Rev. Phillip Bruce Lund

Richard and Lois Holl

Margaret Joseph and Lucy Norton l

Christine Kuta

Frederick and Nancy Lutgens

Robin and Gary LaBedz

Alice Lynch

Jeanne Judd and Christopher Evans l

Joseph Lach

Linda and Jim Lynn

Dr. Judith Justice

Carol and Jack Lackey

Stephanie Lyon

Margaret Kanada

William Lai

Evelyn Macedonia l

Rev. K.E. Kandarian

Erika and James Landberg

Rev. Paula and John Maiorano

Peter Kandis and Ann Harrison l

Robert and Carol Large

Jody and Charles Malloy

Mark Kangas

Carol Jean Larsen l

Linda and Fred Mangelsdorf

Denise and Burke Kappler

Verner Larsen

Clifford and Patricia Manko

George and Shirley Karas l

Edward Lathrope

Judy Manton l

Dr. Courtney Kasun

Dennis and Karen Lauer

Stephen Markham

Jennifer and Dan Kaufman

Aleksey Lavery and DesirĂŠe Labeaud

Lawrence and Marion Marks

Robin Lawson and Lynn Kettleson

Floyd and Mary Martin l

Barbara Kelly

Susan Leavitt

Laura and Peter Kemper

Mardys and Dennis Leeper

Katherine Martin and Derek Dunn-Rankin

Rev. Elizabeth Hurley

Thomas Kennedy

Juanita Mast and Jeanne Durnford l

Hillary Hutchinson and Rick Schmiedt

Elizabeth and Peter Kent

The Ernest and Sarah Lehmann Family Fund of the St. Paul Foundation

Ardith and A. Fred Kerst

Nancy LeMaster

Jane Mathewson

Rev. Leisa M. Huyck and Steve Temple

Mary Khoury

Carol Lemlein

Fabyan Mathey

Margaret Kiever

Patricia and Anthony Infante

Elayne Leonelli

Diane McCarrick

Jerald King and Mary Clark

Dr. Stanley L. and Shirley Inhorn

Ira and Andrea Lerner

Elayne McCartney

Mark and Nancy Kinney

Karl and Elizabeth Irikura

Woullard Lett

Beverly McCormick

Gabor Kiss and Eva Andor

Sonja and Richard Irwin

Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger l

Carey and Sarah McDonald l

Erwin and Janet Klaas

Carol and Kenneth Jackman

Ann Mebane Levine

Irene McDonald

Karl and Judith Klasson

Nancy Levinson

Joni McDonald

James and Lynne Heltman l William and Constance Hendrickson l

Jeri Holloway Martha Holman and Wayne Guzy Patricia Holmes l Peggy Homer Beverly Hope Steve Hopkins l Eugene Horcher l John and Teresa Howe l Marsha Howland* Louise Martel Huddleston l Marylin Huff and Richard Cairncross l Mary Hulett Jenny Hunt and Kristi Mercer Jane Hurley Walent and Jon Aaronson

Dr. Joseph Kelaghan and Thad DeFauw


Ruth and William Lubic

Gail and Thomas Marquette

Linda and Donald Mather

Nancy and Peter McDowell

Brian Munzenberger

Eleanor and Joel Pelcyger

Rev. Kathryn T. Rickey l

C. William McFarland l

Erik Murer l

Alain and Janet Perregaux

Paul C. Rickter

Rev. Michael A. and Emilie McGee

Marilynn Scott Murphy

Ann Perry and Mark Allison

Mary McGregor and Sidney Whiting

William Myers and Frances Myers

Ralph and Helen Petersberger

Katy Ridnouer and Terrance McCaffery

Darrel and Blanche Nash l

Nancy Rieser

Marina and Elliot McIntire

Margaret Nash and Susan Harlow

Genia Peterson and Robert Kornhaber Nancy Peterson l and J. Edward Kautz

Joan Roberts Martha R. Robinson l

Dr. Dolores L. McKellar l

Art Neeley l

Robert and Melanie McKennett l

Karen Neeley and Jack DeLoach l

Myrtle S. McMahan l

Deborah Neisel-Sanders l

Brian and Janice McPhillips

Dr. Sheri L. Phillabaum and Dr. Roy Ellzey

Leslie Nelken and Ed Quinlan l

David McTaggart and Susan Young

Frank and Jan Phillips l

Philip and Joyce Nelson

Arthur and Susan McTighe

Priscilla and Steve Phillips l

Bud and Betty Jane Meadows

Dr. Nancy E. Nienhuis and Tammy Zambo

The Estate of Helen S. Phinney

Laura and Dan Meerovich

A. Hirotoshi and Sumie Nishikawa

Patrick Meighan and Amy Thiel l

Tom Nixon and Gail Riley

Larry and Jerri Meisner

Dr. John B. Noll

Mariam and William Melendez

Alexis North

Alfred and Margaret Mello

Timothy Novak l

Revs. Andrew and Annie Mertz

Nancy and Leonard Nowak

Linda Messner

Robert Nuffer and Gayla Spratt-Nuffer

Mark and Mary Ellen Meyer

Lewis Phinney Patricia Pickford Sandra Pierce Janet Pitt Michael and Anna Pitts Judith and Donald Plumb Agnes Pollock Ronald Pomeroy

Marcia and Don Rising l Katherine Roberts Robert Robinson Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris Shirley Rock l Debra Rodgers Brian Rogers and Sherry Modrow l Jeffrey and Nancy Rolfe Mary Rose and Leonard Pellettiri l Sue Rosecrans Kristin Rosenthal l Joel and Pamela Ross l Stan Ross l Mary Roth

Mary Ann and Godfrey Oakley

Lauren Poole and Charles Masten

Willliam H. Meyers

Rev. Paul K. Oakley and Walter Lazenby

Noreen Stimac and Thomas Powers

James and Kathleen Milch

Barbara P. O’Brien

Julie Prandi and James Reid

Ellen Rubin and Dan Scanlan

Beth and Russell Milham

Julie and Hank O’Brien

Doris Pree

Henry Ruf

Elinore Miller

Rev. Clark B. and Anna Olsen

Mary Pretz-Lawson

Rev. Joel G. Miller and Wendy Bachhuber l

Carol Orme-Johnson

Rick and Pat Price Sandy Prins l

Suzanne Miller

Judy B. Ortman and Rev. Charles B. Ortman

Dennis Mills

Carol Ostergren Orts

Ken and Nancy Ragland

Revs. Sarah and John Millspaugh l

Carol and Michel Ossesia

Mary and Raj Raman

Suzanne and Anthony Miltich

Alyson Owen and Craig Oliner

Rev. Laura R. Randall

Debra Minard

Lowell and Marge Owens

Phillip A. Raspe

Barbara Miner

Ginny and Jack Pace l

Henry and Susan Rauch

Mardi Mitchell

Emily G. Pardee

Christopher Rawson

Mildred Moffett

Donald and Kathleen Park

David Rawson

Kathleen Montgomery

Elizabeth and William Parke

Doris E. Reed l

Ross Montgomery and Christine Smith

Fatima and Erach Patel Dr. Lewis E. and Jeannette Patrie

Karen Reed-Messing and Robert Messing

Alan Moore and Carol Harden l

Gordon and Alice Patterson l

Jane Reisman

Anne Moore l

Dan Paulson and Linda Hesketh

Doris Rhine

Nancyj Moran

Kathleen Paulson

Mia Morse and Martin Rothfelder l

Jeffrey Pekrul

Timothy Richards and Constance McGuire l

Rev. Barbara F. Meyers and Tom Meyers l

Paige and Bill Roth Rev. Jean M. and Lackey Rowe

William and Lucia Pulgram

Al and Peggy Richardson

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 55

Deborah Rugg

Karen and Carl Skold l

Gary Sydow l

Thomas and Sandra Wacht

Emily Rutherford

John Sloane l

The Estate of Helen Szymkowiak

Rev. Cheryl Walker

Bill Rutter

Lois and Stephen Smallwood

Frances Tanaka

Elizabeth Walker l

Donald Ryberg

Deborah Smith

John Tanner

Doug and Mary Kathryn Wallace l

Marvin Rytting l

Erin Smith

Anne and Charles Tatum

Betsy Walters

Karen Saad l

Virginia A. Smith l

Victoria Tauxe

Robert and Karen Wamstad

Michael Sallwasser and Maureen McHale l

Sue Smolski l

Cheri Taylor l

James Snell

Anita Sanders

Deborah Taylor l

Rev. Mark P. Ward and Debbie Ward

Frank and Kay Sanders

Lisa Noling Snellings and Hill Snellings

Isabelle and Strom Thacker

Holly Bussey and Jim Sanders

Robert T. Snow

Charles Thomas and Jennifer Myers

Mary and Robert Savage

Sherri Snow

David Thomas

Robert Savage l

Dr. Mary Ann Somervill

Geoffrey C. Thomas

Randi and Eric Scher

Wendy and Charles Sommer

Linda Thompson

Beth Schilpp

Paul and Sarah Sommer

Susan and Robert Thoresen

Ellen and John Schmidt

Mark and Kathy Sorensen

Charles Thorne

Oliver Weaver

Charlotte E. Schroeder

Barbara Sorlie

Shane and Sandy Weber l

Donald and Joan Schuette

Martha Spaulding

Christine Thorsteinson and Paul Cousineau

Patricia Weidler

Jennifer Schuster Jaeger and Richard Jaeger

Gail and Richard Sphar l

Jean Townes and Tom Smith

Donna Weis

Lois Spotten l

Anne True and Richard Norman

John Welch and Gayle Trantham

Kathy Seaman l

Rev. Paul A. Sprecher l

Linda Tuck

Mary Lou Werner

Jay Searles and Jodi Vender

Kent Sprunger

Del and Sally Tweedie l

Rev. John Richard Weston

Dr. Stanley F. Sears

David and Donna Stanford

Steve and Susan Urbatsch

Lois D. and Robert H. Whealey l

Raymond and Susan Seaver l

Virginia and Colin Steel

E. Michelle Valentine

Barbara Wheeler

Thomas Seiter and Kathleen Day-Seiter

Nancy and Bill Stephens

Rev. Joan VanBecelaere

Karen Wheeler

Cynthia Stewart

John Van Brunt and Carolyn Finnell

Donna Stimpson

Nancy W. and Reinhardt Van Dyke l

Diane White and Loren C. White, Jr.

Ed Stoever

Dr. Ann-Catrin Van

Kathryn Stone

Kathryn Vanden Berk l

Dotty and Dave Storer l

Rev. James A. VanderWeele and Shirley S. Peak l

Margaret and Robert Seitz Victoria Seitz Rev. Dr. Robert E. Senghas Ronald and Carol Sexton Marion Seymour E. Kathleen Shahan Susan Shaner John Sharp and Anne Raich James and Barbara Shaw Ransom and Carlotta Shaw Joan Sheard and Myrna Yeakle l Dr. Ray and Dardanella Shenefelt John Shonle and Shirley Smith l Carol Shultheis l The Estate of Isabel W. Silverman John H. Simonds, Jr. Lori Stone and Bryan Sirtosky Dale Skaggs and Lynda Lambert

John and Ruth Straw

Ted Wardell and Liz deBeer Victoria Warden Rev. Suzanne M. Wasilczuk and Dr. Timothy Stratton Susan and William Watkins Linda and Joel Watson Louis and Margo Ways

Edward A. White Rhoda Whitney and Priscilla Ledbury Dorothea Widmayer

Geraldine VanTassel and Thomas Davies l

Elizabeth C. Wiggert

Hugh Vartanian and Luann Columbo

Barbara and Richard Williams

Rev. Sonya G. and Mitch Sukalski Susan l. Sulc l

Pamela Jeanne V’Combe

Laura and Andrew Wilson l

Eileen Sullivan l

Nancy Vedder-Shults

Lorraine Wilson l

Lana and David Sund

Barbara Windsor

Woodruff and Jennifer Sutton

Rev. Richard Venus and Marcia J. Venus l

Linda P. Svec

Suzanne Neelands Viemeister l

Julia Swain l

Edward Vigneau and Judith Greene l

Ann and David Strickler Lisa Stroyan

Melinda Swartz David Sweat and Kay Giese Brian Sweeney l Alfred Swinyard


Susan Vinicor Peter Vitaliano and Linda Ayers Donna and Daniel Vought

Undine Wildman l Shirley Williams

James and Kathryn Wire Chris and Fran Wise Ruth Wodock Frances Wolf Jennifer and Chris Wolf Alice J. Wong

Samuel Woodbury l

Charles Akers

Susan and Scott Anthony

Lea Augustine s l

Rev. Shari L. Woodbury and William Reliford l

Matthew Alan

Jean and Anthony Antin

Pieter and Mary Pat Aukema l

Nicole Albert

Paula and Eric Apfelbach

Jill Austin and Andrea Dawson

Rev. Dr. W. Frederick Wooden and Wendy R. Wooden

Jean M. Alberti l

Liz Appel and Brian Eitzer

Pam Austin

Laurie Albright and Brian Larson

Judy and Jim Arbogast

David Austin and Pamela George

Yvonne Alcala l

Linda Archinaco

Lisa Austin-Smith

Susan B. Alden

Dr. Vicki and Roger Ardisana

Ralph and Susan Avellanet

Constance Alexander

Ann Arellano l

Barbara Avery

Beth Allen

Cheryl Arena

Beth Avery

Danelda Allen

Barbara Armento

Lydia and Wilburt Avery

Elizabeth Allen

Deborah Armstrong

Marianne Avery

James Allen and JoAnn Williams

Patricia Armstrong l

Richard and Linda Avery

Mollie Allen

Helen Arnold

Erica Avila

Wesley Allen

Martin and Sara Arnold

Paul and Melanie Axel-Lute

Bob and Liz Young

William and Karen Allen l

Dennis and Barbara Aylward

Stanley and Claudia Young

Robin and Bill Allman

Rev. Nancy O. Arnold and Dr. Geraldine Faria

Jeanette and Leon Zaczkowski l

Katherine Almy and Richard Taylor

W. David Arnold

Ann Backus

Rev. Barry Abraham Zavah l

Jane and James Alstrom

Larry and Rosemary Arp

Anne and Mark Bacon

Tom Zeller and Joyce Duncan

April and Keith Amberman

Carol Ann Arvan

Loretta Bacon l

Phillip Zepp l

Rebekah Ambrose-Dalton

Chester Ashby and Margo Kiely

Eugene and Dorothy Baggett

Rev. Helen Zidowecki and Richard Zidowecki

Jill Andersen and Richard King

Victor and Janet Ashear

Norma Bailey

Ann B. Anderson

Gene Ashley l

Mike and Marta Bainum

Clyde and Mary Anna Anderson

Sandra Aska

Marcella Baird

Colin and Melody Anderson

Alice and Ken Atkinson

Charlie and Betty Baker

Diana Anderson

Elizabeth Atkinson

David Baker and Lois Gaeta

Elizabeth Anderson and Miles Peterle

Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson and Ariel Summerlin

Helen H. Baker

Roberta and John Atkinson l

John Abbott and Lori Moreland

Dr. John L. Anderson and Trudance Anderson

Margaret Byers Abby

Carter and Elizabeth Anderson

Melanie Abercrombie

Rev. Dr. Linda Anderson and Rev. Margaret H. Allen

Jean Woodmansee-Poklasny Don and Jeanne Wright James Wright and Mary Dabney Joan Wright l Dr. David A. Yens Cheryl and Richard Yoder-Edney Jessica York l Alice C. Young Jordan Young and Margaret Levine Young l

Tom and Claire Zimmerman l

$100-249 Friends Anonymous Stacey Abate

Susan Abouhalkah Patricia Abraham l Diana and Chuck Adams Gail Adams and Wayne Coste June Adams Randy Adams and Mary Jo Smrekar

Rev. Meredith U. Anderson Rho Anderson Kristi Anderson l Web and Sylvia Anderson

Barbara and Maurice Aegerter

Susan Andrews and Linda Campbell

Lewis and Margaret Agnew Reid Ahl and James Radnor l Eve Ahlers and William Nunan

Robert Baker

Margot Anderson

Linda and Rev. Dr. Barry Andrews

John J. Aglialoro

Janet and Bruce Baker

Lisa Anderson and David Gewirtz

Shirley Adams Rev. Jory Agate and M. Jeb Mays

Ellen and Richard Babcock

Patricia Angelina l Jeffrey and Ellen Angley l Terry Ankrom and Kathy Kline Joann Anselone

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 57

Sharon Baker and Peter Moore

Cynthia and Richard Benard

Lynn Balabanis

Cecile Batchelor and Gene Remmers

Marc Bendick, Jr.

John Bierman and Maureen O’Meara

Roger and Beverly Baldwin

Josephine S. Bateman

Eunis Benecke

Marian and Hal Bigelow

Amy Ball

Dr. Bob Bates and Linda Bates

Pauline Benetti

Neva and Bill Biggs

Audrey and John Ball

Lucy Bates

Zakir and Kathleen Bengali

Carol and John Ballance

John and Dorothy Battiste

Sarah Benjamin

Thomas Billingsley and Edie Shepard

Sara and Stonewall Ballard

Raymond A. Baum

Rev. Rebecca and Derek Benner

Steven Ballesteros l

Lori and Karen Bauman

Judy Bennett

Deborah Ballou

Mary Bavaria

Larry and Joyce Bennett

Brenda Balon and Douglas Smith

Robert B. and Sandra W. Baxter

Richard Baltaro and Laura Neece-Baltaro

Barbara Bayless

Rev. Dr. Sheldon Bennett and Molly Bennett

Susan Bayley l

Jane Benson

Elizabeth Bishop-Martin

Ruth Baltus and Kevin Ball

Rev. Helen C. Baylies

Janet Benson

Dr. Joan H. Bitar

MaryAnne Balzer

Elisabeth Bazin

Eunice Milton Benton

Julie Bitzer

Martha Ban

Laura and Gianfranco Berardi

James Bizer and Mary Jo Larson

Donald and Martha Bancroft

Rev. Richard F. Beal and Joan Beal l

Robert and Ruth Bercaw l

Virginia Black

Erica and John Banderob

Terry and Gary Beale

Catherine and Bruce Berg

John Blackmore

Carla Banks l

Elizabeth Bear and Jeffrey Gothard

David Berg

Anne and Ric Blacksten

Rev. Elizabeth Banks

Stephen and Janet Bear

Marlene Berg

Eileen Blackwood

Rick Barabino

Rev. Margaret Louise Beard and A. Richard Eddy

Doris Bergen

Timothy Blackwood

Dorit Bergen l

Dr. Joseph L. Blair l

Cynthia Bergeron

Valerie and David Blais

Nancy and Daniel Berggren

James Blanchard

Debbie Berkana

Janice Blanchard

Robert Berman

Dr. Larry T. and Sandy Blanz

Kathleen Bernard and Barbara Baker l

Jacob and Ann Blasczyk

Kate and Veronica Beck Patricia and Bruce Beck

Genie Bernardini

Rev. Robert C. Blinn l

Patricia Becker

Linda Berndt

Joanna Bliss l

Megan and Robert Beecher l

Peter Bernett

Susan Bloomfield l

Sandra and Brent Beeson

Mark Berninghausen

Rev. Lee A. Bluemel

Larry and Mary Ann Beggs l

Marcia and Leon Bernstein

Beverly Blum

Patricia Behenna

Mark and Debra Bernstein l

Renate Bob

Donald Behr

Karen and William Berry

Roland Bockhorst

Ann Bein

Carol Boethel

Robert and Jeanette Beisner

Rev. Roger B. Bertschausen and Rev. Amy Bertschausen

Leni Belcher-Belshay

Olive Beverly

Barbara Belfiglio

Ann Beyer

Diane Bofinger and Ronald Palmere

Jennifer Bell and Kazys Varnelis Judith Bell l

Gregory F. Bianconi and Deborah Sisson-Bianconi

Rev. Emilie C. Boggis

Kathleen and Richard Bell

Daniel Bibel l

Martha Bogner

Mae Bell l

Jonathan Bick

Thom Bohlen

Karen Bellavance-Grace l

Deborah and Klaus Bieber

John and Kathy Bohstedt

James and Marilyn Bellis

Deborah Bieleck

Linden Boice and Cathy Carmen

Maria Baratta Glen D. Barbaras Nancy and John Barber l John and Winona Barker l Jesse Barlow Catherine C. Barnes Jerianne and Larry Barnes Janet Barnet Bruce and Katie Barnett H. Douglas Barnshaw Rev. Erica P. Baron Margaret and Roger Baron William Barraclough Thomas and Marilou Barratt Janet Barrett Mel and Timmy Barrington Laurie Barshay and Jed W. Irvine Neil and Cheryl Bartholomew l Susan Bartlett Robert Bartsch Cheryl Bartz Monica and Benton Bassett Angelyn Bassinger

Mary Beard and Marsh Pitman Laurel and Gary Beason l James and Patti Beaumont Jane Bechtel Donald Beck

Alice Bird Richard D. Bird, Jr. Dale and Polly Birdsall William and Margaret Birkemeier Bert L. Bishop

Norman Bleau

Flint Boettcher and Janet Solecki l

Marion Bogen s l

Robert L. Boileau


Dr. John Boitnott and Carolyn Boitnott

Diane Bradbury

Barbara Brown l

Deborah Buffton

Ruth Bradford-Johnson and Wayne Johnson

Claire Brown

James and Rosalie Bole

Laura Buhl

Gretchen Brown

Bobbie Bollinger

Donna and Max Buja

Mignon Bradley and Rory Moore

Leslie Brown

Ann Bolt

William and Ester Bultas

Faye Bradwick and Don Lancaster

Linda Brown

Helene and Jon Bond

Andrea Bumpurs

Leigh and Mary Bragg l

Martin Brown

Teresita Bond l

George Brandenburg

Ralph E. Brown l

Rev. Lucy A. Bunch and Nancy Flagg

Rev. Leland Bond-Upson and Deborah Bond-Upson

David and Ann Brandon

Virginia E. Brownfield

Rev. Linda K. Bunyard

Donald and Pamela Brandt

The Bonk - Brown Family

Gail Brownlee

Donna Buonopane and Bart Main

Ron and Dorothy Brandt l

Janet Bonner

Dr. Joyce E. Broyles and Larry L. Bomar

Andrew and Catherine Burgess l

Darryl and Laureen Branting l

Sandra and Michael Bonner

Patrick Brantlinger

John and Mary Brubaker

Susan Bookout

Linda and James Burke

Janet D. Braskett l

Jean and Clifford Bruce

Rev. Paul J. Boothby and Krista Boothby

Les Brassington and Penny Klein

Nancy and Raymond Brungard

Sandy Burkes-Campbell and Robert Barry Campbell

Leanne Bratland

Don Brunnquell and Sally Scoggin

Marilyn Braught

Beth Brunton

Gary and Nancy Breaux

Andrew and Ann Bryan l

Melanie and Thomas Bremer

Jane and Cyrus Bryant l

Kathleen and Larry Brennan

Barbara Bryce and Thomas Julius

Joan Borneman

Rev. Carl V. Bretz

Paul and Donna Brynteson

Bert Borngesser

Benjamin and Anne Brewster

Ian Bubb

Rev. Benjamin D. Bortin

Linda D. Bridge

Rev. Colin N. Bossen and Sara Bossen

Barry and Melissa Bridges l

Mark Bucceri and Julie Welch-Bucceri

Howard and Kathy Bossen

Susan and Gilbert Brinckerhoff

Howard and Helen Bostock Virginia and Standish Bourne

Mary Ann Borchert Margaret Borden James and Kia Bordner Helen M. Borland and Joseph W. Kiskel

Lucienne Bouvier and Bob Jensen l

Judy and Donald Burget

Dr. Richard H. Burkhart and Mona Lee John W. Burkitt Judy Burnett* Barbara Burnham Mary Jo and Charles Burpee Dawn Burrell John and Cynthia Burrell l Thomas D. Burton

Luanne Buchanan and Mike Hoffheimer

Edward Busch and Leigh White

Cheri and Thomas Briscoe

Dr. Sherry L. Buchanan and Charles Buchanan

Archer and Jessie Bush

Timothy Bristow and Lindsay Morgan

Mary Buchanan-Koontz and Steven Koontz l

Jerald Buthmann

Janet Britcher

Malia Butner l

Eleanor Bried

Alison and Tracy Bush Joan Butcher William Butler

Rev. Elizabeth M. Bovee-Kemper

Fran Britton

Stephen Buckingham and Cheryl O’Brien

Andrew and Lynn Bowen l

Jo Ann Brixie

Willard and Linda Buddenhagen

Elvira and Richard Butterworth

Glory M. Bowen

Suzanne Broadbent

Nell Buell l

Daniel M. Byrd

Jane Bowen l

Rev. Charles Brock

Betty Buffington l

Barbara and John Byron

Joan Bowen

Audrey Brodhag

Richard and Marteh Bowen l

Dr. Gerald L. Brody

Victoria Bowen l

Edson Brolin

Patricia Bower

Gretchen and Allan Brookes

Kristin Bowman Catherine Boyan

Rev. Amy E. Brooks and Dr. Christopher Paradise

Debra Boyd and Mark Merchant

Derry Brooks

Joseph Boyd and Marty Deer

Douglas and Kyle Brooks

Winfred Boyer

Lee Brooks

Ann and Wilbur Boynton

Dr. Linda Brooks

Elizabeth Brackett and Fred Olson

Suzanne Broughton

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 59

Joyce Cable l

Robert and Carol Cashion l

Lincoln Christensen

Christopher Cochran

Margaret J. Cain l

John Casper Meron Castain

Paula Christensen and Roger Benedict

Connie and Laurie Cochran l

Susan M. Call Allan and Sheila Callander

Robin Castle

Ruth Christie

Sandy Coen

Jeffery Callender

Mavis G. Cauffman and Dr. David P. Cauffman

Marilyn and William Christmann

Paul and Betty Coffman Gillian Cohan

Carol Caughey

Sonja Christopher and Gail Sexton l

Robert and Dorinda Campano

Colleen Caughlin

Joan and Constantine Christos l

Dr. Chari Campbell and Robert J. Ashmore

Virginia Cava l

Alice Chrostowski

Mary and John Cavallero

Maggie Chubb

Janet Campbell

Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant and Mark Grant

Walston Chubb, Jr.

Laura Cayford

Aileen Chutter

Jeanne Michael Cebulla

Stephen Claassen

Robert F. Cefalu

William E. Clack

Ellen Chace l

Barbara Clagett l

Roshan and Ellen Chaddha

Barbara K. Clark

Robert and Janet Chamberlin

Barry Clark

Rita Chamblin l

Carolyn Clark

Karen Chandler and Craig Schulz

Edith Clark

Chien-Chih Chang and Chiusheng Wu

Elizabeth G. Clark

Nancy Combs-Morgan and Dan Morgan

Laurene Clark

Laurent and Mia Comes

Marge Chapel

Lora Lee Clark and Neil Carey

Barbara H. Chapman

Merrill and Bette Clark

Claudia Comins and Robert Friedman

Janet Chapman

Pamela Clark

Beth Charas

Richard Clark

William Chartrand and N. Terry Froyd

Susan Clark

Anne Calvignac Phyllis Campana l

Rev. Madelyn E. Campbell Marilyn Campbell Martha Campbell Sherrie Campbell Jamie Cancro Rev. Florence E. Caplow Mark Cappetta and Gerry Arrieta l Richard Carlson l Rev. Dr. Jan Carlsson-Bull and Dr. Daniel Bull Thomas Carlstrom l Loretta Carmickle Leie Carmody Nuala and Mike Carpenter Rick Carr Charles and Dottie Carrick Jill Carroll Lucy Carroll

Barbara Chase John and Priscilla Chase

Karen and James Churnside

Susan M. Clark and Dr. Blake Clark Vicki and Tom Clark

Miriam and Jonathan Coe

Paul Cohen and Romney Wright Sue Cole Leslie Colello Anne Coleman Burt Coleman and Dell Manners Annabelle Collins Riana Collom and Pete Bennett Steve Colman Ann Colowick and Mike Harbour Catherine S. Colpetzer Claudia Combies l David Combies and Loretta Smith l

Thomas Comparin and Carol Conyers Pamela Comstock Cathy and Thomas Conahan Jane Conard Gary Conaway and Sheryl Macy

Susan Chase

Sasha Clayton and Christine Elgersma

James Cheatham

Betty May and Donald Cleary

Thomas Congdon

Karen and Richard Carruthers

Rev. Richard D. Cheatham and Rev. Barbara M. Cheatham

Alana Clegg

Carol Conger and Norman Miller

Barbara Carson

Shirley Chen

Susan and Roy Carson

Kathryn Cleland-Sipfle and William Sipfle

Marion Fitch Connell

Janis Cheney and Stephen Crane

Elizabeth Carter

Dr. Ted Clem and Merelle Clem

Jim and Kay Cherry l

Loretta Connolly and Clifford Charney

Gillian Carter

Fredrika and Bill Clement

Rita Cherubini

Valerie Clement

David and Karen Conradi-Jones

Shelley and John Carter

Gayle Childers and Rebecca DiNino

Carolsue and Roger Clery

Lindy and Kenneth Conroe

Jerome and Mary Lou Cartwright Virginia Carver and Henry Raichle

Mary-Dell Chilton

Evan Cline l

Christopher Conroy and Sharon Mayer-Conroy

Karen Casey

Julia Chinnock and Richard Champalbert

Sally Carroll and Paul Hanff Margaret Carrow Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd

Charles and Virginia Casey-Leininger Rebecca Cashette

Angela Clinton Mary and William Clinton l

Satish Chohan

Edward Cluff

Nilesh and Darlene Chokshi

Gary Cobbs and Alice Moore

Sharon Concannon l

Susan s and Michael Conley

Georgia Conroy Richard W. Constable Ethan Contini-Field Douglas and Judith Cook John Cook


Pamela Cook and Donna Kerr

Kay Croshaw

Christine Hope Davis

Michael and Mary Ann Denton l

Patti and Bill Cook

Jerry Cross s and Jayne Steffens l

Donald and Jean Davis

Merle DeNuccio and Pat Ferrian

Edie Davis

Rod and Sharon DePue

Janice and William Crossland

Tessa and Alan Davis

Ruth DeRamus

Larry A. Cooper l

Kate Crosthwaite

Evan Davis and Julie Colmar

Barbara M. Derbyshire

Sara Cope

Linda Crouse and Chris Cassard

Geoffrey Davis l

Peter and Frances Derks

Dr. Glenna Copeland and Rod Copeland

Mary and Don Crowell

Jesse Davis

Betty McGarvie Crowley

Karen Davis l

William P. Derrick and Jane Derrick

Diane Crowne

Mary and Bill Davis

Greta Dershimer

Marcia and James Croyle

Mary Davis

Cathie and David Desjardins

Todd and Nancy Cruse

Niki Davis

Julie DeSorgher l

Mary Linda and Stephen Cuddy

Peggy and William Davis

Hannah deSoto

Theresa Cull

Rick and Corliss Davis

John and Carol Devendorf

Robert Cunningham

Scott Davis

Lane and Michael Devereux l

Dr. Rebecca T. Cureau

Jennica Davis-Hockett l

David and Betsy Devlin-Foltz

John and Caroline Davison

Rev. Mary Louise DeWolf

Laksmiwati Cortes

Suellen Curkendall and Steve Phillips Sylvie Curran

Mary Emily S. Davisson

Helene and Ray Di Iulio

Claude and Susanne Corty

Grace Curry

Dr. Stanley V. Dawson l

Dr. Sidney Diamond

Gail and Peter Costanza

Susan Curtis

William and Linda Dawson

Shirley Dickens l

Kayla Costenoble

Craig and Susan Cyr l

Diane De Marco

Robert and Julie Dickinson

Nicki Coursey l

Anne Cowan

Diane D’Agostino

Richard de Seve and Sue Hale-deSeve

Alice Diebel

Shelley and Curt Covey

Dr. Susan S. Daggett and Ronald Cole

Al De Salvo and Susan Thompson

Evelyn Dickman

Ginger Courtney

Susan Cowles

Anne Dale and Scott Lindstrom

Duncan and Cindy Cox

Dr. David J. Dalrymple and Bonnie Boyce

D. Scott Cooper and Conrad Hamric

Judith Corbeille Betty and Michael Corbin Carol and Charles Corcoran Janet and Jeff Cordiano Brenda Corley David and Linda Corliss Ellen and Charles Cormier Alan and Bonnie Cornue

Linda and Bob Coyne Guy Craig Linda Craig Margaret M. Craig and Rev. James E. Craig

David and Sue Ellen Damour James Danbury Rev. Paul D. Daniel Roselyn Daniell

Jacqueline Dienstag

Lillian and Walter Dean Susan Dearth and Marilyn Hepner Franklin and Suzanne DeBeers l Pastor Rodney L. T. Debs and Jeannette Debs l Barbara Deck Ruth and Larry Decker Shirley A. DeCorte

Nancy and Dennis Cramblit

Ursula Daniels

Carol Cramer

Deborah and Bob Daniel-Wayman

Marilyn and Sterling Crandall

Antonia Darling and Kurt Schmidt

Charlotte Crane

Nelson J. Darling, Jr.

Hall Crannell

Mary and David Darrow

Paul Cravens l

Pamela and Doyle Daves

Colleen Crawley and Kenneth Clein

A. Roger Davidson

Mary and Vaughn Crawley

Edith Davidson

Deborah Crocker and Ronald Buta

Harry T. Davidson

Ross and Nancy Crolius l

Ann Davis l

Dr. Vasilikie Demos and Fred Peterson

John Crombie

Burnet Davis and Sandra Brooks

Michele DeMusis

Ellen Crompton

Carol Davis

Robert and Patricia DeNoble

Carolyn Cronin

Catherine Davis and Francisco Robles

Barbara and William Denton

Gwyn and Thomas Degner Charlotte and Peter DeGreen John DeGregory Dr. Don Deily Roberta and Robert Delaney Michael and Ann Delollis Michele Demarest l Roger and Sarah Demler

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 61

Carol and Robert Diggelman

Margaret and Stephen Dubin l

Patricia Eckels

Donna and Hal Estry

Dr. Joan DiGiovanni

Norman Dudziak and Damaris Rohsenow

Emily and John Economou

Amy and Kenneth Evans

Rev. Kelly and Pete Dignan

Dr. Rebecca A. Edmiston-Lange

Claryce Evans

Randy Diner

Lois and Ronald Dueltgen

Jodi and David Edmondson

Andrea and George Dinolt

Diane Duesterhoeft and Michael Phillips l

Ann Edwards and Dr. William M. Edwards

Patricia Evans and Mark Piechota l

Beth Duff

Arden Edwards

Lisa and Greg Evanylo

Elizabeth Duff

Dr. Ben E. Edwards and Shirlee Edwards

Beverly O. Everett

Joanne Dufour Mary Dugan

James Edwards l

James Everett

Patricia Duggan and Danny Hewett l

June Edwards

Patricia Everly and Bill Coker

Katie and Chris Edwards

Diane Dulin

Dianne H. Ewing l

Lea Edwards and Alan Green

Sharon Duncan

Wynne and Robert Ewing

Steven and Pat Einhorn

Thomas Duncan l

Gary and Ann Ezzell

Sandra Ekberg

Jim and Lillian Duncavage

Nina Fair l

Camellia El-Antably

Gail Fairburn

Marjorie Dole

Michael Duncheon and Joan Cassman

Jolene Elconin

Rev. Julia Hart Fankuchen l

Sarah Dolinar

Rev. Dr. Vilius Rudra Dundzila l

Dr. John F. Elder

Rev. Dr. Anita Farber-Robertson

Cynthia Domack

John and Jennifer Dunkle

Pamela El-Dinary

Silvine Farnell

Dorothy Donaldson and Tom Richey

Rev. Lewis H. Dunlap l

Sue Eleuterio

Laurel Farnsworth

David and Tammy Dunn l

Amy Farrell and John Bloom

Marylee and Gerald Donnelly

Philip Ellinwood and Gunita Saxena

Jane Dunn and Bruce Comer

Rev. Elizabeth K. Ellis

Deborah Dunnell

Jacqueline Ellis

Arthur Dupont l Marilyn and Frank DuPont

Rev. Kathryn L. Ellis and Rick Heckman l

Robert and Laura DuPont

Barbara Ellison

Susan and John DuPree

Ann Elliston

Karen and Leia Durland-Jones

Elizabeth Ellsworth

Barbara Dutchak

Dr. John W. Ellwood

Ronald DuVall

Diane and Steve Elstein

Eleanor Dwight

Pat and Ken Embers

Suzanne Federspiel and Clint Richmond

Erik Dyke

Jeanette and Norman Enfield

Carol Feierabend

Thelma Dykens

Lisbeth F. Eng

Edith Dzubay l

Evelyn Englander

Anita Feldman and Michael Majewski

Carol Eades

Constance Engle

Jessica Feldmark

Patrick and Lloyd Eagan

Paul and Carol Enos

Nancy and Mark Felix

Kenneth and Sarah Drewry

Marilyn G. Eanet l

Walter and Elaine Ensign

Sandra Fellows

David and Trudie Dreyer l

James Early and Garland Tillery

George and Carol Epple l

David and Susan Feltus

Maureen Driscoll l

Ann Easterbrooks and Douglas Dick

Peter and Linda Ericson

Charles and Natalie Fenimore

Marian Ernst

Ellen Fenster-Kuehl

Peter Eastman

Glenna Eshleman

Robert and Madlin Feragen

Dona and Robert Eaton

Gaye Esperson l

Robert M. Ferencz, PhD

Sue and Ray Eberhardt l

Debra Eston

Alan Ferguson and Dr. Paula L. Wiesner

Jane Dioguardi Sharrill Dittmann l Harold E. Dixler Cornelia Do l Diane Dobitz and Jean Lovett Arden and Marilyn Dockter l Jean and Bob Dodds Mary Dodge Carol Doehne l Mary Dohmann Dr. Sandra K. Dolby

Maureen Donnelly and Henry Holcomb Robert and Sarah Dorer Eddie Doss Norma Doss Don and Carolyn Dougall Karen and Charles Dougherty Cameron and Becki Douglas Rosalie Douglass Carleen and Leslie Dowell Ellen Doyno R. Larry and Karen E. Drake Deborah Dranove Craig Dreeszen and Diane Bowman

Charlotte Droogan Ann Drouilhet Ann Drury l Faith E. Dryer

Richard and Jane Eccles


Robert and Janet Evans

Daniel Everett and Kate Blane

Frank Farris Alice Faryna Leonard and Carole Faulk Dr. Molly F. Faulkner and Gordon Faulkner Sharon Fawcett Michele and John Fawcett-Long Robert Fechtel Megan Fedders

Bruce and Susan Ferguson

Marilyn Fortenberry s l

Henry and Ruthanne Fuhrmann

Laurie and Scott Gauer

Susan Ferguson l

Lori Fortini

Victor Gaberman

Jim and Loma Gault

Robert Fernie and Conrad Egge

Rev. Barbara and Robert Gadon l

Judith Gauthier

Richard Ferry

John L. Commeree (Lanny) and Kathy L. Fosnaugh

Ted and Bonne Gaebler

Carol and Bill Gay

Susan Fetzer

Edward Foster

Diana Gay

Richard Feuerborn and Valez Bird

Elizabeth Foster

Rev. Emily L. Gage and Karen A. McMillin

Kristin and Robert Fewel

Jacqueline and Michael Foster

Mary Gaggino l

Rev. Richard M. Fewkes

John B. Foster, Jr.

Sandra Geaman

Shannon Fierro

Dr. John M. Foster l

Judith Gaietto-Grace and Terry Grace l

Gloria Finch l

Newton Foster, Jr.

John and Pat Gaines l

Mary and Robert Gehrke

Mary and Curtis Finch

Sharon Foster

Priscilla and David Gaines

Rev. Pamela S. Gehrke

Kaye and Alfred Finch

Cindy and Fred Foster-Clark

Peter and Mary Gallagher

Merry Geil

Alan Finkelstein and Sheila Dori

Sara Fowler l

Victoria Gammon

Mary J. Geissman l

Marion Fintel and Stanley Echols

Cary and Vince Fox

Winifred Ganshaw

John Genova

Rev. Wendy W. Fish

Susan Frances

Rebecca and Joseph Gant

Gary Geoghegan and Valerie Sarris

Jean and Judy Fishbeck

Hetty and Hans Francke

Kay Gantt

Jeanne and Joe Gerber

Allan and Ellen Fisher

Joseph Frango

Anne Ganzenmuller

Ben Gerhardt

Clifton and Marsha Fisher

Rochella and Irv Frankel l

Sally Garber

Karen and Robert Gerlach

Gale Fisher and Dave Wenninger

Dr. Paula Franklin

Ronald Garcia-Herrera

Douglas Gerleman

MaryEtta Fisher

Sally Franz

Dr. Laura C. Gardner

Erik Gern

Joyce Fitch

Beth Fraser

Susan and Russell Garland

Gordon and Christine Gerwig

Richard S. Fitts

Gretchen and Cline Frasier

Gordon and Joyce Garner l

Rev. Paige Getty

Rev. Sandra D. Fitz-Henry

Dr. E. Beebe Frazer

Nancy and Norman Getzin

Sharon and David Fitzpatrick

Dr. Larry Fredendall and Elaine Fredendall

Rev. Lynne D. Garner and Gerald Jaecks

Rebecca Flaherty l Christopher and Mary Flanagan l Claire Flannery Patrick and Elise Fleeharty Andre Fleet Dr. Jerry Ann Florendo

David Gaynor and Bernice Goldman Fran Gebuhr l

Nancy and Ken Garrison

Rev. Joanne M. Giannino and Russel Curtis

Pat Garrity

Rosamond Gianutsos l

Leta C. Fredricks

Ronald and Marilyn Garst

Margaret Gibas

Gerald Fredrickson and Jill Erickson

Thea Gast

Paul and Meri Gibb

Lucile Gatchell

Barbara Gibbs

Pam and Glen Frederick

Lawrence Freedman l

Douglas Foard s

Dr. Kathleen G. Frey and Bernice Husk l

Albin Fogelquist l

Clare and Edward Fried

Carla Fogg

Kate Friedlob and Jim LaPointe

Katherine Foldes and John Hunt

Bob Friedman and Debbie Cash

Barbara and Bill Foley

Laura Friedman l

Christina and Richard Folger Elizabeth S. Ford

Rev. Lisa Friedman and Wayne Schneider

Mary Jane Ford

Nancy Friedrichs and Jim Staley

Mary Ford

Audra Friend l

Lynn and John Foreman

Celeste and Art Fritzson

Diana Forrest

Bart and Amelia Frost l

Dr. Roderick Forsman and Susan Forsman

Ann and Richard Fryberger

Jan Forsyth and David Shelley

William and Barbara Fuchsman

Halina Fuchs

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 63

Anne Giblin and Kenneth Foreman

Dr. Teresa Goodell l

Irene and Tom Gibson Jamie Gibson and Marty Shaw

Harlene Hagen

Wilma Goodloe l

Karen Griffin and Andrew Mickish l

Marian P. Goodman l

Nancy Grimm

Lynetta Hagler

Carolyn Giddings l

Dr. Sarah Goodpastor and Ken Rice

Milner Grimsled l

Candice Haight and Craig Ranger l

Barbara Gifford l

Bob Goodrich and Karen Kovach

Denise and Richard Haight

David and Sandy Gift

Robert Goodrich

Randall Grometstein and John Pustell

Ethel and Richard Gilbert

Elizabeth C. Goodson

Michael and Colleen Groner

Suzanne and Daniel Haislmaier

Rev. Barbara J. Gilday

Carol and Fred Goodwin

Luke and Victoria Groser

Lene and Carl Hajek

Julianna Gilkinson

Paul and Janice Goodwin

Charles and Doris Gross

John H. Halford III

David and Elaine Gill

Eva Goodwin-Noreiga and Cosme Noriega

Robert Gross and Jean Shepard

Jeffrey and Marie Halka

Avis and Marvin Grosslein

Anita Hall

G. G. Gordon

Ellen Grosso and Gary Williams l

Christine and Dave Hall

Dr. Susan A. Gore l

Annabel and Hans-Harald Grote l

Don and Roberta Hall

Dennis Gorman

Sharon Groten

Grace Hall

Jennifer Gorman

Michele Grove

Henry Hall

Mary P. Gosling

Nancy Grove l

Joan Hall

Elizabeth A. Gilpin l

Laura Gossman

Thomas and Edna Groves

Judith Hall

Rae Gilson

Sheryl Goto

Susan and Marvin Grudem

William and Fran Gimby

Alison Gottlieb l

Robert and Maxine Guenther l

Matthew Hall and Marty Martinez l

Chris and Bill Gimpel

Sherry Goussy

Roger and Merry Guernsey

Steven Hall

Karen Girardot and Nancy Gilbert

Geoffrey and Benita Gowen

Thomas Hallock

Marjorie Girth

Adrian L. H. Graham

Suan Guess-Hanson and Dick Hanson

Lila and George Girvin

Annette Graham

David and Diana Guinnup

Ruth Halpert

Mary Giurleo

Debita Graham

George and Virginia Gunby

George Halsey l

John Glasson and Tori Smith

John and Judith Graham

John and Shirley Gunning

Kent and Portia Halsey l

Jennifer Glick and David Highfield

Kathy and Randy Graham

Vijay and Samantha Gupta

Merilyn and Robert Hamburg

Dr. Robert M. and Deanne Glorioso

Meredith and Richard Graham

Anne and Bill Guse

Donna Hamer

Lucinda Glover l

Linda and Stuart Graves

Sheryl Guterl

Anna C. Hamilton

Myra and Ivan Gluckman

James Gray and Alice Lackner-Gray

Vincent Guthrie l

Lois Hamilton and H. Alan Lando

Gilbert and Terri Gutierrez

Carolyn and Bruce Hancock l

Larry Gray

Allan Guy

Julie A. Handberg l

Tara Gray

Daniel and Vicki Guy l

Barbara and Ed Handley

Madelyne Greaves

Mary-Jo Guy l

Ruth and Curtis Hanks

Audrey Greene l

John and Lisa Guyton

Nell Hanlon

Carol Greene

Lesley Guyton

Marilyn and Charles Hanna-Myrick

Monica and Roy Greene

Kathryn Haase and Jac Estes

James and Sandra Hannum

Dr. Richard K. Greene and Nancy M. Greene

Rochelle Habeck-Hunt and Allan Hunt

Thomas Hanold and Marnie Bolstad

Regina Greenspun

Andreas and Cathy Hansen l

Russell and Carol Greve

Toby Haber-Giasson and Michel Giasson

Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey l

Robert Habib

Daryl and Norm Grier

Betty Hadidian

Dale Griffin l

Jack Haeger

Judith and Gordon Gibson

Jean Gillespie Margaret Gillies Gerald and Wilhelmina Gilligan Kate Gillis Dr. Amanda Gillum and Dr. William Gillum

Mary Etta Goes Emery Goff and William Carhart Sondra Gold and James Freess Steve Gold and Winifred Atlas l Betsy Goldberg and Allan Brison Carla Golden Linda and Steve Goldman Louise Goldman Ann Goldsmith Catherine Goldwater Margaret Gonder-Odell and John Odell Edith B. Good Laura L. Good


Anne Griswold

Rev. Dr. Debra W. Haffner and Ralph Tartaglione

Christine Hager

Yadenee Hailu

Jennifer and Alan Halperin

Helen Hansen Michele Hansen Soren and Mary Jane Hansen Carol Hanson Janet and Gilbert Hanson

Dr. Robert F. Hanson and Lyda K. Dicus

Jim and Diane Hawkins

Andra J. Herriott l

Martha and Lee Hoffman

Rev. Marshall Sanborn Hawkins

Teresa HerrNeckar

Cynthia Hoffner

Dr. Laura D. Harckham

Margaret and Richard Hayes

Janet Hersey l

Susan Holahan

Daniel and Mary-Ann Hardenbergh

Maureen Hayes

Nancy and James Hershey

Maureen Holder l

Jan and Gail Hardenbergh

William L. Hayes

Nina and Ray Herzer

Melinda Hardin

Dr. Sarah D. Haynes

Mary Hess

Dr. Karen D. Holl and Dr. Michael Loik

Barbara Haring

Amanda and Jim Hays

Robin Hessey

Kathryn Holladay

Mary and Matt Harman

Anne Hays

Russell Heuckendorf

Lorna and Marc Hollander

Joan and Richard Harmet

Richard and Pamela Hays

Rev. Erika A. Hewitt l

Cheryl Harper

Roberta Headley

Richard Heydt

Rev. Dr. Hugo J. Hollerorth and Diane Engel

Robin M. Harper

Harry and Karen Heafer

Dixie Hibner and Jim Gallas

Susan and Gordon Harper

Robert and Helen Heald

Sarah Hickok and Michael Zarin

Stevan and Barbara Harrell

Thomas Healy and Erin Colcannon

Herbert Hiestand

Bolton Harris and Paul Breen

Dr. Donna Holmes Parks and Bill Parks

M. Gage Heath and Peter Swanson

Virginia and John Higgins

Helen Harris

Marguerite Holmes l

Nancy Heath and Larry Wheeler

Adelinda and Bryan Higgs

Lenore Harris and Michael Field

Susan and Gary Holstrom

Virginia Hebermehl

Henry and Janice Hildenbrand

Lorelei Harris

Richard and Susan Holt

Michael Harris

William Hecker and Marilyn Kopp-Hecker

Priscilla Hildum and Warren McCabe

Bill Honeywell

Dr. William and Barbara Harris

Katharine Heckscher

Connie Hill

Donna M. Harrison l

William and Andrea Heier

Karen and Douglas Hill

Robert and Katherine Harrison

Cynthia Heiland

Robert and Eleanor Hill

Stephen D. Hooper and Sandra van Wachem

Goodwin Hart

Judy Heilig l

Janet Hiller and Steve Volpini

Katherine Hoover s l

Paul and Geraldine Harter

Lucia and Bob Heinold

Arthur Hillman

Rev. Leah Hart-Landsberg and Amy A. Ongiri

William and Jane Heintzelman

Carol and J. B. Hillman

Rev. Melvin A. Hoover and Rev. Rose Edington

Beverly Heinze-Lacey and James Lacey

Karen Hindhede and Jim Kaisen

Mark and Kathy Hopkins

Craig and Cornelia Hartley

William Hintzman

Judith Hoppe

Charles Hartman

Linda Nina Helfert

Edgar and Robin Hirst

James Hopson and Helen Crain

JudithAnn Hartman and Craig Beyler

Sarah Helfrich l

Elizabeth M. Hirst

Sandra and Richard Helmick

Karen and Mark Hartman

Rev. Dr. Lucy V. Hitchcock

Rev. Ashley A. Horan and Rev. Karen L. Hutt

Scott Helmke Peter Helwig and Suzanne Harris

Rev. Lori G. Hlaban and Thomas S. Hlaban

Betsy Horn

David T. Harvey, Jr.

Alan Horne and Joe Teti

Brian Hasbrouck

Warner and Barbara Henderson

Rev. Mary Hnottavange-Teleen

Benjamin Haskell and Jill Cowie

Suzanne and Robert Henig

Carol and David Hobart

Rev. David Horst and Alyson Gaylord-Loy l

The Hassan-Lorenzen Family

Margaret Henly

Fran Hobbie

Constance Marek and James Hassett

Nancy Hennessy Lesley and Jon Henney

Kathryn Hobbs and Craig Aldworth l

Kirsten P. Henrickson l

David and Joyce Hockman

Dr. Thomas “Woody� s and Susie Henry

Stan and Sallye Hodge

Joyce and Richard Henzel

Mel and Kay Hoff

Lynn Hepler

David Hoffman and Sharon Copeland l

Kia and David Hatch l Nancy Gorman Hatcher l Dr. Richard Hattwick and Nazareth Hattwick Sue Haug Bud and Joy Haupt l

Dr. Alan S. and Susan Hollister Sarah Jane Holloway

Robert Hooker Ramon Hooper

Steve and Carol Hosmer

Carolyn and David Hoeschele

Phyllis Havens

Charlotte Herdman and Debbie Osborn l

Jeffrey and Cindy Haverly

Eileen Herman

Mara Hoffman l

Kay Hawbaker

Maya Hermann

Marilyn Hoffman

Frederic Hoffman

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 65

Beth and Bob Hospadaruk l

Dr. Kenley P. and Debra Inglefield

William and Wanda Jennings

Maxine and Kenny Jordahl

Rev. Dan and Susan Hotchkiss

Valerie Ingram

Carol and Kurt Jensen

Betty Jordan

Jule Hotstream

Judith Innes

Carol Jordan

Marie and Lonnie Houck

Carol Ippoliti

Fred Jensen and Barbara Rothenburger

Dr. Lee R. and Paula Hougen

Felice Irvine-Collins

John and Becky Jensen l

Thomas Jordan

Thomas Houle

Robert Irwin

Lisbeth Jorgensen and Family l

Rev. Timothy House and Ann K. Gary

Rose and Ampelio Isetti

Stephen and Kathryn Jens-Rochow

Jennifer Houston

Sarah Ivins l

Peggy Houston l

John Ivy

Mary and Peter Houts

Harvey and Kiyomi Iwata

Dr. Celeste Howard

Elizabeth Jachim

Margaret and George Howard l

Carla Johnson and Marianne Yarnall

Beverly J. Jackson

Dennis Johnson

Rev. Eric Kaminetzky

Marlin Howard

Bill and Meg Jackson l

Timothy and Carol Johnson

Dave and Mary Kane l

William and Julie Howard

Carol and Thomas Jackson

Jeanne Johnson

Constance and Roger Kanitz

Norman and Cristine Howe l

Catherine Jackson l

Jerry and Mary Johnson

Gail Kantak

Dr. Roger K. Howe and Nancy Howe

Rev. Darrick D. Jackson

Joan Johnson

Gregory Kanter

Elizabeth Jackson

Judith Johnson

Peggy Kaplan

Lawrence Jackson

Katherine and Byron Johnson

Richard A. Kark

Melvin and Gay Jackson

Leonard and Marjorie Johnson

Kristi Karls

Bob and Betty Jackson

Mary Lou Johnson and Daniel Schaffer

Sandra Karosi and Deb Gould

Dale Jacobs Caroline Jacobs

Virginia Johnson

Jill Karpf and Adele Gorelick l

Terry Jacobs

Yvette Johnson

Dave and Bobbi Karpinski

Dorothy Jacobson s

Margaret Johnston and Phillip Kinsler

Lawrence Karson

Holly Jaffe Stuart and Lucy Jaffe

Megan Johnston Jonalu Johnstone

Charles G. Kast

Sherry Jagerson Mark Jagner

Bonnie Jones

Heather and Ross Jahnke

Elizabeth Motander Jones and Scott Jones

Dorothy Howell Martha W. Howell l Gary and Lynda Hoyt Mary and George Hrbek Dr. Wesley V. Hromatko Nel Hubbard Ralph and Peggy Hudson Robert Hudson and Bearnice Croft Thomas and Gail Huggett Kathy and Charles Hulin Dean Hull* Dr. Joseph P. D. Hull James and Kathy Hungerford l

Janet and Marc Isralsky

Joanne J. Jessen Erhard Joeres and Maree Elowson Reba Johns Burton F. Johnson s

Dr. Karl P. Hunt

Rev. Gary S. James and Julie Martin

Keith Hunt and David Levngie l

William James

Helen Jones

Rev. Dr. Doris A. Hunter and Rev. Howard E. Hunter

George Jamieson

Kerry Jones

John and Lucy Jamison

Linda Jones

Harriette Janke

Loyal Jones

Ron and Chris Jansen

Miriam Jones

Kathryn Jaques l

Nancy Jones

Rev. Jill Jarvis and Chris Cox

Rebecca and Kenneth Jones

Rev. Julia A. Jarvis

Rev. Dr. Roger D. Jones l

Steven and Judith Jasper

Shannon and Michael Jones

Jay Jenkins l

Charlotte Jones-Carroll and Thomas Carroll

Joanne Hurley Scott and Linda Husted Dr. Elizabeth W. Hutchinson l Mary and Richard Hyatt Lois and Albert Hybl Greg Hyde Judy Hyde and Helen Armstrong Lynn L. Hyndman Dee and Govind Idnani Ken and Jill Ihlo l

Suzanne Jenkins Elizabeth Jenkins-Joffe and Paul Joffe


Emily Jones l

Rev. Christine J. Jones-Leavy and Dr. Richard Leavy

Lynn Jordan

Frederick and Katherine Joseph l Jerry Jurgens Peter and Elaine Jurs Rev. Xolani Kacela Rev. Dr. Julie T. Kain Ricardo Kamenetzky

Russ and Marla Karow l

Judith and Richard Kasper l Nancy and Marcel Kates Sally Katzenstein Dan and Jen Kaufman Dan and Jennifer Kaufman Lisa Kawamoto George Kay Linda Kay Barbara Keane and Bunnie Casella Patricia Keane Edith Keating Bill and Patricia Keck Jamie Kegerise Jesse Kehres Bobbie and Gary Keill Rev. Fred and Rev. Margaret Keip Catherine and Richard Keleher Sharon and Richard Kelkenberg

J. Lawrence Kelland

Robert Kirchhoff

Brad and Pamela Korb

E. Anne Krieg

Dana and Mary Lou Keller

Elizabeth Kirk

Jane Kores

Ed and Mary Kringer

Ed and Marte Keller

Susan Kirk

Dr. Kenneth Koresch

Clarice and Ray Krippner

Dana Kelley

Dr. Paul E. Kirsch

Gloria Korsman

James and Ellen Kelley l

Carol Kiser l

BK Kosmach

Mary Kroener-Ekstrand and Jeffrey Ekstrand

Norman Kelley and Shannon Benson

Margaret and Christopher Kitchenham

Edna Mae Koss

David and Marjorie Kroll

Andrew and Nancy Kosseff

Jenny and Robert Kropf

Robert and Beth Kelley l

Bryan Klech and Kathleen Luce l

Richard and Ginger Kossow

Katherine Kruckemeyer

Kathryn Kellison l

June Kleeman l

Anne Kotch

Russell Krueger

Amy Kelly and Maric Munn

Dr. Edward and Debbi Klein

Nanci Kountz

Robert and Monica Kruger

Joan Kelly l

Ellen Klein l

Shirley Kovacs

Katherine Kruser

Ward and Mary Ruth Kelsey

Jennifer and David Klein

Norman Kowal

Barbara and Barry Kuhn

Dr. Dale L. Kemmerer

Tom Klein and Sabra-Jenks Graham

Jeff and Mary Kowalski

Dr. Jean M. Kummerow

Francine Kozkodin

Barbara Kurtz

William Klingelhoffer and Jill Brindel l

Linda Kozloff

Sandy and Bill Kurtz

Ila Klion l

Jim and Sherry Kraemer l

Jonathan Kurz and Sonya Elder

Norma Klobucher

Margaret and Eric Kranz

Larry Kurz

Anna Klock

Tim Kraus and Lois Gish

Jane Kusterer

John and Martha Kluth

Stan and Susan Krcmar

Samuel and Aleks Kutscha

Ted Kluz l

Janet and Stephen Kreha

John and Polly Kutuchief

Steve and Nancy Kneipple

Su-Min Kreitner

Rev. Timothy Kutzmark

Matthew and Megan Kressin

Rev. Dr. Jonipher K. Kwong

Elizabeth Key

Linda Knight and Lorenzo Bassman

Mary and Henry Kretchmar

John Kyper l

Robert Keyser and Tricia Stevens

Richard and Joyce Knight

Dr. Gretchen Kreuter

Joan Lacktis

William H. Kezziah, Jr. Ellen and Anand Khohka

Walker Knight and Judson McDonald

Deborah Kibbel

William Knipps

Iris F. Kiesling

Geri Knoebel and Linda Skye

Kimberly Kilby and Bryan Cherry

Bruce Knoth

Nina Kilimnik Jeffrey and Carol Kilmer

Ann Knowles and Harry Lamar Voorhees

Nancy Kilpatrick

Stephen and Regina Knowlton

Elizabeth Kimber

John and Karen Knox

Nancy King Smith and Kempton Smith

Jennifer and Andrew Kobayashi

Delcevare King Trust

Barbara and Robert Koehler

Dennis King

Elizabeth Koehn

Jennie and Scott King

Bruce and Deanna Koepcke

Quentin C. King

Alicia Koger and David Pasto

Gloria Kinney Robert and Helen Kinney

Peter Kohnke and Denise Obernauer

Joe Kirby l

Michael Koller

Dr. Mark L. Kirchhofer and Linda T. Kirchhofer

Rosaria and Anatole Konstantin

Virginia and David Kendall Geri and William Kennedy Michael Kennedy l Barbara Kennedy-Dalder Mary Lu Kennelly l Joseph and Mary Kent Theo Kenyon Den and Anne Kerlee Rev. Elizabeth A. Ketcham l

Jana and Rob Koch

Susan Koonce and John Lyons

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 67

David C. Lacoss l

Marsha Lawson

Wayne and Jana Leslie l

Stanley Loeb

Cynthia Ladd Fiorini and Richard Fiorini

Robert and Margaret Lawson

Alan and Molly Lesnick

Dr. Richard A. Loescher

Jean Lawton

Laurie Lessner

Linnea Lof and Gary Strichartz

Dianne Ladd

James and Shiela Lay

William D. Lester

Susanna Loftis l

Betty LaFara l

Theresa Lazar

Erin Logan and Robert Smith

Dawn LaGrone

Darlene Lazarow

Linda Kottmann and John R. Levene l

Becky and Nick Lai

Tam Le

Joyce Levi

Julie and Gregory Lombard

Richard and Myrna Lake

Ann Leach l

Nancy Levy

Karen Lombard and David Case

Jill and Koresh Lakhan

Rev. James C. Leach and Rev. Melissa A. Mummert l

Paul Lewis and Jane Shannon

Bryan Long l

Robert and Carol Lewis

Julie Long

Richard and Jacqueline Leach

Steven Lewis and Verna Harms

Robert and Eleanor Lamb

Paul and Marie Long

Janet Leask

Dr. Susan Lewis and Eric J. Larson

Dr. John M. Lambert and Cecilia Bennett

Gretchen Leavitt

Charlotte and Chris Lichtenfeld

Robert Long and Marianne Salinger

Suzanne LeBeau

Susan Lightner

Linda Lonon

Judith and Norbert Lechner

Jeanne Likes

Edward Loomis

Helena Lee and Ann Zawaski

Daniel Lillie

Mary Lee

Karen and Frank Lindauer l

Frederick Lorch and Joyce Axelson-Lorch

Susan and Greg Leghart

Lisa Lindeman

Don Lorents s

Dana Lehman

Tanner Linden

Bryan and Patricia Lorge l

Rev. Charlotte Lehmann

Allan Lindrup and Anne Holcomb

Marla Loturco

Tom and Bettsy Leib

Martha Loustaunau

Daniel Laliberte and Stephen Jorgensen

Kay Lamer Wanda and Donald Lamm Karen Lamphere l Joanne and John Landers l Carol and Charles Landraitis David Lane and Grayson Sless Kristine Langabeer and Debbie Menzies

Rev. Sherman Z. Logan, Jr.

Diane Lange and Bill Garvey

Frey Leigh

David Lindsay and Margaret Ingalls l

Priscilla Langenderfer

Andy Leighton

Robert Lindstrom

Lynne and Philip Love

Martha Langlois l

Stephanie Leighton and Phoebe Call

James T. Linford and Dr. Wendy Eberhardt

James and Carol Low

Richard Leinberry

Lisa Linsalata

Frances and Phillip Lowe

Rev. Polly Leland-Mayer

Lucinda Lion-Morlin

Grace Lowney

Shirley and Terry LeMaster

Leslie and Les Lipkind

Jeffrey Lowry and Rita Capezzi

Joyce Lemmond

Sylvia H. Lipnick and Dr. Martin S. Lipnick

Glenn Loy

David Lantz Ivan M. Lappin Timothy and Linda Larason Louis Larrey Ivar and Barbara Larsen Mary Ann and Dennis Larsen

Constance Lenk l Elizabeth Lentini and Kevin Gibson

Hiroko Lippman l

Erika Love

Peter Lowber

Jennifer Lubas and Eric Bell Sherrie and John Lucas

Kari Leon

Thomas Lisenbee and Sharon Paige-Lisenbee l

Edwin and Judith Leonard

Carroll Lisle

Mary and Arnold Lasris

Joan and Thomas Leonard

Larry and Kay Litten

Arnold Lau

Marion Leonard

Michele Lauer-Bader and Robert Bader

Dick Leonard

Deborah Little and Dan Weymouth l

Johanna and Marc Leopold l

Jeanine and Jack Little

David Lugg and Marion Ceruzzi

John and Becky Laurent

John A. and Ruth Leopold

Florence Liu

Mark Lukow and Luanne Frey

Catherine Lauritsen

Bonnie Lepoff l

Ann Livingston l

Gloria Luna

Patricia Lawn

Ilene Lerner

Dr. Margaret A. Lloyd

Barry and Marilyn Lundin

Bruce Lawrence and Barbara MacLeod

Hazel LeRoy l

Sandra and Randall Locke

Roy and Shirley Lundin

Lori and D. Gary Lerude

Jeanette Lockington l

Jan Lundstrom

Susan Lawrence l

Laura Lesch

Lucy Lockwood

Martha Lussenhop and Larry Price

Gary Lawrenson and Linda Rice

Rev. Cheryl and Bruce Leshay

Dan and Beth Lodge-Rigal

Karen Lutz

Lawrence Larson Thomas Larson and Janine LeLand

Cynthia and Ron Lesky


Christine and Michael Luce The Hon. William J. Lucero and Linda S. Lucero Sarah Luckay Lindalea Ludwick

Richard and Jane Lux

Martha Malone

Hugh Martinez and Linda Harding

J. Ramon McCarus

Tram Le Ly l

Terry Malone

Elizabeth Martorell

Barbara McCauley

Arlynn Lyle

Dolores M. Malvitz

TerryLynne Marx

Joseph McClain l

Jeanne Lynch

Josefa and Sal Mandarino

Alberta Maschal and David Lorms

Wanda McClain and Tony James

Patricia Lynch and James Trigg

Laura Mandell

Dr. Claudia Mason l

Walter and Linda McConathy

Philip and Carolyn Lynes

Harold and Dorothy Mandler

Beverly Lyon and Lynn Whitson

Mitch Manseau and Phyllis Rockwell

H. John Mason and Barbara Kezur l

Kelly McConnell and Aaron Willey

Revs. Melora and Shana Lynngood

Leslie Masten Case

Samuel and Joy McCord l

Dr. Edwin A. Lyon II

Ann Groves Manson

Noelle Kennedy Masukawa

Sandra McCormack

James Lyon and Florence Reaves

Mark Manuel

Kristin and Michael Mataluni

Randall and Barbara McCrea

Judy Lyon

Karen Marangi

Lydia and Joseph Mathias

Ned McCubbin

Beauvais Lyons and Diane Fox

Harriet Marble l

Margaret Mathies

Gregory and Mario McCullough

Margaret Mac Cary

Isabel Marbury-Mauro and Chris Mauro

Rev. Karen K. Matteson

Julie and Kent McCullough

Frederick and Beth Maurer

Adeline and Dan Marchini

David McCurdy

David and Eileen Maxfield

Daniel Marcucci and Grace Cordts

Bryan and Jacqueline McDaniel

Meta and Robert Maxim

Stanley Maricle l

Elizabeth McDaniel

Wayne Maxson

Rev. Robert A. MacDicken and Eileen Ross

Conrado and Melissa Marion-Landais

Stephen and Sharon McDaniel

Daleen and Bill Maxwell

Trudy McDaniel

Virginia MacDonald

Lois Markham and Stephen Klesert

David and Ann May

Pamela MacFarlane

Yvonne Marlier l

Gretchen and Ken May

Rev. Lisa and Michael McDaniel-Hutchings

Norma and Wayne Marsh

Omi May

Peter Macholdt and Kathy Fedorko

Judy and John McDermott

Linda Mack

Phyllis Marsh

Brian and Susan Mayall l

Marilyn McDermott

Arlene Marshall

Judith Mayer

Bruce and Jennifer MacKenzie l

Michael and Barbara McDermott

Kate MacKinney

David Marshall

Susan Mayer

Thomas and Joan MacLaughlin

Gordon Marshall

Edward Maynard

Allysson McDonald and Graham Bell* Frank and Susanne McDonald l

Joan Marshall

Gale Maynard

Vicki MacLean l Ellen MacMillan

Leslie Marshall and Herbert Hethcote

Nancy Maynard and Carol Browning

Laurie McDonald and Tyler Johnson

Judy Mayo and Sid Aaron l

Jeannie and John McDowell

Carol and Louis Maccini Brian and Betsy MacConnell Mary N. and Kenneth W. MacCormac

Margaret MacMorris and Randolph Kuehn Nancy MacNair Sandra Macpherson and L. D. Ball Susan Macrae and Eric Broadbent Alice R. Macy Anne and Martin Madden Anna Maderis Anne Magoun Peter Magoun Diane Maguire and John Gangwisch

Randolph Marshall and Rebecca Kurth Betsy Martin l Daniel Martin l J. David and Diane Martin Edward and Eugenia Martin Emilia Martin Gene Ann and Thomas Martin John and Diane Martin Kent Martin Lynn Martin

Rachelle and Martin Mazar Rev. Jill K. McAllister and Rev. Walter Balk Jeanette McAndrew Susan McBain and Steven Jung l Daniel McBride and Cynthia Howe Thomas McBride Robert and Wanda McCaa l Ellen McCahon Wendy McCalvy Ann McCandless

Rev. Kristin A. and Sarah Maier l

Mary Brence Martin

Dianne Mailloux

Ronald and Susan Martin l

Dr. Anne-Marie and John McCartan

Mary-Jo Maish and Marcia Perrins

Willard Martin and Margaret Demos

Cheyenne McCarter

Louise and David Malcolm Richard and Liora Malicdem

Gene and Anita Martinez l

Tom and Susanne McConville

Robert and Pauline McCarthy

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 69

Christine McElroy and Howard Bauchner l

Nancy Mears

Susan and Terry Millar

Janet Moore

Jan Mecagni

Alice Miller

Martha Moore

Carolyn McEvoy

Suzanne Meeks

Jo Anne and Richard Miller

Linda McGee

Marja and David Meharry

Karen and Michael Miller

Rev. Mary E. M. Moore and Christopher Romaine

Maureen McGee

Mary Ann Meisner

Linda Miller

Pat and James Moore

Kathy McGowan

Carol and Steven Meister

Linda Miller and Claudette Clunan

Philip and Grace Moore

Jill McGrath

Polly Miller and Joel Goldberg

Tracy and Frank McGrath

Rev. Emily Melcher and Anders P. Hornblad

Rev. Robert C. A. and Janie Moore l

Patrick D. McGuire

Donna Melillo

Thomas and Bonnie Miller l

Jerilee McHard

Anne Mellen

Terry W. Milligan

Benjamin McKay

Gary and Barbara Melom l

Harris and Mary McKee

Laurel and John Melson

E. Kimball Milling and Joyce Barney

Dr. Susan P. McKee

Jose Mendez l

Sandy and Steve Milliser

Rodman Morgan

Sandra McKellar l

Dr. Susan Menking

Rae Millman l

Sharon Morgan

Elizabeth M. McKenzie

Betty L. Mills

Shawn Morgan

Todd and Catherine McKenzie

S. Frances Mercer and Douglas Venable

Dr. Robert Minard

Suzanne Morgan

William McKinney

Joseph and Martha Merenda

Randy Minnich and Susan Powers

Virginia and Scott Morgan

Debra McLaughlin and Suzanne Sinnott l

James and Katherine Merrill

Linda Minor

Christine Morin and Heidi Trestor

Edmund Merriman

Deepti Misri

Vida Morley

Kathy McLean

Susan Merson

Marilyn Miss

Barbara Morris

Douglas and Susan McLeod

Barbara Meshanko

Derek Mitchell

James Morris

Miriam McLeod l

Janice Messer

Marilyn and Jerry Mitchell

Martha and Dennis Morrison

Leanna McMahon

Sally Metzger

Mary McMahon

William Metzger

Elaine Mittell and Douglas Poutasse

Peter and Cristina Morse

Elaine McMillan l

Elizabeth Metzler

Michael Moen l

Irene Morth

Harriet and Harry McMillan

Frances Lee Meyer l

Mick Mortlock and Ann Scott

Kecia McMillian

Sandra and Richard Meyer

Margaret Rice Moir and Robert Moir*

Shelby Meyerhoff and Shai Sachs

Alexander and Johanna Mol

Ruth Morton Richard and Donna Moseley

Harriet McNeal

Rev. Benjamin W. Meyers and Katharine M. Meyers l

Robert L. Molla III and Dr. James B. Mandrell

John and Valerie McNee

Hester and Ron Meyers

Peter and Elsie Montalbano

Joyce McNeil

Joseph Meyers and Denise Hurd

William and Susan Montfort l

Charles McNulty and Anna Rue

Ruth and Phil Meyerson

Beverly and Wardwell Montgomery

Tracy and Sean McPartland

Thomas Michie, Jr.

James and Carol Montgomery

Jeanne and Robert McPherson

William Michtom l

Jennifer Montgomery

Stephen McReynolds

Elizabeth Middleton and Barbara Kenny

Margaret Montore

Rev. Betty Jo Middleton and Rev. J. Howard Middleton

Regina B. Moody and Dr. William J. Moody

Joan Middleton

Albert Moore

Rolf Mueller

Peggy Middleton

Dawn E. Moore l

William R. Muenster l

Michael Milano

Dian Moore

Kathleen Mueske

Cynthia Anne Milender

Diana L. Moore

Margarita Muinelo

David and Marilyn Miles l

Diane Moore

Heather Millar

Gerald and Mary Moore

Karen Muir and Rev. Dr. Fredric J. Muir

Michael McMullin s John and Kristen McNally

Dr. William C. McSherry and Frances McSherry Rev. Kathleen McTigue Ted and Cathy McVay Sheila McWilliams Steven and Kathleen Mead Mary Means and Rev. Archene Turner l


Rhoda Miller

Dennis Moody

Judith and Eldridge Moores Jennifer and Herbert Moorin Dianne and Daniel Moreau Kathleen and Doug Morgan

John M. and Gail Morrow s l

Maureen Morton

Stephen Moseley Wendy and Fred Mosier Sue and Archie Mossman Patricia and Eric Most Dr. Wayne A. Moyer Amy Mudd and Rus Funk Stephen and Joan Mudrick Eric Muehling Judy and Ken Mueller

Marla and Mark Muir

Barbara Neumann

Lisa Oakes and Steve Luck

Roger Mulford

Thomas Oakley

Robert Muller l

Daniel Neuspiel and Cathy Canepa l

Joanne Omang and David Burnham

Carol Oates and Richard Moss

Yildirim and Ferda Omurtag

Johanna Munson

Hayden Nevill and Rebecca Dunne

James and Monica O’Brien

Sue and Peter Oppenheimer

Kindra Muntz l

Leslie and David Neville

Michael and Linda O’Brien l

Elysse and Stuart Orchard

Lesley Murdock l

Donna and Mitch Newcomer

Paige O’Brien and Didi Chadran

Rev. Joanne Papanek Orlando

John and Jane Murphy

Susan Newell

Suzanne and Max Ochs

Susan Orlansky

Cynthia Murray

Rev. Julie S. Newhall

Roger O’Connell

Kathy Orms

Elizabeth and Albert Murray

Betty and Robert Newman

Steven O’Connor and Ellen Koenig

Ronald Orr

Judith Murray and James Pidacks

Kathleen and Paul Newman

Cynthia and Paul O’Dell

Priscilla Ortiz and Steve Fuller

Kathleen Murray and Laurence Pulgram

Margaret Nichols

Daryl and Maggie Odhner

Corinne A. Orts-Gunkle

Susan and Vernon Nichols

Max and Nicole Oeschger

Dorothy and Bill Osak

Robert and Isobel Murray l

Wayne Nichols

Jean O’Farrell

Judith A. Osborn

Suzanne B. Murray l

Paul Nick l

Phyllis O’Hara

Donald Osgood

Sandra Myer l

Pearl and Gary Nickel l

John and Carol Ohlrogge

Tedd and Dorothy Osgood

Gwen and Mason Myers

Philip Nicolai

Gretchen Ohmann

Phyllis and Sadaomi Oshikawa

Michael Myers and Ann Savage

Hugh and Mary Nicolay

Shirley Olander

Edna and Michael O’Sullivan

Don and Martha Naber l

Adrienne Nicosia

Richard Olanoff and Susan Wadley

Mark and Gail Ott

Nancy and Stan Nachman

Don Niehus and Paul Kueny

JeKaren Olaoya

Thomas Ott

Ellen Nachtrieb

Jerriann and Dane Nielsen

Kathleen O’Laughlin and Bill Sasso

Les and Joan Ottinger

Laura and Harry Nagel l

Marcia Niemann

Robert Oliver

Susan Otto l

David and Nancy Napalo

Catherine and John Niessink

Lise Olney and Timothy Fulham

David and Karen Oulton

Domenic and Erica Napolitano

Constance and Peter Nissley l

Joan Olsen

Dr. Mary D. Overpeck

Lynne Nault

Dr. Barry and Maija Nobel

Linda Olsen and Grady Hesters

Jeannie Owen and Sandy Griffin l

Rene and Tracy Navarra-Davis

Connie Nolen

Bonnie and Jerrold Olson

Michael and Victoria Oxford

Sandra and Wilfredo Nazario l

JoAnne Nordling

Rev. David Carl Olson

Helen Oxley

Patrick and AnnaBell Neal

Jane Norris

Mary Jo Olson

Susan Oxman

Robert Neale

Bonnie A. Norton

Robert D. Olson

Nicki Padgett

Gail and James Nealon

Elizabeth and Peter Norton

Dr. Clark D. Neher and Arlene Neher

Anne Norvell

Debra Neill-Mareci and Thomas Mareci

Dr. Matthew P. Novak and Nadine Novak l

Dean Neiman

Suzanne and James Novak

Charles Neiss and Denise Soppas

Ryan Novosielski and Sophie Ziner

Bruce Nelson and Barbara Watts

Barbara Nowak

Charles and Jean Nelson David and Mary Nelson l

Rev. Craig M. Nowak and Kevin McNamara

Karen and David Nelson

Edward and Ann Noyes

Kay E. Nelson l

Elwin Nunn

Keith and Donna Nelson

Kerri Nussbaum and Mark Leberg

Linda Nelson

Robert and Elizabeth Nuxoll

Sandra Nelson

Susan Nye

Drina and Gary Nemes

Arliss Nygard and Murray Penney

Dr. David and Patricia M. Notter l

Jan Nettler

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 71

Thomas Pagel

Jay and Terry Paul

Susan R. Peters

Douglas Podoll and Aishah Alwi

Nancy Pajewski

Janet and Ira Paulk

Thomas and Barbara Petersmeyer

Deborah Poesepp

Margaret and Michael Paladini

Carla and Eric Peterson

Gertrude Pojman

Deborah Palman

Dr. Alice L. Pawley and Dr. Stephen Hoffmann

Iner Peterson

Amy Palmer

Mary Paxton

Dr. Peter Peterson

Dr. Stephen Polmar and Suzanne K. Polmar

Beverly and Richard Palmer

John Peabody

Joyce Palmer

Nancy Peace

Dr. Stephanie A. Peterson and Thomas Peterson

Rev. Amanda K. Poppei and Peter Verchinski

Patricia Palmer

Karen Peake

Donna Petrangelo

O’Neil Poree

Sally and Jim Palmer

Judy Pearce

Ron Petrie s l

Norine and Chandran Panicker

Marilyn Pearl

Jo and James Paoletti l

Dr. Laurie A. Pearlman

Thomas W. Petrillo and Dr. William R. Reamy

John Portz and Meredith Montague

Jeanne K. Pearson

Eric and Carleen Petterson l

Claudia Poser and Ronald Ofstead

Patti Paris

Dr. Walter S. Pearson and Katherine Lyons

Polly Pettit and Peter Dowling

Don and Regina Pound l

Laura Park and Erik Jordan

Isham Peugh

Burnele and Brenda Powell

Bernard and Sandra Peavey

Kenneth Pfluger and Kay Planting

Elizabeth Powell

Dr. Arthur T. and Mary Pedersen

Edward and Joan Pflugheber

Dick and Carol Powell

Richard Pedersen

Alice Pham

Rose Lee Powell

Judith and John Peeler

Bill and Mary Phelon

Warwick Powell

Charles and Margaret Pekarek

Ellen and Michael Phelps

Cynthia and Edwin Powers

Rev. Nancy B. Pellegrini

Jan and Susan Phillips l

Louis A. and Sandra Pradt

Thomas Pelletier and Barbara Fox

Judith and Oren Phillips

Irene and Ed Praeger l

Ann Pemberton and Jonathan Lipman

Tom Phillips

Carol Pranschke

Gale and Albert Parmentier

William and Gay Phillips

David and Kendra Pratt

Kathryn Lewis Parmentier

Thomas Penchoen

Ilene Photos l

Vicki Pratt

Amity Parr-Feaster and Rob Babb

Sandra Pendell

John Piazza

Lisa Pray and Carolyn Crabtree l

Rev. James and Theresa Parrish

Kirsten Pendleton

Furio Picco

Peggy Pressman l

Joan Parry

Thomas S. Pennington

Andrea Pickart

Jill Preyer

Anne and Lynn Parsons

Jane E. Pentheny, O.D.

Tim Pickering

Alta L. Price

Douglas and Lisa Pasto-Crosby

Linda Pequegnat

Brigitte Pieke and Clifford Singer

Johanna and Laurance Price

Karen Patch and Allee Harati

John Percival

Frances Pierce

Linda and Carlos Price

Helen and Arvind Patil

Eloise and Martin Peres

Paulann Pierson

Sheri and Don Price

Gayatri Patnaik

Roscoe and Christine Perham

Richard Piet and Amie Jamieson

Katrina and Fred Priese l

Ellen and Milton Patrie

Audrey Perino l

Susan and Hans Pigorsch

Jean Prinz l

Wendy Patry

Katharine Perkins l

Anne Pikolas and Jean Charles

Paul Pritchett

Eva Patten

Roswell B. Perkins

Rebecca and Robert Pine

Joan Proctor

Barbara and Patrick Patterson

Mari and Roberto Perla

Mary Pirosko

Jean Prokopow l

Selene Patterson

Godfrey Pernell

Kevin and Jenny Patton l

John Pittman and Margot White

Gail Perr Czina and Richard Czina

Rose and Frank Patton

Roberta and Bill Pittore

Dr. Linda S. Prokopy and Joshua Prokopy

Barbara Perry l

Sarah and Richard Patton

John and Jan Pixley

Bryce and Frances Perry

Vincent W. Patton

Avery Playford

David and Cheryl Perry

Conrad and Jane Paul l

Richard Pline

Maynard Person

Rev. Denis L. Paul and Rev. Joseph M. Cherry

Sheila Ploger

David and Elinor Peters

Rev. Bryan K. Plude

Judy and Don Peters

Sara and Mike Plummer l

Richard Park Bonney Parker l Cynthia Parker and Steve Eagles John Parker and Nancy Brush Patricia Parker Thomas Parker Lindsay and Marc Parks l Nancy Parmenter

Ellen Paul l

Janice and Philip Peters


Rev. Eric Posa

Rev. Loring and Elizabeth Prosser Rose Provan l Frances Provost Diana Prowell l Jules Prown Susan and William R. Pryor

Rev. Joy Christi Przestwor

Paul and Julia Raspe

Linda Puertolas and Martin Sreshta l

Jane Riggan

Mary Ratcliffe

Alice Rennie and Charles McCormick

Alice and Ronald Rathburn l

Thomas Repasch

Julie Rinard and David Richards

Steve and Barbara Pugh

Gregory Ratta and Annie Simpson

Carole and Tom Repici

Celesta Riner

Gene Pusateri

Edward and Marvelle Rau l

Sue and Norm Repplinger

Cheryl Ring and Stefanie Barley

Elizabeth Anne Putnam

Arthur Ravander

Crystal and Gary Reser

Gail Ringer and Marjorie Stark

Judith Putnam and Leonard Swanson l

Robert and Maria Ravenstein

Corinne Reslier

Daniel and Sandy Riordan l

Melissa Ray and Stephen Wiele

Diane and J. Alexander Resly

Gloria and James Riordan

Dr. Eileen Raymond and Donna Smith-Raymond

Theodore Resnikoff

Paul Rioux

Dr. Charles Rethy and Vicki Rethy

Kathy Riser and Nancy Perez

John C. and Bonnie Raymond

Diane and Ron Reupert

Helen Rivas

Judith Raymond

Judith Rew l

Dian and Edward Robbins

Michael and Judith Raymond

Mattie Reymont

Paula Robbins

Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

Caroline Rayner and Bernadette Vankeerbergen

Albert and Helen Reynolds

Barbara and George Roberts

Jaq Quanbeck

Mary Ann Reynolds

Judith Rayner and Dennis Wellnitz

Carol and Fred Roberts

Lynne Quinto and Scott Umlauf

Dr. Mildred M. Reynolds

Ken and Susan Read-Brown

Dayle Roberts l

Roderick and Donna Quirk

Kate and Rusty Rhoad l

Miriam Reading

Margaret Roberts

Linda and Gaylin Raab

Mary Rhodes

Marilyn Reap

Muriel Roberts l

Lucy Rabe

Patricia Rice

Denise and Lou Rebrovic

Peggy and Howard Roberts

Dr. Sarah Radabaugh

Robert and Priscilla Rice

Segwald and Martha Reckdahl

Sharon and Robin Roberts

Rob and Anne Radford

Stephen and Susan Rice

Michelle Rediker and Sue Wedda

Sonya Roberts and Karen Allard

Dr. Polly and Jeff Radosh l

Dr. Betty Rich and John D. Stout

Clela and Lee Reed

Beverly Railsback

David Rich s

Thomas Roberts and Melissa Karas

Hal C. Reed l

Helen Raiser

Dianne Richard l

Claire and Ronald Robertson

Judith Reed

Rev. Dr. Susan V. Rak and Mary Chinery l

Janet and James Richardi

Janet Robertson

Nancy Reed

George and Barbara Robinson

Roberta Reed

John Richards and Karen Maidment l

Eleta Reese l

Lorene Richards

Barbara Robinson and Carlos Fraticelli l

Kelly Reeves and Valarie Pasiecki

Ann Richards and Chris McCarthy

Cynthia Robinson

Ruth M. Reeves

Rev. Sarah C. Richards

Lewis Robinson

Joyce Ramay

Wendell Refior and Marla Welsford l

Amy Richardson

Nicholas and Shelley Robinson

Cynthia Ramirez

Elizabeth Regan and Lisa Howe

Linda Richardson and Jerome Morrison

Penny Ramsdell

Lynn Rehfeld-Kenney

Herman and Jane Richey

Arlene and David Rand

Rebecca Reid and Joseph Robustelli

Maureen and Frank Richichi

Rev. Dr. Donald and Dr. Sally Randall

Nancy Reid-McKee

Allen Rider and Karen Reagle

Patricia Reilly Stark

Emily F. Ransom

Barbara and Edward Rider l

Jackie Reilly

Janis Rapp

Betty and Tim Ridge

William Reinhardt l

George and Hannah Rappolt

Virginia Ridgely Howe

Helen Reitan and John Grannis

Carolyn and Alvin Rasch

Bruce Rieder and Peter Kostik

Ruth Reiterman

Nora Rasman l

Cas Rifkin

Nancy Renbarger l

Nancy Rasmuson

Eva and Arthur Rifkin

Rev. Robert F. Renjilian and Christy S. Renjilian

David Rigg and Rev. Elena L. Rigg

Dr. Ralph Putnam and Teresa Putnam l Linda and Charles Putney l Zimri Putney Rev. David G. Pyle Eveyln Pyle

Henry and Nancy Rakoff Joan and Ed Raley Bridget and David Ralston Lenore Ralston

Colleen and Kenneth Rand

Betty Rasmussen

Daniel Rigney and Alida Metcalf

Cynthia Riddles l

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 73

Penny Robinson

Rachel Roth

Irene and Gary Sanderson

Annette and Ron Schmidt

Ruth Robinson

Bonnie and William Rother

Ken Sandin l

Emily Schmidt l

Timothy Robinson

Martin Rouse l

Jan Rocek

Margaret Routon

Charles Sandmel and Barbara Simonetti

Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt and Rev. Christian Schmidt

Lisa Roche and Randy Barbiero

David Rovner and Margaret Holmes-Rovner

Virginia and Robert Sandstedt

Karen and Raymond Schmitt

Edward Rockman and Mary Ellen Johnson

Carolyn Sant Angelo and Scott May

Joseph Schmitz

Sarita and Arlin Roy Barbara Royal and Deidre Fudge l

Robert and Rachel Sartin

Rev. Kathryn A. Schmitz and Charles Behrens

Barbara Rodbell

Bonnie and Kenneth Saunders

Joyce and Chad Schmucker

James and Cindy Rodgers

Rev. Renee and Randy Ruchotzke l

Rodney and Marie Sauter

Dr. Anne L. Schneider

Judith Rodgers

Carol Ruckel*

M. Eileen Roehr and Casey Carros

Gwen Sawyer and J. George Bakula

Daniel and Janet Schneider l

Ann and Peter Ruger

Judith Roepke

Mary Ruhoff

Philomena and Frederick Sawyer

Carole Rogentine l

Rev. Pamela M. Rumancik

Revs. John L. and Miriam S. Saxon

David Schoenfeld and Ellen Schoenfeld-Beeks

Lawrence and Catherine Rogers

Mark and Abigail Russell Prior

Susan and Don Sayegh

Susan Schonfeld and Doug Hicks

Rev. Mary H. Rogers

Audra and Anthony Russell

Judy Scallan and James Canada

Robert Schopp l

Sherry and William Rogers

Marjorie Russell

Ellen and Frank Scarpitti

Loretta and Andrew Schorr

Jacqueline and Patrick Rohan

Rev. Bruce R. Russell-Jayne and Cecelia A. Russell-Jayne

John W. Schaefer and Dr. Elizabeth M. Schaefer

Peter Schott and Jeffrey Davis

Joseph Russo

Ronald F. and Patricia A. Schaeffer

Carol and Dean Schroeder

John Rutter

Joyce Schaffer

Martha Schroeder

Jeanette Ruyle

Ardath and John Schaibly

Patricia Ryan l

Rev. Robert Schaibly and Steven R. Storla

Rev. Dr. Michael A. and Trina Schuler

Lisa and Troy Rockett

Cathy and Greg Rohrer Alan Rollow Margaret and W.D. Rolph Nancy Grace Roman Rev. Catherine J. Romano Griffin and Sean Griffin Diane Rombach Raleigh Romine and Helen Kafka Richard and Evelyne Rominger l Mary Rooker Joann Roomes John and Caitlin Rooney Betty Root Melissa and David Rosales Victoria Rose Edward Roseboom Jane and Eric Rosenberg Doreen Rosenthal Rev. Craig C. Roshaven and Barbara Roshaven

Anne Rydlewicz Rev. Dr. Jane R. Rzepka and Dr. Charles Rzepka Karen Saadeh and David Matthis Cynthia Saalfield John and Joy Saams Georgianne Sabaric Maurice and Erna Sabath Cat and Morteza Sabih Arnold Sacks Judith Sadegh Jeani Sage Nancy Sahler Peter and Ruth Salinger Christine Salita

Katherine Schnell

Webster Schott

Nancy and Bill Schuler

Patricia Schall

Claire Schultz

Paula Schall s

Deborah Schultz and Arthur Salter

Brian and Barbara Schandevel

Elizabeth Schultz and Robert Bone

Kristen Schara and David Kulik

Susan Schultz

Diane Scharf and Elizabeth Grauer

W. Bradford and Elaine Schultz

Robin Scheib

Dr. Charles A. Schulz and Sharen S. Schulz

Elizabeth Scheiman Dr. Cynthia A. Scheinberg and Lietta Wood Marjorie and Peter Schellenberg Theodore Scher

Jessica and John Schulz Dr. William F. Schulz and Rev. Beth Graham

George and Jesse Scherer

Rev. Sarah M. Schurr and Scott Schurr

Daniel and Linda Schick

Revs. Teresa and David Schwartz

Gail Schiffer

Edmund Schweppe

Bert and Beth Schlabach l

Carol Schwyzer l

Rev. Carol Rosine l

Dr. Robert C. and Margie Sallies

Deren Ross

Eileen Schlemmer and Rev. Jay E. Abernathy

Richard and Lynn Scoby l

Carolyn and Jack Salmon l

Dr. Kashihi T. Ross

Karen and Stan Salot

Paul and Cheryl Schlenker

Catherine F. Scott

Michael and Wendy Ross

Richard Salwitz

Harold Schmalfeld

David and Donna Scott l

Lee and Nancy Rossbach

Revs. Scott and Anya Sammler-Michael

Raymond Schmalz and Rev. Mary L. Schmalz

Maricia Scott and Matthew Rosin

Harold Rosson l Nancy Rotecki

Robert and Gail Sampson


Angela Scott and Jeff Gustafson

Dr. Eliot Scull and Tina Scull

Hazel Seaba Emmie L. Seaman l Marden Seavey l John and Ann Seed Robert Sehr Joan and Douglas Seiffert l Jack and Marguerite Seigel Christopher Seitzer Carol Selinske Rev. Catherine Senghas Steven Serikaku Dave and Rachel Setzke Rev. Arthur G. Severance and Cathie L. Severance

Rev. Charlotte Shivvers and Robert K. Baker

Jeffrey and Mary Siuta l

Melissa Smith l

James Skaley

Michael and Allison Smith l

Dr. Paul Shoemaker and Simone Shoemaker

Alison Skoczenski

Micheal and Kaye Smith

Phila Slade

Nikki Smith

Amy and Mark Slagell

Richard G. Smith and Ann D. Smith

David Slagle and Harry Gunn Bob Slawson

Dr. Robert E. Smith and Susan Smith

Patricia and Marc Slechta

Shirley Smith

Dr. Christine E. Sleeter

Jacqueline Smith-Miller

Grayson Sless and David Lane

Susie P. Smithson

David and Patricia Slive

Joyann Smole l

Susan and Lloyd Slocum

Diane and James Snell

Janis Slora

Steve Snell l

Joseph and Connal Small

Elizabeth Snively

Joan Smalley l

Judith and Arthur Snoke

Sondra Smalley

Diane Snyder l

Rev. Laura and Linda Smidzik

Dr. Susan A. Holton and Joseph Snyders

Christopher and Tammy Shorb l Martha Shore Gil A. Shorr Suzanne Short Sylvia L. Short Mark and Theresa Shute William and Winifred Shuttleworth Krzystof Sibilla l Marie R. Sidoti Dick and Vicki Siefers

Lois Severns

Frances and Brett Siegfried l

Cynthia and Michael Sevilla

Judith Siegfried

Barbara and Robert Seyfried

Paul Siegler and Ruth Booman l

Leigh Shaffer

Sonia Sierra Wolf

Linda Shahian

Jessica Sievers

Gretchen and Thomas Shanight

Rev. Maddie Sifantus l

Kimberly Shanks

Kathy and Ed Silver

Martha Shannon

Susan and Jim Silver l

Dr. Allan Shapiro and Carol J. Shapiro

Genevieve and Philip Silverman

Alexander and Elizabeth Shaw

Rev. Constance Simon l

Bonnie Shaw

Nancy Simon

George and Paula Shaw

Robert and Sandy Simoni

Larry Shaw

Dr. Ellen Simpao

Sylvia Shaw

Gaye and Mark Simpson

Nancy Shay

Jane Simpson

Alison and Bernard Sheahan

Katherine Simpson

Henry Sheedy

Lisa Sinclair l

Sally Sheehan

Debra Singleton

Priscilla Sheeley l

Teresa and Vinod Sinha

Dr. Jean E. Sheets and Robert Hlady

Rev. William Sinkford and Maria C. Sinkford

Ellen and Keith Shelton

Carol Sinner

Mary Shepherd

Helen Siporin and David Sasaki

Linda Sherer

Jo Sippie-Gora

Paul and Teri Sherman

Jan and Jane Siren

Sue Sherwood l

John and Marion Sirman

Ed and JoAnn Shew

Bonnie Sirott

Christine Shirey and William Dowdall

Linda Siska

John Simmonds

Alison Smith

Paul and Edith Sobel

Alonzo and Susan Smith

Deborah and Kenneth Solis

Barbara and Stanley Smith l

The Solu Family

Brett and Katherine Smith

Cynthia A. Sommer

Frank and Anne-Marie Smith

Tracey and Jim Sopp

Grant and Elizabeth Smith Joyce Smith

Rev. Dillman B. Sorrells and Robert Sorrells

Kathryn and Wilson Smith

Marsha Sousa

Kathryn Smith and Regina Koffman

Frances Sowa

Lillian Smith

Laurel and Greg Spahn

Marjory Smith

Allen and Susan Spalt

Penny and Dave Shively l

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 75

Anne Spatola and Theresa Novak

Margaret and Kurt Stege

Len and Jan Stoehr

Kathleen Swift l

Debra and Rob Spear

Michael Steger and Jennifer Citrolo

Francis Stone

James and Terri Swim

Laura Spear

Steve and Stacey Stone

Amy and Drew Swiss

Milly Spector

Delores and Thomas Stegman

Emily and Arnold Stoper

Phillip and Win Speicher

Gilbert and Cynthia Steil

Rita and Steve Storey

Susan Swope and Shirley Tannenbaum l

Doris Spencer

Nina Stein

Rev. Jack S. Stout and Gail Stout

Lawrence and Ann Symonds

Richard Spencer s

Gary Steinbach

Judy Strachan

Claire Szoke

William Spencer and Mary Hadley

Julie Steinbach

Dr. Daniel Stracka l

Brenda and Mark Szumski l

Warren and Joan Spengler

Deena Steinberg

Beverly Strauss

Betty Tableman

Martin and Rebecca Spicer

Susan Steinert

David and Lynn Strauss

Dorothy Tabor

Edward and Barbara Spier

Meriel and John Steines

Rev. Jan and Russell Taddeo l

Barbara and Robert Spitz

Johanna Stek

Dr. Anthony Stringer and Sekayi Stringer

Rev. Erin E. Splaine and Lissa Stuart

Rich and Prue Stelling

Ellen Strommen

Chas H. W. Talbot

Susan and Tom Stenovec

Rev. Dr. Elizabeth M. Strong

Dr. John T. Tambornino

Louis Spoto and Cindy Scott

Margaret Stephan

Esther and John Strongman

Rose Tanaka l

Briana Sprague

Connie and Clark Stephens

Amanda Strosahl and Jack Udell

Mara Sprain and John Bates

Mary Stephenson

Claudia Struble

Lynn Tanksley and Michael Alves l

Laurel Sprigg and Alan Briscoe

R. Rhoads Stephenson

Carole Stuart

Marietta Jones Tanner

Judy A. Spring

Barbara Sterling

Cindy Stubblebine

Robert Tapp and Judith Wallach

Charlotte Springer

Allan Stern and Dr. Susan Scrimshaw

Annie Stubbs

Sylvia Tarzanin

Susan A. and Arthur H. Stukey l

Barbara Sproat and Judson Leonard

Kenneth Stern

Chris and Jim Sturm

B. Lynn Tavormina and John Boettcher

Judy and Marc Stettner

Rev. Dr. Teresa Sprowls and David Jenks

Billye Stevens

M. Roxanne Sturtevant and Elwood R. Sturtevant

Diana Stevens and Grant Wilson

Barry and Lynne Taylor

M. Evelyn Spurgin and Gary Christopher

Carolyn and Charles Stutts

Rev. Elizabeth H. Stevens and Graham Stevens

Kathleen Styc

Kris Taylor

Ivan H. Sublette l

Les and Marlon Taylor

Kathleen and Steven Squires l

Judith Stevens and Robert Kelley

Eleanor and Jim Sugarman

Skipper and John Taylor

Susan and Charlie Squires

Sarah Stevens

Julie Sulahria

Marjorie Taylor

Katharine F. Sreedhar

Tonya Stevens and Randy Babbitt

Margaret Sullivan

Edwin H. and Chartis L. Tebbetts

Kenneth St. John and Janet Nash

Alta Stevenson l

Patricia Sullivan

Franklin Teltsch

William and Alia Stadtlander Barbara Stahnke

Katherine Stevenson and Michael Morrissey

Carl Summers s

Rev. Timothy D. Temerson and Carol A. Temerson

Sandra and Lawrence Stalzer

Richard Stevenson

Susan Jane Stamm

Frank and Essie Stewart

Carol Stanfill

Lora and Paul Stewart l

Karen Stankye

David W. Stickell l

Lisa Starace

Patricia Stiffler

Donna Starr l

Rev. Dr. Catherine G. Stivers

Barbara Stasiak

Frederick and Janet Stocker l

Eileen Stec

Rev. Abigail Stockman l

Katherine and Steven Stechschulte

Richard and Carol Stockton

Dr. Karen B. Steele

Rev. Aaron Stockwell

Daniel Steen and Cheryl Block

Amy Stockwell

Randall and Anne Springer

Roger and Helen Stoddard


Dorothy Summers Coleen Summey

Rev. Leslie Takahashi

Ellen Taylor Seldin Alberta Taylor

Scott Templeton

Christine and John Sunda

Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove and Rev. Jaco B. ten Hove

Mary Lou Sutton

Nancy and Stephen Tenbrink

Larry and Cynthia Swacina

Toni and Michael Tennent l

Barbara Swan

Ann Terwilliger

Julie Swaner

Eileen and Robert Teska

Barbara Swanson l

Kenneth and Martha Tharp

Marlyn Swanson

Arthur Thexton and Dori Davenport

Renee and Robert Swanson

Richard Thiede

E. Lowell and Rachel Swarts l

Marcia Thieling

Thomas Gault and Mary Lee Sweat

Warren and Susan Thom

Helene Thomas

Pat Tollefsrud

Dr. Holley H. Ulbrich

Gwen and Jonathan Van Ark l

Lewis and Patricia Thomas l

Howard and Nina Tolley

Diane Ullius and Rhonda Buckner

Kathryn Van Buskirk l

Tom Thomas

Valerie and Davis Tolman

Bridget Van de Kop

Steve Thomasberger and Micky Duxbury

Julie Toman

Ann Ulmschneider and Fred Hufford

Alice and Paul Tomboulian

W. Arthur and Margaret Ulrich

Allen and Jo Ellen Thompson l

Rev. Karen Van Fossan

Mark and Katherine Tomlinson

Larry and Sally Underwood

David Thompson and Janis Antonek l

Pat Torkildson and Howard Mandeville

Patricia Underwood

Nadine Van Lieshout and Robert Klauk l

Arthur and Arliss Ungar

Donald Thompson and Jan Oen

Linda van Ligten and Greg Wood

George and Linda Thompson l

Elizabeth Tortorella and Ivan Polonsky

Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network (UUMN)

Eric and Laurie Van Loon l

Jan Thompson

Dr. Imre and Eleanor Toth

Roger and Carol Upham l

Lynne Van Valin l

Joanna Thompson

Joyce Tovell

Gregory Urban

Judy Van Winkle

Julie Thompson

Dr. Adine R. Usher

Alice Van Wormer

Marilee Thompson

Margaret and Thomas Townsend l Eric and Joyce Townson

Pamela and Paul Van Wyk

David and Joyce Thompson

UU in the Pines, Inc. A Retreat/ Conference Center

Dr. Rexford L. Thompson

Claire and Paul Toy

Cecil Uyehara

Elizabeth Osta and Dave VanArsdale

Shelly Thompson

Sara and Richard Toye

Barbara Vaile

Maryjane Vance and Calvin Henn l

Syd and Mary Lois Thompson

Dr. Lane Tracy and Athena Tracy

Robert Vakiener

Sharon and Dean Vance l

Gof Thomson

Shirley Traite

Stephanie Valdes

Claude VanderVeen s l

Scott Thomson

George D. Tramp, Jr.

James Valent

Rev. Deanna M. Vandiver

Thomas and Susan Thomson

Dan Tran

Melissa Valone

Carole and John VanGorder l

Bob Thornbury

Thomas and Holly Traub

Eric Valpey

Melinda Thornton

DeeDee and Karl Traul

Sara Throckmorton

Sondra Treadwell

Douglas Throp and Barbara Zimmer

Dr. Alice Trexler and Downing Cless

Kevin Thurm

Beverly Tricco

Patricia Tice l

Russell Trimble l

Nancy and Henry Ticknor

Linda Trinkle l

Joan and Bob Tiemann

Sue Tromblee

Constance and Michael Tierney l

Anne Troop and Chris Riley

Dr. Sarah Tiggelaar

Eugene and Emily Troxell

Frances and Richard Tilgner

Jane Trudeau and Thomas Griffiths

Madelon Timmons and William Miller

Lynne and Joel Trussell

Mary Timmons

Elizabeth and William Tuel

Bruce and Pam Tinker

Alton Turner l

Katherine Tippett

Bruce Turner

Jason Tishler and Marisa Albanese

Fran Turner

Stephen Tiwald and Karen Hutt

Louis Turner

Jon and Nancy Tobiessen

Danielle Turns

Dr. Stuart Tobin

Jamie and Mollie Twidale

Emily Todd

Will and Susan Twombly

Susan Tokay and Gordon Weast

Rev. Ralph A. Tyksinski

Virginia Tolk

Annette and William Tyler

Fred and Alice Van Deusen

Barbara s and David Van Savage

David Tucker and Linda Lagace

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 77

Ron Vargason and Barbara Sugden l

Gary and Deena Walker l

Dr. Clark Weaver

Sylvia Wheeler

Ilona Walker

Pamela Webber l

Pamela Whistler and Jeff Jennings

Pat Vary

Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker

Robert Webber

Robert and Keitha Whitaker l

Dr. Emuel E. Vassey and David Stensland

Rev. Dr. Nathan C. Walker

Barbara and Daniel Weber

Alice and David White

Marsha Wallace

Bailey Webster

Brent and Jackie White

Michele Wallace

Neita Webster l

Brooks White

Madeline Walle

Regina G. Webster

Carolyn White

The Anne Waller Revocable Trust

Kenneth Wedding and Nancy Jo Ashmore

Cathleen White and John Bacon

Judith M. Waller John and Sandye Wallick

Ann and Gary Wederspahn

Ellen and Thomas White

Dr. W. Jeff Wallis and Hal Cohen l

Ann Weigl

Emily White

Elissa and George Walsh l

Jennifer Weil and Alan Wright

Wayne and Alicia White l

Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh and Rev. Dr. Clyde E. Grubbs

Nancy Weill and William Diehl

George P. White, Jr.

Deborah Weiner Soule and Benjamin Soule

Jennifer and Victor White

Rev. Margaret L. Weis and Susan Weis

Susan and Thomas White

Helen Vavrek Jessica and Ralph Vega Richard Veleta Carol Giedt Ver Wiebe l Ronald and Sheri Verdonk Gene and Vicki Verinder Carol Vermilyea James Verschueren and Carlo Nittoli l Claire Vervaert Lemieux l Robert and Florence Vetterlein Marilyn Vialle and Chris Hall

Terry and Bill Walsh Jasmine and Rodney Walston

Julia and Jim Vick

Nora Walter and Thomas Emil Homerin

Terrill and Pat Vidal

Don and Patty White l

Judith and Andrew White

Julia Weiser

Dale and Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis

Edythe Walters

John and Mary Jo Weishampel

Ann Whitlatch

Babita Viegas-Miller

Mary May Walters

Peter Weiss

Hubert H. Whitlow, Jr.

Ruth Viertel l

Su Waner l

Dixie Welch and Peter Schwandt

Robert Whitman

Peter and Deborah Vietze

Helen L. Warbington l

Peggy Weller

Deborah Whittaker

Susan Vigilante and Lori Hoppmann

Carol Ward

Judith Welles

Wendy Whittemore

Sheila Ward and Phil Adkins

Frederick D. Wells and Lois M. Wells

Karen and Walter Wiebe

Walter and Caron Wells Barbara and Dusty Welsh

Rev. Bets Wienecke s and Peter Haslund

Bill and Heather Wendel

Gayle Wiesner and Gerald Nordley

Eric and Paula Wennersten

Leonard Wiggins

Sally Wentz

Thelda Wiggins l

Joyce Werden and Paul Shaffer l

Virginia Wight l

Martha Werler and David Fonseca

Kay and Denis Wikel

Lois Wesener and Andrew Kennedy

John Wilcox

Ronald G. Wasem Ron and Linda Wasson

William and Elizabeth Wessel

Bruce Wiley

Frederick Waters and Stephan Rea

Ryan and Kimberly Wessells

Carl and Carolyn Wilhelm

Howard and Christine Watkins

Beverly Cree and Charles West

Suzanne Wilhelm l

Lloyd and Janet Wagenschutz

Brian Watson and Elizabeth Roberts

Herb West and Myrna Adams West

Winifred and Frederick Wilhelm

Laura and Kenneth Wagner

Tracy Watson

Lisa and Kenneth West

Beverly Wilkins

Rich West

Marsha Wilkins

William West and Daniel Wilds

Richard Wilkinson and Susan Bender-Wilkinson

Rev. Dr. Audrey W. Vincent Eileen and Richard Vincent Robyn Vincent Jackie and Elgin Vines Kimberly Vitelli and Micah Watson Robert Voelker Virginia Volker and Joe Knott Alicia Volkheimer Robert von Tobel l Meg Voorhes Esther Sue Vorona Grant and Janet Wacker Stephen Wade

Terry and Ken Ward William and Salli Ward Rosemary L. Waring l Barbara Warman Marilyn Warner Samuel Warner Fran Warren Kimberly Warther

Sara Wait

Richard and Sally Watts

Mildred Wald

Peter Wattson

Elizabeth Waldhauer

Mary Ellen Waugh

Kathleen and Vince Waldron

Marcia Weary

Carol Walker

Mary Weatherall Ann Weaver


Rev. Dr. Christine M. Wetzel Laura Weymouth Stephanie Whalen

Rev. Dr. Walter and Janet Wieder

Will and Kay Wilcox l

Dr. Ann Wilks-Penrod and Dr. James Penrod Rosalyn and David Will

Marjorie Willeke

Daniel and Sharon Wiseman l

Raymond Yee

Suzanne Zilber and J. Adin Mann

Betty Williams and Michael Kasprzak

Jeanne Wisner

Alice and Ray Yockey

Cathi Zillmann

Karen Withers

Kathy Young

Andrew Zimmerman

Charles and Susan Williams

Patti Withers

Robert Young l

Donna and Joseph Williams l

Lila Witt

Irene and Leonard Yutkins

Dennis and Suzanne Zimmerman l

Elizabeth Williams l

Marjorie Witting l

Elizabeth Zahn

Rebecca Zimmerman

Helen Williams

Kristen Wiwczar

Mike and Nancy Zajano

Raymond and Diana Zinckgraf

Holly Williams

Steve Wixson and Ginny Vaughan l

Suzan Zanin

Suzanne Zunzer

James and Sue Williams l

Paul Zawilski

Lisa Zywicki and John Langston

Rev. Jay G. Williams

Elizabeth Ann and Ralph Woldt

Steve Zeldes and Dru Monroe

Jay Williams

Annette Wolfe

Pamela Zeldin

Kristen-Marie and Mark Williams

Margaret and Richard Wolfe

Anne Zeleniuch

Mark Williams and Susan Andrews

Rev. Sunshine J. Wolfe

Matthew and Cynthia Zencey

Patricia Williams

Katherine Wolfram

Gabriel Zepecki l

Ronald and Susan Williams

Kate and Jack Wolverton l

Kenneth Zielinski and Kate Lein

Scott Williams

Phyllis and Larry Wolverton

Carol Zielke

Barbara Williams-Pemberton and James Pemberton l

Ann Wood

Susan Zierenberg

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Levi Wood

Charles Willingham

Joan Zierler

Nancy Wood and Charles Hendrick

Prudential Financial Inc.

Judith Willour and Ronald Prosek l

Nancy M. Wood

Robert Willson and Denise Foster-Willson l

Susan Wood and Richard Gongloff

Matching Gift Partners Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Google, Inc.

Ralph Wood

Andrew Wilson

Peter and Carolyn Woodbury

Floyd Wilson

Colin and Latifa Woodhouse

Jan Wilson

Ann and Ray Woodlief

Jerry and Anne Wilson

Sue Lewis Woodruff

Peter T. Wilson and Madelyn Harris l

Charles T. Wooldridge, Jr.

Richard and Sally Wilson

Rev. Dana E. Worsnop

Rev. Steven M. Wilson Susan Wilson

Rev. J. Mark Worth and Michelle Worth

Joe and Susan Wilson

Kareen and Keith Wortman

William and Carol Wilson

Camille Wright l

Carol Wimberley

Rev. Dr. Judith E. Wright

Dr. Christina L. Winder and Dr. Russell C. Chavey

Lloyd Wright

Richard Wines and Nancy Gilbert

Megan Wright l

Robert Winkler

Larry Wuokko l

Harold and Jacquelyn Winner

Dr. Bruce T. Wyman

Katherine Winter

Lydia Yanak

Michael and Jane Winterfield l

Karen Yarbro

Stanley Winters l

David Yates

David and Annette Winther

Carol Ann Yeaple

Carrie and Marc Wise

Frank Yeatman and Eileen Hiney l

Robert Woolfson

Margaret U. Wright

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 79

Legacy Society In Memoriam 2017 – 2018 We are deeply grateful to our Legacy Society members, whose visionary generosity will nourish and strengthen Unitarian Universalism for generations. We are honored to remember the generous Unitarian Universalists who have passed away this year. Their gifts of time, talent, and treasure have profoundly transformed their congregations and our movement.

David S. Alcorn

Howard M. Guthmann

Brydie Palmore

The Rev. Dr. Richard L. Allen

The Rev. Alfred J. N. Henriksen

Helen Rice Pickett

Harriet Armbruster

The Rev. Dr. A. Phillip B. Hewett

Mary “Peg” Piper

Edward Armbruster

The Rev. Daniel G. Higgins, Jr.

Gloria N. Reske

The Rev. Sarah Barber-Braun

The Rev. Kathryn “Kay” A. Jorgensen

Sandra Cornwell Ritchie

Frances B. Bicknell Doris A. Blaisdell The Rev. Rebecca M. Blodgett Constance B. Brennand The Rev. Marguerite C. Clason William McMaster Clarke The Rev. Beth Ellen Cooper Mildred Courtley Denise “Denny” T. Davidoff The Rev. Dr. Alan G. Deale

The Rev. Joan Kahn-Schneider John S. W. Kellett The Rev. Dr. Robert C. Kimball June Kirby

Millicent Rutherford The Rev. Marcia W. Schekel The Rev. Dr. Peter Lee Scott John G. Sommer

The Rev. Eugene W. Kreves

The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Stephen, Jr.

The Rev. Edwin A. Lane

Helen Szymkowiak

Felice R. Larsen

Sara “Sallie” D. Toney

The Rev. Sandra G. Lee

Joseph Wertheim

Mary Peterson Leonard

The Rev. Robert Nelson West, Sr.

The Rev. Dr. E. Bonnie Devlin

The Rev. Dr. Robert H. MacPherson

Ruth Ellis

Mona Magnis

The Rev. Elizabeth Wienecke

Gayle D. Fogelson

The Rev. Donald W. McKinney

The Rev. Charles L. Wilson

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Foster

Helen H. McKown

Margaret L. Wilson

P. Roger Gillette

Mary H. Melville

The Rev. Dr. John B. Wolf

The Rev. Homer “Jerry” A. Goddard III

The Rev. Berkley L. Moore

Darby Moss Worth

The Rev. Martha L. Munson

The Rev. Jack D. Zoerheide

The Rev. Katherine A. Greenleaf

The Rev. Dr. William R. Murry


The Rev. Carl H. Whittier, Jr.



2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 81

UUA Publications




For the first time in its 164-year history, a Beacon Press book made it into the Top Five of The New York Times Best-seller list: White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo’s book about how white people can and must have honest conversations about race in order to break through white supremacist culture, rose to #3 on the Times list. Crystal Fleming, author of How to Be Less Stupid About Race, calls Beacon a “woke-ass publisher,” high praise from an expert on racial issues in the US. In addition to print and e-books, Beacon released 43 new audiobooks in 2018.

Skinner House publishes titles directly aimed at the spiritual needs of Unitarian Universalists, seekers, and others who share the values of liberal religion. Publications include worship and church resources, books on theology and religious history, books for children and families, introductions to Unitarian Universalism, pastoral resources, and religious commentary on current issues and social justice concerns. New titles this year include Justice on Earth, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom, as well as:

Learn about Beacon’s Social Impact at beacon.org/ socialimpact. Other recent Beacon titles include:

Faithful Practices: Everyday Ways to Feed Your Spirit, edited by Erik Walker Wikstrom

The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism by Howard Bryant

In Later Years: Finding Meaning and Spirit in Aging by Bruce T. Marshall

Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument of Reproductive Justice by Rebecca Todd Peters

Living Revision: A Writer’s Craft as Spiritual Practice by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

We Are All Fast-Food Workers Now: The Global Uprising Against Poverty Wages by Annelise Orleck

Love Like Thunder by Jess Reynolds (inSpirit series) Revisiting the Empowerment Controversy: Black Power and Unitarian Universalism by Mark D. Morrison-Reed Upcycle Your Congregation: Creative Ideas for Transforming Faith Communities, edited by Sarah Lammert


uua.org/bookstore If you’ve ever attended General Assembly then you’ve probably shopped at inSpirit, the UUA’s Book and Gift Shop. Shop online year-round or stop by the store’s retail location at UUA headquarters in Boston. inSpirit carries books from Beacon Press, Skinner House, and other publishers that will help nurture your faith and connect with our history, as well as offering a wide range of fair trade gifts. Congregations can order a variety of church resources, including UU pamphlets, hymnals and RE curricula; discounts on bulk orders are available. Testimony provides a dynamic collection of personal stories from people whose lives have been dramatically changed by Unitarian Universalism.


Taquiena Boston, Tim Brennan, Dawn Cooley, Audra Friend, Norrie Gall, Christopher Hartley, Suzanne Murray, Jay Pacitti, Annie Scott, Cheri Taylor PROOFREADING AND EDITING:

Christopher Hartley, Suzanne Murray EDITOR:

Christopher Hartley PHOTOGRAPHY: Noah Berger/AP Photo, Nancy Pierce, Christopher Walton PHOTOGRAPHY: J. McKenzie DESIGN: Orange Propeller Photography, Nancy Pierce, SPECIAL ADVISOR: Terry Davis Ted Resnikoff, Kenny Wiley

OUR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST PRINCIPLES We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: The inherent worth and dignity of every person; Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

2017-2018 UUA Annual Report | 83

Office of Stewardship and Development 24 Farnsworth Street Boston, MA 02210-1409


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