MESA+ Annual report 2013

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Overijssel PhD Award

Matter FOM has awarded m€ 2,9 to the research program

During the University of Twente Dies Natalis celebrations, the

‘conducting interfaces in insolating oxides’ of Hans

Overijssel PhD Award for the best doctoral thesis of the last

Hilgenkamp. This programme is a national collaboration

year was presented to Dr. Menno Veldhorst of the Interfaces

with the following MESA+ researchers: Guus

and Correlated Electron Systems group for his thesis ‘Super­

Rijnders, Wilfred van der Wiel, Alexander

conducting and topological hybrids’. The Overijssel PhD Award

Brinkman, Dave Blank, Gertjan Koster and

is a prize of € 5,000 for a doctoral thesis of out­standing scientific Mark Huijben.

quality, which can be regarded as the start of a promising scientific career.

European Innovation prize Ostendum, a spin-off-company of MESA+ which was set up with

Rubicon-grant Saskia Lindhoud and Loes Segerink

venture capital from the UT International Ventures incubator

Elif Karatay, a graduated PhD student of the Soft Matter Fluidics

fund, has managed to win a prestigious Technology Innovation

and Interfaces group has obtained a STW Rubicon grant for

Leadership Award of Frost & Sullivan in the category Lab-

her project ‘chaotic movements in salts solutions’. If a current

on-a-Chip-Nanodevices. The American advice bureau, which

passes through salt solutions, ion polarisation occurs. At very

operates worldwide, awarded this best practice award because,

high current densities the polarisation behaves like a shock

among other things, the portable laboratories being developed

and that results in chaotic movements. It will be investigated

by Ostendum can make significant contributions to medical

why this polarisation influences movement in salt solutions

diagnostics. This is due to their speed, efficiency, low costs

and how this can be controlled. Karatay will do two years of

and ease of use.

research at Stanford University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

STW 'Demonstrator' project

Dr. Bram Verhaagen and Dr. David Fernandez Rivas Remco Wiegerink of the Transducers Science and

Twente Graduate School Award 2013

Technology Group has received an amount of K€ 100 for the

The TGS Research Honours PhD Award of € 2,500 for Twente's

STW project Power Sensor – Power Glove in which a miniature

graduate student Top Talent has been awarded for the first time

multi-axis force sensor has been realized to accurately measure

in 2013 and has gone to Rindia Putri, MSc student in Chemical

the forces at the interface of the hand.

Engineering (MESA+). She can spend the money on a doctoral course or research conference in her field.

NWO subsidy for MESA+ research into carbon-neutral fuels

Cum laude distinction In 2013 two PhD students of MESA+ received a cum laude distinction for their work. Hanneke Gelderblom for her PhD thesis ‘Fluid flow in drying drops’ and Joost Weijs for his thesis

Ostendum: Dr. Aurel Ymeti, Dr. Alma Dudia, Mr.dr.

Researchers of MESA+ have been granted a total of more

‘Nanobubbles and nanodrops’. Both were PhD students of the

Paul Nederkoorn

than 1 m€ in subsidy for research into the clean production of

group Physics of Fluids.

carbon-neutral fuels. Professors Han Gardeniers and Jurriaan Huskens have received a research subsidy of K€ 712 from the

MESA+ meeting 2013

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the

The MESA+ meeting 2013 was held in Cinestar on September 16.

Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and

The best scientific poster was won by dr. Benjamin Matt et al.

Shell. An amount of K€ 750 has been made available for a project

of the group Biomolecular NanoTechnology, the 2nd prize was

by Leon Lefferts, in cooperation with researchers of

for Xiao Renshaw Wang et al. of the Interfaces and Correlated

the FOM institute DIFFER.

Electron Systems group and the 3rd prize for Erwin Berenschot et al. of the Transducers Science and Technology group. During

FOM subsidy The







the annual meeting MESA+ scientists exchange their scientific Guido Mul and Wilfred van der

work by poster presentations and lectures.



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