Panhellenic Recruitment Brochure 2023

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Recruitment 2023| UTSA Panhellenic Council

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ontents Welcome! Bienvenidos! UTSA Fraternity & Sorority life What is NPC? Meet your UTSA Panhellenic Council Leadership & SIsterhood Programming & Scholarship Programming & Scholarship about recruiment Recruitment Counselors Values Quiz Recruitment Week tips Recruitment Schedule Meet the Chapters

Congratulations on becoming a Roadrunner, we are so excited to welcome you to the Panhellenic (PHC) community at The University of Texas at San Antonio! We hope that formal recruitment is one of the most special and rewarding experiences of your college career. By joining one of the six chapters found at UTSA, you can expect a lifetime of sisterhood, leadership opportunities, service to the community, scholarship excellence, and shared experiences with wonderful individuals. Going through recruitment does not obligate you in any way to join a chapter, but is a unique opportunity for you to get to know each sorority and its members. We encourage you to be your truest self and keep an open mind when interacting with the organizations!


¡Felicidades por ser Roadrunner, estamos muy conte de darte la bienvenida a la comunidad Panhellenica

(PHC) de la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio!

Esperamos que el reclutamiento formal sea una de las experiencias más especiales y gratificantes de tu carrera universitaria. Al unirte a una de las 6 organizaciones encontradas en UTSA, puedes esperar una vida de hermandad, oportunidades de liderazgo, servicio a la comunidad, excelencia en becas y experiencias compartidas con personas maravillosas. Pasar por el reclutamiento no te obliga de ninguna manera a unirte a una hermandad de mujeres, pero es una oportunidad única para que conozcas a cada hermandad y sus miembros. ¡Te alentamos a ser tu verdadero yo y mantener una mente abierta al interactuar con nuestras organizaciones!


UTSA Fraternity|Sorority Life

The Fraternity|Sorority community at the University of Texas at San Antonio was first established in 1977. The community offers fellowship, scholarship, participation in campus activities, leadership training, service to the community and to the University, social outlets and preparation for future careers. Fraternity|Sorority Life also provides an excellent opportunity to foster bonds of friendship that will last for a lifetime.

Joining a Panhellenic Sorority will allow you to be a part of a larger community connected to UTSA as well as San Antonio.

The Fraternity and Sorority Community at the University is made up of 34 organizations and over 800 students. These organizations belong to one of four governing councils:


What is the National What is the National

The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) was created in 1902 to promote sorority unity. Today, there are 26 fraternal organizations affiliated with NPC which are represented on over 620 college campuses in the United States and Canada.

When you join one of the six NPC sororities at UTSA, you also become a member of the Panhellenic Council which has over 500 members making us the largest women’s organization on campus! The Panhellenic Council (PHC) promotes equality and establishes guidelines that govern membership recruitment, social activities, and member responsibilities.

We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.

We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character, inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

Chapters at UTSA Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Sigma Alpha Gamma Phi Beta Phi Mu Zeta Tau Alpha 6
Panhellenic Conference? Panhellenic Conference?

ThePanhellenicCouncilisledbyateamof executiveboardofficerselectedbytheirpeersas wellasdelegatesfromthesixchapters. Thecouncilactsasacentralgoverningbodyof thePanhelleniccommunity.

ThePanhellenicExecutiveBoardisactively involvedwithchapterdevelopment,including: coordinatingprogramsandleadership opportunitiesforchaptersandtheir members, compilinggradestatisticsforindividual chapters,coordinatingcampusand communityserviceprojects, providingresourcesforcombatingchapter issues. Overseesformalrecruitmentrecruitment. ThePanhellenicExecutiveBoardrepresentsall sororitiesatregionalandnationalmeetingsas wellasrepresentssororitywomenbyservingon Universitycommittees.

Isabella LeJeune-Bolivar VP of Membership Logistics Daniela De La Rosa President Sarah Dominguez Phi Mu Zeta Tau Alpha
Alpha Sigma Alpha VP Scholarship and Philanthropy Brianna Reed VP of Recruitment Counselors
Alpha Omicron Pi 8
Sophia Castruita Alpha Sigma Alpha Alpha Sigma Alpha VP of Public Relations Caley Brice PHC Treasurer Rylee Lippenholz Alpha Delta
Alpha Delta Pi
Phi Mu

community is giving members a number of positions to sharpen their leadership skills.

Sororities provide a solid foundation in leadership training and networking to prepare members for the demands and responsibilities needed in their future careers.

Leadership opportunities include:

Chapter Executive Board and chairs

makes our large campus seem smaller and more like home. Sorority chapters at UTSA provide a diverse selection of events that will enrich your social life and take you beyond the daily routine of class, working, and studying. Formals, casuals, date events, and chapter retreats support the goal of bringing members together to develop life long bonds of friendship. Regardless of the chapter you join, the friendships that are formed within your sorority and the Panhellenic Community are lifelong.

Panhellenic Women are involved in recognized and respected groups on campus such as:

Student Government Association

Spirit Organizations

UTSA Athletics

Professional and Academic Organizations

S unity
Panhellenic Council Executive Board Commities for both Chapters and PHC 9

Scholarship Programming

Studies have shown that students who are members of sororities and fraternities are more likely to graduate compared to nonaffiliated students. All sororities encourage, develop, and maintain the academic success of their members.

The council hosts events for the Panhellenic Community to educate our members on topics such as leadership, wellness, and social responsibility. PHC hosts educational speakers to cover various topics relevant to college students each semester. Events have included Painting with a Twist, Identity Workshops, Leadership Development and Women's Empowerment through Journaling. These events are referred to as Trilogies.


Th al

substances and expects all associated to abide by city, state, and federal laws.

Hazing is defined in the Texas Penal Code as, "any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of the educational institution, be one person alone, or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in an organization.

All of the inter/national fraternities and sororities on this campus recognize and adhere to the Anti-Hazing legislation and policies set forth by the State of Texas, UTSA and the individual inter/national fraternities and sororities. We support a zero tolerance for hazing. Under state law individuals or organizations engaging in hazing could be subject to fines and charged with a criminal offense.


Potential New Member’s Bill of Rights

• The right to be treated as an individual

• The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process

• The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from recruitment counselors and members

• The right to be treated with respect

• The right to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized

• The right to ask how and why and receive straight answers

• The right to have and express opinions to recruitment counselors

• The right to have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with recruitment counselors

• The right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others

• The right to be fully informed about the NPC Unanimous Agreements implicit in the membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement (MRABA) signing process

• The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision

• The right to have a positive, safe and enriching recruitment and new member experience

About Recruitment

Visit registeronlineandmakesuretouploada photosothatwecanputafacetoyourname

onthefirstdayofrecruitment!Besuretopay onlinebeforethedeadline.

Registration will conclude on September 13, 2023 at 11:59pm.

Cost is $50 paid online by September 2, 2023 at 11:59pm.

Formal recruitment involves the 6 National Panhellenic Conference chapters at the University of Texas at San Antonio. A woman is eligible to participate in recruitment and join a sorority if she enrolled at the university. She must not have been an initiated member of any National Panhellenic Conference sorority.


Throughoutthisprocessyouwillhavea RecruitmentCounselor!Sheistheretoguide youbeforerecruitmentstartswithany questionsorconcernsyoumayhave!Shewill alsobetherethroughoutrecruitmenttomeet withyoudaily,gooveranyquestionsyouhave aboutyourscheduleorconcernsyoumayhave abouttheprocess


Afteryouhaveattendedalltheeventsonyour schedule,youwillparticipateinChapter Selection.Thisprocessshouldbecompleted immediatelyafteryourlastevent.Youwilluse thistimetoselectthechapter(s)youwould liketovisitthenextday.


Bid: A bid is an

A sorority will give this bid to a PNM, which is the offer of membership to the sorority. This will occur on Bid Day.

Preference Night:

Also known as pref, this is the last event during the recruitment process. It's the final opportunity for PNMs and sisters to get to know each other. Most PNM will visit one or two sororities that night


mutual selection

cess through with potential new members, PNMs, become new members of an organization during recruitment. Both the PNMs and the individual sororities are making choices. New members prioritize with chapters they'd like to revisit, while chapters prioritize which PNMs they'd like to invite back. When a PNM and a chapter both prioritize one another, they might see each other again at the next round of recruitment.

Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement.

If a PNM would like to join a sorority, they sign a MRABA after the end of Pref night. The purpose of the MRABA is to ensure a PNM's awareness of the commitment they are making when they submit their final selections.


A charitable cause sponsored by an organization. Most chapters have a local and national philanthropy.

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The quota is the amount of PNM's sororities are allowed to offer bids. This quota generally depends on how many sisters are already in the sorority. ☆

you have one please submit letters to

PHC has strict po ntacting and being contacted by women currently in sororities at UTSA. Women going through the recruitment process are considered potential new members (PNMs). The following rules apply to anyone interested in joining a Panhellenic sorority:

PNMs may not attend any organized sorority function outside of formal recruitment events. No oral or written invitations can be made to a potential new member by a sorority member (alumna or collegian) to attend any activity or function.

PNMs are strongly discouraged from attending any fraternity activities. Attendance at fraternity parties is not allowed during recruitment in September.

Strict Silence is enforced between the time of the last preference event on Sunday, September 17 until the end of Bid Day on Monday, September 18. Any contact made between a sorority member is strictly forbidden and will lead to dismissal from the recruitment process.


Women partic

tment group, which will be led by a recruitment counselor. A recruitment counselor is an undergraduate woman and active member of one of the Panhellenic chapters at UTSA. Although they will remain affiliated, these women have gone through training to effectively and unbiasedly help new potential members choose what chapter is the best fit for them. These women were hand selected to welcome you to our Greek community and help you throughout the week. This being said, we highly encourage you to ask them many questions and use them as a resource. Remember, they were in your shoes not too long ago!

Jewelia Ortega Alpha Sigma Alpha Gamma Phi Beta Victoria Rangel Karina Maldonado Alpha Omicron Pi Ava Garcia Alpha Sigma Alpha Nilka Adams Alpha Delta Pi Krystine Rodriguz Phi Mu Alpha Sigma Alpha
Samantha Gasch Gamma Phi Beta Janae Rivera Kristen Delarosa Gamma Phi Beta Kyhlee Edwards Phi Mu Courtney Harp Zeta Tau Alpha Not pictured:


what matters most to you when making your decision at the end of the day

It worries you most knowing.....

A. B. C. D.

You missed a question on an exam

You forgot a friend's birthday

You're not doing enough to change the world

People aren't understanding your instructions

You win the lottery. You donate a portion of the money to..

A. B. C. D.

A scholarship fund

A friend in need

A local charity A campaign

You're going to the movies. You'd prefer to see...

A. B. C. D.

A mystery - something that makes you think

A movie about good girl friends

A movie about someone overcoming an obstacle

A strong female role

The person in history you would most like to meet is...

A. B. C. D.

Marie Curie

Martin Luther King Jr. Mother Teresa Elizabeth Cady Stanton

You prefer friends who...

A. B. C. D.

You can talk to about the book you're currently reading

You can talk to when you're having a problem

You can do a service project with You can talk to about current events and getting involved in the community

Consider the results of this values quiz, as well as your iValues quiz, when learning about the values of each sorority at UTSA. How do your values align to theirs? What questions could you ask to learn more about how your values relate?

MostlyA's-Scholarship MostlyB's-SocialConnection MostlyC's-PhilanthropyandService

After you have registered for Recruitment via My Campus Director download the PNM Companion app on the Google Play or App Store

In this app you will be able to: receive instant messages from council admins access recruitment guides and videos

save and submit chapters selections

view your round schedule and break times connect with your recruitment counselors with messaging.

take notes on the chapters you visit



Formal recruitme y membership, is a process that requires a reasonable amount of time and effort. In order to continue in the process you must attend all events you were invited to. If you have to leave early, arrive late, or miss a round, please notify your recruitment counselor immediately.

Dress Appropriately

Take the time to express to the chapters who you, even through your attire.

Throughout the process the attire will elevate from casual to dressy.

Relax and Have Fun

BREATHE and be yourself! Meet new people, make new friends, and most importantly enjoy every second of it! Remember, the sorority members are just as nervous as you are.

ight for you

Through this process you will narrow down your choices and eventually choose the sorority you'd like to join through a mutual selection process. The sorority that is best for your friends or family might not be the one that's best for you. Go into each day with an open mind and get to know each of the sororities before you make a decision.


Financial Responsibility

Each chapter will be presenting their dues in their orientation sisterhood videos. Additionally, you can find each chapter's financial transparency forms in the brochure.

Historical ranges:

New member ($473-$1,133)

2023 Financial Responsibility Form: Use your phone camera to scan QR code

Active member ($498-$1,083)

TIP: As you consider finances, make sure to ask chapters about payment plans, deadlines, and what is optional vs required, etc.


Financial Transparency Forms

Here you can find each chapter's financial transparency form

Mandatory Orientatio er 12 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Student Union Retama

Auditorium; check in begins at 5:30.

If you are unable to make it to orientation please inform your recruitment counselor as soon as possible

☆ ☆

Open house will occur on T riday, September

15. You will need to arrive no later than 4:00pm in the Student Union Retama Auditorium. Events will begin at 5:30pm and last 20 minutes with a 20 minute break between each event.

These events are short and fast as you will be able to meet each chapter.

Ensure you are taking notes after each round in your PNM app and asking intentional questions to get to know the chapters better. Suggested Open House questions can be found on the following page.

Chapters will be wearing sorority t-shirts and comfortable bottoms i.e. shorts, jeans, etc. This evening is very casual as you will be quickly traveling around each room within multiple buildings. We suggest wearing shoes that you can wear in for long periods of time and your favorite UTSA t-shirt.

You MAY NOT complete chapter selections until your schedule is completed

☆ ☆ ☆

What’s y y p or is planning on doing this semester?

What are some ways your sorority interacts with the Greek community on campus

☆ What kind of leadership opportunities does this chapter offer to new members?

How much are your chapter’s dues? And what’s included with the dues?

Are there any incentives for going to chapter meetings or getting good grades?

How do you personally get involved with your sorority chapter?

What are the academic requirements once you join this sorority?

What are chapter meetings like for your chapter?

☆ ☆

Philanthropy Day will o r 16. You will need to arrive no later than 11:30am in the Student Union Retama Auditorium. Events will begin at 1:00pm and last 45 minutes with a 15 minute break between each event.

Your individual schedule will be available at 11:45am, after check-in, on the PNM app

Panhellenic will offer a light lunch and snacks throughout the day. Please work with your Recruitment Counselor and your individual schedule to grab food.

If you are not scheduled for an event you will be in the SU

Retama wear there will be activities or you can choose to do homework.

Chapters will be wearing either chapter t-shirts or smartcasual attire.

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You MAY NOT complete chapter selections until your schedule is completed ☆
Suggested Philanthropy day questions can be found on the following page.

Are there any events that your chapter puts on to promote your philanthropic partner?

☆What is your favorite philanthropy event that your chapter puts on or has put on?

Does your chapter participate in other sorority chapters’ philanthropy events? ☆Are there ways to get involved with your sorority’s philanthropy after graduation?

What type of service opportunities are there in the chapter?

Are there minimum service hour requirements?

Are there philanthropy donation requirements from members?

What does your sorority’s philanthropy mean to you?


Preference Day

Philanthropy Day will occur on Sunday, September 17th. You will need to arrive no later than 11:30am in the SU Retama Auditorium. Events will begin at 1:00pm and last 60 minutes with a 15 minute break between each event.

Panhellenic will offer light snacks throughout the day. Please work with your Recruitment Counselor and your individual schedule to grab food.

If you are not scheduled for an event you will be in the SU Retama wear there will be activities or you can choose to do homework.

Your individual schedule can be found on Campus Director. This day is the most formal, chapter members will be in dresses, skirts or pansuits.

You will complete the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement with a professional staff member this evening

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Preference Day: Suggested Questions

What keeps you committed to your sorority chapter?

☆ How did you know this sorority was for you?

☆ What is one piece of advice you would give a PNM who is looking to join your sorority?

☆ How do you see your sisterhood influencing your life after college?

☆ What does your sisterhood mean to you?

☆ Who do you look up to in your sorority?

☆ What’s your favorite memory from being in a sorority?


Bid Day Bid Day

Panhellenic Bid Day is hosted in the Student Union Lawn. Family and friends are welcome to join and should park in the Ximenes Parking Garage, if they do not have a parking pass.

Check in will begin at 4:00pm in the SU Retama Auditorium and reveal will being at 5:00pm.

Bid Day is outside, therefore we recommend dressing weather appropriate and casual with your favorite UTSA shirt.

After Panhellenic Bid Day chapters will host their OWN bid day celebration.

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Alpha Delta Pi

Afterbidday,Iwasaskedaboutmy“WhyADPi”alotandwhyIchoseADPitobe myforeverhome.ThebiggestreasonIwentADPiisbecauseofmynowbigand bestfriend,MckennaHill,whoImetduringrecruitment.Fromtheminutewesat downduringpreferenceround,Ifeltsocomfortable.Webothopeneduptoeach otherandconnectedthroughourconversation.IfeltlikeIwastalkingto someonewhoI'veknownforyears.Shesatandlistenedtome,validatedme, andcomfortedmewhileIcried.Tothisday,McKennaisoneofmyclosest friendsintheentireworldandisthefirstpersonIalwaysturntoifIneeda shouldertocryon.She’sforevermyperson:’)


Onthelastdayofrecruitment,duringthefinalround,Imistakenlymetthebest friendIhavealwaysneeded.IranintotheroundlatebecauseIhadjustfixedone ofthelights.Becauseofthis,Iquicklysatdowninthenearestchair.Ididn’t realizethatIwouldbesittingdownacrossfromgenuinelythemostfearlessand compassionatepersonIhaveeverknown.Maryamhasgonethroughlifewith grace,facingchallengeswithsuchemotionalintelligenceandwisdombeyond heryears.Maryamisconstantlyshowingmehowtobeabetterwomanand friend.Iamsoproudtocallsomeonelikehermylittle,butshehastaughtme morethanIcouldeverteachher.IadmireherandwishIcouldhavehalfofher strength.ADPihasalwaysbroughtmethebestpeopleandgiftedmewithmy littleandbestfriend.



National Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charities

Colors: Azure Blue and White

Mascot: Alphie The Lion

Jewel: Diamond

Required GPA: 2.75

New Member / Active Dues $791 / $673.50


To Bria, meeting you through AOII has been one of my favorite memories so far.They say that you meet your lifelong friends in college and I can confirm that is 100% true. I remember the first time we talked during our work week, we sat next to each other and drove together everyday and just started venting to each other about relationships, family, school, basically life. We both instantly felt comfortable enough to start ranting and telling each other everything. Normally, takes me a while to open up to people, but you instantly made me feel safe and comfortable. We look out for each other all the time and always know whensomeone is feeling down. I love that we can call each other out but we both know its always meant with love. I've never really had strong friendships growing up, but you've shown me what a true friendship is and I'm forever grateful for our sisterhood. You push and inspire me to be the best version of myself. I can't thank you enough for always letting me go over and vent and for always making me dinner and cheering me up. I'm so glad to be your roomie, bestie and sister. I love you for life.

To Layla, Where do I even begin? I've known you for such a little time, but it has felt like I've known you for years. You are one of the most kindhearted and genuine people I know, and you're never afraid to tell people who you are and what you feel. Meeting you has been one of the best parts of my AOII experince. Our trip together to see the Dallas Cowboys game, was by far my favorite trip we've had. My car radio was broken so we decided to improvise, and you brought us a speaker so we could jam out with. I thought it was the funniest thing ever and the most entertaining part about the trip. We spent the whole 5 hours belting at the top of our lungs or talking the night away. I know when life gets hard and school gets too much, I can talk to you. We always encourage each other to be our best version of ourselves, reach our goals, and give each other advice. I am so blessed to have met you and cannot wait to see what the future holds for us! Who would have known a midnight impulse decision to go through recruitment would bring me such amazing sisters and my best friend. Love you for life roomie, thank you for being my bestie!


National Philanthropy: Arthritis and The Arthritis Foundation

Colors: Cardinal, Pink, and Coral

Mascot: Panda

Jewel: Ruby

Required GPA: 2.7

New Member / Active Dues: $950 / $800


Big & Little Testimonials!

"Big little reveal and getting my fam is one of my favorite memories from my sorority. I love my fam s much and how close we are getting. I love getting dinner after sorority events or brunch over the break to just catch each other up on our lives. I just feel so relaxed and comfortable around them I fe like I can tell them anything"

"The day I found out I was getting twins , I was so ecstatic! I couldn’t have been happier. Leading up to big/little was so nerve wracking and exciting. I wanted to tell my littles Ellen and Corpuz that I was going to be there big and not telling them was the hardest thing to do. Big/little reveal is by far my favorite and happiest memory with my two littles. It was such a wholesome moment because we connected so well together and I’ve enjoyed getting to know them as the semester went on. I feel tha my I can tell my littles anything and everything. I can’t wait to keep making memories with them!"

"My favorite memory with my big Ashley and twin Ellen would be big/little reveal. I remember me and Ellen were trying to piece together all the clues nights before reveal who would be our big and she did leave us contemplating a few times on who it could be but all we knew was that we were twins!!

Running up to the box and seeing Ashley pop out was such a big relief to the both of us because , we knew we were got the best big possible. From now until then they have been a big help to me in Greek life and within the chapter. I know when I need to vent or talk about what’s on my mind they’re one text away. I enjoy all our conversations and jokes and even the Chili’s debriefs after events. I couldn’t ask for a better big and twin I know they will always push me to do my best in anything I do in life and have only the best advice. I can’t wait to make even more lifetime memories with my fam."


National Philanthropy: Special Olympics

Colors: Crimson and Pearl White

Mascot: Lady Bug

Jewel: Pearl and Ruby

Required GPA: 2.7

New Member / Active Dues: $840 / $600



Gettingmybigwasaveryspecialmomentformebecausesheacceptedme fortrulybeingmyself.Throughouthighschool,itwashardtofindfriendsthat mademefeellikeIbelongedandwhowouldlovemeforwhoIam.WhenIgot

Averyasmybig,IfeltlikesomeonelovedmeasmuchasIlovedthem.Itwas thefirsttimeIhadeverfeltthatwayandIamsogratefultohaveafriendlike her.Sheallowsmetobemyselfwithoutfeelinginsecure,whichissomething thatisimportanttomewhenhavinganyrelationshipwithanyone.Iamso thankfulGammaPhiBetabroughtmetoher.


Mylittleandmybestfriend,IamsothankfulIgettobeyourbigandyour mentorallinone.inthepast8months,I’vegrowntoknowwhoyouareasa personandI’venevermetsomeonesosimilartome.GammaPhiBetahas broughtmesomanyamazingmemories,butsharingthemwithyouhas alwaysbeenmyfavoritepart.OurbondistrulysomethingI’llcherishforever, you’rethesweetestsoulIknowwhowoulddoanythingforanyoneandI admireyourpassionforeverythingyoudo.IknowIcanalwayscountonyou tobethereformeandIwillalwaysdoanythingforyou.Iloveyouforever, xoxobig


National Philanthropy: Building Strong Girls- Girls on the Run

Colors: Mode and Blush

Mascot: Crescent Moon

Jewel: Pearl

Required GPA: 2.75

New Member / Active Dues: $800 / $700


Big & Little Testimonies

"A recent highlight of my Phi Mu experience would be taking 'twins' and becoming a big to my two littles Marisa and Kaylee this spring. The title of a big is someone in the chapter who will encourage you and always support you to be the best version of yourself. Having them by my side pushes me to not only be the best student but the best big sister. Our 'fam' will always cheer each other on and I hope everyone finds that unique and special support system in every sisterhood just as I have found mine."

"Joining Phi Mu I had the pleasure of meeting my big, Abi Garza. First meeting her, I instantly knew she was someone I viewed as a mentor. She is very dedicated to the chapter, helpful with anything and everything, prioritizing the chapter second to school. My big is genuine and selfless, always putting others before herself. I am proud and blessed to call Abi Garza my big and I'm so glad Phi Mu introduced me to her.

"When I first met Phi Mu, I immediately knew I wanted to join an organization filled with such amazing girls. I knew I would make amazing memories being surrounded by joyful, loving people. One of my favorite memories I have made so far is how quickly I became close with my big Abi. She welcomed me with open arms since the beginning. She was very easy to talk to and was very outgoing which helped me come out of my shell. Abi has always been there for me no matter what. I knew since bid day that I wanted her to be my big, my mentor, my best friend, and she has proven to be everything I could've ever imagined and more.


National Philanthropy: Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

Colors: Rose and White

Mascot: Lion

Jewel: N/A

Required GPA: 2.75

New Member / Active Dues

$989.25 / $656


When MaryAnn a t to each other on bid day. I never expected for her to not only become my best friend, but the sister that I never had. MaryAnn is the strongest person that I know. She has defeated cancer twice, and truly is a hero. From the second I saw MaryAnn, I knew we were going to do everything together. Thank you for bringing such joy in my life that I never thought I needed. Even though there are moments when I don't want to hear the truth, I appreciate you always being upfront with me. From our crazy adventures to our deep talks, thank you for always being there for me. I'm excited to see what the future holds for us and create wonderful memories together as the duo that we are. I love you my MaryAnn.

-From Anapaulina

I can still remember that wonderful day we met like it was just yesterday. Not only did I gain a sister that day but the best friend I had always wished for. Anapaulina is the most bubbly and outgoing person you’ll ever know. She has the power to brighten up a room wherever she goes. From the moment I met Ana I just knew we were going to be long life friends. Thank you Anapaulina for being this light in my life that I didn’t know I couldn’t live without. You always encourage me to be more outgoing and to not be afraid to be myself. Your laugh is contagious and I’m so happy to share the crazy moment I get to hear it. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us but I just know it will be amazing with you by my side. I love you my Anapaul !!!

-From Mary 39

National Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness

Colors: Steel Grey and Turquoise Blue

Mascot: Five Point Crown

Jewel: N/A

Required GPA: 2.75

New Member / Active Dues: $800 / $630


Chapter Socials

Alpha Delta Pi

@utsaadpi @utsagammaphi

Alpha Omicron Pi


Alpha Sigma Alpha


Gamma Phi Beta Phi Mu



Zeta Tau Alpha
@utsaphc @utsaphc

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