Discover 2018: UT Research Foundation Annual Report

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Where Discovery and Opportunity Connect

UTRF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that promotes the commercialization of UT intellectual property, encourages an entrepreneurial culture, contributes to state and regional economic development, and promotes research and education to benefit the people of Tennessee and beyond.

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From the President This year UTRF stepped up our outreach efforts in a big way, uncovering innovations across the University of Tennessee and championing the accomplishments of our UT inventors. These efforts paid off: 2018 was a banner year. UTRF received an all-time high of 185 invention disclosures in FY18, and succeeded in spreading awareness of our resources and network to new UT faculty, staff, and students. Disclosures came from all corners of our state-wide university system; from engineering and medicine to business and agriculture, UTRF saw new faces and new opportunities this year. UTRF promotes commercialization by providing the expertise to identify, protect, manage, and market all types of intellectual property. From developing new glaucoma therapies and protecting dogwoods from disease, to pioneering the use of lignin in advanced materials and transforming our country’s power grid, UTRF is on the forefront of helping advance technologies from the University of Tennessee to the marketplace to drive economic development and benefit society. These efforts are maximized through collaboration. That’s why UTRF joined technology transfer offices across all 14 SEC schools to address a common challenge: building startup management teams. We are excited to join our SEC colleagues in a collaborative network that will strengthen UT startups and their ability to attract the talent and capital needed to bring innovations to market. If 2018 taught us anything, it’s that innovation is everywhere. Our dedicated staff works diligently to reach every corner of the University of Tennessee, championing UTRF’s mission. I am delighted to share this update, which celebrates UT inventors and UTRF’s impact on innovation, new venture formation, and corporate engagement for the University of Tennessee in 2018!

Stacey S. Patterson, PhD, UTRF President

“UTRF promotes commercialization by providing the expertise to identify, protect, manage, and market all types of intellectual property.”

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UTRF Staff & Board Members Stacey S. Patterson, PhD. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Richard Magid, PhD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Maha Krishnamurthy, MBA, PhD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Nghia Chiem, PhD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing Associate Stefan Schweizer, MBA, PhD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing Associate Andreana Leskovjan, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing Associate Delira Robbins, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing Assistant Kusum Rathore, PhD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing Assistant Mary Ann Warwick Russell, JD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Staff Attorney Lakita Cavin, JD, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Staff Attorney Samantha Jeffers, CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Budget Director Tinieka Thrailkill, MPS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Administrative Coordinator Dori Miller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager Teresa Cooper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting Assistant Kayleen Darrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting Assistant Kathy Richards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Incubator Coordinator Robyn Geron, MBA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patent Coordinator Katie Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marketing Coordinator

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Board Members


Rhonda Rice

Board Chair, External Representative, Knoxville

Keith Helton, MD

External Representative, Chattanooga

Steve Goodman, PhD

UTHSC, Vice Chancellor for Research

Brendan Boyd, PhD

External Representative, Kingsport

Robert Nobles, PhD

UTK, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research

Mike Paulus, PhD

UT-Battelle Representative

*Following the governance changes introduced by the UT FOCUS act, UTRF is working with the new UT Board of Trustees to seat a Trustee director.

UTRF’S 4 PRONG MISSION The mission is to encourage innovation, enhance research, and facilitate economic development by commercializing intellectual property created within the University of Tennessee System.

Research Growth

Intellectual Property Commercialization

Entrepreneurial Culture

Economic Development

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UTRF Five Year Impact UTRF provides the tech transfer services to faculty, staff, and students system-wide.

~$4,755,000 Paid to UT Inventors

~$1,250,000 Paid to UT Colleges and Departments

~$5,827,000 UT Research Contracts Due to Licensed IP



Research Agreements

Investment in Patent Protection

~$47,444,000 ~$143,260,000 Impact of UTRF’s Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries

Capital Raised by UTRF Companies






FY 2018

FY 2018

Over Last 5 Years

• 185 Invention Disclosures • ~ 32% Increase from FY16 • ~ 100% Increase from FY11 - FY16

• 84 Patents Filed • 29 Patents Issued

• Licenses/Options – 122 • Startup Licenses – 17 • License Revenue - $12.2M

Over Last 5 Years • 437 Patents Filed • 138 Patents Issued

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152 140 Non-UT UT Knoxville


UT Institute of Agriculture


UT Health Science Center

UTHSC UT Martin UT Space Institute


UT Chattanooga








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$0 $5K







$5K $1M

40% 15% 15% 30% INVENTORS





35% 20% 20% 25% INVENTORS




Note: After the first $5,000, distributions are made on net revenues remaining after legal fees have been deducted.

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UTRF welcomes Katie Jones as its new marketing coordinator. As marketing coordinator, Katie will lead the design and implementation of marketing initiatives and ensure communication efforts effectively reach UTRF’s diverse audience. She will manage UTRF’s website, newsletter, and social media presence, develop collateral materials, and plan events. Additionally, she will consult with the licensing team to develop and implement marketing strategies for UTRF technologies. Katie brings over five years of experience in design for print, digital media, and marketing to UTRF. She previously worked as a graphic designer for Lirio, LLC, a Knoxville-based company that leverages behavioral science and data-driven technology geared toward utility and health-care sector clients. In her time at Lirio, Katie helped develop the company’s visual brand and worked with team members across the organization to design and execute marketing materials. Some of her most notable projects include building and managing the company website, organizing a brand style guide, and leading the development of social media strategy. Katie looks forward to further developing her passion for marketing,

communications, and design as she works with UTRF. She is excited to contribute her skills to a mission and vision to commercialize UT’s innovations, assist in growing UT’s research, support entrepreneurship culture, and contribute to economic development. “We are thrilled to welcome Katie to the UTRF team. Her experience in design and marketing will be valuable as UTRF seeks to expand its visibility and reach across the state of Tennessee,” said UTRF President Dr. Stacey Patterson. “Katie will play a key role in helping UTRF market their innovations to potential licensees and investors.” Originally from Kingsport, Tennessee, Katie obtained a Bachelor of Arts in graphic design accompanied by a minor in photography from Carson-Newman University in May 2015. When she isn’t in the office, Katie enjoys working with members and organizations in the community to help them accomplish their creative objectives. In the past, she has worked on design projects for a number of individuals, universities, corporations, and nonprofits. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, outdoor activities, and traveling to new places.

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UTRF Joins Southeast XOR

UTRF has joined technology transfer offices across all 14 SEC schools to address a common challenge: building strong startup management teams that attract the eye of early-stage investors. Together the universities launched the Southeast Executives-on-Roster (XOR) platform, which matches experienced entrepreneurial talent with university-affiliated startups in need of executive management. Southeast XOR essentially combines the entrepreneur talent networks of all 14 SEC schools. This gives university-affiliated startup companies access to a larger talent pool and improves their chances of finding fundable executive management. Likewise, Southeast XOR offers entrepreneurs the ability to review a larger pipeline of opportunities in a central and userfriendly space. Each school nominates its own startups and entrepreneurs to participate in Southeast XOR. To qualify, startups must be in search of management talent and willing to develop a pitch deck for entrepreneurs to review. At UT, interested startups can work with UTRF to create pitch “UTRF is excited to join our SEC decks and other materials to post on the platform. For entrepreneurs, the criteria to become a Southeast XOR Entrepreneur is more defined. Eligible individuals should have experience founding a startup, raising capital, and/or serving as an executive at an established company in a relevant field. Candidates should have both an affiliation or recommendation from an SEC school and the desire to serve in an executive management role for a startup.

colleagues in a collaborative network that we believe will lead to stronger startup leadership teams capable of attracting the capital needed to bring their innovations to market.�

- Stacey Patterson, UTRF President

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“Southeast XOR will play a key role in helping UT startups fill critical talent gaps and attract interest from venture capital firms,” said Stacey Patterson, president of the University of Tennessee Research Foundation. “UTRF is excited to join our SEC colleagues in a collaborative network that we believe will lead to stronger startup leadership teams capable of attracting the capital needed to bring their innovations to market.”

UTRF submitted five Tennessee-based startups to launch Southeast XOR in August 2018: medical device startups EMBrace Design and Neurodyne; biotechnology startup 490 Biotech; green chemistry startup Peroxygen Systems; and pharmaceutical startup OculoTherapy. UTRF has also prequalified three experienced entrepreneurs to access the platform and will continue to seek interested individuals who have executive or entrepreneurial experience. For more information, contact UTRF Vice President Richard Magid or

Executives and entrepreneurs on the Southeast XOR platform can review company profiles, which include an identified point-of-contact. UTRF can assist with the introduction process if needed. Determining if there is a “match” is up to the company and the entrepreneur, as is negotiating the form of business relationship (employment vs. consulting, full-time vs. part-time, etc.). There is no obligation imposed on either party to agree to any specific terms.

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Startup EMBrace Develops ‘Traction-on-the-Go’ Back Brace Dr. Denis J. DiAngelo is a Distinguished Professor of Biomechanics and Director of the BioRobotics and Rehabilitation Laboratory in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), as well as Co-Founder and President of medical device company EMBrace Design. He joined UTHSC in 1993 after receiving his master’s degree and PhD in biomechanical engineering from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. More than five million people suffer from back pain. Steroid shots, pain medication, and traction therapy are standard treatment options, but all have limitations. Doctors often reserve surgery as a last resort. Physical therapy offers promise for reducing back pain by helping patients build up their core strength. However, pinched nerves and damaged discs can limit a patient’s ability to

Dr. DiAngelo with the “spine robot” advanced testing platform.

complete the prescribed exercises and prevent the patient from reaping the benefits of his or her physical therapy program.

“The ‘EMB’ in EMBrace stands for ‘Enabling Mobility through Bracing.’ That’s what is unique about our technology compared to traditional stabilizing braces.” -Denis DiAngelo, Co-Founder and President, EMBrace Design

Dr. DiAngelo and his graduate students discovered a solution that not only reduces acute back pain but restores a patient’s ability to perform everyday activities and improves quality of life. Their innovation is the START (Spinal Traction and Rehabilitative Therapy) Brace, a dynamic lower back brace that offloads the spine and allows for full range of movement. The brace is geared primarily toward younger, active patients who are having a hard time completing physical therapy because of their back pain.

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Conventional traction braces are rigid and Vice President Dr. Richard Magid approached restrict movement, making it difficult for a Dr. DiAngelo about applying for ZeroTo510. patient to bend over or twist their body ZeroTo510 is a 90-day medical device from side-to-side. Discomfort and a brace’s accelerator based out of Memphis, Tennessee, constrictive nature make patient compliance that provides access to experts, mentors, and a problem with this form of treatment. The training to help participants navigate the START Brace incorporates articulation into its start-up process. Dr. DiAngelo applied and design that stabilizes and supports the spine was chosen to participate in the ZeroTo510 while allowing the wearer to move in multiple accelerator’s 2017 cohort. directions. Extensive laboratory testing by Dr. “Participating in ZeroTo510 was a big step DiAngelo and his graduate students backs toward commercialization for EMBrace Design,” this ‘traction-on-the-go’ device. UTRF has one says Dr. Magid. “Their START Brace has the issued back support patent, has filed another potential to improve the lives of many who patent application on the START Brace, and granted EMBrace Design an exclusive option to suffer from back pain.” the intellectual property upon its establishment Currently, the START Brace is going through in 2017. clinical trials to validate the technology and obtain hard data showing the device works as “Mobility has the ability to restore function,” intended. Dr. DiAngelo and business partner says Dr. DiAngelo. “The START Brace, coupled Stuart Young are looking at additional funding with physical therapy, helps patients complete streams, such as applying for a Small Business their exercise programs, build strength, and Innovation Research grant and attending trade go on to have a positive recovery. It may even eliminate or delay the need for surgery in some shows and conferences to meet face-to-face with potential investors. Dr. DiAngelo’s lab is patients.” also working on several other brace designs Dr. DiAngelo’s work with braces caught that may one day join the START Brace in UTRF’s attention early on. He received a EMBrace Design’s product line. UTRF Maturation Fund grant several years ago to support research and development of an early stage back support device. UTRF

Dr. DiAngelo and graduate students: Cody Bateman, Daniel Hoyer, Chloe Chung, Dr. Denis DiAngelo, and Clay Hillyard

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Express Licensing The following technologies are available for licensing through a click-through agreement process, reducing time, and leveraging economies of scale. Prospective licensees can review the license agreement online and follow the simple automated ‘click through’ process to order and pay for non-exclusive licenses to these technologies.

RESEARCH TOOLS, MATERIALS, AND SOFTWARE Toxoplasma gondii Whole-cell Antigen for Modified Agglutination Test (TgMAT) Toxoplasma gondii whole-cell antigen for modified agglutination

test (MAT): Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that infects mammals and birds. A modified agglutination test (MAT) can be used to detect anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies in serum, plasma and other bodily fluid samples of animals. For MAT test, formalin-treated Toxoplasma tachyzoite is used as the antigen.

Liposome siRNA Encapsulation (LSE) Kit Liposome siRNA Encapsulation (LSE) is a liposome assembly technique to enhance siRNA cargo loading into PEGylated neutral liposomes for improved biocompatibility and pharmacokinetics. This results in liposomal nanocarriers with efficient nucleic acid encapsulation and enhanced cellular association, while minimizing the cytotoxic effects associated with cationic-mediated transfection. LSE is a quick, easy, reproducible, scalable method for nanoparticle-mediated applied transfection.

TEL BOXX TEL BOXX is a tamper-evident device that minimizes unauthorized access to a central line and shows unambiguous evidence of tampering. This easy-to-use device will potentially enable hospitals to safely discharge intravenous drug users for outpatient care or to a skilled nursing facility for follow-on care.

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Surrogate Nuclear Material and Production Program (SNAPP) A method developed for crafting synthetic nuclear melt glass for forensic analysis. A synthetic glass that can be used to simulate a variety of scenarios and will help develop and validate forensic analysis methods.

Process and Equipment Monitoring (PEM) Toolbox & the Process and Equipment Prognostics (PEP) Toolbox The Process and Equipment Monitoring (PEM) Toolbox is a MATLAB based set of tools that provides a generalized set of functions for use in process and equipment monitoring applications, specifically on-line monitoring systems (OLM). The Process and Equipment Prognostics (PEP) Toolbox is a set of MATLAB-based tools that facilitate fast prototyping of empirical-based prognostic models developed at the University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department.

CRISPR Associated Software for Pathway Engineering and Research (CASPER) This MATLAB-based software enhances CRISPR genetic engineering, allowing any genome to be edited by predictable identification of both on- and off-target sites and analysis of repeated targets. Novel applications include multi-site gRNA integration and gRNA design for genome editing across a consortium of organisms.

Automated Bioinformatics Analysis System on a Chip (ABASoC) Coming soon!

APPS Simulated Electronic Fetal Monitoring (SEFM) Design, view, and share fetal heart rate and contraction charts and learn the basics of Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) in a fun and intuitive way with the simulated app.

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Reaching Out to Entrepreneurs The Business Incubator, established in 2007, serves as a homebase for early-stage firms with a UT affiliation, either through founder, or development of intellectual property. Guiding young companies through the business development process and providing office space and resources, the Incubator affords startups the unique opportunity to focus their limited resources and capital on the development of their business in a professional environment. To date, more than 46 companies have made the Incubator their home; 10 startups and counting have “graduated,” becoming successfully prepared for the marketplace or acquisition. Beyond office resources, one of the tremendous advantages the Incubator offers tenants is mentorship. In addition to the network of fellow tenants who have “been there, done that,” UTRF collaborates with Three Roots Capital (3Roots), a Knoxville-based investment capital company, to provide startups with business development support. The UTRF Checkerboard Portfolio, launched in early 2017, engages companies on topics such as raising capital, managing finances, and running an efficient business. 3Roots also offers financing opportunities out of funds designated for low-income and rural areas.

“The Incubator provided the space and the facilities we needed to have the infrastructure to grow. It has provided some key relationships for us.” - Chad Seaver, CEO, Arkis Biosciences

In October 2017, the Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in UT’s Haslam College of Business opened its ACEI Business Accelerator on the first floor of the Business Incubator, focused on cultivating the startups of current UT students. Entrepreneurs-in-residence, along with Anderson Center faculty, mentor and guide these student entrepreneurs. “We help student companies with the highest potential of becoming investible,” said Lynn Youngs, Executive Director of ACEI. “The Incubator’s location is ideal – on the edge of the Ag Campus but in proximity to the rest of UT-Knoxville. For the Anderson Center, it works really well because it gives us the space to work with those companies that are already here.”

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The Incubator’s Open House on September 27 was just one highlight of the Innov865 Alliance’s Innov865 Week, held Sept. 23-28, 2018. Innov865 Week shines a spotlight on the local entrepreneurial community that UTRF’s Incubator supports all year long. Current and past tenants credit the care and hands-on experience they received there for gifting them the opportunity to develop their technology, business skills, and mindset vital to business success. Incubator alums include: ResourceIO, Inc. – This business monitors critical industrial equipment for distributors, service companies, and plants. After four years at the Incubator, President and Founder Karl Dittrich praised the “great internet connection” and “terrific cost-savings,” saying, “There are just so many ways that this place is helpful. It’s a great environment!” Oculus Imaging, LLC – This medical imaging core lab works with medical device vendors to gather data needed for FDA clearance. Vice President Jennifer Woodward credits the Incubator’s “incredible security” with providing the high level of protection necessary in this field. Arkis Biosciences – Arkis Biosciences is a neurosurgical medical device startup company whose CEO Chad Seaver credits the Incubator with providing “a wonderful opportunity to get started and to grow to the success we’re having.” GAP Connections – This nonprofit organization works within the agriculture industry to promote best practices. Executive Director and President Jane Chadwell said, “[The Incubator] ended up being a perfect home for us. You have some breathing room to focus on your business and on what really matters.”

UTRF, 3Roots, and the Best Behavior Creative Club also present Rise and Grind events, a quarterly series of informational get-togethers where the UT entrepreneurial community can network and learn. Many of these events are held in the Business Incubator.

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HITS Lab: Reshaping the Future of Health Care An interdisciplinary lab at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is reshaping the future of health care by developing new technologies to improve patient outcomes and engage health care professionals and students in active learning. The Health Innovation Technology and Simulation (HITS) Laboratory is built on a collaborative research partnership between the Tickle College of Engineering and the College of Nursing. Its cofounders and co-directors Dr. Xueping Li, Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering in the College of Engineering, and Dr. Tami Wyatt, the Torchbearer Professor and Associate Dean of Research in the College of Nursing, began working together in 2006 and established the HITS Lab in 2011. Dr. Li and Dr. Wyatt were interested in the intersection of technology and health care, and how technology can be applied to solve health care problems in innovative ways. As they continued to work together, Dr. Li and Dr. Wyatt started to bring other researchers and experts from diverse areas but with similar interests to the table, including engineers, nurses, graphic designers, nutritionists, and social workers.

“When we first started HITS, we utilized technology for the benefit of health care. As HITS became more interprofessional in nature, we became more of an innovation shop.” - Tami Wyatt, HITS Lab Co-founder

Members of the HITS Lab Team

The interprofessional nature of the HITS team is just one aspect of what makes this lab so unique. Another is its approach to solving health care problems. Every project involves a diverse team of collaborators who use a design thinking approach to tackle a problem from multiple angles and perspectives, establishing a better understanding of an existing problem to create solutions that meet a real need. Dr. Wyatt views this as one of the strengths of the HITS Lab. “When we first started HITS, we utilized technology for the benefit of health care. As HITS became more interprofessional in nature, we became more of an innovation shop,” says Dr. Wyatt. “This evolution enriched the way we see things and the way we tackle problems and solve them.”

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Technologies developed in the HITS Lab typically serve one of two purposes: to promote learning among health care professionals or to promote patient wellbeing. Two notable HITS Lab technologies focused on active learning are the Simulated Electronic Fetal Monitoring (SEFM) app and the Interactive Debriefing Application (IDA). The SEFM app teaches students how to recognize different fetal heartbeat patterns and monitor a fetus’ well-being during labor. The IDA enables passive student observers to participate in simulations by annotating live feed video, which instructors can aggregate to inform face-to-face debriefings.

Dr. Xueping Li, College of Engineering

The HITS Lab’s research and development efforts go beyond designing and testing mobile health applications. This past July, HITS collaborators gathered ideas from hospital staff regarding internal hospital problems that appear across multiple units or services. From these ideas, the lab will identify two significant problems, including at least one that requires designing a product, and will devise pathways to solve them.

HITS Lab apps that promote patient well-being include JASMIN (Just-in-Time Asthma SelfManagement Intervention) and the Burn App. JASMIN is a mobile app that allows children with asthma to communicate with family members, health care providers, and school personnel regarding their asthma care and control needs. The app’s HITS team recently received approval to conduct a pilot study “The HITS Lab is truly an interdisciplinary effort, of JASMIN with East Tennessee Children’s with researchers and students from across Hospital. Still under development is the Burn UT coming together to tackle the health care App, which teaches burn victims how to care issues of today,” says UTRF Licensing Associate for themselves and their wounds outside of a Dr. Andreana Leskovjan. “UTRF is extremely hospital setting. proud to support their work in any way we can so that their innovations improve the health care landscape for patients and practitioners alike.” UTRF’s relationship with the HITS Lab began well before the lab itself was founded. UTRF staff were instrumental in helping Dr. Wyatt and Dr. Li formulate their vision and roadmap for the HITS Lab. Today, UTRF is a key player in helping the HITS team build relationships with outside entities and industry.

Dr. Tami Wyatt, College of Nursing

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Amfora Licenses Promoter to Improve Nutritional Content of Food and Feed Crops UTRF has executed a non-exclusive license agreement with Amfora, Inc. for a plant-based promoter technology developed by Neal Stewart Jr., PhD, professor of plant sciences and Ivan Racheff Chair of Excellence in Plant Molecular Genetics at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. This promoter has been shown to induce strong gene expression for beneficial traits, such as insect and herbicide resistance, across a variety of grass crops. Promoters are short pieces of DNA that control gene expression through protein production. They function like switches – when turned on, promoters can induce strong gene expression for a particular trait. Dr. Stewart’s work with promoters grew out of switchgrass genetic engineering research he was conducting at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Bioenergy Science Center. His research into using gene manipulation to create plants to yield biofuels led to the discovery of a switchgrass promoter that consistently produced a broad range of gene expression. “When agricultural companies are working to create a plant that possesses a certain trait, such as resistance to a pathogen, it is beneficial for them to use DNA that is not from the species in question,” says Dr. Stewart. “This switchgrass promoter works well because its gene sequence differs from those already present in grass crops. As a result, you are less likely to encounter gene silencing and more likely to achieve the outcome you want.” Dr. Stewart’s discovery is notable because few plant-based promoters are available for genetic engineering, and not many promoters possess very strong gene expression (hence, do not produce a lot of protein). As a result, researchers tend to rely on the same promoters over

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and over. This particular promoter is not only consistent in driving gene expression, but it also does not require an environmental trigger to work (it is “turned on” all the time) and can be successfully inserted into a number of economically important grass crops, like corn, wheat, or sorghum. A patent for Dr. Stewart’s promoter technology was issued in December 2013, and a non-exclusive license agreement to use the promoter technology was executed by UTRF in October 2017 with Amfora, Inc. Amfora is an agricultural startup company based in San Francisco, California, that is focused on improving the nutritional content of food and feed crops. Dr. Stewart worked with Michael Lassner, PhD, Amfora’s Chief Science Officer, on a grant related to his promoter technology. Dr. Lassner’s familiarity with the technology and its dependability played a role in Amfora’s decision to license the technology. “Amfora is happy to add the promoters discovered by Dr. Stewart to its portfolio of gene expression tools,” says Dr. Lassner. “We look forward to using those tools to improve animal production and improve the protein content of food crops.” Dr. Stewart is quick to praise UTRF’s efforts in marketing his promoter technology to potential licensees. He is especially impressed by the staff’s dedication, exemplified by UTRF Vice President Dr. Maha Krishnamurthy, who has invested time in learning about the bioenergy and agricultural markets (even taking one of Dr. Stewart’s plant biotechnology courses) to better understand their needs and how the University’s inventions can help meet them.

“Dr. Stewart’s promoters have demonstrated great potential in the field of genetic engineering. I look forward to seeing how Amfora will use this technology to create more nutritious and sustainable crops in the future.” - Maha Krishnamurthy, UTRF Vice President

“Dr. Stewart’s promoters have demonstrated great potential in the field of genetic engineering,” says Dr. Krishnamurthy. “I look forward to seeing how Amfora will use this technology to create more nutritious and sustainable crops in the future.” Currently, this promoter technology is being used to enhance resistance to insects and herbicides. However, Dr. Stewart envisions extending its application to traits that can have more significant impacts on plant health and growth, such as improving photosynthesis and increasing crop yields, as well as creating synthetic promoters that are designed specifically to drive expression for a desired trait.

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UTRF Events UTRF supports and encourages entrepreneurship at the university and regionally. We provide and sponsor educational opportunities, networking events, pitch competitions, grant funding, and more. Mentors and UTRF staff work together to help individuals move their inventions from ideation through and beyond execution.

UTRF, 3Roots, and the Best Behavior Creative Club present Rise and Grind events, a quarterly series of informational gettogethers where the UT entrepreneurial community can network and learn.

MSC is an 8 week training and outreach program emphasizing the technology commercialization process through educational materials, training sessions, and coaching from experienced scientific and business professionals.

The Business Incubator’s Open House on September 27 was just one highlight of the Innov865 Alliance’s Innov865 Week, held Sept. 23-28, 2018.

UTRF Tech Talks is a series designed to share information with the research community at UT campuses and institutes, as well as local entrepreneurs and regional business people.

T&T Scientific Corporation was announced winner of the pitch competition during Knoxville’s fourth annual “Start-up Day.”

UTRF team members present at many different events for UT faculty, staff, and students.

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The annual grant competition provides UT faculty, staff, and students with grants of up to $15,000 to develop technologies with commercial potential.

2018 MATURATION FUND RECIPIENTS Inventors Monica Jablonski & Mohamed Moustafa UTHSC College of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology

Hao Chen UTHSC College of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology

L. Darryl Quarles & Zhousheng Xiao UTHSC College of Medicine, Department of MedicineNephrology

Robert LeMaster & Mark Lister UTM, Department of Engineering

Ky Pohler, Jayne Wu, & Shigetoshi Eda UTIA, Department of Animal Science; UTK, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and UTIA, Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries

Jonathan Wall & Emily Martin UTGSM, Department of Medicine

Thereasa Abrams UTK, College of Social Work

Stephen Kania, David Bemis, & Linda Frank UTIA, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences; and UTIA, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Technology Extended Release Formulation of Pregabalin: A New Glaucoma Therapy

YoRodents: Applying Artificial Intelligence to Analyze Rodent Social Behavior

Novel FGF-23 Inhibitors to Treat Disorders of FGF-23 Excess

Supplemental Tube Feeder

Development of On-Site Diagnostic Devices for Early Pregnancy Detection in Cattle Using Micro RNA

Amyloid Risk Assessment to Determine Patient Management

Bridge Mobile App for Burned Patients

Clinical Trial of Virulence Factor Vaccine for Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Canine Pyoderma

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Inventor Spotlight In each monthly newsletter, UTRF shines the inventor spotlight on a UT faculty member. This is an opportunity to support and encourage the inventors that partner with UTRF to bring their innovations to market.





Department of Restorative Dentistry, UTHSC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UTK

Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, UTIA

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, UTHSC





Department of Microbiology, UTK

College of Nursing, UTK

Department of Ophthalmology, UTHSC

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, UTK




Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UTK

Department of Medicine and Director of the Center for Cancer Drug Discovery, UTHSC

Department of Food Science, UTK

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UTRF Co-Hosts 2018 Regional NSF I-Corps Cohort UTRF furthered its mission to foster innovation and technology commercialization at the 2018 Regional NSF I-Corps Cohort, an intensive 3-week program for startups that culminates in team presentations and the chance to compete for federal funding. UTRF, along with UT’s Haslam College of Business, was proud to host a second NSF I-Corps South Node regional program. The program operates as a feeder for the National Science Foundation’s national Innovation Corps (I-Corps), which offers successful applicants grants of $50,000 to assist customer discovery. Thirteen teams participated in the 2018 program, which included: five UT Knoxville student-led teams; two teams led by UT Knoxville faculty members; three Bredesen Center/ ORNL’s Innovation Crossroads teams; and one team from UT Chattanooga. UTRF Vice President Maha Krishnamurthy and UT business lecturer Shawn Carson served as instructors for the program, helping the thirteen teams translate their research into commercial products. The teams conducted a total of 246 customer interviews and had 43 mentor coaching sessions. The key question they attempted to answer was “what do customers need and how does our product fit with their need?” The Regional NSF I-Corps Cohort culminated in a presentation where the teams shared what they learned about the customer discovery process, how to develop a stronger value proposition, and how to create a minimum viable product based on customer feedback. Of the thirteen teams that participated, five teams were eligible for the NSF National I-Corps program.

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UTRF Internship Provides Valuable Career Experience Graduate and professional school students have a unique opportunity to learn firsthand about commercializing UT’s innovations, thanks to UTRF’s Commercialization Analyst Internship program. Commercialization analysts assist in the evaluation, marketing, and licensing of cuttingedge technologies developed at the University.

“My internship experience at UTRF has allowed me to see the big picture of the commercialization pipeline starting from government funding to academic research and finally to industry partnership.” CeCe Ging, JD, University of Tennessee, UTRF’s 2012-2013 Intern Established in 2012, interns work very closely with UTRF’s licensing staff and with each other to evaluate early-stage technologies and assist with initial screenings of invention disclosures. Interns also participate in inventor interviews, research the intellectual property landscape, search for and contact potential licensees, and observe meetings with patent attorneys. As a result, the students walk away from the program with a firmer grasp of what it takes to move an emerging technology to market. They also develop a broad skill set that can be applied across many careers, including strong communication skills, a basic knowledge of intellectual property law, and an understanding of how to conduct market and industry analysis for a particular technology or product sector.

“UTRF’s internship was an important platform to develop skills I needed to transition to a non-bench career.” Dr. Brian Fane, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee, UTRF’s 2016-2017 Intern

Aside from learning to navigate the tech transfer process, interns benefit from valuable career preparation experiences. Students are introduced to entrepreneurship, venture capital consulting, and intellectual property protection such as patents and copyrights. For graduate students pursuing PhDs or science careers, the internship program allows them to explore a career track that doesn’t involve working in a lab.

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2018 Interns: Lauren Hughes, Vanessa Nguyen, Travis Vest, & Jason Bouvier

The cross-disciplinary nature of the internship is the main draw. In fact, the 2018 – 2019 intern group includes four students from a mix of technical and law backgrounds. “I applied to intern at UTRF because it seemed like a great opportunity to work and learn at the intersection of law, business, and technology,” explains UTRF intern and law school student Travis Vest. “While here, I plan to learn as much as I can about IP law, market analysis, and the commercialization process in general.”

The internship program also provides tremendous value to UTRF. Interns help to identify prospective licensees and reach out to as many as 50 – 60 contacts for each technology. The interns’ assistance in conducting innovation assessments allows the licensing staff to focus on managing technologies that they can commercialize in an effort to ultimately bring them to market. The students also bring a fresh perspective to UTRF’s work, offering up ideas about markets and innovation. Since 2012, UTRF has had 20 interns, averaging three a year. Past interns have gone on to secure jobs in many areas including law, venture capital, consulting, business development, and entrepreneurship. One former intern even went on to become a graduate fellow at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.

2017 Interns: Will Fitts, Kelsey Jones, & Chase Moore

2016 Interns: Brian Fane, Joe Smith, Derrick Davis, & Chris Andrews

2015 Interns: Kevin Hargis, Shane Kaster, & Tyler Morgan

2014 Interns: Shane Kaster, Jake Stein, & Jeremy Ray

2013 Interns: Annie Morgan & Ryan Kemp

2012 Interns: CeCe Ging & Stephanie Prager

The application process for a UTRF internship differs between the two offices: for the Knoxville Multi-Campus office, recruitment opens in February and lasts until late March. The internship runs from May to April of the following year, with students working full time during the summer and 10 hours per week during the fall and spring. For the Memphis office, applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Interns work 10 hours per week for six months.

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UTRF Innovation Awards UTRF recognized dozens of researchers for their discoveries and commercialization efforts at the FY 2017 Innovation Awards Ceremonies in Knoxville and Memphis.

Dr. Patterson also announced Dr. Daniel Costinett, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, as the winner of the Innovation Driver Award. This award “The University conducts research that generates recognizes faculty inventors who are relatively groundbreaking inventions, and patents are key new to working with UTRF, meaning they to the protection and commercialization of these submitted their first invention disclosure within inventions,” said Dr. Stacey Patterson, President the last three years and have demonstrated of the UT Research Foundation. “Licensing enthusiasm, creativity, and drive to bring their these innovations provides incentives and ideas to the commercial marketplace. competitive advantages that will drive economic development for the state and impact the “I applaud Dr. Costinett’s eagerness and quality of life for Tennesseans.” dedication to take his innovations to the next level,” said UTRF Vice President Dr. Maha Krishnamurthy.

Innovation Awards Ceremony in Knoxville Dr. Costinett Receives the Innovation Driver Award in Knoxville During the Knoxville ceremony, Dr. David Dr. Costinett received Millhorn, Senior Vice a $1,000 award from President Emeritus, and UTRF. Other honorees National Laboratory included 37 recipients Relations Advisor was of patents from presented the B. Otto the U.S. Patent and and Kathleen Wheeley Trademark Office, as Award for Excellence in well as 28 inventors Technology Transfer. of technologies that 2018 UTRF Maturation Grant Funding Recipients, UTHSC The Wheeley Award were licensed to is UTRF’s highest honor awarded to a UT companies, including three startup companies employee who has contributed to technology based on UTRF technologies. In some cases, commercialization at UT in an extraordinary researchers received awards in more than one way. The award was presented by Mr. Robert category. The 2018 UTRF Maturation Grant Wheeley and Mr. Larry Perry, representing the Funding recipients were also recognized at the Wheeley Family Foundation. ceremony.

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At the Memphis Innovation Awards ceremony, 31 researchers were honored for recent discoveries and commercialization. “With record numbers of inventions being submitted to UTRF, we are in a great position to attract partnerships to develop new products that will benefit society and create economic impact,” said UTRF Vice President Dr. Richard Magid. Speakers at the Memphis ceremony included: UTRF Vice President Dr. Richard Magid; UTHSC Chancellor Steve J. Schwab, MD; UTRF Entrepreneur-in-Residence Christ West; Dr. Monica Jablonski, Professor of Ophthalmology, UTHSC; and Dr. Mojdeh Dehghan, Associate Professor of Dentistry, UTHSC. During his keynote address, Chris reflected on his first 6 months working with UTHSC researchers and spoke about the importance of understanding the value proposition of each potential new product. Praising the ideas and enthusiasm of the four teams he mentored, Chris expressed how much enjoyment he was taking from the role of Entrepreneur-InResidence and how impressed he has been with the technologies being developed at UTHSC.

Chris West Gives Keynote at the Innovation Awards in Memphis

Dr. Duane D. Miller Receives a Patent Plaque

“With record numbers of inventions being submitted to UTRF, we are in a great position to attract partnerships to develop new products that will benefit society and create economic impact.” - Richard Magid, UTRF Vice President

Dr. Larry Miller Receives a Patent Plaque

Guests Mingle at the Innovation Awards Ceremony in Memphis

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OculoTherapy Develops Novel Therapies for Eye-Related Diseases

An innovative once-daily topical medicine IOP by 20 – 30%, the effect is temporary. As promises to overcome the challenges associated a result, patients must take multiple doses with current glaucoma treatments by improving per day to keep their IOP low. In addition, the drug delivery. Developed by Monica M. “yo-yo effect” of lowering and raising IOP can Jablonski, PhD, professor in the Department lead to additional stress and damage to the of Ophthalmology in the College of Medicine optic nerve. at the University of Tennessee Health Science To circumvent the issues associated with Center, this formulation inspired the launch of standard eye drop medications, Dr. Jablonski OculoTherapy, LLC. With support from UTRF, developed an extended release, once-daily Dr. Jablonski aims to use her startup as a topical microemulsion-based formulation that platform to further develop the formulation for more effectively delivers a drug (in this case, commercialization. pregabalin) deep into the eye. A bioadhesive Glaucoma is characterized by a buildup of component keeps the formulation in contact pressure in the eye, which damages the optic with the cornea for a longer duration, nerve. It affects more than 3,000,000 people allowing the drug to gradually release and in the United States and is a leading cause maintain a sustained lower IOP. Tests show of blindness in people over age 60. Eye drop this formulation reduces IOP by 40% and medications reduce elevated intraocular keeps it low for at least 24 hours. This meets pressure (IOP) to prevent damage to the optic the target of patients only needing a dose nerve and slow the progression of the disease. every 24 hours to keep IOP at a low, healthy While current drugs are fairly effective, lowering level.

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Dr. Jablonski’s goal is to develop the “Dr. Jablonski has developed a novel therapeutic formulation to a level where it can be licensed that not only reduces IOP in glaucoma patients and brought to market. This motivation led but makes it easier for them to stick with their her to found OculoTherapy, LLC, in January treatment regimen,” says Dr. Cavin. “I look 2014. Founding a startup provides Dr. Jablonski forward to seeing this formulation advance with opportunities she doesn’t have access to from lab to market where it can make a working in a research laboratory. This includes real difference for people who suffer from the ability to write grants for federal funds set glaucoma.” aside specifically Although her for small businesses, current focus is such as Small on glaucoma, Dr. Business Innovation Jablonski anticipates Research and Small the formulation Business Technology can be coupled Transfer grants. Dr. with other drugs Jablonski’s dive into to treat a range entrepreneurship also of eye-related led to her selection diseases, including as the first user of age-related macular UTHSC’s Innovation degeneration. Lab Space, which gives her access to “I have been wanting laboratory space and a small business of business development my own for a very mentoring provided by long time,” says Dr. Memphis Bioworks. Jablonski. “Through UTRF has been a huge source of support. Earlier this year, Dr. Jablonski received funding through the UTRF Maturation Fund to support further research and development of the formulation. She works closely with Dr. Lakita Cavin, UTRF Senior Staff Attorney, to navigate the patent process (the patent on the formulation is pending) and identify companies that may be interested in licensing the formulation.

OculoTherapy, LLC, I am confident in the potential this microemulsion formulation has to make it to market and have an impact on the treatment of eye-related diseases.”

“Dr. Jablonski has developed a novel therapeutic that not only reduces IOP in glaucoma patients but makes it easier for them to stick with their treatment regimen.” - Lakita Cavin, UTRF Senior Staff Attorney

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FY18 Reta Abdi Nour Abdoulmoumine Thereasa Abrams Shelley Acuff Adebowale Adebiyi Shiba Adhikari Kokouvi Akato David Allison Billie Amatus-Salaam Seong An David Anderson Will Anderson Paul Arendt Kinsie Arnst John Auxier II Curtis Ayers Tolga Aytug Sudarsanam Babu Chadwick Baker Souvik Banerjee Yoseph Bar-Cohen Elizabeth Barker Craig Barnes Philip Barnett William Barnhill Larry Baylor Jeffrey Becker Michael Berry Ahmed Bettaieb Alexandru Biris Ian Black Ashley Blamey David Blevins Steven Boggs Gary Bowlin Yehuda Braiman Chris Bridges Denzel Bridges Gilbert Brown Edward Brush IV Laura Bryant Adam Cable Tessa Calhoun Bruce Campbell Jeffrey Campbell Joshua (Josh) Campbell Qing Cao Jose Castro

John Caughman Maria Cekanova Subhash Chauhan Feng Chen Hao Chen Jay Chen Jihua Chen Min Chen Phillip Chesser Stephen Chmely Rian Cho Azhad Chowdhury David Christen Will Clayton Pat Collier Brett Compton Zachary Cordero Daniel Costinett Yi Cui Sheng Dai Austin Daly Ryan Daniels Michael Daugherty Ryan Dehoff Shanshan Deng Rajiv Dhand Stephen DiFazio Seyedreza (Reza) Djeddi Jiaojiao Dong Benjamin Doughty Randi Dunagan Gerd Duscher Chad Duty Kivanc Ekici Ramez Elgammal Amy Elliott Adam Evans Jerry Everett Jordan Failla Ben Fallen Zhaoyang Fan Evangelos Farantatos Rui Feng Jennifer Ferris Allison Fetz Brad Fisher Richard Fisher Shane Foister

Stephen Follyn Neil Forcier Camera Foster Taylor Frazier-Douglas Peter Fuhr Yasser Gandomi Debolina Ganguly Michael Gao Franklin Garcia-Godoy Katherine Gaul David Geohagan Richard Giannone Zachary Goldsmith Shelby Goodsell Monojoy Goswami Amit Goyal Mark Gragston David Graham Oscar Grandas Elias Greenbaum Ryan Gresback Lubing Gu Christopher Gulvik Lee Gunter Jianjun Guo Bruce Hammock David Harper Melinda Hauser Fletcher Haverkamp Blake Hawley Qiang He Hunter Henderson Robert Hettich Tarek Abdel Hewezi Hoi Ho William Hofmeister Zachary Hood Timothy Hottel Kyle Houston Anming Hu Bin Hu Xiaotong Hu Chanaka Kapila Kumara Neena Imam Chris Ivanoff Ilia Ivanov Monica Jablonski Jeremy Jackson

UT Inventors who submitted invention disclosures 7/1/2017 - 6/30/2018 Michael Jantz Sara Jawdy Joshy John Charles Johnson Jacqueline Johnson Quentin Johnson Edward Jones David Joy Kou-San Ju Rebecca Juarez Catherine Kaczorowski Karrer Kadum Jordan Kaiser Nam-Goo Kang Matthew Kant Vivek Kashyap Oudessa Kerro-Dego Jong Keum Seokpum Kim Julie King Kaleb King Thomas King Michael Kirka Roger Kisner Kofi Korsah Merry Koschan Hari Krishnan Raisa Krutilina TK Susheel Kumar Vlastamil Kunc Michio Kurosu Nicole Labbe Abdessadek Lachdar Jenna LaColla Seth Lawson Lawrence Lee Yousub Lee Scott Lenaghan Jianlin Li Ning Li Shuai Li Wei Li Xueping Li Yuan Li Yunchao Li Peter Liaw John Lindahl Mark Lister

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James Little Bo Liu Chengxi Liu Qiaoming Liu Yilu Liu Yong Liu Brian Long Kirk Lowe Wei Lu Curtis Luckett Amanda Luckett Daniel Lutterman Allen Lyu Jingtao Ma Yingzhong Ma Yiwei Ma Krissy Mahan David Mandrus Anthony Marion Simon Mason Jimmy Mays Scott McCall Jillian McCarthy Maeder Doug McCaughan Jimmy McClure Shaun McComas Kelsey McConachie Jon McGowan James McNulty Thomas Meek Avtar Meena Charles Melcher Matthew Mench Jean Mercer Duane Miller Joseph Miller Laurence Miller Charles Millirons Marisa Morales Vanessa Morales-Tirado Mark Morgan Christophe Morisseau Deidra Mountain Preenaa Moyer Wellington Muchero Eric Muckley Nicholas Nagle Joseph Najem Amit Naskar Brendan Neschke Daniel Niyikiza Mark Noakes Isaac Nolan Danny Norman Andrej Nycz Chloe O’Dell

Kaitlin Oliver Butler Michael Olson Dustin Osborne Cody Pack Daniel Pack Glen Palmer Vincent Pantalone Vincent Paquit Mariappan Paranthaman Sara Parker Ronald Parry Ali Passian Mahendra Patel Felix Paulauskas Alex Pawlowski Alisha Pedersen Dayakar Penumadu Lawrence Pfeffer Susan Pfiffner Sarbottam Piya Alexander Plotkowski Özgür Polat Ryan Ponten Brian Post Michael Potter Alexander Puretzky Hairong Qi Jun Qu Philip Rack Marko Radic Naren Raghavan Kalavathy Rajan Aditi Rambani Priya Ranjan Radhakrishna Rao Lawrence Reiter Kevin Rhodes John Rice Katherine Riojas Orlando Rios Jr. Rodriguez Stian Romberg Zachary Ruble Daniel Rucker Andrew Russ Alex Ryder Stephen Sarles Srivatsan Sathyamurthy Tiffany Seagroves Teresa Sears Larry Senesac C. Brandon Shaver Shaofei Shen Pradeep Shukla Amit Shyam Zachary Sims

Maddie Singer Vik Singh Rachel Slappy Gancho Slavov Chris Smallwood Cary Smith David Smith Joseph Smith Montie Smith Hiteshkumar Soni Jim Spain Derek Splitter Catherine Stamatacos Liliana Stan Carolyn Staples Kevin Staton C. Neal Stewart Alex Stiles Ken Stonecipher Eric Stromme Thao Strong Yu Su Mst Sultana Kai Sun Xiao-Guang Sun Jindong Tan Graham Taylor Wesley Tennyson Alexander Terekhov Paul Terry Laurene Tetard JT Thompson Thomas Thundat Mengkun Tian Seyitriza Tigrek Ryan Tinker Leon Tolbert Kevin Tomsovic Aimee Trawick Peter Tsai Gerald Tuskan Charles Van Neste Jose Vasconcelos da Costa James Walker III Bin Wang Fred (Fei) Wang Jingxin Wang Qinghui Wang Shu Wang Shutong Wang Thomas Zac Ward Brianna Watson Robert Webster Sung-Hun Wee David Weiss Hanno Weitering

Andrew Wereszczak Alex Wheeler Randy Wiles John Wilkerson Jason Williams Matt Wilson David Wood III Marcus Wright Jie (Jayne) Wu Ling Wu Yuntao Wu Zhongzhi Wu Yue Wu Tami Wyatt Xin Xu Yaosuo (Sonny) Xue Songnan Yang Reza Yazdanpanah A. Dechang Yi He Yin Mina Yoon Siamak Yousefi Wenpeng Yu Yongchao Yu Junming Yue Thomas Zawodzinski Lizhi Zhang Pengfei Zhang Shuoting Zhang Suhong Zhang Wen Zhang Xuemeng Zhang Zheyu Zhang Zhili Zhang Chongwen Zhao Guannan Zhao Jiecheng ‘Jeff’ Zhao Ling Zhao Yi Zhao Muxiang Zhou Tong Zhou Lin Zhu Wenguang Zhu

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FY 2018


Issued patents 7/1/2017- 6/30/2018


Ternary Metal Halide Scintillators


Methods for Detecting a Biomarker by Alternating Current Electrokinetics


Method and Device for Detection of Bioavailable Drug Concentration in a Fluid Sample


Multigraft Copolymers as Superelastomers


Carbonation of Metal Silicates for Long-term CO2 Sequestration


Reversible, On-demand Generation of Aqueous Two-Phase Microdroplets


SARMS and Method of Use Thereof


Methods and Compositions for Preventing and Treating Tooth Erosion


Method of Treating Androgen Receptor (AR)-Positive Breast Cancers with Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMS)


Method and Apparatus for Constructing a Neuroscience-inspired Artificial Neural Network with Visualization of Neural Pathways


Microbially-mediated Method for Synthesis of Non-oxide Semiconductor Nanoparticles


Three-Phase Current Source Rectifier for Power Supplies


Semiconductor Composition Containing Iron, Dysprosium, and Terbium


Method and Apparatus for Constructing a Neuroscience-inspired Artificial Neural Network


Glycerol Dehydration Methods and Products Thereof

9,815, 776

Selective Androgen Receptor Degrader (SARD) Ligands and Methods of Use Thereof


Selective Androgen Receptor Degrader (SARD) Ligands and Methods of Use Thereof


Inhibitors of Paxillin Function and Related Compositions and Methods


Selective Androgen Receptor Degrader (SARD) Ligands and Methods of Use Thereof


SARMS and Method of Use Thereof

9,873,094 ​Cross-linked Polymeric Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation 9,884,038

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator and Methods of Use Thereof


Surface Treated Carbon Catalysts Produced from Waste Tires for Fatty Acids to Biofuel Conversion


Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator for Treating Hormone-Related Conditions


Methods for Gas-phase Thermochromatographic Separations of Fission and Activation Products


A Method of Treating Estrogen Receptor (ER)-Positive Breast Cancers with Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARMS)


Compounds for Treatment of Cancer


Improved Method and Device for Detection of Bioavailable Drug Concentration


Key Gene Regulating Plant Cell Wall Recalcitrance

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Health Science Center Office 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 827 Memphis, TN 38163 Tel: 901-448-7827

Multi Campus Office 600 Henley Street, Suite 211 Knoxville, TN 37996 Tel: 865-974-1882

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