Utah Boomers Magazine

Page 6


he winter holidays are just around the corner, and if

be feeling resentful about having to bake yet another batch of

you’re like most Americans you are looking anxiously

cookies, decorate the house, or spend time with relatives I rarely

at your calendar right about now. How will I ever

get to see?

manage the avalanche of parties, cocktail hours, get-

togethers, and ceremonies I’m supposed to attend? you wonder. Shouldn’t I be cherishing these festivities? How long do I have to do my shopping—and how will I afford it? And should I really


It’s an uncomfortable truth, but many of us do feel an inexplicable dread of the holidays and the expectations around them. And according to Kathleen McIntire, it’s those “S” words—“supposed to” and “should”—that are the problem.

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