Utah State University Commencement, 1964

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Utah State University .!~








The Board of Trustees is composed of twelve citizens of the State appointed by the Governor for a term of four years , and two ex--officio members, the Secretary of State and the President of the Utah State University Alumni Association.

Alm a Sonne , Chairman


J. Po tter,

.............................. ............................................... ............. Logan


Vic e Chairman ..................................................................................

Hen ry R . Hurren ....................................................... ..................................... ........ Logan Ralph S. Blackham ...................................... ................. ................................. ............ Moron i David W. Evans ........... .......................................... ................ ................. Salt Lake Cit y Phillip A . Bullen ............................................................................................

Salt Lake City

Reed W. Farnsworth ................................. .......................... .............. ............... Cedar Cit y Sid H. Eliason , Sr ................ ........................... ............................ .................. Salt Lake City N . D. Salisbury ............................. .............................................................................


E. 0. Larson ........... ............ .................................. ................................. .... Salt Lake Cit y Lucile 0. Pe tty ....................................... .................................................................. . Ogden Alva C. Sno w ........................................................................................................ Lamont F. Toronto , Secretary of State (ex-officio)

Roo sevelt

............................ Salt Lake City

W . Eugene Hansen , President , Alumni As sociati on (ex-officio) ........ Salt L ake Cit y L. Mark Neuberger

Secreta ry to the Board of Trustees Logan




and Board of Trustees

0 fficial Guests Honorary University

Degree Recipients Administrative


Faculties of the Various


Candidates for Graduate Degrees Candidates

for Baccalaureate



The wearing of academic costume by faculty and student participants at the time of Commencement Exercises has become traditional among universities. The color and pageantry of these occasions are designed to indicate the degree of academic achievement of those who actively participate in such exercises. In order for the audience to better appreciate and understand the significance attached to these ceremonial aspects of the program, the following information is presented. The significance of the costume is determined principally by the cut of the gown, the size and shape of the hood, and the color of the tassels on the cap. The BACHELOR'S gown is characterized by the long pointed sleeves. The gown worn by a MASTER has closed sleeves with the arc AGRICULTURE BUSINESS


The colors worn on ,the tassels signify the various colleges of the University from which a candidate is being graduated.

.............................................. ............... ...................... ....................... Maise



of a circle near the bottom. The arm extends through the slit, giving the appearance of short sleeves. The hood consists of material similar to the gown and lined with the official academic color of the institution conferring the dergee. If the institution has more than one color, the chev-ron is used to display the second color. The DOCTOR'S gown has full, round and open sleeves with three bars of velvet on each sleeve. The velvet facing of the bars may be black or the color indicative of the degree. The hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institutional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back.

............. ......................... ............................ .... Drab

.................................. .....................................................................

Light Blue




LIFE ............................................................................................................








AND ARTS ....... ...............................................................................

SCI EN CE ......................................... ........... .... .................................................... SCHOOL





Russet White




BACCALAUREATE Friday evening, June 5, 1964

7 :30 p.m. PRESIDENT




Huldigungmarsch from "Sigurd Jorsalf ar" ···················----· Edward Grieg University Orchestra,

Richard G. Strawn , Conducting


Reverend Stuart Turn er Campus Christian Fellowship Pastor WELCOME



Daryl Chase President, Utah State University MUSICAL


Ave Maria ·--------------·-····················---------······ -------········--·· Anton Bruckner Tom Scott The Creation Narrator,

F. Mitchell Dana

University Madrigal Sing.ers, A . L. Dittmer , Conductor SERMON

Elder Harold B. Lee Member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Church of Jesus Christ of Latter --day Saint s MUSICAL


Larghetto from Symphony No. 1 "Spring" in Bb Major __Robert Schumann Universi ty Orchestra , Richard G. Strawn, Conductor BENEDICTION

Reverend Norman W. Riebe Vicar, St. John's Episcopal Church RECESSIONAL

Huldigungmarsch from "Sigurd Jorsalfar" ··-··············--··-·· Edward Grieg University

Orchestra , Richard G. Strawn , Conductor

GRADUATION Saturday morning, June 6

9:30 a.m. PRESIDENT




Grand March ........................................................................

Percy Fletcher

Sine Nomine ........................................................ Ralph Vaughan Williams University

Concert Band, Max Dalby, Director


Gary Watts Recipient, University MUSICAL

Citizenship Award


Cherubim So ng ............... ............... ...................... ........................ Tchaikovski Halleluj ah from "The Mount of Olives" ................ .................... Beethoven University ADDRESS


Choir, Merle E . Puffer,



John A. Hannah President, MUSICAL

Michigan State University


The Great Gate of Kiev from "Pictures at an Exhibition" M. Moussorgsky Transcribed by Eric W. G. Leidzen University CONFERRING

Concert Band, Max Dalby, Director


Daryl Chase President, Utah State University MUSICAL


Alma Mater Hymn

.............................................. .. Theodore

M. Burton

Merle E. Puffer, Conductor BENEDICTION

Cecelia Harrison Recipient, University Citizenship Award RECESSIONAL

Regal Procession ................................................................ Clifton Williams University

Concert Band, Max Dalby, Director








Jensen, Farrell Elven Jensen William Delton Johnson , Stephen Oke Khosroshahin, Mehdi Killiam, Kent Byron Lowham , John Samuel Mace, Brent Leon Malles , Reece Val Martsch , James Lee Maxwell, James F. Molavi, Mahmoud Morse, Ronald Dean Osmond, Alonzo Richard Overacker, Michael J.

Day, Wilford Lavon Eason, Robert Gaylord Elliot, Wallace Edward Fraser, Robert George Geary, Vaughn Thomas Grigg, Gary Thomas Grover, Jesse Merlin Hansen, Phillip Lee Harnisch , Douglas Robert Hart, Richard Kay Hessler, Maribeth Hollist , Robert Linden Hunsaker, Teryl William Israels en, Leo Anderson

Allred, Jack Ross Anderson, Jeffrey F. Bair, Ross Leon Baker, Rodney Carlyle Bingham, David Wayne Black , Charles F. , Jr. Broadbent, Joseph S. Burch, John Raymond Buxton, Dwayne R. Christensen, Reed F. Clements, Acie Jay Cox, Merrill L. Cranney , Gary Clark Crawford, Alvin Walter



Phillips, Ralph Leon Price, Duane R. Pugh, Alton Maurice Reeder, Robert La Mar Robinson, Perry L. Saleh, Jamshid Schodde, Lynn Henry Tanner, Glen Clayson Williams, Douglas Robert Williams, Thomas Larry Winward , Richard Bert Wood, Byron Forrest




Roylance , Lela Karen

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Allen, Fred Rial Allen , Franklin Emery Ames , Evan Brown Anderson , Douglas 0. Anderson, Reese Glenn Archibald , W . Deloy Ashman , Margaret Lemon Ashton , Janice Baird , Roger R. Barlow , Patricia Baxter, Harold Craig Bevan, Paul K. Biddulph , Gerald George Bingham, Chlodene Bowcutt , Emer son Clair Bowman , Anthony Will Brinley , Douglas Eldon Brown , Keneth Lee Busco , Ralph A. Byington , Herman P. Call, Anson Bowen III Capell , Harvey John Carlson , Jay Alvin Carlson , Kent Edward Carman , Calvin Edwin Carson , G. Dene Cassett , Arthur W. III Chase , Ann Christensen , Alma Darwin Christensen , Carol Leslie Christensen, Diane C. Christensen, Joseph G. Christensen Keith F. Christiansen, Kent H. Chugg , Duard B,oyd Clark, Michael James Clay, Caroline Wennergren

Clayton, Richard Irving, Jr. Clemons , Glenn Allan Clyde, Larry Forbes Cole , Richard G . Collier , Troy Condie , Boyd Glenn Cook, Norton J. Cook, Quentin La Mar Dalebout , David Arnold Dalley, Franklin W. Darley, Stephen Farrell Davis , Carolyn Davis , James T . Davis , Lynn Ray Dayton , Rex Eldon B. Devin e, Carl Emmett Doran , Milo Anthony Dupin , Paul Antone Dursteler , J. Glade Eastman , Alexandra Edwards. Leland S. Jr. Falkenberg , Phillip E. Farrar, Keith E. Fehlman, Robert Gustave Ferguson , Edward Alan Foxley, William M. Freelove , Janet Sue Gibson , Orvis James Giles , Larry Grant Gordon , Richard Foster Goya , Koojin Green , Loyal Greenhalgh , David Wayne Gregerson , Fredell Grover , Blair John Grow, Richard Gunnell , Franklin La Noel

Gyllenskog, Ned P. Hadfield, Ronald Clair Hancock, Zan Osmer Hansen, Delwyn G. Hansen, Howard Reese Hansen, Kathleen Hansen , Reid Willis Hanson , Gary Richard Harker, Jay Frank Harmon, Alton Maynard Harward, Raymond Rees Healy, Karen Joan Heninger , Lynn Wade Higbee, Mona Taylor Hill, Dennis Leon HilI , Kenneth Lee Hirschi , Marlo Que Hobbs, Dee Eldon Humphrey, Penelope Humphreys , Eugene Hurren, Henry Richard Jang, Ik Tae Jataputra , Jayodom Jenkins , Bryce Allan Jensen , Jerrold Herman Jensen, Orson Eugene Jensen , Richard M. Johnson , Carl P. Johnson , Richard B. Johnson, Ronald Bruce Judkins , Merlin C. Kearns , Richard David Keeler, Jay Kimball Keiser, Doyle Goodsell Kennedy, Edward James Kerbs, Robert Dale Kesler, Gordon Jay

Kimball, Newel Elliott King , Neil Lamont Kissell, William John Koch, Lowell Duane Koford, Richard Peter Konz , John Edwin Kunz, Richard R . Kurtz, Karl Bunning Lamb, Marlo James Lampard, Clarke Sherburne Langrock, David Walter Lapray, Thail Larsen, Victor James Larson , Ralph V. Laurence , Arthur Bruce Law, Larry Leonard Layne . Allen Pr eston Lee, Caro le Ann Lee, Frederick Oskar Leishman , John Ashley Lillywhite, Robert Lee Limpanonda , Surind Long, Willia.ml Pope Lufkin , Bryan Townsend Lundahl, James William Lundgren, Brent George Lundquist , Stephen E. Macfarlane, Michael C . Mack, Thomas Jordan Maloney, James Joseph McArthur, Gerry Evan McCurdy, Charles Gary Meli£ , Kay L. Miller, Kenneth Glenn Miller, Max Graham II Morris, John D. Mortensen , Grant Carl

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (Continued) Moss, Gary Ronald Murray, Jerry Lyle Myler, Margaret Elaine Nash, Calvin J. Nash, James Alton Nelson, Richard Lamont Neuberger, Brian Madson Neuenswander, Jon Doyle Niederhauser, Robert David Nielsen, Howard D. Nielson , J. Frank Norman, Ronald Allan Olsen, Ernest Marvin Olsen, Marilyn Ruth Olson, Bryce Edward Otten, Robert William Owen, Judith Ann Pace, Karen Parrish , Beverly Patrick, John William P at terson , Lynn Michael



Payne, Richard Dee Perkes, Leon Belnap Peterson, Alan Reed Peterson, Duane J. Phillips, Sheila Waite Piersanti, Harry Ronald Porritt, Steven H. Porter, Gary Robert Prasad, N and Kish ore Rasmussen, Jay Lee Rasmussen, Marlene B. Rhodes, Nadine Ricks, Martin Ray Rodenzo, Roberto Rogers , Thomas Clyde Saunders, Robert Lyle Savage, Maryann Seely, George James Shelley, Norman Vernile Smith, Emma Lois Smith, Kirk Lowry

Snow, Willis Hess Solomon, Nathan Jesse Squires, Glenda Ronella Squires, Richard Elwin Steele, Walter William Stephens, Richard H. Stephenson, Dwain Dee Stevens, Ethel Cooper Stoker, Lynn J. Stoker, Wayne Lester Stokoe, Thomas A. Stott, Var C. Stringam, Anne Sullivan, Kent Merlin Sweeten, Garth Gillis Taggart, Louis Ronald Tanner , Joseph D. Tanyongmas , Punlop Taylor, Marilyn Thomas, Colleen Tribett, Roger LeRoy

Virgin, Carol Leone James Wade, Heather Waite, Wallace William Webb, Kimber Carl White, Alan Ralph White , Daniel Herbert White , George Ferd Williams , Christy Jane Williams, Grant D. Willis, George Thomas Wilson, Marcus Mix Wilson, Thomas LaMar Winward, Dennis Mack Wolfley, Fredrick C. Worthington, J. Karl Young, Robert Michael Zollinger, Joseph B.




BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE Allred, Robert James Jerrell, Stephen Lee

Phillips, Marcia Eileen Shield, Geraldine

Acord, Claudia Maud Adams, Nancy Allen, Dale Thomas Allred, Clyda Allred, Terry H. Andersen, Margaret Renee Anderson, Sandra Lou Anderson, Sharon Lee Anderson, Virginia Angus, Beatrice Applegate , George B. Asay, Linda Lee Ashbaker, Karen Lythgoe Bailey, William Smith Baur, Charlotte Bell, Venice Brown Beyer, Karen Elizabeth Bingham, Tyra Gay Blackburn, Lou Jean Gibby Blackham, Linda Rae Blackham, Loy Ann Bohman, R. Arthur Booth, Linda Hart Bottino, Paul James Bowler, Clarece Eckersell Brown , Paul Aroe Brue, Virginia Lee Brunger, Norman Ernest Brunson, Jan Christine Burch, Carol Sue Kempf Burnett, Eva Jean Busker, Leora Ann Danks Bybee, Andrew R. Canfield, Jerry Dean Carling, Robert Leland Carlson, Richard R. Chambers, Sterling Paul

Chandler, Hal Adams Chatfield, Linda Royle Christensen, Golda Crane Christensen, Joseph Dee Christensen, Karl Christensen, Medena Pickett Christopherson, Dale F. Church, Daisy S. Clark , Richard LeRoy Clayton , Mildred T. Clayton , Robert Price Cohen, Steven Loomic Cooley, Ruth Cornia , Richard Paul Cummings , Robert Leroy Dabe!. John Dewane Dabn ey, William Roger Dalton , Gail Lynn Dalton , Ralph Douglas Davis, Laur el Lee Dayton, Duke Norvel Draney, Orwin Ferris Duersch , Geraldine Grandy Durfee, Kenneth Dwayne Egli, Ruelen Ernest Erickson, Wave! W. Esplin, Gerald Ewing, Elaine Hansen Facer, Conrad LaVar Facer, Karlene Hyer Felter, Vi rgini a Smith Fitzgerald , Linda Ann Flake, Lowry Kowallis Folkman, Marion Guptill Franchina , David R. Franson, Kathleen A. Pead Fullmer, Richard Rucker

Sprouse, Linda Topolovec, Billie Jean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Funk, Janice Gamble, Grace Carter Gardner, Yvonne Ruth P. Gilbert, Donna Miles Gisseman, Nancy Lynn Glenn, Carolyn Gooch, Connie Nelson Good, Leslie Daniel Graff, Dorian Franklin Green, Daryl W. Halaufia, Aivini Hall. Craige Stephen Hammond, Elsie Maurine Hanks, Carol Mae Hansen, Boyd Merrill Hansen, Carol Ann L. Hanson, Deanna Doman Hanson, Kaaren Lu Harris, Artie Annette Fronk Harris, Donnelly Leroy Hart, David Fielding Hartley, Carl Lee Harvey, Dona Berdeen Harward, Nevada J. Ellison Hatch, Lauretta Shareen Hawkins, Richard John Heaton, Dixie Gayle Heinz, Lyle S. Henderson, Sue Ann Fuhriman Hendricks, Norr Clyde Herrick, Edwin Lee Higgins , Larry Charles Hill, Carol Valeen Hill, John J. III Hillstead , Blair H. Hinton, Rowland Hoggan, Dorothy Hadley

Hokanson, Laura Lee Holman, Gary Leon Holt, Barbara Jane Hoopes, Rose Vatella Harrop Howell, Arlea Mae H. Hudson, Gary Marion Hudson, William Harold Hunter, James Pack Husbands, Arlie Jay lriart, Marie Louise Jeffs, Marjorie W. Jensen , DeAnn Jensen, James Howard Jen sen, LaRene Jensen, Lewis Carl Jensen , Michael Garth Jenson , Kent LeGrand Johnson, Elaine Johnson, Jaime Uriel Johnson , Joan Tingey Johnson , Karen Johnson, Margo Johnson, Meredith Bryce Johnson , Ronald Jones, David Stan ley Jorgensen, Ruth Ma rie Josephson , Emily Jean Kelson , Betty Ann Kerr , Deane Louise Kirkham, Michael Jerry Kohler , Lloyd Ned Koontz, Barbara June Lapp, Forbes Melven Larsen , Roselyn Petersen Lee , Larry Ellis LeFevre, Joan Lind, Richard Errol



Litchford , Ruth Snow Nelson, Judith Alice Losser, Gary Raymond Nelson, Leah Jane Luthi , Henri Cordell Neuberger, Anna Belle D. Johnson Madarlane, Judy Marie P. Malan, Tess Whiting Nielsen, Lyle Geddes Malou f, Ruth Crews Nielson, Fay Marinoni , Charlene Nye, Dorothy Mason, Roger Naef Nye , Paul Johnson Mathis, Ann Obray, A. Dennis Maughan, Dorothy Christine R. Parker, Garry M. Maughan, Neil F. Pearce , David Lynn Medley, Dennis Lee Pearson, Sherry Anne Mellor , David Doyle Phillips, Michael Anderson Merritt , Leon T . Phillips, Ruth Marie Michie , Delsa H. Poloni , Merlene G. Millar , Diane Anderson Poole, Robert Craig Miller, Bonnie Peterson Porter, Max Wilford Mille r, Calvin Geo rge Rasmussen, Joy Arleen Estes Miller , Fred Keith Ras mussen, Rebecca Sue Miller, Pamela Ra wlins, Julia Whitney Miller , Sandra ReNee Reese , Karl Jay Morehead , William H. Richardson, Roberta Louise Rigb y, Janet 0. Mo rgan, Blain R. Morrison , Dee Taylor Ritchie , Von J. Mortensen , Larry Max Roberts , Flora Rae Roberts, Karen Mortensen , Paul R. Moser, Wilford John Robertson, Betty Lou K. Moultrie , Myrna B. Robison , Ben H. Munson, William Alan Romrell , Anna Jane




Anderson, Gene J. Arthur, Deina S. Bartholomew, Linda Young Bennett, Phil T. Chamberlain, Lounell Pugh Church, Sterling Ray Clark , Callie Newby Craft , Rose Marie Dotson Dalley, Leland Stanford DeMille, Pheobe Hannig Dennett , Tyrone Merwin Ence, Randy J. Esplin , Marva Winget Forsyth , Patricia Ann Francis , Elizabeth B. Faux , Jocelyn Hart



Rose, Linda Ross, Norma Joanna Rowley, Vance Wilbert Rudd , Lenna Sams, Sally M. Sandburg, Eva Arbon Sarrao, Louis Schenk, Carolyn Schow, Roger Stanley Sears, Edris Rae Shaffer, Dal Henry Shumway , Cherie Lynn J. Shurtliff, Larry R. Shy, Ralph Merrill Snow , Irma Petersen Sorenson , Patricia Lou B. Spencer , Douglas Kurt Spotten , Michael C. Stenquist, Ileen Stephen son, Shara D. Pilkington Stevenson , Kathleen K. Stewart , Larry Stokes , Gayla Irene Stone, Beverlee Bee B. Strate, Melba Sue Strong, Linda Jean Stucki, Karl Mark Summers, Leelin Vernon Swan, Gary Bateman

Taylor, Katherine Jackson Thome, Verene Ashby Todd, Hazel King Toolson, Lynda Tschiffely, James M. Viehweg, Herman Vopat , James Henry Waddoups, JoAnne Marie Wagner , Katherine Ann Watkins , Gary W. Watkins, Sybil Lu Watts, Joseph Austin Watts , Mildred Delphia C. West, Gene T . Weston, Lorin Brent Wilding, Leola Will iams, Lottie Berndt Williamson, Bill George Wilson , Steven Dennis Winder, Richard H. Wood, Beverly Faye Wood, Spencer Reed Worthington, Don Wayne Zohner, Beth Madsen

Mantz , A. Paul Marks, George E. Moore, Mary Lois Muir, Ronald Irving Naegle, Maxine Nelson, Bruce Earl Nelson , Joan Payne, Madelon J. Petty, Frank Junior Porter, James Niel Pratt, Rael ene Louise Robins , Gary Mont Rose , Marilyn Plummer Rose, Theron Dav id Sabin, Vernetta Jones Schmut z, George Larry

Shurtz , Beryl Carlyle Shurtz, Barbara W. Stoker, Arnold LaMar Stokes, Ralph Paul Sylvester, Linda Edwards Terry, Thomas Harry Torgersen, Tarval A. Truman, Rema Clove Vandenberghe , Renee Varkink, Yvonne Walters , Frank Dick Webster , Jacqueline Dalle y Williams, Franklin D . Jr.



Gamble, Charles A. Jr. Gibbs, Ethel M . Gillins, Evan Devere Hatch, Caryl Mason Hepworth, Beth Howard, Shirley M. Howes , Devere Hunt, Byron G. Hunt, Shirley Mae Ingram , Karl Robert Jolley, Mary W . Jones , Barbara T. Kiesel. Kendal R. Lang, Carma Lee Leavitt, Vincent L. Mabey, Margaret




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Ahdab, Mohammad Walid Ahmad Allen , Melvin Bruce Anderson, Loren Runar Anderson, Stephen Clark Arnold, Ned Clark Bak er, A. Milton Baugh, J, Russell Bell, Clarence LuRay Benson , Lionel Vance Bingh am, Wallace LaMont Blanchard, Don Lee Blotter, Lawaine Deloy Blotter , Paul Thomas Bradshaw, Gerald Winsor

Brecht , Richard Frank Broadhead, Niles Rulon Brower , Ralph Doyle Brudz, Edward Jacob Budge, Wayne Orson Buller , Patrick Emmett Burr, Jack Leonard Burton, George Robert Capener, Joseph Paul Card , Gary Jay Castleton, Gary Alan Charley , Robert Walter Chipman, Jack Leslie Christensen, Leon Whitney Christensen, Weldon V.

Cliff, John Oliver Cluff, John Kearns Colton, Eugene LaMar Conaway, Johnny Ray Coon, Clifton Jack Culberson , James Floyd Daniels, David Ross Dav lin, Kenneth Grover Day, David Parley Drage, Gary D. Egan , Gary Lee Eliason, Gerald Bowman Federico, Larry J. Floyd, Merritt C., Jr. Foster, Terry Lavell

Francis , Gilbert Paul Frankland, Michael A. Frei , Alfred Merlin Frost, William George Garber, Ralph Michael Gillespie , Michael W. Goldsberry, Kent L. Goyal, Madan Gopal Grimm , Robert Charles Hale , Timothy Urse! Hancock, Robert J., Jr. Handly, Robert J. Hansen, George Robert Hansen, Peter Michael Harmon, Marlin John

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Harrison, Alan Dean Hatch, Lerleen Elwood Hawkins, Spencer Eli Hawley, Jerald S. Henrie, James Burdell Hicken, Grant Ken Hollingsworth, La Vern Gyle Holloway, Richard E. Holmstrom, Larry W. Hone, Larry E. Hoover, Richard Dee Hudak , Stephen John Hunsaker, Travis D. Jackson , Stephen R. Jeffs, Paul Vaughn Jensen, Douglas Ray Johnson, Bud Lee Johnson , Marlin D. Johnson , Mel Hart Jones, Trevor Wright Joslin, Joseph Elvis




Juergens, Charles Kennington, J. Richard Kulkarni, Arvind Shankar Kulkarni, Madhukar Rangnath La Beau, Laurence 0. Larsen , John Peter Larsen, Virgil Jack Layton , Dean Smith Le Baron , George Loring, Jr. Le Fevre, Maurice Edward Leonard, Roger Eldridge Lillywhite, James Owen Loosle, David Griffiths Loosle, James Arnold Matesen, Rex Dwane Mather, Conrad Glayd McBride, James Nielsen McKee, Rondal Ray Mendenhall, Monte Murat Miller , Charles F., Jr. Morgan, Neil William


Morrell, Robert Louis Nimori, Jeff Y. Norton , David G. Olsen , Richard John Osborne, Hollis, Malcolm Pack, Vernon Harold Painter, James Neil Passey, Richard Grant Paul , Gaywood Edward Pearson , Vernon Jens en Petersen, L. Frank Peterson, Jerald Murry Peterson, Jerry Lee Pirouznia, Abbas Ali Rice, Albert Cary Robinson, Lee Rosier, Dennis Hatch Roundy, Carlos Byrdell Roylance, Erling Alan Sanders, David George Savage, Bruce Russell

Sibley, Edwin Emory, Jr. Sorenson, Robert Brent Stonionis, Joseph L. Stout, Clayton W. Tait, Don Russell Taleb ~Reza Jamshid Taylor, Allen Lee Teuscher, Mich ael C. Thomas, Charles Michael Thornock, Roy Dean Van Dusen, Kenneth Warner Walburger, Russell Graydon Walker, George L., Jr. Wanlass, Lawrence J. Wells, Samuel Bently Williams, Joseph Martis Winn, Dwayne H. Wright, Grant Leonard Zollinger, Donovan J.




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Agricola, Patricia Ann Andersen. Nancy Lee Anderton, Ellen Anderton, Jean Siddoway Bair , Flovon Beutler, Ruth Ann Bingham, Phyllis P. Bishop, Carolyn Sue Bishop, Linda Ann Bollschweiler, Rosann Bradshaw, Linda E. Olsen Bray, Georgia Clare Brown, Pearl Ann Bunker, Carla Byram, Linda Jean Hyer Castleton, LoLa Beth Nelson Chatwin, Geraldine



Checketts , Beth Dawson, Katherine Joyce Dayton, Edith Karren Een, M. Kay Erickson , Arlene Fisher, Elna Lorene Fluckiger, Barbara Grover, JoAnn Williams Hall, Antoinette Duce Heiner, Susan Hunter, Florence Rhead Jackson, Margene Innes Jensen, Faye Jensen, Karla Marie Langley, Leslie M. Milliner Larson, Janet Layton, Jo Ellen Larsen



Linford, Marian Lundahl, Mary Sue N. Sahami, Soraya Mahmoudi Merrill, Linda Lou Longhurst Monson, Bessie Eileen Monson, Lois Kunz Morgan, Deanna Sherwood Morgan, Kathleen Doris Nelson, Bernice Nielson , Beth Nielson, Judith A. Nielson , Kaye Dean Olsen, Kathleen Lydia Pease, Louise Ann Petersen, Julie Ann T. Peterson, Norma Murdock Roundy, LaRee



Russ ell, Alice Kathleen Sanders, Jeraldine Saxton, Linda Lee Thompson Schoonmaker, Ann Warder Schubert, Pamela Colton Shurtliff, Leona Brooks Sorensen, Susan Louise Stringam, Georgina Sutton, Carol Jean Thomson, Loa Thurgood, DarLene Tolman, Marvin Nelson Watson, Hazel Jean Webb, Sandra Lynne Varley



BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Amend, Spencer R. Anderson, Julian L. Baker , Robert Lee Berlin, Joseph Thomas Bettencourt, Norman J. Black , Bennett Warren Brazell, Loren Neil Bunting, Peter Bader Burch, Richa rd George Carboni, Peter J. Carroll, Richard John Chaudhry, Muhammad Asghar Christensen, John Lee Clough, Larry Joe Dale, Joseph Verl

Dewitz, John Rufus Dittmer, Donald Dean Dunn, Richard S. Durfee, Verr, Don L. Ellls, David Lyman Ellis , Robert Melvin Ferrier, Gary Jon F,oulger, Keith H. Fuller, Donald Hugh , II Gifford , Jerry Laver I Greiman , Harley Lee Groce , Verl Lynn Haderlie , Milton Kennington Hall, Richard Lee Hammond, John Robert

Hanks, Walter E. Harenberg, William A. Harvey, William John Hayhurst, Edward Vernon, Jr. Hess , David Ray Higgs, Earl Ronald Hindley , Earl C. Hintze, Darrell Call Hopper, Floyd Kenneth, Jr. Horgesheimer, Jerry D. Horner, Kenneth Otto Howard , Roderick R. Jensen , Darwin Ralph Jensen , Terry Ivan Johns , Farr el L.

Johnson , Darrell W. Johnson , Laird Dee Johnson, Philip Brian Karsten , Ernst Randall Kempe, Walter Legg , Robert Fiske Levie, Joseph Allen Loynd, Lavon Dee Marby, Gerhard Rudolf Mast, John Robert Mickel, John Louis Mitchell, Kenneth E. Montgomery, James Edwin Musselman, Jerome Dee Myers, David Edwin


Rogers , James Joseph Ross, Donald Dale Samuelson, Jon Lee Sayer, Gary Elwood Schmidtlein, Donald W. Short, Darrel Joe Smith, Earle Henry, Jr. Snyder, Cole Charles

Nelson, James Edgar Newby, Floyd Lavon Owen, John Thomas Packer, Robert Whitman Peters , David Stewart Poppl eton. Dan Fletcher Quilter , Glade Gerald Re ynolds, Gray Francis








Taylor, Nephi Gregg Thompson, Roy Vail Thorpe. Seth I vie Trimberger, Eugene John Upgren, Harold Theodore Vigil, Fred Rudolph Virgin, Richard Terry Webster, Robert Leon

Whittekiend, James Craig Wilson, Larry Jerome Wilson, Ronald Sullivan Windham, Jesse Lester Zumbo, James Anthony , Jr.



BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE Arnold , Donald Allen Barson, Virginia Elsa Bauer , Annemarie Belnap , Rey Vere Bergesen , Margo Burton , Karen Kay Combe , Judith Ann Rauzi Conley , Lyman Burke Cox , Walda May Murray Drage, Dixie S . Embley, Kathryn Faulkner, Jolene Ruth Gold , Nancy Marie Gregory, Horatio Drury

Harris , Karen Rae Acord Harrison, Cecelia M. Heath, Beula Humphrey, Mary Jane Greear Irvine, James Alonzo Jaussi, Marian Jeanselme, Karen Sue H. Jensen, Marva Myler Larsen, Karen Lee Lee, Marilyn Leininger, Martha Anita Lund, James Howard MacKay, Michele Ann Madsen, Lou Ann

BACHELOR Bab y, Francis Anthony, Jr. Biddulph, Kent F. Billings, Blenda Bird, Terry Anthony Bishop , Leo Keith Bonham , Sharon Borchert, Beverly Bush, Richard Dell Campbell , Roger F. Christensen , Vale Rich Cole, Deanna Belle Cranne y, Jon Russell Dana , F . Mitchell

Marchant, Albert George Martin, William Rulon McPhee , Carol Christensen McQuarrie, Robe rt LaMonte Meyer , Sarah Moody , Antonette Morris, Mary DeAnn Nixon, Janet Christine Oberhansly, Sandra Olsen , Garth Swen Palmer , Ornona May Porter , Ramona McArthur Potter , Janet M . Buchanan Puro, Mary Elaine

Rampton , Carolyn Bonni e Rawlins, Sidney S. Rich, Kathlene Santos, Emilio F. Schwartz, Eldon B. Schwartz , Robert B. Searle, Yvonne C . Holz Sorensen, Jerold Glen Steadman, Sharon Wardle Summers, Wilma Kay Surface , Carolyn Ruby Taylor, Joan Wadsworth Westfall, David Carroll Wray, Diana Nelson


Fitzgerald, John Joseph Frost, Robert S. Gardner, Naunie Barrus Germer, Karen Finch Haderlie , Vicky Holmstrom, Charlene Preece Housley, Charles John Johnsen , Deanne Gardner Kornegay , R. Darrell Mansuruzzaman, Mohammed Matkin , Roge r Leo Mellor, VaLear Black Merryweather , Lane A.

Neville , Clyde Lamont Newell, Linda King Ostergaard, Clark L. Pendleton , Cecil Owen Peterson , Lana Marie Peterson, Linda Lee Powell, Larry Eugene Randall, Christine Reynolds , James Warren Robertson , Robert M. Shelley , Doyle Ned Snyder, James Ross Sorbe, Inez Marlene

Squire, Kenneth Stringham, Fay Sukhum, Pramote Thomas, Brent L. Thorne, Linda Jeanne Peterson Townsend, Marjorie H. Trull, Fred Ha rdeman Wilson , Sandra Winberg, Lar ry Conrad Worthen, Judith Merilyn

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Adams , Carol Allman , Sharon Mangum Anderson, Mary Jane S. Baker, Richard Dean Barrett , Stanley M. Barrus , Kathryn Barton , Kenna Kaye Beck , Marilyn Brown Bessinger , Dorothy Diana Bishop , Kent Willard Burgess , Mary Joann Cahoon , Cliffo rd Rex Calder , Kristin


Catmull , Joan Carol Chr istensen, Vera Anderson Eames, Sharell Baird Farrer, Julie Ann Fredin, Robert William Goldsberry, Alma Re id Greaves, Robert Leo Haderlie, Shirley Robe rts Harrison , Marilyn J. Hawley , Marilyn Stapley Higbee , Jeanne Francis Castleton , Don Bernard Huntzinger, Martha Loui se

Jeppson , Bonnie Dee Johnson , Thomas S. Jones, Judy Larsen , Gertrude Aileen Manning, Joseph Dale Marler, Maurice Edwards McComb, Linda McNally, Michael Lee Meldrum, James Rex Morgan, RaDene Reeve 0 Dri scol, Marion Ruth O veracker, Merridee Sko ugaard Peterson, Camille Rhode s




BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE Johnson , David Franklin

Puzey, Lynda Kate Railey, Rob ert Hard in Randall, James Kay Robinson , Judith Anne Schw artz, Neil Jay Smith, Stephanie Steed, Sharon Ruth Stuart, Sandr a Joan Thatcher, Evelyn Webb , Karen Boyer Wight, Richard F. Young , Kenneth Lloyd



Aiken, Dorothy Gayle Allen , Arthur David Allen, Jed Reed Allen, Royce Hyrum Anders en, Charles Abe Anderson, Karen Andrews, Richard J. Asbagh, Soheyl Ballard, Roy Baugh, Philip Dean Beaman, Blaine Lee Bergeson, Bruce Bigler, Gean Boley Bradley, Ronald Jay Brown, Gordon Daniels Chapman , Phyllis Christine Christensen, Andrew Henrie Christensen, Ross Leon Christi££, Harold E. Comish, Joseph William Coomber, Ralph Bertrand Coons, Lewis Bennion Cox, Larry La Von


Daines, Vaughn Ray DeSpain, Melvin James Dewey, Jerald Edwin Dickerson, David Wesley Dickman, Constance Duke, Earl Lawrence Eliason, Kathryn Elzinga, Charles Dennis Endo, Richard Kiyoe Erickson, Charlotte Lee Farrar, Reed Albert Fisher, Earl Fred Fisher, Everett John Frandsen, Julia Ann Fugal, Karl Alan Garner, Bruce J. Gimby. Robert Adara Green, Robert Eugene Griffin, Reed Albert Gunderson, Terry 0. Hall, Wesley Vard Hathhorn, Harry Edward Hawley, Charles Hugh



Heap, Bonnie K. Hillman, Vaun Buxton Huber, Mary Arlene Hurst, Gerald Vernon Hurst, William J. James, Gordon Price Jenkins , John Bruner Jensen, David Lynn Jepsen, Glen Fremon Johnson, Sherman Bennion Kovacs, Paul Joseph Kunz, Victor Alfred, Jr. Larkin , George Eugene Lemon, Glen Hortin Low, Eugene Jensen Lusk, Dale Maughan, Bradley Y McCormick, Thomas Dale McDonald, James Bott Modi, Jaswant Bhailal Mower, Lamar Munk, Rhonda Evelyn Osterlin, Howard Paul

Page, John Alan Parkinson, Marsha Pease, John Raymond Petersen, Gary Vern Petersen, Ronald Grant Poulsen, Ross Jack Prohaska, Thomas Gene Rasmussen, Wendell D. Redmond, Jean Rifai, Bader Sayed Abdulwahab Rosbach, Frank Joseph Sharp, Edward Musser Sharp, Heber Musser Stauffer, Edward Keith Summers, Charles Geddes Turpen, Larry Ralph Wadsworth, Jon Paul Watts, Gary Maughan Wight, DeOrr Newell Williams, Robert Gordon Woodward, David Lee Wright, Gena Marie Zaugg, Delores Collett



Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Army Reserve, at earlier unit ceremonies. ARTILLERY




Andrews, Richard J. Cole, Richard G. Hansen, Peter M. Low, Eugene J.

Thompson, Roy V.



Hawkins, Spencer E. Heninger, Lynn W. Israelsen, Leo A.

Long, William P. Osterlin, Howard P. * Windham, Jesse L.

James W.


Allen, Arthur D. Bunting , Peter B. Laurence, Arthur B. McKee, Ronda! R. Savage, Bruce R.



Blotter, Paul T. Loosle, David G. Marchant, Albert G. Prohaska, Thomas G.*

Waite, Wallace W. Windham, Jesse L. Worthington, Don W.


Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Air Force Reserve, at earlier unit ceremonies. Allred , Jack R. Ashbaker, Phillip N. Bishop, Leo K. Comish, Joseph W. Faulger, Keith H.

Hayhurst, Edward V. Jenkins Bryce A. Jepsen, Glen F. Johnson, David F. Lund, James H.

Madigan , Edwin F. McCormick, Thomas D. McIntyre , Barry E. Wadsworth, Jon P. White, Daniel H.


Phillip N.



Lee, Frederick 0. * Smith, Earle H. Waite, Wallace W.* Worthington, Don W.

GRADUATES Osterlin, Howard P. Prohaska , Thomas G. Thompson, Roy V.

Blotter , Paul T. Lee, Frederick 0. Hansen, Peter M. McKee, Ronda! R. Laurence , Arthur B. Neuberger, Brian M. ( * ) Indicates Regular Army Commission






Darley, Stephen F. Neuberger, Brian M.

Keith H.

White, George F. Zaugg, David M.

GRADUATES Jenkins, Bryce A.



The quality of performance in academic work enables the following to be graduated with distinction . Those who have met residence requirements and have maintained a grade point average of 3.80 to 4.00 are graduated with High Honors; those whose average is 3.50 to 3.79 with Honors. VALEDICTORIANS A Valedictorian has been selected by each College of the University. Addresses have been delivered and appropr iate recognition accorded the following students by faculty and fellow gr a duates in each of th e Colleges as indicated: College of Agriculture

-------------------------------------------------····-----·------------- Acie Jay Cleme nts

Coll eg e of Business and Social Sciences .... ·········--·······--······ --·--···-····· M a rya nn

Sav age

C ollege of Education ···--·······-·······-------·-····---------------------------------- Dona Berdeen Har vey College of Engineering

------------------------------- ----.-------·-···················· ··--······- Gary Lee Eg an

Coll ege of Family Life ----------·-----------------------·········-··········---------------·-······ Lind a Lee Sa xton Coll ege of Fores t, Range and Wildl ife Mana gemen t ............... ......... Floyd L. Newby College of Humanities and A r ts ..... ........ ..... .. ............... ................. David Carroll W~stfall College of Science ................. .................. ..................... ........................ Julia Ann Frandsen HIGH


Christensen , Ross Leon Cox, Walda Murray Frandsen , Julia Ann Haderlie, Vicky Harvey , Dona Berdeen

Lee, Marilyn Palmer, Ornona May Robinson, Judith Anne Savage, Maryann Saxton, Linda Lee

Alder, Janice Ruth Anderton , Ellen Bagley , Patricia Lou Blackham , Linda Rae, Blotter , Lawa ine Deloy Brinley , Douglas Eldon Brown , Pearl Castleton , Don Bernard Clay, Carol M ae W . Collett, Delor es E . Cook, Quentin L. Cox , Larry Lavon Dalley, Franklin W . Davis, Carolyn Egan , Gary Lee Farrer, Julie Ann Frost , Robert S. Gardner , Nauni e Barrus Gardner , Yvonne Ruth Gordon , Richard Foste r Haderlie , Shirle y Roberts Hansen , Howard R. Harmon, Alton M .

Heath , Beula Higbee, Mona T. Holt , Barbara Jane Humphrey, Mary Jane Greear Jaussi , Marian Johnsen, Deanne G. Johnson , Philip Brian Kerr, Deone Louise LeBaron, George Loring Leininger, Martha Anita Low . Eugene Jensen Mackay , Michele Ann Mackey, Marilyn Ilene Martin, William Rulon Mathis , Ann McKee, Ronda! Ray Monson, Lois Christina Moody , Antonette Morgan , Neil Wm. Mo rrell, Robert Louis Morris , M ary DeAnn Myl er, Margaret E. Neuberger, Brian M.

Schenk, Carolyn Taylor, Marilyn Westfall , David Carroll




Newby , Floyd Lavon Olsen , Linda Elizabeth Owen , Judith Ann Parkinson, Marsha Patrick , John W. Peters , David Stewart Rasmussen , Jay Lee Rawlins , Julia W . . Roylance, Lela K. Rosbach , Fr ank Joseph Stevens , Eth el Coo per Stokes, Ga yla Irene Stone, Beverlee Bee Summers , Charles Gedde s Surface, Carolyn Ruby Thomas , Colleen Todd , Hazel King Topolo vec, Billie Jean Wade , He ather L. Watson , Ha zel Jean Watts , Gary Maughan


Pres ente d annually to the senio r man an d w oma n graduate s who best portr ay high tra its of charac ter . scholarsh ip and citizenship . Gary



Cecelia Harrison





DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BALPH, DAVID FINLEY Canton, Ohio M.S. : Utah State University, 1961 Major: Wildlife Resources Major Professor: Dr. Allen W. Stokes Dissertation : The Behavioral Responses of Free Uinta Ground Squirrels to a Trapping. DANIELSON , DAVID MURRAY North Platte, Nebraska M .S.: University of Nebraska, 1958 Major: Animal Production Major Professor: Dr. John E. Butcher Dissertation: The Influence of Various Levels of Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal in Growing .... Finishing Swine Rations with and without Alfalfa Pasture. DESHPANDE, PRALHADRAO BHIMARAO Hubli , India M.S.: College of Agriculture, 1960 Major : Food Technology Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunke Dissertation: Effects of Physiological Maturation and Storage on Physical and Biochemical Changes in Peach (Prunus persica S. & Z.) and Apricot (Prunus armeniaca .L) Fruits.


) ,

GONZALES, MARTIN H. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico M.S.: Texas A & M College, 1957 Major : Range Management Major Professor: Dr. Laurence A. Stoddart Dissertation: Patterns of Livestock Behavior and For .... age Utilization as Influenced by Environmental Fae .... tors on a Summer Mountain Range. GRAHAM, CHARLES LEE White Lake , South Dakota M.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Dissertation : Biological Observations on Three Species of Cuterebra (Diptera: Cuterebridae) From Northern Utah. HARIRI, DAVOUD Tehran, Iran M .S.: Michigan State University, 1960 Major : Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Dean F. Peterson Dissertation: Relation Between the Bed Pavement and the Hydraulic Characteristics of High Gradient Channels in Noncohesive Sediments.

EDWARDS, JAMES WESLEY Evansville, Indiana M.S.: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Eldon J. Gardner Dissertation : The Genetics of Abnormal Head Morphogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster, with Special Ref .... erence to Eyelessness, Homoeosis, Penetrance, Asymmetry, and the "Fourth" Instar.

JENSEN, DONALD REED Pocatello, Idaho B.A. : University of Washington, 1954 Major: Physiology Major Professor: Dr. Raymond T. Sanders Dissertation: The Distribution of Sialic Acid in Selected Tissues and Body Fluids during the Female Repro .... ductive Cycle.

EL-KATEB, MOHAMED HAMDY MAHMOUD Damanhour, Egypt M .S. : Colorado State University, 1961 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gordon H. Flammer Dissertation: Velocity and Pressure Distribution Rapidly Accelerated Curvilinear Flow.

JOHNSON, GEORGE ROBERT Salt Lake City, Utah M.A.: Universit v of Utah, 1961 Major: Zoology • Major Professor: Dr. Eldon J. Gardner Dissertation: An Investigation Concerning the Fre.... quency, Mutation Rate, and Equilibrium Condition of a Wild Tvoe Isoallele in Drosophila melanogaster.


ESMAILI. MORTEZA Demavand , Iran M.S.: Utah State University, 1963 M ajor: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Dissertation : Biological Studies on Anthophora occidentalis Cresson (Hymenoptera; Anthophoridae) and its Natural Enemies in Utah.

JUDD , HARL ELMER Cedar City, Utah Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Dean F. Peterson Dissertation: A Study of Bed Characteristics in Relation to Flow in Rough, High-Gradient, Natural Channels.

FOK, YU SI Canton, China M.S.: Utah State University, 1959 M ajor: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. A. Alvin Bishop Dissertation: Analysis of Overland Flow on a Porous Bed with Applications to the Design of Surface Irrigation Systems.

KASETSUWAN, SUWAN Bangkok, Thailand M.S.: Utah State University, 1955 Major: Poultry Breeding Major Professor: Dr. J. David Carson Dissertation : Selection of Mice for Litter Size at Birth Under High and Low Planes of Nutrition.

FRANK, JEAN ANN New York, New York M .A.: Colorado State College, 1959 Major: Chemistry M ajor Professor: Dr. Jack T. Spence Dissert ation: A Kinetic Study of the Reduction Nitrite by Molybdenum (V).

KIJNE, JACOB WILLEM Haarlem, The Netherlands M.S.: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Soil Physics Major Professor: Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Dissertation: Temperature Dependence of Soil-Moisture Potential.





KNI GHT, RICHARD LEROY Vernal, Utah B.S. : Brigham Young University, 1958 Major : Physics Major Professor : Dr. Jack E. Chatelain Dissertation: A Classic al Limit of Pseudo vector Meson Scattering.

STAUFFER, NORMAN EARL , JR. Log an, Utah B.S .: Utah Stat e Universit y , 1960 Maj or: Civil Engineering Maj or Professor: Prof. Gordon H. Flamme r Thesis : The Effect of Sediment Properties on the Attenuation of an Ul trasonic Plane Wav e.

MAJUMDAR, DALIM KUMAR Feni, India M.S .: State University of Iowa, 1960 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. D ean F . Peterson Dissertation : Stability of Soil Slop es.

VAZQUEZ , ROMERO ROBERTO Lares, Puerto Rico M.S. : Ut ah State Universit y, 1956 Major: Soils and Irrigation M ajor Professor : Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Dissertation: The Inter action of Air and W ater Flow on Water Infiltration into Soils.

MEEUWIG , RICH ARD O 'BANN ON Ephraim , Utah M.S. : University of California , 1960 Major : Agronomy Major Professor : Dr. Sterling Taylor Dissertation : Effects of Temperature on Moisture Co nductivity in Unsaturated Soil. PET ERSEN, HYRUM DEL VAR Idaho Falls, Idaho M.S .: Utah State Un ive rsity , 1961 Major: Soil Scienc e M ajor Professor : Dr. R. L. Smith Dissertation: Differentiation Betwee n the pH Effect and the Bicarbonate Ion Effect in Causing LimeInduced Chlorosis . STOCKS , DAYNA LARANE Lewiston, Utah M.S.: University of Utah, 1960 Major: Pl ant Physiology Major Professor : D r. Gene W. Miller Dissertation : A Study on the Biochemistry of Ribofl avin in Higher Plants as Influenced by Iron.

WHITE , LELAND DARRELL Clearfield, Utah M .S. : Brigham Young Un iversity, 1959 Major: Entomology Maj or Prof essor: Dr. Don ald W . Davis Dissertation: Labo ratory Stud ies of the Effects of Temperature, Humidit y and Host Variations on Tet ranychus canadensis (McGregor) in Utah . WRIGHT, HENRY ALBERT Modesto , California M .S.: Utah State University , 1961 Major: Range Management Major Profe ssor: Dr. Laurence A . Stoddart Dissertati on: An Evaluation of Severa l Factors to Determine why Sit anion hystri x is more Resistant to Burning than Stip a coma ta.

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION KILBURN , KENT LEE Lo gan, Utah M .S .: Fresno State College, 1961 Major : Education al Ps ych olog y M ajor Professor : Dr. Helmut Hofmann D issertation: Further Validation and Ref inement of the K.D . P rone ness Scale (Verbal) .

MASTER OF SCIENCE ABAZ A, MOHAMMED M . ISMAIL Alexan dria , Egypt B.S .: Faculty of Engineering Alexandri a University , 1959 Major : Civil and Irrigati on Engineering M ajor P rofess or : Dr . Vaughn E. Hansen Thesis : Coefficient of Discharge for Weirs and Orf ices with Adverse -Bottom Slope.

ADAMS , JOHN WILLIAM Moab , Utah B.S .: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Agriculture Economics M ajor Professor : Prof. N. Keith Ro berts Thesis : Co st of Reclaimi ng Pinyon -Juniper Rangeland and I ts Effect on Cattle Range Income.

ABERCROMBIE , FRANK DEE Tucu mcari , New Mexico B.S. : New Mexico State Coll ege of Agricultur e and Mechanical Arts , 1950 Major : Range Manage ment M ajor Prof essor : D r. Laurence A. Stoddart Pl an B Repo rts.

AMIN , MAHMOUD H amadan, Iran B.S. : Karadj Agriculture Colleg e, 1959 Major: Poultry Management Major Professor : Dr . Carroll I. Drape r Thesis Dir ector : Dr . C . Elmer Clark Thesis: The Adaptability of Chicken s to Different Ambient Temperatures.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) AUSTIN, MARK C. Logan, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering M ajor Professor: Dr. Clayton Clark Th esis: Terrain and Equipment Influences on Backsca tter Sounder Data.

CAHOON , OWEN WILLIAM D elta, Utah B.S.: Ut ah State University, 1963 Major: Family and Child Development Major Profes sor : Dr. Don C. Carter Thesis : Parent Educa tion in a Cooperative School.

BAILEY , ROBERT WALTER O gden, Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1962 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Philip Langer Thesis: The Structured -Objective Rorschach a Measure of Over -and Underachievement.

CALL , ILENE Bountiful, Ut ah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Foods and Nutrition Major Professor : Dr. Margaret B. Merkley Thesis: Influence of Temperature on Protein, Moisture and Fat, and some other Factors in Charcoal Broiled Meats.

Test as

BAIRD. ARLAN RANDALL Ogden, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1959 M ajor: Music Education M ajor Professor: Prof . Max Dalby Plan B Reports. BARDWELL , FLORA H. Huntington, Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1940 Major: Food and Nutrition Major Professor : Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Plan B. Reports BIRD , DOUGLAS MARION Salina, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Forest Management Major Professor: Prof. J. Whitney Floyd Thesis : A History of Timber Resource Use in the Development of Cache Valley, Utah. BLAIN , ROBERT "J" Spring City, Utah B.S.: U tah State University, 1962 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: Teaching the Informational Content of Wood Finishing Through Programmed Instruction. BLAU , SULLIVAN E. Logan County, Kansas B.S.: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Grant Gill Smith Thesis: Homogeneous Vapor Phase Decarboxylation of Organic Acids. BRINKERHOFF, KENDELL WARREN Lovell, Wyoming B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1962 Major: Ag ricultural Economics Major Professor: Prof. Roice H. Anderson Thesis: An Economic Analysis of Feed Handling Methods and Factors Influencing Cost Variation in Sevier, Weber, and Salt Lake Counties 1962. BROWN, L. KAREN Ogden , Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1958 Ma jor: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. E. Wayne Wright Th esis: A Study of Students Who Are Late in Completing University Requirements Regarding Admissions Testing and/or Registration.


CHADWICK, DON L. Afton , Wyoming B.S.: Utah State Univer sity, 1952 Major: Pl ant Physiology Major Professor: Dr. Herman H. Wiebe Thesis: Influence of Sod ium and Calcium Chlorides in Nutrient Solution on Secretions of Salt Glands of T amal'ix Species. CHANG , RICHARD LI-CHAI Hupeh , China B.S.: Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture , 1953 Major : Animal Husbandry Major Professor: Prof. Joseph C. Street Thesis: Fatty Acid Analysis in Feedstuffs. CHEN . MING -HUI Ta ipei, Taiwan, China B.S.: Cheng Kunk University, 1960 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Clayton Clark Thesis : The Rediation Patterns of Log Periodic Monopole Antenna. CHRISTENSEN. VAL RIGBY Hooper, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1959 Major: Secondary School Administration Major Professor: Prof. Walter Borg Thesis: Pupil Attitudes Toward School Under Ability Grouping and Random Grouping Systems in Weber and Ogden School Districts. CLARK, WINNE H. Brigham City , Utah B.S .: Utah State University, 1952 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Prof. Lincoln McClel1an Thesis: A Study to Determine the Professional Courses Completed by Physical Education Majors at Utah State University with Special Reference to the Junior College Tra nsfer. CLUFF . ANTHONY THOMAS Logan. Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Economics Major Prof essor : Dr. Leonard J. Ar rin gton Thesis: The Role of the Federal Government in the Industrial Expansion of Utah During World War II. COATES, RUTH DELAPP Kingston, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1943 Major: Food and Nutrition Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Pl an B Reports.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) CUTFORTH , DARRELL CLAUDE Blackfoot , Idaho B.S.: Idaho State College , 1962 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Owen K. Shupe Thesis: Neutron Radiography. DEY , NORMAN H. Omaha , Nebraska B.S .: University of Nebraska , 1958 Major : Wildlife Management M ajor P rofess or : Dr . Jessop B. Low Thesis : Canada Goose P roducti on at Ogden Bay Bird Refug e. DO , JOSEPH YUNG -SHENG Taipei , Taiwan , China B.S.: National Taiwan University, 1961 Major: Food Science and Technology Major Professor : Dr. D. K. Salunke Chemicals , and Thesis : Effects of Hydr~Cooling, Packaging Treatments on Refrigerated-Life and Qual ity of Sweet Cherries and In Vitro Fungi Responsi ble for Fruit Deterioration. EDWARDS , KAY DAUN P. St. George, Utah B.S.: Utah State University , 1962 Major: Household Economics and Management Major Professor: Prof. Edith Nyman Thes is: Consumer Credit Knowledge and Credit Use in a Selected Group fo Married Students Households at Utah State University . EL -MANSY , HUSSEIN IBRAHIM Cairo , Egypt B.S.: Cairo University , 1956 Major: Food Science and Technology Maior Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis: Effects of pre - and post-harvest applications of 6-furfurylaminopurine and N6-benzyladenine on physic-chemical changes in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) ERICKSEN , K. EARL Ogden, Utah B.S .: Brigham Young University, 1948 Major: Music Education Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Thesis: Woodwind Recital. ERIKSON , GUY A. Rexburg, Idaho B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1961 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Prof.: Dr. Earnest M. Morrison Thesis: An Economic Study of G rain Co rn, Sweet Co rn , and Silage Corn in Northern Utah, 1962. ERICKSON , VINCENT EUGENE Logan, Utah B.S .: Utah State University , 1960 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Prof. Ronald S. Peterson Thesis: A Description and an Evaluation of the Admissions Policy at Utah State University as it relates to Low Performing Students. FARZANFAR, SAMAD Shiraz . Iran B.S .: Agricultural College of Major: Soils and Irrigation Major Professor: Dr. Sterling Thesis: Influence of Fertilizer sponse of Sugar Beet Y eild

Karaj , 1956

A. Taylor Treatment on the Reto Moisture.

FROERER, LILLIAN MAY Eden , Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1939 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Terrance E. Hatcch Thesis: An Experimental Study in Programed Grouping in the Teaching of Eighth Grade English Grammar . GHADIRI, MOJTABA Sanjan , Iran B.S. : College of Agriculture, 1959 Major: Animal Nutrition Major Pro fess or: Dr . Hyrum Steffen Thesis : The Effect of Different Levels of Vitamin A Activity and Early vs. Late Weaning on Growing Rate of Lambs. GIFFORD , GERALD FREDRIC Chanute, Kansas B.S.: Utah State Universit y, 1962 Major: Watershed Management Major Professor: Dr. DuWayne L. Goodw in Thesis: Aspen Root and Top Growth: Field Observa tions of Roots ; Respon se of Roots and Tops to Moisture, Temperature, Light Intensity, and Soil Type. GLENN , McNEI L Thatcher, Idhao B.S. : Utah State University, 1962 Major: Economics Major Professor: Prof. E. B. Murray Thes is: An Analys is of Prices at Utah Livestock Auc tions. GODFREY. LA VAR Clarkston , Utah B.S.: Utah State Universit y, 1951 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr . Stanley S. Richardsen The sis: A Study of Utah Vocational Agriculture Grad uates and How the Voc ati onal Agriculture Program Helped Them. GRAFF . GAYLORD JENSEN Cedar City, Utah B.S.: University of Utah , 1960 Ma jor: Zoology Major Prof essor : Dr. Eldon Ga rdner Thesis Director: Dr. John R. Simmons Thesis : Chromatographic analysis of stocks of Drosophila melanogaster containing alleles of the genes tu- l and tu-3. GRASSI , CARLOS J. Bah ia Blanca, Argentina B.S.: Faculted de Agronomia , 1947 Major: Irrigation and D rainage Major Professor: Dr . Jera ld E. Christiansen Thesis: Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Climatic Formulas. HAGGEN, GILBERT LEONARD Lovell , W y oming B.S.: Utah State Unive rsity, 1959 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mo rtimer Thesis: The Use of Pa ra plast As One of the Media in Investment Casting. HA NSEN, STEVEN CHARLES Ogde n, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Clyde T. Hardy Thesis : Geology of the South western Part Randolph Quadrangle, Utah -Wyoming.

of the

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) HANSON, FRED LEO Ogden, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Clayton Clark Thesis: Sporadic-E Patch Motion Observed Period of Reducing Sun Spot Activity.

in a

HICKS , CHARLES EARL New Glarus, Wisconsin B.S.: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Profesor: Prof . John M. Neuhold Thesis: The Effects of a Synthetic Detergent, Alkyl Benzene Sodium Sulfonate, on the Productivity of stream Algal Communities

HARDY, GLEN D. St. Georqe, Utah B.S.: University of Nevada, 1954 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Stanley S. Richardson Thesis: A Study of Problems Encountered in Operating and Managing School Farms.

HINTON , WAYNE KENDALL St. George, Utah Utah State University, 1962 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Brigham D. Madsen Thesis: The New Deal Years in Utah: A Political History of Utah ( 1932-1940) .

HARRIS , DAVID WRIGHT Salt Lake City, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Clayton Clark Thesis: Sporadic-E Activity over Northern Japan.

HOWELL, BARBARA ANN Logan , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1946 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Malcolm Allred Thesis : An Experiment in Teaching Ecology to First Grade Children.

HARRIS, RICHARD WAYNE Logan, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electricacl Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Clayton Clark Thesis: Validation of the Secant-Law for Sporadic-E Utilizing Backscatter Sounder Data.

HUBER , CLAYTON SHIRL LaPoint , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Dairy Manufacturing Major Professor: Prof. Arthur J. Morris Thesis: A Study of the Effects of Mastitic Milk on the Quality and Yield of Cheese.

HASNIE. RAHIM KHAN Loralai Boruclistan , Pakistan B.S.: University of Punjab , 1952 Major: Animal Production Major Professor: Dr. James A. Bennett Thesis: The Relationship Between Length and Fiber Diameter in Straightbred and Crossbred Wool Type Sheep.

JESSOP , SCOTT GORDON Lewiston, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Music Education Major Professor: Prof. Alvin Wardle Thesi s: Individual Recital on Brass Instruments.

HASTEY , JOHN MOSSE New York, New York B.S.: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Psychology Major Professor: D r. James T. Tedeschi Thesis: The Effect of Infantile Feeding Experiences on the Adult Motivation of Hunger. HAUSL ER. DONALD EDWA RD O akland, Califo rnia B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. J. Duncan Brite Thesis: The Japanese-American Relocation Center in Idaho: 1942-45. HEWITT , PAUL GORDON Boston , Massachusetts B.S.: Lowell Technological Institute, 1962 Major: Secondary School Teaching M ajor Professor: Dr. Janyce Taylor Thesis: The Polar-Spectrometer. HILL. CAROL TURNER Trenton. Florida B.S.: Florida State University, 1960 Major: Clothing and Textiles Major Professor: Prof Haruke Terasawa Thesis: An Investigation of Consumer Awareness of The 1960 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act.

LAIRD , LESLIE ABRAM Eurek a, Nevada B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1949 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Heber C. Sharp Thesis: The Use of Arts and Crafts to Facilitate Learning with the Intellectually Retarded . LAMBORN , CALVIN RAY Laketown , Utah B.S.: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Botany Major Professor: Dr. George W. Cochran Thesis: Treatments and Inoculation Methods that Increase the Susceptibility of Bean Leaves to Tobacco Mos iac Virus. LANDON, DOYLE Y. Firth , Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1940 Major: Agricultural Education Major Profsesor: Dr. Stanle y S. Richardson Thesis: The Occupational Status of Former Vocationa l Agriculture Students of Uintah High School and an Evaluation of the Agricultural Course of Study. LANGFORD, GORDON LYNN Murray, Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1962 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Prof. Lynn H. Davis Thesis: An Economic Study of Adjustment Possibilities in Farm Organization and Resource Allocation in the Sevier River Valley in Piute County, Utah, 1961.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) LARSEN. DELBERT Rexburg, Idaho B.S.: Utah State Major: Electrical Major Professor: Thesis: Research

GAIL University, 1962 Engineering Prof. Doran J. Baker and Design of Heavy Ion Accelerator.

LEE , E-CHIANG Chin -Yaun, Shan-Hsi, China B.S .: National Taiwan University, 1956 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Prof. Jerald E. Christiansen Thessi: Consumptive Use of Water at Howard Slough Refuge, 1962. LEONARD, PAUL DEAN Cortez, Colorado B.S. : University of Arizona, 1961 Major : Range Management Major Professor: Dr. C. Wayne Cook Thesis: The Influence of Chrysothamnus nauseosus on Production and Vigor of Agropyron cristatum and Agropyron elongatum. LITTLEFIELD, NEIL A. Sante Fe, New Mexico B.S. : Brigham Young University, 1961 Major: Crop Physiology Major Professor: Dr. Keith R. Allred Thesis: Trnaslocation of Nutrients and Biosynthesis of Organic and Amino Acids in Alfalfa-Cuscuta, Spp. Relationshi.p LOVELACE.CLARENCE JAMES Yeager, Oklahoma B.S.: Harding College, 1961 Major : Botany Major Professor: Dr. Herman H. Wiebe Thesis: Mineral Salt Movement in Roots as Affected by Various Factors. MALENFANT, DIANE LOUISE Newburyport, Massachusetts B.A.: Arizona State University, 1961 Maior: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: Effect of a Sports Related Modern Program on the Performance of Selected Skills.

Dance Sports

McKAIN, CHARLES W. Omaha, Nebraska B.S.: Utah State University, 1963 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Phillip Langer Thesis: Comparison of Indices of Rigidity as Measured by the Structured-Objective Rorschach Test and the Test of Behavioral Rigidity. MORTENSEN, WILLIAM KEITH Delta, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1953 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Doran J. Baker Thesis: An Electrodynamic Vibration


NELSON, RODNEY JAY Blackfoot, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1961 Maj or: Sociology Major Professor: Prof. There! R. Black Thesis: Relation of High School Achievement to Post High School Residence.

NEILSON, ROBERT MAX Leamington, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. George T. Blanch Thesis Director : Dr. E. Boyd Wennergren Thesis: Economic Evaluation of Stockwater Development Practices on Mountain Cattle Ranches in Utah. NIELSEN, ROSS ALBERT Hyrum, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Thessi: A Study of Morphological Characteristics Determine Sex in Prepupal Bees.


N YBERG . PETER ALBERT Roosevelt , Utah B.S. : Utah State University , 1961 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Datus M. Hammond Thesis: In Vivo and in Vitro Exycystation and Description of the STJorulated Oocysts of Some Bovine Coccidia. PARKER , RAO KEITH Canyon Creek, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1949 Major: Agriculture Education Major Professor: Dr. Stanley S. Richardson Thesis: A Study of the Fund-Raising Activities the Future Farmer Chapters of Utah.


PATEL, DINESH GOVINDLAL Ch amardi, India B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Neeti R. Bohidar Thesis : Simulation of Mathematical Models for Genetic Analysis. RASHEED, HAMEED Altun, Ko pre, Iraq B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major : Civil and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gordon H. Flammer Thesis: Utah State University Stilling Basin Pipe Flow to Open Channels. REEVE, THOMAS ANDREW Cedar City, Utah B.S.: Ut ah State University, 1962 M ajor: Horticulture Major Professor: Prof. Alvin R. Hamson Thesis: A Study of the Effect of Asphalt and Wax Mulch on the Germination and Development of Selected Vegetable Crops. ROGERS, DAVID LYNN Los Angeles, California B.S. : Utah State University, 1963 Ma jor : Sociology Major Professor: Dr . There! R. Black Thesis : Education and Its Relation to Job Satisfaction an d Occupational Patterns. ROSELLE , PIERCE CLARK Pocatello, Idaho B.S .: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Prof. William L. Jones Thesis: A contactless Ignition System Incorporating Electronic Spark Advance.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) RUDD, ORIS CLARK Plymouth, Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1951 Major : Sociology Major Professor : Dr. R. Welling Roskelly Thesis: Attitudes of Selected 4-H Club Leaders T~ ward Special Awards in 4-H Club Work.

SQUIRE , ROBERT WILLIAM Salt Lake City , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Prof. Arnold Finchum Thesis: The Design of a Special-Purpose izing) Digital Computer .

SADLER. LLOYD DOWLEY McFADDEN Glenboro, Manitoba, Canada B.S.: University of Saskatchewan, 1954 Major: Soils and Irrigation Major Professor: Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Thesis : A Field Study of Miscible Displacement Saturated Soils.

SUMISION, NEILD. Springville, Utah B.S. : Brigham Young University, 1961 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Lynn H. Davis Thesis: An Economic Study of Farm Adjustment Possibilities in the Delta Area of Utah, 1961.

SANT , DAVID GEORGE St. Anthony, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Prof. William L. Jones Thesis: The Measurement of Transistor quency Hybrid-Pi P arameters.


High-Fre -


SYED , WIGAR AHMED H. Hyderabad, India B.S. : University of Hyderabad, 1959 Major: Civil Engineering Major P rofessor: Prof. Cleve H. Milligan Thesis : A General Pi-term Solution and a Rainfall Simulator to Study Infiltration Rates of Bare Soils .

SAUNDERS, LAVELL EUGENE Logan, Utah B.S .: Utah State University , 1962 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. R. W. Roskelley Thesis: The Impact of a Norm upon an Attitude: A Study of the Interpretation of the Identification With a Norm Among L.D.S. Members in Logan, Utah.

TAI. WILLIAM Taiwan, China B.S.: Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture, 1956 Major: Crop Breeding Major Professor: Prof. Wade G. Dewey Thesis: Morphology, Cytology, and Fertility of Diploid and Colchicine-induced Tetraploids of Fairway Crested Wheatgrass.

SCHANK, DEAN RAY Fallon, Nevada B.S.: Utah State University, 1963 Major : Agricultural Education Major Professor : Dr. Stanley S. Richardson Thesis: A Study of the Off-Farm Agricultural Occu pations of Utah's Salt Lake and South Davis Coun ties to Determine Educational Needs.

TAYLOR. MICHAEL EVAN Salt Lake City, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Geology Major Professor : Dr. J. Stew art Williams Thesis: The Lower Devonian Water Canyon Formation of Northeastern Utah.

SCHICK. SETH HARVEY Kaysville, Utah B.S.: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. B. Delworth Gardner Thesis : Demand for Household Water in Northern Utah.

THIREOS, NICOLAS Athens, Greece B.A.: Wabash Colle ge, 1960 Major: Mathematics Major : Professor: Dr. Charles H. Cunkle Th esis: Topological Groups.

SEFIDBAKHT , NASROLLAH Sh iraz , Iran B.S .: College of Agriculture, 1958 Major : Animal Production Major Professor: Prof. Doyle J. Matthews Thesis : Studies of Post Partum Estrus and Effect of Early Weaning of Lambs in Increasing the Reproducive Rate of Rambouillet Ewes.

THURSTON , STEPHEN WOOD Logan, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1959 Major: Guidance Major Professor: Dr. Heber C. Sharp Thesis : Perceived Peer Acceptance of Over-Achieving and Under-Achieving Students at the Ninth Grad~ Level.

SINGH, JASW ANT Banaras , India B.S.: Allahabad Agricultural Institute, 1952 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Prof. Vaughn E. Hansen Thesis: A New Theoretical and Practical to Infiltration.


TING, CHAO -TSAN T aiwan, China B.S.: Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University, 195~ Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Prof. Alma P. Moser Thesis: Dry Friction as a Function of Sliding Time .

SONDEREGGER. FERRON WATKINS Midway, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1947 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Study of Guidance for Industrial Education In Idaho.

VAJANASO ONTORN , CHALERMWONG Udorn , Thailand B.S. : Utah State University, 1961 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Prof. Ronald S. Peterson Thesis: The Cooperative School and College Ability Tests and Study Habits, in Predicting Success in College .

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) VYAS, HARSHAD HARAKHJI Akyab, Burma B.S. : Institute of Science, 1957 Major: Organic Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Frank R. Stermitz Thesis: The Role of Norlaudanisoline in Alkaloid Biosynthesis.

WEA VER, RICHARD BRUCE Brookyln , New York B.S .: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering M ajor Professor: Prof . William L. Jones Thesis: Hall Generator Magneto-resistance Use in an Analog Function Generator.

WADDOUPS , RAY OWEN Idaho Falls, Idaho B.S .: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Physics Major Professor: Prof. W. Farrell Edwards Thesis: An Experimental Investigation of Independence of the Velocity of Light Upon the Velocity of the Source.

WHALE. RICHARD LYLE Los Angeles, California B.S .: Utah State University, 1962 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Profe ssor : Dr . Clayton Clark Thesis: A Study of a Log-Periodic Monopole Antenna over a Dielectric Filled Cavity.

WADLEY, DON F. Pleasant Grove , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1959 Major: Horticulture Major Professor: Dr. Alvin R. Hamson Thesis: Study of Recruitment , Enrollment , and Job Opportunities in Horticulture. WAGAR, MAHIN AVVAL Tehran. Iran B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Prof. William A. DeHart Thesis: Factors Associated with Academic Performance of Low Scholarship Students Who Discontinued Their Schooling and Latter Returned. WANG , HELEN LU -SHE NG China B.S .: Taiwan National Chung -Hsing University, 1960 Major: Botany Major Professor: Dr. George W. Cochran Thesis: Biosynthesis of TMV RNA With the In~ corporation of 5-Fluorouracil in Place of Normal Uridine Triphosphate. WANG, JAMES CHIN -HSIEN Kaohsiung, Formosa B.S.: National Taiwan University, 1961 Major : Physical Chemistry Major Professor: Prof. Richard H. Boyd Thesis: The Thermodynamics of Dissociation of Cyanocarbon Acids. WANG , MAO -SEN Mu-pii:!9, Shantung , China B.S.: Tai wan University, 1951 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Prof. William L. Jones Thesis: Time Domain Design of a Transistor back Amplifier .


and Its

WHITE, DANNY V. Bremerton , Washinnton B .A .: University of Washinqton, 1962 Major: Chem istr v Major Profe ssor : Dr. Grant G. Smith Thesis: Sterk Inhibition of Resonance in the \·apor Pha se. WHITE, TOANNE AZCUENAGA Boise, Idaho B. S.: Arizona State University, 1962 Major : Organic Chemistry Ma jor Professor : Prof. Frank R. Stermitz Thesis: Alkaloids of Romneya coultet'i Harv. WILLIAMS, EDMUND JAY Idaho Falls , Idaho B.S. : Utah State University, 1962 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Olsen Thesis: Geology of Logan Canyon . WISE , GENEVIEVE M. Lovell, Wvominq B.S.: Colorado State Universitv, 1943 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr . Don C arter Thesis : Definition of the Homemaker Role By Two Generations of Women. WOOD, CARL TON GEORGE Ol ean , New Yo rk B.S.: Utah State Universit y, 1963 Major: Psycholoo y Major Profe ssor: Dr. Philin Langer Thesis: Co mparis on of the Harrower tiple Choice Rorschach Tests.

and Sort Mul-

WARD , BRUCE DOUGLAS San Francisco, California B.S.: University of Nevada, 1962 Maj or : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Prof . Edward W. Vendell Thesis : The Effect Factor for Flow in Smooth Rectangular Conduits.

WRIGHT, J. LAMAR Cortez, Colorado B.S.: Utah State University , 1956 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor : Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Study of Some Factors Influencing Boys of the Mesa High School to Take Vocational Auto Mechanics.

WEAVER, JERRY DALE Huntsville, Utah B.S .: Utah State University , 1962 Major: Electrical Engineering Major P rofessor: Prof. Duane G. Chadwick Thesis: A Solid State Gyrator Using Field-Effect Transistors .

YOUNG, ROSS MORGAN Heb er Citv , Utah B.S.: Brigham Y ouog University, 1957 Major: Dairy Husbandry Major P rofessor : Dr. Robert C. Lam b Thesis: The Influence of Testing Interval on the Accuracy of Measurino Production of Dairy Cows .

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) YOUNG, WAN JEAN Taiwan, China B.S.: Natio nal Taiwan University , 1960 Major : Plant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Prof essor : Dr. Gene W. Miller Th esis : Th e Respiratory Chain Involved in Oxidative Phosphor ylation on Higher Plants to Carbon Dioxide Bicarbonate Inhibition .

YU , SHON HUA Taipei, Taiwan , China B.S.: National Taiwan University, 1959 Major : Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor : Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: Neutral 17-ketosteroids and 17, 21-dihydroxy 20~ketosteroids in Urine of University Students .

YO USEF, NABIL NAQUIB Cairo, Egvot B.S.: Ain Shaw s University , 1958 M ajor : Eritomology Maj or Professor: Dr. B. Austin Haws Th esis : Topography of the Abdominal Nervous System and a Review of the Abdominal Musculature in the Hone y Bee, A pis mellifera Linn.

ZAIDI , S. BASIR HAIDER Nag ina , India B.S.: Aligarm Muslin University, ineering and Technology, 1952 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Jack Keller Plan B Repo rts

College of Eng -

MASTER OF ARTS AND ERTON , KENNETH G . Roosevelt, Utah B.S .: Ut ah State University , 1962 Major : Engli sh Ma jor Prof essor: Dr . J. Golden Taylor Th esis : Benjamin Franklin Begins His Work : An Organic Study of His Early Mind. ANDRA , JEAN SERVOSS Malad , Idaho B.S.: Ut ah State Unive rsity , 1961 Ma jor : English . Major Professor : Dr. John S. Bullen Thesis : Thematic Concerns in the Novels and Tales of Joseph Conrad. GAMB E R, LINDA LOUISE Pr ice, Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1962 Major: English M ajor Professor : Dr . Robert C. Steensma · Th esis: " 'The Contradictions of Sex'---Jonathan Swift's Attitude Toward Women as Shown in his Poetry."

MORRIS , JOHN KORAN Log an, Utah B.S. : U tah State University , 1951 Major : Landscape Architecture Major Professor: Prof . Laval S. Mor ris Th esis : South Edgewood Hall Subdivision. PERRY , JON G. D eclo, Idaho B.S. : Ut ah Stat e University , 1960 Major: En glish Major Profes sor: Dr. Arthur H. Frietzsche Pl an B Reports . PETERSON , ERMA LEITA Logan , Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1963 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Hubert W. Smith Thesis: An Examination of Fatalism in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill .

HE RAVI, MEHDI T ehran , Iran B.S.: Ut ah State University , 1963 Maj or: Po litical Science Majo r Pro fessor: Dr. Wendell B. And erson Thesis: Public Administration of Educ ation in Iran .

SELANDER, GLENN EDWARD Houston , Texas B.S.: Southwestern University, 1958 Major : English Ma jor Professo r: Prof . John M. Patrick , Thes is: Ex istential Elements in Dostoevsky s Under -. sta nding of the Christian Restoration to Authentic E xistence.

H OW ARD , SH ERWIN WARD Safford, Ar izona B.S.: Ut ah Stat e U niversit y, 1960 Maj or: Th eatr e Arts Major Professo r: Prof. Floyd T. Morgan Th esis: The Bragaman 's Box (a tragedy in one act).

SYMES . PATRICIA LOTZE Lewiston , Idaho B.S.: Utah State University , 1960 Major: English Ma jor Prof essor: Prof. Reed C. Stock Plan B Reports .

LARS EN , ANDREA JEAN Logan, Utah B.A .: U tah Stat e University, 1962 Major : English Ma jor Professor : Dr. Robert C. Steensma Th esis: The Pastoral in Eighteenth-Century


MASTER OF EDUCATION ATK INSON, MARY LORING Rush ville, Illinois B.S. : Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor : Prof. Evelyn L. Wiggins

BATEMAN, RALPH HERZEL Lehi, Utah B.S. : Brigham Young University, 1951 Major Professor : Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

BAGL E Y, GRANT RICHARD Richmond , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1952 Major Professor: Dr Terrance E. Hatch

BAUER. VIRGINIA WILCOCK Escalante , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1952 Major Professor : Prof. Evelyn L. Wiggins



BAUER, WASHINGTON LA VAND Cedar City, Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1951 Major Professor: Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

HOWARD, JACK EDWARD Dewey, Oklahoma B.S.: Utah State University, 1959 Maj or Professo r: Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

BECKSTEAD, QUINN MERRILL Pr eston, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor: Dr. Gene S. Jacobsen

HOWELL , LEON V. Fish Haven, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor: Dr. Gene S. Jacobsen

BINNIE, JEAN Ogd en, Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1949 Major Profes.5or: Prof. Evelyn L. Wiggins

HORSLEY, LUCY Shelley, Idaho B.A.: Idaho State College, 1956 Major Profe ssor: Prof. Jean Pugmire

BLACKHAM, BERNUS J. Moroni, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor : Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

JAUSSI, JUNIOR LAYTON Paris, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1947 Major Prof essor: Dr . Terrance E. Hatch

BOWDEN, JOAN CARTER Logan , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1942 Major Professor: Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

LARSEN, KIRK MCALLISTER Manti, Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1949 Major Professor: Dr. Ellvert H. Himes

CARTER , ALVIN RAY Salt Lake City, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor: Dr. Ellvert H. Himes

MANFUL, DWAYNE E. Ogden, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1949 Major Professor: Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

CARTER , PHILLIP C. Logan, Utah Utah State University, 1960 Major Professor: Dr. Malcom Allred

MC KINNON, BYRON E. "' Randolph , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1950 Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch

CHARLTON, LARRY H. Ogden, Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1960 Major Professor: Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

MICHELETTI, ALEXANDER JAMES Black Eagle , Montana B.S.: Montana State College, 1959 Major Professor: Prof. Jean Pugmire

DANIELS, JOHN STEEVES Ogden, Utah . B.S.: Utah State University, 1948 Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch

MOODY, RUBY C. Lehi, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1957 Major Professor: Prof . Edith S. Shaw

DAWSON, HELEN FITZ Stuart, Iowa B.A.: Grinnell College Major Professor: Prof. Edith S. Shaw

MOORE, JOHN LESLIE Pleasant Hill, Tennessee B.S.: University of Tennessee, 1954 Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen

EDWARDS , BEVERLY MARGARET Auburn , Nebraska B.S.: University of Nebraska, 1957 Major Professor: Prof. Janyce Taylor

NIELSON, JAMES RUE Ephraim, Utah B.S. : Brigham Young University, 1963 Major Professor : Dr. Terrance E. Hatch

EDWARDS, CLIFFORD HAZEN Preston, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor: Dr. Eldon Drake

PETERSON, JOHN MILO Fillmore, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1961 Major Professor : Prof. Robert G. Hammond

EDWARDS, JAMES STANLEY Hiawatha , Utah B.S.: Ut ah State University, 1960 Major Professor: Dr. Eldon Drake

PETERSON, WANDA SEEGMILLER Richfield, Utah B.S.: Brigham Young University, 1950 Major Professor: Prof. Edith S. Shaw

GROW , LOIS ROBINS Kaysville, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor: Prof. Evelyn L. Wiggins

QUAYLE, THERALD PHILIP Brigham City, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Dr. A. L. Braswell

HENDERSON, LAWRENCE BLAIR Preston, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1959 Maj or Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen

RIGBY, TRUMAN KELLER Mink Creek, Idaho B.S.: Utah State University, 1951 Major Professor: Dr. Malcom Allred

HENDRICKSON, ALVEN MARKWARD Brigham City, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Dr. Oral L. Ballam

RUSSELL, GRANT LEWIS Ogden, Utah B.S.: University of Utah, 1950 Major Professor: Prof. Evelyn L. Wiggins


(Continued )

SEIF ERT, JACK DEAN Alliance, Nebraska B. A.: Nebrask a State Teachers College, Chadron , 1950 Major Professor: Dr. E. Malcom Allred

STAPLEY , DEE EL Cedar City, Utah B.S. : Utah State Univ ersity, 1959 Ma jor Professor: Dr. Helmut Ho.ffman

SHAW , NORMAN J. O gden, Ut ah B.S.: Utah State University , 1950 Major Professor: Dr. A. L. Braswell

STEPHENS , E. STERLING Montpelier, Idaho B.S. : Utah State University , 1955 Major Prof essor: Dr . Terrance E. H atch

SINGH , KAILASH MANMOHAN Pun jab, India M.A. : Canmp College , 1957 Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch

TOPHAM , KENNETH MARLO Cedar City, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1960 Major Professor : Dr. Homer M. Johnson

SOWERS, CL YOE JR. Ogden , Utah B.S.: Washington State College , 1947 Majo r Pro.fessor : Dr. Eldon Drake

WEBB , JAMES KENNETH Richmond , Utah B.S. : Utah State University , 1950 Major Professor : Dr. Eldon Drake

SPENCER , FITZGERALD Trinidad , West Indies B.S .: Southern University, 1960 Major Professor : Dr. A. L. Braswell

WHITE , CHARLES COL VEN Sal t Lake City , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor : Prof. Robert G . Hammond

STANGER, EVA BYBEE Idaho Falls , Idaho B.S.: Brigham Young University , 1957 Major Professor: Prof. Arthur D. Jackson

WOERTENDYKE , HOWARD D. Orio n, Kansas B.S. : Utah State Univers ity, 1962 Major Professor : Prof. Robert G. Hammond

MASTER OF INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION BAGGS , ANDREW C. Ogden , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1952 Major Professor: Dr. William E . Mortimer CHILD , NORMAN JOHN Roy, Utah B.S.: Utah State Univevrsity , 1951 Major Pro fessor : Dr. William E. Mortimer

GRIFFITHS , JOHN WILLIAM Logan , Utah B.S.: Utah State University , 1959 Major Professor : Dr . William E. Mortimer · PENROD , MARION HODSON O rem, Utah B.S.: Utah State University , 1934 Major Prof essor : Dr. William E. Mortimer

GODFREY , BLAINE B. Clarkst on, Utah B.S .: Utah State University, 1951 Major Professo r: Dr. William E. Morti mer

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CROSLAND. MONT LE ROY Holden , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor : Prof . Glen Marston Thesis : 1 Labor Turnover and its Relation to Personnel Procurement.

HALE, BERNARD JOSEPH Kansas Cit y, Missouri B.S.: University of Utah , 1958 Major Professor: Prof. Vernon Israelson Thesis : The Evaluation of the Adaptability of Motor Freight Rates to Electronic Data Processing .

DANSIE , JESSE RODNEY Bingham Canyon, Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor: Prof. Glenn Marston Th esis : Student Income and Spending Patterns at Utah State University

HILL , FORREST E. Tifton , Georgia B.S. : Washington University, 1958 Major: Professor: Prof. V. D. Gardner Thesi s: The Use of an Attitude Questionaire in the Analysis of Employee Productivity.

ELIASON , JAY THOMAS H yrum, Utah B.S. : Utah State University, 1954 Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon Thesis: Balance Sheet P resentation of the Depreciation Account.

LUND , FRANK EDWARD Ogden , Utah B.S.: Utah State University, 1954 Major Professor: Prof. Glen F. Marston The sis: A Study of the Utilization of Female Clerical Wo rkers in the American Pharmaceutical Industry

GIHON, NIR Jerusalem, Israel B.A.: Hebrew University, 1962 Major Professor: Prof. Robert D. Jolton Thessi: The Israel Giftware Market in the United States.

MARKOWSKI , JOSEPH THOMAS Brooklyn, New York B.S.: Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor: Prof. Robert D. Jolton Thesis : The Economic Contribution of the Out -of-State Student to the Economy of Utah.




Citation read by Trustee Alma Sonne

As churchman , business man, and leader of you th, you have compiled for yourself an enviable record of distinguished service to your fellow men. Your leadership as an able and effective administrator in your church and in the communities in which you have lived has been reflective of your wisdom, good judgment, and strong advocacy of lofty ideals and Christian principles. Acknowledged in high business and church councils, you have been singled out by those about you for your analytical yet considerate thoughtfulness of others and inspiration for good. Your devotion to the cause of higher education in the State of Utah as executive and member of boards of control and your dedication to scouting programs of the sta te and the nation long have identified you as a champion of youth welfare and the future well-being of our country. Your active promotion of and par ticipation in programs which have sought to elevate the thoughts and interests of people of all faiths in good books and beautiful music have been indicative of your support of the cultural arts and your uplifting influence in the lives of many . Because of your zealous efforts in proselyting for man's humanity to man throughout our nation and many parts of the world, because of your enthusiastic application to the tasks of developing opportunities for youth, and because of your selfless de votion to all that makes life wholesome and worthwhile, the Board of Trustees of Utah State University recommends that you be awarded the honorary degree of DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES.




Citation read by Reed W. Farnsworth

Teacher, author , historian, we honor you. Endowed with those personal qualities that distinguish the achiever, you have energetically pursued your life's goals. Your courage and forthrightness have been an inspiration to your family and a host of friends and admirers. Your diligence and determined striving have earned for you the plaudits and accolades of the critics and the masses. Your recognition by government, foundations, libraries, and publishers has given scope and well-deserved significance to your literary abilities and the qualities of your creativity and research. As an interpreter of Mormon history and culture you have been acknowledged as consultant and adviser of individuals, groups and organizations. As a collector and transcriber of Western pioneer manuscripts you have enriched and vi..talized the work of other writers and scholars . Your concern for the accurate and honest depiction of historical fact has characterized your efforts and accounted materially for your position of eminence among historians. For your modesty and humility, yet strong and independent spirit, for your perseverence despite innumerable obstacles , for the development of new insights and understandings relative to the lives and living of the early West, for your invaluable contributions to the world's archives of history, and for your wealth of influence upon educational, civic, and religious institutions and communities , the Board of Trustees of Utah State University recommends that you be awarded the honorary degree of DOCTOR OF LETTERS .



Citation read by Trustee Robert


As former member of the Board of Trustees , as business man , rancher, and civic servant, as outstanding teacher, student, and athlete, you have represented and served Utah State University with honor and distinction. You have justified the faith of those about y'ou and richly merited the acknow..ledgment of your alma mater. Your strong determination and tenacity of purpose have been rewarding both personally and profes sionall y. Your vision, courage, and busines acumen have enabled you to accept and conquer the challenges of meager beginni ngs and transform them into pinnacles of significant success. Aided and supported by your able and devoted companion, you have soared to enviab le heights in a competitive world which yields only to effective teamwork. Despite depression and war, you have invested your insightful analyses of econo mic, political, and social forces and your personal qualities of initiative , imagination, and industry to realize useful dividends of "know how" and wort hy accomplishment. Because of your alertness to oppor tunity and your modest , yet dynamic, applicati on to problem solving at all levels of endeavor, because you have shared your success as a cooperative enterprise, because of the numerous evidences o f your ability and capacity to organize, develop , and expand interests into realities, and because of your notable contributions to the programs of higher education and community development, the Board of Trustees of Utah State Univers ity takes pride in recommending you, one of our distinguished alumni, for the honorary degree of DOCTOR OF LAWS .

EMERITI In recognition of long and meritorous service to the University, the Board of Trustees


the title of Emeritus

in their respective

fields to the

following faculty members:

William H. Bell, Professor of Business Administration Carmen D. Fredrickson, Associate Professor of Sociology Vernon L. Israelsen, Professor of Economics Laval S. Morris, Professor of Landscape Architecture

and Environmental

Planning Chester

J. Myers,



Preator , Professor

Priscilla Rowland,


of Speech of Manufacturing Professor

Kenneth R . Stevens , Professor


of Foods and Nutrition

of Bacteriology

and Public Health

ALUMNI GREETINGS On behalf of the Alumni Association extend sincere congratulations

of Utah State University,

to you, the Graduating

may I

Class of 1964.

We welcome your membership in the Alumni Association and invite you to continue your affiliation with Utah State through

active participation


our Association. We trust that you will always remember your college years and that you will ever remain willing to serve the interests of this great University. W. Eugene Hansen, President Utah



Alumni Association


ITEMS OF INTEREST Enrollment past 10 years.


at Utah State University



has approximately

doubled in the

Each of the eight resident colleges on the Utah State campus has shown an increase in enrollment this year. Increased Enrollment, 15 % , in the School of Graduate Studies reflects the growth of interest and demand for professional personnel with advanced degrees. Nearly 600 students, or 51 %, of the gradua ting seniors are married. The cumulative enrollment for 1963--64 at Utah Stat e University was the highest in its history, 7,542, or 10.2% increase over last year. Direct television broadcasting from KUSU--TV, channel 12, began March 16 of this year. The station is affiliated with the National Educational Tele-vision network. Programs currently being telecast by KUSU--TV as part of its educa-tional and public service to the communities of northern Utah include groups and individuals who have distinguished themselves in state, regional, and nation-al endeavors. More degree--seeking students than ever before are expected to register among the 2,500 who will enroll in the programs of the 1964 Summer School. Workshops already in process on campus are among the 42 institutes, conferences and similar programs supplementi ng the regular classes of this year's Summer Quarter. Utah State University Extension Services have gained state and nation-wide recognition for sponsoring landscape impro vemen t and community de-velopment programs and activities. During the past year, 98 projects have been launched and 150 more are in the planning stages within the state of Utah. The 4--H Clubs throughout Utah, sponsored by the Extension Services, enrolled 16,497 members in 1963, with 4,862 volunteer leaders assisting in th e program. Sponsored by USU Extension Services and KSL radio, the first Home-makers Symposium was held this year with over 1,100 homemakers participating. The Extension's Rural Civil Defense program, spearheaded by a $40,00 0 grant from the Office of Civil Defense, included 14 conferences and additional classes in which almost 6,000 people in communities throughout the state of Utah were reached. Plans and specifications are now on the drawing boards for a $4.5 million project at the University for additional single and married student housing to be financed by the sale of bonds. In cooperation with the State Building Board, planning guides are being developed for a new Science Center and new Physical Education facility.

The construction of two new student religious centers will begin this summer. The Lutheran church has already broken ground and the L.D.S. church will erect another four-ward, two-chapel Stake Center, adjacent to the David 0. McKay Living Center. The recently acquired 230-acre Animal Science Research Center five miles south of Logan is being readied for stock relocation and research work. Plans are now being completed for the $2,800,000 first phase of the new Fine Arts Center to be located east of the Engineering building. The estimated cost of the second phase is $1,375,000, making a total of $4,175,000. Among the major building programs of the University this year are included the completion of the Zoology wing of the Forestry-Biological Sciences Building, and the complete renovation of Widstoe Hall and the Education Building. The first phase of the new University Library has been completed this year which has enabled the first and second floors to be occupied. The second phase of construction will begin this summer which will provide for the completion of the third and fourth floors and renovation of the existing building. The new structure will have five times as much floor space as the original building and afford space for more than one million volumes of books and documents. The addition to the Utah State Union will increase floor space by approximately 50%, at an expenditure of $1,800,000 for construction and $200,000 for furnishing. Present financing of the construction of the Water Researcch Laboratory is supplied through grants from the National Science Foundation for $397,400, the National Institute of Health for $250,000, and the State Legislature for $850,000. Money now being used for research at Utah State supports 300 different projects involving approximately 200 university staff members, 60 government collaborators, and more than 500 graduate and undergraduate students. Total expenditures for research at USU this year will be in excess of $4,000 ,000, three-fourths of which comes from gifts, grants, and contracts. The Agricultural Experiment Station will use about three-fourths million for research in agriculture, and the Engineering Experiment Station in all areas of professional and technical engineering will expend in excess of one million dollars. The University Development Fund is currently sponsoring a drive which will make possible the expansion of the seating capacity of Romney Stadium to 30,000. This year, through the coordinated efforts of Administration and Faculty, a University-wide program of measuring teaching effectiveness has been inaugurated. In following the best traditions of higher education, over 60% of the University Budget is expended directly in support of instructional programs.







Awards and Honors Convocation Sunday, May 31, 1964 Baccalaureate



June 3, 1964

Sermon: Dr. Lowell L. Bennion Sixty,-seventh Annual Commencement Thursday,

June 4, 1964

President Daryl Chase, presiding Director Royden Braithwaite, conducting Address: Jack R. Gibb, Consulting Psychologist and Research Fellow, Western Behavioral Sciences Institute Valedictorian:

Joan Nelson, Cedar City

Bachelor's Degrees in Elementary Education - 61 Associate in Science Certificates -


Special Recognition of Sigma Tau Sigma, Honorary Tutoring Society

SNOW COLLEGE Awards and Honors Convocation Thursday, Baccalaureate,

May 28, 1964 Sunday, May 31, 1964 Special Pageant

Seventy--fifth Annual Commencement Wednesday, June 3, 1964 President Daryl Chase, presiding Director Floyd S. Holm, conducting Honor Student Speakers: Keith Huff, Spanish Fork Linda Tucker, Provo Address: Arthur Browne, Director, Utah Coordinating Council of Higher Education Recipients of Special Honors, two from each class, for scholarship, activities, and citizenship Freshman - Gayle Anderson, Manti Carol Ann Jacob sen, Salina Sophomore - Ellen Johnson, Fountain Green Wayne Huff, Payson Associate in Science Certificates -


NECROLOGY Calvin Fletcher Faculty, 1907...1956 Date of Death: June 1, 1963

Don W. Pittman Faculty, 1916...1957 Date of Death : August 31, 1963

Robert L. Wrigley Faculty, 1917...1951 Date of Death: January 31, 1964

Robert W. Smith Student , 1963 Date of Death: June 25, 1963

James Mathews Student , 1962...1963 Date of Death : November 15, 1963

Joseph J. Murphy Student , 1962...1963 Date of Death: November 15, 1963 Roland T. Newcomer Student , 1963...1964 Date of Death: November 15, 1963

James Wilke Student , 1963 Date of Death: January 16, 1964

Jerry Osterhaut Student, 1962...1964 Date of Death: March 14, 1964




Across the quad at eventide the shadows softly fall, The Tower of Old Main appears and peace rests over all. The lighted "A" upon the hill stands out against the blue ; Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow, We'll ne'er forget the joys we had , those days we used to know, Thy mem'ries ever will be new , thy friends be ever true , Oh, Alma Mater , Utah State , my heart sings out to you. Composed by Theodore M. Burton .

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