Utah State University Commencement, 1960

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Annual Commencement




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THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION President and Board of Trustees 0 fficial Guests University Administrative Officers Faculties of the Various Colleges Candidates for Graduate Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees


The wearing of academic costume by faculty and student participants at the time of Commencement Exercises has become traditional among universities. The color and pageantry of these occasions are designed to indicate the degree of academic achievement of those who actively participate in such exercises. In order for the audience to better appreciate and understand the significance attached to these ceremonial aspects of the program, the following information is presented. The significance of the costume is determined principally by the cut of the gown, the size and shape of the hood, and the color of the tassels on the cap. The BACHELOR'S gown is characterized by the long pointed sleeves. The gown worn by a MASTER has closed sleeves with the

arc of a circle near the bottom. The arm extends through the slit, giving the appearance of short sleeves. The hood consists of material similar to the gown and lined with the official academic color of the institution conferring the degree. I£ the institution has more than one color, the chevron is used to display the second color. The DOCTOR'S gown has full, round and open sleeves with three bars of velvet on each sleeve. The velvet facing of the bars may be black or' the color indicative of the degree. The hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institutional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The colors worn on the tassels signify the various colleges of the University from which a candidate is being graduated.

AGRICULTURE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maise BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES -------·--------------------------------·--------------------------- Drab EDUCATION -----------------------------------------------·---------------------------------------------------------- Light Blue ENGINEERING -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Orange FOREST, RANGE AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -------------------------------- Russet FAMILY LIFE ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold-Yellow HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES (University College) ------------------------Dark Crimson SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES (Ed. D., Ph. D.) ------------------------------------ Gold


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees is composed of twelve citizens of the State appointed by the Governor for a term of four years and two ex~officio members, the Secretary of State and the President of the Utah State University Alumni Association.

Alma Sonne, Chairman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logan Fern B. Ercanbrack, Vice Chairman -------------------------------------------------------- Provo Newell V. Sanders ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Kaysville R.


Potter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garland

Eve S. Ashton -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vernal Henry R. Hurren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logan Ralph S. Blackham ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moroni David W. Evans -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt Lake City Joseph Rosenblatt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt Lake City Phillip A. Bullen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salt Lake City Reed W. Farnsworth -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cedar City

0 . C. Hammond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ogden Lamont F. Toronto, Secretary of State (ex-officio) ---------------- Salt Lake City Joseph F. Cowley, President, Alumni Association ( ex~officio) ____ Salt Lake City

L. Mark Neuberger Secretary to the Board of Trustees Logan


BACCALUREATE SERVICES Friday evening, June 3 7:30p.m.



Overture to Die Meistersingers .................................................... Wagner University~Community Symphony Orchestra - Andrew Galos, Director


Mr. Keith Nielsen


Daryl Chase, President


A presentation in choral speaking and music.


Overture to Egmont ·················································------------------- Beethoven Symphony Orchestra - Andrew Galos, Director

University~Community I

Parts 1,2,3 from The Creation -------------------------------------------------------- Haydn

5 Thou Life of Life ------------------------·······-······································ Tchesnokov Parts 3 and 4 from Elijah ·····--··---··········-·······-···-······-····-··--· Mendelssohn University Choir, A. L. Dittmer, Director


Mr. Reed Bullen President, University Stake


Grand March from Aida ············---·-------·-·-·-------·---·-·-·---·-·-······---·--····· Verdi University~Community Symphony Orchestra - Andrew Galas, Director

GRADUATION EXERCISES Saturday morning, June 4


Coronation March ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Meyerbeer "Tannhauser" March ---··:···----------------------------..·-------------------------------- Wagner University Concert Band, Max Dalby, Director INVOCATION

John A. Strom, Pastor, First Baptist Church Logan, Utah REPORT OF PRES I DENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daryl Chase


Finale to "Death and Transfiguration" ------------------------------- Richard Strauss University Concert Band, Max Dalby, Director ADDRESS TO GRADUATES

Mr. Delbert F. Wright, Vice President and Controller General Mills, Inc. CONFERRING OF DEGREES

Daryl Chase President, Utah State University WELCOME TO THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

Mr. Joseph F. Cowley President, USU Alumni Association MUSICAL SELECTION

Alma Mater Hymn -------------------------------------------------- Theodore M. Burton Sung by ,Graduates, Max Dalby, Director BENEDICTION

Mr. Clifton G. M. Kerr RECESSIONAL

Regal Procession --------------------------------------------------------------- Clifton Williams University Concert Band, Max Dalby, Director





BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Baird, Dan Whitney Balls, Lew Dell Billy, Bahe Brog, Roy Brown, Melvin Jonathan Carlile, Don F. Chappell, Rulon Alvin Christiansen, Arden T. *Christiansen, William C. Crandall, Dan Leon Crockett, Armond Lee Davis, Gary Dennis Doney, Devon Lyle Eby, Jon Nelvice *Firth, Ronald D.

Goodell, Robert Archie Harward, Gaylord K. Hatch, Harold Carl Henrie, Earl Carvel Huber, Don Alma Hullinger, Arvin Don Hunter, Dan Harry Hyer, Charles Saul Jones, Kenneth G. Kaschke, Orville Allen Kerr, William Rolfe Kjar, Richard Charles Komeilyzadeh, Masud Lamsam, Yutti Lepper, Lewis Fred

Mitts Isaac Odell Mojtehedi, Yahya *Nielsen, Darwin Blaine *Nielson, Bruce E. Olmstead, William R. Olson, Richard Ray Petersen, Dee Len Phillips, Clynn Robbins. Burtis F. Jr. Roper, Orson B. Schafer, Allan James Smith, Carlos Dean Smith, Roger Allen *Spencer, Elvon Howard Stephens, Earl Reed

Sudweeks, Earl Max Swain, Vard Gerber Thomley, James Bruce Tillett, James Leon Tom, James Walker, Gene Glen Wallen tine, Clarence Booth Wheeler, Earl J. *Wiedemann, Alfred Max Wilde Jerry Donald Wilson, Gordon Paul Woodward, Melvin J. Worrell, Paola Prose Jr.




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Alexander, Thomas Glen *Allen, Dorothy Allen, Merle Jean Anderson, John Jay Anderson, Albert Omar Aoki, Toshiuki Archibald, Lee Thatcher Barrett, Mary Ann Benson, George Earl Bills, Judith Cecelia Blanc, August Bo~en, Dan Curtis Bowen, Kay Lamar Breitweiser, James Russell Brinkerhoff C. Eddie Bulpakdi, Phaisan Bybee, Gary Dee Caldwell, Joe P. *Carter, Calvin Ross Cederholm, Lois Ann Cernik, Arnold Allen Christiansen, Clyde M. Civille, Lewis Acton Clifford, Donald Dean Clyde, John Ross Colson, Janice Rose Compton, Robert John Connelly. Michael James Coombs, Carol Hood Coombs, Merle George Cooper, Gary C. *Crockett, Don Warren Cronquist, Royce V erl Denison, Calvin R. D ennin~. John Telford Dick, Calvin Roger Durham, Archer Lyman *Edwards, Laura Lee Pratt

Edwards, Thomas Morgan Empey, Garth M. Erickson, Michael Duane Evans, James Gary Everts, Robert Milton Flamm, James Russel Gam, Oleen Clive Gladstone, Mark Bernard Glover, William Lamont Graham, Francis Rex Hawks, Johnny Kay Hedrick, Wilbur Bee Hill, Frank R. Hill, James Frederick Hodges, Ronald D. Hoggan, Boyd Ivin Holdaway, Charles W. Hunsaker, Robert S. Hunsaker, Ursel C. Hyde, Jean Jagadale, Uday B. Jeffery, Morey Byham Jensen, Elwynn Henry Jeppesen, Earl Joseph *Hansen, Twilla Jessop *Johnston, Beverly *Jones, Gary Dee *Jones Orlo Dow Kearl, Lula Carolyn *Kendell, Ross Ezra Klotovich, Mark M. Kofford, Lloyd N. Kunz , Farrell J. Labelle, Hal William Lamb, Douglas R. Jr. Latham, James Willard Lechtenberg, Althea Lee, Robert Addison

Lelanuja, Thawat Lindquist, Kenneth Reid Little, Mark Clarence Loosle, Marlin Keith Mangum Melba May McBride, Helen Janet McCulloch, Charles Merrell, Richard Yates Michaelsen, John Robert Miller, James F. Monson, Georgia Ann Myers, Marilyn Nelson, Peter Morgan *Nelson, Veda Marie Olsen, A. Ted Olsen, Claudius Elwynn Olsen, Dean Fred Oto Paul H. *Pace, Vance C. , Parissidi, Thomas V. Parker, Suzanne Pelovsky, Gerald M. Penrod, George Gary Perry, Robert Leslie Petersen, Eleanor Peterson, Gary M. Peterson, Max Poulsen Porter, Gary Herbert Preece, Leland Nephi Rendahl. Marjorie Rose Rhinehart, Harold E. Rhinehart Violet J. Rich William Lyman *Richards, Rama Richardson, Max Byron Richardson, Sharon M. Ricks, Melvin Dean Riethman, Steven Edward

Ririe, John Harold Robb, Donald Frank Rowsell, Farrell Dean *Sanders, Marie Norman Sarajoti, Sukhon Sarasin Supat Sargent, Jack Carlin Scott E. Eugene Sessions, Vernal C. Siddciway, Lynn Irvin Smith, Jay Smith, Lynn Edward Smith, William Darley *Sorensen, A. Don Stevenson, Jerry Lee Taylor, Oscar Thatcher, Spencer M. *Thompson, Gloria Gay Thornton, James L. Tidwell, Connie Halene Valentine, Donald D. Waldron, Constance Rae Waldron, James H. Walters, Richard Ralph Warnick, Julia Ann *Warren, Rula Thompson Wayment, Goldie Lind *Webster, Lexie Lane R. Wecker, Boyd Raymond West, David Ford Jr. White, Boyd T. White, Lynn Carlton *Widdison, Larene Williams, Gary B. Willyerd, Robert Leroy Wilson, Donald D. *Yun Yeo Gyeong


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Abrams, Lavar S. Adams, Kirk Leroy Adams, Lynne Ann Aland, May Winn Allred, Charles Mart Anderson, Kaye Anderson, Kent Kay Anderson, Victoria J. Andreasen, Jay Laver Ashcraft, Harold Don Ashdown, Paul S. Astle, Lajette Erickson Aston E. Keith Ballif, Edna D. Bateman, George Gordon Bates, Lucille L. Baty, Max Leon ¡ Bedke, Cloyd Jesse Beer, Glen Lewis Bell, Cassie S. Bell, Gloria Jean *Bellamy, Joan Beth Bellis ton, Leona P. Belliston, Nancy Bennett, Lynn Stocks Bergen, Prilla Shill Berger ,Robert Emil Berntsen, Edgar Boyd Bird, Ralph W. Bishop, Jerold Bitton, Loren Keith Blackham, Dale R. Blair, Margaret Booth, Elva K. *Borchert, Maxine Hansen *Bowcutt, Vida Rose *Bowman, Barbara Jean *Boyer, Larry C. Bozolakis, Mary Bradford, Ross Lynn Bray, Helen Elizabeth Brinkerhoff, Joseph D. Broadhead, Janice , Brooker, V. Elmoyne Ward Bryan, Nancy Jeane Budge, Josephine Burt, Rodney L. Burton, Joyce Anderson Candland, Vir{Jinia Ann Carlson, Donna Burrie Carter, Phillip Chase Chapman, Eva Mae S. Chapman, Neils Earl Checketts, Glen Edward Child, Earl B. Christensen, Fern B. Christensen, M aurine F . Christensen, Ralph S. *Christian, Ralph Alonzo Christiansen, Lagrand Z. Clark, Roger Morrell Clarke, Don Edward Clarke, Margaret Davis Clawson, Gary Lyle Collett, Dorene Mae Colton, Flora Jones Conrad, Robert Leon Cook, Loree Farnes

Hyer, Patricia Lee S. *Cook, Paul Franklin *Israelsen, Stella P. Cooper, Nina Lee G. Jackson, Ronald Richard Cordingley, Estella A. Jacobson, Hazel Clark Crawford, Joyce Jensen, Gwendolyn Crookston, Paul Ballantyne Jensen, Ronald B. Cullimore, Ralph W. Jepsen, Marguerite Ward Curtis, Elden Marven Jewett, Rosina S. Dastrup, Bonnie Jean Datwyler, Sandra S. John Ronald 0. , Davis, Marguerite Rider Johnson, Lula Yeates Johnson, Marjorie Mae Doctor, Frederick L. Johnson, Theron E. Doman, Charles Carlyle *Johnson, Verna Kerr Donaldson, Carol Downs, Robert Keith Jones, Gwen W. Dugmore, Dorine Jones, Stuart Monson *Jorgensen, Merilyn A. Ellis, Philip Emery Erekson, Sharon Keller Blaine Burl Ericksen, C. Don Kian Mohamed Erickson, Vincent E . Kimber, Mae T. Kingsbury, Edrie Allen Fielding, Jay Soelberg Kirby, Ernest George Finch, Lewis Wilson Kirkland, Robert T. Forbes, Cheryl Lee *Kjar, Marcia Peterson Forsgren, Marjorie C. M. *Klevjord, Ruth E. Fraser, Francine Knoll, Philip Learn Freeman, Melvin J. Gee, Vilate S. Knowles, Karla Jane Gibbons, William Hayes Kowallis, Richard R. Giboney, John Nelson Kubiak, Barbara B. Gladwell, Ruth K. Larsen, Lex Lamont Gleave, Winston Taylor Larsen, Oleta Diann Goble, Boyd Earl Larson, Carol Green, Richard E. Larson, Noma Larie Griffeth, Alta Clark Letellier, Jean Marie Griffin, Bruce Thomas Little, Richard James *Groberg, Charles Alfred Lloyd, Clifford B. H acking, Lucy Smith Long , Richard Earl Hammer, Glenda Louisa Loosle, Darrell Kav Hampshire, Nita R. Loosle, Gordon Scott Hansen, Beth Ann Mackenzie, Mark F. Hansen, Harold Olpin Malmgren, Larry H. Hanson, Helen Kay Martin, Arthur Harding, Margaret R. Martindale, Jean C. Harris, Mark F . Maw, Hermese Mae Harrison, Val Rulon Mayo, Anna Louise Hart, Mildred Young Mays, Violet Marie Hastey, John Mosse B. McAffee, Emma Jeannette Hatch, DeeAnne McDonald, Dorothy Rae Hawkins, Herbert Elvin Mclnelly, Wells Arthur Hawkins, Hubert Melvin McKay, Glenn Arwell Haws, Marie Widdison Meador, Bill Bronson Hedrick, Verna Erlene Gordon Meldrum, Afton Anderson Melling, Don Ray Heileson, Helen Betty Heninger, Naomi Merrill, Patricia H. Henson, June Marler Merrill, Vernon DeMarr Heszler, Mary Jo Meservy, Naomi Hirschi, Naomi K. Mickelsen, George A. Hirschi, Scott D ewey *Middleton, Marva Carter Hogge, Gerald Vince *Miller, Lee Anne Holdaway, Karl S. Morrison, Adele 'N. Hollingsworth, Gary H. Mortensen, Ned S¡. Holt, Dora Ann Mortensen, Ronald Smith Hougaard, Harold Ted Murray, Celia Maughan Howard, Jack E. Napper, Norma D . Hoyt, John Benton Neddo, Gladys S. Hull, Kenneth Lee Nelson, Darlene C. *Hunsaker, Leone Zundel Nelson, Darlene Patsy Hunt, Douglas Ivan Nelson, Diane Bernice Hunter, Leon William Newbold, Veri Wahlin

Nickell, Darylene B. Nielsen, Marva Lou Nielson, Louise Skidmore Nielson, Robert Max Niwa Hiroshi Ockey John David Olson Sarah Ann Orton Claude Chadbur:J. Osborne, Larry Garddl *Otte JoAnn Marie Oxborrow, Frank Jr. Oyler, Alice Sorensen Pace, Leora Hunter Packard, Ann Page, Gerald James Paiz, Henry Charles Parduhn, Jerry H. Park, Gail Rodney Parkinson, Leo Henry Patterson, Stanley J, Paulson, Weber Neal Peart, Sandra Pehrson, Shirley Jeanne Pendrey, Bernice D. Petersen, Connie Petersen, Eloise Petersen, Jesse F. Jr. *Peterson, Dennis Lee Peterson, Gordon Orian Peterson, Jerry P. Phillips, Gladys Price Phillips, Stewart Edward Pitcher, Sonja lean Porter, Beverly Ann Rainsdon, Janet Lucy Reed, Blanche Adams Reeder, Helen Rampton Reese, Dennis Carl Reid, Elaine Rex, Eunice Smith Richards, Donna Kay Richards, Nora Patricia Riddle, Margaret J. M. Rigby, Carlos Keller Roberts, Berniece K. Roberts, Floyd H. Rockwood, Nancy Jo Rohde, Leonard Emil Rose, Diane Rose, Donna Claire *Sanders, Gail Cleon Sass, Juergen *Schimmelpfennig, Dorothy J. Schooff, Dorothy W . Schwartz, Helen Venna *Shaw, Jennie Lou Sheffer, Dan Dale Shupe, James Wilbert Shupe, Mildred Barker Siddoway, Kathleen Showalter Simmons, Vivian Olsen Simpson, Thelma Boothe Smedley, Thayne Clair Smith, Carole Smith, Dee Albert Smith, Eda Doty Smith, Edna B.

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (Continued) Smith, Jessie Hansen *Smith, Kathryn Smith, Rodney Gibbs Souza, Patricia Rae Sperry, Joel Grant Stalker, Esther Stokes, Paul G. Stratford, Virgil M. Swainston, Marg aret Swenson, E arl B. Teeples, Myrna Alice Tesch, Lucile Bartlett Thomas, Patsy Joan *Thompson, Doris G.

Thompson, Ellie Ann Thomsen, Alice T. Thorpe, Carol Lee A. *Timothy, Ruth Emily Whitworth Tingey, Lola Madsen Tolman, W allace, Flade Topham, Kenneth Marlo Tracy, Nancyan Bohman Tucker, Loralee Tygesen, Royanne Renae Vavricka, Cora Bower Vest, H . Grant Jr. Victor, James Blaine

Viehweg, Clark M. *Vogel, Robert Leon Waddoups, Jed Merrill Walker, Reed Harris Wallace, June K. Wall{Jsgard, Judith Ann Wangsgard, Wendy Ward, Joseph Golden *Watson, Flora May Welch, Beverly Floyd Wells, Karen Westenskow, Helen Ann Weston, Irene Hodges Westover, Frances Pond

White, Gail Miller Wilkey, George Carl Williams, Carole Joy Williams, Lois Sharon H. Wolford, Darwin Kay Wood, Alonzo Gilbert Wood, Beth Griffin Wride, Kathleen Wright, Amos Michael Wright, Annette Maycock Wright, H al K. Wright, Stanley Ross Yang, John Gorkhua Lee Yorgason, H elen McCloy

COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN UTAH RoYDEN C. BRAITHWAITE, DIRECTOR Baker, N orman Kent Bauer, Janine W . Bryan, Roger M arvin Calvert, E va Elaine Campbell, Jeannine R. Cane, Alyce Mary Chamberlain, Margaret T . Christensen, Thomas Lorenzo Clove, Louis Sheldon Dalton, Delos R. Davis, Avey Pearce Davis, Chloe S. Dewey, Bruce Gould Evans, Maxine H . Gates, Kelly L.

Goold, D eanna Graff, James Burton Graff, Lloyd B. Griffiths Jr., C. A. Hamblin, D elenna McDonald Hatch, H azel Crumpler H enderson, Darrell Andrew Hirschi, O r ell Wesley Holt, Ladd A. Iverson, M ervin R. Jolley, Leda A. Jones, Glendon Hyrum Joseph, Dan Farnsworth LeFevre, Dale Leigh, Roslyn

Liston, Louise Jane Livermore, lona W. Love, Jean R. Love, L. David Lyman, D eanna Mellor, Nancy D arlene Miles, Gail Johnson Moss, Carol Rose Moyle, Georgia H. Nielsen, Clinton D ale Oldroyd, Jerald Todd Prestwich, Zolet Reidhead, Joe A. Robinson, Effie P . Roundy, Martha C.

Roundy, Thora Esplin Rust, Burton 0 . Savage, H omer Seegmiller, William Pratt Simkins, Grace Bishop Smith, Berniece Miller Sowby, Helen J. Steed, Marj ean Tuft, Arlene Tullis, Cleo Twitchell, Ma rgery M. Vanderburg, Wilma H . Whitney, Earl Keith Wilson, Kathryn Dotson Wiltshire, Alta S.




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE CIVIL ENGINEERING Anderson, Harold Bhonsle, Suryaji R. *Bingham, Howard K. Dahmer, Robert N. Divadkar, Arun S Fog{J. James C. Gillespie, H. Aldridge Hanson, Joseph E .

Hawkes, William H . Hawkins, George A. Heato.1, Lowell H. Jenkins, Karl D. *Jensen, James R. LaBoc.n, Van L. Lasko, Fred J. Mair, William D

Marstella, Phil F. May, Leslie E McEntire, Earl R. McKemie, Robert K. McVVhirter, Robe:t D. *Middleton, John G. Muir, Byron B. Nielsen, Andrew D .

Olsen, Jerold S. Price, Terry R. Rallison, Orval J. *Stauffer, Norman E .. Jr. Tomlinson, Darrell Walker, Clive I-I Williams, John S.

Jessen, Edward C. Jirge, Jagadish K. Johnson, Clair J. Johnson, Vernon K. Kemp, David D. Parker, Boyd A. Phippen, Jay W. Rounds, Jerry A.

Seegmiller, Dennis F. Sherr, Marvin D. Shinde, Maruti P. Welch, Cyril D. *Woodbury, Elrod T. Zoolakis, George

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING *Allen, Robert L. Atkinson, Charles D. Barlow, Wayne K. Boerup, Donald E. Bowser, David E. Cannon, Maurice K. *Dennison, Orthell T. Donaldson, Lawrence J.

Ericksen, Bryce J. Gardner, Reid Gibson, Keith J. Glenn, Richard W. Gomm, Thiel J. Hammer, Clyde R. *Hansen, Ramon D. Jensen, Ralph H.


Jensen, Ross T. Nelson. Garth R.

Nelson. Jearold A. Sabnis, Pralhad L.

Simmons, Gary B.

Low, Byron Y. Mann, Robert H .

Rose, Clark H. Watts, Ellis L.

Williams, Ralph R. Wright, Wayne M.

TOOL ENGINEERING Cantwell, Lewis L. Hamblin, Gilbert B.


WELDING Olsen, Dee L.

INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Ashton, Max L. Beal. Alvin L. Bennett, Stanley M. Billings, Fenton W. Brough, Morris D. Burton, David M. Coburn, Melvin A. Davis, James V.. Jr. *Glenn, Ronald E. Hansen, Dee R. Hathaway, Wayne G.

Haynie, Robert M. *Hill, Clair S. Holyoak, Alvin L. Isom, Thomas E. Jensen, DeLyle B. Jensen, Donald L. Johnson, Burton E. Jordan, Earl E. Larkin, Joseph W. Larsen, Richard K. LeBaron, Wayne D.

LeFevre, Thomas R. Lott, Clain V. Madsen, Lee S. Mauchley, Dean E. Meldrum, l rven R. Mitchell, Gilbert A. Munford, Irving L. Newman, Keith L. Oliver, James Vv., Jr. *Peterson, Clayton E., Jr. Prestwich, Clarence E.

Roberts, Lavar Sayer, Dale L. Smith, Stuart M. Stirling, William M. Stratton, Paul M. Thurgood, Leon C. Tilby, Carl R. Tingey, Robert I?.

Jenkins, LaVere H. *Johnson, Blaine W. Johnson, George F. Larson, Sherwin Law, Harold B. *McKellar, James E. Mumford, Ronald F. Nelson, Arthur H. *Price, Gary C. Quale, Irvin J.

Ramage, Lee G. Rasmussen, Lewis C. Richardson, Jay V. Rogers, William H. Rowsell, Calvin L. Southwick, Ray M. Spencer, Glen M. Thain, George J. Wiemers, Charles E. Willie, Reed W.

INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY AI Bayati, Salah U. AI Imari, Abdul K. Anderson, Newell T. Benavides, Loui.s Bench, Frank K. Bowman, Buddy L. *Brunner, John J., III Capener, Lamar C. Clark, Perry G. Dahle, Robert S

Gardner, Maurice G. Gerrard, Duane B. Glauser, J. Wayne Gledhill, Roy J. Gohr, Fred J. Hall, William P . Handy, Glade L. Hansen, Douglas D . Holman, Wallace Huntington, Gam 0.




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Andreasen, Roma Dahle Andrews, Ida Letitia Bair, Janice Claire Beck, Norma Jean Booth, Morna Hamaker Bowden, Harriet Joan Brewer, Jetta Jean Allen Buttars, Evelyn Gayle Carman, Margaret Carroll Carr, Denese Chappell, Rayda B. Christensen, Carol Barker Cornish, Gay Garnet Deleeuw, Betty Evans, Barbara Ann Felt, Elizabeth

Francis, Dixie Galloway, Sarah Beth B. Gardner, Mary Ann Griffiths, Elaine Louise Hunter Gunnell, Ruth *Harris, Mary J o Hatch, Karma Hendricks, Leah Genee F. Ingersoll, LaVone Dunn Jennings, Margery Ann Jensen, Camille Jensen, Carol Jean Loosli Jones, Mary Lee Raybould *Jorgensen, Sandra Elizabeth *Lewis, Dianna Lindsay, Shirley Ann

McGuire, Sharon Mead, Evelyn Vera Miller, Katherine Miner, Merrilie Mitchell, Kaye Arlen~ Montague, Anitra Murdock, Marcia Crawford Nelson, Carla Olsen, Evon Olsen, Nina Rue Yardley Olsen, Ruth Orme, Marie Orullian, Joan Hansen Parry, Nellene Peterson, Ardath Loosli Phillips Larae

Puzey, Carol Cochran Richards, Ann Cathlee Ririe, Carol Sanchez, Gloria Esther South, Sharon Lynne Secrist Spencer, Marjie Lee Sykes, Patricia Pack Thompson, Marilynn Warnick, Grace Marie Wiemers, Thulin LuRee Winn Elaine *Woolley, Carol Joan *Zollinger, Carol J.




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE FOREST MANAGEMENT Arnold, Charles Thomas Bailey, Samuel John Bird, Qouglas Marion *Boyce, Sherman Bright Chidsey, Peter Ellison, Richard Allan

Gee, William Page Goon, Jerry Taylor Holt, Malcolm Jr. Howell, Donald E. Ireland, William E. Jacobsen, Robert LeRoy

Lewis, W esley Elwin Jr. Livingston, Gordon Kay McCleese, William Leon Michalski, William John O wen, Rex Keith P oulsen, William George

Randall, Ro!rert Matthew Schwartzrock, Herman T. Strain, Verne Marvin Trowbridge, Jimmi.e E.

RANGE MANAGEMENT Anderson, Wayne Glenn Bingham, Frank E. *Bobek, Robert Eldon Carlson, John David *Esplin, DeLoy Heaton Fuller, Frederick Henry

Garcia, David Reyes Giles, Joseph Kent Hansen, Sheridan Clare Haws, William Douglas Huff, Clairon Lowe Lisonbee, Shelby Ronald

Majorowicz, Alvin Kent Marsh, Noel Morrow, Robert Daniel Mower, Thomas Clair Nickell, Kenneth Milt Petersen, Raymond T.

Staker, Gordon Richard *Sykes, Dwane Jay Thomas, Dee Browning

Mahrt, Jerome LeRoy McCartney, Thomas Hugh Meglen, William Joseph Morgan, Richard Lee Nugent, Gerald Michel Ogden, Ronald Dale Olson, Wayne Herbert Rubink, Duane Maynard

Saloman, Carl Herman *Schmitke, Roger Gerald Sochia, Everett Lynn Springer, Jerry Eugene *Townsend, Gerald Hugh Wendelken, Arthur E.

WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Adams, John Keith Anderson, Richard Duane Binns, Niles Allen Condie, Vernon A. Davis, Glenn Maxwell Duncan, Marvin Paul Evans, Howard Leon Fricke, John Irving

Goddard, Stephen Val Grove, Ronald Portley Grover, Gerald Carlton Horrocks, Thomas H. Johanson, John Hogling Kaschke, Marvin Ralph Kimbal, Jimmie Ross Klaus, James Alban




BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Adams, Oren Clair AI-Khatib, Ashraf Ibrahim Allen, Gerald L. Amoureux, Robert Lee Anderson, Daryl Anderson, Margo G. Bailey, Larry Page *Barnes, Rey Leroy Baugh, Glenn Clawson *Beach, Helen Clara Black, Farrell J. Blau, Sullivan E. Bridenstine, Delbert E. Brown, Lionel William Burt, Paul Howard Butterfield, Mahonri T. Cahill, Donn B. Campbell, Ferrell R. Cook, Nancy Louise Carlson Crawford, David Lynn Crockett, Marguerite S. Crookston, Lyn Datwyler, Boyd Demar Dorius, Stanley, Floyd Eborn, Ellis Darrell Edwards, James Stanley Erickson, Thad Lynn *Ericson, Elmer H. Fok Yu Bing flrei, Loretta Lynne

Frei, Louis Rex George, Carter A. Godfrey, Harvey Allen Green, Janean Gregerson, Edna J. *Grove, Gerald Robert Habel. Ronald William Hafen, Preston Lon Halamandaris, Harry Hanny, Joseph Albert Hansen, Audrey 0. Hansen, Joseph Melvin Hansen, Lynn Marvin *Hansen, Nikki Arleene Heninger D. Clayne Hess, Val Irvine Honing, Frederick W. Howard, Sherwin Ward Hunsaker, Dorothy D. *Hunsaker, Orvil Glade Huppi, Rose Marie lsom, Waldon Elwin Iverson, Gam K. Jardine, Bette *Johnson, Antoinette Johnson, Blaine Leroy Kelly, Kathryn Campbell Khachatoorian, Hilda Kuipers, Alexa Drexler Kuipers, John William

Larcher, Rudolph Alfred Levin, Sylvia Spekter *Lund, Lanny Rex Marcy, George Roger Martin, Eleanor Godon McCullough, Larry Reed Mecham, Larry Jay Meyer, Alfene Stanley Morrison, Kendrick 0. Mortenson, Ila Tonita Nelson, Earl Wayne Nelson, Jeannene Johnson *Olson, Elizabeth Oman, Bruce Richens Otteson, Otto Harry Parry, David Ross Payne, Vernon Kent *Perry, Jon Gene Peters, Robert J. Peterson, Clarence Paul Peterson, Ellis Ray Peterson, Karmen Rammell, Ora Jay *Rice, Elizabeth Louise *Richards, Von Della Rogers, Edwin Franklin Rowley, Wayne Allred Rust, Dean Carvel Sanders, David Thomas Sant, John F.

*Schow, Howard Wayne *Shaw, Jocelyn E. Shiratori, Tatsuji Smith, Robert Baer *Stearman, Roberta L. Stephenson, Dennis Stewart, Perry Carlson Stimpson, Dean Leroy Stoddart, Laurence C. Stott, Nelson Carlvle Swenson, Paul En'och Symes, Ken Michael Symes, Patricia Lotze Taggart, Dennis Devere Thomson, Dixon Waite Thornock, Patricia EIJen *Tolman, R. Alberta P. Wahlquist, Ruby Marie Brown Webster, Bert Reed West, Jay Reed Wheeler, Robert Dalton Wight, Cleone William Williams, Leo Clair Williams, Loran Garth Winn, Shirley Jeanne *Wood, William V. Woodruff, Gary Lamar Wright, Joye Wyatt, Earl Reed Zobell, James Bushman

·~Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary scholastic fraternity. Membership in this organization is based upon academic achievement and is proffered to those students who obtain o grade point average in the highest ten percent of those graduating from each College of the Univ,e rsity.

HONOR GRADUATES VALEDICTORIANS The quality of performance in academic work enables the following students to be graduated with distinction. A Valedictorian has been selected by each College of the University.

Addresses have been


livered and appropriate recognition accorded the following students by faculty and fellow graduates in each of the Colleges as indicated:

College of Agriculture ······----·------·---------------- ------------------------------ Alfred Max Wiedemann College of B~siness and So~ial Sciences ---------------------------------------------- Ross Ezra Kendell College of Education ------~----------------------------------------------------------- Dorothy J. Schimmelpfennig College of Engineering -----------------·-------------·-------------------------------------------- Robert LeRoy Allen College of Family Life -----------·----------------······----·-----------··-·--------····------------ Sandra Jorgensen C<:'llege of Forest, Range and Wildlife Management -------------------------- Dwane Jay Sykes College of Humanities and Sciences (University College) ------------ Gerald Robert Grove

HIGH HONORS Beach, Helen Clara Coburn, Brandley Don Crochtt, Don Warren Groberg, Charles Alfred

Halamandaris, Harry Hansen, Nikki Arleene Jorgensen, Merilyn A. Richards, Rama

Schow, Howard Wayne Tolman, Ruby Alberta P. West, Jay Reed

HONORS Barnes, Rey LeRoy Bellamy, Joan Beth Bingham, Howard K. Bobek, Robert Eldon Borchert, M.a xine H. Bozolakis, Mary Brown, Ruby Marie Carter, Calvin Ross Christiansen, William C. Harris, Mary Joe Hunsaker, Leona Zundel Hunsaker, Orvil Glade Hunter, Elaine Louise Jennings, Margery Ann Jessop, Twuilla Kay Johnson, Antoinette Jones, Gary D.


Kjar, Marcia P. Lewis, Dianna Lund, Lanny Rex Meservy, Naomi Nelson, Carla Olsen, Evon Olson, Elizabeth Orme, Marie Otte, Joann Marie Perry, Jon Gene Peterson, Dennis Lee Phillips. Larae Rampton, Helen Rice, Elizabeth Louise Richards, Von Della Sanders, Marie Norman Sass, Juergen

Secrist, Sharon Lynne Shaw, Jennie Lou Shaw, Jocelyn E. Sorensen, Don Spencer, Elvon Howard Stauffer, Norman E. Stearman, Roberta L. Swainston, Mar.g aret Thompson, Doris G. W addison. Larene Warnick, Grace Marie Warren, Rula Thompson Wood, William V. Woodbury, Elrod T. Woolley, Carol Jean Y un, Yeo Gyeong Zollinger, Carol J.


Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Army Reserve at earlier unit ceremonies. ( RA) indicates Regular Army Commission. ARTILLERY Ashton, Max A. Burton, David M. Glover, William L. Marcy, George R. Park, Gail R. Vest, Hyrum G., Jr. Winters. Louis M.

INFANTRY Crandell, Dan L. Huber, Don A. Thurg,ood. Leon C .

AD JUTANT GENERAL'S CORPS Andersen, John J. Giboney, John N. Hunsaker, Orvil G. Kerr, William R.

QUARTERMASTER CORPS Jones, Orlo D. Rich, William L. Wallentine, Clarence B.

ARMY INTELLIGENCE Cook, Paul F. Erickson, Vincen~ E . Kunz, Farrell J., Jr. Larsen, Lex L. Stephenson, Dennis


CHEMICAL CORPS Crookston, Paul B. Howard. Sherwin W.



CORPS OF ENGINEERS Dahle, Robert S. Gee, William P. Walker, Clive H.

ORDINANCE CORPS Kemp, David D. Spencer, Glen M. Stewart, Perry C.

DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES Andersen, John J. Cook, Paul F. Crockett, Don W.

Gee, William P . Howard, Sherwin W . Hunsaker, Orvil G.

Kerr, William R. Thurgood, Leon C. Vest, Hyrum G., Jr.


Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Air Force Reserve, at earlier unit ceremonies. Bowman, Buddy L. Chappell, Rulon A. Clyde, John R. Eborn, Ellis D. Erickson, Thad

Gardner, Maurice G. Gerrard, Duan~ B. Hansen, Lynn M. Miller, James F. Smith, Robert B.

Waldron, James H. West, David F. Williams, Gary B. Woodruff, Gary L.

DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES Bowman, Buddy L. Gerrard, Duane B.

Hansen, Lynn M.

Gardner, Maurice G.




DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ALMANDIL. A. RAZAK Basrah, Iraq M.S. University of Arizona, 1955 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor: Orson S. Cannon Thesis: Chemical Control of Spoilage of Dates BURZLAFF, DONALD FREDERICK Lincoln, Nebraska M.S. University of Wyoming, 1952 Major: Range Management Major Professor: L. A. Stoddart Thesis: Soil as a Factor Influencing Distribution of Vegetation in the Sandhills of Nebraska GOEBEL. CARL JEROME Milwaukee, Wisconsin B.S. University of Idaho, 1955 Major: Range Management Major Professor: C. Wayne Cook Thesis: Effect of Range Condition and Plant Vigor Upon the Production and Nutritive Value of Forage HANIUK, EINARD STEPHEN Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada M.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: R. L. Smith Thesis: The Influence of Age on the Cation Exchange Capacity of Plant Roots

MONK. RALPH WARNER Ogden. Utah M.S. Colorado State University, 1939 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: H. B. Peterson Thesis: Growth and Survival of Some Ornamental Plants Grown on Salinized Soils and Substrates and the Resistance of Their Protoplasm as Related To Salt Tolerances PERUR. NARAYAN GUNDERAO Bombay, India M.S. University of Poona, 1953 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: R. L. Smith Thesis: Studies in Chlorosis of Leaves WIEGAND. CRAIG LOREN Santa Rosa. Texas M.S. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1956 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: The Temperature Dependence of the Drying of Horizontal Soil Columns

LOO, HUAN YEN Siangtan, China M.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Vaughan E . Hansen Thesis : Analysis of Steady and Non-Steady Flow Toward an Unconfined Well

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION JOHN. LaVERD Ogden, Utah M.S. Utah State Universitly, 1953 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor: John C. Carlisle Thesis: The Relationship of Achievement Motives As Projected Into Thematic Apperception Stories to Children's School Achievement

SILVESTER. JOHN ARTHUR Rexburg, Idaho M.S. University of Idaho, 1934 Major : Educational Psychology Major Professor: Walter R. Borg Thesis: Situational Action Tests as a Measure of the Effectiveness of Public School Principals

MASTER OF SCIENCE ALAI, BARBARA Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: English Major Professor: John M. Patrick Thesis: The Literary Criticism of Jean-Paul Sartre

ALGER. RICHARD HAYWARD Kenilworth, Illinois B.S. Illinois State Normal University, 1957 Major: Fishery Biology Major Professor: W . F. Sigler Thesis : The Effects of Flouride Ion on Some Blood Constituents of Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson

ALEXANDER, GLEN M. Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1933 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Developmental Study of Graphical Principles and Techniques for School and Modern Industry

AL-SAMMARAI. SUBHI YASSEN Baghdad, Iraq B.S. Higher Teachers College, Iraq, 1955 Major: Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor: Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: Effects of Gamma Rays, Beta Rays, and Hydrochloric Acid on Tubers of Jerusalem Arti• choke

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) ANDERSEN, FERRON LEE Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Zoology Major Professor: D. M Hammond Thesis: Serum Protein Changes in Calves Experi~ mentally Infected with Haemonchus placei and Ostertagia ostertagi ANDERSON, SHAREL Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: The Effect of Four Selected Physical Activ~ ities on the Physical Fitness Scores of University Women ANGELOVIC, JOSEPH W. Rock Springs, Wyoming B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Fishery Biology Major Professor: William F. Sigler Thesis: The Effects of Temperature on the Incidence of Fluorosis in Rainbow Trout APPLEGARTH, BOYD L. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: School Administration Major Professor: John C. Carlisle Thesis: A Study of the Optional Seven Period Day as it is Operating at Logan High School ARNOLD, BILLY B. Orem, Utah B.S. San Diego State College, 1956 Major: Fishery Management Major Professor: W. F. Sigler Thesis: Life History Study On the Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchell) in a Turbid Water, Utah Lake, Utah BACHELOR, ARTHUR ORRIN Fallon, Nevada B.A. University of Nevada, 1954 Major: School Administration Major Professor: W. P. Lewis Thesis: A Descriptive Study of the Churchill County High School, Fallon, Nevada Science Program BACHELOR, EVELYN NELSON Fallon, Nevada B.S. University of Nevada, 1955 Major: Home Economics Education Major Professor: Virginia H. Harder Thesis: Development of a Two-Credit Elective Semes~ ter Course for Non-Major Students in Home Economics at the University of Nevada BAHRANI, BOZORG Darab Shiraz, Iran B.S. Tehran University, 1956 Major: Soils and Irrigation Major Professor: Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: The Influence of Soil Moisture Suction and Evaporative Demand on Actual Evapotranspiration and Yield of Alfalfa

BALLS, RUBY LOOSLE Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Hubert W. Smith Thesis: The Recurring Themes in the Plays of well Anderson BANKS, LAVOIR A. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: H. B. Peterson Thesis: The Movement of Nitrate Nitrogen as ed by Placement and Irrigation



BINGHAM, ELMONT LEONARD Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Study For The Purpose of Ascertaining the Basic Units of Instruction For A Unified Drafting Program in Utah High Schools BODILY, NED JAMES Lindon, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major: English Major Professor: King Hendricks Thesis: Davy Crockett: The Man and the Myth BOYER. FAY WILDE Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: E. M. Morrison Plan "B" Reports BRAR, CHAMKAUR SINGH Punjab, India B.S. University of Idaho, 1958 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: William L. Jones Thesis: Filter Design by Network Synthesis BUDGE, EZRA CHARLES Paris, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Clayton Clark Thesis: The Cylinder as an Antenna BUDGE, HAROLD SPENCER Paris, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Heber C. Sharp Thesis: Stereoscopic Vision as a Factor in Subliminal Perception CALL, VERN WILLIS Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Psychology Major Pro.fessor: Heber C. Sharp Thesis: An Investigation of the Psychiatric Factor in the U.S. Army Physical Profile System

MASTER OF SCIENCE (continued) CARNAHAN, GLENN FRANK Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: D. R. McAllister Thesis: The Inhibitory Effects of Tarweed, Madia glomerata, Upon the Germination of Seedings

COOK, RICHARD CROWTHER Smithfield, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Dairy Husbandry Major Professor: Eugene E. Starkey Thesis: A Comparison of Daughters of Sires in Arti~ ficial Breeding at Different Levels of Management

CASTO, GLENDON WEST Salt Lake City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Arden Frandsen Thesis: A Study of the Effects of Anxiety on entia! Test Performance

COULTER, BETTY WILSON Santa Monica, Cal. B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: En9lish Major Professor: King Hendricks Thesis: Symbolic Action In The Lyric: Kenneth Burke


CHAUDHRY, MOHAMMAD SHARIF Lyallpur, West Pakistan B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major : Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Major Professor: A. Alvin Bishop Thesis : Seepage Loss Investigation on Typical lined Canal Sections


CHEN, PAULINE YUN~WO Taiwan, China B.S. National Taiwan University, 1956 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Gene W. Miller Thesis : Effects of bicarbonate ions on Oxidative Phosphorylation of Mitochondria from Higher Plants CHENEY, TWILA ELAINE Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Plant Pathology Maj or Professor : George W. Welkie Thesis: Studies of Ultraviolet Inactivation of her Mosiac Virus in Vivo


CHRISTENSEN. LOT BUTLER Richmond, Utah B.S. Ricks College, 1952 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: The Value of Skill Tests in Selecting a ketball Squad


CHUNG, DIANA MANG~FANG Taipei, Taiwan, China B.S. National Taiwan University, 1955 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Norman Bauer Thesis: The Design and Preliminary Use of a Micr~ calorimeter for Measuring the Heat of Oxidation of Heme Proteins CLARK, RICHARD J. Cheyenne, Wyoming B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Bruce 0. Watkins Thesis: Some Chemical Treatments to Reduce the Resistance of Ground Connections COATES, LAWRENCE GEORGE Richfield, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Political Science Major Professor: M. Judd Harmon Thesis: Political Attitudes in Logan City on Interna~ tiona!, National, State and Local Problems

CROCKETT, ZENNA BETH North Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1949 Major: Speech Major Professor: Rex E. Robinson Thesis: A Survey of Trades, Policies and Teacher Training in the Basic Communication Courses of Selected American Colleges and Universities with Particular Emphasis on the Role of Speech in Such Courses. DANIELS, THOMAS EMERSON Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Hubert W. Smith Thesis: Clarence Darrow DEAN, JAMES L. Bountiful, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: English Major Professor: Ira N. Hayward Thesis: Finnegan and Other Stories DUTSON, ELWOOD Salt Lake City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: William E. Mortimer Thesis: Growth and Development of Auto Mechanics in the Utah Secondary Schools DUTSON, LELLON S. Jr. Hyrum, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Arts and Crafts Major Professor: Donald B. Wright Thesis: Selectivity: Its Potential and Limitation in the Creative Arts EDLEFSEN. JAMES LAURITZ III Boise, Idaho B.S. University of Idaho, 1953 Major: Range Management Major Professor: C. Wayne Cook Thesis: Diet Determination on Desert Vegetation Using Esophageal~fistula Cannula Equipped Sheep EVANS, ROBERT RONALD Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Sociology Major Professor: R. Welling Roskelley Thesis: Use of Alcohol as it is Related to Self~Evalu­ ation and Certain Related Social Variables: A Case Study

MASTER 0 F SCIENCE (Continued) FERGUSON, DONALD LEON Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Parasitology Major Professor: D. M. Hammond Thesis : Treatment of Experimental Bovine Coccidiosis with Nitrofurazone and Sulfamethazine

HALL. DONALD JON Logan, Utah St. Martin's College, 1953 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: William A. Cordon Thesis: Design of Soil-Cement Base Courses for Modern Highway Construction

FISH. LEWIS J. Brigham City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Maj or : Elementary School Administration Major Professor: Caseel D . Burke Thesis : A Study of the Reasons for Failure on the Job of some Graduates of Intermountain School FRANCE. EDWARD LeROY Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1941 Major: Industrial Educa tion Major Professor : W illiam E. Mortimer Thesis : An Appraisal of Technical Education at Utah State University Through a Follow-Up Study of the Industrial Technology Graduates from 1948 Through 1958. FRANK. VICTOR ROBERT Clearfield, Utah B.S. Utah Sta te University, 1959 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Clayton Clark Thesis : Radio Climatology of the Subtropical Northwest Pacific with VHF Radio Confirmation FREDRICKSON, LEO ERSELL Centerfield, Utah B.S. Utah Sta te University, 1949 Major: Guidance Major Professor : Heber C. Sharp Thesis : A Study of Personal Problems of Male, Students in the Special Program Department of Intermountain School GALE. DARWIN FRED Sparks, N evada B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Arden Frandsen Thesis: The Achievement Motive as Expressed in Fantasy and its Relationship to Actual Success in School ¡

HALL. MILES 0. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Vegetable Crops Major Professor : Alvin R. Hamson Thesis : The Effects of Fertilizer and Moisture on Quality Characteristics of Tomatoes

GARDNER. IVAN B. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1954 Major : School Administration Major Professor : Eldon Drake Thesis : An Historical Study of the Young Parmer Program of the State of Utah GOODEY. ORIS DeVOE Clarkston, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor : William E. Mortimer Thesis: An Industrial Arts Program for Slow Learning Children GRAFF, DARRELL JAY St. George, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Parasitology Major Professor : D. M. Hammond Thesis : Blood Changes in Calves Experimentally Infected with Haemonchus placei and Ostertagi ostertagi

HANSEN. GARY WEST St. Anthony, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : E . M. Morrison Thesis : Trends in Farm Population and Labor Adjustments in Sevier County, Utah HASSLER. THOMAS J. McCook, Nebraska B.S. University of Nebraska, 1957 Major: Fishery Biology Major Professor: W. F. Sigler Thesis: Relationships of Certain Environmental Factors to Benthic Fish Densities in Bear Lake, IdahoUtah HENDRICKS. DAVID W. San Francisco, California .B.S. University of California, 1954 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor : Vaughan E. Hansen Thesis : Evaluation of Ground Water Problems in a Non-Homogeneous, An-Isotropic Media Using a Variable Resistance Electrical Analogue HENDRICKSON. JAMES LEWIS Salt Lake City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1954 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor: Charles W . Hailes Thesis: A Pictorial Presentation of Furniture Manufactured in Utah 1847-1957 HEYBORNE, ROBERT LINFORD Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1949 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Clayton Clark Thesis : Correlation of Sporadic EMotion Observations at Three Stations HINCKLEY, KEITH S. Rexburg, Idaho B.S. University of Idaho, 1957 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : E. M. Morrison Thesis : Ability of Hog Production to Compete with Other Enterprises for Resource Uses on Utah Farms HINMAN, ROBERT ALLEN Wenatchee, Washington B.S. University of Alaska, 1954 Major: Wildlife Management Major Professor: Jessop B. Low Thesis : Antelope - Golden Eagle Relationships in Southwestern Utah

MASTER OF SCIENCE (continued) HISKEY, HAROLD H. Teasdale, Utah B.S. Brigham Young University, 1958 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: E. M. Morrison Thesis: Milk Vending in Secondary Schools and Its Effect on Total Milk Consumption by Students

JENSEN. DONALD N. Tooele, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Heber C. Sharp Thesis: Predicting Mathematics 34 and 35 Grades at Utah State University

HODAPP. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS American Fork, Utah A.B. University of Utah, 1941 Major: Bacteriology Major Professor: W. W. Smith Thesis: Investigation of Latent Vibrio Fetus in Sheep and Transmission of Three Strains via Oral. Intra~ venous and Uterine Routes

JENSEN. LOUIS A. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1939 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: D. C. Tingey Thesis: Evaluation of Small Grain Seed Planted in Utah in 1958

HOGGE. SHARON CAROL Rigby, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: English Major Professor: King Hendricks Thesis: Willa Cather: Pioneer of the Flesh and the Spirit HORNE. LAWRENCE THAD Layton, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: E. M. Morrison Thesis: Distribution Costs for Alternative Methods of Irrigation for Various Land Situations HOWE, ROBERT EARL Murray, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1952 Major: Dairy Manufacturing Major Professor: A. J. Morris Thesis: A Study of Hot Brine Treatment in Making Cheese From Antibiotic Milk HUMPHREYS, ALLAN STRATFORD Thayne, Wyoming B.S. Utah State University, 1954 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Vaughan E. Hansen Thesis: An Experimental Study of the Pressure~Area Relationship of Lay-Flat Tubing and Its Effect Upon the Hydraulic Friction Factor HUNTER. DONNELL W. Rexburg. Idaho B.S. Ricks College, 1954 Major: English Major Professor: Ira N. Hayward Thesis: The Preservation of Individuality from In~ terference in Henry James' Novels JACKSON. CARVEL GIBSON Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1955 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: H. B. Hunsaker Thesis Director: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: The Effect of Slow Motion Loop films of the! Leamer in Learning Gross Motor Skills JACOBS, CHARITON RIGBY Clearfield, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1952 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Stanley S. Richardson Thesis :A Proposed Farm Mechanics Program Based Upon The Experience of Farm Mechanics Teachers in Utah

JOHNSON. RICHARD THEODORE Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Arden Frandsen Thesis: The Construct Validity of the CPI with Reference to Leadership JONES, KENNETH LaMAR Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Zoology Major Professor: D. M. Hammond Thesis: A Study of the Parasities of the Fishes of Hyrum Reservoir KOHL. ROBERT ALVIN Matteson, Illinois B.S. Purdue University, 1958 Major: Soil Physics Major Professor: Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: Hydrogen Bonding Between the Carbonyl Group and Wyoming Bentonite KRISHNAMRA, JUDHA Dhonburi, Thailand B.S. University of the Philippines, 1958 Major: Forest Management Major Professor: T. W. Daniel Thesis: Effects of Temperature and Stratification on the Germination of Rocky Mountain Coniferous Tree Seeds LAIDLAW, ALLAN BOYD Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Heber C. Sharp Thesis: Influence of Alcohol on Perceptual Analysis and the Abilities to Comprehend Abstract Units in Multiple Relationships LANEY. CLIFTON NORMAN Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Eldon M. Drake Thesis: Factors Influencing the Failure of Students to> Pass Freshman English in a California High School LARSON, RAYMOND PARLEY Morgan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1945 Major: School Administration Major Professor: Ellvert H. Himes Thesis: Effects of a Specific Development Program Upon the Progress in Reading of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students of Morgan High School

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) LAWLER, ROBERT EDWIN Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Fisheries Management Major Professor: W. F. Sigler Thesis : The Life History of Channel Catfish (lctalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) in Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah LEAVITT, MERETTIE HARRISON Afton, Wyoming B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: David R. Stone Thesis : An Evaluation of an Attempt at Homogeneous Grouping in the Afton Elementary School LEHNER, MELBA J. Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1929 Major: Family Relations Major Professor: Don Carter Thesis: Attitude Changes Toward Child Guidance of Parents in a Cooperative Nursery School. LOO. STANLEY K. Y. Honolulu, Hawaii B.A. University of Hawaii, 1953 Major: Fishery Biology Major Professor: W. F. Sigler Thesis : Seasonal Fish Movements of Some Fishes in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho LOOSLE. LYLE J. Clarkston, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Drama Major Professor: Floyd T. Morgan Thesis: Carousel: A Production Thesis

McCLOY, RALPH K. Bancroft, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1939 Major: School Administration Major Professor: John C. Carlisle Thesis: A Study of Multiple Class Teaching of Mathematics in the Small High School McCOMB. ROBERT BURKE St. George, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor: Orson S. Cannon Thesis: Basidiomycetes of the Mount Dellenbaugh Region of Mohave Country, Arizona McCONKIE. ALTA GENIEL St. George, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Family Relations Major Professor: Don Carter Thesis: Analysis of Selected Problems of Home Management House Students McHENRY. DOUGLAS BRUCE Los Gatos, California B.S. University of Wyoming, 1954 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Keith L. Dixon Thesis: Habitat Distribution of Small Mammals in Clifton Basin, Franklin County, Idaho McKIM, HOWARD VANCE Thayne, Wyoming B.A. University of Wyoming, 1938 Major: School Administration Major Professor: W. P. Lewis Thesis: Comparative Effectiveness of Teaching Spelling with and Without Workbooks in Star Valley, Wyoming

LUNT. SHARRON J. Duncan, Arizona B.A. Brigham Young University, 1958 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: E. M. Morrison Thesis: Possible Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Alternative Methods of Irrigation on Gross Crop Income

MERRELL. J. EVAN Duncan, Arizona B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: A. Alvin Bishop Thesis: Evaluation of Methods for Measuring Upward Seepage From an Artesian Aquifer

MADSEN. ALBERT GAIL Fairview, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: E. M. Morrison Thesis :Margins on Selected Fruits and Vegetables in Retail Stores of Utah, Spring, 1959

MILLER, MARSHALL LEE Smithfield, Utah B.A. Brigham Young University, 1958 Major: Art Major Professor: Ev Thorpe Thesis: Symbolic Mural of the Castle Gate Mine Explosion, 1924

MATTHEWS, NYLE JOSEPH Bountiful, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Animal Breeding Major Professor: James A. Bennett Thesis: The Motility of Ram Semen as Affected by Different Diluters and Dilution Rates when Stored at 4 degrees C.

MOHR. JAMES ERNEST Heber, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Bacteriology Major Professor: Paul B. Carter Thesis: Differentiation of Staphylococcal Strains by Infrared Spectrophotometry

MAUGHAN. WALTER LEON Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1955 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Arden Frandsen Thesis: An Interest Inventory for Elementary School Children

MOTTA. JOHN RICHARD Midvale, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: The Effect of Weight Training on Selected Gross Motor Skills Related to Basketball Playing Ability

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) MUMFORD. BESSIE CREZEE Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Home Economics Education Major Professors: Virginia H. Harder and Eldon M. Drake Thesis: A Follow~Up Study of the Terminal Graduates of Weber College

PFLUGBEIL. ERNST NMI Salzburg, Austria B.S. University of Agriculture and Forestry in Vienna, 1957 Major: Forest Management Major Professor: T .W. Daniel Thesis: Proposed Site Indices for Engelmann Spruce on the College Forest of the Utah State University

MUNZ. C. STEWART Brigham City, Utah B.S. State Teachers College, Pennsylvania Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen Thesis : How the Curricula of the Special Navajo Programs Meet the Needs of the Students at the Intermountain School in Regard to Their Use of Alcoholic Beverages

SABETI-RAHMATI. HASSAN Mashad, Iran B.S. Mashad University, 1956 Major: Food and Nutrition Major Professor: Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis : The Effect of Feeding Various Levels of Fluroide to Dairy Cattle on the Pepsin Enzyme Level

MURDOCK. ORRICE STRATFORD Bountiful, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major : Political Science Major Professor: M. Judd Harmon Thesis: Political Attitudes in Logan City on Inter~ national, National, State and Local Problems

RALEIGH, ROBERT FRANKLIN Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1954 Major: Zoology Major Professor: D. M. Hammond Thesis : The Composition, Abundance and Depth Distribution of the 1957 Summer Net Zooplankton of Bare Lake, Alaska

OLDHAM, MARK ELLIOTT Paradise, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Dairy Manufacturing Major Professor: A. J. Morris Thesis : A Study of Delayed Gas Formation in dar Cheese

RICH, ROYAL ALLEN Logan, Utah B.S. University of Nebraska, 1957 Major: Fishery Biology Major Professor: W. F. Sigler Thesis : Limnological Studies on Hyrum Reservoir in Northern Utah


PAGE. RICHARD JOSEPH Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major : Range Management Major Professor : DuWayne L. Goodwin Thesis : Germination Requirements of Sphaeralcea grossulariaefolia

RITCHIE. DEE ROBERT Logan. Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor : Orson S. Cannon Thesis : Studies on the Resistance and Susceptibility of Tomatoes to Verticillium Wilt

PATTEE, HAROLD EDWARD Provo, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Agronomy Major Professor : Keith R. Allred Thesis: A Study of the Relationship of Carbohydrates Contained in Alfalfa and Three Species of Dodder PENROD. NORMAN C. Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major : Sociology Major Professor: C. Jay Skidmore Thesis: Alcoholism and the Self Concept: A Case History Approach PETERSON. LAWRENCE F. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1955 Major : Economics Major Professor: Evan B. Murray Thesis: An Economical History of the Municipal Power Plant of Hyrum, Utah PETERSON, MARVIN J. Morgan, Utah B.S. Utah Sta te University, 1957 Major : Physical Education Major Professor: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis : Opinions of Recognized Leaders and Author~ ities on the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Driver Education Program in Utah

ROQUIA, FELIXBERTO DULALAS Mindanao, Philippines M.S. University of the Philippines, 1956 Major: Horticulture Major Professor: Alvin R. Hamson Thesis : Studies on the Relationship of Moisture Content to Threshability and Viability of Pea Seeds RUSSO. JOHN PHILIP Milwaukee, Wisconsin B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Major: Wildlife Management Major Professor: George H . Kelker Thesis: Population Characteristics of the North Kaibab SIGGARD, DERRAL LEWIS Brigham City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Music Education Major Professor: Max F. Dalby Thesis: Graduate Woodwind Recital Deer Herd in Arizona SOMERS, WILFORD KARL Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1948 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: William E . Mortimer Thesis : The Point of View of Industry Towards the Education of the Tool and Manufacturing Engineer

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) SOUTHWICK, RUTH Orem, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Heber C. Sharp Thesis: The Effects of Small Amounts of Alcohol upon Perceptual Inhibitions

VAN ALFEN, CURTIS N. Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Arden Frandsen Thesis: Differentiated Homogeneous Grouping Evaluated

STENQUIST, NORRIS J. Tremonton, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Animal Production Major Professor: Milton A. Madsen Thesis: The Transmission of Open-face Characteristic and It's Relationship to Productivity of Rambouillet Sheep Maintained Under Farm Conditions

WAGNER. WILLIAM WILLARD Salt Lake City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: D. C. Tingey Thesis : Influence of Moisture, Nitrogen and Frequency of Clipping on Water Requirement of Two Genotypes of Orchardgrasa

STEWART, SCOTT PAUL, Jr. Provo, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: William L. Jones Thesis : A Conical Antenna With Dimensions In The Same Order Of Magnitude As The Wavelength

WARNICK, BOYD L. Pleasant Grove, Utah B.S. Brigham Young University, 1958 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: E . M. Morrison Thesis : The Transportation of Utah Meat

STONE, MARGARET LOUISE Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Child Development Major Professor: Don Carter Thesis: Self-Evaluation of a Selected Group of Teen Marriages SWENSON, ROYAL JAY Malad, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Plant Breeding Major Professor: DeVere R. McAllister Thesis: A Diallelic Study of Six Chaff Color Variations in Wheat TEEPLES, LELAND D. Bicknell, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: Rate of Recuperation From the Effects of Ethyl Alcohol on Selected Gross Motor Tests

WATSON, NONA W. Rexburg, Idaho B.S. Brigham Young University, 1957 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Pearl S. Budge Thesis: A Survey Of The English Program As Now Taught Through Grades Six To Twelve in The Schools of Madison District at Madison County, Idaho For The Year o.f 1958-1959 WHITAKER. ROBERT RUSSELL Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: Effect of Swimming on the Learning of Selected Gross Motor Skills When the Skills and Swimming are Performed on the Same Day WILLARD, ALLEN DALE Sun Valley, California B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Geology Major Professor: J. Stewart Williams Thesis : Surficial Geology of Bear Lake Valley, Utah

TILLEY, KEITH CHARLES Provo, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major: Entomology Major Professor: B. Austin Haws Thesis: Fluctuations Of The Seed Chalcid, Bruchophagus gibbus (Bob.) And other Alfalfa Insect Populations in Cache Valley, Utah During The Summer of 1958

WINWARD, EDWARD J. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Arden Frandsen Thesis: A Study of the Effectiveness of the California Psychological Inventory as an Instrument for Dis-tinguishing Successful and Unsuccessful Teachers

TOCATLIAN, JACQUES J. M. Alexandria, Egypt B.S. Institute of Industrial Chemistry, Alexandria University, 1953 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Jack T. Spence Thesis: Interaction of Riboflavin with Molybdenum

WOOD, GRANT REE Cedar City, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1954 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Critical Analysis of Industrial Arts Textbook Reading Level in Selected Junior High Schools, As Compared to Pupil Reading Achievement

TOMLINSON, KENNETH LARRY Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1959 Major: Political Science Major Professor: M. Judd Harmon Thesis: Political Attitudes in Logan City on International. National. State, and Local Problems

YEGIN, HUSEYIN !sparta, Turkey B.S. Ankara University, Turkey, 1952 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: J. E. Christiansen Thesis: Hyraulics of an Experimental Well

MASTER OF FORESTRY QUINN, JOHN THOMAS Logan, Utah B.S. Mississippi State University, 1954 Major: Forestry Major Professor: S. R. Tocher

DRAPER. JOSEPH ALAN Ogden, Utah B.S. University of Utah, 1955 Major: Forestry Major Professor: S. R. Tocher


Clearfield, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor: Edith S. Shaw


JOHNSON, CARL G. Duchesne, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major Professor: Terrance E. Hatch

fi., ANDERSON, ERMA HUNSAKER Smoot, Wyoming B.S. Utah State University, 1951 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen BLAYNEY, MABEL L. Ogden, Utah B.S. Brigham Young University, 1940 Major Professor: Ellvert H. Himes

HUMPHRIES, EUGENE MONROE Rupert, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen

[ LALLATHIN. EDNA MAGGIE Soda Springs, Idaho B.S. Idaho State College, 1952 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen

v BRADLEY, GLEN CHARLES L Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1951 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen

LARSON, CLINT SCHOFIELD Elko, Nevada B.S. University of Utah, 1954 Major Professor: L. G. Noble


LOOSLE. B. STRATFORD Smithfield, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1947 Major Professor: Walter Welti

Heyburn, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1951 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen


NEWBY, CARROL WALLER Ogden, Utah B.S. Northwest Nazarene College, 1955 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen

Ely, Nevada B.S. Utah State University, 1956 Major Professor: Ellvert H. Himes


ERICKSON, ELDON R. Afton, Wyoming B.S. Utah State University, 1953 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen


OWENS, MABEL MARY Roy, Utah B.S. University of Utah, 1953 Major Professor: Arthur D. Jackson PASSEY, REX WILLIAM Kaysville, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1950 Major Professor: Eldon M. Drake

" ERICKSON. JESSIE GREENSHIELDS Logan, Utah B.S. Jamestown College, 1932 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen

{t FERNELIUS, RONALD DEAN Ogden, Utah B.S. University of Utah, 1951 Major Professor: Walter R. Borg / GIBBONS. ANDREW H .• Jr. Logan, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1952 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen _?RANT. LELAND CANTWELL Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen

/ PETERSON. GLENN HOWARD Grace, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1928 Major Professor: Ellvert H. Himes / REDDINGTON. ORVILLE ARTHUR Bliss, Idaho A.B. Idaho State College, 1954 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen


RICHARDS. VEDA CHERRY Ogden, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1949 Major Professor: Arthur D. Jackson

MASTER OF EDUCATION (Continued) RIGBY. MARRINER C. Newton, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Arthur D. Jackson ?

CRODGERS. DONALD MICHAEL Scottsdale, Arizona A.B. University of Utah, 1949 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen SEAMONS, RENDELL MACK Hyde Park, Utah B.S. Utah State University, 1954 Major Professor: Gene S. Jacobsen

TLUSTOS, GEORGE E. Brigham City, Utah B.S. Southern State Teachers College, South Dakota, 1950 Major Professor: W. P. Lewis WILLIAMS, ROBERT B. Malad, Idaho B.S. Utah State University, 1957 Major Professor: Basil C. Hansen



Citation read by Trustee Henry R .Hurren

In recognition of a distinguished life of scholarly achievement as teacher, speaker, author, and scientist, you have gained national and international stature. As consultant and administrator, researcher and director of conferences and projects in forestry, geology, and agriculture, you have contributed signifi~ cantly to advancing the frontiers of scientific investigation and program administration. Particularly in the utilization, conservation, and control of area water resources have you achieved well deserved distinction as a world-renowned specialist and authority. For outstanding competence and service to your state and country as well as other nations of the world, you have been singled out by our national government and accorded fitting tribute and acknowledgement. It is therefore recommended by action of the Board of Trustees of Utah State University, that you, an eminent alumnus and former faculty member, be awarded the Honorary degree of Doctor of Science.


'Citation read by Tmstee Newell V. Sanders

For significant personal and professional achievements; for innumerable and immeasurable contributions to the lives of men and women now scattered over the entire world; for years of active and constructive interest in developing only the best in associates and all who might come under your influence; for de~ voted service, guidance, and inspiration, you have distinguished not only yourself and Utah State University, but your profession as well. Throughout the game of life, in all its competitive aspects, your triumphs and trophies both achieved and received, have been reflective of your foremost concern for lofty goals and practical concepts of useful living. Your congenial and provocate insights into the broad fields of individual endeavor have truly won for you a star~studded place in the Hall of Fame of human relations. Your activities in state, regional and national stadiums of planning, conferencing, and de~ cision making have provided ample evidence of a positive and considerate leadership. It is recom~ mended, ther¡e fore, by action of the Board of Trustees of Utah State University, that there be conferred upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities.


Citation read by Trustee Eve S. Ashton

Youthful diplomat, promoter of international friendship, ambassador of good will and staunch proponent of peace. Because of your lifelong interest in foreign affairs; because of distinguished services to your nation and its illustrious leaders; because of distinctive honors accorded you by significant nations throughout the world; because of your recognition by your own country of Iran for your interest and development of broad understandings through increased educational opportunities; because of your vigor and forthrightness in promoting peace through international technical and economic cooperation; and because of continuous individual efforts to cultivate a world-wide consciousness of the strength and benefits to be derived in a unified attack upon problems with common elements confronting man~ kind, you have contributed significantly to the understanding of men and nations. Today, Utah State University, where as a student you exemplified those qualities of leadership which you seek to develop in your own countrymen, wishes to honor you. By action of the Board of Trustees, it is recommended that you receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

v RECOGNITION FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS University Distinguished Service Awards Presented to eminent scholars, business and professional people at the Founder's Day Program, March 8, 1960, upon nomination by the faculties of the various colleges of the University. OAKEN K. BROADHEAD-Utah State graduate•. active in Utah State University Alumni affairs . . • business executive, director of numerous public and private business enterprises . . . member and off~ icer of local, area, and federally related boards and committees. Former Executive Assistant to Secre~ tary of Agriculture Ezra T . Benson, and prominent in church and community activities.

ROBERT JAMES EVANS ... farmer, teacher, administrator and leader in church and civic activities • •. county agent, leader, and Extension Agronomist . . . Extension Service Director ... state Senator . . . several years president of the Utah State Farm Bureau Federation ... active promoter of Youth organ~ izations.

ERNEST A. JACOBSEN ... Dean Emeritus, College of Education, Utah State University . . . teacher, adminstrator, consultant and educational specialist . .. Advisor to the Dean of Karaj Agricultural Col~ lege in Iran ... Research Assistant to Utah Coordinating Council of Higher Education. WALTER W. McLAUGHLIN . . . Recognized nationally in United States Department of Agriculture in the fields of soil moisture and water resources. Chief, Division of Irrigation, United States Department of Agriculture ... furnished leadership in organizing surveys, projects, and state associations in several Western States ... served for many years as consultant to the Chief of Soil Conservation. AMY LYMAN MERRILL ... first home demonstration agent in the United States, as well as in Utah ... Dean of Women at Utah State ... active in Washington, D. C. social and civic circles as lecturer and authority on national statues and monuments . . . hostess to government officials and foreign visitors. GEORGE A. MEYER ... instructor and interpreter in fields of foreign languages . .. served as head of Department of Foreign Languages and Latin at Utah State University 1928 to 1935 ... Foreign Stu~ dent Advisor at Utah State University ... author and promoter of teaching materials for non~native English users ... active in civic organizations, music, cultural and humanitarian projects. J. WELLS ROBINS ... farmer, cattle rancher, forest ranger .. . a member of Fish Lake National Forest Advisory Council . . . President and officer of county and state Cattlemen's Associations . . . member of several committees of National Cattlemen's Association. Presently chairman, national Nomination Committee for American Society of Range Management. University Citizenship Awards Presented annually to the senior man and woman graduates who best portray high traits of character, scholarship and citizenship. William Rolfe Kerr

Gloria Gay Thompson

;j NECROLOGY Dr. Franklin S. Harris, President Emeritus Faculty and Administration, 1908 to 1921 President, 1945 to 1950 Date of death: April 18, 1960 Prof. Charles Bennett Cooley Faculty, C.S.U .• 1930 to 1959 Date of death: October 21, 1959 Dr. William R. Palmer Summer Faculty. C.S. U., 1949 to 1959 Date of death: March 1, 1960 Mr. H. Dean Eyre, Purchasing Agent Business Offices, 1947 to 1960 Date of death: May 7, 1960 Mr. Henry Olsen, Receiving Clerk University Bookstore, 1955 to 1959 Date of death: November 6, 1959 Mr. Lyle Clinton Stephens, College of Engineering Student: 1958 to 1959 Date of death: December 25, 1959



The flags pos ¡e d in the background of the platform 1 f those nations from which studen A g~e who are being graduated from the University the current year. - In numeticaLorder from the audience's left:


1. Argentina

19. Libya

2. Australia

20. Mexico

3. Austria

21. Netherlands

4. British East Indies

22. Newfoundland

5. Canada

23. New Zealand

6. China

24. Pakistan

7. Denmark

25. Panama

8. Egypt

26. Philippines

9. Greece

27. Poland

10. Hungary

28. Puerto Rico

11. India

29. Sudan

12. Iran

30. Sweden

13. Iraq ' 14. Israel

31. Syria 32. Thailand

15. Japan

33. Turkey

16. J.ordan

34. United Arab Republic

17. Korea

35. Uruguay

18. Lebanon

36. Venezuela


ALMA MATER HYMN Across the quad at eventide the shadows softly fall, The Tower of Old Main appears and peace rests over all. The lighted "A" upon the hill stands out against the blue: Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on the student friendships grow, We'll ne'er forget the joys we had, those days we used to know, Thy mem'ries ever will be new, thy friends be ever true, Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. Composed by Theodore M. Burton.

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