Utah State University Commencement, 1989

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Utah State University




CHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, 2 June 1989 RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS COMMISSIONING CEREMONIES 10: 0 0 a m ., Eccles Conference Center Auditorium 11: 3 0 a m., . Reception, Eccles Conference Center Lounge

WOMEN'S CENTER FOR LIFELONG LEARNING 11: 3 0 a.m ., 1 5 th Anniversary Program, Taggart Student Center Auditorium 12: 3 0 p.m ., Reception, Taggart Student Center Juniper Lounge

SPOUSE RECOGNITION CEREMONIES Honoring spouses o f graduating students 1:0 0 p. m., Chase Fine Arts Center Morgan Theatre

COLLEGE OPEN HOUSES 3: 00 -4 : 0 0 p. m., college locations

PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION A reception hosted by President and Mrs. Cazier fo r all graduates, their parents, families, and alumni 4 : 3 0 -5 : 4 5 p.m., Taggart Student Center Sunburst Lounge

GRADUATION SMORGASBORD DINNER AND POPS CONCERTS 6: 0 0 and 7: 3 0 p.m., Smorgasbord Dinner, Taggart Student Center Carousel Square 6: 0 0 and 8:0 0 p.m ., Pops Concerts, Chase Fine A rts Center Kent Concert H ad

Saturday, 3 June 1989 ACADEMIC PROCESSION 8: 1 5 a m ., Taggart Student Center to Dee Glen S m ith Spectrum

COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES 9: 0 0 a m ., Dee Glen Sm ith Spectrum


(See map, page 47)

1 2 : 0 0 noon College of Education, Chase Fine Arts Center Kent Concert Hall College o f Family Life, Chase Fine Arts Center Morgan Theatre College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Dee. Glen Smith Spectrum College of Natural Resources, University Amphitheatre (Alternate location in case o f inclement weather, Eccles Conference Center Auditorium) College of Science, Taggart Student Center Ballroom

2: 0 0 p.m. College o f Agriculture, Chase Fine Arts Center Morgan Theatre College o f Business, Dee Glen Smith Spectrum College of Engineering, Chase Fine Arts Center Kent Concert Hall

COMMENCEMENT PICNIC LUNCHEON 1 1 : 3 0 a m . -2: 0 0 p.m. , University Quadrangle


Commencement Ceremonies Saturday, 3 June 1989 President Stanford Cazier, Conducting 8: 15 a .m .

Academic Procession

Taggart Student Center to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum



"Crown Imperial Processional,”


University Symphonic Band



W illiam W alton

Presentation of the Colors

A ir Force and A rm y R O TC

N ational A n th em

"The Star Spangled Banner”

University Symphonic Band

Francis Scott Key


Tim othy Moran Recipient, University Citizenship A ward

President’s Greeting

President Stanford Cazier

M usical Selection

Overture to "Candide”

University Symphonic Band

Leonard Bernstein

Address to Graduates

Thomas Sowell Economist and Social Critic

M usical Selection

"A n Original Suite”

University Symphonic Band

Gordon Jacob

Recognition o f the Colleges’ Professors o f the Y ear and Presentation o f the Eldon J. Gardner University Teaching Award

President Stanford Cazier

Presentation o f the D. W yn n e Thorne Research Aw ard

President Stanford Cazier

Presentation o f the E. G. Peterson Extension Aw ard

President Stanford Cazier

Conferring o f Degrees

President Stanford Cazier

Conferring o f Honorary Degrees

President Stanford Cazier

Concluding Remarks

President Stanford Cazier

Musical Selection

"Alm a M ater Hymn"

University Symphonic Band

Theodore M . Burton


Michelle Henrie Recipient, University Citizenship A w ard


"Regal Procession”

University Symphonic Band

Clifton Williams

University Symphonic Band Conductor, George Sparks Carillonneur, Jennifer Jo Madsen


Honor Graduates T he quality o f performance in aca­ demic w ork enables th e following to be graduates w ith distinction. Those who have m et residence requirements and have m aintained a grade point average o f 3 . 9 5 to 4 . 0 0 are graduated Sum m a Cum Laude; those whose average is 3 . 8 0 to 3 . 9 4 , M agna C um Laude; and those whose average is 3 . 5 0 to 3 . 7 9 , Cum L a u d e

Sum m a Cum Laude Addley, Ronald Craig Bird, Peggy Ann Coburn, Quinn J. Corbridge, Alene Kay Corrigan, Susan Lynette Davis, Paula Huber Decker, Cynthia P. Dykes, John W. Fountaine, Cynthia L. Hunter, Kathryn Tebbs Maw, Jeannette Monson, Jeanine Nesbit Pearson, Bonnie Linda Peters, Mary S. Robson, Joan Soles Shore, Victoria Lynn Southam, Rebecca J. Tuttle, Patrice Marie

Magna Cum Laude Alberts, Teresa T. Allred, Kim D. Baugh, David W. Bergman, Dean L. Bowers, Suzanne Suzette Bowling, Renae Braegger, Linda J. Brown, Shannon Butler, Bryan J. Carlisle, Alice Brubaker Castlemain, Nadine Casto, Yvette Laura Christensen, Brian Wade Clark, Kathryn Holm El-Bakri, Brent K. Frome, Kimball Dean Gee, Joseph Norman Gee, Michelle Harris, Sonya Heaps, Carissa R. Isrealsen, Juli D. Jarrett, Matthew Y.

Jones, Carolyn L. Keller, Bennett Dallas Keller, Shelly Cornish Kunzler, Robert Alan Larsen, Marianne Larsen, Shirlene Bird Loveland, Jim David McKay, Debra C. Merrill, Christian T. Merrill, Gwen Miller, Jeffrey Lester Morgan, Michael Lee Moss, Darin E. Nelson, Janalee J. Nielsen, Mark Evan Oldham, Marriner V. Ostberg, Laurel Lee Ostberg, Richard A. Palmer, Joan B. Parker, Ellen Jane Pearce, Alan R. Peterson, Karl Brad Phillips, Cynthia Lyn Powell, Lisa Peterson Pugh, Charles Edward Rasmussen, Dana Griffin Rightmire, Rita Faye Rose, Gregory Guy Roundy, Thor B. Routh, Debra Lee Saxton, Heidi Lyn Sevilla, Pedro Ernesto Sevy, Brian David Sharp, Lael D. Shymanski, Gregory Paul Simmons, Melinda Kay Littleton Smith, Clifford Jack Smith, Georgeanna Stewart, Julianne Thompson, Kevin M. Trimble, Kevin D. Turnbeaugh, Kelly Turner, Steven M. Wallace, Kevin P. Walton, David J. Wells, Julane Worthington Williams, LeAnn Nielsen

Cum Laude Adams, Kyle Anderson, Angela T. Anderson, Ben Lee Anderson, Donna M. Atkinson, Brian Jay Atkin, Tammie G. Bair, Jodi L. Barker, Dawn Bennion, Melvin Wayne Berry, David F. Biddlecomb, Mark Edward


Bjerregaard, John Douglas Blauer, Vickilyn B. Bond, Steven Scott Boshard, Cary B. Bowen, Debra O. Bradford, John Roger Bradley, Pamela A. Brooks, Taunya Walker Budge, Trudy Lyn Cardon, Stephen Craig Carter, Douglas W. Castlemain, Lynette Chao, Isa Sihung Chaudoin, William B. Cha, Marianne Chitsaz, Farideh Christiansen, Deborah Lyn Christopherson, Cynthia Robison Chustz, Erik Geoffrey Clark, Thomas A. Combe, Rhonda C. Cooper, Kristene R. Cottle, Rachelle Cowley, David T. Cox, Steven L. Davis, Wendy D. Dennis, Kevin B. Desmond, Lorri A. Dixon, Sheila Foste Dyches, David A. Earl, Brenda L. Earl, Bryan Kent Eckensberger, William Henry III Egbert, Pamela Eliason, Mindy Embree, Eric Francis Espinosa, Raelene Wood Esplin, Merlin Evans, David Oman Ferguson, Terrie Lynn Fetrow, Elesha Kay Fiorilo, Luis German Fullerton, Mathew John Francis Fuller, Glen Reed Funk, Nancy Christensen Furca, Angela M. Garcia, Mark L. Gardner, Sandra Kaye Gates, Merin M. Gee, Richard Benjamin Giles, Diane M. Glasgow, Brunhilde P. Greene, David C. Greenhalgh, Lanai Griffin, Roger Wadsworth Guffey, Andrea Gumucio, Maria Pilar Gustafson, Donald L. Hallows, Flora Hall, Christine Hamberlin, Michele Hampton, Michael Scott Hansen, Clayton M.

Hansen, Douglas J. Hardy, James Hintze Harper, Lorrie Auria Haviland, Tracy R. Hawkins, Jeffrey Todd Heaps, Randall M. Hekmat, Sharareh Henrie, Michelle Herbert, John P. Higham, Edmond McKay Holman, Kevin Gary Holm, Mary A. Holst, Tim J. Holt, Niel S. Howard, Kim Hunsaker, Mikal Carter Hunter, Bradley George Huntington, Melissa Hyer, Kathryn L. Jacobson, David P. Jardine, Guy William Jensen, Linda Staley Jeppson, Traci Dawn Johnson, Kevin Scott Jorgensen, Trudy Kamalo, Markus Kobe, Deborah A. Larsen, Sharon Larsen, Sheila Shiner Larsen, Terry A. Law, Shirlene Call Lee, Deborah Ann Lee, Jeffrey D. Leonard, Karen S. Lester, Jeri Suzanne Lloyd, Kathleen Kay Lloyd, Nancy Loveland, Kaylin Low, Jolene Dowd Lowe, Laura L. Lube, S. Valeska Man, Shu Kei Manning, Christine S.

Martin, Barbara A. Martinez, Kelly J. Mays, Dietra A. McWane, Candace Nash Mecham, Jefferson B. Merritt, Helen Schwab Mickelsen, Leslie Mitchell, Michael David Moon, Julie Taylor Nell, Alan Glade Nielsen, Kurt W. Nielson, Mitchel David Off, Michael James Olsen, H. Eric Richard Palmer, Stacy Wheeler Pambianco, Dan Michael Parry, Debra Atkinson Parsons, John D. Pedersen, Cindy D. Sidwell Pehl, Denise Elder Peterson, Eldon C. Peterson, Haley S. Pettingill, Trudie Pope, Marcus D. Pope, Terri C. Potts, Brian D. Price, Tami Drennan Rasmussen, Cortney W. Rasmussen, Jacquelyn A. Reeder, Kim Marie Ricks, Carolee Rock, Lisa Ann Roohr, Marilyn M. Roosendaal, Quinn R. Rudman, Lynette Fon Rutishauser, Marianne T. Sackett, Brent John Saltern, Lori Sandoval, Bruce Schick, Scott H. Schmid, Robert J. Schmitz, Brad James


Scott, Tanya Lee Seeley, Kevin S. Senseman, Charles John Sherwood, Kimberly Sue Simmons, David M. Simmons, Julie Hubbard Simmons, Rose Mary Smoot, Karen Johnson Squire, Monique Luster Stack, Vincent John Stack, Vincent John Stamps, Eric Leroy Steed, Melanie Stenberg, Tamra Stout, James Jensen Swain, Sheryl Lyn Symons, Kall S. Tabor, Thomas Wayne Takara, Tracy Kiyomi Taylor, Julie Ann Thorson, Suzanne Joy Tingey, Melanie Heaps Tueller, Robert F. Uharriet, Jennifer Valcarce, Ron V. VanWeerd, Rebecca S. Verkler, Clark W. Waldron, Barbara Dail Shipp Warner, G. Thomas Warner, Janet L. Watts, Dorothy Jo Watts, Maren J. Weber, Matthew Grant Webster, Terri Whitehead, David B. Whittaker, Brian Wade Williams, Kenneth R. Wilson, Robert Jed Winterton, Delia Wirtz, Burdean Roberts Young, Angie Zollinger, Angela R.

Special Honors and Certificates

Valedictorians A valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University, Addresses will be delivered at the College G raduation Ceremonies. Valedictorians are: College of Agriculture Robert Alan Kunzler College of Business Quinn J. Coburn College of Education Peggy Ann Bird College of Engineering Brent K. El-Bakri College of Family Life Teresa T. Alberts College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Alene Kay Corbridge College of Natural Resources Ronald Craig Addley College of Science Paula Huber Davis

University Citizenship Awards Presented annually to the senior grad­ uates who best portray high traits of character, scholarship, and citizenship. Michelle Henrie Timothy D. Moran

Honors Program Graduates Elesha Kay Fetrow Angela M. Furca Mark D. Morrison Thor B. Roundy Leal D. Sharp Victoria Lynn Shore Maren J. Watts

Certificate o f International Relations Tim R. Bishop Elesha Kay Fetrow Maria Pilar Gumucio Robert Charles Hawkes


Randall Irvin Haws Garff W. Hubbard Noel Palmer Rita De-Linda Poyson David B. Whitehead

Certificate o f Area Studies Lance B. Anderson Allyson E. Brown Kendell L. Call Cheri Crisp Crosby Shirleen Hancock LeiAnne Jones Chow Mun Long James Porta Rita De-Linda Poyson Chris C. Saunders Brian David Sevy Jay C. Tomlin

Reserve Officer Training Corps Aerospace Studies

Mitchel H. Butikofer William B. Chaudoin John C. Merten Brent J. Sackett William M. Shaffer Michael G. Sharp David R. Spackman M ilitary Science

Daniel R. Allen Christopher J. Beveridge Trace E. Dawson John L. Hansen Randall I. Haws Christopher W. Henry Curtis H. Hooley Michael L. Jensen Kevin K. Lindsay Alfred L. Pace, IV Scott C. Price Derick D. Quinlan Cortney W. Rasmussen Ryan B. Rydalch Robert D. Solomon John M. Toolson Kendall M. Topham James R. Uharriet

Academic Heraldry

The history of academic heraldry reaches far back into the early days of the oldest universities. A statute of 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates, and Bache­ lors" of the University of Coimbra wear gowns. In England, in the second half of the fourteenth century, the statutes of certain colleges forbade "excess in apparel" and prescribed the wearing of a long gown, which may have been counted neces­ sary for warmth in the unheated buildings frequented by medieval scholars. Hoods were used to cover the head until later replaced by the skull cap and eventually by academic caps. Both Cam bridge and Oxford have made academic dress a mat­ ter of university control to the inclusion of even its minor details; and in Laudian days in Oxford, any tailor who departed from the authorized design "even by a nail's breadth" was to be punished by the vicechancellor of the University. When American colleges and universi­ ties desired to adopt some suitable system of academic apparel, it seemed best to agree on some definite system which all might follow. Accordingly, there was held on May 1 6 , 1895, at Columbia University, a conference of representatives of the governing boards of various interested institutions. From that meeting came a code of academic dress for the colleges and universities of the United States, which most institutions of higher learning have adopted and followed.

Gowns The academic gown for the bachelors degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the masters degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is so designed that it may be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctors degree has bell-shaped sleeves and may also be worn open or closed.

Colors For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctoral gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors asso­ ciated with the different academic disci­ plines are as follows: Agriculture Maize Business Drab Education Light Blue Family Life Maroon Engineering Orange Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences White


Natural Resources Russett Science Gold-Yellow School of Graduate Studies (EdD, PhD) Gold The white ribbon with the Greek Key on the robe of a graduate identifies those who have been inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, the National Scholastic Society. Gray collars worn with the robes indicate a member of the Mortar Board, the National Academic & Service Society.

Hoods Academic hoods are worn by recipients of advanced degrees. The masters degree hoods are three-and-one-half feet in length and are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university con­ ferring the degree, which at Utah State University are navy blue and white, dis­ played in a heraldic chevron. The doctoral hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institutional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The binding or edging of the hoods is of velvet or velveteen, three inches wide and five inches wide for the m asters and doctors degree, respectively.

Caps Academic caps come in two forms: the traditional mortarboard (from Oxford), a square cap; and a soft cap which resembles an oversized beret (the Cambridge model). The mortarboard, used by Utah State University, is worn with a tassel. Black tassels designate any degree, colored tassels designate the major field of learn­ ing, and gold tassels indicate doctors and governing officials of institutions.

Academic Procession The commencement procession origi­ nates at the Taggart Student Center and the line of march extends through the campus to the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum. The procession is composed of three divi­ sions: (1) color guard, University presi­ dent, Regents and Institutional Council members, administrative officers, and special guests; (2) the faculty; and (3) candidates for degrees, with candidates for advanced degrees in the lead and others in groups according to the degrees for which they are candidates. The pro­ cession will stop at the tunnel entrance to the Spectrum, the first two divisions dividing so that the candidates for grad­ uation pass between them and enter the hall first.

Honorary Degree

is one o f the country's most distinguished economists and social critics. His books and articles have changed the way that much o f America thinks about social and economic problems. Bom in 1 9 3 0 , Dr. Sowell earned degrees at Harvard, Columbia, and the University o f Chicago. He has been associated w ith the faculties o f Rutgers, Howard, Cornell, Brandeis, University of California-Los Angeles, and Stanford. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. □ In addition to hisfaculty appointments, Dr. Sowell has lectured at most o f the leading universities in the United States as w ell as in a number of foreign countries. He has been advisor to U.S. presidents o f both political parties and a columnist for the Scripps-Howard News Service. □ His reputation as being controversial stems from his insistence that no part o f the "conventional wisdom” be accepted w ithout undergoing rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis. Indeed, his research has shown that m uch o f the commonly accepted wisdom simply did not withstand close scrutiny. Two o f Dr. Sow ell's books, Ethnic America and The Economics and Politics o f Race demonstrated the fallacies in m any commonly accepted notions about minorities, racism, segregation, and affirmative action programs. He also challenged mainstream views o f the education establishment in his 1 9 8 7 book, “ Educa­ tion: Assumptions, Versus History. □ As the Washington Times concluded: "Tom Sowell has been telling the hard truth fo r m any y e a rs.. . . A l l who believe in a genuinely free and color-blind society owe him a great debt o f gratitude.” □ In recognition o f these contribu­ tions, U tah State University is proud to confer upon Thomas Sowell the honorary degree of D O CTO R OF LETTERS. 9

Honorary Degree

twelfth governor o f Utah, skillfully led our state through a period o f challenges. During this period Governor Matheson established processes which permitted the state to secure its interests in dealing w ith the federal government on issues which could have had serious impacts on its citizens. Such difficult issues as M X missile basing, nuclear waste storage, and the transporting o f toxic materials through the state, were forthrightly addressed, and the state's position was successfully argued by Governor Matheson. □ Scott M atheson is a diligent student. He demonstrated the capacity to develop rapidly a working knowledge o f almost any subject. He has always been dedicated to considering allfacets of an issue before taking a stand. □ After completing his education at Stanford University, Scott Matheson began his career as a country lawyer in southern Utah. He later assumed top legal positions in large national corporations. His work was heavily involved in environmental law. □ Scott Matheson has had many honors, including being selected as "W a ter Statesman o f th e Year" fo r 1 9 7 9 by the National W ater Resources Association, and being presented in 1 9 8 0 w ith the "Award for Excellence in Management Reform” by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. H e was the youngest president o f the U tah State Bar in 1 9 6 8 -6 9 , chairman o f the N ational Governor's Association in 1 9 8 2 -8 3 , and chairman o f the Democratic National Policy Commission. □ He has been recognized for his leadership in reorganizing the executive branch of government in Utah, and for his leadership in conservation, water and environmental issues, □ It is w ith pleasure that w e confer upon Scott M . Math eson the honorary degree, D O CTO R OF HUMANITIES. 10

Honorary Degree

at the height o f his prestige in a distinguished career in medicine, added to that career a new focus on religious service. □ H e received his medical degreefro m the University o f Utah and a PhD degree at the University o f Minnesota. The achievements o f his subsequent career made him one o f the nation’s most honored surgeons and educators. H e was research professor of surgery and director o f the Cardiovascular-Thoracic Training Program at the University o f Utah and chairman o f the Division o f Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery at LD S Hospital in Salt Lake City. □ The author o f numerous publications and chapters in medical textbooks, he has lectured and visited professionally in seventy nations. H e was honored by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Republic o f Argentina and received honorary professorships from three universities in the People’s Republic o f China. □ A member o f numerous professional societies, he has served as president o f the Society fo r Vascular Surgery, director of the American Board o f Thoracic Surgery, chairman o f the Council on CardiovascularSurgery fo r the American Heart Association, and president o fth e Utah State MedicalAssociation. □ During his professional career, Dr. Nelson also served as general president o f the Sunday School of the Church of Jesus Christ o f Latter-day Saints, and i n l 9 8 4 he was called to serve as a member o f the Council o f the Twelve Apostles o f the Church. □ For his internationally recognized contributions to science and medicine, and his devoted service to community and church service, Utah State University is proud to confer upon Elder Russell M . Nelson the honorary degree, D O CTO R OF M EDICAL SCIENCE.


Honorary Degree

is a striking example o f combining an academic and scientific career with practical and entrepreneurial achievement. His accomplishments m ight be used as a model fo r taking information learned in biological research, applying insight and inspiration, and developing products useful for the betterment o f humankind. □ Dr. Spendlove built a distinguished career as a professor, researcher, teacher, and administrator at the University of Connecticut, California State Department o f Public Health, and at U tah State University, where he was professor and head of the Department o f Bacteriology and Public Health. He held regional and national leadership in the American Society fo r Microbiology, became a member o f the American Association fo r the Advancement o f Science, the American Association o f Im m un­ ologists, and other distinguished professional groups. H e did pioneering research in viral diseases, and his scores o f articles have made important contributions to the scientific literature in th is field. □ Perceiving a need fo r better research materials, and having the insight to put his scientific findings to work for the good o f others, he established HyClone Labora­ tories, which supplies vital serum materials to researchers all over the world. The results o f his acumen in this endeavor are not only for continued advancement in science, but also fo r substantial economic development in the state o f U tah . For this he was honored as Utah Sm all Businessman o f 1 9 8 2 . □ For his academic, scientific, economic, and social contri­ butions to his community and to the world, Utah State University is proud to confer on Dr. Rex S. Spendlove the Honorary Degree, D O CTO R OF SCIENCE.


E ldon J. Gardner Teaching Award .CRAIG PETERSEN H is a graduate o f U tah State, was valedictorian o f the College o f Science, and served as A S U S U executive vice president in 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 . H e has a Ph.D from Stanford University and has been at U tah State since 1 9 7 3 . Currently a professor in the Department o f Economics, Dr. Petersen is an outstanding teacher specializing in undergraduate instruction where he teaches large sections o f introductory and managerial economics. His enthusiasm, preparation, and command o f the subject is w ell know n. Dr. Petersen’s writing has also contributed to the understanding o f economics. H e is the author or co-author of two high school and tw o college level textbooks that are used throughout the United States. His book 'Business a n d Government is now in its third edition. Utah State University recognizes H. Craig Petersen fo r his excellence in teaching by presenting him w ith the Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award.

E. G. Peterson Extension Award V

arnell a . bench

has served thousands of students, teachers, and administrators in U tah schools through Utah State University campus and outreach programs. Under Dr. Bench’s direction from 1 9 7 5 to 1 9 8 1 , the U tah State University U intah Basin Education Center was reorganized and enrollment at the center increased fourfold. Dr. Bench has developed team-teaching models used throughout the United States as w ell as nationally recognized career education programs. His Extension influence has reached overseas into the East African nation o f Somalia, where he developed the USU Extension training program and wrote Somalia’s Extension handbook. Since returning fr o m Somalia i n l 9 8 3 , he has coordinated off-campus and other continuing education programs as associate dean fo r Extension and Outreach programs in the USU College o f Education. In 1 9 8 4 , Dr. Bench developed Utah’s first Academic Olympiad, w hich today continues to challenge the academic skills o f high school students fro m U tah and Idaho. H e received his BS, M S, and PhD fro m U tah State University. For superb contributions to education and service to the people o f Utah, U tah State University is pleased to honor Varnell A. Bench w ith the E. G. Peterson Extension Award.

D. W ynne Thorne Research Award A


research hasfocused on the application o f the technology o f instruction and communication to the education o f persons who are disadvantaged or handicapped. H e has made major research contributions in the development of instructional products and auditorial programming, video­ disc, and computer technology. Dr. H of meister currently directs the Technology Division at the Developmental Centerfo r Handicapped Persons and is pursuing research combining videodisc and computer technology and applying it to educational and learning problems o f children w ith handicaps. Recent research has distinguished him as a leading authority in the application o f artificial intelligence and expert systems to address the field o f education. Dr. H of meister has been particularly productive in scholarly publications, authoring books and professional articles, and presenting lectures and papers throughout the United States and internationally. H e received his BS fro m the University of Queensland and his MS and PhD fro m the University of Oregon. Utah State University recognizes excellence in designating Alan. M. Hofmeister recipient of the D. W ynne Thorne Research Award.


Teaching Excellence Awards Through an extensive selection process involving both students and faculty in the various academic colleges, eight members of the faculty have been designated for special recognition for excellence in teaching representing the eight colleges of the University: Agriculture; Business; Education; Engineering; Family Life; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Natural Resources; and Science. From among the eight, the Eldon J. Gardner University Teaching Award recipient is chosen; the seven remaining follow: COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, ARTS A N D SOCIAL SCIENCES


a graduate o f U tah State University, completed his JD in law at Harvard University in 1 9 5 7 . H e practiced law before he began teaching at U tah State University in 1 9 6 5 . To teach law well, one m ust be a legal scholar, have a command of the prevailing spirit of the law, be an effective communicator, and have a zest for the classroom. Professor Thomas has all these characteristics. His teaching methods are among the most innovative and thought-provoking in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. H e employs the classic socratic m ethod that leads his students to skillfully analyze, argue, and support their points of view as he guides them through American case law. Professor Thomas is truly dedicated to the progress o f his students and hundreds o f USU graduates now practicing law trace their legal roots to the constitutional law classes o f Professor Thomas. Again, this year his colleagues and students selected him as the teacher of th e year fo r the College o f Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.


has been teaching courses in range science a t USU fo r eight years while conducting a highly innovative research program attracting grant support from m any sources outside the state. T his puts him in great demand both nationally and internationally. He shares these opportunities w ith his research team comprised m ostly o f graduate students, helping to advance their careers. H e is an outstanding field ecologist able to translate complex scientific facts into real and meaningful terms to students. A lthough he is recognized internationally fo r his pioneering research on learning mechan­ isms in foraging behavior, he counts his greatest accomplishments as the successful completion off degrees by his m any graduate students. As a result ofhis ability to coach his students in the skills o f clear thinking, clear writing, and clear speaking, several of his students have w on awards in presentation o f competition papers at national meetings. H e becomes an active member off any committee or professional society in w h ic h h e is involved, including the American Association fo r the Advancement of Science, Society for Range Management, Phi Kappa Phi, and t he American Society fo r A nim al Science. H e received his BS fr om Colorado S tate University and his MS and PhD from U tah State University.





a member o f the U tah State University faculty since 1 9 6 1 , has a career-long commitment to excellence in teaching. H e has taug h t mathematics to thousands offstudents. Students respond to his patience, enthusiasm, and his insistence on the involvement ofevery student in the discovery o f new ideas as well as skills mastery. A U SU graduate, he earned a masters degree a t the University of Wisconsin as a W oodrow W ilson Fellow and a PhD a t the University o f Utah. H e was department head fo r twelve years. A n innovator in curriculum development, he has designed courses and taught in or directed more th a n twenty N ational Science Foundation sponsored programs fo r secondary teachers and fo r high school students. He is active in professional and teaching organizations. In addition to articles and papers, his two undergraduate texts make innovative use o f m odem computing technology in the teaching off mathematics. The campus and the community have been enriched by Larry's exceptional talent in music which he has freely shared.




aym ond w . miller ,

a graduate o f the University o f Arizona w ith a PhD from W ashington State University, joined the U tah State University faculty in 1 9 5 6 . For the past tw enty-five years Dr. Miller has carrieda large part o f the teaching load in soil science. Thoroughness and attention to detail have been his trademark throughout his thirty-three years at U tah State University. T he information imparted by Dr. Miller has influenced thousands o f students and their careers. Assignments have taken him to Pakistan, Israel, Africa, and South America. H e was the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to India in 1 9 8 5 .




joined the faculty in 1 9 8 3 and is an assistant professor holding a jo in t appointment in the Departments o f Communicative Disorders and English. Dr. Manuel-Dupont teaches courses in clinical and developmental phonology, syntactical analysis o f language disability, assessment and remediation o f the bilingual handicapped child, and written composition. Dr. M anuel-Dupont’s com m itm ent to scholarship is refle cted in her role as chair of the Honors Committee fo r the College o f Education and was selected at USU's first Honors Pro fe ssor by the U SU Honors Program for 1 9 8 8 - 8 9 . Given Dr. Manuel-Dupont's research interests in the study of Native American languages and clinical applications o f theoretical linguistics, she is uniquely capable of integrating the humanities w ith the technical training required in a professional education prog ram. Dr. Manuel-Dupont received her BA , M A , MPhil, and PhD from the University o f Kansas.




professor in mechanical engineering, is a dynamic, energeticfaculty member w ho plays a constantly active role in the lives o f his students. During his fiv e years at U tah State University, Dr. Redd has developed a space engineering curriculum sequence that provides an exciting fo cusfo r the application and development o f mechanical engineering skills a t th e senior and graduate levels.H e has introduced into his courses the engineering term paper concept which challenges his students to produce a computer-based, comprehensive engineering analysis similar to th a t which t hey will experience in the workplace. H e also succeeded in acquiring a N A S A grantf or the conduct of a multidisciplinary space system design course through w hich he has introduced system design concepts into the curriculum. Students have described this course as the best engineering experience they have encountered at USU. Dr. Redd received his BS from the U.S. M ilitary Academ y a t W est Point, his M S from Stanford University, and his PhD from Brigham Young University.



professor in the Department o f N utrition and Food Sciences, has been on the fa cu lty since 1 9 7 2 . H e received his BS and M S degreesfro m U tah State University and his PhD degreefro m Oregon State University. Prior to 1 9 8 6, he taught specialized, upper-division fo od science courses and gave numerous Cooperative Extension lectures in the state. His reputation as a superb teacher has been legendary . In 1 9 8 6 , Dr. Mendenhall began teaching the Food Fascinations and Fallacies (NFS 101) course and, fo r th e first time, undergraduate students at U tah State University had the privilege o f having Dr. M endenhall fo r an instructor. In ju s t t hree years, the enrollment in this elective course has increased significantly. Dr. M endenhall loves to teach and is dedicated to excellence in teaching. H e genuinely cares about students and meets personally in his office w ith each student in each o f his classes, even when he teaches several hundred students a quarter. Dr. M endenhall maintains an active research program, a n d his work has been published in numerous professional publications. 15

Candidates for Graduation Agriculture Doyle.J. Matthews Dean Abercrombie, Michael Gary Ahn, Hoon Mo Andersen, Kyle Marston Argyle, Jess B. Ashktorab, Khadijeh Bachman, Edith Williams Barnes, Paige C. Beazer, Curtis Lamar Bedell, Chad R. Bennett, Rodney D. Bennion, Melvin Wayne Beus, Paul R. Bond, Michael D. Bond, Shirley Ann Boyer, Russell K. Bradley, Gary Lorin Branscomb, Jeremy Lee Broadhead, Paul S. Buck, Connie Rae Bunderson, Floyd Brent Casdorph, Myron V. Chew, W. Rial Chitsaz, Farideh Christensen, Kent William Chustz, Erik Geoffrey Cook, Grant C. Cowley, Rebecca Lyn Dorigatti, Vickilee Dygert, Shawn R. Egbert, Pamela Fielding, Robyn L. Gage, Tami Linn Gallius, Jeff Link Gates, Merin M. Guffey, Andrea Hamilton, Clark G. Hansen, Donna May Hansen, Michael Erval Harris, Troy Glade Hatch, Jordan Wallace Hatch, Royce Lynn Heusser, Burke Robert Housley, Kirk Alan Jacob, Molly Bethune Jaussi, Carolyn Shipley Jensen, Louis K. Jeppesen, Lorie Kae Jorgensen, Kent B. Jorgenson, Jerry V. Kaiserman, John Ralph Kunzler, Robert Alan Lanier, Ben Loren Linford, Scott H. Martelly, Tahmina Shireen Maynes, Ethel Marie Mokonyana, Motebang G. B. Moon, Darin Joel Morrison, Mike Nakata, Minoru Nelson, Ned Stephen Norris, Shawna L. Nwuba, Doreen Chizoba Ojomo, Mojisola Sule

Olesen, Kathleen Marie Parker, Evan Parel Pheko, Lieketseng Gladys Polinon, Stephen Hilom Richardson, Thomas Bragdon Robinson, Roanna Kim Rose, Gregory Guy Rowley, Laura Jean Savage, Kent G. Seegmiller, Todd Boothe Shupe, David T. Slade, Jeffrey Hollis Slane, Daniel L. Smith, Dean A. Somerville, Jil Soper, Korry Luke Stack, Vincent John Stephenson, Sherrill Lynn Stevenson, Dean Frank Stewart, Julianne Stock, Blake Sherman Stokes, Paula Strahan, Jeffery William Strickland, Gina Elizabeth Swain, Sheryl Lyn Symons, Kail S. Tali, Tevita Siuulua Taylor, Joseph Alan Tormey, Judy A. Trimble, Kevin D. Vitale, Tamara Steinitz Wagner, Mathew W. Whitten, William Sherman Wilkins, Jay Lester Williams, Daniel Ricks Wines, Lori H. Yocom, Brian Keith

Two-Y ear Diplomas Evans, Sandra L. Huling, Paul Thurman

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Fox, Robert E. Morgan, Jason E. Peterson, Darin G. Stolworthy, David W.

Business David B. Stephens Dean Allen, Dwayne B. Allen, Matthew Nels Allred, Kim D. Anderson, Angela T. Anderson, Dean Scott


Anderson, Diana Drage Anderson, James T. Anderson, John Crawford Anderton, Michele Andino, Maria-Elena Ann, Hon Kiat Archibald, Spencer C. Ash, Allen W. Atkinson, Zane Brenton Bachner, Karen L. Bair, Jodi L. Banta, Katherine E. Barfuss, Louis J. Barlow, Laurel W. Barson, Mary Ann Baugh, David W. Bean, Layne Addison Beck, Blake Jason Beck, Jeff L. Beckstrand, Ronald M. Bedke, Alex Ray Bench, Kenneth R. Bennett, Trevor J. Berezay, Kelly Eugene Bergman, Dean L. Berry, David F. Black, Josephine D. Blanchard, Dorothy Bond, Steven Scott Boshard, Cary B. Bowen, Doug C. Bradshaw, Michael Lewis Braegger, Kathy Jo Bragg, Robin Brenchley, Scott Brian Brimhall, Robert Cary Brinkerhoff, Chris M. Brown, Shannon Budge, Trudy Lyn Bundy, Barry Lee Burdick, Joe J. Burgoyne, Richard Stephen Bushman, Cidny Ayn Bybee, Brad D. Campbell, Jonathon G. Cardall, Michael Stanley Ch'ng, Chin Khoon Child, Mike K. Cho, Young-Gyu Christensen, C. Ruthann Christensen, Dennis E. Christiansen, Daniel L. Christiansen, John Alan Christiansen, Marilyn J. Chugg, Matthew James Chung, Hsiao-Pin Coburn, Quinn J. Cook, James Ross Cooper, Peter M. Cottle, Rhonda R. Cowley, David T. Cox, David Keith Croasmun, Jerry L. Crook, Lesa C. Dallin, David L. Daniels, David Price Das, Arunkumar Chittaranjan Dearing, Daniel G. Dennis, Kevin B.

Despain, Jay Melvin Dolling, Toni E. Dougal, Terrance G. Drollinger, Jeff S. Erekson, Edward Alma Ericksen, Leo D. Evans, G. Kent Evensen, John P. Exon, Nancy J. Facer, Kurt D. Fenn, Barbra Fiorilo, Luis German Follett, Meri Kay Fonnesbeck, Tyler W. Frome, Kimball Dean Fuller, Robert J. Fuller, Susan L. Fullerton, Mathew John Francis Garrett, Andres Estauro Gee, Richard Benjamin Gessel, Randyl Bindrup Gill, Michelle Gleason, Samuel J. Glynn, Stephen T. Gomez, Carlos A. Good, Craig Lamarr Good, Daniel Douglas Grant, Nate Paul Greenhalgh, Kirk N. Griffin, Tad Allen Griffin, Tonya Grua, Linda Lenore Shimmin Guobadia, Felix Osagie Hadi, Inge Hall, Brad A. Hall, Danelle Blackburn Halverson, Mark J. Hamberlin, Michele Hamilton, Clair Orson Hansen, Clayton M. Hansen, Douglas J. Hansen, Dwight A. Hansen, Randy Ronald Hansen, Toni K. Hanson, Michael M. Hardman, Larry Neff Harrison, Ruth C. Hawkins, Tracy D. Hazelgren, Mark Hyrum Hebert, John P. Hedblom, Christoph C. Herzog, Andrew Jay Hetes, Mark D. Hicken, Brad M. Hildebrand, J. R. Hillas, Kathy A. Hillyard, Kim P. Hoffmann, Kristine Holt, Kathryn P. Homer, Randy J. Hoskins, C. Lane Hossner, Layne Richard Howard, Kent F. Howard, Kim Howells, Mark Lanny Hu, Denn-Shuen Huffman, Robin Hugie, Brett C. Hullinger, Rodney Royal

Hunsaker, Brian W. Huntington, Melissa Huppe, Michael G. Innes, Jeff R. Jacobsen, Sherri M. Jamin, Herlina Jardine, Guy William Jarrett, Matthew Y. Jenkins, Kristine June Larsen Jensen, Diane Costello Jensen, Douglas Glen Jensen, Eric Scott Jensen, John Wade Jensen, Kent Stuart Jensen, Michael Dean Jewkes, Richard W. Johns, David W. Johnson, Chris Gordon Johnson, David Kent Johnson, Joel Eric Johnson, Mollie S. Jones, Judy Ann Jones, Lyndon G. Jorgensen, Stephanie Judd, Jeff D. Kearsley, Leo Kelly, John Phillip King, Sidney Lyle Kitano, Yoshikazu Kitchen, Gordon R. Kramer, Marvin Scott Kroneberger, Jeffery Alan Lamborn, Bryan Lancaster, Evonne Marie Lankford, Lane Barclay Larkin, Phillip M. Larsen, Meridee Larsen, Sheila Shiner Larsen, Shirlene Bird Lee, Deborah Ann Lerda, Ryan H. Lim, Rina Siew Wah Lind, Daryl Ross Loosle, Denee Loosli, Jeffery D. Low, Mark E. Lowe, Anita L. Lowe, Laura L. Macfarlane, J. Garrett Mandel, Herik Scott Marhalim, Jeanette Maria Marin, Maria Eugenia Marr, Roger Lee Marshall, Kristy R. Maw, Jeannette McArthur, Wayne S. McAteer, Michael Robert McBride, Jeanette Lynn McClendon, Mancine G. McCully, Sheila R. Vanderkraats McEntire, Penny Sager McFarland, Traci J. McKay, Debra C. McKean, Heather Lynn McKnight, Brent L. McMurdie, Jeff H. Mears, Robert Todd Mercado, Mirko Norman Messersmith, Vaneta Meyer, Jay Hamlin Mickelsen, Leslie Midthun, John Oliver George Miller, Jeffrey Lester

Miller, Michael Milligan, Erin H. Minnock, Joe E. Mitchell, Michael David Montgomery, Monica L. Moon, Julie Taylor Morgan, Michael Lee Morris, Gladys Mortensen, Marielle Mossman, Seanne M. Nass, James Ralph Nelson, Karen K. Nelson, Lee Almon Nelson, Leon F. Neoh, Hang Been Netz, Randy N. Newhouse, Christopher Richard Nielsen, Carl David Nielson, Mitchell S. Noble, Clark A. Noorlander, Leslie Scott Nunsurakit, Yongyouth Nye, Andrea B. Off, Michael James Oldham, Anita Mumford Oliverson, David James Olsen, Brian Eric Olsen, Nanci H. Olsen, Ronald Dewey Olsen, Sheldon Lloyd Olson, Loya Lyn Olson, Mark Kenneth Ostberg, Laurel Lee Ostberg, Richard A. Owen, Stacy Palacios, Melany B. Pappas, Andrea E. Parker, Terri Passo, Allison J. Peck, Ann Jacobs Petersen, Stephanie Lynn Peterson, Julie Ann Pierce, David J. Pierson, Barry H. Pollick, Pamella A. Porter, Anita Kay Potts, Brian D. Price, David Shawn Price, Marla K. Probst, Blake F. Pummell, Judith Brown Trujilo Rasmussen, Dana Griffin Rawlinson, Richard D. Raymond, Gordon P. Reeder, Kim Marie Reeder, Robert W. Reese, R. Todd Reevs, Garold Graham Rich, Todd W. Richards, Coye Rightmire, Rita Faye Roether, Julia Ruth Roosendaal, Quinn R. Rose, Eric L. Rutishauser, Marianne T. Sansone, Anthony J. Saunders, Mark R Savage, David Ward Schellhase, Allen E. Scherer, Ressa F. Scoffield, Darrin Gary Scott, Tanya Lee Scott, Toni M.


Seeley, Catherine Marie Virgin Seeley, Kevin S. Senju, Elizabeth H. Shaffer, Brent Dee Sharp, Jeffrey R. Shaw, Nowell Sherwood, Kimberly Sue Shill, James W. Siddoway, Randy Ray Simmons, David M. Simmons, Julie Hubbard Simmons, Rose Mary Skriner, Lisa Fredrickson M. Smith, Chris R. Smith, Doyle M. Smith, Linda Smith, Marc B. Snyder, Brent S. Sorensen, Eric Steven Spence, Roger A. Speth, Morris Claude Squire, David F. Starratt, Julie Nicole Steinitz, Jeff O. Stenberg, Tamra Stenquist, Ronald Wayne Stevens, Jeff G. Stewart, Shelley Stocking, Amy Suminguit, Kevin B. Swainston, Alex C. Swainston, Annette P. Swainston, Dan L. Tabor, Thomas Wayne Takara, Tracy Kiyomi Taylor, Joni Dawn Taylor, Julie Ann Taylor, Mark Raymond Telford, M. Bradley Tenney, Ilene Thomas, Tina M. Thompson, Dixie K. Thompson, Jeffrey Bruce Thompson, Stephen Daniel Thornley, Kenneth I. Tibbitts, Craig Harvey Tomlin, Jay C. Tong, Ping Chuan Tran, Ing Thieu Trease, Judith Gubler Tuck, Eric Stephen Lipdyke, James A. Vaccaro, Shawn C. VanOrden, David L. Wade, Ron M. Wadsworth, Kelly G. Wallace, Kevin P. Walters, Max Warburton, Laura Ward, Jay A. Weber, Matthew Grant Weekes, Jody L. Wells, Daniel Wadley Wells, Julane Worthington Wheeler, Steven Ray Whipple, Jon L. White, Bradley P. Whitehead, David B. Whittaker, Brian Wade Williams, Alan Jay Williams, Leann Nielsen Williams, Robert Bryan Williams, Steven Ray

Wilson, Dale W. Wood, John Clifton Wood, Julie A. Wood, Roline G. Wyatt, Janie Marie Yamasaki, Seiya Yardley, Susan B.

Two-year Diplomas Burt, Cindy G. Davis, Bonnie A. Poppleton, Holly

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Allison, Cheryl Anderson, Angela T. Bair, Michelle P. Bradley, Deyette Keller Butler, Becky Ellis, Jan Greene, Nancy Griffeth, Tammy Griffiths, Michelle A. Harper, Chihiro I. Hatfield, Marci Jean Kettle, Deborah Larsen, Linda D. Leatham, Dena Lynn Lundquist, Teri L. Meikle, Elizabeth Nielsen, Janelle Louise Parkinson, Helen Price, Chanin Reynolds, Janae Robinson, Heidi A. Selman, Jacki Smith, Lisa Ann Smith, Selina Harita Squire, Allison Ann Stettler, Sara Lyn Toledo, Rosie F. Walker, Janis H Walton, Kristen H. Wilcox, Teresa

Education Oral L. Ballarn Dean Adams, Keri D. Allbee, Dorthy Davis Allen, Denise C. Allen, Sally Page Anderson, Alta D. Anderson, D. Leon Anderson, Diana M. Anderson, Donna M. Anderson, Jamie D. Artist, Brian Grant Ash, Elizabeth Jo Hanks

Ashby, Dana Elizabeth Atkin, Tammie G. Atkinson, Marnie R. Ault, Bradley Alan Avery, Paul J. Balls, Brian Ralph Bargsley, Tim G. Barker, Dawn Barker, Joan Ryalene Barker, Margaret P. Barnes, Kathryn Marie Barrus, Cheryl L. Beckstrand, Jay Harold Bee, Terri K. Bernhisel, John M. Binford, Jennifer Bingham, Michelle Louise Birch, Kristine Alice Bird, Peggy Ann Blackburn, Kimberlee Blackburn, Stacie Lynn Blauer, Loran Kipp Bodily, Scott A. Bosshardt, Leann Bowdren, Stephen Ernst Bradley, Pamela A. Brady, Jamie Mishelle Braegger, Linda J. Brower, Malyn Brown, Kimberly F. Bruno, Joanne M. Buckingham, Leslie C. Burrows, Susan Dawn Call, Kristen Canning, Teresa Lynn Carey, Jamie Leigh Martz Carlisle, Alice Brubaker Carter, Rebecca Lynn Carver, Jackie Castlemain, Lynette Cattani, Kathryn Chambers, Bobbi Leigh Chan, Kin Chi Chandler, Kent A. Christensen, Karie Jayne Carter Christensen, Kenneth M. Clark, Lucille Chase Clark, Michelle Clegg, Lynette R. Cluff, Toni Beamish Combe, Rhonda C. Cook, Dorthea Cook, Tammy Cooper, Kristene R. Cope, Laurie Michelle Linford Corry, Kristin Cox, Steven L. Crandall, Valeie A. Cuthbert, Laura All Dalton, Drew Allsop Dalton, Noni Daugherty, Tammy Davis, Wendy D. Dean, Deborah F. Dearden, Cheryl Dempsey, Gordon Mark Deromedis, Jo Ann Deitz, Dominique Dixon, Sheila Foste Donaldson, Karen H. Driggs, Michael R. Dufrain, Joey Paul Dunn, Larry P.

Durrant, Sandra Jo Eastman, Wendy Burton Edwards, Marianne Egbert, C. Michelle S. Eskelsen, Amy R. Evans, Connie Kay Evans, David Oman Faletto, Peter J. Fisher, Dawn M. Fisher, Jody L. Flocken, Marci Floyd, Joseph D. Fountaine, Cynthia L. Franchina, Frieda Shell Frank, Rochelle Frehner, Gregory B. Fullmer, Connie Galloway, Jan R. Gardner, Darcie L. Gardner, Sandra Kaye Gardner, Timothy Shawn Garvin, Linda Parkinson Gee, Michelle Gephart, Rhonda Thornley Gifford, Kenneth Gilbert, Janeen Giles, Diane M. Gillespie, Stacey Carr Glasgow, Brunhilde P. Godfrey, Valerie Fisher Gomm, Stacie Linn Gordon, Shannon C. Gressmen, Jean B. Griffin, Carol Hair, Kevin K. Hall, Dome J. Hallows, Flora Hampton, Michael S. Hansen, Jolene Hardy, Douglas John Harmer, Karen Harper, Lorrie Auria Harris, Sonya Haskell, Dan G. Hathaway, Teisha Rae Haycock, Deborah A. Heaps, Carissa R. Heaps, Randall M. Hedin, Jeffrey W. Hendricks, Marcia Marie Johnson Henkel, Karen E. Henrie, Annette J. Herold, Carie Lorraine Higginbotham, James A. Higham, Deanna D. Higham, Edmond McKay Higham, Marty Reynolds Hodgkinson, Susan B. Hoey, Ray Elogsett, Gaye Christensen Holmes, Richard S. Howard, Lynn Ann Hull, David N. Hunsaker, Cherie Lynn Hunt, Karee L. Hunt, Mikole A. Hunter, Kathryn Tebbs Hyden, Janet Lynn Hyer, Kathryn L. Ickes, Jon D. Israelsen, Juli D. Jacobsen, Siri A, Jardine, Darel L.


Jensen, Linda Staley Jensen, Shelly Ann Jensen, Steven R. Johnson, Douglas Todd Johnson, Nancy H. Johnstun, Kim Jones,, Carolyn L. Jones, Jan C. Jorgensen, Trudy Karabatsos, Jamie Lee Keen, Cynthia J. Kendall, Lisa D. Kirkham, Rebecca Jean Kobe, David A. Larsen, Marianne Larsen, Royce A, Larsen, Sharon Laver, Matthew M. Law, Shirleen Call Lebar, Karla J. Lee, Jeffrey D. Lefevre, Denise L. Leonard, Karen S. Lester, Jeri Suzanne Lewis, Sherry Hall Ann Lewis-Gruver, Linda Elizabeth Ligons, Lee Roy, Jr. Lofgran, Janet Low, Jolene Dowd Lower, Shauna K. Lube, S. Valeska Lund, Holli Kohler Lund, Joyce Martin Madsen, William G. Malloy, Glen W. Mangum, Janet K. Manning, Christine S. Marchant, Mariann D. Marra, Machele Martin, Shaunalee Martinez, Kelly J. Matekel, Ron D. Mauchley, Corwyn J. Mays, Dietra A. McBride, Eva Player McMullin, Joan Behling Mehl, Marcie A. Meyerhoffer, Michelle Moore, Earl J. Moore, Marianne Moore, Penny H. Morgan, Tamra Turner Mortensen, Lance B. Mower, Robin Leslie Munns, Gloria Murdock, Teri Lynn Nell, Alan Glade Nelson, Kristin Newey, Reid P. Nielson, Barbara B. Nikzad, Cyndee S. Norton, Vera L. Medina Oldham, Julie Lynn Olsen, Leslie Ann Olsen, Sue Orr, Joann Otto, James Edwin, Jr. Palmer, Joan B. Parker, Jacson Charles Parry, Debra Atkinson Pease, Tiffni Daune Pehl, Denise Elder Penrod, Richard Evan

Peters, Mary S. Peterson, Allyne Peterson, Karl Brad Peterson, Karlla A. Pettingill, Trudie M. Phillips, Cynthia Lyn Pitt, Doelene P. Pope, Terri C. Porta, James Ralph Porter, Scott Hilton Powell, Lisa Peterson Price, Tami Drennan Prisbrey, Boyd L. Ramey, Patricia Rasmussen, Cortney W. Rasmussen, Jacquelyn A. Rasmussen, Mary Tyree Reaveley, Cynthia L. Rice, Melanie C. Ricks, Carolee Rock, Lisa Ann Roe, Jody Lynn Daniels Roosendaal, Lisa Marie B. Rudman, Lynnette Fox Russell, Chloe Lewis Schiess, Paul K. Schneiter, Troy L. Schnitzius, Brett Eric See, Tracy K. Selander, Alan B. Simonds, Lisa A. Skoglund, Kristie C. Smith, Barbara Herreid Smith, Georgeanna Smoot, Karen Johnson Snow, Douglas L. Sorensen, Merikay D. Southam, Rebecca J. Speth, Elisa Kennard Stamps, Eric Leroy Staton, Joan Anne Steed, Melanie Strate, Jeffrey S. Sullivan, Jean Elizabeth Thorson, Julie G. Thorson, Suzanne Joy Tingey, Melanie Heaps Turner, Michelle Hansen Tuttle, Patrice Marie Udy, LeAnn Ulwick, Signe Marie Valberg, Renee Denise Critz Wagstaff, Wendy Rae J. Wakefield, Bessie Irene Gardner Wakley, Lisa Ann W. Waldron, Barbara Dail Shipp Wardle, Diane D. Warner, G. Thomas Warner, Janet L. Watts, Dorothy Jo Webster, Terri Lynn Weicker, Julia Wilcken, Meda Duncan Wildman, Dennis Dean Willie, DeAnne Wilson, Jayme L. Wilson, Robert Jed Wirtz, Burdean Roberts Woolsey, Michele Woolstenhulme, Wade W. Yearsley, Natalie A. Young, Angie Zecher, Richard F.

Engineering A , Bruce Bisfwp Dean Adams, Kyle Ahlstrom, Wiley Jeff Anderson, Ben Lee Andrus, Bruce R. Aristizabal, Hernan A. Ashby, Lyle Dee Barnhart, David Neil Baughman, Mike E. Bies, Jonathan Daniel Bingham, Robert J., Jr. Bjerregaard, John Douglas Bolan, Stephen Ralph Bowman, Daniel A rthur Brooks, Julie A. Budiman, Sadikin Butikofer, Leslie M. Butler, Bryan J. Buxton, Greg Lynn Cantrell, James N. Cardon, Samuel F. Carter, Douglas W. Casper, Dale J. Chaudoin, William B. Choudry, Sohail Rashid Christensen, Carl Christensen, Craig B. Christensen, James L. Chustz, Erik Geoffrey Clark, Gordon R. Cooper, Rex Allen Davis, Gregory B. Davis, Kurt L. Dinsdale, Darwin Lynn Dixon, Don W. Draney, Troy L. Draper, Tylan Efoward Dyches, David H. Edwards, David H. El-Bakri, Brent K. Ezola, Scott J. Fitzgerald, Richard D. Fletcher, Terrell S. Fredrickson, Vincent C. Friedrich, Steve C. Fullmer, Larry Don Garcia, Mark L. Goodwin, David A. G ratton, John F. Groll, Todd A. Guig, Moulaye Driss Ould Hall, Jerry G. Hall, Randy Mark Hancey, Tad M. Hansen, Christian M. Hansen, Todd Blaine Hardy, Brent W. Hasty, James Bradley Hatch, Glenn Hatfield, Mark S. Haviland, Tracy R. Hawkins, Jeffrey Todd Hayden, Mitchell T. Haynie, Dan W. Hoff, Cary Michael Holbrook, John W. Holt, Niel S. Howlett, Leland R.

Hunskaer, Mikal Carter Hunter, Bradley George Hyer, Gordon L. Jeske, Craig A. Jones, Ted John Kamalo, Markus Keller, Bennett Dallas Kerkmann, Bodo Larrinaga, Robert J. Larsen, Sterling Joseph Layton, Craig R. Leavitt, David Shane Leishman, Gregory G. Limb, Jeffery R. Lowe, William Gregory Marble, Derek Henry Massoth, Andrew M. Matich, Robert Michael Mayes, Gary Michael McKay, Mark Douglas Monroe, Terry L. Moss, Darin E. Mowry, Bradley J. Murrison, Ray Dean, Jr. Nelson, David Cory Nham, Vanessa To Nielsen, Mark Evan Nielsen, Ross Easton, Il Nielson, Alan D. Nielson, Brent W. Norman, Jeffery B. Olsen, Gordon C. Olsen, Larry K. Olsen, Reid J. Olson, Sheldon D. Park, David J. Park, Randall Robert Parker, A rthur Raroa Passey, Heber Clark Peel, Larry Don Peter, Geoffrey Peters, Martin L. Peterson, Eldon C. Pierce, Kimmie M. Plowman, Ronald M. Potter, Kent D. Prudent, Lance D. Qashou, Ali Hassan Reel, Steve R. Rhodes, Kevin L. Richards, Michael Val Riter, Edward M. Robinson, Melvin Lee Romney, Michael H. Rosdahl, Jon W. Sackett, Brent John Sammons, Michael A. Sandoval, Bruce Savage, Todd M. Schick, Scott H. Schmid, Robert J. Schmidt, Paul E. Sevilla, Pedro Ernesto Shaffer, William M. Sharp, Michael Gerald Singer, James H. Slingerland, Gregory David Smith, Clifford Jack Smith, Roland T. Smith, Vernon L. Sorensen, Gregg Parker Spackman, David R. Spencer, Jethro M.

Spencer, Shawn K. Spendlove, John Franklin Staples, Daniel Leatham Sterling, Todd William Stones, Terry B. Sullivan, Harold S. Talbot, Mike Tavallaei, Siamak Taylor, John L. Thompson, Brent Wayne Thompson, Kevin M. Thurgood, Brent W. Tingey, Brian Gilbert Tompkins, Daniel Clyde Tsui, Chi Fai Turner, Terry Donald Uhl, Michael Andrew Verkler, Clark W. Voyer, Perry Vu, An Trong Ware, David Brent Warr, Steven Joseph Watterson, James J. Webster, Mark Dean Welling, Kent Woodrow West, Derik Remmele Wheeler, Boyd P. Wheeler, Jon L. Wiberg, Clark G. Williams, Lori Williams, Scott L. Willis, Dale Lester Wilson, David Allen Wilson, Scott Mitchell Woods, Whitt F.

Two-year Diplomas Marble, Derek Henry Smith, Vernon L.

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Averett, Bill Andrus Black, Warren S. Bowman, Daniel A rthur Carver, Ronald Jay Cronin, Bruce M. Erickson, Jon L. Fullmer, Jon M. Harper, Nick George Hitesman, Marvin F. Howlett, Leland R. Kent, Dexter Lewis Rasmussen, Kelly D.

Family Life Bonita W . W yse Dean Alberts, Teresa T. Anderson, Maria Ashktorab, Khadijeh Beach, Virginia


Bingham, Doug Karl Blauer, Vickilyn B. Bond, Shirley Ann Bowen, Debra O. Bowers, Suzanne Suzette Bowles, Diana Horton Bowling, Ranae Broadhead, Paul S. Brooks, Taunya Walker Calderon, Maria Del Pilar Callister, Nancy Irene Chitsaz, Farideh Christopherson, Cynthia R. Coats, Karen Cowley, Rebecca Lyn D'Antony, Monica Sue Davenport, Andrea Benson Davis, Pondre' Devon Deelstra, Nicholas Doney, Michelle Drollinger, Tanya L. Faldmo, Ann Francis, Malin Burton Frodsham, Suzette Funk, Nancy Christensen Gallios, Jeff Link Gates, Merin M. Gephart, Robyn Hansen, Jerrie Lin Harmon, Sandra Hirshi, Leslie Shaw Hoffman, Kevin Gary Holman, Kevin Gary Housley, Kirk Alan Jacobsen, Bette, Willes Jamison, Lisa Bauman Jensen, Teresa Jeppesen, Lorie Kae Johnson, Mechele Kokkola, Martha Mandel Loveland, Robert Leland Martelly, Tahmina Shireen Matthews, Boyd W. Maynes, Ethel Marie McClain, Michelle Merrill, Wendy Mickelsen, Jackie Nickle, Kelly J. Nielsen, Shaun H. Nwuba, Doreen Chizoba Ojomo, Mojisola Sule Parsons, Patrice J. Passo, Gaye Lavonne Peterson, Richard H. Roohr, Marilyn M Roundy, Kerstin C. Routh, Debra Lee Saltern, Lori J. Saxton, Heidi Lyn Seamons, Janice Simpson, Mark Samuel Smart, Andrea Smith, Kristie Somerville, Jil Stephenson, Sherrill Lynn Stewart, Julianne Stewart, Teresa Diane Stokes, Paula Stoneman, Debra Freemyer Swain, Sheryl Lyn Thornley, Stephanie W. Tormey, Judy A. Vitale, Tamara Steinitz

Walker, Jennifer Ann J. West, Alisa Marie Whitesides, Cheri Dawn Whitworth, Holly Helton Whitworth, Jana Lee Wilson, Pamela Jo Wines, Lori H.



Applied Science Degree Beyzaie, Farideh F.

Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Robert A . Hoover Dean Acevedo, Suzanne K. Ackerman, Clifford Scott Adam, Janet L. Bateman Almond, Lisa K. Anderson, Austin J. Anderson, Kelly R. Anderson, Lance Beyler Anderson, Randy Jon Andus, Ron B. Atkinson, Brian Jay Backman, Royce Walker Baetge, Matthew Lyle Barnett, Tracy Ford Barnum, Walter T. Beveridge, Chris J. Bickmore, Susan L. Bishop, Tim R. Bitters, David Frank Bolles, Tamara E. Bourn, Christine Newell Boyle, Sarah Patricia Brady, Layne Braidman, Steven Michael Bravo, Leovigildo A. Brett, Heidi Sue Brown, Allyson E. Brown, Bobbie Jean Brown, Jerry N. Broxton, Teresa M. Burkley, Joseph Francis Burr, Dan J. Burris, Sharie Michelle Butcher, Darcy Kaye Calder, Kristen A. Callicotte, Deborah Dee Campbell, Russell Guy Canned, Joye Hahne Cardon, Steven Craig Case, Russell Castlemain, Nadine Casto, Yvette Laura Cha, Marianne Chandler, Patricia L. Christensen, David Alan Christensen, Kathy Christiansen, Deborah Lyn

Clark, Donald Clark, Geoffrey Lane Clark, Patrick S. Conway, Danny L. Corbridge, Alene Kay Corrigan, Susan Lynette Cousineau, Matthew Clarence Cox, Elbert L. Craven, Kelli A. Crosby, Brian E. Crosby, Cheri Crisp Crowther, Deborah Mulford Davies, Scott Burton Davis, Bryce Mack Dawson, Trace E. De Aragon, Christine Ann Decker, Cynthia P. Desmond, Lorri A. Dilworth, Ted Arlen Dinh, Mona Dorenbosch, Neal T. Dunlap, Laurence Scott Dunn, Dianilyn Durrant, Wilford Lee Earl, Bryan Kent Eliason, Mindy Embree, Eric Francis Eunice, Pamela A. Ezzard, Margaret Lynn Fandl, Janet C. Fauske, Chris J. Fenaian, Ann Tahirih Ferguson, Terrie Lynn Ferrara, Marion Heike Fetrow, Elesha Kay Finch, Susan Fontaine, Tom Fleming Forbush, Kevin Wade Fox, Gary Kenneth Francone, Stacey M. Frost, J. Ben Fuller, Glen Reed Furca, Angela M. Furlong, Marlea Furness, Lionel Vaughn Garner, Whitney Ann Gashler, Mark Gerald Gibson, Elizabeth A. Gifford, Benjamin Hunter Glenn, Janet M. Godfrey, Brady Roy Goold, Julie Kay Graves, Cyndi L. Greenhalgh, Lanai Griffin, Roger Wadsworth Groll, Krista R. Gumucio, Maria Pilar Gunter, Lance Cole Hall, Christine Hall, Heather A. Hampton, Mary L. Hancock, Shirleen Hardman, Suzann Hardy, James Hintze Hatch, Annette Hatch, Dale J. Hatch, David Sylvanus Hawkes, Robert Charles Haws, Jana Steed Haws, Randall Irvin Hayes, Shirlie M. Heap, Lance Edgar Heiden, Ronald A.

Henrie, Michelle Hernandez, Florinda S. Hill, Dan C. Hill, Yency Hirschi, Lori Ann Morrow Hollingshead, Mark Kevin Holm, Mary A. Holst, Tim J. Hood, Michelle Horrocks, David John Houston, Jalynn Houston, Marie Hubbard, Garff W. Hunsaker, Jerilyn Hunsicker, Michelle Jean Ignacio, Pauline Isaacs, Karen Nicole Iverson, Wilford A. Jacobs, Edward Harvey Jacobson, David P. James, Jeannette A. James, Jennifer Gail Jenkins, James Alonzo Jensen, Darren Lavell Jepperson, Jeffery Van Jeppesen, Bruce Lane Jeppesen, Dianna Jeppson, Traci Dawn Johnson, John Vurgal Johnson, Kevin Scott Jones, Christopher Todd Kataoka, Tornoko Kato, Keiichi Keller, Shelly Cornish Kelly, John A. Kendell, Jay Howard Kent, Barry Lynn Kim, Oe Sik Kirk, Jennifer Anne Kitchen, Cynthia Louise Langrock, Heidi Larsen, Terry A. Linford, Kim Moncur Linford, Lisa Lloyd, Kathleen Kay Lloyd, Nancy Long, Chow Mun Loveland, Jim David Loveland, Kaylin Lyle, Donald Benson Macriss, William Palmer Maiden, Palmer Nathaniel, III Manning, Tina M. Mariner, Roger Birch Martin, Barbara A. Martindale, Teri Lee Flinders McKibbin, Karen McWane, Candace Nash Merrill, Christian T. Merrill, Gwen Merritt, Helen Schwab Merten, John Christopher Meyer, Claire Helbach Mickelson, Jennifer Rae Milligan, Whitney L. Minharo, Joara Mitchell, Michael C. Mohler, Charles Edward Mohrman, Troy Alan Mondale, Debbie Sterry Monson, Jeanine Nesbit Montgomery, Julie Moore, Doran J.


Moran, Timothy Dean Morriello, Michael Joe Nelson, Eva Elizabeth Ingold Nelson, Janalee J. Nelson, Jenny P. Newhouse, Jennifer C. Nielsen, Kurt W. Nielson, Samuel Lynn Nye, David Andrew Oakeson, Patricia (Tricia) A. Obray, Paul L. Odette, Ken M. Oldham, Raymond Troy Olsen, Susannah A. Oscarson, Cali Oswald, Darin Lee Packard, Karen Palmer, Noel Palmer, Staci Lee Newmeyer Pambianco, Dan Michael Parker, Ellen Jane Parkinson, Mark Parsons, Barry Duane Parsons, John D. Patrick, Caroline J. Pearce, Alan R. Pedersen, Cindy D. Sidwell Penate, Celina Elizabeth Perkins, Rod Lewis Pernichele, Gwen S. Peterson, Anne Ladet Peterson, Haley S. Peterson, Ken Doty Peterson, Michelle Peterson, Trent Wayne Piantanida, Heather M. Pierson, Steven Dahl Pigott, David A. Pollaehne, Doralynne Pope, Marcus D. Poyson, Rita De-Linda Price, David Russell Prince, Joseph F. Proctor, Ann-Marie Ramalan, Hafsatu Aliyu Rasmussen, Victoria Rawlings, Glade Redden, Elizabeth Reeves, Christie L. Robson, Joan Soles Roskelley, Eric L. Roskelley, Gail M. Roundy, Lance Eugene Roundy, Thor B. Rymer, David F. Salter, Mark Jeffrey Sargent, Don B. Sato, Masahiko Scoffield Jenifer Kay Seegmiller, Mark W. Senseman, Charles John Sevy, Brian David Sharp, Lael D. Sharp, Michael Chad Shenton, H. Tod Shupe, Natalie Rhees Shymanski, Gregory Siegel, Steven M. Simmons, Melinda Kay Littleton Skabelund, Erik D. Smiley, Brenna L. Smith, David T. Snow, Craig T.

Sophia, James Richard, Jr. Sorcal, Rolf Rune Sorensen, Michael Thomas Spendlove, Rex Alan Squ re, Monique Luster Starger, Rodney Eugene Stokes, Melanie Morris Stott, James Jensen Sturgell, Jay Q. Summers, Timothy Sean Tarbet, Cannon Wesley Taylor, H. Alan Thomas, Brenda Sweat Thompson, Shannon E. Thurston, Edward Evan Trimble, Brent Floyd Tueiler, Robert F. Turnbeaugh, Kelly Turner, Carolyn E. Turner, Robyn S. Turner, Steven M. Ulrich, Mike John Valentine, David Jay Van Wagoner, Bonnie J. VanWeerd, Paul E. VanWeerd, Rebecca S. Walster, Libbianne Walton, David J. Watts, Maren J. Weaver, Larry Dale West, Eric Sean Wetzel, Terri L. Wilkey, Julie A. Williams, Kenneth R. Williams, Peggy Wilson, Jacina Kae Winter, Joel D. Wright, David B. Wright, Ward Lee Yates, Kevin Anthony Yoneda, Makiko Zamora, Joel A. Ziegenhagen, Paula Ann Zollinger, Angela R.

N atural Resources Thcdrs VV. Box Dean Addley, Ronald Craig Amaral, David Biddlecomb, Mark Edward Bird, Fred Randall Bohner, Roger N. Borgen, Raymond L. Briggs, Alan Grant Briggs, Paul N. Brothers, William Carl Cline Lisa Ann Combe, Steven Ray Comp, Joseph Leonard, III Culmone, Kenneth Gerald, Jr. Dean Ernest Ted Deveau, Dane Adrian Esplin, Merlin Falvev, Sharon Kay

Forman, William John Gale, Natalie Radosevich Gardner, Shelly Timpson Hale, Andrew V. Hansen, Karen Marie Hawks, Harlan Murry Hines, Alesia Helen Hunter, Milton Robin Kaye, Laura Anne Labotka, Ellen Patricia Lamb, James Bernard Larsen, Rodney G. Marble, Brett L. McKay, Robin Ann McKay, Tom S. McMahon, Darrell Craig Mecham, Jefferson B. Miller, Gordon Tyrone Nichols, Robert Eric Pearson, Bonnie Linda Poulson, Stacey L. Powell, Floyd Alma Reeves, Laurence Henri Ross, Donald Gordon Schmitz, Brad James Schramm, Jeff Edward Schuller, Pamela N. Silcox, R. Scott Westrick, Lawrence Joseph Zubeck, Lynn C.

Decker, Karl J. Dykes, John W. Earl, Brenda L. Eckensberger, William Henry, III Espinosa, Raelene Wood Feltz, Alan J. Fetrow, Matthew Paul Folgmann, Lee Scott Franchina, Bradley D. Gee, Joseph Norman Gibson, Richard Todd Gobena, Ermias Goldy, Paul S. Gragg, Damon R. Greene, David C. Gustafson, Donald L. Hall, Robert Gary Hammond, Marc R. Hanny, Paul A. Hansen, Eric G. Hartifa Hekmat, Sharareh Henderson, Dean Cotant Herre, Jennifer L. Hover, Tracie Lynn Hulick, Mark A. Jensen, Craig Hyrum Johnson, Jeffrey W Johnson, Mark Doyle Johnson, Robert Leroy Jones, Allen C. Jost, James E. Kartchner, Don C. Keith, William G. Kim, Hoon Kim, Ju-on Kim, Yi-Kyung Kim, Yong-Chol King, Scott Alan Kosake, Harkie Kump, Deanna Kvarfordt, Kent Bradly Kwon, Tae Dong Lacey, David Burnett Lien, Pic-Liene Lim, Sow Fong Lu, Yu-Din Lundberg, Allan L. Maddox, Todd D. Madsen, Gary Kay Man, Shu Kei McEntire, Merlin Leon Merrill, Keith Packer Minaga, Mark Douglas Morrison, Mark D. Nelson, Michael S. Nielson, Daryl Robert Nielson, Jacqueline Nielson, Julie C. Oborn, Shaun M. Oldham, Marriner V. Olsen, H. Eric Richard Olsen, Louise Pak, Seung-Ho Palmer, Stacy Wheeler Parker, Alan Dale Paul Norman D. Pepek, Stanley Edward, Jr. Phillips, Donald A. Poulsen, Michael Blake Pugh, Charles Edward Rasmussen, Randy P. Reister, Kelly G.

Science Karen W . Morse Dean Abusalih, Lula Hassan Anderson, Michelle Archibald, Curtis Delon Astorga, Fernando Avery, Chris E. Barson, D. Todd Beckstrom, Gary Shuler Bell, Alex Robert Bell, Cathalenia Benkhadra, Ali Boman, Robert Lewis Bradford, John Roger Brindley, Mary C. Brooks, Mark Leavitt Brower, Delon Owen Butikofer, Mitchel H. Bytheway, Lloyd G. Calderon, Marcela S. Cantrell, Ellen G. Chandler, Marnell Chao, Isa Sihung Child, Curtis L. Chounlamountry, Karaket Christensen, Brian Wade Christensen, Eugene R. Clark, Jody Clark, Kathryn Holm Clark, Thomas A. Cottle, Rachelle David, Darwin Jacob Davis, Paula Huber


Reynolds, Kevin Eugene Reynolds, Richard Wesley Rich, Robert C. Roberts, Leslie M. Sanjaya, Wisnu Schick, Kjerstin P. Shore, Victoria Lynn Simin, Ridwan Skabelund, Marcie Lorraine Slaugh, Glade H. Smith, Stephen J. Spendlove, Mark Leonard Stack, Vincent John Stembridge, Steven V. Stevenson, Mike A. Summers, April A. Symons, Tonya R. Tabor, Joseph Wayne Terry, Patricia Kum Kwan Timothy, Robert J. Titensor, Elizabeth A. Uharriet, Jennifer Vail, Stacy Gay Valcarce, Ron V. Wagstaff, James Lynn Walker, David Ashley Walker, Steven D. Walker, Steven Robb Wan, Tony Chi-Yin Wellman, Richard Winterton, Delia Yarger, Rex D. Zainal, Abidin Azman Bin

Graduate Studies Lawrence. H. Piette Dean

Doctor of Philosophy Abduljawad, Abduljawad Mehemed Tripoli, Libya MS: University of Southern California, 1978 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Dissertation: Multivariate Synthesis of Hydrologic Time Series by Disaggregation

Chakrabartty, Suhas Chandra

Doherty, James David

Calcutta, India MS: Calcutta University, 1966 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas Dissertation: A Study in the Distribution of Gains from International Trade

Canton, Massachusetts MS: University of Nevada, Reno, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Ryan Dupont Dissertation: The Effect of Hydraulic and Tem­ perature Gradients on the Vapor Emissions of Hazardous Materials

Collinge, Susan Kay Fortier Yakima, Washington MS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. C. Anthon Ernstrom Dissertation: Influence of Processing Parameters on Nutrient Recovery During Ultrafiltration of Milk and Meltability of Pasteurized Process Cheese Food Made From the Retentate

Connor, Kristina Frances Adams, Carol Markstrom Burnsville, Minnesota MS: North Dakota State University, 1985 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Frank R. Ascione Dissertation: The Effects of Social PerspectiveTaking Training and Ideological PerspectiveTaking Training on Ego-Identity Formation in Late Adolescence

East Peoria, Illinois MS: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1976 Major: Forest Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald M. Lanner Dissertation: Anatomical and Morphological Biomarkers of Aging in Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva)

Corey, William Frederick Al-adhami, Mohammed Juma Baghdad, Iraq MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gaylord V. Skogerboe Dissertation: Hydrodynamic Simulation of Cablegation for Furrow Irrigation

Almasarweh, Issa Saleem

St. Louis, Missouri MS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Dissertation: A Preschool Age Neurodevelopmental Comparison of Normal Birthweight and Low Birthweight Infants with and without Intra­ ventricular Hemorrhage

Cramer, Kenneth Lee

Madaba, Jordan MS: University of Jordan, 1982 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. William F. Stinner Dissertation: Modernization, Patriarchy and Breastfeeding Behavior in Jordan: A Proportional Hazard Model Analysis

St. Joseph, Missouri MS: University of Oklahoma, 1983 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Joseph A. Chapman Dissertation: Reproduction and Life History Pat­ terns of Peromyscus maniculatus and Perognathus spp. in the Northern Bonneville Basin, Utah

Ashktorab, Hassan

Dariane, Alireza Borhani

Shiraz, Iran MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Dennis L. Welker Dissertation: Gene Amplification and Cobalt Resis­ tance in the Eukarjote Dictyostelium discoideum

Broome, Linda Suzanne Cann River, Australia BS: University New England, Armidale, 1976 Major: Biology Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James A. MacMahon Dissertation: Determinants of Small Rodent Dis­ tribution and Abundance in a Shrub-Steppe Eco­ system: Influences of Seeds, Ants and Shrubs

Eisele, Hubert Zurich, Switzerland MS: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1976 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Dissertation: Modeling Main System Water Allo­ cation Under Various Allocation Procedures

Elghammer, Richard W. Danville, Illinois MS: Eastern Illinois University, 1983 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Dissertation: Maternal, Neonatal, and Obstetric Correlates of IVH

Elmi, Ahmed A. Mogadisho, Somalia MS: University of Arizona, 1981 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Thadis W. Box Dissertation: Management, Foraging Behavior, Diet Composition and Forage Quality of FreeRanging but Herded Camels in Ceeldheer Dis­ trict, Central Somalia

Farmer, Eugene E. Tehran, Iran MS: University of Wyoming, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Trevor C. Hughes Dissertation: Operation of an Irrigation Reservoir by Maximizing Value of Multiple Crop Yields

Providence, Utah MS: University of Idaho, 1961 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. George E. Hart Dissertation: The Hydrology of A Phosphate Mine Overburden Waste Embankment

Flores, Enrique Ricardo deAyora, Paul Albert Lodi, California MS: California State University, Los Angeles, 1979 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard P. West Dissertation: A Peer-Mediated Application of a Computer-Based Instructional Decision Making Program for Improving Academic Performance

Busso, Carlos Alberto Punta Alta, Argentina MS: Universidad Nacional, Del Sur B. Blanca, 1983 Major: Range Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James H. Richards Dissertation: Factors Affecting Recovery from Defoliation During Drought in Two Arid Land Tussock Grasses

Eccles, J. Vincent Kaysville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. William J. Raitt Dissertation: The Electrodynamics of Plasma within the Outgas Cloud of the Space Shuttle Orbiter

Divine, Anisa Joy Salem, Oregon MS: Utah State University, 1977 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jack Keller Dissertation: A Performance Map for Human and Irrigation Development


Lima, Peru MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Dissertation: Acquisition of Foraging Skill by Lambs Eating Grass or Shrub

Frohlich, Donald Ralph Billings, Montana MS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. William A. Brindley Dissertation: Characterization of Esterases and Glutathione S-Transferases in a Solitary Bee, Megachile rotundata (Fab.): Variability, Develop­ mental Multiplicity, Substrate Specificity, and Inhibition

Gichuki, Francis Ndegwa

Khan, Shamshad

Middib, Mohamed M.

Nakuru, Kenya MS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Dissertation: Development of a Branching Canal Network Hydraulic Model

Nizampur, Pakistan MS: Peshawar University, 1978 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard H. Hawkins Dissertation: Predicting Streamflow and Sedi­ ment Yield for Mountainous Areas in Northern Pakistan

Babylon City, Iraq MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Reed P. Warren Dissertation: Biochemical Purification of Nuclear Antigens and a Possible Autoimmune Reaction Against These Antigens in Autism

Goldberg, Stephen Gregory Seattle, Washington MA: Southern Illinois University, 1977 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. J. Grayson Osborne Dissertation: Durational Control of Defensive Burying in Rats: An Investigation of a SpeciesSpecific Defense Reaction

Kim, Dong-Yeub Seoul, Korea BS: Kyunghee University, 1984 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas Dissertation: An Analytical Study of the ShortRun Variability of Korea's Balance of Payments, 1961-85: Application of Keynesian and Monetary Approaches to the Problem

Hardy, Thomas Byron Las Vegas, Nevada MS: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1982 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Grenney Dissertation: State-Parameter Estimation for Real Time River Water Quality

Olsen, Mary Glyer Latif, Muhmmad Lahore, Pakistan MS: Manitoba University, 1979 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Dissertation: Water Management for Crop Pro­ duction in a Dynamic Conjunctive Use System

Healy, Charles Edward Logan, Utah MS: East Tennessee State University, 1981 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. David B. Drown Dissertation: Immunologic, Hematologic, and Endocrine Responses to Subacute and Subchronic Exposures to Graded, Subanesthetic Levels of Nitrous Oxide in CD-I Mice

Holmes, Leonard Darrow Westfield, Massachusetts BS: Westfield State College, 1981 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Elizabeth A. Boeker Dissertation: Kinetics of Two-Substrate Reactions Using Integrated Rate Equations

Huffman, John Henry Hawthorne, Nevada MS: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Reed P. Warren Dissertation: Studies on Encephalomyocarditis Virus-Induced Diabetes in Mice

Jech, Larry E. Kingfisher, Oklahoma MS: Mississippi State University, 1974 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Dissertation: Adult and Larval Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Response to Environmental Factors in Alfalfa Fields in Northern Utah

Jordan, Lucy Anne Hyde Park, Utah MS: Washington State University, 1979 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. John P. Workman Dissertation: Fee Hunting Opportunities on Pri­ vate Land in Utah: An Economic and Policy Analysis

Ni, Sung Shen Singapore MS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas Dissertation: Causality Between Export and O ut­ put Growth: An Empirical Study of the Relation­ ship in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore

Lake Oswego, Oregon MA: Northen Arizona University, 1977 Major: Psychology Major Professors: Dr. Elwin C. Nielsen and Dr. D. Kim Openshaw Dissertation: Family Satisfaction in Air Force Families as a Function of Family Strengths, Resources and Coping Following Relocation

Likins, Marilyn

Parker, Bruce David

Salt Lake City, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles L. Salzberg Dissertation: The Use of Coincidental Training and Quality-Control Checking Procedures on the Food Preparation Skills of Trainees with Develop­ mental Disabilities

Bountiful, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Dissertation: Cloning and Expression of an Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated DNA Polymerase

Liu, S. Jack Tainan, Taiwan MS: Utah State University, 1975 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Dissertation: Analyses of Mechanically Stabilized Retaining Walls

Loftin, Craig R. Lander, Wyoming BS: Central College, 1973 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Cheney Dissertation: An Examination of Open- and Closed-Economic Conditions in Operant Research

M. D. Charandabi, Mohammad-Reza Tabriz, Iran MS: University of Azarabadagan, 1974 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Karen W. Morse Dissertation: Borane Derivating of 1-Aminoalkylphosphonates

Mayer, Gregory Lee Salt Lake City, Utah MA: Washington University, 1972 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts D issertation: M ental Status and Functional Behavior in Male Geriatric Patients


Ramalan, Aliyu Abubakar Lafia, Nigeria MS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Hill Dissertation: Management Strategies for Gravity Sprinkle Irrigation Systems.

Rezai, Behrooz Kamalabad Tehran, Iran MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence R. Megill Dissertation: Model of the Chemical Dynamics of the Nighttime Sporadic-E Including AcousticGravity Waves

Richman, Kent W. Bountiful, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1979 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Edward A. McCullough, Jr. Dissertation: Applications of Numerical Wavefunctions in Electronic S tructure Theory: I. The Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Diatomics. II. Hyperfine Parameters in Diatomic Molecules

Riggs, Robert Alexander Coeur d'Alene, Idaho MS: University of Idaho, 1977 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip J. Urness Dissertation: Inter-Seasonal Range Relationships of Spanish Goats and Mule Deer in a Utah Oak­ brush Community

Rogowitz, Gordon Lewis

Shamaly, John Joseph, Jr.

Van Pelt, Nicholas Sheridan

Lexington, Massachusetts MS: State University of New York, Fredonia, 1980 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Michael L. Wolfe Dissertation: A Model of Energy Expenditure in White-Tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) Based on Integrated Studies of Energetics and Field Ecology

Shelton, Connecticut BS: Northeastern University, 1981 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Dissertation: The Effects of Teacher Training vs Teacher and Parent Training on the Aggressive Behavior of Preschoolers

Moab, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1978 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Neil E. West Dissertation: Dynamics and Control of Tree Regrowth on Previously Cleared Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Sites in Utah

Shelton, Mark Douglas

Wang, Shiquan

Rorabaugh, Patricia Ann

San Luis Obispo, California MS: Purdue University, 1980 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Dissertation: Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Development in Mummified, Sun­ burned, and Walnut Husk Fly (Diptera:Tephritidae) Damaged Walnuts

Chongqing, China MS: University of Science and Technology of China, 1981 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Warren C. Foote Dissertation: Blood Protein Polymorphism in Selected Domesticated and Wild Sheep and Goats

Whittier, California MS: San Diego State University, 1982 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Frank B. Salisbury Dissertation: A Possible Role for Changes in Cell Sensitivity to Auxin in Gravitropic Bending of Soybean Hypocotyls

Wazlavek, Bernard Edward Roy, Kshirode Chandra Jona, Bangladesh MS: Asian Institute of Technology, 1978 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Wiliardson Dissertation: Optimization of Unconfined Shal­ low Aquifer Water Storage for Irrigation

Saha, Arunoday Bishalgarh, India MS: Calcutta University, 1970 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Terrence F. Glover Dissertation: Preschool Compensatory Education: An Econometric Interpretive Analysis

Sawant, Manohar M. Pune, India M.Tech: G. B. Pant University of Agriculture, 1974 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jack Keller Dissertation: Extending Utilization of Hard Rock Dug Wells in India Using Advanced Irrigation Technology by Expert System Model

Shokair, Mohamed H. Hail, Saudi Arabia MS: University of Wyoming, 1973 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. Arambel Dissertation: Effect of Feeding a Viable Yeast Cul­ ture on Ruminal Fermination Characteristics, Milk Production Response and Apparent Nutrient Digestibility in Holstein Cattle

Smith, Deborah Jean Whittier, California MS: California State University, Los Angeles, 1983 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. K. Richard Young Dissertation: The Generalization of Treatment Gains of Mildly Handicapped Adolescents from Special Education to Regular Education Class­ rooms Using Peer-Mediated Self-Management Procedures

Summers, Marcia Taliaferro Tulsa, Oklahoma MS: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1984 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Ann M. B. Austin Dissertation: Assimilation and Accommodation in Family Discourse: A Longitudinal Analysis

Scully, Daniel Joseph St. Cloud, Minnesota MS: University of Minnesota, 1981 Major: Mathematical Sciences Major Professor: Dr. LeRoy B. Beasley Dissertation: Maximal Rank-One Spaces of Matrices over Chain Semirings

Thorhallsdottir, Anna Gudrun Reykjavik, Iceland MS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Dissertation: The Role of Social Models in the Development of Food Preferences of Lambs

Baltimore, Maryland BA: Towson State University, 1985 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Dissertation: The Effects of Participation in a Development Group Upon the Psychological Adjustment of Pregnant Adolescents and Adoles­ cent Mothers

Wingate-Corey, Terilee Ogden, Utah MA: University of Missouri, 1984 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Dissertation: A Preschool Assessment of Low Birth Weight Infants With and Without Perinatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage

Doctor o f Education Gibbons, Hyrum Dennis Cove, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1971 Major: Curriculum and Instruction Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Dissertation: A Study of the Factors that Con­ tribute to the L.D.S. Students' Decision to Drop Enrollment From Classes at the Logan L.D.S. Institute of Religion

Greer, Dennis Patrick

Raleigh, North Carolina MS: Western Carolina University, 1980 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Keith L. Dixon Dissertation: Patterns of Singing by House Wrens with Respect to the Breeding Cycle

Provo, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Dissertation. The Effect on Achievement of Using Microcomputer General Ledger Software as a Problem Solving Tool in the Principles of Account­ ing I Course in a Community College

Seo, Dong-Jun

Uddin, Zafar

Johnson, Paul Vere

Seoul, Korea MS: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David S. Bowles Dissertation: Stochastic Interpolation of Rainfall Data from Raingages and Radar Using Linear Co-Kriging

Aligarh, India PhD: Aligarh Muslim University, 1980 Major: Recreation Resource Management Major Professor: Dr. William C. Gartner Dissertation: Determinants of the Components of a State's Tourist Image and Their Marketing Implications

Paradise, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Dissertation: Student Cognitive Styles and Per­ ceptions of an Electronic Distance Education System

Seibel, Karen R. Cincinnati, Ohio MA: The Catholic University of America, 1983 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. William R. Dobson Dissertation: The Relationship Between Con­ gruence Among Communication Channels and Degree of Mental Health

Tove, Michael H.


Neil, Lynn Riley

Mecham, Carrie Eileen Lewis

Rosson, Paula Lynne

Nampa, Idaho MA: Boise State University, 1983 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles R. Duke Dissertation: Teacher-Student Writing Confer足 ences as an Intervention in the Revision Practices of College Freshman

Wallsburg, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair

Kansas City, Missouri BS: Utah State University, 1988

Yen, Chin-Rong Taipei, Taiwan BS: Chung Yuan Christian University, 1984

Osborne, Janet Kirk Phoenix, Arizona MA: Arizona State University, 1967 Major: Curriculum and Instruction Major Professors: Dr. Deborah A. Byrnes and Dr. David F. Laney Dissertation: Gifted and Talented Students in an Alternative Learning Center: Their Numbers and Characteristics

Electrical Engineer Steadman, Roland Max Bountiful, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1967 Major Professors: Dr. Doran J. Baker and Dr. Kay D. Baker

Master of Arts

Posey, Larry O'Dale

Bise, Kathryn Ann

Smithfield, Utah MS: University of Southern California, 1972 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Dissertation: Guiding Seventh-Grade Students to Create Precise Examples While Performing Con足 cept Classification Tasks

Huntsville, Utah BA: Eastern New Mexico University, 1979 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Robert Cormier: A Writer of Hope

Strong, Carol Dunlap Logan, Utah MS: University of Illinois, 1972 Major: Research and Evaluation Major Professor: Dr. James P. Shaver Dissertation: Stability of Oral Cohesion Skills of Language-Impaired and Normally Developing School-Aged Children

Master o f Accounting Cash, John Astill, Riley G. Magna, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1987

Chen, Chi-Wen Taipei, Taiwan BS: Soochow University, 1983

Wilkes, C. Wynn Rigby, Idaho MS: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham Dissertation: Relationships Between Motivational Orientations and Participants' Perceptions of an Electronic Distance Education Learning Environ足 ment

Dorrett, Newton Robert Tooele, Utah BS: University of Southern Colorado, 1987

Hsu, Juo-Ying Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chung-Hsing University, 1984

Linn, Showigen Taichung, Taiwan BS: Chinese Culture University, 1985

Civil Engineer Quashigah, Godwin Mawuli Monrovia, Liberia MS: Colorado State University, 1985 Major Professor: Dr. Calvin G. Clyde Thesis: Simulation of Density Dependent Trans足 port in Groundwater Aquifers Using Physical and Mathematical Models

Gallagher, Rose J. Boston, Massachusetts BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom Thesis: Learning Strategies of an Experienced Foreign Language Learner

Garzon Tirado, Laura D.

Taipei, Taiwan BS: National ChengChi University, 1981

Mazatlan, Mexico BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Plan B

Miles, Corey R. Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988

Pocatello, Idaho BBA: Idaho State University, 1987

Greenwell, Deborah Ann Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1972 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Ng, Cheng-Laa Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia BS: Utah State University, 1986

Bonifanti, Georgeanne Elaine Scranton, Pennsylvania MLS: Pratt Institute, 1975 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie

Flores, Piedad Laura Lima, Peru BS: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 1981 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Moshe Smith Thesis: Plan B

Ma, Chia-Ying Michael

Mitton, Thane Jeffrey

Educational Specialist

Waltham, Massachusetts BFA: Massachusetts College of Art, 1982 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Ren, Sheau-Yu Hualien, Taiwan BS: Chinese Culture University, 1981


Hallows, Gilbert D. Loa, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1986 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Edward R. Glatfelter Thesis: The Politics of Idealism: Roosevelt, Truman, and U.S. Policy in Indochina, 1941-1950

Keating, Sydna Jensen

vanPletzen, Blane Frederik

Clayson, Scott Douglas

Brigham City, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1973 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Riverdale, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1985 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Eugene H. Washington Thesis: The Poetry of Jonathan Swift: A Con­ scious Alternative to Eighteenth Centry NeoVirgilianism

Pleasant Grove, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987

Cottle, Craig H. Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1969

Kim, Kwang-Kee Won-Ju, Korea MA: Seoul National University, 1984 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. David L. Rogers Thesis: Effects of Health Resources on Health Status in Nonmetropolitan Areas

Liu, Xiaosui Guangshou, China BS: Jinan University, 1983 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth S. Lyon Nonthesis

Crouch, Dennis J. Watseka, Illinois BS: Western Illinois University, 1971

M aster o f Business Administration Astin, Gary Kent Logan, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1976

Atkinson, Bart Dell Marshall, Dorothy F. Richmond, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1986 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth B. Hunsaker Thesis: Plan B

Massaro-Alvord, Catherine Jeanne Buffalo, New York BFA: Kansas City Art Institute, 1979 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Marion R. Hyde Thesis: Plan B

Pitts, Sean D. Sandy, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Pleisch, Walter Orland, California BA: Utah State University, 1983 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom Thesis: An Examination of Language Transfer and Syntactic Complexity of Relative Clauses in Second-Language Acquisition

Ryu, Seongryeol Seoul, Korea BS: Seoul National University, 1985 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Michael B. Toney Thesis: Poverty and Migration: A Study on Con­ sequences of Migration

Logan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987

Baham, Patrick Richard Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1985

Bennett, Kyle "D" Rupert, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1987

Boshard, Cary Bliss Logan, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1978

Breitweiser, J. Curtis Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1985

Brotherton, Jamie Peter

Duerson, Bradley Keith, Sr. Oconomowoc, Wisconsin BS: Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1985

Duncan, Scott A. Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986

Fugate, Harry Norris Muskegon, Michigan BS: Utah State University, 1986

Gavin, Kim Roy, Utah BS: University of Arizona, 1984

Glenn, Kevin B. Youngward, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987

Haines, Robert Paul Bloomfield, Indiana BS: Indiana University, 1984

Hansen, Lynn W. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987

Hasenyager, Robert Norman

Middletown, New York BS: Rochester Institute of Technology, 1976

Farmington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1975

Buhaly, David Alan

Hey wood, David K.

Tacoma, Washington BS: Oregon State University, 1982

Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1977

Call, Bryan Wayne

Hornsby, Richard Berglund

Rigby, Idaho BA: University of Utah, 1987

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1981

Carr, Richard Wallace

Hsieh, Sung-Cho

Brigham City, Utah MS: Wright State University, 1975

Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chung Hsing University, 1986

Schulthies, B. Kris

Christensen, S. Alan

Hurley, Mitchell J.

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Larry K. Bond Thesis: Identifying Production Potentials and Farm Size Efficiency Relationships Among Ecuadorian Dairy Farms

West Valley City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1982

Cidambi, Kumar S.

Hutchins, Richard Michael

Bombay, India MS: University of Bombay, 1986

Rockville, Maryland JD: Brigham Young University, 1987


James, Kent Lloyd

Powell, Jay W.

Vaniman, Jean Ann

Rock Springs, Wyoming BS: Brigham Young University, 1987

Lehi, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988

Huntsville, Alabama BS: University of Alabama, 1984

Jensen, Kent C.

Quayle, Mark Douglas

Walser, Judith Johnson

Bountiful, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1984

Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1985

Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1978

Jensen, Michael James

Rajamani, Sudha

Wood, Kenneth Albert

Logan, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1988

Salt Lake City, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1985

Kearns, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1986

Johansen, Blake R.

Rammell, Jay Ramon

Wright, Blake C.

Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984

Las Vegas, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1984

Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986

Johnson, Jeffrey J.

Redd, Paul Craig

Wright, Susan Thompson

Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984

Monticello, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1972

Ogden, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1979

Khanolkar, Sitaram Digambar

Reese, Richard E.

Young, Darrel Edward

Bombay, India MS: University of Roorkee, 1986

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1935

Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986

Kuo, Yenchi Christina

Roos, R. David

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Soochow University, 1987

Logan.. Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988

LeFevre, Robert Gordon

Rydalch, Jeff D.

Franklin, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988

Rexburg, Idaho BS: Weber State College, 1986

Master o f Education Albrecht, Douglas Steven

Loosle, Kent Dale

Scheppele, Fred Steven

Moreland, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1987

Hooper, Utah BS: United States Air Force Academy, 1981

Minersville, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1968 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Low, Brent Jay

Schroeder, Brian Charles

Alger, Paula

Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987

Shelley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1987

Bountiful, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1987 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

McBride, Nathan B.

Shuen, Janet

Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987

Hong Kong BS: Brigham Young University, 1986

Anderson, Connie G.

Monson, David Jay

Smoot, Mark Calvin

Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1988

Farmington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988

Draper, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1958 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Mussell, Todd Roger

Stodart, Leslie Michael

Ogden, Utah BS: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984

Barnstaple, England BS: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1971

Noorda, Joseph R.

Tavares, Glen Albert

Pocatello, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1986

New Delhi, India BS: University of Delhi, 1986

Okajima, Mamoru

Traveller, Bruce Frank

Kawasaki, Japan BS: Waseda University, 1982

Richmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1979

Pedersen, Kris T.

Van Orden, Gary L.

Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: University of Utah, 1981

Twin Falls, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1987


Anderson, I. Denise Mackay, Idaho MS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent

Anderson, Jeane E. Cedar City, Utah BS: College of Southern Utah, 1965 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Anderson, Vic Harold Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1980 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

Bankhead, Carolyn

Brow, Mary Y.

Davis, Barbara McLeod

Pleasant View, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome

West Valley City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. K. Richard Young

Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Barnes, Janet Bateman

Bundy, Charles E.

DeLaRosa, Mary E.

Provo, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1972 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Washington, Utah MS: Southern Utah State College, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1980 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Izar A. Martinez

Bennett, Ralph Louis

Butterfield, Michelle S.

Dial, Marsha B.

Malad, Idaho BM: Utah State University, 1974 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Willard R. Kesling

Riverton, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Amalya Nattiv

Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Black, Larry Alden

Buxton, Judy Townsend

Dykes, DeAnn B.

Richfield, Utah BA: Southern Utah State College, 1975 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nichoils Eastman, Jr.

Saugus, California BS: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

Idaho Palls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan

Black, Maxine Reichert

Carr, Terry G.

Evans, Dennis C.

Bountiful, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1960 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Annette Packard

Enterprise, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Malad, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1972 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Blackham, Jo Ellen Brown

Carter, Mary M.

Finney, Patricia Rae

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1956 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bryce E. Adkins

Bountiful, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Amalya Nattiv

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: MacMurray College, 1973 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles R. Duke

Bolds, Pamela K.

Chester, Michelle Marie

Freeman, Ellen Reeder

Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Cornell University, 1972 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan

St. George, Utah BA: Southern Utah State College, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

Bolles, Stefanie

Clarke, Alva Byron

Furniss, Dorothy Z.

Mountain View, Wyoming BS: University of Nevada, Reno, 1978 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Blanding, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1975 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Izar A. Martinez

Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Elementry Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs

Borup, Byron Lee, II

Compas, Charles William

Gadd, Rosemary Kimball

Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1985 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight

Kanab, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1982 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Bountiful, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1959 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Annette Packard

Boss, Paula K.

Cottam, Neil Edwin

Gerlach, Susan D.

Centerville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1967 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Toquerville, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Layton, Utah BS: University of South Dakota, 1976 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan

Brooks, Carla Hoyt

Curtis, Barbara Ann

Green, Judy Louise

St. George, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Helper, Utah BA: College of St. Benedict, 1975 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bryce E. Adkins

Burley, Idaho BA: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood


Greene, John J.

Hodgkinson, Doris Harmon

Marriott, Linda J.

San Diego, California BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Holden, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1966 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Cedar City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Gubler, Bruce Lynn

Hughes, Eugene Marion

Martin, Ann C.

Ivins, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Mesa, Arizona BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

Oakley, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1966 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent

Gurney, Virgil Wayne

Hyde-Porter, Julie

Mattson, Teri Brennan

Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Park City, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1976 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deanna D. Winn

Hall, Leda

Jensen, Louis Vern, Jr.

McGregor, Cynthia Ann

Brigham City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1979 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Annette Packard

St. George, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

St. George, Utah BA: Southern Utah State College, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Hansen, AnnaLee P.

Johnson, Grant P.

McIntyre, Sydnie Allred

Centerville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Professor Patricia B. Willis

Mountain Home, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie

Boise, Idaho BS: Boise State University, 1981 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Harman, Wade Richard

Johnson, Kaylene

Melling, Mary Lou Carroll

Corydon, Iowa BA: Drake University, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr.

Roy, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1980 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deanna D. Winn

Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1971 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Harris, Mark Eugene

Johnston, Gregory H.

Merrell, Duane "B"

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr.

St. George, Utah BS: San Diego State University, 1976 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Castle Dale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Hayward, Cindy C.

Jolley, Steven R.

Miles, Kurt William

Sandy, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles R. Duke

Ivins, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Houston, Texas BS: Texas A&M University, 1975 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood

Hedlund, Richard Carl

Katzenberger, Monte Philip

Mills, LaMar Milton

Annandale, Virginia BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Professor Gary S. Poppleton

Emmett, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1978 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Richfield, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1965 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Hendricks, James Lawrence

Leatham, Larry

Mortensen, Mary Janine

Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Ogden, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Walter L. Saunders

Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Henley, Carol Kay

Lyles, Karen Sue Seabourn

Nielsen, Neldon G.

Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Mesquite, Texas BS: Texas A&M University, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs

Perry, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Steven E. Dunn


Nielson, Marilynn Z.

Pu, Jing

Taft, Jeanne A.

Midway, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1957 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond, Jr.

Shanghai, China BS: Beijing Institute of Physical Education, 1974 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Robert E. Sorenson

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1968 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. E. Malcom Allred

Nilsson, Kraig Roger

Rasmussen, Lara England

Taylor, Janet M.

Monroe, Utah BA: Southern Utah State College, 1981 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Magna, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Nyman, Carol Ann

Richardson, Allen Hart

Taylor, Katherine Jean

Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles R. Duke

Bountiful, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Olsen, Melanie M.

Ripplinger, Michael F.

Thode, Terry

St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1980 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Brigham City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1981 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

Hailey, Idaho BS: University of Michigan, 1966 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Owen, Jacqueline Dawn

Rosch, Karen Boone

Thompson, Marba C.

Hemet, California BS: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

St. George, Utah BS: San Francisco State University, 1978 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Richfield, Utah BA: Idaho State University, 1965 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Paul, Colleen

Seamons, Rhonda

Thorley, William Howard

Woods Cross, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Annette Packard

Roy, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1977 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Peatross, Darrell K.

Seele, Geraldine M.

Tuft, Carlene

Fairview, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill

Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles R. Duke

Monroe, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1979 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs

Peck, Allen N.

Sheffield, John Sherman

Wakefield, Lyle Kent

Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1973 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr.

Kaysville, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Rexburg, Idaho BA: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles R. Duke

Pierson, Joyce S.

Sorenson, Allen Morris

Walker, Thomas W.

Layton, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. E. Malcom Allred

Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight

Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Pitts, Paul D.

Steinsson, Sjofn Heida

Wangerin, Robert Wayne

Montezuma Creek, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Kopavogi, Iceland BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Lyman, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1975 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Pruitt, Jean Mary

Stephenson, James Scott

Warren, Lynnette

Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bryce E. Adkins

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. James S. Cangelosi

Burley, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Amalya Nattiv


Whitney, Sherrie Ann

Cheng, Wei Pan

Wu, Tzong-Der

Logandale, Nevada BS: Brigham Young University, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Taipei, Taiwan MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Willden, Donald J.

Connan, Emmanuelle

Zhang, Yi

Milford, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

St Jacques de la Lande, France BS: University de Savoie, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Beijing, China BS: Tsinghua University, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik

Wilson, Russell G.

Durtschi, Robert A.

Phoenix, Arizona BA: Arizona State University, 1985 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Willard R. Kesling

Jolon, California BS: Weber State College, 1976 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik

Yates, David Harper

Hossain, Mohammed Moazzem

Benton, Lani Lee

Brigham City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

Barisal, Bangladesh BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Peter E. Wagner

Tempe, Arizona BFA: Arizona State University, 1986 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Adrian Van Suchtelen Thesis: Plan B

Yates, Leland George

Hosseini, Sayad Javad

Brigham City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

Tehran, Iran BS: California State University, Fresno, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Tullis

Yu, Der-Jen

Norman, Jeffery B.

Taipei, Taiwan MS: Northern Arizona University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Ron J. Thorkildsen

Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Gundersen

Zellmer, Scott William

Reese, Bradley Ray

Hacienda Heights, California BS: Weber State College, 1983 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. K. Richard Young

Pocatello, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Bruce R. Peterson

She, Lungshan

Master o f Engineering Ariss, Charles William New York City, New York MS: University of Idaho, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jay J. Messer

Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chiao-Tung University, 1982 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Tarng, Jong-Sein Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Cheng Kung University, 1982 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ralph H. Haycock

Master o f Fine Arts

Denne, James R. Chargin Falls, Ohio BA: The College of Wooster, 1983 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Moishe Smith Thesis: Plan B

Garlick, Kris DeAnn Green River, Wyoming BS: Black Hills State University, 1986 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Craig Law Thesis: Plan B

Huliinger, Kelly Skye Salt Lake City, Utah BFA: University of Utah, 1982 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Marion R. Hyde Thesis: Plan B

Milovich, Rose Marie Price, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Marion R. Hyde Thesis: Plan B

Olsen, Brad V.

Arkalgud, Kusuma S.

Thurgood, Vern Alan

Bangalore, India BS: Bangalore University, 1984 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John C. Kemp

Richmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1979 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Allen J. Steed

Chen, Kan-Lin

Wang, Deyu

Kaoshiung, Taiwan BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Shanghai, China BS: Jiao Tong University, 1983 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris

Bountiful, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor: Professor LeRoy C. Brandt, Jr. Thesis: Plan B

Thorne, C. Brock


Vernal, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Adrian Van Suchtelen Thesis: Plan B

Master o f Landscape Architecture Crook, Susan Heber, Utah MEd: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Major Professor: Professor Michael L. Timmons Thesis: History of the Department of Landscape Architecture at Utah State University, 1939-1965

Nordstrom, Susan Kristin Farmington, Hew Mexico BLA: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Major Professor: Professor Craig W. Johnson Thesis: Plan B

Allred, Cynthia

Armstrong, Judy Gaskill

Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis

Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Nonthesis

Asghari, Berbaneh Jafar Allred, Douglas Malcom Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs Thesis: Development of a Computer-Adopted Form of the Scientific Literacy Test

Aw-Hassan, Aden Abdillahi Al-Thamary, Mohammed Ali Sanaa, Yemen BS: Basrah University, 1980 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Plan B

Al-Trkawi, Mezyad M.

Master o f Mathematics Siedenstrang, Lynn Marie St. Charles, Missouri BS: Lindenwood College, 1983 Major Professor: Dr. Stanley C. Williams

Hama, Syria BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Statics Analysis of Cable Structures

Cedar City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B

Abdelrazek, Monir Ismail Alexandria, Egypt BS: Alexandria University, 1976 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert A. Campbell Thesis: Plan B

Anderson, Kelvin C. Partoun, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Tullis Thesis: Alternative Methods for Calculating Maxi­ mum Pressures due to Valve Closure

Adams, Cleo Yvonne

Andrus, Maryanne Stewart

Layton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Nonthesis

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Plan B

Adams, Kent Jason Plain City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: The Effect of Six Weeks of Squat, Plyometric, or Squat-Plyometric Training on the Verti­ cal Jump of College Males

Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1982 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Herbert H. Fullerton Thesis: Problems of Data Collection for Economic Research in Small Farmer Agriculture: Some Experience in Somalia

Ayusanil, Anujitt Bangkok, Thailand BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B

Bailey, Tyyna Ann Makela Andersen, Floyd Scott

Master o f Science

Rasht, Iran BS: Mazanderan University, 1980 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Steven A. Dewey Thesis: Weed Control in Winter Wheat with Over-Snow Application of Selected Herbicides in a Graphite-Nitrogen Suspension

Ansari, Jafar Kabir Bahawalpur, Pakistan BS: University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan, 1970 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Alchakaki, Rayan A.

Applonie, Jacqueline Gwen

Hama, Syria BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Reynold K. Watkins Thesis: Structural Analysis of Buried Cylindrical Flexible Pipes Subjected to Vacuum

Moscow, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1983 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Thesis: Plan B


Jacksonville, Arkansas BA: Henderson State University, 1986 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: The Concerns and Needs of Parents of Cleft Lip and/or Palate Newborns: A Review of Services

Baker, Ann Dalton Mill Valley, California BS: Western Washington University, 1982 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh Thesis: Variation in Trout Abundance in Relation to Habitat Quality in a Recently Disturbed Stream: Patterns at Two Spatial Scales

Baker, Paul Brian West Point, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1982 Major: Range Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James H. Richards Thesis: Nutrient and Water Interrelationships Between Crested Wheatgrass and Two Shrub Species

Balcena, Alice Mae Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Plan B

Balls, M. Reed West Jordan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1972 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Jay C. Andersen Thesis: Economic Simulation of Selected Manage­ ment Strategies for a Typical Dairy Farm Faced with Declining Milk Prices

Barker, Kenneth Warren

Bennion, Layne Dee

Brady, Stephen C.

Piedmont, California BS: California Polytechnic State University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Darwin L. Sorensen Thesis: Bioavailable Phosphorus in the Bear River System, Utah

Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Gerald R. Adams Thesis: M easuring Adolescent Ego-Identity Status: A Comparison of the Semi-Structured Interview and the Objective Measure of EgoIdentity Status

Toquerville, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1983 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneveldt Thesis: Contemporary Engagement: Attitudes and Practices of College Students

Branson, Roger Allan

Barnes, Linda Elaine Logan, Utah BS: Southern Oregon State College, 1982 Major: Psychology Major Professors: Dr. William R. Dobson and Dr. Richley H. Crapo Thesis: The Effects of Diary Writing Support Groups on Women's Depression, Self-Acceptance and Well-Being

Barrow, Karla Declo, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont Nonthesis

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Douglas E. Hammer Thesis: Plan B

Boise, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Harris Thesis: Digital Gallium Arsenide Integrated Cir足 cuit Interconnects: An Investigation of Why the Interconnects Slow the Response

Bich, Joel Philip

Bringhurst, Mark Dee

Cavour, South Dakota BS: South Dakota State University, 1978 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. John A. Bissonette Thesis: The Feasibility of River O tter Reintroduc足 tion in Northern Utah

West Point, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1981 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Bjork, Carol A.

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Overall Life Satisfaction of Ileostomates

Benson, Del Ariel

Briscoe, Sandra Sisson Barton, Lynne Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Frederick S. Berg Thesis: Sound Levels in Occupied Elementary School Classrooms

Onalaska, Wisconsin BS: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Peralta Thesis: Plan B

Brodock, Richard Russell Bond, William Everett

Battey, Timothy Paul Livingston Manor, New York BS: Weber State College, 1982 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. James O. Derry Thesis: An Investigation of Ethnocentrism and Ethnoholism

Baum, Shelley ]. Ashton, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Professor Ruth V. Clayton Thesis: Sources of Information Used and Infor足 mation Sought by Southeast Idaho Home Sewers in Their Selection of Fabrics with which They are Familiar

Monte Vista, Colorado BS: Adams State College, 1976 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Three Valued Logics in Inference Systems

Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B

Brown, Douglas M. Bonvissuto, Griselda Luz Bariloche, Argentina BS: Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, 1978 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Paul F. McCawley Thesis: The Influence of Range Condition on Potential Livestock Production

Kennesaw, Georgia BA: Brigham Young University, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B

Brown, Roberto A. Bourne, Kevin W. Garland, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Thesis: Pullout Resistance of Swiggle Tails

La Paz, Bolivia BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Shadow Pattern Simulator

Beebe, Miriam Elizabeth

Browning, Phillip Stephen

Rantoul, Illinois BA: Cameron University, 1982 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: The Literacy Dilemma in America: Research in the Diversity of Curriculum and Cul足 tural Literacy

Pocatello, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Glen O. Jenson Thesis: The Correlation Between Life Satisfaction and Farm Involvement Among Utah Dairy Farm Men and Women

Boutell, Barbara Jane Bloomfield, New Mexico BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor L. Jaclyn Littledike Nonthesis

Bell, Brenda Lynn

Braaten, Anne M.

Bukhari, S. Nisar Hussain

Anaheim, California BS: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1985 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair Thesis: The Potential Improvement of Adolescent Attitudes Toward Hearing-Impaired Peers

Aberdeen, Washington BS: Pacific Lutheran University, 1984 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Barrie K. Gilbert Thesis: Adaptation of Brown Bears to People on an Alaskan Salmon Stream: A Quantitative Study

Lahore, Pakistan BS: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 1979 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Professor R. Kern Stutler Thesis: Calibration and Analysis of V-Shaped Broad Crested Weir Flumes


Byrne, Jan Ene

Chapman, George D.

Chuang, You-Ming

Mountain Home, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Communication Major Professor: Professor Penny M. Byrne Thesis: Plan B

Hillsboro, New Hampshire BD: Andover Newton Theological School, 1964 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Cahoon, James Burton

Chapman, Mary Ann

Tooele, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler Thesis: Hardware Implementations for Image Compression by Vector Quantization

Eden, Utah BS: Metropolitan State College, 1974 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Callan, Robert Joseph

Kaohsiung, Taiwan BS: National Chung-Hsing University, 1984 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Rondo A. Christensen Nonthesis

Eugene, Oregon DVM: Oregon State University, 1986 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Jay W. Call Thesis: Luteinizing Hormone and Progesterone Response to GnRH Administration at Insemina­ tion in Repeat-Breeder Holstein Cows

Campbell, Brian W. Flagstaff, Arizona BS: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan Thesis: Inter- and Intra-User Reliability of Class LD2: An Expert System for Classifying Learning Disabled Students

Carmack, Gailynn Dickinson Wilmington, Delware BA: University of Delaware, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Level III Videodisc Shopping Pro­ gram for the International Student Orientation at Utah State University

Clark, Russell Leon Morgan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis

Chen, Hurng-Shihng

Chian, Maw-Cherng Taoyuan, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Chiang, Yeh Su-Lang Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1979 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Chien, Hsiao-Wen Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tung-Hai University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Clement, Suzette Mapleton, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Larry A. Rupp Thesis: Determination of Iron Efficiency in Rose Rootstocks

Coleman, Margaret E. Syracuse, New York BS: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1979 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Anne J. Anderson Thesis: Elicitor Activity from the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus

Collier, Curtis Christopher El Paso, Texas MEd: University of Texas, El Paso, 1981 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr. Thesis: The Effects of Goal Setting on Achieve­ ment Motivation and Competitive Performance in Track and Field Athletes

Connors, Kevin James

Chakela, Lulama P.

Chin, Chun-Tsung

Mmabatho, South Africa BS: University of Botswana & Swaziland, 1979 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Soochow University, 1981 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Carolyn Rhodes-Jones Thesis: Plan B

Chang, Ching-Min

Chiu, Jia-Jiun

Cook, Dale S.

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1982 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Roland W. Jeppson Thesis: Numerical Solution of Unsaturated Tran­ sient Vertical Moisture Movement with Disper­ sion

New York, New York BS: Fen Chi University, 1981 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B

Syracuse, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Chang, Kuo Kwang Taichung, Taiwan BS: Chinese Culture University, 1982 Major: Town and Regional Planning Major Professor: Professor Richard E. Toth Thesis: Plan B

Christensen, James Coe

Cook, Debra Morgan

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B

Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis

Christy, Kim S. C hang, Tung-Chueng Kaohsiung, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Plan B

Canoga Park, California BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Paul F. McCawley Thesis: Plan B

Farmington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Bruce E. Godfrey Thesis: Benefit/Cost Variables and Comparative Recreation Use Patterns of Wilderness and NonWilderness Areas


Cope, John Allen Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronney D. Harris Thesis: Calculating Electron Trajectories for Elec­ tron Guns Using A Computer Simulation Code

Cornwall, Teresa Houston

Diaz, Segundo S.

Emett, Ray C.

Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Nonthesis

Cajamarca, Peru BS: Agrarian University, 1978 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Development of High-Altitude Crop Coefficients

Taylorsville, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1977 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Thesis: Plan B

Dick, Brian Lee

Ericson, Jodi Dawn

Coulter, Lisa Tateoka Riverton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Thesis: Plan B

Ely, Nevada BS: Humboldt State University, 1982 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip J. Urness Thesis: Gambel Oak for Spanish Goats: A Diges足 tion-Balance Evaluation of Nutrient Availability

Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Nonthesis

Cramer, Lori A. Oak Lawn, Illinois BS: Illinois State University, 1985 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Riley Thesis: Contact, Support, and Friction: Gender Differences in Social Networks

Crane, Randy T. Tooele, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: Image Compression for Local Area Networks

Dombrowski, Daniel Carl Phoenix, Arizona BS: Northern Arizona University, 1984 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul T. Blotter Thesis: Structural Response of Carbon/Epoxy Pressure Vessels Subjected to a Low-Velocity Impact Event

Falgoust, Louis Michael Provo, Utah BS: Louisiana Tech University, 1975 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Thesis: Plan B

Falleroni, Mark D. Duncan, Jan Kirkham Sunset, Utah BA: Weber State College. 1980 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Nonthesis

Ogder., Utah BS: Weber State College, 1980 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Automatic Flow Chart Generation via Flowchart Design Language Compiler

Curtis, Steven Eric Newport Beach, California BS: University of California, Los Angeles, 1981 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gerald R. Adams Thesis: The Development of the Stress-Response Scale for Adolescents

Ebright, Erin Ann Glendale, California BS: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Ann B. McKeehan Thesis: Plan B

D'Oleo, Victor Hondo Valle, Dominican Republic BS: University Catolica Madre y Maestra, 1981 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Thesis: Plan B

Davis, Cathy Ogden, Utah BS: Idaho State University, 1972 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Nonthesis

Delaney, Gary Daniel Blackfoot, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1972 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Weldon S. Sleight Thesis: The Feasibility of Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students in College Level Intro足 ductory Animal Science

Di, Jian Jun Hubehote, China BS: Inner Mongolia College, 1982 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Edith B. Allen Thesis: Occurence of V esicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Degraded Rangelands and Physio足 logical Responses of Six Agropyron Cultivars to Infection

Fenaian, Daryoush La Romana, Dominican Republic BS: University Catolica Madre y Maestra, 1982 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Professor R. Kern Stutler Thesis: Plan B

El-Bakri, Brent K.

Flannery, Anne W.

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler Thesis: Hardware Implementations for a RealTime Video Compression System for Transmit足 ting on a T 1 Line

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. John A. Kadlec Thesis: Foraging Habitat of White Pelicans on Great Salt Lake Marshes

Eldridge, Michael H. Idaho Palls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. Deni T. Elliott Thesis: Journalistic Codes of Ethics: A Proposed Standard for Juries in Libel Trials

Flores, Christene Pentecost Owensboro, Kentucky BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Nonthesis

Foley, Michael Andrew El-Jazouli, Mostapha El-]adida, Morocco BS: Hassania School of Engineering, 1976 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Chicago, Illinois BS: St. Norbert College, 1984 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Daniel L. Comins Thesis: 1-Acyldihydropyridones as Synthetic Intermediates

Ely, Karon Cliffe

Frankenfield, James Clark

Colorado Springs, Colorado BS: Colorado State University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Duane E. Hedin Thesis: Plan B

Roslyn, Pennsylvania BS: Rensselaer Polytech Institute, 1983 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. W. Farrell Edwards Thesis: Plan B


Freed, Andrew Mark

Gimbel, Bonita Lynn

Guthrie, Sheree Lynn

Pori Washington, New York BS: Cornell University, 1983 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. P. Thomas Blotter Thesis: Finite Element Stress and Buckling Analyses of Margins of Saftey for Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor Cases

Logan, Utah BS: Walla Walla College, 1986 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Nonthesis

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania BS: Pennsylvania State University, 1978 Major: Recreation Resource Management Major Professor: Dr. Richard M. Schreyer Thesis: Leisure Values and Imagery Psychological Factors Affecting Participation

Giordano-Olson, Judy Fugate, Harry Norris Muskegon, Michigan BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Doucette Thesis: Using Total Molecular Surface Area in Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships to Estimate Environmental Fate and T ransport Parameters

Gale, Jody Arnell Beaver, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Ralph E. Whitesides Thesis: A Simple Model to Predict Optimal Har­ vest Time of Alfalfa Using Near Infrared Reflec­ tance Spectroscopy, Environmental, Morphologi­ cal, and Growth Parameters

Gan, Ding-Gwo Robert Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chung Hsing University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Ryan Dupont Thesis: Studies of Multiphase Distribution Coeffi­ cients and Effects of Temperature on the Distri­ bution of Selected Hazardous Organic Compounds in Soil Systems

Gardner, Marie Teresa Blanding, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1979 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Nonthesis

Garr, Graylyn Leatham Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Muzzaffer Yener Thesis: Effects of Paint Removal by Plastic Bead Blasting on Graphite-Epoxy Composites

Garr, John David Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1981 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. James P. McCalpin Thesis: Quaternary Geology and Tectonic Geo­ morphology of the Pocatello Valley Area, IdahoUtah

Helper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont Thesis: Maternal Language Modifiability and its Effect on Child Language

Glomb, Nancy Kathryn Logan, Utah BS: State University of New York, Binghamton, 1978 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard P. West Thesis: Teaching Secondary Behaviorally Dis­ ordered Students to Self-Manage the Completion of their Writing Assignments

Gold, Steven H. St. Anthony, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N. Egbert Thesis: ABLE: An Expert System to Aid in the Ind en tificatio n of Physically Handicapped Students

Gompert, Anne E. Sunset, Utah BS: University of Wyoming, 1976 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Thesis: Plan B

Gonzalez, Manuel de Regia Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic BS: University Catolica Madre y Maestra, 1984 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Plan B

Tehran, Iran BS: California State University, Fresno, 1983 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Anne J Anderson Thesis: Colonization of Roots by Pseudomonas putida and Its Role in Control of Fusarium Wilt

Haji Ahmed, Ahmed Musa Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1981 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Roger E. Banner Thesis: Plan B

Halpop, John William Marion, Wisconsin BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Nitrogen and Energy Budgets of Produc­ tion Ewes on Summer Range in Southwest Utah

Hammond, Maynard D. Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler Thesis: Vector Quantization Studies for Real Time Video Compression

Hansen, Barry Kenneth Amalga, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Neil W. Mregan Thesis: Toward the Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Music: An Evaluation of a ContextTracking Approach to Source Separation

Hansen, Mary Jo Greenman, Donna T. Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1985 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Gruenwald, Kim Marie Littleton, Colorado BA: University of Colorado, 1986 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner, II Thesis: The Ute Indians and the Public School System: A Historical Analysis, 1900-1985

Gilbert, Catherine Alicia Bridget Van Nuys, California BS: University of Puget Sound, 1982 Major: Biology Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James A. MacMahon Thesis: The Distribution of Utah Grasshopper Species (Order: Orthoptera) in Relation to the Distributions of Community Types and Abiotic Factors

Habibzadegah-Tari, Pouran

Guerrero-Pichardo, Henry A. San Cristobal, Dominican Republic BS: Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, 1975 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gilbert A. Long Thesis: Plan B


Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Probability of Discrete Failures, Weibull Distribution

Hansen, Paul G. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Review of Water Right Transfer Process in Utah

Harker, David James Idaho Palls, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John C. Kemp Thesis: Improving the Moving Mirror Control System of a Michelson Interferometer Using a Phase-Locked Loop

Hartman, Jill A.

Holmgren, Lyle N.

Jan, Jer-Chie

Albuquerque, New Mexico BS: University of Illinois, 1972 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Deevon Bailey Thesis: Participation by Utah Farm Families in the Dairy Termination Project and Conservation Reserve Program: A Social and Economic Analysis

Taipei, Taiwan MS: National Cheng-Kung University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B

Jean, Hon-Chang

Hegazy, Mohamed A. Gaza, Palestine BS: An-Najah National University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Plan B

Henneman, Mary Ann Lebanon, Oregon BS: Gonzaga University, 1987 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Cheney Thesis: Plan B

Henry, George R. Window Rock, Arizona BS: South East State College, 1969 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Elwin C. Nielsen Thesis: Plan B

Hidalgo, Veronica F. Quito, Ecuador BS: Catholic University, 1986 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Shelley K. Lindauer Thesis: Plan B

Hill, Genene C. Kaysville, Utah BS: Brigham Young University. 1959 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Howe, Ted G. Midwest City, Oklahoma BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Lynn M. Dudley Thesis: Determination of Oxalic Acid (Ethanedioic Acid) in Water and H C l Soil Extracts Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

Hsi, Miin-Herng Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University, 1983 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Terry D. Lundgren Nonthesis

Hsiao, Chuan-I Teresa Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1980 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis

Hsu, Wei-Teh Paul Tainan, Taiwan BS: Cheng-Kung University, 1983 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Scott R. Cannon Thesis: Chinese Vowel Recognition Under the Influence of Tone Patterns

Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Central University, 1979 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B

Jeng, Hwa-Jau Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tung-Hai University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nelson T. Dinerstein Thesis: Automated Database System Generation Using Artifical Intelligence

Johansen, Mathew Paris Provo, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Rahmeyer Thesis: The Effects of Aeration on Scour from Vertical Jets

Johnson, Chris Gordon Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B

Jones, Corrinne R. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Thesis: Plan B

Hwang, Guang-yuh Hirschi, Shane David Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald C. Sims Thesis: Biological Aspects of Particle Removal in Slow Rate Sand Filtration

Hitchcock, Ronald Ralph

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tunghai University, 1983 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Thesis: Purification and Characterization of a Chemically-Induced Epstein-Barr Virus-Asso­ ciated Deoxyribonuclease

Jones, Vanessa Maria Pickerington, Ohio BS: Ohio Wesleyan University, 1985 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr. Thesis: A Study of the Relationship of Competi­ tive Trait Anxiety as a Function of Sex Role Orientation in Collegiate Women Athletes

James, Craig Richard

Mapleton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1977 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis

Madison, Wisconsin BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John C. Kemp Thesis: The Blocked-Impurity-Bank Infrared Detector for Use in an Interferometer-Spectro­ meter

Holford, Kenneth Wilbur

Jan, Hwan-Hsin

Tucson, Arizona BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Houston, Texas BS: Tamkang University, 1983 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley Thesis: Plan B

Jou, Yeun-Wen Chia-Yi, Taiwan BS: Chung-Yuan Christian University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer, Jr. Thesis: Plan B

Kandil, Hesham Mohamed


Cairo, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Determination of Drainage Coeffecient and Design Watertable Depth from Field Data

Kane, Kim Kartchner

Koo, Man-Kit

Leu, Sy-Jye Christine

Benson, Arizona BS: University of Arizona, 1982 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Reed P. Warren Thesis: Invitro Identification of the Effect of Sero­ tonin on Lymphocyte DNA Synthesis and Natural Killer Cell Activity

Hong Kong BS: National Chiao Tung University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Trevor C. Hughes Thesis: Plan B

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Taipei Medical College, 1983 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Thesis: Characterization of Wolbachia postica Which Causes Hybrid Incompatibility in Alfalfa Weevil

Kumar, Dilip Kent, Barbara Anne Clifton, Colorado BS: Mesa College, 1985 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. Arambel Thesis: Effect of Bacterial Inoculant on Alfalfa Haylage: Ensiling Characteristics and Milk Pro­ duction Response when Fed to Dairy Cows in Early Lactation

Kershaw, Kimberly Jeppesen Sugar City, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Nonthesis

Khan, Aim Masum Dacca, Bangladesh BS: Bangladesh Engineering University, 1981 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer, Jr. Thesis: Plan B

Kikuchi, Kazue Tokyo, Japan BS: Nihon University, 1981 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jean-Pierre St. Maurice Thesis: Monte Carlo Computations of F-Region Incoherent Radar Spectra at High Latitudes and the Use of a Simple Method for Non-Maxwellian Spectal Calculations

Bihar, India BS: Patna University, 1975 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: A VLSI Content Addressable Memory Cell

Koford, Grant Willis Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: A Comparison of Physiological Responses to Maximal Exercise on an Upright, a SemiRecumbent, and a Recumbent Bicycle Ergometer

Kokdgehsoltan, Baitollah Bagheri Tabriz, Iran BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. A. Pat Priutt Thesis: Plan B

Colorado Springs, Colorado BS: University of Southern California, 1986 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J. Redd Thesis: Radiation Shielding for Manned Space­ craft in Selected Orbits

Kunz, Margie H. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Dr. Jan E. Preston Thesis: Comparison of Competency Based Instruc­ tion with the Conventional Methods of Instruc­ tion in the Home Economics Classroom

Liz An Tianjin, China BS: East China Petroleum Institute, 1978 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Doucette Thesis: The Effect of Cosolutes and Cosolvents on the Aqueous Solubility and Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient of Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Lai, Shang-Quo Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chen Kung University, 1983 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. Donald T. Cundy Thesis: Plan B

Liaw, Yeong-Jong Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Larsen, Erik James Wickenburg, Arizona BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B

Lin, Been-Chen Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nelson T. Dinerstein Thesis: Plan B

Lee, Do-Hun Bong Hwa, Korea BS: Kyung Hee University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher J. Duffy Thesis: Comparison of Models for Nonpoint Source Pollution of Groundwater

Kim, Sung-il Seoul, Korea BS: Korea University, 1985 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth A. Kiewra Thesis: The Effect of Elaboration on Memory: Self-Generated Elaboration vs Experimenter-Pro­ vided Elaboration

LeVesque, Raymond Joseph, II

Lin, Chia-Ching Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Lee, Do Weon Chung-Ham, Korea BS: Yonsei University, 1985 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Joseph G. Morse Thesis: Synthesis and Reactions of a Halophosphine Manganese Complex

Lin, Der-Chen Chung-Li, Taiwan BS: Chinese Culture University, 1981 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Parameter Estimation for Generalized Pareto Distribution

Lee, Fu-Hsieng Allisen Kaohsiung, Taiwan BS: National Chung Hsing University, 1984 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Parallel Stochastic Optimization of Dis­ tributed Database Networks

Lei, Stephen W. Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Rondo A. Christensen Thesis: Economic Feasibility of Assembling Grade-A Milk by Protein Content


Lin, Pen-Chi Taipei, Taiwan BS: Chung-Yuan Christian University, 1981 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer, Jr. Thesis: Plan B

Linnabery, Miles Sylvester Wilson, Hew York BS: University of New Mexico, 1975 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Linnabery, Sue Herrold

MacKellar, Megan Ann

Martinez, Carlos Alberto

Laramie, Wyoming BS: University of Wyoming, 1982 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Orinda, California BS: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1983 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Thesis: Plan B

Bogota, Colombia BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Professor R. Kern Stutler Thesis: The Application of Circular R. B. C. Flumes in Furrow Flow Measurement

Liu, Jann-Yenq Gim Miao-Li, Taiwan BS: National Centra! University, 1980 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Frank T. Berkey Thesis: A Survey of the True-Height Analysis Method and a Comparison of Electron Density Profiles Derived Using Ionospheric Sounding and Incoherent Backscatter Techniques

Mainini, Charles S.

Metos, Linda A.

Evanston, Wyoming BS: Bridgewater State College, 1978 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Shelley K. Lindauer Thesis: Plan B

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay C. Hicken Thesis: Plan B

Malouf, Ronald Bert Liu, Yan Shanghai, China BS: Shanghai Agricultural College, 1983 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor; Dr. E. Bruce Godfrey Nonthesis

Liu, Zhi-Wu Beijing, China BS: Nanjing Agricultural University, 1964 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John G. Carman Thesis: Genome Analysis of Thinopyrum Caespitosum

Logan, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1975 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Rodney J. Brown Thesis: Whey Powder Used in White Bread. Effects of Heat Treatment Temperature

Miller, Warren Reed Manning, Carol Blanch Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1977 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Manning, Elaine Turner Logan, Alvin DeQuanta Denver, Colorado MBA: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. James O. Derry Thesis: Plan B

Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Lonsway, Kurt Allen

Nageezi, New Mexico BS: University of New Mexico, 1979 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Bertoch Thesis: Plan B

Marchant, Lloyd K. Lyou-Sheu, Jiuan-Woan Taipei, Taiwan BS: Soochow University, 1981 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Peoa, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. A. Pat Pruitt Thesis: Plan B

Marcusen, Ann B. Ma, Wei Beijing, China BS: University of Technology, China, 1983 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B

Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1982 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B

Marcusen, Todd Lex Maa, Song-Yah Taoyuan, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1981 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Bhanu P. Das Thesis: Plan B

Montpelier, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard Thesis: Plan B

Mills, Thomas A. Phoenix, Oregon MS: Western Oregon College, 1974 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. D. Kim Openshaw Thesis: The Effects of a Social Skills Training Pro­ gram on Constructive Conflict Resolution Tech­ niques in Parent-Adolescent Dyads

Mirza, Zafar Iqbal Manuel, Lorraine Lopez

Philomath, Oregon BS: Oregon State University, 1980 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jack Keller Thesis: Optimizing Water Lifting for Mini-Scale Irrigation

Mickelsen, Larry Vaun Manti, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John O. Evans Thesis: Herbicidal Control of Tall Larkspur

Roy, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N. Egbert Thesis: Automatic Generation of Break-Away Menus in a Highly Interactive Menu/Mouse Environment


Lahore, Pakistan MS: University of Agriculture, Fasilabad, 1976 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald J. Hanks Thesis: Yield Prediction of Major Crops as Related to Water Management in Pakistan

Moazami, Hossein Tehran, Iran BS: Fresno State University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Infiltration Rates and Times of Ponding Under a Rainfall Sprinkler Simulator and Double Ring Infiltrometer

Mock, Neil A. Sandy, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher J. Duffy Thesis: A Hydrological Characterization of a Zero-Order Basin in Volcanic Hillslope Terrain

Monteith, Sara Los Gatos, California BS: University of California, Santa Cruz, 1980 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Thesis: Slope Stability Analysis of the Steed Canyon Landslide

Morgan, John Brock

Nanisetti, Arun B.

Okawa-Jee, Noriene

North Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1978 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B

Hyderabad, India BS: Osmania University, 1981 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joseph C. Batty Thesis: Thermally Induced Distortions of Com­ posite Tubes in Low Earth Orbit

Farmington, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1983 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Mortensen, John Douglas Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Nonthesis

Moser, Kirt S. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J. Redd Thesis: The Use of NASTRAN in the Design and Analysis of a Graphite Composite Launching Plat­ form for Medium-Sized Satellites

Munk, Lewis P. Mesa, Arizona BS: University of Arizona, 1980 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Alvin R. Southard Thesis: Short-Term Measurement and Estima­ tion of the Moisture and Temperature Regimes of Some Soils in Northern Utah

Nelke, Connie Faye Phoenix, Arizona BS: University of Arizona, 1983 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Sebastian Striefel Thesis: The Effectiveness of Constant Versus Rotating Buddy Dyads on the Social Interations of Handicapped Preschoolers

Neverman, Darcy Glendale, Wisconsin BS: University of Wisconsin, 1982 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh Thesis: The Vertical Migration and Feeding Chronology of Juvenile Bear Lake Sculpin (Cottus extensus), Pisces Cottidae

Murchison, Jo Ellen Caracter Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania BS: University of North Carolina, 1977 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair Thesis: Family and Environmental Characteristics as They Relate to Language Development of Young Hearing Impaired Children

Myoung, Young Chan Seoul, Korea MS: Seoul National University, 1981 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Daniel L. Comins Thesis: A Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Indolizidine Alkloids Utilizing 1-Acyldihydropyridines

Nabeya, Shiro Tokyo, Japan BS: Iwate University, 1979 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Roger E. Banner Nonthesis

Nadarajah, Sivanesan Kelang, Malaysia BS: University of Texas, Austin, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Ortega Reyes, Luis San Luis Potosi, Mexico BS: Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, 1981 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Thesis: Drylot Performance, Rumen Morphology and Mineral Content of Lambs Exposed to Whole Barley-Protein Mineral Diet During the Nursing Period

Nggilari, Sam James Gulak, Nigeria BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. A. Pat Pruitt Thesis: Plan B

Munley, William Gregory, Jr. Ashley, Pennsylvania BS: King's College, 1978 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence E. Hipps Thesis: Estimating Regional Fluxes of Evapotranspiration and Sensible Heat from Measure­ ments of the Planetary Boundary Layer

Olmsted, Charles Warren Plattsburgh, New York BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. George E. Hart Thesis: Mechanical Dispersion of Six Northern Utah Soils

Orton, Steven John Payson, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B

Nielsen, Stacy Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B

Nmah, Benedict Kuplah Monrovia, Liberia MS: Northern Arizona University, 1986 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Chris S. Coray Nonthesis

Oswald, Lowell K. Bountiful, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1983 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard P. West Thesis: The Effects of a Coincidental Training Package on the Generalized Use of Social Ameni­ ties at School by a Developmental!}' Disabled Adolescent

Page, Alfene Stanley Nocella, Sonia Eileen Minot, North Dakota BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont Thesis: A Comparison of Assessment Procedures in Phonologically D isordered Preadolescent Children with Down Syndrome

West Valley City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Woman's Exponent: Cradle of Literary Cul­ ture Among Early Mormon Women

Pak, Sok Cheon Nubbe, Mary Elizabeth Albuquerque, New Mexico MS: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1979 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Darwin L. Sorensen Thesis: Plan B

Kwang-Ju, Korea BS: Kon-Kuk University, 1986 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Thomas D. Bunch Thesis: Long-Term Colchicine Prophylaxis on Operative Adhesion Formation in Embryo Trans­ fer Donor Ewes and the Cytogenetic Evaluation of Therapy

Oellermann, Stuart Oscar Logan, Utah BS: Montana State University, 1970 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. Arambel Thesis: Effect of Chemical Drying on Alfalfa Hay and Milk Production Response when Fed to Dairy Cows in Early Lactation


Paulsen, Don Wayne Fruit Heights, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1977 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Nonthesis

Paulson, Steven D.

Peterson, Sydney Mitchell

Rice, John David

Rapid City, South Dakota BS: Black Hills State College, 1974 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Michael S. Lyons Thesis: State Mineral Tax Policy: The Function of Goals and Revenue Allocation

Visalia, California BS: Brigham Young University, 1973 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Dr. Jane L. McCullough Thesis: Household Technology and the Division of Household Labor in Utah Families

Walnut Creek, California BS: Humboldt State University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Thesis: Liquefaction Potential Mapping of Central Utah

Peck, Ted Lee

Plastow, James Scott

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B

Blackfoot, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Terry D. Lundgren Thesis: The Attitude of the Utah State University Community Toward Software Piracy

Robertson, Bonita R. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Illinois, 1978 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Thesis: Plan B

Peng, Shang-Hwa

Rodriguez, Luis C.

Sunnyvale, California BS: Tamkang University, 1980 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Neil W. Morgan Thesis: Plan B

Sonsonate, El Salvador BS: University of El Salvador, 1984 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Development of an Operation and Manage­ ment Plan for the Wilson Canal by Application of the "USU Main System Hydraulic Model"

Pennington, Rick J. Loveland, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler Thesis: Speed-Up of a Branch-and-Bound Net­ work Optimization Allorithm

Petersen, Michael J. Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis

Peterson, David L. Morgan, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1975 Major: Fisheries & Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Gar W. Workman Thesis: Nesting and Habitat Parameters for Selected Raptors in the Desert of Northern Utah

Peterson, James Quincy Hinckley, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Gunderson Thesis: Digital Control of a Multi-Input, MultiO utput Cuvette Gas Mixing System

Peterson, Karl Raymond Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1958 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Charles S. Peterson Thesis: Plan B

Povoa, Augusto Frederico R. Lavras, Brazil BS: Escola Superior Agricultura Lauras, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Feasibility of a Simplified Drip Irrigation System

Rodriguez, Pablo Rodriguez Putnam, Francis Gerald Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Steven E. Dunn Thesis: Changes in Basal Metabolic Rate and Lean Body Mass of Collegiate Wrestlers during a Com­ petitive Season

Pyfer, K. Aaron Pleasanton, California BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Robert H. Stocker Nonthesis

Mao, Dominican Republic BS: Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, 1983 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Plan B

Roosta, Mehrdad Tehran, Iran BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Spear Nonthesis

Rulis, Jacqueline Jane Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Thesis: Plan B

Radford, Linda Kay Rigby, Idaho BA: Weber State College, 1985 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Dr. Darlene P. Moss Thesis: Comparison of Household Task Perfor­ mance by Males and Females in the One-Person Household

Sagha, Hossein Mohammadi Babol, Iran BS: University of Tabriz, 1975 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. D. Andy Anderson Thesis: Evaluation of Persistance of Infection in Mice Innoculated Intranasally with Cryptoccus Neoformans

Raju, Srinivasa Chintalapati Hyderabad, India BS: Kurukshetra University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Reducing Salinity in River Systems Through the Use of Benefit Enhancing Tech­ nologies

Salimi-Tari, Esfandiar Tehran, Iran BS: California State University, Sacramento, 1983 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Generalized Step Spillway Design for Small Dams

Peterson, Ron L. Price, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Jon Y. Takemoto Thesis: Transverse Membrane Topography and Possible Precursors of the B875 Light-Harvesting Polypeptides of Wild-Type Rhodobacter sphacroides

Raymond, Farrel Gene

Saljooghi, Azadeh

Fruit Heights, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1958 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Tehran, Iran BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Plan B


Sannareddy, Ravindra B.

Siems, Jeffrey Jon

Suddreth, Diana L.

Aravapalem, India BS: University of Madras, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. L. Douglas James Thesis: Energy Losses and Sediment Transport in the Complex Hydraulic Geometry of a Steep Mountain Stream

Fergus Falls, Minnesota BS: Eastern Montana College, 1986 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Stanley D. Allen Thesis: Quantitative Means to Justify the Early Euthanasia of Rodents Used in Infectious Disease Studies

Riverside, California BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: History Major Professor; Dr. Clyde A. Milner, II Thesis: Plan B

Santoso, Harip

Smith, D. Scott

Jakarta, Indonesia BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Boise, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Ronald G. Thurgood Thesis: Plan B

Summers, A. Reece

Savage, Ralph L.

Sorenson, Garth Orion

Idaho Falls, Idaho JD: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. E. Bruce Godfrey Thesis: Farm Bankruptcy in Utah 1980-1985: Overview and Analysis

Axtell, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: Resolution Enhancement of Interfero­ meter and Spectrometer Data Using Decon­ volution

Schroeder, Nancy Stolworthy

Steggell, Carmen Dobson

Shelley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Nonthesis

Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Dr. Jean M. Lown Thesis: Messages to Women as Consumers Regarding Food Preparation in Women's Maga­ zines, 1947-1986

Schultz, Jane Ellen Florissant, Missouri BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gerald R. Adams Thesis: The Reliability and Validity of an Instru­ ment Designed to Measure Attitudes toward the Elderly

Price, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Deana Lorentzen Thesis: A Comparison of Physiological Effects of Low-Impact Aerobic Dance with and without Wrist Weights to High-Impact Aerobic Dance

Stohel, David W. Ogden, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1983 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David L. Turner Thesis: Plan B

Shook, Robert Charles Missoula, Montana BS: University of Northern Colorado, 1971 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Professor Reed M. Nielsen Thesis: Plan B

Shrader, Terry Michael Medford, Oregon BS: Oregon State University, 1982 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Charles Berry, Jr. Thesis: East Canyon Reservoir Rainbow Trout Strain Evaluation

Siddiqui, Mohammed Hussain Dhaka, Bangladesh BS: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1982 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Ryan Dupont Thesis: Plan B

Syu'Bie, Afwan Bogor, Indonesia BS: Academy of Farming, Semarang, 1974 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Plan B

Takara, Tracy K. Pearl City, Hawaii BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis

Takar, Aden Ahmed Steinitz, Danette Milovich

Seamons, Carla Mapleton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Steven H. Viehweg Nonthesis

Wellsville, Utah BS: University of Arizona, 1985 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Charles S. Peterson Thesis: Milch Cows in Cache Valley: Socioeco­ nomic Goals of Mormonism and the Evolution From Subsistence to Commercial Agriculture

Stone, William Edward Hawthorne, Florida BS: University of Florida, 1984 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Michael L. Wolfe Thesis: Control and Evaluation of Big Game Browsing Damage to Commercial Fruit Orchards

Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1985 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. James P. Dobrowolski Thesis: Effects of Grazing Intensity, Vegetation Life-Form and Soil Type on Infiltration Rate and Sediment Production on a Somali Rangeland

Taylor, Dell M. Pocatello, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1980 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent Thesis: Plan B

Taylor-Johnson, Cindi Nephi, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Jarvis L. Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Thatcher, Alan Max Stout, Paul Douglas Bountiful, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Clair L. Wyatt Thesis: A Computer Enhanced EPR Spectrometer

North Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Ross F. Peterson Thesis: South Cache High School During World War I: A Cultural History

Su, Ming Nan

Thomas, Connie

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1980 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David White Thesis: Plan B

Malad, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B


Thomas, Dennis Randall

Wadleigh-Anhold, Linda Lou

Wells, Gary Douglas

Logan, Utah MS: University of Arkansas, 1982 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Gene W. Adams Thesis: Meteor Observations Using the 50-MHz Mentor Imaging Doppler Interferometer

Oxford, Ohio BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. Jenkins Thesis: Fire Frequency and the Vegetal Mosaic of the Utah State University Experimental Forest

South Pittsburg, Tennessee BS: North Carolina State University, 1979 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Schunk Thesis: A Time-Dependent Model for the Low Latitude Ionosphere

Thomas, Michael James

Walker, William Waite

Auburn, California BS: California State University, Sacramento, 1983 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Plan B

Arco, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Nonthesis

Togola, Soungalo Bamako, Mali BS: Ecole Nationale dlngenieurs, 1977 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Calvin G. Clyde Thesis: Plan B

Weng, Shi-Yueh Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1986 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B

Wagner, Jeannie Chien Palatine, Illinois BS: Luther College, 1983 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: 2 , 3-Diphosphoglycerate Levels in CollegeAged Females Following an 8-Week Aerobic Exer足 cise Program

Williams, Brooke C. Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan MS: Eastern Michigan University, 1976 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David White Thesis: Plan B

Touti, El Mostafa Sale, Morocco BS: Hassania School of Engineering, 1974 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Muzaffer Yener Thesis: Progressive Finite Element Analysis of Underwater Tunnels Using Liner-Soil Interaction

Waidler, James (Jyme) Michael

Williams, Tara Jane

Medford, Oregon BS: California State University, Hayward, 1970 Major: Communication Major Professor: Professor Penny M. Byrne Thesis: Plan B

Cucamonga California BS: Humboldt State University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Plan B

Tucker, Brian John

Walsh, Marie Kathleen

St. Phillip's, Canada BS: University of New Brunswick, 1984 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. John A. Bissonette Thesis: The Effects of Forest Harvesting on Small Mammals in Western Newfoundland and its Signi足 ficance to the Marten

Braintree, Massachusetts BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Rodney J. Brown Thesis: Measurement of Proteins in Milk and Dairy Products

Tzou, Chung-Te

Seattle, Washington BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Allan J. Steed Thesis: Indium Gallium Arsenide Infrared Detec足 tor: Preamp Coupling and Evaluation for Opera足 tion at 196K

Walsh, Peter J. Santa Cruz, California BA: University of California, Berkeley, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Verification and Calibration of the USU Hydraulic Model

Valcarce, Ron V. Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Grant G. Smith Thesis: Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the Acid- and Base-Catalyzed Racemization and Deamingtion of Aspartic Acid

Wandera, Jackson L. Mumias, Kenya BS: University of Nairobi, 1983 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Douglas A. Johnson Thesis: The Influence of Planting Time, Water and Phosphate Fertilizer Application and Rhizobium Inoculation on Seedling Establishment, Nodulation and Seed Yields of Sweet Lupin (Lupinus albus CV. Ultra)

Van Gorden, Diane Kay Baker, Montana BA: Montana State University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent Thesis: Plan B

Volek, Michael Jerome Chicago, Illinois BS: St. Louis University, 1979 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Gene W. Adams Thesis: Atmospheric Wind Measurements Using a 50-MHZ Imaging Doppler Interferometer

Wu, Feng-Yuan Taipei, Taiwan BS: Feng-Chia University, 1980 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B

Wyllie, Jean M. Boise, Idaho BS: Boise State University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N. Egbert Thesis: Digital Analysis of Biological Electron Microscope and Light Microscope Images

Yamamoto, Koichi Tokyo, Japan BS: Kyushu University, 1982 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Influence of Water Table Fluctuation on Distribution and Concentration of Salt in a Soil Profile

Yan, Guo-Qing Peter

Wang, Yulan Tianjin, China BS: Nankai University, 1983 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Michael P. Windham Nonthesis

Shanghai, China MS: Jiao-Tong University, 1985 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Bosworth Thesis: Plan B

Wellman, Richard

Yang, Chiu-Chung

Alpine, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. E. Robert Heal Nonthesis

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen University, 1983 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B


Yang, Joy Shiow-Yi

Zhang, Ji

Daniels, Diane Marie

Tainan, Taiwan BS: Tung-Hai University, 1981 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Ji Lin, China BS: Wuhan Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering Institute, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B

St. Clair Shores, Michigan BS: Weber State College, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B

Yang, Yi-Yuan Taichung, Taiwan BS: Taipei Medical College, 1983 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Thesis: Peptide Mapping Analysis of VP5 and VP7 from Prototype Bluetongue Viruses (BTV) iso­ lated in the United States

Eckenbrecht, William Konrad Zheng, Bin Beijing, China BS: Tsinghua University, 1986 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Thesis: Compile-Time Scheduling of SISAL Progams

Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Fowers, Blaine C. Yardley, Russell Gene

Zhou, Ai He

Gunnison, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Dairy Science Major Professor: Dr. David Marcinkowski Thesis: The Effects of Calving Interval on Milk Yields in Relation to the First and Second Lactations

Nanjing, China BS: University of Nanjing, 1977 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald C. Sims Thesis: Prediction of the Distribution and Trans­ port of Volative Organic Chemicals in Septic Tank-Soil Absorption Systems

Yin, Ming

Zhou, Kezheng

Shanghai, China BS: Shanghai Normal University, 1982 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Wilford N. Hansen Thesis: The Light Pipe Optical System

Shanghai, China BS: University of Science and Technology, 1982 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Wilford N. Hansen Thesis: Studies of the Double Layer Capacitance

Yoshida, Yoshiki

Zhu, Kunyan

Kobe, Japan BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Yun Kim Thesis: Teenage Pregnancy in the United States: 1950-1980

Hangzhou, China BS: Zhejiang Agricultural University, 1982 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. William A. Brindley Thesis: Properties of Esterases from Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) and the Roles of the Esterases in Insecticide Resistance

Yuan, Yen-Shou Taipei, Taiwan BS: Chinese Culture University, 1982 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Nonthesis

Zahoor, Ijaz Swabi, Pakistan BS: University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Hooper, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1972 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B

Gahn, Joy Loraine Nephi, Utah BS: San Diego State College, 1948 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Groesbeck, John D. Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Boise State University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Herbert H. Fullerton Thesis: Plan B

Hansen, Dale Floyd Hyde Park, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Harris, Kip Brower

Master o f Social Sciences Ackerman, David B.

Sugar City, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Glenn F. Marston Nonthesis

Hassan, Norziha Wan Fatimah

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Progam Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Kota Bharu, Malaysia BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Zaugg, Elwood Charles

Barnes, Cortney Howell

Hidalgo, Andres

Roy, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Douglas E. Hammer Nonthesis

Atlanta, Georgia BS: University of Georgia, 1983 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Quito, Ecuador BS: Catholic University, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Gary B. Hansen Thesis: Plan B

Zhang, Bulin

Carter, Donald Ray

Hollier, Robert Eddie

Shanghai, China BS: East China Normal University, 1985 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Wilford N. Hansen Thesis: Plan B

Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1982 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Layton, Utah BS: Lousiana Tech University, 1977 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis


Hoxie, Irene Marie

Klein, Michael John

Morrill, David H.

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Nile D. Meservy Thesis: Plan B

Evanston, Wyoming BS: University of Northern Colorado Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B

Hutchings, Brent Kenneth

Little, Vivian Haynes

O'Neill, Michael Nathan

Farmington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1974 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr, Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1979 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Titusville, Florida BS: University of Central Florida, 1979 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Jones, Daniel T., Jr.

Ludwig, Raylin L.

Playford, James Leslie

Holly, Michigan BS: Weber State College, 1974 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Tooele, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Reno, Nevada BS: University of Nevada, Reno, 1975 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Jones, Paul Anthony

Mathistad, Denise J.

Robinson, Angela Lynn

Grand Junction, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. F. Ross Peterson Thesis: Plan B

Evanston, Wyoming BS: Mankato State University, 1981 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis

Genesee, Idaho BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B

Jones, Rodney J. Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1972 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis


Utah State Board o f Regents W. Eugene Hansen, Salt Lake City Chairman Steven E. Snow, Washington Vice Chairman Elva M. Barnes, Bountiful Clifford S. LeFevre, Clearfield Charles W. Bullen, Logan Jacqueline Morgan, Sandy lan M. Cumming, Salt Lake City Frank J. Petty, Cedar City Douglas S. Foxley, Salt Lake City Paul Rogers, Orem John B. Goddard, Ogden Fred H. Stringham, Bountiful Robert D. Hales, Salt Lake City Sue Marie Young, Richfield Donald B. Holbrook, Salt Lake City Dale O. Zabriskie, Salt Lake City Wm. Rolfe Kerr, Commissioner of Higher Education and Chief Executive Officer

U tah State University Institutional Council Kenneth G. Anderton, Vernal Chairman Bonnie F. Nielsen, Hyrum Vice Chairman James W. Bingham, Tremonton Fred R. Hunsaker, Logan Frank Maughan, Jr., Ogden Reed M. Merrill, Logan

Dallen O. Miner, Logan C. Hardy Redd, La Sal Cathy Van Skyhawk, Sandy C. Booth Wallentine, Salt Lake City

Commencement Committee William F. Lye, University Relations Chairman Lee H. Burke, Government Relations Kathy Casper, University Relations Leona R. Duke, University Relations Peter M. Ellis, College of Business James P. Evans, College of Science Tom Furst, Graduate Student Richard C. Haycock, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Marilyn B. Kruse, College of Family Life Izar A. Martinez, College of Education Jeanene Nielsen, School of Graduate Studies Lawrence H. Piette, School of Graduate Studies David A. Pyke, College of Natural Resources Todd Rich, Undergraduate Student Nicole Theis, Graduate Student Terry A. Tindall, College of Agriculture Lyman S. Willardson, College of Engineering Commencement mural and program sketches by Glen L. Edwards, associate professor, Department of A r t


Academic procession route and locations of college graduation ceremonies.


Alma Mater Hymn COMPOSED B Y TH EO D O RE M. BURTON Across the quad at eventide the shadows sof tly fa ll, The tower o f O ld M ain appears and peace rests over all. The lighted “A ” upon the hill stands out against the blue; Oh, A lma Mater, Utah State, m y heart sings out to you. A n d through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow, W e’ll ne’er forget the j oys we had, those days we used to know, T hy mem’ries ever w ill be new, thy friends be ever true. Oh, A lma Mater, U tah State, m y heart sings out to you.



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