Utah State University Commencement, 1921

Page 1

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··Ai:- Variations" (_uancttc D.1n

~,~dso71. Lor~'

B.:-:-.. .:ion,

Haydn P~r=-

:,:t;lsJn, E -···:. J:-ennwr.

~ :;\·, Allen Jacob "Roc...ance"

D'Amhrosio Pr ,_:. ·,1:'ilUam Spieker

Repo:-t of the


Pre :;_ E. G. Peterson

Two ?reludes a. F Minor

·E. Sorenson S. Rachmaninoff

b. G Minor E :--d:-·n Sorenso::

The ?.elation of Irrigatio n to Permanencr of Civilization Gec::-~e Dewey Clyde .::;::::FRESEIIICI hG ThE

Ad .:::r-:-ss to Graduates "At C:1e Brook"




Dean \C:.lliam H. Leary



Lara, Erma, and Elm;z Bennwn

Conierring of Degrees a. "T~e Swan"


t. ' ·Tr:e Bee"

F. Schubert Pro:. William Spieker





Pres. Jo.seph E. Cardon

•. l~T 1.•f GI\..-\DCXJ'lo:S 192u-2 i Agriculture

J:n ,Kiit, George C.

.\IJcn, .-\he rt Bc.iley

.\iston. ?..2y L<'>ter Arnold. :'.I elvin Samuel Barber, George Percy Chinchiah, Dari'i Crook, Reno Gi'es E,·ans, Hilton Bird Funk, LeRcy Conrad Hansen, Ernest Richard Harmon, Frank Nelson Khan, Ameen Khan, Seyed ]afar

, 1Iorgc.::J Powell 1\I eM ullin, Thomas Heber :01orris, Rich ard Alexander Owen, Forrest \'ern Pixton, Robert LeRoy Price, Charles Rallison, Robert Leo Robison, George Albert Rogers, David \Vhite Sutton, "William Hugh Yao, Hsing Huang ~lc-Kay,

Agricultural Engineering

Anderson . Stan\e,- Rodin :C;:>.rker, James l~o y Bastow. Joseph. G;uiield Clyde, George Dewey

Gardner, Wilford \Voodruff _Terman. Ira D onald :McDonaJJ, Ho•.<:ard -~Vayman. \Va liace " '" right, Charles Coulsen Rich Science

Aitken, .-\dren Bateman. George 1Ionroe Condit, Sara Amanda Dewey, Horace A;a Egben. .4..nn a Engemann. Marguerite Flanders. H'·rum Edward Frongner. Sybil

Laub, Emma Katherine Maughan, Angus )Jarion Oberhansly, Pearl Peterson. Elsie Snow, William J. Vernon, Aldyth Vernon, Lais \Yyatt, Elizabeth


Christensen, James Morris Lorentzen, Eden C. Clawson, James Harold Olesen, Ein~r Bernhardt Hurren, Clarence .\shcroft Home Economics

Bailey, .-\daliene Barber Heywood, Ida Barker, ~{ignon Jacobs, Helena Barlow, On a Jessie King Jones, Luella Peterson Becraft. Ire t a Harris }.fcDonlad. Loa Stevenson Bird, L ot.:i;e :.faughan, Elsie Ca rrolL ),fargaret Kezia ~fendenhall, Blanche Chipman. Clferle Southwick!>.ierrill, Effie Ensign Esplin, E·.-elyn ~errill, Oretta Dudley Fuller, Dora Miller, Elna Heggie, Felicia L-;osle Skanchy, Verna Louise Master of Science in Home Economics Grea Yes, Ethelyn Oliver

Officers Ruerve Corps of the Army of the United States Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps

Owen.. Forrest Vern Second Lievtenant, Quartermaster Corps Hayes, J. Francis Stevens, Justus Magnus

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