Utah State University Commencement, 2009

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Utah State University 121st

COMMENCEMENT May 1 and 2, 2009

Utah State University is one of the nation's premier student-centered land-grant and space-grant universities. We foster the principle that academics come first; we cultivate diversity of thought and culture; and we serve the public through learning, discovery, and engagement.

Information Techno logy will be producing a DVD of the 2009 Commencement Ceremony for $12 .00 including shipp ing/handling (cash or checks only). Call 435-797-9506 to purchase. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. An archive of today's commencement ceremony will be available online at www.usu.edu/provost/commencement 2



Friday, May 1, 2009 GRADUATE COMMENCEMENT AND HOODING CEREMONY 12:30 p .m., assembly of candidates and faculty, Nelson Field House 1:00 p.m. , academic procession from Nelson Field House to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 1:30 p.m., ceremony begins, Dee Glen Smith Spectrum

8:30 a.m., Undergraduate

Saturday, May 2, 2009 ACADEMIC ASSEMBLY Students and Faculty assemble on the University Ouad

ACADEMIC PROCESSION 9:00 a.m., Taggart Student Center and University Quad to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY 9:30 a.m., Dee Glen Smith Spectrum COLLEGE CEREMONIES

12:00noon College of Engineering - Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum College of Natural Resources - Morgan Theatre, Chase Fine Arts Center College of Science - Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom, Taggart Student Center 2:00p.m. College of Agriculture - Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center Jon M. Huntsman School of Business - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 4:00p.m. Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum ALUMNI GRADUATION PICNIC 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., University HPER Field (tickets required)




Friday, May 1, 2009 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum l:00p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION Nelson Field House to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum l:50p.m. PROCESSIONAL

PRESENTATION OF COLORS Air Force ROTC NATIONAL ANTHEM "The Star Spangled Banner," Francis Scott Key and Jamie Lee Miller WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Byron R. Burnham, Dean, School of Graduate Studies PRESENTATION

OF UNIVERSITY OUTSTANDING GRADUATE MENTOR AWARD Stan L. Albrecht , President HOODING Master's Candidates by Graduate Council Members Doctoral Candidates by College Dean and Major Professor

PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS Stan L. Albrecht, President and Raymond T. Coward, Provost CONFERRING OF DEGREES Stan L. Albrecht, President CLOSING REMARKS Byron R. Burnham, Dean RECESSIONAL


UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY Saturday, May 2, 2009 President Stan L. Albrecht, Conducting 9:00 a.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION University Quad and Taggart Student Center to Dee Glen Smith Spe ct rum 9:30 a.m. PROCESSIONAL "The Crown of Chivalry," Perry Fletc her, University Wind Orchestra

PRESENTATlON OF COLORS Air Force ROTC NATIONAL ANTHEM "Star Spangled Banner ," Un iversity Wind Orchestra, Francis Scott Key and Jamie Lee Miller PRESIDENT'S GREETING President Stan L. Albrecht ADDRESS TO GRADUATES Senator Robert F. Bennett RECOGNlTION OF SPECIAL AWARDS President Stan L. Albrecht CONFERRlNG OF HONORARY DEGREES President Stan L. Albrecht Robert F. Bennett, citation read by Douglas S. Foxley Marc C. Bingham, citation read by Richard L. Shipley Hue y D. Johnson, citat ion read by Ronald W. Jibson Bonnie D. Parkin, citation read by Paul D. Parkinson Bertrand D. Tanner, citation read by Suzanne Pierce-Moore ADDRESS TO THE GRADUATES Erin N. Cottle, Valedictorian, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences CONFERRING OF DEGREES President Stan L. Albrecht CONCLUDING REMARKS President Stan L. Albrecht MUSICAL SELECTION "Alma Mater Hymn," Theodore M. Burton, University Wind Orchestra and Jamie Lee Miller RECESSIONAL "Rega l Procession," Clifton Williams, University Wind Orchestra Conductor, Dr. Thomas P. Rohrer, Director of Bands · 5

UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY'S CEREMONIAL MACE The top of the mace depicts a flame

in a manner recalling its primitive

of crystal tinted with Aggie blue and

function . Even in the modern age, it

modeled after the "lamp of learning ,"

is not unknown for a university mace

the classical symbol of knowledge

to be used in this way. For instance ,

and freedom. Im bedded within it is

during the commencement

a brushed copper disk emblazoned

at Cornell in 1973, when a professor

with the University's

of medieval studies who was carrying



the university's mace in a procession The copper bezel below this crystal

was confronted

has 13 sunstones set into it. These

wielded his academic training and the

symbolize the 13 presidents who guided

mace in its original fashion.

by protesters, he

the institution through its first century. But university

maces today are,

The white oak shaft comes from wood

for the most part, treated as

that was originally part of the banisters

decorative emblems symbolizing

of Old Main and rescued from the

the institution 's authority. Seen

building after the fire of 1983 .

most often at commencement


other so lemn occasions, they remind The base consists of limestone

those in attendance

of the deep

provided by the Church of Jesus


Christ of Latter-da y Saints and taken

journey through university studies.

inherent in a student's

from the same quarry that was used

Like the word for the ceremony

to build the Logan Temple.

itse lf, "commencement," admonishes

Thus, the ma ce represents essence of our land-grant

the institution:

seated in the bedrock of our community,

striving and growing

- which

its participants


remember that this is a celebration of beginnings,

not endings -the

mace turns the eye forward to the life to come by recalling the rich

ever higher, crowned by the light of

academic heritage of higher learning


and the promise of attainment that comes through education and

A Brief History of Maces


Maces have long been part of

combines e lements of both the old

academic heraldry, though their

and the new , traditional

function was not always ceremonial.

like gems and stone enhanced wit h

Originally weapons of war, maces are

modern designs such as arcs of

featured often in ancient Egyptian

faceted crystal. Both an impressive

art where kings are shown ritually

work of art and a hallmark of the

smiting their foes . This original

university 's history, this mace brings

function has not been entirely lost.

to light everything

Campus officials in th e Middle Ages

Utah State University.

more than once kept students in line by employing their university's mace


Our mace, thus, features

that is best about



The history of academic heraldry

The sleeve base hangs down in the

the college or university conferring

reaches back into the early days

traditional manner. The rear part of

the degree, which at Utah State

of the university. A statute of

its oblong shape is square cut, and

University are navy blue and white,

1321 required that all "Doctors,

the front part has an arc cut away. It

displayed in a hera ldi c chevron. The


is designed this way so that it can be

doctoral hood co nsist s of a larg e r and

and Bachelors" of the

University of Coimbra wear gowns.

worn open or closed. The gown for

longer assemblage of institutional

In England, in the fourteenth

the doctoral degree has bell-shaped

color draped over the recipient's

century, the statutes of certain

sleeves and may be worn open or

shoulders and falling well down the

co lleg e forbade "excess in apparel"


back. The binding or edging of the

and prescribed

hoods is of velvet or velveteen, three

the wearing of a

lon g gown, necessary, no doubt, for

Colors For all academic purposes,

inches wide for the master's degree

warmth in the unheated

including trimmings of doctoral

and five inches wide for the doctoral

gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels




by medieval scho lar s .

Hoods were used to cover the head

of caps, the colors associated with the

until replaced by the sku ll cap and

different academic disciplines are as

Caps Academic caps come in two

later academic caps. Both Cambridge


forms: the traditional mortarboard (from Oxford) or square cap; and a

and Oxford have made academic dress a matter of university control

Agriculture, Maize

soft cap that re semb les an oversized

down to the most minor detail; and

Business, Drab

beret (from Cambridge).

in Oxford during the seventeenth



century any tailor who changed the

and Human

Services, Light Blue

design "even by a nail's



breadth" was punished by the vice-


Arts and


chancellor of the university. When American colleges and universities

Social Sciences, White Natural Resources,


decided to adopt some suitable system

Science, Gold-Yellow

of academic apparel, it seemed best

School of Graduate

Studies, Black

used by Utah State

University is worn with a tassel. Black tassels designate the graduate's major field of learning, and gold tassels indicate doctors and the governing officials of institutions. Academic Procession The


to agree on one that all might follow.


procession originates

Accordingly, there was held on May

The white ribbon with the Greek key

at the University Quad and the

16, 1895, at Co lumbia University,

on the robe of a graduate identifies

line of march proceeds to the

a conference of representatives

an inductee into Phi Kappa Phi,

Dee Glen Smith Spectrum. The

the boards of various interested

the National Scholastic Society.

procession is composed of three


Those wearing gray collars and a

divisions: (1) co lor guard, University

a code of academic dress for the

medallion are Mortar Board Senior

President, Regents and the Board

coJleges and universities of the United

Honor Society members. A gold

of Trustees, administrative

braided cord draped over the cowl

and special guests; (2) the faculty;


and (3) candidates


From that meeting came

States, which most institutions


higher learn ing have adopted .

a graduate of Honors.


for degrees.

The procession stops at the tunnel Hoods Academic hoods are worn by

entrance to the Spectrum, the first

bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves

recipients of advanced degrees. The

two divisions dividing so that the

and is designed to be worn closed.

master's degree hoods are three-and-


The gown for the master's degree has

one-half feet in lengt h and are lined

between them and enter the hall first.

an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist.

with the official color or colors of


The academic gow n for the


for graduation


A MESSAGE PRESIDENT STAN Congratulations, "students." honored

FROM L. ALBRECHT graduates.

Note that I didn't use the term

Instead, for the first time with many of you, I am

to address y ou as graduates.

Please keep in mind, however, that I am not relieving you so quickly of your duty as a student. There is much still to learn in this world, as you well know. There is much also to teach, and it is with great hope that I wish you well on your travels forward the world.

as you bring what you've learned here out to

These commencement affirmation


of human potential,



are, for me, an

an affirmation

of hope for

You sit in this building today, ready

to take flight, ready to soar to new heights. Well, I take flight with you. Utah State University accomplishments grow.

takes flight with you as your

We have taught you the details of your chosen professions.

You signed up for those classes (whether you

wanted some of them or not!). But we hope we've also instilled in you other ideals, some of them "educational."

I hope we've fanned the fires of caring, of giving, of taking responsibility.

we've cultivated

passion, adventure,


You are a different

I hope

person today than you were

four years ago when you first trudged up Old Main hill. And I will take a sure bet and say you are a better person than you were those few short years ago. Graduation

is a time - for me and for all of us in the university


pride on what we have chosen to do with our own lives. You are that reflection, thank you for what you have given us, what you have given yourselves, will give to society. We will follow your progress with great expectations, keep in touch.


- to reflect with and today I say

and what I sense that you

and we will not forget you. Please



and Honorary



Robert F. Bennett has been

The Honorable

serving the citizens of Utah with distinction since elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992. He has a reputation

of being a legislator

offers creative and common-sense issues important Senator

to Utahns




and the nation.

Bennett has been at the forefront

of health care reform and is the leading Republican Americans


of the Healthy

Act, the first major bipartisan

health care reform legislation

in more than

a decade. As a senior member

of the Senate




and a member of the




he is at the center of national economic policy discussions.

From his seat on the

Senate Appropriations


Bennett works to balance government

fiscal discipline

while also representing





Senator in

the needs of Utah in the distribution

at Utah State University These federal research

and energy, have improved

have benefited


from federal fonding

in areas such as agriculture,

science and the lives of Utahns

vast amounts

lands issues, Senator Committee

of Utahns

of federal land and rich energy resources.


and is the ranking


defense, education

because of the state's unique

A leader in energy and public

has earned a seat on the Senate Energy and Natural Republican



and people worldwide.

Energy and public lands issues are among the top concerns wilderness,

of federal funds. Critical

of the Senate Appropriations

Resources Subcommittee


Energy and Water. Named an "Emerging Senator

Leader in a Post-September

Bennett has received numerous

11 Senate" by CongressionalQuarterly Magazine,

awards for his contributions

in the U.S. Senate. Prior to his

election to the Senate in 1992, Bob Bennett earned distinction

in entrepreneurial

activities. His success as chief executive officer of the Franklin



as Inc. Magazine's "Entrepreneur

For his life-long commitment proud to bestow upon Robert

and government

Institute earned him

of the Year" for the Rocky Mountain


to the people of the state and the nation, Utah State University F. Bennett

the honorary




of Laws.





Marc C. Bingham, a native and resident of Vernal, has been instrumental developing

the community


and economy

of eastern Utah, and his efforts have made lasting contributions throughout

to the lives of people

the state. His entrepreneurial

spirit led him to start PDC, Phone Directory Company, which has been recognized


excellence by the Wall Street Journal, Forbes,

Business Week and Utah Business magazines. He and his wife, Debbie, donated $15 million to USU to fund construction Entrepreneurship

of the Bingham

and Energy Research

Center at the university's

Uintah Basin

Campus. At the time, the gift was the large st private gift in USU's history. In addition to his skill as an uncanny business leader, his work as a humanitarian his business efforts and through Blue Diamond

is equally compelling. his own personal


Capital, he is building infrastructure

He received a bachelor's


Uintah Basin program,

to help provide capital, mentoring

to his business and to the people of his community,


designed as a

. For his life-long commitment

Utah State University

is proud to bestow upon

degree, Doctor of Business and Entrepreneurship.



and incentives to entrepreneurs.

degree from USU in Wildlife Management

Marc C. Bingham the honorary

his development

that will help stimulate sustained

growth in the Uintah Basin. He is also part of the SEED venture capital organization

He has impacted man y lives both through




Huey D. Johnson

is an environmental

practical visionary, widely recognized

and for a

career that spans the globe. He is founder president

of the Resource

an incubator

Renewal Institute,

for transformational

how natural resources He is founder


ideas about

should be managed.

of many organizations,

including the Aldo Leopold Society, the Grand Canyon Trust, the Trust for Public Land, and the Green Belt Movement International. Nature

He served as president


Regional Director

and was its Western for nine years.

He also served as Secretary the State of California. he established

of Resources



millions of acres of California wilderness


During his tenure programs

doubled salmon populations, forestry regulations,

of The



and protected

more than

1,200 miles of wild rivers. He is active in environmental writing and lecturing. Sustainable



to honor his outstanding

affairs worldwide,

serving on boards, advising political leaders,

received numerous

awards, including

in 1996 and the Sasakawa contributions

Prize, awarded

Award for

by the United Nations in 2001

to the environment.

He received a master's degree in Wildlife Management For his life-long commitment

the President's

to environmental

is proud to bestow upon Huey D. Johnson

from USU.

affairs throughout

the honorary



the world, Utah State University

degree, Doctor of Natural





Bonnie D. Parkin has had an impact on the lives of untold numbers

of women and

families around the world. She was General President

of the Relief Society for the Church

of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Saints for five

years, during which she impacted the spiritual and educational


of more than

five million LDS women in 165 countries. countless talks and presentations broadcast throughout


have been

the world and are often

quoted by others. But she also reached out to non-LDS and families as well, working with the United Nations, Organization


in partnership

the World Health

and the American

Red Cross to

help people in need. She worked as part of a project to vaccinate chi ldr en against measles coordinate

in Mozambique efforts to get supplies to victims of Hurrican e Katrina.

She received a bachelor's Education.

degree from USU in Early Childhood

She served as a member of the LDS Church Board of Education trustees at Brigham Young University,

and Ethiopia, and she helped


and Elementary

and as a member of the boards of

BYU Idaho, BYU Hawaii and LDS Business College. She

also served on many LDS Church General boards, including leadership

boards for the General

Welfare Committee and LDS Family Services. She has devoted most of her adult life to the service of her family, her church and various civic and c haritable organizations. For her life-long commitment

to service throughout

bestow upon Bonnie D. Parkin the honorary

the world, Utah State University

degree, Doctor of Humane



is proud to





D. Tanner made important


to the scientific community

in a number of fields throughout at Campbell honorary


his career

He will receive the

degree posthumously.

Bert joined Campbell 14th employee,


that would culminate Marketing

Scientific in 1978 as its as vice president

and Customer

a significant



Service. He played

role in the growth, development

and diversity of Campbell contributing

a 30-year career


to the company's for innovative



He had a sincere interest in the careers of young scientists and a keen eye for talent at its early stages. Scores of the best environmental scientists worldwide acknowledge his influence in their careers. His honors include an Honorary

Ph.D. in Meteorology

from the American

Fellow; and he was a





Society, American with the American

He made unique impacts on environmental States and around through



sciences both directly and indirectly

in the United

the world. One of his unique ski lls was taking a scientific idea, following it

the experimental

the way for numerous scientific community

Society of Agronomy

stage and then transferring


that were technologically

and that also were practically

He passed away peacefully

that technology

in September


D. Tanner the honorary


He paved

with the needs of the

for its consumers.

2008 following a four-month

to the scientific community,

upon Bertrand



For his life-long commitment

to the marketplace.

battle with esophageal

Utah State University


is proud to bestow

degree, Doctor of Agricultural


D. Wynne






For the past 10 years, Alex Boldyrev, a professor

in the Department

Biochemistry, research

of Chemistry

has produced

that is remaking



the conceptual

basis of chemical bonding theory. Known for addressing

central problems

way, Dr. Boldyrev's


is focused on

the chemical bonding properties compounds.

In developing

in a direct of organic


models capable of explaining

the structures

metallic clusters, Dr. Boldyrev discovered metals exhibit aromaticity,

of that

a breakthrough

that could improve scientists'


of the nature of catalytic activity and lead to the design of new catalysts.

His efforts have

placed him at the very heart of a creative and productive

scientific research area, and one

of his greatest strengths

is his willingness

to tackle the major research



his field. Dr. Boldyrev was born in the Soviet Union and received his doctorate University.

He went on to earn a Habilitation

at Moscow State

degree at the USSR Academy of Sciences, where

he rose through the ranks over the next 25 years to become a Leading Researcher. dissolution accorded

of the Soviet Union, he won a Humboldt


faculty status. He has been at Utah State University

Upon the

to work in Germany, where he was since 1999. Dr. Boldyrev published

126 articles during his tenure at the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1990, he has published another

133 research articles in some of the highest ranking peer-reviewed

was cited by other scholars in their research demonstrated

by his highly accomplished

journals in his field and

530 times in 2007. His commitment

Ph.D. students.


to mentoring


Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award



T. Doyle is the George S. Eccles

Chair in Capital Markets

Research in

the School of Accountancy Jon M. Huntsman

in the

School of Business.

His teaching philosophy

is direct, believable,

and sensible. His approach innovative,

to teaching is

carefully planned, and effective.

He has developed



that is carefully applied to each class. Evaluations

by his students are consistently

and remarkably at the University

high. He previously taught of Utah and Stanford


He has taught advanced


and financial statement

in undergraduate, MDA programs.

financial analysis

MBA and professional His research is focused on

the use of accounting


by capital

market participants. Besides being published in leading academic journals, his research has been quoted in several leading business publications

including the Wall Street Journal BusinessWeek,

The New York Times and Fortune. Professor Doyle received his Ph. D. in business administration from the University of Michigan in 2003, his master's in accounting from the University of Virginia in 1996 and his bachelor's in economics from Utah State University in 1994. Previously, he worked for Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young as a certified public accountant, performing tax consulting and compliance University

and attestation

services. For his dedication

to teaching


is proud to honor Jeffrey T. Doyle with the 2009 Eldon J. Gardner


Utah State Teaching Award.

E. G. Peterson





Agent James

Barnhill has been

employed by Utah State University


for the last 23 years. He was raised in the Treasure

Valley of Idaho. In addition to

farm work, he has worked Laboratories

for Stukenholtz

in Twin Falls, as a research

assistant to the Utah State Extension Agronomist,

as a sales representative

for U.S.

Steel Farm Service Center and as a District Ag Inspector

for the Utah Department

of Agriculture. Extension

His first assignment

was as an Agriculture


Agent and

4-H Agent in Salt Lake County. He then transferred

to Weber County, covering


and Horticulture.

Two years ago

he took on the added responsibility the Extension

Agent for Morgan

H e received a bachelor's

the USU Extension University

in Agronomy


soil fertility and biological weed control. He spent the summer of 2004 working

for the USDA Marketing former Russian


Brigham Young University and a master's in Much of his research has been with forages, integrated

Plant Science from Utah State University. pest management,

of being






He worked

under the direction

Dr. Bob Hill, to improve the irrigation

For his dedication

is proud to honor James

in Armenia.

efficiency of this

to the people of Utah and to agriculture,

Barnhill with the 2009 E.G. Peterson




Utah State Award.






Randall M. Jones Consumer, Jones's

is a professor

and Human




career at Utah State spans

more than 18 years. with graduate

of Family,

He has been involved


from the onset,

initially serving for eight years as his college's representative

to the Graduate



the same time, he fulfilled responsibilities his department's



as from

1995 to 2003 and has recently assumed


role again. At the student

level, Dr. Jones

has mentored

and 13 doctoral


13 master's

to degree completion


In addition,

on another

as their major

he has participated

64 graduate


sought out as a committee

He is

member because

he is on task and well trained.



early and stay late as they seek out Dr. Jones and his expertise on research design, data analysis, or any other kind of help. Dr. Jones which has often led to professional has willingly offered support heard from students

offers on-point


at student

for his students


A hallmark

and presentations.

The comments

Dr. Jones most often

range from "Randy will

hands," to "I know he will see me through


to "he will help me get the right kind of job and will help me publish my research." of Dr. Jones's

found tenured students

to theses and dissertations,

in their chosen careers.

who have chosen to work closely with Dr. Jones

make me work very hard, but I will be in competent completion,"



success with training at outstanding

want to treat their students

to instilling enthusiasm honor Randall M. Jones

for graduate




and colleagues scholarship


In addition,

as Dr. Jones

into his students,

with the 2009 Outstanding



is that nearly all of them have treated


all his former

them. For his dedication

Utah State University



is proud to




Through an extensive selection process involving both students and faculty in the various academic colleges, seven members of the faculty have been designated for special recognition for excellence in teaching representing the seven colleges of the University: Agriculture; Jon M. Huntsman School of Business; Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services; Engineering; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Natural Resources; and Science. From among the seven, the Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award recipient is chosen; the six remaining follow:

COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Heidi J. Wengreen Heidi J. Wengreen, an assistant professor in Nutrition and Food Sciences, has a bachelor's and doctorate from Utah State University. She also is a Registered Dietitian. She is by all evidence an accomplished teacher who loves teaching. She was selected twice as the department's Teacher of the Year, in 2006 and 2007. Students enjoy Dr. Wengreen's open and interactive teaching style that encourages discussion and critical thinking about current topics in nutrition. Dr. Wengreen believes in the importance of experiential learning and has mentored many students in honors and undergraduate research projects. She was named the College of Agriculture 's Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year in 2005. Many of these students have been involved in Dr. Wengreen's work to implement a peer-teaching model to incorporate nutrition education workshops in the freshmen orientation experience at USU. In addition, Dr. Wengreen has received funding from the U.S. Department of Education to develop sensory and experience-based nutrition education modules for grade school children. In the process, she has educated several undergraduate and graduate students, as well as many paraprofessionals involved in delivering nutrition education via the department's nutrition outreach programs. Dr. Wengreen maintains an active research program in the area of diet and health and has worked with populations young and old. She is nationally recognized for her work in identifying associations between dietary factors and cognitive decline among the elderly and has published several papers on this topic.



Kim Corbin-Lewis Dr. Kim Corbin-Lewis is an associate professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Speech Science, Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Swallowing, Voice Disorders and Disorders of Motor Speech and Swallowing. She has received six Top Prof Awards from the USU Chapter of Mortar Board and was twice selected to serve as a Teaching Coach for first-year USU faculty. Over her 30-year career as a speech-language pathologist, Dr. Corbin-Lewis has infused her teaching with "real-life" clinical practice by delivering services to individuals with voice, swallowing and motor speech disorders. In course evaluations students often comment that she brings the subject matter to life, consis tently ties theory to practice in accessible and meaningful ways and is responsive to their individual learning needs and life circumsta nces. They regard Dr. Corbin-Lewis as a true mentor who conveys a passion for learning. She enco urages curiosity and exploration, promotes intellectual independence, and also lets students know that she is there for advice and support when needed. Dr. Corbin-Lewis celebrates the many accomplishments of her students and communicates the highest standards of professionalism. Thanks to state-of-theart course content and challenging performance expectations, students leav e her class well-prepared to provide evidence-based treatment to individuals with communication disorders.


Thomas H.Fronk Thomas Fronk, an associate professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, was named Outstanding Teacher in 2009 by the department's students. Dr. Fronk consistently sets a high standard in terms of interacting with students and taking the time to give them personal and professional counsel that contributes significantly to their success as a student working towards their bachelor's and graduate degrees. He gives his undivided attention to each student who comes to see him. They have come to value his counsel. He is invariably


kind and respe ctfu l in his conversation direct and honest .

with students

while being

Dr. Fronk is a master teacher. He has an excellent perception of what students need in terms of a balance between theory and practical applications. His assignments provide sufficient challenge to motivate without discouragement and frustration. His style motivates and increases student interest and curiosity. It is self-evident that he thoroughly enjoys his unique relationship with students. He knows the students by name in every class, large or small. Dr. Frank's passion for teaching and helping students is evident in his daily work patterns. It is common to see several students in his office when he is not in class. Students correctly perceive that he knows what he is talking about and that he is interested in their success as students and as individuals.

COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Adrianne Moore Adrianne Moore is an assoc iate professor in the Department of Theatre Arts . She teaches voice, acting and directing and has directed many produ ct ion s for Utah State Theatre including

King Lear, The Taming of the Shrew, West Side Story, Anton in Show Business, Hay Fever,Cabaret and James and the Giant Peach. She has also served as diale ct coach on a range of productions for both the Theatre and the Opera programs. Much of her teaching takes place outside the classroom as she coaches students individually or directs them in plays and musicals. She sees the student production and the development of the co llaborative skills, work ethic and focus that the rehearsal process demands as a great model for success in a range of professional fields. Moore insists that an increase in self-confidence and selfknowledge must be part of the university experience and has found that theatre offers a particularly suitable form for developing these qualities. She has taught many actors but also large numbers of students outside of the major looking for a challenging class that would provide more of a "whole body" experience. Moore has also worked as a professional theatre director and dialect coach for companies such as the Old Lyric Repertory


Company, the Egyptian Theatre, Plan B Theatre, Salt Lake Acting Company and Pioneer Theatre Company. Moore holds a Graduate Diploma in Theatre Directing from the British Theatre Association and a master's of fine art in Directing from Florida State University. A native of New Zealand, Moore worked as a teacher, director and actor in New Zealand, Australia and England before coming to the United States.


Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh A professor in the Department of Watershed Sciences, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh's students consistently cite his classes among the most rewarding experiences of their academic careers. They express gratitude to Wurtsbaugh for providing them with meaningful opportunities to explore their chosen fields of study and for helping them achieve academic and personal excellence. During the past 12 years, Wurtsbaugh has taught an aquatic ecology capstone co urse for fisheries and watershed science degree programs. Each year, he chooses a timely topic relevant to the needs of state and federal natural resources agencies. This year, Wurtsbaugh challenged students to examine the role of nutrient pollution in Cache Valley's Cutler Marsh ecosystem. Working in teams , students conducted extensive research on the issue, drawing upon and integrating their coursework in math, biology, chemistry and statistics. They compiled an exhaustive report for the Utah Division of Water Quality and the City of Logan, which are charged with managing this critical watershed resource. Wurtsbaugh's students describe him as patient, conscientious and innovative. "I've learned so much from him - mostly by watching how he deals with difficult situations," one student said. Beyond handling the challenges of scientific field work, Wurtsbaugh guides his students in developing the analytical and professional skills needed for success in competitive careers and postgraduate studies.


COLLEGE OF SCIENCE John R. Stevens John R. Stevens is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Dr. Stevens is honored to be associated with a com munity of active scholar-teachers at Utah State, including his late grandfather, Kenneth R. Stevens, who taught and researched soil microbiology at the Utah State Agricultural College. Dr . Stevens earned a bachelor's in Mathematics from Utah State and a doctorate in Statistics from Purdue University. He joined the College of Science faculty in 2005. His research primarily involves statistical methods in bioinformatics and the agricultural sciences. Dr. Stevens draws on his research and service experiences to provide students with statistical tools and literacy critical for their future careers. The Statistical Bioinformatics course he created at Utah State has been used as a template by colleagues at other universities. His students remember him for his boundless enthusiasm for statistics, his "lucky" tie on exam days, his ability to call on them by name, his confidence in them, and his high expectations both for them and himself. His students and colleagues have also made note of his exhaustive preparation and seamless use of technology in the classroom. Outside formal coursework, Dr. Stevens enjoys actively mentoring graduate and undergraduate researchers, and participating in statistical education sessions at professional conferences.




BIOLOGY Whether a student's desire is medical schoo l or they are taking that one life science course in their college career, the Department of Biology treats them equa lly, that is, with respect and a strong comm itment to make biology learning an exciting journey of discovery. The Department of Biology has devoted itself to teaching excellence through proactive and highly aggressive efforts in instructional assessment and faculty development to achieve the singular goal of making their classes, curricu la and advising the best they ca n possibly be. As evidenced by their workshops and retreats dedicated specifically to teaching methods and improvements, the involvement of students in cutting-edge research and outstanding mentoring, the Department of Biology has proven its worthiness for this distinctive honor and award. The department has reached beyond traditional classroom experiences to excite students through engagement in the process of scientific exploration in the laboratory and in the field. It has helped students understand and navigate the professional arena by a model system of advising, by numerous clubs, and by supporting student travel to scientific conferences. The department has also worked hard to offer an increasing number of scholarship opportunities for its students. Therefore, in recognition of outstanding achievements in education, instruction and proven devotion to student success, Utah State University presents the 2009 Department Teaching Excellence Award to the Department of Biology.





Dear Graduate: Congratulations on your graduation from Utah State University. The attainment of your degree has come at a price and represents many days, hours, and years of hard work and sacrifice. The formal awarding of degrees takes place in a ceremony called "commencement" -which means "beginning." Why do we call the end of one's formal schooling the "beginning?" This is not the end of your learning. Our education must never stop. This also marks the beginning of a new phase in your life-the beginning of a new career, the opportunity to apply what you have learned, or perhaps the beginning of an advanced degree-all new beginnings. I would ask that this day be the beginning, as well, of your lifelong connection to Utah State University-that it be the commencement of a commitment to a lifetime of continued association with USU. The purpose of the Utah State University Alumni Association is "to promote the interests and welfare of Utah State University, its alumni, students, staff, and friends of the University." I invite you to take full advantage of the services and benefits the Alumni Association has to offer. Some of the benefits include: Alumni networking, USU Magazine, an online newsletter, Aggie Alumni Chapters and events, travel opportunities for Alumni, insurance discounts, credit card reward programs, and travel and recreation discounts. Please visit our web site at www.usu.edu/alumni, give us a ca ll at 1-800-291-ALUM, or stop by the David B. Haight Alumni Center any time! When my wife and I graduated together from Utah State in 1993, the commencement speaker was then U.S. Senator and Astronaut Jake Garn. He said, "Give back in gratitude to the system which has given you so much." Your continued invol vement with Utah State University is a way to "give back" and will ensure that we can continue to live by the motto of "Honoring Tradition, Securing our Future." I wish you much success. Proud to be an Aggie,

Paul D. Parkinson Utah State University

Alumni Association




OF AGRICULTURE CEREMONY May 2, 2009 Kent Concert Hall 2:00p.m.



& ANNOUNCEMENTS INTRODUCTIONS Gary Straquadine, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture

VALEDICTORIAN Heidi M. Moss, Nutrition and Food Sciences Valedictorian Faculty Escort: Nedra K. Christensen, Nutrition and Food Sciences RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Noelle E. Cockett, Dean, College of Agriculture INVITATION TO GRADUATES Holly Hall, President, College of Agriculture Alumni Association 2009 GRADUATING CLASS PROCESSION


Postlude Laura M. Balls

2009 College of Agriculture Award Recipients



8. Anderson,



and Food Sciences

TEACHER OF THE YEAR Heidi J. Wengreen,


and Food Sciences


Plants, Soils and Climate



Megan Bunch, Nutrition

and Food Sciences

SCHOLAR OF THE YEAR Krista S. Viau, Nutrition


and Food Sciences


Katie Brown, Nutrition

and Food Sciences


Applied Economics





May 2, 2009 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum


PROCESSIONAL WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Douglas D. Anderson, Dean, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Lacee Wilkey, Accounting, Finance and Economics COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Scott R. Watterson AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS CLOSING REMARKS Douglas D. Anderson, Dean, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

Jon M. Huntsman

School of Business

Award Recognition






May 2, 2009 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 4:00p.m.




CLOSING RElVlARKS Carol J Strong, Dean 2009 Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services Award Recipients

Valedictorian: Katelyn Hansen Scholar of the Year: McKenzie Lerdahl Teacher of the Year: Kim Corbin-Lewis Scholar/Researcher of the Year: Ron Gillam Undergraduate Research Mentor: Sandi Gillam Advisor of the Year: Mary Lou Reynolds Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year: Brisha Bills Graduate Research Assistant of the Year: Doug Petersen Undergraduate Teaching Fellow: Bryce King "The Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services expresses their deepest appreciation to the Emma Eccles Jones Foundation for its decades of support for arts educat ion at Edith Bowen Laboratory School and to the Sorenson Legacy Foundation for its support for arts education at Utah State University. Congratulations is extended to the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services for their 2009 U.S. News and World Report ranking of 24th in the nation overall, placing the College in the top 2% of all graduate schoo ls of education in the nation. The College was 3rd in the nation for the amount of external funding generated.




Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center 12:00p.m.

WELCOME H. Scott Hinton, Dean INTRODUCTION OF VALEDICTORIAN Todd K. Moon VALEDICTORIAN Armand H. Rundquist AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS DEPARTMENT HEADS Biological & Irrigation Engineering: Ronald C. Sims Civil & Environmental Engineering: William J. Rahmeyer Electrical & Computer Engineering: Todd K. Moon Engineering & Technology Education: Kurt Becker Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering: Byard D. Wood

2009 College of Engineering Award Recipients






Camila Berton Coria



OF HUMANITIES, ARTS, SCIENCES CEREMONY May 2, 2009 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 12:00p.m.

PRELUDE Dr. James M. Drake, Professor (Retired), Department of Music WELCOME Dr. Yolanda Flores Niemann, Dean INTRODUCTION OF ERIN N. COTTLE, VALEDICTORIAN William Furlong, Professor in Department of Political Science VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Erin N. Cottle INTRODUCTION





CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Yolanda Flores Niemann, Dean POSTLUDE Dr. James M. Drake, Professor (Retired), Department of Music

College of Humanities,

Arts & Social Sciences Award Recipients






May 2, 2009 Morgan Theatre, Chase Fine Arts Center 12:00 noon

PROCESSIONAL VALEDICTORIAN AND ESCORT Kelly J. Sivy, Department of Wildland Resources, escorted by Eugene W. Schupp, Department of Wildland Resources WELCOME Nat B. Frazer, Dean VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Kelly J. Sivy RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Nancy 0. Mesner, Associate Dean Nat B. Frazer, Dean WORDS OF INSPIRATION Johan du Toit RECESSIONAL Luncheon/or Collegeof Natural Resources (CNR) Graduates, Families, and Friends in the CNR Atrium Imm ediately Following the Ceremony

2008-2009 Senior Awards

DEPARTMENTAL OUTSTANDING SENIORS Anna Marie Wilson , Departm ent of Environment and Society Benjamin Walter Abbott, Department of Watershed Sciences Dustin H. Ranglack, Department of Wildland Resources COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES OUTSTANDING SENIOR Dustin H. Ranglack, Department of Wildland Resour ces COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOLAR OF THE YEAR Kelly J . Sivy, Department of Wild land Resourc es


COLLEGE OF SCIENCE CEREMONY May 2, 2009 Evan N. Stevenson

Ballroom, Taggart Student 12:00noon


PRELUDE "Marche Pontificale " by Jaques Lemmens Norma Christiansen, Organist PROCESSIONAL "Pomp and Circumstance" by Sir Edward Elgar Norma Christiansen, Organist WELCOME Mary S. Hubbard, Dean INTRODUCTION OF VALEDICTORIAN Frank J. Messina VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Jake C. Jones AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS Mary S. Hubbard, Dean

Biology graduates announced by Daryll B. De Wald, Department Head Chemistry and Biochemistry graduates announced by Steven I. Scheiner, Department Head Computer Science graduates announced by Donald H. Cooley, Department Head Geology graduates announced by John W. Shervais, Department Head Mathematics and Statistics graduates announced by Richard Cutler, Department Head Physics graduates announced by Jan J. Sojka, Department Head Interdisciplinary Studies graduates announced by Lisa M. Berreau, Associate Dean CLOSING REMARKS Mary S. Hubbard, Dean RECESSIONAL "Triumphal March" by P. I. Tschaikowski Norma Christiansen, Organist





Dr. Byron R. Burnham, Dean

DOCTORAL DEGREES Collegeof Agriculture Heinse, Robert Dresden, Germany MS: University Leipzig, 2003 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Or. Scott B. Jones Dissertation: Measurement and Modeling of Reduced Gravity Fluid Distribution and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Plant-Growth Media

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

Kidd, Jeremy Lynn Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson Dissertation: Probing the Mechanics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve

Emma EcclesJones Collegeof Education and Human Services

Armstrong, Philip D. Roosevelt, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary L. Carlston Dissertation: New Beginnings: A Phenomenology of the Lived Experiences of Novice Secondary Teachers Who Have Completed the Indu ction and Mentorship Requirements of Utah's Early Years Enhancement (EYE) Program

Buckner, Cari Lee

Foster, John M.

St. George, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever Dissertation: Gifted First Graders in a Multiability Classroom: An Interpretive Case Study

Duchesne, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery Larsen Doctor of Audiology

Can, Gulfidan Ankara, Turkey MS: Middle East Technical University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew E. Walker Dissertation: A Model for Doctoral Students' Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Written Feedback for Academic Writing

Cloward, Jerry J. Charleston, lllinois MS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Dissertation: Factors Affecting the Longevity of the Department of Industrial Technology and Education at Utah State University 1985-2005: A Case Study

Daines, Paul Mark Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major Professor: Dr. Heather Jensen Doctor of Audiology

Hamilton, Charles H. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever Dissertation: The Experience of Middle-School Students During the Era of No Child Left Behind

Hancock, Kyle Max West Weber, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Donna Gi lbertson Dissertation: The Utility of Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement lo Predict Student Risk Status on Standardized Academic Achievement Measures

Howard, Laurel B. Sandy, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, l973 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Dissertation: Developmental Students' Perceptions of Unsuccessful and Successful Mathematics Learning

Howell, Justin Young Duncan, Sean Milton Layton, Utah BS: Florida State University, 2002 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley Dissertation: Patterns of Learning Object Reuse in the Connexions Repository


Poquoson, Virginia BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery Larsen Doctor of Audiology

Hunt, Sara M. lowa Falls, Iowa MS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Or. Renee V. Galliher Dissertation: Patterns of Psychosocial Functioning and Mental Health Service Utilization in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions or Physical Disabilities


College ofHumanities, Arts

& Social


Abdu, Hiruy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia MS: University of Maryland, 2003 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott B. Jones Dissertation: Characterizing Subsurface Textural Properties Using Electromagnetic Induction Mapping and Geostatistics

Trentelman, Carla Koons Ogden, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Krannich Dissertation: "Big, Smelly, Salty Lake That I Call Home": Sense of Place with a Mixed Amenity Setting

Al-Juaidi, Ahmed E. Smith, Mark E. Layton, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr . Gary A. Stewardson Dissertation: The Correlation Between a Pre-Engineering Student 's Spatial Ability and Achievement in an Electronics Fundamentals Course

Gaza, Palestine MS: Birzeit University, 2002 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jagath J . Kaluarachchi Dissertation: Water Allocation for Agricultural Use Considering Treated Waste Water, Public Health Risk, and Economic Issues

Vasquez, Eleazar

Horsburgh, Jeffery S.

Angleton, Texas MS: Stephen F. Austin State University, 2003 Major: Disability Discipline s Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Slocum Dissertation: The Evaluation of Synchronous Online Tutoring for Students At-Risk of Reading Failure

Providence, Utah MS: Utah State Universit:y, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David G. Tarboton Dis sertation: Hydrologic Information Systems: Advancing Cy berinfrastructure for Environmental Observatories

Wan, Jiayi Shanghai, China MS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nick Eastmond Dissertation: Teacher Educators' Computer Technology Integration at Utah State University

College ofNatural Resources

Dahlgren, David K. Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Terry A. Messmer Dissertation: Greater Sage-Grouse Juvenile Ecology and Population Dynamics, Parker Mountain, Utah

Dawson, Sarah Shawnee Berkeley Springs, West Virgin ia MS: College of Charleston, 2002 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael M. Jaeger Dissertation: Cognitive Inference and Resulting Behaviors in Response to Ambiguous Threat in the Coyote, Canis latrans

Phillips, Jonathan D. Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University 2004 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Or. Aravind Dasu Diessertation: A C to Register Transfer Level Algorithm Using Structured Circuit Templates: A Case Study with Simulated Annealing

Young, Quinn Eric North Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Brent E. Stucker Dissertation: Development of Modular Thermal Control Architecture for Modular Satellites


Diamond, Joel M. Payson, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Or. Christopher A. Call Dissertation: Effects of Targeted Grazing and Prescribed Burning on Fire Behavior and Community Dynamics of a Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)-Dominated Landscape

Hein, Catherine L. Cross Plains, Wisconsin MS: University of WisconsinMadison, 2004 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Todd A. Crowl Dissertation: River Network Structure: A Template for Understanding PredatorPrey Dynamics and Potential Anthropogenic Impacts Kebede, Almaz Tadesse Addis Ababa, Ethiopia MS: Addis Ababa University, 1998 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. D. Layne Coppock Dissertation: Sustaining the Allideghi Grassland of Ethiopia: Influences of Pastoralism and Vegetation Change Larsen, Randy T. Orem, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 2006 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Bissonette Dissertation: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Effects of Wildlife Water Developments in the Western United States Wilmot, Susan Reid Broadlands, Virginia MS: Duke University, 2003 Major: Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Science and Management Major Professor: Dr. Mark W. Brunson Dissertation: Attitudes, Behavioral Intentions, and Migration: Resident Response to Amenity GrowthRelated Change in the Rural Rocky Mountain West

Collegeof Science Bensaci, Mekki F. Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Jon Y. Takemoto Dissertation: The Bioactive Properties of Syringomycin E-Rhamnolipid Mixtures and Syringopeptins Harker, Brian J. Phoenix, Arizona BS: University of Arizona, 2003 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J. Sojka Dissertation: On the Applicability of Genetic Algorithms to Fast Solar Spectropolarimetric Inversions for Vector Magnetography Hoopes, Justin Darrel Perry, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Dissertation: Mechanisms of Indu ced Cell Death in Bluetongue Virus Challenged Human Cell Lines Kim, Dong Jun Seoul, Korea MS: University of Utah , 2004 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Haeyeon Yang Dissertation: Novel Growth of lnCaAs/GaAs Nanostructures by Molecular Beam Eptaxy McAlexander, Ian Addison Charlotte, North Carolina MS: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1997 Major: Chemistry Major Professor : Dr. Bradley S. Davidson Dissertation: Synthetic Studies of Laulimalide Analogues


Rudzka, Katarzyna Sosnowiec, Poland MS: Silesian Technical University, 2002 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Lisa M. Berreau Dissertation: Synthetic Complexes of Relevance to Ni(II)-Containing Enzymes Tanifum, Christabel Tomla Bamenda, Cameroon MS: University of Dschang, 1999 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Cheng-Wei (Tom) Chang Dissertation: Sonication-Assisted Synthesis of Oligomannosides Wooderchak, Whitney Lyn Auburn, Illinois BS: Western Illinois University, 2003 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Joan M. Hevel Dissertation: Characterization of the Substrate Specificity and Mechanism of Protein Arginine Methyl tra nsferase 1

EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST DEGREES Armstrong, Andrew Ben Houston, Texas MS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Clint Field Thesis: Altering Positive/Negative Inter action Ratios in Relationships of Mothers and Young Children: A Preliminary Investigation Cox, Michelle S. Huntsville, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Donna Gilbertson Thesis: Use of Brief Experimental Analysis for Selecting Inter ventio ns to Increase Positive Social Intera ctio n

Knapp, Jaclyn King Layton, Utah MS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Donna Gilbertson Thesis: Treatment Utility of Brief App lication of Contingent Reversals Addressing Common Functions of Misbehavior to In crease Appropriate Classroom Behaviors

Endelman, Jeffrey B.

Jhanwar, Ankur

Houston, Texas Master of Science MA: University of California, Santa Barbara, 2002 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr . Jennifer Reeve Thesis: Optimal Compost Rates for Organic Crop Production Based on a Decay Series

Kota, India Master of Science BS: Anand Agricultural University, 2006 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Robert E. Ward Thesis: Isolation and Characterization of Different Aggregates of Lipid from Bovine Milk

Garg, Nidhi Sonnek, Rebecca Joann Luverne, Minnesota MS: Minnesota State University, 2005 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Or . Donna Gilbertson

MASTER'S DEGREES College of Agriculture

Rudrapur, India Master of Science MS: Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology , 2004 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Marie K. Walsh Thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Amines with Respe ct to Oil-in-W ater Em ulsion Stability

Giffing, Monica D. Anderson, Jacob Ron Lindon, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Profe ssor: Or. Brian K. Warnick

Blackhurst, Danny James American Fork, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor : Dr. Brian K. Warnick

Cox, Rebecca Provo , Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Agricu ltural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Rudy S. Tarpley

Payson, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Or. Brian K. Warnick Thesis: The Perceptions of Agriculture Teachers on In cluding Students with Disabilities

Latimer, Meagan Roxanne Silverthorne, Colorado Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Or. Heidi J. Wengreen Thesis: The Role of Extended FlavorFlavor Learning and Senso ry-Base d, Vegetable-Themed Education on Whole Vegetable Preference in Elementary School-Aged Children

Meyer, Tiffany Kay Columbus, Montana Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Or. Brian K. Warnick

Oldham, Michelle Hadfield, Lisa Anne Lehi, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brian K. Warni ck

Murray, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Plant Science Major P1-ofessor: Or. Corey V. Ransom Thesis: Goatsrue (Galega officinalis) Seed Biology, Control, and Toxicity

Hadfield, Suzanne

Summers, Adam Farrell

Lehi, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Agricu ltural Systems Technology Major Professor: Or. Brian K. Warnick

Thatcher, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Biological and Economic Effects of Grazing Spring-Calving Cow-Calf Pairs on Improved Irrigated Pastures Using Creep Supplementation


Strong, Kristen Rae Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Nedra K. Christensen Thesis: The Effectiveness of the Teens Reaching Youth (TRY) 4-H Program in a Childhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Program Tansawat, Rossarin Bangkok, Thailand Master of Science BS: Chulalongkorn University, 2005 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Daren Cornforth Thesis: M.icrobial Growth Inhibition and Decomposition of M.ilk Mineral and Sodium Tripolyphosphate Added to Media or Fresh Ground Beef Warnick, Chad Russell Delta, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor : Dr. Brian K. Warnick Williams, Megan Richardson Jerome, Idaho Master of Dietetics Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2005 Major Professor: Prof. Noreen Schvaneveldt

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Aghababyan, Ani Yerevan, Armenia Master of Business Administration BS: Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, 2008 Allen, Ryan Joseph Murray, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Allred, Brittany Marie West Valley City , Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2004

Cloud, Christopher Scott Bel Air, Maryland Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Anderson, Bradley D. Smithfield, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Colledge, Travis M. Lehi, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2005

Bailey, Justin Trevor North Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, Idaho,2006

Cook, Ryan Spanish Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 1999

Baker, Andrew Stephen Winters, California Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2007 Bateman, Zachary Brent Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008 Bell, Jeffery Kristopher Strasburg, Ohio Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008 Bertagnolli, Brett David Ogden, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Weber State University, 2005 Bilbao-Roberts, Sheri M. Tooele, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007 Bowers, Russell Scott Farmington, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2003 Brea Bujosa, Laura Michelle Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Business Administration BS: Universidad lberoameri ca na, 2006 Christensen, Seth David Burley, Idaho Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 36

Crittenden, Corey Alan Heber City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University , 2004 Dearden, Kevin Scott West Jordan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2006 DeBry, Joshua Michael Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Un iversity of Utah, 1999 de la Houssaye, Collin T. Solon, Ohio Master of Business Administration BA: Utah State University, 2007 Draper, Lindsay Heber City, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2007 Drummond, Aaron Lavar Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Adm ini stration BS: University of Utah, 2001 Egbert, Christopher T. Cottonwood Heights, Utah Master of Business Administration BA: University of Utah, 2005 Elison, Stephen David Dugway, Utah Master of Business Administration BA: University of Utah, 2003

Jiang, Fei Jixi, China Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 2003 Major: Management Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David Paper

Ernstrom, David L. Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Hamilton, Jason D. Herriman, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2002

Ferguson, Craig Earl Bountiful, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 1994

Hammond, Tyler Jay Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2001

Forsgren, Krystal Lynn Willard, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2005

Haneberg, Erik A. Seattle, Washington Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 1996

Fowles, Adam Carl Dallas, Texas Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Hanks, David Gregory Van Deren Spanish Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2004

Gainer, William Randolph Draper, Utah J\1aster of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2004

Harris, Kevin Charles Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2004

George, David R. Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration 13S: Brigham Young University, 2003

Hilkey, Shelly Jill Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 1991

Graves, Kealy Anne Springville, Utah Master of 13usiness Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2007

Hinkle, James William Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Kendrick, Randall Ted Herriman, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2002

Gricius, Rosalie Dawn Highland, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Hurst, Christopher Lee Spanish Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2005

Kim, Kuhyuk Seoul, South Korea Master of Business Administration BS: Sogang University, 1997

Haderlie, Jon Steven Salem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2003

Jacobson, Tyler Paul Spanish Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2007

King, Jamie Lynn Vernal, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Hales, Jesse Ray Spanish Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2006

Jennings, Jeremy K. North Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Kinsey, Steven L. Vernal, Utah Master of Business Administrat ion BS: Utah State University, 2007

Hall, Andrew Taylor Detroit, Michigan Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2008

Jeppesen, Ryan Charles Midway, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 1999

Kolbe, Michelle Elizabeth East Troy, Wisconsin Master of Business Administration BS: Winona State University , 2004


Johnson, Alison Anne Logan, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2003 Keaton, Grant Douglas Kaysville, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008 Keith, Jason Thomas North Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Texas, San Antonio, 2002 Kelley, Craig A. Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Lam, Keith

Mendenhall, Nathan R.

Olesen, Chandella Beebe

Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State Un iversity, 2006

Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2005

Draper, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2001

Leonard, Kathryn Anne

Morgan, David Brent

Osmond, Scott Merrill

Sandy, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 200 7

C linton, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: West Virginia University, 1999

P leasa nt Grove, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2005

Lewis, Klint Gary

Morrell, Desiree D.

Otteson, Jacob Paul

Rexburg, Idaho Master of Business Adm ini stration BS: Ca liforni a State University, Fullerton, 2003

Provo, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2003

Kaysville, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Mortensen, Jesse D.

Parrish, Stephanie R.

Eagle Mountain, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Phoenix, 2005

North Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Human Resour ces

Roosevelt, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Malla, Abiral

Motes, Shawn Jay

Nepalganj, Nepal Master of Science BS : Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Management In for mat ion Systems Major Professor: Dr. Zsolt Ug ray

Kaysville, Uta h Master of Business Administration BA: Utah State University, 2008

Lloyd, Michael

Peery, Shalane M.

Marcheschi, Tommy H. Ogden , Utah Master of Accou n ting BA: Uta h State Un iversity, 2008

Marsden, Benjamin William Willard, Uta h Master of Business Administration BS: Weber State U niv ers ity, 2005

McLeskey, Michael David Logan, Utah Master of Acco unting BS : Utah State University, 2008

McNeal, Ian Benjamin Nibley, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State Unive rs ity, 2007

Mecham, Blake Joseph Morgan, Utah Master of Business Administration BA: Weber State University, 2007

Kaysvi lle, Utah Master of Business Admin istration BS: Utah State Un iversity, 2008

Prince, Karl L. Neal, Brittany Midva le, Utah Master of Bus iness Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007

Provo, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley University, 2006

Raisor, Jeremy D. K. Nelson, Andrew David Le hi, Utah Master of Bus in ess Administration BS: Uta h Valley University, 2006

Blanding, Utah Master of Busine ss Administration BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2008

Rich , Colby C. Nichols, David W. Sa ntaqu in , Uta h Master of Business Administration BS: Uta h Valley University, 2003

West Valley City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Uta h, 2006

Rich, Gregory Landon Nickolaisen, Niel Raymond Centerville, Uta h Master of Business Administration MS: Massachusetts In st itute of Technology, 1990

Nielsen, David Edmond Smithfield, Uta h Master of Business Admi nistration BS: Utah State University, 2006

Nordgren, Brent R. Provo, Utah .Master of Business Administration BS: Brigh a m Young University, 2006


Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Uta h, 2004

Roberts, Jason C. St. George, Uta h Master of Business Admin ist ratio n BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 2006

Rounds, Adam James Russell, New York Master of Business Administratio n BS: Th e State University of New York, Potsdam, 2003

Samoylov, Konstantin Moscow, Russia Master of Business Administration BS: The Russian State Technological University of K.E. Tsialkovsky, 2004 Scrivner, Dan Jay North Ogden , Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2004 Shakespear, Clayne Dee Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2005 Sharp, Payton Scott Wellsville, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008 Sidwell, Barbara Sun Valley, Idaho Master of Science BA: Whitman College, 1982 Major: Human Resour ces

Taylor, Jessica Marie Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2007 Tomlinson, Jonathan Lee Spanish Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2006 Vander Linden, William G. South Jordan , Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2002 Walters, Rachel Marie Rexburg, Idaho Master of Accounting BS: Brigham Young University, Idaho, 200 7 Westergard, Ryan Ted Woods Cross, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 1999

Siler, Michael J. Wells v ille, Utah Master of Business Administration BS : Utah State University, 2004

Wilcox, Jesse Spencer Preston, Idaho Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, Id aho, 2006

Smith, Christopher John Riverton , Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2002

Williams, David Scott Sandy, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2008

Soffe, Lance Christian Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2003

Winget, Nathan Jack Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BA: Utah State University, 2008

Stewart, Todd Clay Vernal, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2007

Xia, Ning Daqing, China Master of Science BS: Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2006 Major: Human Resources

Stookey, Kimberly L. Tooele, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007 Taylor, Cayden A. Roy, Utah Master of Business Administration BA: Weber State University , 2005

Yerka, Jason Michael Dassel, Minnesota Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2007


Zaidi, Amir Sandy, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Karachi, 1997

Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services

Adams, Marisa Yuca ipa, California Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Elementary Education Akwenye, Tutangeni Dasheek Windhoek , Namibia Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major : Health, Physical Education, and Recrea tion Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Heath Allred, Christie Ann Wales, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, l 992 Major: Instru ctio nal Technology Allred, Steven Dale Highland, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah Valley University, 2005 Major: Instru ct ional Technology Armstrong, Andrew Ben Houston, Texas Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2002 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Clint Field Bagley, Kellan Charles Fairview, Wyoming Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Ronald B. Gillam

Bair, Ryan Vernon Magna, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: lnstructional l Technology

Bidstrup, Tanya Logan, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Elementary Education

Cefalo, Gregg F. Brigham City, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 2005 Major: instructional Technology

Ball, Kevin Edward Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Health , Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Or. Edward M. Heath

Bills, Brisha Ann South Jordan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah Stat e University, 2007 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Or. Edward M. Heath

Chase, Daniel Adam North Logan, Utah Master of Family and Human Development BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood

Banks, Tara American Fork, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Or. Phillip J. Waite Thesis: Eva luation of an lnteractive Health Communication Trans Fat Website

Bradley, Ronald Lavon Ephraim, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Instructional Technology

Becke1¡, Meriah James Tooele, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, Idaho, 2005 Major: Instru ctional Technology Bentley, Patrick C. Hyde Park, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Instructional Technology Berry, Nancy Fairview, Montana Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Dee Child Beyer, Melissa M. Hooper, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 2005 Major: Elementary Education

Bryant, Kelly Marie Torrance, Ca liforni a Master of Education BS: University of California, Santa Barbara, 2001 Major: Elementary Education Burns, Kelsey Christina North Ogden, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah Stale University, 2007 Major: Communicative Di sorde rs and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont Byrnes, Andrew James Salem, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah Valley University, 2005 Major: l nstructional Technology Carlson, Eric Richard Roosevelt, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Secondary Education Carlson, Michelle Christine Belchertown , Massachusetts Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Kim Corbin-Lewis 40

Cherry, Justin Willis Ephraim, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Coleman, Katie Lynn Mission Viejo , California Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major : Communicative Disord ers a nd Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Dee Ch ild Cook, Krystle Nephi, Utah Master of Education BS: Westminster Col lege, 2005 Major: Instructional Technology Coombs, Autumn Joy Provo, Utah Master of Scien ce BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorder s and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley D'Agostino, Roxana West Orange, New J ersey Master of Education BA: University of Richmond, 2005 Major: Elementary Education Dance, Heather Garland, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Elementary Education

Dansie, Elizabeth Jacqueline East Carbon, Utah Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 2006 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Tamara J. Ferguson Thesis: An Empirical Investigation of the Adaptive Nature of Shame DeGering, Holly Orem, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Elizabeth C. Dennison Drake, Joel Richard Smithfield, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 NI.ajar: Instructional Technology Duke, Sonya Rae H eber City, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah Valley University, 2005 Major: Instructional Technology Duncombe, Robert Gene Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 2002 Major: Psychology Durtschi, Jr., Lawrence A. Ephraim, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Instru ct ional Technology Dutson, Eric Duane Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont

Emery, Lauren Beth Murray, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Jill R. Andrus Farb, Jesse Joseph Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Instructional Technology Findlay, Tracy Lynn Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Elementary Education Francis, Aimee Christine Brigham City, Utah Master of Science BS : Utah State University, 2007 Major : Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Chad Bingham

Greenwell, Cara Lyn West Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Elementary Education Grewe, Jennifer Robyn North Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. M. Scott DeBerard Thesis: Detecting Malingering in Compensated Low Back Pain Patients: An Analog Study Grimmett, Anna Lee Blackfoot, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State Un iversity, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Anne W. Elsweiler

Fraser, Shelly Powder Springs, Georgia Master of Education BS : Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: E lementary Education

Hair, McCall South Jordan , Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Anne W. Elsweiler

Frehner, JaDean W. Logan, Utah Master of Education BS: Uta h State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Tech no logy

Hall, Jennie Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2005 Major: Psychology

Gallegos, Duane B. Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major Professor: Dr. Julie Smart

Hemingway, Mark Stephens Lehi, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, Idaho, 2004 Major: Instru ctio nal Technology

Giovannini, Gloria Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: Tarleton State University, 1980 Major: Elementary Education

Eggett, Andrea Lynn Providence, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Psychology


Hennefer, Jesse D. Henefer, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 2002 Major: Secondary Education

Hepworth, Johanna Lee Duchesne, Utah Master of Education BS: Hiram College, 2005 Major: Elementary Education Hicken, Allison Brenn Webber Id a ho Falls, Idaho Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2005 Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Thorana S. Nelson Thesis: Mentoring in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs: Graduates' Perspective s Jenkins, Paul R. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Psychology Johnson, Karen M. Riverton , Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, Major: Elementary Education Juett, Emily West Valley City, Utah Master of Ed ucation BS: Brigham Young University, Major: Secondary Education

Larkin, Lisa Anne Syracuse, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 1992 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker Layton, Kourtney Anne Highland, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS : University of Utah, 2005 Major Professor : Dr. Jared C. Schultz Loesch, III, George F. Payson, Utah Master of Rehabilit at ion Counseling MS: Utah State University, 1993 Major Professor: Dr. Jared C. Schultz Lowe, Jill M. Hyrum, Utah Master of Science BS : Utah State University, 2006 Major: Psychology


Ludlow, Brent E. Washington Terrac e, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University , 2003 Major: Instructional Technol ogy 1986

Kadoura, Wafa E. Logan, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Jordan, 1990 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Or. Judith M. Holt Kimber, Jason Millville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Instructional Technology Kumar, Tamara Louis Layton, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2007 Major: Elementary Education

Marquit, Joshua Devin Surprise, New York Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 2003 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Scott C. Bates Thesis: Threat Perception as a Determinant of Pro-Environment Behaviors: Public ln vo lvement in Air Pollution Abatement in Cache Valley, Utah Marsh, Julie F. Coalville, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology


Martin, Alexandra Marie Longmont, Colorado Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: H ea lth, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Heath Maxwell, Tana Enoch, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Dee Child McGarry, Sarah Vanessa Manti, Utah Master of Sc ience BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Julie A. Wolter Meeker, Scott D. Wellsville, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: In structional Technology Merrell, Suzanne Hammon Tremonton, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Utah, 1979 Major: Secondary Education Merrill, Natalie Nicole Centerville, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: El e mentary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker Mittelman, II, Joseph Bernard Payson, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah Valley University, 2004 Major: Instru ct ional Technology

Montuoro, Amy Marie Rock Springs, Wyoming Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King

O'Hara, Ellen Noelle Indianapolis, Indi ana Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King

Price, Kristy Colleen Montana City, Montana Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Vicki L. Simonsmeier

Moreton, Kyle Mallory Sandy, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2006 Major: Instructional Technology

Ollis, Cindy Oregon City, Oregon Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Kerstin E. Schroder Thesis: The Successes and Shortcomings of Assistive Techno logy: A Case Study

Reese, Anne Maree Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Utah, 2005 Major: Instructional Technology

Morrison, Teri Ann Taylorsville, Utah Master of Education MS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Elizabeth C. Dennison Moulton, Sarah Nelson Eagle Mountain, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Phillip J. Waite Thesis: The Eco logi ca l Influences of Community Trail Use and Physical Activity Among Female Trail Users Neilsen, Brandi Jean Cedar City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. K. Todd Houston Nuetzel, Piper Squire Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Elementary Education

Park, Kelli Ann Cedar Hills, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Elementary Education Park, Kerri Lyn Wallsburg, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Elementary Education Parry, Stewart Smithfield, Utah Master of Education BS: Southern Utah University, 2002 Major: E lementary Education Phillips, Natalie Anne Sunset, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Pitcher, Katie Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Majo1¡ Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King


Reynolds, Matthew Aaron El Paso, Texas Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King Rouse, Janet Shaw Logan, Utah Master of Education BFA: University of Utah, 1975 Major: In structional Technology Scott, Lacey Lee Sandy, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King Shaffer, KayDee Lish Tremonton, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Elementary Education Shakespear, Kaylynn Tropic, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Or . Phillip J. Waite Thesis: Centering Pregnancy and Traditional Prenatal Care: A Comparison of Health Practices

Shurtleff, Ashley Wilson Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State Un iversity, 2007 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Dee Child Smith, Ellen Virginia Provo, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young Unive,¡siry, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker Smith, Shelly Jean Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Chad Bingham Spell, Lori Valoy North Ogden, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. David E. Forbush

Thomas, Rob ert J. Providence, Utah Master of Education BS: Bethany University, 1998 Major: In structional Techno logy

Wallace, Marty Erda, Utah Master oF Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Psychology

Todd, Debra Ogden, Uta h Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 2001 Major: Psychology

West, Rebecca Bush Hyde Park, Utah Master oF Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley

Tongish, Jaime Kay West Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King Tucker, Trisha Elise Providence, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Instructional Technology Vance, Amy Elizabeth Ogden, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Secondary Education

Stegen, Jaclyn Marie Layton, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 2004 Major: Psychology

Vance, Aubrey Ann West Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2005 Major: Elementary Education

Stern, Caylee Launa 1\1apleton, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2004 Major: Psychology

Waite, Curtis Jay Boise, Idaho Master of Education BS: Boise State University, 2003 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Susan A. Turner

Stewart, Angela Vaughn Farmington, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major: In structiona l Technology Taylor, Travis L. Layton, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Weber State University, 2005 Major Professor: Dr. Julie Smart

Walker, Christon Ray Kearns, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Secondary Education


Wilson, James Albert Saratoga Springs, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: lnstructional Technology Winn, Sheri Taylorsville, Utah Master of Education BS: Westminster Co llege, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Zhu, Chenyong Chongqing, China Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr . Andrew E. Walker Zito, Matthew Charles Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BA: University of Utah, 2004 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Susan A. Turner

Collegeof Engineering

Ahlstrom, Douglas James Logan, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Computer Engineering Bagley, Ren Edwin Rexburg, Idaho Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gilberto E. Urroz Barnes, Robert Collier Mapleton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Computer Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Aravind Dasu Thesis: Dynamically Reconfigurable Systolic Array Accelerators: A Case Study with Extended Kalman Filter and Discrete Waveform Transform Algorithms Bhalerao, Saurabh Shirish Indore, India Master of Engineering BS: Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, 2007 Major: Computer Engineering Broby, Steven Ryan Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Biological Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Taylor Brown, Jacob Christopher Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Rees Fullmer

Buhler, Richard Robert Vernal, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Robert T. Pack Christensen, Daniel Porter American Fork, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: 01¡. David K. Geller Thesis: Terrain-Relative and BeaconRelative Navigation for LunarPowered Descent and Landing El Hamoui, Mohamad Ahmad Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Master of Science BS: Concordia University, 2006 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Chris Winstead Thesis: A Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter for a Plasma Impedance Probe Estevez Mejia, Ricardo Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Electrical Engineering Fowles, Adam Carl Dallas, Texas Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Gandbhir, Akshata Mumbai, India Master of Engineering BS: University of Mumbai, 2008 Major: Electrical Engineering Gittins, Taylor Kim Wellsville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk


Greenhalgh, Scott David Cedar City, Utah Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 2006 Major: Engineering and Technology Education Major Professor: Dr. Paul D. Schreuders Thesis: Rapid Prototyping in Design Education Jacob, Vijay Chacko Bangalore, India Master of Engineering BS: Visvesvaraya Technological University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Johnson, Andrew Craig Bountiful, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Kant, Shashi Bokaro, India Master of Science BS: Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, 2005 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Kaveri, Srinidhi Vithal Pune, India Master of Science BS: University of Pune, 2005 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Edmund Spencer Thesis: Design of Tunable EdgeCoupled Microstrip Bandpass Filters

Lammi, Matthew Daven Fremont, California Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Engineering and Technology Education Major Professor: Dr. Paul D. Schreuders Thesis: Student Achievement and Affective Traits in Electrical Engineering Laboratories Using Traditional and Computer-Based Instrumentation Larsen, Desiray Elwood, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Keri L. Ryan Lodder, Nathan Cole Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Thoma s H. Fronk Newbold, Nicholas Jones Fruit Heights, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Olsen, Jared H. Logan , Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Prasanna, Arup Bangalore, India Master of Engineering BS: Visvesvaraya Technological University, 2005 Major: Computer Engineering

Rogers, Christopher Reed North Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2008 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Brandon Eames Thesis: A Comprehensive Integration and Analysis of Dynami c Load Balancing Architectures Within Molecular Dynamics Rounds, Shelley Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. YangQuan Chen Thesis: Distributed Control for Robotic Swarms Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations Ruben, Eric Paul Murray, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Electrical Engineering Sharp, Zachary Brad Orangeville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. M.ichael C. Johnson Thesis: Energy Losses in Cross Junctions Stepan, Jack J. Riverton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Barton L. Smith Snow, Roger W. North Ogden, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Engineering and Technology Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve


Thompson, Evan J. Manti, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Tonks, Cory Russell Ridgecrest, California Master of Science BS: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2003 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jacob Gunther Turpin, Timothy Wayne Woods Cross, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Reyhan Baktur Thesis: Meshed Patch Antennas Integrated on Solar Cell: A Feasibility Study and Optimization Whittier, Ryan L. Pocatello, Idaho Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2009 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Majo1- Professor: Dr. Keri L. Ryan Wiser, Michael J. North Logan, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Marvin W. Halling Yost, Kyle Burley, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jacob Gunther

Collegeof Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Anderson, Davis Stokes Honeyville, Utah Master of Arts BA: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Politi ca l Science Major Professor: Dr. Shannon Peterson Bell, Sita Providence, Utah Master of Science BA: Utah State University, 2007 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Stephen Siporin Thesis: Anti-Semitic Folklore Motif Index Bush, Diane Thomas Richmond, Utah Master of Science MA: University of M.innesota, 1994 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jennifer Sinor Thesis: Thaw: A Memoir Diezmos, M.ichael Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Master of Arts BS: Seton Hill University, 2007 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeannie B. Thomas Green, M.ichael Kelvin West Jordan, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2006 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Hale, Ashley M. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Ronald Shook

Hallmark, Erin Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David E. Hailey

McGee, Stephanie Bluffdale, Utah Master of Science BA: Brigham Young University, 2007 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Michael Sowder

Hickman, M. Bryan Alexandria, Virginia Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Anthony A. Peacock

Mendelkow, Jacoba L. Richmond, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Evelyn I. Funda Thesis: The Cult of True Motherhood: A Narrative

Hilliard, Pamela Lyra St. Petersburg, Florida Master of Arts BA: Eckerd College, 2007 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Cokinos Thesis: Desert Solecisms: The Revitalization of Self and Community Through Edward Abbey, the Cold War, and the Sacred Fire Circle Hollist, Julie Providence, Utah Master of Arts BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. Cathy Ferrand Bullock Thesis: The Ideal Mormon Woman: An Analysis of Ensign Articles and Comparison to LDS Women's Perceptions of Gender Role Expectations Keck, Jeffrey L. Payson, Utah Master of Second Language Teaching BA: Utah State University, 2007 Major Professor: Dr. Sarah Gordon Magsamen, Kurt Jerome Fort Collins, Colorado Master of Science BS: Colorado State University, 1997 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Melody Graulich


Montano de Bernal, Marina Caracas, Venezuela Master of Second Language Teaching BA: Technologic University In stit ut e, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Maria de Jesus Cordero Norby, Jean Riverside, Utah Master of Second Language Teaching BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major Professor: Dr. Karin E. de Jonge-Kannan Odd, Jared Newman Benton City, Washington Master of Arts BA: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith E. Gibson Pumphrey, Clinton Robert Ruston, Louisiana Master of Science BS: Ouachita Baptist University, 2006 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence Culver Thesis: From Sagebrush to Subdivisions: Visualizing Tourist Development in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1967-2002

Rigard, Sarah Ann Bozeman, Montana Master of Landscape Architecture BS: Pennsylvania State University, 2003 Major Professor: Prof. Craig Johnson Thesis: Critique of a Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Method Applied to Residenti al Open Space Rodebush, Brian Scott Logan, Utah Master of Second Language Teaching BA: Utah State University, 2006 Major Professor: Dr. Maria de Jesus Cordero Sechrest, Etta K. Cochise, Arizona Master of Science BS: Utah State Unive1¡sity, 1987 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Jon R. Moris Thesis: Agroforestry Pra ctice Adoption Among Solomon Island Women on the Island of Malaita Sorensen, Emily Anne Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Arts BS: Brigham Young University, 2005 Major: English Major Profe ss or: Dr. Keith E. Gibson Theis, Kenneth Dale Pueblo , Colorado Master of Landscape Architecture BS: Colorado State University, 1975 Major Professor: Prof. Craig Johnson Vance, Tyler R. Logan, Utah Master of Fine Arts BFA: University of Utah, 2006 Major Professor: Prof. Woody Shepherd

Van Geem, Stephen Guy Lafayette, California Master of Scien ce BS: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Christy M. Glass Thesis: Status and Slaughter: The Psycho-social Factors That Influ ence Public Mass Murder Van Huss, Jami J. Wellsville, Utah Master of Arts BA: University of Utah, 2002 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence Culver Thesis: From Cultural Traditions to National Trends : The Transition of Domestic Mormon Archit ect ure in Cache Valley, Utah, 1860-1915 Weber, Robert D. Lovell, Wyoming Master of Second Language Teaching BS: University of Wyoming, 2007 Major Professor: Dr. John E. La c kstrom Wiberg, Dustin S. Littleton, Colorado Master of Landscape Architecture BS: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major Professor: Prof. Peter A. Kumble Thesis: Development of a Survey Measuring Visitor Satisfa ct ion and Service Quality of Cultural and Natural Sites in Belize Zeitlin, Tammy Eve Naples, Florida Master of Science BM: University of Cincinnati , 2006 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Prof. Steven R. Mansfield


College of Natural Resources

Bottcher, Jared L. Lincoln, Nebraska Master of Science BS: Drake Univers ity, 2006 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. Phaedra Budy Thesis: Maintaining Population Persistence in the Face of an Extremely Altered Hydrograph: Implications for Three Sensitive Fishes in a Tributary of the Green River Bracewell, Ryan Russell Colorado Springs, Colorado Master of Science BS: Co lor ado State University, 2002 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Karen E. Mock Thesis: Investigation of Postzygotic Reproductive lsolation and Phenotypic Div erg ence in the Bark Beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Dean, David James De Pere, Wis co nsin Master of Science BS: University of St. Thomas, 2001 Major: Wat ers hed Science Major Professor: Dr. John C. Schmidt Thesis: A River Transfo rmed : Historic Geomorph ic Changes of the Rio Grande in the Big Bend Region Green, Kristi Louise Rexburg, Idaho Master of Scienc e BS: Utah Stat e University, ]995 Major: Geograph y Major Professor: Dr. Claudia A. Radel Gunnell, Kevin L. Dayton, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Chr istopher A. Call Thesis: Seed Bank Dynamics of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities Histori ca lly Seeded with Crested Wheatgrass in the Northeastern Gr ea t Basin, USA

Hehr, Kenneth James Spearfish, South Dakota Master of Natural Resour ces BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Jam es N. Long Hurst, Louis Alan Holladay, Utah Master of Science BS: Westminster College, 2006 Major: Bioregional Plannin g Major Professor: Prof. Richard E. Toth McKnight, Jordan Curtis Missoula, Montana Master of Natural Resources BA: University of Colorado, 2004 Major Professor: Dr. James N. Long O'Brien, Carrie J. Philadelphia, Penns y lvania Master of Science BS: Vassar College, 2000 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Bissonette Thesis: Terrestrial Small Mammal s from the Camba Complex in Gabon: Di str ibution Patterns and Land scape Influences Palmer, Brian Carl Cedar City, Utah Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 1994 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Or. Mi chael R. Conover Thesis: Predation on Domesti c Sheep on Summer Range Land s in Southwestern Utah Van Appledorn, Molly Holland, Mich igan Master of Science BS: University of M.ichigan, Ann Arbor, 2003 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Matthew E. Baker Thesis: Watershed-Scale Analysis of Riparian Buffer Function

Vandergon, Arion Jahn Rochester, Minnesota Master of Science BS: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2005 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Shivik Thesis: Livestock Mortality at Beef Farms with Chronic Wolf (Canis lupus) Depredation in the Western Great Lakes Region (WGLR) Williams, Justin Rodney Cornish, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Roger E. Banner Thesis: Vegetation Characteristics of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities Hi stor ica lly Seeded with Crested Wheatgrass in Northeastern Great Basin, USA Winters, Anne Kathryn Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Master of Science BA: University of New Hampshire, 2002 Major: Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Science and Management Major: Dr. Claudia A. Radel Woldeselassie, Mica] Kidane Asmara, Eritrea Master of Science BS: University of Asmara, 2003 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Helga Van Miegroet Thesis: Soil Organic Carbon and Site Characteristics in Aspen and Evaluation of the Potent ial Effects of Conifer Encroachment on Soil Properties in Northern Utah Wulff, Renee Victor, Idaho Master of Science BS: Arizona State University, 1994 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Eric M. Gese Thesis: Surgical Sterilization of Coyotes to Reduce Predation on Pronghorn Fawns


Collegeof Science Allred, Brittany Lee Wheat Ridge, Colorado Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major : Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Kady Schneiter Atkins, Rebecca J. Twin Falls, ldaho Master of Mathematics BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major Professor: Dr . Brynja Kohler Bakian, Amanda Virginie Ridgewood, New Jersey Master of Science BS: Colby College , 1998 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cutler Barton, Levi L. Bullfrog, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University , 2004 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr . Vicki H. Allan Thesis: Agent-Organized Network Coalition Formation Bell, Jason Lynn West Jordan , Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. John R. Stevens DeRaps, Meagan Renee Tampa, Florida Master of Science BS: Montana State University, 2006 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. John W. Shervais

Hochhalter, Samuel Joseph Bozeman, Montana Master of Science BS: Montana State University, 2005 Major: Eco logy Major Professor: Dr. Michelle A. Baker Thesis: Patch-Scale Effects of an Invasive Ecosystem Engineer on the Structure and Function of a Eutrophic Stream

Lorenz, Teresa Jean Naches, Washington Master of Science BS: Saint Mary's College, 2002 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Kimberly A. Sullivan Thesis: Linking Space Use and Behavior in Clark's Nutcracker: An Explanation for Seasonal Variation in Space Use

Jackson, Melissa Gregory Shelley, Idaho Master of Mathematics BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major Professor: Dr. Kady Schneiter

Maddala, Padmakar Visakhapatnam, India Master of Science BS: Andhra University, 2007 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan

Kakani, Srinidhi Vijayawada, India Master of Science BS: Gud lavalleru Engineering College, 2006 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert F. Erbacher Kawasaki, Yukie Kobe, Japan Master of Science BS: University of Texas at San Antonio, 2006 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Jon Y. Takemoto Thesis: Aminoglycosides and Syringomycin E as Fungicides Against Fusarium graminearum in Head Blight Disease Liang, Yi St. Paul, Minnesota Master of Science BS: Wuhan University, 2003 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Cheng-Wei Tom Chang Thesis: Carbohydrate Derivatives in Antibiotics Research

Monteiro, Steena Dominica Steven Mumbai, India Master of Science BS: University of Mumbai, 2005 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert F. Erbacher Thesis: A Novel Authentication and Validation Mechanism for Analyzing Syslogs Forensica lly Pabon, Miguel A. Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela Master of Science BS: Universidad de los Andes, 2002 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Lance C. Seefeldt Thesis: A Comparative Study of the Structural Features and Kinetic Properties of the Mo Fe and VFe Proteins from Azotobacter vinelandii Singhvi, Sanket Kumar Indore, India Master of Science BS: Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, 2003 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen W. C lyde


Tuddenham, Chelsa Green Wellsville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Kady Schneiter



Valedictorians A valedictorian

has been selected by

each co llege of the University. valedictorian


has selected a faculty




University Citizenship Award

Erika Morris

Presented annually to the graduat-

Tristan Nelson

ing senior fema le and male student

Jessica Oliver

who best portray high traits of char-

Trent Olsen

acter , scholarship,

and citizenship.

Kathryn Pitts Megan Pearce

College of Agriculture

Mitchell Bassett

Vanessa Reichmann

Heidi M. Moss

Melissa Nuntapreda

Gentri Seawright

Honors Program Graduates

William Smith

Honors in University

Cohen Summers

Escort, Nedra K. Christensen Jon M. Huntsman

School of

Kelly Sivy


Lacee L. Wilkey

Christen Allen

Jodie Tvedtnes

Escort, Rosemary R. Fullerton

Katie Brown

Brady Twedt

Sydney Chamberlain

Victoria Van Uitert

Emma Eccles Jones College of

Corey C lawson

Krista Viau


Kelsey Hall

and Human Services


Studies and


Alison Taylor

Katelyn B. Hansen

Ryan Jackman

Certificates of Area Studies

Escort, Judy H. Greene

Tamara Jeppson

Medieval and Early Modern

Nathan Laursen

C. Elise Hintze Rachel Rasmussen

College of Engineering

Tabitha Lazenby

Armand H. Rundquist

Arthur Mahoney

Escort, Gilberto Urroz

Heidi Moss

Museum Studies

Bryce Osborne

Holly Andrew

Am ity Peterson

Sarah R. Lee

Social Sciences

John Pratt

Sarah Lytle

Erin N. Cottle


Kandice Newren

Escort, William L. Furlong

Megan Sieverts

College of Humanities,

Arts and


Certificate of Service Learning College of Natural Resources


Kelly J. Sivy

Brandon Chase Bell


Halie Boardman

Escort, Eugene W. Schupp


Ashlee Blohm


Service Learning Scholar

Randy Bowen

Tabitha Lazenby

College of Science

Jeff Carr

Melissa Nuntapreda

Jake C. Jones

Elise Doney

Mary Sundblom

Escort, Frank J. Messina

Tom Evans Tara Finnerty Kathryn Harris Tanja Jensen Shelley Johnson Anne Kendrick Devery Larsen


United States Air Force Commissions

Benjamin C. Abshire Amanda Callister Devin K. Dalton Aaron C. Echols Christian J. Lundin Sarah M. Merrill Timothy J. Shuck McKay D. Williams United States Army Commissions

Jesse D. Campbell Cuyler P. Clifton William W. Cuff Jake L. Gadd Torry B. Given Kristie L. Hansen Derrek M. Montoya Khemmer M. Porter Shane C. Smith Lacey C. West Joshua M. Willis




The quality of performance in academic work enables the following to be graduates with distinction. Those who have met the residence requirement and have maintained


grade point average of 3.95 to 4.00 are graduated Summa Cum Laude;

those whose average is 3.80 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laude; and those whose average is 3.50 to 3.799, Cum Laude.


Moss, Heidi Michelle

Aston, David T

Allen, Ryan W

Munson, Patrick J

Atkin, Tyrone C

Anderson, Rebecca L

Murdock, McKell

Bailey, Eric D

Bailey, Kellyn M

Nance, Lorene Waddoups

Baird, Kristin Angela

Barnes, Robert Collier

Nelson, Tristan

Blackham, Tera

Newton, Laura Kay


Braithwaite, Elizabeth Walker

Nield, Morgan Leigh

Bassett, Mitchell R

Butkus, Jim D

Nielsen, Katie

Beal, Catherine I

Caplin, Toni

Nisson, Whitni B

Beazer, Jaclyn Ann

Choo, Christina M

Perfili, Treasa Kay

Bell, Cody Michael

Congdon. Kelsie Jo

Porter, Scott Daniel

Bingham, Amanda

Cottle, Erin Nicole

Rollins, Paul S

Bingham, Colby S

Cox, Morgan Andrew

Roundy, Joshua

Black, Adam J

Curtis, Adelle Margaret

Rundquist, Armand H

Black, Erin

Daugulis, Michael

Rus ch, Robyn Anne

Bowen, Randy Christopher



Barger, Heather Anne

DeMille, Douglas K

Sargent, Eric \V


Brown, Kathryn


Brandon Blake

Denning, Diane Slack

Schiller, Ashley Brooke

Diaz Martinez, Manuel Ignacio

Scott, Tatiana Annette

Brown, Katie Nico le Burgio, Monica Ellen

Espinosa, Valerie

Spall, Christine Lenihan

Garbett, Aaron B

Spear, Aria C

Butler, Jedediah

Gertsch, Zachary Guy

Stevens, Britney Ann Taylor



Sydney JoAnne

Crint, Kayla A



Daniel P

Curney, Nikolos M

Troth, Heather Anne


Kathryn E

Hanks, Ecaterina Manolache

Twedt, Brady J


Lacey Dawn

Hansen, Katelyn Brooke

Van Vooren, Amber Lynne

Christ iansen, Joshua Tyler

Harper, Alyssa M

Virgin, Megan Sonntag

Christy, Andrea Marie

Hess, Brian D

Wagner, Katherine Marie

Clark, Eric A Clawson, Corey D


Hill, Aubrey Michelle


Jaynes, Mark E

Watson, Tamra L

Co leman, Er ica Christine

Jensen, Sandra K

Wilkey, Lacee L

Contreras Reyes, Andres Anibal


Wimmer, Brittney A

Cook, C layton K

Zundel, Miche lle

Cope land, Shaun D

Shelley Anne

Jones, Jake Carl

Chad Wilford

Coria, Camila Berton

Koller, Todd A Larsen, Devery R


Crook, Melissa

Lazenby, Tabitha

Agee, Douglas Thomas


Kera Marie

Leishman, Christy Marie

Allen, Brooke Laurie

Crouch, Kevin James

Matheson, Sallykate

Ames-Gay, Kayleigh Marie

Cuff, William W

Maw, Ryan B

Anderson, Brian Kelvin

Datwyler, Kira

McTernan, Julia EJ

Anderson, Derek J

Denning, Carrie Lee Meredith

Meyer, Kelli Lee

Anderson, Dustin Larry

Denning, Tyler A

Mildenhall, Ann Martin

Anderson, Richard M

Dickey, Lance M

Moore, Bonnie Bastian

Andrus, Jessica Leone

Dixon, Ben Charles

Morrison, Brett Taylor

Ashcroft, Eric B

Driscoll, Janet Karen



Jeanne M

Larsen, Dustin Garett



Larsen, Tawnie Hall

Reque, Emily Kay

Erickson, Chemayne Conant

Laursen, Nathan B


Estevez Mejia Ricardo

Lee, Jamie M

Ripplinger, Eric J

Fabricius, Derik J

Lee, Sarah R

Roche, Michael Ammon

Fagen, Kimberly Anne

Lerdahl, McKenzie Rae

Rosen, Stanford C


Loertscher, Ashley Paige

Rowley, Marc A

Jamie Lee

Reeve, Jessie Diane


Fausett, Tiffany M

Loosli, Jeffrey Preston

Rupp, Nicholas Lyle

Folkner, Lauren Patricia

Low, Megan N

Sadler, Christina Renee

Gabbert, Wendy R

Lucky, Jamie B

Sanford, Jessica Leigh

Gale, Doralie

Luke, Julie Ann

Seaw right, Gentri

George, Brooke Laura

Lunt, Whitney M

Shafer, Carol Sue

George, Pamela Lee

Lynch, Lisa M

Sharp, Zachary Brad

Gerber, April G

Lynch, Whitney

Gittins, Taylor K

Mabey, Jennifer

Shino, Jennifer H


Godfrey, Eric R

Malone, Tina Nicole

Gough, Melissa Faun

Maxwell, Morgan Jo y

Grandy, JoEllen



Erik David

Meservy, Brighton

Sivy, Kelly J Slaugh, Michaelle N Smith, Julia Alexi s Smoot, Jeanette

Hall, Tyler James

Mitchell, Marie D

Snow, Jessica Lynne

Hansen, Rustin Ray

Monson, Kaelynn D

Soelberg, Joshua


Morris, Erika L

Sorensen, Sabrina Ranell

Murphy, Scott A

Sorenson, Marilyn Luci lle



Carrie Tenille


Harris, Jeremiah




Harris, Kathryn Ann

Mussier, Elisabeth

Spendlove, John D

Harris , Ladd D

Needham, Steven N

Stone, Sarah M

Harris, Valerie

Nielsen, Cassandra

Haslam, Angela

Nielson, Brianna

Sweeney, Robin Arlene


Nilsson, Kiersten Meri

Tatton, Jill Celeste

Hintze, Bradley Joel

Norr, Lyndsey Jo

Taylor, Alison D

Hitchcock, Hilary

Norris, Jacqueline

Teuscher, Kristali Clark

Holmes, Rachel Ann

Oliver, Jessica Rose

Tew, Adam Teichert

Homer, Brandon J

Olsen, Donnell Jayne

Thinnes, Trevor Ray

Howell, Jordan

Olsen, Jared H

Thompson, Aubry L

Hunting, Tiffany Clark

Olsen, Joslyn R

Thorley, Frank Alec Scott



Olsen, Trenton B

Tolbert, Tania Allyse


Elizabeth A


Toone, Matthew


Tanja Ayn

Ostler, Joshua S

Tracy, Christopher



Paskett, Teresa Jean

Tuft, Bradley W

Brandtley Bruce



Bryce Collin

Stucki, Natalie



Tamara N

Pawlowich, Laura Rose

Van Orman, Elise Marie


Andrew Craig

Peacock, Brook A

Vanfleet, Teresa Ann

Jones, Caroline

Pearce, Megan Elizabeth

Viau, Krista S

Jones, Jay D

Perry, Jessica R


Keate, Cory C

Peterson, Kylee Lillian

Whitaker, Nathan Alan

King, Tyler D

Peterson, Melanie Merrill

Whitesides, Constance McDonald

Pilcher, Loni Jo

Whitesides, Jennifer Jo

LaFazia, Janna


Chelsea Marie

Lake, Jenny Southwick

Poulson, Lil 1

Whittier, Ryan L

Larkin, Bradley Dreiser

Pratt, John A

Wilkinson, Gary K

Larsen, Ammon J

Reed, Curtis Gary

Willden, Kelsey K


Williams, Ash ley D

Bentley, Garrett A

Christensen, Jeffrey A

Williams, Sharli Ruth

Berntson, Brandt Paul

Christensen, Jenna Louise

Wilson, Matthew D

Bevan, Stacy Lyn


Lindsey Marie

Wilson, Richard

Bingham, Paul L


Jacob N

Winget, Landon K

Bingham, Rebecca



Wood, Joshua P

Bingham, Teran Marie

Clark, David Charles


Brandon M

Bitton, Ashley Danielle

Clark, Deborah L

Yeates, Mindy Nuesmeyer

Black, Kimberly

Clark, Debra Charlene

Young, Anna Jean

Bliss, Nata lie Marie

Clawson, Shawn G

Zaugg, Rory Allen

Boardman, Halie

Conner, Shaun Winston

Zilles, Nathan Terry

Bolin, Robert William

Cook, Nathan Allen

Zilles, Stephanie

Boman, Rebecca Thorne

Copeland, Leslie S

Bouton, Justin Lukas

Cowley, Tracy Beth


Bowen, Taylor Mark

Cox, Dave M

Aaberg, Jordan J

Bowles, Amanda K

Cox, Greg J

Abarca, Maricela

Bowles, Robert Bradley

Crompton, Kandice A

Adams, Jacob B

Bradley, Jaycie Marie

Crookston, Kami Richards

Ady, Angeline Winterton

Braithwaite, Nicolas R

Cropper, Janell Rowley

Alder, David L

Brimley, Grady Bart

Crow, Alexandria

Alfred, Jon William

Brinton, Claire

Crowford, Chelsea McKell

Allan, Amanda

Brinton, Clark F


Allen, Christen Marie

Broberg, Jed Thomas

Cutler, Cami lle Diane

Zachary A

Allen, Diana

Broberg, Maryann Kimball

Dahle, Lauren

Allen, Jase

Brown, Michael D

Dahlke, Jenna L

Allen, Jessica R

Brown, Nathen Frank

Daines , Dy lan S

Andersen, Cortney

Brown, Savannah Shea

Daniels, Brian D

Anderson, Amy Marie

Bruns, Amy Mo'u Kehaulani

Davidson, Rachel Kay

Anderson, Hans R

Bull, Cassidy Shea

Davis, Kathryn Louise Defriez, Julie A

Anderson, Lucas Samuel

Burgoyne, David F

Anderson, Melissa Rosanne

Burnett, Amanda Kay

Delka, Joseph David

Anderson, Scott Emil

Burr, Amy L

Denning, William M

Anderson, Shaun G

Burton, C Daniel

Dent, Angela, Dayle Baugh

Andreasen, Lance B

Burton, Jay Alan

Dewey, Lisle Palmer

Arakaki, Angella Yoory

Bytheway, Camille D

Di, Long

Arnout, Dustie M

Call, Jonathan

Diaz, Rachelle


Atwood, Keenan David

Callister, Amanda

Dickson, Darsie Lynn

Badger, Justin Daniel

Campbell, Lyndsie Leigh

Dingman, Dorothy L

Ballard, Lacy Naylor

Carlisle, Kada

Dockstader, Tiffany Beth

Balls, Keara

Carr, Jeffrey S

Downard, Jake Alan

Barker, Aubrey

Case , William B

Draper, Casey

Barker, John B

Chamberlain, Jennifer

Drollette, Eric Scott

Barson, Natalie

Champion, Janelle

DuPree, Heather Michelle

Beal, Eric David

Chandler, Amberly A

Dutson, BreAnna C

Beckstrom, Ryan Robert

C hand ler, Angela Day

Edwards, Braden T

Bell, Brandon Chase

Chatelain, Shaun Mikel

Emmett, Tyler Wayne

Bench, Keegan K

Childs, Elizabeth Brook

England, Ashley Anne

Bennett, Kirsten

Choi, Chang-Jin

Esplin, Jeanette

Benson, Ruth Anne

Christensen, Jacob D

Essig, Carly


Evans, Thoma s Gregory

Hall, A ndr ew Michael

Isakson, JV\elan ie

Eyre, Malorie

Hall, Kelsey Verline


Fabrizio, J enny Lynn

Hall, La un William

Jacox, Brittney N ico le

Farley, Bre nt M

Hamilton, Mckail

Jager, Kiersten

Faulkner, Angela Ro se

Hancey, Jason Scott


Fenton, Michael Ron a ld

Hancock, Wade W

Jensen, Make l! Brianna

Ferg uso n, Sandra D awn

Hanks, Ana lese

Jeon, Hyung-Kyu

Ferre, Kathryn

Hansen, Aubreyann




A Kenny

Allison M

Field, Edward R

Hansen, Bryan D


Bryan David

Fielding, Jeffrey Jene

Hansen, Che lsie Marie


Matthew Eccles

Fin linson, Wesley B

Hansen, Kent D


Matthew Tylo r

Finnerty, Tara Lee

Hanson, Kyle Evans


Shannon Kay

Florence, Matthew R

Harris, Ashley Lani


Tara B

Forrester, Th eresa L

Harris, Joseph

Jones, Emi ly Strong




Ha rri so n, Malarik

Jones, JaNea Seager

Fowkes, Cody Don

H arr ison, Nathan E

Jones, Joshua

Fowles, Eve Day

Hart, Laurie Ann

Judd, Chase Roger

Francis, Kat hryn

Hatch, Anthony Royce

Judy, Jacob M


Kenneth L

Lamon t

Hatch, Melanie

Kartchner, Matthew A

Hebdon, Thomas 0

Kaufman, Kami

Gadd, Jake Larry

Hebert, S tephanie A

Kearl, Bretl Meyer

Garcia, Vannessa Sherree

Hedlin, Chrystal Ann

Keller, Ange la

Gardner, Susan



Kendrick, Anne Nico le

Garrett, Tyler B


Peter Brent

Kennedy, Shauna Anjean


Funk, Ashley M

Ryan Kay


Mark Robert

Kesler, Samantha ,Joan

Gee, Alli Jane


Tarah Sue

Kim, Arthur J

Ge ldm ac her, Frances Elizabeth

Herd, Brittany Ann

King, Anne Morrison

Giles, Brianne RaNae

Hess, David 0

Kipp, Pame la

Giles, Curtis L

Hill , H a ley Beth

Kirk, A,¡ie

Hill , Scott Robert

Kmetzsch, Victoria Gene

Golding, Ashlee Nichole

Hint ze, C E lise

Knighton, Ryan K

Goodrich, Isaac Ra e

Hir schi, Mark W

Knowlton, Natalie K

Goodsell, Brittny Leigh

Hon svick, J eremia h Shane

Kofoed, Jordan

Gordon, Nicole

Horro ck s, Brian Tad

Kuethe, Benjamin A

Grange, Audra Chappell

Hou sel, Darren Jacob

Labrum, Tyler Cra ig

Green, H olly M

Hou se l, K rist in Opal

Lambert, Jacqueline

Green, Kri sta l Ra e

Housle y, Sydnee Lyn

Lamborn, Wyatt G

Gri eder , Jam es A

Howell, Andrea

Lancaster, Ryan S

Godfrey, Janalyn


Ka ili H asti ng s


Griffith, Howard Thom as

How es, Sar a Meredith

Larchar, Jason Arthur

Griffiths, Beau Chad

Hun saker, Cami J

Larsen, Brad Jack

Griffiths, Chase L

Hunsak er, Trent Tom

Lar se n, Daren Rex

Griggs, Katie Lynn

Hunter, Chance R

Latteier, Mark E

Groff , Nathan M

Hunter, Jod y A

Lee, Er ik Ned


Hunt sman , Kami Leslie

Lembke, Jarron

Gustafson, Emily Amanda Ann

Husse y, Ty ler R

Lindstrom, E th an Richard

Gwa cham , Nnamdi lf eka ndu

Hyma s, Kri s

Liriano Melo, Jon athan Jhon

Ha ckler, Rolf A

Innes, Eri c W

Lloyd, Tim Dee

Hadfield, Craig

Inoa Piment el, Lia Mari

Lodder, Nathan Cole

Daniel L



London, Lori Longenecker,

Brandon S

Nichols, Camille

Ricks, Gina Bladen

Nielsen, Hayley

Ricsi, Daniel Elias

Loscher, Mark H

Nielsen, Mark A

Riley, Deborah

Lott, Sadie Rae

Nigh, Ashley Danielle

Riley, Linsey Ann

Lukasavige, Tyson Lee

North, Catherine

Robinson, Robert L

Lyman, Julie Steadman


Robison, Cori Lynn

Madsen, Justin S

Nutting, Sarah Katherine

Rounds , Shelley

Malnar, Marietta

Nye, Jared

Ruben, Eric Paul




Oakes, Arthur Gideon

Sanders, Dustin

Martinez, Angela Marie

Odell, Randi Raquel

Sandoval, Alysa Lee

Maucotel, Steven Al len

Ogier, April


Mayhew, Peter John

Olsen, Camilla C

Saunders, Amber Lorene

Maynes, Nea l Albert

Olsen, Co lby E

Scharman, Robert D

McBride, Allison L

Olsen, Jackson Tanner

Schiffler, BrieAnn

Devin K

McMaster, Triona Siobhan

Olsen, Terre ll K

Schroeder, Me lanie Anne

Mcmillan, Mary E

Olson, Shayla Moore

Scott, Emi ly Nicole


Osborn, Abigail

Seamons, Katrina Renee

Meldrum, Nicholas K

Sadie Rae

Ostler, Annalisa

Sears, Elyse Po1¡ter

Menlove, Ross \Villiam

Ostler, Erik M

Secrist, Matthew G

Merrick, Clinton Everett

Ovard, Jessica

Seeley, Michael J


Owens, Lindsey Kelly

Shegrud, Kristal

Meyer, Dustin Scott

Patterson, Jaci Lynn

Shelton, Jessica Marie

Middleton, Benjamin Joseph

Patterson, Tawna L

Shinney, Kristie

Miller, Millie Dawn

Payne, Krista

Shope, Jessica

Miller, Nicole A

Payne, Ruth Ann

Sieverts, Megan

Misener, Brittney

Perez, Anastasia Morgon

Silver, Jordan



Whitney Garretson


Perkes, Nata lie

Skankey, Sarah Brenneman

Moesser, Travis J

Petersen, Chelsea Kathleen

Skankey, Sean Maxwell

Monsen, Brian Robert

Peterson, Amity

Smith, Aaron J

Moore, Shannon M

Peterson, Cameron J

Smith, Hunt ¡er A

Moosman, Brad Roy

Peterson, Justin A

Smith, Landon W

Mortensen, Joann Humphreys

Peterson, Stephen L

Smith, Ty M


Mickie C

Pflieger, Lance T

Smith, William K


Shanna Marie

Pintor, Gene Joseph

Snedaker, Jeffrey

Moss, Sharlyn

Pitts, Kathryn E

Snow, John T

Muir, Marc R

Pollock, Adam Wayne

Snow, Marti

Murdoch, Stephanie

Porter, Clark Aldin

Song, Antai

Needham, Scott E

Potter, Kody J

Sorenson, Landon D

Nelson, Amanda R

Poulson, Brittany

Springer, Wendy Ellen

Nelson, Brock Anthony

Poulson, Nickolas Cryer

Steed, Robert M

Nelson, Jared W

Prado, Jessica Nichole


Nelson, Matthew Carl

Randall, Jesse K

Stidd, Andrea Ryan

Nelson, Trevor Lee

Rawlins, Rachael Solana

Stoker, Evan R

Neumann, Jamie Reeder

Reather, Nico le E

Stone, Angela

Audrey Neilson

Nevers, Amy Kathleen

Reber, Gregory V

Stosich, Marie Call

Newman, Clinton Joey

Redd, Merica


Newren, Kandice

Reichmann, Vanessa

Suddreth, Simone Jan

Nguyen, Tony Thien

Rhodes, Karlie Ann

Sumner, John M.ichael


Brian W

Syme, Brandon M

Williams, Mckay D

Tally, Chandra Elise

Wilson, Erin Elizabeth

Tatton, Christopher


Tatton, M.ichael James

Wilson, Heather Marie Wilson, Mary-Esther

Taylor, Cade W

Wimmer, Landon D

Tew, Kelsey

Wright, Craig R

Tew, Scott Thomas

Wright, Russell Don

Tew, Sydney

Youngs, Kayla Ruth

Thompson, Whitney

Zhang, M.in

Thurgood, Whitney Tilby, Jennifer


Timmons, Peter Joseph Tobler, Tawra Seegmiller Torres, Tricia A Torrie, Stephanie Jeanne Tsui, Wai Tueller, Jan Turley, Sara Nicole Tyler, Caitlin L Urie, Scott A Vanvalkenburg,

Jordan Cole

Vasquez Romero, Cristian Absalon Vera-Molina, Juan Manuel Voshell, Melanie L Wade , Jamie Lynn Wagstaff, Sarah Wakley, Jessica Walck, David Joseph Walker, Jessica M Walker, Kalli Ann Wall, Derrek A Wallis, Reta Elizabeth Walton, Barbara Rae Ward, ldena June Watson, Stephen G Wayman, Heidi Marlene Webb, Shannon Eugene Welch, Nicole Cyrene Welling, Nicole Lundstrom Weston, Natasha Lee Whitaker, Ruth White, Jeff Whittier, Coy Jack Wickstrom, Julia G Wilcox, Jennifer Wilde, Jana A Wilkes, Brittany Alicia Willardson, Paul Rolan






Names listed in the program do not constitute graduation.

AGRICULTURE Noelle E. Cockett, Dean Agricultural Systems Technology Education Clark, Andrea R, BS Clark, Destry Rich, AAS Davis, Jared G, BS Fagen, Kimberly Anne, BS Galbraith, Emily Denise, BS Hatch, Anthony Royce, BS Jensen II, Vay Speirs, BS Johnson, Matthew Tylor, AAS Kellogg, Jessie Dee, BS King, Chelsea L, BS Klein, Chelsie May, BS Knowlton, Natalie K, BS Malnar, Marietta, BS McPherson, Sadie Rae', BS Miller, Blair S, BS Miller, Jeffrey Wayne, AS Nutting, Sarah Katherine, BS Pond, Jennifer Ashley, BS Reigle, Ryan John, BS Rowley, Marc A, BS Smith, Ty M, BS Thornock, Brady B, BS Watson, Tamra L, BS White, Jacob S, BS Zilles, Staci, BS Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences Alder, Alice Eulalia, BS Bourgeous, Adam B, BS Bowles, Robert Bradley, BS Cheney, Laura Marie, BS Dixon, Ben Charles, BS Ellis, Marc Ryan, BS Emmett, Tyler Wayne, BS Gonzalez Salgado Nayda, Beatriz, BS Grint, Kayla A, BS Hall, Laun William, BS Hansen, Kristie Lynn, BS Harline, James D, BS Harris, Ashley Lani, BS Hislop, Jacqueline Annette, BS Meyer, Dustin Scott, BS Payne, Krista, BS Payne, Taylor M, BS

Peterson, Amity, BS Poulson, Roy K, BS Rhoten, Robert Isaac, BS Rose, Katie, BS Roundy, Leann, BS Stuart, Deborah Christine, BS Vera-Molina, Juan Manuel, BS Economics Broin, Christopher Luverne, BS Christiansen, Jacob N, BS Dockstader, Tiffany Beth, BS Galloway, Bryce Tyler, BS Nelson, Jacob L, BS Rose, Stanley M, BS Interdisciplinary Studies Apgood, Alicia Anne, BS Bell, Amber N, BS Colvin, Marianne S, BS Dimond, Amber Lea, BS Martini, Michael Ray, BS Mcevoy, Caroline Camille, BS Mildenhall, Amy, BS Rasmussen, Ali Nicole, BS Spackman, Tamara, BS Traunt vein, Derek J, BS Van Hooser, Eric Scott, BS Whittier, Cameron, BS Nutrition and Food Sciences Andreasen, Lance B, BS Bailey, Ornela Bashaj, BS Bevan, Stacy Lyn, BS Brown, Katie Nicole, BS Brown, Savannah Shea, BS Campbell, Jesse D, BS Dahle, Lauren, BS Durrant, Maryann, BS Finnerty, Tara Lee, BS Garn, Adell, BS Grieder, James A, BS Harris, Ladd D, BS Kendrick, Anne Nicole, BS Kennedy, Shauna Anjean, BS King, Anne Morrison, BS Lucero, Sarah, BS Montgomery, McKensie S, BS Moss, Heidi Michelle, BS Nisson, Whitni B, BS


Nuntapreda, Melissa, BS Oliver, Jessica Rose, BS Redd, Merica, BS Reichmann, Vanessa, BS Slusser, Maiya Alana, BS Sorenson, Marilyn Lucille, BS Sparrow, Amanda Mae, BS Stosich, Marie Call, BS Syme, Brandon M, BS Thackeray, Kristen Marie, BS Timmins, Ellen Nelson, BS Tongish, Andrea Lynn, BS Tulane, Jenna, BS Vela, Frank, BS Viau, Krista S, BS Young, Holli Dawn Wright, BS Plants, Soils, and Climate Agee, Douglas Thomas, BS Alder, Clarke G, BS Anderson, Richard M, AAS Barton, Becky, BS Bird, Steven Elsey, BS Braithwaite, Elizabeth \Valker, BS Brown, Kathryn, Cert Buttars, Jessica Bankhead, BS Christensen, Lars Christian, BS Draper, Crystal Ann, BS Dunn, Mary A, BS Foulger, Kevin P, BS Hansen, Krista Lyn, BS Hathaway, Laura, BS Jensen, Sandra K, BS Kotter, Lisa M, BS Mildenhall, Ann Martin, BS Mussier, Elisabeth, BS Nielsen, John Christian, BS Peterson, David William, BS Proffitt, Amber Lynn, BS Richards, Anthony D, BS Robbins, David Joseph, BS Schneiter, Jacob E, BS Stephenson, Michael Ros, BS Thornock, Alice Amelia, BS Wagner, Katherine Marie, BS Warwood, Melissa W, BS Wayman, Heidi Marlene, BS Wells, Tiffany Elise, BS Wood, Marci, BS

JON M. HUNTSMAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Douglas D. Anderson, Dean Accounting

Alder, David L, BS Arrington, Alisha Rose, BS Ashcroft, Eric B, BS Bacca, Stacey Rae, BS Beck, Nathan A, BS Bennett, Stacey Anne, BS Benson, Ruth Anne, BS Broadhead, Brandon Blake, BS Burgoyne , David F, BS Call, Jacob A, BS Carver, Ryan G, BS Chrisrensen, Lacey Dawn, BS Christensen, Lindsey Marie, BS Christiansen, Karen, BS Cowley, Joshua R, BS Cox , Morgan Andrew, BA Cutler, Camille Diane, BS Defriez, Julie A, BS Dohm, Sara Elise, BS Fabricius, Derik J, BS Floren ce, Matthew R, BS Giles, Lance lot Henry, BS Grange, Audra Chappell, BA Groff, Nathan M, BS Hall, Kelsey Verline, BS Hansen , Rustin Ray, BS Hicken, Kyle Richard, BS Huntsman, Kami Leslie, BS Huot, Cerissa, BS Jensen, Daniel B, BA Jensen, Jessica Ashley, BS Joyce, Kendra Leanne, BS Kuethe, Benjamin A, BS Lancaster, Ryan S, BS Larsen, Daren Rex, BS Lewis, Daniel Kent, BS Liechty, Matthew Jackson, BS Low, Megan N, BS Lucky , Jamie B, BS McIntyre, Tamara D, BS Miller, Brian J, BS Monsen, Brian Robert, BS Mortensen, Mickie C, BS Munson, Patrick J, BS Needham, Steven N, BS Newswander, Brady K, BS Olsen, Terrell K, BS Passey, Zachary Clarence, BS Perfili, Treasa Kay, BS Perkins , Todd Clark, BS Pollard, Ryan, BS

Poulson, Lil 1, BS Reed, Daniel Joseph, BS Reimer , David A, BS Rickords, Jeffrey Scott , BS Ricks, Michelle, BS Rupp, Nicholas Lyle, BS Schaap , Danielle, BS Scharman, Robert D, BA Seamons, Rach el L, BS Smalley, Jayne N, BS Sumner, John Michael, BS Tew, Scott Thomas , BA Thatcher, Thomas K, BS Toribio, Janette Lynn, BS Twedt, Brady J, BS Watson, Stephen G, BA Wood, Tanica S, BS Wilkey , Lacee L, BS

Niemeyer, Kristy L, BS Nnamani, Success, BS Pay ne, Ruth Ann, BS Peter sen, Deziree Rachael, BS Peterson, Rhett F, BA Porter, Sydne T, BS Prett y man, Shelly D, BS Rose, Stanley M, BS Sedgwick, Timothy Russell, BS Shy, William H, BS Smith, Sean M, BS Spenc er, Kelli Ann, BS Stevens, Daniel Nathan, BS Stirling, Trent D, BA Tally, Chandra Elise, BS Walker, Kalli Ann, BS Walton, Barbara Rae, BS Wang, Chaoping, BS Wright, Russell Don, BS


Ames, Jarrod Craig, BS Bevan, David P, BS Bodily, Robert, BS Bolin, Robert William, BA Boren, Melis sa S, BS Brown, Nathen Frank , BS Burgio, Monica E llen, BS Chen, Huang- I, BS Child, Cathy, BS Eddington, Brent E, BS Enright, Tresa, BS Ferre, Kathryn, BS Green, Kristal Rae, BA Griffith, Niels R, BS Hall, Tyler James , BS Hallsten, Kyle Matthew, BS Haycock, Cody C, BS Hill, Jordan R, BS Homer, Jonathan P, BS Horlacher, Tyson L, BS Jeon, Hyung-Kyu Kenny , BS Johanson, Melissa J, BS Johnson, Jeffery Scott, BS Jones, Cierra Lyn, BS Lambert, Brody Clyde, BS Larsen, Keith Christian, BA Ledesma, Ryan W, BS Leseberg, Kelly S, BA Loosli, Jeffrey Preston, BS Lyman, Julie Steadman, BS Mabey, Jennifer H, BS Mabey, Nicholas T, BS Mower, Leslie A, BS Najera, Jodi Lee, BS Nelson, Brock Anthony, BS Nelson, Jacob L, BS




Allen, Justin T, BS Baez Perez, Jasiel Jose, BS Bell, Justin K, BS Benson, Dustin N, BS Bilbao, Ryan C, BS Brown, Dougla s A, BS Brown, Joshua Thomas, BS Burch, Dustin J, BS Calderwood, Ben ,J, BS Callister, Alyssa Julianna, BS Cardona Castillo, ,Jan el Jose , BA Carlson, Kevin Errall, BA Chang, Hee Su, BS Christensen, Jacob D, BS Christiansen, Joshua Tyler, BA Clark, David Charles, BA Cooper, Adam Britton, BS Croshaw, Benjamin J, BA Du Pree , Heather Michelle, BS Ellis, Tracy L, BS Evans, Connon J, BS Farley, Brent M, BS Frawley, Aaron Travis , BS Gallegos, Travis M, BS Gibbs, Jesse R, BS Giles, Curtis L, BS Hanks, Analese, BS Hatch, Tyler L, BS Hebdon, Thomas O, BS Herd, Brittany Ann, BS Homer, Brandon J, BA Houghton, Stephen E, BS Houmand, Brandon C, BS Howell, Jordan G, BA Inoa Pimentel, Lia Mari, BS

Jensen, Katie Christensen, BS Johnson, Nicholas 0, BS Jones, Mary Lynn, BS Judd, Chase Roger, BS Lake, Jeffrey Michael, BS Littell, Aaron J, BS Madsen, Justin S, BS Miller, Millie Dawn, BS Misener, Brittney, BS Mortensen, Whitney Garretson , BS Nielsen, Hayley, BS Nuntapreda, Andrew, BS Oliver, Cameron L, BS Perkes, Preston David, BA Peterson, Tyrell M, BS Ruggles, Brandon W, BA Russell, John Steven, BS Stucki, Nata lie, BA Taylor, Cade W, BA Thompson, Christopher Paul, BS Thorley, Frank Alec Scott, BS Tims, Brian Scott, BS Vasquez, Rocio, BA Vasquez Y rrizari Ruandia, B, BS Warner, ,Jay Dustin, BS White, Richard Marion, BA Wilson, Heather Marie, BS Business



Cottle, Da,·in Shea, BS Esp lin, Jeanette, AAS Merrell, Emily, BS Miller, Jason D, BS Pintor, Gene Joseph, BS Economics

Allen, Jase, BS Ashcroft, Eric B, BS Bai, Yingcao, BS Ballard, Lacy Naylor, BS Beach, Brad J, BS Benson, Lindsey Gallagher, BS Benson, Ruth Anne, BS Bereciartu, Freddy Marcial, BA Bowen, Cameron, BS Brimley, Grady Bart, BS Byington, Ashley Von, BS Cao, Fangning, BS Cardona Castillo, Janel Jose, BA Christensen, Jacob D, BS Coleman, Melodie Ann, BS Collins, Cody Austin, BS Cottle, Erin Nicole, BA Cox, Karie R, BS Denning, Tyler A, BS Edwards, Braden T, BS

Ford, Diana Patri cia, BS Funk. Ashley M, BS Godfrey, Kevin C, BS Griffith, Howard Thomas, BA Griffiths, Chase L, BS Guy, Carson Tyler, BS Hall, Kelsey Verline, BS Harris, Jeremiah R, BS Hawkins, Megan J, BS Holt, Matthew C, BS Honsvick, Jeremiah Shane , BS Houghton, Stephen E, BS Huntsman, Matthew M, BS Huot, Cerissa, BS Jensen, Jason Delos, BS Johnson, Paul K. BS Kellett, Scott Jackson, BS Kotrba , Justin Isaac, BS Larkin, Bradley Dreiser, BA Larsen, Tawnie Hall, BA Lembke, Nada Nelson, BS Lindstrom, Keith Stuart, BS Liriano Melo, Jonathan Jhon, BA Madsen, Heath S, BA Mann, Jacob S, BA Mann, Rebecca Lee Sheppard, BS Maynes, Neal Albert, BS Mears, Daniel D, BS, Merrill, Braden D, BS Nelson, Trevor Lee, BS Pollard, Ryan, BS Porter , Clark Aldin, BS Randall. Jesse K, BA Reese, Dane J, BA Rupp, Nicholas Lyle, BS Secrist, Matthew G, BS Severe, David L, BS Skankey, Sean Maxwell, BS Smith, Hunter A, BS Snell, Matthew Joseph, BS Song, Antai, BS Stoker, Evan R, BS Tang, Yuen Tung, BS Toone, Matthew B, BS Tsui, Wai, BS Vandenbos, Paul Christopher, BS Vanvalkenburg, Jordan Cole, BA Vasquez, Rocio, BA Wendler, Craig Joseph, BS Wilkey, Lacee L, BS Wilkey, Marlo Blair, BS Wood , Devin D, BS Woodmansee, Brandon M, BA Yerke, Joshua A, BS Zhang, Min, BS



and Human Resources

Alley, William Paul, BS Atwood, Keenan David, BS Barson, Natalie, BS Byington, Ashley Yon, BS Edwards, Braden T, BS Hall, Kelsey Verline, BS Halterman, Emily, BS Hamilton, Mckail, BS Horne, Christine, BS Judy, Jacob M, BS Larkin, Bradley Dreiser, BA Larsen, Shane Edward, BS Lott, Sadie Rae, BS Marshall, David P, BS Morrill. Benjamin J, BS Nell, Randi Paige, BA Nelson, Ashley, BS Nelson, Trevor Lee, BS Noorda, Melissa S, BS Olson, Shayla Moore, BS Pack, Jeremy N, BS Perkes, Nata lie, BA Poulsen, Megan 0, BS Rasmussen, Teri T, BS Ravsten, John Chase, BS Riddle, Chelsea Nichole, BS Roche, Michael Ammon, BS Rollins, Paul S, BS Secrist, Tate D, BS Shipley, Christopher Bryce, BS Showell, Andrew Dan, BS Taylor, Chase Henderson, BS Tew, Kelsey, BS Traveller, Bryce Wayne, BS Weese, Matthew R, BS Wilkey, Marlo Blair, BS Wood, Ronald Lee, BS Zilles, Nathan Terry, BS Management



Allen, Diana, BS Balls, Keara, BS Bereciartu, Freddy Marcial. BA Brinton, Christian Summersett, BS Brown, Michael D, BA Christensen, Mark E, BS Eastmond, Michael Kent, BS Estevez Rodriguez, Masil Oelkairis, BS Field, Edward R, BS Hansen, April, BS Hill, Haley Beth, BS Labrum, Tyler Craig, BS Larson, Bethanie L, BS Pratt, Marcus A, BA

Rich, Dallas Conley, BA Spall, Christine Lenihan, BS Stirling, Russell Alan, BA Waite, Doug G, BS Whyte, Jeff, BA Zayas Moreno, Claudia Maria, BS

PROVOST'S OFFICE Raymond T. Coward, Provost

General Studies

Alderete, Albeano Oscar Roque, AS Alonso, Alyssa J, AS Anderson, Alyssa, AS Anderson, Brian Ray, AS Anderson, Jennifer Van Dyke, AS Anderson, Karen, AS Anderson, Kay Lyn, AS Arrington, Klinton Shane, AS Bertagnolli, Cydney, AS Bills, Jessica Charlotte, AS Bird, Ashley Ann, AS Boam, Marsha J, AS Bott, Bryce J, AS Bott, Michelle Rae, AS Bowden, Kassidi Kay, AS Brammer, Katie Lyn, AS Brandley, Alisha A, AS Brent, Britney Elyse, AS Burgoyne, Yadira, AS Chadwick, Diana, AS Chipman, Mary E, AS Christensen, Chelsea Nicole, AS Christensen, Jeffrey A, AS Clark, Emily Ann, AS Corbridge, Jocilyn, AS Cranney, Alicia, AS Debenham, Shannon K, AS Egley, Shelynn, AS Elliott, Sarah, E.M, AS Fielding, Jeffrey Jene, AS Gagon, Tyler Glen, AS Green, Ryan Cliff, AS Grimm, Jennifer, AS Hackford, Leon Lynn, AS Hamilton, Sydney, AS Hanna, Benjamin Star, AS Hanson, Annie Elizabeth, AS Harding, Tyson Alan, AS Harling, Jacob Warren, AS Harman, Scott Albert, AS Hart, Ashley Elizabeth, AS Heckethorn Heidi, AS Hemingway , Jamon Peter, AS Hendry, Lisa Christine, AS

Hirschi, Jana Lee, AS Hollingsworth, Merry Jean, AS Hong, Lauren K, AS Horie, Adam M, AS Horman, Maria H, AS Hunter, Chauntel, AS Isbell, Rebecca L, AS Jacobsen, Richmond Dane , AS Jasper, Jennifer, AS Jennings, Shannon Rose, AS Jensen, Chelsy Lynn, AS Jensen, Melani Ann, AS Johnson, Devin Clyde, AS Jolley, Jolene R, AS Jones, M'Recia Joy, AS Kearl, Caitlyn Ann, AS Kelley, Kendall L, AS Kunz, Amanda Dawn, AS Kunz, Kara, AS Lamb, Tayva JoLynne, AS Larsen, Rebekah A, AS Lawrence , Bryton Oran, AS Lentini, James Joseph, AS Longhair, Lelilah A, AS Lovelady, Echo Marcellin, AS Marizza, Joni Ann, AS Marshall, Jordan Nicole, AS Mason, Paula, AS Maucotel, Steven Allen, AS Mccleery, Felicia Dawn, AS McGee, Catherin e Marie, AS Mckee, Melody, AS Merritt, Kathy L, AS Miles, Carson Wayne, AS Mitchell, Adam C, AS Myer, Alan Gregory , AS Nielsen, Aaron Scott, AS Olsen, Lindsay, AS Olsen, Megan K, AS Ozburn, Melissa Whitney, AS Passey, Megan, AS Peterson, Bonnie Patricia, AS Peterson, Shelley L, AS Phelts, Casey Rachelle, AS Pollock, Kate Cutler, AS Post, Tiann A, AS Poulton, Megan Jelene, AS Price, Amanda K, AS Price, Elizabeth, AS Rawlinson, Jan H, AS Reese, Stephen W, AS Roe, Michael William, AS Rose, Amanda L, AS Ross, Trista Ryan, AS Roundy, Jeanette Lorraine, AS Runsvold, Jennifer Rae, AS


Sanders, Andrea Marie, AS Secrest , Misty D, AS Selva, Krystal E, AS Shorthill, James Gregory, AS Shumway, Laura Lyn, AS Simpson, Jashley Elise, AS Smallwood , Justin Luke, AS Smith, Crystal H, AS Sorensen, Rebekah K, AS Spencer, Alyssa C, AS Stephens, Emily, AS Stratton, Lauren, AS Terry, Charlene Marie, AS Thayne, Kjersten, AS Thompson, Shannon Leigh, AS Thompson, Sherri Michele, AS Vanisi, Suzanne, AS Vernon, Kateri Noieaulani, AS Waite, Cassandra Kaye, AS Wennergren, Thomas B, AS White, Kylie Jo, AS White, Riley Wade, AS Whitehead, Lynette Smith, AS Whiting, Whitney Ellis, AS Wilcox, Heidi Lyn, AS Williams, Camellia Rose, AS Wilson, Nicole Dawn, AS Woodbury, Misty Jean, AS Wyatt, Ashlee, AS Yuha s, Melissa A, AS Interdisciplinary


Bawden, Brooke L, BS Cropper , Jan ell Rowley, BS Finlinson, Wesley B, BS Hamilton, Rachel Jeneil, BS Haynie, Steven Woodman, BS Howcroft, Jorie! M, BS Karpowich, Marc Matthew, BS Liu, Siliang, BS Morrison, Brett Taylor, BS Ng, Yuen Chong, BS Stickney, Juleigh, BS



Allan, Amanda, Allred, Tiffanie Amussen, Lisa, Barger, Heather

BS A, BS BS Anne, BS

and Deaf

Bartell, Nicole Marie, BS Blohm, Ashlee D, BS Browning, Brandi Jackson, BS Bull, Cassidy Shea, BS Chen, Jennifer Shiao-chen, BS Childs, Elizabeth Brook, BS Choo, Christina M, BS Clark, Debra Charlene, BS Clawson, Jonathon C, BS Clawson, Shawn C, BS Copeland, Leslie S, BS Crump, Kimberly Hunsaker, BS Datwyler, Kira, BS Gertsch, Zachary Guy, BS Gillman, Bree Anne, BA Gunnell, Vance K, BS Gustafson, Emily Amanda Ann, BS Jensen, Tanja Ayn, BS Jones, Emi ly Strong, BS Joseph, Shannon, BS Keller , Angela, BS Larsen, Deve1y R, BS Lynch, Lisa M, BS Maxwell, Morgan Joy, BA McOmie, Mark Morris, BS McTernan, Julia EJ, BS Mitchell, Marie D, BS Mortensen, Shanna Marie, BS Nelson, Amanda R, BA Niebergall, Krista Lynn, BS Nielsen, Cassandra L, BA Orquiz, Paula M, BS Ostler, Annalisa, BS Perez, Anastasia Morgon, BS Pitts, Kathryn E, BS Reber, Gregory V, BS Robertson, Savannah, BS Robinson, Robert L, BS Smoot, Jeanette, BS Stevens, Britney Ann Taylor, BS Stone, Angela, BS Sweeney, Robin Arlene, BS Troth, Heather Anne, BS Viernes, Yasmin R, BS Wilson, Erin Elizabeth, BS Family, Consumer, Development

and Human

Aaberg, Jordan J , BS Adams, Jami Lyn, BS Arch ibald, Holly Anne, BS Biehl, Matthew Allen, BS Christensen, Danielle Kathleen, BS Co leman, Erica Christine, BS Cook, Tracy M, BS Davidson, Rachel Kay, BS

Dent, Angela Dayle Baugh, BS Dunn, Megan G, BS Egan, Lindsey Brooke, BS England, Ashley Anne, BS Eyre, Malorie, BS Gudmundson, Daniel L, BA Haggerty, Patrick Sean, BS Hales, Stuart J, BS Harrison, Malarik, BS Housel, Kristin Opal, BS Hunsaker, Cami J, BS Hunter, Jody A, BS Isakson, Melanie, BS King, Brandon R, BS Lamper, Justin J, BS Lundell, Nicole S, BS Masco, Jani S, BS Nevers, Amy Kathleen, BS Nielson, Brianna, BS Pares, Anadeliz, BS Patterson, Tawna L, BS Pea cock, Brook A, BS Richards, Nicoleen, BS Robison, Cori Lynn, BS Serafine, Kelli Christine, BS Sorensen, Sabrina Ranell, BA Thatcher, Kathryn, BA Thompson, Andrew Joshua, BA Tobler, Tawra Seegmiller, BS Torres, Tricia A, BS Health, Physical Recreation



Anderson, Shaun C, BS Bake, Kara Renae, BS Barton, Allison Hailey, BS Bateman, Ashley Lynn, BS Beal, Eric David, BS Brinton, Clark F, BS Bytheway, Camille D, BS Campbell, Chelsie P, BS Clark, Candice Bee, BS Cook, David W, BS Corbridge, Joshua D, BS Crookston, Kami Richards, BS Daugulis, Michael, BS Davis, Alex Thomas, BS Denning, William M, BS Dicus, Deven Kennedy, BS Drollette, Eric Scott, BS Edwards, Charlie G, BS Ellis, Jonathan Robert , BS Farnes, Daniel A, BS Felley, Nicole Marie, BS Ferguson, Sandra Dawn, BS Garling, Adam Christopher, BS


Garrett, Tyler B, BS Garritson, Ryan Kay, BS Gooch, Kari Taylor, BS Goodrich, Isaac Rae, BS Cough, Melissa Faun, BS Gunnell, Candace L, BS Cwacham, Nnamdi lfekandu, BS Hadfield, Craig, BS Hansen, Andra Noel, BS Hatch, Jalayne, BS Hawkes, Gregory Kim, BS Hernandez, Jeanine R, BS Hess, Brian D, BS Hill, Scott Robert, BS Hunter, Chance R, BS Hunting, Tiffany Clark, BS Irons, Chelsea Lynn, BS Jenkins, Melissa A, BS Jenks, Ryan Lee, BS John, Katharine Mary, BS Johnson, Jordan T, BS Johnson, Thomas Edward, BS King, Bryce N, BS Kohler, Matthew P, BS Koller, Todd A, BS Laing, Bryan Daines, BS Mathis, Jaclyne, BS Maughan, William Thomas, BS Mcneil, Kristin, BS Meyer, Kelli Lee, BS Moss, Sharlyn, BS Myers, Cody, BS Nelson, Jaron S, BS Neves, Alyson Jean, BS Nilsson, Kiersten Meri, BS Norr, Lyndsey Jo, BS Norton, Shaun M, BS Nye, Jared, BS Olsen, Colby E, BS Omann, Katherine Marie, BS Osborn, Abigail, BS Peart, Dana Kathryn, BS Perry, Jaim e Lynn, BS Powell, Kevin Wade, BS Rahimzadegan , Kavon Sadeg, BS Satterthwaite, Devin K, BS Seeley, Michael J, BS Shaw, Sarah M, BS Shipley, Lindsey K, BS Smith, Sara R, BS Snedaker, Jeffrey, BS Sorenson, Landon D, BS Thinnes, Trevor Ray, BS Thompson, Ashlee, BS Unsworth, Rebecca D, BS Van Orman, Elise Marie, BS

Van Wagoner, Dalen J, BS Wilde, Jana A, BS Wilding, Mandi, BS Winget, Landon K, BS Wright, Craig R, BS Zabriskie, Weston S, BS Zilles, Aaron Rodney, BS

Interdisciplinary Studies Anderson, Heather Nicole, BS Cook, Amy E, BS Godfrey, Camille Marie, BS Johnson, Elizabeth, BS Kobayashi, Toru, BS Laughter, Rebekah Sue, BS Lynch, Tyler Wallace, BS Matthews, Megan, BS Nelson, Otis J, BS Rogers, Joshua C, BS Schroeder, Melanie Anne, BS Strang, John Michael, BS Wilkinson, Jessica P, BS Psychology Abel, Catherine, BS Adison, Kurt F, BS Ady, Angeline Winterton, BS Allen, Jeffery William, BS Aullman, Gregory L, BS Bisel, Alyssa M, BS Blohm, Ashlee D, BS Boman, Rebecca Thorne, BS Burnham, Janna Marie, BS Chang, Dongchu, BS Dahlberg, Jerica, BS Drollette, Eric Scott, BS Eborn, Claire Louise, BS Etsitty, Luanita Marie, BS Fausett, Tiffany M, BS Fraser, Katherine Lynn, BS Garbett, Aaron B, BS Hales, Carrie Anne, BS Hebert, Stephanie A, BS Hess, David 0, BS Jensen, Daniel, BS Kim, Arthur J, BS Kirkland, Amanda, BS Lemmon, Heidi Lee, BS Lundgreen, Jonathan Clayton, BS Mantell, Sean Eugene, BS McFarland, Jamila lslami, BS Nelson, Tristan Q BS Nield, Morgan Leigh, BS Norris, Jacqueline, BS Ogier, April, BS Olsen, Jamie Dian, BS

Petersen, Chelsea Kathleen, BS Pinkham, Jordan, BS Quesenberry, Amy Nicole, BS Reynolds, Heidi, BS Riley, Benjamin David, BS Smith, Aaron J, BS Smith, Logan M, BS Steed, Robert M, BA Stidd, Andrea Ryan, BS Thurgood, 'Whitney, BS Vanuitert, Victoria J, BS Walkenhorst, Chad Wilford, BS Walkenhorst, Natonis Martha, BS Weston, Chris C, BS Wheeler, Stephanie Lynne, BS Whetten, David C, BS Williams, Joseph Henry, BS Woods, Krystal L, BS

Special Education and Rehabilitation Carter, Cherie Peterborg, BS Dahlke, Jenna L, BS Daniel, Tamara Lea, BS Denning, Carrie Lee Meredith, BS Dingman, Dorothy L, BS Driscoll, Janet Karen, BS Fabrizio, Jenny Lynn, BS Gabbert, Wendy R, BS Godfrey, Janalyn Balls, BS Greenwood, Stephanie Bradford, BS Hammond, Jeremy Ray, BS Hanks, Ecaterina Manolache, BS Hart , Laurie Ann, BS Jenson, Kjerstin, BS Jones, JaNe a Seager, BS Kaufman, Kami, BS Kipp, Pamela, BS Lerdahl, McKenzie Rae, BS Malone, Tina Nicole, BS Menlove, Ross William, BS Middleton, Benjamin Joseph, BS Mortensen, Joann Humphreys, BS Murdoch, Shalyn, BS Neumann, Jamie Reeder, BS Nicholls, Chelsi R, BS Nigh, Ashley Danielle, BS Odell, Randi Raquel, BS Patterson, Jaci Lynn, BS Reque, Emily Kay, BS Richardson, Crista, BS Seamons, Katrina Renee, BS Sears, Elyse Porter, BS Skankey, Sarah Brenneman, BS Slaugh, Michaelle N, BS Stone, Sarah M, BS


Voshell, Melanie L, BS Wade, Jamie Lynn, BS Westenskow, Kimberly Ann, BS Westergard, Morgan, BS Williams, Ashley D, BS

Teacher Education and Leadership Allen, Brooke Laurie, BS Ames-Gay, Kayleigh Marie, BS Andersen, Cortney, BS Anderson, Katrina Fluckiger, BS Anderson, Rhett, BS Andrus, Jessica Leone, BS Bingham, Rebecca, BS Bitton, Ashley Danielle, BS Black, Kimberly, BS Bliss, Natalie Marie, BS Bowles, Amanda K, BS Bradley, Jaycie Marie, BA Brinton, Claire, BS Broberg, Jed Thomas, BS Broberg, Maryann Kimball, BS Chamberlain, Jennifer, BS Champion, Janelle, BS Chandler, Angela Day, BS Christy, Andrea Marie, BS Cox, Greg J, BS Critchlow, Natalie N, BS Day, Peggy A, BS Dewey, Lisle Palmer, BS Diaz, Rachelle, BS Dickson, Darsie Lynn, BS Edmunds, Paula, BS Erickson, Chemayne Conant, BS Espinosa, Valerie, BS Essig, Carly, BS Francis, Kathryn, BS Fretwell, Stephanie, BS Gee, Alli Jane, BS George, Brooke Laura, BS Guymon, Cari D, BS Hansen, Katelyn Brooke, BS Haslam, Angela, BS Heinsohn, Brian Lee, BS H end ricks, Tarah Sue, BS Hitchcock, Hilary, BS Housl ey, Sydnee Lyn, BS Howell, Andrea, BA Howe s, Sara Meredith, BA James, Ashley D, BS Jones, Caroline, BS Jones, Jessica Hill, BS LaFazia, Janna M, BS Lang, Chelsey Ruth, BS Leishman, Christy Marie, BS Loosle, Katherine, BS

Marchant, Lori, BS Matheson, Sallykate, BS McDaniel, Regan Kirk, BS McDonald, Candace, BS Messersmith, Tara, BS Moore, Brooke, BS Moosman, Brad Roy, BS Mu,-dock, McKell, BS Nichols, Camille, BS Nielsen, Katie, BA Olsen, Donnell Jayne, BS Paskett, Teresa Jean, BS Pawlowich, Laura Rose, BS Perry. Jessica R, BS Peterson, Melanie Merrill, BA Poulson, Nickolas Cryer, BS Richards, David R, BS Riley, Linsey Ann, BS Rusch, Robyn Anne, BS Sadler, Christina Renee, BS Seawright, Gentri. BS Shino, Jennifer Ann, BS Shope, Jessica, BS Smith, Jakoye, BS Smith, Julia Alexis, BS Snow, Jessica Lynne, BS Snow, Marti, BS Spjut, Megan Elizabeth, BS Springer, Wendy Ellen, BS Stutznegger, Heidi, BA Swensen, Tonya Rae, BS Tatton, Jill Celeste, BS Teuscher, Kri sta li Clark, BS Thompson, Aubry L, BS Tolbert, Tania Allyse, BS Van Vooren, Amber Lynne, BS Welch, Nico le Cyrene, BS Werner, Lindsey, BS Whitaker, Ruth, BS Whitesides, Constance McDonald, BS Whitesides, Jennif er Jo, BS Willden, Kelsey K, BS Williams, Sharli Ruth, BS Winder, Candalyn Kay, BS Young, Anna Jean, BS Zilles, Stephanie, BS

ENGINEERING H. Scott Hinton, Dean Engineering and Technology Education Abshire, Benjamin Christopher, BS Anderson, Dustin Larry, BS

Argyle, Zachary Joel. BS Bell, Adam J, BS Bouton, Justin Lukas, BS Brunetti, Michael Alan, BS Case, William B, BS Chan, Edward Phillip, BS Christensen, Jeffrey A, BS Daines, Dylan S, BS Dansereau, Aaron S, BS Dutson, Daniel B, BS Ekstrom, Zachary R, BS Evans, Jared Scott, BS Gleisberg, Jonathan M, BS Graham, Nathan D, BS Hendricks, Mark Robert, BS Henke, Todd C, BS Irvin e, Jeffrey Mark, BS Jensen, Tony T, BS Kartchner, Matthew A, BS Larsen, Brad Jack. BS Latteier, Mark E., BS Loosle, Zak Z, BS Lukasavige, Tyson Lee, BS Murdoch, Jonathan Wayne, BS Newman, Clinton Joey, BS Nguyen, Tony Thien, BS Peterson, Cameron J, BS Ritchey, Kenn eth R, BS Sanders, Dustin, BS Sargent, Eric W, BS Schiess, Eric John, BS Waters, Scott Forrest, BS Wood, Joshua P, BS Biological and Irrigation Engineering Barker, John B, BS Bradshaw, Rachel, BS Chatelain, Shaun Mikel, BS Kmetzsch, Victoria Gene, BS Millett, Joshua A, BS Purser, Forrest Gordon, BS Tuft, Bradley W, BS Young, Ashton M, BS Civil and Environmental Engineering Atkin, Tyrone C, BS Bowen, Taylor Mark, BS Castillo, Hilda America, BS Coria, Camila Berton, BS Cox, Dave M, BS Daniels, Brian D, BS Diaz Martinez, Manuel Ignacio, BS Forsgren, Jeffrey O, BS Griffiths, Shawn Curtis, BS


Ha ck ing , Harry M, BS Harris, Joseph 8, BS Hoffmann, Jessica Renee, BS Housley, Brett J, BS Huot, Michael J, BS Johnson, Troy, BS Jones, Christa Lynn, BS Jones, Joshua Reid, BS Jones, Nicholas Rod, BS Julander , Ja cob L, BS Kearl. Brett Meyer, BS Kim, Stephan Seok, BS King, Rex C, BS Koller, Daniel Ryan, BS Larchar, Jason Arthur, BS Larsen, Gregory W, BS Leonard, Megan M, BS Lindheimer, Tomas E, BS Maw, Ryan B, BS Murphy, Scott A, BS Newbold, Nicholas J, BS Olorunsola, Olalekan, BS Olsen, J ared H, BS Orita, Naho, BS Petty, David Aaron, BS Porter, Scott Daniel. BS Pott er, Kody J, BS Romer, David A, BS Roundy , Joshua K, BS Sharp, Zachary Brad, BS Smith, Jacob D, BS Torgersen, Dallas K, BS Tracy, Erin Pathakis, BS Vasquez Rom ero, Cristian Absalon, BS Veater, Dabney Ruth, BS Walton, Carla Elizabeth, BS Ware, Trevor Raymond, BS Webb, Landon V, BS Whittier, Ryan L, BS Wilkes, Brittany Alicia, BS Willardson, Paul Rolan, BS Wiscombe, C linton John, BS Electrical and Computer Engineering Barnes, Robert Co llier, BS Bartholomew, Kevin, BS Brady, Jeffrey J, BS Braithwaite, Ryan Karl, BS Burr, Steven Reed, BS Contreras Reyes, Andres Anibal, BS Crapo, Christopher M, BS Crookston, Ashli Watkins, BS Di , Long, BS Estevez Mejia, Ricardo, BS

Frederickson, Kenneth L, BS Griffiths, Beau Chad, BS Hall, Andrew Michael, BS Henderson, Peter Brent, BS Hernandez Sanchez, Amin Abel, BS Ito, Everett S, BS Jackson, Quinn A, BS Lee, Erik Ned, BS Needham, Scott E, BS Nikolic, Slobodan, BS Porter, Khemmer, BS Pratt, John A, BS Rawlin, Adam Henry, BS Ricsi, Daniel Elias, BS Rogers, Brett Bartlett, BS Rogers, Christopher R, BS Rond, Billy Carl, BS Rounds, Shelley, BS Ruben, Eric Paul, BS Rundquist, Armand H, BS Searle, Rachel Jean, BS Snow, John T, BS Williams, Mckay D, BS Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Anderson, Jeffery Scott, BS Anderson, Lucas Samuel, BS Anderson, Phillip C, BS Anderson, Tyler J, BS Andrew, Dallen L, BS Arrington, Joshua K, BS Avery, Aaron, BS Butler, Jedediah Hansen, BS Butler, Reece Sansom, BS Choi, Chang-Jin, BS Christensen, Daniel P, BS Christensen, Justin H, BS Clark, Eric A, BS Copeland, Shaun D, BS Cragun, Chet, BS Dalton, Devin K, BS Fawcett, Reed Evan, BS Fish, William J, BS Fujiwara, Yutaka, BS Gittins, Taylor K, BS Given, Torrey B, BS Golson, Cordell Bond, BS Grange, Trevor Ray, BS Hancey, Allen R, BS Hancey, Jason Scott, BS Henriksson, Derek A, BS Hill, Stuart, BS Jeppson, Kyle David, BS Johnson, Andrew Craig, BS Johnson, Sean R, BS

Lindsay, Stephen Darwin, BS Lodder, Nathan Cole, BS Loertscher, Marc Averett, BS Lyon, Paul E, BS Mateo Villanueva, Pedro Abdiel, BS McKee, Nicholus Clark, BS Merrill, Sarah Monique, BS Mitchell, Brian R, BS Moesser, Travis J, BS Mortensen, Kristen Verlyn, BS Moss, Brian W, BS Nash, Bryce W, BS Nelson, Steven B, BS Neve, Trevor S, BS Ostler, Erik M, BS Pett, Andrew Evans, BS Richards, Scott William, BS Richardson, Peter W, BS Rodriguez Perez, Omar Alejandro, BS Rosen, Stanford C, BS Roth, Gable Dell, BS Rush, Isaac Jefferson, BS Sessions, Spencer David, BS Shields, Scott Aaron, BS Shuck, Timothy J, BS Soelberg, Joshua David, BS Sorensen, Renie L, BS Stromsdorfer, Juan Jorge, BS Struthers, Marc William, BS Teuscher, Justin S, BS Trolson, David K, BS Vashro, Michael J, BS Westercamp, Daniel Lee, BS Wheeler, Nathan E, BS White, Jeff , BS Williams, Heather L, BS Wilson, Matthew D, BS Wilson, Richard, BS

HUMANITIES, ARTS, & SOCIAL SCIENCES YolandaFloresNiemann, Dean Art Arakaki, Angella Yoory, BFA Bailey, Kellyn M, BF A Bell, Cody Michael, BF A Berntson, Brandt Paul, BFA Black, Adam J, BF A Brown, Cory J, BFA Bruns, Amy Mo'u Kehaulani, BFA Bybee, Tyson D, BFA Cantwell, Eric J, BFA Crookston-Baker, Kera Marie, BS


Crump, Danny Dickson, BFA Faulkner, Angela Rose, BFA Harper, Alyssa M, BFA Jensen, Makell Brianna, BS Lindsay, Heidi Leeanne, BFA Lloyd, Tim Dee, BF A Luke, Julie Ann, BFA Miller, Nico le A, BFA Murdoch, Stephanie, BFA Nelson, Matthew Carl, BFA Onyon, Riley Sean, BFA Petersen, Brenten Neils, BFA Pilcher, Loni Jo, BFA Prado, Jessica Nichole, BFA Quesenberry, Amber Lee, BFA Rasmussen, Rachael Marie, BA Reather, Nicole E, BFA Sanchez, Rebecca Rose, BS Saunders, Christopher G, BFA Schroeder, Joel David, BFA Thomas, Adam Jensen, BFA Thompson, Holly Marie, BS Turner, Layne Russell, BFA Wall, Derrek A, BFA Zundel, Michelle, BFA Asian ·studies

Aston, David T, BA Cuff, William W, BA Fujimoto, Kasumi, BA Lamborn, Wyatt G, BA Lundin, Chris, BA English

Blackham, Tera, BS Bullough, Ashley Ann, BA Burnett, Amanda Kay, BS Burr, Amy L, BS Carr, Jeffrey S, BA Chambers, Kevin Lee, BS Clawson, Corey D, BA Cluff, Randall H, BS Cowley, Tracy Beth, BS Crow, Alexandria, BS Demonja, Nathan, BS George, Alisha Marie, BS Goodsell, Brittny Leigh, BS Green, Emily LaRae, BS Hart, Brittany Michelle, BS Holmes, Jonathan S, BS Howell, Aurielle, BS Hunsaker, Trent Tom, BA Hymas, Kris, BS Jager, Kiersten, BS Jarrett, Jennifer A, BS Jewell, Michael Douglas, BA

Johnson, Bryan W, BS Johnson, Tara B, BS Jones, Bria, BA Lake, Jenny Southwick, BS Lambert, Jacqueline Jean, BS McLaws, Alisa Jeanne, BS Moor·e, Bonnie Bastian, BS Nance, Lorene Waddoups , BA Olsen, Trenton B, BA Peck, Aaron Benjamin, BS Peterson, Mandy Eva, BS Ricks, Gina Bladen, BS Root, David R, BS Rowlett, Mary Louise, BS Shafer , Carol Sue, BS Shaffer, Sara Marie, BS Shegrud, Kristal, BS Sieverts, Megan, BA Smith, William K, BA Stringham, Brittany L, BS Suddreth, Simone Jan, BS Thompson, Chase M, BS Thompson, Whitney, BS Tilby, Jennifer Lynne, BS Timmons, Peter Joseph, BS Ure, Blake Farr, BS Vada, Steven M, BS Whitaker, Marguerite Fae Benson, BA Zaugg, Rory Allen, BA

Johnson, Amy L, BS Johnson, Shelley Anne, BA Jones, Joshua Lamont, BA Kelly, Sean Derek, BS Lee, Sarah R, BA Lunt, Whitney M, BA Lytle, Sarah Elizabeth, BA Madlock, Jamie L, BA Martinez, Michael B, BA Mathews, Theo M, BS Morrell, Tanner W, BA Nelson, Jaron S, BS Nelson, Jeremy Todd, BS Newren, Kandice, BA Newton, Laura Kay, BA Norris, Jacqueline, BS Ostler, Joshua S, BA Palmer, Greg Merrill, BA Paystrup, Jeffrey Hall, BS Phillips, Ariana Natasha, BA Reed, Curtis Gary, BA Sanford, Je ssica Leigh, BS Spendlove, John D, BA Stevens, Marcus A, BS Stratford, Brian W, BA Tatton, Michael James, BA Thurston, Travis N, BA Turley, Sara Nicole, BA Tyler, Caitlin L, BS Weiss, William Patrick. BS

Interior Design Anderson, Derek J, BID Baird, Kristin Angela, BID Bradshaw, Lindsey, BS Calder, Lisa Marie, BID Christensen, Kathryn E, BID Davis, Lindsey Nicole, BS Dewey, Jesi, Michelle, BID, BS Fotheringham, Katie, BID Hatch , Melanie, Bl D Jensen, Angela Jeanne, BID Kim, Min Su, BS London, Lori , BS Lusty, Nikki Rachele, BID Lynch, Whitney, BID Meservy, Brighton , BID Pearce, Megan Elizabeth, BID, BS Phippen , Caitlin M, BID Prosser, Kristen Ann, BS Reeve, Jessie Diane , BS Riley, Deborah, Bl D Ritta, Elizabeth Naomi, BS Rowley, Nicole Sue, BS Savage, Amber, BS Seo, Chang Suk, BA Torrie, Stephanie Jeanne, BlD Virgin, Megan Sonntag, BID Walkenhorst, Chelsea Marie, BID Wells, Chance Daniel, BID Yeates, Mindy Nuesmeyer, BID , BS

History Adams, Brett R, BA Alfred, Jon William, BS Anderson, Brian Kelvin, BA Bailey, Eric D, BA Bankhead, Lisa L, BS Beazer, Jaclyn Ann, BA Beckstrom, Ryan Robert , BA Burton, Jay Alan, BA Campbell, Lyndsie Leigh, BA Cowley, Melissa E, BS Cowley , Tracy Beth , BS Crookston, Kami Richards, BS Downard, Jake Alan, BA Dupree, Frank Ryan, BA Echols, Aaron Clay, BS Ellis, Jonathan Robert, BS Evans, Thomas Gregory, BA Fowkes, Cody Don, BA Goff, Colin A, BA Griggs, Katie Lynn, BS Hansen, Kent D, BA Henderson , Michael, BS Howard, Erin Kimberly, BS Jensen, Eric Lars, BS

Interdisciplinary Studies Anderson, Melissa Rosanne, BS Anderson, Scott Emil, BA Archibald, Bonnie Irene, BS Barben, Claire Merinda, BS Beal, Catherine l, BS Callister, Amanda, BS Clifton, Cuyler Patrick, BA Clifton, Erin Marie, BS Corey, Kevin M, BS Hansen, Erika, BS Heaton, Lauryn Kim, BS Holst, Kristen Anne, BS Lake, Renee Ann, BS Larsen, Terri L, BS Lindstrom, Megan, BA Nelsen, Sara, BS Pierce, Garland L, BS Platt, Micah D, BA Schane, Jason T, BS Smith, Shane C, BS Taylor , Antonio Lamar, BS Thomson, Angela M, BS Woolley, Eric Martin, BA

Journalism and Communication Abarca, Maricela, BA Ang, Yoke Han, BS Badger, Justin Daniel, BA Bassett, Stephanie Kay, BS Butler, Michelle L, BS Buttars , Nate J, BS Crane, Bethany R, BS Crompton, Kandice A, BS Crouch, Kevin James, BS Davis, Abby, BA Degen , Crystal, BA Denning, Diane Slack, BS Dixon, Tonya, BS Gallegos Esquivo Fernando, BA Goodsell, Brittny Leigh, BS Hansen, Aubreyann, BS Hansen, Chelsie Marie, BS Hebert, Stephanie A, BS Heiner, Breea Lee, BS Hess , Elizabeth Michael, BS Jacox, Brittney Nicole , BS Jensen, Rachel, BS Johnson, Matthew Eccles, BA Johnson, Shannon Kay, BS


Kirk, Arie, BS Laursen, Nathan B, BS Lazenby, Tabitha, BA Lowry, Alyssa K, BS Mackay, Clayton Grant Jr, BS Matekovic, Katie J, BS Merrick, Clinton Everett, BA Metts, Emily Amber, BS Ne eley, ,Jacob S, BS Oakes, Arthur Gideon, BS Olsen, Jackson Tanner , BS Olsen, Joslyn R, BS Pollock, Adam Wayne, BA Rogers, Jason Kenneth, BA Rule, Steven C, BA Sanders, Jason Jacob, BS Schiller, Ashley Brooke, BA Sutherland, Robert Manley, BS Vest, Vanessa Monica, BS Wakley, Jessica, BS Walker, Jessica M, BS Wardle, Jamie L, BS Watts, Brian M, BS West, Cassia L, BS Whittier, Coy Jack, BA Williams, Katie April, BS Wright, Jeffrey W, BS Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Alley, Michael B, BLA Bell, Brandon Chase, BLA Bockholt, Seth J, BLA Corry, Austin Gary, BLA Erickson, Brett Camron, BLA Farnsworth, Jamie Lee, BLA Gedge, James Davidson, BLA George, Pamela Lee, BLA Glazier, Devan S, BLA Godfrey, Eric R, BLA Gomm, Katie Marie, BLA Grandy, JoEllen A, BLA Hancock, Michael R, BLA Hirschi, Mark W, BLA Kofoed, Jordan Kaili Hastings, BLA Levenger, Benjamin Stanley, BLA Loscher, Mark H, BLA McClellan, Michael John, BLA Meldrum, Nicholas K, BLA Pedersen, Elizabeth A, BLA Tatton, Christopher James, BLA Urie, Scott A, BLA Vane, Zachary S, BLA Webb, Shannon Eugene, BLA Wester, Luke, BLA White, Danny Carlton, BLA

Wilcox, Jennifer, BLA Wilson, Benjamin Morris, BLA Languages, Philosophy, and Speech Communications Abarca, Maricela, BA Allen, Christen Marie, BA Andrew, Wesley J, BA Arnout, Dustie M, BA Baker, David Douglas Jr , BS Berntson, Brandt Paul, BA Brimley, Grady Bart, BS Carlisle, Kada, BS Deloach, Josh D, BA Dunyon, Joshua Reuben, BA Durrant, Jeanne M, BA Eriksson, Jenny, BS Gossling, Valerie Celeste, BS Griggs, Katie Lynn, BS Gurney, Nikolos M, BA Hales, Whitney, BA Horrocks, Brian Tad, BA Housel, Darren Jacob, BA Jewkes, Mollie M, BS King, Tyler D, BA Littell, Elizabeth Anne, BS Lower, Chad A, BS Mecham, Timothy M, BA Naylor, Terry Jason , BA Olsen, Camilla C, BA Olsen, Samuel F, BS Perkins, Derrick Bradley, BS Phippen, Joseph Freeman, BA Pollock, Ben W, BA Poulson, Brittany, BS Pratt, Marcus A, BA Stosich, Ryan C, BA Syme, Brandon M, BA Tervort, Rylee Duke, BS Walker, Danielle Dennetle, BS Wing, Heath Alexander, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences Anderson, Brian J, BA Bailey, Ornela Bashaj, BA Ballard, Rachel, BA Bingham, Teran Marie, BA Bullough, Corey Brent, BA Caplin, Toni, BA Dyer, Emma Rose, BA Facer, Gerald Leon, BA Farnsworth, Jason Taylor, BA Gadd, Jake Larry, BA Hancock, Wade W, BA Hintze, C Elise, BA Hunsaker, Ginger Hatch, BA


Hussey Tyler R, BA Innes, Eric W, BA Jackman, Ryan, BA Kane, Carol, BA Lopez, Joel, BA Miller, Tiffany Jo Hunsaker, BA Miller, Trevor J , BA Moulton, Bruce N, BA Noorda, Brooke Camille, BA Porter, Michael Edgar, BA Scott, Mindy Marie, BA Shaw, Christa, BA Silver, Jordan C, BA T1·itsch, Sarah Jennifer, BA Tyler, Brad A.T., BA Wagstaff, Sarah, BA Music Barker, Aubrey, BM Bennett, Kirsten, BS Bryson, Jacob Samuel, BM Butku , Jim D, BS Chandler, Amberly A, BM Cox, Sara J, BS Croft, Catherine, BS Folkner, Lauren Patricia, BM Giles, Brianne RaNae, BS Green, I lolly M, BS Gregersen , Carrie Tenille, BS Henderson, Brandtley Bruce , BM, BS Holmes, Rachel Ann, BM Isaacs, Geri Elizabeth, BM Jensen, Elizabeth A, BS Kesler, Samantha Joan, BS Monson, Kaelynn D, BS Owens, Lindsey Kelly, BM Peterson, Kylee Lillian, BM Rhodes, Karlie Ann, BM Saunders, Amber Lorene, BS Scott, Tatiana Annette, BS Smith, Landon W, BM Stephenson, Audrey Neilson, BM Welling, Nicole Lundstrom, BM Political Science Aardema, Melissa H, BA Ashment, Scott Jared, BA Bateman, Kalli, BA Bingham, Stacey N, BA Christensen, Jenna Louise, BS Clover, Christopher James, BS Cottle, Erin Nicole, BA Davidson, Jenniter A, BS Davydov, Igor, BA Dew, Daniel J, BS

Evans, Thomas Gregory, BA Hatmaker, Jordana, BS Heaton, Amy Sue, BS Hillier, Heather Leigh, BA Jewell. Michael Douglas, BA Johnson, Allison M, BS Johnson, Paul K, BS Johnson, Shannon Kay, BS Keate, Cory C, BA Kim, Hoe Min, BA Laursen, Nathan B, BS Lazenby, Tabitha, BA Lee, DeLon Corbridge, BS Lillywhite, Andrew S, BA Lundin, Chris, BA Morris, Erika L, BS Naylor, Terry Jason, BA Nell, Howard LaMar, BS Olsen, Camilla C, BA Randall, Jesse K, BA Reaveley, Shawn G, BS Recd, Curtis Gary, BA Richards, Joseph G, BA Romo, Ari Yeshil, BA Sc hiller, Ashley Brooke, BA Stirling, Trent D, BA S tr atford, Brian W, BA Taylor, Brian Ken, BS Vanfleet, Teresa Ann, BA Ward, ld ena June, BA West, Cristian J, BA Whitaker, Nathan Alan, BA Williamson, Jennifer Terrin, BA Wilson, Ashlee C, BS Wimmer, Landon D, BA Youngs, Kayla Ruth, BS Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology Anderson, Amy Marie, BS Anderson, Mark Brian, BS Andrew, Holly Lee, BA Ang, Yoke Han, BS Aullman, Gregory L, BS Barfuss, DeAnn, BS Beard, Lynette Michelle, BS Bickel, Drew A, BS Bingham, Alise Ballard , BS Black, Er in, BS Boardman, Halie, BS Bull, Cassidy Shea, BA Buxton, Kara Ann, BS Caffee, Anna, BS Calder, Jesse R, BS Campbell, Kassidee A, BS Christensen, Analee, BS

Clark, Deborah L, BS Congdon, Kelsie Jo, BS Conner, Shaun Winston, BA Crowford, Chelsea Mc Kell, BA Dutson, BreAnna C, BS Eggebrecht, Darci K., BA Fenton, Michae l Ronald, BS Forrester, Theresa L, BS Francis, Stephen E, BS Fredell, Ross Parker, BS Gale, Doralie, BS Garcia, Vannessa Sherree, BS Geldmacher, Frances Elizabeth, BS Gerber, April G, BS Gilbert, Jessica Lind, BS Gordon, Nicole, BS Griffiths, Christina L, BS Harris, Kathryn Ann, BS Hedlin, Chrystal Ann, BS Hernandez, Jeanine R, BS Hill, Aubrey, Miche lle, BS Holman, Shayle Ruth, BS Holmgren, Mindi Joanne, BS Hyde, Holly, BS Jensen, Alex M, BS Kelley, Carl Eugene, BS Knighton, Ryan K, BA Larsen, Rebecca Elizabeth, BS Larson, Amanda J, BS Linder, Alise Suzanne, BS Martinez, Ange la Marie, BS McBride, Allison L, BS McMaster, Triona Siobhan, BS Moleni, Celia Liahona, BA North, Catherine, BS Ovard, Jessica, BS Parkinson, Matthew B, BS Phillips, Ariana Natasha, BA Rawlins, Rachael Solana, BS Robinson, Lindsey, BS Rogers, Kristi, BS Rogers, Marissa Danielle, BS Rudd, Lainey Mae, BS Schiffler, BrieAnn, BS Scott, Emi ly Nicole, BS Seamons, Michael S, BS Senft, Rachael Anne, BS Smith, Marissa, BS Song, Chantear, BS Spear, Aria C, BS Thames, Katherine Taylor, BS Thomson, Jennae Michele, BS Vance, Jennifer L, BS Wallis, Reta Elizabeth, BS West, Lacey Chann ing, BS Weston, Natasha Lee, BS


Wilkinson, Gary K, BS Williams, Katie Apri l, BS Wimmer, Brittney A, BS Theatre Arts Earl. Katherine, BFA Garvis, Benjamin Horatio, BFA Mayhew, Peter John, BFA Pearson, Brandon Sean, BFA Rolfe, Amber Nanci, BFA Taylor, Isaac R, BFA Thames, Katherine Taylor, BFA Wilson, Mary-Esther A, BFA Wright, Jennifer, BFA

NATURAL RESOURCES Nat Frazer, Dean Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources Abbott, Benjamin Walter, BS Environment and Society Ca llister, Daniel J, BA Kulick, Erik Michael, BA Tsuneki, Namihiko, BS Waite, Spencer Floyd, BS Wilson, Mckay P, BS Interdisciplinary Studies Davis, Kathryn Louise, BS Watershed Sciences Braithwaite, Nicolas R, BS Chesnut, Randon J, BS Jensen, Kirt Larry, BS Wildland Resources Allen, Jessica R, BS Archibald, Matthew David, BS Cook, Nathan Allen, BS DeCaro, Justin James, BS Hebdon, Jeremy Lynn, BS Lamb, Anamarie R, BS Lewis, Leah Ros elyn, BS Lewis, Matthew Brian, BS Loertscher, Ash ley Paige , BS Mitchell, Dustin L, BS Montoya, Derrek M, BS Moore, Shannon M, BS Morgado, Camille, BS Morgado, Jason Ear l, BS Morgan, Chase C, BS Peterson, Stephen L, BS Sampson, Sarah C, BS

Sivy, Kelly J, BS Sumsion, S Jade, BS Szilagyi, Elizabeth Irene, BS Torres, Brian , BS Wallace, Corrie Jo, BS Watt , Bryan C, BS Wirick, Clint R, BS


Mary S. Hubbard, Dean Biology Arnoldson, Daniel Levi, BS Balls, Jason W, BS Bench, Keegan K, BS Bentley, Garrett A, BS Bingham, Paul L, BS Bowen, Randy Christopher, BS Burgon, Andrew Harris, BS Chalmers, Jacob W, BS Chism, Kelli, BS Christensen, Michael John, BS Cook, Clayton K, BS Davis, David R, BS Draper, Casey, BS Gardner, Susan, BS Golding, Ashlee Nichole, BS H epwo rth , Dane Alan, BS Hess, Ryan K, BS John, Conan A, BS Johnson, Brittany L, BS Johnson, Bryan David, BS Jones, Jake Carl, BS Keller, Melissa Kae, BS Larsen, Ammon J , BS Larsen, Dustin Garett, BS Larson, Amanda Ann, BS Longenecker, Brandon S, BS Mcmillan, Mary E, BS Nelson, Jared W, BS Osborne, Bryce Collin, BS Patterson, Kelly E, BS Peterson, Amity, BS Peterson, Christopher L, BA Peterson, Justin A, BA Pflieger, Lance T, BS Ripplinger, Eric J, BS Sanders, Kristin, BS Stidd, Donald Holman , BS Tavoian, Tahsha, BS Taylor, Alison D, BS Taylor, Katie R , BS Tesch, Aaron F, BS Tew, Sydney, BS Tracy, Christopher L, BS

Weight, Aaron, BS Yates, Carly Ann, BS Chemistry and Biochemistry Allen, Ryan W, BS Bassett, Mitch ell R, BS Bingham, Amanda, BS Bingham, Colby S, BS Bowen , Rand y Christopher, BS Bunderson, Brett R, BS Delka, Joseph David, BS DeMille, Douglas K, BS Dickey, Lance M, BS Harris, Valerie, BS Hintze, Bradley Joel, BS Long, Derrek Reuel, BS Potter, Richard J, BS Severinsen, Robert D, BS Sibernsen, Erik David, BS Smith, B Brigham, BS Thompson, Sharon, BS Computer Science Adams, Jacob B, BS Allan, Gregory J, BS Cunningham, Zachary A, BS Durrant, Jeann e M, BS Hansen , Bryan D, BS Mabey, Michael Kent, BS Naegle, Kathleen Cla ire, BS Neff, Jeremy J, BS Geology Anderson, Hans R, BS Crockett, Stephanie R, BS Hall, Jaclyn Kay , BS Jeppson , Tamara N, BS Miner, Adrian James, BS Walker, Quinn Mckinley, BS Wallace, Penny J, BS Mathematics and Statistics Adams, Jacob B, BS Anderson, Rebecca L, BA Burton, C Daniel, BS Call, Jonathan J, BS Chamberlin, Sydney JoAnne, BS Contreras Rey es, Andres Anibal, BS Crapo, Christopher M, BS Crook, Melissa, BS Curtis, Adelle Margaret, BS Diaz Martinez, Manuel Ignatio, BS Fackrell, Ammie J, BS Hardman, Nathaniel, BS Harrison, Nathan E, BS Jones, Jay D, BS


Larsen, Alan C, BS Larson, Kevin Brent, BS Lloyd, Cheryl, BS Muir, Marc R, BS Nielsen, Mark A, BS Rincon, Roger G, BS Sandoval, Alysa Lee, BS Shelton, Jessica Marie, BS Shinney, Kristie, BS Tueller, Jan, BS Walck, David Joseph, BA Wickstrom, Julia G, BS Physics Barker-Tvedtnes, Jodie, BS Burton, C Daniel, BS Chamberlin, Sydney JoAnne, BS Fowles, Eve Day, BS Jeppson, Tamara N, BS Lembke, Jarron Q, BS Lindstrom, Ethan Richard, BS Taylor, Gabriel C, BS Tew, Adam Teichert, BS






The following graduating seniors have joined with other alumni in support of Utah State University. The individuals listed under their names are those these students wish to thank for their help and encouragement. * Denoted Legacy Gift

Amy M. Anderson Joseph Anderson Clark Anderson Lyle and Julie Anderson my supportive extended family

Steven Elsey Bird

Edda Lazara Cox

Tera Blackham Erick Blackham

Ashli W. Crookston Caleb Crookston

Robert William Bolin

Janell R. Cropper Steve & Colleen Rowley

Heather N. Anderson Mark & Kathie Anderson

Robert B. Bowles Robert & Sarah Bowles

John Richard Anderson

Jeffrey J. Brady Jan Sojka

Katrina R. Anderson Mark Brian Anderson Mark & Kathie Anderson Phillip C. Anderson Jessica Anderson Gregory & Cari Anderson Lance B. Andreasen Dr . Marie Walsh Keenan David Atwood Brittani Atwood Eric D. Bailey Dee Von & Marilyn Bailey Lacy N. Ballard Blake & My Amazing Family Burdette Barker Catherine I. Beal Leon Beal Lynette Michelle Beard Tony & Vickie Beard Nathan A. Beck Mom &Dad Svjetlana Beck Matthew Allen Biehl Frederick & Karen Biehl

Ryan Karl Braithwaite Ryan & Kylie Braithwaite Amber Bunderson Kent & Nan Bunderson Calvin Daniel Burton Calvin Daniel Burton Jessica B. Buttars David & Peggy Bankhead Kada Carlisle John Seiter

Benjamin J. Croshaw Roylan & Dorothy Croshaw Student Involvement and Leadership Center Student Alumni Association Kevin James Crouch Robert & Georgia Crouch A-Team Can1ille D. Cutler Cody B. Cutler Richard & Diane Moon Bradley & Nanette Cutler Brad Gregory Dalton Anne Dalton Rachel Kay Davidson Davidson kids Thanks for your sacrifice & love

Jeffrey S. Carr Sarah & Family William B. Case

Abby Davis Don & Debbie Davis

Laura Marie Cheney Tami Spackman

David R. Davis Dave & Paula Davis

Analee Christensen Ray & Rinda Christensen

Crystal Degen Rondo & Cindy Poole

Jenna Louise Christensen

Richard Forrest Denno Cindy Denno

Erica C. Coleman Donna & Cyril Reed Funk Jr . Melodie A. Coleman Rick & Becky Jeppesen

Ben Charles Dixon The Dixon Family The Christensen Family Tonya Dixon Scott & Julie Dixon

Clayton K. Cook Ryan C. Bilbao Steve C. Bilbao


Casey Draper

Chelsie Marie Hansen Paul & Cindy Hansen

Emma Rose Dyer Aaron Clay Echols Alisha Echo ls Russ & Nancy Echols Allon Echols

Christen Marie Harris Thanks to all the faculty at USU!

Janea Seager Jones Adam, Savanna, Jace, Bennett, and Whitley Jones

Dane Alan Hepworth A wonderful supportive family

Marc M. Karpowich Machele Karpowich Shannon Karpowich Brian Karpowich

Brent E. Eddington Keith & Diana Eddington

Sharon Hicken Mark & Shauna Thompson

Aaron B. Keller Brent & Darlene Keller

Marc Ryan Ellis George Caine & Linda Fontenot

Heather Leigh Hi !lier Leigh & Marj H iilier

Anna Nicole Kendrick Corey & Marianne Kendrick

Angela Rose Faulkner Mira & Dan Curtis

Bradley J. Hintze Dr. Sean Johnson Dr. Joan Hevel Cathy Myers-Roche

Stephan Seok Kim Utah State University

Sandra Dawn Ferguson Danny & Ann Ferguson Shelley & James Thomas Theresa L. Forrester David Forrester Maurine A. Hobbs Robert & Maurine R. Hobbs Jeffrey 0. Forsgren Mom Krystal My Three Girls Cody Don Fowkes Earl & Darlene Fowkes Adell Garn Pamela Lee George Benjamin George

Mindi J. Holmgren Susan Mannon Jeremy F. Hunsaker For my wife, Apryl Kris Hymas Scott & Co lette Hymas Ryan Jackman Melanie Jackman Dr. David Laney Undergraduate Research Program Eric Lars Jensen Mark & Jodie Jensen Seti Beast & Chubba

Lancelot Henry Giles Nolan and Jennie Giles Jim and Joyce Plastow

Jason Delos Jensen Elizabeth Jensen Gary & Lynne Jensen Hal & Jayne La Fleur

Stacy Lorie Godwin Mary Lou Reynolds

Katie Christensen Jensen Austin Jensen

Howard Thomas Griffith Thanks to the Parents!

Kjerstin Jenson

Patr ick Sean Haggerty Laun William Hall Jeff & Lucy Frost Rob & Meralee Turley Catherine Hal l

Matthew Eccles Johnson Dawn & Randy Johnson Lindsey & Drew Wallace Jake C. Jones Dr. Frank Messina


Pamela Kipp John A. Langford Verla Hasler Lanfords & Kipps Daniel Ryan Koller Tyler C. Labrum Craig & Michelle Labrum Anamarie Lamb Wayne & Kathryn Lamb Michael D. Lambert Darnell & Angie Lambert Cory L. Larson Norman & Elaine Larson Alisa Jeanne McLaws Kevin & Jeanne Leak Jarron Q. Lembke Heidi Leeanne Lindsay All my professors Ethan Richard Lindstrom To our parents Keith Stuart Lindstrom Larry & Deanne Lindstrom Nathan Cole Lodder Alan & Maurine Ladder Maurice & Barbara Tueller Ron & Clarice Ladder

Megan M. Lundskog Angela M. Martinez Kile, Cody, Autumn, Keenan, & Anna Nuehring Kathleen Burd Professors in Social Work Pedro Mateo Dr. Christine Hailey

Jackson T. Olsen Herm & Norma Olsen Josie R. Olsen Henn & Norma Olsen

Brett Bartlett Rogers Gayle M. O'Scanlon Work Force Se1-vices

Emily Merrell Arva Lue Merrell

Jessica Nichole Palmer Lucinda Curtis & Natalie Celeste Women's Independent Scholarship Program Fund

Brian R. Mitchell Nick, Luke and Justin

Jon Micheal Parrish Childhood Cartoons

Taleah F. Moosman

Jaci L. Patterson Layne & Fay Croxford

Brian W. Moss Shelley Joan Moss Leslie L. Mower Evelyn Mower Marc R. Muir Emily Muir

Omar Rodriguez Dr. Leila Ladani Dr. Heng Ban Dr. Christine Hailey

Rebecca Elizabeth Larsen Derrick Bradley Perkins Loni Jo Pilcher Barry & Rhonda Pilcher

Jeanette L Roundy Mom & Paul Nicole Sue Rowley Clyde W. Rowley Eric P. Ruben Paul & Marianne Ruben Armand H. Rundquist Patricia White Nicholas Lyle Rupp My Family Jason J. Sanders Steve & Shari Sanders Jacob E. Schneiter Sue M. Schneiter

Benjamin W. Pollock Zachary Crismon Myers Tom Myers Lorene W. Nance Howard L. Nell James & Kassie Nell Susan Nell Kaleb J. Nelson Kandice Newren Andy & Linda Newren John C. Nielsen Heather, Alyssa, David, Daniel, Mom, Dad, Hess, Donna

Gentri Seawright Mike & Richelle Seawright

Brittany Poulson Christopher J. Powell John Powell Teri T. Rasmussen JoAnn & Lyle Tuddenham Adam Henry Rawlin Carl & Marsha Rawlin Judie Rawlin Heidi Reynolds Marvin & Julie Reynolds Edward Preston Rich

Robert D. Severinsen Sara M. Shaffer Thanks to Draden & Trevor My Family Friends past & present Scott A. Shields McKay & Kelly Shields Kristie Shinney Christopher B. Shipley Kurt & Merri Shipley

Katie P. Rhodes Mark A. Nielsen Lorraine Nielsen Lyndsey J. Norr Kris Norr & Geneal Newman Shaun M. Norton Melissa, Jaxon & Camron

Anthony D. Richards Dave & Robyn Richards

Lindsey K. Shipley Bill & Linda Freeze Amy Crosbie

Daniel Elias Ricsi Samuel & Marcelina Ricsi

Erik David Sibbernsen Mom, Dad, & Hannah

Morgan Rindlisbacher Alan & Tammy Rindlisbacher

Kelly J. Sivy


Sean Maxwell Skankey Richard and Susan Skankey Michaelle N. Slaugh Ammon Slaugh Jayne N. Smalley Scott & Wendy Smalley

Christina L. Vaughan Kim & Brian Griffiths Family Steve Vaughan Dabney Ruth Veater Lonny & Gayla Veater Kalli Ann Walker Kristie Warburton

Aaron J. Smith Sara R Smith Dave & Pam Smith Gene & Camille Haskin Brent Dupree Nick Sorensen Matt & Krista Sorensen

Barbara Rae Walton Rio Tinto Jim Schulte Frank Schuman IdenaJ. Ward Pamela S . Crowther Nathan Neal Ward

Tamara Spackman Roger Spackman Family Aria C. Spear Rh ett Spear

Tamra Lynn Watson Donald & Nanette Watson

Jenna Tulane-Stephens Brandon Stephens

Aaron Weight Kurt Vonnegut Jr. God Bless you, Mr. Vonnegut So it goes

Russell Alan Stirling Patricia Serling & Elizabeth Stirling

Tiffany Elise Wells The Wells Family

Angela Stone Daniel Stone Sarah Stone Terri Crossley

Marguerite Whitaker

Sarah M. Stone Angela & Dan Stone

Gary K. Wilkinson Athletics and Kri s Wilkinson Brothers & Sisters

Marc William Struthers Vladimir Zavyalov J. Michael Sumner Alta Sumner Cade W. Taylor Ash ley & Rayleslie Taylor

Coy Jack Whittier Mom , Dad & Tyler

Jessica Ann Marie Wilkinson Athletics and God Friends & Family Katie Williams John & Linda Gaz Elizabeth Wilson

Chase Henderson Taylor Nolan & Rhonda Taylor

Heath Alexander Wing Kelly & Cheryl Wing

Chase M. Thompson Terrence & Dorothy Thompson






Nolan E. Karras, Roy Jed H. Pitcher, Chair, Salt Lake City Robert S. Marguardt, Salt Lake City Bonnie Jean Beesley, Salt Lake City, Vice Chair Basim Motiwala, Salt Lake City Jerry C. Atkin, St. George Anthony W. Morgan, Salt Lake City Rosanita Cespedes, Salt Lake City Carol Murphy, Midway France A. Davis, Salt Lake City Marlon 0. Snow, Orem Katharine B. Garff, Bountiful Teresa L. Theurer, Logan Greg W. Haws , Hooper John H. Zenger, Midway Meghan Holbrook, Salt Lake City David J . Jordan , Bountiful William A. Sederberg, Commissioner of Higher Education





Richard L. Shipley , Chair, Farmington Ronald W. Jibson, North Salt Lake City Suzanne Pierce-Moore, Vice Chair , Park City David Johnson I II, Riverton Tyler L. Tolson, Providence David P. Cook, Farmington Robert L. Foley, Vernal Paul 0. Parkinson, Logan Douglas S. Foxley, Salt Lake City Scott R. Watterson, Logan Sydney M. Peterson, Secretary to the USU Board of Trustees



Sydney Peterson, Chief of Staff, Chair Jan Appuhn, Dire ctor, Old Main Society Byron Burnham, Dean, School of Graduate Studies Ryan Christen sen, Multimedia Specialist, Media Production, Information Technology Cecile Gilmer, Associate Executive Dire ctor for Events & Travel, Alumni Relations Lynnette Harris, Editor, Agricultural Experiment Station Laura Holley, Staff Assistant, School of Graduate Studies Michelle Larson, Assistant Provost, Provost 's Office Louise Mills, Assistant to the Provost, Provost's Office John Mortensen, Registrar Michael Parent, President, Faculty Senate Marci Smith, Staff Assistant, Registrar's Office Risa Smith, Manager, USU Bookstore Roland Squire, Associate Registrar Tim Vitale, Assistant Director, Public Relations and Marketing




Lisa Allen, College of Agriculture Terri Gass, College of Education and Human Services Ruth Harrison, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Jana Lee Johnson, College of Science Carolyn Krebs, College of Engineering Rebe cca Riedler, Regional Campuses and Distance Education Scott Robinette, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Maureen Wagner, College of Natural Resources



Score produced by Mark Anders Emile 2006


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