DISCOVER USPC - The Official Magazine of The United States Pony Clubs - Issue #165 (Summer 2022)

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RIDER DEVELOPMENT FROM D TO A GROOMING TIPS FOR SHOWS AND RALLIES THE STABLE MANAGER'S JOB SUMMER 2022 | NO. 165 All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or a licensor unless otherwise noted. © 2022 Zoetis Services LLC. All rights reserved. GEQ-00844 Because they do so much for us, we only do what’s right for them. We’re always by your side in providing your horse with the right care. Long Live the Horse.

Member Publication ISSN 2767-1860 (Print) ISSN 2767-1887 (Online) Summer 2022 Issue No. 165 © 2022 The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in

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2 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022 CONTENTS 12 24 In Every Issue Letter from the Executive Director 4 Letter from the President 6 Letters to the Editor 8 Just for Fun 10 Member Spotlight 12 Good Grooming Goals 24 Just for Fun Answers 27 Nutritional Notes .....................................28 Department Updates................................30 28 DISCOVER USPC | 3 Cover DevelopingStory:a Rider from D to A Features Developing a Rider from D to A ............. 14 Stable Manager: A Vital Team Member..... 20 20 On the Cover: Hannah Fatehdin of the Texas Outlaws Pony Club (Red River Region) riding PS Darragh Bob at the 2021 USPC Festival (Photo by GRC Photo LLC)


There are many reasons to join Pony Club, but usually it’s a love of horses, friends, and having fun, all of which are great combinations! I encourage every Pony Club member and volunteer to continue to ensure the conservation and accessibility of lands and open spaces, for the love of our horses, our friends, and having fun. Get involved as much as you can and become an advocate and voice for land conservation!



Greetings from the United States Pony Clubs headquarters!

As a Pony Club member, you know to always be courteous and respectful of the landowner that is allowing you to ride on their property and to send a card or a thank you note for letting you ride there. You understand that it is everyone’s job to be responsible and know how not to harm the land we ride on and how to support its ecosystem. As a Pony Club member, you understand the impact a helping hand can have and the value of volunteering. You might contribute your time at the facility you use, building jumps, clearing trails, or painting a fence. Or you might volunteer in your community, helping to improve a wildlife habitat, clean and stabilize stream banks, plant trees and flowers, and more.

Yes, I’m fortunate to work for Pony Club, and to do so in an office surrounded by lots of open land, nature, and horses. At Pony Club, preserving land for agriculture, equine activities, wildlife, and future generations is an important responsibility of every member. In fact, it’s a part of the expectations in the United States Pony Clubs Standards of Proficiency, just as important as the riding, horse care, and life skills that one learns in the Pony Club program.

As I write to you today, I’m blessed to be enjoying a beautiful sunny day at the Kentucky Horse Park (KHP). There’s a light breeze tickling the leaves of a tree just outside my office window. I watch as a mama robin, who has made her family nest above my window, works hard to gather lunch for her hatchlings. As she knew exactly where the worm was underground, I was lost in awe for a moment until the neighing of a horse drew my attention elsewhere. Oliver, a 16.1-hand Paint/Shire-cross is coming up the driveway to the Pony Club office. Oliver is a member of the mounted police force here at the KHP. But why is Oliver and his KHP Mounted Police officer visiting us today? Because it is a beautiful day to enjoy open spaces, nature, and a leisurely ride, and, to drop off a new employee parking pass to us!

4 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022

Take a look, take a ride, take one home! SIGN UP TO RECEIVE THE 2022 HORSE SALE CATALOG Scan QR code to sign up for print catalog, then shop in person October 12—15 at the Thoroughbred Makeover.

From a parent cooking for a Pony Club camp to all of the various leadership roles, USPC abounds with volunteers. In fact, without them, I am not sure if USPC would exist. They have been and will always be an integral part of Pony Club.

You may not be aware that there is another group of volunteers, the USPC Board of Governors, who meet three times every year. One of those times is in the month of May for the spring meeting held at the USPC office in Lexington, Ky. This group of volunteers comes from all over the country, and while this spring was no different than others, it felt different to me.

What a talented group of people reviewing and planning the future of USPC. Whether they were, or are, members themselves, or had children that experienced Pony Club, they are there because they believe in the organization and what it teaches. What a great weekend filled with education, information, plans, reports, and thoughtful and respectful discussion!

6 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022

Most of the board members attended in person this year, and as I called the meeting to order, I realized my perception of this group of volunteers had changed. As I looked around the room, I saw the individual experience and expertise that each member brings to the group. There are Pony Club alumni, business professionals, equine instructors, finance professionals, marketing professionals, management consultants, medical personnel, nurses, retired military, real estate professionals, strategic planners, teachers, veterinarians, and much more.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank every member of the Board of Governors for their commitment to USPC and its members. We need to say thank you more often to all our volunteers, so I am encouraging each of you to take advantage of the opportunity to say “thank you” the next time you see someone who is volunteering. They are giving their talents so that you may have the opportunity to be a part of an incredible organization that builds the foundations of teamwork and sportsmanship through riding, mounted sports, and care of horses and ponies, while developing and enhancing leadership, confidence, responsibility, and a sense of community in its youth and adult members.

Thank you USPC volunteers!





"My daughter Giulia a C-2 from Bayview Farms Pony Club Riding Center (Sierra Pacific Region) recently received an award for her volunteer work with Pony Club, as well as other organizations. As part of the award, she received $250 for her herself, and $250 for an organization of her choice, and she chose the United States Pony Clubs. Thanks to Pony Club for being a big part of her life and giving her amazing leadership opportunities!"—Kelly L.

“At my daughter’s first rally, she went as an Assistant Stable Manager. She was put on a scramble team with a group from the Palmetto Pony Club. The week before the rally, Lisa and her daughter Alex reached out, and when they found out Kyla’s age and that this was her first rally, I was nervous they may think that she would be a burden, but instead they were excited to have her on the team. Alex took her under her wing, and Lisa took me under hers, as I am completely new to Pony Club and still learning. Alex swept Kyla up and helped her get started in her role and showing her all the wonderful things to learn and do at rally. I also need to give the rest of the girls a shout out—Belle D, Riley T., Mary K. These are an amazing group of young ladies. I feel that they all went above and beyond to make this an amazing experience for Kyla, and even for me and her father. This group made a wonderful impression. If this is how all of Pony Club is, then I am extremely happy to know that my daughter is a part of this amazing organization. And Palmetto Pony Club was a shining example of the organization!”

Jennifer S., mom of Kyla

2023 USPC 2Convention 023 USPC Convention January 18-22, J2023 anuary 18-22, 2023 Not to Miss ■ New videos are available on YouTube to focus on D-level skills in bandaging with polo wraps, shipping boots, and protective boots, as well as on the horse hoof and shoeing com/UnitedStatesPonyClubs ■ 20 Tips on Turnout and Turnback Inspections and the Horse Inspection—www. ■ Tips on Show Preparation and Competition Nerves— ■ Top 5 Rally Tips from a USPC Chief Horse Management Judge— ■ The Pony Club Podcast includes interviews with Sydney Elliott, Ema Klugman, Jessica Flores, Carol Kozlowski, Rae Birr, and others—http://

Kyle Cleveland


JUST FOR FUN Just forfor Fun Can you find the listed horse colors in the word search? Appaloosa Signs that a pony is properly cooled out: 1. His temperature is ________________ and his chest feels ___________ and _________. 2. His breathing is ____________. He is not puffing and his nostrils are not ______ _______. 3. His _____________ rate is back to normal. True or False: 4. It is safe to walk in a closed trailer with a horse or pony. ____________ 5. Always untie your pony's head before you lower the trailer ramp, open the back door, or unfasten the tail bar. ____________ 6. Dry patches in the saddle's sweat mark means that the saddle fits properly. ___________ 7. Stretching both forelegs is a good idea after tightening the girth. ____________ 8. A veterinarian should check a new horse or pony out before you buy him to be sure that he is sound and healthy. ____________ Answers on page 27; Answers are from the USPC Manual of Horsemanship, D Level CremelloGrayDunChestnutBuckskinBlackBrownBay PalominoPintoRoan Pony Club Fun Quiz

My leg finds a natural groove in my super-soft and grippy Wintec Pro Close Contact, making communication effortless! I feel balanced and in-control over jumps so we can confidently tackle any course. We holddon’tback! Wintec Pro Close Contact @wintecsaddlesShare your story Find your next Wintec saddle at @wintec.saddles


12 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022 Age: 12 Club/Region: Timber Ridge Pony Club Years in Pony Club: 5 Current certification (and/or certification currently working on): D-3 HM, D-3 EV

What is your favorite thing about Pony Club? My favorite thing about Pony Club would have to be the people in it. They are so welcoming, and they really Hana H.

What disciplines and/or activities are you involved in? Eventing Tell us about your current mount(s) and what you do with them: My current mount is named Patrick. He is a very sweet and naughty 13.2-hand Welsh Pony. We are mostly working on Eventing but like to try a variety of things! Tell us about your goals (with Pony Club, with riding, life): I have a lot of role models in Pony Club who help me achieve my goals, which include to complete my A, to teach younger people about the importance of Pony Club, and to share my knowledge with the world! DISCOVER USPC | 13 care about me and all people in general. They want to share their knowledge to help educate more and more people.

Hana and her 13.2-hand Welsh Pony are working on Eventing, and she likes to try a variety of disciplines. WeismannAmyCourtesyPhotos

What is one thing you would tell younger members who are first joining Pony Club?

If you could try out any other discipline or activity, what would it be and why? It would probably be Games. I really enjoyed doing the last Games clinic I went to, and I also enjoy watching Games. It’s just so interesting to see how much hard work each discipline puts into their style of riding. Favorite Pony Club memory: My favorite Pony Club memory would have to be when I went to my first rally. I stayed with one of my good friends from Pony Club and her parents. I was Stable Manager. I remember watching all of my teammates happy and smiling after dressage. I also remember all of the hard work rallies take! I had to get up at 5 a.m. each day and then do our morning checks. I remember at the end of the day we left at 7 p.m. after doing night checks. This was so fun for me to be a part of, and I will never forget it! What makes you #PonyClubProud?

Like I said before, how nice and full of knowledge all of the people are. I have learned so much from being a part of this community. Is there anything else you would like to tell everyone? I love Pony Club—all the people and horses in it!

I like to listen to my favorite songs or talk to my friends to get my mind off it being a certification. Then I act like it is just an HM lesson with my trainer, and hopefully my calm approach will make the situation a little less stressful.

What is your favorite way to prep for a Horse Management (HM) certification?

It’s OK to make mistakes. When I was younger, I was so worried that if I made a mistake, everyone would think differently of me, but that was obviously not the case. I have made lots of mistakes over the years, and I have learned that the more mistakes you make, the more knowledge people teach you, and the smarter you become.

14 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022

Developing a Rider from D to A

In this article, we will dive into the SOP RTEs and education goals, from D-1 to A, leading to more understanding of how one level progressively builds

By Asia Thayer, USPC National Examiner A national examiner explains the progression through USPC riding test expectations.


The United States Pony Clubs (USPC) riding and horse management curriculum is a unique educational system guided by Standards of Proficiency (SOP) that precisely build upon one another to safely develop youth and adult equestrians from the most beginning stages to a competent horse person capable of teaching riders and training horses. For mounted education, each level, from D-1 through A, provides the riding test expectations (RTE) and the skills that complement those expectations. This is the standard of riding that Pony Club members are educated and evaluated on. Whether a new member, longtime member, parent, instructor, or leader, it is helpful to gain a clear understanding of the path of rider education and development from the beginning D-1 to the highest level of rider education, the A.

1) Stand with your feet about 2 feet apart with toes slightly pointed outward.

The D-2 (left) and the D-3 (right) jumping positions.


In fact, I found that the BBP is not unique to equestrian sports! Skiing, surfing, bicycling or motorcycling, skateboarding, and even playing football as an offensive lineman all use the BBP to stay balanced, secure, and safe.

2) Bend your knees the amount they would bend if you had stirrups at appropriate length for riding on the flat (western, hunt seat, or dressage).

As described in the Instruction Program Definition of USPC Riding Test Expectation Terms ( uspc-rte-terms), and in the USPC D and C manuals, the BBP on the flat “permits a vertical line to be drawn from the top of the rider’s head, through the ear, point of shoulder, hip joint, and ankle. As stirrups are shortened for work over fences, the upper body inclines forward with a flat back to bring the shoulder over the knees while the ankle remains under the hip.” DISCOVER USPC | 15 on the next. For this article, and to explain the RTEs, the focus is on Eventing SOPs: Dressage, Hunter Seat Equitation, Western, and Show Jumping SOPs are all based on the same core terms and riding expectations.

3) Stretch your torso upward, bend your elbows and hold your hands in front of you to create a line to an imaginary bit in the horse’s mouth.

Feeling the BBP on the Flat

With the goal of developing a safe, competent rider, let’s start at the beginning: the basic balanced position (BBP), which is the universal basis of specialized riding and the foundation used to develop balance for a rider in any equestrian discipline.

To understand, you can experience this kinesthetically, through feel. Find a partner and stand so that you can see each other from the side and do this exercise:

I often hear people refer to the basic balanced position (BBP) as the “Pony Club position.” Is the BBP truly unique to Pony Club? To answer this, I dove into the instructor and training manuals of several national discipline-specific organizations and discovered that the BBP is not unique to Pony Club. It is described in the education and training manuals of other national discipline-specific organizations. With this research, I realized that, regardless of the chosen discipline, every rider must develop a BBP—the essential foundation necessary to be safe, secure, and confident for any discipline.

Basic Balanced Position

The Basic Balanced Position Beyond Pony Club

The development of a secure BoS, particularly the lower leg, is essential for the rider’s ability to maintain balance and security on the flat and over fences.

This position should allow you to feel relaxed and balanced over your feet, and when viewing your partner from the side, you should see a vertical alignment from the ear, shoulder, hip, and ankle and a straight line from the elbow to the imaginary bit.

2) Squat into a jump position and hold it. Now look at your partner from the side. You should see their hip over their ankle with a flat back inclined forward and a flexed hip angle. The shoulder should be over or behind the knee.

1) Shorten your imaginary stirrups and squat your hips further downward, which will require more flexion in your hip, knee, and ankle. Be sure not to cheat by lowering your upper body, increasing flexion in the hip without increasing the flexion in your knee; I call the “folded hip but open knee” a “duck butt” position. To prevent this “duck butt” position, the hip and knee should flex a similar amount.

3) Another way to look at the balance of a jump position, especially when hip and knee angle flex to absorb a big jump, is to imagine a line from the back of the rider’s bottom to the ground and then draw another line from the shoulder to the ground—the rider’s foot should be in the middle of those two imaginary lines. The rider’s body is then balanced over their feet. Maintaining the Balanced Position

Once a rider has developed the balanced position, the next step is to improve security by building strength to maintain the balanced position. This is the primary goal of D-level mounted education in Pony Club. Looking at the RTE (listed on SOPs and test sheets), we educate a D-1 rider to demonstrate a BBP at the halt and walk, the D-2 to maintain a BBP at the walk and trot, and the D-3 is educated to ride in a BBP at the walk, trot, and canter while developing a secure Base of Support (BoS) and a steady position over fences. The D level of rider development is focused on producing a rider who can ride at all three gaits, and over fences in a balanced and secure position in a safe manner.

Now for jump position, continue with your partner in this exercise:

16 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022

You may have noticed that a new term snuck in at the D-3: secure BoS. Where is a rider’s BoS? For all disciplines, it is the parts of the position that are in contact with the saddle or mount. In a walk, sitting trot, and canter, the BoS is the seat, inner thigh, and inner calf, supplemented by the base of weight—the heels. In posting trot and jump positions, the BoS is the inner calf, supplemented by the lower inner thigh when needed.

(Left) Basic balanced position for dressage. (Below) Basic balanced position for jumping.


Feeling Jump Position


3) Now stand with your toes pointed about 90 degrees outward so that the back of your calf makes contact with the imaginary saddle.

5) In a mounted lesson, to help a rider feel a secure BoS, have the rider halt in a BBP with heels down. Using your hands to hold the calf in place against the saddle, have the rider pretend post at the halt. The goal is for the rider to feel posting from the knee hinging open and closed while the lower leg maintains a secure (not gripping) contact with the saddle and side of the horse.

4) Once again squat down and then up. This should be difficult because the hinging joints (knees and hips) cannot flex smoothly when the BoS is incorrectly on the back of the calf.

Developing into C Education at the C level aims to increase the strength to maintain BBP and BoS and educates the rider on how to use aids to communicate with the horse. The C-1 rider demonstrates a secure BoS, BBP, and use of natural aids. The C-2 rider maintains a secure BoS and BBP, while developing an independent seat and coordinated use of the aids. The C-3 rider maintains a BBP with secure BoS and should show the development of an independent seat and coordinated aids. The C-2 brings two new terms to the RTE: independent seat and coordinated use of the aids. When giving a Standards presentation, I often find the term “independent seat” may be interpreted differently when the definition is actually fairly simple and tangible.

Here’s another exercise to kinesthetically feel that BoS. Go back to the earlier BBP jump position: DISCOVER USPC | 17

2) Now squat down then up (as if posting or absorbing a horse’s jump), folding your hip and knee while staying tall in your shoulders. This should feel secure and balanced to do.

1) Your feet should be slightly pointed outward allowing the inside of your calf to make contact with the imaginary saddle.

The C-1 rider demonstrates a secure BoS, BBP, and use of natural aids.

The Independent Seat

The B rider maintains the BBP and secure BoS and, while maintaining an independent seat, can show effective, tactful use of aids. The tactful use of aids is the new term that enters the RTE at the B; the aids are more subtle and perceptive to the horse.

18 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022

Now let’s look at the definition of an independent seat, which is defined as “a position with relaxed, open joints that allows the rider’s body to flow with the movement of the horse and remains unchanged by action of the hands and legs. Tension and bracing in any joints of the rider’s body prohibits development of an independent seat.” An independent seat is an integral part of rider development to demonstrate more advanced skills. A rider needs to begin development of an independent seat to effectively coordinate the aids—seat, legs, and hands—to demonstrate more skills.

Let’s start with an exercise to feel an independent seat before we define it. Go back to your standing BBP. Now start to get a “groove” on, and smoothly move your body in any repetitive motion. When you feel comfortable in your groove, while maintaining a BBP, brace one elbow. What happens to the fluid, groovy movement of your hips and seat? You should feel that your body’s ability to stay with your groove is inhibited—your seat can not independently follow the groove when you brace in one elbow. Restart your groove, try it again with your chin poking out, a pinched knee, or a braced back.

I hope you’ve noticed a trend in the development of a rider from the D to the A: every RTE begins with the foundation of a BBP with a secure BoS. The A rider must maintain a BBP with secure BoS, while showing a confirmed independent seat, effective coordination, and timing of aids on different mounts at various stages of The C-2 level brings the independent seat and coordinated use of aids into the picture.

Hopefully you are starting to feel that if any joint in your body braces, the smoothness of your groove is inhibited. You are unable to maintain the independent, relaxed, groovy flowing of your hips and seat if any joint braces in your body.


Developing into B and A

For example, a D-3 who is not beginning to develop an independent seat may be too stiff in their joints to safely jump a 3’3” jump. Therefore, the skill of jumping 3’3” is not added until the C-3 level when a rider can demonstrate the development of an independent seat and has joints loose enough to absorb a 3’3” jump effort safely and securely.

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When you look at the progression of the standards of proficiency riding test expectations, you can see how each level builds on the previous level in a repetitive, yet progressive, manner. The skills on the SOPs are chosen to align with the RTE for each level.

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USPC 2020

There are some riders who challenge an instructor’s suggestions to achieve or improve the BBP. In this case, I make a deal with the rider, telling them “you can ride in whatever position that you can stay balanced in when standing on the ground.” In this scenario, I suggest taking a picture of the rider in the saddle, in the position that is trying to be improved upon, and then ask the rider to stand on the ground in the same position seen in the picture. Can it be done? I find this to be the best way to “feel” the necessary position improvement to achieve balance in the saddle. Try these positions yourself. Can you remain balanced when altering the BBP alignment by placing your ankle in front of or behind your hip? Try standing in balance with your shoulder ahead of your knee in jump position—can you stay in balance?

The feeling you get… rally

training, while riding with tact and empathy. The key elements of the A are the confirmed independent seat and the sophistication in coordination of aids with the timing necessary to consistently produce elements of the training scale on all horses.

In summary, this progression helps riders develop into a safe, secure, and confident rider, in a natural and logical process.

an opportunity for Pony Club members to demonstrate what they have learned in Pony Club lessons as they are progressing through the Standards of Proficiency. Members study their manuals and educational materials and learn horse management skills from hands-on experience—there is a lot more expected from them than just “tending to horses.”

As members gear up for regional rallies and USPC Championships, there can sometimes be a misunderstanding about the role of a Stable Manager Therefore, let's take a look at the Stable Manager’s complete job description.

By the USPC Horse Management Committee

Horse Management is an important part of Pony Club; it is a requirement at all Pony Club mounted rallies, and each team must also have a Stable Manager. Stable Managers are unique to Pony Club, and their job is important to the team and deserves respect. The Stable Manager has the most important job on the team! Pony Club members and their parents should appreciate the skill and knowledge it requires to do this job. In Pony Club, Stable Managers are so much more than an extra set of hands. They are an integral part of the team, because they help keep the team working together to provide the best care of horses and equipment throughout the competition. Stable Managers keep the team organized and on track, make sure mounts are properly cared for, and assist their teammates in caring for their mounts and Ralliesthemselves.create

They learn the science of horses, to be responsible, to care for and appreciate horses, to be organized, and how to manage their time and their teammates’ time. And, in addition, the Stable Manager for a team learns a lot about managing people.

Learn about this important role in Pony Club.


20 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022 Stable Managers will stay busy during a rally.


Prior to Rally

■ Be sure that all team members have created a stall card and assist in filling in the required information, if necessary. Plan on some sort of protection for the stall cards against weather exposure.

For an overnight rally only, offer to create a feed chart for use by team members at the rally, and ask all team members to provide you with the required information in advance of a rally so that the feed charts can be prepared ahead of time.

At a Rally

Work closely with the Team Captain to plan ahead for all required equipment, both for the team and individually. Assist the Captain as may be requested.

Upon arrival, the Stable Manager’s priority is to assist teammates in setting up stalls for the horses—care of horses should take precedence over setting up the tack room.

■ Supervise the set-up of the team tack room, making certain that it is set up in an organized manner. Make sure all teammates know where equipment can be found so that they can locate any item, if needed, even if the Stable Manager is not present. Make sure all items are properly labeled (Ideally, this was done at home prior to arrival at rally).

■ Be present when Horse Management Judges come to check Required Equipment, if possible, and be able to explain the intended use for each piece of equipment.

■ Assist in stable areas as necessary or indicated throughout the rally. A few examples are assisting in picking out stalls, refilling water buckets, grooming a teammate’s horse or tacking up, as help is requested by teammates or the Team Captain. Generally, each team member is responsible for the care of his/her www shiresequestrian com

■ Bring any equipment as indicated during planning with the Captain, and be sure that all team equipment is properly labeled with the team name (and with the center/club/team name/region if it is a Championships team).

■ Make periodic checks in the stable area to ensure that: The tack room area is neat and clean, and the tack room door is left closed unless team member(s) are in the tack room. The area in front of all stalls is kept clean and raked or swept.

■ Try to be ringside to cheer teammates on and be available to assist when a ride is done. Consider what equipment or supplies should be brought to the ring that will be useful at the end of a teammate’s ride.

At Rally End

■ Be sure that the team tack room is swept and raked after all items are removed.

■ Be sure that the area in front of each stall is swept and raked after the stall is stripped and the horse has left the stable area.

■ Upon arrival at home, check all club- and center-owned equipment and restock as instructed by your club/center leaders.

Suggestions for preparing the team before a

A Stable Manager is responsible for helping team members prepare for various phases of a rally, such as a horse inspection.

■ Assist team members in preparing for turnout inspections and accompany team members to their assigned station, if possible, unless it is necessary to stay in the stable area to help another team member prepare for turnout inspection.


■ Be familiar with the team schedule as posted in the tack room and keep members on schedule. Check this schedule frequently and help team members be on time.

Stall cards stay in place on all team stalls. Stalls are picked out, as needed. Do not allow manure to pile up, and remove any obvious wet spots. Lead lines are properly hung outside of stalls when not in use. Hay nets, if used, are properly hung and stay at proper height at all times, even when empty.

■ Assist the Team Captain as indicated or delegated.

At an Eventing rally, be prepared to help in the vet box with cooling out of team mates’ mounts, and ensure all necessary equipment has made it to the vet box.

■ Supervise the breakdown of the team tack room (competitors are sometimes allowed to start breakdown of the tack room prior to the award ceremony). Assist teammates in stripping of stalls as indicated or instructed at the overall briefing (most often the stalls have to be completely stripped and checked by Horse Management Judges).

■ Together with the Team Captain, prepare a report to present to the club or center. Be sure to include in this report: What went well and what did not go well. Keep personal criticism out of a report and stick with specifics, such as “lacked time-management skills” or “utility kit was missing,” etc.

22 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022 own horse, stall, and personal equipment; the Stable Manager provides an extra set of hands and should never be expected to take on the total care of team horses.

■ Return equipment to the proper storage location. DISCOVER USPC | 23 rally/making the team better prepared for rally. There is a lot any Pony Club team member can learn from being a stable manager. It is the ultimate display of teamwork and sportsmanship to be the resource for your team versus always being the competitor. It will also reaffirm many of your horse management skills. Many times, the Stable Manager is the glue that holds a team together and keeps everyone working toward the same goals. Take on the challenge of being a Stable Manager. It just might be the greatest experience you can have at a rally! Healthy Digestion = Healthy Horse Premium Horse Treats No Wheat, No Added Sugar Live Probiotics for Digestive Support BioEZ A synergistic blend of Live Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes and PrebioticsFormulated speci cally for horses - to improve the breakdown of feedstu s and increase nutrient absorption in the digestive system. Naturally. ® See postive changes in: • Digestive Function & Stool • Appetite & Feed Utilization • Attitude & Focus HealthyTheTreat • Energy & Performance • Hair, Coat & Hoof Quality While the Stable Manager provides an extra set of hands, they should never be expected to take on total care of a mount for a team member. ConradEversSarah



GOOD GROOMING GOALS Brought to you by Shapley's Grooming Products, the Official Grooming Products Sponsor of USPC By Liv Gude Get Your Horse Ready for a Rally or ShowHorse

Start with your horse’s hooves. Picking the feet several times a day gives you the chance to find loose shoes, pick out rocks, and check for thrush. You may also discover small cracks, minor cuts on the coronary band, and maybe the beginnings of mud fever, which is evident with scabs and sores on the heels and pastern. Treat any problems early for maximum hoof health. Continue with your currycomb and brushes. The more you curry and brush, the more you help the horse’s natural oil— called sebum—to coat the hair. This antimicrobial oil made in your horse’s skin creates shine, provides waterproofing, and fights bacteria and fungus. It is also a stain repellent, which is handy for gray Addresshorses. any manure, grass, or urine stains with an equine spot treatment product, such as a dry shampoo. After currying, spray your spot treatment on any stains. Let this deodorizing spray sit for a few minutes before rubbing it off with a dry cloth. For the mane and tail, pick or comb daily. Tangles and wind Address any stains with an equine spot removal product.

Daily Grooming  During your daily grooming routine, pay attention to all aspects of your horse. Consider grooming for your horse’s health as the top priority. Put effort into the grooming routine and add horse-safe equine grooming products as needed.


The secret to grooming for a horse show, clinic, or rally is to have a daily grooming routine that focuses on your horse’s health and shine. When it’s time to show, you only need to add some braids and hoof polish, and you are ready to wow the judges.

Boost Your Horse’s Shine


Early hoof care is critical for horse health.

26 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022 knots won’t have a chance to take hold if you tend to your horse’s hair every day. Tails and manes benefit from products to help keep the hair smooth and tangle-free. A spray-in shine product keeps tails slick and easy to manage. If your horse’s tail is dry, you can use a little bit of grooming oil in your palm to smooth and condition the tail. This conditioning treatment can also help prevent staining.

Getting that show shine on some horses is tricky. While currying is the top priority for a shiny coat, you can boost shine a few ways. A hair polish spray shines on horses during summer when the coat is short. For

helprepellingshine,conditioning,stainandwith waterproofing, try a grooming oil. A calledtechniqueoilbuffing is the best way to use severalproducts.theseAddcapfuls of grooming oil to a gallon of water and massage onto your horse with a sponge or cloth in a circular motion as you would a currycomb so your horse isn’t dripping wet. Most horses can benefit from a weekly oil buffing treatment. For Show Day If you keep your horse clean, shiny, and tangle-free, getting ready for a rally or show is easy. You may only need to add a few things to your grooming routine. Braids are traditional in many disciplines and show the judge that you honor your sport. It takes some practice to create gorgeous braids, but there is help! Braiding products tame fly-away hairs and smooth the mane down for easy braiding. By now, your horse should already be shiny from all your day-to-day grooming. Add final touches of gloss to his coat with a finishing spray. This can also be used as a hoof dressing for the show ring. It’s transparent, so your horse’s hooves will look healthy and natural.

Check out all of the Shapley’s Superior Equine Grooming Products at your local tack store or online retailer to help you prepare for your next horse show, and visit for more expert grooming advice

To make your horse’s chrome legs pop, use white touch-up spray made for horses. This is a spray pigment that lasts for days, even if your horse gets wet. With your rally day grooming so streamlined, you will now have more time to watch, learn, and hang out with your friends. Happy horse showing!


Horse Bathing Tips  Before a horse show or rally, you will want to bathe your horse. For tough stains, especially on gray horses, use your equine spot treatment product on dry hair before bathing. This jumpstarts the stain removal process. Let the product penetrate the stains for five minutes or so. Then, use a mild equine shampoo for the bath. A gentle shampoo will not strip any sebum from your horse, and it adds a bit of shiny sparkle, too. You can clean your horse and also add color simultaneously. Colorenhancing shampoos are designed to enhance coats in every color, including chestnut, black, bay, palomino, and pinto. Leave these on your horse for five to 10 minutes before rinsing. DISCOVER USPC | 27 Just for Fun Answer Key Quiz Key 1. Normal, cool, dry 2. Normal, wide open 3. Heart 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. True

DO not under or overfeed vitamins and minerals.

Brought to you by Triple Crown Nutrition, The Official Feed Sponsor of USPC

Senior Horse Care Dos & Dont's

28 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022

DO NOT disregard ease of digestion. Horses' digestive systems slow down with age, and properly digesting feeds and forages can cause issues for seniors. Mature hays with tougher, stemmy fiber do not digest as easily in a senior horse’s hindgut and may be difficult to chew if they have poor dentition.

Older horses require adjustments to their feeding program and special management as their needs change over time. It can be tricky to determine the right combination of feed and care for them, particularly if they have digestion challenges, poor teeth, or lameness issues. Senior horse owners will want to avoid these common mistakes.

Slower digestion can mean a horse is not absorbing the

DO look for chopped or cubed alfalfa and high-quality softer grass hays. These are much easier on a senior horse’s digestive system. Similarly, feed should be well processed so it is easier to digest and absorb essential nutrients in their feed.

Provided by Triple Crown Nutrition For senior horses with health challenges, changes may need to be made to their diet as needs change with age.


Elizabeth Moyer

DO soak only enough hay for one feeding at a time. You never want to soak too much at a time, because storing soaked hay can cause mold and bacteria growth, making the hay unsafe for consumption. Always drain the water from the hay and discard it prior to feeding.

DO schedule regular equine dentist visits to keep ahead of potential issues. Your vet (if they do dental work) or are an equine dentist can watch for problems. Catching things early can be key.

DO bring senior horses to a separate feeding area where they will have plenty of time to eat and drink. Seniors tend to eat slower, so feeding in a separate area allows them to finish without being pushed away. With these tips, you are well on the way to setting your senior horse up for success.

DO talk to your vet about your horse’s needs and check your feed and forage nutrient levels. The feeds you are using may already be fortified with enough micronutrients to balance nutrition levels, but your vet will know if supplementation is necessary.

Have additional questions about feeding a senior horse? Talk to a Triple Crown Feed expert for more recommendations. or call 800-451-9916.

DO NOT make mistakes when soaking hay. Senior horses are prone to developing metabolic diseases, so managing nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) levels in a senior horse’s feed becomes crucial to maintaining health. To reduce starch and sugar levels, you can soak forage for 15 to 30 minutes before feeding to remove some sugar and starch content. Be sure to soak only for a short time and dispose of the water afterward. DISCOVER USPC | 29 nutrients he needs. Therefore, supplementing things like fat and fiber may be necessary for a senior to ensure proper vitamin and mineral fortification. However, it is possible to over-supplement certain nutrients.

DO consider switching to a chopped forage or soaking hay cubes in water to make chewing easier. Preparing feed as a mash can also be beneficial, as well as feeding on the ground to help prevent choke.

DO NOT continue feeding your horse the same old thing he has always eaten. He may need a change in his diet, and a vet can give ideas for feed that is easier to chew or that meets his specific needs for any health conditions that may have recently developed.

DO NOT forget to prioritize hydration. Senior horses tend to get dehydrated more easily. DO ensure your horse always has access to fresh, clean water. You can add water to feed to make a mash and provide more hydration. Adding water is also recommended for horses with poor dentition.

DO NOT forget to monitor your horse’s teeth. The first stop for all nutrition in the process of digestion is through mastication, the fancy term for chewing. As horses age, their teeth change and can wear unevenly. Senior horses can have problems chewing or even experience pain while chewing because of this.

DO NOT feed seniors in a large group setting. They can be bullied in this situation, and younger horses can push them aside, and they won’t consume a full meal.

Do not feed your senior in a large group setting where other horses may prevent him from eating enough.


The USPC Regional Challenge for the Annual Fund will kick off on September 1. The Regional Challenge is a friendly competition and a fun way to support the USPC Annual Fund while also supporting individual regions through a revenue-share partnership. The Regional Challenge will run September 1–November 30. Each Pony Club Region will be part of the Challenge and will receive 10% of the total amount that they raise for the Annual Fund. The sky’s the limit! Each Region will have their own fundraising page on the Challenge website and can watch the leaderboard in real time. For more information, visit the USPC blog at www.bit. ly/2022-regional-challenge-info. This will be a great time to ask your family, friends, neighbors, barn mates, and others to support the organization you love, while also giving back to your home Region.

With fabulous opportunities for leaders and members alike, make sure to take advantage of the discounted registration, which opens October 1. The 2023 event offers the following opportunities:

January 2023—Not that Far Away Mark your calendars now for the 2023 USPC Convention, to be held at the Marriott St. Louis Grand in St. Louis, Mo. Join your extended Pony Club family, January 18-22, 2023, for a weekend to remember.

Come and learn from the best USPC has to offer. Can’t make it to St. Louis in January? Again for 2023, the USPC Convention offers a hybrid option with live-streamed and select on-demand sessions. Visit the Convention page at Convention for more details. See you in St. Louis!

Friday, January 20: The Research Project Fair, where members show off their equine knowledge. Members can participate virtually and compete for bragging rights and even win a Championships entry fee!

Friday, January 20: Professional Development Training with Jay McChord, a highly soughtafter presenter and designated “Chief Encouragement Officer,” whose session foreducationcontinuingprovidescreditsattendees.

Saturday, January 21: USPC welcomes registered attendees to a complimentary continental breakfast at the Meeting of the Corporation, while leadership shares the status of the organization and recaps the previous year.

The USPC Regional Challenge

The 2022 USPC International Exchanges and Special Opportunities teams are hard at work raising money for each of their upcoming events. Find more information at FUND CHALLENGE


Give a Leg Up Get a Leg Up



Special Opportunities

■ Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, January 20-22: The ever-popular Anatomy Lab returns in person, in addition to more than 60 educational workshops.


Thursday, January 19: USPC Leadership Training and collaborative meetings between Regional Administration, Instruction, and Activities volunteers.

The 2021-2022 Live Oak Hounds Foxhunting Challenge ended an incredibly strong year. Thanks to the generosity of Marty and Daphne Wood, Joint Masters of the Live Oak Hounds, this challenge provides a tremendous financial boost to the winning clubs. In addition, it gives the clubs a chance to connect with their local hunt(s) if they haven’t already and encourages Pony Club members to try the sport. We had 807 days in the hunt field, and 116 Pony Club members and 10 Pony Clubs and hunts participated. That is almost 100 more hunt days than the prior year. Congratulations to the winning clubs: USPC

Members/InternationalExchanges about the USPC Pony Jumper Team, the USPC President’s Cup Games Competition, the 2022 USPC International Foxhunting Exchange and the 2023 Inter-Pacific Exchange. can support these teams by making your donation today at InternationalExchanges.

Rider FOR KIDS WHO LOVE HORSES & PONIES YoungRider 15 Tips to TAKESELFIESFABofyou&yourhorseGET ORGANIZED!Puttogethergrooming,bandshowkitslikeapro What it’s like to be the ONLY BOY at the barn GOLDShowLegendaryJumperMARGIESTEIN-ENGLE YOUNGYoungRider.comRIDER®US$4.99 Vol. No.03 code:2022-05 May/June2022 Displayuntil 14,2022 YoungRider ULY/AUGUST 2022 BEAT SHOW BUTTERFLI & BANISH FLI MEGA PR inside 3HORSUNU CAREERS S SPUMMECIABREYERIS OUNG RIDE US$ 29 ssue code 2022-0 uly/August Display until August 16 Fe atured in e ach issue of Young Rider • Real-life stories about kids and their horses • English and western riding tips • Horse breed facts and photos • Horse care how-tos • Fun with horsey crafts • Art and photo contests • Plus, a double-sided poster! PO N Y C L U B Special Offer SAVE 50% on a YoungRider print magazine subscription (6 issues per year)! Young Rider is the magazine for kids ages 8-15 who are passionate about horses. 0 9 71 86 03103 1 cdn YOUNGRIDE US$ 99 0 cod 021 all20 isplay Nov 20 000_YR2109_CvrNS.indd 7/23/21 7:17 E Rider MARCH/APR L 2022Young Meet ANDIE SUE I’m a drespara-sagerider! theaHorSPSuperRINGselthips Become an TwoprHorseshoeojects inside CRAFTY get CAREER FILES EPHOTOGRAPHER!QUINE omdgRY OUNGRIDEUS$ Issu 02/Ap DisplayuntilApril 20 000_YR2203_CvrNS.indd 1 1/24/22 5:00 AM Order online at :



1st place – Spring Valley Hounds, hunted with Spring Valley Hounds, $3,200 2nd place – Cedar Knob Pony Club, hunted with Mells Fox Hounds, $2,500 3rd place – Blue Mountain Pony Club, hunted with Rose Tree-Blue Mountain Hunt, $1,500 4th place – Old Dominion Hounds Pony Club, hunted with Old Dominion Hounds, $1,200 5th place – Elkridge-Harford Pony Club, hunted with Elkridge-Harford Hunt, $800 6th place – Mountain Skyline Pony Club, hunted with Farmington Hunt, $700 Honorable Mentions: Metamora Hunt II Pony Club, hunted with Metamora Hunt Deep Run Hunt Pony Club, hunted with Deep Run Hunt Cedar Hills Pony Club, hunted with Mells Fox Hounds Loudoun Hunt Pony Club, hunted with Loudoun Hunt

| 31

Pony Club Loves a Challenge

32 | DISCOVER USPC Summer 2022 You can find more information about how to get involved with the Live Oak Challenge at www. . INSTRUCTION

USPC hosted a United States Eventing Association (USEA) Instructors’ Certification Program (ICP) supported by the Eleanor Brennan Fund in June and July this summer at Jigsaw Farm in Illinois. USPC sponsored 12 candidates who offer instruction to USPC members) from across the country participating in the Dressage and Jumping I, II, III Workshops. USEA, in conjuction with USPC, helped provide support for a second faculty instructor, for a total of 16 candidate instructors overall to participate in these two workshops.


Summertime finds the USPC Member Services Department busy with reviews and updates of yearend procedures for clubs, centers, and regions as new features and functionality are added to their online records. Submissions may begin in early September and are required annually so that USPC may review membership and programming of each. Significant changes will be highlighted in the “What’s New” tab of the “Year End Requirements” link.

National Testing Feedback Project


Updated Chart of Learning for Certification Set certification goals and plan a path to achieve them with the new Chart of Learning (found under the Instruction tab and the Instructional Resources link after logging in at The chart offers a visual guide showing how Pony Club members can progress through the certification levels. The updated version includes an additional page, which explains the process and gives examples. If you need information on conducting or being a locallevel examiner (D through C-2 level), remember to check out all the great information on the Local Level Testing Resources page on the USPC website. There is a lot of information here, such as administering a test, testing prep materials, and examiner resources.



The National Testing Feedback Project is up and running for anyone C-2 and above who wants to get feedback on their mounted skills (send in those videos of a test or jumping course) and/or horse management materials such as their record book, barn plan, conditioning schedules, etc. National Examiners are ready and willing to review submissions give thoughtful feedback so are ready for next USEA Instructors' Certification Program

certification. www.

Ongoing efforts to provide leadership training resources include USPC’s Vice President of Regional Administration Lorelei Coplen’s educational “minitopics” series, which continued recently with Member in Good Standing information. Upcoming topics include the USPC Annual Fund and How Elections Work. This series is based on frequently asked questions from the 2022 USPC Convention. In addition to emails directed to local and region leaders, resources for each topic are added to the Club/Center Administration Resource Page. Along with USPC’s Development Department, Member Services recently welcomed Jennifer Wasserzug as the new Development and Member Services Coordinator. Jennifer joined our team following the retirement of Karen “Kay” Kelley, who was with USPC for 10 years. As always, we are all happy to help with any member, club, center, or region needs. For important announcements and news from USPC, subscribe to the Pony Club Enews at www.




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