February 2017

Page 31

Food Hacks With the new year comes a new you, and with that comes healthy eating. Despite popular belief, eating healthy as a college student is not as hard as one may think. Easy healthy eating options include foods high in protein, such as meats and eggs, vegetables and fruits, white rice and similar grains and substituting sugary drinks with water and tea. According to NerdFitness, for meats, chicken is the best option if looking for a cheaper yet still quality meat while eggs are good for supplying necessary nutrients and making you feel fuller. Livestrong explains that eating these kinds of energy foods will lead to increased energy over long periods of time and improved concentration, getting you through assignments and tasks more timely and efficiently. A resident student can easily stock up on foods such as fruits, vegetables, granola and nuts/trail mix in his or her room. By always having these healthy choices within your immediate reach, it is more likely that you will stick to your goal of eating healthy. Even though you are stuck on a meal plan, you can still look for some of these healthier options at school, like cooked vegetables, salad bars and grilled chicken. You can also look at the nutritional information of what is available before you go to get food, located on the Sodexo website, StFrancis. SodexoMyWay.com.

by: Skyler Kern, staff writer

Commuters can bring foods with them to school in prepackaged containers. By having items like grapes, snacking cheese, granola or other vegetables and fruits ready in your backpack, you will be able to make better food choices without resorting to fattening or sugary snacks from a vending machine. A fun way to do this is to pack healthy foods in a mason jar the night before. Some snack options might include whole wheat pretzel sticks with a nut butter to dip them in, granola with Greek yogurt or homemade trail mix. For options on campus, you can go to the Three Oaks Bistro to get healthy snacks, such as fruit cups with cheese or 100% fruit juices. For healthier meals, one option is to opt for the yogurt when getting a combo at the Bistro instead of chips, or if you do decide to get the chips, look for chips that are baked rather than deep-fried. Another option is to be creative and ask to add or take away items from the sandwich or salad that you ordered to make it a new experience. You can add more vegetables, switch the sauce for a lighter option, switch the type of bread or even change the type of meat on the sandwich. Doing so will help you maintain healthy habits while still having satisfaction in what you are eating. By keeping up with heathy snacking, you can easily keep up with you’re healthy eating goals throughout the school year.


Health & Wellness



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