Used Car News 1/4/16

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18 • January 4, 2016



Compiled by Jeffrey Bellant


SAL SETS SAIL: Carolina Auto Auction owner Henry Stanley, right, wishes a fond farewell to Sal Terranova, left, as he retires as national remarketing leader.

Remarketing veteran Sal Terranova is retiring from Carolina Auto Auction, ending a long career as both a consignor and an auction executive. Joe LeMonds is taking over as the auction’s national remarketing leader. LeMonds spent the last six months shadowing Terranova.

“Certainly the thing that I have always really enjoyed has been testing market modifications to see if there was any way to enhance the value of a vehicle,” Terranova said. “Testing the value of a wholesale certification program; running vehicles through a manufacturer’s captive remarket-

ing program; pushing the Internet and simulcast opportunities; testing the impact of various repairs, all have been a lot of fun, and very mentally engaging. “But the most rewarding part of the job has probably been the ability to communicate the results of some of those value-enhancing experiments with other sellers, and clients in the business.” Terranova said Internet sales have been the biggest change he has seen over his career. “Buyers can now view and interact with a vehicle online – from viewing a CR to the consummation of a buying decision without ever leaving their home or office,” he said. “However, I also believe that the physical auction will continue to grow in that there will always be a number of buyers that want to physically inspect the vehicle, and interact with the market live.”

Auction Aids in Feeding Hungry Owners of Corry Auto Dealers Exchange stepped in with a donation of $17,400 to make possible a Thanksgiving effort by a local congregation to provide more than 80,000 meals through participation with the international charity Stop Hunger Now. This is the third year Park United Methodist Church has worked with Stop Hunger Now, and the second year Corry ADE has played a part in their mission to fight hunger. Through the auction’s donation and the congregations contributions, they were able to provide 30,000 more meals than the year before. “It’s awesome to be a part of this effort with our local church and especially to make a difference to people thousands of miles away,” said Tad Swift, the auction’s manager and a member of the family that owns Corry ADE.

We invite news items and top-quality photos from our readers to be considered for “Around the Block.” Please include the name of a contact person and a telephone number. Send items and photos to: Jeffrey Bellant. Mail: Used Car News, 24114 Harper Ave., St. Clair Shores, MI 48080. Fax: (586) 772-9400 e-mail:

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