Do Natural Emedies Cure Your Varicose Veins?

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Does Varicose Vein Cream Work?

One of the most searched topics on Google is, “Will natural remedies cure my varicose veins?� You too may be wondering how you can treat varicose veins at home; however, you first have to learn the basics of vein disease to understand the root issue. What Are Varicose Veins? Varicose veins may appear enlarged, twisted, or bulging and are most commonly seen on the legs. These veins may also appear discolored and cause swelling or pain around the affected vein. Varicose veins may be tender to the touch or they may cause your legs to feel heavy while walking. Varicose veins are one of the most common visible signs of underlying vein disease.

What Causes Varicose Veins? Vein disease occurs when the valves or walls in your leg veins malfunction. When these vessels become weakened, they have difficulty pushing the blood back to your heart. As a result, blood begins to pool in your legs which can cause spider veins, varicose veins, and venous ulcers.

Is Poor Circulation And Venous Insufficiency The Same? Poor circulation is when your extremities, such as your legs, do not receive the proper amount of blood and oxygen it needs to be healthy. One of the main causes of poor circulation is venous insufficiency. If your legs are not successfully circulating blood throughout your lower extremities, this can cause symptoms such as: • • • • • • •

old feet or legs Swollen legs, ankles, or feet Muscle cramping Numbness Changes in skin color Leg ulcers Varicose veins

Poor circulation and venous insufficiency are serious medical concerns that need to be treated as soon as possible. Untreated venous insufficiency can lead to life-threatening health risks such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS). Treating the cause of poor circulation decreases your risk of developing these two conditions.

Will Varicose Vein Cream Cure Vein Disease? Now that you know varicose veins are caused by venous insufficiency, the answer is simple: No. Unfortunately, creams, lotions, and essential oils do not fix malfunctioning vein valves. Due to the fact that these topicals only moisturize the skin’s surface, they do not have any affect on resolving varicose veins. There are medical creams on the market that are applied to the skin’s surface to reduce swelling; however, these often are prescribed without fixing the underlying condition. Many of these prescription creams can also help improve skin texture as well as reduce itching; but unless you correct the root of the issue, you will have to continue using the creams long-term.

Other creams like prescribed after treatment can help reduce swelling, soothe skin, and help heal superficial bruising. Once the damaged veins have been fixed, using lotions and creams that doctors utilize to assist in the healing process are good to use. These creams are not curing your varicose veins, they are working to minimize inflammation following treatment.

Why Home Remedies Don’t Fix The Real Issue Many prescribed pills, lotions, creams, and oils temporarily mask the painful symptoms associated with venous insufficiency. When the blood in your legs is allowed to pool, a back-up occurs within the veins causing varicose veins to form. Applying ointments may help with pain management; however, vein treatment is needed to resolve the underlying issue. Without treatment, varicose veins will continue to reoccur over time.

What Does Work? Varicose vein treatments like Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT), as well as Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy work to close off malfunctioning veins with either laser energy or sclerosant agents. As those veins are closed off, blood is naturally rerouted to healthier, stronger veins. Once blood flow is rerouted, the damaged veins are reabsorbed within the body.

Finding Effective Varicose Vein Treatment Thankfully, we’ve made getting the treatment you need easy and convenient. We are currently the largest network of vein clinics in the United States, utilizing only the latest minimally invasive technology to treat various venous conditions. If you’re struggling with painful symptoms and want to get lasting relief, give us a call at 888.768.3467 or schedule your appointment online with us today.

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