Know How to Improve Circulation in Legs By Yoga!

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Yoga to Improve Circulation in Legs More than 40 million Americans have a condition known as vein disease. This common vein problem can lead to visible varicose veins, painful symptoms, and even blood clots of venous ulcers. Risk factors for the condition include heredity, a sedentary lifestyle, hormones, and obesity. While you can’t prevent varicose veins completely, there are many ways you can manage the symptoms and even lower your risk for developing the condition. One natural method that offers other health benefits is yoga.

The 5,000-year-old practice consists of a series of poses, or asanas, that are designed to benefit the organs and systems of the body. Asanas — specifically ones that elevate the legs — utilize gravity to promote circulation, which makes it easier for veins in the lower extremities to push blood back up to the heart. Yoga poses may also relieve pressure that builds up in the legs, helping to ease swelling and pain.

If you’re looking for a holistic way to alleviate your symptoms, grab a mat and try these three beneficial yoga poses for varicose veins. • Sarvangasana — Also known as supported shoulder stand, this asana involves a full body inversion. In this pose, all your body weight is placed on the shoulders, enabling the blood and lymph to drain from the lower extremities back to the heart. How To Do It — Begin by lying down with your back on a yoga mat. Lift up your legs and keep them straight as you support your hips with your palms. Then, shift your body weight onto your shoulders and lift your upper body while your head and upper back remain on the floor. Hold the pose for three to five minutes and release.

Matsyasana — The fish pose is one of the best asanas in yoga for veins because it works many systems at once. Matsyasana stretches your feet and legs, relieving stress and cramps. As your legs become relaxed, blood flow throughout your body is regulated. How To Do It — Lie on your back with your legs extended and arms resting along your body or under your backside. Press your forearms and elbows to the floor and lift your chest, gently arching your back so that your head rests on your crown. You should feel the arch in the upper back and neck. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

Pawanmuktasana — Also known as wind relieving pose, this exercise helps to circulate venous blood and stagnant lymph. It is especially beneficial for individuals who live a sedentary lifestyle. Pawanmuktasana also relieves cramps, bloating, tension in the lower back, and fatigue, and may also help prevent deep vein thrombosis. How To Do It — Start by lying flat with your back on the floor. Fold your knees in toward your head and hug them with your arms. Lift your head off the floor and bring your nose between your knees. Hold the asana for a few seconds while breathing deeply, then release.

Yoga Poses to Avoid With Varicose Veins Not all exercises promote venous health. Certain strenuous yoga poses may put extra pressure on the vena cava — a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood into the heart — and impede circulation. Prolonged posturing may also worsen venous reflux. Consider opting for low-impact yoga that involves smooth transitions and stretching instead of vigorous styles, such as ashtanga and power yoga. To avoid causing further vein damage, it’s essential to design the right sequence of moves when practicing yoga for varicose veins.

Treating the Underlying Cause Regular varicose veins exercises and yoga can help temporarily relieve painful symptoms; however, they may not prevent or resolve the condition entirely. At USA Vein Clinics, we treat a number of vein issues with minimally invasive, outpatient procedures, such as Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT), ClariVein, Varithena, and Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy (USGS). Our expert team of physicians will work with you to determine the best treatment possible for your veins. To get started with rebuilding a healthy venous network, contact one of our clinics today.

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