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List of Payment Gateway Providers in India

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Tips for selecting the most Secure Payment Gateway

With the Internet breakthrough since the early 1990s, the world has changed and evolved rapidly. Just within 2-3 decades, all the businesses have gone online, and with the major shift in the business operations, the Payments landscape is not untouched. The entire payments ecosystem in itself has completely revolutionized. With the beginning of the use of Debit cards and credit cards, it was mainly handled with the use of Point of sale machines, but gradually as the Businesses went online so the need arose for secure and reliable payments option. And Payment gateways emerged as the clear winner for the demand. Almost every business looking to go online with the payments is looking for the ways and methods of Payment Gateway Integration. Payments gateway in simple terms refers to an interface or software which facilitates and processes payments between the merchants and customers in a safe, secure, and reliable manner. There are many payments services providers with have pros and cons of their own. What is most important to keep in mind is not only the brand name of the service provider but the one who suits you the most in terms of capability, budget, services and such factors. The various questions which must be kept in mind before selecting the payment gateways are what are your specific demands in terms of volume of transactions and daily limits which you are expecting, What security protocols you are looking forward to, the payment gateway provider which you have shortlisted is listed as one of the service providers by your respective country, at what budget the services is being provided and will it be affordable in the long term. We will list down a few of the tips below which can be taken into account while selecting the provider. Integrates smoothly with your website Always look forward to the way of integration and in what way the Payment Gateway will communicate with your website. What are the preferred payment options which the Payment Gateway will be providing? This is the single most important factor to keep in mind while selecting a Payment Gateway. Ensures customer security Security and data integrity are of prime importance. With the ever-evolving exploitative tools and cyber frauds, customers are always worried about the safety as their important card details will be entered on your platform, So always make sure that the payment gateway has a good reputation, read about the reviews and also make sure it is complying with all of the internationally recognized certifications. Advertisements

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Budget and economyCreate are ofyour prime concern, as you need to select a service provider that website with WordPress.com Get started balances both your requirements and budget. What will be the registration fee, the charges for initially setting up and integration of the payments infrastructure, the monthly subscription charges, charges for refunds in case of failed transaction or any other similar and relevant parameters that must always be kept in mind while selecting the payment Gateway. There are several reputed service providers, please try to analyse your specific requirements and notice which of the provider suits you the most in the process. And in case you need any other information about Payment Gateway never hesitate in reaching out to us.

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8th Dec 2021


Payment Gateway Integration

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