Momentum 2022

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How EIOH is Tackling Dentistry’s Challenges

TABLE OF CONTENTS Director’s Message



ON THE COVER: EIOH continues to work toward solving dentistry’s most pressing problems in both the classroom and the clinic. Story, page 2.

Innovative Education Helps Lead the Way


Ventilation is Critical for Safe Patient Care


Alum Honors Parents’ Love Story


Century Old Documents Donation


New Oral Health Report








Staff Profile, Linda Lipani


EIOH Staff Featured in Video


Faculty Promotions


News & Notes


In Sympathy








MOMENTUM is published by the University of Rochester Medical Center Editor & Writer | Karen E. Black | Graphic Designer | Beth Carr Feature Photography | Keith Bullis Eastman Institute for Oral Health | 625 Elmwood Avenue, Box 683 | Rochester, NY 14620-2989

Director’s Message We remain hopeful that the worst of the pandemic is

Eastman Institute was the only institution selected to lead a new initiative for faculty development by HRSA to help tackle the severe faculty shortage. The creative Dental Assistant Training Program has been so successful, we graduated the first class and added two more, which are in progress. The number of master’s research projects has increased dramatically in five years. We are working more closely with our colleagues throughout the Medical Center and community to build better programs for our residents and patients. Many of our faculty have earned well-deserved promotions and are being tapped for leadership positions within their specialty’s national associations. Sadly, we lost several of our Eastman family members this past year. We are grateful for the time spent with them, and the impact they had on our lives.

behind us, but in its wake, we still face many challenges.

Over the last two years, we worked together to find solutions to every problem (and there were plenty of them!). Your professionalism prevailed over every obstacle we faced to continue providing outstanding patient care, education and research. We were able to help our community in unprecedented ways, as well as help dentists and providers around the world who looked to our research for guidance related to provider and patient safety throughout the pandemic.

As always, we extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude for the ongoing support of our alumni, donors and Eastman Dental Center Foundation Board members, and we look forward to seeing more of you in person in the coming months. Ever Better,

Eli Eliav, DMD, MSc, PhD Professor & Director, EIOH Vice Dean for Oral Health, School of Medicine & Dentistry Vice President for Oral Health, University of Rochester Medical Center

As we continue to navigate through the recovery phase, we will apply everything we learned from this experience to our new normal. The future will look different as we restructure and remodel to accommodate the increasing demand of our clinical services, while providing exceptional training for our residents, students and preceptors. After working alongside so many dedicated people in every role within EIOH, I have no doubt we can overcome whatever new challenges may lie ahead. But aside from the challenges, we have many things to celebrate.

Sweet Thanks As an expression of their gratitude, EIOH Director Dr. Eliav and EIOH COO Holly Barone distributed cookies to all clinics and departments.



Innovative Education Helps Lead the Way

Carey Bradley, Phallin Hall, Dental Assistant trainees

Drs. Ritu Shah, Zachary Hansen, Setu Shah



EIOH Partners with HRSA for Robust Junior Faculty Training Staying true to its legacy of innovation and leadership, Eastman Institute for Oral Health is working creatively to solve dentistry’s most pressing problems in both the classroom and the clinic. With nearly 1000 open faculty positions in dental schools nationwide, and a significant percentage of current faculty close to retirement age, addressing this issue has never been more important. The dental assistant shortage caused by the pandemic has left dentists across the country scrambling. Without dental assistants, many procedures can’t be done, leaving patients and providers alike frustrated by the long wait times before treatment can be administered. In a move that could help the faculty shortage issue take a valuable step forward, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) selected Eastman Institute for Oral Health to collaboratively establish a first-of-its-kind primary care dental faculty development center. The National Dental Training Center for Primary Interdisciplinary Care Educators will serve as a resource and training hub for junior primary care dental faculty in the U.S., preparing them to become inter-professional clinical educators capable of addressing issues of diversity and health equity, as well as leaders in primary care dentistry. “We are looking to partner with academic dental institutions to invest in and assist junior faculty with advancement potential,” said Eli Eliav, DMD, PhD, EIOH Director. “Working together, we will enable them to achieve high-level careers in academic, evidencebased dentistry, as well as equip them to advance the development of other faculty at their institutions.” The long term goal of the program is to support the career development of junior dental faculty teaching in general dentistry, pediatric dentistry or public health dentistry, and help shape their ability to become leaders in primary care dentistry and as clinical educators. The immediate goals are to recruit and train six Primary Interdisciplinary Care (PIC) Fellows based at their home institutions, who, over a two-year cycle, will commit 55%


protected time to their hroughout the training. This cycle will be repeated with six five-year, $3.5 million additional Fellows (12 total). The home program, 12 trainees institution will receive $75,000 annually will learn a wide to support its range of key skills. Fellow through a sub-contract with the Training Center. The Fellow also receives Training Center funding to accommodate mandatory attendance to the ADEA conference and other expenses, such as visits to Rochester, NY. The education and training will consist of on-line formal courses leading to an Advanced Certificate in Education for Health Professionals, select Public Health Sciences courses, and courses in systematic reviews and scientific writing. Additionally, the Fellows will spend three weeks annually at the University of Rochester. Each week will include intensive seminars on career development and interdisciplinary primary care topics. An important component of the Fellowship is career development with a home institution mentor supported by the Center’s faculty. Throughout the five-year, $3.5 million program, 12 trainees will learn a wide range of key skills, such as integrating oral health and primary care, setting up a teledentistry program, increasing access to rural and other underserved populations, and how to train other faculty in their home institutions. “Dental schools continue to face significant challenges recruiting and retaining faculty,” said Jennifer Holtzman, DDS, MPH, Dental officer with HRSA’s Bureau of Health Workforce. “Evidence suggests that faculty in health professional schools can serve as role models. Wellprepared primary care clinical instructors, particularly those providing instruction on how to care for the oral health needs of underserved and vulnerable populations, can positively influence dental students’ and residents’ practice choices.”



“We appreciate HRSA’s partnership to help address this critical shortage of dental faculty,” added Dr. Eliav,

2022–23 2018 2019

“By maximizing trainees’ experience and competence to build resources and infrastructure at their home institutions, we are confident we can support the academic careers Dr. Psoter of junior faculty, promote clinical education in community-based training sites, and strengthen faculty recruitment and retention,” said Dr. McLaren.


Dr. McLaren

The curriculum will be provided over two cycles (two years per cycle), and delivered primarily online through individual and group sessions, with three weeks of onsite learning in Rochester, New York. Sean McLaren, DDS, chair EIOH Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program and Walter J. Psoter, DDS, PhD, EIOH professor, will serve as co-leaders for the program.

Enrollment Spikes for EIOH Master’s in Dental Science The number of students in the program increased to 46, compared to five students in 2017. A new track within the MS program now includes Systematic Review with meta-analysis as the research project.

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“and we look forward to working together on this unique program.” For program details and application for the next cohort, visit

Paid Training Helps Reduce Dental Assistant Shortage Among private practices, 82% of dentists who were recently polled by the ADA Health Policy Institute said recruiting dental assistants was very or extremely challenging compared to before the pandemic. At EIOH, the situation has been similar. In response to the dental assistant shortage, EIOH established its own oneyear paid, on-the-job Dental Assistant Training Program last year. It has been so successful, two additional cohorts were implemented and are in progress. The training program has been a win-win for both the trainees and the General Dentistry Department, EIOH’s largest clinic. “Due to this training program, we have been able to return to more normal hours as well as re-open the evening and Saturday clinics,” said Dr. Hans Malmström, chair General Dentistry. “And, the program has positively affected the quality and quantity of care we are able to offer our patients and the quality of the dental education for our residents.” The program was especially designed for people like Samarys Vincente, a Rochester native and mother of two, who had been wanting to try something new after



working in food service for more than 10 years. But there was no way she could balance going back to school, working and parenting. With the opportunity to learn and work at the same time, she graduated from the program in January. “I love that I am now able to use all of the skills that I learned during the training process,” said Samarys, who likes working in the X-ray room and sterilization. “I truly enjoy dentistry. As a patient, it can be super uncomfortable and nerve-racking to go to the dentist. I feel my number one job is to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible. Having a good relationship with the dentist you are working with will help any procedure go smoothly.” Previously a security officer, Carey Bradley applied to the program because he thought it would serve as a good foundation for his ultimate goal of becoming a dental hygienist. “I didn’t expect the training to be so complex, but it’s also fun and very different,” he said. As a second cohort trainee, Carey really enjoys working with new doctors to see different dental procedures. “I like that the administrators are flexible with the schedule, and I’ve made tons of friends.”

Points of Pride Every EIOH post-doctoral specialty program is accredited by the commission on Dental Accreditation without any reporting requirements. Combined Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with an Executive MBA program, in collaboration with UR’s Simon School.

Drs. Alexis Ghanem, Furqan Alwaely, Noor Abid

Combined Master in Science degree with Preceptorship in Orofacial Pain, Orthodontics, General Dentistry and Periodontics. New tracks in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry training program now include an additional year of experience in community outreach, treating patients with special needs, and clinical research. The General Dentistry Practicum, a new program approved by NYS, is a bridge to residency and/or faculty positions for new graduates of the Advanced Education in General Dentistry training program. The program provides a short-term intensive hands-on experience in comprehensive multidisciplinary oral health care and the opportunity to teach in the clinical setting, and to mentor new trainees.

Dental Assistants Kim Hampton, Samarys Vicente

“So many people, including dental assistants, residents, administrators and faculty, have worked hard to make this program successful,” Dr. Malmström continued. “We’ve received great feedback from students and have made changes along the way to make it even better.” “The most rewarding part of now being a full-time dental assistant is being able to pass on what I have learned to the other cohorts,” Samarys said. “I love when my coworkers come to me for help when they are having some difficulties and trust my judgment. And, I’ve formed many friendships throughout the training process and after.”

EIOH initiated a collaboration with Monroe Community College’s Dental Hygienists program. EIOH faculty now participate in the teaching, and MCC students rotate at EIOH clinics. EIOH is partnering with major universities around the world— including China, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Israel, India, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom—for student and faculty exchange programs and other collaborative projects.



Ventilation is Critical for Safe Patient Care EIOH Developed Easy Tool that can Lead to Better Air Quality As dentists and other health care providers continue to navigate the COVID pandemic and the emerging variants, an easy-touse tool is now available to help them conveniently and accurately assess the ventilation rates of their treatment and waiting rooms. Eastman Institute for Oral Health research published in the Journal of Dentistry showed that if a room’s ventilation rate is low, respiratory aerosol particles can remain in the indoor air for a long time, making it critical to facilitate respiratory aerosol removal from the indoor environment to minimize potential exposures of airborne viruses such as COVID to patients and providers. Featured in national and local media, the EIOH-developed calculator,

Using a CO2 monitor, household baking soda and vinegar, providers can follow a video demo to help determine and improve any room’s ventilation rate.



along with a simple process and other tools, helps dentists easily determine the ventilation rate, measured in air changes per hour, for any room.

room,” Dr. Ren said. This study—the basis for developing the ventilation calculator—was published in the Journal of Dental Research.

Dr. Ren

“Knowing what the ventilation rate is for individual dental treatment rooms will help providers understand what steps they can take, if necessary, to improve ventilation,” said Yanfang Ren, DDS, PhD, MPH, the EIOH professor whose research about dental treatment provision, aerosol behavior and ventilation, has been widely cited throughout the pandemic. “We found that carbon dioxide levels in dental treatment rooms are directly associated with ventilation rate and the number of people in the

Using a CO2 monitor, household baking soda and vinegar, providers can follow the process that includes a calculator suitable for imperial or metric measurements to determine a room’s current air change rate. These tools, a video demonstration, as well as an email address to send questions, are available on the EIOH Covid Safety & Resources webpage. Because dentists perform a wide variety of procedures that often produce spatters, droplets and aerosols, Eastman Institute for Oral Health adopted the CDC recommendation for Airborne Contaminant Removal, and developed strategies to improve the ventilation rate to 15 air changes per hour in its dental treatment rooms.

“Many factors play a role in the ventilation rate for any given room, including the HVAC system, size and design of the rooms, and structure and age of the building,” said Dr. Ren. “Improving a room’s ventilation could be as easy as adding a portable air cleaner.” When adding a portable air cleaner, it’s important to know its Clean Air Delivery Rate, to ensure it helps reach the desired air change rate. The EIOH Covid Safety & Resources website also provides guidance and custom tools to help users understand the Clean Air Delivery Rate and how to calculate the Air Change Rate for their portable air cleaner. “The higher the Clean Air Delivery Rate, the faster the portable air cleaner cleans the air,” Dr. Ren explained. “When selecting a portable air cleaner for dental treatment rooms, use the rating for tobacco smoke, which represents the sizes of small dental aerosols that are the most difficult to clean.” Improved ventilation and air filtration are important steps in a multi-layered approach for safe delivery of dental care during an infectious respiratory disease pandemic. Pre-appointment screening for signs and symptoms, proper physical distancing, preprocedural mouth rinses, proper use of personal protective equipment including N95 masks and protective goggles or face-shields, and thorough disinfection and cleaning, are all important layers against potential spread of COVID-19 in dental settings. Dr. Qirong Huang demonstrates the process on video, which can be found on EIOH’s website.



EIOH Alumni Honors Parents’ Love Story with Gift Murray Rosenthal said the time he spent at Eastman Dental shaped his whole dental life. That is why he recently donated $100,000, a gift that not only helps future residents, but also honors the love story of his parents, who met at the Dental Dispensary in the 1930’s.

“My time at Eastman was the best education I ever received,” said Dr. Rosenthal, a 1964 AEGD alum, born and raised in Brighton, NY. “I was there during the Bibby and Buonocore years –a time that was so rich with ideas and scientific discoveries.” Dr. Basil Bibby, the second director of Eastman Dental, was a pioneer in dental research and provided valuable insight into the relationship between food, bacteria and fluoride and dental caries. Dr. Michael Buonocore developed a new technique for increasing the adhesion of acrylic resin to enamel, completely changing the course of restorative dentistry. Murray’s love for dentistry began at about 8 years old, when he started hanging out at his father and grandfather’s shared dental practice. “Grandpa and I would put together plaster molds and develop x-rays,” he recalled. “I have so many wonderful memories spending time with my grandparents.” One afternoon, his grandfather wasn’t feeling well and



went home to take a nap. Less than an hour later, the young Murray was told his beloved grandfather had died. “I ran to my grandparent’s home and saw my Grandpa lying there, and I was overcome with grief,” Murray said. “That was it. I decided right then and there, I was going to be a dentist like Grandpa.” Murray graduated from Brighton High School in 1957 and entered the University of Buffalo where he spent two years as an undergraduate. To expedite his undergraduate prerequisite courses for dental school, Murray enrolled in physics at the University of Rochester during the summer of 1958 and promptly aced his dental boards in 1959. Soon, the dental school at Buffalo accepted him.

Dr. Murray Rosenthal, with friend Roberta Garfinkle and his parents, at a 1971 Sarah Vaughn concert at the Rockefeller Center.

As a child, Murray’s grandmother had taken him and his younger brother to see concerts and movies, which, for Murray, planted the seeds of a life-long love affair with theater and the performing arts. After he graduated from UB and then Eastman Dental a year later, he opened a practice in Greece specializing in pediatric dentistry utilizing the skills and knowledge gained from his time at Eastman. After one year in practice he was drafted into the U.S. Army. He spent one year at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs and the second year in Vietnam, at a base in the city of Nha Trang. The things he witnessed during active duty were extremely difficult, but some positives occurred during his time there, like seeing Vietnam’s beautiful countryside, learning its history, and earning a Bronze Star for setting up a dental clinic and serving the local residents with much-needed dental treatment. As one of the many fatigued and disheartened troops, a bright spot occurred when he was able to see comedian Bob Hope, who came to entertain them. When he returned, he worked in a community health center in the Bronx, earned a certificate in periodontics from Columbia University in 1971, and completed fellowships in community medicine and computer application in medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1977. During the decade from mid-seventies to 1987, he served as a dental director for three clinics, served as a consultant to the Public Health Service of DHHS and New York City’s Health and Hospital Corporation. He developed several systems for assessing quality of care and administering dental clinics. His work, “Dr. Rosenthal’s Toolkit,” and a book he co-authored, A Comprehensive Quality Assurance System for Practicing Dentists, can be seen on his website. Both are widely used today. In 1976 he opened a part-time periodontal practice in Manhattan which continues today.

“Because dentistry is changing rapidly, this type of support offered by Dr. Rosenthal is of utmost importance for our program to maintain its leading position in post-doctoral general dentistry education in the world.” –Dr. Hans Malmström In 1987, Dr. Rosenthal was appointed director of the Bureau of Dental Health Services in the NYC Department of Health. He worked to update clinics and started programs to reach underserved neighborhoods using portable dental units and increasing the number of children on Medicaid to receive orthodontic care. His background in pediatric dental care from Eastman was invaluable in creating a modern urban municipal dental program. His supervisor, Dr. Peggy Hamburg, described it as a premier program. During this period, he worked with the New York City Dental Society in developing infection control protocols for the state as a result of the AIDS epidemic. His gift will be used for expanded General Dentistry clinic space, which is still in the planning stages, and will be named the Rosenthal Corridor. His father, Dr. G. George Rosenthal finished his program at Eastman at the same time his mother, Violet Ruth Bloom, completed the Eastman Hygiene Program in 1935. His grandfather and brother were also dentists, and his Aunt Rose graduated from the Eastman Hygiene Program in 1929. His mother was also actively involved as an



administrator with Eastman’s SMILEmobiles, the region’s first mobile dental clinic. In the 1950s, she also helped recruit graduating high school students to the Hygiene Program during Career Nights. This gift, in particular, is given in honor of his mother. “We’re very grateful to Dr. Rosenthal,” said Dr. Eli Eliav, director and professor, Eastman Institute for Oral Health. “The funds will allow renovations and technology updates to provide the very best training and care environment for EIOH residents and patients.” “This very generous gift will allow our residents to receive training in a state-of-the-art clinic, with the latest in technology, to excel in their profession,” said Dr. Hans Malmström, professor and chair, EIOH General Dentistry and director of the AEGD Residency Program. “Because dentistry is changing rapidly, this type of support offered by Dr. Rosenthal is of utmost importance for our program to maintain its leading position in post-doctoral general dentistry education in the world.” His gift honors his loving parents, who modeled hard work, education, compassion, tenacity, and service to others.

They also introduced Murray to the arts, “My mother’s first love was music, and went to Eastman School of Music,” he said. “But because she liked jazz more than classical piano, it didn’t work out. So she studied hygiene! I loved watching her play our grand piano at home, I admired her so much – she had so many talents!” He’s grateful for all his mother encouraged him to do, like taking art lessons and piano lessons. When Murray was about eight years old, his parents took him and his younger brother, Richard, to their first musical, Oklahoma, and they became completely infatuated with the theater. That infatuation grew into true love, with Richard becoming an actor and singer, appearing in three Broadway productions, and leading Murray into his sideline career—a Tony award-winning producer of three Broadway shows, and president of a non-profit opera company. His role? Marketing, scriptwriting, and financing several shows through the years. For years, Murray has been involved with theater production in London, the place he calls his spiritual home. His current project there is helping the opera

Drs. Hans Malmström, Michael Yunker, David Levy, Eli Eliav, Cyril Meyerowitz, Murray Rosenthal



“Murray’s generosity and kindness is something we can and should all try to emulate in our own lives.” – Dr. Lauren Vitkus (Ortho ‘16) Dr. Rosenthal was surprised to see all the clinic and educational improvements made since his last visit to Eastman Institute.

company provide employment for singers of color and to provide music education for people who live in the Brixton neighborhood, which, he explains, is similar to New York City’s Harlem. Dr. Rosenthal’s philanthropy is shared generously among the arts and education. But The Rosenthal Family Scholarship he established at his alma mater, the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, is one of the highlights of his life. The scholarship, which supports partial tuition for three students each year, honors his late father and brother Dean Rosenthal, who also earned their dental degrees there. “I was honored to receive the scholarship,” said EIOH alumna Dr. Lauren Vitkus (Ortho ’16, MS 16). “Murray’s generosity and kindness is something we can and should all try to emulate in our own lives. I have been very fortunate to remain connected to Murray all these years later. He made it a point to come up to Buffalo every year and have dinner with “his scholars” as he liked to call us. This was a fun way for us all to connect and connect with Murray, another example of him bringing people together!” Scholarship recipients describe Murray as caring, enthusiastic, supportive, kind, full of life and a valued mentor. Some have said they owe their careers to Dr. Murray Rosenthal. “His energy and passion impressed me when I first met him and it still does today,” said Dr. Vitkus. “My fondest memory is when Murray and I caught up over dinner and saw a play in New York City.” Murray describes himself as optimistic, friendly, and a raconteur, one who tells stories in a skillful and amusing

way. There’s not a person who’s ever met Murray who could disagree. Whether giving lectures, sharing a meal, or providing dental treatment, he has plenty of good stories from his rich and colorful life experiences to share that are quite entertaining. Always generous with his time and treasure, Murray fell silent when asked what the best gift he ever received was. His voice softening, he said the best gift he ever received was from his mother, who lived to almost 90 years old. She was in bed, dying, when she reached out to touch his hand. The loving words she then whispered to her first-born son will remain a cherished gift to him forevermore. As he honors his mother and father with this gift to Eastman, he will also leave his legacy, where hundreds of residents and students will walk the Rosenthal Corridor in the years to come. What advice does he have to offer them? “Number one, get a good medical history. Know your patient so you can get a complete diagnosis,” he started. “Then you’ll be able to treat properly for a good outcome. You want to keep the teeth because there’s nothing like having your own teeth. Get it done and do it as best as you can. “Not as fast as you can, but the best you can,” he stressed. “Once you get to a certain point and you’re making the money, start thinking about what you can do to help others,” Dr. Rosenthal advised. “Whether it’s using your money or your time, consider that because there’s nothing more wonderful.”



A Marriage of Medicine and Dentistry Rochester invested in me. I’m simply returning a dividend.”

The care of children is a shared passion for Dr. Dennis A. Clements III ’72M (MD) and his wife, Dr. Martha Ann Keels. Dr. Clements, a pediatrician and global health educator, and Dr. Keels, a pediatric dentist who works with special needs children, wanted to create a legacy that would help address global health

disparities. They created a special gift that included a one-time charitable DR. DENNIS A.CLEMENTS III ’72M (MD) AND DR. MARTHA ANN KEELS Founding Members, Wilson Society

donation in addition to including the University in their estate planning. Today, the pediatric dentistry clinic at Eastman Institute for Oral Health has been renovated with state-of-the-art technology updates. The couple also endowed a fund that helps medical students participate in global health initiatives in countries with health disparities. “It seemed like a great fit, marrying both dentistry and medicine,” said Dr. Keels. “Rochester is one of the few places that recognizes them as being equally important for a child’s total health.”


#TogetherForRochester L E G A C Y. 12

To learn more about bequest intentions and other planned giving methods, contact the Office of Trusts, Estates & Gift Planning (800) 635-4672 • (585) 275-8894 •

Century Old Documents Donated by First Director’s Great Grandson An original dental cabinet used by the Eastman Dental Dispensary’s founding director, Dr. Harvey Burkhart, is among the many items recently donated by his great grandson. Richard Quodomine and his partner Rina Aligaen delivered the items previously stored at their home in Pennsylvania, where he works as a cartographer and senior analyst for the City of Philadelphia. “I’m delighted that these items will be preserved for generations of other dentists and hygienists,” he said. “Science and knowledge are their own beautiful thing and shouldn’t sit in a basement.” Eastman Institute for Oral Health Director Dr. Eli Eliav thanked and welcomed the couple in front of a group of faculty, staff, University and EIOH librarians and other history lovers and special guests. “The spirit that George Eastman founded this institution remains the same,” Dr. Eliav said. “We continue to serve the community, teach the next generation of leaders and conduct meaningful research. If your great grandfather saw what we were doing now, he would be very proud.”

Dozens of documents, published papers and personal items belonging to Dr. Harvey Burkhart, founding director of Eastman Dental Dispensary in 1917 were donated by his great grandson.

Mr. Quodomine shared a few family stories told to him by his grandparents. Sunday afternoons were frequently spent enjoying concerts at George Eastman’s house, and how struggling artists who were unable to pay for dental treatment would give them special paintings, including a portrait of Mrs. Burkhart. Or, when a businessman

Rich Quodomine and Rina Aligaen stand with the bust of Dr. Harvey Burkhart.



provided a check to pay for dental work he couldn’t afford years earlier, Dr. Burkhart donated the entire amount to the dispensary to help more people in need. Mr. Quodomine also remembers his grandmother talking about her father (Dr. Burkhart) going to work every day during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, and how he always wore a mask then and during heavy flu seasons. More than 100 years later, that same commitment to provide access to care was demonstrated during the COVID 19 pandemic when EIOH dentists and specialists treated more than 100 patients a day who traveled from 48 counties throughout New York because they were unable to find care elsewhere. “The initial trepidation and uncertainty didn’t weaken the commitment and dedication of our staff, residents and faculty during the pandemic then and now as it continues to evolve,” Dr. Eliav added. “We work closely with URMC leadership to continue breaking barriers, serving the community, educating residents and gathering scientific evidence.” “My great grandfather and grandfather as dentists never wanted to be anything less than to be servants of the public.” Mr. Quodomine added. “This is an opportunity to take the legacy of my great grandfather and put them all together in one place where they are accessible to use again.” Guests carefully thumbed through the fragile pages of the newspaper clippings, old books and photographs, read inscriptions and admired the collectibles and personal effects. “I even recognized a few people in some of the photos,” said Dr. Ronald Billings, the fourth director of Eastman Institute for Oral Health.



“My great

grandfather and grandfather as dentists never wanted to be anything less than to be servants of the public.” – Richard Quodomine

“Mr. Quodomine’s donation will enrich the existing Burkhart and Eastman Dental Center archives with photos, books, objects, and documents significant to the early history of the dispensary,” said Meredith Gozo, curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts at the University’s Miner Library. From the existing collection, she brought a guest book that George Eastman, Dr. Burkhart and many other dignitaries signed during a grand opening event at the original dispensary on Main Street in Rochester, NY. “The provenance of the materials and Mr. Quodomine’s intimate knowledge of his family’s involvement in Eastman’s foundational years make these resources a wonderful addition to the historical record,” she added.

Mr. Quodomine, the first director’s great grandson (left), fourth director Dr. Ronald Billings (center) and current director Dr. Eli Eliav stand behind Dr. Burkhart’s dental cabinet.



EIOH Contributions and Citations part of New Oral Health Report A long-awaited report on oral health in America recently published by the National Institutes of Health includes contributions and highlights research from several experts at Eastman Institute for Oral Health, part of the University of Rochester.

Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges, is a sequel to the pivotal publication 2000 Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General, and is intended to provide a road map on how to improve the national’s oral health, and draws primarily on information from public research and evidencebased practices. The current report, which includes invited contributions from EIOH Director Eli Eliav, DMD, PhD, and Dorota Kopycka-Kedzierawski, DMD, MPH, director of EIOH Clinical and Translational Research Core, provides the most comprehensive assessment of oral health of the U.S. population.

oral medicine. “But we must continue working closely together to remove barriers that prevent or impede access for all Americans.”

Dr. Eliav

Eastman Institute’s partnership with the Finger Lakes Migrant Health Care Project and how implementing Teledentistry dramatically improved compliance is called out as a successful example.

Dr. KopyckaKedzierawski

“This is a very significant report,” said NIH Acting Director Lawrence A. Tabak, DDS, PhD. “It is the most comprehensive assessment of oral health currently available in the United States and it shows, unequivocally, that oral health plays a central role in overall health. Yet millions of Americans still do not have access to routine and preventative oral care.” “We’re pleased the meaningful research we’ve conducted at EIOH is helping us all make better informed decisions based on scientific evidence to improve oral and general health,” said Dr. Eliav, a widely published expert in orofacial pain, neuropathic pain, and



Focusing on innovations in health care delivery, the report highlights Eastman Institute for Oral Health’s expertise in Teledentistry in the Emerging Science and Promising Technologies to Transform Oral Health section.

The report also addresses group disparities around oral health, identified 20 years ago, and how they have not been adequately addressed. Greater efforts are needed to tackle both the social and commercial determinants that create these inequities and the systemic biases that perpetuate them. “This is an in-depth review of the scientific knowledge surrounding oral health that has accumulated over the last two decades,” said Rena D’Souza, DDS, PhD, director of NIDCR, which oversaw and funded the project’s three-year research program. “It provides an important window into how many societal factors intersect to create advantages and disadvantages with respect to oral health, and critically, overall health.” “Healthcare professionals working together to provide integrated oral, medical, and behavioral health care in schools, community health centers, nursing homes, medical care settings and dental clinics is one of the

many recommendations made in the report,” said Dr. KopyckaKedzierawski, whose contributions to the report were included in the chapters related to emerging technologies, Teledentistry and Early Childhood Caries. “Some of the priorities are developing a more Dr. Meyerowitz diverse oral healthcare workforce, addressing the rising cost of dental education, expanding insurance coverage and improving the overall affordability of care.” EIOH Director Emeritus Cyril Meyerowitz, DDS, MS, served as a reviewer for the 800-page report. “The process to produce an important document like this requires the active involvement of a lot of content experts and reviewers,” he said, “and the leadership of this effort by Drs. Judith Albino and Bruce Dye was a tour de force to pull it off at such a high level.” In addition to Drs. Eliav and Kopycka-Kedzierawski, EIOH faculty and scientists cited in the report include Drs. Hans Malmström, Jack Caton, Linda Rasubala, Jin Xiao, Ronald Billings, T.W. Clarkson, Fawad Javed, Walter Psoter, Hiroko Iida and the late Robert Berkowitz. The overall message voiced by the report is that while some progress has been made in improving oral health of Americans, there is still more to be done, and the authors make several recommendations accordingly.

EIOH’s successful Teledentistry program is highlighted in the report.

To view or download the report, please visit oralhealthinamerica



Retirees Susan Poletti Dental Assistant Susan first worked as a dental assistant at SMH in 1975 for a couple years. She left Rochester but returned in 2006, working in General Dentistry and Howitt Urgent Dental Care ever since. Susan will miss all of her coworkers, who became close as family. She also treasured learning so much about the residents’ countries, cultures, and languages.

Janet Lyons Dental Hygienist For nearly 20 years, Janet worked as an EIOH Periodontal and Prosthodontic hygienist and worked in the Office for Quality Improvement and Compliance for the last three years. She loved the opportunity to interact with the residents from all over the world and to learn about their cultures and traditions.

Elizabeth Chernyak Dental Assistant Elizabeth worked for 27 years at EIOH, primarily in Orthodontics. She will miss the people she worked with the most, and looks forward to traveling and visiting her grandchildren.

Adriana Worden Dental Treatment Coordinator For the last 15 years, Adriana has been assisting patients at General Dentistry’s front desk. She will miss most her Spanish-speaking patients, providers and co-workers, as well as her entire work family.



Graduates In addition to the Eastman Institute for Oral Health Class of 2021 crossing the stage to mark their many accomplishments, there was much more to celebrate. After a long and challenging year, the group of 79 graduates was able to enjoy the ceremony together in person, unlike the previous year when graduation fell amidst the peak of the Covid pandemic. In a spacious room, residents and a few faculty from each department were present, while more than 350 friends and family from Greece, Spain, Iraq, Colombia, Brazil, Canada, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, China and many other countries were watching live. “Whether you’ve been here one year or seven years, you and your families should be very proud of all that you’ve accomplished,” EIOH Director Eli Eliav, DMD, PhD, told the Class of 2021, which includes the largest number of residents earning their master’s degree. “You have made many sacrifices. Your time here were not easy years. “The last 15 months were different than anything else we experienced in our lives,” Dr. Eliav continued. “Despite the scientific breakthroughs and all the advances, we are still vulnerable to deadly viruses that can completely shut down economies and disrupt our lives completely.” But advances in science allowed the medical community to develop an efficient vaccine within less than a year, an amazing thing, Dr. Eliav said, crediting the vaccine for being able to be together and mask free for the ceremony. He reminded the audience how history repeats itself, and how the Eastman Dental Dispensary founded in 1917 to help those facing barriers to dental care, stayed open during the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918.

For the first time, EIOH Graduation was held at the UR River Campus in a hybrid ceremony.



“That same dispensary is now called Eastman Institute for Oral Health,” he continued. “While it has changed a lot over the last 104 years, there are many things that remain the same. Among them is our commitment to improve access to care. To provide much needed treatment to those who need it.” When most dental offices were closed during peak months of Covid, EIOH helped more than 100 patients every day – many who traveled long distances because they could not get care anywhere else. Patients traveled from 42 out of the 62 total New York State counties to receive treatment at Eastman. “Among the many challenges, you showed great resilience throughout the last year and helped patients when they were vulnerable, scared and in pain,” Dr. Eliav told the residents. “All the while, we were dealing with the lack of clear guidelines, staff shortages, fear and stress.” The impact of Covid will last far into the future, Dr. Eliav cautioned.



“Taking care of patients with infectious diseases is nothing new for dentists,” he reminded the group. “Because dentists have years of experience and knowledge in this area, we can adjust quickly and continue treating patients safely.” The future of the profession is relying on them, concluded Dr. Eliav, who hopes the graduates will carry on the Eastman legacy. “We need your fresh thinking, your unique perspectives and your leadership, and you will need to address the critical issues in front of us,” he added. “As an EIOH graduate, the legacy involves embracing innovation, leadership, and collaboration. And whatever part of the world you choose to work, I hope you continue to improve access, break barriers and provide excellent treatment – without compromise – for all people.”

“We need your fresh

thinking, your unique

perspectives and your leadership to address the critical issues in front of us.” –Dr. Eli Eliav told the Class of 2021




Many awards were given to deserving faculty, staff and residents during the ceremony.

The Director’s Award was given to Dr. Robert Quivey (not pictured) and Dr. Lee Pollan, pictured with Dr. Kolokythas (left) and Dr. Vorrasi (far right).

The Shaffer Devries Award, given for significant contributions made by staff for their excellence in administrative operations or clinical service, was given to Dental Assistants Barb Birecree (left) and Christie Rodgriguez.

The Caton Fellowship Award was given to Dr. Elli Anna Kotsailidi (Perio ’19, MS ’20)



The Stanley L. Handelman Fellowship Award for residents pursuing a dental academic career was given to Dr. Tamar Marzouk (left) and Dr. Camilo Leal Escobar.

STAFF Profile

Linda Lipani Registrar When EIOH Registrar Linda Lipani arrived five years ago, she brought her skills from School of Medicine and Dentistry and reorganized operations to better align with the needs of dental residents, applicants and alumni. In the short time she’s been in this role, she has established a customer-focused office that performs a wide range of functions related to resident records and academic administration as well as admissions and resident support services. She has contributed significantly to increase the number of Master’s students and preceptors. She has invested the time to learn many states’ licensure requirements to help residents navigate through the often difficult process necessary to obtain dental licensure. Throughout Covid, Linda was instrumental in the transition to online learning and she credits her team for their outstanding customer service, efficiency and accuracy.

Q. What do you love most about being EIOH Registrar?

A. Plain and simple – I love the residents!

Q. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?

A. Since I grow roses and have lots of bees in the garden I’ve though many times about becoming a bee keeper.

Q. If you could have any question answered, what

Q. Last time you challenged yourself?

would it be?

A. To let my hair grow gray!

A. Why do spiders come in my house?

Q. Time waster you indulge in.

Q. Last road trip?

A. Summer 2019 to Massachusetts for a weeklong antique show.

Q. What are you looking forward to most about being

back to ‘normal?’

A. To see smiles and to be able to hug people again.

A. Watching cooking shows although I’m not a very good cook!

Q. The talent I would most like to have?

A. I would love to be an artist. I would paint the things that make me happy - flowers, bees and cats.



When Carletta Carter got hit in the mouth playing football at age 17, it was just the beginning of her journey—and her calling—to a career in dentistry.

EIOH Staff Featured in Touching UR Medicine Video Series

Our Calling: Stories from Behind the Masks is a new video series that shares Carletta’s story—which has been viewed more than 50,000 times—along with other University of Rochester Medical Center and UR Medicine affiliate employees—about how they felt called to work in healthcare and what keeps them going, especially during tough times. “I feel privileged every day to work with thousands of people called to provide outstanding patient care, education and research,” said Mark T. Taubman, MD, CEO of the Medical Center and dean, School of Medicine and Dentistry. “Highlighting some of these stories is a way to share with our community the depth of dedication and commitment demonstrated by our employees.” After her injury, Carletta wanted to become a dental assistant. Part of her training was done at Eastman Institute for Oral Health, where she’s proudly worked for the past 22 years, helping hundreds of people in Rochester’s underserved communities. Today, she oversees two of Eastman Institute’s clinics, while also caring for her mother, who has Alzheimer’s. The heartfelt video, which also features the team at the Eastman Dental clinic in downtown Rochester, NY, and the entire series can be viewed at




APPOINTMENTS & PROMOTIONS Dr. Kopycka-Kedzierawski

Dr. Vorrasi

Dr. Kolokythas

Dr. George

Dr. Psoter

Dr. Rivera-Ramos

Dr. Gajendra

Dr. Michelogiannakis

Professor of Dentistry Dorota Kopycka-Kedzierawski, DDS, MPH Antonia Kolokythas, DDS, MSc Walter Psoter, DDS, PhD

Professor of CLINICAL Dentistry Sangeeta Gajendra, DDS

Associate Professor of CLINICAL Dentistry John Vorrasi, DDS Robby George, BDS, MDS Isamar Rivera-Ramos, DMD, PhD

Associate Professor Dimitrios Michelogiannakis, DDS, MS



news & notes Dr. Hans Malmström has been named chair of the Continuing Education Oversight Committee for the Academy of Osseointegration.

Dr. Konstantinos Chochlidakis (Prostho ‘13), program director, Prosthodontics, was named the Scientific Program chair for the 93rd annual meeting of the American Prosthodontic Society. Dr. Chochlidakis

Dr. Jesse Teng (Ortho ’08) is the current president of the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists, past president of the Texas Association of Orthodontists and serves on the Council of Communications for the American Association of Orthodontists. He Dr. Teng has also been appointed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott to the Dental Review Committee of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners.

Dr. Washer

Dr. Leif Washer (Perio ’77, MS ’77) retired recently after 42 years of private practice and teaching at UCONN Dental School. “My years at Eastman Dental Center were extremely significant for me and are one of the biggest factors in what I achieved in life. Helmet Zander and Jack Caton had a huge influence on my life. I learned so much from Jack about interacting with other people on both a personal and professional level.”

Dr. Diaa Allahham (Ortho’22) earned 2nd place in the Northeastern Society of Orthodontics Cup.

Dr. Allahham



Dr. Malmström

Dr. Michelogiannakis

Dr. Dimitrios Michelogiannakis (Ortho ’17) received an Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship from the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation, and was also elected secretary of ADEA’s Section on Orthodontics.

Dr. Alina Dellanzo (GenDen ’10) gave a presentation about the association between oral disease and cardiovascular disease at the Pritkin Longevity Center in Miami, FL. Dr. Dellanzo

Dr. Ke Shang (Perio ’18) is currently practicing at ROC Perio & Implants under the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Roxanne Lowenguth (Perio ’89).

Dr. Chris Roberts (GenDen ‘84, Ortho ‘87) completed his term as president of the American Association of Orthodontists, and continues to teach at the University of Michigan, where he serves as the director of the Graduate Orthodontic Residency Program.

Dr. Roberts

Former Medical Center Faculty Leads NIH Dr. Lawrence Tabak, a former University of Rochester faculty member and noted dental science researcher, is leading the National Institutes of Health on an interim basis. Dr. Tabak joined the University faculty in 1986 as an associate professor of dental research and associate professor of biochemistry. He served as chair of dental research before being named director of the Center for Oral Biology, now part of Eastman Institute for Oral Heath, and senior associate dean for research in 1998. He joined the NIH in 2000.

Dr. Mayank Kakkar (GenDen ’22) was among the Cystic Fibrosis Finest Class of 2021. The class, recognized for their leadership and community service, worked together to increase awareness and fundraise.

Dr. Linda Wang Lam (Perio ’19 MS ’19) was named the 2021 recipient of the American Board of Periodontology Leslie M. Salkin Award, given to the person who earns the highest score on the ABP Oral Examination. Dr. Wang Lam

Dr. Basir Barmak (MS ’13, Ed.D ’16) was named assistant director of the Master’s Program, where he participates in decisions related to admissions, work closely with EIOH department chairs in developing students’ research ideas to hypothesis and supporting students.

Dr. Barmak

Dr. Szilvia Arany (GenDen ’17) has been named director of Geriatric Oral Health. She is managing a program that equips future generations of dentists with the skills and experience to provide treatment with personalized oral health priorities and care preferences of older adults Dr. Arany and their caregivers. She was also the first dental recipient of the Andrew W. Mellon Dean’s Teaching Fellowship.



news & notes Dr. Martha Somerman (Perio ‘78, PhD ‘80) was named the chief field editor of Frontiers in Dental Medicine. She was the previous director, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH. Dr. Nicolas Aguilera (GenDen ‘22) won First Place for Best Clinical Poster Post-Graduate at the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s 2021 Annual Meeting. He worked with Dr. Alexis Ghanem (GenDen ’13, GPR ‘14) on this complex case where the patient lost his frontal teeth, significant bone and soft tissue in a car accident.

Dr. Romanos Georgios (Perio ’10) published two new books in 2021: Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry and Laser Light Therapy in Dentistry. Dr. James Burk (GenDen ’73) retired in 2021 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine.

Dr. Aquilera

Dr. Eli Eliav presented The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Oral Health to the World Dental Federation (FDI), during the World Oral Health Forum webinar in October, 2021.

Dr. Stanley Silber (GenDen ’74) retired in 2021 from the 5th St. Dental Center, where he served the last five years.

Dr. Burk

Dr. Lyndon Cooper (Prostho ’90, PhD ’91) was named dean of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. Dr. Elisabeth Glatz-Noll (Ortho ’83) lectured in Germany and the Netherlands on orthodontics for the disabled, and also to the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry.

Dr. Eliav

Dr. Alexandra Tsigarida was named chair of the Education Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology, and is leading a task force to evaluate periodontal education for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Dr. Kirty Pathak (GenDen ’17) joined Inspire Dental Group in the Buffalo, NY area. Dr. Robert J. Moreau (Pedo ’94) was appointed chief member of the advisory committee at Cape Cod Community College’s Hygiene Program in late 2021. Dr. Tsigarida

Dr. Aldo Squassi (GenDen ’88) was appointed vice dean of the University of Buenos Aires School of Dentistry and director of the University of Buenos Aires Institute for Public Health Research. Dr. John Vorrasi was named vice chair for the EIOH Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department.

Dr. Vorrasi

Dr. Pooja Gangwani was named the associate program director for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency Program. Dr. Gangwani



Congratulations to Drs. Cyril Meyerowitz, Linda Rasubala and Walt Psoter, who co-authored an award winning paper that originated from a National Dental PBRN project. Their work describes the cues used by dentists in the early detection of oral cancer, and earned the Millard Dr. Rasubala Award, Oral Medicine Section for the 2021 Best Paper in Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. The award recognizes the paper’s scientific approach, novel and significant findings, and the importance of the problem.

Dr. Mohammed Baig (Prostho ’11, GenDen ’13) was elected to the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics. The Academy recognizes his service and devotion to advancing the various arts of esthetics in dentistry and medicine.

Dr. Mahmoud

Dr. Baig

Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud (Gen Den ’21) won a Research Award at the American Prosthodontics Society annual meeting for his study Immediate Loading of Dental Implants Supporting Mandibular Overdenture in Type II Diabetic Patients.

Dr. David Fraser (Perio ’17, MS ’17) was awarded a Trainee Pilot Study through the UR’s Clinical & Translational Science Institute and a Joan Wright Goodman Fellowship, the University’s most competitive dissertation fellowship.

Dr. Erin Shope treated Nathan with the NAM device when he was an infant. Since then, his family holds an annual golf tournament to honor his late uncle Kory Rauscher, this year raising a record $11K to help patients with cleft lip and palate.

Dr. Fraser

Dr. Sharon Elad’s Leadership Recognized Dr. Sharon Elad, chair, Oral Medicine, will receive the 2022 Distinguished Service Award from the International Society of Oral Oncology. In addition, Dr. Elad’s research was recently published in the journal with the highest impact factor (508.72) CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. Her study is titled “The broadening scope of oral mucositis and oral ulcerative mucosal toxicities of anticancer therapies.”




Dr. Mary Ann Lester (Perio ’94) January 28, 2022

Dr. Robert J. Berkowitz November 3, 2021

Dr. Jeffrey P. Feingold (Gen Den ‘72) October 7, 2021

Dr. Lester dedicated her time to the Periodontics Residency Program and remained on the part-time faculty throughout her career in Rochester.

Dr. Berkowitz, former chair, EIOH Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program, served in academic settings at University of Maryland, University of Pennsylvania, Case Western Reserve, Columbia University, University of Texas, Houston, and Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. before coming to Eastman Institute for Oral Health in 1992. He first served as the program director, and then became chair in 1997. He is credited for reimagining the Residency Program and charting a course to align pediatric oral health as part of overall pediatric health for the children of Rochester. His research and many publications on Early Childhood Caries and its prevention was not only pioneering, but field advancing.

While completing his residency at EIOH, he donated his time and skills treating migrant farmworkers. This work touched his heart and would be instrumental in his future as an innovator in the dental profession. He was a change agent in dental managed care across the nation and developed the concept of combining general dentistry and multiple dental specialties under one roof, co-founding the Dentaland Organization. Dentaland offices treated many patients from underserved communities who suffered greatly from dental disease but could not get proper care. He championed their needs for affordable, high quality dental care for Florida’s children and adults by founding Managed Care of North America, Inc., with the goal of managing Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) dental benefits for state agencies.

She owned a successful periodontal practice in Rochester for 26 years, where her office was one of the first in Western NY to introduce 3-Dimensional radiography for diagnosis and surgical care. She collaborated in a multi-center clinical trial for developing a new implant system and also worked to advance healing outcomes as a co-investigator using amniotic stem cells in periodontal and implant applications, and often lectured in local, national and international arenas.



Dr. Buddhi Shrestha (GenDen ‘69, MS ‘70, PhD ‘80) October 3, 2021

work in preventing dental decay, Dr. Shrestha played a key role in expanding access to oral health care in upstate New York and beyond. Dr. Shrestha founded the Rochester Regional Oral Health Coalition, helped pass state laws for licensure of dentists trained outside the U.S., and served on the NYS Dept. of Health, Medicaid Dental Managed Care Work Group in Albany, where he represented Rochester and Finger Lakes interests.

Dr. Shrestha was a communityoriented practitioner, researcher, educator, administrator, and social change agent who advocated tirelessly on behalf of underserved NYS residents, particularly children. He enjoyed a distinguished career in dental academia and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to receive advanced clinical training in the U.S. Dr. Shrestha completed the General Dentistry program and also received Pediatric Dental training at Eastman Dental. He later earned an MS in Dental Science and PhD in Pathology, the latter through a National Research Service Award from NIH. In addition to his extensive research

Dr. Shrestha: Married for 33 years, Dr. Buddhi Shrestha and his wife Sheila Shrestha (MS ’84) met when he was an AEGD resident and she was a lab tech at the Eastman Dental Dispensary. She worked as a UR Research associate professor in Oral Sciences doing dental research at Eastman Dental.

Dr. Leonardo M. Abelardo (Pedo ’65) passed away February 3, 2022.

Dr. James Kennedy (Perio ’69, MS ’69) passed away July 7, 2021.

Dr. Howard W. Schneider (Pedo ’89) passed away January 23, 2022.

Bruce Bates, a longstanding Eastman Dental Center Foundation Board member, passed away May 28, 2021.

Dr. Bill Ziegler (Ortho ’91) passed away January 14, 2022. Dr. Ziegler

Dr. Richard Myers, longtime Orthodontics part-time faculty member, passed away January 16, 2022. Joan Ellen (Hamilton) Dundorf, 88, passed away Aug. 20, 2021. She was a graduate of the Eastman Dental Dispensary School of Dental Hygiene.

Dr. Meyers

During his tenure as director of Community Dentistry at Eastman Dental Center/URMC, Dr. Shrestha expanded the center’s Smilemobile program to increase children’s access to oral health care. As a result of his substantial contributions toward improving oral health, Dr. Shrestha was recognized with numerous awards.

Dr. Lonnie Slapar passed away May 23, 2021. He served as part-time faculty in General and Community Dentistry since 1995.

Mr. Bates

Betty Tishkoff, a long time dental assistant in Periodontics, passed away April 28, 2021. Dr. Michael Kantor (Perio ‘77, MS ‘77) passed away on March 12, 2021. Dr. Slapar




Madison Ibrahim


Dr. Ke Shang (Perio ’18) and Dr. Arvid Yung welcomed daughter Olivia on Oct. 20, 2021.


Dr. Maureen Wood (GenDen ’10, Ortho ‘12) welcomed Calvin Scothorn Petty July 2, 2021.

Dr. Kristen Frantz (BS ’12, Perio ’19, Prostho ’21, MS ’21) and Dr. Brendan Matthews (GPR ’17) welcomed daughter Madison on September 24, 2021.

Dr. Alaa Abdullah, (Ortho Preceptor ’22), welcomed son Ibrahim on November 4, 2021.

David Dr. Yenisey Valdes (OFP ’20) welcomed David H. Kessler III on August 20, 2021.


Leah Peres (Ortho ’18) married Nick DaPrano on October 23, 2021.



Dr. Srinivasa Reddy Pathagunti (DPH ’19) and Dr. Gayathri P were married in August 2021 in India.

Publications Al-Askar M, AlMubarak AM, Alqutub MN, Mokeem S, Javed F, Vohra F, Abduljabbar T, Analgesic Efficacy of Curcuma longa (Curcumin) after Surgical Periodontal Therapy. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2022 Jan Alkhars N, Zeng Y, Alomeir N, Al Jallad N, Wu TT, Aboelmagd S, Youssef M, Jang H, Fogarty C, Xiao J, Oral Candida Predicts Streptococcus mutans Emergence in Underserved US Infants. J Dent Res. 2022 Jan; Epub 2021 May Alqutub MN, Alhumaidan AA, Alali Y, Al-Aali KA, Javed F, Vohra F, Abduljabbar T, Comparison of the postoperative anti-inflammatory efficacy of chlorhexidine, saline rinses and herbal mouthwashes after mechanical debridement in patients with peri-implant mucositis: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Dent Hyg. 2022 Jan Bao J, Huang X, Wang L, He Y, Rasubala L, Ren YF. “Clinical practice guidelines for oral health care during pregnancy: a systematic evaluation and summary recommendations for general dental practitioners.” Quintessence International 2022 Feb 4; 0(0):2-13. Epub 2022 Feb 04. Dadjoo S, Michelogiannakis D, Rossouw PE, Javed F, Potential adjunct therapies for the management of temporomandibular disorders: An evidencebased review. Cranio. 2022 Feb Elad S, Yarom N, Zadik Y, Kuten-Shorrer M, Sonis ST, The broadening scope of oral mucositis and oral ulcerative mucosal toxicities of anticancer therapies. CA Cancer J Clin. 2022 Jan, Epub 2021 Oct Ferrari M, Ferrari Cagidiaco E, Pontoriero DIK, Ercoli C, Chochlidakis K, Survival Rates of Endodontically Treated Posterior Teeth Restored with All-Ceramic Partial-Coverage Crowns: When Systematic Review Fails. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Feb Genetti L, Ercoli C, Kotsailidi EA, Feng C, Tsigarida A, Russo LL, Chochlidakis K, Clinical Evaluation of Pink Esthetic Score of Immediately Impressed Posterior Dental Implants. J Prosthodont. 2022 Jan Hosney S, Ercoli C, Dilbone D, Carranza MG, Chochlidakis K, Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of an Adolescent Patient with Severe Dental Fluorosis: A Clinical Report. J Prosthodont. 2022 Feb, Epub 2021 Kakkar M, Bhide M, Gupta B, Vaid N , Malik S, Singh S, Photobiomodulation therapy as a treatment modality for the temporomandibular disorder – A Systematic Review. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2022

Kalladka M, Al-Azzawi O, Heir GM, Kodapala S, Nainan MT, Khan J, Hemicrania continua secondary to neurogenic paravertebral tumor- a case report. Scand J Pain. 2021 Aug, Print 2022 Jan

Shaikh MS, Zafar MS, Alnazzawi A, Javed F, Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite in regeneration of periodontal intrabony defects: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Anat. 2022 Feb, Epub 2021 Dec

Kommuri K, Michelogiannakis D, Barmak BA, Rossouw PE, Javed F, Efficacy of herbal- versus chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes towards oral hygiene maintenance in patients undergoing fixed orthodontic therapy: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Int J Dent Hyg. 2022 Feb, Epub 2022 Jan

Stiefel K, Gangwani P, Cox D, Kolokythas A, Illdefined extensive radiolucent lesion of the left posterior mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2022 Feb, Epub 2021 Jun

Li Y, Fraser D, Mereness J, Van Hove A, Basu S, Newman M, Benoit DSW, Tissue Engineered Neurovascularization Strategies for Craniofacial Tissue Regeneration. ACS Appl Bio Mater. 2022 Jan, Epub 2021 Nov Marinis A, Papaspyridakos P, Sicilia E, Bernandes SR, Touloumi F, Chochlidakis K, Weber HP, Digital Workflow for Double Complete Arch Zirconia Prostheses Utilizing a Novel Scan Body. J Prosthodont. 2022 Jan, Epub 2021 Sep Meitner S, Phillips S, Carneiro L, Caton J, Javed F, Feng C, Kurtzman GM, Evaluation of the Accuracy of a New Geometric Approach to Implant Guidance. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2022 Jan-Feb Michelogiannakis D, Jabr L, Barmak AB, Rossouw PE, Kotsailidi EA, Javed F, Influence of low-levellaser therapy on the stability of orthodontic miniscrew implants. A systematic review and metaanalysis. Eur J Orthod. 2022 Jan Ozasa K, Noma N, Young A, Korczeniewska OA, Eliav E, Imamura Y, Potential differences in somatosensory function during premenopause and early and late postmenopause in patients with burning mouth syndrome: An observational casecontrol study. J Dent Sci. 2022 Jan, Epub 2021 Sep Papaspyridakos P, AlFulaij F, Bokhary A, Sallustio A, Chochlidakis K, Complete Digital Workflow for Prosthesis Prototype Fabrication with Double Digital Scanning: Accuracy of Fit Assessment. J Prosthodont. 2022 Feb Revilla-León M, Piedra-Cascón W, Methani MM, Barmak BA, Att W, Influence of the base design on the accuracy of additive manufactured casts measured using a coordinate measuring machine. J Prosthodont Res. 2022 Jan, Epub 2021 May Roncari Rocha G, Sims KR Jr, Xiao B, Klein MI, Benoit DSW, Nanoparticle carrier co-delivery of complementary antibiofilm drugs abrogates dual species cariogenic biofilm formation in vitro. J Oral Microbiol. 2021 Nov, eCollection 2022.

Agnihotri A, Sood P, Kaur A. Herbal smoke: Next hurricane on horizon. Indian J Public Health. 2021 Jan-Mar Albelali A, Wu TT, Malmstrom H, Xiao J. Early Childhood Caries Experience Associated with Upper Respiratory Infection in US Children: Findings from a Retrospective Cohort Study. J Pediatr Child Health Care. 2021; Epub 2021 Jul Alresayes S, Al-Askar M, Mokeem SA, Javed F, Vohra F, Abduljabbar T. Cortisol levels in the peri-implant sulcular fluid among patients with and without peri-implantitis. J Periodontal Res. 2021 Aug; Epub 2021 Mar Alresayes S, Al-Aali K, Javed F, Alghamdi O, Mokeem SA, Vohra F, Abduljabbar T. Assessment of self-rated pain perception and whole salivary cortisol levels among adolescents with and without temporomandibular disorders. Cranio. 2021 Mar Alzamil H, Wu TT, van Wijngaarden E, Mendoza M, Malmstrom H, Fiscella K, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Billings RJ, Xiao J., Removable Denture Wearing as a Risk Predictor for Pneumonia Incidence and Time to Event in Older Adults. JDR Clin Trans Res. 2021 Oct Arany S, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Caprio TV, Watson GE., Anticholinergic medication: Related dry mouth and effects on the salivary glands. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2021 Dec; Epub 2021 Aug Banjar A, Chen YW, Kostagianni A, Finkelman M, Papathanasiou A, Chochlidakis K, Papaspyridakos P., Accuracy of 3D Printed Implant Casts Versus Stone Casts: A Comparative Study in the Anterior Maxilla. J Prosthodont. 2021 Dec; Epub 2021 Feb Barillas AP, Michelogiannakis D, Rossouw PE, Javed F. Maxillary expansion in grafted alveolar arches in patients with cleft lip and palate: A literature review. Surgery in Practice and Science 2021 Berry S, Javed F, Rossouw PE, Barmak AB, Kalogirou EM, Michelogiannakis D. Influence of thyroxine supplementation on orthodontically induced tooth movement and/or inflammatory root resorption: A systematic review. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2021 May; Epub 2020 Oct



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