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FEBRuary 2024




Contents 04 22 54

Letter from Catherine Legal Profiles The Wedding Guide


06 10

Calendar of Events Book Recommendations



Stop Heart Attacks


08 12 13 14 16 30

Good News Bost’s Annual Grape Escape

Shop Local Playful Pathways Culinary and Curated

Unbreak My Heart, The Kyle Speegle Story

Before They Start


Will the Real Craig O’Neill Please Stand Up?


42 44

Into the Forrest Café Caribbean

Project Zero




Swing for the Fences


{ T R AV E L }

46 50

Spring Break Adventure Awaits Let’s Go Skiing

OUR COVER Image: New Africa Shutterstock



Letter from Catherine



Hello February, a month brimming with love, adventure, and captivating stories that reflect our incredible community! In this edition, we swing for the fences and catch up with UAFS Lions Baseball Coach Todd Holland for an inside, in-depth look at the returning leadership and the character and spirit that defines our local sluggers. Moving from the ballpark, we explore locally owned markets to discover shelves bursting with fresh produce, specialty foods, unique gifts, and meet the passionate individuals who infuse our markets with life. We’re also setting our sights on unforgettable spring break adventures! Whether it's visiting extraordinary attractions, or the adrenalinefueled slopes of a ski trip, we’re sharing two distinct experiences. In the world of broadcasting, we bid farewell to a statewide legend. After more than fifty incredible years in broadcasting, beloved radio and television personality Craig O’Neill has retired. Join us as we recall cherished moments that shaped his career and his impact on Arkansas. It's a heartfelt tribute to a voice that became a comforting, and hilarious, presence in our lives. Our region is full of inspiring stories. One we're honored to share is Kyle Speegle’s journey through heart surgery, a testament to strength, courage, and the unwavering support of his family and friends. Legal minds take center stage in our legal profiles segment. We offer insight into the faces behind the law and their impact on our legal system. Don't miss our delectable recipes, tidbits from local nonprofits and businesses showcasing the incredible work happening around town, features focusing on health, book reviews and our events calendar, keeping you in the loop with all things local. But wait, there’s more! For those planning a walk down the aisle, our wedding guide is your must-read, comprehensive resource for all things nuptial. Rings. Venues. Registry. Cakes. Beauty. The Dress. Food & Beverage. Honeymoon. It’s all inside.

FEBRUARY 2024 OWNER - PUBLISHER - EDITOR Catherine Frederick COPY EDITING Charity Chambers GRAPHIC DESIGN Artifex 323 – Jessica Meadors CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Jade Graves CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marla Cantrell, Lydia Dobbins, Catherine Frederick, Dwain Hebda, Sara Putman, Bob Robinson, Dr. Allison Young ADVERTISING INFORMATION Catherine Frederick I 479.782.1500

FOLLOW US ©2024 Read Chair Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner. Opinions contained in Do South ® are exclusively those of the writers and do not represent those of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. as a whole or its affiliates. Any correspondence, including photography, becomes the property of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. Do South ® reserves the right to edit content and images. Printed in the U.S.A. | ISSN 2373-1893

Here's to a February filled with love, adventure, and community. See you in March!


Catherine Frederick, Owner/Publisher/Editor

Annual subscriptions are $36 (12 months), within the contiguous United States. Subscribe at or via mail, 4300 Rogers Avenue, Ste. 20, PMB 110, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903. Single issues available upon request. Inquiries or address changes, call 479.782.1500.

To inquire about this free space for your charitable nonprofit organization, email:

Girls Inc. Fort Smith is turning 90! Purchase your tickets by March 25 and join us Thursday, April 4 at 5:30 pm at the Wyndham Fort Smith!






February 10, 8p OREO BLUE LIVE!


K in g Op er a Ho us e, Van Bu r e n

Fa re we ll Par ty Bar , F or t Smith

Re y n o ld s Ro o m , S m i th P e n de r g r a ft



February 22, 8p MARTY STUART

King Oper a House, Van Bur en

T e m ple Li v e , F o r t S m i th


February 23, 7p AARON LEWIS

C a m pu s C e n te r , F o r t S m i th

K in g Op er a Ho us e, Van Bu r e n

February 3, 1-4p THE COMMUNITY STRIKES BACK BENEFITTING HAMILTON HOUSE B o wlin g Wo r ld, F o r t Sm i t h

F eb r uary 4 , 4 p RYAN AND RYAN S koko s P er fo r m i ng Ar t s C e n t e r , Alm a

February 6, 7:30p SHEN YUN PERFORMING ARTS Fort S m i t h Co nvent i o n C e n t e r

February 9, 6:30p OH WATA NIGHT BENEFITTING WESTERN ARKANSAS TENNIS ASSOCIATION H a rd scr abble Co unt r y C lu b , For t S m i t h

February 9, 8p TRACY BIRD T e m p le L i ve, F o r t Sm i t h


Firs t Presbyter ian Chur ch, F or t Smith

February 13, 7-9p PAINT NITE: VALENTINE HEART GLASSES V FW Pos t 8 8 4 5 , F o r t S m i th

February 15 YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN For t S m i th Li ttle T h e a tr e , F o r t S m i th

February 16-18, times vary 2024 HOME SHOW For t S m i th C o n v e n ti o n C e n te r

February 17, 4p & 7p DINOSAUR WORLD S kok os P e r fo r m i n g Ar ts C e n te r , Alm a

February 17, 2-6p RIVER VALLEY BOOK SWAP Booki s h , T h e B a ke r y D i str i c t, F o r t S m i th

S imm ons B ank Ar ena, N or t h L i t t le R ock


F o r t S m i th C o n v e n ti o n C e n t er

February 25, 10a-2p BRIDAL SHOWCASE T h e B a ke r y D i str i c t, F o r t S m i t h

February 25, 7p FSS CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES PERSPECTIVES: STRINGS ATTACHED P E AK I n n o v a ti o n C e n te r , F o r t S mi t h

February 27, 7p UAFS COMBINED CHOIRS CONCERT F i r st P r e sb y te r i a n C h u r c h , F o r t Smi t h

February 29, 7p DAVID FOSTER & KATHARINE MCPHEE W a lto n Ar ts C e n te r , F a y e tt e v i ll e







S tor y ti me : S a t u r d a y s, 1 1 a F e b. 1 : En t r e p r e n e u r ' s Bo o k C lu b , 1 2 p F e b. 8 : Ro m a n c e B o o k C lu b , 6 p F e b. 1 0 : F ic t io n W r it e r ' s W o r ksh o p , 2 p F e b. 1 5 : S m a ll P r e s s B o o k C lu b , 6 p F e b. 1 7 : R iv e r V a lle y B o o k S w a p , 2 p F e b. 23 : Mo s t ly F ic t io n B o o k C lu b , 6 p F e b. 24 : F ic t io n W r it e r ' s W o r ks h o p , 2 p

Open Paint Sessions: 3rd Tues. 12-3p Open Studio Life Drawing Sessions: Mon. 1-3p / Thurs. 6:30-8:30p (18+) Creative U Studio: Mon., Wed. - Sat. 11a-6p (kids) Throw & Go Pottery: Fri. 6-8p (13+) Paint a Pot: Sat. 3-4p (8+) Open Studio Handbuilding: Sat. 3-5p (8+) Intro to Pottery Wheel: Tues. & Thurs. 6-8p (13+) Handbuilding Classes: Mon. 5p (8+) Feb. 16: Cupid’s Canvas, 6:30-8:30p (21+) Feb 17: A Glass Canvas: Digital Art, 1-3p

Bar r e: Mon. & Fri. 9:30a / Tues. & Thurs. 12p Bo dy Sculpting Boot Camp Mi x : M o n. & Thurs. 6p D a nce C ard io: Mon. & T h u r s . 5 : 1 5 p Musc le P ump Exercise Mi x : Wed. 5:30p / Fri. 12p Yo ga: Mon. & W ed . 12p Feb. 8 -9: ACHE Annual R esearch Symposium Feb. 10: Fort Kids P rese n t s S we e th e ar t Cookie Social (FREE, must pre-register) Feb. 16 : P en and Ink W or ks hop wi th Tony Tabone Feb. 2 0: Superhero Com i c C h ar ac t e r Wo r kshop with Cathy Mas on Feb. 2 0: P layful P athw ay s C las s Ser i es Starts (birth - 6 mo. )

THE BAKERY DISTRICT – FORT SMITH BAKERYFS.COM Tr i vi a: Monday, 6:30p D i sc Golf: Tuesd ays, 6p Yo ga: T uesd ays & Thurs day s , 5 : 30p Co r nhole (Bags at The B ake r y ) : Wednesdays, 6:30p Fo r t Smith Jazz Jam: 2 nd Thursd ay, 6:30p M o vi e N ight: 3rd Thursday , 6 : 30p Segue: E very Last Thurs day , 6 p Fo r t Smith Blues Jam: 3 r d S u n day , 1 p

UAFS ATHLETICS UAFORTSMITHLIONS.COM F e b. 1 : W o m e n ’ s Ba ske t b a ll v s. U n i v e r s it y o f T e xa s a t T y le r , 5 : 3 0 p F e b. 1 : Me n ’ s B a s ke t b a ll v s . U n i v e r s it y o f T e xa s a t T y le r , 7 : 3 0 p F e b. 3: W o m e n ’ s Ba ske t b a ll v s. T e x as W o m e n ’ s Un iv e r s it y , 1 p F e b. 3: M e n ’ s B a s ke t b a ll v s . D allas B a p t ist Un iv e r s it y , 3 p F e b. 1 5 : W o m e n ’ s Ba ske t b a ll v s . S t. Edw a r d ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 5 : 3 0 p F e b. 1 5 : Me n ’ s B a s ke t b a ll v s . S t. Edw a r d ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 7 : 3 0 p F e b. 1 6 : B a s e b a ll v s. S t. M ary ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 1 p F e b. 1 7 : B a se b a ll v s . S t. M ary ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 1 p F e b. 1 7 : W o m e n ’ s B a s ke t b a ll v s . S t. M ary ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 1 p F e b. 1 7 : Me n ’ s Ba ske t b a ll v s. S t. M ary ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 3 p F e b. 1 7 : B a se b a ll v s . S t. M ary ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 4 p F e b. 1 8 : B a s e b a ll v s. S t. M ary ’ s Un iv e r sit y , 1 p F e b. 20: Me n ’ s T e n n is v s . Seward County Community College, 1p F e b. 20: W o m e n ’ s T e n n is v s. Seward County Community College, 1p


FORT SMITH REGIONAL ART MUSEUM FSRAM.ORG R A M S a t u r d a y s : 1 2 - 4 p ( F R EE ) G u id e d T o u r S u n d a y s: 2 p (F RE E ) Permanent Exhibit: Dr. William E. Knight Porcelain Gallery To Feb. 4: ArTs at Bost Creativity, Connection and Choices To Feb. 11: Virmarie DePoyster Beyond Labels To April 21: Empoderado and Faces and Figures of the Permanent Collection Feb. 17 to May 19: Kristen TordellaWilliams Precipice Feb. 17 to May 19: Charcoal Visions





Submit events online at or email





good news NEW FACES

FEBRUARY FUN-RAISERS The Special Olympics annual Polar Plunge kicks off February 3 at Creekmore Park Pool in Fort Smith. On-site registration at 10a, plunge at 11a. The Community Strikes Back bowling tournament benefitting Hamilton Center for Child Advocacy, sponsored by The Kiwanis Club Fort Smith, takes place at Bowling World on February 3, 1p. Oh WATA Night, annual fundraiser benefitting the Western Arkansas Tennis Association, will be held at Hardscrabble Country Club, February 9, 6:30p.


GOOD FUN Fort Smith Little Theatre presents You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown, February 15 – 25. In this musical adaptation of the Peanuts comic strip, adults portray Charlie Brown and his gang as they explore life’s great questions, play baseball, struggle with homework, swoon over crushes, and celebrate the joy of friendship.


The Call in Crawford & Sebastian Counties has met the $100K match pledged from ArcBest and funds have been received. Funds raised will go towards a new support center currently in the works.

Baptist Health Breast Center-Fort Smith now offers Saturday appointments. 3D mammograms, as well as Automated Breast Ultrasound System (ABUS) screenings for women with dense breast tissue, can be scheduled from 8a – 12p, on the second Saturday of each month.

Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM) was chosen as one of the eight prestigious institutions nationwide to serve as a testing site for the Core Competency Capstone for Doctors of Osteopathy. ARCOM's acceptance comes with a substantial grant of $40,000, earmarked to support various activities related to Pilot.

Over 40% of women in the U.S. have dense breast tissue which can mask the appearance of tumors and limit the performance of mammography. ABUS can see through dense tissue and find small cancers that may not be seen on mammography because they are hidden by normal, dense breast tissue. To schedule a screening, call 479.441.4100, option 3. DOSOUTHMAGAZINE.COM

Lauren Zavala has joined Fort Smith Boys and Girls Club as their Marketing and Donor Relations Manager.

United Way Fort Smith announces new board members: John Bradbury (ABB), Andy Chancellor (OG&E), Heidi Kertesz (Pernod Ricard), Michelle Mings (Firstar Bank), Dr. Terry Morawski (Fort Smith Public Schools), Dr. Chris Smith (Arkansas Colleges of Health Education), and Beth Solomon (BHC Insurance).

U.S. Marshals Museum announced Dr. Terisa Riley, Chancellor University of Arkansas – Fort Smith, as Chair of the U.S. Marshals Museum Board.


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BREATHE BETTER, WORRY LESS WITH ARKANSAS CHILDREN’S PULMONOLOGY There’s nothing more important than your child breathing easily. Arkansas Children’s Pulmonary Clinic provides expert care to infants and children with complete diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic lung disease. We are experts in treating pediatric asthma, with over 25 nationally certified asthma educators throughout Arkansas Children’s health system. Our sleep disorders lab helps children suffering from sleep apnea and other sleep-related conditions. We provide pediatric care for a variety of other conditions, learn more at

Schedule your child’s appointment today.





GET BOOKISH February Recommendations courtesy Sara Putman, Bookish

Enjoy these recommendations from our friends at Bookish, Fort Smith, Arkansas’ only independently owned bookstore located in The Bakery District. The Last Days of the Midnight Ramblers

by Sarah Tomlinson Tomlinson explores the captivating world of a legendary rock band and the enigmatic figure of Anke Berben, a renowned model and style icon. Anke's life is entwined with the band, as she has been romantically involved with three of its influential members. The narrative delves into the backstage drama that has contributed to the band's enduring mystique. The central mystery revolves around Anke's role in the death of Mal, the band's founder and her husband, in 1969. Mari Hawthorn, tasked with assisting Anke in writing her memoir, becomes determined to uncover the truth behind Mal's demise. Despite her expertise in handling the complexities of celebrity relationships due to her troubled upbringing, Mari finds herself drawn into the alluring world of the Midnight Ramblers. As Mari navigates the intricate web of relationships, betrayals, and suspicions surrounding the band, she grapples with the challenge of maintaining objectivity and integrity. The novel promises a blend of glamor, attitude, and the magnetism of rock and roll, making it a compelling read for fans of musiccentric stories like Daisy Jones & The Six and the nostalgic appeal of Almost Famous.

A bighearted page-turner that explores the intersection of love, fame, and tragedy in the world of rock and roll.

The Seven Year Slip

The Bullet Swallower

by Ashley Poston

by Elizabeth Gonzalez James

In the aftermath of her worst day, Clementine creates a plan to protect her heart. When a man from the past appears, she faces a dilemma - a poignant exploration of love and timing.

An epic family saga chronicles the lives of Antonio and Jaime Sonoro. Antonio attempts a gold train heist, ending in tragedy. Jaime uncovers a history tainted by crime and seeks redemption.


The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store

by James McBride Chicken Hill, a diverse neighborhood, has secrets. Through the struggles and resilience of marginalized communities, love and community wins, revealing the town's dark truths.




Do South Cares

Bost’s mission is to be a community of people supporting individuals with disabilities and behavioral health needs to meet their life goals. As the needs of those we serve grow, so


words Catherine Frederick with Jeanne Hill, Director of Marketing & Fundraising, Bost

do the services we offer. Funding for innovative therapy and learning options, expanded art programs, transportation, new technology, or building renovations isn’t always available through traditional means. That is why Grape Escapes, our annual fundraiser, was created over twenty years ago and is still going strong today. Those we serve still need us and we still need YOU! Grape Escapes 2024 will be held March 1, from 6 to 9 pm at the ACHE Research Institute located at 1000 Fianna Way in Fort Smith. The cocktail-style fundraiser allows guests to sample a huge selection of wines from around the world while enjoying delicacies from many local eateries. We are excited for the return of the cigar bar by Discount Tobacco and expanded beer garden! Included with your Grape Escapes ticket is entry to the ArTy Afterglow Party from 9 to 11pm! This unique art show and sale offers guests the chance to mingle with artists in an upbeat environment. Entertainment by the Mixtapes will keep you moving while enjoying sweet treats, coffee, and a cash bar. In addition to supporting Bost, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience the excellent catering services, dining options, wines, and beer available right here in our hometown! Be sure to bookmark or hold on to your event program

5812 Remington Circle Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.478.5600

as it will prove to be a fantastic resource as you plan all your upcoming events. The sponsors, restaurants, caterers, breweries, distributors, and wineries that participate in Grape Escapes are nothing short of amazing. Tickets, which are $150 each, can be purchased online at, or by calling 479-652-4553. All attendees must provide a valid ID at the main event and the after-

Next month, we’ll showcase

party verifying age. Put on your favorite party clothes and join us for a night of fun

another worthy nonprofit in our

benefiting Bost!

area free of charge. Requests for this free page accepted beginning October, 2024. Send inquiries to, or call 479.782.1500.

Community support doesn’t begin and end with Grape Escapes! Consider Bost if you have an open position that could be filled by one of the adults in our Work Development Program. Think of Bost when you have a friend or family member looking for a job. We are here for those we serve and their families in the community, but we need YOU! All funds raised by Grape Escapes will be used LOCALLY to fund critical services and supports for individuals with disabilities.




IMAGE Ashley Carson Photography

Nathaniel is a young man with a keen interest in football and video games! In school, his favorite subjects are civics, biology, and geometry. His enthusiasm for learning and his hobbies is a testament to his engaging personality. While his challenges include behavior and socializing with peers his age, Nathaniel is on a journey of personal growth and development. A nurturing home, whether with one or two parents, is essential. Nathaniel thrives in an environment where guidance and support are readily available. He looks forward to learning to drive and getting his first job! Nathaniel needs a family to provide the structure and encouragement necessary to help navigate these milestones and guide him towards achieving his goals. The right family for Nathaniel is one that not only supports his academic and personal interests, but also provides the understanding and direction he needs to flourish.

In partnership with Project Zero and the Arkansas Heart Gallery, each month Do South® will feature a waiting child, or sibling group, in foster care in Arkansas. To inquire about these incredible children, please visit





Product Spotlight - Shop Local! imageS Jade Graves Photography and courtesy vendors

Hearts On Fire Ellipse Diamond Earrings, Starting .75ct, 18kt White Gold, 18kt Rose Gold & Platinum, 18kt Yellow Gold & Platinum


Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine, Stella Rosa French Vanilla and Strawberry Rosé, Appalachian Sippin’ Cream

IN GOOD SPIRITS 479.434.6604

Eyewear by Tom Ford

STILES EYE GROUP 479.452.2020

Customize Your Hearing Protection with Westone Custom Materials


Swig Wine Cup, Secret Desire Dark Mocha, Mozart White Chocolate Strawberry Cream, Prairie Imperial Stout, A To Z Bubbles Sparkling Wine

SODIE’S WINE & SPIRITS 479.783.8013





PLAYFUL PATHWAYS words and images courtesy Dr. Allison Young, Arkansas Colleges of Health Education School of Physical Therapy

Playful Pathways, a free research program hosted at Arkansas

of these milestones. Through carefully curated activities and

Colleges of Health Education Research Institute Health and

exercises, infants are encouraged to explore and engage with

Wellness Center, goes beyond traditional mommy and me

their surroundings, fostering coordination, balance, and strength.

classes by combining elements of gross motor development,

Caregivers are given valuable insight from pediatric physical

occupational therapy, nutrition, and socialization. This holistic

therapists about how to play and engage their babies at such

approach creates an inclusive and nurturing environment

an early age. Occupational therapy is also included as it’s vitally

where infants and all caregivers can thrive together, laying the

important to address sensory and motor challenges that may arise

groundwork for a lifetime of healthy development.

during this formative period.

Founded by Dr. Allison Young of Arkansas Colleges of Health

Proper nourishment has a profound impact on an infant's growth

Education School of Physical Therapy and Mandy Chilton, owner of

and well-being. As such, a registered dietician is available to provide

Learn, Play, Grow Pediatric Therapy in Fort Smith, Playful Pathways,

caregivers nutritional guidance tailored to the specific needs of

is an innovative program tailored for infants aged 0-6 months and

infants, promoting a holistic approach to their overall health.

their caregivers. Dr. Young, a Certified Pediatric Clinical Specialist, created the 8-week program to focus on key aspects of early

Another goal is to create a supportive community for both

childhood development as well as socialization among caregivers.

infants and caregivers. Caregivers and infants learning together

The program provides a unique way for infants and caregivers to

in a nurturing environment fosters bonding and secure

embark on a journey of discovery and growth.

attachment. The interactive setting also allows caregivers to connect, share experiences and build a network of support!

Infancy is a critical period for gross motor development and the program has been designed to facilitate the natural progression

Playful Pathways runs twice a year, classes begin February 20, 2024. Spots are limited! Email Dr. Young at for additional information and sign up!



VBSD helps students get a jumpstart on their college and career pursuits by giving them access to realworld, hands-on learning experiences while still in high school. From medicine to machinery, Pointers can acquire the skills they need to excel at the next level, all while earning credit hours, certifications, and even college degrees.


VBSD proudly offers: Career pathways Workforce partnerships Internships & apprenticeships Concurrent credit & Advanced Placement courses On-site training opportunities & more!




Stop Heart Attacks Before They Start WORDS and Images courtesy Baptist Health – Fort Smith

Baptist Health works closely with the American College of Cardiology’s CardioSmart program to help educate Arkansans about better heart health. Early Heart Attack Care (EHAC®) education promotes awareness that heart attacks have beginnings. It’s important to recognize the signs so you can act when someone is having a heart attack. It’s also important to understand your own risk factors and symptoms so you can work with your health care provider to prevent a heart attack before it occurs.

What are the Risk Factors?

We reached out to Ashley Mohadjer, DO, an interventional

These are general risk factors for heart attack. Be sure to discuss

cardiologist at Baptist Health-Fort Smith to discuss top questions

your risk factors with your doctor.

about early heart attack care.

• A family history of cardiovascular disease • High blood pressure

Q: What Are the Early Signs of a Heart Attack That

• Obesity

May Go Unnoticed?

• Sedentary lifestyle

Dr. Mohadjer: Typical signs include chest pain, sometimes

• Use of tobacco products

with nausea and a feeling of being clammy. Some people may

• Metabolic disease, diabetes, or other illnesses

have very subtle versions of these symptoms early on that seem

• For women, it can also include use of birth control pills, a

mild. Often this may not be pain, but a subtle discomfort in

history of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or having

the chest that can spread up the neck and down the left arm.

a low birthweight baby

I have had many patients tell me “It wasn’t a severe pain, so I



didn’t think anything was wrong.” Other people describe this

Q: How Can We Reduce Our Risk Factors for Heart

as a feeling of heartburn or indigestion they didn’t think was

Disease or a Heart Attack?

heart-related until it gradually got worse, prompting them to

Dr. Mohadjer: Focus on prevention, get established with a

seek medical attention.

primary care provider, and prioritize annual wellness checks. If you have a family history of cardiac disease, ask your PCP to

Q: How Do Early Heart Attack Symptoms Differ Among

speak with a cardiologist. When it comes to diet and lifestyle

Men and Women?

changes, focus on specific and realistic goals. Start with 5

Dr. Mohadjer: Men typically have textbook symptoms such

minutes of activity that raises your heart rate two to three times

as “crushing” pressure sensation in the chest that can radiate

a week and hold yourself accountable for meeting that goal in

or involve the neck, jaw, and left arm, often accompanied

a certain time frame. The next week, increase to 6 minutes, the

by a cold sweat, trouble breathing and sometimes nausea or

following week 7 minutes, etc. Another idea is to set a distance

vomiting. Women can have these symptoms too; however,

for a brisk walk or jog, and gradually work on decreasing the

women are more likely to have different symptoms that can be

amount of time it takes to accomplish that.

more vague. In women, we often see pain or discomfort in the stomach instead of the chest. Women can also have back or

Survive, Don’t Drive!

shoulder discomfort that can involve the neck and sometimes

One of the first things you should do is to call 9-1-1. Do not

both arms. Some women may have trouble breathing and

drive yourself or another person to the hospital in the event of

significant fatigue.

a heart attack. Emergency medical service teams are trained to start life-saving treatment on the way to the hospital,

Q: Are There Factors or Concerns Women May Face

minimizing damage to the heart. They can also conduct and

That Men Typically Don’t?

interpret electrocardiograms to diagnose a heart attack in the

Dr. Mohadjer: Emotional stress can be a trigger for heart

ambulance and make medical personnel at the hospital aware

attacks in women more so than men. Women can also suffer

of your condition.

from heart attacks for different reasons than men altogether, which often relate to pregnancy and hormonal changes.

Hands-Only CPR Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is CPR

Q: Do Some of Your Patients Not Know They’re Having

without mouth-to-mouth breaths. It can be used by people who

a Heart Attack?

see a teen or adult collapse in an “out of hospital” setting such

Dr. Mohadjer: This is quite common and one of the reasons

as home, work or in a public place. The purpose of Hands-Only

why I feel so strongly about health education for patients. I

CPR is to get blood pumping through the victim’s body until

have had several patients realize afterward that symptoms they

paramedics arrive on the scene and perform more advanced life

attributed to “acid reflux,” “overexerting myself” or even “back

support. First, always call 9-1-1. Then push hard and fast in the

pain” were actually early warning signs of cardiac symptoms.

center of the chest to the beat of a fast-paced song like “Stayin’ Alive.” The song is 100 beats per minute – the minimum rate you should push on the chest during Hands-Only CPR. Find more information and training at

Dr. Mohadjer is board certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease. In her free time, she enjoys staying active by traveling, swimming, hiking, and cooking. Baptist Health Cardiology Center – Fort Smith 1500 Dodson Avenue, Ste. 60, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.709.7325 |



Planning to retire at age 65? Longevity tables suggest you can expect to live to nearly age 82 if you are a man and 85 if you are a woman. For those age 62, the earliest you are able to receive Social Security benefits, men can expect to live until age 81 and women can expect to live until age 84, per Social Security Administration.* Retirement should not conjure up visions of sitting penniless in a rocking chair, whittling and dipping snuff unless, of course, that is your desired vision of retirement. Retirement today should be about retiring to something. Not from something. DOSOUTHMAGAZINE.COM



CADDELL REYNOLDS LAW FIRM Bill Reynolds believes the only good attorney is an informed attorney who’s committed to serving clients to the fullest. That’s why as Managing Partner of Caddell & Reynolds, he insists on going to extraordinary lengths to ensure the firm’s legal expertise is second to none. “ Truck driving litigation is one area where we have had great success,” he says. “One of the reasons why is because I send my young lawyers to school to learn how to drive a tractor-trailer. I want them to have a first-person perspective of what they will be arguing on behalf of the client, whether that’s the tractor-trailer driver or the person who’s in the car. “We have come up against attorneys, including some from the biggest law firms out there, and their jaws drop when they see the level of preparation, detail and expertise that we bring to each and every case.” Licensed in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, Caddell Reynolds has grown to become a leading Arkansas-based law firm specializing in personal injury, Social Security disability, bankruptcy, workers comp, wrongful death and other cases. Bill and Senior Partner Fred Caddell have assembled an awardwinning team, driven by a passion for helping people fight back against large insurance companies, federal government agencies, HMOs, corporations and other entities who seek to take advantage of those who are injured, disabled or financially struggling. Bill said he takes pride in being in a position to help people when they need it the most. “Our clients’ needs come first,” he says. “We are sought-after when everything’s on the line and people need serious legal help in trucking litigation or any other commercial-type litigation such as medical malpractice. They often come to us desperate for results. It’s a great responsibility and one we don’t take lightly.” Boasting more than 100 years of legal experience and operating from offices in Fayetteville, Jonesboro, Rogers and Fort Smith, Caddell Reynolds’ stable of ten attorneys aggressively represents their clients while at the same time remains reachable and communicative throughout the legal process. Bill says this level of customer service is what truly sets the firm apart from the field. “Having qualified paralegals as part of the process is integral to managing cases, just like a nurse is integral to the work of a doctor,” he says. “However, every client knows that when they hire an attorney from our firm, they can connect with that attorney at any time with questions or concerns. That peace of mind is big for the client and just one more way our firm stands out from the competition.”



Formerly a Sebastian County deputy prosecuting attorney, he’s


respected in legal and governance circles as a member of the Arkansas Bar Association, past chairman of the Sebastian County


Election Commission and past president of the Sebastian County

A proven judicial track record, a lifelong commitment to the

Gov. Asa Hutchinson in 2022.

Bar Association. He was appointed to his current judgeship by

community and a deep, abiding respect for equal justice under law are the things that define Fort Smith District Court Judge Sam

Above those accolades and accomplishments, Judge Terry said

Terry. “I am a native of Fort Smith, I grew up here and I love it

his family — his wife, Jennifer, and son, Bentley — provides the

here,” he says. “In addition to my service on the bench, I have also

greatest inspiration for serving in the judicial system. He said he

served the community in a number of ways through charitable

is seeking to continue in office as a judge in order to continue

causes, nonprofits and things of that nature.

improving the community by upholding the law.

“I believe a community can only thrive when that community is safe and

“I’ve always had a deep respect for the law and I have always

the laws are applied fairly and with integrity. That belief has guided me

held the rule of law as one of the most powerful ideals we have

daily in my time as a judge.” A graduate of Leadership Fort Smith and a

as Americans,” he says. “Justice, fairness, and treating people with

past 40 Under 40 designee by NWA Business, Judge Terry’s community

respect: these values are very important to me and I strive to

service speaks volumes about his commitment to individuals and

uphold them daily. I look forward to continuing to serve the public

families throughout western Arkansas. He’s a board member for Fort

as district judge. I am grateful for the support of the people and I

Smith Children’s Shelter, Fort Smith Regional Art Museum, Fort Smith

ask voters to cast their ballots for me on March 5, with early voting

Museum of History and Sebastian Retired Citizens Association.

beginning February 20."

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Sam Terry



another $2,000 or $5,000; as our tag line says, ‘You always know what you owe.’


“My husband Matthew does a very thorough intake process

Mock Legal Solutions provides families with skilled, experienced

on the family law side. If, in our judgment, it’s unlikely that the

legal services in a caring and compassionate manner. And soon,

goal is going to succeed, we don’t proceed. We can’t guarantee

the firm will be expanding its practice, both in square footage and

success but so many times, including in my life when I have hired

in scope of services.

attorneys, some are all too happy to take your money even if you don’t have a shot of winning. We always base our decision to take

“On February 1, we are expanding our offices and our practice

a case based on merit.”

to include personal injury,” says Jackie Mock, Founder. “Before starting my own practice, I handled personal injury cases for

All clients enjoy professional and respectful service, with access

nine years. I always knew I wanted to get back into it, but I also

to Jackie’s personal cell number and the additional support of

really enjoy family law, so we will offer both.”

two paralegals ensuring no communication slips through the cracks. There’s even a children’s area in the new office, to further

The firm is proud of its client-first approach, helping individuals

serve her clientele. “ This area allows clients to bring their kids to

and families deal with some of the most traumatic experiences of

a legal appointment, giving them a place to play,” she says. “My

their lives. “Something that sets us apart is instead of billing by the

clients are usually a parent who’s already overburdened without

hour with a large retainer up front, I set a flat fee on most family

anyone to help. This is just one way we try to take a more family-

law cases,” Jackie says. “You’re never going to get hit with a bill for

centered approach.”




The Speegle family

Unbreak My Heart

Kyle Speegle's Story WORDs Marla Cantrell images courtesy Alicia Agent

It’s a Monday morning, nine o’clock, and heavy rain is causing traffic to crawl. The temperature hovers at forty degrees, the wind howls, and as I watch from inside my car, a man with a buzz cut, wearing scuffed work boots and no coat, races inside Moka Joe’s Coffee and Café in Fort Smith, Arkansas. In less than five minutes, he is back outside, sprinting for his pickup, the steam from his order making a curl above his carry-out cup. Once inside, I find two baristas chatting amiably with customers. The sound of the rapid rainfall is startling, causing the coffee-scented air to quiver. For a moment, it’s hard to hear anything other than



the sky raging. Kyle Speegle, who opened Moka Joe’s in 2010,

aside to voice their concern. “Looking back at the photos, you

knows what it’s like to live with intruding sounds. The only

can see how gray and sick he looked,” Alicia says.

difference is that the noise he hears comes from a mechanical valve in his once-broken heart. Kyle touches his chest. “It can

“During that time, I worried that I might have cancer—I was

drive me crazy sometimes,” he says, “but as my doctor reminds

that sick. I couldn’t eat much, and I lost sixty-five pounds.

me, the bigger danger would be if the sound stops.”

Every year, I put up a big Christmas display at our house with 50,000 lights. With music. Everything. I was so weak I’d work

Kyle is smiling as he talks, peering beneath the bill of his ball

on the lights for five minutes, then rest for thirty. But I was

cap. He wears glasses, a scruff of beard, a lime green Moka

determined to get it done.”

Joe’s t-shirt hiding the scar from his open-heart surgery. At forty-four years of age, he looks robust, a man in his prime,

On the Monday after Thanksgiving, Kyle was making dinner

but in 2022, it was a much different story.

for his sons. Alicia was out shopping for a company event.

That summer, Kyle saw his future sprawling out in front of him, so many years left, they seemed incalculable. Married to his sweetheart, Alicia Agent, he sp ent his free time with her and the ir two young sons, Gus, who’s now seven, and Aaron, who’s three.

“He called me panicked,” Alicia says. “Gus was crying in the background. Kyle’s watch told him his heart rate had shot up to 180, and all he was doing was boiling water for spaghetti at the stove.” (A normal resting heart rate is between sixty and 100 beats per minute.) Kyle frowns. “What was hard was that I had to tell our little boy, Gus, that if I passed out, he’d need to call 911.”

Not that there weren’t challenges. For one thing, Moka Joe’s

Alicia raced to her car, calling her mom on the way. Her

opens early seven days a week, so Kyle’s never really off duty.

mother, who was nearby, rushed to Kyle’s side while Alicia

For another, he and Alicia have ambitious careers, and they

used her frantic drive time to call a cardiologist for advice.

work hard to fit their busy schedules into what feels like

“His heart rate had settled, and he felt better [when I got

increasingly dwindling days.

home], but I took him to the ER anyway at the advice of one of the docs.”

In August of 2022, Kyle needed dental surgery. Nothing earth shattering. Just a procedure to extract a wisdom tooth, which

The doctor on duty said he wanted to “cast a wider net”

would cause Kyle to juggle schedules at work for a few days.

because nothing around Kyle’s GI area showed any issues.

All in all, more of a nuisance than a crisis.

With further testing, the medical staff at Baptist Health in Fort Smith found fluid around his heart. The night was long;

Not long after, though, Kyle began having strange symptoms:

the next morning, cardiologist Dr. A. Nasser Adjei ordered

acid reflux, stomach pain, night sweats, uncontrollable

follow-up tests, and other specialists checked in. “Dr. Adjei

shivering, diminished appetite, fatigue. Alicia, who serves as

pulled me out of the room and said he was sending Kyle

the marketing manager for Baptist Health, grew concerned

to Little Rock,” Alicia says. “Kyle had a leaking heart valve

enough to take him to the Emergency Room in Fort Smith.

and a severe infection (endocarditis) in his heart.” How does

Kyle was treated for a kidney infection. A trip to his regular

something as simple as an infected wisdom tooth lead to

doctor followed, and after that, when he wasn’t improving,

symptoms like Kyle’s? It took a rare set of circumstances.

he saw a surgeon. “Kyle had a special condition in his heart, called bicuspid aortic In September 2022, Kyle had his gallbladder removed. The

valve,” Dr. Hawamdeh, a Baptist Health cardiologist, says.

couple crossed their fingers. Certainly, he’d feel better now.

“This is a genetic condition in which the main valve of the

But when the family celebrated Thanksgiving with Alicia’s

heart (aortic valve) has separated into two parts rather than

relatives, those who didn’t regularly see Kyle pulled Alicia

the standard three parts. This condition affects one percent of





the general population. The infection of heart structure from dental sources is common, especially when there is a damaged structure. Abnormal heart valves tend to go through wear and tear sooner than structurally normal valves, which probably created the perfect storm for Kyle. Had Kyle’s condition been known prior to his dental surgery, his doctors would have advocated for a dose of antibiotics, prior to having the surgery done. Kyle’s heart infection could’ve been due to the infection that required the dental surgery, or due to the infection getting to the bloodstream during the surgery.” Today, there are more advanced tools to catch a problem like Kyle’s early in life. Experts advise immediate family members of anyone with the condition to be checked. Kyle, who grew up playing sports and was a marathon runner in his thirties, never had reason to doubt his heart was working well. But on that November night, Kyle’s doctors found the ticking time bomb. They ordered an ambulance to take him to Baptist Health in Little Rock, where a specialized team was ready to jump into action. Kyle doubts he understood how dire the

Gus was hesitant to leave his side. “He spends every minute he

situation was.

can with me,” Kyle says. “I’m scheduled for a check-up in Little Rock, and Gus asked if he could miss school to go with us.”

“Had Kyle been older or had more health problems, he probably wouldn’t have survived. Kyle’s overall good health

Kyle, who loves Moka Joe’s and used to spend way too

and young age were his saving grace,” Dr. Hawamdeh says.

many hours there, finally took the family on a vacation to Florida last summer. He often missed a few of Gus’ sporting

Once in Little Rock, things progressed quickly. At one point,

events because of work, but not now. Kyle also has a deeper

Kyle’s heart rate soared again, and it took his team three

admiration for Alicia. “She takes care of us,” he says, tugging

attempts to bring it down. His cardiac surgeon, Dr. Karol Mudy,

the bill of his cap. He laughs. “She hands me my pills like I’m

answered all of Kyle and Alicia’s questions. And when Kyle

an old man.”

was wheeled into surgery, he remembers the overwhelmingly positive energy he felt.

The good news is that Kyle will get to be an old man. Alicia, who says she’s a little bit of a nag now, making sure Kyle does

Before that, there were tears. “You don’t think at my age that

what it takes to stay healthy, will be by his side. And Gus and

you’re going to have to talk to your wife about what happens

Aaron will have grown up secure, surrounded by their parents’

if you don’t make it.” Kyle looks down, his eyes averted. “I

love. For Kyle and Alicia, that’s the biggest gift of all.

tried to think of everything she needed to know. I wanted my boys to have the best life, to feel secure and loved. I couldn’t stand to think about not being there to raise them.” When Kyle left the hospital in mid-December, he had a mechanical valve in his heart, which makes an audible ticking sound, a pacemaker in his chest, a month’s worth of antibiotics to take, and a few new prescriptions. Once at home, he noticed

February is American Heart Month. While Kyle's case was caused by genetics, the American Heart Association recommends regular checkups, not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol, treating high blood pressure, and getting at least 150 minutes of exercise a week for optimal health!


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WORDs Marla Cantrell images Jade Graves Photography

Who among us hasn’t rushed into Dillard’s near closing time to grab a nearly forgotten gift for a friend? Or gone to Walmart in the wee hours of a frantic night when we couldn’t sleep? While there are certainly advantages to chain stores (especially those based in Arkansas), there’s something about shopping local that’s both charming and fruitful. Fort Smith is flush with mom-and-pop shops and eateries run by owners who become our friends. We spend money that stays in our hometown. We help businesses that keep a close eye on the bottom line while giving us the best deals they can. But more than that, these local shops have the most extraordinary products that make our lives happier, healthier, and keep our little part of the world a whole lot brighter.



The Market by Black Bison

Gorgeous teapots sit beside a display of some of the most

8434 Phoenix Avenue

colorful handcrafted wooden spoons you’ve ever seen. Against

The Market by The Park

one wall is a cabinet devoted to the Italian appliance maker

3400 Rogers Avenue

SMEG. State-of-the-art machines shine, especially a pink electric tea kettle that will make you swoon. Reusable towels meant to

For those who know Fort Smith, The Market by Black Bison

replace paper towels come rolled on a holder. They sit next to a

is in the old Movie Town location, which was the city’s last

potholder with the image of a 1950s housewife holding a pie.

video rental store. Now, the airy space is populated by things

The caption reads: You Wanna Piece of This?

you knew you needed and those you’ll soon discover you can’t live without. The 4,500-square-foot shop opened in November

Rows of specialty foods fill the shelves near the front, next to

2023, just in time for the holiday shopping season.

Razorback mugs and a selection of food-related books. Then, there’s the actual food. Olivelle infused olive oils and barrel-

Owners Carey Thompson and Josh Palmer also have the

aged balsamic vinegars. Rows of sauces, spices, and mixes like

nearby Black Bison Gift Shop on Eighty-seventh Street and are

Soberdough Brew Bread. Take-and-bake meals that are made

co-owners at The Market by the Park/Sweet Bay Café. And, of

at the Sweet Bay Café and brought to The Market by Black

course, they’re the force behind Black Bison Coffee.

Bison. Things like Baked Spaghetti, Chicken Pot Pie, Chicken Alfredo, and meatless options. Plus, meats and cheeses, fresh

The Market by Black Bison is the perfect place to find gifts for

eggs, Loblolly ice cream, even coffee cake. In the works is a

those you love (or want to impress). Wow the foodie in your

deli and a wine section. Josh and Carey have added several

life who throws around words like chiffonade and flambe. Get

products at the suggestions of customers, an interaction that

a new toy for your four-legged friend. And, okay, grab a few

makes them happy. After you’ve had your fill, walk over to

things for yourself.

Black Bison Gift Shop for even more treasures.

Olde Fashioned Foods 123 North 18th Street

The family-owned business started in 1959, long before the

8434 Phoenix Avenue

nationwide health food movement, in the garage of Mary Adams’ parents’ home on Free Ferry. This year marks the sixty-

In the space next to The Market by Black Bison is one of Olde

fifth anniversary of this iconic Fort Smith brand.

Fashioned Food’s two locations. The other shop is at 123 North Eighteenth Street. Step inside either store, and you’ll be

You’ll find organic meats, vegetables and fruits, vegan and

greeted with that wholesome, earthy scent: a mix of vitamins,

vegetarian options, frozen meals, cheese, milk, eggs. Staples

herbs, essential oils, organic produce, blackstrap molasses,

you’d expect in a natural grocery store. There is also a large

and handcrafted soaps and candles, I suspect. Whatever the

section of vitamins, minerals, and skin products. Lately,

combination, it marks the entrance to a magical place.

mushroom coffee has been flying off the shelf alongside castor





oil products (touted to accelerate eyelash and eyebrow growth),

Soon you’ll be discussing kefir and fermented vegetables with

as well as turmeric, omega 3s, collagen, immune support

the best of them.

products, and local honey. Mary is overwhelmed by the gratitude Fort Smith has shown her If you’re used to natural food shops, you’ll feel right at home

family over the decades, and as Olde Fashioned Foods enters

at Olde Fashioned Foods. If you’re not, the experience will

its sixty-fifth year, she’s proud of the connection her family has

broaden your horizons. The staff is always available to help.

with the good people of the River Valley.

Farmers Market Direct

they might never otherwise reach. For example, your order

Inside The Shops at Brick City

can include produce from a nearby farmer, beef from a local

3215 South 74th Street

rancher, bread from a top-notch bakery like Harvest Moon,

free-range eggs, pickled vegetables, or already prepared foods like roast and vegetables.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Josh Bice says he and Dr. Sean Baker began talking about the traditional systems that

There are also subscriptions available for farm-direct basics.

brought us our food and necessities. You probably remember

Josh says the business has grown past his expectations, and it

the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020 and seeing store

has proven to him how vital it is to eat local. Now, he says, it’s

shelves depleted of ordinary items. As they discussed the state

easier than ever.

of the world and its delivery systems, they knew there had to be a better way of connecting local people with local food. That was the beginning of Farmers Market Direct, owned by Dr. Sean and Erica Baker, and Josh and Kim Bice. Today, Farmers Market Direct offers 750 products sourced locally and regionally and offered through the website Dry goods and items with a longer shelf life are sold at their shop inside Brick City. Ordering is easy on the website, and there is a limited delivery service that runs on Fridays. For those not on the circuit, orders are available to be picked up at 6500 U.S. Highway 71 on Tuesdays. (See website for more information.) The beauty of this business model is that it connects local farmers, ranchers, bakers, and gourmet shops with customers

Local Farmers Markets FORT SMITH FARMERS MARKET (OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND) 44 North 2nd Street Saturdays, 8:00am – Noon VAN BUREN MAIN STREET FARMERS MARKET AND MAKERS MARKET 833 Main Street Second and Fourth Saturday, April through the second week of November GREENWOOD FARMERS MARKET Greenwood Town Square May 18, June 15, July 20, August 17, September 21 – 8:00am - Noon





Craig O’Neill

Will the Real Craig O’Neill Please Stand Up?


WORDs Dwain Hebda images courtesy Randy Hankins

After growing up in Little Rock, attending college in Jonesboro,

“So basically, that’s how I got it. That and [the program

a fifty-plus-year career on the air in central Arkansas radio and

director] had some company in Dallas produce a jingle. At

television and nine thousand charitable event appearances

that time, I was going to be the night guy and they had to

(give or take), there are few places Craig O’Neill can go in the

sing somebody’s name. He told them, ‘Sing Craig O’Neill and

Natural State where he’s not recognized by sight or sound.

whoever I hire, I’ll give him that name.’ I literally got my name for a song.”

But mention Randy Hankins and most faces outside of O’Neill’s closest inner circle take on a blank look of puzzlement. It’s

Craig loves the story, or at least telling it, and the punchline

one of the few secrets he’s retained in a life lived in the public

draws out a hearty and sincere laugh even after who knows


how many recitations. He is one of those unique people who has the ability to bring everyone along for the ride on a laugh

“I’m Randy Hankins,” O’Neill says. “In 1968 I’m Randy Hankins.

and yet somehow make the person across the table feel like

In 1972 I get the job in Little Rock and my program director

they’re the only one getting in on the joke. It’s an old broad-

said, ‘Randy Hankins sounds too country. I want you to use the

caster’s technique – talk to the thousands behind the camera

name of a guy I worked with in Seattle named Craig O’Neill.’

as if talking to one person – and Craig does it as masterfully as one would expect of the legendary media figure he is.



“My family would tell you I wear them out,” he says. “At a party, my wife will not send me to the bar to get her a drink because I will work the room there and I will work the room coming back. And Jane, my wife, will only use ‘Craig’ in public to get my attention. At home I’m not Craig, I’m Randy. Out in public I’m Craig. It always comes out this way, ‘Oh, Craaaaig…’” Regardless of who is blooming at any given moment these days, be it Craig or Randy, the taproot of this broadcasting icon remains firmly entrenched in Arkansas soil. Born in Little Rock and raised largely in a single-parent household, Craig can’t remember a period when he wasn’t on in some way. “There were four kids. I was the oldest,” he says. “My mother was a teacher at Hall [High School]; she taught art. She was known for being unpredictable. I had a brother a year younger who was a great writer, still is. He was the writer in the family, I was the performer. My youngest sister was a horse person. She loved horses. And the sister above her, the one that was three years younger than me, was artistic, very talented in so many different ways. “We didn’t compete. We fed each other’s talents, although I didn’t recognize my sisters’ talents as I did my brother’s. I would do a stupid impression and my brother would go, ‘Gol’, that is so good!’ So, he was my big booster.” Craig’s father relocated to Houston after the divorce and while the two would reconcile and become close at the end of his father’s life, Craig had to develop ways to cope with the loss of an intact family unit. It’s not hard to see that humor was one such mechanism. “When you are the child of a divorce there’s a level of guilt there and you learn to sublimate your anger,” he says. “What happens in that process, you become introverted in your thinking and creativity. Show me a man who’s a comedian and chances are they are a passive-aggressive because they’re using laughter to get around confrontation and to escape. “But I don’t want to sit here and say there are psychological issues at work,” he quips. “The greatest sound to me is somebody laughing.”





Craig left laughter in his wake wherever he went in life, from

that are of like mind, go to one of three places: Stuttgart,

attending Little Rock Central High School and Arkansas State

DeWitt or Warren, and you’ll see what a Southern extrovert is

University to the radio and television airwaves that would be

like. If you’re not invited to something by the time you leave

his life’s work. And like all good comedy, for everyone who got

town, something’s wrong.

the joke – there were plenty who didn’t. From time to time his humor and pranks would drift him into hot water, be it with a

One of the greatest things about celebrity is the opportunity

school administrator who didn’t like a ribald skit or a listener or

to do things ordinary people never get to do. Craig’s roster of

viewer who got their hackles up over an on-air stunt, such as

such experiences would fill volumes — leading a conga line

Craig’s legendary prank calls during his radio days.

made up of the leader of the free world, the First Lady and assorted cabinet bigshots through the White House during a

“The pranks? Oh, heck yeah, I had one man threaten a

party; riding a monster truck with Bozo the Clown; dancing

lawsuit,” he says. “I think I’m still breaking the law because in

on the Ellen show; and initiating the now-traditional “First

Arkansas, I’m not sure, but I think you have to let them know

down!” call during a stint as the Razorbacks’ home stadium

they’re being recorded. One of those, ‘Your response is being

announcer, just to scratch the surface.

recorded for quality control purposes.’ I think I was supposed to do that, but I didn’t in twenty-two years of doing them. I

And when he called it a career on December 29 of last year,

would say, ‘We recorded this. We’d love to use it on the air,’

the sum total of those experiences came to a head with people

so I think I’m OK.

from across the state sending in their good wishes and thanks during his final 10pm broadcast.

“The thing is, they were not confrontational. They were just situations that were wonderfully improvisational. I absolutely

“Starting January 1, 2000, ending January 1, 2024. How easy

loved them.”

is that?” he says with a broad smile. “The only downside was I started at a bowl game, and I wanted to end with a bowl

Whatever hard feelings someone might have had over being

game, but no. Thanks, Sam Pittman. Way to go. You ruined

the subject of a prank, Craig has long since paid the penance

my career!”

due in part to his voluminous community service. Starting during his radio days and continuing until just a few years ago,

In retirement, Craig plans to continue his literacy work for

by his count he had emceed more than nine thousand events

Arkansas students, is pondering a book and contemplating a

and raised north of forty million dollars for everything from

YouTube channel or podcast or both. There’s too much he’s

promoting literacy to fighting hunger to cancer treatment.

soaked up from the places and people he’s seen in the process of telling stories for him to just go quietly into the night. Even

“I got pies in the face. I got dunked. I rode bicycles,” he

today, he’s liable to whip out a pocket-sized pad of paper and

says. “Did the first AIDS event. It was just embracing people.

jot down something that captures his interest, all the better to

Beginning in 2018 it became all children’s literacy. The grand-

feed his appreciation for the tone and timbre of the place that

father in me came out, I turned everybody away and just went

raised him and the people who embraced him.

to schools.” “I never chafed against anything in my career. If you recognized “In south Arkansas we are extroverted. ‘Come on down!

me, if you laughed at my jokes, if you mentioned something on

How’s your mama? How’s your dog?’ North Arkansas, more

the air, even if you came up and confronted me, I embraced it.

analytical, more businesslike, little bit quicker. Still inviting, but

I've enjoyed everything I've been able to see and do and I'm

not like south Arkansas,” he says. “If you want to meet people

looking forward to what the future holds.”





Todd Holland

Swing for the Fences

FOR TODD HOLLAND, THE TITLE OF SKIPPER – and the spotlight that it brings – came early. The Minnesota native played college baseball at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma, where one day greatness was thrust upon him. “At the age of twenty-six I got the head job at Cameron University.

UAFS Lions Look to Compete in Tough Conference

Right place, right time,” he says. “I was a graduate assistant there and

WORDs Dwain Hebda images courtesy UAFS Athletics

“He had coached there twenty-two years and he said he wanted to go

I played for a guy named Ron Ihler. He brought me back to start my master’s degree and a year later they made him head of the fitness center and moved me to head baseball coach.

to a lower-stress job. He said, ‘A twenty-six-year-old can handle this,’ so, I got dumped into the fire.”



As interim head coach in 2004, Todd produced the program’s

more ‘It’s my way or the highway.’ Forty-eight-year-old Coach

first winning season in more than a decade, a more than

Holland is more the ‘We have to process and think what’s going

convincing job interview that lifted the interim tag. Over the

to be the best situation for our team to win.’”

next decade, he turned the Aggies into a premier program in the South Central Region.

Todd may not be the same coach he was back in Oklahoma, but the results in Fort Smith picked up where he left off. Just

In the 2010 season, he led the Aggies to a 29-19 mark and

the fifth coach in program history dating back to 1963, his

an upset over nationally ranked Angelo State on the backs

inaugural campaign led the Lions to twenty-eight wins, a

of multiple all-conference, all-region, and all-academic

fourth-place conference mark of fifteen wins and a third-place

conference players. In 2011, he produced Chase Larsson, the

finish in the Heartland Conference tournament.

Rawlings National Player of the Year. In just four years, he’d lead the squad to the best season in Along the way, Todd has been honored with or in the running

program history. The 2017 Lions notched thirty-five total wins,

for various coaching awards, so when it came time for a

second place in conference play and UAFS’ first-ever bid to the

change, he could have gone practically anywhere. He chose

NCAA Division II National Tournament. The following season

the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, landing with the

brought thirty-two wins and another conference runner-up

Lions in 2014.

trophy. In addition, the Lions were ranked in the Collegiate Baseball Division II and NCBWA Division II Top 25 during the

“I met my wife in Lawton, and I went to school there in

season and received its first-ever number-one ranking in the

Cameron,” he says. “But when you have kids, you’ve got to

NCAA Division II South Central Region, the first UAFS program

think about where’s the best place to raise your family. For us,

in any sport to earn a top regional ranking.

Fort Smith fit the mold.” In 2019, the team placed similarly but with the added Asked how he’d evolved in coaching style from a twenty-six-

distinction of three-year starting right fielder Logan Allen

year-old protégé just a couple years removed from a decorated

being drafted by the Tampa Bay Rays in the Major League

career that included single-season school records for total hits

Baseball First-Year Player Draft.

and doubles and a career .400 batting average, Todd says it’s all about communication.

Despite all of that success, Todd’s evolution of philosophy and approach continued. He says it is as much about keeping time

“I’m different in that I probably listen a little better now than I

with the new breed of college athlete, something to which

did when I was twenty-six,” he says. “Back then, it was probably

even a relatively young coach such as he has had to calibrate.









“It is one hundred percent accurate that athletes today are different,” he says. “The difference between today and when we played is kids don’t get cut anymore. When we played, if you didn’t make the American Legion team, that was the end of the road for you. Nowadays, if you don’t make the American Legion team, there’s seven hundred other teams where you can just pay a lot of money and go play.”

Todd says he recruits character guys who are as long on grit as they are on God-given talent. He says such attributes generally come with resiliency and a great attitude, which are both critical to team success.



year’s home run leader Mikey Brinton, a junior from Texas, and Booneville, Arkansas native Brandon Homer, who transferred to UAFS after three years at Arkansas State.

“Most of the time, I really want to talk to the coaches and

Other players to watch include Fort Smith Southside product

talk to them about what kind of kid they are,” he says. “A

Matt Schilling, a sophomore, at third base; twin brothers

bad apple can spoil a whole orchard. These kids often don’t

Jakob and Lukas Petross of Cabot, both pitchers; and junior

know they’re not a good teammate. A lot of them come from

Nico Patrick, another Texan, at catcher.

good programs but they don’t have characteristics that really help get the team on the right page. Our team’s character is

“I really feel like in order for us to win games we’re going to have

really good.”

to play good defense, we’re going to have to play small ball very well and we’re going to have to pitch really well,” Todd says.

Mental toughness and character are commodities of high

“That’s kind of cliché because everybody has to do those in order

value, especially after the school joined the intensely

to win. We’re just going to have to get better at them.”

competitive Lone Star Conference. While there’s no getting around the fact the ultimate goal is to “Lone Star baseball is the SEC of Division II college baseball,”

win ball games, Todd is also proud of the other things that have

Todd says. “For the last four or five years we’ve had a team

been accomplished besides what goes on between the lines.

in the World Series out of the Lone Star Conference and last

His players, past and present, apparently feel the same way.

year we had the national championship come out of our conference. The kids know exactly what to expect when they

“My job is to make these kids better young men as well as

walk into a ballpark.

better players. My belief is to graduate them and in my last twenty years I’ve only ever had five kids transfer on me,” he

“We have forty-eight conference games, so we start up right

says. “This year, I think we have twenty seniors on the team.

out the gate. We have to figure it out real quick or else you

We are a very, very, very, old team in that regard.

could be losing early. I like telling the story that in 2017-2018 our first twenty games we were five and fifteen. We made

“I’ve been blessed. I tell people all the time that I know if I’m

three moves, and we went on a twenty-two-game win streak.

doing a good job by the number of weddings I get invited to,

But in this conference, we don’t have the luxury of doing that.

and I probably average five to seven weddings every year. So,

You never want to fall too far behind the eight ball because

I figure I must be doing something right.”

your season could be over.” That said, the Lions will be relying on a depth of returning leadership this season, starting with roving defender and last

For schedule and ticket info, visit


Six incredible student performances. One amazing price. Reserve your seat at

SPRING PRODUCTIONS Music Faculty Showcase 7 p.m. • January 30 Fort Smith First Presbyterian Church

9-5: The Musical 7 p.m. • March 7-9 3 p.m. show on March 9

Wind Ensemble 7 p.m. • April 9

ArcBest Performing Arts Center

Jazz Band 7 p.m. • April 16

ArcBest Performing Arts Center

Breedlove Auditorium

Jazz Catz 7 p.m. • April 18

Fort Smith Grace Community Church

A Grand Night for Singing 7 p.m. • April 23

ArcBest Performing Arts Center

For showtimes and ticket information, scan the QR code or visit




Into the Forrest Recipe adapted image Jaromir Klein/Shutterstock







the tops of the cake layers.

Preheat oven to 350º. Spray

Let cherries and juice thicken

three 9-inch round pans with

and cool.

° 2 large eggs, room temperature ° 2 Cups sugar

non-stick baking spray. Add

° ½ Cup cocoa powder

bowl, beat on high for 2-3


minutes. In another bowl

In a cold bowl, beat heavy

combine hot water, cocoa

cream using cold beaters

powder, espresso powder

on medium-high speed until

and salt, stir then add to

medium peaks form, then add

egg/sugar mixture.

powdered sugar and vanilla

eggs and sugar to a medium

° 2 teaspoons espresso powder ° ½ teaspoon salt ° 1 Cup hot water ° 2 ½ Cups all-purpose flour ° 2 teaspoons baking soda

and continue to beat until

° 1 teaspoon baking powder ° 1 Cup unsalted butter, melted

Using a mixer, slowly add

stiff peaks form. Keep chilled

flour, baking soda and baking

until ready to use!

° ½ Cup vegetable oil

powder, let combine, then

° 1 Cup buttermilk

add butter, oil, buttermilk, and


vanilla extract, beat until just

Cakes must be completely

combined. Expect batter to

cooled! Place one layer of

be thin! Divide batter between

cake on stand and top with

three pans and bake for 22-25

1 Cup of whipped cream

minutes or until tester comes

icing, spread evenly. Pipe a

out clean. Cool for 8-10

circle on the outside edge

minutes, remove from pans,

to contain the cherries. Add

let cool completely. Level

1/3 of the cherries and juice,

tops of cakes if needed with

spread evenly. Repeat with

serrated knife.

remaining layers. Add a thin

° 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

FOR THE CHERRIES ° ½ Cup granulated sugar ° 4 Tablespoons cornstarch ° ¼ Cup cherry liqueur ° 3 ¼ Cups cherries, pitted and quartered

layer of icing to the outside


edges of the cake. Garnish

Combine sugar, cornstarch,

with additional icing and

and liqueur in a pot over

fresh cherries if desired. Let

medium heat, cook until

chill in refrigerator for one

° 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

sugar begins to dissolve. Add

hour before serving.

° 2 4-ounce semi-sweet chocolate bars, grated (optional garnish)

until cherries begin to soften.

Note: Cake must be

Remove from heat. Brush

refrigerated due to the

some of the cherry juice over

whipped topping.

FOR THE WHIPPED CREAM ICING ° 3 Cups heavy whipping cream, cold ° ¼ Cup powdered sugar, sifted

cherries, stir to coat. Cook

° fresh cherries with stems (optional garnish)




Café CARIBBEAN taste

RECIPe adapted IMAGE Shutterstock


1 ounce rum

½ ounce amaretto liqueur

6 ounces hot coffee

¼ teaspoon orange zest

whipped cream (garnish)

chocolate bar, grated (garnish)

• dried orange slice (garnish)


Add orange zest into the bottom of a heatproof glass. Add rum, amaretto and coffee. Stir to combine. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with chocolate shavings and a dried orange slice.


Always drink responsibly. Never drink and drive.




Spring Break Adventure Awaits WORDs Dwain Hebda images courtesy featured properties

SPRING BREAK WILL BE UPON US BEFORE YOU KNOW IT. Why not take a trip to one of several attractions on Arkansas’ back doorstep, all part of legendary developer Johnny Morris’ family of properties? These stylish resorts and attractions offer something for everyone. Best of all, you can experience some of Arkansas’ wonderful small towns and cities on your way there! For those who may not know, Johnny Morris is the billionaire business mind who parlayed his love of the outdoors into Bass Pro Shops, the retail juggernaut specializing in all things hunting, fishing, and camping. Born in 1948 in Springfield, Missouri, Johnny grew up fishing and by the time he was a young man, he was hooked by professional B.A.S.S. tournaments. In 1972, he started scooping up the latest in fishing gear he’d find at competitions, bring it home and sell it out of his father’s liquor store in Springfield. From such humble beginnings was Bass Pro Shops born. Within two years, he’d created a sportsman’s catalog and by 1978, he’d introduced Bass Tracker, the industry’s first fully accessorized, ready-to-fish boat, motor, and trailer package of his own design. Less than a decade after he began, Johnny opened the first standalone store in Springfield. As the company grew, stores became more elaborate experiences with gigantic fish tanks stocked with game fish and spectacular taxidermy displays. These elements and more make the stores as much a tourist destination as a retail outlet. Today, the Springfield location, nicknamed “Grandaddy” doubles as Bass Pro’s national headquarters. The number-one tourist destination in Missouri, the 500,000-square-foot store attracts four million families, sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts and offers a café, National Archery Hall of Fame, a conservation education center and more.



BIG CEDAR LODGE Among the attractions here are lodge rooms, cottages, glamping and private log cabins. The resort also offers five golf courses, designed by some of the top names in golf: Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, Gary Player, Tom Fazio, Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw. On-premises dining includes fourteen bars and restaurants, plus a food truck, dinner cruise and in-room dining. There’s also a wide range of scheduled activities and other attractions including outdoor adventures and seasonal festivals providing fun for the whole family. The overall experience earned Big Cedar Lodge the honor of being ranked #1 Resort in the Midwest by Travel + Leisure.

WONDERS OF WILDLIFE MUSEUM AND AQUARIUM Building on Johnny Morris’ lifelong commitment to conservation, Wonders of Wildlife provides visitors with an immersive educational experience demonstrating the delicate balance of wild ecosystems and the birds, animals, and fish. Using the Ozark Mountains as a backdrop, the attraction covers a total of 350,000 square feet and boasts one and a half miles of trails. Wonders of Wildlife, which sits next to the Bass Pro Shops national headquarters in Springfield, opened in 2001 and, after an expansion, reopened in 2017 featuring aquariums and live streams containing one and a half million gallons of water and 35,000 live animals throughout the property. It is dedicated to all those who conserve wildlife and wild places.

TOP OF THE ROCK A very special slice of Big Cedar Lodge resort, Top of the Rock is perched on the highest elevation in Taney County near Branson. Up here, you’ll not only be treated to breathtaking views, but also multiple amenities such as deluxe lodge and cabin accommodations and great cuisine. Dine among the clouds at Osage Restaurant, Arnie’s Barn or the Buffalo Bar. Or for something completely unique, drop in to the End of the Trail All-American Wine Cellar for fine wines, a whiskey room and a cigar humidor.





Also located here is Top of the Rock, a Jack Nicklaus-designed par three golf course that features peaceful waterfalls, wandering creeks, bass-filled ponds, and pristine lakes. Also not to be missed is Lost Canyon Cave, an unforgettable two-and-a-halfmile journey on an electric cart exploring the Top of the Rock Lost Canyon and Nature Trail. This dramatic golf cart tour follows a beautiful trail created to highlight stunning rock formations, waterfalls and views of Table Rock Lake.

DOGWOOD CANYON A 10,000-acre outdoor paradise, Dogwood Canyon Nature Park in Lampe, Missouri, provides a fun and relaxing visit to the majestic Ozarks at its finest. The park offers a variety of family-friendly outdoor activities including hiking, biking wildlife tours, horseback riding, trout fishing and more. Get back to nature with six and a half miles of paved paths and nine miles of nature trails to view crystal-clear streams, cascading waterfalls and the myriad wildlife that calls Dogwood Canyon home.

BASS PRO SHOPS AT THE PYRAMID/BIG CYPRESS LODGE Just two and a half hours from Little Rock and a duck call from the Mississippi River sits one of the most spectacular Bass Pro Shops locations in the world. Located inside Memphis’ famed The Pyramid, the store must be seen to be believed. The transformed sports arena features more than 22 million cubic feet of space in downtown Memphis, including Big Cypress Lodge, a one-hundredfive-room hotel; two restaurants; a bowling alley; and the tallest freestanding elevator in North America. Home to Ducks Unlimited National Waterfowling Heritage Center, a pistol and archery range and a recreated Delta cypress swamp among other amenities, this one-of-a-kind store is worth the drive and is blocks away from many other Memphis attractions. Known as the Natural State, Arkansas is a land of immense natural beauty and ample outdoor activities, so it’s easy to feel right at home in any one of these attractions inspired by the great outdoors. Surrounded by the grandeur of the Ozark Mountains, they speak to a way of life that’s connected to nature in all its glory. Enjoy them with your family soon!





Let’s Go Skiing WORDS Bob Robinson images courtesy Angel Fire, Red River Ski and Summer Area, Katie Young (Keystone), Sarah McLear (Breckenridge), Vail Resorts

Spring break is one of every family’s favorite time of year and it’s quickly approaching. For a truly memorable adventure, consider packing up the family and heading to the mountains, snow-covered mountains, that is. Create memories gliding down snow-covered slopes at a picturesque mountain resort that everyone will fondly reminisce about for years to come. Better yet, invite others to join in the fun on your family vacation. The more people in your group, the more likely everyone will have someone of their own skill level to buddy up with on the slopes. No one will be held back by less experienced skiers or pressured by advanced skiers to run risky slopes above their paygrade. This makes the outing a more enjoyable activity for both parents and children. My first ski outing was over a three-day holiday weekend. I joined forces with twenty-eight close friends to charter a sleeper bus, driver included. We boarded the bus on a Friday evening and following several hours of games and socializing, it was lights out. Everyone curled up on their comfy bunks ready to be rocked to sleep by the rhythmic swaying of our cradle-on-wheels. We awoke the next morning just as the bus arrived at the resort. Not wanting to waste a minute, first- time skiers joined their prearranged ski classes and others clipped into their skis to head for the nearest lift. After three fun-filled days of skiing, we loaded back on the bus and following another good night’s sleep, we pulled into Fort Smith, fresh and alert, just in time to make it back to school and work. It was so much fun the group repeated the escape for two additional years.


percent to advanced, it is a great resort for a family of novice

There is a wide selection of ski resorts to choose from that will

deepest snow base, the timing is a perfect choice for a spring

fit all levels of ability. For those with minimum ski experience,

break adventure.

skiers. March traditionally being one of the months with the

Angel Fire Resort is a great destination. Located in northern New Mexico, you don’t have to worry about crossing any major

If you check off all the Angel Fire trails and are still hungry for

mountain passes like you have when driving to Colorado resorts.

more, make the thirty-minute drive to Red River Ski Area where

With twenty-one percent of its eighty-one trails dedicated to

sixty-four additional family-friendly trails await to challenge

beginners, fifty-six percent to intermediate, and twenty-three

your improving skillset.



CRESTED BUTTE MOUNTAIN RESORT For those looking for a true Rocky Mountain ski experience, book a stay in one of the ski-in/ski-out condos at Crested Butte Mountain Resort. The drive is a little longer, and there is one mountain pass separating you and your ski getaway. But Colorado road crews are accustomed to heavy snowfall and are prepared. With fifteen lifts operating across the resort’s 162 trails, skiers can spend more time exploring the 1,500+ acres of terrain rather than standing in long lift lines. At the end of a day of skiing, celebrate at one of many fine dining restaurants along the main street of this quaint 1800s mining township. End the evening with a magical stroll down Elk Avenue to visit a variety of locally owned specialty stores, retail shops, and art galleries.


is just a short walk from the condo. And at the end of the

Another great ski destination to consider is Summit County,

day, restaurants and entertainment venues are also within easy

Colorado where the towns of Breckenridge, Keystone, and

walking distance. This is truly a destination where you park your

Copper Mountain accommodate four of the state’s legendary

car upon arrival and leave it until the end of your stay.

ski resorts – within a half-hour drive from one another. Upon entering the valley at Breckenridge, you are greeted by five You can’t go wrong choosing any of these fantastic ski areas.

massive snow-covered peaks that surround this township. Each

However, Breckenridge is my favorite. The lifts originate in the

peak offers something unique for skiers to explore the 3,000-

immediate downtown area, so the start of your day of skiing

acre mountain range. From the Fresh Start peak, with mellow





SKIWEAR ESSENTIALS 101 FROM THE WOODSMAN COMPANY FOR BODY TEMP REGULATION & MOISTURE MANAGEMENT Base layers or long underwear Ski/Snowboard specific cushioned socks Ski gloves to insure warm digits Beanies, neck gators, ear bands

FOR WATER REPELLENCY & INSULATION Insulated ski pants for beginners, softshell/shell pants for intermediate or experienced learning areas and beginner slopes to the Sensory Experience peak, a gateway to dreamy, high alpine bliss, Breckenridge provides an environment to create lasting memories for every skill level.

allow for layering Insulated boots for warmth & fall prevention


As an added treat, consider scheduling your trip to coincide with the annual International Snow Sculpture Championships. You can finish off each day on the slopes with a stroll through the evolving venue and view the progress of world-renowned artists as they transform twenty-foot blocks of snow into beautiful, intricate works of art. This event is free of charge. Whether you book your trip direct or use a local agency, reserve your dates as soon as possible. It is also recommended to purchase an Epic Pass, the most economical method for lift tickets, prior to departure. Find your mountain, book your trip, and don’t forget the camera!

Insulated ski jackets or component jackets to

most can be rented, but some choose to wear their own Ski helmet for potential falls or collisions Ski goggles for mountain clarity & sun filters Sunglasses for mountain activities to prevent UV damage at high altitudes Garmin watch or device to contact Response Team in case of an emergency

FOR CONVENIENCE Hand warmer for snowmobiling or sledding activities RFID wallet to secure personal information Small backpack or hip pack for necessities





Wedding Guide

It’s wedding season! Whether you are planning your engagement, selecting the venue, choosing your photographer, or looking to add unique details to make your special day memorable, we’ve partnered with the best local vendors, who are committed to making all your wedding dreams come true!


8000 S. Zero Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.310.8444 Find them on Facebook

ACHE Research Institute Event Center 1000 Fianna Way, Fort Smith, Arkansas Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) is a private not-for-profit institution located in Fort Smith, Arkansas. The ACHE campus has seen the development of five programs

Your wedding festivities deserve an exquisite selection of spirits

including: the Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

that reflect the theme of your special day. Our vast selection

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features premium wines, champagne, and spirits to make sure

of Occupational Therapy (ACHE OT), Master of Science in

every sip is a moment to cherish. Whether you're planning a

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ACHE Research Institute Health & Wellness Center (RIHWC)

staff is here to guide you in choosing the perfect pairings to

located at 1000 Fianna Way in Fort Smith, opened in March

complement every aspect of your celebration. Create lasting

2023. Reserve your event in the 7,850-square-foot event

memories and make your wedding truly unforgettable with

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4 Corks Wine & Spirits – where exceptional taste meets

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banquet chairs, three screens, commercial kitchen and so much more. Contact


Raise a toast to happily ever after at 4 Corks Wine & Spirits!




Black Bison Company 4034 Rogers Ave., Ste. D, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.242.2710

3716 S. 87th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.551.2880 Find them on Facebook and Instagram Couples preparing for their special day can create a dreamy bridal registry at Black Bison, crafting a selection of exquisite

tranquility meets romance. Elevate your wedding preparations

items to reflect their unique style and preferences. From

with our rejuvenating treatments created to pamper and relax.

elegant dinnerware to must-have kitchenware items and

You will be surrounded by serenity as our skilled staff caters

timeless home décor, we offer a personalized experience

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is a haven for you and your wedding party! Leave the wedding

thoughtful and functional gifts, ensuring your friends and

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family can choose something truly meaningful and unique.

over 16 years of experience, rely on Affinity to enhance your

Our dedicated staff is on hand to provide expert guidance,

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making the registry process fun and stress-free!


Indulge in pre-wedding bliss at our luxurious spa, where


318 N. 7th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.782.7854

5215 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.242.2721


Indulge in the sweetest moments of your wedding day The Bonneville House, a magnificent icon from the 19th

with exquisite wedding cakes from Confectionately Yours.

century, is a full-service wedding and event venue that provides

Celebrate with our delectable creations, meticulously crafted

a dramatic backdrop for your special event, large or small. We

to capture the essence of your love story. From a small cake for

offer an all-inclusive package which includes all amenities,

a backyard gathering, to a multi-tiered ballroom-styled cake,

and an hourly rate package. Rates are based on the number

our skilled bakers use only the finest ingredients to ensure

of guests. Amenities include serving pieces for formal dining,

your cakes not only look stunning but also taste absolutely

tables, chairs, linens, and many more. We understand financing

divine! Ultimate flavor options for brides and grooms include

a wedding can be a challenge, so we have options to help

lemon curd & fresh raspberries, fresh strawberry, dark

make your special day more affordable. We have six rooms,

chocolate devil’s food, German chocolate, and chocolate

two restrooms, a commercial kitchen, a spacious courtyard with

raspberry truffle. Whether it’s a traditional tiered cake or a

gazebo, and a beautifully landscaped front lawn with endless

trendy dessert table, we will bring your dream wedding cake

possibilities. Call today for your free tour and consultation!

to life. Call today for your consultation!




514 N. 6th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.783.3000


The Clayton House, located in Fort Smith’s Belle Grove

Looking for a unique way to add some excitement to your

Historic District, provides an elegant setting for weddings

wedding festivities? Our carefully crafted grazing boards and

and parties and has for more than 100 years. Our formal

tables feature a variety of artisanal cheeses, cured meats,

parlor with seating for 50 is a favorite ceremony spot

fresh fruits, and more. Whether it's the rehearsal dinner,

for couples. Our expansive grounds, grand porches, and

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beautiful gazebo provide many options for your outdoor

big day itself, our boards and grazing tables offer the perfect

event. The beautifully appointed bridal chamber is available

accompaniment. We believe that attention to detail is key,

for you and your bridal party to prepare for the big day and

which is why we take great care to ensure that our visually

our grand staircase is a prime spot for gorgeous portraits.

stunning setups are as memorable as the delicious treats

The Clayton House is available for weddings, receptions,

themselves. Say goodbye to the mundane and hello to the

showers, bridal portraits, and our special high tea. Contact

extraordinary – visit to learn more about how

us to schedule your personalized tour today!

we can add a touch of elegance to your wedding celebration!




55 S. 7th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.788.5817

320 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.783.7841

Whether we are hosting your wedding reception, rehearsal

Housed in the distinctive 1906 Atkinson-Williams Warehouse

dinner or celebratory brunch, we’ll bring together the best of

in the heart of historic downtown Fort Smith, the Fort Smith

everything. Distinctive venue. Exceptional cuisine. Legendary

Museum of History offers two venue spaces set apart by

service. It all comes together to ensure your event is truly

the original architectural elements of the building. Original

sensational. The Fort Smith Convention Center’s experienced

corbelled brick walls, yellow pine wood floors, and exposed

event team will be here for you every step of the way

wooden beams milled locally in the early 1900s make

partnering with your wedding coordinator from your first

the Main Hall a beautiful space uniquely customized to fit

planning meeting to your final toast. So, you can focus on

any event. The Soda Fountain gives a turn-of-the-century feel

what matters most — making memories that last a lifetime.

with abundant light, high ceilings, and Victorian flair. Our

Our promise is to make your wedding spectacular. We will

rental spaces offer flexible times and rates and accommodate

ensure that you enjoy your special day while we take care of

conferences, workshops, weddings, and parties with rooms

the details. Give us a call at 479-788-5817!

that seat 40 to 150 guests.




423 Rogers Ave., Ste. 202A, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.262.9500

12100 U.S. Hwy. 71, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.434.6604 Find them on Facebook Make your wedding celebration extraordinary with libations from In Good Spirits! You deserve the best for your special day. Visit us and discover our selection of premium wines, liquors,

Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Fort Smith Travel

and of course, champagnes. Toast your love with a crafted

Agency, your passport to unparalleled experiences. With a

signature cocktail that fits your personalities or opt for timeless

commitment to personalized service and attention to detail,

sparkling champagne. We are dedicated to helping you choose

Fort Smith Travel Agency takes pride in orchestrating seamless

the ideal beverages to complement your wedding festivities.

and memorable events. Visit today and let

Visit In Good Spirits for a personalized shopping experience

us turn your 'I Do' into the perfect 'Let's Go' adventure. Your

that ensures your wedding day is filled with unforgettable

love deserves the world, and we're here to help you discover it.

flavors and memories. Cheers to a lifetime of love and joy – let


In Good Spirits be part of your happily ever after!




5622 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.452.2140

7225 Chad Colley Boulevard, Barling, Arkansas 479.363.3247

Discover timeless elegance at John Mays Jewelry, where

Your wedding day is one of the most significant days in

love and craftsmanship unite. Our stunning collection of

your life, and it's only natural you want to look and feel

handcrafted pieces from Hearts On Fire is designed to

your best. We understand the importance of flawless skin

symbolize eternal commitment. From dazzling engagement

and effortless beauty for your big day. That's why we have

rings that capture the essence of your unique love story

curated the perfect wedding glow up package that will

to finely crafted wedding bands that promise a lifetime of

leave you feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to say

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Trust our expert team to provide the wedding glow you’ve

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Make your wedding day truly unforgettable with radiant

memories on your special day.


pieces that celebrate the union of hearts.



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Photography by Narrow Road Productions




994 Mountain Harbor Road, Mt. Ida, Arkansas 870.867.2191 / 800.832.2276

5305 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.763.1516


For a wedding venue as beautiful as your love, choose Mountain Harbor Resort and Spa. for a variety of unique wedding

Sheri’s Bridal and Formal in Fort Smith strives to provide

locations. From the serene lakeside East Cove Conference

each of our brides with a unique, personalized, shopping

Center to gorgeous pavilions along the lake. Mountain

experience. The bride’s choice of gown is not only a visual

Harbor's striking lakeside facilities are unique to Lake Ouachita,

display of her style and personality but a lifelong tangible

in a setting of Arkansas pines and wilderness lake beauty for

memory of the most important day of her life so far. At

stunning wedding photos. With award-winning service and a

Sheri’s we understand the importance of selecting the perfect

wide array of lodging options for all your guests, Harbor makes

gown and accessories and lend our expertise and guidance

destination weddings happen! Enjoy Turtle Cove Spa, rated

in making a dream come true. At Sheri’s you will always find

Arkansas's top spa, perfect for the bridal party, wedding guests

a pressure-free, welcoming, luxury environment and a staff

or post-wedding recovery. Plan your perfect lake wedding at

ready to celebrate with you when you have that ‘say yes to

the dress’ moment!



2917 Old Greenwood Road, Ste. 3 Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.763.1013 Turn your dreams of an enchanting event into reality with Reehl Events LLC. With over two decades of experience and a master’s

catering service in the River Valley, making it easier for you

degree in international event management, we specialize in

to host amazing parties anywhere! Let us know about your

crafting unforgettable moments filled with supreme mastery

event and we'll help you arrange what you need. We pick up

and sentimental elegance. We offer unmatched value, delivering

your prepaid liquor from the store, ice it down and bring it

high-quality events that fit your budget without sacrificing

to your event. We also provide licensed bartenders to serve

luxury. Our deep roots in the local community are reflected

your guests. Our Custom Bartending Trailer is also available,

in our brick-and-mortar shop, and our passion for creating

featuring a dual-top margarita machine, two cocktail stations,

extraordinary moments shines through in everything we do.

wine refrigerator, taps for kegs, and iced beer bins. Contact us

With meticulous planning, cost-effectiveness, and the assurance

at 479.926.2YOU or

of seasoned professionals, your event is in expert hands. Your vision becomes our mission, brought to life with unrivaled creativity and precision. Call today for your consultation!


Sodie's 2 You is the first mobile bartending and beverage





Laura Reehl


70 S. 7th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.977.5170

789 Riverfront Drive, Fort Smith, Arkansas 479.259.2024 / 479.242.1789

Join us for an enchanting day filled with inspiration, showcasing The United States Marshals Museum (USMM) is the newest

wedding services. Immerse yourself in a world of romance as

event venue in Fort Smith. From the architecture of the building

you explore stunning bridal gowns, accessories, and décor

to the 180-degree views of the Arkansas River, guests can

from local businesses. Engage with experienced wedding

enjoy breathtaking views where nature and history intertwine.

professionals who can turn your dream wedding into a reality.

With intimate spaces of 650 square feet for small gatherings

Whether you're a bride-to-be, a bridesmaid, or a mother of the

and up to 14,000 square feet for large events, the USMM is

bride, this event is a must-attend for anyone seeking the finest

the perfect host location for an assortment of moments tailor-

in wedding aesthetics. Enjoy live demonstrations, exclusive

made to create memorable experiences. Hold your wedding at

discounts, and the chance to win fabulous prizes. Let us help

the U.S. Marshals Museum and make this piece of Marshals

you create the perfect wedding experience. Grab your ticket

History part of your history, too.

and make your wedding dreams come true at our first Bridal Showcase at The Bakery District!


the latest trends in bridal fashion, exquisite jewelry, and unique


Make this piece of

Marshals History part of your history, too.

The United States Marshals Museum is the newest events venue in Fort Smith. From the architecture of the building to the 180-degree views of the Arkansas River, guests can enjoy breathtaking views where nature and history intertwine. Hold your wedding at the U.S. Marshals Museum and make this piece of


Marshals History part of your history, too. Satori Evans Sales Manager


789 Riverfront Drive, Fort Smith, AR 72901

Read Chair Publishing, LLC 4300 Rogers Avenue, Suite 20, PMB 110 Fort Smith, AR 72903

479.452.2140 | 5622 Rogers Avenue, Fort Smith

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