Urban CNY January 2016 Version 1.0

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2015: A Year in Review

Syracuse University: 31 Years Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Hall Monitor: Economic Development for Who?

This is a snapshot of the year 2015. Not all stories are listed but these are some issues that captured the spotlight in a year that had people wondering if we were at the end of days. An unthinkable attack on one of our most sacred places a church. Battling over infrastructure spending verses big-projects and the Confederate flag controversy on the heels of the South Carolina shootings. And then there’s Bill Cosby. After the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD direct action was initiated by residents’, peaceful actions dampened by those who’d introduce violence and looting to the demonstrations. Racial identity became front page news as it was revealed that the leader of the local NAACP of Spokane, Washington; Rachel Dolezal was been “outed” as not

being what she says she is. Dolezal, who identifies as Black, faced mounting pressure to explain herself as her birth parents made public statements to the effect that, “She’s white”. Immediately there was a firestorm regarding race and racial identity in America. Locally, residents were fed-up with the spike in gun related violence and seemingly out of nowhere, Light The Night 315” Marching for Restoration and Unity was born. By the end of 2015 there’s discord between City of Syracuse concept of Economic Development and Onondaga County’s Development Agency. The unveiling of Syracuse’s residents living in extreme poverty number 1 in the nation among African-Americans and Hispanics sent shockwaves through the region.

Funding for CENTRO was cut threatening the livelihood of those dependent of the service to travel around the area. Sending those dependent on the system into wondering, “How am I going to get to work?” What a year! Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church: Attack during Wednesday Night Prayer Service On June 17th Dylann Storm Roof opened fire at a historic African-American church in Charleston, S.C. The individual was attending a scheduled Bible Study at the Emanuel AME Church. Upon arrival the shooter asked, “Who is the Pastor” reportedly sat in study for an hour, then turned his gun on 10 victims out of the 13 in attendance, 9 have died. In(Continued on page 2)

Urban CNY Money OUCH! How Much Did You Hurt Your Credit Score During The Holidays?

The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15th Living Water Church of God in Christ

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cluded among the 9 who lost their lives was Pastor and State Senator, Clementa Pinckney. According to reports the shooter made a statement after he shot 10 people, “You rape our women, and taking over our country and you got to go”

Eulogy Elevates Obama to the Highest Level of His Presidency Friday June 26, 2015 will be noted in the annuls of history as President Obama gave the speech of his Presidency, as he eulogized slain pastor and state representative Clementa Pinkney Pastor of Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S. Carolina. It wasn’t a traditional speech, it was electric as he channeled oratory that of a preacher from a Southern Baptist Church. As with any speech the requisite phrases were there but suddenly it took on spiritual levity as he shifted his focus to the African-American church in American history. In between weaving the message of the Gospel, reminding them that Emanuel AME Church as with churches in the Black community hold significance that extends beyond Sunday services. Obama gave a history lesson on the importance of the African-American church, in fact he did it better than many pastors can. He defined the church’s role through slavery up to present as the center of life in the African-American community. “Over the course of centuries, black churches served as ‘hush harbors’ where slaves could worship in safety; praise houses where their free descendants could gather and shout hallelujah rest stops for the weary along the Underground Railroad; bunkers for the foot soldiers of the Civil

Rights Movement. They have been, and continue to be, community centers where we organize for jobs and justice; places of scholarship and network; places where children are loved and fed and kept out of harm’s way, and told that they are beautiful and smart and taught that they matter. That’s what happens in church…”

Confederate flag Removed from S. Carolina Capital Grounds July 2015 - Those yearning for days of the old southern Confederacy are basing their support on tails of regional heritage dating back to the 1800’s. However, the flags modern day importance as a symbol dates back to the 1950’s and the explosive early 1960’s as the fight for voting rights and school desegregation intensified. In Alabama, on April 25, 1963 the Confederate Battle Flag was raised over the Capitol when Attorney General Robert Kennedy met Gov. George Wallace inside the Capitol. The placement of this Confederate Battle Flag on statehouses was in direct defiance to the Civil Rights movement. South Carolina raised the flag at its Statehouse more than 50 years ago in response to the civil rights movement.

According to the Senate bill, the Confederate flag would have to come down within 24 hours of approval and signature of the governor.

URBAN CNY Kenneth Jackson Editor and Publisher 315-807-9022


“It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.” MLK Baltimore was once a working class city with factory jobs for its residents. Now, there are no jobs, 25% of men between the ages of 18-64 are unemployed, thousands of abandoned homes line the once proud streets of this city just 40 minutes from our nation’s capital.

The Rachel Dolezal Bombshell and

After the bill was approved by the state’s House of Representatives it faced hours of debate in the Senate. After boisterous debate, the Senate bill passed 94-20 and was sent on to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for her signature.

Published monthly by:

For advertising and editorial: 315-807-9022 kjackson@urbancny.com Online at

Social media was abuzz with questions, “Wouldn’t Dr. King condemn these thugs?” Others in chorus would parrot a response, “Dr. King would definitely condemn the rioting and looting!” However, upon review, the record shows when asked about riots that were taking place in the 1960’s Dr. King’s response fell short of condemnation.

The South Carolina House and Senate voted to remove the Confederate flag from Capitol grounds, in an early morning vote on Thursday, July 9, 2015.

Baltimore Riot: What Would Dr. King

Walt Shepperd Senior Editor Urban CNY 105 Rann Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204

Baltimore a church funded Senior Citizen housing development went up in flames. Small businesses in the affected areas of Baltimore suffered irreparable damage to their stores. On MSNBC’s Hard Ball, Chris Matthews spittle’s out,” Some grandma is going to need her prescriptions tomorrow!”

Say? Like a moth to a flame, news organizations fanned out looking for signs of violence. As Baltimore’s youth took to the streets in protest of the death of Freddie Gray. Gray, a 25 year old AfricanAmerican man, died in police custody after suffering a spinal injury while being transported. A CVS drugstore was the televised epicenter of the crises as it was looted and burned. In another part of

Racial Identity The leader of the local NAACP of Spokane, Washington Rachel Dolezal has been “outed” as not being what she says she is. Dolezal, who identifies as Black faced mounting pressure to explain herself as her birth parents made public statements to the effect that, “She’s white”. Immediately there was a firestorm regarding race and racial identity in America. According to published reports Dolezal in 2004 lived in her uncle’s Idaho basement and identified herself as a white woman. She went on in interviews describing herself as being “transracial” which immediately drew critique from those claiming she again was misappropriating identity. The term, transracial is associated with adoptions of a child by a family of a different race. Dolezal takes another slide down the slippery slope of lying. Then there was an appearance of Dolezal’s two adopted African-American brothers on television adding credibility to her birth parents claims of this woman being white. One of her brothers went as far (Continued on page 4)

Economic Development for Who? Brown areas represent “Extreme Poverty” Strike up the band, release balloons, politicians’, developers and wellwishers are on hand to turnover dirt with Krylon spray painted Golden shovels, announcing a new economic savior. Another government funded project, program, and initiative all in the name of economic development. After over 30 years being inside, outside and around government, I’ve discovered one thing; Inner city residents aren’t getting economically developed.

city lined up in front of City Hall to voice their support. I recall thinking, “Wow, this was going to be really different.”

tions, according to Syracuse City Hall. This amounts to a $75 million dollars in cost reductions on a $324 million hotel, retail and residential development of the Syracuse Inner Harbor. Based on the aforementioned the city has decided to take COR Development to court in an effort to void the agreement.

Nearly 100 People were hired at $100k per year being told that they would be trained in a variety of skilled areas to work within the re-branded facility. The entire inside of the old mall was painted a Kermit Frog green In its lawsuit, the City maintains that, “COR deliberto indicate their commitment to “Green” construction ately deceived the City about its intention to seek a and energy usage standards. PILOT agreement to avoid negotiating a specific community benefits agreement. The City of Syracuse states Once private and PILOT funding was secured, the that throughout its 4 year working relationship, COR elaborate display depicting a vibrant community as a repeatedly stated it would not seek, and did not ask to result of the development mysteriously disapnegotiate, a special tax deal known as a payment in peared. The much touted high-paying jobs barely lastlieu of taxes (“PILOT”). “ ed one year. The website complete with giant green A recently released structures capturing the sun was gone along with the Judge James P. Murphy of New York State Supreme study that shows moniker “No other place like it in the world”. A great Court, ruled that COR Development could continue 64.2% of Syracuse African-Americans live in census big grey box was constructed, it soon became clear this with their project. However, a portion of the complaint tracts with extreme poverty levels. On a map it appears is not the project we were promised. by the City of as though flesh eating bacteria had devoured our urban Syracuse could core. That mass on the City of Syracuse’s chest is excontinue through treme poverty. The spot has only gotten larger over the Those elected officials who allowed the Destiny USA the process as he last 10 years. PILOT knew that at some point the developer could refused to toss Not too long ago New York State’s Economic Devel- say, ”We’ve fulfilled our commitment to the city, out possible opment Zone handed out benefits like Halloween can- therefore we’re done without building another square causes for damfoot and still qualify for the 30 year agreement”. It was ages. dy, in exchange for opportunities made available to there in black and white, written into the legislation at nearby residents. Upon revue it was determined that At some point millions had been spent on benefits taken advantage of this point in the project they can legally declare,” these questions we’re done.” by lawyers’ offices and have to be others who never fulFigures provided by the Syracuse Mayor’s Office Some are upset at Syracuse’s raised. Where filled the employment Mayor Stephanie A. Miner was all the angst when the city poured development portion of the program. for balking at the agreement funds into countless projects without minority particiTherefore, another state approved by OCIDA which pation or equal employment opportunity standard refunded program come is not good for the city. But quirements? What were our elected representatives and gone without makresidents of the City of Syra- thinking when they approved these land deals which ing a positive impact. cuse have grown tired of the clearly didn’t hold “community enriching” strings atwash-rinse and repeat cycle tached as they were negotiated? Perhaps the most egreof economic development gious use of public fiWe are now embarking on another quest towards our projects that march through nancing programs was ascension from economic hell. We’ve spent billions of our community on a perenniWhat we were promised Destiny USA’s Paydollars in this community on countless projects, 30 al basis. ment-in-lieu- of-Taxes million dollars on the new Lake View Amphitheater (PILOT) deal that extends 30 years. The community In a statement Syracuse Mayor Miner said, “In the on the shore of Onondaga Lake, another $50 million was treated to a display of engineering marvel as they City of Syracuse, one out of two children will be born committed to reinventing the New York State Fairshowed off plans for an glass domed indoor park, a into poverty, men and women seek the dignity of work grounds, multitudes of high-end residential units, a hillside Tuscany Village, an Erie Canal re-creation, a with few opportunities, and our infrastructure is in gleaming Connective Corridor- connecting Syracuse golf course over the smelly metneed of serious repair. We need our University’s campus with downtown Syracuse. As you What we got ropolitan sewage treatment plant. community leadership to stand up pass by these projects it’s rare to see a person of color and support the residents of the City even waving a caution flag in traffic. The facility would be so far of Syracuse and understand that anyahead of its time, you’ll be able While we’ve embarked on these “investments”, numtime generous benefits are given to a to stay in their hotel and order bers of Syracuse African-Americans and Hispanics developer the public is entitled to a the television from the wall of living in extreme poverty have increased to the highest your room, if you’d like. Love the Grand Destiny Ho- commensurate benefit in return.” in the nation. As these initiatives are unveiled you tel accommodations? Buy the bed you’ve slept in, it The Inner Harbor received the approval for $31 milmust understand why there’s a collective yawn from will be waiting for you when you get home. Commu- lion dollars in New York State and local funds with an the urban community. As we ponder once again, that nity leaders, especially those representing the inner additional $44 million through OCIDA Tax Exempage-old question, economic development for who?

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as saying, “she pulled me to the side and told me what she was doing, and asked me not to blow her cover”.

Bill Cosby: “Hey! Hey! Hey! “ - Fat Albert

In an entertainment and personal bombshell legendary comedian Bill Cosby has been accused by multiple women of rape. Some accounts have Cosby giving the women a pill or beverage before they ended up being sexually assaulted. In the meantime, The Cosby Show at one time the most watched situation comedy in America has been abruptly sidelined by the scandal. Scheduled to go into syndicated reruns at cable networks cancelled the return of the show. Cosby has begun to go on the offense filing a law suit against some of his accusers. The comedians’ wife, Camille was scheduled to give a sworn deposition in a case against her husband. Common rules preventing a spouse from testifying against each other may be moot since she also acts as his manager. His lawyer has been described as,” Johnny Cochran reincarnated as a woman”

Local Events that will define our future

City of Syracuse African-Americans Live in Extreme Poverty

Syracuse has been a stand-out when it comes to statistics on poverty in the United States. The city has the highest rate of extreme poverty concentrated within the African-American and Hispanic populations.

2. New York-Grown, New York-Certified Safe and Market-Ready

3. Global Manufacturing and Logistics Hub – Leveraging our region’s geographic centrality, the hub would transform 225 acres of brownfields CNY Rising: from the Ground Up into a thriving center of manufacturing, warehousing and distribution. This hub will be located “Wins” Regional Economic within three miles of the region’s most impoverDevelopment Competition ished areas, creating more than 300 jobs and an On Wednesday December 10th, Central New estimated 1,644 warehouse and distribution jobs York was handed a winning New York State Lot- within a 10 mile radius of 54 percent of underemtery ticket, The Central New York Regional Eco- ployed workers. nomic Development Council’s plan being awarded the prize of 500 million dollars. The competi- 4. National Veterans Resource Complex – tion, nicknamed “the Hunger Games”, pitted re- More than 900,000 veterans are New York State gion against region in a competition to determine residents with 60 percent calling the Central New which area submitted the better plan. The winning York region home. The complex will position the area as the national leader for veteran’s affairs – region receives offering premier employment, education, job up to 500 million training and research opportunities – making the dollars each to area the best place in the nation for veterans and put their developtheir families. ment plan into action, only 3 5. Consensus Commission on Government regions would be Modernization – The plan proposes building awarded the top on the work of Consensus to advance bold, colgrant of 100 millaborative, and modern approaches to governance lion dollars per to better position Central New York to compete in year, over a fivethe 21st century. year period. 6. Alliance for Economic Inclusion – The AlliIn the first year of ance will lead and implement strategies toward implementation, this plan will leverage more than best practices in training, eliminating misalign$889.9 million in private investment and a total ment of skills, increasing education, fighting five-year payroll of over $765.8 million, for a blight and addressing homelessness to ensure that more than 16 to 1 return on New York State’s no Central New Yorkers are left behind as these investment. Over five years, CNY Rising’s comefforts are pursued. ponents are expected to create nearly 6,000 jobs. The 5-year initiative provides economic gateways This plan recommends six areas for strategic into the areas underserved minority communities. vestment that are interconnected with one another The Alliance for Economic Inclusion will be a and align our region’s many assets to respond to major factor in determining the success or failure regional, national or international challenges of the largest government investment in Upstate New York since the construction of the Erie CaCNY Rising’s Six Signature Investments: nal. The anticipated outcomes for the “Alliance” 1. Global Center for Unmanned Systems will be 5,000 jobs in the first five years. and Cross-Connected Platforms (Continued on page 10)


Urban CNY


OUCH! How Much Did You Hurt Your Credit Score During The Holidays? Did you lean on your credit cards more than you expected during the Christmas holiday. Not to worry, here are a few tips to get you back on track.

By Barbara Peterson 1. First things first. Get your free credit score from www.creditkarma.com. My suggestion is to get your free credit score before your next credit card billing cycle; this allows you to see your credit score before all of those new charges show up, let’s call this your first credit score. Be sure to check back with www.creditkarma.com after the billing cycle; this will give you a good picture of any damage to your credit score. Let’s call this your second credit score. Hopefully, your Christmas shopping has not impacted your credit score. If the second score is lower than your first credit score; the reason is the amount you charged in a 30 day or less period. No need to panic, there is hope. 2. If you can pay off the debt within the next 30 days, you are as good as gold. If not, simply pay the minimum amount due 7 – 10 days before the due date. If you do this, your credit score will recover before the next billing cycle. 3. If you spent too much, consider using your income tax refund to pay off the Christmas debt. Continue paying the minimum amount due 7 – 10 days before the due date. This will give your credit score a little boost. Let’s count: month 1 (January), month 2 (February), month 3 (March), month 4 (April) and month 5 (May). 4. If you are still paying off your Christmas spending when month 4 (April) rolls around; it is imperative that you pay the balance off by month 5 (May). How and where will get the money to do that? Your income tax return! This will get you what creditors call an excellent payment rating. Remember, for example if your limit on one credit card is $1,000 and your outstanding balance is 35 – 50 per cent ($350 - $500) you could see your credit score will go down. On a $1,000 credit limit, you want to keep your outstanding balance no higher than $300. Your outstanding balance should hover around $30 per cent or lower. If your credit limit is $2,500, your outstanding balance should be no higher than $750. Do the math, multiple your credit balance by 30 per cent so you know how much should be charged on your credit card at any given time. If you go over 30 per cent, pay debt down in order to get your balance owed, under 30 per cent during the next billing cycle.

5. Using credit cards to pay for Christmas could very well cost double in the long run. For example, if you spend $1,000 and only pay the minimum amount and the interest rate on your credit card is 13.93 per cent, you will end up paying more than $350 in interest. I you use a store credit card that has a 24.5 per cent interest rate; you will pay over $1,000 in interest. Seriously, you should charge on your credit card only what you are willing to pay in cash. Keep in mind, maxing out on your credit cards anytime of the year increases the interest rate on all of your credit cards. This can be very expensive for you. For example, Sears may look at your credit report and see that you pay your Macy’s bill late. Sears can and will increase the interest rate on your Sears credit card. They all do it, it is perfectly legal. Did you know that the cost of your car insurance can be determined by your credit score? If your car insurance premiums are high and you have a good driving record, your credit score is causing it. Remember, if you act your wage, things will get better.

Barbara Peterson is owner of Debt Row Freedom, an online credit improvement service. She is also certified by the FDIC to teach their Money Smart and Train the Trainer programs. She also teaches credit improvement classes at OCM – BOCES in Liverpool, New York.

Syracuse University Celebrates 31 Years Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King at Dome Event

31 years ago when the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at the Carrier Dome was inaugurated there was a presence in New York State of The Martin Luther King Institute which spearheaded efforts across the state to keep Dr. King’s legacy alive. There were workshops, speakers; at one time there was a Civil Rights Camp where you could meet some of the architects of The March on Washington, Montgomery Bus Boycott. Events at the Edmund Pettus Bridge where in 1965 peaceful demonstrators were blocked by mounted Troopers with teargas, firehoses and dogs. In the decades since the active participation of the State of New York receded, Syracuse University continued their annual tribute which has continued as the largest event of its kind on a college campus in the nation. Not only does this event involve the participation of Syracuse University the event features a communitywide celebration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Saturday January 30th (Location TBA)

Marc Lamont Hill 2016 Martin Luther King Celebration Keynote Speaker January 31st at the Carrier Dome

Marc Lamont Hill, Distinguished Professor of African American Studies at Morehouse College and a leading journalistic voice in social justice, will be the keynote speaker for the 31st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at the University on Jan. 31, 2016. The yearly MLK Celebration at the Carrier Dome is the largest Universitysponsored event in the United States to honor King's legacy. Hill serves as host of HuffPost Live and BET News, as well as a political contributor for CNN. He is the former host of the nationally syndicated television show "Our World" on Black Enterprise and political contributor to Fox News Channel. An award-winning journalist, Hill has received numerous awards from the National Association of Black Journalists, GLAAD and the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.

recreational activities, as well as an awards ceremony for K-12 students. On Sunday, Jan. 31, dinner precedes the program at 4:30 p.m., with doors opening at 4 p.m. Tickets for employees, staff and the general public will be sold through the Schine Box Office, and are available on an individual basis ($30) or in blocks of 10 ($300). Cash, credit or interdepartmental ID may be used. New this year: all tickets are for general seating.

Martin Luther King Celebration Student Speaker 2016: Danielle Reed

Danielle Reed is a senior from Atlanta, Georgia with a double major in Spanish Language, Literature & Culture and African American Studies. This year she returns from a semester abroad in Madrid, where she filmed her first documentary, Black en Spain, which The MLK Celebration not only includes the event at investigates the experiences of people of the African the Carrier Dome. It’s a weekend filled with activities Diaspora living in Spain. Reed is an aspiring journalist and community-wide involvement organized by the who interned at Time Warner Cable News in Syracuse City of Syracuse, the University and the MLK commit- last summer through the T. Howard Foundation, and tee. On Saturday, Jan. 30, there will be the community currently reports for Citrus TV News on campus. event which is a day of educational workshops and (Continued on page 7)

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This event has been designed to enrich the Syracuse For more information on the Community Celebration Community’s understanding and appreciation for civic contact Marissa L. Willingham at mlwill07@syr.edu engagement with an educational experience focusing or 315-443-9676 on diversity and civic good. Your assistance as a volunteer will assist to foster relationships between Syracuse University and the City of Syracuse Community by providing a fun-filled day with an educational experience.

Youth Unsung Hero & Performers For the second half of the event from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m., the committee provides entertainment, highlight and recognize young individuals from grades K-12, Known as a student activist through her leadership and with the Youth Unsung Hero Award. involvement in different student movements related to Syracuse University and social justice issues. Reed is an active member in the Syracuse community, having worked at the Community Folk Art Center and lead efforts to re-establish The Black Voice, a campus publication that was founded in 1968. Before graduating in May, she hopes to debut, Black en Spain, on campus and in the community this February.

Martin Luther King Jr Community Celebration 2016 A Community-wide celebration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. and his commitment to American Civil Rights and Social Justice. On Saturday, January 30, 2016 from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. there will be a Community Celebration . This is a community-wide celebration of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his commitment to American Civil Rights and social justice. The day will include a series of workshops, performances, information, Maker Hall fun, and recognizing Youth Unsung Heroes.

The 2015 Martin Luther King Jr. Unsung Heroes are, from left, Karaline Rothwell, Mable Wilson, Ronald James-Terry Taylor and Dajaveon Bellamy.

Recognized at the Community Celebration on January 17, 2015; the awardee’s name will be printed in the program of the Dr. King Dinner Celebration held at the Carrier Dome on Sunday, January 31, 2016

Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration – “We are still working on the dream: It’s a Day on-Not a day off”

“The audience has grown over the years, and the community looks forward to this event by their participation”, says Dr. Hillsman. The Pastor, Dr. Rudolph White, and committee headed by Trustee Walter Young, Ermyn Roberts, and other participants have used the funds to support the King Center for Social Justice in Atlanta, Georgia, and later to the Dr. King Memorial on the Mall in Washington, D. C. Dr. Hillsman relocated to Syracuse, New York.

For over three decades, Dr. Joan Hillsman, former Washington, D.C. resident and music educator, began a program within her church, New Southern Rock Baptist Church in Washington, D. C. under the auspices of its Music Department. This eventually became a popular venue for the community, as they would come Last year one of the promitogether for at least one hour to celebrate the legacy of nent churches in Syracuse and Dr. King, through speeches, music, poetry and dance. its congregation, Tucker Missionary Baptist Church,

Stupid F***ing Bird

collaborated and held a service at the same time as Washington, D.C., and the two did audio/ video clips of the simultaneous celebrations. “It was an outstanding service’, stated Eric Dickson, program coordinator at Tucker, and Minister of Music. Well, Dr. Hillsman is on her way, still working on the dream. This time an added feature is to pick up materials from the prominent Ebenezer Church in Atlanta, Georgia for distribution to programs commemorating Dr. King, upon request from Joan Hillsman’s Music Network, Inc. (JHMN), as a resource. For further information on ideas to start “A Day On-Not a Day Off”, email: jhillsman@twcny.rr.com. Dr. Hillsman received a Community Service Award last year at the Annual Service in DC for her dedicated works there and beyond.

their lives to go and struggle to move beyond those dreams when they don’t work out.” Part of the way Posner updates Chekhov is to use songs and to let the characters speak directly to the audience to express their thoughts and feelings. At times, they even solicit advice from the audience. “The proverbial ‘fourth wall’ of theatrical realism is shattered from the very first line,” Shalwitz notes, as the play does not begin until the audience says it can. Posner is a highly regarded director and playwright whose adaptations include The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok. He recently collaborated with the magician Teller (of Penn and Teller fame) on an adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest for the Chicago Shakespeare Theater. He is a founder and former artistic director of the Arden Theatre in Philadelphia.

(Syracuse, NY) – Syracuse Stage begins 2016 with an irreverent comedy Stupid F***ing Bird, a contemporary mash-up of Anton Chekhov’s modern classic The Seagull. Written by Aaron Posner and directed by Howard Shalwitz, the play comes to Syracuse Stage from the Woolly Mammoth Theatre in Washington, D.C. where it won two Helen Hayes Awards and performed to sold out houses. Not so much an adaptation as a new play built on the bones of The Seagull, Stupid F***ing Bird gives Chekhov’s famous characters and themes a decidedly up -to-date spin. An aspiring young director rampages against the art created by his mother’s generation. A nubile young actress wrestles with an aging Hollywood star for the affections of a renowned novelist. Plus, unrequited love abounds as Dev loves Mash who loves Con who loves Nina who sort of loves Con back but now only has eyes for Trig. Love, art, and growing up prove so disappointing, and so comical. “What Aaron does is sort of remove the entire social context from 19th century Russia,” says Shalwitz. “As a result, he focuses more on simple universal human relationships, or look at young people who have these dreams of how they want

Miner: Graduation Rates Demonstrate Results, Show Need for Continued Work

“Today’s numbers confirm for us the continued upward trajectory of graduation rates in the Syracuse City School District. This achievement is made possible with the hard work of Superintendent Contreras, the district’s leadership, the teachers, students, parents, and our community members who continue to push for academic success in our schools,” said Syracuse Mayor Stephanie A. Miner. “These results demonstrate results, but show our need for continued work. I look forward to continuing efforts with our partners at the district to ensure our children receive the education they deserve.”

The Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central (ITC) had the highest graduaNew Data From NYS Education Department Shows 55% tion rate in the district at 79%. Corcoran 4-Year Graduation Rate in High School’s graduation rate was 62% SCSD and Nottingham High School’s rate was SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Mayor Stephanie A. Miner today 61%. The rate at Henninger High applauded the Syracuse City School District for its con- School was 55%, a 6 percent increase from last year. The rate at Fowler was tinued work to successfully raise graduation rates. 34% was a 4 percent increase from last

year. The district’s dropout rate decreased from 25% in 2008 to 16% in 2015.

New SCSD Board of Education Commissioners Sworn In Katie Sojewicz, Dan Romeo, Rita Paniagua and Mark Muhammad were sworn in as Syracuse City School District Commisioners of Education by City Court Judge James Cecile. Photo by John Berry.

Katko Addresses Critical Need for Centro Services in Central New York Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. John Katko (NY-24), Governor Cuomo to Syracuse: member of the House Committee on Transportation & Fix Your Own Pipes Infrastructure and Surface Transportation Conference Committee member, today spoke at a public meeting on the surface transportation reauthorization legislation to express concerns over an amendment that was added to the House bill which would eliminate funding for the 5340 High Density States bus program and result in funding cuts for Centro. Update: December 1st, funds have been restored to “You’re going bankrupt. You are unsustainable.”- the budget for these important funding sources for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s comments have upset lo- CENTRO which would have been devastated by the reduction in funding proposed by Congressional Recal leaders and residents. publicans. (Continued from page 4)

Infrastructure is the foundation of our city, usually not seen or thought of until there’s a problem. This substructure includes; maintenance and delivery of a clean water supply, a combined sewer system and 25 square miles of roads. All of the aforementioned are crumbling beneath us. The City of Syracuse had 391 water main breaks in 2014 and 2,109 breaks between 2004 and 2014.

Editorial: Community Mobilized Against Inner Harbor Tax Deal

Governor Andrew Cuomo infuriated many Syracuse area residents when he responded to a question posed (according to published reports) during an editorial meeting at the local daily newspaper. The Governor was asked “why do we need $50 million dollars for the fair?” Cuomo’s response was, “you’re going bankrupt. You are unsustainable.” As the questioning continued when asked, “So let the pipes break?” Cuomo continued, “No. You need jobs. You need an economy. You need business. You need a viable economy. That’s what you need.”

“Restore Funding Cuts to Centro” Katko to Highway Conference Committee

Caribbean Cinematic Festival – February 4 – 7, 2016

COR Development is currently working on redeveloping the city’s Inner Harbor. The company has requested incentives to build their hotel project, seeking a 15year tax deal for its $324 million Syracuse Inner Harbor development. On December 1st members of the public attended a scheduled meeting of the Onondaga County Industrial Development Agency commonly referred to as, OCIDA. Members of the agency cancelled the meeting at the last minute, leaving dozens of people in a packed room waiting to weigh in on the proposed tax deal. Syracuse residents voiced their concerns and out right objections to the tax deal, which too many is giving away too much. Speakers complained about these “incentives” making a point stating emphatically, “we are a poverty stricken city”. Syracuse residents have been promised so much from these “development projects” that we’ve grown skeptical of what’s being forced down our gullets. The appearance of a cross-section of concerned residents should be a sign that people are fed-up with corporate

festival is an expansion of previous CCF festivities, which explored films from the Eastern and Western Caribbean. The festival The four day festival will high- brings together filmmakers, as well as Syracuse light cultural contributions as well as address polarizing issues University and Syracuse in the Caribbean and the Carib- community members. bean Diaspora. These highlights Thursday will be explored through film, February 4, 2016 dance, postfilm discussion, spo6:00PM – Babymother ken word, and food.This year’s (80 min – NAR)

welfare programs that produce a culture of dependency.

“Light The Night 315” Marching for Restoration and Unity We’ve had a rash of injury and death cause by gun violence, within a short period of time 11 people were shot, one dead. Victoria Coit, a Syracuse resident and activist began to organize people into taking action along with Desiree Odom, Healing Activist; Rashawn Sullivan, Motivational Speaker & Community Activist and Vanessa Renee, Photo Activist. According to Coit,”Light the Night 315 is focused and committed to the wellness of the community, though we began the marches off of the heel of one of the most violent weekends in my lifetime anti -violence was not the focus. We wanted to focus on what we did want in our commUNITY as a whole and that was peace, unity and restoration. We wanted to focus on what we did want in our commUNITY as a whole and that was peace, unity and restoration. We believe that when these key points are achieved it will begin to eradicate the violence.” During their first march, Monday July 7th a contingent of elected leaders including the Mayor, Stephanie A. Miner; Police Chief Frank Fowler, city and county legislative members joined concerned neighbors marched to make people aware of what’s happening in our streets. Signs reading, “Be the change”, “Syracuse Matters”, “Black Lives Matter”, were among many placards denouncing the dramatic rise in violence in our community.

A single mother determined to make it as a singer puts together an all girl reggae group named Neeta, Sweeta, & Nastie with her friends. Living in a housing project with little support, the odds are obviously against her. Emotionally she struggles too as she learns at her mother’s death that her actual mother is the woman she had thought was her older sister. With the help of a female agent, the group starts to get some exposure and rises above their setting. (urbancny.com for full schedule)

County Offers Seniors Help Applying for HEAP 

North Syracuse Library, 100 Trolley Barn Lane, North Syracuse 1:00-4:00

Salina Free Library, 100 Belmont Street, Mattydale 2:00-4:00

Northside Learning Center, 808 South McBride Street, Syracuse 5:30-8:00

Onondaga County Department of Adult & Long Term Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Care Services, announce scheduled 2016 Outreach  Conifer Community Center, 700 Conifer Events designed to assist seniors in Onondaga County Drive, Baldwinsville 9:00-11:30 with applying for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). HEAP provides limited subsidies for heating and utility costs. The Office for Aging will be holding community outreach sessions at a variety of locations throughout the city and county to help seniors age 60, or older, and income eligible, apply for HEAP benefits. Appointments are not needed, and if you are not able to attend any of the outreach sessions, you may call (315) 435-2362 and request that an application be mailed. Assistance will be offered at the following locations, dates and times: Monday, January 11, 2016

 

Camillus Senior Center, 25 First Street, Camillus 9:30-12:00 Manlius Library, 1 Arkie Albanese Avenue, Manlius 10:00-1:00

Monday, January 18, 2016

Salvation Army Store, 2433 Erie Boulevard, East Syracuse 11:00-1:30

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Onondaga Senior Center, 4834 Velasko Road, Syracuse 9:30-12:00

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mercy Works, 1221 S. Salina Street, Syracuse 1:00-3:30

Tecumseh Road Senior Apartments, 219 Tecumseh Rd., Syr. 9:30-12:00

Mundy Library, 1204 S. Geddes, Syracuse 2:00-4:30

Skaneateles YMCA, 97 State Street Road, Skaneateles 11:00-12:30

Cicero Library, 5225 W. Cermak Road, Cicero 1:00-4:00

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

 

St. Mary’s Church, 47 Syracuse Street, Syracuse 9:30-12:00 Cicero Public Library, 5225 W. Cermak Road, Cicero 1:00-4:00

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Marcellus Um Church, 1 Slocombe Avenue, Marcellus 11:00-1:00

St. Mark’s Church, 2840 Cold Springs Rd., Baldwinsville 4:00-6:30

Brewerton Library, 5440 Bennett Street, Brewerton 1:00-3:00

Liverpool Public Library, 310 Tulip Street, For More Information, Contact the Onondaga County Office for Aging At (315) 435-2362 Or Visit their WebLiverpool 1:30-4:00 site At www.Ongov.Net/Aging

Friday, January 15, 2016

All applications must be received no later than January 12, 2017. The Committee requires that applicants: Must be at least 18 years old.

Applications can be obtained at Local Union #2, 7705 Maltlage Drive, Liverpool, NY, on the first Thursday of each month, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., excluding legal holidays, during the recruitment period. Applications can also be requested by calling (315) 622-2081.

University United Meth. Church, 1085 E. Genesee St., Syracuse 10:00-12:00

Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Recruit Apprentices

Liverpool, NY (January 4, 2016) – The Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers, Local Union #2 (Oswego), will conduct a recruitment from February 4, 2016 through January 5, 2017 for two bricklayer, mason, and plasterer apprentices, the New York State Department of Labor announced today.

Must have a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma (such as TASC or GED). Must be physically able to lift 50-100 lbs. Must have reliable transportation to and from job sites and related instruction classes.

Photo courtesy of ZFX Flying Effects Onondaga, Oneida, Oswego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, St. Lawrence, Warren, and Washington. Must provide military transfer card or discharge form DD-214, if applicable, after selection and prior to indenture. For further information, applicants should contact their nearest New York State Department of Labor office or Local Union #2 at (315) 622-2081.

Apprentice programs registered with the Department of Labor must meet standards established by the Commissioner. Under state law, sponsors of programs Must have a valid driver’s license in order to operate cannot discriminate against applicants because of company vehicles. race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, Must be a resident, for at least six months prior to apor marital status. Women and minorities are encourplication, within the geographic jurisdiction of Local aged to submit applications for apprenticeship proUnion #2, which includes the counties of Albany, Cayu- grams. Sponsors of programs are required to adopt ga, Clinton, Columbia, Essex, Franklin, Greene, Hamil- affirmative action plans for the recruitment of women ton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Montgomery, and minorities.

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