something for YOU at scover the discipleship s” that are right for ake intentional steps piritual maturity in
Happy New Year! At this time of year, people all around the world are reflecting on what they learned in 2024 and what they hope for in 2025. As followers of Jesus, it’s a great time for us to also remember the words of Paul, “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Cor. 5:17). This winter season, let’s resolve to take another step in our walk with Jesus. Enjoy perusing this edition of Pathways to explore what your next step may be! I’m praying for you, that God would be powerfully present with you!
Pastor Mike
At University Place Presbyterian
Church we strive to know and live-out the love of Jesus locally, intentionally, spontaneously, and tangibly.
9:30 AM 11:00 AM
Classic Service
Enjoy a more traditional worship service with hymns, chancel choir, music ensembles and pipe organ.
Contemporary Service
Experience a more relaxed style of worship with contemporary worship songs and live band.
Livestream Worship
Join us at UPPC.org for both services on Sunday. We look forward to worshipping with you!
New to UPPC? We’d love to get to know you! Meet the pastors, staff and others looking for community. Coffee is on us!
Bring a friend for a light lunch and to catch up with others! Enjoy a drink from The Wayside and a great time of fellowship. (55+)
Enjoy a meal and fellowship on the first Sunday of every month in the Gym. Bring your favorite dish to share and come experience the diverse cultures that make up UPPC.
Kathy Goertz. kgoertz@uppc.org | 253 564 2522 ext147 Jill McMullen | jmcmullen@uppc.org | 253.564-2522 ext139 More at
Right Now Media | Revolutionizing Ministry Through UPPC, you have access to over 25,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development and much more. Explore all that Rightnow Media has to offer and sign up for your free private account on the homepage at UPPC.org.
Crossroads is for young adults 18+ looking for community at UPPC. Follow us on Instagram for the latest and meet-ups.
Espy Riverman | eriverman@uppc.org
1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 6:30-7:30PM
Join with other women to learn, support one another and explore the HOPE and TRUTH in God’s Word for our REAL, daily lives. Come as you are, when you can!
Katie Baker | Krhbaker@gmail.com
Join with other guys to tackle some of life’s challenges together. The Den is men helping men to be better, Godly men through a Gospel-centered vision of life.
Bob Baker | rbaker315@gmail.com
Women’s Bible Study Thursdays | 9:30-11AM Sharon Moffitt | 253.677.0100
Men’s Bible Study
Mondays | 6:30-7:30AM | Zoom Wednesdays | 9-10AM Bob Mohr |253.820.6569 bobmohr1942@gmail.com
Drop in Prayer 1st Saturdays
Mbaya | 206.990.4394
Bible Study Fellowship Mondays | 6:30PM Bob Somerville | 253 678 7886 bsomerville777@gmail.com Jackie Jones | 253.302.7741 jackie.jones98@yahoo.com
Are you looking for a space to ask the big questions of life in a place where you are accepted and belong? Alpha is that place! Explore meaning, faith and the basics of Christianity among new friends for eleven weeks. Winter and Fall 2025 sessions!
Join us for this series of intergenerational workshops on how to prepare for unexpected twists and turns on your journey through life. Discover the legacy you wish to leave behind and how to prepare yourself and your loved ones.
Find community and engage! Rooted is a small group for all, at any stage of the faith journey. We will practice the rhythms of a lifestyle with Jesus, in a small group setting with new friends. Winter or Fall 2025 sessions!
Enjoy dinner out with your partner and hear from marriage and family experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott! The Parrotts will be joining UPPC exclusively for this interactive, live-streamed event offering real-life, practical guidance.
More at 24/7
Faith and Literature
Thursdays 9:30-11AM
Marion Tilley | davemannie@comcast.net
Friendship ESL
Wednesdays 9-10AM | Zoom
Marion Tilley | davemannie@comcast.net
Sew & Reap
1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 10am-2pm Wendy Warren | wendysews@hotmail.com
Familyworshipisimportanttousandwewelcomeallagesin theSanctuary.OurFamilyWorshipRoom,justinsidethefront doors,hasalivemonitor,aviewoftheSanctuaryandabitmore spaceforlittlestomovearound.OurEarlyChildhoodMinistry alsoprovidesasafe,funandengagingenvironmenteachweek duringbothservices.NurseryandEarlyChildhoodCareis availableforinfants6monthsandup.
Childreningrades1-4startintheSanctuarywiththeirparents andarereleasedtogotoSundaySchoolbeforethesermonin eachservice.In“TheLodge”they’lllearnstoriesfromtheBible andengageinotherfunactivities.It’sourgoaltomake learningaboutJesusanexcitingandinteractiveexperience. Ourelementarycurriculumalsoincludesafamilydevotional. ThisgreatresourcehelpsparentsreinforceSundaySchool teachingsastheycontinuetobuildfaithathome.
StudentsinFoundation(grades5-7)andTheRock(grades8-9) willalsostartinthesanctuaryandthengathertogetherinthe YouthRoomduringeachservice.Theywillexperienceaservice designedforteenswheretheycangrowintheirfaith,form lastingfriendships,andexplorewhatitmeanstoliveouttheir beliefsintoday’sworld.
HighSchoolStudentsattendthe11:00servicetogetherormeet at9:45amfordesignatedsmallgroups.
Grades 9-12 | 8-9PM
Games, trivia, raffle prizes and learning more about faith. A great time to bring friends who may be new to church activities.
Lexi Barnett - lbarnett@uppc.org
Grades 8 & 9 | 8-9PM
Take a break from the busy week to be together in community, play games and discover what it means to follow Jesus.
Grades 5-7 | 6:30-7:30PM
Come have fun, make new friendships, or deepen old ones. We’ll discover who God is and how our stories intersect with His.
Robin Fawcett | rfawcett@uppc.org
Grades 1-4 | 6:30-7:30PM An opportunity for students to learn about Jesus, play games and create cool art.
Julie Mangrum | jsmangrum@uppc.org
Robin Fawcett | rfawcett@uppc.org PARENTINGWITHFAITH Areyoulookingtoconnectwithotherparentsandfamilies?Join PastorTinaandothersincommunity,aswelearntowalktogether onthepathofparentingwthfaith.Sharestories,gaininsightand receiveprayerandsupportatthesemeetupsandgatherings. Nextopportunities:Wednesday,February22&29|6:30-7:30pm TinaOsterhouse|tosterhouse@uppc.org
JOINUSFebruary1statthiscommunity eventforfamilieswithtoddlersthroughfifth graders!Enjoybouncehouses,carnival games,facepainting,andFREElunch.Invite friends,volunteertohelpandjoininthefun!
March 23 & 30
Families will explore the meaning and traditions of baptism and communion. We will participate in the sacraments at the end of the workshop. (Geared toward children in grades 1-4)
Julie Mangrum | jsmangrum@uppc.org
Special Needs Parent Support Group provides spiritual, educational and emotional support for parents with special needs kids. Meeting 2nd Sundays on Zoom.
Jill Geyen | jill.geyen@gmail.com
Therearemultipleopportunitiestoprayforothers atUPPC.
PrayerChain:Thisgrouppraysforrequeststhat comeinthroughprayerrequests@uppc.org.
ThursdayMorningPrayer:GatheringThursday mornings,thisgrouppraysforthechurchandits ministries.
Ifyouareinterestedinjoiningusinprayer,please contactJillMcMullen. jmcmullen@uppc.org|253.564.2522ext139
Divorce happens for a variety of reasons, and when it does, Divorce Recovery will help answer some of the most difficult questions. Winter Session runs February 13 - March 27.
Our caring group of leaders have experienced grief and want to help you through difficult days as you begin to rebuild your life after loss. Next session runs March 16 - June 22.
2nd Tuesdays | 1-2:30pm | Zoom
The Women’s Cancer Support Group welcomes all women who are in the midst of treatment for cancer as well as women who have survived cancer. We are there to support each other and watch the Holy Spirit at work among us. Contact Sue Walen, frogfingers@comcast.net.
4th Tuesdays | 6:30-8pm | Zoom
To learn more about this group, contact Bob Freeborn, raf0444@comcast.net.
Summer 2025
Be a part of the upcoming intergenerational trip to Kenya planned for the summer of 2025!
Coming in March
Watch for more information about this opportunity for UPPC to experience the richness of our diversity and step into the personal stories of our community.
From Home to Home is an experiential exhibit that builds understanding around the crisis of forced displacement. Refugees and asylees face many challenges and difficult decisions along their journey to resettlement. From Home to Home simulates these decision points and common difficulties in a walk-through exhibit. Volunteers and World Relief staff will guide you through the exhibit and facilitate a debrief time over snacks and hot drinks. More details to come.
Learn more about the UPPC Good Neighbor Team that helps provide newly arrived refugees a sense of community and belonging. UPPC.org/safehaven.
Enjoy dinner, explore meaning, faith and the basics of Christianity among new friends for eleven weeks.
Essentials Coming March 9!
The Essentials membership class is a great way to learn more about UPPC and to discover how you fit into this community of believers and Christ followers. There IS a place for you, and Essentials is a great way to explore the opportunities.
Practice the rhythms of a lifestyle with Jesus, in a small group setting with new friends.
Coming this Spring!
Learn about the ”Four Basics” of following Jesus at a dinner seminar led by Pastor Mike Moffitt.
Explore God's vision for human flourishing, the challenges that hinder flourishing within our local community, and how God is inviting us to bring healing, hope and transformation for others.
Joinusforthisspiritual eventforwomendesigned tohelpusnavigatelife withfaith,clarityand purpose.
Withaninspiringmessage andteachingfromAuthor andSpeakerRev.Tina Osterhouse,wewill experienceanddiscover newandmeaningfulways toseekspiritualdirection. WewilldrawclosertoGod andtooneanotherto createacommunityrooted infaithand encouragement. Comeasyouare,andleave refreshed,refocused,and readytofollowGod’spath foryourlife.
Session Support
Bill Chissoe
Susan Clark
Sven Nelson
Carolyn Rzesutek
Worship & Discipleship
Nancy Keay
Chuck King
Guy Berry
Rick Todd
Care & Outreach
Emily Bosh
Patti Vig
Marty Sanbeck
Cynthia Crosby
Youth & Children
Holly Bray
Matt Williams
Kathleen George
Jim Maxwell
Cynthia Darland
Krista Wallace
Campus Care
Sean Hensley
Joe McInelly
Rev. Aaron Stewart Senior Pastor
Rev. Mike Moffitt Associate Pastor Discipleship
Rev. Tina Osterhouse Associate Pastor Family Ministries
Rev. Rob Clark Associate Pastor Executive Ministries
Rev. Dr. Diana Greene | Minister of Worship
Loren Tucker | Director of Contemporary Worship
Melinda Tucker | Director of Contemporary Worship
Dan Konicek | Director of Media
Lisa Todd | Director of Music & Arts Institute
Rev. Dr. Martha Greene | Parish Associate
Jill McMullen | Minister of Care and Welcome & Connect
Kathy Goertz | Welcoming Coordinator
Rev. Lisa Woicik | Minister of Outreach & Mission
Laura Richardson | Director of Early Childhood
Julie Mangrum | Director of Elementary
Robin Fawcett | Director of Middle School
Lexi Barnett | Director of High School & Young Adults
Mike Bates | Executive Minister of Advancement
Ashli Veitch | Executive Assistant
Lisa Priestley | Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Emily Jacobsen | Office & Scheduling Coordinator
Kaylee Fowler | Financial Administrator
Julianne Bishop | Stewardship Coordinator
Taylor Conrad | Campus Care & Wayside Café Manager
Chuck Benedict | Lead Custodian
Mawiir Deng | Custodian
Chris Lange | Custodian