There is a subtle energy as sunlight beams through the glass in our front lobby, bringing a sense of warmth and rejuvenation. Here at the Foundation, we have found our post-Covid footing, returning to a few familiar habits while creating new opportunities and growth. There is an ebb and flow as we adapt to finding a happy balance. The cost of living and groceries, the current political climate and the unfortunate series of world events continue to dominate the headlines. As we adjust to the times, I am proud that our team continues to forge ahead as a leader in philanthropy and cardiac care.
At the Institute, we saw the establishment of the new Data Science Centre and the creation of the community-based Centre for Valvular Heart Disease Mobile Screening Program. Both initiatives
University of Ottawa Heart Institute 23-24
241,141 (+9%) Patient visits
87%** Patient satisfaction
68,063 (+2%) Diagnostic tests
1,581 (+7%) Pacemaker and defibrillator implantations
2,034 (+1%) Open-heart and catheter-based procedures
12,497 (=) Non-surgical interventions
are anticipated to be game changers in cardiac research, innovative patient care, and the earlier detection of cardiovascular disease. These projects rely heavily on clinical work combined with artificial intelligence (AI) advancements and data science.
We saw another successful JUMP INTM for Women’s Heart Health which brought together participants from across the country. We continue to increase awareness, funding and research for the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre and will surpass the one million dollars mark this year. February is Heart Month saw significant expansion with its Light The Capital Red initiative, the return of over one hundred third-party events and over 1.25 million dollars raised. February has truly become something our community embraces. Thank you to everyone who took part. We also saw immediate excitement around our new Ottawa Pickleball Classic which was a hit.
We are so grateful to you, our donors, who continue to support our work and make generous contributions to the Foundation. As we support the priorities of the Institute, our surgeons, cardiologists, nurses, researchers, and scientists bring you the best in patient care. Every donor plays a part in making our Heart Institute world-class. I continue to be inspired by your stories, letters and gratitude notes accompanying your donations. It touches the hearts of our entire team, giving us true purpose for our work.
Change in life is inevitable and also signifies progress. There have been several recent developments at the Heart Institute. We continue to evolve and grow, expanding our mindset, opportunities, and human resources. In late March, we saw the transfer of leadership from Dr. Thierry Mesana to Dr. Rob Beanlands. It was an emotional and inspiring time, allowing us to look back on how far we have come as an Institute and start charting a vision and path forward.
As Dr. Beanlands says: Your heart. Your Institute. Our future — together.
NUMBERS 2023/24:
“It is through rigorous scientific inquiry, and the investments that support it, that we continue to be ranked amongst Canada’s most productive and influential research institutions year after year. Cardiovascular research paves the way for a brighter—and healthier—future for all Canadians.”
- Dr. Peter Liu, Chief Scientific Officer & Vice-President of Research
at the UOHI
Thanks to the support of the community, we are able to fund early-stage groundbreaking research. Through the generosity of our donors, our two recently endowed chairs—the Dr. T. G. Mesana Endowed Team Chair in Heart Valve Disease and the Speak LaBarge Chair in Cardiac Nursing—are now fully funded. We are continuing our fundraising efforts for other endowed chairs, such as the J. Earl Wynands Associate Chair in Cardiac Anesthesiology Research.
As the outgoing Board Chair of the Foundation, I am honoured to have played a leadership role in one of the best organizations in Ottawa, if not Canada. This responsibility was not just professional, but deeply personal. Both my mother and husband have been recipients of the Heart Institute’s exceptional care, making my role even more meaningful.
It is worth noting that the Heart Institute operates in a “tripartite” structure: the Foundation, the Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation (OHIRC), and the Institute itself. Each part is essential, much like a three-legged stool.
Looking back on the past year, one of the most significant moments was being part of the executive search committee for the new Heart Institute CEO. I am confident that Dr. Rob Beanlands is the right person to lead the organization into its next phase. His leadership qualities of exceptional warmth and vision are exactly what we need, and I am excited about the future under his guidance.
In February, award-winning journalist and storyteller, Joel Haslam, recounted the incredible and often heartbreaking stories of resilience, hope and recovery by Institute patients Kenton, Cody, Cheryl and the Viau family.
I also had a lot of fun visiting the “Love Lounge” at the Fairmont Château Laurier during this year’s Heart Month. It underscored how enthusiastic and creative the residents of Ottawa are, and in all the ways that they continue to champion local cardiac care. We must thank our donors and supporters, including alumni and heart patients. With your support, we finished the capital campaign, and continue to fundraise for the ongoing research campaign, fund newly endowed chairs, and many essential projects.
My time on the Board officially ended in June, but I will bring countless fond memories with me. I will continue to share my passion for our ‘gem’ of an Institute. Thank you for your extraordinary support. The community continues to inspire me, and I am grateful.
L to R: Elizabeth Roscoe, Deneen Perrin, Catherine McLaughlin, Lianne Laing, Lori Wagner and Lindsay Firestone at the Fairmont Château Laurier’s pop-up Love Lounge during February is Heart Month. Photo by Caroline Phillips.
Robin and Heather had a historic love story; it spanned almost fifty years, three provinces, and travel to other far-off destinations. In 1986, Robin Clark became the first Canadian military personnel to receive a full heart transplant, performed at the Ottawa Heart Institute. Heather’s son Christopher also suffered a heart attack and was treated at the Institute. Heather wanted to recognize the excellent care that her loved ones received by leaving a legacy gift in her Will.
Generous Donations Bequests
Special Events
*Excluding investment income and transfers.
702 $50,471,881 Total $120,619,112 $78,060,321
**We spend 23 cents for each dollar we raise. This cost is a demonstration of our commitment to good financial stewardship.
Financial Statements are available at www.foundation.ottawaheart.ca. The Foundation is accountable to you, our donors, to ensure every donation is directed to meet the funding priorities of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. You help fund investments in education, resources for the next generation of cardiovascular healthcare professionals, groundbreaking research, the purchase of specialized life-saving equipment, and innovative patient care. Thank you for your continued trust and support.
Roslyn and the Leacross Foundation have supported biomedical equipment purchases and the training of the next generation of female scientists for well over a decade, creating a significant and lasting impact on our healthcare system.
“At the end of the day, it is about the program’s impact: truly, representation and inclusion matter. The female biomedical engineers have all done wonderful projects and landed amazing careers. I am honoured and touched to be part of this forward-thinking initiative at the Heart Institute.”
Thierry Mesana MD, PhD., Emeritus Professor of Cardiac Surgery
Onmy last days of a decade at the helm of the Heart Institute, as my last message, I would like to thank you again for your support from the depths of my heart. It has been a fantastic year again for the Foundation. Kudos to Lianne and her team for amazing success over the years.
When I look back to the last decade’s achievements, I can say without hesitation that without your support, we would not have completed in 2018, on time and on budget, the construction of a state-of-the-art new tower, we would not have created the first Women’s Heart Health Centre in Canada in 2014, we would not have a one-of-its-kind cardiac imaging facility including top-notch equipment such as last generation MRI and CT, we would not have unparalleled research support for our world-class team, and we would not be the first cardiac centre in Canada to develop a brand new Data Science Centre, pioneering AI-driven cardiac care that truly matters to our patients and to our staff.
For many of us who worked day after day to fulfill our promises to you, this is a dream coming true.
Your generosity had a huge impact on our capacity to build right here in Ottawa a world-renown Heart Institute. The Institute has become over the years an international reference for many around the world. Let’s celebrate, be proud and look into the future with confidence.
I have no doubt that my successor, Dr. Rob Beanlands, and his team, will continue to expand and grow the Institute even further. Your Institute is in good hands.
TOP: Dr. Mesana’s legacy is recognized by a plaque and a celebration in the newly opened Data Science Centre. From left, Bonnie Bowes, V.P. Quality, Risk & Health Information, Dr. Rob Beanlands, incoming president & CEO, Dr. Mesana, Dr. Jodi Edwards, Dalton McGuinty, UOHI Board Chair, Tim Zakutney, Senior V.P. Digital Health and Cardiac Technology.
An UOHI year at-a-glance:
APRIL 2023
The Heart Institute is first in North America to perform ablation procedure using high-power, short duration catheter
The Heart Institute, uOttawa form first-of-its-kind Brain Heart Interconnectome, an interdisciplinary research program with focus on links in brain-heart conditions
MAY 2023
Devoted nurse with passion for education develops first one-stop resource for women with heart disease
Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance recognized as country’s cardiovascular health hub for women
Heart Institute appoints Dr. Pierre Voisine, renowned surgeon and researcher to lead Division of Cardiac Surgery
Canadian alliance of cardiovascular centres formed
Heart Institute doctors, researchers honoured with uOttawa Faculty Member Awards of Excellence
MARCH 2024
The new Data Science Centre opens
Every day at the Foundation, we are honoured to hear from and work with various passionate, talented, and deeply caring individuals, families, foundations, and business leaders.
Here are a few community highlights from our 2023-24 year.
In September 2023, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation held its fourth annual 30-day national physical activity event for women’s heart health. Over 1,000 participants across the country raised $296,000 and completed over one million minutes of movement.
During Heart Month, the community raised 1.25 million dollars to promote cardiovascular health. They participated in the Light the Capital Red initiative and purchased Paper Hearts, with over one hundred community initiatives happening throughout the month.
The inaugural Ottawa Pickleball Classic was held this past year at the RA Centre in support of the Heart Institute Foundation raising over $30,000. It is now a much-anticipated annual event. Players of all levels were welcome, including Daniel Alfredsson, former captain of the Ottawa Senators.
This second annual sold-out Wilbert Keon Memorial Golf Tournament was hosted at the legendary Royal Ottawa Golf Club. One hundred ninety-six golfers played in the tournament and helped to raise over $215,000 , a testament to the enduring legacy of Dr. Keon and the unwavering support of our community.
In September of 2020, Mark Seabrook had a life-saving triple bypass surgery at the Ottawa Heart Institute. “I’m one of the lucky ones. Each year, as I approach the anniversary date of my operation, I feel the need to help raise funds for this amazing world-class institution,” shares the grateful patient. Mark also owns the Canadian Golf & Country Club and established a signature golf tournament in 2022 that has become an annual highlight, raising over $50,000 and counting for ground-breaking cardiac research.
Research & technology at the Heart Institute funded with your donation! We
Since 1976, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) has flourished into Canada’s leading and most distinguished heart health centres for the unparalleled care it provides to its patients, a world-renowned research Institute that brings science from bench to bedside, and the country’s main influencer when it comes to preventing heart disease. Its promise remains the very pillar on which it was built, always putting patients first.
Through the generous philanthropic support of individuals, businesses, and foundations, we raise funds that support innovative patientcentred care, ground-breaking research, state-ofthe-art-equipment, cardiovascular prevention & rehabilitation patient programs, and education.
Together we help an exceptional team of healthcare professionals advance cardiovascular care and save lives every day.
Foundation Board Members 23-24
Lianne Laing, President, Foundation, V.P. Philanthropy, UOHI
Elizabeth Roscoe, Chair, UOHIF Board of Directors
Grant Jameson, Vice Chair
Ian Sterling, Treasurer
Ken Jennings, Secretary
Dr. Thierry Mesana, UOHI President & CEO
Keira Torkko, Chair, OHIRC Board of Directors
James Annis
Paul LaBarge C.M.
Paul Bodnoff
Marc-Andre Groulx
Gail Kaneb
Jake Levinson
Lucas Matheson
Leslie Mise
Muneeba Omar
Nick Pantieras
Deneen Perrin
Jean Spicer
Natalie Tommy
Erin Zipes
Colin Zappia