September Foundation Connection

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In the last two weeks, I’ve seen plenty of “Back to School” social media posts featuring university and high school students posing next to signs saying “Class of 2028.” I wonder if these young people truly appreciate what the next four years mean. Can they grasp that they will be a different version of themselves when they pose with these same numbers again in four years’ time?

I think of how much growth, wisdom, and experience they will have, the bumps in the road, and the obstacles they will face. I wonder if the smiles will be as genuine then as they appear now, with so much hope and anticipation. Will they be healthy? Will they have experienced loss and grief, love and heartbreak? In four years, will they be different people?

I think of what our class of 2028 would look like here at the Heart Institute—which of our scientists and researchers will have had the anticipated outcomes, hit the mark on a new trial, or fall flat on a research grant? Which of our surgeons will have developed new skills and techniques in the operating room in these coming years? Which of our heart transplant patients will have graduated and who may still be waiting?

And maybe in all of this, there is a chance to press pause and simply enjoy the moment, the present, the now.

Right now, the Foundation is deep into its Jump In™ For Women’s Heart health campaign. We are everywhere: on billboards, buses, TV, radio, social media, and magazines. One of the new partnerships we have this year is with Canada’s fastest-growing online platform, “The Honest Talk.”

Please take a moment to check out the links to our four pieces.

They are pretty powerful articles, including the one I wrote about my dad. It will give you a better idea of my mission here at the Foundation and the Heart Institute.

Thank you to everyone who showed up at our HalfTime show Sunday morning to mark the halfway point of the month. It was a blast, and we were excited to meet so many of you who were taking part in the challenge.

We are now preparing for the fall and winter campaigns, sitting down with our heart team, scientists, and researchers to better understand our current projects and needs. I hope it’s been a smooth transition back to school and after-school activities for many families.

Our next major challenges will be avoiding all the Halloween candy on display at every grocery store and accepting that Costco is in full Christmas season.

There is nothing like the present moment.

Much Love, Lianne

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