I am getting back into the groove of things after a two-week vacation. We spent the first week away at a cottage, removed from city life and the everyday hustle and bustle, with zero expectations. My time was filled with books, sunshine, friends, and quality time with the kids.
The second week was the opposite: running errands and getting Andie back to school for her second year at Bishop’s and the beginning of training camp. So, my final 48 hours of vacation were anything but relaxing: packing up the cube van, unpacking her at school, climbing the flights of stairs, and the fan favourite, building the IKEA furniture (all in 30degree temperatures). I am surprised we made it home in one piece.
I remember back in my day when I put a mattress on the floor, used milk crates for night tables, and used any hand-me-down piece of furniture we could muster. Nothing matched and it was a right of passage. I miss those days.

I continue to be grateful for the excitement I had to get back to work, see the team, and hit the ground running. I do not take this for granted. The Foundation team is gearing up at full speed for JUMP IN™ For Women’s Heart Health. This initiative is heading into its 5th year, and we anticipate breaking the million-dollar milestone. If you have been following these updates for the last few years, then you know just how passionate we are about this campaign and the impact we are having.
While fundraising is a critical objective, prevention and wellness are key motivators for many of our team members. We are all passionate and dedicated to ensuring families receive the “gift of time” with their loved ones. Sometimes, that doesn’t require the use of services here at the Institute but rather the knowledge, information and research that is generated here. 80% of heart disease is preventable with a healthy diet and physical activity along with reducing other risk factors like smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes. I realize the thought of 30 minutes of physical activity a day is paralyzing to some and mentally draining to others. People get anxious at the thought of committing to 30 minutes a day, and instead of taking that first step, they pull back completely.
JUMP IN™ is not about extreme workouts, hitting the gym, or playing sports. We simply want the heart muscle to get some exercise. A walk is your starting point. You can even break your daily 30 minutes of activity up into 10-minute intervals, three times a day.
JUMP IN™ is the launching pad to a shift in how you care for your health. We have seen a community of peer support, positive encouragement and sisterhood (although we have plenty of men who encourage their participation just as much). We help each other stay accountable and give permission and acceptance if some days are tougher to get moving.
JUMP IN™ offers ideas and suggestions for staying active, workout videos of every type, a rundown of where events are being hosted and, most importantly, a platform to find your community. We have educational seminars and Q&A’s with medical experts, researchers and scientists. We built this campaign for you. I can’t wait for you to “Jump In” with us! There is new early bird prizing, and of course the latest version of the very popular JUMP IN™ socks!

Please check out the website, give yourself the lead-up time after you register to get your mindset ready and look into all the different partners and events that will be happening. We have some wonderful new partners. REGISTER TODAY
You can also stay up to date with our new Foundation Connection magazine, which has hit the press and is available online. We have some great stories and profiles in this edition, and we take a deeper dive into the equipment and resources needed for the work the Heart Institute staff are doing. Our new annual report that shares your impact is also now published.
It’s now back to school shopping, awaiting new fall schedules and getting in one last rotation of summer fashion. Although let’s be honest, September is the new August. ��
Much Love, Lianne