Spring 2023 Catalog from The University of Utah Press

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The University of Utah Press
publishes and disseminates scholarly books in selected fields and other printed and recorded materials of significance to Utah, the region, the country, and the world. ON THE COVER: www.UofUpress.com Archaeology/Anthropology 5-8 Biography 1, 3 Linguistics 2 Mormon Studies 1 Poetry 4 Utah 1-3 Western History 3, 5 Featured Backlist 9-12 Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @UOFUPRESS p. 2 p. 4 p. 5 p. 3 p. 7 p. 8
Our Mission The University of Utah Press is an agency of the J. Willard Marriott Library of the University of Utah. In accordance with the mission of the University, the Press

June 2023 528 pp., 7 x 10

9 Illustrations

eBook 978-1-64769-129-5

Hardcover 978-1-64769-127-1 $95.00s

Paper 978-1-64769-128-8 $34.95

Like a Fiery Meteor

The Life of Joseph F. Smith Stephen C. Taysom

Latter-day Saints

Joseph F. Smith was born in 1838 to Hyrum Smith and Mary Fielding Smith. Six years later both his father and his uncle, Joseph Smith Jr., the founding prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, were murdered in Carthage, Illinois. The trauma of that event remained with Joseph F. for the rest of his life, affecting his personal behavior and public tenure in the highest tiers of the LDS Church, including the post of president from 1901 until his death in 1918. Joseph F. Smith laid the theological groundwork for modern Mormonism, especially the emphasis on temple work. This contribution was capped off by his “revelation on the redemption of the dead,” a vision accepted by Mormons as a prophetic glimpse into the afterlife. Taysom’s book traces the roots of this vision, which reach far more deeply into Joseph F. Smith’s life than other scholars have previously identified.

In this first cradle-to-grave biography of Joseph F. Smith, Stephen C. Taysom uses previously unavailable primary source materials to craft a deeply detailed, insightful story of a prominent member of a governing and hugely influential Mormon family. Importantly, Taysom situates Joseph F. Smith within the historical currents of American westward expansion, rapid industrialization, settler colonialism, regional and national politics, changing ideas about family and masculinity, and more. Though some writers tend to view the LDS Church and its leaders through a lens of political and religious separatism, Taysom does the opposite, pushing Joseph F. Smith and Mormonism closer to the centers of power in Washington, DC, and elsewhere.

Stephen C. Taysom is professor of philosophy and comparative religion at Cleveland State University. He is the author of Shakers, Mormons, and Religious Worlds and editor of Dimensions of Faith: A Mormon Studies Reader, as well as of numerous articles in academic journals.

“This remarkable, path-breaking, sometimes jaw-dropping Joseph F. Smith biography makes an immense contribution to the fields of Mormon history and Mormon studies.”

—John Turner, George Mason University



David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism

Gregory A. Prince and Wm Robert Wright

eBook 978-1-60781-396-5

Hardcover 978-0-87480-822-3 $29.95

Watchman on the Tower

Ezra Taft Benson and the Making of the Mormon Right

Matthew L. Harris

eBook 978-1-60781-758-1

Hardcover 978-1-60781-771-0 $59.95

Paper 978-1-60781-757-4 $34.95

“Taysom has done a marvelous job of mining the voluminous primary sources available to him, primarily in the archieves of the LDS Church. He has produced a detailed, textured, and fascinating biography of a major but underappreciated figure in Latter-day Saint history.”

—Patrick Q. Mason, Utah State University

A deep look at the life of the sixth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of

August 2023 240 pp., 6 x 9

112 Illustrations, 53 Tables

eBook 978-1-64769- 112-7 Hardcover 978-1-64769-106-6 $80.00s Paper 978-1-64769-109-7 $24.95

Utah English

David Ellingson Eddington

Exploring not only what Utah English is, but also what it isn’t

Is English in Utah truly unique? If so, what makes it different? What stereotypes about how Utahns speak are completely off base? Which are accurate? To answer these questions, linguist David Ellingson Eddington surveyed more than 1,700 Utahns in an effort to better understand and systematize the peculiarities of English spoken in the Beehive State. This resulting book is sophisticated, accessible, and often humorous; it’s the kind of work that professional linguists, students, and general audiences can use and enjoy.

Utah is linguistically interesting for a variety of reasons, including the massive numbers of immigrants who flocked to Utah Territory in the first years of its settlement; its relative isolation from 1847 until the transcontinental railroad was finished in 1869; and the fact that so many Utahns belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—giving them greater commonality than is often the case. Notably, the book argues that particular religious affiliation, or lack thereof, might play a part in how you use the features that make up Utah English.

An accessible study of dialect in Utah, this book explores how social and geographic factors influence the pronunciations and regional expressions that characterize Utah English. Reflecting years of dealing with misconceptions about dialect both in and out of the classroom, Eddington covers vocabulary, individual words, syntax, vowels, and consonants, blending a serious and sometimes humorous approach to his research.

David Ellingson Eddington is professor of linguistics at Brigham Young University, where he specializes in experimental linguistics and the Spanish language. A Utah native, he received a PhD from the University of Texas–Austin and is the author of Statistics for Linguists and Spanish Phonology and Morphology

“David Ellingson Eddington has written the book that I’ve long wished I could write. It is a casual (in a good way) but careful treatment of ‘Utah English,’ distilling what we know about the region’s linguistic features, and doing so in an accessible fashion.”

—David Bowie, University of Alaska Anchorage


Latter-day Lore Mormon Folklore Studies

Edited by Eric A. Eliason and Tom Mould

eBook 978-1-60781-285-2 Paper 978-1-60781-284-5 $34.95

This Is the Plate Utah Food Traditions

Edited by Carol Edison, Eric A. Eliason and Lynne S. McNeill

eBook 978-1-60781-741-3 Paper 978-1-60781-740-6 $34.95

“An interested reader, whether a linguist or a non-linguist, is sure to appreciate a whole host of interesting findings here.”

—Kamil Kaźmierski, Adam Mickiewicz University


July 2023 536 pp 6 x 9

35 Illustrations

eBook 978-1-64769-122-6

Hardcover 978-1-64769-120-2 $95.00s Paper 978-1-64769-121-9 $34.95

Dale L. Morgan

Mormon and Western Histories in Transition Richard L. Saunders

An influential Utah historian whose work shaped new approaches to the history of Mormonism and the American West

This is the first biography of Dale L. Morgan, preeminent historian of the Latter Day Saints, the fur trade, and the trails of the American West. The book explores how, despite personal struggles, Morgan remained committed to interpreting the past on the strength of documentary evidence, leaving a legacy to inspire contemporary historians. Connecting Morgan’s life with some of the broad cultural changes that shaped his experiences, this book engages with the methodological shifts that coincided with his career: the mid-twentieth-century collision of interpretations within Latter Day Saint history and the development of a descriptive, scholarly approach to that history.

Morgan’s work signaled the start of new ways of understanding, studying, and retelling history, and he motivated a generation of historians from the 1930s to the 1970s to transform their historical approaches. Sounding board, mentor, and close friend to Nels Anderson, Leonard Arrington, Fawn Brodie, Juanita Brooks, Bernard DeVoto, and Wallace Stegner, Dale Morgan is the common factor linking this influential generation of mid-twentieth-century historians of western America.

Richard L. Saunders is a librarian at Southern Utah University. He is the author of Eloquence from a Silent World: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Published Writings of Dale L. Morgan; and edited Morgan’s writing in Shoshonean Peoples and the Overland Trails: Frontiers of the Utah Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1849–1869, and Dale Morgan on the Mormons: Collected Works, 1938–1970.

“Richard Saunders charts the life and career of Dale Morgan in this deeply researched biography. Saunders places Morgan’s career in the context of the evolution of Mormon and western American history as well as changes in the publishing world. Although Morgan’s papers illuminate his scholarly work more than his personal life, Saunders manages to vividly illuminate chapters in his personal life—especially his childhood, adolescence, and final years.”

—Brian Q. Cannon, Brigham Young University



Leonard Arrington and the Writing of Mormon History

Gregory A. Prince

eBook 978-1-60781-480-1 Hardcover 978-1-60781-479-5 $39.95

The Selected Letters of Juanita Brooks

Edited by Craig S. Smith eBook 978-1-60781-648-5 Hardcover 978-1-60781-647-8 $45.00s


April 2023 70 pp., 6 x 8.5

eBook 978-1-64769-118-9 Paper 978-1-64769-115-8 $16.95


Béatrice Szymkowiak Foreword by Monica Youn

Winner of the Agha Shahid Ali Prize in Poetry

B/RDS endeavors to dismantle discourses that create an artificial distinction between nature and humanity through a subversive erasure of an iconic work of natural history: John James Audubon’s Birds of America (18271838). This process of erasure considers the text of Birds of America as an archival cage. The author selectively erases words from the textual cage to reveal its ambiguity and the complex relationship between humanity and the other-than-human world. As the cage disappears, leaving a space for scarce, lyrical poems, birds break free, their voices inextricably entangled with ours.

Prose poems written in the author’s own words and prompted by the erasure process are also interspersed throughout the collection. These migratory poems, like ripples, trace the link between past and present and reveal the human-nature disconnect at the root cause of environmental and social problems, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Along its five movements, B/RDS also explores how we can reimagine our relationship to environment through language within new frameworks of interconnectedness. Thus, as the collection resists the distinction between nature and culture on which traditional nature poetry relies, it also acts as an ecopoetic manifesto. It suggests that a critical, lyrical poetry could contribute to ecological awareness by singing humanity back within nature.

Béatrice Szymkowiak is a French-American writer and scholar. She graduated with an MFA in Creative Writing from the Institute of American Indian Arts in 2017, and obtained a PhD in English/Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee in 2022. She is the author of RED ZONE (Finishing Line Press, 2018), a poetry chapbook, as well as the winner of the 2017 OmniDawn Single Poem Broadside Contest. Her work also has appeared in Terrain.org, the Berkeley Review, the Portland Review, OmniVerse, the Southern Humanities Review, and many others.


Inside the Storm

I Want to Touch the Tremble

Carolyn Oliver

eBook 978-1-64769-090-8 Paper 978-1-64769-091-5 $14.95

West Portal

Benjamin Gucciardi

eBook 978-1-64769-041-0 paper 978-1-64769-040-3 $14.95

“Béatrice Szymkowiak’s highly inventive B/RDS critiques the ecologically ruinous discourses of natural history with its nature-culture divide. Her lyrical erasure of Audubon’s Birds of America reveals and ultimately dismantles what she calls “an archival cage,” so birds might escape, their voices becoming emmeshed with our own. In Szymkowiak’s hands, language is deconstructed and reinvented with such acute attention that every word, like another living being, transforms us, the collection serving a vision of interconnectedness that resists, at every turn, human exploitation of the rest of the natural world.”

—Brenda Cárdenas, author of Trace and Boomerang

“Where other poets often content themselves with imagining and describing catastrophe, in this collection apocalypse resounds at the level of language itself. There are skyscapes and there are nests, breathtakingly contingent conjunctions of softness and structure. This book will stay with you, will teach you to see flickering outlines in the shadows, to hear the echo of wingbeats in the desolate breezes.”

—Monica Youn, author of Blackacre


July 2023 392 pp., 7 x 10 89 illustrations

eBook 978-1-64769-131-8 Hardcover 978-1-64769-130-1 $65.00s

New Deal Archaeology in the West

The New Deal’s effects on archaeology and cultural heritage in the American West

During Roosevelt’s New Deal, archaeological and cultural heritage projects of different scope and size were funded across this country from 1933 to 1944. The results of work east of the Mississippi River have been variously described in other publications. However, until now little has been reported or synthesized about western archaeological work, its role in economic recovery, or its impact on the direction and knowledge of the discipline. This volume shares previously untold stories of New Deal archaeology from across the American West and explores insights into the past revealed by these projects. Descriptions of New Deal projects and their contributions to our understanding of the past, as well as the stories of those involved—archaeologists, avocationalists, and others—are woven together across the chapters. Also documented are lost or scattered artifacts, records, and ancestors’ remains; incomplete analyses; unpublished reports; inconsistent application of scientific methodology; and the loss of Native sacred sites and traditional lands and lifeways. Authors highlight characteristics that distinguished the American West from the East during the Depression and that affected the nature of New Deal projects, including the amount of federal land, the reliance of sparsely populated areas on tourism, the presence of large resident Native populations with deep histories, and the wide-ranging degree of “archaeology infrastructure” in each state. This volume demonstrates that despite regional differences, New Deal-funded archaeological and cultural heritage projects created a legacy of knowledge and practice across the nation.

Kelly J. Pool is an archaeologist and principal investigator at Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. in Eagle, CO.

Mark L. Howe is the cultural resources specialist at the United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC), in El Paso, TX.

“This is a fantastic volume that fills a significant gap in the literature and in our understanding of the history of archaeology in the American West. It is really remarkable how poorly documented some of these projects have been until now.”

—Stephen E. Nash, Denver Museum of Nature and Science


The Civilian Conservation Corps in Utah, 1933-1942

Remembering Nine Years of Achievement

Kenneth W. Baldridge

eBook 978-1-60781-652-2 Paper 978-1-60781-651-5 $34.95

Dutton’s Dirty Diggers

Bertha P. Dutton and the Senior Girl Scout Archaeological Camps in the American Southwest, 1947–1957

Catherine S. Fowler

eBook 978-1-60781-782-6

Hardcover 978-1-60781-783-3 $74.95

Paper 978-1-60781-781-9 $39.95


“This volume stands as a tribute to the people who worked to preserve and to better understand our national heritage. Federally funded archaeology during the Great Depression had a monumental influence on the practice of archaeology in the United States, and this excellent examination of New Deal archaeology provides an important foundation for appreciating their achievements and contributions.”

—David H. Dye, University of Memphis


August 2023 112 pp., 8.5 x 11

13 illustrations

eBook 978-1-64769-135-6

Paper 978-1-64769-134-9 $40.00s

The Pottery Hill Site

A Historic Period Shoshone Settlement in Grass Valley, Nevada University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 138

Helen Fairman Wells and Evelyn Seelinger

Investigating Shoshone lifeways in contact with Euro-American settlers

This archaeological study of the interactions between Western Shoshone families and Euro-American ranchers in the late nineteenth century helps fill the gap between what is known regarding Late Prehistoric foragers of the American West and ethnohistoric understanding of Native American peoples of the Great Basin.

Pottery Hill, an archaeological site located in Grass Valley, Nevada, northeast of the historic mining town of Austin, represents a small settlement of Native Americans who lived there in the late 1800s. The Grass Valley Shoshone, whose environment and traditional lifeways were disrupted by the arrival of miners and settlers in the 1860s, found work on the ranches and farms in the valley.

Archaeological fieldwork conducted in the 1970s investigated house remains, hearths, and artifacts. A recent analysis of these data, enhanced by the use of archival documents and oral history, provides new insights into the dynamics of late nineteenth-century life in central Nevada. The Pottery Hill Site addresses a critical period in the history of the Grass Valley Shoshone, who adopted and modified Euro-American artifacts and materials while maintaining important aspects of their traditional culture. It gives readers a deeper understanding of the effects of Euro-American settlement on the Shoshone, the history of the western United States, and the reciprocal impacts of cultural contact.

Helen Fairman Wells participated in three seasons of the Grass Valley Archaeological Project in central Nevada, and her dissertation research addressed prehistoric and historic use of the pinyon zone in the mountains bordering Grass Valley. After a long career in cultural resource management, primarily in the Great Basin and California, she taught at California State University, Los Angeles, and has been conducting archaeological research in the Mojave Desert region of California since the early 2000s.

Evelyn Seelinger is an archaeologist who worked primarily in the Great Basin and managed collections and data for the Nevada State Museum and archaeological data for the Utah Division of State History. She was involved in six seasons of the Grass Valley Archaeological Project.


The Archaeology of Place and Space in the West

Edited by Emily Dale and Carolyn L. White

Hardcover 978-1-64769-047-2 $60.00s

In the Shadow of the Steamboat A Natural and Cultural History of North Warner Valley, Oregon

Geoffrey M. Smith

eBook 978-1-64769-075-5 Paper 978-1-64769-074-8 $40.00s

“Wells and Seelinger have done a remarkable job in producing one of the most thorough and authoritative accounts of historical-period archaeology in the Great Basin.”

— David Hurst Thomas, American Museum of Natural History


eBook 978-1-64769-126-4 Hardcover 978-1-64769-125-7 $75.00s

Mogollon Communal Spaces and Places in the Greater American Southwest

Edited by Robert J. Stokes, Katherine A. Dungan, and Jakob

The first book to compile data on communal structures from different times across the Mogollon region

This volume presents the latest research on the development and use of communal spaces and places across the Mogollon region in what is now the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. New data demonstrate that these spaces and places, though diverse in form and function, were essential to community development and cohesion, particularly during critical formative periods associated with increasing sedentism and farming, and during comparable periods of social change.



Roger Anyon

Fumi Arakawa

Kristin Corl

Darrell Creel

David H. Greenwald

John Groh

Robert J. Hard

Ashley Lauzon

A. C. MacWilliams

Joseph McConnell

Myles R. Miller

Aimee Oliver-Bozeman

Dylan Person

Danielle Romero

John R. Roney

Barbara J. Roth

Karen Gust Schollmeyer

Jorden Scott

Harry J. Shafer

Tammy Stone

Mary E. Whisenhunt

Gabriella Zaragosa

The authors ask questions crucial to understanding past communities: What is a communal space or place? How did villagers across the Mogollon region use such places? And how do modern archaeologists investigate the past to learn how ancient people thought about themselves and the world around them? Contributors use innovative approaches to explore the development and properties of communal spaces and places, as well as how and why these places were incorporated into the daily lives of village residents. Buildings, alongside other types of communal spaces, are placed into broader cultural and social contexts, acknowledging the enduring importance of the kiva-type structure to many Native American societies of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.

Robert J. Stokes is assistant professor and chair of the Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales. He spent fourteen years in cultural resource management in Arizona followed by four-and-a-half years as the New Mexico State Parks archaeologist. He is the editor of Communities and Households in the Greater American Southwest; his work has also been published in Kiva and Journal of Field Archaeology

Katherine A. Dungan is the assistant manager of the Archaeological Repository at the Arizona State Museum. Her work has been published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Antiquity, and American Antiquity.

Jakob W. Sedig is a postdoctoral research fellow and ethics and outreach officer at the Reich Laboratory of Medical and Population Genetics, Harvard University. His work has been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, Antiquity, and World Archaeology.

“A valuable addition to the literature. Many of the chapters describe important sites or structures or important processes such as the solstice or connections between sites and landscapes. It will be useful for decades to come.”

—Michelle Hegmon, Arizona State University

September 2023 304 pp., 7 x 10 102 illustrations

September 2023 288 pp., 7 x 10

94 illustrations

eBook 978-1-64769-133-2

Hardcover 978-1-64769-132-5 $75.00s

The Old Vero Site (8IR009)

One Hundred Years Later the 2014–2017 Excavations

J. M. Adovasio, C. Andrew Hemmings, F. J. Vento

The mystery of the Old Vero Site, finally solved

A century ago, the Old Vero Site was brought to prominence by Elias Sellards upon his claim that the site contained early human remains associated with Pleistocene fauna. It was the first serious challenge to the belief, widely accepted until the Folsom discoveries in 1926, that humans had not entered Florida before the current Holocene geological epoch. The claim that human remains at the site were contemporary with late Ice Age animals stirred enduring controversy. Recent construction near the site resulted in new archaeological work being completed from 2014 to 2017.

The Old Vero Site (8IR009) details the course of the recent re-excavations of the Old Vero Site while also summarizing the original excavations from a century ago. Additionally, the volume lays out the sequence and results of the recent project, using these new data to assess the accuracy of Sellards’s assertions. This re-examination determined that Sellards’s claims are not supported by the evidence. Adovasio, Hemmings, and Vento provide the data to settle the matter definitively: human remains at the site were intrusive from a later time horizon, as critics of the original work had vociferously argued.

J. M. Adovasio is director of archaeology at Senator John Heinz History Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is also a senior scientist and consulting archaeologist for APTIM. He is author or coauthor of The Invisible Sex: Uncovering the True Roles of Women in Pre-History; The First Americans; Basketry Technology; and Strangers in a New Land

C. Andrew Hemmings is the lead archaeologist of the Old Vero Ice Age Site Committee and executive director at Paleo to Pioneer.



Archaeology’s Footprints in the Modern World

Michael Brian Schiffer

eBook 978-1-60781-534-1

Paper 978-1-60781-533-4 $26.95

People and Culture in Ice Age Americas

New Dimensions in Paleoamerican Archaeology

Edited by Rafael Suarez and Ciprian F. Ardelean

eBook 978-1-60781-646-1

Hardcover 978-1-60781-645-4 $60.00s

F. J. Vento is emeritus professor of geosciences at Clarion University of Pennsylvania and president of Quaternary Geological and Environmental Consultants, LLC. His work has appeared in The Transnational Archaic, Geoarchaeology of St. Catherines Island, and Prehistory of Pennsylvania, among others.

“With contributions by an eminent group of natural scientists, archaeologists, and others, this volume examines the Old Vero site, which was first excavated in the early 1900s and has since become integral to understanding scholarly debates on early people in the Western Hemisphere. It is thus an ideal location for exploring theories and databases about the role of these types of sites in early American life.”

—Tom Dillehay, Vanderbilt University


Western Journeys

In Western Journeys, Teow Lim Goh charts her journeys immigrating from Singapore and spending the last fifteen years living in and exploring the American West. Goh chronicles her lived experiences while building on the longer history of immigrants from Asia during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, bringing new insights to places, the historical record, and memory. These vital essays consider how we access truth in the face of erasure. In exploring history, nature, politics, and art, Goh asks, “What does it mean for an immigrant to be at home?”

Looking beyond the captivating landscapes of the American West, Goh uncovers stories that have been written out of popular narratives. She examines the links between the transcontinental railroad, the cowboy myth, and the anti-Chinese prejudice that persists today. These essays explore the early efforts to climb Colorado’s highest peaks, the massacre of Chinese miners in Rock Springs, Wyoming, and the increasingly destructive fire seasons in the West. Goh’s essays create a complex, varied, and sometimes contradictory story of people and landscapes, a tapestry of answers and questions.

eBook 978-1-64769-096-0 $ 17.95 Paper 978-1-64769-095-3 $ 21.95

The Bible and the Latterday Saint Tradition

Edited by Taylor G. Petrey, Cory Crawford, and Eric A. Eliason

Like other Christian denominations, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) has been engaged in the battle for the Bible since challenges to biblical authority began to exert significant influence in America toward the end of the nineteenth century. Other believing communities have responded with reevaluations of biblical text. Latter-day Saints have experimented with similar approaches. However, Latter-day Saints accept additional scripture as well as embracing a theology notably distinct from traditional Christianity. Hence, Latter-day Saints relate to the Bible differently from other Christians, creating gaps with mainstream biblical studies. This volume bridges that gap.

From comparing the Book of Mormon to the Bible or the Dead Sea Scrolls, to Mormon feminists’ biblical studies approaches to the Gospels, this volume takes a comprehensive and inclusive approach to understanding Bible scholarship’s role in Mormon history and exploring these differences for both scholars and students.

eBook 978-1-64769-099-1 $ 32.00 Hardcover 978-1-64769-097-7 $ 105.00s Paper 978-1-64769-098-4 $ 45.00s

Slavery in Zion

A Documentary and Genealogical History of Black Lives and Black Servitude in Utah Territory, 1847-1862

Amy Tanner Thiriot

An Akan proverb says, “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.” This belief underlies historian Amy Tanner Thiriot’s work in Slavery in Zion. The total number of those enslaved during Utah’s past has remained an open question for many years. Due to the nature of nineteenth-century records, particularly those about enslaved peoples, an exact number will never be known, but while writing this book, Thiriot documented around one hundred enslaved or indentured Black men, women, and children in Utah Territory.

Using a combination of genealogical and historical research, the book brings to light events and relationships misunderstood for well over a century. Although this book contains material applicable to legal history and the history of race and Mormonism, its most important goal is to be a treasury of the experiences of Utah’s enslaved Black people so their stories can become an integral part of the history of Utah and the American West, no longer forgotten or written out of history. eBook 978-1-64769-086-1 $32.00 Hardcover 978-1-64769-084-7 $95.00s Paper 978-1-64769-085-4 $39.95




Sally in Three Worlds

An Indian Captive in the House of Brigham Young

Virginia Kerns

eBook 978-1-64769-016-8 Hardcover 978-1-64769-011-3 $ 65.00s Paper 978-1-64769-015-1 $ 34.95

Recent Mormon Studies Titles

Open Canon

Scriptures of the Latter Day Saint Tradition

Edited by Christine Elyse Blythe, Christopher James Blythe, and Jay Burton

eBook 978-1-64769-083-0 Hardcover 978-1-64769-081-6 $95.00s Paper 978-1-64769-082-3 $39.95

I Spoke to You with Silence

Essays from Queer Mormons of Marginalized Genders

Edited by Kerry Spencer Pray and Jenn Lee Smith

eBook 978-1-64769-080-9 Paper 978-1-64769-079-3 $24.95

The Last Called Mormon Colonization

Polygamy, Kinship, and Wealth in Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin

John Gary Maxwell

eBook 978-1-64769-060-1 Hardcover 978-1-64769-058-8 $95.00s Paper 978-1-64769-059-5 $29.95

juanita brooks best book in utah history from the Utah Division of State History willa award for scholarly nonfiction from Women Writing the West best biography award from the Mormon History Association

Recent Titles in Archaeology and Anthropology

Fluted Points of the Far West

Michael F. Rondeau

eBook 978-1-64769-111-0 Hardcover 978-1-64769-113-4 $70.00s


Ancestral O’Odham Platform Mounds of the Sonoran Desert

Edited by Glen E. Rice, Arleyn W. Simon, and Chris Loendorf

eBook 978-1-64769-119-6 Hardcover 978-1-64769-117-2 $80.00s


Archaeological Lithic Assemblages

New Perspectives and Integrated Approaches

Edited by Charles A. Speer, Ryan M. Parish, and Gustavo Barrientos eBook 978-1-64769-110-3 Hardcover 978-1-64769-108-0 $80.00s

Holes in Our Moccasins, Holes in Our Stories

Apachean Origins and the Promontory, Franktown, and Dismal Rive Archaeological Records

Edited by John W. Ives and Joel C. Janetski eBook 978-1-64769-067-0 Hardcover 978-1-64769-066-3 $75.00s

Far Western Basketmaker


The Jackson Flat Reservoir Project

Edited by Heidi Roberts, Richard V. N. Ahlstrom, and Jerry D. Spangler eBook 978-1-64769-065-6 Hardcover 978-1-64769-064-9 $80.00s

Living and Dying on the Periphery

The Archaeology and Human Remains from Two 13 – 15th Century AD Villages in Southeastern New Mexico Jamie L. Clark and John D. Speth eBook 978-1-64769-054-0 Hardcover 978-1-64769-053-3 $75.00s



Re-envisioning the Anthropocene Ocean

The world is at a critical moment, when humans must grapple with thinking about the planet’s oceans from ecological, physical, social, and legal perspectives. Warming ocean temperatures, changing currents, cultural displacement, Indigenous resilience, melting polar ice, and habitat loss, are but a few of the global issues reflected in the planetary ocean as a front line in the unfolding drama of climate change. Re-envisioning the Anthropocene Ocean brings together leading scientists, lawyers, humanists, and Indigenous voices to tell of the ocean’s precarious position in the twenty-first century.

This volume brings diverse perspectives to the planet’s ocean future. New essays are contextualized with narratives woven from earlier ocean writers, showing readers how past perceptions of the ocean have led us to where we are today in terms of both problems and potential new visions. In this one volume, readers experience both the history of humanity’s multi- and interdisciplinary interactions with the ocean, find new perspectives on that history, and discover ideas for looking forward.

eBook 978-1-64769-102-8 $ 28.95

Hardcover 978-1-64769-100-4 $ 95.00s

Paper 978-1-64769-101-1 $ 34.95

Questioning Rebound

People and Environmental Change in the Protohistoric and Early Historic Americas

Emily Lena Jones and Jacob L. Fisher

The extent of human impact on world environments is undeniable. At scales ranging from local to global, investigations continue to demonstrate that current ecosystems are structured by human behavior. Catastrophic events such as war, disaster, disease, or economic decay have, at various times throughout history, led to the human abandonment of particular environments. What happens to a human-structured environment when the manner in which people use it abruptly changes?

In Questioning Rebound, authors Emily Lena Jones and Jacob L. Fisher explore the archaeological record of the Americas during the period immediately following European contact, a time when the human footprint on the land abruptly shifted. American landscapes changed in fundamental ways, producing short-lived ecosystems that later became the basis of myths regarding the natural state of environments across the Americas.

eBook 978-1-64769-107-3 $ 52.00

Hardcover 978-1-64769-105-9 $ 65.00s

Earth Ovens and Desert Lifeways

10,000 Years of Indigenous Cooking in the Arid Landscapes of North America

Edited by Charles W. Koenig and Myles R. Miller

For over 10,000 years, earth ovens have played important economic and social roles for Indigenous peoples living across the arid landscapes of North America. From hunter-gatherers to formative horticulturalists, sedentary farmers, and contemporary Indigenous groups, earth ovens were used to convert inedible plants into digestible food, fiber, and beverages. The remains of earth ovens range from tight, circular clusters of burned rocks, generally labeled “hearths” by archaeologists, to the massive accumulations of fire-cracked rock referred to as earth oven facilities, roasting pits, or burned rock middens. Despite the long-term ubiquity and broad spatial and cultural distribution of earth ovens, these features have earned relatively little attention in the way of directed archaeological research. This edited volume explores the longevity and diversity of earth oven baking and examines the subsistence strategies, technological organization, and social contexts within which earth ovens functioned.

eBook 978-1-64769-116-5 $ 64.00 Hardcover 978-1-64769-114-1 $ 80.00s



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