UP Annual Review

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Annual Review




VISION To be a leading research intensive university in Africa, recognised internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, and also for developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference locally and globally.

Message from the Chancellor

Shaping the future of Africa

Message from the Chairperson of Council

Thriving on and through challenges



• To strengthen the University’s research and international profile community • To optimise resources and enhance institutional sustainability • To strengthen the University’s social responsiveness and impact in society

Quality education for a future Africa

• To enhance access and successful student learning • To foster and sustain a transformed, inclusive, and equitable University

Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Stable, strong and secure in Africa




Research with relevance and impact for Africa


Engagement as Ubuntu


Transformation for Africa




UP Council

ISBN: 978-1-77592-187-5

28 23 24 25 26 27 1 Danai Magugumela; 2 Dr Piet Botha, Deputy Chairperson; 3 Prof Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor 29 30 20 15 17 and Principal; 4 Futhi Mtoba, Chairperson; 5 Kuseni Dlamini; 6 Prof Russell Loubser; 7 Prof Norman 21 16 19 18 22 8 9 14 Duncan Vice-Principal; 8 Prof Stephanie Burton, Vice-Principal; 9 Neo Lesela; 10 Vuyelwa Qinga; 11 10 7 13 12 5 6 1 2 11 Dr Barbara-Ann Ribeiro; 12 Kedibone Diale; 13 Soraia Machado, Student Representative; 3 4 14 Allan Taylor; 15 Cilliers Brink; 16 Danie Behr; 17 Appie Pienaar; 18 Prof Innocent Pikirayi; 19 Israel Skosana; 20 Kwena Moloto, Student Representative; 21 Prof Themba Mosia, Vice-Principal; 22 Dr Steve Booysen; 23 Laurie Dippenaar; 24 Dr Johan van Zyl; 25 Prof Caroline Nicholson, Registrar; 26 Prof Carolina Koornhof, Executive Director; 27 Anton Botha; 28 Prof Sunil Maharaj; 29 Prof Anton Ströh, Vice-Principal; 30 Prof André Boraine.



Shaping the future of Africa Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

New social and economic realities, increasing

sits alongside research, its methodologies,

technological complexity and the need for

its collection, and concerns. It will be a major

universities to contribute to addressing society’s

driver of transdisciplinary research between

pressing challenges, require constant learning,

the Humanities, Future Africa and the broader

innovation and adaptation to thrive and maintain

university community.

our vitality, and engender high levels of societal confidence.

Breaking of the ground for the Future Transportation Hub, which will be housed in

Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu Chancellor

The University of Pretoria’s vision of becoming

the new Engineering 4.0 facility on the Hillcrest

a leading research-intensive university in Africa,

campus, took place in 2018. It promises to be

recognised internationally for its quality, relevance

a world-class hub not only for smart cities and

and impact, and also for developing people, creating

transportation, but also for linking the vast

knowledge and making a difference locally and

resources in technology and data sciences to

globally, sets it on a path to being on the leading

other faculties via Future Africa.


edge of global developments such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) where automation is

UP’s standing as a research-intensive university

disrupting labour markets and changing the world

is growing apace. Its strengths in science,

of work.

engineering, technology, the arts and humanities, provide multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary

New developments within the past year position

research. This, together with its partnerships

the University to unlock the potential of 4IR for

with industry and other stakeholders, its use of

Africa, with innovative research platforms that

technology in teaching and learning, and its strong

change the nature and scope of research at UP.

transformation drive, provides a firm springboard for intensifying the University’s alignment with a

The Future Africa Institute, a hub for developing

4IR-shaped future.

inter- and transdisciplinary research networks within UP and the global research community,

This report gives an overview of the University’s

will develop new research capacity and focus

important achievements over the past year,

investment in innovation relevant to the

the progress made in the key areas of teaching

sustainable development of Africa.

and learning, research, transformation, and contribution to society, and its role nationally and

The Javett-UP Art Centre is set to become a


focal point for the art of Africa, where everyone can explore and understand the creativity of


this continent. Yet it also goes beyond the

Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu,

arts as an institution where the art of Africa


Part of the integrated campaign for enhancing student enrolment was holding the first #ChooseUP information event for conditionally admitted students and their parents on 4 August 2018.



Thriving on and through challenges

Executive appointments In June the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Cheryl de la Rey, announced her intention to step down in December 2018. Professor Tawana Kupe was appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor and Principal at the Council meeting held on 21 November 2018 and commenced his duties on 14 January 2019. The University acknowledges Professor De la Rey’s significant achievements during her nine-year tenure.

Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it.

Professor Wiseman Nkuhlu, Chancellor of the University of Pretoria, was appointed as chairperson of KPMG South Africa as from 1 March 2018.

Ewe proverb

The landscape in which we operate as a university

implementation plans, provide the roadmap and

of collaborating with government, industry,

is complex, dynamic and multi-tiered.

navigational markers to ensure the University

community stakeholders and international

increasingly impacts on society and overcomes

partners to strengthen our responsiveness to, and

Globally, the United Nation’s Sustainable

various challenges. We are committed to

impact on, socio-economic development as well as

Development Goals and the African Union’s

sustaining excellent teaching and pursuing

to overcome the resource challenges confronting

Agenda 2063 identify the most pressing

research that makes a decisive difference to the


development challenges that we must seek to

lives of the people in our communities. We have achieved tremendous success in realising

address. Developing students as a skilled workforce is

the University’s vision and strategic goals since the

Nationally, the National Development Plan (NDP)1,

a primary means of contributing to economic

implementation of the UP 2025 strategy. These

the White Paper for Post-School Education and

growth and competitiveness, eradication of

achievements strengthen our position as a strong,

Training (WPPSET) and the draft White Paper

socio-economic inequalities and the well-being of

innovative and socially responsive university.

on Science, Technology and Innovation (WPSTI)3

society. In this, the University has succeeded by

identify various important priorities for higher

not only increasing its numbers of graduates, but

The University Council is satisfied that UP was

education. The WPPSET, for example, sets an

also producing graduates in identified scarce skills

managed in accordance with the goals and

enrolment target of 1,6 million for South African

such as engineering, financial sciences and health

strategies set out in the 2018 Implementation

universities by 2030 and, in accord with the NDP,


Plan, the requirements for good governance


Ms Futhi Mtoba Chairperson of Council

as set out in the King reports and all laws, rules

identifies the scarce and critical skills needs for South Africa’s economic development as a priority.

UP is also widely recognised for research

and codes applicable to the University. In spite

Further, the two policy documents call for an

excellence. Pursuing a strategy that builds on

of challenging circumstances brought about

increase in research and innovation to effectively

areas of research strength and consolidates new

by a number of developments in the external

participate in a global knowledge economy, a call

areas of research capacity has paid dividends.

environment, the University could demonstrate

that is echoed by the draft WPSTI.

We have increased our visibility and impact

definite progress in pursuit of its strategic goals.

internationally in fields of direct relevance to The challenging funding environment and the

South Africa, Africa and the world. At the same

complex societal issues that the University has to

time, we have become part of Africa’s focus on

respond to, make it even more critical that we stay

science and innovation for development, and

Ms Futhi Mtoba,

the course in the pursuit of our vision.

for the well-being of people, society and the

Chairperson of Council

environment. UP’s strategic plan (UP 2025), our five-year implementation plan (2017-2021) and annual

The University further recognises the importance

1 National Planning Commission (NPC) (2011) National Development Plan. Pretoria: NPC. 2 Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) (2013) White Paper for Post-School Education and Training. Pretoria: DHET. 3 Department of Science and Technology (2018) Draft White Paper on Science, Technology and Innovation. Government Gazette No. 41909.




Stable, strong and secure in Africa 2018 was a year of stability for UP characterised by several key achievements and an overall strong performance. While financial sustainability remains a concern for the higher education sector, and an important priority for UP, this challenge has not affected our commitment to the quality of academic programmes, innovative teaching, learning and research excellence, student success and transformation.

World firsts

Our Law faculty continued to rise in global subject rankings, climbing from #92 to #76 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Subject Rankings. Education and Business as well as Economics were included in these rankings for the first time, and were positioned in the 301-400 range.

• Illegally trafficked pangolins now have a better chance of survival after a Master’s student at UP’s Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Studies became the first person to chart the normal reference intervals of a healthy pangolin. Pangolins are the most trafficked animal in the world and compromised pangolins need specialist care and rehabilitation when found. • A lioness gave birth to two cubs conceived via nonsurgical artificial insemination thanks to a team of UP researchers from the Mammal Research Institute and the Faculty of Veterinary Science. The cubs are the first ever lion cubs to be born by means of artificial insemination anywhere in the world.

Six of our subject fields are also ranked in the top 200 in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2018/19. These are Veterinary Science (#45), Development Studies, Theology

Prof Tawana Kupe Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. Kofi Annan


The value employers place on our graduates was

and Religious Studies (both in the 51-100

once again confirmed in the QS World University

range), Agriculture and Forestry (101-150) and

Our implementation plan for 2018 positioned

Rankings for 2018/19 where UP was ranked #228

Archaeology and Architecture (151-200).

students at the centre of all our endeavours,

globally in employer reputation, which shows that

with student success a critical priority for the

our graduates are sought after for their ability to

For the 15th consecutive year, UP’s Gordon


integrate into the workplace. This is a significant

Institute of Business Science (GIBS) was ranked

improvement over our position in the 2017/2018

among the world’s 50 best business schools

rankings (#255).

by the UK Financial Times in its 2018 Executive

We have seen a gratifying upward trend in this regard. A total of 13 512 diplomas and degrees

This trend is sure to continue as UP remains an

status as the leading African business school in

number of master’s graduates in 2018 was 1 993

institution of choice for top-performing students

this highly competitive space.

(2017: 1 866) and doctoral graduates numbered

from all over South Africa. The class of 2018

427 (2017: 355).

was particularly strong academically. Of the 19

Consistent with our vision of becoming a leading

learners with nine or more distinctions in the

research-intensive university in Africa, UP has

The most recent statistics released by the

National Senior Certificate examinations, 14 (74%)

made major research breakthroughs in a number

Department of Higher Education and Training

applied to study at UP. A similar pattern applied to

of areas that not only demonstrate the quality of

(DHET) confirm that UP remains one of the

students who wrote the Independent Examination

our research and the calibre of our academics

largest producers of graduates in a wide range

Board examinations. Of the 85 learners with

but also research that matters in transforming

of fields that include identified scarce skills such

eight or more distinctions, 55 (65%) applied for

lives, sectors, communities and society. Some of

as engineering, financial sciences and health

enrolment at UP.

our research achievements include the artificial


insemination on a lioness resulting in the birth


of healthy cubs, a study to determine the higher

Through the graduate destination survey that we conduct every second year, we know that our

UP’s reputation is also reflected in its rising

South Africa, and participating in an international

international profile as evidenced by its strong

study on the effects of climate change on ancient

showing in university rankings systems, which place

baobab trees.

graduates are able to enter and enjoy success in the careers they choose. The last benchmark in 2017 showed that just over 93% of UP graduates were employed within six months in their field of study or continued with further studies. This was an improvement on the 91% recorded in 2015.


Education ranking. At #42, GIBS maintains its

were awarded in 2018 (2017: 13 502). The total

risk of prostate cancer among black men in

the University among the top 1,9% of universities in the world, and by the growing number of

An indicator of the level of recognition we enjoy

disciplines in which we have attained global

for our high-impact research, is the six new


Research Chairs the University was granted



We produce skilled graduates in 2018. These Chairs will address pressing

continues as a priority, with the number of

Future Africa received a US$1,25m Early Career

challenges such as green energy, food security

postdoctoral fellows increasing from 237 in 2017

Research Leadership Fellowship from the

and artificial intelligence and enable us to

to 253 in 2018. Black academic staff now make up

Carnegie Corporation, which will include funding

continue building knowledge and delivering

almost 25% of total staff, and our goal is to reach

for UP researchers to visit fellows at their home

research that is relevant.

30% by 2020.

institutions across Africa. Future Africa has also partnered with the Global Young Academy in

Several developments in 2018 will see UP make an

In UP’s biennial graduate destination survey, the

the Africa Science Leadership Programme. The

even greater contribution to Africa and the world.

percentage of students going on to further study

programme is funded by the Robert Bosch

The establishment of new research platforms,

increased dramatically. This is good news as the

Foundation and involves many collaborators,

such as the Future Africa Institute, Javett-UP Art

purpose of our teaching is not only to ensure our

including the Leopold Leadership Program at

Centre and the Future Transportation Hub at the

graduates get jobs, but also to facilitate further

Stanford University. The programme now includes

Engineering 4.0 facility, will increase innovation

study and the potential for them to become a

84 fellows from 61 institutions located in 18

and capacity to generate sustainable solutions for

pipeline for the next generation of academics.

countries across Africa.



Information and Network Academy at UP, which

The decline in public funding for research remains

The strength of numerous transformation work

will offer training and industry certification in

a serious concern. Our cooperative agreements

streams over the years has contributed to a

sought-after ICT technologies.

with the private and public sector – as well as our

growing sense of belonging, which will aid UP to

own fundraising efforts – have become critical to

become a fully inclusive university community


ensure the sustainability of our institution.

where students and staff from all social and

None of our achievements would be possible

Enterprises UP, responsible for the development,

without a strong academic corps and our

implementation and management of the business

In 2018, all communication with new applicants

researchers remain prolific producers of

activities of the University, plays a significant role

was in English, all faculties had developed

knowledge in their quest for solutions. The DHET

in this regard. In 2018, it expanded its footprint in

curriculum transformation implementation plans

report on sector-level research performance,

the business and governmental sectors in South

for the period 2018-2022, and our diversity profile

released in March 2018, shows that UP achieved

Africa and internationally, resulting in a total

strengthened significantly. Black students have

the highest percentage (10,93%) of the total

turnover of almost R250m.

steadily increased and now comprise 60,5% of our

South Africa and Africa’s complex problems. We also welcomed the Huawei Authorised

economic backgrounds feel valued.

research output units of all South African

contact student profile, with females making up

universities for 2017. Fifty-three UP researchers

Furthermore, the University has seen an increase

are in the top 1% according to the Web of Science

in cooperative agreements, many of them driven

Index of 2019.

by our strong position in certain research fields,

We are committed to making a decisive difference

as well as our Future Africa research platform for

to transforming South Africa’s and Africa’s future

multidisciplinary research.

through excellence in knowledge creation,

In addition, our academic staff continued to improve their qualifications and just over 67%



of all doctoral degrees

impactful and relevant research, high-quality UP is the first university in Africa to be invited to

academic programmes, innovative teaching

further measure of our quality teaching corps is

enter into a formal collaboration with Initiatives

and learning, and social responsiveness and

the number of researchers who have achieved a

for Science, Innovation, Territories, and Economy

engagement. I am pleased to say that 2018

National Research Foundation (NRF) rating. The

and the Montpellier University of Excellence

showed us just how far we can go.

number increased to 507 in 2018 (2017: 460).

(I-SITE MUSE). Priority research focus areas will be in the health sciences, food security, and

Prof Tawana Kupe,


Vice-Chancellor and Principal


of all engineering degrees


of veterinarians

Excludes Universities of Technology and Comprehensive Universities



Of UP graduates are employed or enrolled for further studies within six months of graduating

Employers rank our graduates highly*

* Source: QS World University Rankings 2018/19

High global rankings

TOP 200


Six of our subject fields are in the top 200 in the world: Veterinary Science Development Studies Theology and Religious Studies Agriculture and Forestry Archaeology Architecture

UP is among the top 1,9% of all higher education institutions worldwide Source: QS World University Rankings 2018/19

Quality teaching



UP researchers in the top 1% of researchers globally

Academic staff with doctoral degrees


Our researchers produced the highest research output units of all South African universities*


Number of NRFrated researchers

* Source: Web of Science Index

almost 57%.

now have doctoral degrees (2017: 64,56%). A

Strengthening the pipeline of future academics


of all master’s degrees

Top performers choose UP



Of the 19 NSC learners with 9 or more distinctions, 14 applied to study at UP

Of the 85 IEB learners with 8 or more distinctions, 55 applied to study at UP 9


Quality education for a future Africa We are one of the main contributors of skilled individuals in a broad range of fields critical to the advancement of Africa. It is therefore vital that we facilitate access to – and successful completion of – tertiary education for all deserving students. We are deliberately creating an environment to facilitate this in every imaginable way.

Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone. Moroccan proverb




Student success


e provide a broad range of opportunities and support to our undergraduate and post­graduate students to ensure an environ­


ment that makes the successful completion of

We want our students to succeed: in class and

their studies possible. Access to unique facilities

in life. Since 2010, we have been developing

and skilled teachers helps them explore activities

an integrated approach to student success

that enable them to identify and develop their

that supports them physically, mentally and

talents outside the class­room environment and

emotionally from the second they step onto the

to become well-rounded, engaged and productive


members of society. We believe our graduates leave with a full understanding of Ubuntu, the

It started with a specific focus on the first-year

essence of being.

experience through orientation (face-to-face and online), mentoring, advising and tutoring. At-risk students were identified early and referred to

13 512

examination pass percentage

diplomas and degrees awarded

10 of the finest

Four UP students made the Top 10 in the employer workshops of the GradStar programme 2017

1 866


1 993

355 427

n  Master’s graduates  n  Doctoral graduates

Student profile

Faculty Student Advisors and the Student Academic Readiness Survey (STARS) mentorship programme. Our approach has, however, developed into so much more than that, and has, we believe,





contributed to a 90,5% examination pass rate. Fly@UP programme for undergraduate students Since 2016, all student success initiatives have

Total student body

Undergraduate and postgraduate

been coordinated under the banner of FLY@

48 105

UP (FLY stands for the Finish Line is Yours). The project provides students with support and

contact students enrolled

actionable options to succeed in their studies and graduate in minimum time. In 2018, we focused on nurturing a growth mindset, showing our students how they can improve through hard work and the help of others, and raising awareness in each of

4 439


27 660


12 695


international students

our support departments and their role in student success. A free, online, university preparation course for provisionally-accepted first-year students

black contact students

aims to develop a range of skills such as timemanagement, note-taking, study skills, goalsetting and academic reading before these prospective students enter university. By January 2018, 1 636 students had enrolled for the pilot, with 14,4%


completing the course. The course was then




The new frontier in multimedia research, teaching and learning UP welcomed the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in 2018, with the launch of a new Virtual Reality and Interaction (VRI) lab. Palesa Motaung, a Soil Science student in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, was chosen as the South African champion in the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO) Global Student Entrepreneurs Awards, an annual competition that recognises students who successfully run a business while studying full-time.

revised in line with feedback and relaunched

A fifth package, focusing on specialised skills,

at the #ChooseUP day on 4 August 2018 for

consists of online courses and face-to-face

provisionally accepted students.

workshops available at a nominal fee.

Fly Higher@UP for postgraduate students

Entrepreneurship programme

A new initiative was introduced in 2018 to

Realising that not all students may find formal

reduce the pressure on the system created

employment, there are various opportunities at

when postgraduate students take longer than

UP for them to train as entrepreneurs:

the minimum time to complete their studies. The

The VRI lab, situated in the Department of Information Science, is a state-of-the-art facility that is set to open new pathways for students and researchers in the field of multimedia studies to engage in immersive research in several virtual reality (VR)-related fields, including user experience design and interaction design in VR. This facility gives postgraduate students in the Department access to commercial VR equipment and allows them the freedom to push the boundaries of the current knowledge and uses of VR to develop exciting ways of using this technology to surpass current solutions to real-world challenges.

• The UP Business Incubator in the Faculty of

Fly Higher@UP programme aims to improve the

Economic and Management Sciences offers

throughput and success of postgraduate students.

free support services to potential and new entrepreneurs on campus.

The focus is on targeted recruitment, the pipeline from honours to master’s to doctoral studies, supervision, skills development, financial, administrative and student well-being support. Employability and entrepreneurship

• Enterprises UP offers courses such as Business Management and Entrepreneurship and e-skills for entrepreneurs. • The Entrepreneurs POD online course is open to students, regardless of their field of study. • TuksNovation, a new high-tech business

Our intention is not just for our students to

incubator that initially supported students in

graduate successfully. Employability is the

the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment

unspoken outcome of our teaching.

and Information Technology (EBIT), is being expanded to other science and technology-

In the QS World University Rankings for 2018/19, UP was ranked #228 globally in employer reputation, which shows that our graduates are sought after for their ability to integrate into the workplace. This is a significant improvement from our position in the 2017/2018 rankings (#255).

linked faculties at UP.

FACILITATING STUDENT ACCESS The evolving landscapes of our campuses reflect expanding mindscapes that are shaping the

The Work Readiness and Entrepreneurship

University and those that will shape our country

(WREn) project, which was launched in 2016, has

and continent.

certainly helped in this regard with two pivotal programmes: the Ready-for-Work programme and

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is

the Entrepreneurship programme.

transforming society in profound ways and changing the ways that knowledge is produced,

The GradStar programme, affiliated to the Rising Star Awards, selects the Top 100 university students, based on leadership, readiness for the workplace, and academic performance. In 2018, 30 students in this top group were from UP. The programme culminates in employer workshops where the Top 100 compete for a position among the “Ten of the Finest”. Four were UP students: Bernice Mabaya (BCom, Financial Sciences), Kirsten Dempsey (LLB), Michelle Oelofse (BCom LLB), and Roger Wyllie (BCom).


Ready-for-Work programme

accessed and used. At a very practical level, this

This programme provides our students with key

requires us to provide a connected infrastructure

employability skills. Free online packages which

to facilitate learning.

cover Career Planning, Job Preparation, Workplace Skills and Personal Development, had a total enrolment of 2 018 students, of whom 1 464 completed. This 72,5% completion rate is excellent for self-study online programmes.

Social learning spaces Social learning spaces mimic real-world work and social environments, which encourage interaction and cross-disciplinary problem solving. This,



A loan advance of R14 400 is made to each student in a UP residence to enable them to afford meals from day one until such time as the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) or bursary funds pay out later in the year. This

Zak Claasen

advance is to prevent students in residences from going hungry and to enable them to concentrate in class without worrying whether they will have a meal or not. Students who ran out of meal funds before the end of the year were granted top-up advances on a case-by-case basis. in turn, enhances accessibility and promotes

teaching and learning engagements online. A

successful student learning, which is one of our

leading indicator in 2018 was that almost 95% of

Massmart also ran a pilot programme in which

critical goals. Completed social learning spaces

all undergraduate modules had an active online

200 students in the Faculty of Education were

include Economic and Management Sciences’ new

presence. Data from the learning management

sponsored through meal vouchers to the value of

postgraduate hub, the IT Building atrium upgrade

system also demonstrated that the most engaged

R300 000.

and the new Future Africa campus – a dynamic

students online outperformed the least engaged

living, learning and research environment where

by 15%, a good argument in favour of the

The Student Counselling Unit offers professional

Africa’s leading scientists and scholars can benefit


counselling and therapeutic support to ensure that students are equipped to deal with

from transdisciplinary research to generate solutions for healthy, sustainable and successful

For more than a decade we have had a number

trauma, personal and academic stress, make

societies across Africa and the world.

of fully online master’s programmes. In 2018, we

correct career choices, and to be academically

contracted Higher Ed Partners Africa to apply their

successful. In recent years, there has been a

In 2018, the Department of Information

online methodology to design some fully online

marked increase in pre-existing psychological

Technology Services continued to optimise

master’s and postgraduate diploma programmes.

conditions among students, with a significant

technology in lecture venues and student

increase in the incidences of depression and

computer laboratories in order to improve the

Investing in student well-being

teaching and learning experience. Wi-Fi coverage

During 2018, UP continued to support student

needs. The South African Depression and Anxiety

now extends to around 400 lecture venues

well-being through a variety of programmes. The

Group (SADAG) was enlisted to offer 24-hour

across all campuses, and equipment has been

escalating phenomenon of student hunger on

telephonic counselling, refer students who have

upgraded in lecture venues and student computer

campus remains a concern.

been exposed to trauma, and deal with crises of

anxiety, as well as trauma and stress-related

immediate concern.

laboratories. The Student Nutrition and Progress Programme The campus connectivity project launched

supports underprivileged students at UP.

The Student Health Services Unit provides

in January 2018, will enable the fibre optic

Students on the programme receive funding

basic health services to students on all

connectivity needed to increase capacity as

support for meals or food parcels during the

campuses through full-time nursing staff and

required for internet and inter-campus traffic.

academic terms to sustain their basic needs. In

session doctors. Among the free services is

2018, more than R700 000 was made available

the compulsory immunisation of students in

from the UP budget to support students. The

specific programmes, diagnostic and treatment

We have been working for several years on

funds were supplemented by in-kind donations

services, dietary and pregnancy consultations,

implementing a system-wide hybrid approach

received from private donors, staff and students

eye tests, HIV/Aids counselling and testing, as

to teaching and learning. The aim is for each

as well as focused campaigns and food drives

well as ongoing health and wellness awareness

undergraduate module to include up to 30% of

initiated by various student structures.


e-Technologies in teaching and learning


Lene Theunissen

Marilee Ohlhoff

Resilient and rising • Zak Claasen completed a BSc in Genetics with distinction. Zak is blind, which makes this an extraordinary accomplishment. Unable to see all the visual material required for his degree, he had to rely on screen reader software, and on descriptions from textbooks and digital scans and printouts in braille. He is now registered for his Honours degree in Genetics. • Lene Theunissen, who has had hearing loss since contracting scarlet fever as a toddler, was awarded her BA Honours degree in Audiology and is currently registered as a fulltime master’s student. • Marilee Ohlhoff graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Social Work degree a year after she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma that had already progressed to stage 4. Following extensive treatment, she continued with her studies with the support of the Head of Department and staff.



financial training, sexual behaviour, addiction,

fund to ensure that our diversity targets in

promote an environment that fosters academic

academic skills such as examination preparation,

undergraduate and postgraduate student

success, diversity and community building in our

and management of stress.

numbers are met.

on conversation to achieve understanding

Student funding support

Contributions from UP’s own funds increased by

of performance that is useful for benchmarking

(Listening), creating a sense of belonging and

For many years, we have provided funding

4% to R145,7m in 2018 and there was an increase

institutions nationally and globally, and they are

the holistic development of all residents (Living),

support to financially disadvantaged students

of R433,7m (225%) in managed funding from third

now very much part of the global higher education

promoting Learning, and leaving a positive

to study further. The bursaries come from

parties, mainly due to NSFAS centralised funding


and innovative Legacy. The Student Well-being

the University’s own funds, funds raised

activities (excluding NRF and studentships).

Dialogue programme that was developed for the

through donations, gifts, grants, and funding

residences in 2017 was fully rolled out in 2018.

administered on behalf of third parties such as

One of the pioneering initiatives which fund wrap-

among universities globally and, within a highly

The programme addresses topics such as life

state departments, foundations and provincial

around support for financially challenged students

competitive environment, also to strengthen our

skills, healthcare and mental health, diversity,

governments. We also have a strategic bursary

from Africa is the MasterCard Foundation Scholars

position within some rankings and in specific

Programme (MCFSP), which started at UP in

knowledge fields.

university residences. The programme focuses

Student accolades The leadership qualities and academic excellence of our students are demonstrated in the awards received, some of which are listed here: • Danielle Twilley, a PhD student in Medicinal Plant Science, received the L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science International Rising Talents Award for her world-class research into cancer therapies. • For the first time in its 26-year history, the winner of the International Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition, held in Bremen, Germany, was an African team: students Simon Motsweni and Simon Botha from UP’s Faculty of Danielle Twilley Danielle Roodt Nicole Neyt Law. Simon Botha also won the Sterns and Tennen Award for Best Oralist. • Danielle Roodt received the Department of Science and Technology Fellowship Award for her PhD studies in the Forest Molecular Genetics Programme at the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute. • Nicole Neyt, a PhD student in the Riley Research Group in the Department of Chemistry, received the first prize in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Twitter poster conference in the category of engineering for her work in flow chemistry. • Each year the Mail & Guardian profiles young South Africans who have an impact in their field of work. Nine UP students and alumni were among the top 200 young people in the Mail & Guardian competition. Two UP students received 100 Young Mandelas of the Future awards: John Messiahs, a first-year MBA student at GIBS; and Koketso Mbewe, a final-year Chemical Engineering student.

World rankings of universities provide a measure

In 2018, we managed to retain our position

2014 with 19 students. In 2018, an additional 53 students from 12 African countries were selected

In the 2018/19 QS World University Rankings by

to benefit from the scholarship. Thirty-two

Subject report, UP improved its global position

scholars graduated in April 2018 with seven (six

significantly in four of the five broad subject areas

honours and one master’s) obtaining an average

(arts and humanities; engineering and technology;

of 75% or higher.

life sciences and medicine; and social sciences). With around 26 000 universities globally, this puts

The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation directly NSFAS students: the Dell Young Leaders (DYL) Scholarship Programme and the Sikelela Scholars the 7th cohort of 60 students, bringing the total number of students awarded the DYL Scholarship at UP to 370. A total of 136 DYLs have completed their undergraduate degrees at UP to date. The

– ensuring that they complete their chosen degree and are ultimately prepared to compete for meaningful employment after graduating. A further 100 successful students received laptops, food and book incentives, mentoring, tutoring, skills development and online support. A number of Sector Education Training Authorities (SETAs), including Fasset, Bankseta and Inseta, are From left: Dr Dawie Bornman, Koketso Mbewe, Dr Zamantungwa Khumalo and John Messiahs.

University ranking

Programme (SSP). The DYL Programme took on

to reinforce the success of young South Africans

From left: Simon Motsweni, Ruvimbo Samanga and Simon Botha.

UP in the top 1,9% of universities worldwide.

funds two programmes focused on support for

SSP, launched at the University in June 2016, aims



The Triple L + 1 programme continues to

supporting students through bursaries. In 2018, we received more than R10,8m from SETAs.

Top 1,9%

Global position in four of the five broad subject areas – Arts and humanities – Engineering and technology – Life sciences and Medicine – Social sciences

Source: QS World University Rankings by Subject


Law faculty among the world’s Top 100. Source: THE Subject Rankings


Among SA’s top three universities

Source: Academic Ranking of World Universities and QS Emerging Economies University Rankings and QS Emerging Economies University Rankings


Out of 378 universities across 42 countries and four continents

Source: Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Rankings


GIBS among the world’s 50 best business schools Source: UK Financial Times 2018 Executive Education



In the Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging

Several TuksSport athletes excelled in the 2018

Economies University Rankings – that includes

Gold Coast Commonwealth Games held in

378 universities across 42 countries and four

Australia: Tatjana Schoenmaker won gold in the

continents – UP was placed at #66, up eight places

Women’s 100m breaststroke swimming event;

from the 2017 rankings.

Akani Simbine secured gold in the men’s 100m final (10,03s) and Henricho Bruintjies silver

In the Academic Ranking of World Universities


(ARWU) rankings released in August 2018, UP TuksAthletics Centenary gala dinner – (from left) Mr Toby Sutcliffe, Professor Cheryl de la Rey, LJ van Zyl, Caster Semenya, Minister of Sport Ms Tokozile Xasa, and the President of ASA Mr Aleck Skhosana.

was the only South African university to improve

For the second consecutive Commonwealth

its ranking. From being positioned in the 501-

Games, the SA 4x100m-relay team set a new

600 range in 2017, we are now placed in the

national record and won the silver medal. The

401-500 band, and third nationally (together

team includes three TuksAthletics athletes −

with Stellenbosch University), up from the sixth

Anaso Jobodwana, Emile Erasmus and Akani

position in 2017. UP was also third among South

Simbine. South African 400m-hurdles champion,

African universities in the QS Emerging Economies

Wenda Nel, won a bronze medal in the 400m

University rankings.


Emile Erasmus

The Sport, Exercise Medicine and Lifestyle Institute (SEMLI) was launched on 11 October and will help UP distinguish itself as a centre of excellence in sports medicine, sports science and research on healthy lifestyles.

Our formal extramural student life programme is aimed at supporting the holistic development of students through sport, culture, community engagement and social interaction. Our numerous sport and music achievements remain a source of pride. Sporting success The University of Pretoria is undoubtedly Africa’s Akani Simbine

Anaso Jobodwana

premier sports university in terms of sports performance, and 2018 cemented that reputation. TuksAthletics celebrated its 100th anniversary by winning the 2018 Varsity Athletics. Since the inception of the competition, TuksAthletics has won five of the six Varsity Athletics competitions. A number of athletes who have had exceptional achievements nationally and on the world stage are among our ‘gold stars’. The University honoured Olympic gold medallist Caster Semenya and hurdles champion LJ van Zyl as Athletes of the Century at the TuksAthletics Centenary gala

Wenda Nel


Tatjana Schoenmaker




hurdles and made SA athletics history as the

cricket team retained the Momentum National

first SA female athlete to win a medal in the

Club Championships title for a second consecutive

longer hurdles event at a major international



Significant arts and music achievements

The TuksRowing team, Kirsten McCann and

The University’s Tuks Camerata celebrated its 50th

Nicole van Wyk, raced to victory in the lightweight

anniversary in 2018 and topped its many national

women’s double sculls competition, beating

and international accolades over the years by

the Italian crew by two seconds in the Regatta

being nominated for a South African Music Award

Internazionale Memorial Paolo d’Aloja held in

(SAMA) for the Best Traditional Music Album. The

Italy. They also entered the heavyweight double

CD, Indodana, is shared on Choral Stream with

sculls class and won silver. It is predicted that they

more than 260 000 views.

will be serious contenders at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Tuks FM won two awards for its flagship shows at the Liberty Radio Awards: the Best Afternoon

At the annual University Sports South Africa

Drive Show, presented by Sila Odhuno and Caitlin

(USSA) Boat Race in Port Alfred, TuksRowing

Weber, and the Best Breakfast Presenter, won by

competed with three crews and made the A finals

Nicholas Lawrence.

in all three boats. The women’s A & B VIII crews raced to gold medals, a unique achievement. The

Sandisile Gqweta and Olu Yakhe were the

Men’s A VIII crew also went on to claim the gold

winners of the 2018 Javett Music Awards, hosted

medal and equalled the record of 10 consecutive

at the Javett-UP Art Centre. Sandisile, a BMus

wins by a university.

(Performing Arts) final-year jazz student, won in

Winners of the 2018 Javett Music Awards: Sandisile Gqweta (left) and Olu Yakhe. Below: Tuks Camerata celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018.

the Jazz Vocal Category, and Olu, a self-taught The TuksWomensRugby7’s team won the USSA

soprano, won the Classical Singing Category. The

title for the third time in five years. The team also

awards acknowledge excellence and celebrate

won the Centrale Sevens Tournament in Paris with

outstanding innovation and musical creativity,

a 33-12 win over Ramblin Jesters.

targeting the best young talent in the country.

TuksJudo’s Unelle Snyman won a bronze medal in

The annual Principal’s Concert featured a number

the women’s under-78kg category at the African

of the University’s music ensembles and soloists

Judo Championships in Tunisia, and Edrich Nortje

in a unique programme themed The Circle of

of TuksWrestling, won a gold medal in the under-

Being. The University has held the Principal’s

61kg category at the African Continental Junior

Concert every year since 1977 in recognition of

Championships in Port Harcourt.

the important role played by the arts, including music, in building a community and in uplifting our

TuksHockey won the Varsity Hockey final, and our





Research with relevance and impact for Africa UP’s primary research strategy is to pursue “research that matters”, aligned with intricate societal challenges. Our focus on Africa places us at the epicentre of advancing the type of science needed to address the continent’s complex problems while remaining globally relevant.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X




s a university, we are committed to creating knowledge for development, and for the well-being of people, society and the environment. In 2018, our research strategy focused on increasing productivity and achieving higher impact, and on research that is relevant and speaks to major challenges globally, and in particular, in Africa as a developing region.

Knowledge fields and lead researchers Many metrics can be used to evaluate research performance, but two in particular illustrate our research impact and visibility: • the visibility of lead researchers and knowledge fields where UP is positioned in the top 1% internationally, and • research collaboration measured in the global spread of co-authored papers.


The visibility of our lead researchers is

We have seen our research capacity profile

knowledge fields, and we are rated among the top

strengthen in all areas. The increase in research productivity, the growing proportion of staff with doctorates and those who have achieved an NRFrating, the increase in the number of postdoctoral fellows and in doctoral enrolments and graduates, have all contributed to a strong research-intensive identity.

demonstrated in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database. The ESI database covers 22 1% globally in eight fields: agricultural sciences, clinical medicine, engineering, environmental/ ecology, immunology, microbiology, plant and animal sciences, and social sciences (general). A further ESI measure identifies the top 1% of scientists internationally, based on citations. In

Academic staff with PhDs increased from 43% in 2012 to just over 67% in 2018. The number of NRF-rated researchers increased from a total of 433 in 2012, to 507 in 2018. In addition, the number of postdoctoral fellows increased from 194 in 2016, to 253 in 2018. The total weighted research output per fulltime equivalent (FTE) academic staff is a further indicator of our success, and the report of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) released in March 2018, shows that UP achieved the highest percentage (10,93%) of the total research output units of all South African universities for 2017, and 3,38 weighted output per capita . This consistent performance was the 1

result of a number of successful interventions to support our researchers.

January 2019, 53 UP scientists were positioned in this top international category (compared to 35 in 2017), illustrating the strengthening of research excellence and visibility at UP. The same ESI database identifies “top papers”, based on citations. In 2018, 145 papers co-authored by UP researchers fell in this category (100 in 2017). Co-authored papers are also regarded as a sign of the effectiveness of partnerships and international networks of collaboration. Between 2015 and 2018, UP academics co-authored 6 223 publications internationally, with Africa and Europe being regions where the most collaboration has

humanity are of a global nature and cannot

the future direction of research at UP: the Future

be solved at local scales alone; and, given

Africa institute and campus, the Javett-UP Art

the complexity of the problems, disciplinary

Centre, and the start of the Engineering 4.0

interconnectedness is required, drawing on

development and the Future Transportation

a network of expertise often from outside

Hub. In each instance, the research platforms

institutional and national boundaries. Different

illustrate how research is bridging disciplinary and

elements that define this context, taken together,

university-community-industry divides, allowing

require new science leadership and new methods

for convergence science that maximises relevance

of doing science.

Research platforms

Javett-UP Art Centre The Javett-UP Art Centre is designed to be a major

Future Africa

driver of transdisciplinary research between the

Future Africa is a research platform and

Humanities, Future Africa, the broader university

campus developed on our Hillcrest Campus.

community, and a wide network of local, regional

Its infrastructure and concept recognises

and international partners.

that research needs to transcend disciplinary boundaries, build strategic partnerships and

It will house the Javett Foundation’s seminal

networks, and act on the social responsibility of

collection of 20th Century South African art, the



Mapungubwe designated collection of which

Several new developments in 2018 paved the way

The increasingly global and interconnected nature

University’s collections, and the Centre’s own

of research, and inter- and transdisciplinary

curated and visiting collections.

1 DHET, March 2019. Report on the Evaluation of the 2016 Universities’ Research Output.

The Future Africa campus.

and impact.

taken place.

to build on our research relevance and impact.


Three major research platforms have shaped

UP is the custodian, selected pieces from the

research practices, are driven by two shifts in science: realising that the challenges facing

With funding from the Andrew W Mellon



Staff with PhDs All academic staff 67% (2018)

43% (2012)

NRF-rated researchers 2012




Postdoctoral fellows 2016




Scientists positioned among top 1% of scientists globally


Number of DST-NRF Research Chairs


Number of industry-funded Research Chairs





Top papers in the world co-authored by UP researchers 2016






Source: Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database

The Javett-UP Art Centre is set to become a focal point for the art of Africa.

Foundation, the University will be the first in

have a research hub where industry, academia,

the country to offer a master’s in Social Science

government and research students can develop

programme focusing on Tangible Heritage

future innovation to make South Africa and

Conservation. This programme, launched in

Africa a smart country and continent. The

2018, draws on the humanities, social sciences

space planning and designs promise a vibrant

and the natural sciences, and aims to develop a

interactive and state-of-the-art facility that will

new generation of highly skilled and professional

hold its own among the best in the world, while

heritage conservators to serve the needs of the

exposing both students and industry to cutting-

southern African region.

edge research, training and material testing.

The Engineering 4.0 Development

Research Chairs

In partnership with the SA National Roads

UP was successful in being awarded four new

Agency Limited and the Council for Scientific and

DST-NRF SARChI Chairs, and co-hosting one

Industrial Research, UP has embarked on a major

National Institute: The Research Chairs in Poultry

project to establish a postgraduate training and

Health and Production; Clean and Green Energy;

national research laboratory in transportation.

Nutrition and Food Security; Biostatistics; and

The Future Transportation Hub will be housed in

the National Institute Chair in Conservation

the new Engineering 4.0 facility on our Hillcrest

Physiology, co-hosted with the National

campus, strategically situated in the Innovation

Zoological Gardens.

Corridor between UP, the Innovation Hub and the Department of Science and Technology.


Patents granted 11 international; six South African

Top 1%

In eight knowledge fields globally: Agricultural sciences Clinical medicine Engineering Environmental/ecology Immunology Microbiology Plant and animal sciences Social sciences

Source: Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database

These bring the total number of SARChI Chairs at UP to 19.

It forms part of our focus on future



Number of active research agreements with regional and international institutions across 70 countries and six continents

transportation and smart cities, linked to the

Our strong partnerships with industry are

Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The vision is to

reflected in the 33 Research Chairs funded

Top 1%

Of scientists internationally, based on citations

The sod-turning ceremony for The Future Transportation Hub took place on 4 December 2018, with completion of the facility planned for December 2019. Pictured are Skhumbuzo Macozoma (left), CEO of SANRAL, and Professor Cheryl de la Rey.



campus, where the keynote speakers and panel

• The EUROOSA and AESAP Plus programmes

focused their respective inputs on the future of

(the Erasmus Mundus programme was phased

food in Africa. The focus of the ACoE will be on

out in 2018).

seeking solutions to addressing food insecurity in Africa. International partnerships and collaboration The University’s international partnerships and collaboration are central to our expanding research networks and approach to positioning UP was successful in its bid to host the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Food Security, in collaboration with the Universities of Nairobi and Ghana. Above are speakers and panelists who contributed to the ARUA launch programme.

by industry. In 2018, two new chairs were

The Australia-Africa

research in a regional and global context.

established, both in the Faculty of Engineering,

Universities Network (AAUN)

Highlights for 2018 include:

Built Environment and Information Technology:

The AAUN was established in 2012 and has 11

• The AEL Mining Service Chair in Innovative

Australian universities and 12 African universities

The South Africa-Sweden

Rock-breaking Technology will ensure that

as members. Professor Cheryl de la Rey, UP Vice-

University Forum (SASUF)

the South African mining industry keeps pace

Chancellor and Principal (2009-2018), was the

UP hosted the launch of SASUF in 2018 in

with international developments by focusing

African Co-Chair until 2018, with Professor John

collaboration with Uppsala University (Sweden).

on the visualisation of mining environments

Hearn, University of Sydney, as the Australian Co-

The aim is to strengthen cooperation between

and blast simulation. The Department of

Chair. Priority thematic research areas are food

academics, students and other relevant

Mining Engineering has an established

security, mining and minerals, public health, and

stakeholders from industry and government in

reputation in the mining industry in South


research, education and innovation. The Forum currently involves 30 universities.

Africa and internationally, and is a source of specialist information in all aspects of mining

In 2018, Prof Elna Buys at UP as lead researcher,


and a team from the universities of Ghana,

The inaugural SASUF Innovation Week attracted

Makerere and Mauritius, and the universities of

approximately 1 200 researchers to participate

Learning, sponsored by Multichoice, will

Murdoch and Curtin in Australia, submitted one

in the main launch events, and in a number of

develop Artificial Intelligence (AI), and

of eight successful bids to receive funding for a

satellite events held across 12 cities in South Africa.

specifically Machine Learning skills in South

collaborative research project on Listeria.

• The Naspers Research Chair in Machine

the 4IR and a digital future, yet there is a

The African Research

In 2018, 36 new and renewed agreements with

severe shortage in these skills globally, and

Universities Alliance (ARUA)

regional and international institutions were

particularly in the African region.

ARUA, launched in 2015 in Dakar, has brought

concluded, taking the total number of active

together 16 of the region’s leading research

agreements with international partners to 204,

universities. In 2017, the first call to host Africa

across 70 countries and six continents.

Centres of Excellence (ACoE) was announced, with 10 subsequently awarded. UP was successful in

Strategic partnerships and programmes

Focus on Africa

its bid to host the ARUA CoE in Food Security, in

In addition to many institutional and faculty-

Our research partnerships in Africa focus on

collaboration with the Universities of Nairobi and

specific agreements, the University also

advancing the type of science needed to address

Ghana, with Prof Hettie Schönfeldt appointed as

participates in the following European Union

key challenges on the continent. UP is a partner

the Director.

programmes: • Erasmus Plus Capacity Building Programme

in a number of research consortia in Africa and


• UP veterinarians Prof Gerhard Steenkamp and Dr Adrian Tordiffe performed intricate dental surgery on an elephant in Georgia, Eurasia, to remove its infected tusk. The surgery was done in the capital city Tbilisi, at the Tbilisi Zoo. • The late Muriel Betty Noakes, well known for her love of animals and her donations to charities such as the SPCA, SA Guide Dogs Association, and the Street Care Fund, bequeathed the residue of her estate to the Faculty of Veterinary Science. The residue is estimated at R15,9m. Ms Noakes specified that the funds must be used “for the upkeep/improvement of the Faculty for the benefit of the animals”. • The Afrivet Chair for Primary Animal Health Care (PAHC) in the Faculty of Veterinary Science has been renewed for a further five-year period as the result of UP’s partnership with Afrivet Business Management (ABM). The focus is on rural small-scale farming, veterinary extension services to rural communal farmers, and training veterinary para-professionals in primary animal health care. • A study from UP’s Conservation Ecology Research Unit has found that savanna elephant do migrate, despite protected area boundaries and international borders. The study is one of the largest on elephant movement to date, collecting data on 139 elephants over 15 years and across seven southern African countries.

Memoranda of understanding and agreements

Africa. AI and Machine Learning are key to


Animal lovers

we contribute actively to the region’s knowledge

The ARUA CoE in Food Security was launched in

base and planned intervention strategies.

December 2018 at the University’s Future Africa

• Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility (ICM) Programme



Exceptional Young Researchers

Commercialisation of research

(NIMPO) awarded capacity development funding

Postgraduate students and

Forty-seven patents were filed, of which 17 were

to the University (about R2m). A total of 252

postdoctoral fellows

granted – 11 international, and six South African.

contracts were concluded in 2018, to the value

In addition, five licence agreements were signed

of R233,4m, and royalty payments to the value of

The Graduate Support Hub (GSH) pursued a

and five trademarks filed.

R736 305 were received.

Bioscience-related inventions continue to dominate the UP patent portfolio, followed by


engineering-related inventions, as demonstrated

To continue this trajectory of research excellence,

by the following examples of the patents granted

we have to grow the pipeline of next-generation

in 2018:

academics and create an enabling environment

• Nucleic acids for down regulation of gene expression

for students to succeed. This received priority attention in 2018.

• Process for producing protein microparticles • Safe antifungal compound from sneezewood (candida invention) • Alkali-slag cement, also known as improved alkaline activated slag (AAS) composition.

Two programmes aimed at a new leadership in the sciences were already well-established in 2018: The African Science Leadership Programme (ASLP), with its fifth group of young researchers from across Africa completing their programme in

UP was also successful in two applications

2018; and the Tuks Young Leadership Programme

submitted to the South African Innovation Agency

(TYLP), a capacity development programme aimed

(TIA) for seed-funded projects (R1,3m), and the

at our young researchers, which ran its fourth

National Intellectual Property Management Office

programme in 2018.

number of strategies to ensure the success of postgraduate students. Adopting a student lifecycle approach, the GSH launched the FlyHigher@ UP programme in 2018, to support students

Seven exceptional young achievers in research were honoured at UP’s internal awards ceremony: • Professor Reghard Brits (Department of Mercantile Law) • Dr Thulani Makhalanyane (Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology) • Dr Tung Le (Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) • Dr Paul Razafimandimby (Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) • Dr Hendrik Brink (Department of Chemical Engineering) • Dr Nico Wilke (Department of Mechanical Engineering) • Dr Jeannie van der Linde (Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology).

from the point of recruitment to graduation. Academic support focused on the three main stages of the lifecycle: proposal development and writing; data collection and analysis; and thesis or dissertation writing. Just over 800 postgraduate students participated in these academic training opportunities, with the largest attendance being at the workshops on quantitative data analysis. The increased doctoral degree enrolments, and the consistently high numbers of master’s and doctoral graduates, are a particularly strong achievement of the University. In 2018, there were 1 993 master’s graduates (2017: 1 866) and 427 doctoral graduates (2017: 355). This pattern is also evident in the DHET analysis of sector-level performance in 2017. UP produced the highest number of research master’s graduate units of all South African universities, and the second highest for doctoral graduates.1 The postdoctoral fellowship programme is also managed by the GSH, and enhances the productivity of the University with respect to research outputs. The expectation is that postdoctoral fellows will be active and productive researchers, and develop academically under the mentorship of experienced researchers. In 2018, 253 postdoctoral fellows were appointed at UP, with 98 being female. Since 2016, over 60% of postdoctoral fellows at UP have been international candidates, which demonstrates our strong global footprint.

From left – top row: Regard Brits and Thulani Makhalanyane; second row: Tung Le and Paul Razafimandimby; third row: Hendrik Brink and Nico Wilke; left: Jeannie van der Linde

1 DHET, March 2019.




RESEARCH FUNDING External research grants and contracts are necessary to boost research funding, and to some degree validate the reputation we have as a research-intensive university that undertakes relevant research with high impact. In the 2019 Times Higher Education (THE)

Young researchers from across Africa participate in the African Science Leaderhip Programme.

rankings, released in September 2018, we were placed at #350 on the research measurement scale, and at #210 with respect to industry income. Both are areas of distinct achievement for the University. While the general research funding climate continues to be unfavourable across the higher education sector, we saw an increase in funding from external sources in 2018. The boost came mainly from government-related sources (such as TIA, the NRF Thuthuka and NIMPO). There has been an overall decline in international grants since 2017. Internal funding allocations to research and postgraduate education have remained largely static, at around R134m since 2016.

research that MATTERS

External funding income (R), 2017-2018 Funding source



and other government agencies, and research grants

324 305 292

375 030 115

Other funds:

288 614 066

283 205 215

Government-related: DST, NRF, CSIR Cancer Association, Eskom, MRC, ARC, WRC, TIA

26 422 457

24 481 304

Private sector research contracts

101 974 640

105 769 122

International grants

160 216 969

152 954 789

Grand total

612 919 358

658 235 330

National institutes and centres

Source: Finance Department, March 2019 (excludes Enterprises @UP).




Engagement as Ubuntu Our academic programmes prepare students not only for their careers but also for their roles as citizens with a civic responsibility. As an institution we model these behaviours through our engagement with our immediate and broader communities and environments. The essence of Ubuntu – we are who we are because of others – ensures we work tirelessly to remain relevant by working for society, with society.

Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Jr.




P recognises the importance of collaborating

them to undertake projects similar to the Hatfield

with government, industry and community

Campus Village initiative.

stakeholders to strengthen our impact on socio-economic development.

We are approached frequently to provide services and/or support to national departments. One

A 2018 study on the economic impact of the

such example is The Cities Support Programme

University found that we had added R7,6bn (or

(CSP), a SA National Treasury initiative, designed

7%) to Tshwane’s GDP and contributed R39bn to

to improve service delivery and municipal

the South African economy. More importantly,

performance. The theme of the 2018 Executive

we have supplied 13,7% of the highly skilled

Leadership Programme (ELP), developed in

workforce in Gauteng and 7,7 % of the highly

partnership with GIBS, was “Leading Future Cities:

skilled workforce in South Africa.

Navigating Today’s Complexity”. The programme targets mayors, mayoral committee members,

The report, using official statistics from the

senior city management teams and the CSP

Department of Higher Education and Training

coordinators of eight metros.

(DHET) from 2001 to 2016, indicates that UP contributed, cumulatively, 10% of all graduates in South Africa and 23,8% of Gauteng-based graduates.


SOCIAL CAPITAL THROUGH COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT We derive great satisfaction from the success of our community engagement programme, which has been running for more than a decade. Students earn credits towards their degrees,

We work closely with the Hatfield City

while applying their knowledge in the service of

Improvement District (HCID) to create a clean,

the community.

safe, secure, and attractive environment beyond the University boundaries. Our efforts were

Around 30% of our students (19 500) were

recognised when we received the 2018 Gauteng

involved in community engagement in 2018.

Premier’s Service Excellence Award in the

Volunteers from 120 registered student societies

category: Creating Safer Communities.

also contributed to the sustainability of the various community sites of learning.

The University subsequently secured funding from the Kresge Foundation in the United

In 2018, our community engagement initiatives

States to develop an Urban Design Framework

were significantly strengthened by our

for the Hatfield Campus Village. A consortium

involvement in the University Social Responsibility

of engineering firms has started work on the

Network (USRN), a global network of 16 top

detailed planning of the future Hatfield and the

universities in the world selected for their

project should be completed by mid-2019.

responsiveness to their local context. It is critical that we use knowledge to make a decisive

The project has drawn interest from the Gauteng

difference to the lives of the people in our

Department of Infrastructure Development


(GDID), which hosted a series of workshops with other universities in the province to encourage


an engaged university 7,7%

Highly-skilled workers in SA who are UP graduates


Contribution to Tshwane’s GDP


Contribution to the South African economy

33 000

Students involved in community engagement


UP is one of the 16 member institutions in the University Social Responsibility Network South African music icon and NEPAD Goodwill Ambassador for TB and nutrition, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, visited the Faculty of Health Sciences. She expressed great interest in the work being done on malaria at UP, and indicated that she would like to collaborate with the UP Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control (ISMC) on some of its awareness strategies.



PARTNERSHIPS FOR AFRICA As a university we are committed to contributing to the development and the well-being of people

business schools to build entrepreneurial

Humanitarian and former first lady, Graça

capacity to drive sustainable industrialisation

Machel, delivered the Albertina Sisulu Centenary

in Africa.

2018 Memorial Lecture at the Prinshof Campus.

• UP was granted bursaries in scarce skills

The lecture was hosted by the Albertina Sisulu

and societies and this commitment permeates our

areas, from the Skills for Africa Scholarship

Executive Leadership Programme in Health, a

engagement on many levels. Our efforts remain

Programme and Howden Africa, to a total

partnership between the Universities of Pretoria

focused on building leadership, science platforms

value of R4,5m. This will help us continue our

and Fort Hare, and the Harvard TC Chan School

and skills in Africa.

dominance in providing large numbers of

of Public Health, in collaboration with the National

highly skilled graduates.

Department of Health.

Some examples include:


The United States-South Africa Higher Education

in Africa. The main theme of the conference

Each year the University hosts a number of

members are Rutgers University-Newark, the

was on our collective responsibility in

events, with high-profile national and international

University of Pretoria, the University of Venda,

developing the next generation of leaders for

speakers attracting wide audiences.

and the DHET. The DHET provided seed funding

• The UP Albert Luthuli Centre for Responsible Leadership (ALCRL) hosted the International Leadership Association’s (ILA) first conference


Network was launched to strengthen collaboration between US and SA universities. The organising

for this initiative and phase one is focused on Future Africa, UP’s pan-African science platform,

the University Staff Doctoral Programme, which

Nations Institute for the Advanced Study of

hosted the Minister of Science and Technology’s

forms part of the DHET’s University Capacity

Sustainability meeting, held at the National

Summit on the draft DST White Paper on Science,

Development Programme.

Research Foundation (NRF). The meeting

Technology and Innovation.

• GIBS was the co-convener of the United

discussed the collective action of African

Piotr Osuch from Multifractal Semiconductors demonstrates his E-band mmWave to Minister Lindiwe Zulu (centre) and Mandisa Tshikwatamba, CEO of SEDA (left).

4IR, INNOVATION AND BEYOND A number of activities demonstrate that work in preparing for the disruption caused by digital technologies continued. The Department of Electrical, Electronic and

UP hosted the fourth Flexible Futures Conference,

Computer Engineering launched the Huawei

with the theme ‘Technology-enhanced Innovation

Authorised Information and Network Academy

in Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Student

(HAINA) at UP. The programme adopts a

Success Strategies’. The conference was attended

university-enterprise cooperation model and

by UP, 13 other South African universities, and

includes training and industry certification in

representatives from the Council on Higher

sought-after ICT technologies.

Education and the South African Institute for

Guest speaker at the annual Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture: Dr Gustav Rohde, COO of Aurecon.

Distance Education. Minister Lindiwe Zulu of the Department of


Small Business Development, and Mandisa

The University hosted the annual Hendrik van

Tshikwatamba, CEO of SEDA, attended the launch

der Bijl Memorial Lecture which is arranged in

of TuksNovation, a new high-tech business

partnership with the South African Academy of

incubator established with the support of the

Engineering. The guest speaker was Dr Gustav

Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), the

Rohde, COO of Aurecon, whose lecture was

Department of Small Business Development, and

on “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Digital

the Department of Trade and Industry.

Transformation: An opportunity to reposition”.



Transformation for Africa Diversity and inclusivity are fundamental to our academic success and our capacity to contribute effectively to Africa’s socio-economic development. We strive to be a fully inclusive University community where students and staff from all social and economic backgrounds feel welcome and valued.

If you educate a man you educate one individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family. Fante proverb




he overarching goal of transformation at UP,

For a fourth successive year, we offered the online

Various programmes are in place to help us

as stated in our five-year plan (2017-2021) and

module, Doing Difference Differently (UP 3D). The

achieve this goal, such as the Next Generation

our Transformation Plan (2017-2021), is to

module focuses on barriers to inclusivity and is

of Academics Programme and the Mentorship

see a university community that is inclusive and

intended to sensitise students to social difference

Programme for Black Women Academics.

equitable. This goes beyond demographics; it

and diversity.

extends to creating a culture where differences

The Next Generation of Academics Programme

are acknowledged, respected and embraced.


(nGAP) of the DHET aligns strongly with the

Over the years, a number of transformation work-

We have made significant strides towards

staff. In the past four phases of nGAP, UP has

streams have resulted in changes in our language

ensuring a student body that reflects the

appointed black candidates in all 15 allocated

policy, curriculum and institutional and residence

demographic mix and social complexity of South

nGAP positions. Eleven (73,3%) of the nGAP


Africa. In 2018, black students made up just over

appointees are women.

Our student profile

60,5% Black

56,7% Female

University’s goal of diversifying our academic

Our staff profile

60% of the student body (undergraduate and Council approved the University’s new language

postgraduate) while female students accounted

The Mentorship Programme for Black Women

policy in June 2016 for implementation in 2019. All

for almost 57% of students.

Academics intervention is aimed at mentoring

communication with new applicants for admission was in English from 1 March 2018.

female academics to strengthen their research, Access to finance, especially for students

and to prepare and apply for NRF rating. The

from low-income families, is one way we can

NRF rating has become an accepted academic

All faculties have developed curriculum im­ple­men­

enhance participation from South Africa’s diverse

performance benchmark and female academics

tation plans for the period 2018-2022. These plans

population. In addition to the Tuks Scholarship

constitute a relatively small proportion of the

are underpinned by the University’s curriculum

Fund and other internal bursary schemes, such

rated researchers.

transformation framework – Reimagining curricula

as the Honours Equity and Honours Merit Award

for a just university in a vibrant democracy – which

bursaries, UP students also received funding

The programme, initiated in 2017, will run until

was approved by Senate in 2017. In addition

support from various external entities in 2018:

2019. Challenges that female academics face

to the curriculum implementation plans, the

• The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Historic

include a combination of the lack of adequate

University held a series of lectures, workshops and

Debt Bursary Fund helped 65 black students to

funding to undertake research; finding the time to

other activities on curriculum transformation.

expunge their historic debt.

write in between teaching loads and research, and

• The JSE Bursary Fund helped 19 black students.


54,7% Black


62,7% Black

Black academics





revising and resubmitting publications.

• The Thuthuka Fund supported 144 black • The Finance and Accounting Services Sector


nGAP profile

Mentees are paired with experienced academics who work in similar disciplinary fields to ensure

Education and Training Authority (FASSET) Fund

that the best possible mentorship and guidance

made bursaries available to 84 black students.

can be given. The feedback has been excellent. The 17 black female academics in 2018 produced


a total of 67 publications, including ISI articles,

The diversity of our staff has also shown an

books. They further supervised 24 postgraduate

upward trend. Black staff (permanently employed

students (nine honours, nine master’s and six

and fixed-term contract appointments) now

doctoral students).

100% Black



conference proceedings, book chapters and

comprise almost 63%, with black academic staff accounting for just over 24% of total staff numbers. Our target is to have black academic staff make up 30,4%1 of the staff profile by 2020.


1 Department of Labour EE definition




possible, including undergraduate, postgraduate,

We aim to provide student life activities that


are welcoming to the widest variety of students

Accolades for women

international students and students with

Our female staff and students received many prestigious institutional and individual awards and accolades during 2018:

There are several initiatives to include students with disabilities. Through the University’s Disability

Nthabiseng Ogude

Vanessa Steenkamp

Unit, first-year students with visual disabilities completed mobility training sessions, which include basic cane skills and route training to the

Professor Vanessa Steenkamp, Head of the Department of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Health Sciences, was elected the President of the South African Society of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. She is the first woman president of the Society.

bus stops and other campus common facilities and buildings. Tactile paving on campuses help staff and students who are visually impaired to safely and easily move around the University.

Professor Stella Nkomo, Professor in the Department of Human Resource Management, received the 2018 Award for Distinguished Service from the international Academy of Management.

The UP orientation and mobility training of students with visual disabilities enjoys the support and sponsorship of the South African Guide Dogs Association for the Blind.

Stella Nkomo

Mmantsae Diale

We also implemented various anti-discrimination initiatives in 2018, the key highlight of which week focused on the need to create a university environment where everyone felt that they belonged and their cultures were represented, as well as social cohesion and integration among

Dr Melissa van der Merwe in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, and students Jodie Vosloo and Paige Bowen, received first prize for their case study at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association’s Conference held in Buenos Aires.

diverse people within UP. As part of a broader strategy of transforming diversity and inclusivity, the University renamed

Taryn Bond-Barnard

Melissa van der Merwe

several student residences to achieve a broader representation of the diversity of South African languages. In the residence dining halls, menus have been changed over the years to address the specific needs and preferences of a changing student demographic. A survey was conducted in 2018 to assess students’ eating behaviours and expectations, the results of which will help develop a revised model for food and improved nutrition on campus.


Professor Mmantsae Diale, associate professor in the Department of Physics, was recognised for her exceptional performance in research development at the National Science and Technology Forum awards. Dr Taryn Bond-Barnard at the UP Graduate School of Technology Management was the recipient of the 2018 Global Young Researcher Award. The award is administered by the International Project Management Association, one of two global management associations.

was a week of anti-discrimination activities. The

the residence cultures and in order to promote

Professor Nthabiseng Ogude, Dean of the University’s Mamelodi Campus, was appointed Vice-President of the Pan African University Council (PAU). The PAU was established as an intra-African human resource development initiative to focus on mainstreaming Science, Technology and Innovation in the African higher education sector.

Flavia Senkubuge

Irene Barnes

Dr Flavia Senkubuge, acting chair of UP’s School of Health Systems and Public Health, was elected President of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (CMSA). Dr Senkubuge is the youngest president of the CMSA and the first specialist in public health medicine to hold the position. She is also the first black woman and the third woman in the CMSA’s 64-year history to be appointed President. Dr Irene Barnes in the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) was awarded the international 2018 Ethel Mary Doidge Medal for outstanding early career research in mycology. Dr Barnes was also named the first runner-up in the Distinguished Young Women Researchers category of the Department of Science and Technology’s Women in Science Awards.



Finance UP is recognised as a very well-managed university. Despite the resourceconstrained and volatile economic environment in which it operates, the University has shown agility and flexibility to ensure it remains sustainable and realises its strategic goals.

Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases. Swahili proverb




Financial statements


Personnel costs increased by 8,2% (2017: 8,5%), and operating expenses decreased by 10,6% (2017: 1,6%). The main contributing factor to the personnel cost increase is the insourcing of previously outsourced services. The decrease in operating expenses is influenced by several initiatives to contain operational

The University’s total income increased during the reporting period by R465m to R7 047m.

expenses throughout the University.

The single main source of income remains the block grant received from government, together with

The University has a diversified investment portfolio that is governed by the Investment Committee of

earmarked grants in respect of veterinary sciences, clinical training, foundation year programmes and

Council. The figure below sets out the structure of the University in relation to investment matters:

university capacity development initiatives. The block grant of R2,26bn in 2018 (2017: R2,04bn) represents an increase of 10,6% on 2017. Part of this increase is due to the adjustment made to the Block Grant for the “no fee increase” for the missing middle and the zero percent fee increase in 2016. The second main source of income – tuition fees – increased by R155m (2017: R90m). The Minister of Higher Education and Training announced that there will be no increase in student fees for poor students


Overall oversight

and the “missing middle” for 2018. Government funded this through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. The sector was limited to an 8% increase in tuition fees for 2018 (2017: 8% with government

Responsible for investment strategy within the mandate agreed by Council

funding an increase of 8%). The decrease in the profit on disposal of investments and forex gains is due to the poor market

Investment Committee

Responsible for ongoing monitoring and implementation

performance in 2018. The increase in income from contracts and services relates mainly to an increase in income from contract research, continuing education, grants received from statutory institutions and grants received from abroad.


Investment–related service providers

Management Committee


Investment managers

Investment consultant

The University’s investment funds are designed to serve three purposes, namely: • Meeting part of the short–term requirements of the University – these liabilities have a maximum term 2018






Government grants Tuition fees Accommodation and meal fees Investment income – profits on disposal Interest/dividend income Net interest income on defined–benefit plans Income from contracts and services Donations and gifts Other income

2 489 1 833 505 107 333 52 1 529 198 1

2 300 1 678 473 210 297 49 1 364 210 1

189 155 32 (103) 36 3 165 (12) –


7 047

6 582




of 24 months. The risk profile emphasises the need for capital protection over such short periods, and a high degree of liquidity needs to be provided. • Meeting the long–term liabilities (five years and more) of the University – the main requirement here is a good return relative to inflation over the long term. • Addressing a special class of the long–term liabilities in respect of post–retirement medical aid benefits. The University aligns its investment philosophy to the term of the liabilities and the risk profile. To this end, three investment portfolios have been established: • Money Market Portfolio • Long term Capital portfolio • Continuation Medical Aid Portfolio


UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA Annual Review 2018 UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA and its subsidiaries

SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION The University follows an investment strategy that rebalances between Long Term Capital and Money

at 31 December 2018

Market portfolios according to the cash flow requirements of the University, based on a rolling working capital budget, which accounts for the cash flows of major projects over a rolling 15–month period. The figure below gives an indication of the University’s well diversified investment portfolio over the past


three years:

Non–current assets Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income Investments at fair value through profit and loss Investment in associate companies Defined benefit pension plan asset Defined benefit medical plan asset Defined contribution provident plan asset Loans and receivables


n Global Equities n SA Equities


n SA Absolute n Other


n SA Listed Property 2018

n SA Money Market 0%






CONCLUSION The University of Pretoria has satisfactory results for the financial year ended 31 December 2018. The difficult economic conditions remained challenging in 2018. The insourcing of previously outsourced services, salary increases higher than CPI, the weakening of the rand and the poor market performance, have had a negative influence on the results. Despite the challenging economic environment, the University had a satisfactory financial performance for 2018. The University will continue in 2019 to limit the growth in operational costs, to institute a number of cost–saving initiatives and use investment returns and other third–stream income to fund the shortfall in core activities.

Current assets Inventories Investments at fair value through profit and loss Investments at amortised cost Receivables and prepayments Contract assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets




15 373 5 388 62 8 865 639 3 183 185 – 48

15 055 4 813 93 9 547 – 2 267 302 – 31

2 331 24 32 118 503 1 1 653

2 094 23 – – 491 – 1 580

17 704

17 149

14 514

14 085

1 992

2 487

5 245 7 276 1

4 762 6 834 2


1 159 1 159

1 084 1 084

2 031 769 848 85 263 66 17 704

1 985 755 771 125 257 77 17 149

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total funds Non–distributable reserves Fair value revaluation reserve Reserve funds Restricted funds Council designated funds Unrestricted operating funds – education and general Non–controlling interest Non–current liabilities Deferred income Current liabilities Trade payables, accruals and other liabilities Deferred income Contract liabilities Student credits and deposits Agency funds Total funds and liabilities




UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA Annual Review 2018 UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA and its subsidiaries

UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA and its subsidiaries



for the year ended 31 December 2018

for the year ended 31 December 2018 2017







Operating revenue

6 555

6 025

Less operating expenses:

6 042

6 028

Personnel costs

3 470

3 209

Other operating expenses

2 251

1 002




2 466

Remeasurements on defined benefit medical plan



Remeasurements on defined benefit pension plan






Net surplus from operations



Interest and dividends



Net interest income on defined benefit/contribution plans



Other non–recurrent income



Other non–recurrent expenses



Surplus before tax

1 002


Surplus for the year attributed to:

1 002






Non–controlling interest

Surplus for the year Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year

Depreciation and amortisation

University of Pretoria



Remeasurements on defined contribution provident plan  Remeasurements on group life assurance plan  Fair value adjustment on investments

24 (362)

2 719

Total comprehensive income for the year


1 281

Total comprehensive income attributed to:


1 281

University of Pretoria


1 283



Non–controlling interest


UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA and its subsidiaries

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUNDS for the year ended 31 December 2018 Council designated and Council









plant and








funds – other









Balance at 31–12–2016: credit


7 803

4 988


12 801

Net (decrease) / increase in funds


1 191



1 284






Surplus for the year Other comprehensive income Net transfers (to) / from other funds

(135) –






Balance at 31–12–2017: credit


8 994

5 087


14 085

Non–distributable reserves

2 561

2 561

Council designated funds


5 542

1 292

6 836

Restricted – other funds


3 795


4 688

Reclassification in terms of adoption of IFRS 9

Non–distributable reserves



Restricted – other funds



Restated balance at 31–12–2017: credit


8 994

5 087


14 085

Net (decrease) / increase in funds





Surplus for the year







Other comprehensive income






Balance at 31–12–2018: credit


8 990

5 521


Net transfers (to) / from other funds

– 14 514

Non–distributable reserves

1 992

1 992

Council designated funds


6 016

1 260

7 277

Restricted – other funds


4 261


5 245



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