Kent School of Architecture - End of Year Show Catalogue 2015

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Kent School of Architecture

2015 Anniversary

‘Exhibition X’ 10th Anniversary

DEGREE Degree Show 2015




ExX 2015 Show Supporters

many THANKS This year’s Degree Show ‘Exhibition X’ has been made possible by the support and generosity of the following organisations:


kent OPPORTUNITY FUND The University’s founders were committed to the principle of equal opportunities for all students. We want to continue that tradition, ensuring that all of our students have the chance to excel academically, personally and professionally, regardless of financial circumstances. The Kent Opportunity Fund has been established to support a broad range of scholarships, student projects to enhance extra-curricular activities at Kent, and bursaries to support students experiencing financial hardship. Committees of Kent staff, alumni and donors allocate the funds raised and ensure that they go to the students most in need.

student projects GRANT SCHEME The Student Projects Grant Scheme is funded by the Kent Opportunity Fund, which was established to increase opportunities for students at Kent, today and in the future. The Student Projects Grant Scheme allows donations given by alumni and friends of the University to reach as many students as possible by enabling individuals to bid for funds to run their own projects. In January 2015, grants totalling almost ÂŁ65,000 were made to a range of projects across the University. The Student Projects Grant Scheme panel received 47 applications, 20 of which received either full or partial funding. The Committee, chaired by Kent alumnus and Director of Student Services Dr Wayne Campbell, comprises representatives from colleges, academic schools, Kent Union, the 50th team, the Alumni Office and the donor community.

Made possible by:

Student Project Grant Scheme


We are absolutely delighted to be main sponsors for this 2015 End of Year Show at Kent School of Architecture. At Clague Architects we believe in the value of strong relationships with our clients & collaborators and there is no more important relationship than that we have with the University. Since its establishment 10 years ago, we have formed a strong connection with Kent School of Architecture based on the training & development of architecture students and graduates, balancing academic excellence with sound and varied workplace based experience. During that period approximately 20 members of our team have studied at Kent School of Architecture in addition to our ongoing support of student focused initiatives such as the RIBA Student Mentoring Scheme and the annual KSA Careers Day. Originally established in Kent in 1934 Clague Architects are now a multi-award winning practice of 70 professionals. From our designled studios in Canterbury in Kent, Harpenden in Hertfordshire and Farringdon, London, we engage in all the major sectors including Residential, Masterplanning, Education, Commercial, Sports and Historic Building Conservation amongst others. We congratulate Kent School of Architecture on its great success in the recently announced Guardian University Architecture School League Table and look forward to many more years of mutual and shared successes in the training and career development of our young architects.

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Exhibition X 2015




Post Graduate STUDIES

Head of School foreword, Prof. Don Gray

192 MA Architecture & Urban Design 198 MSc Architectural Conservation 199 MSc Architectural & Sustainable Environment 200 MA Architectural Visualisation


204 PhD in Architecture

MArch ARB/RIBA Part II 12

Programme overview, Michael Richards


Unit 1, A Canterbury Tale


Unit 2, Legacy of the Ceramic Industry


Unit 4, Accelerating Fairgrounds


Unit 5, Unknown Pleasures


MArch Field trips 66


Research & Development 216 CASE 218 CREAte 220 KASA

Study Abroad - Internationalisation



BA(Hons) ARB/RIBA Part I


68 Programme overview, Gerry Adler

223 Retrospective

70 Stage 3

228 Exhibition X Team 2015

164 Stage 2 170 Stage 1 176 BA Field trips 178 Photos - Life at Kent 8

academic STAFF Professor Don Gray Head of School Professor Gerald Adler Deputy Head of School Programme Director: BA (Hons) Architecture Keith Bothwell Stage Two Coordinator Chief Examiner Senior Lecturer Dr Timothy BrittainCatlin Director of Graduate Studies Stage 3 Coordinator Senior Lecturer Dr Luciano Cardellicchio Lecturer KASA Liason Prof. Gordana FontanaGiusti Programme Director: PhD Programme Director: MA Architecture & Urban Design Chris Gardner Admissions Officer Stage One Coordinator Lecturer Howard Griffin Programme Director: MA Architectural Visualisation Dr Manolo Guerci Director of Internationalisation Senior Lecturer Dr David Haney Director of Learning & Teaching Director of CREAte Research Centre Senior Lecturer Rebecca Hobbs Recruitment & Outreach Officer Lecturer and Design Tutor Dr Nikolaos Karydis Lecturer Programme Director: MSc Architectural Conservation

Professor Marialena Nikolopoulou Director of Research Director of CASE Research Centre Programme Director: MSc Sustainable Architecture & Environment Dr Giridharan Renganathan Lecturer Michael Richards Programme Director: MArch Senior Lecturer Dr Henrik Schoenefeldt Lecturer of Sustainable Architecture Jef Smith Lecturer Chloe Street Lecturer Dr Richard Watkins Lecturer

associate & assistant LECTURERS

Patrick Crouch Design Tutor/Legend Michael Dillon Design Tutor Ben Godber Technology & Environment Tutor Ed Holloway MArch Unit Leader and Design Tutor Michael Holms Coats Design Tutor Clare Kennedy Design Tutor John Letherland Design Tutor Georgios Loizos Design Tutor Katherine Maclean Design Tutor Emma-Kate Matthews Technology & Environment Tutor Martin McKay Design Tutor

Felicity Atekpe Design Tutor

David Moore Design Tutor

Peter Ayres Design Tutor

Dr Shaun Murray MArch Unit Leader & Design Tutor

Andrew de Carteret Design Tutor Ashvin de Vos Design Tutor Tim Carlyle Technology & Environment Tutor Giacomo Chiarani Design Tutor Diana Cochrane MArch Unit Leader and Design Tutor Adam Cole MArch Unit Leader and Design Tutor

Hilary Nixon Professional Studies Tutor Fiona Raley Design Tutor Chris Seaber Design Tutor Henry Sparks Design Tutor Adam Summerfield Design Tutor Tom Sweet Design Tutor Carolina Vasilikou Design Tutor


Susi Wellings Technology & Environment Tutor

professional ADMIN Tim Bowerman Clerical Assistant Claire Perera Postgraduate Coordinator Sharmini Mahendrasingam Administrative Assistant Ellie Mascall Recruitment, Communicatons & Outreach Officer Ben Martin Academic Support Officer Stef Portelli Finance Officer Jeanne Straight School Administration Manager Technical TEAM Colin Cresser Workshop Technician Neil Evans Studio Technician Christopher Jones I.T. Technician Kevin Smith Workshop Manager Julien Soosaipillai 3D CAD Technician Brian Wood Technical Resources Manager


An Introduction

head of SCHOOL Professor Don Gray

It is ten years since I left my previous institution to accept the challenge of setting up a new school of architecture at the University of Kent.

And Kevin Smith, who was in the first wave of KSA employees: he has been responsible for the design and growth of our exceptional workshop resources.

I started the task alone (in April 2005), but was soon joined by an extraordinary group of individuals who helped to establish the school, which now, thanks to them, boasts academic authority of the highest order. Many of these individuals have since moved on, but the ones who remain are absolutely key to the continuing success of the school, and I would like to thank them in this 10th anniversary catalogue.

To them, and to those others who have been so important in the growth of the school, I offer my thanks for their intelligence, ambition and determination.

Jeanne Straight, who has guided the school administration to become a remarkable and effective resource. Professor Gerry Adler, the Deputy Head who provides the backbone of the school’s academic offer, and whose advice has been invaluable. Brian Wood, who has transformed the digital profile of the school with a flow of stimulating ideas and practical suggestions. Howard Griffin, now studying for a PhD, who has informed the early computing resource of the school. Keith Bothwell, our environmental credentials.

who pioneered and sustainability

At the time of publication, It is gratifying to see the school ranked 3rd in the Guardian University League Tables. A look at the design work in this volume will tell you why: projects are daring, transformative and achievable, making our students very attractive to practice. The quality of our students’ thinking is one reason that the school is ranked number 1 in the UK for employability. Most people know the story of Picasso and the napkin: indeed there are so many versions that it is almost certainly untrue, but…. Picasso was sitting in a Paris café when a diner at the next table asked if he would do a sketch for him on a paper napkin. Picasso politely agreed, did a sketch and handed back the napkin — but not before asking for $50,000. The admirer was horrified: “How can you ask so much? It only took you a few seconds to draw this!” “No”, Picasso replied, “It took me 40 years to learn to draw like this”


Kent School of Architecture is only ten years old, but already has an exceptional reputation for excellence. I am looking forward to contributing to many of the next 30 years. I hope that you enjoy looking at the special work in this catalogue, which was designed and published by the students themselves. It is a testimony to their productive skill, inventiveness and tenaciousness as designers. Don Gray



programme DIRECTOR


Michael Richards

1 - Michael Richards & Micheal Holms Coats 2 - Ed Holloway & Peter Ayres 4 - Shaun Murray & Yorgos Loizos 5 - Diana Cochraine & Adam Cole

This year the MArch reached its largest size yet and again operated four Design Units teaching design and, for Stage 5 students, adding integrated teaching in technology through the Unit system in the spring term. A focus of diverse interests and discourse, our Units combined groups of about 15 students, from both years of the MArch, and this year Units 1, 2 and 4 continued to evolve their interests, with their respective Leaders and Assistants, whilst Unit 3 was retired, its title in abeyance until next year, to acknowledge the fresh addition of Unit 5 to the MArch firmament. In the following pages you will read thematic introductions to each Unit and be able to see the resultant work of our students, but in brief summary their individual focus for the year is: • Unit 1 (Michael Richards and Michael Holms Coats) – A Canterbury Tale– modern inferences from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales and The Pilgrims’ Way • Unit 2 (Ed Holloway and Peter Ayres) Legacy of the Ceramic Industry in Stoke on Trent • Unit 4 (Shaun Murray and Yorgos Loizos) - Accelerating Fairgrounds on the Greenwich Peninsula • Unit 5 (Diana Cochrane and Adam Cole) Unknown Pleasures, recollecting Soane and Ruskin: from Venice to the Walworth Road In London work of current Stage 5 students and Unit 2’s 2014 Graduates were exhibited in the biennial ‘Natural Stone Show’ 2015 placing KSA MArch graduates in front of an audience of future employers, peer institutes and

commissioning clients. We are particular are grateful for the support of the school is providing printing for this, and are delighted acknowledge the contribution of the Unit staff and past students involved. In the Autumn Units 1 and 5 undertook International Field-Trips related to their focus this year and you can read more about those in the Field-Trip section of this catalogue. Outside the Unit system the MArch Dissertation has been diversified into three parallel options allowing student further choice in their education. Now students can carry out research-by-practice in the design and making of an artefact, or opt to join the new Pedagogy Module. Convened by Henrik Schoenefeldt (who also convenes Tech_5) the Architectural Pedagogy module formally integrates into the MArch curriculum the innovative ‘teaching assistant’ (TA) initiative unique to Kent, where MArch students assist in the delivery of design and communications teaching in Stage 1 studio. Pedagogy adds a theoretical background to how and why we learn and equips participating students with the skills to become architectural educators themselves further enhancing their employability and differentiating the MArch at Kent as a choice for Pt. 2 study. In Stage 4 Cultural Context, convener Prof Gordana Fontana-Giusti, innovated and made accessible student discourse through the rigour of the Crit, whilst Employability, convener Felicity Atekpe, integrated Unit-taught design theses into a tangible consideration of public policy. 12

A renewal of our Consortium Agreement with Virginia Tech (VT) was signed and two Stage 5 MArch students spent the autumn term (fall semester) at VT’s Washington Alexandria Architecture Center (WAAC), with another MArch student on the way next year. This is a relationship we are very proud of, and the MArch at Kent is one of only two programmes in the UK to be invited to participate. You can read more about VT in the Internationalisation section of this catalogue. Meanwhile at home the MArch received two Erasmus students from Rome and Lille into Stage 4, join Units 1 and 2 respectively. In response to unprecedented demand the MArch has recruited in excess of its targets for next year with strong interest from our own KSA Pt. 1 graduates, but also from other UK schools and in particular from overseas applicants. To cater for the increase in recruitment, an additional Unit will be added to the existing four and revive the title ‘Unit 3’ for 2015/16. The MArch was successful in gaining re-validation by the RIBA in December 2014, and re-prescription by the ARB in May 2015 and in rude health to face the changing shape of architectural education in the years ahead. We look to the future with anticipation and wish the MArch Class of 2015 all the best in their future endeavours, confident that they possess and have demonstrated the capability to thrive. Michael Richards



Master of Architecture


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A Canterbury Tale

Ph illi pp Ro re As Ni at a th be t c H al he Ch Me o an elia e rt g l H l a w l ee iel in a Pa o A C n th Se lar yt Orm sse gha Ca llco a on ke in all m m at t e t i


unit LEADERS Michael Richards Michael Holms Coats

technical TUTORS Tim Carlyle Ben Godber Giridharan Renganathan Henrik Schoenefeldt

guest CRITICS Principal Critic Chris Seaber Peter Ayres Diana Cochrane Adam Cole Tom Coward Gordana Fontana-Giusti Ed Holloway Yorgos Loizos Emma-Kate Matthews Shaun Murray Susi Wellings

Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales features a collection of fictional pilgrims participating in a story-telling competition as they journey from Southward to Canterbury. Its structure employs a ‘Frame Tale’ where one narrative surrounds or ‘frames’ a series of other narratives. Stage 4 took two tales from Chaucer, the first implying a real-world location, and critiquing their respective tales, students evolved a brief that provides for a hostelry for pilgrims specifically holding the same occupation as their tale-teller, but also adds program related to the narrative of the tale itself. In the spring the exercise was repeated for a newly-selected tale and the first building adapted to include for the resulting complex cross-hatch. The Pilgrims’ Way is the route from St. Swithun’s tomb in Winchester, to St. Thomas Beckett’s tomb in Canterbury along the North Downs. Cutting through countryside much more rural than Chaucer’s Pilgrims, it threads its way along an elevation between geological ridges and the upper extent of farmed land. Whilst Powell and Pressburger’s 1943 film A Canterbury Tale refers to Chaucer’s poem, it repeatedly references the Pilgrims’ Way within its narrative. The film alludes to notions of faith, a belief in the quality of rural life, and to an appreciation of the arts and crafts that has the capacity to bridge language and cultural boundaries of those who share it. Harnessed to a neo-romantic sense of the English landscape, the sense that ‘the 14

past always haunts the present’ is one which Unit 1 has developed thematically since its inception. The rurality of The Way afforded Stage 5 students a slower pace to contemplate notions of ‘pilgrimage’ and identified way-stops on which they could attempt to transmogrify their process into a proposition for a contemporary secular Reliquary [sic]. Unit 1 undertook its own pilgrimages from Canterbury to the site of the Tabard Inn, to Winchester, and to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, at the end of the Camino de Santiago, to better understand pilgrimage before the English Reformation. Stage 4 projects included a Joinery School, Institute of Medicine and Law, Absinth Distillery, Monastic Bakery, Journalism School, Story Telling Archive, Prostheses Centre, Municipal Fish Smokery, Alchemists Society, & Albino Rookery. Stage 5 projects included an Aspirin Factory, Tannery and Cordwainery, Thomas Beckett Archive, Apery and Candle Factory, Centre for Optimism, and Lichen Clinic, whilst at Virginia Tech, Alexandria VA: Chakra Massage Center, & Catholic Monastery. Michael Richards

U1 A Canterbury Tale


SRIMATHI AIYER The thesis looks at the transition from generic urban life to more conscious goals to keep mind and body in check. To find spiritual alignment, referred to as being in ‘infinity’, requires self-evaluation with regards to wellbeing. The proposed spa centre, addressed at Alexandria, Virginia, is a series of spatial encounters and insights into materiality and character. The theme is reflection on what makes a relaxed community, while addressing the past/ present, and thermal comfort.




HANNAH COUPER Based in Otford along the Winchester to Canterbury Pilgrim’s Way, the project explores seven moments speculating on structures that embody historical characters on their pilgrimages and warping time to tell the story of Thomas Becket’s Well.


CHRISTOPHER GRAY Sacred Mountain [Silence as a Gift] Now, at Jones Point, sits the last refuge of the Dominican order, a monastery housing religious fugitives from across the country. Prisoners of their beliefs, housed in a complex of buildings and structures scattered around the origin of the city, they suffer conditions similar to those seen in the UK around the time of the Reformation. Designed from components of the monastery monument to profane.


reappropriated two typologies, stands as a the sacred &

MATTHEW RICE-TUCKER An optimistic pilgrimage of selfdiscovery. Based around the thoughts of the life coach and motivational speaker Tony Robbins; “We can change our lives. We can do, have and be exactly what we wish�. Set in a time after his death & created through a response to the fear of losing this charismatic founder and his special characteristics. This project attempts to institutionalise optimism for future custodians. Creating an architecture that makes the intangible tangible.


TIM SMITH Genesis 3:21, “And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them”. This project includes a tannery that produces leather for an onsite cordwainer (shoe-maker) who handcrafts delicate, leather walking shoes for pilgrims that stay in the hostel situated on the Pilgrims’ Way. The scheme developed on the site of its historic counterpart, a tannery that was first recorded in the 1600s and was demolished in 1988. Where the Victorian brick foundations still exist, they have been reused within the new structure and represent the old and new industry on the site.


CHARLOTTE STONE Retrieving light from forgotten spaces, The Fragments of the Pilgrims Way The ‘lost fragments’ of churches along the Pilgrims Way have been brought together in this scheme to house bees and recycle candle wax collected by pilgrims as they walk from Winchester to Canterbury along the famous Pilgrims way.


JOE WHEELER The Trouble With Lichen A project located in Chilham, a perfectly preserved little village in Kent, an odd place that has not aged over time. Driven by a science fiction novel by John Wyndham, The Trouble With Lichen, my project facilitates the application of the miraculous life preserving Lichen in a series of vapour chambers. The Lichen has a genetic imprint on it through its contact with the headstone, the only connection between the deceased and the living. `






Ed Holloway Peter Ayres

technical TUTORS Susi Wellings Henrik Schoenefeldt

guest CRITICS Tim Carlyle Diana Cochrane Tom Coward Gordana Fontana-Giusti Ben Godber Michael Holms Coats Yorgos Loizos Emma-Kate Matthews Shaun Murray Giridharan Renganathan Michael Richards

unit SUPPORTERS Oliver Broadbent Polly Brannan Jennifer Chen Aaron Chetwynd Katerina Theodionysoupoulu Glen Stoker Jon McElgunn

Unit 2 began a journey to Stoke on Trent via London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. Taking inspiration from the observational tactics of C17th alchemists, the students made exact observations of given objects, recording and analyzing them through a series of drawings and models before recreating them through the lens of their experience, knowledge and creative expression. Considering these objects in the context of their production led the unit to Stokeon-Trent, home of the British bone china industry and birthplace of mass consumerism. In Stoke, Entrepreneurs such as Wedgewood turned a loose collection of six towns into a booming and complex city, its economic power made manifest in grand edifices, dense habitation and an infrastructure of canals, mines and roads. The City, once engorged through the intense success of its ability to supply objects to this new world market, is now in recession. Global market forces have led a once thriving industry to relocated to the countries that were once its most ravenous consumers. Unit 2 Students observed the town through the lenses developed in the introductory tasks. They soon began to identify with contemporary urban issues of the 6 towns through analytical techniques including background research and dialogue with 28








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Consumerism & the Legacy of the Ceramic Industry An Ca tig Ja S t am ew m Io oni Ja her e a Ka mes in m ue lza n Ro es e K na lo l Bu bi Ka m a Pa ar ns Pow Par s s k r on ge as eli ma sey ell er


residents and industry leaders. Over the course of the year they developed their own tools for critical thinking, in order to establish their own criteria for design success. The projects described here are the synthesis of their observations as architectural entrepreneurs, and identify a series of regeneration opportunities and pieces of infrastructure that address the City’s industrial past in its contemporary demise. Ed Holloway

U2 Consumerism & the Legacy of the Ceramic Industry


JASMINE DAVEY The Forgotten Town The project is located in The Forgotten Town of Fenton, the sixth of the ‘five towns’ of Stokeon-Trent, with the ambition of recognition for this overlooked site at the cities centre. Fenton has been ‘reborn’ by a flood rising up from the network of historic waterways. Following a Community Architecture Scheme the locals start again, concurrently working on high-level and base-line design strategies in a phased project to reinvent their town.


EMMANUELLA SACKEY Uttoxeter Road, is currently suffering from high deprivation, high unemployment and a derelict high Street. The government has conducted general research into regenerating the area however they have been unsuccessful. After conducting extensive research into Longton it seems it is in desperate need of high streets activity. My scheme proposes using Uttoxeter as a prototype for a new retail development. The proposal will be to help the viability of the city townscape creating economic stability. Therefore creating sustainable communities.








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Engineering Spatial Traps in the Accelerating Fairground G ra Ja c Ja No ar e C ma L ke so o l i a a ui lse n W tte Be or A n s C ra c rm la k o yt a P Nob Kh oo oke ole ford law on ua le i


unit LEADERS Shaun Murray Yorgos Loizos

technical TUTORS Emma Kate Matthews Henrik Schoenefeldt

guest CRITICS Peter Ayres Tim Carlyle Diana Cochrane Adam Cole Tom Coward Gordana Fontana-Giusti Ben Godber Ed Holloway Michael Holms Coats Giridharan Renganathan Michael Richards Henrik Schoenefeldt Susi Wellings

A fairground is an experimental playground for design; its whole premise is to tease the human into compromising and uncomfortable states of spatial disrepair. A fairground is about spatially simulating a scenario and working things out, creating an ecology of binary opposites such as real and virtual, analogue and digital, natural and technological. This year Unit 4 initiated a new architectural fairground along the Blackwall Tunnel approach on the West side of the Greenwich Peninsula in London. The design projects were primarily concerned with unpacking the complexities of the site environment in a dynamic way - one that directly engages the building users. The year began with a period of rigorous site investigation - students and tutors travelled to Greenwich where they undertook a detailed survey of the existing site condition. Employing a range of different techniques including Lidar scanning and time based recordings at different locations across the peninsula, the exercise proved fruitful in providing the unit with a large data set from which students could extract their own site specific information. Once sites had been identified, each student embarked on an animated ground design which were realised through the construction intricate physical models and digital projections. The resulting animated landscapes formed the backbone of the projects and continually evolved 38

throughout the course of the year, slowly integrating designed building elements and infrastructural decisions. Following this investigative period in the Autumn term, students were tasked with analysing a particular building typology, one which they would eventually reinterpret in their own design proposals. In each instance, large format detailed orthographic drawings were produced that revealed the complex nature of their typological preference. Building on the case study research, in the Spring and Summer terms Stage 5 students went on to develop large scale thesis projects that deal with contemporary issues for London, exploring themes such as natural resources, education and pleasure. Stage 4, located on sites interspersed between Stage 5, developed proposals that linked back to the Blackwall tunnel approach and stitched together the collective ‘fairground’. Shaun Murray

U4 Engineering Spatial Traps in the Accelerating Fairground


HANNAH HURST This project is a future market for London, establishing an awareness for the creation, storage and distribution of food and water around the city. This is in response to the increasing population of Megacities and a possibility of an eventual food and water shortage due to their disconnection from agricultural sources and excess. Greenwich, could become a flagship for sustaining urban farming due to the ease of road and water transport access.


ED PRYKE Liquid Gold Water is one of our most valuable resources but never used to its full potential. This projects looks to reinstate the importance of the River Thames, drawing from it fresh water, building materials and energy. The project meticulously sorts through the Thames water filtrating out minerals and sediment used to form educational architectural building fragments.


AMRIT RAJBANS Advancing an experimental educational alternative to learning for children aged 4-7 years with behavioural difficulties, a new school driven by a solar responsive time based program works to use the remedial properties of natural light to heal and educate children. Complemented by a performance theatre, virtual hub and artificial landscape, the proposal explores the value of craft (in idea and aesthetic), to cultivate an architecture to be experienced.


BEN ROBERTS Peripheral Reflections (Vision) PR is a project investigating 3d scanning technology in the scenario of autonomous last mile public transport. It manifests itself in a terminal building. Pragmatically as a terminal between people and the cars that link the units fairground attractions. Secondly as a computer terminal that allows interaction between the real world and the world created by the 3d scanning cars. This is achieved through a hall of mirrors, using their properties to allow transfer of viewpoints between subject and observer.


LAWRENCE SLY A Calibrating Landscape – Sports Physiotherapy & Calibrating Landscape for the Future Human The speculative proposal will redefine the traditional relationships between the body, building and landscape by re-imagining the Sports Physiotherapy typology for the 21st Century. Whilst the most elite sportsmen and women are getting faster, stronger and more advanced through scientific training and tailored nutrition plans, the number of people with obesity in the UK has more than trebled in the last 25 years. Situated on the Greenwich Peninsula, a complex set of spatial experiences across a calibrating landscape will facilitate and force the future human to move and contort their bodies in certain ways to move through space and encourage a self assessment of the public’s physical state.


OLIVER TREVES Ex[Pier]ientialism The project reimagines the pleasure pier typology for the 21st century, and explores how the notion of environmental experientialism can be applied to architecture. The pleasure pier is located on the Greenwich peninsula, a site which has undergone transformation from an 18th Century pre-industrial landscape to a contemporary hub of commercial pleasure based architecture. The building programme is based upon exposing users to a series of highly responsive time-based spatial experiences, actuated by prevailing environmental site conditions. In unpacking the complexities of the site environment to inform the programme, the pier is able to perform a secondary function recording and measuring these fluctuating conditions adding to an existing city scale monitoring network located across London.















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Unknown Pleasures

Ha M Da at ni t s Ch N A v a an id hew m o h ar ish n K ne Ca Ha y F ah l B C e or ul ie B na m Sc Pa en a rte re ld lo c ot an zah res te tt a k r t t l


unit LEADERS Diana Cochrane Adam Cole

guest CRITICS Peter Ayres Tim Carlyle Gordana Fontana-Giusti Ben Godber Ed Holloway Michael Holms Coats Yorgos Loizos Emma-Kate Matthews Shaun Murray Giridharan Renganathan Michael Richards Henrik Schoenefeldt Susi Wellings

unit SUPPORTERS Tom Coward of AOC George Thompson of Visitor Studio Pedro Gil of Studio Gil Pascal Bronner of Flea Folly Architects HLM Architects

Unit 5 is interested in an Architecture of complexity and ambiguity that is capable of telling stories and representing more than itself. We have been solely concerned with the reintroduction of pleasure into the tired urban grain of Elephant and Castle and Walworth, a hinterland of low-rise sprawl and failing housing projects. Historically the area grew as place of nineteenth century tea and pleasure gardens with a crystal palace that housed first tigers, then giraffes. The “Piccadilly Circus of the South” hosted music halls and theatres used both for entertainment and religious congregation. Our autumn term was concerned with providing each student with an armoury of self-generated ideas to inspire their proposals. A series of small projects - ranging from drawing at Sir John Soane’s museum to turning the stories of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities into three dimensions - culminated in our own 11 day Grand Tour of Venice. On one level the awe of merely being in Venice was inspiration enough, but, like John Ruskin, himself spending his early childhood in Camberwell, and the seventeenth and eighteenth-century Grand Tourers before him, we also recorded, measured and analysed the city; where they used sketchbooks and etchings, we used 3D scanners. We returned, not only with the unique architectural experience of Venice, but also a library full of scans – both spatial and detailed, varying in 50

scale from courtyard to capital – and an appetite for creating a new piece of city in Elephant and Castle as complex, daring and delightful as Venice. Unit 5 now proposes an alternative cultural masterplan for Walworth, stitched into the shabby street pattern, hoping to reinvigorate the whole; our proposals are complex and referential but above all hope to provoke the discussion that regeneration could, and perhaps should, be primarily concerned with the introduction of joy and pathos. Unit 5 would like to thank: • Alastair McDonald, Gwen Webber and Francesco Racanelle from the British Council for hosting introductions and workshops at the British Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia • Enrico Fontanari at Univerita IUAV di Venezia • Martina Ballarin and Antonella Scarpa in the IUAV Research and Photogrammetry Library • Prof. Don Gray, Dr. Manolo Guerci, Julien Soosaipillai, Stef Portelli and the Faculty Directors of Internationalisation for their invaluable knowledge, help and support in Venice. The Venice study trip was supported by the Mobility Fund and the Strategic Partnership Fund Diana Cochrane

U5 Unkown Pleasures




MATTHEW GIRLING Unpacking Intuition International Philosophical Council To what extent is human intuition dismissed in the modern milieu to prepare for the systematic society of the future? This question identifies the aim of this brief; to investigate and embellish the importance of an intuitive, personal and experiential world view. I have introduced a Philosophical Council and Academy in search of truth, with an emphasis on transcending the intrinsic limits of logic and the scientific method.


ELIZABETH INNEMEE Aiming to relive moments of pleasure from Walworth’s past, this project explores a contemporary bathing experience through the existing urban fabric. Inspired by the romanticism of Venice and the historic Surrey Zooilogical gardens, this project seeks to intensify the senses through a series of dramatic spaces.










MArch 2014/15



Field Trips

site LOCATIONS Unit 1 - Santiago de Compostella, Spain Unit 2 - Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom Unit 4 - Greenwich, London, United Kingdom Unit 5 - Venice, Italy

Unit 5 The success last year in placing two MArch students with the British Council as Venice Fellows for the Architecture Biennale intrigued our new Unit in its inaugural year, and seeing the potential journeyed to Venice to explore the impact of stories and histories on architecture and their architectural propositions, particularly how the tradition of the Grand Tour has profoundly influenced London’s architectural landscape over the centuries. Data collection was directed through the support of KSA’s Digital Technologist who journeyed to Venice to support the Unit, using a variety of methods including KSA’s Faro 3d scanner and a range of hand scanners for its potential to be synthesized into potent architectural and representational strategies for a range of sites in Walworth Road and around Elephant & Castle, in south London. Academic liaisons included the Unit’s visit to the Univerita IUAV di Venezia., whilst the Unit furthered our special relationship the British Council and were hosted by British Pavilion staff in closing week of the Venice Biennale. Working with British Council Fellow Bernadette Devilat Unit 5 used the basement of the Pavilion as a base to work and to exhibit their results. This trip was generously funded by the Faculty of Humanities Internalisation Fund and Faculty Mobility Finds and the Unit Staff

and Students gratefully acknowledges the support of The British Council; Dr Simon Kirchin, Dean of Humanities; Prof Don Gray Head of Architecture; Dr. Manolo Guerci, KSA Director of Internationalisation; and the KSA Administrative Support Team and especially Julien Soosaipillai, KSA 3D Technologist and MArch graduate. Unit 1 Developing the theme of pilgrimage Unit 1 students self-funded their own pilgrimage to the end of the Way of Saint James and Santiago de Compostela, the most significant destination of medieval and present day pilgrimage in Western Europe. Without a Reformation, Saint James’s Relics remain intact and tangibly give a fascinating insight into Canterbury’s own history, all counterpointed by the megalomaniacal endeavour of the still-inprogress Peter Eisenman’s City of Culture. More humble were two superb buildings, the School of Advanced Musical Studies and the SGAE Headquarters by Ensemble Studio. To contextualise their visit and to learn something about appropriateness of weathering details within the region, students visited A Coruña, and the impressive Centro de las Artes de A Coruña by Victoria Acebo and Ángel Alonso, and in Vigo, the campus of Universidade de Vigo and it’s buildings by the late Enric


Miralles, & Benedetta Tagliabue, most leaking nicely into a growing collection of buckets under a precipitative Galician sky! The post-occupancy evaluations would make interesting reading. MArch Internationalisation Virginia Tech A renewal of our Consortium Agreement with Virginia Tech was signed and two Stage 5 MArch students spent the autumn term (fall semester) at their Washington Alexandria Architecture Center, with another current Stage 4 student on the way next year. On their return they were fostered into MArch Unit 1 to continue their individual thesis projects set in Alexandria VA. This a relationship we are very proud of, and the MArch at Kent is one of only two programmes in the UK to be invited. Erasmus At home the MArch received two Erasmus students from Rome and Lille into Stage 4, join Units 1 and 2 respectively.



Internationalisation Programme

programme DIRECTOR

exchange LOCATIONS

Manolo Guerci

Lille, France: Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture et du Paysage de Lille Rome, Italy: University of Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ Faculty of Engineering-Architecture Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul Technical University Virginia, USA: Washington Alexandria Architecture Center, Virginia Tech

The Kent School of Architecture has, over the years, promoted exciting international opportunities via active research mobility for staff and Erasmus exchanges for students across Europe and further afield. As the Director of Internationalisation, Dr. Manolo Guerci has ensured that new links have been established year on year, as well as maintaining ongoing connections. At present, the school has partaken in exchanges with the ‘Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture et du Paysage de Lille’ (Lille, France), the University of Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ Faculty of EngineeringArchitecture (Rome, Italy), Istanbul Technical University (Istanbul Turkey) and Virginia Tech’s Washington Alexandria Architecture Center (Virginia, United States of America). The connection between KSA and Rome is currently in its 3rd Year, while Lille has been a continuous link since 2009. There have been recruitment events to build relations with places such as Norway, India, Singapore and Malaysia, with KSA staff, students and PhD candidates carrying out visits to those countries. This academic year, a French student and an Italian student joined the 4th Year cohort for a year of study in the Master of Architecture (MArch) course. 5th Year student, Natalia Senior, went to Rome to study during the Spring Term of her 4th Year.

In its sixth year of maintaining a relationship with KSA, Virginia Polytechnic & State University (more commonly known as Virginia Tech) welcomed two MArch students during the Autumn Term of their 5th Year. Christopher Gray and Srimathi Aiyer began their final year of the MArch developing their design theses abroad, before returning to continue their development back in the UK for the Spring and Summer Terms. Srimathi Aiyer was also awarded a Santander Mobility Scholarship of £1,000 to support academic and living costs abroad.

sights to see, from museums to shopping malls, there were also buses and coaches that reached surrounding cities like Philadelphia, New York and others along the East Coast. Prices for travel were a lot cheaper than expected and we took the time to visit these places in our spare moments away from work. We even had a trip with the school in November, going to Kentuck Knob and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water in Pennsylvania, as well as another trip organised by the school to Texas to look at the work of Louis Kahn, Renzo Piano, Tadao Ando & I.M Pei.

The Washington Alexandria Architecture Center, a graduate consortium school as part of Virginia Tech, has accepted students from across the globe since 1985. Chris and Srimathi made a joint written reflection on their experience:

Work-wise, the studio atmosphere was exciting, electrifying and was honestly not a huge shock away from what we are used to in the UK, although there are still obvious differences.

“It was an interesting insight into an alternative Western architectural education. America has changed the way we approach and evaluate our surroundings and living near the nation’s capital of Washington DC has been a humbling experience. To have the WAAC school located in the town of Alexandria right next to DC could not have been more convenient. We were able to access stores, supermarkets and Metro travel links into DC. From DC itself, as well as the historical and cultural


The professors and tutors were knowledgeable and always gave effective constructive criticism on our work that we pinned up and presented on a weekly basis. In between, we signed up for desk tutorials; so each student had their own allocated work desk and after signing up to see a faculty member, they approached your desk at the designated time to discuss your progress. In addition, the peer-to-peer learning helped establish and enhance new friendships, while discovering the approaches that students from across America and the rest of the world took to their own work.

Everyone was extremely supportive of each other and we were welcomed with open arms right on the first day. As well as the design project, we were allowed to take additional classes, from Photography and Printmaking to Revit and Design Build. There was also history and theory seminars, which lead to reading and writing assignments. We could take as many classes as we wanted, but not too many as the design project was the priority in terms of time commitment. In terms of facilities, we were lucky to have our own model making workshop, both for wood and metals, plus computer labs, printing facilities and we were even trained to use the laser cutter on our own.

The accommodation block, called The Gallery, was just round the corner from the main WAAC building. As the studio was open 24/7, it has been quick and easy to pop back and forth to the dormitories. The dorms were shared with either one, two or three other architecture students. So far, we can say that we are used to sharing bedrooms with other roommates by now. Sometimes we helped each other out in terms of costs for food, laundry etc. The Gallery has a main atrium with a ping pong table and a rooftop terrace with a barbeque grill. These areas were key locations for socials and gatherings, particularly on Friday nights when all of us deserved a break!


We both feel that the personal experience Virginia Tech has given us outweighs any cost concerns and we are both very happy that Kent has maintained a strong American link over the past few years and will hopefully continue to do so. We encourage any Kent MArch students to take the leap of faith and apply to study abroad in Virginia Tech. Not just for the education and academic reputation that the WAAC has, but for the chance to meet people from different backgrounds and increase your knowledge on what America is really like to live in.� Srimathi Aiyer, Christopher Gray 5th Study Abroad Students

BA(Hons) ARB/RIBA Part I

programme DIRECTOR


Gerry Adler

1 - Chris Gardner 2 - Keith Bothwell 3 - Timothy Brittain-Catlin

The BA has intensified its work in the region, with design projects set locally in Faversham, Sheppey and Canterbury, and field trips further afield. Stage One began the year right on our doorstep, with a 1:1 making project in the space between the School and the Templeman Library building site. The whole cohort tested the structural stability and watertightness of their shelters by spending the night in them, and woke up the next morning to continue working to scale – 1:100 – on their seminal modern houses. But the following month they spread their wings and were off for a week in Barcelona, the site of the spring term project. Stages Two and Three descended en masse on an unsuspecting Berlin, and had an in-depth grounding in the architecture of perhaps the most concentrated site of Modernism the world has to offer. It provided an object lesson in architectural history and theory, the perfect accompaniment to the BA’s maturing Culture teaching culminating in the Modernisms module in Stage Three. This year, once again, written work goes from strength to strength, emblematic of the programme’s – and School’s – particular strength in this area, and evidence both of the high academic and cultural standards we promote, and the rounded professionalism engendered in the students.

The student work on exhibition in the Digital Crit Space shows the catholic breadth of design explored by Stage Three students. We see the work in the place where students have been taught, and where the work was publicly ‘critted’, or reviewed, and the genius loci of the space seems to have infected the best of the work, and is evidence of a nimble and inventive attitude to presentation, a real concern for environmental design in its widest sense, and a sense for the weight, texture and colour of materials that overcomes the limitations of ‘the real’ that the contemporary digital world of imagining and making might be supposed to have. Students have remembered the very ‘hands on’ lessons of their first year, with its emphasis on all kinds of making, from Chloe Street’s lessons in perspectival drawing, Chris Gardner’s practical and enthusiastic communication of the joys of a ‘lived-in’ architecture, to Patrick Crouch’s infectious love of sculpture and colour. Students have worked in close proximity to the growing numbers of international foundation students, taught with great verve by Julie Mecoli and Henry Sparks. If I have chosen to emphasise the work of Stage One, this is because it is where I have always started my teaching in the programme, in the Modern House module in the autumn term. I shall continue to


develop my teaching in this area, and in Modernisms in Stage Three, as I hand over the running and development of the programme to my colleague Keith Bothwell. Ten years has been a long time at the helm of the BA programme, and it is timely, in this tenth anniversary year of the programme and of the School, to seek fresh ideas and inspiration for the largest programme at KSA. We can all be proud at what we have achieved in the long term, but also this year, specifically, with our continued RIBA unconditional validation and ARB perscription, and remarkably high indices of esteem nationally. I am grateful to my colleagues and students for making this possible. Gerry Adler



Architecture BA (Hons)


Introduction to Year 3 of Architecture BA (Hons)

stage COORDINATOR Timothy Brittain-Catlin

taught MODULES Adapt & Extend Urban Modernisms Dissertation Management, Practice & Law

stage 3 TUTORS Nikolaos Karydis, Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Manolo Guerci, Gerry Adler, Khaled Sedki, Jef Smith, Adam Summerfield, Ashvin de Vos, Andy de Carteret, Fiona Raley, Luciano Cardellicchio, Keith Bothwell, Ben Godber, Henrik Schoenefeldt, Gordana Fontana-Giusti, Don Gray, Howard Griffin, Richard Watkins, David Haney, Mike Richards, Giridharan Renganathan, Marialena Nikolopoulou, Soha Hirbod, Hilary Nixon, Felicity Atekpe, Chris Seaber

Both Stage 3 design projects this year were concerned with working within the historic environment, but at quite different scales. The Autumn-term Adapt & Extend project looked in detail at a site in the centre of Canterbury, currently occupied by a Victorian half-timbered shop and office with an adjacent car park. Here we designed a new museum of archaeology, concentrating on working in response to the details of the historic building and its environment. The major design project of the year, Urban, was set on a challenging site in Sheerness-on-Sea, at the eastern end of the former royal dockyard and facing its early nineteenth-century residential terrace and dramatically ruined church. The main architectural aims of the project were to design a new heart for the community that comprised a market; a clubroom for young local musicians; a multi-purpose hall; and some flats. In terms of urban design, the intention was to complete the Blue Town high street to the west; to provide a link between this and the Victorian urban centre to the east, which is currently cut off by trunk roads and a roundabout; and to design a dignified setting and new use for the church.


Both projects were accompanied by lectures or seminars with a view to establishing a clear set of strategic technical and environmental principles. As in previous years, Stage Three students wrote a dissertation, attended the Modernisms module on the twentieth-century history and theories of architecture, and were introduced to professional management, practice and law. Timothy Brittain-Catlin

S3 Stage 3


DANA ABDEEN I am an Architect, I do not believe in miracles, I rely on them!


UMMU ABDULSALAM “The mother of art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.” Frank Lloyd Wright. Through architecture at Kent, I believe I have the platform to continue that ideology. What I’ve learnt the most is to aim high and don’t be afraid to dream big in your work.




DAISY ADEBIYI You can not unsee what you witness in the studios.


BAWAN AHMED “Always forgive your enemies -nothing annoys them so much.” Oscar Wilde


NEHA ANSARI “There is a light that never goes out.” – The Smiths …Yeah, its in Studio B.


MARC ATIENZA Being at university has taught me a lot of things – both academically and personally. I must admit, I wasn’t at the best of forms all the time and sometimes something came around that lost my motivation in life. What I realised during my time here, however, is that it is okay to make mistakes, even horribly screw up, but it’s how you deal with them and what you learn from them that matters.


THERESA BADERO “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims” Buckminster Fuller I got through these 3 years still hating coffee even after several sleepless nights and hopefully I won’t give in. Overall a great experience, I personally think I’ve become a confident risk taker. All the best in the future to all that I started this journey alongside.


IMAAN BALBOLIA I asked my fellow architects/ housemates if they were coming to university with me today for this catalogue submission. Both replied “Tomorrow�. Tomorrow (n.) a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.


MATTHEW BALDWIN Three years at KSA have flown by. Along the way I have met many great people and have gained some amazing memories. Only four years left now. Thanks KSA.


ALEXANDER BEAN You think students party in clubs and bars all night, drinking litres of alcohol and dancing until they no longer can… An architect’s party is in the studio. And with litres of red bull. And we draw until we no longer can. Nevertheless, these past three years have been amazing and I will always look back on the memories and the great people I have met. I wouldn’t go back and change anything at all.


ELLIOTT BISHOP “Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence- is the key to unlocking our potential” - Winston Churchill


EVGENIYA BORANOVA “Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” - Apple Inc.


CIARA BOYLE Thank you Kent School of Architecture for the most amazing three years. I’ve learnt so much and met some incredible people who will be friends for life. I can’t wait to come back for Masters and be in this beautiful city once again. Venue Queen


KEYLEIGH BUTTIGIEG I Kent believe we made it! I wish all the KSA graduates the best of luck. You’re a truly inspirational group that I am glad to have shared the last three years with.


WAI YEE CHAN I’m thankful for all the tutors and friends I met at the University of Kent. Best 3 years of my life so far.


CARRIE CHEUNG All the the staff has been so helpful and I cannot be more thankful to my tutors and friends, making my journey at KSA so worthwhile.


ROY COUPLAND The last three years at KSA have been difficult but rewarding– a time that I will look back on fondly having made some great friends.


ELLIOT COX After three of the most stressful yet rewarding years of my life, my knowledge and passion for architecture have developed well beyond what I thought was possible. Thank you to everyone who helped me get this far and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.


MANON DECOSTER Almost half way there…


DANIEL EDWARDS What is sleep, and where do you download it?


FARAH EL-HAKIM It’s been a fantastic 3 years at KSA. So many all-nighters but all worth it! I have made some wonderful friends, we have all seen each other at our worst and best. This course easily has some of the loveliest people I’ve met. My coursemates have either kept me sane or felt as crazy as me. I look forward to continuing this course. I hope our paths will cross again, and I wish everyone the best of luck!


KATHERINE FREEMAN Architecture would not be the same without long hours in the studio, endless cups of tea and great friends to help along the way.


THOMAS GOODBY Studying architecture for the past three years has been a tough but rewarding experience. I have made some great friends along the way and I will miss the day-to-day lifestyle, albeit dysfunctional, of a student of architecture.


ASHLEY GOPEE With all the sleepless nights and last minute panics, these three years have would not been possible without all the friends I have made.


FREYJA GOSLING BELFIELD Studying architecture at Kent has been the most challenging thing I have undertaken. I have learned so much more than just how to render a design on Revit and I feel like I have a greater understanding of design as a whole, not just limited to architecture. It has pushed me past my comfort zone and given me the freedom to experiment with mixed media.


LIAM GULLIFORD Architecture is personal. As a result, an architect’s character is reflected in his work and a little of his soul remains within it. Architects, the creators of Horcruxes before it was cool.


KATE HA Despite all the ups and downs, I’ve had a great time at Kent. Good luck to everyone in the future!


SERENA HARRIS These last few years have been a complete rollercoaster of emotion. Finally making it through the battle with selfdoubt, stress and exhaustion is probably one of my greatest achievements, along with correctly drawing construction details. Never give up!


MILES HEATH Sleep is precious.


JACK HERRING I would like to thank all of my peers and tutors here at the Kent School of Architecture. I have met some incredible people and had some amazing opportunities. The memories and skills I have gained will stay with me forever.


ONIQUE HUGGINS NORFORD So far the best and worst years of my life


BILL ILIOPOULOS Three years later, this is just the beginning; merely a milestone in this never-ending journey which architecture is. The everescaping destination -at the intersection of elegance and function: learning to transform lives, through the creation of order out of chaos.


DOMINIQUE JAMES I have really enjoyed Studying Architecture at University of Kent. It has allowed me to develop my skills and passion for design. The projects we have completed are fun and exciting as well as a challenging; from first year designing a shelter to sleep in, to urban planning and development in third year. There has been many late nights and there will be plenty more to come, wish everyone the best of luck.




Time flies so fast, it’s been 3 years already and finally we have made it through architecture! Will definitely miss this school and everyone here.


KAYAH JOSHI During my time here at Kent I have learnt and developed a lot of skills which have allowed me to experiment with my ability to present a variety of projects. It has been a pleasure to be part of KSA.


GABRIEL JUVERDEANU Firstly, I would like to say a sincere thank you to everybody who has offered me help during these three years. Secondly, I believe the sounds each of us produces can make the chords of the world vibrate, but it depends on our choices of notes and their arrangement whether a transfiguration is taking place and music is emerging.


MARIEM KADHIM These last three years studying architecture at the University of Kent alongside great tutors and peers were an enjoyable, stressful and interesting experience. The friends and memories of this time will last forever and I wouldn’t exchange them for anything. There are many things to take from my time here and great knowledge gained, however this is only the beginning.



“I started choosing only jobs that I was passionate about and from which I knew I could glean meaningful experiences. You can never be the best technically; someone will always have a higher job or a beautiful line, the only thing you can be the best is that developing your own self.� By Natalie Portman I know the unforgettable experience in KASA will last forever and I wish all people the best. See you!


MELISSA KENDALL I would like to thank Kent School of Architecture for all I have learnt and for pushing me to overcome an unending line of obstacles. It has been a pleasure to work alongside such likeminded people. We came, we saw, we rendered.


SHREYA KHANNA I had a very fruitful experience at KSA. Along with hard work and effort I have also been accustomed to all nighters and stress which only builds up a day before submission. Thanks to this, 50% of my blood content is now caffeine.




“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” - Salvador Dali


ANITA KROKOU Being a part of the Kent School of Architecture was an extremely unique experience for me, for various reasons. Firstly, having the chance to utilize a variety of equipment, along with workshops, allowed me to become very creative and productive. Secondly, the fact that certain projects where held into groups, helped me develop my communication skills. Also working and interacting with people from all around the world let me investigate different perspectives in architecture. Moreover, through the field trips, the university gave me the opportunity to visit stunning architectural works from famous architects. Last but not least, I always heard about architectural studies as something very challenging, and it truly was, however the knowledge and experiences that I have gained are so irreplaceable and totally worth all the hard work. We made it!


HSIEN JING LEE Being part of the KSA family is a great experience in my life. Marking these three years to an end do not stop our story. The path continues and just pursue whatever it is that you want to do with your life.


ONOME LESS The last three years have been an eye-opening journey, filled with unbelievable moments of joy and happiness, combined with undeniable long nights and struggles. I am truly grateful for the wonderful people I have met along the way. To quote Mies van der Rohe; Less is More. So I think I was named correctly, don’t you?




CHEUK HEI LI Everything is possible. Less is more. I will keep them in mind for the future. Thanks for the 3 years.


CHRISTOPHER LONGMAN “The town was paper, but the memories were not.” - John Green




NICHA MAWENU God has been my refuge during these years and all the praise and glory goes to him. I could not have done this without him, for it is with his guidance and protection that I made it this far. I pray that this gift he has gifted me with will do his work. Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


YIANNOS MEXIS The past three years of studying at the KSA have offered me so many important experiences and beautiful memories. Learning to work in groups with people from all around the world, making new friends in the long nights in the studios, exploring the architecture and culture of new cities in the field trips and constantly gaining new skills have all changed me for the better and shaped me as an adult. Even though Architecture has been a very demanding study, it was always such a unique experience.


CHARLOTTE MIDDLETON If nothing at all, the last three years at the University of Kent has taught me not to take sleep and coffee for granted! Through some pretty stressful times I’ve never regretted studying architecture and I’ll always look back at Canterbury with great memories.


JOANA MONTEIRO DA SILVA Architecture has taught me that if you don’t sweat you don’t progress. I matured a lot throughout this course and I was able to learn how to express my craft throughout my work for which has allowed me to flourish immensely.


UGNE MOTEKAITE Thank you for my architecture family for keeping me sane.


NICOLE NARH From the experience in this course, I have learnt to adapt by standing out in architecture. It’s like painting, but with building regulations.


SARA NOJOUMI Thank you Kent for the craziest last 3 years. It has been tough and intense but so worth it and I cant wait to continue this journey and see where I end up!


ROBERT NORMAN It is safe to say that the last three years have been enriched by the people I’ve met through architecture and I would like to think my work has come a long way since‌ Wishing everyone the best as they move into their Part 1 Placement or as they move on elsewhere.


KAYIRA MOMIFE OKEKE Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 …Onwards and upwards!


WILLIAM OTUKE After all is said and done. One has to dedicate oneself to one’s craft. P.s Don’t cry, don’t complain, just work!


AMRITA PANESAR Three years at the Kent School of Architecture have flown by - I am thankful to all the staff and my colleagues for making my experience a memorable one. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours.


MATTHEW PASKIN After three years at Kent School of Architecture I have found an unhealthy obsession for good coffee and sleepless nights; thankfully I have also found my design style and something I really believe in. An architect is to “Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave” but an architect must never forget to “Work hard, play hard.”


NATASHA PAUL During my 3 years at KSA I have learnt that in order to succeed you must think positive, trust yourself and most importantly, believe that you can survive! The course has been a massive challenge, yet I have loved every minute of it! I will leave Marlowe with a load of fond memories as well as lifelong friends and hopefully I will be back!


KATIE PAYNE Joining Kent School of Architecture has been life changing. I have really enjoyed every moment spent here. Dreams really do come true.


PAULA PRIEST It had always been my dream to become an architect, I began my journey towards that goal 5 years ago at college. My time at KSA has been exciting, daunting and challenging. I learnt that there is a lot more to architecture than just designing a building. I have made some great friends, travelled to new places and hope to continue on my journey to become and architect.


MANDALIKA ROBERTS When you think this course couldn’t get any tougher, it does. The satisfaction is however, worth every all-nighter, every challenge. Persevere and you will achieve. This is the most rewarding experience a university course can offer. “I like big buttresses and I cannot lie, you other architects can’t deny” Thank you Matt, expensive coffee.




ELENI ROSSONI My time in KSA has truly been more interesting and exciting than I ever hoped. During the course I had the opportunity to explore my interests, create incredible friendships and experience diverse situations, preparing me for the world outside the studio. My love for the university will never stop growing, as it has completely shaped my personality and character. That’s why we shouldn’t be sad that it is over, but glad that it happened.


JESSICA RYDER The Kent School of Architecture has robbed me of many of the things I hold dear; of sleep, of money, of any measurable social life.. And I have loved absolutely every minute of it.


ABDULLAHI SAMBO “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the word� - Nelson Mandela Having come from a country and continent deprived of the basic educational opportunities every child deserves, I want to take this opportunity that God and my parents have provided for me to give back to the people that were deprived of it. Through using my education to improve social standards or by providing education for others.


DIMPLE SHAH Well it has been an eventful 3 years at Kent. I have learnt so much about myself and what I can do, met amazing people, slept very little and persevered through the toughest times‌ but it was all worth it. Good luck in future to those that survived.


NAOMI SHEWA It easier to defend an idea you love than it is to defend an idea you don’t. Design with integrity, passion and thoughtfulness and it becomes difficult for them not to believe in your dreams




HIU KWAN SI Continued my study in University of Kent after finishing my architecture course in Hong Kong has been one of the best decisions I had made. Having totally different types of project and coursework from my universities gave me chances to build my creativity and ability to deal with different challenges. With the availability of technical helps and resources from Kent School of Architecture also allow me to learn to express my design in various way from physical models to computer renderings.


KEREM SIVRI Tough course, very tough 3 years, yet the enjoyment of studying archi-torture-tecture in Kent was a unique experience. I might not have been at the end of the road if it wasn’t for Willam Otuke’s motto: “Don’t cry. Don’t complain, just work”. Wish everyone the best in the future. Peace and one love to all.


MARIA SKIADA First three years of Architecture done... That was quick! Maybe a lot of information for me to get in just three years, but today I am proud of myself to be done with Part 1. What I will never forget is the endless studio hours and the sleepless nights followed by the happiness of getting over it every time being happy to do it again for the next project.



SUBRAMANIAM I have a fetish Laminated Timber.




AIMEE TAIT ‘Modelling, for me, isn’t about being beautiful but creating something interesting for people to look at and think about.’ - Kylie Bax






JOSIE TURNER ‘We’re all victims of the architect. Architecture is the only art that you can’t help but feel. You can avoid paintings, you can avoid music, and you can even avoid history. But good luck getting away from architecture’ - unknown No matter how little sleep, or how badly your critiques go, no matter how many times your tutor changes their mind or how stressed you are, you just can’t help but return to loving architecture.


HUICHAO WANG I’ve learnt so much in these three years with full of hard efforts, toughness but also joys. I explored my designs from with totally rational approaches to let my dream flies. With new BIM and parametric tools, future architecture is full of possibilities and let’s look forward to it!


DAWN WONG Three years in KSA has been the most memorable and fruitful experience in my life so far. Started off as a student who knew nothing about architecture and never studied arts, I have gained and learned so much more than I expected here. My greatest gratitude goes to my tutors, for guiding and inspiring me through my undergrad years. Thank you KSA, I couldn’t have asked for more.


YIN LING WONG It has been challenging but enjoyable. I like how Architecture makes me realize my weaknesses and break them through one by one!



I can’t believe I actually survived.















Introduction to Year 2 of Architecture BA (Hons)

stage COORDINATOR Keith Bothwell

taught MODULES Climate Renaissance to Neo-Classicism Collective Dwelling Nineteenth Century Architecture Form & Structure

stage 2 TUTORS David Haney, Michael Dillon, Clare Kennedy, Mike Richards, Kate Maclean, Rebecca Hobbs, James Shaw, Keith Bothwell, Richard Watkins, Giridharan Renganathan, Soha Hirbod, Manolo Guerci, Tim Fox-Godden, Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Giovanna Piga, Imogen Lesser, Carolina Vasilikou, Christina Chatzipoulka, David Moore, Luciano Cardellicchio, Giacomo Chiarani, Ben Godber

The spoils of the mining industry in East Kent formed the site for stage 2’s design project Architecture and Landscape in the autumn. Fowlmead Park has been created on the tailings extracted from Betteshanger Colliery and affords distant views of Ramsgate and the sea. Students conceived a reconfigured landscape incorporating a new building for a cookery school. Some explored the possibilities of using rammed earth, or rather rammed coal waste, for the walls and made samples to test their conjectures. Planting schemes were selected that would either contrast or harmonise with the pioneer species that have struggled to colonise this semi-sterile landscape of industrial waste. The environmental design of the buildings was developed under the parallel module Climate. Students continued their studies of the history of western architecture in Renaissance to Neo-Classicism. We moved westwards to Faversham for spring term’s Collective Dwelling. The market town boasts a rich architectural and maritime heritage - with an elegant sixteenth-century Guildhall and active wharfs on the creek repairing Thames barges and other vessels. While analysing the industrial archaeology of the place, the parallel cultural context module Nineteenth-Century Architecture made an apposite companion.


The town’s recent economic decline and the haphazard development along the creek prompted the publication of a neighbourhood plan, designed to encourage the area to be designed in a way that values the heritage. Students used the plan as the basis for, first, a master-plan, and secondly an individual site proposal for waterside housing and other uses. While still in Faversham, the principles of long-span structures were learned and applied in Form and Structure – producing many elegant and immaculate models for a protective roof over the boatyard. Keith Bothwell

S2 Stage 2





STAGE 1 Introduction to Year 1 of Architecture BA (Hons)

stage COORDINATOR Chris Gardner

design TUTORS Chris Gardner, Rebecca Hobbs, Henry Sparks, David Moore, Jef Smith, Felicity Atekpe

tech TUTORS Chris Gardner, Richard Watkins, Ben Godber

communication TUTORS Patrick Crouch, Felicity Atekpe, Howard Griffin, Chloe Street

history & THEORY Gerry Adler, Nikolaos Karydis, Imogen Lesser, Jamie Jacobs, Tim Fox-Godden

MArch ASSISTANTS Matthew Rice Tucker, Joseph Wheeler, Elizabeth Innemee, Toni Alebiosu, Jasmin Davey, Emmanuella Sackey, Megan Catt, Phillippa Cheetham, Mathew Orme, Nathaniel Seall, Oliver Treves, Natalia Senior The theme for the autumn term is Shelter. During the summer before attending KSA, and by way of an introduction to the first design module, students were asked to identify and record three shelters local to their home town. With students from around the world, this can provide a wide

variety of examples for discussion and helps as an introduction of the student to their fellow students during their first days in the school. Folio is the one module that runs for the whole year and in this module the students are taught technically to draw orthographically and perspective, as well as fine art, sketching and life drawing. In the spring term they are introduced to computer aided drawing. Form Finding is the first design module. The first assignment “The Shelter” requires students to design a temporary shelter for three people to sleep in, using only cardboard, bamboo, string and plastic. In groups of three, they then developed one of their designs, physically make the shelter and then spent the night in their own design Assignment 2 was set in Folkestone to coincide with the “Folkestone triennial” art festival. It involved a small addition to the Sir Terry Farrell Master plan of the seafront, to incorporate a beach hut park master plan at the bottom of the Leas cliff lift for 16 beach huts. Light and Structure is the first technical module, and as the name suggests asks the student to consider basic structural principles and also the nature of natural light. For the first assignment, students were asked to design and construct a bridging structure using only swab sticks for compressive elements and cotton thread for tensile elements and that could support a house brick at mid-point, whilst spanning a gap of 450mm. In the second assignment students investigate the nature of daylight by modelling a space to exhibit a piece of art. Students then sketch in chiaroscuro an imaginary view of their art piece in the space, showing ideally how they would like the piece to be lit. Building Design/Building Construction are the integrated spring term design and construction


technology modules. For assignment 1 the students are informed that they are required to design a small art gallery for a famous Barcelona artist. The development should have a permanent gallery exhibiting the 6 pieces of art chosen by the students when in Barcelona. The development must also include a changeable gallery capable of exhibiting a variety of art works from sculpture to video art. The first changeable exhibition however is to be the students entire tutor groups “Openings” photographs, some 90-100 photos. For construction students must produce a detailed section showing the principal details of their building, together with an isometric showing only the structure of their design. For assignment 2 the students are informed that the comments received from the critique panel for assignment 1 are to be taken as client instructions and alterations to designs made accordingly. Furthermore alterations to the design should also be made to enable the client to occasionally be able to sleep and prepare a small meal in his studio. The client has also now acquired six paintings by Cy Twombley and so wishes to have a third gallery added to the development to house them. Finally the groups 30+ house hold items are to be considered as scale models of full sized statues and are to form the basis of an Oldenburg type sculpture garden. The technical requirements are the same as for assignment 1. Modern House is the History and Theory module for the autumn term and studies seminal houses of the 20th century. Students make a model of a given house and make an analysis of it within its historical context. Ancient and Medieval Architecture is the history and theory module for the spring term and studies in some depth the architecture of the period.


Engineering Spatial Stage Traps 1 in the Accelerating Fairground






BA(Hons) Field Trips

trip LOCATIONS Stage 2 & 3 - Berlin Stage 1 - Barcelona

Stage 2 & 3 In November the school made its annual pilgrimage to Berlin - which has earned it the most-favoured destination status for architectural visits. And not without good reason. Although a ‘recent’ city compared to some other European capitals, it boasts rich cultural strata to unearth. Around one hundred stage 2 and stage 3 students made the trip, tempted I suspect by Berlin’s after-dark charms as well as by its architectural delights, which are legion. These ranged from Schinkel’s neoclassical masterpieces (Altes Museum and Neue Wache) to Sauerbruch Hutton’s recent explorations in coloured glass (GSW offices and fire station) … plus virtually every style and architectural movement in between. The earth church in Bernauer Strasse by Sassenroth and Reitermann is always a favourite, and a poignant reminder of those who died trying to cross the wall between 1961 and 1989. Because the city was split during that period it needed at least two of each public building rather than one - leading to the construction of new art galleries, concert halls, libraries and museums. Some modern masterpieces resulted, including Hans Scharoun’s library and particularly his Philharmonie, with its revolutionary interior plan and excellent acoustics.


Nearby in old west Berlin’s cultural quarter, Mies’s art gallery is the final embodiment of his design approach - it is his last work - yet still divides the critics. The showstopper - appropriately a mix of old and new - was, as always, Chipperfield and Harrap’s magisterial restoration of the Neues Museum. Stage 1 The week before the Christmas break, stage 1 went for their study trip to Barcelona. There they studied over 2000 years of built history and contemporary architecture and work by some of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Whilst there the students were asked to choose 6 pieces of art that they would love to have in their own home and that they had observed in the many art gallery’s visited. They were also asked to take one carefully considered photograph each day with the theme “Openings”. The site for the spring term modules was also located in Barcelona adjacent to the marina on the Moll de la Fusta, students also undertook site investigation during the trip. All of the above was to be presented on their first day back in the spring term.


Captions welcome......



MA Architectural & Urban Design MSc Architectural Conservation MSc Architecture & Sustainable Environment MA Architectural Visualisation PhD in Architecture


MA Architecture & Urban Design

programme DIRECTOR Gordana Fontana-Giusti

programme TUTORS Gerry Adler Timothy Brittain-Catlin Gordana Fontana-Giusti John Letherland

course CONTENT Urban Landscape – Design project Research Methods and Analysis From the Idea of a City to the Philosophies of Urban Design Architecture and Cities of the 19th and 20th Centuries Dissertation

enrolled STUDENTS Asser Bakhaty Marta Castelli Diana Davila-Morales Giulia Ecclesia Jennifer Ethagbe Alina Neagoe Yuto Ohshiro

The MA in Architecture and Urban Design is an internationally established master’s programme that provides a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective on contemporary urban design understood as a crucial intersection between architecture and cities, physical structures and urban life. Based in Canterbury and Paris, the programme attracts students worldwide, more specifically from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America. Informed by contemporary research and intensely investigative, this programme considers the ways in which urban heritage and new design proposals can facilitate productive life and sustainable development of urban culture. The programme offers academic rigour combined with practical application and professional orientation. Within the design module led by John Letherland, one of the leading practitioners of urban design in the UK, the students have explored the possibilities of a ‘live’ urban design project for Ebbsfleet – Swanscombe area. During the same Autumn term they were taught an introduction into research methods analysis by Timothy Brittain-Catlin. Following the term in Canterbury, the students moved to Paris where they followed two modules. One by Gerry Adler that traced the history of the latenineteenth and early-twentieth century urbanism, the other by Gordana Fontana192

Giusti that explored influential philosophies of urban design in relation to the city and its history. The tutors have taken the students to visit sites such as the Centre Georges Pompidou and its environs, Foundation Le Corbusier, Cité de l’Architecture, Parc de La Villette, Arsenal, Holocaust Memorial at L’Ile de la Cité and numerous related urban spaces. In Paris that is both a museum of the past ground-breaking architecture, and a laboratory of current architectural and urban design, students were able to develop their ideas intensely, as they learned through experience. The campus location in central Montparnasse, near the Luxemburg Gardens is a historical edifice shared with other University of Kent Humanities students and those from Columbia University. The students had a chance to attend lectures of other MA programmes and to take the French language course. This broader educational context, has offered an improved understanding of architecture’s relation to other disciplines such as history, arts, design practices and cultural studies. The third term and the summer are devoted to students’ dissertations as a culmination of their studies. Built on their involvement in Canterbury and Paris, students explore and evaluate urban design schemes, analyse and research various conditions of cities in an advanced way. Gordana Fontana-Giusti

ASSER BAKHATY Densifying Satellite Cities

The idea of satellite cities is to move the population of crowded and overly dense metropolitan and megacities to this new settlements on their peripherals, satellite cities concept of urban planning that have been almost used everywhere in different parts of the world and there are many examples of it, some are good successful examples and some are not. Satellite city is a redeveloped idea of the garden city, by creating almost dependent cities around the main megacity which it is depended socially and economically, so it can attract the people from the overly crowded main city. this satellite cities needs some guidelines to follow when designing it, they should have their own facilities and services, different classes of people with varying density of medium to high, to create an attractive socially sustainable city for the people to encourage them to move out from the main city. there is examples from different

part of the world that can be used to study to achieve what are the needs and must to be done in it to succeed. One of the most dense cities is Cairo the capital of Egypt, in the early 1980s started the idea of developing satellite cities around Greater Cairo as a solution for the increasing population and the immigration from rural to urban areas. They introduced new settlements around Greater Cairo but this new settlements not all of them succeeded to move the people out of the city and the people still prefer the informal settlements inside more than moving out the city. So my dissertation will be about why the new satellite cities are not attractive to the people and why most of them are still failing to attract the people out of the city and how this problem can be repaired.

The Image shows the Greater Cairo and the existing new settlements. 193

MARTA CASTELLI Paris and the River Seine. Antoine Grumbach’s city plan for Gran Paris and Anne Hidalgo’s process of Pedestrianisation of the Rive Droite.

Paris is a city famous all around the world for its historical architecture and urban development, and it had a strong relationship with the river Seine which crosses the city and have been a fundamental element since its birth for the development during the course of the centuries. During the time, the city and the Seine have been evolving together, and they underwent implementations which modified the physical aspect and urban flow of the French capital. This thesis aims to study and analyse architect Antoine Grumbach’s proposal for the future metropolitan development of Paris for the international competition launched in 2009 called Grand Paris. The particularity of this project is the focus Grumbach wants to set to the entire watercourse of the river Seine, flowing through Paris and leading towards Le

View on Ile de la Citè. Picture taken in Paris from Pont d’Arcole.


Havre and its estuary, and not only on the part which crosses the French capital. This different attitude celebrates the vital importance of the river, and detaches from the other proposals for Grand Paris evoking great interest. The second focal point of the thesis would be the current projects and urban perspective that the major or Paris Anne Hidalgo has for the capital. In particular, this plan involves the complete elimination of the highway which runs along the right bank of the Seine, in the heart of Paris, to develop pedestrian or cycling routes and new green areas for citizens and tourists. The aspiration of the thesis is to analyse and understand in deep these two urban plans, their impact at the architectural level, and their influence on people from the sociological and environmental point of view.

DIANA DAVILA-MORALES Approaches to Commercial centres: The evolution of Canterbury high street

The model of high streets as a commercial model in the UK, have declined or disappeared in some parts, while in others, they have been successful and still remain.

developments stated in design guides for city centres. Furthermore, I intend to analyse the architectural history and urbanism.

This dissertation, reflects my interest in the shopping model of high streets. Taking the case study of Canterbury high street analysing the factors involved in its evolution.

Regarding the history in the development and land use, I will focus on the changes of its configuration in the post-war period to present time, with a particular notice to the debate of policies for post-war redevelopments in city centres.

Since the definition of high street and town centre can be confused, I will define the area of research for this dissertation, based on its characteristics and components rather than by its definition. In this case, I intend to analyse Canterbury’s commercial city centre, encompassing retail, leisure, entertainment, cultural facilities and public space that serve the local community. I aim to review various aspects of the High street, like local planning considering the features involved for the approval of new

The remains of St. George Church after the blitz in 1957 with the reconstruction scheme of an enclave of shops built around to be replaced in 1991.


GIULIA ECCLESIA La Défense towards the future: from the first utopian project to the 2020 Strategic Masterplan for a Parisian urban renewal

As one of the major landmarks in the Paris metropolis, La Défense, located west of the city centre, appears today as a particular urban area with the greatest potential in embracing many transformations resulting from the ambitious future plans, which will see it as a protagonist in the architectural landscape and urban planning. Effectively, this urban district is characterised by a well-defined programme of urban development for the coming years. This will enable it to become again what it was intended to be in the first place: the cohesive, attractive and sustainable major financial district of Europe. Albeit La Défense has been defined as an extraordinary urban intervention, symbol of great urban and architectural experimentation, so far it has represented a portion of city isolated and disconnected from the rest of the urban fabric.

In addition, La Défense appears as an urban space dominated by large open areas, almost devoid of social interaction domains. Therefore, following the study of the historical, cultural, economical and social contexts that had dominated Paris and the suburbs, as well as the analysis of the subsequent urban development that took place since the ‘60s, the dissertation aims to provide a solution to the set of problems that has come to light. For this purpose, the main objective is to analyse some urban development strategies advanced today, that by means of a new Strategic Masterplan focus attention on the urban renewal of La Défense and on a new use of public spaces in the area.

View of La Défense from the Grand Arche, showing the high-rise buildings development of the financial district, that highlight the continuity of the historical axis, extending from the Louvre through the Arc de Triomphe to the Grande Arche.


ALINA NEAGOE University of Kent: a critical analysis of the latest Master Plan draft

Since the 1965 Master Plan (prepared by RIBA President Lord William Holford) University of Kent has experienced a rapid success and continue expansion (spreading beyond its tighter original boundaries and leaving empty spaces in centre of campus). The new master plan try to propose a coherent pattern of development (it has commissioned Farrell’s to create the study): how to allow for future capacity needs and, at the same time, how to enrich the campus in the process. According to the study (Master plan – draft version), the University of Kent campus faces several issues that must be tackled: a) character and personality; b) identity; c) motor vehicles; d) use of green open space; e) under-planned expansion and my paper attempts to analyse the solutions provided on the draft document of the Master Plan (and to advise in case


these ones are not the most feasible ones to achieve the best balance between requirements/needs, built space, open space, student satisfaction - in order to deliver another successful 50 years. Time will show us if the final version of the Master Plan will be implemented accordingly and if the study failed (or not) to anticipate the growth of the campus.


MSc Architecture & Conservation

programme DIRECTOR Nikolaos Karydis

course CONTENT Structural Appraisal of Historic Buildings The Legislative Framework Intervention at Historic Buildings Conservation Principles Dissertation

enrolled STUDENTS Manolis Charalambous Zoi Kokkoni

Based in the historic town of Canterbury, the programme combines the study of conservation theory and philosophy with an exploration of the technical aspects of repair and reconstruction of historic buildings. The city’s stunning cathedral itself provides students with an education resource, giving them the opportunity to learn from the conservation of a World Heritage Site. Ideal for those with an interest in architectural heritage, the course represents a gateway to a career in demanding professional fields such as the conservation of historic buildings and the management of architectural heritage. As the future leaders in these fields, the course’s graduates are expected to play a central role in disciplines that lie at the centre of current economic, environmental and social agendas. The varied curriculum of the course reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of conservation. Students gain a critical understanding of historic buildings through an introduction to conservation philosophy and policies. This is followed by the study of practical survey and preservation techniques. Case studies and workshops, carried out in collaboration with Canterbury Cathedral introduce the students to the properties of historic building materials and the techniques employed in the repair of historic buildings.


Towards the end of the programme, our students undertake a conservation project in which they design an intervention at an existing historic site in the centre of Canterbury. This year, they chose to focus on the neglected infirmary of Canterbury Cathedral. Having completed this project successfully, they started work on their dissertations, a module that enables them to study an aspect of the conservation cycle of their choice. This year, the students have chosen to collaborate on a project to restore the great Regency Dockyard Church at Sheerness, UK.

Nikolaos Karydis

MSc Architecture & Sustainable Environment

The MSc in Architecture and Sustainable Environment (MASE) is a taught course aimed at professionals and academics world-wide with an interest in sustainability in the built environment, including architects, engineers, geographers, surveyors, historians and urban designers. The MSc is offered by Centre for Architecture and Sustainable Environment, the research centre promoting a crossdisciplinary approach to research in the field of sustainability in the built environment, bridging the traditional boundaries between the arts and the sciences, research and practice.

The over-arching aim of the programme is to provide participants with a systematic understanding of core and advanced areas of sustainable design through a combination of taught courses, research assignments and project work. Students will be asked to conduct rigorous technical and historical research and to explore the practical application of their findings in the context of design and technology.

Marialena Nikolopoulou


programme DIRECTOR Marialena Nikolopoulou

course CONTENT Principles of Environmental Design Re-Discovery - Understanding Historic Buildings and Past Environment Monitoring and Modelling of Environmental Performance Sustainable Design Project Dissertation

enrolled STUDENTS

The course content ranges from the development of the design skills and the technical and scientific understanding required to develop sustainable solutions for new and existing buildings, the analysis of historic buildings and past environment technologies, to a critical exploration of the historical and cultural context of sustainability and environmental design.

Fatima Ibrahim Guni Meral Kutlar Aisha Hanga Muzzammil Biyayya Sanda

The course, which can be studied fulltime or part-time, offers an academically rigorous and intellectually challenging learning environment, which aims to enhance career development within the field for professionals and academics.



MA Architectural Visualisation

programme DIRECTOR Howard Griffin

course CONTENT Film and Architecture Virtual Cities Digital Architecture Setup Animation Setuo Compositing Film Production Professional Group Work Major Project

enrolled STUDENTS Boris Otkhmezri Manasi Sakare

Public engagement has been a key feature of the MA in Architectural Visualisation in 2014/15. Now in its fifth year, the programme has delivered a number of cutting edge and topical projects for students to engage with. Whilst combining the essential skills acquisition necessary for work in the profession, projects have allowed students to explore work of a more abstract, yet public-facing nature. The 1930s cinema at Dreamland, Margate was the canvas for Virtual Cities, a module teaching digital intervention in the real-world. Students created a series of animated shorts to be ‘mapped’ to the cinema building, aimed to help celebrate the re-opening of the associated amusement park. Then the students reversed this process with students by bringing the real world into the immersive digital environment. Using Oculus Rift virtual reality headsets, students created digital versions of architectural form and space, developing an awareness of the future development of real-time architectural visualisation. In addition to their work in virtual reality, students this year have been tasked with the rendering of three types of architecture in Digital Architecture Setup: what was, what is and what never was.


In short, this translates to a ruin, a current building and an unrealised project. These tasks provided the students with valuable experience in deciphering data from a number of sources, from a range of disciplines. Through these projects and industrial placements, the course prepares the cohort for the world of architectural visualisation. Howard Griffin





PhD in Architecture

programme DIRECTOR Gordana Fontana-Giusti

phd SUPERVISORS Gerry Adler Timothy Brittain-Catlin Luciano Cardellicchio Manolo Guerci David Haney Marialena Nikolopoulou Giri Renganathan Henrik Schoenefeldt Richard Watkins

enrolled STUDENTS Michael Adaji Bahar Badiee Alison Charles Christodouli Chatzipoulka Giacomo Chiarini Dorotazofia Drewniak-Kaczmarczyk Tim Fox-Godden Victoria Gana Howard Griffin Soha Hirbod Jamie Jacobs Alexis Kotopouleas Imogen Lesser Giovanna Piga Khaled Sedki James Shaw Lindy Weston

In the past year the programme has been running full steam. It has seen the completion of five PhD theses and the promotion of the new doctors respectively: Tordis Berstrand, Gian-Luca Amadei, Carolina Vasilkou, Timothy Adekunle and M.M. Mahdy. We congratulate them all! Their work is available in Templeman library for all those who wish to read it! At the same time the programme welcomed new members. It currently has nineteen students at various stages of their studies, whose research topics span across different aspects of architecture, its history and theory, urban design, regeneration, studies in thermal comfort and many other aspects of architecture. As always the students took part in weekly research seminars presenting their work to peers and supervisory staff. Students’ research progresses well and it is highly educational and pleasurable to observe how its dynamic development gradually becomes more acute and engaging. PhD students attend University of Kent global skills workshops and the PG research festival, where they learn skills but also show their work while meeting colleagues from other schools and faculties. KSA doctoral candidates increasing participate at conferences outside university nationally and internationally thus raising the profile of the school and the university.


In doing so our PhD researchers also act as the ambassadors for the research centres to which they are attached - CREAte and CASE. Some of the KSA PhD researchers are exhibiting their work in gallery spaces, such as Imogen Lesser who is showing her research related designs in Jarman Gallery this summer. Indeed many other activities take part all the time including teaching the undergraduates and participating in the design crits and juries. Gordana Fontana-Giusti

phd CANDIDATES Michael Adaji Thermal Comfort in Hot, Humid Climates through Passive Cooling in Low-Income Residential Buildings in Abuja, Nigeria Bahar Badiee Design, Origin and Climatic Effects of Orsi in the Architecture of Iran - From the Safavid Era Forward Alison Charles Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Architectural influence on East Kent Christodouli Chatzipoulka Synergies and Conflicts between Environmental Objectives in Urban Design - The Role of Geometry Giacomo Chiarini The Development of Architectural Interactive Facades in Twentieth-Century Italy and Germany

Tim Fox-Godden A Greater Memorial - the Architecture of the Imperial War Graves Commission, memory and the Old Western Front Victoria Gana Soft landings and design management as management tools to enhance the sustainability of commercial buildings in the UK Howard Griffin Moving the Immovable: Architectural Projection Mapping and Immersive Technologies - their cognitive benefits to spatial design, communication and teaching Soha Hirbod Application of Passivhaus Standard to Tall Buildings in the UK Jamie Jacobs AWN Pugin’s Relationship to Industrial Production

Dorotazofia Drewniak-Kaczmarczyk Re-use of Church Buildings in Kent

Alexis Kotopouleas Thermal Comfort Conditions to Airport Terminal Buildings


This research will present solutions to environmental and economic challenges of today.

Soft landings and design management as management tools to enhance the sustainability of commercial buildings in the UK

Research Summary It has become apparent to all the professionals in the construction industry that in order to continuously construct low-carbon and sustainable buildings, the established management styles have to be reviewed, reassessed and improved. The current management styles in their present organisation and format will have to quickly adjust to meet new and ever stringent carbon emission reduction targets both from national and international governing bodies. This research is looking at one of the ways that the sustainability of commercial buildings in the UK can be enhanced with a soft landings management style. The cost, schedule and quality control of a project is practiced and taught in construction as Project Management, of course with new


Imogen Lesser Literary Fiction and Architectural Space: Language as a design tool for architectural imagination and communication Giovanna Piga Urban Guidelines for waterfront regeneration in Northeastern Sardinian Port-cities Khaled Sedki Damascus: An Autobiographical Account of a Beseiged City James Shaw [Liminal Edges] Why are Urban Landscapes still being communicated through autonomous spaces? Lindy Weston The Gothic Cathedral and the Liturgy of Construction

government guidelines of meeting carbon reduction targets, the focus of many project managers has shifted to finding more sustainable construction methods, management styles and buildings. Using a case study of a commercial building that used soft landings during the design, construction and aftercare phase, this paper aims to highlight the role that soft landings, integrated with other management styles can play to reconcile estimated targets with the actual energy usage of a building therefore enhancing the sustainability of the building. The findings in this paper will show the processes where the design, construction and aftercare teams are linked due to a soft landings management style and how collaborative working improves the sustainability of a building. Keywords: Soft Landings, Design Management, Sustainable Buildings, Collaborative Partnering

Alison CHARLES Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Architectural Influence on East Kent

My research into the ‘Dutch houses’ of east Kent has intensified this year as I have been able to devote the majority of my time to my studies for the first time. The focus in recent months has been particularly on consolidation – I’ve amassed a great deal of data over the last five years and have been working out how best to present it, as well as how the findings fit into my overall arguments – or not. I’ve also been trying to complete a range of long-running tasks and tying up numerous outstanding loose ends. This includes finishing the buildings-related archival work, which has been a significant part of my research, and following up individual leads. Both have resulted in minor achievements but have been very time-consuming. Much of my time has been spent thinking and reflecting as I’m still trying to understand this unique group of buildings,


including their physical presentation, construction history and cultural significance. However, since my submission review is on the horizon, the current focus is on writing. Two new chapters have materialised in the last three months and another is in my head but not on paper yet. Unfortunately, the consolidation process also includes reviewing previous written work and I’m currently doing minor revisions to two chapters and major revisions (a.k.a. totally rewriting) another one. This leaves a final chapter, for which the research is not yet complete, and this will be my focus during the summer months.

CHRISTODOULI CHATZIPOULKA Synergies and conflicts between environmental objectives in urban design: The role of geometry

Urban geometry, namely the quantitative relationship (i.e. built density) and spatial configuration (i.e. urban layout) of building volumes and open spaces, affects both the urban microclimate and buildings’ passive potential. As urban geometry may significantly vary between different cities, as well as within a city, resulting in a richness of urban environments, connecting geometrical properties to resulting environmental qualities would facilitate design decisions regarding future developments and provide a better understanding of existing urban typologies. This ongoing research aims to establish a method for the environmental assessment of urban forms using a set of geometrical parameters as environmental indicators. The research focuses on temperate climates and especially this of Europe. Among different cities being examined,


London has been the main case study. Representative areas in central, north and west London have been selected and each area is divided into squares of 500mx500m size. The methodology comprises of three distinct stages: a) the analysis of the urban geometry of the squares represented as a raster image (i.e. Digital Elevation Model, DEM), using image processing techniques, b) their environmental analysis with the use of simulation models, and c) the statistical analysis of the outcomes of the two previous stages, investigating potential correlations.

TIM FOX-GODDEN A Greater Memorial - the architecture of the Imperial War Graves Commission, memory and the old Western Front

“The Great War was epitomised by architectural and geographical spaces; the idiosyncratic naming of these spaces serving as a narrative framework for personal experience. The distinctive nomenclature of trenches and battlefield locations, influenced by thoughts of home or tongue-in-cheek Tommy humour, helped to give a sense of place to the individual’s involvement in the war. When the soldier returned to ‘look about for his old home’ the geography of his memory and experience had disappeared without trace. Later writings on the battlefields espouse aspects of remembrance that are solely focussed on the dead. There is little consideration for the role of the Imperial War Graves Commission (IWGC) architecture as anything beyond grave markers.


My research explores how the architecture of the IWGC serves to preserve these lost places. It seeks to show how the cemeteries act as a lynchpin for a geography that defined the war experience of every soldier. Further to this, it seeks to show how this retention of battlefield features was a conscious decision on that part of the architects. Finally, it explores the role the architecture has in maintaining the memories of those who survived– to consider them as sites of memory beyond mourning.”

SOHA HIRBOD Application of Passivhaus Standard to Tall Buildings in the UK

This PhD research examines the application of Passivhaus standard to tall buildings in the UK. Seven years ago, the first Passivhaus certified building in the UK was built, posing various challenges to architects and the UK building industry as a whole. Numerous projects have been successfully delivered over the past seven years; however, the efforts to adopt the Passivhaus standard in the UK hitherto has been largely confined to low-rise projects. This research investigates: • why the standard has been limited to low-rise buildings • specific challenges of applying the standard to tall buildings in the UK • develop strategies for overcoming them

at different stages including design, construction and getting the Passivhaus certificate will be examined and the information which can be generalised for future designs of the same type in the UK will be specified, and finally a theory or guidelines for design and delivery of these buildings will be developed. Moreover, the research is to involve working with industry, enabling knowledge transfer partnership. This will allow the research to directly feed into real-life projects and also benefit from insights into the industry. The outcome of this study will contribute to learning process of industry which will result in designing efficient tall buildings in the UK based on Passivhaus standard.

In order to carry out these investigations, the study will involve live case study of an ongoing high-rise project in the UK. By recording the process of design and delivery of this project, all the challenges

World’s First Passivhaus tower in Vienna


Wilmcote House - First Passivhaus retrofit to tower block in the UK

IMOGEN LESSER Literary fiction and architectural space: Language as a design tool for architectural imagination and communication

Architecture and language have a complicated relationship; they are interdependent, yet conflicted. This research examines the potential for literary language to work as a design tool as well as an aid to elegant and poetic communication. Using the three novels of Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast Trilogy and his short story ‘Boy in Darkness’, the thesis explores the spaces created by this literary work. Using traditional architectural techniques, in the form of drawings and models, these spaces have been studied as examples of imaginary architecture: poetic spaces created as a place of inhabitation for literary dwellers. The resulting explorations consider the limitations of traditional techniques in regards to temporal phenomena, as well as disrupting this trait through the use of fragmentation of the chronological narrative and spatial conditions.

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Our understanding of space is more than a sensation of physical enclosure. It is emotional and phenomenological. Yet even with advances in digital representation architectural visualisations cannot provide a complete understanding. With the integration of a media that can evoke emotions, sensations and physical reactions, architectural communication, design and representation will benefit. The aim of this research is to open up the discussion about the use of literary language as a fundamental aspect of the design process and reassess its relationship with architecture as a whole. An exhibition of the visual work produced for the research will be open between the 13th and 24th of July 2015, Monday to Friday, plus Saturday the 18th.

GIOVANNA PIGA Urban guidelines for waterfront regeneration in Northeastern Sardinian port-cities

The coastal land bordering La Maddalena Archipelago National Park, in northeast Sardinia Italy, has gained popularity over the past decades as one of the most attractive beach resort in the Mediterranean basin due to the crystal clear colour of its water and the immaculate landscape. Three main historic urban settlements, all featuring a natural harbour, border these waters: Santa Teresa Gallura, La Maddalena and Palau. Their growth and urban development, under the pressure of tourism industry, was neither arranged ahead of time nor planned or designed, however, beach resort, marina and waterfront developments sprang up wildly, puncturing randomly the coast. As a result, those original towns expanded rapidly and carried out wide economic and social benefits to the local communities,

Santa Teresa Gallura

yet this fast growth is responsible of causing environmental, social and urban impact to an extremely vulnerable habitat and non-renewable resource. This study asserts that the regeneration of urban waterfront represents a challenge for small-sized northeastern Sardinian portcities against the competitiveness of the Mediterranean urban system. A pilot area for an integrated design of urban spaces that boost the overall regeneration of the port-city and sustain a form of responsible tourism and conservation approach. The primary aim of this research is to set up a conceptual framework for the assessment of the built environment and the formulation of a sustainable planning strategy that provides a guide to waterfront regeneration in this context, while preserving the unique value of the natural environment and seascape.

La Maddalena

Northeastern Sardinian port-cities: Santa Teresa Gallura, La Maddalena, Palau (left to right)



JAMES SHAW [Liminal Edges]: Why are urban landscapes still being communicated through autonomous spaces?

[Liminal Edges]: Why are urban landscapes still being communicated through autonomous spaces? [Liminal Edges] is the study of how participatory architecture and land art interventions can be used to increase biodiversity and social integration through the analysis of overlapping green and grey spaces. Is there a reason why green infrastructure is understood as a duality of spaces? This proposal researches the uses of green space within urban areas in the light of twentieth century and early twentyfirst century planning theories and will investigate if the previously mentioned interventions (Architecture/Art temporary operations) that come from having an understanding of the difference in green space requirements, for both human and nature; are built up through the collaboration between local people and designers/artists are more successful than


government imposed policies. The role of installations becomes closer to one of urban design and, together, when layered with the increase of biodiversity and social interaction, can be used to develop the current green policies and communication methods found in urban planning and use them to negotiate less autonomous design strategies. Current planning theories and developer policies are focused around redeveloping urban space often by starting again. By developing a site in this way, little regard is given to the preservation of existing biodiversity and a loss normally occurs. Even with schemes like biodiversity offsetting there is generally a loss because the account of why wildlife was there in the first place is ignored. By investigating the historic pleasure gardens and contemporary counterparts my research will investigate the concept of retrofitting a built space through the negotiation of urban territories and liminal edges.


R&D Research & Lecture Series



Centre for Architecture and Sustainable Environment



Marialena Nikolopoulou

Keith Bothwell Giridharan Renganathan Henrik Schoenefeldt Jef Smith Richard Watkins

This has been an exiting year for CASE with a range of new projects and activities, while our members were invited to deliver talks and interviews nationally and internationally. Our Open Lecture Series, started in October with Karen Martin exploring “The use of public space at street and borough scale”. In November, Dr Eva Gkenakou from Brookfield Multiplex Construction Europe provided us with the industry’s perspective “Designingout waste and building-in sustainability in the construction industry- The Principal Contractor’s perspective” Spring term was particularly busy, with Dr Mike Wells from Biodiversity by Design discussing “Biodiverse Urban Design in Theory and Practice”. Professor Geoff Levermore, Lead Author for the widely acclaimed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, also contributor to the award of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2007 to the IPCC and Al Gore, gave a talk on “Climate change, the urban heat island and the built environment”. Finally, Dr Neil Sturrock presented “St George’s Hall, Liverpool – The world’s first airconditioned building” Overall, the team had a suite of successes with new exciting projects, while taking to completion existing ones. The work of the EPSRC-funded Network on “Digital Economy: Communities and Culture” led by Prof. Marialena Nikolopoulou has funded a range of projects across the country.

The scoping study along with Karen Martin on “Mapping the lived experience of food bank clients and volunteers” captured the everyday places that foodbank clients and volunteers go in the London borough of Lambeth. Mapping these places revealed insights into the spatial and social similarities and differences in these lived experiences. The work was invited to contribute to All Parliamentary Food Poverty Group, via Food Matters. An exciting new project focuses on the refurbishment and extensive monitoring of a heritage townhouse in Dalby Square, Margate. Working along Thanet District Council and Kent County Council, Daedalus Environmental Limited and Lee Evans Partnership we have developed performance specifications for climate change adaptation strategies, focusing on overheating, thermal comfort and energy performance. Extensive monitoring will be carried out to evaluate the low carbon refurbishment solutions, while testing the concept of multi-generation living. Closely working with local actors in the wider region, Dr Richard Watkins evaluated the thermal performance and comfort of The Old Coach Station in Faversham in the context of a potential refurbishment. Dr Henrik Schoenefeldt’ involvement with the Houses of Parliament’s historic ventilation system has continued with the development of technical reports and a large AHRC-proposal for funding. 216

A final new initiative include the “Paths of Desire” project funded by the AHRC Creative Exchange in Lancaster, investigating the opportunities for the creation of aesthetically pleasing bespoke digital maps for personal mobile applications that provide different representations of the landscape, as the user navigates around the city. Marialena Nikolopoulou


CREAte The Centre for Research in European Architecture

create DIRECTOR David Haney

create MEMBERS Gerry Adler Timothy Brittain-Catlin Luciano Cardellichio Gordana Fontana-Giusti Don Gray Manolo Guerci Nikoloas Karydis

The Centre for Research in European Architecture has been relaunched under the directorship of Dr David Haney. Members of the Centre, who include both KSA research staff and doctoral students working in the field of the history and theory of architecture, meet regularly to discuss and present their latest work and to host open lectures by distinguished international historians, practitioners and theorists. This year’s many guest speakers have included the Dutch critic Hans Ibelings; the historian of classical architecture Mark WilsonJones; the American historian Alexander Eisenschmitt; and David Kroll, the historian of social housing. The common theme of the research centre is the investigation of historic urban and garden landscapes, with a special emphasis on experiencing and reinterpreting historic buildings, cities and sites. CREAte members have strong links and continuing long-term partnerships with the Twentieth Century Society and Historic England as well as with Farrells, the international architects and masterplanners. A renewed collaboration is planned with Kent Design in the immediate region. These partnerships provide ways of sharing the Centre’s latest research with a wider community outside the University that includes enthusiasts and amenity society members as well as building professionals.


CREAte will this summer be hosting in conjunction with the Twentieth Century Society a symposium entitled ‘Parallel Motion: Modernism and Dystopia in European Planning, 1935 – 1950’ and speakers include Jean-Louis Cohen, Alan Powers, Murray Fraser and Hartmut Frank. Next year’s international conference will be held in collaboration with the Architectural Review, the world’s most respected architectural journal, and focus on different traditions in writing about architecture. It will comprise an innovative array of keynote speakers from contrasting academic and professional disciplines. Papers from CREAte conferences are published by leading academic publishers and CREAte members made a substantial contribution to KSA’s last REF submission, resulting in the School’s high league table position for research intensity. CREAte defines the direction of research in the history and theory of architecture and landscapes at KSA and welcomes proposals from potential PhD candidates and from organisations interested in collaboration. Please contact us as follows: Dr Timothy Brittain-Catlin Dr Luciano Cardellicchio



Kent Architectural Student Association

association PRESIDENT

association COMMITTEE

James Bussey

Social Secretaries - Edward Prkye & Lawrence Sly Lecture Chairs - Elliott Bishop, Abdullahi Sambo Event Chair - Carlotta Susino

The Kent Architectural Student Association (KASA) has continued to build on the success of the past. Events and projects have been organised to promote a strong sense of community and to provide additional learning opportunities for students. During this academic year 2014/15, it has been my pleasure to take on the role of President. The managing committee has been comprised of 25 students from the Undergraduate and MArch programs. The success of KASA reflects the hard work and commitment of the committee members who all volunteered for their roles.

Throughout the year, KASA has organised a number of events to encourage inclusivity and to promote collaboration between students. A portfolio clinic and informal seminars helped undergraduate students prepare for their year-long placements in industry. MArch students shared their experiences of working within architectural firms and gave tips and guidance on how to prepare a successful portfolio. Outside of the studio, KASA organised a variety of social events, including an MArch versus undergraduate football match which encouraged friendly competition between the two groups of students.

In November, we launched a student competition to rebrand the association and to refresh the style of our printed and digital media. A number of entries were entered and Kent School of Architecture students voted for their favourite design. The winning entry was created by Lawrence Sly who is a fifth year student in Unit 4.

The lecture series continued to be popular with students and it led to interesting discussions about the subject matter.

Students also participated in a competition to create the theme for this year’s exhibition and catalogue. This enabled students to have some input into this important showcase for their work.

Our Spring lecture series was based around the theme of ‘scale’ and we heard from Jason Speechly-Dick of Atkins Global, Fran Edgerley of Assemble, Je Ahn of Studio Weave and Richard Lavington of Maccreanor Lavington. The series concluded with a talk by Patrik Schumacher, Design Director of Zaha Hadid Architects, in which he delivered his manifesto for the future of architecture and his thesis entitled Parametricism 2.0.

The winning design was selected by an overwhelming majority of student votes and it has been incorporated in all aspects of the show, from the layout of the digital exhibition to the design of the invitations.

In the Autumn term, we were visited by Riccardo Vannucci of Fare Studio, Simon Winters from Heatherwick Studio and CJ Lim who spoke about his ‘Food City’ project.


I would to like to thank the committee for their hard work and dedication. Thanks also to all of the staff at Kent School of Architecture. The guidance and support of Luciano Cardellicchio and Ellie Mascall has been greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank our sponsors AR Design Studio, Hazle McCormack Young and Guy Holloway Architects for their generous support. The committee team: James Bussey, Pippa Cheetham, Neha Ansari, Abdullah Sambo, Elliott Bishop, Dana Abdeen, Matt Orme, Hsien Jing Lee, Evgeniya Boronova, Matt Bullock, Temitope Sholanke, Leen Abu-Al-Rub, Charlie Brett, Simon Vipond, Masa Abu Qura, William Otuke, Noah Carter, Ugne Motekaite, Carrie Cheung, Aimee Tait, Grace Cattermole, Ili ZainalAbiden, Carlota Susino, Demelza Powell and Dimple Shah. James Bussey KASA President 2014/15

SPRING 2015 LECTURE SERIES \ It’s all about


17 03 17 24 31 221


CREDITS Reterospective Note from the Editors





KSA Kent School of Architecture




10 Anniversary th

Marlowe Building

University of Kent

19.06.15 Show Opening 17.30 Presentations 18.30

y Fund

Opening Times 22nd - 25th June

10.00 - 17.00 daily


Marlowe Building, University of Kent, CT2 7NR


A2 Follow signs to Canterbury


Canterbury West (HS1) Canterbury East (Victoria) +44(0)1227 824689


CREDITS Exhibition X Team 2015

degree show COORDINATORS

catalogue TEAM


Christopher Gray & Oliver Treves

Srimathi Aiyer

Neha Ansari

Matthew Girling

James Bussey

Edward Pryke

Katie Payne

Lawrence Sly

Daisy Adebiyi

Building on the success of previous years, the exhibition team have worked closely with members of academic and technical staff to deliver a degree show. This will celebrate work undertaken throughout the academic year and showcase the final proposals of graduating students at Part I and II Ievels. Stage 3 students have been responsible for heading up their own digital exhibition, located in the digital crit space, whilst MArch students working alongside tutours in their individual units

have delivered unique and enticing displays to be found in their respective unit spaces. We would like to give special thanks to Brian Wood, Neil Evans, Kevin Smith, Colin Cresser, Ellie Mascall and Tim Brittain-Catlin for their support guidance throughout the organisation of the show. We would also like to extend thanks to all members of staff for their contributions to the content of this year’s catalogue. Enjoy the show!

For the third year running Stage 5 MArch students have led a student exhibition team that are responsible for the design and curation of the Degree Show and accompanying catalogue. 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of KSA - a theme that we have integrated into the design of the show with numeral ‘X’ symbolically representing the ten years of our existence in a graphical medium; this features across our range of branding including the catalogue, invitations and digital ouput.



ExX 2015 Degree Show Catalogue

kent school of ARCHITECTURE Marlowe Building Canterbury Kent CT2 7NR +44(0)1227 824689

printed by EX WHY ZED 87 The Sycamores Milton Cambridge CB24 6XJ +44(0)1206 766647

COPYRIGHT kent school of architecture 2015 All Rights Reserved

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