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M ARCH (MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE) From the perspective of the MArch (Pt 2

Over time, Royal Charter, storms, sedimentation,

programme) at Kent School of Architecture it

the establishment of a full-time Navy, smuggling,

never seems that we are far from the ‘edge’. The

inland navigable waterways, sea defences, land

north and south Kent coasts are both only a few

reclamation and changing agricultural practices

miles from Canterbury, and as they converge

have shaped the landscape and its practices and

on the Isle of Thanet from bordering London

lead to Romney Marsh’s changing and declined

and East Sussex, they constitute (somewhat


contentiously) the longest ‘edge’ of any county in the country.

Home to more sheep than people the area draws in excess of 600,000 visitors a year in search of

Geologically and geographically our ‘edge’ has

nature, the picturesque and the ‘alternative’.

always been on the move, and so, literally and

Most people today would associate specifically

metaphorically, has human engagement with it.

with the Dungeness Peninsula, one of the

Our fascination with ‘edge conditions’ and their

largest shingle banks in the world, a constantly

ephemeral context is therefore perhaps a natural

moving fluid of tiny sharp-edged stones. It’s


home to some of the rarest insects in the UK,


an almost extinct fishing industry, declining In the final year of the MArch students develop

gravel extraction industry, ranges of the MOD,

their own interests and agenda as aspiring

WW1 era aircraft-detecting concrete ‘Sound

architects through a year-long thesis project over

Mirrors’, a small-gauge passenger railway, two

three terms and two design modules. This year

Nuclear Power stations, with their associate

Stage 5 looked at one of Kent’s very particular

army of pylons striding off towards the National

‘edge conditions,’ Romney Marsh and the

Grid, radiating a field of Electro Magnetic

Dungeness peninsula. Just over the Kent County

Force invisible to the eye; several generations

Boundary, in East Sussex, we were compelled to

of Lighthouse; a collection of railway carriage

include the mediaeval fortified hill town of Rye,

beach huts once the retirement houses of

which looks out across the marsh and peninsula.

railway workers, now occupied by artists and

Together they constitute a single Site of Specific

alternative-thinkers in search of the legacy of

Scientific Interest (SSSI).

one of Dungeness’s most famous residents, the film maker Derek Jarman (dis), whose home and

At one time much of the marsh was part of a

garden at ‘Prospect cottage’ is now joined by

lagoon formed around the mouth of the river

contemporary rebuilding and extensions of old

Rother, and maritime industry and tactical naval

beach huts by notable architects Simon Conder

importance supported and defined its urban

and NORD (both invited critics to the MArch this

settlements: the Ancient Town and Cinque Port of

year). There is indefinable energy, an element of

Rye, its sister Cinque Port of New Romney, and

wonder, and otherworldliness about Dungeness,

New Romney’s ‘Limb’, Lydd .

and disconcertingly, an element of Purgatory too. Our students were offered a choice of sites in


M ARCH (MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE) New Romney, Lydd, Denge Marsh, Dungeness,

Superficially dismissible as being ‘context-

Camber and Rye. Design responses included

less’ we believe that with careful sensory

a Monastery at Fairfield, and a Samuel Beckett

consideration, the real challenge of places like

Theatre designed around a Lookers Hut on

Romney Marsh and Dungeness, at this level of

Romney Marsh; a Museum of Obsolescence, Gio-

architectural education at least, is to distil their

Tours Centre, Flying Club Air Museum, WWII

genius-loci into something tangible enough to

crashed-Wellington Bomber ‘Visitor Centre’,

respond to meaningfully and site-specifically.

and Museum of Sound on Denge Marsh; a Crematorium, Elemental Beach-Comber Foleys,

Michael Richards,

residential School of Architecture, a ‘Doomsday

MArch Programme Director

Vault’, whole-life tariff Prison, Entomology Centre, and an Art School, all on the Dungeness

Stage 5 Tutors: Keith Bothwell, Tim Carlyle,

shingle; a Centre of the Rehabilitation of MOD

Gordana Fontana-Giusti, Chris Gardner, Ben

personnel in Lydd ; and a combined School and

Godber, Howard Griffin, Michael Richards,

Camber Sands Visitors Centre at Camber; a Story

Brendan Woods. Stage 5 Guest Critics: Gerry

Telling Centre, Spa for Cancer Out-Patients,

Adler, Pierre d’Avoine, Simon Conder, James

a ‘Maison Folie’, and a Carpentry and Joinery

Cregan, Don Gray, David Haney, Andrew

Workshop Centre in Rye.

Henderson, Michael Holms Coats, Alan Pert,

Art in Romney Marsh, Gilbert and Paul, Romney

local resident Andrew Logan, in Bermondsey,

Marsh Countryside Partnership, St Nicholas

London; and another, a local-interest Television

Church New Romney, Simon Ashworth, Simon

Studio in Margate.

Conder Associates.


Stage 5 Collaborators: All Saint’s Church Lydd,

Fashion and Art Museum inspired by artist and


Chris Seaber, Nick Weaver, Thomas Wensing. On separate trajectories one student designed a









1 MDP – Interactive Model

5 MDP – Chapel Long Section

2 MDP – Chapel Section

6 MDP – Cloister Analysis

3 MDP – Site Plan

7 MDP – Perspective Section

4 MDP – Chapel Section

8 MDP – Graphical Programme Analysis




Matthew Gisbey This year I have attempted to challenge St.Augustine’s idealistic scheme of monastic architecture. ‘Unwrapping the cloister’, establishing a physical and spiritual relation between the monks and the public through a linear organisation of spaces, light and transparency.







1 The Forgotten Ruin of the Looker’s Hut 2 Building Section With Facade Closed 3 Building Section With Facade Open 4 Internal Perspective of the Main Stage

Morgan Grylls A huge thank you to Mike Richards for the invaluable help and support. Kevin Smith for always going above and beyond. Brian Wood for a rainforest’s worth of prints. Gordana Fontana-Giusti and Gerry Adler for all the opportunities and advice and Stage 5 - I couldn’t have done it without you!







1 V iew South

4 Pod Lifting

2 Modular Transport System

5 Pod Montage

3 V iew North

6 South Elevation




Alex Jackson



4 Energy

2 Cell

5 Support

3 Secure

6 Alternative







1 Prisoner

180 Energy Drink Cans. Skoobies. B&Q. Technology? Small Plastic People. Shop? Bench Football. Brucey Bonus. Anthropologists? I Need More Light Bulbs. Can You

Benjamin Prince

Help Me On Studio Max? Michael Richards. Works. Detective Mittens. Can We Shoot People In The Marlowe Building? Concrete Fashion. J-Dawg. Bagels. Studio Rave Up. Uncle Jim. Dinner Is Served. Google It. Cardboard Models. Eliot Balcony Beer. You’re The Birdman. High 5!


BA (Hons) ARCHITECTURE Alongside their design projects, students join a module called ‘Modernisms’ which explores directions in twentieth-century architectural history and theory; towards the end of the year they submit an essay on the subject. The final module, ‘Options’, gives every student an opportunity to develop their own personal architectural and design interests in a structured way, by submitting a building appraisal study, a history or theory dissertation, or an interdisciplinary project which involves both the creation of an artefact and a supporting text. This module has always resulted in a very wide In their final year our undergraduate Architecture

range of different types of work, and also ensures

students undertake two major design projects,

that every student has a strong opportunity to

combining these with written or interdisciplinary

develop and express a personal voice.

work that provides an opportunity for research and engagement with the history and theory of architecture. In the Autumn term ‘Modular’

Modular: a beach hotel in Broadstairs

module, each student designed a hotel for the


seafront at Broadstairs in Thanet, building up

During the Autumn term Stage 3 Architecture

a complex and varied structure from modular

students designed a large beachfront hotel in

components and exploring the use of systematic

Broadstairs. Our first activity was to divide into

design from small-scale details up to modelling

small groups and carry out an analysis of the

of a large building. ‘Urban 2’, the second and

urban context; then we were required to divide

larger project which takes place during the Spring

a large section of the beach into two or three

and Summer terms, involved the design of a

adjacent hotel sites and design our own hotels

new museum for the Corps of Royal Engineers

on them. It was a formidable task to provide

on a site in central Chatham. This came with

reasonable transport and pedestrian access

a demanding brief that required students not

arrangements, in addition to coordinating the

only to plan a succession of exhibition spaces for

design of shared facilities across the adjacent

specific exhibits, but also to plan fully functioning


library, archive and workshop spaces in some

The principal part of this project was the design

detail. All our stage-three design projects this

of a modular residential unit which could be

year demanded a high level of enquiry and

stacked vertically and horizontally. We looked

analysis into urban sites, and talks and lectures

into the history of modular design in the late

are provided from experts on the various themes

twentieth century and experimented with a


vocabulary of modular forms at different scales.

BA (Hons) ARCHITECTURE Urban: a new museum for the Royal Engineers

This was a challenging project because our site

in Chatham

was located not only in the empty backlands of the High Street but also at the interface between

At present the large and varied collection of

two levels, and along one of the major traffic

the Corps of Royal Engineers is housed in a

spines of the town. We plotted the landmarks of

converted laboratory building on the edge of the

the Medway towns and designed schemes that

garrison at Brompton and away from the town

related closely to their immediate urban context

centre. Our project rebuilt the museum and its

but which also conveyed our feelings about

substantial archive in an empty town-centre

military service and commemoration worldwide.

plot immediately to the south of Chatham High Street. Designing our museums required us to

Timothy Brittain-Catlin

look carefully at ways of displaying exhibits

Stage 3 Architecture Co-ordinator

that varied in size from a medal to a tank, and to construct a visual and theoretical narrative that would ensure that a visit to the museum would become a coherent experience.






1 Urban Interior Persepctive

5 Urban Section

2 Urban Floor Plan 3 Urban Model



4 Urban view approaching building

Louise Billingham It’s a hard way to live. Deke Leonard






1 Sketch of Urban Proposal 2 Model of Modular Hotel Proposal 3 Movement Analysis for Interdisciplinary Project



4 Model of Urban Proposal 5 Urban Ground Floor Plan






2 Urban Sketch Model 3 Urban Final Model



1 Urban Unit Modules

4 Urban Tower Development Model

Emma Clinton ‘If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?’ T.S. Eliot







1 Urban Proposal Perspective 2 Urban Proposal Contextural Section 3 Urban Proposal Gallery Perspective View 4 Interdisciplinary Investigation Methodology 5 Interdisciplinary Proposal

Matthew Dennis Messy, carnage, banter, snake bite, jagerbomb, bam, make that a double, lads, beeaauuttiiffuull, valid, dubious, fffffwwe, standard, here she is, are just a few words, phrases and sounds I have come to learn and use in the last and best three years of my life with the best people.





1 Royal National Theatre Interdisciplinary Photograph 2 Urban External Render 3 Urban Exhibition Space



Keith Diplock





1 Urban Interior Perspective 2 Urban Section 3 Urban External Perspective

Nicholas Howe One lesson I have learnt from uni is to never go to the bar with Adam Nightingale









1 Modular - Elevation of housing and hotel complex in Broadstairs 2 Interdisciplinary - Analysis of Art Galleries 3 Urban - Circulation Model 4 Urban - Elevation of museum for the Royal Engineers in Chatham 5 Urban - Keep of Fort

Alastair King

6 Urban - Fort Searchlight Tower Ideas that didn’t make it into my proposals: Planting the cliffs in Broadstairs with strawberries and selling them in the hotel restaurant, calling them Broadberries for the Modular project, and devising an Indiana Jones style assault course, as a means of circulation for visitors attempting to get through the Royal Engineers Museum for the Urban project.







1 Urban Front Perspective 2 Urban Section 3 Movement Diagram



4 Urban Perspective 5 Courtyard Perspective

David Matthews It’s a game of Dave’s dangerous 7’s... it’s a good game, it’s a fast game, it’s a fast game, it’s a good game, to my left...







1 Urban Interior View 1 2 Urban Interior View 2 3 Urban Interior View 3



4 Urban Exterior Perspective 5 Urban Long Section 6 Urban Exterior View

Ross O’Connell

My final design project Urban 2 explored the creation of a place within architecture as opposed to a concentration on space or form. This involved creating a building that linked the private and public spaces creating a new place within the run-down town of Chatham. This project was a result of the work I have done throughout my degree, what I have learnt and reflects my personal interests and ambitions in architecture.











1 Aerial View of Museum

5 Museum Long Section

2 Museum and Public Square

6 Museum Displays

3 Museum on Site

7 Approaching Museum Richard Street

4 Approaching Museum from Rhode Street

8 Museum from the East

Alfonso Saco Díaz Para Titi y Juanjo. ... it’s better to burn out because CAD never sleeps ...







1 Royal Engineers Museum

5 Urban Design Development

2 Urban Plan

6 Final Interdisciplinary Casts

3 Urban Gallery Section

7 Prototype Interdisciplinary Casts




4 Urban Sketch Model

Rosie Seaman The past three years at KSA have gone incredibly fast and I have gained an enormous amount from my time here – firstly an utmost appreciation for sleep and an unhealthy craving for 35p energy drinks, however most importantly a brilliant group of friends, remarkable memories and a great amount of knowledge from some inspirational tutors – all of which keeps me passionate about architecture.







1 Urban Transverse Section 2 Internal Render of Museum Medal Exhibit 3 Urban Museum External Render 4 Modular Internal Cliff Stair Render

Lauren Walker

Hello all! Thank you for all being so welcoming when I was the new girl (especially Jasminge Davey and Quiche Diplock) for taking me under their wing and making my two years at Kent fabulous and vodka-infused! Having studied elsewhere for my first year, I truly appreciate what a fun, laid-back and friendly atmosphere there is at Kent and you all made me so glad I braved the move. Well done to us all for crawling to the finish line. Best of luck.



This year’s Stage 3 comprises 11 Interior Design

“Man dwells when he can orientate himself within

students and 7 Interior Architecture students.

and identify himself with an environment, or, in short,


when he experiences the environment as meaningful. In Term 1 Stage 3 Interior Design students

Dwelling therefore implies something more than

undertook an exhibition design project in the

‘shelter’. It implies that the spaces where life occurs

main entrance hall at the Victoria and Albert

are ‘places’, in the true sense of the word. A place

Museum; a fore runner to the proposed new

is a space that has character. Since ancient times

furniture gallery space on level 6 as the basis

the genius loci, or ‘ s p i r i t o f p l a c e ‘ has been

of the ‘Event’ module AR508. In the main this

recognized as the concrete reality man has to face and

was a very successful project with high levels of

come to terms with in his daily life”

attainment and results. Genius loci. Towards a phenomenology of Architecture

Stage 3 Interior Architecture students undertook

Christian Norberg-Schulz

the design of the new Boilerhouse Yard Gallery at the V and A as the basis for the ‘Speculate’

The results for Stage 3 Genius Loci Module were

module AR525. In the main these projects

generally very good and in several instances,

produced a more mixed outcome but with some

excellent, which I hoped would be reflected in

interesting results.

the Major Projects, entitled ‘Canterbury City of Palimpsest’

In the latter part of autumn term and as preamble they’ve major projects I reconfigured the Locate and Evolution modules AR526 and AR 508; provisionally retitled; ‘Genius Loci’ 114

Throughout the spring term all Stage 3 students

Looking ahead to next year and perhapsbeyond,

worked as a group on a programme of ‘adaptive

I sincerely look forward to enjoying the

resuscitation’ with a variety of old, obsolete

opportunity to help further improve the teaching

and in most instances, historically important

and learning outcomes of the Interiors courses at

buildings within the City (walls) of Canterbury.

KSA University of Canterbury and fulfilling my

In essence this is a master planning and curatorial

task of shepherding the students towards the

exercise aimed at producing a co-ordinated series

EXIT gates in 2012

of resuscitated buildings with new programmes for reuse, which could significantly enhance the

Stephen Donald

provision of contemporary culture offered by the

Programme Director

City of Canterbury. Overall the results of the Stage 3 students’



collective and individual endeavours are quite astonishing. Their projects shine like contemporary diamonds in the historic fabric of the host City of Canterbury and they should be extremely proud of themselves, again I certainly am!








1 Modular Study Room

5 Event Images of Model

2 Modular Construction Detail

6 Interdisciplinary: ‘The Art of Light’

3 Urban Interior Perspective 4 Urban Plan and Section

Katie Richards Q.Which Italian architect is the first to run away when things get iffy? A.Scarpa. Thanks to my family, friends and members of staff that have helped to make these three years possible and so enjoyable.









1 Major Project: Outside View Render 5 Major Project: Exterior Photomontage 2 Major Project: Interior Render

6 Major Work: Proposal Section

3 Major Project: Basement Render

7 Major Work: Proposal Section



4 Major Project: High Street Render

Laura Vitoria ... And now I can sleep :)



beginning students a hands-on experience of “construction,” albeit of a temporary nature. Students were given a limited palette of materials to work with: bamboo sticks, plastic pipe, plastic sheeting, and cardboard. They learned about structures the hard way, by testing their ideas in full-scale, erecting their huts in one day in front of the Marlowe Building, and spending the night in them in groups. The one week annual Stage One trip, this year to Paris, followed immediately. We visited some of the most important historic and contemporary sites in Paris, including the Quai D’Orsay Museum, the National Library of France, Parc de

At KSA we are fortunate that every year our

la Villette, and Versailles. Students took careful

incoming student body is progressively higher

photographs and filled their sketchbooks, with

in academic standing. This year, my first at KSA,

tutors giving talks and guidance at each site.

as Stage One Coordinator I was privileged to teach a group of students with a higher average

The next design project, titled “Diversions,” was

incoming UCAS score than the average for the

an exercise in manipulating human circulation,


using the Kent campus as a laboratory. Students


studied sites they had documented for the Teaching in first year is divided between cultural

communications (“Folio”) module, such as the

context, communications, technology, and design

Rutherford bridge, by documenting current

studio, the latter being the place where all that is

movement patterns, and then designing poetic

learned is brought together. Although all aspects

interventions channelling people’s movements

of architecture are introduced, the emphasis

through tectonic and sculptural elements. One

in first year is upon creative synthesis. To this

project is currently under consideration by Kent

end, art projects play a major role in the learning

Creative Campus for actual execution.

experience. Students were also busy with their cultural


We began the year with presentations of their

context module run by Gerry Adler, “House and

summer projects: the “social hub,” an analysis

Housing,” analyzing an iconic house via model

of a public gathering space; a shoebox filled with

and essay. Within five months of beginning the

items associated with the student’s hometown;

programme, students produced professional-

a drawing and essay describing their earliest

quality architectural models. In the “Folio”

childhood spatial memory. Presentations were

module, run by Howard Griffin, students learned

very relaxed, giving students the chance to

how to communicate through the entire range

get to know each other immediately. The first

of hand drawings, as well as digital media. This

design studio project, repeated from last year,

year they were introduced to using the internet

was a hut-building exercise, designed to give

to promote their work and ideas. On “freehand

Fridays,” students travelled around Kent to

a lecture on the importance of poetic concepts in

assigned sites to make free-hand observational

his own work, showing a beautiful collection

drawings. Artist Patrick Crouch also taught

of his own concept models. Additional design

students life drawing.

lectures were given by local Kent architects in the first year programme: Rebecca Hobbes on

In the technology module, “Enlightenment,”

Kent gardens of Sissinghurst and Dixter, Kate

principles of natural and artificial lighting as

MacLean on concept models, and Henry Sparks

well as other environmental aspects were taught

on traditional English farm building groupings.

by Keith Bothwell and Chris Gardner. With the visiting engineer Ben Godber, students were

The Stepney Farm project consisted not only

introduced to basic structural principles, through

of designing the three buildings—community

fun projects such as “bricks and sticks,” using

centre, crafts centre, and barn—but also arranging

materials ranging from toothpicks to gumdrops,

them on the site and designing gardens, paths,

by making structures tested to “failure” limit.

and other landscape features relating to the farm. Farm were remarkably sophisticated for first year,

first buildings, for Stepney City Farm in East

showing mastery of basic interior space planning,

London. They began with an all-day field trip

building massing and façade design, as well

visiting the Farm, the thirteenth-century St.

as landscape planning and urban analysis. The

Dunstan’s Church across the street, the immediate

Stepney City Farm Trustees have been presented

area of Stepney Green, and the Thames riverfront.

with the best work of the class, and are currently

The Farm, founded in the 1970s, is a thriving

considering prize winners. The second cultural

place, attracting children and adults from all

context module, History of Western Architecture,

over London, yet their existing buildings are in

run by new staff member Manolo Guerci,

dire need of replacement. Students understood

now has additional focus on essay-writing, as

that their designs would provide welcome design

part of understanding important monuments

suggestions for how the site might be further

and traditions. Chris Gardner led the second

developed. On the field trip, they experienced

semester technology module, “Enclose,” where

a landscape observation workshop, a drawing

students learned basic construction detailing and

workshop, and a tour of the area. The Farm is

structural technology, in close coordination with

located in one of the largest green areas in East

design, so that in their first building project, they

London, and thus part of city government plans

included building details and structural sections.


The final student projects for the Stepney City In the second semester, students designed their

to increase bio-diversity. In conclusion, I would like to thank all of the The Stepney City Farm project was further

tutors for making this first year such a success,

enhanced by studio workshops, one on concept

especially the students themselves, who proved

models given by artists Karen Ay, Helene Kazan,

more than equal to the demanding tasks

Julie Mecoli, and Steve Smith, and two on site

presented to them.

planning and design by landscape architects Eleanor Atkinson, Jade Goto, Emma Less, and

David Haney, Stage 1 Co-ordinator

Mike Luzszak, Award-winning Edinburgh architect, Neil Gillespie (of Reiach and Hall), gave 147


I started off seeing blogging as a bit pointless, we were told that the blogs were primarily for ourselves so I didn’t get why I had to write down what was


already in my head. However as I look back and read past blogs I begin to notice new things about the way I process my thoughts and realise new ways in which I can document information and collate my thoughts. I have really enjoyed completing my web folio and placing all these different web components together whether it be through a blog, a youtube video or individual pieces of work. I eagerly anticipate Architecture Stage 2 and all that it will have to offer. Nathaniel Baidoo, on reflective blogging





the trip, students were given ample time to sketch at the various sites that we visited across the city. They were encouraged to photograph, but thoughtfully, so that shots were made to capture analytical points, not just collect a mass of travel snapshots. Staff shared their knowledge of architectural and social history at each site, explaining to students the significance, and guiding them in their visual observations. The students filled their sketchbooks with sketches, both descriptive and analytical, and upon return to Canterbury, these were evaluated in the


context of the communications module, “Folio.” As Britain’s “European University,” Kent is blessed by its close high-speed connection

David Haney , Stage 1 Co-ordinator

to the Continent, particularly to Paris. This

year’s first year students took advantage of this proximity, spending a week in the “City of Light.” Paris is of course one of the world’s richest cities in architectural gems. In stark contrast to London and other British cities, Paris is renowned for its large-scale urban design interventions, the Grands Boulevards, as well spaces. As such, the stage one Paris trip included not only architecture, but also urban design and landscape objects for study. Recognizing the importance of the Palace of Versailles and its grounds as a paradigm for planning and design,



as the many former palace grounds and green

The group consisted of 22 students from all stages of the university curriculum, from stage 1 to PhDs. The limited number and the

students also were given an entire day to make

variety of age and experience made this group

careful sketch studies there.

a very lively and most attentive one. One of the PhD students assisted me in the every-day

We began the trip with a pleasant journey on the

organization while in Rome, which made things

Eurostar, and immediately began with a walking

much easier.

sketch tour of the Marais, spending time in the Renaissance Place des Vosges, one of the first

Visits started in the morning between 9.30 and

urban squares in Europe, and observing the many

10am, and generally lasted until 6pm with one-

Baroque “Hotels” in the quarter, in fact large

hour lunch break. A free afternoon was also

aristocratic homes, known for their innovative


spatial planning. The first day finished with a


visit to the Centre Pompidou to admire the view

As well as showing the students the many

of Paris at night from the rooftop. Throughout

remarkable sites and buildings listed below, I

was also able to organize an important meeting

original building and the green of the plane trees

with the responsible of international relations of

on the approach road.

the Faculty of Engineering/Architecture of the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, with a view of

Musical evenings of various kinds, including

building up a partnership with Kent, at Erasmus,

one in Scharoun’s acoustic and architectural

Ph.D. and research levels.

masterpiece, the Philharmonie, presented welcome interludes to the otherwise unrelenting

The visit to Rome featured major Renaissance

schedule of building gazing.

and Baroque palaces and churches; the Ancient Roman Forum; the E.U.R. Quarter, conceived by

Keith Bothwell, Stage 2 Co-ordinator

Mussolini for the 20th anniversary of Fascism in 1942; the Ara Pacis by Richard Meier and Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI (Museum of art and architecture of the 21st century)

A small group of students from stage two packed a great number of building visits In Week 6 of the 2010/11 Autumn term Stage 4

architectural heritage the city provides a compact and rich catalogue of styles and approaches.

areas in terms of architecture, cultural, urban

May. Berlin’s renaissance as a capital city was accompanied by a twenty-year building boom unparalleled elsewhere in Europe, that has only recently slowed. Together with its earlier

of the MArch Programme at KSA undertook a field trip to San Francisco CA and Washington DC. The purpose of our trip was to develop and understanding of both San Francisco and Washington DC and their surrounding

and landscape conditions. We visited a series Two highlights of the tour offered contrasts

of cultural museums, monuments, parks, and

in scale and approach to the task of adapting

other institutions during our visit. We were also

existing buildings. The masterful, monochrome

concerned with these cities as locations in many

reconstruction of the Neues Museum by David

seminal films of the late 1950s/1960s/1970s. Part

Chipperfield and Julian Harrap creates the

of our trip was dedicated to seeking out and

perfect foil for the beautiful ancient treasures it

visiting the original locations used in the making

contains and especially for Berlin’s most precious

of these films in connection with the interests of a

possession, the exquisite bust of Nefertiti.

concurrent coursework module undertaken in the

Also on the banks of the Spree, a delightful

MArch Stage 4 design studio during the Autumn

reinterpretation of the fire station, by Sauerbruch



into their five-day visit to Berlin at the end of



Manolo Guerci, Lecturer in Cultural Context

Hutton, is clad in rainscreen ribbons of brightlycoloured glass which flow round the building in

Michael Richards, MArch Programme Director

a palette of colours that echo the red-brick of the 167



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MArch Stage 5 BA (HONS) Architecture BA (HONS) Interiors Prizes EXIT:11 Committee MArch Stage 4 Stage 2 Stage 1 Research Postgraduate Programmes Study Abroad Communications Technology & Environment Cultural Context Study Tours KASA Collaborations Credits

Kent School of Architecture Marlowe Building University of Kent Canterbury Kent CT2 7NR www.kent.ac.uk/architecture +44 (0) 1227 824689


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