Adjusting to University Life

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On behalf of the University of Exeter Wellbeing Services, we would like to extend a really warm welcome to you. Coming to university is likely to bring a number of changes to your life. Hopefully it should be enjoyable and interesting, but you may face challenges such as building a new social life, coping with homesickness, balancing the demands of studying with other commitments, managing your own finances and looking after yourself. This is a good time to take initiatives in your own life, find out what you really want to do and to get to know yourself better. The next few pages will give you some tips and ideas on how to look after yourself at university. Building a new social life Finding new friends and building a social life is a big part of starting your time at university, and this can be a challenge for everyone in the first few weeks. Whilst it can be positive and exciting, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Try to take things at a pace you’re comfortable with, and make time to look after yourself too; the people you meet in your first week may not always become your main friendship group, so be open to new activities and experiences and find people that are supportive and make you feel positive. Be patient with yourself. Don’t panic or beat yourself up if you don’t find your circle of friends in the first few weeks. Sometimes strong and worthwhile relationships can take a little longer to build, and if you are finding it hard to meet new people, remember many other students will feel the same way.

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